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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-13-1915 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 03-13-1915 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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MUCH LITIGATION mOOO Japanese Troops to Colorado Solon Handed Cash NEAR RIOT OCCURS IN mDCCrril 1C I Be in China At Early Date W hile inHouse; Judge Asks Probe i uiiljuh Ad n Peking. China. March II The Chinese government hna offlclol Informa- Iienver -- Carl Olbeon, a meeaenger hoy. waa ar reeled nt aterl-t- o tion lo the effect that the aaeond Japanese squadron, twu dlvlalona ln(, Colo.. Iienver today lo be iueellinl hy the dletrk--t at C0N5EQUENG E of approximately SO.OOfl soldiers, haa aallad for China. torney In n ith Ihe investigation of W. W. How-ag- e SENATE PAGE The fni warding of theni triaipa will increase Mia number ol Japanese land' nf currency In the Colorado hirufle at repreeenta- - WHEN MR. In the garrlanna In China to nearly gn.nmi The new troopa will be dls llveg, a Ihe I a local hoger under the name of "Kid" Qlbboa. n mined in Manchuria, affiant unc, lien Tain and Hankow, where the preaent diet ipea red a leglafattlve eommlitee hegau taking leetlmony In an OF STATUS lorce ..( the Japanese earns. ,ns numoer nearly thirty Ihouaand. effort to del o irh aenl the motley to Howrland and What for. He waa - It wna made known In Toklo several day ago that new force of troop ported to have pa ekaga of money Into the houee chamber at a would lo dispatched In the Japanese anrrlsotts In China. The explanation wa hearing of the he committee looting until after, midnight Htlemom. Ing glxen thai Ihla waa merely a Hhirting of troopa on h aa la made nt regular In- Howlnnd m former explanation waa falae. und that the man TRIES TO STOP CLOCK ... I terval, and II waa underxi I thai ihe troopa now In China would lie with- actually waa be r Mnr Itatee. in lie paid to a woman detective Mr Governor Sends Public Monies drawn upon the arrival of the new foreea. ilubaa-iiuentl- however. It waa U I. Hurtaell, a live, teatlrled due ahe waa emMoytd hy In. Bate to ft. offl-e- - thiit the garrteain on duly reinim-,- aettle-iim'H- I "ahadow" John lllipa. prnlutlon of the Denver Juvenile court Bill to Secretary of State, M would be iendinx the - of the dlfferenrea whlt-- hgvg urlaen to Ihe presentation by Hill- (or Ihe of Una court, preelded over by Judge Sen U. I.lndaey. With Memorandum of His Jiipau of demauda upon China nre pending la I lure. Burly Sergeant at Arms Warns Him Off at Order of LientuMftt Judge I. Hillary I loday that he had maae complaint to Diairlct Atlor- - Disapproval. ney John fnr the arreat of peraon auppoeed to be t onnncted with Governor and After Dramatic Moment Tension Relaxes; the How-lan- affi t hanree ! conpirncy. Huah previnualy had an- - Presiding Officer Make It Plain Tint Bo Par As He Xa GERMAN MINISTER Captain of Frye tlouneed Ihil Ihe tnnller would be prented to the cuuntv grand Jury. Ill HIS OFFICIAL VIEW Carl Glboon. peaaenger. told the illairtct attorney that the pnrltage he Concerned Session Ended Yesterday at Boon ; Miera Pre- SESSION A1ED FRIDAY carried t the ho Httamber wna given him not by u woman but hy a man. rilinu to Judl Veteey. sides Fete Minutes. Kelatek btory It. Ml llalea ild not be located today. Regarded as Certain That DEFENDS SINKING z Couits Will Be Asked to Pass of Sinking UNUSUAL SPECTACLE OF TWO CHAIRMEN PRESENT AT Blood Replies PASSED OVER Upon Validity of Laws Passed OF THE FRYE jo After Noon Yesterday. American Oovernment Hears icr SAME TIME AFFOROED AS SANDOVAL MAN TAKES CHAIR i D. s itrTn mnr I Commander Kiehne; W. rutnerrora ISMM 1. it. mi irrrn (n I .i t BY EITEL bewail. One of Owners of VtlU JUDI HMtil House Doesn't Formalities But, Assisted by (ftl - Varna Hotel Statement Bother With Others Testify. lew-Pie- ce flMtt Pe. M March 13. Thai 3teamer. and Charles Springer, Faithful to People to Last, Puts Ti litigation ul an Important t IIUMM WuKhinglou. Mait tt IS, NOON YESTERDAY Out or Business; Little of Importance Transacted may .te instituted In Ihe Immediate The full Chairman of Committee Turns hi-U- LOUnt of how aailliiH (MM w!ll iff. in! t legislation ' Beinstorff Claims Act alorj the Amertian This Morning Before Cessation of Activity Shortly After nil lt the legislature alto UN MM Woa ; a J tr:i-- William I' Km- - muh auhk In Over Written Denial of nf nixin hi: Fndu, Mutch I.', with a wuiuitiiVc im .,.., Aani vw.h hei targn ..f 18 o'clock Today. vU,,i" . Claims of Democratic House Mew tu testing the validity of IM IJecIaiRtion of London. Com- - "" ' tai.i BELIEVED IE 61 "'"iw - n r Prlna Kllel Krledrlch, aa ofll- same ih now retarded a iilnmai cr-lui- Member of Probe Board. (State CaiigWl manuci s Im'Ioi Aim-ri- i b those with the unly tiuide. ,iny iUi.i iht ait cut in iitiiii.iliil rum- - (of li 'rnment totlav by the Hrye' course whnh tlovernor McDonald I In (SI De ACTIONS OF TEUTON 11 11 Capital lean In the treatment ! utile i. f livetiliig Herald No Break in Session Up to That fUinta r. N. M II The aecond New Mexico laartglallee which reuehed hi iilttt-- Inllowing the PRIZE COURTS UNKNOWN (SI lie Vacuus Molid .ml' itn lnleira and in. ui tied sine die in Udh hoaana al about half paat II on Time o'iiiM-- wag main hour Krtdny and also with 1 t'halr-man and if Record Can Be main. I'Mlay, l (he clock in the houae. adournment taken at 11:41 oflk-lal-a llnli,-,- ! s.ini Ke. K, M., Murch S. regard to , , , uieni the HtHle wH (In- . lo.-- measure which reached K i. nt which time the m Weant at arm Mopped to he houae ehaeaaer. det-W- n i pros III... .J. of ihe Itlood Kept Bills May him within lu al lite lioi.r of niiiuassauoi nas Keceivcu No upon Straight the running Ha own tin own well ageed three u inveall-gttle- houe ni and under known aatll ably will lie a demaml tor an i xprea-lo- rommlltee, which . - noon on Murvh IS. Instructions from Oovern Stand as Enacted. a Mi.. doclaton to tU wrte reach.-- I In the aenute u .tear riot waa pretipltat- i n-a- ! ilerniany and Ihe Kirt tglle bank of I."" from . hy M weilgg In ti i it i . of ment De- I'rtn-ea- a ed n motion nr llolt'a thnt the eenata etntit he staged, te Jaettee. iht connection the and Calls at State pny'mi-ii- t for ihe lima of Ihe hip and etc., gave out a atatemeni yesterday ufieriinon in Ming partment Quite replying to un interview with W. the presiding ol. at poke ill. ia briefly Informally. cargo. . - t WORK DONE atopged." in the tiftlii- of the win tiii ol L, Itulh. rf..rd, bouae TODAY IS "I never heard of ami. motion. The flock will not Captain Kn-hn- waa ii.tnil al Itemwrallc hla approval and with a, 'Uil member of the committee, recently UNDER CLOUD Thl waa al 11:11. Mr. Mnbry wae attempt lug to toll et a nlibueter oa March It. Count length The American iuld OF DOUBT . Mr. nn mnruudum attached in Amended Ilernatorfr, puhliehc d. a ot ie,i ion of personal privilege. The chair waa In ihe of ailing licrniun umbuaaador, In ha auhmltled willlnKly to wan h and Mahry to order aa having used the live allotted ueh a "rpoa Senate Hill No. . the tinrk public gageggggtgj ggggg minutes r wuh gggartggggH at. naauteil tin- lltrmin ha hail no gftggjg Mr. Illood'a atnlemenl follow uhen Senator I'afe went out of the and rrturnei villi aa employee dep.. glories hill, la regarded a flclula loda ih.- - ex Majority Members, Anxious at ainklna of the lull wheal. The ilerinun ofllier "iin February lit at a1 meeting of bearing n atep-ladde- r. which waa placed dlreetly beneath clock Ideutea--k inl significant. . Am. in W. IV Krye. - ti .hip defended amined the ahlp'H papern nuefiilly thi miulttee m the at which Possibility of Exceeding ant In- Haci ordered the aergoant ul urma ( at any attempt to i Co- Onv'iitor governor hied Hil hill the Ihe g i I ' The 'apian, Thlt rli hena ot ami hen the cargo wim onlered wen present K. t'rampton, F. O. etop (he clock, and when Menutnr I'uge Una II y advamVil ion ihe h office the , wag nstitutional Sup- secretary's without u:i other Oerntun auklllai rulacr I'rlna IhtovMi n erooiird. While that Maed, Otegvgg y l.uou. s I.. Limit, Force In u manner, aergennt at i not aa tall - der determined Ihe untie, who, :iti- tiigjgjgj - " statement concerning It, mutely stat- Krledrnh .n ibui he being ilniic, iln- Kill I weiii away for Ituiherford. i II Alldredge and J. K. ply Measures. ua Henator I'age. la conalderutdy bigger around aaaumed a rlllgerenl altitude ing Hial he had done when acted under Ihe d,i laiullon of lam-do- urn liter prlae, returning after aevrrul lieinherg. the of Ihe inveell-ga- l the Kenutor and announced In a loud voice that he would gee to It mat lt the irpiiitir. who. he nald, were which wua Ihe . i I nuide he hud lioiirn, and look off the A inn committee were glaotad and nobody would atop that ekick. secre- a y in Ilia records ol Ihe to dlapoaltlon ol prlaea. klpit-- and hla The Bltal'l the .ueilon of appointing un aitor-nc- (Stale Capital llurrau Faced with (hi kind of miKertalopp, attton Senator I'age made no further tary's office. The niemomndum duly The amuuaaudoi iiefore going to Ihe cuptuin then auuk the rrye. for the ciunmlttee wua dlactiaaed. (of Keening Herald. effort to carry out hla ueaault upon the timepiece and after a minute of pag- mind the governor and alttl hed atate departmeui conferred wllh u long delay In whut he i iiiaidered It waa dlallllctly nnderat I al thill (M Ue Vargaa Hotel. ing ua the center of u somewhat nt'.iklng picture, he returned to hi aeat, the in ihia bill ! a (ollowii. Captain Hov-eil- . na-a- l '((ache of rhe the puth of homile crulaera. might lime lha( there would in- only one at- Santa Fe. aj, jg., nart. i, II. Thl senate .r.M ceded with it l.ualneee, u did the dock Kxcuilve tilltir Kama Ke, X. M. ggggggggv, who returned yageae4g) gaggg aubjact hi own ahlp lo danger. torney for Ihe collllniltee. morning thP main iiueetlon at laau In It was nn cmliienilv lilting llnule to the program of leglalatlve horae-pla- NgWpgfi (Xu dale. Xewa. i'. nil mi Kiehne aald that he did "The ( of allowing the an- - the at.te cuilto la whether or nut with cloclta. Journal, leglalatlve dayr. th calendar and the institution whleh bllla - ft Having under i onslueruliuti Count IMtrnaioirr did nut prueni not know, while en route to yuaeim i ailed minority to employ un attorn- which pued the houaea yealer- the majority haa conducing alnoe Thursday night, when plan were ret Mioii. Iiil Hill Xo. I, entitled any nine to the atate departme-i- t and town that Hit- cargo of wheut had ey to repreent certain individual duy and (hi murning, and which Lie put In motion for adding a day to the lealatalive period allowed hy the funda- : ,. An gg( In relation In gatsMl ninnies, aald he hmi ,,i Inaiructlona iieen attld, nor tlnl the Ilerinun coin ula. wia dlacuaaed Kenutor Crump-Io- n governor may wiah tu approve, are mental law. pi nv tiling fur the deposit and from hi government. He auid he maiidei The uargo waa ahlppetl "' made a motion to the effect that leul or Illegal. The majority mu.i In the courae of thia program, deelgned to force an egtenelon of oae day gl i,. ,,, per- there'll In authorliieil culled in Mggliaa iln- iiaeatiun Inlor-mall- order. and the veaael wua to atop if the minority dealt ed to agera claim (hut they are The op of the time the pocket veto became effective and at the same time - waa paaaage treating lioarila ol rtnu i and thnw Urltiah porta. oM ol which employ an uttorne they would be al poaiiioit iiut'iu that they are nut. mit of of th measure over the veto, the majority haa In i managed to itself In a moat tangle. Viral, on Thursday preacrlhlng their dut lea , prov Idliig ilelemlinu he action of Com- foriWad. low ed to do an. i hut Hii.ii attorney Should these meoaurea be enacted in- enmeh remarkable the giving of security b ill de- mander Tlllgeichena, I ha itmbuaeadur While n veaaela were aunk. imr would lie permit l In udvlae to law there aevtii liltie doubt that night, by refualng to accept the advice of the prealdlng ogVer, who Inalated lor enemy ahlp an. n .dj mem it hi ,.i legleJal . day. positories of pu.dlc munli-- anil lining thai gfheg I lie officer left Wa any chaae made or but not to crtia nueation a. .ine of Ihem at least will be tcated in the ta senate majorliy took were the a.receaa, extending Ihe nft leglalatlve day St the itniottni ihereol. ilsTIn the Tallin Tan at tin lUtbrggdl of Ihe war while the Americana ubourd them. The iiielinii wa dlciied at Ihe courla. thus ninth to an estimated Cuptulu Kiehne aald the Der length hour of added time Thl eo ronfuaetl the houae or repragaalajUvea It a.iiitiint uf band to gtvc.i ay the luai AugUNi he li i.l ii'ilhlng to follow Kllel. and wan decided hv a party That the bllla puaaed gage (be veto that irggJr-,-ri- i. M1IW Hie ili-- i n( In Illll cominau made no ciinii i"i vote, Mr. Itlood catling the deciding chief clerk, In eending over hie certificate of the paaaage of the bill put over i nuniy ami mualetpal lnla' lull liilliliiti - Immediately after the noon Muir. it. a land hla ueu- - hour the veto forgot to atate the which the bllla were paaaed Ihe iirnVldlng (or the pu..ment b ihe idlug hat (o d b Vgggggj he "lore than iiiotilh l bulloi. Then- wua iibNolutely no poa- lerday probably lime al and when port. I are legglly pasaed Picaidlng omcer IneiMed upon n...i.,...... , .1 tral iiaeeeiigeie in a aufe aibillty of a mlauntleretandliiR The of the eenate the im being married and the alatr, municipal!!) tntl other iii.i in e urn. . i in., to be conceded, alnoe had i.unt, ! (bla may be one of the DemiH-ra- t lc mem'.t-r- ...mml-le- e there crrtltlcalea correctly rewritten, It became neceeaary for eeveral rewriting of t tin- plemlum oil baaaa.lor arguc.l l had a rUht doiiliedl of ihe Unli ttlll bodies ol been no breag In the aeeelon and Mich ' m be made and ome of them l.leulenaitt-Qoverno- r Da Mara -- ...a oe a . .., did nol an to lai Cruce under ctilllcatea Ihe bonda (hereof; when ...en rr. irg.. neu. , since aiMy time the cmrta have aua-- I II om.l ' In b any mlaapprehenalnn of coiiditlona refueeri to sign us ulteriy and concttietvelv wrung. baa mud? the I I furnli-lie- com- wa. conalgned m and ilea . - legla-lallv- e are b aureO order' ,,. ,,,., w..r.. a.ih- lined the puahlng buck of Ihe ' I, sol hi .1 v in- .reaiil,ii- nrtli cu -- ,,, ., ., Captain J. K. Itelnberg. i Bad g cleiir thai Insular a er of ihe senate la n .... lle.l li.e.i for,,,.. of the who eg- - ..'.tain , ?l.k clock. Hut the Panu'a ti.l ted I member of the cnnimlttee, wa pre-e- matter of ihe leglalature ended at IS o'clock, noon, Frdny. when the constitutional limit e. of law. hvig "'ere waa no p..ruJ . . s,-- ceding what appeara lie iloiia ,'" ill Of Itulh. Maine, one ill the meetliiK und will huImiIuii- - to the was rein In d und the record show that the added S5 houra waa added by a n.iMiiu.h a Ihe Ifglaliiti.r aea.lon wnich tie could lake hi prlae. ;ie of the Krye, waa naked time limit oy a whole day majority of votea tiaaaed by the republican member of the aenale. .iuii'a-aii.- n .nvt lllllc theae Ntutelnenli.." nl the ggggggl atate it rt egptreo ''had right, the contend-- w. ...., hie... ..r to, . , i going too atrong even for anmr ten complicated had the aiiuamn become that the houae. when It met thia li W ed to got M . argo bu( at li! noon, tawfai and d.airoy 'be tUr ,.arg(i ;in1 t wn. iitembera or tne mejorlty w hoee ani- morning ot II o'clock, found It neceaeary lmedlalely to adjoin n to meet I un- Ihe aeia now after o'clock p. m., nin keaael Itaell. 'aald. thai be had no financial Intereel PLANS FOR FUNERAL lely over the procedure waa ahown at rive minute uf r eleven. Ihe iimiu thia procedure shown " - Fiiriherini.ii ambaaaador ar . nfly-nlnt- h i able to return Ihia bill to ihe the In the aale of the cnljo or knowl- OF MRS. ROCKEFELLER when .in Inalated that the general that In the hones i day em k thl morning and tha' being the houac In ahlcli It gued thai ihe rnmmander of Ihe rung e,lK' ol in whom it would be aoio approprlittlon bill muat get through the -- Nihil Hi day gan at live minute, d aucp Kitel Wgarn pVea tiilgl-iute- for the reaann "I he ihe did not Hlli lal-- i aflel llslinlllg lo the alaie AWAIT HIS ARRIVAL by Ihe noon hour yesterday, a feat When Sen. i'. i 'age Dually had las talon In the aenatr, and believing Ihnt llila I know that a Oerman prlae murt on .n, r Caggalgi Kiehne took iln pllehed only with great effort Senator Harth nddreaaed ih aenale Will Hymn "Amerlaa." to ue Annum 1 i.l Ihe t i l wa - hv wag not a pioBi' and dralruble bill nad Jn meie irw that Ihe American cane Turrytown. N. Y.. March II. and ul considerable personal aucrl- KrTorta to atop him failed and second round if the vera u hen ! u i e enin led Into law for the alule ol thai mere hau hip iia bound for atrong one mid that when all the IMana for the funeral of Mia. .lohn fll-- on the purt of a number uf prom- hla five mlnulea elapsed. SfgapprovgJ a i enemy atilllt Mg Mr. any Mini", n declare nn port hai imi lent prtml tact were. preenled to ilerniany l. Itnckefeller. who died al her h"me inent Kcpublicuua. Holt aald he regretted attempt had been ma to vlcdnte any Ihe i pgrpgge of illlng that her cargo waa deatlned for the rule of ihe which statement a ripple o among ni hi Idll for ihe lit Ul Ian would be made. here yeaterda, tin t ulna, were held in The work yesterday afternoon and aenute. caurd of Itement the 11 i neon lender It . it wllh the rotury of atate wlnn abeyance today in awall the arrival loal night ua of a languid ncaultory tnliiorllv member. The floor aald waa lime fo aim onsideratlon f lltlW- - Wnlle no formal wag He said that If president felt (hat he could not algn I to may be held fur Ihe puipo commedi ..f Mr Km kefellei and hln ..n, who tliuructer. although many of the bllla the tlocatea relative ume Sepgrlggagg t action In (he he would move that the preeident p gf ng gggdj diauppnnal within the made at ihe aftag ih were Bavrth from irinonde. paaaed of Importance. wgg houe tern ihe aeaate ggglgggaador' vigil, Funds State are There be sign He If gurrend- - congtttMlan. oSWiaM for 1, instructed lo Ihcni said thai the prealden lectded to prcai rjbed by Ike nt.'ic MMU Fl Tin v.. in reach Pot aa evident a general aplril of relaxing "Ml objection!, lo Ihia hill are thill look the ilen Unit alilioiiKh the cap- lit n Illll lute thia afternoon. er Ihe gnvel at IS o'clock, the eenate would remain In on and proceed and the evident idea ihnt nothing Ha It i a proper J net bill for Ihe tain or Prliw K ' oiu have been By ti n probable with buslneaa If ihf Fair Provided 'va reaardi'd thai p ii and really mattered so very much. dnniiu have long Into cffeci aciini; gagfgg- tin lit liialinn of Lon- funeral aervlrea would lie held here The clock atrurk twelve. ii Mr. immediately or wlSStn Ihg time pre-a- t don that inlghl i" a factor In reliev- I'linni t .i afternoog ami ihut Mr. Further evident of the extreme He Uaca in a formal announcement, declared the aenale adjourned Act's Continuation n( alne Meexra. ol'-- il.iiibi nn pa majority uf die. Hurth .unl Mabry walked chamber, rlbi d by the und Ha i ing him from pergonal rea.nlbilli Iln. kefeller would be burled tit l Ihe it the out of Ihe the other iee. validity nt set, ait. r kept aeata and the lieutenant-governo- r ration nol pi.ipniu t! fol a' period of bu would not gffeel ihe ASH aa be- land, ti.. a here ah.- grew In woman- the Its acta paaaed after their remained sealed at the -- .hi I.' ii'.iiM'k of Friday wua plainly presiding offlcer'a desk. At 1210 Mr. Holt aald the -- governor gggjltj iwo yeura. (Note: The tween ihe I 'nil." m i.i aid ihe Her- ...I. Capital in... hood and where ahe aM-n- i much "I noon that lieuteiut i ' ' "through a Judgm.-i.- i of with- effe. i of .1 her time In yeura. gvldeal In the appropriation I'll' mistaken his constitutional prvrosjath. fcating of the ume of man governmcni ruder thai .'inn lb' recent 1.1 IK- - w .1 ap- in of ihe he (hat b amc:ltl- - veaael carrying g ears I.M urua Miilel. lo t. in pun I,, la udded to Ihe action senate" moved the president pro lent be Instructed ihe bill to 111 "',H made a i iin- . N M n io ih. h nt nol ontu i th the huatnes eenate By all more ul ia comra-liun- d d SiiniM r. Han tl propriation for Ihe truvellna auditor's of the tble time in in the gauge.) than halt which SPARKS IONITE OIL I. , salary providing ihe democratic senators hail " the and the motion wsa aaetton II t thl bill U la in bg Sea rayed. If unable to ha at li m.,m uolnted out in lb. aenute and expehae account chamber carried g aval it . t t.o portion of auch eulury ot iinniilntiiiit lv I,ten! i nam Cioverner Ite Haca waa busy at hi dosk und did piiiWdi-- any lianli taken in port. e ihia mornkti thai the a WHICH EXPLODES. ihnt difirinn c avull-ubl- e not leave hla waa In r oftl-clu- ,, h atattt ti ib. account ah. .old become seal table isjlllsfl from the slat, .phera o at it- - a depollor, 01 M'dbMc fumla It wa held b) .nliulnlatrniliin a .. approprWlbva gt hard KILLING FOUR BOYS T lie made iinles Ihe provb ions in. h Mr. Xli. r the president pro tent, hiiiiearr and celled the annate Big with the pr r board of i the Oerman .plum hud no Mat fail err ..hull b) ih alttlon "l II. mac Hill Ko, Kl, the traveling i" order. to receive uch light to in I r b 'I' lv Haetlfled MgN a propoanl iiinl' liintion in . New York. March The ggperut Mr. Holt lieutenant-governo- r - of d Tin id- tali gMtropriaticaj ol II. ggdltol bill, an- .in I'd Int.. law. It moved that remark hy the and br him- IHa board any war broke rert-ren- i money on deptxlt when exeni for when 'he mi. ..f large oil adjoining the wov-ern- wnn be 4 eSSg agigntgd lata eaarc a., i tank ha been pointed out thul the eir omitted from the fdNMeM uotlfy uch hunk llinl oui II ha nol bet - in all, ratified laliind railroad freight yard In Thif-- waa notify d - ii im i i.ei u.i In unl laulag may vet,, thl arovleioa m tho curried iiialiaee In the It '" n boinl or bond und Iheretoie wna no' la force. upon rurnlahi'iK appropriation from year In ear 'he euet New aectlon of llrook appropiiatloa bill, so thai If the ve lhat ihe sanatf inved that there be wrteggii ggowrlti aa provldetl In IS The agpertateM aa lhat . lyn the .' .. Ke Hogg or other aeneril atncgtlrd hy apectflc alal-ule- horily after noon today killed toed but ua p.ied ahould lie proven from ii it the hovree on .int.- for Mill No. ,t. ua 11 hg in- - iinlll II be dealgnnled tie.." Ihe ca,. uould decided under , . certified tut ptiaai o a act. ahull The Imi I Imi the I5.IHI0 lour hn, and aermualy Injured aeven In Mil. aa aoiite i( mu be the chief clerk ttie woeda passed, "after i" itmiiuni i" , lei law a- - eKletlng kgforg tho niln-- n " llory nf iich in""')11 "h 1 pergona. K..itr men, eangtoye ii'.n of aid a' pro teat be e appropriation not InetadafJ th. ..Hire will allll lie In working authorised la- in uc. oruani Ion nf waa lived by an Id board iieclarui laindon made the general appropriation hill of ihe t'rew livvi x company which sk.. i'. to slait the mlu ing carried, tne seaate, at hereof an,) upon when It waa not legal lo ileal roy it ml-in- 1. adjourned mil. lb.. urmlloii .tea nol cffeci i he ... illabllM) owned ihe were reported I aWgatS I liiruiahing ol ! Ul Or neutral pegej H lleag I la curgo wua con. ournal dny Ihe nf ihe money , Ill NIIIW l Hil l. for the previous aul inn tm d n Iht feaaedli i tinlrali tiul. am It a arrgg) Sgal l.M'K had l.cei nr oilier aecuiitl While it hud been hoped The tank wua parity under groin. Kll.l.l l IS Till) N h ill be loatiod m of extreme M ii ecgat al act, a cerllflcale iimmunlilon, and . I eould nml wa ald to have duntained II e an in. ten. gaproprlavlion tlayluink bill, i . language - Tit" Renebai. one si aioii. uch hank.' Thai tag al neceaaiu In avnlil ii'.apttire bg aecur.d. Ihe llrrttahllo c.un- not) gallona of oil The four loa I any bank might (ittl.ujla Donfideal ie(ltullon the measurca er whleh there has the rev I hi hill auch lhat were l i. preaerigtlvra art kllletl were pluyiar aaarby. t be In of the a been mu h lila. iiasion and cffcii iht I... reunited lo furnlah bond lrlnr would made for he a wini moled by the lad thai The oil In the lank la believed lo r it ggJM were an Mttre ag throughoui the aeaalon, unl whlt-- Ihe Hy t Un re-u- nr uaaiiruni that hlp. though the, nal a Itlev hill.' nol loal Ihe .irlltln.ll have Weep Ignited by epurka f'om a mnneya. piui-rlhl- y It In it house loiaaed after an lnveallaailon rati A I'liio. i.i Ko. nrro c ruelve any lyibllc Ihua lo the cargo beiauae Mluttia 1. 'I lb. I' has rrelghi engine UnlS) the flic which t - and report by a special committee, Hill, of IV g I, entulllng tinjni and unreii- prtae court won aa oiiipncaieu .,.,..,..., , ,1 al followed out tin re wgg Hnnla burned ltelf failed of paaaege In Hie aenale during ae that of iht- Wtllielminu, mw held a. .,.,. ihe aeaabm little hope o: ilcii rmlning Ihe fate ol (l iMilli.tied S) laxi. Tan ' by Kngl.iml Ihe mlaalng I ..I. inn. . isjl I 'ai.

