99 Names of Allah on the Hadeeth Dr

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99 Names of Allah on the Hadeeth Dr Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah Compiled and Edited by Akm Fakhrul Islam New York, USA Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 2 Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 3 Description from the publisher: The issues of dealing with the Names and Attributes of Allah are some of the most important issues of faith. Different Islamic sects have adopted diverse opinions concerning these issues and due to their errors, false doctrines and erroneous concepts and ideas have evolved. Allah guided our righteous predecessors, from amongst the companions and their immediate followers, to the truth in those matters about which people have differed. This book is written for the purpose of making clear the views of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah and explain the bases upon which those views are founded and highlight the features which distinguish them from others. At the same time, the characteristics of the Qur'anic, and Prophetic methodology based on belief concerning this subject become clear. This is the methodology that was followed and sanctioned by our righteous predecessors. Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 4 Preface: All praise and thanks are due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our own selves and from our bad deeds. Whomever Allah guides, none can misguide him and whomever He misguides, there is no guide for him. I testify that nothing deserves worship except Allah alone, with no partner and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger–may Allah send prayers upon him, his family, and his companions. As for the following: Allah has sent Muhammad (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) with guidance and the true religion. He sent him as a mercy to the world, as an example for the workers, and as a proof against all the servants. He (Muhammad) fulfilled the trust, conveyed the message, advised the Ummah, and he clarified for the people all of what they need regarding the foundations of their religion as well as its detailed matters. He left no good except that he clarified it and encouraged it, and he left no evil but that he warned the Ummah from it so much so that he left his Ummah upon a clear, white path – its night as clear as its day. His companions traversed this path, shining and radiant. Afterwards, the best generations took it from them in the same state until oppression frowned upon them with the darkness of various innovations by which the innovators conspired against Islam and its people. The people then wandered in confusion purposelessly, and they began building their ‘Aqeedah beliefs upon a spider’s web. However, the Lord upholds His religion with His close helpers upon whom He bestows Eemaan, knowledge, and wisdom by which they prevent these enemies. They repel their plot back against their own throats. So no one ever comes out with his innovation except that Allah and for this deserves praise and thanks destines to send someone from Ahlus-Sunnah who refutes and disproves his innovation and extinguishes it. He has many works on the clarification and explanation of the Sunnah, the reinforcement of its pillars, and the destruction of innovations. I ask Allah to make our effort sincerely for His Face and as a benefit to His servants, for indeed He is Generous and Kind. Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 5 Compiled and Edited by: Akm Fakhrul Islam Top of Form Availability: Usually ships the same business day. Asma-ul-Husna ‘Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah’ Compiled by Akm Fakhrul Islam, New York, USA. List price: $17.95 Discount price: $15.50 Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 6 Naming the 99 Names of Allah On the Hadeeth Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar From the book "Asmaa was-Sifaat fee Mu'taaqidi Ahl Sunnati wal Jam'aat" http://islaam.com/ The famous of Hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radhiAllaahu 'anhu):- Narrated Abu Hurairah (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allaah The Most High has ninety-nine names. He who retains them in his memory will enter Paradise. He is Allah, other than whom there is none worthy of worship, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the King, the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Preserver of Security, the Protector, the Mighty, the Overpowering, the Great in Majesty, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner, the Forgiver, the Dominant, the Bestower, the Provider, the Decider, the Knower, the Withholder, the Plentiful Giver, the Abaser, the Exalted, the Honorer, the Humiliator, the Hearer, the Seer, the Judge, the Just, the Gracious, the Informed, the