Displaying the heterogeneity of the SN 2002CX-like subclass of type IA supernovae with observations of the pan-starrs-1 discovered sn 2009ku

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Citation Narayan, G., R. J. Foley, E. Berger, M. T. Botticella, R. Chornock, M. E. Huber, A. Rest, et al. 2011. Displaying the heterogeneity of the SN 2002CX-like subclass of type IA supernovae with observations of the pan-starrs-1 discovered sn 2009ku. The Astrophysical Journal 731, no. 1: L11. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/731/1/l11.

Published Version doi:10.1088/2041-8205/731/1/l11

Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:30410832

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IPAIGTEHTRGNIYO H N20C-IESUBCLAS 2002CX-LIKE SN THE OF HETEROGENEITY THE DISPLAYING rneo,N 08544 NJ Princeton, ug,34 ’aaSre,Ptsug A15260 PA Pittsburgh Street, O’Hara 3941 burgh, rnm,Ic,udracoeaieareetwt h NSF the in with Research agreement cooperative for i a Universities which under of Observatory, Inc., Association Gemini tronomy, the Instituto the by the Spa and of the operated Canarias; Muchachos in los Palma de de La Astrofisica Roque of del island Tec Observatorio the and ish on Science Council Moor UK and Facilities the John from Sweden nology Liverpool support and the financial by Norway, with op University operated Iceland, Telescope, Telescope Finland, Liverpool Optical the Nordic Denmark, the by Astrono Japan; National ated the of by Observatory operated ical Chile; is Observatory, which Campanas Telescope, Las Subaru the at located Telescopes [email protected] tet abig,M 02138 MA Cambridge, Street, tet abig,M 02138 MA Cambridge, Street, oouu I96822 HI Honolulu, est,30 .CalsSre,Blioe D21218 MD Baltimore, Street, Charles N. 3400 versity, 21218 MD Baltimore, hsc,QensUiest efs,Blat T N,UK 1NN, BT7 Belfast, Belfast, University Queen’s Physics, otTp asproa SeI)cnb described be can Ia) (SNe supernovae Ia Type Most rpittpstuigL using 2010 typeset 27, Preprint August version Draft 10 1 * 2 4 3 8 6 5 7 .Kaiser N. hsppricue aagtee ihte65mMagellan m 6.5 the with gathered data includes paper This eateto srpyia cecs rneo Universi Princeton Sciences, Astrophysical of Department eateto hsc n srnm,JhsHpisUni- Hopkins Johns Astronomy, and Physics of Department lyFlo.Eetoi drs flycahradeu. [email protected] address Electronic Fellow. Clay pc eecp cec nttt,30 a atnDrive, Martin San 3700 Institute, Science Telescope Space srpyisRsac ete colo ahmtc and Mathematics of School Centre, Research Astrophysics .Narayan G. avr-mtsna etrfrAtohsc,6 Garden 60 Astrophysics, for Center Harvard-Smithsonian nttt o srnm,Uiest fHwi tManoa, at Hawaii of University Astronomy, for Institute eateto hsc,HradUiest,1 Oxford 17 University, Harvard Physics, of Department eateto hsc n srnm,Uiest fPitts- of University Astronomy, and Physics of Department famme fti ls fojcsfo h e eeaino tra inter of and generation rare new find the to from surveys these objects headings: for of Subject potential class the explos 2 this typ of complicated SN of than indication and/or member homogeneous class. population a more 2002cx progenitor was of SN diverse class the a the for has that class seen belief trend held emerging previously an to contrary is eoiyeet.Hwvr N20h a neceigylwluminosit wh low exceedingly 2008ha, an SN had 2008ha to SN similar However, most ejecta. velocity spectroscopically is brightness maximum ∼ itntS 02xlk ls fSeI.Islgtcre r iia ot in to maximum similar to are rise curves later light a Its have and Ia. broader SNe slightly of are class but 2002cx-like SN distinct hnohrS 02xlk bet,paigat peaking objects, 2002cx-like SN other than hntpclSeI.S 09u hc a neet eoiyof velocity ejecta an had which 2009ku, SN Ia. SNe typical than a ane hnS 09u h otato ihlmnst n low and luminosity high of contrast The 2009ku. SN than fainter mag 4 N20k,dsoee yPnSAR-,i yeI uenv ( Ia Type a is Pan-STARRS-1, by discovered 2009ku, SN 5 .Smartt S. , 7 .P Kirshner