I i d wv.i". during the session of the aaeembSy. CITY OF MEXICa IS ACQIiiTTEH! 'House BUI No, 370, amending Ihe ISTHW lw relating to the fencing of rights of NEW TRIAL ORDERED way by railroads. Dotft Worry The houae yeslsrday afternoon STATUS Piiised rtenulc mil .HW1 fir. retailing lo QUIET BUT RETAINED IN , IN Hi supersedeas judgments, a seitsts CASH REGISTER &gjt Judiciary committee hill, by a Mile of - when th ilnw eVmee. snd tt In 1. aft sendoat Franc la today concentrating force Senate Suhatitute for Henate BUI IS IMPROVING STATE N'o. in North Aftrkw for thkt purpose A iCUSTOOjf 71, vetoed by ihe trnor. waa CASE BY SUPREME to th part of (III wad expedition already paaaed ever the veto by the house. 34 it la an lie way to 14. I'onetau-tlnopt- e "enate No. Related' dispatches from Occupation of Zapitistas Ex- Prosecution Moves to Send Him aubatitute for Senate Bill continue to get through t" tt. which has been hanging Mrs, and COURT OF U. S. Dis-trde- to London. They all aaaert that tha al- pected to Put nn End to r: Matteawan: Defease under which the cattle board merely aaka tba privilege lex , m lied fiaet had not. tip to laat Sunday Given Wants Return to New Hamp- of leae done any area! damage to the Ttirk- - Villa PledRT taaea than the old law required Anal- Rioters Will Be Punished. shire as Sane Person. ly passed tha house tstfors adjourn- dr ment by g vote of 44 in a. j Twenty-seve- n Officials of Ha-- I Ndw Tork, March 11 No Thi K Pssc., Ter March IS. Villa tip- - Harry houae itllia or importance were Thaw waa acquitted today uf con- considered although a number of tionei Company Found Guil- spiracy In escaping from the Matteu-wa- minor bills were naaatil Israels as a ty in Lower Court Oat asylum, August s v raotaa of which I an lie. top 17. ItlJ, the malts courtesy to varloua mem-- laat Tueed.iy. egr Prepo cgairge upon which ha waa hi ought bers. Another Chanoe. 1ey n ral- - hack to Naw York from New Hamp- led h' shire. Itoger ritlTINIt RV Nt'K IX Thompson, HI haul J. I'M Ml It nil Mis TO I II Mil ACTION UNDER SHERMAN AT Uuiler. Eugene DufTy and Thomas KwnMtTOt rXM II Mil.rX we no vhtkn tts vnr. ri iniit Expert Dry Cleaning, M l lo havs cntnmunlcatl Flood, the four men ANTI TRUST STATUTE Dyeing Bem a. m capital republic wa who assisted him nepreaentatlvs palmer, rlalng lo a troopa In with tha of the In his spe night by automobile Tile adan have PnrtVlnSaa f occupation tacular queatlon or persona) privilege during vicinity no it, from Mstpsawsn to Canada, llkewlsa Cincinnati. fihl, March IS. The th, le forcesT'of Xaptis. nor have we the afternoon, raised quite a little l'nite, ntatao HAT CLEANING AND REBLOCKING . lagaetoa .t: War ncqulttad. circuit court of apiieala teda--a of th hHppenlnaa in that ttlr when he offered to trade hla vola today revere d ihe lower court in the Pali h reai The Jury had labored nil night and on capltol hill ' plac Mm wa secure informa-an- d the custodian right in esse uf the government Send Your Goods To Vn ltetliune, The Hermans are declared win until i; :o thlt. afternoon. As soon opan against John Hon any disorders hava the meeting, for votea In favor II. Patterson, president, twenty-sl- x la have foread beyond the if teen as the verdict wag announced, Thaw and Mtn hark nltted. aoi iety may have of bringing out the prohibition reso- other offli mis or ll fotr-st- , waa given into the custody Sheriff former "fib i This advance at tha British of lution a o Its passage. y thai thooe to blame for vote of the National ('ash Register ooln-pon- THE ROYAL Inaliidaa thalr varloita forward raovr-mant- a Urifenhagen of New York CLEANERS UNO DYERS puniahed by application count, Mr. Mr. Hen-ehe- of Dayton. U . It th beginning of le of tha Palmer asserted ihst and remanded alnce their thev fleeeaA'aJ had during hla speech bark to the district cobrt 0 new activities nt thla point ocnltv referred tor 4Wr. CfHtral Art. Albuquerque. N. M This telegraphed under date on tha bill In the morning on the (rial of yesterday frasa Monteray. chance Ihe friends of the measure Mr I's.terson end hla aasocialea Is ICTS IBED had to get several voles to pais the were found guilty of violating the iaiiiiumjuM1 V iHHIM.iO.N HIU.WH'" bill uxer the xelo by making certain Hheiman nnll-tru- law and sentenced Tay- to serve QUARANTINE WALL Afl Ml Ull : HOI'Rf (Ointlnaol rrotn Hngw o.r.i eonceaalona. He said he and Mr prison terms and fined. that the tate acuil nee im'ATIOII Tt, lor had lonaldcrcd vqles for purpqa of thin of euch ault The Waattlnpton. Meatuu trading The upper court baaed lbs action actu ur Marrh II. yesterday's long aftarnoon session, hy the o passage of cap- upon Thl bill was rfh tha waa the ita mniiim thai the first count of e. whererriurthe i'lty reported qalat today and a vuta of 10 to II. ltol cuatodlan bill ror votes to bilng ornate here expected all conditions to the indictment, which charged the up to the hour of Sanalor Rulser made a apeech out lite prohibition amendment reso- , I'liinshieitt. had refused to ad ERECTED RO N improve with the occupation by tha defendants with being guilty of con aim thin b id erujfiiaaod mea-- o against bill aougbt lution. suggestion are. of teintllalloa as a Xapnta forcea. Aacreiary Bryan said: tha which ha said He said that at ins spiracy to restrain trade In violation au'net the somite uuav Houae ItUI to make an of Mr. Taylor had approached Judge of hla Las Vegas grant :T. we in imd appropriation state ihe Hhermsn act, had not lieen Industrial Hcho"l ll! "I think are pretty money tn pay clay oy Mann ahape. hss promised to for uaed tha on the suggested trading and in ..ved by the evidence, and that the Th- - Carransa id laat and words over the Ren-eha- n MEXICO permit people leaving the capital to penitentiary from land, the ownership that Judge Mann had as he waa not second and third were defective and NEW of which atlll was pending In that for it. claybank lull said when h waa pre pur I thla erl- - travel over tha porttua of tha rail- should never have been permitted to w. courts. He bill b Judge , den i of hla ii the road he controls, while Zapata said the should Mann later elated that he enter mi lb trial of the case in tho motion by tlaavglsi ueosasoa to trecon-- I the years hen atatament general In i.immanil there has trader, held bark two or until the had said not that he waa against the lower court. It is held that conspir- Mwar tha vet by whiih waa ownership prohibition amendment, the bill ct. aa Mr. Governor taken to admit food supplies." courts had determined the but ihat he acy had to be proved aa existing wTt ti- Utilises Authority in a tasue. e was against votea. tabled yesterday waa loot on an aye lie hearing The whereabouts af ileneral Obra-w- a, trading le three years of the time the indict- aavd PrgglSslBl - !tav vote. IH- Flaca an- at tji Inntea. Newly Passed Law to Tight- commanding the ("arranaa force Henator Harth congratulated Mr. Mr. Palmer thin attempted openlx ment waa drawn and ihat the gov- nounced having signed nina hnuae Thi any which evacuated the city. a not Rulirr on making hla maiden apeech to continue on the door of (ha house ernment failed (o offer ronvitxinsi Wile rough en Embargo Against Stock legislative prsentd to him enrolled and Ita rloek. known here. Some Importance la at- of five tertne or service. with his proposal to trade his and evidence to sustain these chargeo. ngn-sovd- , but announced that In the at arms of Every Sort. tached to It by officials because of Senator Bulaer promptly replied that other votes for the o "Before ihe decision in the case of rase of til (hlbattluia bal- measure, get " mil for and took a the beating It will have on Carranaa'a tt waa necessary to maintain me in exchange fr votea to the Cnltfd Htatca vs. Kissel. the ' ance atmospherii out prohibition hill. Adjuster. (htote Tapltal llorcau forcea and hia ability to maintain of disturbance from the submission iiurt said, "the question nf rontiS-liiin- rr (of I vcnlop Herald. himself at Vera Cms. Bernalillo county and he had there- He was tin. in- ipielled with tiia gavel of s conspiracy was in laotfuo- - . (SI Dr Vargas Hotel. No, further reports ware received fore thought It beat to keep still h Mr Fleming who wss in the chilr. inn and the authorities kn conflict. . iJmmj in- - Hiiiina ' I J'inil Ml aihii- - throughout his long term of service. The position there combatted waa that Mania fa. X. M, March 11 I i ua bv Zapata i aa- - Mr. Holt rend strong from I.ITTI.l: chair and aseieted In lag under the provisions new nt With the a letter Mi(h roMPMMHKIi a conaplracy could not have contin- of the aurancea fapm the Zapata the attorney general suppoiting ih AT TIIK Mt.HT uance sndulum. Thla brought Iv made quitrantlna law agalnat Im- opimander hlMII in time. that the guilty men would Ire pun- bill aa proper place of legislation Brief ol both houses were thing nud acclaim from portation of disc used livestock. a sessions that wat''h iahed. offlclala awaited the result of and payment of a Juat debt of the held laat night at which but little bus i hia signature completed on Thursday. SBBk .1 m CHILDREN OF hat the 41 it In.iiilro u .1 .i...n-- A atata. But even this attong testimon- Iness was transacted, the ttipublh an THE rordbjHt to neen nccaenpliahed, Orfvarnor McDonald laat night Issued . retanii.n,. tron nr u r ial did not servo satisfy opposi- major!! , members mupylng mosl ol "GHETTO" WONDERFUL Vat oved "that the Journal a sweeping proclamation o( quarnn MMrHH io the been and alao American demand for mdrinnlty to tion and twelve senators voted the night in conferences said to be Wueation The was cor-sl- ...... STORY RY ZANQWILL o ' for tha motion nui mil? out llll A although no one rmm of HvesttK-- snd all kind, of wr' against iha bill, aa fallows: rtenatots concerned with Ihe record and the show tha "" Alldredge. Barth, Cramptoii. ugly they got- The atory ftp tow what Journal ana stitck cars, as a precaution against Clark. snarl into which have of 'Tha I'hlldren of (he paana Itching Hin-Jtl- the dread piles provoke profanity iut Doepp, Evans, (iallegoa. Hartl, ten Ihemaelvee by he effort to create Ghetto'' as conveyed by Ihe William Mated thai foot and mouth dlaeaae. profanity won't remove Mr. the The text fol- 'hem. Doan'a Mabry, Page and Holier. an additional legtalatlve day. Pox piisdu. ii.iii of the great Xangwlll senate ma of of the proclamation -- ointment Is recommended for itching, Mr. to BUI No. IIS, natc Bill No. lit. al io wa: Rene'ijir, slfort adjourn fa In the senate tenate masterpiece produced hy Prank Pow- bleeding or protruding pllea. (Ac at house last nlLht the blocking of empowering municipal)! lea lo sell and ell human corporations to Unarantlhe prnciama'tun No. 4, su- any and vihrateswlth amotion. Reb ' drug store. a light phytts ; nil,. eleclrl light . perseding All previous proclamations, number of senute bills resulted Cionvey electric and water the old rabbi, played by and prohibiting the importation largely from the action of the set.u-tor- s House Hill No. 177, providing for Wilton I.' km. who created the orig- and in hia ill accounts of municipal ido a despcrute effort transport Into New Mexico live- turning down of inal role on he sivuking stage, makes of I re- stock und of mi'erlala or commodi- MuNTIIV HO AD I torporatlons: House Bll; No. It, un uppeui Ihat gripe the heart, throt- ties thot inlgnl urry the of IF BACK HURTS III I'l W l .11 Ml TO III l lating to transportation of dead tles the and brings teare af Inrectlon No foot .mil mouth dlaeaae. Hspresentatlve Mnnloya'a repeal of bodies by railroads. House Hill sympathy even to the moat aophlall-cate- d rhalr. Whereas, the rattle aunltarv board the 13 road lux law, House Hill No. I, fail, relating to marking the boun- eyes At the very outoot a lump k! Dr of New Mexico has communicated In which has been pending In the senate daries of school districts: snd Mennte tro-gin-a lo lurm u, your threat when congress I aa ilanaliaeaesesw aa san tai asiuaaii ut ia BEGIN ON SALTS !or pfgS'llcally (he whose session, Jol:t Memorial No. t, asking the good old Hod tearing Israelite "lvely stats of New Itexlio. tha fact I' was passed yesterday aflernoon, lor an appropriation lor the Natiolia takes the cod I off his ha k lo cover I that h i In congress, no baa cume tu the knowledge i mill but not until an effort to substitute Irrigation If the same jihe cold chilled of one of hla I a infec-liou- a bill und In Albuquerque In wen 'gild that contugioua und the Dtjxnocratic bud falleil. held 11, ' flock. Throughout the play Reb dlaeaae known as the foot und I Itodt Your Kkdgayy tb iaahHssllx until after the Itepubltiuns had so passed. MotUlttOl bears the burdens of Israel bora ap- - moulh dlaeaae has become epidemic If Von I .ii Meal llcxtilarly. I mended the loll as la make II nut a The matter or chief Importance m with a near! full or love inward all aame is und exists In various localities in dif- repeal, but a simple wilting out of the the session was the presentation of ,und gtatiee toward none. Even when I No man 1 ap- ferent states of the union beyond the or woman who mis meat cluuse of the present road tux law cetllftcales by the house showing his head Is bowed In sorrow , his ba- limits of thla state, which diaaaa Is reulurly can make a mistake by which provldss that an etnployer may proval and final enactment of the five llet In Hie wisdom of rlghteoiisne, ot Hushing known tn be fatal und highly inji.' the kldnc), occasionnlly . says be forced to hold out the 13 tax front bllla passed over he veto. President the lird is unshii n. He heara his llon of the state p nitrntlarv Ions to cattle: la n authority. Meat forms an employ e'a pay. De Itacu '.rompllv declined te sign grief with a melting rortltude n motion of Judge Mann com- Therefore. I, William C. KS Don- uric acid which fxcitee ihe kidneys. Th bill aa puosed in no wise ful- these lerllflcatee until the had lieen Ills Story is emhlcinntlcal or the ald governor of the atatr of New they bacome overworked Hum the fills the Republican campaign pledge i rre, led w ith the atatemeni ihui he storv or Israel und bis sons Rett - M- -. Mexico do herebs prohibit the im- eir.iln. gel sluggish and lull to tiller to repeal this and for whleli willing to sign everything that Is Kbi'muel H ' lax: .'is children are weaned Irom CLEAN portal Ion into thin state of entile, tin- waste and polsong from the blood. occroya haa Worked with unnsiial true which Is necessary ti I in- re him hy the lietrogeni-u- mixture of horses, burros, mul s. shrep. stoat or then we get sick. Nearly ull rbeuma diligence. He expressed di-e- dlsap-uplntme- ord." LI pun motion of Mr. Hint ten-nto- r cosmopolitan life. Ills son is taken hogs n-- , and aa wall my hoofs, hides, sleeplessness und yesterday at the treatment llfeld was appointed a committee from him -- and the-- his wife and hla my si, in- n of the or meat of nny such livestock, urinuri dlsdrders mine from siuxgpjh of the measure by his Republican aa-si- of one to take these gCtt hot k la ihe only daughter almost breaks hie COAL - u fur. their or of any hav, atruw fodder, cotton- kidneys in'' In the senate. houae and see II ha could not get stil led hy eloping with a baM Mr fiselea I seed ,,r other products or material The moment you feel a dull ache The senate pansed She aubatltuta them into some form sufficiently near an Invohed ruMiilcnl law made It the nilaa calculated to carry the infection of in th klnutp m our back hurls or If bills numbered for the president in sign impassible marry, is specialty nt the honae '"'Is for 1n the truth for her to unly our such disease, from uny stule In the (he urine !. clopdy, offei,i.., ul, oi and IS Ik nsodlflad Henu them, and this was the main oh be- hia belter Hod Is ju. csfe, where It waa to that and hla will UnHad Htates. Dtatricl or Coliitribln, sediment, laragular paaaage at- - VOtS. major in -- gag. of or education hills, by uniinimi'Us fore Ihe Republican I', the he done sustains. Ihe old nan In hla the Mr Itci chsn invited i Htiiidu or republic of tended by a senas !on of scalding passed do compar- closing i The hills as would hours. troulils and save, him from a death escni to ul end f tin mis s cara imported inio me stop ealmg night he ah menvai-- set ain.nt lour atively little damage Io ihe educa In the house, at the aesslon nt- 'rii'Ji The atmosphere of the remains of hla slate, loaded or empty, must , Aztec Fuel Co. whether ullmes of Jod Hall, l.u n c, phur tional system, should the ginerimr the house concurred In the senate Jewish home, the lunching comedy-d- r. . ii- - i,i, ic, i ly to iiniiieiiiH" ptior ,,, U, u taul pooiilul m ulnae permit Ihem io become law. amendments to Mr. Mowtoya's road una ot Jewish lire und the Tuwnmwr be hld. but inio ine aiaie. also an mop u repudi- su'rd mrir enirunce f g mi. wter before hreaafoat und Two laws of Importance to tax law repesl bill which is und serious purpose uf rtght-Uv-In- ike.i rorwaas a useo i no the Biot lurs ior ir.insporting our kidneys will tine. by . dur platform I'D - dava act ista were passed he senate ation of ihe Ital'tibllcsn Jew has lieen defined und vam..i- any com-jT,,,- a delhate. or materials or famous Is made the Venl a of ly notl-mto- n salts from thi ing the afternoon, "ne ia the tux and which mokes Joke visualised on the screen with rug- lie senilt hating moonirs irom pmnis wunin me sinie grapes to quit. aiid of und June, com m.ior license law. providing a horse Mr Monti. yu'a efT iris lo abolish Ihe ged fidelity and a strength or char- to other points within the state must bined with litis ' ,ud been used uinriide ' Resolution No first be disinfected immediately has uower tax Th has lieen .ax. House Joint acterisation ultnost startling in dra- prior lor generations tu Hush and however, until Dr. Veal $1,000 to I'hlef t'lerk Intensity. 