Clement, the Incomparably Great, the Forgiving, the Rewarder, the Most High, the Most Great, the Preserver, the Sustainer, the Reckoner, the Majestic, the Generous, the Watcher, the Answerer, the Liberal, the Wise, the Loving, the Glorious, the Raiser, the Witness, the Real, the Trustee, the Strong, the Firm, the Patron, the Praiseworthy, the All-Knowing, the Originator, the Restorer to Life, the Giver of Life, the Giver of Death, the Living, the Eternal, the Self- sufficient, the Grand, the One, the Single, He to Whom men repair, the Powerful, the Prevailing, the Advancer, the Delayer, the First, the Last, the Outward, the Inward, the Governor, the Sublime, the Amply Beneficent, the Acceptor of Repentance, the Avenger, the Pardoner, the Kindly, the Ruler of the Kingdom, the Lord of Majesty and Splendor, the Equitable, the Gatherer, the Independent, the Enricher, the Depriver, the Harmer, the Benefactor, the Light, the Guide, the First Cause, the Enduring, the Inheritor, the Director, the Patient." [At-Tirmidhee: 5/530, Hadeeth no.3507; Hadeeth Saheeh without the listing of names, refer to Al- Baihaqi`s "Al-Asmaa wal Sifaat" vol. 1, P22; Saheeh Muslim English vol.4: 1409] Some of the Reasons for Its Weakness:- At-Tirmidhee says: This Hadeeth is Ghareeb. It has been narrated by other than one person from Sufyaan Bin Saaleh, and we do not know the Hadeeth except from Sufyaan Bin Saaleh, and he is (only) trustworthy amongst the scholars of Hadeeth. [At Tirmidhee : 5/530, Hadeeth no.3507.] Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 7 Ibn Atee says : The Hadeeth in At-Tirmidhee is not Mutawaatir. In it are names that deviate from the rules, and (there are names) found in the du`a of the Prophet e.g., Ya Hannaan, Ya Mannaan; and not one of them is in the Hadeeth of At-Tirmidhee. ["Talkheesil-Baheer" : 4/172.] Al-Qaadi Abu Bakr Ibn al-'Araabi says : We do not know if the explanation of these names (i.e. 99 names) are in the Hadeeth or from the saying of the narrator. Al-Mahfuz says from Abu Ayyub and Hisham, "(regarding this Hadeeth) it is without the listing (of the names)." Al-Hakim says: And 'Abdul 'Azeez is reliable (in the chain). Those who agree about it’s weakness are Bukhari, Muslim, and Ibn Ma'een. Al-Baihaqi (says) it is weak among the traditionalists. And Al-Baihaqi says : It is conceivable that it’s tafseer is dropped from some of the narrator, and because of this probability the two sheikhs (Bukharei and Muslim) moved to the Hadeeth of Al-Waleed in the Saheeh. Haafidh Ibn Hajr explains the reason for it’s being Da'eef in "Fathul-Bari" 11/215 Ibn Katheer says: The listing of this Hadeeth is Mujarrad (which is an addition by a reporter to the text of the saying by the narrator.) Ibn Taimiyyah also says: Verily the ninety-nine names have not been specified in any Sahih Hadeeth from the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). ["Majmu'al- Fataawa" Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah: 22/482.] The evidence why it is not authentic (also) lies in that it falls short of many of the names from the text of the Qur`aan and the Sunnah. For e.g. :- Ar-Rabb, Al- Khaalik, Al-Qadeer, Al-Qareeb, and similarly, many of the names are found in it that not specified in the Qur`aan and the Sunnah for e.g :- As-Saboor, Al-Mahsee, Ar-Rasheed, Al-Baqi. Asma ul Husna Belief on The Excellent Attributes of Allah 8 The Hadith Naming the Ninety Nine Names of Allah Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo Al-Basheer, 8/2, July-August 1994 http://islaam.com//Article.aspx?id=67 A well known Hadith concerning the names of Allah is the following: Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, said, "Allah has ninety-nine names. He who 'ahsaha' [enumerates them, believes in them, ponders their meanings, worships Allah by them and supplicates with them, and acts by them according to one's belief in them] will enter Paradise. He is God other than whom there is no god, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the King, the Holy, the Source of Peace, and the Preserver of Security..." The Hadith continues to list ninety-nine names of Allah. This Hadith was recorded by at-Tirmidhi and others. Ibn Majah also has recorded something similar to it. In English, it may be found in a number of works, including Mishkat al-Masabih. This Hadith is well-known among the scholars of Hadith to be a weak Hadith. Most of them consider the actual listing of the names as a later addition by one of the narrators of the Hadith and some narrators mistakenly included it as part of the Hadith. Among those scholars who reject this Hadith as weak are At-Tirmidhi, Al- Baihaqi, Ibn Hazm, Al-Dawudi, Ibn Taymiya, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Hajr, Al-Juwaini, Ibn Baz, Al-Albani, Ibn Uthaimin and Abdul Qadir Al-Arnaut.
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