P. R. , IHOSRAIN FTEPNSAR- ICVRDS 2009ku SN DISCOVERED PAN-STARRS-1 THE OF OBSERVATIONS WITH 1 1. .J Foley J. R. , A INTRODUCTION .E Sweeney E. W. T E tl mltajv 11/10/09 v. emulateapj style X 6 56 .Valenti S. , ims Mzaie l 2007). al. et (Mazzali mass Ni uenve eea uenve niiulS 2009ku) individual(SN supernovae: — general supernovae: 2,3 2 .A Magnier A. E. , .Berger E. , 6 7 .M Soderberg M. A. , .L Tonry L. J. , rf eso uut2,2010 27, August version Draft 2 .T Botticella T. M. , 7 .S.Morgan J , 7 ABSTRACT .J Wainscoat J. R. , As- the er- m- ty, de h- n- es M s 2 V .S Burgett S. W. , = bet(ie l 03,hv ekmagnitudes peak prototypical sub- have the this 2003), after al. of et 2002cx-like” Members (Li “SN object labeled outliers. the class, dominating bers) hlise l 92 teryaditreit phases, and intermediate velocities ( and expansion late-time lower early having significantly at with resemble 1992; 1992) except al. that al. et spectra et (Filippenko and 1991T Phillips Ia Ia SN SNe high-luminosity normal the of that below 09 aet ta.20;Flye l 00) a much was 2010a), al. et at Foley (peaking 2009; fainter al. class, et Valenti this 2009; of review (2006). a al. For et explosions. Jha understand- explo- Ia see for Ia SN de- useful SN typical velocities, particularly the all ing is low to of subclass essential this their probing is sions, de- and of which full process, 2004; identification, Because flagration al. are line et eases objects (Branch 2007). which (WD) the al. dwarf if et white of Phillips explained a characteristics be of extreme flagrations The can al. et class 2008). (Jha this al. lines et forbidden Sahu strong 2006; no and elements, mass hwlwvlct Fe low-velocity show aet ta.20;Mry ta.21) N20h gen- 2008ha SN 2009; 2010). al. al. et et (Foley Moriya erated 2009; progenitor consis- al. burn- massive-star et are Valenti C/O observations a certain spec- underwent with 2010a), maximum-light tent object al. et the its (Foley ing that Although indicates trum member. typical icnl oe eoiy( velocity lower nificantly a otdi nS aaywt osgso trfor- star of signs no with S0 2008ge, an SN in class, hosted this did 2010a). of was that 2009, member al. WD et another a (Foley Furthermore, star plausible of progenitor most deflagration the destroy the failed not a that was suggesting explanation 2010a), al. et (Foley − eetadto oti ls,S 08a(oe tal. et (Foley 2008ha SN class, this to addition recent A 18 7 .A Price A. P. , . a hc ssilsgicnl fainter significantly still is which — mag 4 6 .Chornock R. , ∼ 10 7 g − .M Wood-Vasey M. W. N20k sbihe ( brighter is 2009ku SN . 3 sigobjects. esting M 7 .C Chambers C. K. , o hsc.A h rtexample first the As physics. ion ⊙ setsres N20k san is 2009ku SN surveys, nsient ∼ 0k sacutreapeo a of counter-example a is 009ku ,paigat peaking y, clSeI,idctn htthe that indicating Ia, SNe ical of 00k s km 2000 7,8 ∼ NI) n ebro the of member a and Ia), SN jcavlct o N2009ku SN for velocity ejecta 56 ratrmxmm pcr which spectra maximum) after yr 1 .G Riess G. A. , c lohdeteeylow- extremely had also ich M epooyia N2002cx, SN prototypical he II 2 iadejected and Ni FTP ASUPERNOVAE IA TYPE OF S V .E Huber E. M. , ie,fwlnsfo intermediate- from lines few lines, = v − − ≈ 1 M 14 10 t1 asafter days 18 at V 7 . 00k s km 2000 a)adhdasig- a had and mag) 2 .Gates G. , 5,4 = .W Stubbs W. C. ∼ − 5 * ∼ .Rest A. , 0 14 . mag) 0.6 . 3 . M mag, 2 − ⊙ 7 1 .Grav T. , hnthe than ) fmaterial of 2,4 ∼ , 1 mag 2 , 5 , 2 Narayan et al. mation or massive stars, including at the SN position in pre-explosion HST imaging (Foley et al. 2010c). Using a small sample of SN 2002cx-like objects, 17 z − 2.5 McClelland et al. (2010) suggested that their peak lumi- i − 1.5 nosities correlated with light-curve shapes and ejecta ve- locity (with more luminous SNe having faster ejecta and r slower declining light curves). These correlations are sim- 18 g + 0.5 ilar to that of the relationship between light-curve shape and peak luminosity in “normal” SNe Ia (Phillips 