'i lid to shlpmeqt being made. stimulate In the senate, appropriating matic realism and ki'Jneys, also iha Is W recognise hia translating the Jour- film-stor- y c lapsed 'inn ,1 ad- - Tn fulfill iibove all the io neutralise del res he uid not Bias Mamhes for This wonderful will bo requirements u. in so it no longri cuusea it high rrom senate and die. disinfecting be his urine child should he meet in the nals was recalled Ihe at the Pastime theater tomorrow and must done under the I ap- irritation, thus ending bladder weak W il V. Into a bill In that the Monday. direct supervision of a stale or fed made order nraa. The other is ihe Blood Bill. No. propriation might be legal. eral offli er , Malta "a-- use 1 ihe senate This quarantine shall take effect Jad ia inexpensive and annul which makes unlawful the The housa concurred Injure; a delightful ve- game and h In fore? from and makes effervea without permission ef the motor amendments in 'he hsn nnd PBZASYNSZ BATTLE after this Jlthta-wute- r every mtl K'lh day of March HIS. em drink which hicle of others. This bill not umendmeni I. III. MUCH LITIGATION wii.i. ism McDonald. one abould taar now and then to keep prevents stealing automobiles, bul HIU No. II. Introduced by Governor of New Mexico, the kidneys clean and active and thu makes It a felony Ut lake Joyrldet In Mr. Hulscr at the opening of the ses- kstagl Antonio Lucero. secretary blood pure, 'hrrsby avoiding seilous ihe hois'., car withut". the owners sion, and providing ihat bona fide ironiiniiel from lngc IHM'I NOW IN OPENINC kidney complications. or produce may market the of state. Permission sruwei expense House ltlll No. I'll. Mr Ills' k s hog aame (rum door to door without pal- sonalile upon the hank. quarantine and inspection bill, passed ing u license was passed, having been "In Hecltnn 13 It is provided that ununtmously. s did the long series ot held up until the end of The session, when any attcp. treasurer shall deem It STAGE IN EAST aaaewatneejtl Io the fWh and aume law. ii was declared, for purposes or prea-sur- e for the public irttetest so to do he may, iipprov-u- l over which sportsmen hate been upon Ihe llemallllo mint y with the of the county i c flahiinx during the whose session The house alao paaaed Henate hisard .f tu.., i, ni hla county, aior. hv an duly TIIK HIIKMP tM W M House BUI No. 331. dboiursing ihe Rill No. 101. Increasing Ihe per diem order passed and mm entered in the record of Its proceed- Is tha Bread you can relun and fnjoy in, .ne t Ived iroin insuraice allowance of membera of the state Germans Massing Troops panics, as fees, to the fire departments hoard of ings, deposit the whole or any part or i ha Bread that pleaaaa sppetl-- education. the of Incorporated totdtie, passed by n The bouse concurred In the senate 'none), in his custody In a bank or and gives body. Around La Bassee in Effoit banks ,n some county. reai nutrition to tha vote of :'(l to 3. This bill gives Albu- amendments SO the Veul horse power other That la, That la liea kind we a to Regain Ground Captured 13.330, Vegas II. ton and Mr. Veal nail though presiimahlx the public moti-Sf- xj have made querque Uis motor license law after or with. g srefully Ford distribution of H 10 house Ihe another county ought to be It wall and by British This Week. Hanta re Inuii in the made plain the naked and nothing l.ul the. , destroyed ihe ef- In the banks in Ihe county ..rati such funds.. nmendmenta also may Ingredients go Into It. We supply tba In the house bill aa originally drawn. they be deposited oultlde of Iha 13 (11:3 p THE UNIVERSAL CAR The sens' concurred fect of the tttcst crillcgl I Has are ill m.l Hill No, H3, the Hill No. lounty. This, in my opinion, is un- fam and sure e nmendmenta to Senate The house passed Senate balllo of frsasnyss, - I nil-res-t t just and mil. io the apis any that the first trial of our Bread will Tlx- I old U IIhIiIci lliuii am l In car ol its else bill limiting the rate of la 170, appropriating ll.tdo la laote. in in uf you and in the . county us tin use of the public money malt a ruatointr. MM-r- l lie charged by loun brokers, the chief Ihe town of Mora from floods, by a and Yet atronger ninini last- In ought of which practically makes the vole of 30 to lo: and Konalr Hill No. the coiinly tu be held hv ing. Vanadium sicvl. tlmt's why. Vnnsdluni la cer- banks whose customerr would prob- ' measure Ineffective except as regards ,103, amending the law relative to tJ regain the in i ill I MntiigKKr. Iiillltlw .1 sloe4 Mlude t Is ably he lurgel) or that lounty. VnN PIONEER BAKERY hy fie large borrower tification of teichers. hy unanimous Krltiah Ho- I be- of Ihe hill only in Hun . hard ami tough at the aim-nu- The following bills were panted vole. The house "ek recess until feature leavea the deposit -- 1 of public moneys to lie uaed If the It Is I lie Initio i im- il -- IC.-I tlwl l uaed fore a recces waa taken in .he night 1 o'clock this morning. lOf South First Street preparing to niclula see fit tn do so as a polillcal l p in ,.t ,n, session: Many members are aiiloniohilc const! uctlon lord is very n-- we- House Hill No. Dr. Hkekn's leave Hanta Te for their bumes thla asset aril less of Hie wishes or low In Its i -- Ifl I'll'. quallt), icrina, and mall protection asso- gBemooS, Ihe capital' vvlli be lfare of uny given county. i tad of isprnMkin und upkeep, layat und hw than iaaMa ciation act, which the governor has quickly cleared this year of its leg- WM4.I.X.M r, Mcdonald, ii iiiijc. hava iwadr ii the uaveraaJ nooraaity in (Mignedi "Uovornor." Mm H and signed. islative attendance. Henate BUI No. 70, to protect the Buyers will share in profits It we sail Bl retail town of Mora from Hoods und I ISO.bDii new Kurd cuts oat w gen August IDII and prlaling 13.000 therefor. DON'T SAT Augurt mis House Hill No. 201, appropriating Itunabout, fill; Tourlnd Car S4I0; Town Car 13,000 io build a bridge in Taos , bridge hill, pass- ". t::.. iSadan Tt. f. o. b Detroit utility the Martini's WATCH a ith ull equipmant. ed 13 lo t. my window PAY-DA- Y BUTTER en display ana gala at House Bill No. 3t, amending the Yes. watch for the SPECIALS, JUST ASK YOUB GROCER FOB law relative to hy the on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Monday Tuesday. rci lumatlon service In prlwtte irriga and Quickel Auto and Supply Co. tion projects In Ihls slate BUI 431. providing for I'le in "Ml. lliiuiii'rqiic. N. Mp. House No. SIS-M- s of school cadet torps. A i (rwtral c organisation Cut Rate SUNSHINE Resolution No. 30. the Jewelry Store House Joint HE KNOWS MADE IN ALBUQUERQUE ne honored resolution approptlui-- I 1710 for extra pay 'or cupltol AT WILLIAMS DRU0 CO. eivers, for eglra service performed THB lVBgniO KNRALP, ALBUQUERQUE. N, Jfc, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, ,1916. 7X1X1

eragrd 71 par' rant, tha 5 p. n read- ing! 4 crht. and for the month 53 ter rant,tr while a forenoon reading at fort Hayard averagrd (4 par rent for th month 11 Horse I ipirntioit ih V r Th proln4thllon for I he tntr iiirr a Power; atate. na datermmed from tha roc-ord- of ISO atatlona, waa in. hen r m or ".to fneh ahov tha normal, a nam it-- ahown by tha departuraa of 14 ata- tlona having rarordk for 10 yearn or The praelpltatlon of the month waa O.Yf inch than Vhruary, 114. The great-n-artrt month- ly amdunt waa S.SS Inobaa at Anrhnr A Long Way To Mine Taoa- - i fipperary atatlnn. nunu and the Its Sale on Bicycle Tires leuat 0.10 in. h at Magdalrha. aororrn Special "iiniy. vihiie tha grew teat amount during any 14 ronaerutlv hi. urn waa bnt a short way to where yon can (ret an old Hat made over i the latest style. 3 00 m hen at Tularoaa on th ' loth. Th averagw annwfall of tha week only, we will have a Special Sale on Bicycle tte waa i.4 Inrhea There ware 4 day with Ineh nr more praelpl- - A AJ tl A A A I 1 .! VUi All "3 niV fill !H, W IWVAt UnilHK nCK tatlon. Wind. aari tin th first nr thu vaar THE WRIGHT HAT GO. Th total wind movmnt for the month at ilama F waa 5.714 nillea - formerly located in Denver, Colo., is now located aft or .4 mllaa par hour; hl(ht velrtr- 50 Tire. Corrugated Tread 81.96 Ii v. 14 mllfa from tha aouth on Ihr 00 Tires, Plain Tread 1 1th. At Roawall the total move-mer- 2,45 waa aV. a n mil, or 1.7 mile 25 Tires. Studded Tread 2. SB prr hour: hlgheet velorlty, 4a mil At the 50 Tires, Skid Red Tread from Ih waat. on th Id. 215 SOUTH SECOND ST. Anti 2.95 ngrlfultural ollegr th total move- ment waa 4.454 mlgea, or 7.4 mil 00 Tires. Auto-Bi- k. Red Tread 3.45 per hour; hlghmt velocity. 50 mile With onr many yean' experience in handling ladies' and Men's Hats, and onr complete equip- 50 Tires. Heavy Service. Red or White . . 3.95 from the we:, on th td. Al Kl I'aao 00 Tires, the total movement warn 7.47S mllea. ment, we are prepared to fivc you the finest of workmanship. Vitalic 4.15 or ni mlla par hour; h!ghet ve- i locity, 51 from th eouthwrM on Ihr flat Th. prevatllnt; direction fnr We take old Hats, ladies' or men's, clean and block, reftnish them into the newest shapes. We not FOR SALE thr atate waa from thr weat. MunalklrM' ami t h.udloew. only clean and block Hats but make old hats and new ones, too. ) onaldrrahly more the uaual CARL O. NEIN amount of rlnudlneaa occurred during Ihr month: for the MS aa n whole South Second 3t Albuquerque, N. M. Ihrrr war 14 clear day. 7 partly loiidy and 7 Howdy. At Hanta P only f4 per cent of the total pow.lble LADIES' PANAMAS, Straw or Braid MEN'S PANAMAS, Stiff or Silk i.inhlrl waa recorded, or 14 ho lira: Ft, there were 1 day wllh 60 cent ir Hoa-we- ll ml i hp average precipitation w. or more of ihr pinaalbl amount. Hats oan be reblocked and bleached and made Hats cleaned, blocked, made into e e the latest nrurlr quarter of an Inch ahm-- recorded 71 per cenf of he poa-Ihl- UARY NORMAL thr normal. Day on which prrcipl umihle, and had 3 day with Spring; shapes. yon an styles, trimmed with the latest style bands ?. in the latest If have lull. in tv hi viniirnl m re Ih'" tatc per cent or more. - . and bows. ri the Sd, to Sid and Sfth- - llaii.i.r- - I'll. in. ne na old hat, give us a trial : If the work does not Z7th. also thr h In western Thiinderatorma occurred locally on Onr Panama Process is the same that is used fog TEMPERATURE rountiee. the Id. ISth, 21d and !lh, please yon we will not obligate yon to pay ns in the factories where Hats are blocked I'l.'IM. lorall) on thrIl.i ith, 17th, Stat, 23d. and Thi' mean a lovrl atmospheric 2th and 17th dlect occurred In made over newest finished. If yon have a Panama take no chance, -- . one cent. Panamas in the i. - ii. n( '.nil, i l". waa 10.0S manv loralltlr. moatly ..'rat of thr 54 n III., Sd. 12th. MJ bring it to us. We will make new no pay. T VERY WET IS thr 7th. lowrst lirnndr, on th lilh styles. Makes no difference how floppy or what it or 2.! on thr Sd. Al Itoswrll th ttd. 70th and 37th. Lunar halo Positively no acid nsed in onr proceae and we mran waa !. raches; highest. were .itrved on the 7th, 24th, tlth SO. if on thr th. lowrat, IV.r,r. on the ami .'ilh. olar hnloa on the loin, shape. jruarantee our Hats not to turn yellow after 3d. At Kl Paan th inran waa IS.M 23d In 2Uh nnd 2lh High wind worn a while. ltation for Period Ex- - im SMI highest, in. 54 on Ihr (ih; were general over th atate on ihr lowrst, on th flat. 3d. 41 h 11th lo 13th and Hat; the 1 tt m: !.(( i 3d and tlth gave aavere aand atnrmn Trmlwrature. bllxxanl nnnrp monthly mean stole, in aoulhrrn ...untie and nrv ini The for Ihf n.lni'ina over the northern. an deif rmined from the record of Bring your old Hats in. We can show you styles your old Hats oan be made All sture Than West. 'J Malion having n iiiftin altitude of that into. we feet, or FIRST RUSSIAN PRIME about 5.00 waa SI.! degree, want is the felt of a good hat. We will make it new or no pay. I.. N M.. Munli I. Th- - 0 7 degree below Ihr norma!. a MINISTER IS DEAD f February averaged prm II- - ahown by thr departures of S sta- 10 year or tions having word for London. March 13 (SlSt a. m.) February. 1(14. rag. d O.t Hhovc i he ii'iinwl In preclp. in. nr. uvi fount Xergu Julovlih Witt. Itua-l- a ' llrcalcr precipllu-i- . degree warmer than the month Jual urrit mran ftrat prime minister, dlrd lat r. arretl durlna Feb- rloard. Thr hlghral monthly aaya a I'rtrogrnd diapatch to 50.4 night, wm.i. linn, . i i and 1SI.1. in'" temperature waa degree, at Telegram company. hlghrat Iteuter'a .nowfull. although thi' 'orlahad, and thr Count Wltle, who waa horn June WRIGHT'S HAT CO. Of drgreea Ihr the Wat month war fm above lrmrrnturo at imw at Tlflla. wn On of tha , on 5th, lowrat 2. 14, ,il.i. .,,1 eie i'i iriniiriH station thr Thr liuaalan plenlpotentlarlr at PoHa-moul- h. , inoiithly temperature waa J0.S ri. ii :.M it nil.1 t it i, mran X. II In Ihr for at RajrJ and UN lowrat rgcorwa mil iitmii, ami a dcfn lency Itivrr peace Japan In IS05 He nflrr-war- d 20 degree wllh although temperature wrrr urr hrlow srro wu made a count und ap- 111. ...itllAUl III I III. al Oiilff. Kto Arrllia rounlv, , K:t '.I norlhrrn pointed prealdcnt of I he nrw mlnl-try- IMll.MM.LWilg 480 on Mm wrrr and IK m r .In n i' lh lw tr mif raiurra but and In hi no alao al Kllaalirlhlown, rrtlieil in Ia4 Ihi' meridian Thi' '' Important p...-.- ufler thai time Mta occurred in tin- L.w.r l' . .... lluynrf. Itd Itivrr and I'hnina. Thr im'l i hi arrnt at deftcasMy In gmalral loin) monthly range of Ask the leading Hat merchants and milliners in the city about onr workmanship. waa 74 degrrra. ni n. on way lo relieve hanltual and Ihr leaat S'.t drgriii at la lo take regularly a mild rec- REMEMBER PLAGE YOU MATS. range In' . Ilnvil in. h (nrar l.a CrajegM laxative. Donn'a ltimilci are THE WHEN THINK OF whrrr deep niw hold I purpoa and al Tuluroag, whllr the l ommended for hla 3tc a box at all drug otorea. ..mparatli civ warm wculh- - local dally range of trmiriatiire , , 04 lied on Ihf 231. i i I ir.nii .... i.ii .. i"i... dearer al Itivrr t hih uml --".Ih t li hllr Humidity The mean relative huinnllly at Slut In .lit anil JHIh. Thi' Sunta Kf at 0 p. m. waa 8 par ent; loth IW thr nnMM day ni 0 p 'ii.. 02 per rani, and for the The niinih. .i ml in uml oih iiininh. per cent. At RogWaM the Markets mran at 0 a. in. waa 50 prr rnt at MM of r''liHlll Inn occurred p. m. 33 lrr rent, an I for tha nrially over the ntate, ganl monlh 4 .rr rrnt. At ilii l I llll'UCO II.. ..I alltlc a dvfklMJKl i .dirge thr II a. m. n idrnga aid Trailr h'il I hi. nil.. March 13 Wheal hard ! ned In price today, helped hy. thr T" pri.Hpeci of u liberal derreaae III the iiiilomnhile ebarea adding lo yeater-da- in I'i. .i.,iitli.ii ttiunh. l'toitludr: "fugue In . Buxtehud vlalldr ypply total on Monday. After I. wllh hravlnraa In other t 'orner Silver avenue and R. 8tnlcy irglvnuK and -- fifth pe, were e, pining nff to up. price Mine pei ulativ laiidera The atreei, Hugh A. Coxtpar. imator. ral-dvne- cholrma4r. nlcadlfd vllghtly ubov laat night'' in. lined in droop ul the MShtSj but Churches 114 Houth Walter street: 1 covering level ul aro'iml made full ii'inery later on t'haunrey A. Foreman, -- Por earache, by uaanlai toolhttch. pain, I he i liter wan weak at n ramie Hie afiort Inter. lor. reaidence, 104 Kurt Central ave- burna. sraida, aor throat, try 'W. varying from ' decline to r ad- II.. nd .haded wllh free offering nrwt nue. Thorn..' Kclectlio OU, a splendid vance, compared wllh IiimI night. of Italtlmore ft nveitlhle 4a 4'hrMlan tliurch. thl Hrrvlca In ulbrary huilillng: Itlhle Hunday aclioul, :4I a. m.; morning ramady for .m.rgencte I'.irn trader look their C le from uml )4t. I'. mi yonvertlbl Ml The corahlp. U evanfng wnrahlp, hool, a. SS. ; preaching, 11 a. lock; the tlrmnea of other grain. The cloaiiiK wn Irregular. S:iS in.: V. P. H. V. K.. p. preaching 7:45 o'clock. The pastor, who ha ii . CIO in.: LINCOLN'S opening which ringed from ahndr i I BODYGUARD i'lor Am. .'upper. 54Si: lo p. m. been eaat, will be home for rrtl dri line in Vr advance, waa followed American Huuar Itrflnlng. 11) At' Hunday. DIES IN WASHINGTON Advantages k) i gritrral gain. - moderate SSty: i "bin. i 'upper. S5 . Mual- for marntng tHnalng were at Immai iilnie t i price, uneltlrd 1'aclflr, Heading, I Mrs. Northern S; Sndallty iiikm, 7. High inaa ami ..Millie iuatt4, lr led Washington. March 11. Col CPtc ort advance. rtoutbern Pm-tfl- H3S; I'nlon owing 143: aermon, 10. arrmnn and Bradford; Mlaa Krnworthy, organist; (nil were In active demand PaeltV, 120. I'nUed Htatra Bleel, Vrper. K, H. Crook, disbursing officer of the big uf export benediction. 7;I0. Ma every day. Mr. L. liradford. director. lo ratlmatce 10444 I lilted Ktutea aVtiMd Kiidravur Hunduv. Whit Houa, who was Hrn! m Offered... aalita. 44: .rfd. l.entrn atrvl.e Widneaday and Junior ml Higher price for hog ateadled 10S- Friday rvenlrig. 1:30 p m.; '. at. aoelaty meet St4 Uacoln's bodyguard, nnd who haa p m leader. Mr. Allan Keller. , been Intimately acquainted with pro'ttona. KajaM ( i l.uiix-H- I iiilieriin ttanrcli. every president alike ISO, dlad t'la-a- t iik price New ii.rk. Man h 13 I Wheal May. July, Corner uf Kdlih and t'cntral 1 MtlHKll-- 4 I t Inii' his home He had bean atek tl&5; Inn Aillt ; middling upliind, IS. SO; iri hr. May. 74 in the l.lbrurv i i.. ... Howth with pneumonia rnor ihun u week. urn tic July. 7t4jC no iiM'itur hiiildin. all nrr asanus and alea timid, paalor. Hvck- - I llllll'Hl illlll'll lli'l "ill ll'lur'MHil' IIHilllMlh. lata- May, tor. July, 54c. street; Charla Oscar fork - May. 117. Hi. July. 111.22 Sunday achool, 10 u. m.: Oarman .11.11, plur Kdith tlorby. nil Iui'o.1' ifNimit i'N mitl ruuvenkmtljr loraltfl I.aril May, 1111.47. July. tl0.2. rrry he. 11 a. m. Evt Itlha May. 110.17; Jul, IIH.5U. SAVES DAUGHTER Th t It txitiki iitz rooma unttti in inukiii", rhin bank u t aflSMM M. Mt fttiinti Stoiih. orn- - in Woman's Life t lih ago l.hctiMk. 'orner t'entrul Avenue and Artio - the ilrHinitili' (lioMiliiiv lor tht' finidtt in tin- I'hlrago. March IS. Hoga lla-cel- fat. T. L. laillance, paator. k.iiiii); market alow. ... uhovo Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre 4iinday achioil, (:45 g. m.: preuc.i- - (MHatlona, Urnn and lutiivMuala. 1 1 yaatrrday'a average, bulla, IC.754F I by Ihr paator at u. m.; Kpworth in .0; heavy, 44.lpf pig. 1540 C10 p. m., aubjei'i. "Dike (.mi. .'; vents Daughter's Untimely End. iur. will lliilldrra:" preaching by Ihr paalor at in Vimsi' bsHtaBH is Invited mitl iiu i thr morning rvice. t'hoiu .iiilc Rrclpla 2nu head: market 10 p. m., subject, "Htrugglr lor Kx- - choir and urrheatra at nlsht, wllb a ateudy. native atrrra. 45.7041 75. iKlelii M IMIIUll lltlflllillll llf fJtU lK. thirty-minut- e aong aarvlc. wenlern. 7.11: t(.25 1 p. Ml- - 000 calv, Ready, Ky. " I was not nhte to da Tuday. m Woman' Hunday achool at C4S a, in.: nyttiui tor nearly six montlis," wrllri alonury aoclely. Uterary meeting league devotional aarvlca at saaaaa Hhrrp Receipt 4.000 head; mar- Mro. W.dneaday; prayer meeting and Hi rlMichcr, ol thu pliee, "a 4 10 p. m. Ail huasan to ket ateady: atieep. lamba, for p. m. aprkNc ksk uafc 7.S.10; ws flown in bed three month. bl aludy, 7:10 ngvtherhoad as th wood l of wonder. 1.(1110.10, I cannot tell you how I (tillered with Th aalMwe. th foetHud. th auburn - Plr iikTrgnilitnal ..arch. of are . my head, and with nervousn- and Mt. Paul a t:angrllial I.iiiImwwii. faith during ih irWd upeviarwy han-- a i M I Jtcaliw-'k- ii avenue and Hroadway. womanly irouoies. lain trd I' Si lo i. I. r. I" I' paalor. eeond only to th motrnr kn trMaw Ku.-ia- a t'lty. March IS. Hog r. mlulater, realdenve. upon th balplcaa but roust marvel- United States Depository Our family doctor told my husband he Puraonag. Iu( Houth Hlxth atrt, noti llis elpli i, nil hrad. niarkrt ataady ; ous errata bat. could net Co me any good, and he Phonr quick tfwtp bulk of ii '.i5, heavy. hid l(t. Hunday achool, :45 a. m., Dlvina Women ar. to Uarn eath ak lo Rive it up. We tried anoiher doctor, Qwr an Ireg tomorrow arc a other the halptat ag' Octrti thai aU to Depository A. T.& S.F.Ry. pig.. wnrahlp. a. m., sermon theme, - i.5o4.'..'. Out lie din noi ncip ate. uaual. II m. and 7:1 p. m. Hun- II that conserve inei.- rervoii Kccrlpt 00 hrad. market "The Morning t'ometh; ' Y. P. P. C ST., yst perfectly aof futile my day hool. a 45 a. an. and ate lo Ut. alradyy prlmr fed ateer, II 15 4T .(f" At lad. mother advised me to tike S;I0 p. n leader, Pred Melxgar. and amoag th they r assl' Cardui, the woman's tonic. I thought The Kndravor topic at (:S0 p. in. " Weatrin ateera. K .10 4 1.20; calve be of My In goapel serMc, 7: SO p. in, aul.jr.l. "M4afs Prtnd. it was no use for I was nearly dead .ir.d will "Teat t'hrlatlanlty." It la atlrly an atemal apsUoallno 50 14X10. ham. of Mia Anna Anion "Th Iost Hoy." I.Hhrrp - He. Ipl none; nothing seemed lo do me any good. But dbMlgit'td ' lubricate tha bread, flat market I I Wcdncaday evening Htate and evangelistic look eleven bottle , and now am able The laiiitra confrnc busohmi and skin that prated th ateady; Ihniba. IH.J54 yearling., aa-- t.0; lo do all ol my wotk and my owe aarvice at 7:10 .'clock will hava th services aegln March tsth. ghdonnn. It has bean la favorasl i 10. 15 ft .. washing. Lord Prayer a the subject. Pgllowlug is tha musical program: far nrly hell a century and t hnown Morning service to mother In almost wry asttled I IttA Cardui is the best medicine In la Ungual gtado was) kwsM New Vork Moiif, t'lu-Nlla- Hoclcty. Organ ptwtUd: H.rcen.e Kinder th T,trk. the world. My weight has incrccd, ircAKauienJ l. ou will Sod H on a) Nw March II. Mercantile 'brlatlaii Hclenc rvlca are held Anthem: "Ails, ShsW" Msgs' In drag "Mother's rrtandP M paper 3 B aim i took tne ptctuie ol health. " star!. prr cnl. In thr Woman's club Hiding, ul th Ulterior) : "Vuilon", ltheinbraar utterly harmktea, eootab no tjaaewning Bank 41 II you (uifer Irom any ol the ailment National liar altter. He. . ava-m- . drug yet Ue InttuatM In SSna State in of Si nib lr ei and tlold f4olo; "t Olvln I4 snd th SS . pvcMiar to women, get a nottie oi uaruui Mexican dollar, 44 nue, every mjnday ruing 11 Mrs. C ad muscUa bnath aa alao uae,i thi fotfiiy. Delay is dangerous. We know at Katherlna wtwark of nrrva Dm sola la Uoverdtnent honda trOd o'clock. Poelludr. "March batb ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Italltoad bond eaa. II will help you. tor it has helped so very beneflUI. vary soot ring and a ninny lln usanda ol other weak Wednesday evening ervhe are at la, Tooiheilv oaSarful help. Ta ta-,!- tutsaad wtiutta - in i ue past au years. k o'clock. Th public la ourdlally ih aa last aeJ,rWt4 I aswc- New U I v. hanuc ttrk Mm i ."awS. slraja .ml puta. 1! Trading At all druggists. tiled to attend the aervicee. i.HU New Turk, March Hunday chouj 44 Moru".... mtmm a.. II I heilllhi.ut the at o'clock. day at any drug ...... llitaii. Heading In N. T. Armljo Woodward fay day aeaalon. thr under, room th onr uwtructiv brief market a,,, v building, room No. IS, open each offertory: Plern ion,, rcf- an uncertain irmlen. v ' t0!SlurLrJmu-!l- tn "t'antllen" yBTaSi l- iiim agaai na taaav day to p, m. Hymn solo .... Betecten i, ,,ii,. i ,..... inter the naaaia. week from t I ,.ik L. MING HERALD, AlBUQUEBqUE, H. M.r SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1913 '

