Of Hives and Bearcat Blast Comb: A Guide to W.F. West Girls Now in Title Game / Sports 1 Beekeeping / Life $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Body of Winlock Man Returned Home FAMILY: Michael Hughes The body of the 38-year-old About 50 members of the Pa- making the world a better place. a car bomb into a NATO con- former Winlock triot Guard met Hughes’ family Hughes, who went by the voy at about 2:30 p.m. local time Will Be Buried in man was picked in Portland and, in the pouring name Mike, was also a soon-to- on Feb. 10, killing Hughes and Winlock After Death up by family and rain, rode on motorcycles along- be husband and stepfather, and Paul Goins, a 62-year-old fellow funeral organiz- side Hughes and his family back he had dedicated his career to contractor from Crosby, Texas, in Afghanistan ers at Portland to Lewis County. working in corrections. according to The Associated By Stephanie Schendel International The former Winlock man Hughes was one of two peo- Press. Both advisers had just left Airport and who died in a suicide blast last ple killed by a suicide bomber the prison Pul-E-Charki when
[email protected] Michael Hughes escorted back week in Afghanistan was known last week in the Afghanistan a Toyota Corolla packed with Michael Hughes arrived to Winlock by to his family for his big heart, capital of Kabul. home Monday.