1993) 19 and suggest that SN 2002cx-like objects can possibly be described by a single parameter. As part of the Medium Deep Survey (MDS) SN 2009ku 20 was discovered by Pan-STARRS-1 (PS1) on 2009 Oct. 4.83 (UT dates are used throughout this paper) at mag 19.9 (Rest et al. 2009) in APMUKS(BJ) B032747.73- 21 281526.1, an Sc galaxy with a of 0.0792 in the MD02 field (coincident with the CDF-S field). Spec- troscopy showed that it was a SN Ia similar to SN 2002cx Apparent Brightness (mag) 22 (Rest et al. 2009). From the discovery magnitude and redshift alone, SN 2009ku had a peak magnitude of Mr . −18 mag, similar to that of SN 2002cx, but much 23 brighter than SN 2008ha. With our full light curves, we SSS S measure its peak brightness below. We also show that the spectra of SN 2009ku are similar to SN 2002cx and −20 0 20 40 60 80 most similar to those of SN 2008ha, with both objects Rest Days Relative to r Max having small expansion velocities. We present and discuss our observations in Section 2. Fig. 1.— griz light curves of SN 2009ku. The uncertainties In Section 3, we place SN 2009ku in the context of other for most data points are smaller than the plotted symbols. Also objects in the SN 2002cx-like subclass and typical SNe Ia. plotted are comparison light curves of SNe 2002cx (VRI ; dashed We discuss our results and summarize our conclusions in lines), 2005hk (griz; solid lines), and 2008ha (VRI ; dotted lines) after applying a magnitude offset to match the peak in each band. Section 4. Throughout this work, we use the concordance The of each spectrum is marked with an ‘S.’ cosmology of (H0, Ωm, ΩΛ) = (70, 0.3, 0.7). 2. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION 07 to images obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey SN 2009ku was discovered before maximum bright- (SDSS) and then extrapolating the zero points to obser- ness by the 1.8 m PS1 telescope on Haleakala as part vations of the MD02 on the same night. of the rolling MDS search. Unfortunately, PS1 coverage We performed template subtraction to remove the un- of SN 2009ku was interrupted on 1 October 2009, shortly derlying host-galaxy light and measure the SN flux. A after maximum brightness, for engineering work on the set of reference griz images were constructed from deep telescope. stacks of GPC1 images obtained in photometric condi- To supplement the PS1 light curve, we obtained gri tions in late January 2010. This procedure allows a ref- photometry with GMOS on the Gemini-South 8 m tele- erence set to be constructed from homogeneous imaging scope (Hook et al. 2004), RATCam on the Liverpool 2 m while being sufficiently deep for difference imaging with telescope, and Suprime-Cam on the Subaru 8.2 m tele- telescopes of much larger aperture. scope. Late-time griz photometry was resumed with PS1 HOTPANTS13 was used to determine a convolution beginning 15 December 2009. kernel and subtract this reference image from each image. The images were de-biased, flat-fielded, and astro- A modified version of DoPHOT (Schechter et al. 1993) metrically registered by pipelines developed specifically was then used to measure the flux of the SN. for each imager. PS1 Gigapixel Camera (GPC1) data Comparing our reference images to deep stacks pro- was processed with the Pan-STARRS Image Processing duced from the last available PS1 epoch, we found low- Pipeline11. GMOS data was reduced using the Gem- level residual flux at the position of the SN. As this ini IRAF12 package. RATCam and Suprime-Cam data flux is not detected in single images and at this epoch was processed by a modified version of the SuperMacho SN 2009ku is more than 80 days past maximum bright- pipeline (Rest et al. 2005). ness, we do not believe that this residual flux significantly Following preliminary processing, we used the Super- affects the photometry. Nonetheless, an offset is added Macho pipeline for photometry and difference imaging. to all photometry to account for the residual flux. Photometric catalogs of secondary standard stars were We present the griz light curves in Figure 1 and Ta- produced by first matching the GPC1 MDS fields 03– ble 1. 