f the lemers Idi imps. The Evemng Herald. Reneharis Speech On Capitol Iener. March It. i Mile thorlty wll no thnl thi Mpta, ..ii. market forgot the the two wi eera. M S"?Mo enws unil hel mm nwnro ukraia. tmx Custodian Bill; More Record which ha ft.noM.0; smokers and ( of ." 7. nil; ralvea, f 00 1 l.ool OtOMIS . VAIXJANT, tUMTf l p. HeWUTQ lings pts. log; markei Kdltor fael Jnstinrd in In. enisling hl mlnil sums Idea repro-- t ! Capital Runun which hue bean er; few old al It. 70. -- ! g presented here In the vrio inrWge. PvaMaavn. irwpo Herald, I story i'.f : Pec j, taw a( 1101. "Paid Hheete let Ipts, xvti; stmng. Pandas, at 114 Monk i.i I Or llotei fspltol Custodian t'ommlt espi koread Varna re, rawtndy and control f the Capital pram- - Street, N, V. The speech of Mr Uetiekan ill the house ilrmiiids end AitHfierire. ' ccser. il.-- When bsby guffers with .1TS. mil Tli lie nought to Jostt-li- e 1 ded In . of the M i n mi aalsrod M geeon Mas mUlV o. nlmllahlnt. ' apltol eustiHlian some Ib blng skin Irniffile, use D S. elon was. It I fVwl M tfe aa",ffsca at ami when this nitinent A little of It goes a Alkwu; IHte, la M. M. wHtar IBs Act of March , hi tight it bM wsy and II Is oafk for children. Ion which he oct'itplea. a bog at all store. 17. In lit and its taken 'III otan nmmlttee us ..pi.o.etl to lb. lull I IM neat I or Mc mu li Hilt III.M VTIOJ On Meertk k7 crrer e sole and supreme authority In control uf On week IV onreler Mr fssonaer: Ueuartment of Hie Interior. Il It 'imni' o from the t'wpllol t'omnilltse or fusto-il- fcp arrtw I .a "Hi at Mania Pi On at York I was itmsned yerierdav when there waa rerelved bi the llnusr and read "Pruvided, fur bur," says the law of nl tat W . TWtt Mar. I. edvawe .Is.m vaka wpmui Nn. t. concerning llouaa No. 14. nppointing und naming I'ualodlsn t'ommlttee. In addition to their Memo Itll. shall ha and custody uf ihe building known us the Notice la kareby pun ihat Jii ylnitslun mils sin minding uml bek nulnu to the N Osgner, of .lliiiiiieritie, N.j snd hereafter, said Oovrrnor'e Mnnslnn mil gruunds shall ! coiisl.l. red wku nn Murrh ilh IB"" made Hi .m of Ihe Cttpllol Building and tlmunds." stead entry Nn. nissiT 11191 Editorial Wan. nir and slaiiitleani e ..r the hill lim it In any event, aa I r. Hiieakei', I desire to read from a as Stlag at the proposed Isw lo show Xlk, Hectlon .11. Townsblii Hi h ! rejected ly the objections of I ha Oovernor, I numou you h iw It would be If that law passed and I waul to strip myself of sny llange 1 K.. N M. I' Via nil '". underatand In whut way he armed ai Ihe paaaiiisllisg slble Hint I had a personal object. I wani in situ, ihe minds of filed notice of intention to make tffitrx I iTIo.V in or equation entera Into the Intr'ductian of thla bill and those who are willing to see the right and to do ihr right, to be jui to their year pruof. to establish t lull!) tnl ilnuae. fellow ir.n in ihetr private as well aa their political affairs and duties, of all land ahoie described, befoie n mployer. lite to a xlni or order. prejudice, prcdlBpnettlnn or misunderstanding. I want to convince them at It. t'ratg. 1. H t'nmmtssl'iner, aa Ihe rectitude of my puriaiae when I bu'iuernue. New Mexico nn Ihe IIS he irame: What la Hie point? sought to dedicate this Mansion In the A' us.. ..I the forever, and to give them complete fredom within their day nf April. IslS. residential walla I ? ker. Not well taken: the gentleman m on a question of per- - llnve succeeded is the inferential attack made uposj bum nit names as witnesses sonnt pri Ihe uml Ives of the Introducer of thla bill as that attack Is set forth In the ve- Hose Q. Ilaulr, of Alhuiiicr'iie. to message, justified" I csn se no rwnndently. and I thnl men who are Mexico Annie N'.islur ol Allunl ailed 'n teartt her the raerej I thl f the genieimen will permit to H. i ihrnugh, the, will flnfl trusi nie free from political passion will gee I BPg. N'SW - and bias the fuels as see Ihetn, and as Ihe l SPlCe Louis Hiss. Id. nt of a nurtures career The lhal i an aolng lo nttitek Ihi- Ho M inor Ihji I .i not proMee to mi "ii facts themselves "Provided, - shine forth further iThle Is the bill proposed, Albuipienuie. Sew Mexico; eodty. loi in city word arl 111 nut Joatl- proper ea of pcr-r- ; Ml ated their and at y of reading, be for me lo ihiu iiueaiiun Is I p tools wrltlnj and i..n lhal said to inject the personal element Hint In care, control, i uslmly and John of ,UbuiUeiUc. cull- - aoiml pri and fuither I eapeet lo how to ihe- - aviiirlim-- ttu; at tn al. rant a potential center of the.i HT have beep placed in her management of the Executive Manshift hi r. by given to itgglsaiak. In- Mexico. etlr mpt to paaa thla b ovar tin veto ol the said Be Governor line w upon - iral life, aa il la dentlned to be of the terference ith or Intrusion the Hov. rnor s occupancy, control and gm- a i with end will be i,ade With preamble. I will l'llANflr( HKMlAlMi. that truet thr permit me ernment of the ssid Mansion, aa his place ni nftli ial i.ude tnte'e. hae at'lant been appreciated. ar, of M,,p and reside It eg 1st 1 lny shall be done or permitted by the said Custodian and the said MbiisIi.ii Is should sum fai t onr ! la It not true that u did not try to U you knew ior the mike lualltp of i rentmfon. paa becauae hereby ael apart and dedicated as the pla s of official ibiale and . ol 100 IIIAt Villi. KMI aara of lir. IM thins at the Qnvernore of this Ptats, and subject tn ihelr sob authority." I wl ih to say to the arnrlemnn Ihut thai la not ci yea we t i.'. of the i lark an then be In the minds of Intelligent meg an) dispute uf Ihe mestilng their a bar one inii in .i event, but I aay a lutt furthar to the an offer of thuse w.irds. and when thwt language la pureed In mm paWang with the The reaili rs uf ibis paper will i stag a I lunguage of the law ua II exists Ihe present I Ik) leased lo learn Ihat there Is at dta-- st time. ask is Oovernor a to be brl Just tn me. snd the unsvver must he no one dreaded disease that si len e IIUtiK i g , nierefirre. there remains but one uiiesiinn win. h i.itild him aciunie.1 been utile tu cure In all Its stages, e hli I the Kxss-Utll- In Ihe vein meaauge. when b. I.r.aislvl In the Innamiv. ..f w hi. h Ihat Is Catarrh. Hall s t'starrh I rnor brought I ruis Intu the conslderallnn of .oinplaln. is It a cloak lo the real iintbrlv Ing fkgrt Ihat ibis bill, if it paaerd. Is the only positive cure now kn the peraonal element. a great With deal of would deprive his apnlnteea of Ihe patronage of the upnliiiment of six or sev- lo the niedlcel fraternity. Ml)' erlng bill In fat the pi.ipcr light, descending to en it eight employee? If en. the mind ..f the ttoieimT bun been warped being a constitutional disease, iCOLOC live Aaaembly that lie ma be permitted in from Ihe real fncl. which la t and that Interposed, ihi personal element. uutres s constitutional renin he haa III menage intlnnited that that he Mr Hpeakrr. one word more and I include; at Iks meeting ..r the cstecug Hall's catarrh is takn Intel u tn 1 without hole lute hich crawl, ir this this morning. ingested that this measun do not cents before ihe II use ly. acting dlrertty upon the M I bill goea thro consideration except aa lo Ihe limited extent lo which I gpopagkl In speak, mucous stirfsees )if system, Il Now. If personal element the s Ihe Governor conceives there to sml Ihsl In mi mind since the l,,iern..r had seen i make by destroying Iks foundation of sage bill, fair to Judge Mann to aay In thla con. of tins it operates upmi duestlon out of this measure no attempt tu the hill .,isr his vein should disease, and giving the pa I 1 lor that reason desire to spea k I" made no I w Wectteu It w to bis untiring anil attempt has been made t.. do so demanded In. ev er, and strength b) building up ihe ..!, that -- perferllonr mid iic(ccle, Ihij I :.! I.ATIUK has its fur was accorded the rtghl to speak upon the of personal privliegi I i.ilnj pere latent demands for full iiuestmn lo i'ii im assist ing mi and lis sins, if sins II have explain tne situation m tins mil as lt is in fai l ami in Ihe light of the law rlli: meaauge work. Thi pmprlriors have n proper anppnrt for the university --- O- idmits in his that usuully I WN"eeiei'Ne.e . svs'Nsvxsxevrfsis,sivssssvsewswsseses faith In its i lirallve Ihut it id the cam that the mi..! u( th Kxec Is, In flowers that the recognition glvwa by the utile Mansion and grounds Ihe Hundred for tiW. THKN. boys, all together. hatnU of one purtf ulur individual, but he aeeka t' tnodif) the condition 1 Albuquerque Foundary aad offer 'die Hdlars hMLtslnture la I case Ihat II falls In Mend largely due. saMok arises from lhal rev .Ian. m ill.) k) Jiayiiig that the run tint 1 BUOK NOTES Machine Works. list nf testimonials. The legislature tan not given the THANK QOD! rnor generally lias the appnlnlim nl of that fustml Cfl mm nice, just lis hs J seek to retain u In thi nl Inrtain,-- , Idi remove, r'ouaslcri Machinists X.hlress; P. J. t'HKXKY at unlveralt) aa much money as It needs in the thai he can at rnsinena his whim, i ....n.. nili. timsv ho happen to the in. uinlirnte uf the Castings In Irnn, Hrnas .llronae, Tub 'In, O. but It baa mnde a etart. It mnJi .r ll.l.lfl has t'ustoill.ui I'oiiimlttee. But that Is not always the To ge u particular Aluminum, structural Hleel for Sold by nil drugglstn lie. I This week I It puaaibte to proeeed with the con- Install applicable In the N.ltlatlll a itb which w are confronted, for six al the Ilbrury found llridges and Ruildings. Take llsll's rumlli Tills for I u. Tarktiigton's lew ti'ivi the V struction of an $ fire. proof months alter the Ooven.or was .iiguraieil aa th Ohll KxeCllUle of thi- !"ih of Works ami t Irth-- lbuqucriU . M. sttpution. The Hololst had a tuie. I waa a member ami President of the I'apl ll. I'.istodlan tmiilern Juggernaut. "The Tin nn. il t'cininlttrr. Mr a of this stuff but and, If ua the Governor Intimates ruch Indeoency, such Isi ni Ki'iilleniMnl) Tarklngtun has felt, keenly, we ,.! slmuld imagine, Ihe tragedy iva told the story ii ration and undue, could la implied t" nn i ocupytng ihe position of of Amer big bualness--th- e i adequately. ) t'apilol t'usti'ilian '.nil hilt tee, heciuae thiy bap n to be lleptib'n ana, as to ican growth nf a I tast machinery that Insult him l.,ih .ml a ,n ..fiber, aain lo . that during the six at last enslaves uionthr ni preriilen" a. tin very personalities which have effe. i in. of Ihe Ho." the dm err or can Aol any the least .d the ( BREVITY AND brought it forth, Ibegs ruth- MUCH dlscnurtery waa situ an hin. We ere entitled lo tin i usrumpiion that we will and uses lessly us mere MODESTY act like gentlemen until thi- contrary appears. At n ml subsequent tn the nine ends to further lis IN LETTERS w growth Mar Is the reason to seek. Dr. hen the Om ernor ntered the Exe utlve Mansion the t'kk-- ut n He has felt this tragedy and far u caught a . OF GERMAN TO Ihti state. Ihe I'apiml t'ustodian I'liminlttee liftnuihi d ser- - hss vision of love as a for. ft' yd has made god. He has pro-duis- WIFE him tils household r , may prevent ggep bl"i .tliein tor him a iiiaiu-- ni, j, s .itv .ku,t did not de- that its utter ami inauits, and alter all. id this volve upon us ,. ' ail m ma Una, Thu ranry Is I Assoi liited Progs Corregfinnilein i '. Kvcn .r... Ulohs were pr..' lib r..i film ami ilu .dnnslon ii" a workaday worM. It la made ready iweuiieib-- i i niury HsterprtUUton of results that Iterlln. Fen. 21. All prises lor his reception a ken In .,rriv... anj no duty a, incumbent for upon so. purriia.-ci- l the ugly duckling fable--- piol'ii" nl count, whether "they ha of wonderful brevity, a us to do We and suppln mi furn.t china ami few m"ri besides for a Idg industrial . in. nf ihe biggest alrcaetlea built or of wonderful In-- i modi sty. go in a Itaden who power ei'Utive. both as a mull ami us Governor of the Htatr so the aub-al- i ff w ifh man in the illy, and uf the renses In for some lime has been with the that the student lody of a atate Hrhkfk the message s crowded : not pefflbenl Hut I Unit tlltvcs fa. tidies and litis forces In Plunders Mm wife has Just am gidng t.. aasume uttnlned. The man thnl Oovernor In- And lllbbs. the voltngesl. sll kly son irititution thai madr.publl. the following luconn- bi- the hellevue thut he would lie subjected to the affronts he III la- - of ihe big man is brought us con- cu make others are his timate, that hi Mould a men leiiatil a a ill of i kt f i Indian, usi In ters from ' . him. ' ' a , ir, bv Is u of tin i u- -i ...l;.i n omn, i f trast In all energy, ami effli m gjgag Into Us big type us the author lenaut Don't Hesitate to Consult Us The first reads: .. i . Sheridan, tin- nig hoist-- i " Wlb k im t.ut mill aii nils I pi ii of the true man. is a m i intir' - of beat lb and the man thitt lieai Wife I nn si III ami Inlt-n- l of ih bill, charged ilmi it is a peruinaJ rather than gOWsf ful In Is limit brhaa an. him ami an Ii Ii ds ol ihls hank Instl-tutlo- gems, blustering has ilu sire nf th liageuu K if more students fur a Mate kave received your bundle. If thi attempt to ilogrnde and humil Hi him lefore the peopk 11 in y iUesl loll and .lernally iriitig boy a I to drive somebody He fancies lllbbs I raises the plane of the student had, npnuk him. tir.iiin:. of personal privilege, deny ihui ever there entered mi nn m l nil Ac lib l ever slnn its estuolis hiiu nt in, ii rags all depositors to Is use kecauag BHbg - j Adnlph r do- - ntrtesy to i be no earthly pri body and maintains or improver the tn ggggsfj j iniiMilt us gpog their kg bp ami Hu m lal affaire when-u- l Mhntil) aftai came a second: iv e Ik en such an fits lathi i thun to rurrk in in lha varioua w hMls that work, and Hherldun prumlly boasts Iv Bertha. I am alive, III pi ses, slap nut of CViT Ikef 1st Ihat th leu niir offii ers could be of 'Dear still In. w I comprise the Institution, geut appre. iiiikimi etayd r to do an unkind a w'Srds a man vv taken nlher Iwn sons h" huve liunle whlrh surprises Me eery much. If s- Ii i vv upc ussihiiim a. The bsptt uf sin i.,np nrc always i and h oae mliy l Hpl-- ' t I think my in thi- - liealli su.lilenl) lakes, oil tin boy still Is naught) siutnk hmi behinmr Mu lluuae m one pirtiuulur Inatanre sons and domestic iroiiblesj ' ' iroPtksPkJi Royd again Hreeiings Adolpb," is sulflclent to Justify rne In the nassitlui In hi In thf slrh lesl nibb ami us uttchi.nii o Dr. gets elation for , i us) ibe if j apir ihat i do not in in; ingislaiive duties pet mil im i rogchmem of Ihe political duwnrnll thi other one The cosjtrnukl itlkg " II Ih). ult)-- i ure niepp to t.'n us his work aad aai the funds tor the third a. element upon tin- personal elcm-- nt here. nd then Is lo innaxemt in uml sound adil'C small deiHuiior lo form of a'li of tdolph's n I the Mr Speaker: what It the ' Thi Uovarnor says he tke render thai the sickly Blbbn. iinlierslty wherewith still urenu r re trreip. showing him di situation ih.n would the large. ratml en" be s mere tenant, subset t the control of fttt 1' ipltot .. me win kpowa nothing ol business. suits may be attained the iron Croaa. No mention, how- fustodlun read I the law as il is m.w and compare u with tin law as it a. mid kt il he hail skuvsd mi., raepiinslhle positions. y ever, Xince ipf was mailt ol Ira 'i dal and ihe II ' Ii "liiakeg good" uml prtv he took charge the ' ukod as no ought to have done, rslln i (ban In inj. i i ibm iiersonal with ulacrii) picture merely taire ub the rei rai Hie K r I Ig t. of New Mean ih iiumbri i clerpsnt into it. which he has done upon soim- tbeofy f sinister purps filler! lb. sT W.TJsf J, JV V . VLi'.NIl side Ibis brief note erne iheory wi IPai the Klines Oi lb oh is din A I vti aa sjsJI.V.l1!1fiTslTTfTI'ir.e.t i . i .en . aj . . m a I sat n i en a sr of had d l fur mini kiarl fr..m Ihut nf an unbl.tred .nl.ipr l.illoli ..f the I i 4 sludeids moii than I I gjgjpb "Dear Bortha was wound) d but bil. But If hi uti.rtalned that belief ai (he lime he wrote this veli messugc. more in its points ikas to Its Thla In alxoit twi, .iiiric HtK'e he am Will again ami loin .v. .. stmng ones Mr. Turkingloii wots.-- , l. " lepreitel .liunge ..( mind mid u change of heart Whj llecauer I It again Iki K t vigorously Hi pub-It- . Mat charge of the Institution the If the is iwt'ighti j consrulted alaiui ipis bill ilu, nim I talked mh him Inforninly at the and boldl) d Iks i flnt Qreet.iigs " I l r Attinuar of preparatory atudenta has his ears. Aili !ph main entrance of this uibllng utm asked him I' he oiil,l Iik.. ih.. .i. likes. ll stresses our fui.ltn fear we n A j Perplexed, the wife hus-imii- d to contain a provision thut Hie pav Ins s, r lessli and rhjapr klm few daceaaaed from about forty tn i nly wrote her State should tvis.1i 'd nuts, ami deniandlng lo kp bow In re- - ne said no, that would not be propel and Ng b. doni Again, readers wll! rmlle at his attempt lo It nnd this in the face f the main- alter il. ih)- pm ip as p '1 the Ir'jri and received in had wan knowledge ol the rMJ ni kg i pun be ggfted me null' lemp' ruini III Clean-U- Up ''..s. I . Means i si, It , in- Paint i l i, ivn in litis.. :,.ti Inn ,i tenance of the preparatoi i ibi.oi the fidlosMtaj cjnumlnstlng reply mo to his office anil sa'-- u.. 1.. neh a me .ii by the in- - i, ' , ib bill-.- i m Hkerktgp is qol more tulgm nwnt for thuac atudenta who are ind tvag very " 'n i' oi thiil Il looks 'Ike a per lack PJ in I Haul. SHERMAN tv PAINT ALABASTTNE "U simple liie.ut the Iron ' li Impoaslbls than many pnilo- - WILLIAMS . Im cj nor bine von reed ihe lull He said, I Hi nf bia ,ieiare profierlt lor oil, it, en ' l.i-.i- The .1.1, l' titii. "id Hpit ihui red im at t iv pi s Mr Tiirklngl"ii repPpducis! r. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO.. 423 S. Phone lhre-yea- i - n that section of the mil 1st St.. 402 Ira ace In the two r high stand still, an. thi ml major ' and pri it i ,,r him to ihe llf bui apparently ho had II on. l lei in re pari ... limed tilei lius Adnlph III. Illudel fol 111' I... so Mini III atliaata uf the state. The ptt ra w lib h prov Idi thai tin and -- it Phillip Kldnev s iutw dapsrtanent baa bain ralegntod tkirnnr shall lie the sole authority In Ike in Mansion, and liu said, take advli Why, I I l.o.-- m IklkS heart and write." in It sen surprised bml Ho idea that le bill W In ii I ail lo by Wat fo the position ought to IMPROPER USE OF n I .,, I pile u( all Ihls. Hie k is i him thai nain. ul pro Islon I,. vhl' h lia It eri' d. b mpllmente I 'Sli l'l"l rum i.i 'is l.umi occupy IbaJ if a essaxy evil, to , , a nei IRON CROSS in il t,i ngiilled 111, i ti-- tn such healthful spirit of i.rllb I.I Ml MEDAL ..,..i saol l.i ill Ii is nie'-- ly u n1 at w il W. H. HAHN CO. DALLItr ie endured only until all ih suttv ssssssssssssswss-ssss- of life mil with su I reveranie l"l OAI.LHP ILi' GETS PUNISHMENT pnptt-Inrlt- y fonr-yen- persenallly that il deserves iu ANTHPAflTK, ALL high schools hae i .nurses, e OsPP Pur In Keel of AH H.l le lUm ft INIiLINi J AND MILL WOtlf n htcii will it unneceaaary i render Aseoi'lnted I I'Sliulllli II' On nf the younwsei Ike jpodarp Kinase. IIRICK AND I'LASTKBINri LIMI It has been lomrnuu talk among Berlin, feb U tub Imm 'I M THIS" nn is it lit. t Ulppmann, has PHONE tl. g A NT A Kt IHtlfK students and faculty at ibe anl In day Iheri- an ported Ho awards an Interesting book, written Pi i bravery enii riaininglv ally and there is no aurci aauge of ihe coveted Iroi 'mas for ok a subject Which n the field, w rd ernes occasmmi sgaxsaTiiiTk m . should loii. h iis all Htm uml Mas a (.raaident's itbllliy r than the opinion ully of Im Id' in u an opposite tiler- - Mll .V, Li. lery." an attempt In dlagnoee Ike of him held by the siudem- - ' attar. II Jf i urrein unrest. The k at nm J'a tsamprekensive, given Ike money fur a new building In tkkv ciitesoi fulls ihe sags of a i.siswii.i.ey-.r- shrewd. via. (be goart lung and Interest nig with al- or two and a Mtlh I. r ,miiro i inenl.. privnta in i" "f reftanenta ssol as vcS-- ways Ihe saving humor In the u lo the eastern battle trout. Just J thi balvrrMly would bi atudenta i" - Ills I'nlllllalil was alio II In ml" SNTED oogjegg "f the booh lbs auikjot dis- BLANKETS AND Ita toater almost aa last as ilii regb 5 i USses prntlliallv .ill Ihe null i ,lii- - ffl HERALD MA 13. political, liar foubl . Ill nil II.. in a 1915 CP purtaiii probtems of our so St BPgenlr Hi, ' 1 rial ami life and In It") il has made ublversity Ml Ii the Ih a laic of ha i ing hud loM whu hate brniight snout thai ng t'UrtaUg unrest everywhere potkre-util- e Hii wlen he hail btlle nnih Ol Hum ulnlil htm of toiling been so COMFORTERS He Hint ill, with which to work Ki i i In i.r i undid uml having baesj paved Imm shows in .ii meih time the university haa baei pr Ing I') Ills watib, whnh he sal'l "Is in business Ihut wc wnillil mil d been sbsttered by Ihe bulb I In tulersle in politics, he expliiink with with something like Hdi'iuaii' funUx i v wl s glgao.i) In shuwed a hole in his EnlHfes barer lo till. $5.00 Illustrated BltU-- til what the "vy tg for existing needs uml the president II ksovement'1 is ail about anal ht- even Ifut in sreisatsd al lbs sill., ef thi. flsv.Hsprr, lsstksr tk Iks .1.1. I Ibsi i rsssr. Iks n.i...... f.Xn Nit. l tl.,. ,,. .1 dolriVstios lurludiss submits W nnd row Wilson to up niial-ysl- s lul' Was hi..., .1 , il.i , Supply of Bedding il.tL ,...t ,!,,,..,,. I, fjctsr. . rt. seems get your wants now lib such Hi. that to tituler Ilu ! l itt)gg mans skin. Hut he does luoru. he homt- ' bini drill MAGNIFICENT ''l"'' i'' n .11 .lit ggyj t, stakli with the ordei whu li la dm. ig while; the stock is at its best. Our n hmg alak ' '' Ing Imm this unrest hrnai ILLUSTRATED !" d' "' "ifiybsi l u ser-- , iiiue aboard Ihr lugger akil ilu is he presently laurel wllb I " assortment better than before. mm Idliloa m color Iiotii 1, w ild m 1, a i.iut ctillrciion, togctltrr girl is mine an old Knglisb gpying. ever Hilt's Stripes ilrii by this 01 Willi A mO ibi tlx bund '!' pi. int. arapl 11 allv tlluti.niiiu H M. Huti hlnsnn .i M "ul ibi insignia of Ihe Iron; aulh Ihitis's a HI "'' ' ;'l'"'s I'1 ''' vtrse 111 ilic light uf ntoilrrn of "Tin Hiippv Warrior.'' hs the nib and cut a wide swath In BIBI E "' new We showing i'e ,, over-''" - l.iniwliilui ml rei trxt ciMiiiiiuiv lor his book, tince Aboapd be arj m so. lei i ii i iuil he . ' j Lugger' It is nm I, ns I.KT i ' HII story, ihi liituiiiul rc let in , ami lulpn ; or intral op lyup. tliin Amount title would appear to indicate, inn a I'tic happened I. , ' Inevitable has Just per. flat ..iening at all page.; SsPotiful. read-- S delightful o lined y wrillsn wllb "' Blankets from . . Till, pen of Belgium ar ot his $100 to $20.00 a pair f oanpted ki Itnlnnaj one his Coasecutiee Free Cerlificalsa snd tks rare humor lhal It stands apart It allowed to dii- wbn. there vv lyac'iulred girl fib nils tim'stl the great mass of present day Betlnn N "I ftakd sn the earth. Il were bei Tine fS '"'!'' 255 Abo an Edition for Catholics lit Is it novel I., rend anil n nkil. ur Comforts from . . $,25 to $27.50 each iLit arkAieT- - n," H)i ot'tHiSl't through all Ihr liiughler and fffialnl-nes- s k i thut Ilk earth am dl liki Ihx BIBLE shines Ike rsoNt) of life. n nun kuiii .n i llSi ullil lint Will tl the young mull good. MlM-- r and I I1' Nm IPs.ks. tn'ius. as. irniii ' m name hi - ng spheres of iMssalSiS Fiv. Asirtunl "Art of Writing the Mlmrl Pmry evssk Ql IXI'taNSt Mac-o- o Ltilic.Js usd Ik. OlC and "Art nf MOT Wrlllng," by tkr tinlveree." as iptnii It. Ml. DUKE CITY CLEANERS of the Writers' Library. Prat . ki nsle lp receui ar Hilglan ami n'a an ii Instruction in flet Inn writing ALBERT FABER We Ciena haas, anea's relief. ctoOthML nuks. I glleam from simplest forms In muilsrn short 213 to 815 W. Gold . - egjk At. ConthgutauK' Mr. S evV.-- tag west teuid. S SSk ruin fK" Hull, nad I'd'oUomi' s Vo.nri " Furniture, Carpeti, Draperies and Stove. Pot the fsvol Ihat thf Valuable data on rallrudiig hy A. I Protr-u'ne- Is. Belgians are still a Our lUtto M. .lkolsl.i. j. I frit f f 1 iJi s Lt lifii BVEyiWQ w -- - HERALD, AT.pqiflQP. u Tiri.v n 1915 atttgf 9 fl "" - IIH.MI irrt Canvasses By Vierra, Parsons, Chapman, Beauregard and Many tShe. Others Make Club Mass of Color Htrror

Trie big event f the week from in w Mexico They are sm nii and educuiunal 'I'.lp.unis is "Pewrh in Bloom In astltt the art exhibit the fommercb.i "Da Vergaa St.." "Call. Raaarlo. club building. This exhibit It under "Rlto de Santa Fe." "Oolden IUfle the personal supervision of Mix. tto rat," "Lat la. ma." 0prlngtlde." ' llfeid and a comni.ttee ol la "The Fork In the Road." "Sunlight fv dles who have no object In view e end shndows" end throe wood aeenea. TIIK IIKHAID SOCIKTY KWTOK s IM a eept bettering f Oft. 1'HOSfc that of Albuquerque September,"" "October." "Novem- MiVevT Qum It la a wonderful thing ... have theat ber." m li. ismoua paiptinga urouani lo our very tat hl1.IMC 1rSll. A number Indian Heada and patiently not the beat. This number every time her appearance on the door, and tnoae who mlaa It will mlee laiitdaVapea by Sharp are typical. a real opportur.Hv pi Mr. Ben Adam msy her tribe not alao was encored. MM was greeted with applaua and The lures are The Indian Heada are eepoclally at- lo be eent from to the sap nl.-g,- , pout) Cam ngt a M$ vocal number, Mr. that waa every lime she started to- h're tractive and true to the particular - exposition Awoke una night from tin- drrama of (lamble singing the Rnrastro ward the piano. types, ajr. Sharp haa mad a spe- growing aria from The exhibit will lie open on Sunday study Hot, Tha M hi Flute, by M.uurt, in the Summing it all up. the Ua moles are cial of thia particular work, And um ah lay. frightened ml sorely original Herman, a good, aa ever and they can come afternoon from t until a o'clock and one small picture that la often over Know Two will not be open m Monday Bright Kyes. by Clutaant, back to Albuquerque every twenty as waa looked and which la one at the beat and Alfred previously annonn. . . A huge num Hhe spied, perched on it chair right by Bergen's "Tlia How Legged Boy." mlnutea, if they will, and b aure of of the collection is lrne by Akin, who her bed. a large and appreciative audience at ber of school children were In at haa done a great deal of Mudy-l- the The last reached the appreciative today, being A vision sweetly gowned and quit each successive return. tendance the forenoon Painted Deoert. facultlea of a crowd as had nothing turned over M hoped well bred. program lo them. It Four plaque by Mre. J. Reman else on Hi, to thai time, its thnt thla will con.i lo he nn annual You A slight-cla- d Mlaa Mrs Its). Smith are can get new book she rested M her homely humor and klndl, rirlt malt- rent' way eyes miniatures of plaque a knee, affair and In this the of made by Mrs. Smith and placad ing an inatantaneoua hit. for n ru Albuquerque waa given a rare treat Ihe men women of will at And at It she patiently. and the future Ihe San Diego exposition. They de- iu staring cora, Mr. Gamble rendered tha on Thursday evening when Mlaa Elis- be opened to Ihe beauty nf aur Spring Hat low In wonder, then, the awakened lady their pict the rellglou life of the ancient ai a price aong from las K oven's light abeth Oarrelt, "the aweet singer of i rounding Which they may appre " Mayas. The "PrteaU In Procession" aid. opera, "Kobln Hood Hia announce, tha Houthweat." gave a recital at the ciate aa show n through eye are the of on their way to enrrlflelal well. "Why ou here?" the vision ralaed mant that he would supply the lack Lead Avenue Methodist church The an artlat. The picturea are In the This year am most "The Maya Virgins" going to sac- I not going to wait her head, of a light opera gong on the program church was filled by un appreciative part scenes of the west and demon- - the ' rifice. "Oracle Before "Tu an the name, she answered, "1 With thlg aelecttfm 'In w a patter ol audlenre which Miaa Oarrett'a singing we the Priest" at until the season is over to offer my terete how blind are lo the beau tltlea three. The laM aent, appreciative applause In h was re- fairly swept off its reel. This song the of la a win strate how blind we are to ihe bean Maya ball game. hats at low prices. ol nil the women who nliandmi bridle doubled when ha had completed Ills recital waa claaaieul and a the result fully endowed tha west with richnesa In lnt." . rendition. local opinion la that thia singer and of coloring as well as picturesque Addf i !,. the arn a number am offering my composer la equal to lleleg. Keller in ol pui i.e i h loan eg by Molten f'alrns I all of hats now. She opened w Idc u spotless, unmarked Came Miss Pag again, to play an themee. hook, the use of her wonderful talent. Dobson of thla city. Albuquerque at the beginning of old air, "Welgen-lied- " The Israt of southwestern Is eg the wuntu French Hchumann'a Mies aceom-Imniment- a srl Justly proud who at "Not one have 1 yet found,'' and adil Osrrett plays her own feels of thl artlat. and "The Rain," by '"arl llohm, they are usually hlhlled and show something of what la for present making his exceptionally low figure. ma- ed. "Look!" and Miiving New the this A tha .si especially making a distinct of the compoaitloil. The artist are tn attain In home. Hia ptctures are "Rovka Don't write me quirk cried Mexico. The p. repreeenled jority of the -- rubes of down.' Impreaalun. Hhe a knowledged the Rongs were given in group one group Sea," "Sea Weeding" and "Portrait Albuqcerqae oui Mn Men. are well known lo every New- audience a) cnlhualaa'i. re. eptlon of waa old rompoettlnna "so to almost of a V.ui ii g Lady." The portrait i are having "Fi If one . Hi why, dear the Mexican, something of to economise this year for day, three with in ciiiilli. rendering oi heart," nursery aonga, love songa. and their his eepeclally good and a great II tory us attracu the yvnnle lauirlc placd m a manner etc. waa aonga: Mill well I'robably the besl deal whktpered and I am going to share phi. Another dialect ol attention. it Is with them one's la loat In her awin social old-tim- known the late Donald Beaure worthy of a number all by itself. And another group was e favorites that thla la the artist's wife, but only gard, who was ii protefte Hon in their economy. ruah. indeed, the crowd treated it aa a num- such as "The Mocking Mlrd." "Annie of Hum.- Rumor Is responaible for rhl. I Springer He And lien one haa to stay outside. Mill ber and demanded an en ure T.irea lavirle." etc. The bit of the evening, Frank hud studied art under the In Many of the palming have been I have a complete hush!" bows Miag I'ngc made while the ap however, was the aong wised by masters Ihe art centers line of shapes Hhe whispered: -- cm of Kurope gave great p'omlae of ptaoed al this exhibit by different Write me down with ulause continued tinaSiated, nor did It Miaa (larrett and adopted by the leg- and persons and trimmed hats. All those becoming an artist of renown. H in the city, one of the most of the new- recede until she uppeaicil again will islature aa the state song The mu- i only had already gained favorable com beautiful piece of art a Madonna est designs are represented. Who play 'one table,' the vision accmnpantet and violin in pluy a I sical background of thla aong la typ- I will rose, ment from art critic and had been loaned hy W. P. Metcalf. "The irgin lection which If memory servea, she ical of thla country and the whole by Maasoferata." The work In thla take pleasure in showing them and i -- commissioned to laxlnt alg mural nd. wit iiry nth sh. shook her plated at one of first appearances composition appeal to every loyal I you her paintings for the New Mexico build- picture Is by a maater hand and will find that I am selling my head It u- New Mexican. Mlaa In Albu.iucrou long would not tlarrelt haa ing at Ihe Han Olego exposition, but nf the smooth finish that the early hats at prices lower "No hook would hold the names of poMta. to long-a- go. called thla New Mexico' Her e than anybody tell Jut how "Pur in the mldat o hia work he died, artlat knew an well. Another those.' she aald. Th-- n Miaa Kuhn played a Met-huve- n rendition of It waa encored again nnd waa loaned by Mra. Wfioleey, else in town. -- though only in hia early twenties His New Yolk Times. , left-han- again and at laat the audience joined minuet and ar- canvasses in this exhibit show that I', utralt of he Seve'tteenth fert ever-popul- with In the rangement f the sextet her chorus he was destined to do great thing ility." Loaned by Mrs. Wiurisey and Tlie ' i i.i1 i itnrvrt. la Mrs. Phillip from Lucia. The uattai nppluuee Miss tlarrett the daughter af rat for art. He waa an Impressionist In Deio are paintings by Mrs. Bonsall 'limit, uion! The Humbles arc brought an encore In lighter vein, ap- Harret i. who made a thrilling chapter tendency and the paintings are very and Murphy, others were loaned by i oniln'. parent Iv one of Mil' Mowed . (impo In the history of New Meglco. atrlklng. Those exhibited are " m Mra. Alfred Drunafeld, Mra. .outs ll- At Ivnat. ever, on. who heard them sitions, or ai least aometlnriK char- Two readings given In Mre. sun. the Moad to Plnnders," "Dutch Peas- feid. Mra. Nordhaua und Mra. Amurio 114 South Fourth, Opp.Postoffice ai the high aeliooi auUltoiluni Wed- acteristically reaembllng hia work. qubrt'a Inimitable way were greatly ants," "Fleming Peasant.' 'The old fhave. nesday nigh: hoies they are oiling, Ilia Lullaby. a Carrie Jacobs appreciated. One waa by lilchard iteproliste." which seems to appeal At the entrance Is a collection of a id coming soon, for the i., inert was run. I number, waa the program's rep. Waahburn CMM, The Mun In the to everyone who aees R; "The Flral etching that are very fine. Moat of Mer- a treat In ever sense o the word. rcscnttil ivs from I he more modern Shadow." The other waa Owen ilrandchlld.' "tlemtil lichkelt In them are loaned by Mr. Dnbson. The auditorium was j inmi-- and a I composers, though Miss I'age edith' "Aux Mullens" Munchen." and a atudy from atlll life Kelchlngs hy the famous "Whistler SWOarlj urn of enthualastli llstrn- - played an obligate for It. A solo by Another which haa atlrn. led atten were loaned by Mrs. flritnafeld. Mrs. arg sin ii up all thiouaii the com en. her. "AVI Maria.' b Schubert j, I ntei tains for llmilicr. tion and whl'h muet have been from Ilfeld and Mra. Nor.lhattae. Penned. though Mr. tjawide, m Ith thai Ml waa next, and Chopin's post- Mia Id Met Imnnvun enter- another d of the artlat'a life I who waa a coniemporHry of Whist- - I to 'tine ' U.ii sane MM invitCd lh,- stamle humous Work. Kantaaie in f sharp tained Tuesday evening in honor of "Tyn onyl ln the Rim de Lo FTi let's end a near friend, is repreeenled The Women's - fathellc Order of to occupy on stage whele minor, played by Mlaa Hos-wel- l. Jole. Thl differs in It Impression hy two wonderful etchings. "The Itl- seals the Kuhn her brother. Henry Mci'une of Foreatara will entertain their mem- - WOMAN CUH MftTSW a P upon the Is Hlto Bridge" a Story there wete ntlmoer of umi ruplcl While en route from eianU mind and one of the moot and "Four bers arid friends at a social Wednes -- t;li.f,S Xgr). .win- ln a.)! . to stopped striking of the collection The work Houae." Mr Dobson alao contribut Mr tla tedder loaad Ui program wtt.i his home he off for a visit day evening. March 17, in Odd Fel-low- I Hoi. A gagjgtt for the Han Diego building wa taken ed some of his own work to this col Ould Dr. Ma'tHnn." whose "darby" In itierqiie progri'fn of hall. The Rlehl llrathera will As usual, Mr. 'iambic oiiened the would stay little over wan waa rendered and Mrs lionoian sang up by K. M. fhapman and farloe lection A very flm' portrait of Hutu- - a teelhered furnish the music, and the i program, ui ug Vierra ut Santa Fe and will lie com- ilton was loaned by Mrs. Ilfeld. laid. For ui ..I!) Interest Inf. vug the is his numbii ear. Sal. alor Mora's Star ami several aoloa. Intimate frleiida ami prev- h pleted in esters Invite their friend lo he meeting of Woman'e club Friday a ta) 'ld klinii s oig Waiter Dam roach 'a miss arrangemenl puplla of Mrs In.n.ivnn were present. the near future Both of ent. the ., v. theae nrllata are repreaented. There will he a short meeting afternoon. Ofllcera of the MaudtJ Valerie While, "HutiU .on of Kipllnu'a Danny I never, song different a - before the entertainment which will II., ii . li. h n. m i, .leri il il h i Tin- Italdrtilues l.iMertaliml. The canvasses by are cre department were elected und the whb'h he. IHivid I'iaphan ami other Vlerrn Tables-T- ea begin about I ating a great Around the general aatlatactlon nf having the vigor ull, wi:ig llfiessary to pla. c hia Well g ,, hiiaac. anil he. iv.. barl- - Iiuiiiit ihi i. m.iv iii All'Uiiuerqiie deal of comment ut the ;. a UdleK"e tin in aplrll the while visiting relatives Mr. an. I Mra exhibit ami are beautiful in coloring Card right woman In the right place (haa .in lot tonea have Hone to popularise and A New IMMI (lull promise seeing many ol remainder of the iirogram. K.n an brought J I'. Miildrldge have beer. honor and In theme. Thia eema H of fulfilled This number the unusual arlil Mil. K. H. a the high Ideal which rhaiartagdjg tin ire he an i loief In. i ...I of the gueata at a number of very enjoyable have stolen .Nature's pinks mid bluea. fayot entertained spectacle of an audience remaining newly organised r.uti he work of every department of ihe cliaiai lerlsti liiiunii ig mi l uly ami upplnuri-In- affaire The past week a number i purple mid other ahu.lea of dainl club at her homo scale,! and enthusiastically Mr Wny a puthos ol son,-- . such were given. On Wednes-ga- t coloring and haa uaed them as Na- entertained few friend on North Fourth street laat Monday club tb l.ish 'o.k a final aelectloa In the hope of an affairs Midge Tuesday M.-- . ture they al afternoon House afternoon. Five hundred waa Played s I'ii te .i.l second num r. i afternoon Mr, frnnk Ackerman intended should he uaed. Mra. Medlet presided the ore. Tin .In In gel It, but toe lecoratiou and favors were Indlca- after In . I of The at three table, Mra. Dodd making the II ui. nr. at. i in A iiinyr. Tl'.s applaiiae was a In Mr. cntcrinlncd with three tables ipiiurcs of the Pueblo youth, Wroth. Ihe retiring president, in " neat tribute tive ..f si Patrick' .b.v Mrs highest aac-n- I bridge in honor or Mrs. Maldridge whose very attitude bespeaks the t'arna score, with Mre flrlsaam pleaalng bespoke was applet luted and earned inc. lie. Humble' ability. won the prig at bridge. lo.isi manner which applause, wh, Ii i Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strong were dreamer thai he Is. and the equally The hostess serv ed a dainty two. the h.i i amnions leellng of the luK she aikni.wlcU. Aa accompanist Kuhn proved ., with a dainty encore. Mta hosts at a six 'clock dinner on Wed- ii.ii.i- lensii. ui., maiden, are course lunch. Meedamee Van DrufT. presented hat ate the president for an acceptable substitute for Mr. nesday evening. Mr Mra Mald-- i ueaiitiriilly Bit Mrs lleswlrk wa hiadeaw to a few Dodd were Then Mis.- - Kuhn. vim tiiiVi'u; .ne and colored. "fochltl," and llranson guests of the Ihe .mi. leg year. Shunert though of course hi friend Idge being the honor rovers old mlaaion. is Interesting u study friend at the de Oro Wednes place of Mr. Siioiieri. m . uniiuni-- l gueM. aa fau afternoon. here mlaacd him andtv. If there waa Mrs from un day afternoon. Rabbi Bergmans aa present and pMnlM com-pa- n were laid for twelve. Mr. ami historical standpoint, thia The of the Mra, and with the ilamble thing waa members club are In a very brief address explained lh any one thai especially to A. K. Walker gave a dinner party laat mission living one of the oldest hi the W. W. Mre. F. Mre. on al Its former trips to the itiild-rldg- Bower. II fayot, by it hoped be noted in . Kuril to the concert, It night for them. Mr. and Mrs country "liouda Over fhlmayo" ntethod which la lo be i lt.v, made her boa to the good peo- : : Wm, furter, Mrs. O. It. fralg. Mrs. Albuquerque was the happinoN of musicians and w III lea e Sunday night for their nhowa the beuuliful coloring of Ihe will raise live thousand ple of Albuquerque a u so In let, Hhe CLUBS M U (lriam. Mra. II T. line. Mia. listener alike. Mr ilamble seemed home at Hollywood, skv wnicn . .mint be or WITH THE AND J dollars for civic betterment work. played a Llast plana iruu ripilvn ol t'al ui erdriiwn t J. A. Peterson, Mra. A. Itedtnoli, Mra. happt to sing; Miss I'age apparently overcolored In thla land of rPheal $ ORGANIZATIONS The musical program pleguawd the famous vocal iiiartit iroin Hlg-nict- r. P. s hoit. Mre. fl. H. Sweeney, and enjoyed playing ami Mlaa Kuhn Mi Mrs rVrfj i i huea. The other two of thla colic, everyone preaent The program 8B ill a style spite ol and Iteiibeu nt. Mra. La II. Wood. The mm bi- that told in dirty turn "Kiin-- v a Huh .ml, hall amused, half tallied it a six o'"lra-- dlmicr at Ihe lire mi the Utke I'.uks monthly meeting will be held with given In Thuradi evrnliiB'a Herald the handicap of a piano wlllll Wa boy and Bald).' "The pleased, Rtt 'be In ihe gullery oiintry club Tuesday evening in ami Hunters." Mra. on waa carried out a . I farter March U. honor of Mr Mr J. C. Maldridge Kenneth rhupmnu also shows a V W. '. to old in In ne of Mr Bi - . ami collection, in .ally eaalern Theae are The Y. W. A. IB to which was ehang of Holly w.aul, I'al. f entertuln Minim ItisHlee I 'rug rant. delightful hit of coloring. iking the rueday af iiiiiiii rompllmenlary lo Mlaa Lout i.i - onx reds and . I.i- of the northern woods. the new All uiemliera and fbarmlngly attractive. most artia- mu. . nisi for Mra V member. program Mr. There are scenes in Ihe futakllls and friends of the V. W. f. A. are Invited tic ami writ in. sen wa tne Mrs. Kverltl xeconipatiMd around W attacks, N V Wash- , nn, ify .up lou-- t University News. and to lie present. nmiii.n chorus gave ington. D i ' They are entitled "An of Mt. Vincent' academy Wednesday The clnb twi Rim in the the academy hall. Imb demonstrated elei I fatskllla. "The fa'tektlla," --spuMlr,,,, ( oudug afternoon Ir recital Raatsm I'atsklll. ' ' Maples at ttSg The uuniuurs were aa follow: Woodstock.' "The Winding Boa The ciunmltteu having in charge 1. Last Tuesday tin university expect- Little Plnnera Preaser "October Woods, " "Ri-- frevk Park the arrangement lor the i oinlng of ed ii n address Judge K. A, Angellne Mclntyre. plans.- from al Washington, D. t'.." and a por- the "KlvlllK Squadron,' the national Miiiiii. but a s he was Miey using hia trait study prohibition organisation which la Triplet Beyer influence for the increased appropri- se.-ure-d Lflncione. Herald fusaldy. who lor a long touring the country, haa ' he Albeit legislature uni- - ation from the for the time waa a ' .urniillst of some note, Woman'x club rooms fur the after I. noli- Murgiuuller versity he did not arrive. came to realise ut huM thst he muet noon meetings The evening meet Ruth I.i obson Wuile a interesting. f so edify- express will be In Id an. of PERSONAL MENTION nl whm he saw by means of the ings in the In... mm Dolly Dream Do Huf i t ing, was Ihe account of their vc tm brush on canvgggy and his studies of the high echoul. The JVIylng Squad- Moynello rltevvneon. loUs trip to lava I'rilces. given by de- - : : us the Indian save to him Die honoi of ron will reach Albuquerque In Ktude Beyer the Juat delialera, Carl Mro-rel- punning panels tachmeutg It) returned the in the Indlun Arts on March and II and Josephine Francis. and Allan Mruce. building al the exposition These April 1. Mrs. N. U Little an Kisinan here trot The iastte In which they an. I Lee wonderful ntlnga deputing life in Prince KroHii. ton visiting liar mother. Mrs Walker won over lain f'rucee was. the aoutliwest are exiting comment ostllnw hIu. i t'tanillMI. Helen Mcdhana. tlrunafeld. at Weat Copper Ii. I i ail Playing Tag 'lesser "Kesolvcd, in., miinlcipulllies in the over the country The exhibit Mein.arrs of the Rroadway Chrhv l oper shows four n Pellcita Hanchea. ulled States shoiiln own and his picture. "Pueblo tlan church are preparing lu preeenl Mr and Mra. C. P. Bailey, ttmnl-pante- ate plants lor supplying Light, Water Portrait." "By-wa- y in laiguna. " "A M ii I 'ule lance Bug bee Teiiiiyaon'a "Dream of Fair Women by ahlgwaj Bltttnlrr and Ti ..usp. o i.i nil. Pueblo oven" and "The Hate at her ii, fur.. and ''arl Thnt ii the flrel Tuesday after It Swings Inwaid. The Kster. A Little Htudy . Beyer and Teddy H'iber, left thla week far At the regular vesper service In last is a water Mil be under Ihe direction of Mrs. Modey hall on Sunday at 4 o't l... k color of the entrance to an old cem- n.i 'a..- Franc ii. an u.erland trip lo rulifnnnu, where etery In Strumquud. There will be muic, lieorgr S. Kin k. attorney at law, will the heart of Santa Fe. Karl forty pecWile First Rust Waitx lies they will take im hath t position. Fleischer haa two picturea are and coatumeo, all of Margaret tlonsales. address the student luuly that which will go to produce splendid somcwbsi different In east a Joyous Daya Virgil I), s Moseiiwalil. nf llosenwald litems and Mr. and Mr. Jacob Weinman hove orlng. the "House of Hun ulertaliiiiK "I. gt.'venson. PAY-DA- will speak at the weeklj ihe flan" Ysobsl returned from i six weelU' vMHt in llrother. and "TaviUa Village In Ihe Itlto." Igna of um Howe Y SPECIAL SALE iissemhly Tueadav morning on "The T. M.lSs in a laiHd. Ihe east. Mr. Weinman has bat! Sheldon I'liraona. a New art-le- t, HUti Value ol a Rducation York liUcelu Pino, buying the spring stork fat the Uenerul for hits a number The M, nil. . meeting of the Parent- - Miinlness Sin ess Mi Moaenwald of heuutlfut can. l.uiella Pino woi. toe first priae. flnldvn Rule Dry ...... Is Co., while vaases Th. largest picture in Teacher' aasociatlon of th first ward Mm m il. Ihe se i up through Ihe Albuqueruue the Stevelltori und. and Mr. Weinman viilted relutiv.e und aine i ol Inn is by Is school will be held in the high school s. hools let this artlat and Ruth Jacobaon the thud. ftlenda known a The Morning After the auditorium instead of In Ihe first ward following the address I. I. Tello Sleet showing - I I building, erroneously an storm." the sleet on aa lllgliland I' ridge. Bertley a ami Mi Seder will rentier tha llrieg the and grata glistening value of physical Mr. haa ret Urn ad from as the nounced. The the eaet, where went na. opus l.t. for violin and pi- light fall upon them through Ihe training and play will be th theme. The Highland Dridge dub met with tup to she to 10 ano. Mr Tell., w.ll alao give the lol D A HMtner Tuesday buy her new millinery stock. DISCOUNT bluelsh atii.oaphere 'heavy M. Mi. aftarn still with U If Weir, itabbl Bergman. I'rof lowing II A. U, pl.14 numbers ai Adagio from Ihe storm The others are familiar and Re.. C. T. Taylor will de Mr. Hhortle for Mr. Much, tltltner Wilkerson, waa manager el Minor Honata flu Vulae Trlet liver addreaae un Ihe tuple. who prevented from Mrs. Julia Hharp. state sibellna: attending. Mrs. Coorg hoet-es- s Mon- Scherxo and Tarent.'l. la H. Wsir, expert of the public will be lh Woodman CircU, waa here I.i Wlellill wsk i. neat regular making wa or iDTt a a playground l for the club at Its day arrangements for the ON ALL TRUNKS, mi ment societies. have aa hia meeting. Mrs. Illuck. wife of the aenatof ' auuject, 'fPoaslbllitlea fur public Mate convent ion to be held here AMU Itoswell who i returning from Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUDS " II, It, 1(. Hh will return neg week liaygrounde In Albuquenpir Or. Tim. Ten the legislature, la the gueal of Mia Mergmaii will speak on the municipal i., to complete the work. t ooper. SUIT CASES AND ORIENTAL CREAM league work. Prof, t llltner. an odn or Th Ten Doni met Tuesday evening , with Dr. Miss Helen fanning from I'erls. of the tl Ill I, It. .1 illAlA iml !, David t'al.. who has been visiting the gov- OR MAGIC. USial iWM .1 ik. u f A Is l..i 't ernors daughter at Maniu Pe. hua - will report on league. HAND BAGS.... tUtaeetsTaa. Tim- the work of the GLEAN-U- been the gueal of Miss Treat. aaai Met. Taylor will speak on the subject, P TIME IS HErlE Moth Pstrkr.flllkltl,gsak and Mrs Hoyd delightfully en o.l "The Ai coin pllshmenta of the P. T. A. . Ir akin UuvrasM. ,.i.. In thi Of Judge aver Dotal end retry ." ier Our Un of Mast ten. uned The Ten at dinner blrnotS Ill other State Mls ,Muoh; Mr. jl I on beauty, aad Milt the tenth ta in heir Tuesday evening. , physical will home dm-- lion p teacher of culture, have y the club Architect K. H fruity gave a has the of her pupil present Mwrdieh and aVot-tla- h an! wl nner at Ihe , paper on "Tha Kffect of 1'ubllc i ' and la te folk dance. In coatuine, Mlaa haiunrej vat lattt WALL NgdMUujg on - t'raw-fur- PAPER Pride." I Albuquerque Trunk fivle aftfr It to a- till Il la llda Bgantiul and Mlaa Nellie g Factory - i.i which 'he sublet turned In a very anus- t made aa will render costume reudlng latasag and in ggailB , ' IVAx erpl u .Miiittiftit l lnteriating Maaaaat upon ihe Idea aa piano acisjmpanlst Louuj ItrvqiK-sl- . M ainailsi naat. with and Mr. ntg n Mliai. .lui. 209 South Second applied to the architecture of the i ad te a katr of ihr hautiua Mohan, who haa unly recently come Phone 423 Ca ' 1 The of Purtntghily iiivcrelty of New Mexico on the iso, At l 'U Isibrs will usr ll.rn. lo Albuquerque, will ging a aole. A- th evening of March IT ihe lions ttaraafi Cessa the kai v. C. 'leu tht akin ertpamtkMU ." i ltogether the meeting promises to be A. Hudson plan lo entertain their ladle avt the f i s very intrekx uaa. It la to be e.Hjitt, aavd i'otaser i wi'li a SI I'd r I. least. I At. 1st toe!Nita.!r tiMtieMatl .t IC open lo ihe public. iling. It. TO yraggta i,,tTftggtftinB' 31 Saturday, march is, ioi. It flicker of an forward A duplex apartment Jane bad nev and a chew dogf Proposal for the Construction al er seen one befor, and tta utility waa "It dependa on whkt color upholstery Three i'omnlnstloa Adobe Day Hchool a puts! then, as was liulrdinge Department Is Mrs 3. G' stnfipwit: bererT to ber It for your mother aetaMs." grinned bat fa of the Inte- la many a tang day afterward. rior, OnVe of Indian Affairs, Wash- Inquired Rly with greet sun r It,) tbor aa Ida pretty wife took polly's ington. D. C Feb. Healed "Be; lb lady Is g4JM." After luncheon a nap for Holly, aad place on the mm of tbe chair ' II. Kit I proposals, plainly marked on ths out ltaBiJ '" protested Blye leaned ben a romp ie the park Roller skat "There's only Me kind of upholstery and tag. Idc of ths seab-i- nnvelopes, 'Tr ipoa-a- l forward to lawk over the register. June's foot wm nearly as small In tta Beaver care," laughed Mm. -- for of an I lolly', and hi id, after she had the coast ruction three "Wtoy, she came in only ahowt a hour thr Wllaa, pinching her husband's Mr. adobs day erhonl bullillnag. " thoroughly eabaiisted herself, instated or so ago. Hhe Is Realty. Hurry, teea wondering an Xavler Hchool, Arlsona," aJdres-ae- d II waa a pretty Ie 'Bnw. don't tall ma wt she Is I tbat Juue tr little It It Isn't a wast of mooay to boy aa to the Commissioner of Indian waa on Dolly. don't know whose wife tl s Isdy may deceit which put Juoe cheap a limousine M that. I'd rather Affairs, Wasrtlnc'on. 0., will be re- on was l. 1st. and I don't want to I now Hhe's strapped tbe skates tad timid welt nntll yon can afford on tbat will ceived st the Indian iirnre until I atmer and helpless and altogether charming be more substantial " p. m of March tl, Itlt, for furnish- until Holly bad laughed herself weak: ing materials and labor con- "Mm ahrtiicd an e eiled know your tricks." commented bar , for ths nivr suddenly straightened up 1 roico. and Gilbert Blye fi ind himself then June husband "Beally. Wooaly. 1 poaltlce struction of three combination adobe by and skated away like the expert that d"V orhool buildings at Indian tresis. confrnNted lb (1Mb, le FretiPb ly cannot afford an axpenalce Mr." Venturis, msn. That asaftad nr ah was. whereat Dolly waa mm wheedling tone hoed and Comnkwht, Indian indlrldnrl Harry'" That under the Jarladlctlon of Ihe reyeil Gilbert Hlye's sleek black Yan Pleased than ever, and a coir from aa aha skipped npatalre lo June's ear Ban Xavler Hchool, Arlsona, In dyke aud the roadway, a autre and plc.isant strict and tweaked at his own and Dolly, oral aha knew that tb e - with accordance with the plana, apeciflca-tlon- denly threw tip rear, called both band and began cheap little Bee car car would not and Instructions to bldiUia. tn laugh. "Braror Gilbert Blye! He waa By mW BMBiigiaiiBi tot una atand In front of tbe Wllea' door. whlrh.may toe examined at thla office. In that same moment Mnenky Torb. smiling. June waa confused Rbe V. 1, papa a swisapoaid It did BOt A good car brought Mrs. Indian Warehoaaaa at Chicage. f0 ll'lll anght Up with the electric coupe whtaked off the skates. HI., Mo InfMitM UBwaJUavwt OT Baa. and Wiles bom the very next day dl. tfoula, and Omaha. Ne- "Tea seem te bar all tbe accom ' braska; the Rulldera Jam' My b mm Mrs. Med Warner bad been made and Trader sy ptlshmenta," went on Blye. stepping tr of Hi Paul, Minn., Ban the leading moving picture mrndonsly thoughtful by at the the. down from hie luxurious limousine the affair of Xavler Hchool, Alisons, at the MT. By WIMNMOt MM ruh the little Wllea family. waa snd Jtaf lady!" He held oat Tber office of the newapapsr In which this tM MaM jrua cApcrtttoa n "Hell, joung something wrong In the custom which his bend to rawly Wile wltb a faoll advertisement appears, for further M only portable to km "Itlink- made thla condition possible What apply way June- - tjM larfty permissible to tbo very young information to Henry J. mm Mk, but was It ? The position of donor aad superintendent Men to moving ptotuiwa and to tbe eery old of femininity, and Xavler BRA aortal ImevHrsUea Q aJUrward M recipient Neljber the man nor the j Hchool, Tucaon, Arlsona Cto Hells, BSSWtSflh, tlluatrsling our story. the child took B hesitantly, with a shy woman WM really to blame woa j commissioner. upward glance June. Her Mg gray It at rostntn. And June knew what Mrs . ayes widened, however, aa they fell -. si-it- -- Wii.- would not admit to herself, If ok k Mr Nad Waroorl" ; trance, aaw three bort. thick men on tbe limousine, gbe dropped tbe '"tut: pkm:vi msm. he suspected It that the man wm be No. leaoi. mm "Not here." . coma single file op h sid and ami to mecbln street hand an forward tbe constantly wheedled beyond bis In the Dlatrkt Court of Hcrnaioi I Ir: Pwr Utl26 Risawiy Bride! "Je Mamr Mop lb front of l be main entrance "What a lorely ear!" eh egclalmed, Ceanty, New Mexieo. "Ob, obaarvad the cteriLj Shank MeOeo bad fait strangely list on tta smooth, swelling side. Oaorga H Kiotk, trustee, dm or patting It Mrs Wives affected even to herself aad George CHAPTER I. "If I itt yoa co through tbe directory l lew end forlorn tbeae paat few mla Just the kind mother want, bnt dad Bcmhts. I.enslirlary, Plaintiffs that Ida constant reatatsnce toward ex- vs. II AN KB" MX3KB. rairytati jwo may Mt It aire this girl back bat j ote. for there was nothing inside or dy itya w can't afford it." I penditure wm the normal attitude of una ax led oewspaMr tor a riot 1ms, and Mod nigbtr ont. Suddenly tbe lam abort, thick 1&-- Blye laughed lightly "Would yM Howard I. Ulalr and Katherine C. UK a man toward tho domestic apending hia tfhy ana collecting worn? "This '.hint au mm far loowyhj detective rounded I be comer, and like a spla atvund tbo park to It" ha Hlttlr. wife: B. Raruff and b!f of money. It waa woman's boai-aes- s Merth N. . fur tbe Mwuhoya hems m Matter hotly stated the young man. oa, they ware slinking! The worid auggeeted, "you and your playmate the Uuruff, his. wrfr. J. to get all she the man's Herndon. trustee for A Dex-te- another bluff. suddenly patted At that moment hia voice stopped, was one more a bright and btppt here?" And be bowed. could and Iiaey la bit to resist. Krank o. I.osey snd Anna II. absorbing attempt to wbiitlo through Out of tbe bar bad strolled elegantly tor Hbanks. al-- P"" Dolly. Jumping up snd down, waa ' Lossy, his wife; W. DX-to- r kid. TheTKsh cams sooner than June had (Irorxe a WW Mu M M ceesUkf Of the pride of Shanks McOe. the mu busked tbe shortest ami reedy tugging at tbe door handle, ami and JuU V. beater, his wile. "r. -- expected On tbe next erenlng after the dingy aide street toward la Hot) with lbs Mark Vandyke, and he was Ibe thickest It was none other than Rlye. laughing, opened It for her. Dol- I". P McCsnnn. trustee fur Hie a bMBttfui young girt Aba nibbling a piece of cheese. He Bill Wolf "have you lamped a lengthy the limousine had come home there inM nestlr ' ly gave a cry of iNwltlre Jot aa ebe creditor of Ituy It. Roruff, wa turning to took fcarfcward oer bar was stress tbe lobby and i:otng oat of sin around bore with whittled Murk saw the rich Interior, and he wm itefrndsnts. aftiafdec at ory few step the door, paying bat a acam tribute of cblneblMMr" ameng the soft cushions In au Instant To the Above Named Defendant. I Ob. Mat A ran a was following her curiosity to the knot la front of the Thst observant young person of the "You haven t much choice," said tbo fs You are hereoy notified that suit And fe was (lodging along; from ire desk, before the yonog man with the "orhl began at the beginning, but he low voice of Rlye, and be held the door has been commenced In ihe district to tmi and from doorway to doorway, clothes saw him. The young man " minute of detail that he bad open for June. court of Hernsllllo county. New Mex- aad time he aaw tbe girl toot nearly upset Marie on his way to the! ' T reaehod the mMdle when Bill ico you by Ihe plaintiff vy This once." And sbe looked blm aalnt ohject hart ho docked' Tb run u bad biack 0eor. I Wott, looking through tbe plate glass above named, the general ot squarely In tbe eye. He smiled. actio;) Is to foreclose a whiskers, whit; led down a point A nortec stormed him to windows of the Hotel Daniel, ssld which certain to toe ret Junes June was thoughtful all through that deed on lots "O and "H" In Vpder hla chin, and b Nad was delayed "8b!" and drew his two assistant de of trust lust carried rtethia then st the delicious twenty minutes of riding. block "J" of Msndella Ruslneee and 11 tectlTes of range of poor binaeatf with the ease which only ticket window and, glancing across oat the Rlye- - his dark face haunted ber. An addition lo Albuquerque. ttaayaagn "banks McGee's quivering ears, and residence ecouodrcl can acquire. the stats, saw Bly going uptown other face came to ber Ned! A great New Mexico, psecuted by the defend Hfcanks McGe tbe three bounds of tbe lew pat atood Mtrtttcd. then mi aa esoreaa. sstste war of homesick uess swept over her. snts lb. ir. i I.. Mm an. Kstherlne heeds together took a tang, daap bresth and hurried Juno Warner locked tbe door of 44 their in excited confer They made their adieu rather tiaatl C. Blair, hla wife, and Bay R. Roruff fear I aside enest Then Bill In bis beet pose tits and turned the unit Wolf. ly to Blye. for their time waa a Hitler and Kerih N. Roruff, hi wile, on of a men who waa v for "Hsre He is. Isdy!' ad dro.sped Into a chair to rest. siting some more than up. the 1st dsy of March, Kll, to secure Suddenly a voice called, body and didn't gpect him to come, note of date lo plain- "It's Marie. acramuled on the Mop and bung bm before dinner waa called Mr. a certula that Miss Xante T' and s waa went Into tbe hotel. Just tiff ttaorgc Sin. for alxteen bundreu knock beard. thick arms la at the door. Wllea cam home, and Juno happened in. J one Werner opened tbe door 44 The Moore limousine drew up, and bub-hnh-- dollar, executed by the parties to of 'Hub ".ticaky In Into the library. It was Molly favor- fa a harry, and bee eya sparkled aad Ned went over to loin tbe quartet. He said deed of trust, snd sell the said formed ber. strangling for brenlh snd ite storeroom for toys, books and every Indebted- apo clapped ber bands as ah aaw Ma- led the tray to the desk and confronted premises lo satisfy the said pulling bis arms out of tbe car. tiling else. Mrs. Wiles- - he called bet in- rl with clothes s. Irking from the unemotional eye of tbe clerk. ness, together with taxes, Interest, ber in "I any, what do you want!" Undated Wooaly was sitting on the arm of her Including attor- all "This It tbe father and toother of the surance and costs. direction. llonorta. husband's chair, her arm around hi neys frra, to recover s defleiete y "We're caught panted yonng woman wboae maid called hero i snd r Marie. "Mr. Hneaky Muted backward wltb bin neck and Ida chin In tho palm of her Judgment uKalnat the said Howard I.. with her clothing. We do not know I Nod grabbed me downstairs! Ho made thumb haiol ft... - - - tintll Ilbtir und Katharine C. Hlalr, hi arener what name she used In registering, but .k. "Your huh huh huh husband' hp twisting a lock of hla hair over aud naBHUaM wife, and I lay it. Roruff and Pertha la I know that ray wife U In thla bouae. "Where be bow r' Jane est down husk sucking hi n la the finger, alio was dl N n ruff, hia wife, tor any Mckmai and If we got trou the air over ber and most limply. don't her I'll raise ear And again be (ailnt which may exlat aflrr applying the "Panlcl' tlnctly and obviously wheedling him t AH hie!" I of prop'-r- "I don t toot! st once he threw I b ... tl. I.lm aaaml. Tor proceed of the sale said l el money! His vule was low and down the electa tuC ran out on the indtMFf4ae woman at once." the to Lbj payment of the said Indmvetf-hhas.- ' ; safehafhBrfl . .. . I(in(,rlil . iiToteatlug with u much sbrrnnps a if, 1 clerk n 'II.., ir IO r m lnterect, and costs. And unless street: don't know whyf 'ui ioivf itviiox bed her cut glims flower tooe nnd a man can when be Is beiug charm Ned) he a rtimpaa It'll have to he on the we Another Face Cams te Her. you enter your appearance in said cracked ber expert detect l on tbe ed into docility. Woody Wile-- , whm cause on or before the tb day of Warner, sidewalk and on the other side of the walkisl Into the house a grim Jawed, IK V Si gaWWrP N'd attended closely by the knuckles. With a pArtln gasp he locking the money In her Htfls Inlaid April. 1915. Judtment will be ren- ft reef." hard man of tony rive, mi whose drupiied off 1ni kwaid. dank when June next saw her. end dered aMtnet you by default. tie cnlhd for 44 lie called again suit n(. were pastisl foreign labels. Whet was w bU no pco They were going out after dinner The naniPa of the attirney for the There was no amwer. The room was Juue muiiy . "Ileirfl, Wiles, . orderln-- a llabarr exclaimed plain' ill are trhnma Hlmttis and erfn-Bid- pie were au buay about Imt? In a There was some talk ntioiit Iloaorta Blye. exebsuglng spite with with cordiality. post office address Al.iuquerque. It waa empty! horse cab, with Marie nod I lie clothes, r, und it uccded but olio woril 10 their a green iiarrot. was suddenly interrupt Dolly a The luxurious lltnoq "A little liersonul husim nd New Mefflen. A K. WAl.KKIl. (m i.i iv. the boy with tbe augellc fur down neur tbo Ilust risur, where. start Hy ilt-r- ed by a caller. sine of the black Vaudyked tunn Raker seated himself -- Iti full of all the bnrgs nml all him!" a noon need caller, aaillo nd the blue eyea aud tbo while Mbt "How's Ihe London brum b'.'" asked Til' iH. K D maddihiin. Deputy, "Uot tbe' liie grimy shipping, they found n slice the whole of her text. Hhe rattb-- l n who wm other thaa BUI Wolf teeth, waa tbe naest liar In the hotel !;is by nay or making conversatloii. Peb. 14, Hi March . It. I bom a bouse, so narrow It should and on and on about It and as she Blye sprang up Instantly. Ho had bad a quarter oid one of her of that 'Doing tpry wu tho curt re linooris 1t ttdked tbe pretty fare of Mrs Wile couim lllng smiles fi'om a nave had a Weaibervauu ta keep ply. uud Raker sIkhi. baud with Dolly !mt"K. "Get my wraps!" she yelled to tbe June and grew more and more distressed. of A. Gilbert &lym and Tommy. headed Into the wlud It waa three Ity voice men rose Last Will and Teatament II. abnormally ngly maid who had let Bill glance from her ivrely eye, and be "Harry, dear," she said, "IMIy an I and by tbe of tbe ' high and blackened wltb uge. Kiimetat. deeeaaed WoU "Mr. bad run tbem tbrouut; m se- stories ibey became more interested in hp U tlw corner He Battened big aj. la. Wolf, you fooled me donu tlie I wuut a limousine' I'leaser ai To Kdsrard P. Hchueler. eBeU4r, and men t but titers were geraniums aad) a cheer t rlouiisl once. Are you sure you have found and nut the rear acrvauls' Holly clapiMsl Ihelr con versa km. and them It concern ready But nose agalnxt tbe broad plats ful light In the downstah ffcunt win her hands to all whom may Gilbert Blyer and had told them a place to up lo Juue an emphatic iecch of Hint I'm glass window of tbe natdast Bote! down. This was where the elevator "After that limousine be gay You are hereby noilne.i "It we olu't. so help me!" solemnly go where no one would ever llnd them. llakcr'a which Hhe could mil help hear alleged Uiat Will and Teatamrn" Bl Plsasl, boy's mother lived, nnd It was aa clean ly commented Not now. Wnoth young nwon Wolf Gone! Tbo six nbocked cean tiers fur Kuxlncs Is too had " .int. H. A. Kutnetst, deceaard, lale of the Tbe beaatlfut girl concealed a - the runaway Ittslde as It in grimy out She had words n- i a all that ah eoubj of her timidity as Honoris Blye, with BUI Wlf by her bride hurried downstairs "I don't like she'laiigtnst "You've spent It!" llakcr'a county of Iternallllo and state us fol- Hour to let, fiirulalipd. two rooms uud my of a Mexico, wa produced and rend In side, woa soon speeding dowutowu In Just Honoris lilyo stepptsl In, a mean old It. Deilyl wiTr dean cut. "In absence abv wsiked through the door wtth what mhI considerably "It's thing. Isn't ( her little electric coupe. In front of lowed by llllnky I'eters and Hneaky a real bath, tin dent year nnd u half you've overdrawn your Ihe probute court of Ihe county nbe thought Id be a strictly business- Kitless Harry, please!" Mexico, oil LucUow's restaurant they found a Tavta. ed. but kept freah palntid 'i. account .V.ii Klfty thousand do Iternallllo, atale of New like ma oner. Berea bm who had fat white "Get lle-- lad I hip. Woolly." The day of Pehruary, and wide man wltb a cigar in the ui nei "Where Is bet" screeetad Mrs. Blye. lars wua the exact amoiint of your lu the ltth Itlt, bee aaorhldl eying their rpectiro say yon man slill laughed, but he to look Ihe day of Hip proving or said alien- of but mouth and hlx narrow rtmnted Illll Wolf advauced to do his happy "You want It quiet." said leslmeut That us quits You'll mwHuom tuiiawdlatsly stralgbtc-ne- up Mammy yon very seriously at Ids churinliut wife ed Will and Testament .i lilt, duty. she. "und my son aent turn over yuur share of the n last aad looked their tubdsoeaesL Om ot slouch bst shoved on the hack of ' I mi d get anything out of a man." thereupon fixed lor Tuesday, the th "There lie Is, lady!" here? Well, my husband, tiefore Iip In me Imuipdhitely " i hem looked hold, aad auotber, a daco round bead snd bis eye turned con bo sbouud trl And his Inugb waa half vexisf. alto da) of April. A. D. at 10 o'dork tlin most rHwuilsr polleemnn a Itlt. templatlveiy toward the umphnutly, while Ullnky I'stcrs und died, una "Hut that lea me wllhuut oni. rathe t'reuchnsan. looked debonair. stars. . gclhcr admiring. in in- iiiri'iliiiiu oi nni'i o..j. Knesky Tavls slunk up, one on on the force, and the whole depart-mont- wlthiiu' an linonie" worried Wile The bee DUfa! girt suwde straight up to "Certain party In, Bllakyr hoiked each I'retly Mrs. Wiles accepted Given under my hand and the seal ride of the culprit. "Nab him, boys!" durlln'. Is your friends." that coin He had no bhiine for bl pa lair, nor the desk. Wolf. plltneut prettily, bift June, as she llp of thla iiitirt. this lth d) ol Febru- -- grlad waa hud - "Mon the culprit as tbe , ho us much crushed aa he ary, A. D. A room with a bath, pleas,- ah Blmky Peters followed tbero innlde Mrf ptsl out of the library iiuolnu-rvisl- was lli. four fat pawa of llllnky and Chapter to lie. "I havo a wife and a (Sea!) A. K requested the busy ca(a and as they walked back I'etors hi. bun for the woman, for herself, for Kncnky TavU clapia-- douti on in- - Oil a moment June In iltntid tie- child, you know, linker I eagjd no County Clerk. Tbe clerk, an Indifferently aged man. toward Hie Thirteenth street eutrstir.. lier kind, a- - her Tare betrayi-- l Here arnia. Tbe rest of the olijis tlou was fore the door of au "itiploy more refuse tbem any thing lliuii I could held lb regkuer a mwaMt while He a fat. wide man wltb bla baada In bta It was again tho endless, almost un m an lupomprebrnslble t rum in vnov door-Hne- sky polyglul jumble nt agency mornliiK. refuse bread to u starving chlhl." i: studied ttw new guest of the boue. tnckets came to at tb rear lie rnryltir atory of the woman defiendeiit wni it as, shrieking bl Indlgaatlou, the black ii ml then she sharply benl "That's the trouble." Baker's ratal Department of the Interior, "Any laggage, mlssr Ta vis on the uiiin'a boituly aud. In lids case, Offk al Mania rr, bearded I n m hman atrove to wrench dowu her reluctance. I'eople w ho have waa not harsh It wua almply cold United Htate land The girl, disconcert Hi. had recourse There's yonr party!" suddenly him getting- all she could out f him. N. M., February 1. Kit- himself free. made up their niltsls to bp ludeM?iipiit "You've spoiled them. A wlfu should to her only armor. Now she shyly cast rd HMI Wolf and iiointed to a table Ned and Id detectives, on that day Notice I hereby gtvee thst Josep.. "Is that tbo man you mesnV" biased way la-- a help to a man. uud most of them tip at him her great, soft, expressive where a dark Vaudyked German wltb ami to earn their own In life must were down in the neighborhood of the W. Van ClMve, of Albuqueniue, N, M.. lloniirlu. HaJldlty. would If they were given a cbanc... eyes, aad eh stork felt ashamed of apeciaclea wns entertaining a healthy, hae m Bhu turned tb keob Hotel Inn. lei scouring the dlt,1rt Inch who, on January 13. Iu!i. mads 'That ain't tbe yelled Mlmuks With tWddM lioldne It: Yun mad a my of yours " bisiarif. a swung the register around red cheeked young woman a ty' and opemsl b) Inch, u It were, for of homestesd entry No. fortVWw. with I McGee, ome in; r 0t5, who was willing to be kicked In lii aensltlre-lie- The morning Mrs Wiles esme ,t.N , K to her. green feather In ber bat thi n Kiulled ut r own the runaway brkle, uud wherever they net Heetlon 1, Township Itnnge j out now. "Gilbert Blye slinked Iti here up to June. Bhe had baaa crying, but at "My maid will be here presently wltb "You scum!" shrilled Honoris Rlye as she stood before a pleasant went a small. Hat nosed boy with one N. M. P. Merb an. has filed notice gvl I vey after the lieautlful and dinkisl fni-e- noma n. In here waa a light In ber eyes which intention to make five year proof, to clothes." The rtlee was soft and ' the comer of whose li- Inhrrthreeeziiert detectives snd went soiled newipaper under hla arm aleul de-a- sssajgg, Into tbe subway when dls aport gives however, there was a veiled was good to see. eatutollsh olalm to the land above i home to her parrot I them, slinking tn him the run! Gm!" e." ed after from tree "I am very sorry." alio aald simply. ribsd, before Heorge R. Craig, ft it "Certainly, ml," And tbe cier. Ned Hlinrpne!'. which June did nut see trpe W.irncr stepped Into tbe cigar This Is the limit!" declared the clerk and from doorway to doorway. We a reverse, and ed Htutra comnifSSloner. at AMiuquei-q- i wbsnged a bell which souuded like a DBsstaj A very pretty wmnfn. came in aa havo hud business tore neat door to the Hotel to strong port-- n Utile Holly Wllea awoke In tbe nlgbt X M , on day of March gong one and all as and June Igrajaf to go nwny. with her we shan't be able to keep you. Tho the 3td Ore Front." ubii June's home In liryu and to i m- - aware of a light .a Hie low teleiiiooed agile bell hops headed bis way. "Get of the Is we don't hap-pe- u till, !n to that atenlorlao call a wns a little girl of great lieauty. June fart matter that port Mr. and Mrs. Moore were In the ui out. Mlkel" er leaf of the duplex apartment. Had 1 Claimant namea aa wltneaaea: Uula "gov-ermss- to have a cent lu the bouse. aback beaded, loose limbed Irish boy beallated a she heard the word tfte Mann, Hone. city at Bobble Blethering, the auiooth. Quite a little crowd bad collected if'. He was at work In Mlirary, a took all of Hurry's cket money yes- A. Teesler, Rhnil Allen C Jumped forward snd took the ky to soft voice fat, old Anut IVb-b- The woman at tbe desk waa night re- Martha K. Hart, all of Albuquerque, of black when suddenly a ladlcemau nppemed he aiwaya late at here terday, n in I I spent It yeeterduy after 44. The clerk, without hum ln hit body told hltu. min il to June. Tbo m u eomar fol to N. M. FRANCISCO DBDHADO, from around a corner and dlsM-re- cently Holly felt herself pilrllpged noon. I I I Isn't quMe the or bi neck or ids head, craned for .iM'l that Register. Ulethertng'e aad the cheery voire of the mob. Including Honorla. that smile ami tarseB smiled at sir good nlebt lo daddy, so she slipped truth," ahe suddenly blurted out "We Bad bis -- ys to watt'b signature. v Jena. Tbe girl had study the Hobble Yes, the Moores era there That rlgoroua lady had tairely timied little out mid put on her bedroom sllpier are absolutely broke. We haven't nny Mrs, J. 0. Hey lug Juue frankly out of round eye. NtrTH'K KtHt It ItlitC TIO!I. Aral .luoe was located? Great! Ktsnch the corner, heeding for the Iream. and her pretty Utile lounging rolw and money nt nil." Department of United A moment later tbe black Vaadyked "I Mku you." she said, with startling the Interior, M)M wss all eagerness when r.ed when a brllllaiitlv llghied. luxurloua tripped downstairs. It hurt Juue lo pni with them. Hhe Ktate Ijind Office at Santa Ke. man strolled looked legist i , ) candor, lU.-n-- la. at tbe said ho wonted the Moor.-- and llotouie limousine stopped In front of the Ho then the employment June heard her go and dressed lu like bad liked tbem all, and when tho little February, 24, itlt. and walbtd lolo tbe bar. Then along and Iris to come down to the Hotel tel Daniel Rhanks MeGeVe eyee woman lumihed. and preltj Mrs. Wile fashion Hurry Wiles had his luoka girl bung around her neck they cried Notice la hereby given that Mat a. laughed. catDo Marie with a bundle of cloth gun to atreKh aa he ssw the occupant. June dimpled. spread out before him and n ieu be together, all three Juno and Mr. Kurito Itoinern, of P. G. 8an Mateo. young woman Iti "1 you. too," The went straight to He also telephoned Houorta Blye. and he whirled In a complete circle like she acknowledged. hind his ear. WUm and Dolly. N. Mex , who on Fohrusry IS, Kir,, the lele-pbon- Tbe em plus moat agem-- woman rose made application No. dk Her shrill rate crackled over the I'ISS of 1. old i are you going to get mother Halfway up to the. avenue June, homestesd Mrs Hay's gov- lots 3. I, S HE I maid?" tbe clerk She had just thla minute got In Pbjj "airs. Mm. lock hi llstetl as a u walking along and dabbing her eye i!01!f, for and iituoiuiuef" Township UN. inspecting the clothlurf piece by frcm a wild base after a bogxn trudg erness." she observed, and June winc- glanced occasionally, was confronted by aome NWV4, Rextlon t, The man over nt bla books Hangs W. N. M. P. Meridian, has frnwe from uader Ids eyelids and ring seen ed at ber new mi mo How queer this 1 1 but if be had been and rati hi bund across h!a brow. olie to make lac for rroat and lookiug al tbu young run all seemed! "I'arbaps you would like tiled notice of Intention liatilel with Ned's "Well. I promised mother tonight," "Which way?" he nakid. three year proof, to tslajtiUah claim ITS aatn tbe register all at the snutu d In to have u kittle chat offl-c- ," and be right down. Ho I'etvrs had lost Internet the stars he admitted, with reluctance, uud hi "To tbe einiiloyiiient ahe told to the land above described, befoie lima. The young woman, quite ar- The smacking footsteps of Sh nl - M Mrs. Wiles slid JUBS Moore Warner pura ip her detective end fan- grew grace. blm. aud showed him hor little C. W. HoUnaa. t;nltd HUtoa commls-- I a maid, gtancod awlftly Justin liay Murdock were laitb agree- w at the dered them te report ut tbe Hotel Gm aroused them. "Goody"' The little girl clapped her lib n iwgt aloner, t'abeaon. N. Mex., on April 0. 1 1 able to suggestion, particularly I register .inlcl "Oer exploded Shank. 1Crtaal tbat na ids "It's shame that a pretty gltl like HUH. Uay's'r" she repeated, I Gilbert lllye has doubled lapk wit an since little Holly Wile had appropri- you t worry nuuiey." And Fran "Mr. breath Meanwhile Gilbert lllye eat "Rut will It. lie a nice big llmnualnur" has about Claimant namea as witnesses: tag JkearUy. "Vyear f oilier swell Jane! 'Beet II to the Pau ated Juno apparently for keeps They hla coal Mack eye gar.ed duwu at her ilsco Montoya. of Rernallllo. N. M.i rersatlou with Jovial looking trl "Not an extraordinarily big our. Just "Bbe'a eaUsrcting you" Add the ninghaiu and a usually rtvsriot lei! A se of youse hotfoot It after sal In one of lb coxy cornera, end glowingly uis Montoya. of Posta. N. M Joae a proper slued limousine for little glrla - clerk's eyelids dlckarod. "Biom 44." nette whom both men railed T tbo eU eboweane and get the old when Juue rose sin. Waa engaged Mrs. He tried lo detain her Catching ber IJ.PerM. of Han Mateo, N. M.i Trun- like you aud mother. Uh, come In. M "Atari, tell June I ant her.'" crleu woinat Gee"' Wihsi waa a moit apiealli:g woiusu. gently by arm. bo tried to urge ber i. nl. no Ausurea, of Han Mateo, N. Triumphantly Blye held lieforel Wuoalyr the DEU1A1X), Vtajoa, turned a commanding ey on All three were perfectly happy as Into hla ear, using orauaulve FRANC1HCO tbe sddriss In his little metuor a all the ' ttat) left tb.- - otflce In Mrs. Mrs Wllea In stunning negllgeo Register. "ih," otoe en id. I do not know yon." basdl J i; Hay. Hotel l and rode lies of hi eyes sod his smile and hla "Mr. up stood In tbe library door "Evening Herald," Albuquerque. N. M. SV'iy -- el rd stammcrsO; then lollov 'er up!" he ordered Wile' victoria I'lftli atenuc to on suave courteay, but l.o wa otalurate. He mot loiied the girl !o "Ye, w ant Dolly, of course." rhe ald clotio-- Iky drew a long. Jerking breath of tlioati wide, clean alrvels which leud Hiiddenly ho JuiuihhI Into his llmu-- i be grabbed the from the tnald She sat gl fuiin'nglmin a I AU members tl. K. Warren Post. a of! fioui ( eiitrsl perk to Junes "She's bo; iwler, Hp of i an ulled bla liell nraunil him. cast sine und whlrhsl away. wns at spoke to be lib a Bounce I (J A R . and Holdlcrs of the R de lllng Waik up A block end a half from Uie avenue" tin- and she rose am bert Rlye. the sMe struet to employment agency laifore June kl rsquested und aabed lu at- they stopped k looking Dolly a mum- fM eppMlltogiy to clerk. the little cirri, e was twinkling, bMn new luiucked ber father reached II. and h had a cordial chat tend the funeral services of t'omrade turtied the apartment house with an Siuioslng en ble Tlieeui are gay wife clothes!" de he center of the car track and with the employment agency woman Itubart J Thompaon to be held at CHAPTER II. mm! a loiiklug I trniii e. hiiugry doormun "Daddy saya It won't b a big llmou He bunded her au uddrea and went Htrong Rrlthera' undertaking parlor era rod tb young wan. "Bbe'a her. IV A It Kit standing dingo he b.iwtd hi regular bow, and a hungry alne. mother, It'll eilk tnaaela, a Way. p. m . HBnday. waa t Isjurr meantime Gilbert lllye aud but hue at t o'clock March It. y acrosa from tbe Hotel ly looking elevator man sky anyhow 1. Murphy. P. J. G. t'ahl-wel- l, ' clerk rhotnas had walked shot tbem and It will be a limousine Kit. 0. ('.: What's bar aagl" the de del, where he could watch j .TJw.Me JCMeWHl ward. Mux n't. tain. ad beaded 'uiuffuur (Coiuiniici Noxl Saturday.) Adjl.

'5 TEH gVEKIKO TH. IOT0U0.1fg. N. JStfaWSat. fblfC. .11 m.. in HERALD WANT ADS

Three Lines Three Tima THE HERALD'S FREE BIBLE v,x.y'ieJ)eTVaaaeeTssaVaa kaSSaMs3 WAFTED. PROFESSIONAL CAR WAJ "With notrw if ion Physicians.

W. M. SHERIDAN M. D. like t Prsettre Uratt ts CERTIFICATES KINART Aoftiy Bus !C. Herald of-- 1 days, tiajHlicr wtntrnl n of tlii-- i ittelttd mu. rinte.l )! BBltsr ns?c, clipped on eotiaoculivc witll tlio mount thnt witj tin nrce.rv Hrpennr item wonderful litrilntiri, Be. ArtealaiSMieaf. iH clerk hirr, met of ,i.-- injr. checking', cxpn' from factory, etc., en itlr- von to vonr choice of t ii- licautiful laaik deserilteil Mow. Thiaia not m Hihle with ireraiii-tagk- Ctibunae' ""nank MadMlaaf. laSaersjaw Ness Mastfaaj . Tin- - o They tln-- do more- they explain o that u ultM-u- illustration serve v distinct puriio-- mi rich the lojct, hut ititcllitreiitiy it, iminy hitherto s. m. itir Itts Mint: lloo fat IStt Dime, A. U. BIKMmJa, BL ft, Mini. Manv vnlunbH roln clrrulat- - pnokiuri tiMiuin'- - to thousand n new inclining: through tin m lem-h- i njr pictim PiartJY IStaSwag e tVeaarc-aaneS- Otr Itoure, 11 to It a, , miwuj im. Wurih. Tea. it West Ossataavt. Jetft FOB RFaNT Rooma. zagBl b eBSSeaSWKkta- The Murphey Sanatonutt Tubeiculoaia of a IHasa. Ki nfSST Two ni-ii- l I y ftirmahi-- rjs Thrust 3 Went lirirfetkni!is Alijuhif-riu- Clly Offlre. J! fwttrel Avd rixma o 1 a. m ; J tu 4 p. hotel, N. IM M. Hoera: a. THE GRAND PRESENT Pbuna C It Xsaaiesium PHo 4ta. rooref W. T. Marpkaw. M. l !l R It NT Nice terse with Mod toad OtrecW. board. 411 Weat Marquette. DR8. TDLL A BAJOaS. SIX . TRIUMPH V ANTED Female Help Ky, Kas-- Mejeax IferuaS, i:-- Work el home; good p liiaaing; no . oaperWrn-- DM, BAUgVW awn ci.tfux Write. Oleoeon-Wheele- r Prentice U mites te ttyw. saai. Ws Certificates nndiwin. fhlcngo. sad Ttireavt. OF ARTISTIC Wsst t.AHIKB ImmedSnteh. nlllns. label- SHH ing bcivee; home work evenlnsa; SOIXIMON U KtiatTON. kV a. aleady: no experience, abaolutely ne PhyaaHjca aaaJ awsjajias. canvueelag; ascetleni opportunity for Keeldenee. Il Bowtb Walter "ireaaL PERFECTION I llline worker. Knrlnea .Htmc Krlna Pfcoas 1J4S-- TO THE i ii., T rnnto. Oat. nfflee, Barnelt Bids.. VtMSaa itt. j aIiX 116. I! WKBkrroddTfSP lilt. MAiM.Mtl'TT U. ' MtTVHM4trTH irag, maHlna clrculara. Inrtlrulsjia; Practice llmites 'ts Women't aaS) I clrcatere lie. Amerlcaq ftelea Co., Children's; nuwaeea. IS THIS hKlli'.nuoKH, Ti-n- 11JI Maat Ceatral. Itione 5ft. ntKK Tc AN V WOMAN Iteaullful Mbuijonr.jne. J. at. 4 3 place Dinner Bet for dletrlbellng EVENING only a doaen cake ol Complexion (Inap PHBK. No money or eaper'ence DR. W. W. DICrl needed. Tyrrell Ward, MAGNIFICENT Ztt Insttttite W. We. I Place, Chkaso. mii Ttjera aTliT I'AYINO-BMFTXT- for no-me- IIIKHlt.Ut4MW full or nart time. Hell guar- - I'aita iMt in Dkwan HERALD nnteed cotton. Hale, ens nueaerj Mf. .n, Mr M lo user; experience unnecessary: larga I ph,,, ,3s. B W. BIBLE - iid. $5.00 Hrring ceaaneea now on, in- rrnatlonal Mllle. Jl4t Oneetniit, I'bll- - Dentists. delphlu. Pa. wwwwiivwiiiwwawe UK. t, B itAinr. fliBSfeSSBjBHEHSBSi . flBvatnaBaaktEiieritRti r AND TAKE WANTEDelp peaxei hanpary. Rooms t sad t. Harnett Mtdg. $V t ViiiiT'.M AiiKerrtlng for the o itleliye Drug Btoss. movtee. "Uesrn How." HkT Appolaimenis mads bf mad.) aend tSc for aample photo- fds. More iIimu l"" of llio world's Your Choice play and iNtrltcutera. The Arrow Photo Pluy IXi Hox 474. Toledo, tl. Engine ggm greatest artists, working un- J 4xaSsisaSkaSaaaS eeeSaSSsSsti WANTED Salesmen. WIl.t.lAM U BTAUCT thi nd vice of p.rchiH'oliy-eit- s One need uol In- - u uu'inlier of der fiAI.KSMKN wanted for rountry civt! and omammm nnd hiitoritins of wide a religion organisation to towns. $15 weekly salary mid $& Hurraying tod Iwwdlng. per day allowed for eapenaea whe i f.ANI ATTORNSJT. renown, iav- - ctmlrilmted appreciate thi magnificently 4ro.llna Wealern rider Co . fc Mo. the choice! product of illustrated work. Everyone In. Architec Sale Miscellaneous. kill and geuiua to produce who read needs it ; every For SUiBN & tNMUtm ilii .'""' irivtHfik f mil-li- r Italy hn- - occuMoli to roR SAI.K Harley Davldaon tt!4 win. two-ai- il inotori yt le and Vp e fX hrn at 1 ami hixtorirnl ic e.nrv on ii conversation aide cor. Aiao ml haiid l.le vi le lt"oas I. I.yrtf Thawte (nil. These pictures, nre not nii it; cviiImmIv can nw Ai"l uol Korreati-- r avenue. t lucre reproduction of med- it us an everyday reference rOK HAIJS Iteeaoneble. Wire, lum- Attorneys. ber and Utah lor chliUen rune; ateo iaeval freeiM and more or l"'k hixtoi'ical treatise, a dug uiil rabhite. Phone 1IISJ. HIM MM m lavwyrra.Ma lc- -. modern photo-graph- . BSjaWSaf familiar key to familiar quotation-- Ptin x.W.K We havo three IT. It Harriet t lildg. AV go luir-xai- ii inserted at random; is an lilucal iomil volume hund uuloe thai must a Sns 11 Moo oeuily new I i Ki ljl k Typewriters. thev have h n i ii fur progress! re pnopla of louring ear; one llulck roadster in peifcit iitndltion; u in Maxwell vww.wwwwweiaew made, in the light of Twcni TOdJM V Roadster, good running rder, louka AtaL KINDS, both new and second- hand, bought, sold, rented and re- good. Sec- - once. Itulc-a- t ua at Auto Typewriter iclll t'ellturv Knowledge na ul Kurber'a tlarugr. paired. Albuquerque Phone T7. go. eX The $5 Vol- Ill lad to illustrate selected texts in Illustrated Poultry and Ettfs accordance with the ume, Limp Bind- matured Leather I "II MAt.Kwvwvi.viwwviaiItanium egga for listen i t Ing: breeda. Also C. hclinf of the ii living ing, with Overlapping four different T. FRENCH barred Plymouth Hocks, Hlark Mln-urrs- a, KITNEHAIi t KIIIMTiHt Covers. : : single comb White laighorns. Toulouao geese and Kngllah ring neck pheaaanta. C. A. tapre, 11114 N'urth fourth etreet. Paoaw ISy and Nhga. ecsx

1HKK n.tPINQTON KXM1H Klght "II. O." March psIIsM produced 114 egge In December, I4S In January. Expert Hair Work. Kaus iroiii either one jeer or two. Combings made Into twitebee, yeur-ol- d layers, ll.uo per setting. transformations, ruffs, curls, mil Forrester Ave. etc.; twitches dyed. Mils bt. PE7DK VDCXOB Strain Single tmb While Educational Campaign I.. kIu. Best In the west. Kggs 111. 1XS (S st Great in. for hatching, day old chicks, custom hutching, ii. J. Landry, phone ",.n. Magnificent tuuitiuit ur Personals. Chicago Hill Ltunhtr 0 Illustrated $5.00 the Bible MOVBD- - From corner of Crosdwsy General Planing KIQ and Cenlisl ts 111 Bast Centrel, (Hk llltwtrstionl In bound In full flexible limp lestitar, witU opposite tbo Highland Huusa. Shall 3rd an Harquetta PlUBC Knowledge ThePictures Htvsr's Hhos Hhop. oTcrlsppluk cortri sad title itsmpsd in sold. n:i numeroux fuU-ps- plats tu color from the world famous Tliaot collection, will children H. It. BACA, Spanish traassSttr, in- IN EVERY PAGE togotliar with oou taperb pictarns grspblcslly lllnstrsttng and interest terpreter aad Instrtfctor. 117 Boutn street; phone S4. maklns plain tbe verso lu tb Ugbt or modern Biblical knowlsdie Plrtl HA NTA FK TIME TAHLE text contorma autborlted edition. U Nothing will interest a child so cleaning, It in an KIM CATION A I. work alone, and research. Tbs to the VuK t'AHPET furniture iielf pronouncing, with copious marginal references, map ami quickly as a picture. Pictures speak and stove repairing;. W. A. UoR, phone ISS. the IJihle demand a place in every belpt: printed on thin Bible paper; flat opeuiag at all pages; a universal lanrruage, intelligible beautiful readable type. BU couMcalir free csrttncaU and Ft first elate sewing reasonable m in ai (In IMS.) honu and this new ILLUSTRATED to young and old alike, mid with call 1001 X. 2nd or phone effect Sunday. Ftb. 7th. ihi"" Hess Ar. Dp. no embarassment of moods and I 1417 W. lllltLK enhance the vidua of UMi per amount of 01 1 Q No. Dally. tenses. MA It It f If you ore lonely. The Re I California Ka press. 7 S0p s sag cent for purport' of LKAKXIXO. Jt expense item liable Confidential Hucotstfui club 1 California l.iraiitd. II .14 ll:tttt $aU has lurge Humbert of wealth)', ellg 7 Fast K a press 4Sa It: 13a ACT I 'A L SCKNKS in Accurate pictures appeal to the in- I Ibis members, both sexes, wiahlig IS Dt Lust (Thure.). T:&a I tilt early mtrrlagea. Ieacrlptlena free way tint I tellect through the "windows of the Mrs. permanently impress the The $3 Illustrated Bible Wrubel. Hon IS. Dakhnei. t'al. 101 Rl Paso Ktprest. . 10 Jtp HernkS - flood Mention Albuiiucrqtie Kvenlng 44 - 1'xnrtly the Kami' :i thi- .' bicik, i xcciif in the wt 7' nf binding, soul," which portals let in a 811 K Paso Kxpeeea. m h uiih i he of HISTORY. when vs ilting. facts vthirh in .Ik elotbl i.on- - nil of ihi' illuKlriiti'inii nml uinn. of light alike to the illiterate and Pasi Dally. Six and the 10 Rxprrea. 7 SSS There i actual ncod of h hand Bible couaecutlvn tree certlflcatee Atlantic the learned to the child-min- d no BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES e amount expense Hem, 81 CENTS 14p (or "handy" Ilihle) in every home. less to or woman of ItTnxrrrrn l:4p 7:0p than the man ualnets or proposition by t:!lp 7;l The old family l.ihle fulfills its pur ripe learning. i an and salesman, liefer-iged- . :09p ISp Also an Edition for Catholics etc Oiver full Informa-ee- . 1 W, , hut - unwieldy even for oesMurJofl Itol Addreee V Jul 110 K. C. Chicago.. 7:00a i I uriiitjfii nil xcluni ve nrriingenu'ni. wo hnv' In'i'ii mm.t fur- Mo 111 K. C. a Chicago.. I:l0p In ( Mthnln VstebW, MeSsStad SS i al refcreiiee, and where i the man, I tnnnti' wruring the Uibls, Uousf J standard aleeper far TJeavM gsSd) ) ItKII 1'uolinnl Qlbbosa and fnnn f areUaal lavrisr, na well Your name stamped KSTAIII.ISIIKIi MANl'KAi'TI Ruswell leaves on No. 10. connects at .p-hlda- I atutp manager. High vlsee uotiuin or chihl that eaunot gjiu I aa by tb' varloua ipa i.f lb roaalrjr. rho Uwatratl wants Holan with train No. II, lasvlag Btltsj eoaatat l - by lie- I'hurrh, I should pay annually: I the full (mgi- ilutva nii.i touea iiiprn.-.- article; flg.tsg at .. In tin- - guoo oapltsl. Will pay KNOITLIOOI from thin h.Hikf I Kitbost the Tlaaot asa tet pieturss. It win b dtatrthatisl I to 11.000 No. 7 coach onty; no in Gold a Its oat I aaaia biadlan ai lbs I'retcatnnl books sail nt the anmu Amosat f 25c Extra lo Chicago If you are man ws sleepers. UM I It ilil'litlH. J Leary. 40 Ftshcr l.xi'll. Ililll". ...Ill lnrijiMirx lo. want, lieferenree. No. Ill will heve Standard steeper lilds I'hlcago from Roesel) from train No. it tl Let the Herald wsnt ad sfo yoar i work. P. J. JOHNSON. AamL

i Bj B s? X TEE IVCTrWO fflBAIP, AtBUQOatqCT, H. Mm SATTOPAT. MARCH 13. 1015,

mm AT YOUR DEALERS RED WING GRAPE JUICE PASTIME SPRINGER P, why Data M THE GRAPE JUICE WITH A BETTER FLAVOR TRANSFER kitMiJar L. B. t Our Prices Are As Cheap THEATER As Our Service Is Good PASTIME THEATRE TODAY LyricTheater Crescent Hardware Co. ABOUT FEOPIB TODAY STOVES AMD RANGES GRUDGE" YOV TOMORROW AND MONDAY "THE KNOW "The Lost Ledge" PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS Fox Attraction of the Month 111! MmmTwo-llm-l- . William Present the A Broncho 'two-re- el fea- AGENTS FOR MASTERPIECE ISRAEL ZANGWILL 8 with Wm. 8. Hart T SllllfCUlHKRH Simplex Advance Duplex Steam Pumps. ture U ynu fall to get your evening "His Last Serenade" Marsh and potior, coll o I .l.K.I. I" II.M The Children of the Ghetto PODTAL, TRI.RtlRAPH 314 West Central Avenne. Phone 315. i COMPANY, I'HO.tK 14 "School Days" With Wilton Uck&ye "HER 8I8TERS 'i. i .: Prcah home-mad- e randtoo ovcry KIDDIES" TIIK III K ItOX." VARSITY FIVE DEFEATS This dram dealt with a subject of interest to all classes Way at roo'o randy More. Henry Haul Phono tat. sciial ! K. I'litlll. i BUSINE8S COLLEGE TEAM A Comedy tiaaaaa. atarta nnlmwIiK Mon li IT. Prealo 1lto aorvlce. Kor-bor'- lor. Crystal Theatre econd age. I'omina from behind In the half. Ihe I'nlverallv of ew Mexico H. 1. rireenleaf accuaed of epeed- - ten an thr Hual-ni-- ) 'TO TOP HEAOACHE I SKILL haaketboll LINGUISTIC THE SPRINGTIME tTnllage rive at the armory laat GRAND JURY Thursday, 1 night St to The ItUHlncaa t ullaga WILL Q girl raally the Ualvcralty Headache uaalr oaaaea fro FEELING" Thc Artennn alnir Tcnni uaaocla-lin- n dafentad girl IH to II. afucghfh liver and bowela. If ' UNQER5HERIFF nun Invited ih local tonal club MARCH a OF A Keystone Comedy to ort In Ihe champlnnahlp riWK tOBfTIC ty take 0 Vtvtote. i game m bo played ni Tuiaon March INTO SESSION '' II. 20 and II. 60 MONEY TO LOAN Government ttaure. ahnw ihat Iho Joshua Simpkins UNDOES THEIF undreherlfr waa m the Job. February more ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS . tWHM averaged l,ewi chuckled, and nnieti-- mm than eight lm hee for tha aatlro elate. Ttw V-- I on fiamiili In AND JEWELRY in apaiiah that it waan't tor- - ON MONDAY SaJSl iitl.m. ournie At the end if 'lie month there w.i Piair "f Ilea thoy wanted but iha truth. After f ,. ,,,, WE OFFER - y,nry four frl., the kg- are. . 23-Jew- brief aeoaton with the undarahorlff taa-- twelve Inihoa Unredeemed el Watch r. Warning in Spanish to His runil llurula save up. at Hartm. two TIJeraa can- - Way Down es. Elgin. Waltham. Hamilton, will to Qal- - Pit: aft a a cleanaina blood ii.mi la Companion Puts Him in The prlaonera be takan yon HB() flv.(ant.ia of an inch at Arriaga Murder Case Chief of etc. 20 and 25 year Uold all lup by Upeclal Agent flauaon. i Mnuntalnalr. The Mountalnalr figure East Life tilled well rommmnW. fl at of Official: Pair -- to be to Power - ; a un nrgumont tor the Aho 'Mion the Criminal Matters - Cases S25 $30 Mora Willi It- - .pli-iall- lUud anil IM-- Store. COMING at ; above Robbed Gallup JOSHUA 8IMPKIN8 rut. Disposed Of List of Accused Two TiiHiiiiiK kwgaa 21 jewels, same aa - - .i.i.- Tfl rBTSTAT. TWEATRE ..... nation. Koriora tbaial haw Mill Nrrrte. Kn . nil to $22.50 : garage. Men. J.. i ii ml. on of thr two pej ami I imii- J FULLY ' Sow) EVERY WATCH yeeter-,!- , Tho Rngland comedy drama. ' Will,- -. FREE! arretted nn aueplclon at lalota ,Xw On Monday ihe March term of tho WARRANTED by Special agent A. J Moahua (timpklna. will he produced ROBBERY OF STORE A Chemically McKe. Iternallllo court will open. The gruml ex- to- at ('ryatal theater Thurada). I'ariiH-- r IUUkI Gold La Valieres, an aanl-fr- of iho Soma Kc force. nnfeaaed the tTI fT fkBTTI HV I'iiiiiil Solid Treated . In-- I DTa land petit )uriea will report Moiulav day to Dirk l.ewl March II. The play on.aln. a. i i f : R&egrlawn t'ndarohrrln that -, morning, Monday the quisite and beautiful line Allroo. reatln- and Intelligible plot, but " AHJltbl and afternoon ii.ii ay ho nnd hi companion, Juan A. fKbStt'll orggn-teo- up to a jury la expected to have - ?aiMr tha Jacobaoa at ore In Oailup la not allowed to Intarforo with the tlrand I rti- Hand fimiiTt at 7::tO $3.50 whh-- la aold to be In abund- - 1'ndrrahorifr Mark, of preacott. and aottlotf down to ita hualneaa. tlMMgaV, FORGET rlofhlna, llk aia-k- allk and fun ,o I ii.ol ol DON'T of tha play aherlff'a office here For tho flpat lime In n long while eweatr found hi (hair poaeeaaion. ance. purUaf ihe run of the Aria., notified the thir Wanii Healrlng Hertnioiit aturtllng arenea and altuatlona t ! v ho had a prlanner who con-ar- e Ihe grand Jurora will barva a murder s .sao, itrni gi.iMi . II. .1 hy rr PMM that I'ltll It b. Tha I wo mara nueatMitwd In I'nder-fthori- aeen. the principal of which (aaaed to robbing Itenfnmln I'roihora' caae to runalder. Camlln Arralga I by Waii-on'--. Lowta olfWa thin mornlnir Ihe anwmlll In tha third act, ahuwn Morr here TTid prlaoner had on a ' onflned In ihe ewayily Jail. barged ttani sale hi INn.u H. YANOW Mpeclal Haata Jan- i 1., ana W Agent Tiauaon. of ttia ;. coioploic operution. cutting up real ,,, vervoul nnd hat taken from the with killing cipr:ano Vieyra last I. i. .!.: at K a. III...... 1. eohriil lot yo aro a Pe and told aovaral alnrloe to account timber. The aaw uaed la the genuine at ore. and he told fnder-anlcle- , uary, other men ho aro waiting to or 10 eweat-at- r, n,nj,in i' (.Iran ef for thalr pcaoeaelon tho the aame aa uaually aeen In Bhnrr Mark he hid a aultcaae full of Htid out what the grand Jury will nnd . V J mini-- Alao I allk ock and wrr Jeiiit. iliirge country anwinllla. An excellent ajiri. collar, ilea, aox and other In their caae. and the rlme with tMMn In P.nglih. I accompany , an or Itto aefctn. a booklet explaining t'tuueon examined band and fine ri htra T n frni th.. atore hehlnd a hli h they are charged, follow. & I LUMBER BUILDERS' ti llatentng 1 ho advantage of 1RI IJKXNKN. l. raherlff from hlo.lnl, 1 ra.t roil The bond will parade priMce houae 'noar a pile of bogea.' Max tloldburg. . barged with haWng at hi deals la) when omc good mualc may ... ,..,., ailPPlilKH iioat Bfin. naailii luat where the atolen good In poaaeaaion WORST ROADS THIS Retail C. Optometrist exam-- j be looked for wbnlcaalo and H. Comes, Allre aoaaalorod undar the place waa. v aaMWtwa I.iiiih. . with rape. ... . 1 ... (. 'nilaed 1. - u Inl U. . ' Albuquerque Lumber Ot. W. ( Hid. Ill, .MIW.W IMtlVV.H...I 11 .. to the enlamln tre Joae Sunloa Marline, charged a I'll 4M. tin . gg .irnlng In Hanlh. n wlmlowi orth fita BARXKTT HUMS. ma named thf..ili rear attempt to kill. 'Wick to your ftrai aiory!" he aald ITALIAN PAINTER t'nderaherlff Itlck apprlaed New ton Henley aaaault with pt COUNTRY HAS HAG (Mil dpln't a polb'o. (UaUon'a ataiwl.) Ha know that Chief M' Milln. of Ihe city ol lo kill. iiii the caae. and aearch will In-- mude for ", hiding place of the loot The Julian IHaMS) forger). the conceollig atolen v IS STAYING IN laaeoo of the thlcr wua not In I'ortlllo Savedru. YEARS Matthew's Milk T the lelier from Waacntt. property. l tt K. Muriiln. forgery. Phone 420 C II liilriaon. forger. I'rh.inu So Meboa, Joe ronirere. THIS CITY University Sludents AllVea. I0bbge. Krato im Even in Kansas Highwavs Are i n Icoi scr.t.e Angel HOgkaMdJaa, aaaaull with tlcaollncaa All the Hits in So As be : to Meet Dr. Boyd to kill. Miry to Impassable No Touring Advised Until - A. Del Vecchio. Whose Worki . ( 'r.-n- i n not a Pad. iiira Tonight ROSWELL MAN FOUND o Hang in Vatican and the With Band May 1. In the "I'-- id" kind. Tha wine may Spring Fabrics DEAD IN A CISTERN lie aald of our candy. Royal Palace at Rome. fa uliv the 4 B'.tident and "' Not r,,r 'ivi' venra pnat h'ivc - glvo tent A Sail(ing Lunch- a rem h..t din Iriend of Charles Melnu. ixpeit t.i lr. lloHW.ll. N M Match IS. lieoIKe country ner ecrveil at noon for If' .1 .. ' i loaaj the ro.iila of thla been 'nt David it Bo iala I. Mtllva. former clerk ol the o Silk silk in many varieties preaent keen enthua- - big to MI w-r-- shape thmi the, .ire at thin stripes and checks AlbuiueriUe'a lion apon rwlorn tha pgotwa ci urt. wua found dead In the GRIM8HAWS luam over art lend adlltlonu Intar-- I ivenlng. He lll arrive oil Il I nine, in . .,t. una to Pal D K li. He- are the go in the soft, wooly cassimeres. The th la i iatein ut hli home at niani. You II he lirknihun a.' In of A. Del . NktSMM K et to Ihe nrrhitl town a .. .it IS, gad ihe Mippo,o-- . hod allpped and alien ller, wboac report "ii highway dan he stripe vifects in worsteds and serges are also clever i i hlo, an It iHun painter nnd O with the Bt ralty hand In the I..II n li and iieiii stunned " are the moat vi.Iuikiiiku nnd j urator of nun In aouthorg Europe grill m gaaaaaal lo expreaa thnr .,1.1. t,, l,.r help. He wua in. cult di pendulile ,i-- in and novel ! u recelxed man ftlgnor Del Ve. hlo cam, here from aoiirectallo-- i 'r lloyd'a ra . f ago I'hoenlx, Arte .mil la may log at Sll O err. n In i ..I the thla action. North llroadwav He la a friend ol 'OK ALK Old for putting The i olonel actit a part; n( six auto Poayaolhtatad iperg IN - jmilgi Moiini. ..r the down tapoia. ate. Call at Herald tourtat hound for t'alif. .rnln hy way 'uAjunr company Italian conul md ffl ca of UomiiiK loduy. Inn In - ul Hint ii foi New Maafleo. lir-- i .ii.ti-i IVurcti. i waa exltemely doiililful II the) mild rtlgnor Hoi Vecchio haa with Ulni wiinduy aarvkgt Stao by Hev. .ul 1 TOW bio. Tfii eJ aoma of hla rece ii ' ne ol foOaea Miiuia. II a M.i Womun i! mil1'.', tin trip wuh. TOOTH PASTE them la u atrlking painting r u Mex- - kHgoamaory ...n v 7::i" i in uhjet.'l. i Mi gelilag bty bgyea to be battled ba-- " Mm Kdaurd " M Cleans. Preserves. Whitens lean woman utul her no hi The rtnith loader. s tween Aiili.iu nl S ,ii .i ill - v 'in pictur of the Mud. .una. The BtS- Wluml. Kven n Kanana the rnuda an go GUARANTEED Inal mi a womun whoec huaband wa mlrv gg lo be ImiHiaaolih'. All n.ada llllll.llig to th weal ruin Allll'iner Williams Drug Co. .and the atory of her grlefa Ut In mo tine are abgolbtol bha-ko- d with aaxpreaalo-- t of her eyea aa ahr Baaaa MORTUARY. no or mire. ::tt: initial in..' : i "over In arm. galVkM the child cuddled h'r oooooooooooooooooooaoooooo Ratottel Scllera will nil Klgnor Iel Vecchio' arilallc lahora that no ..m n..ul.i atlog pi Styleplus 1 not confined to lundat upca ami I n .Irh kmm triinm "in iin 'itiil Journey until Mas 417 are John get portrait. Ho deaUna decorative nnd Predrli kaoti. ; n ut Ibe aarlleat. if ha .ml to - ,hB aed - rinthsac mi j nnd mural decor- yeor or Albu- Ihtoitgli the trip in "m digrei of memorial window ll9M tor vrr thirty t'guarW -- Mliono fur chun theater und ,,,.,,,,,,. r, at Weat Lead boon fort aotirnki can in f l t!t. uiaJ he, NOTICE a.. houae lavettuo. Mad on Thuradm moinliia April II, Tex., while on Home of hla work i in the VaUian hM M Afongaa Paaa. pal ten h Nm tw mw you will find the fabric assjrtmant big almost . -o ... at lloini'. and he ha ocen nonoieu i In I, i , in are gcUlOal, all-wo- - - .il li hi Wife Ml & McQUERRY in ol ...i.H.ioh.n. rrom the lie BENNETT unlimited. Every fabric guaranteed ok da Ugh n. n,l Dkoofe or pay flork of II. or liulv and the royai family of Anna ProwrlokauB und thue I v.. i I iuih.-- r and f 'nMiict Mukera. Kiedrlckaon, Mra in. ir.l ..I Kdu MkW, lliuh or all wool and silk. You can judge for yourself MoaUonogro une 12". la th Kcuovtllali of Q, CMlMfttatoli of Aranana PBOB, and Yrt' IwarMa chool bHildinv. corner regarding the degree jf workmanship. One look city iklg-ua- at Mr tleillte lt,.allnglon ol Ihla W lo pack faraltur ant i rorkary far and III i.ul way. in the mirror will prove to you that the styling Cleaning and pressing The budl) la - lng brougtll to albu nu ..hart aaUca. all work i:'irantd Grimmer 's Cleanery. 1 ggOl Iff '"' interment, and a pVlvaM Phone No. 1886 is the work of a great fashion artist. faiinl (ii ti r w ill lake place at fironjt llrotlaera' chapel on Hundav p. m. You would hav: to pay much more than $17 for at t this suit if one of the big makers had not made 6ET A MOVIE TICKET funeral ..I II. J Tln.nic-o- n Kuhernl acnice roi llolort J. it the great manufacturing ideal of then whole TltnmpBon. Hun Porreotei uwnuc. Loan will bo held ut o cha k loniorrow $25,000 . afternoon. The Itev. Hugh A t'oopOt arte l urltil will he In r'nlr-vle- will ..Illume On Mortgage Improved Real Estate You get selection, quality and guaranteed satis- FREE cenietery First Albuquerque faction. Wear 8TYLEPLU3 CLOTHES and be I uncial ol William Ingrain. Knox Hats Fiineritl arv looa for William In- well dressed. Thnrn-du- gram. 7 year, old, who died M. niahl m hia home In the hlah- - John Moore Realty Company lliinda. were held yeatciduy aftern I ,,, With every cash Bhmb I Kntrvlew i. Mr He 1 liigniiii wua ii bridge carpenter The Very Best Hat on the SIMON STERN purchase ot Une win- ,n .itiltin.i re'ldeul ..I .lbuiui-- Market Is Incorporated que Dollar we give you Suits of all kinds cleaned i THE KNOX and pressed at Glimmers one Moving Picture Cleanery. phone 804. Ask any man who know Gross, Kelly & Co. Derby , $5.00 FOR SALE Ticket Soft Styles $4 and $5 tlNi tiUI'iHIATI I' i owftggaj i, Naiajo Hiikh iiuiat Good la- - old. Hargaln. Itm North Other Hats Twelfth airrat FROM LUGCA, ITALY . . $2 50. $3.00 & $3.50 WHOLESALE '1 GROCERS l'i.. ... t. lie I Mam. Weal Cop MAIL per. for firat ulaaa llrry. W. 1. 0RDER3 Trlnilde Ca PROMPTLY FILLED WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest ano FREE best. The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Dour- LUMBER er, positively the branu yon w .11 always want if BILLV SHOP Colo. ici it 0. A. MATSON & CO, Exivert Cleaners and Hatters East Las Vegas. N. M. Tiiiudad, once tried. Ask your ittler for Gradi and Domenioi Albuquerour, N. M. Roue, N. M. 2IIK MIINT I I Mil l. Standard Work Fe, N. M. brand. Standard Prices MlJjKaw'J MHtklkt Pecos. N. M. 'Santa .aaaessssvewwa illft ho. haaoiul St I'Iii.ik IttO.