11 We obtained two low-resolution spectra of SN 2009ku http://svn.pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu/trac/ipp/wiki/ . with GMOS (Hook et al. 2004) on Gemini-South (PI 12 IRAF: the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility is dis- tributed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, which is Berger; Program GS-2009B-Q-30) and one with the operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astron- omy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National 13 http://www.astro.washington.edu/users/becker/hotpants.html Science Foundation (NSF). . Observations of SN 2009ku 3

TABLE 1 TABLE 2 Photometric Observations Log of Spectral Observations

Julian Date Telescope / Exposure a −2455000 Passband Magnitude Telescope Phasea UT Date Instrument (s) Observerb 84.12 r 19.77(03) PS1 18.1 2009 Oct. 12.2 Gemini-S/GMOS 2 × 1200 EC 87.10 g 20.17(03) PS1 19.9 2009 Oct. 14.1 NOT/ALFOSC 3600 SM, EK 87.12 r 19.56(02) PS1 22.8 2009 Oct. 17.2 Magellan/MagE 3 × 1800 RF 88.10 i 19.42(02) PS1 42.3 2009 Nov. 7.3 Gemini-S/GMOS 2 × 1200 LF 90.11 g 19.94(02) PS1 a r Rest-frame days since r maximum, 2009 Sept. 22.7 (JD 2,455,097.2). 90.13 19.37(02) PS1 b 91.09 i 19.26(01) PS1 EC = E. Christensen; LF = L. Fuhrman; EK = E. Kankare; RF = R. 92.11 z 19.32(02) PS1 Foley; SM = S. Mattila 93.11 g 19.68(02) PS1 94.11 i 19.23(02) PS1 3. ANALYSIS 96.07 g 19.58(02) PS1 96.09 r 19.26(01) PS1 3.1. Photometric Analysis 97.06 i 19.25(01) PS1 98.09 z 19.21(02) PS1 Figure 1 shows the griz light curves of SN 2009ku. 99.08 g 19.61(02) PS1 Also plotted are the VRI light curves of SNe 2002cx 99.09 r 19.23(02) PS1 and 2008ha and the griz light curves of SN 2005hk, 102.10 g 19.69(02) PS1 a well-observed SN extremely similar to SN 2002cx 102.11 r 19.32(02) PS1 103.07 i 19.22(02) PS1 (Phillips et al. 2007). Each light curve has been shifted 104.12 z 19.28(03) PS1 to have r (or R) maximum correspond to t = 0 days 105.10 g 19.74(02) PS1 and so that each comparison curve peaks at the same 116.68 r 19.62(02) Gemini-S magnitude as SN 2009ku. 127.62 g 20.59(05) Liverpool 127.62 r 19.92(04) Liverpool Although its light curve is sparse after maximum, rel- 128.08 r 19.86(06) Subaru ative to SNe 2002cx, 2005hk, and 2008ha, SN 2009ku 128.10 g 20.60(06) Subaru clearly peaked significantly later in g than in r and i 128.11 i 19.81(06) Subaru and had a slower decline in all bands. Although the 142.81 g 21.84(11) Gemini-S ± 142.81 r 20.37(03) Gemini-S light curves are sparse, we measure ∆m15 =0.53 0.27, 142.81 i 20.22(06) Gemini-S 0.32 ± 0.05, and 0.18 ± 0.09 mag in gri, respectively. The 180.90 i 21.12(03) PS1 uncertainty in these measurements is relatively large due 181.85 z 21.23(10) PS1 to the gap between measurements after maximum light. 187.84 z 21.37(13) PS1 188.82 g 22.68(21) PS1 As long as the the light curves are smooth during this 188.83 r 21.87(10) PS1 period, our measurements of ∆m15 should not be signif- 190.83 z 21.48(12) PS1 icantly affected. In particular, at t = 17.9 days, the r 191.82 g 22.46(18) PS1 band had declined by 0.37 mag from peak, which is a 191.83 r 22.20(13) PS1 m r 213.79 i 22.85(76) PS1 strict upper limit on ∆ 15( ). 214.80 z 22.99(63) PS1 Since SN 2009ku was not observed in B and most 219.76 i 23.86(86) PS1 comparison objects were not observed in g, we have fo- 220.76 z 22.98(68) PS1 cused on the r/R observations, in which we expect ob- a Uncertainties are reported in hundredths of a magni- jects to have a similar light-curve shapes. However, us- tude ing the relationships between the decline rates of gri and B for SN 2005hk and scaling the decline rates for ALFOSC spectrograph14 on the 2.5 m Nordic Opti- SN 2009ku, we have determined that SN 2009ku had cal Telescope. We also obtained a medium-resolution 0.51 ≤ ∆m15(B) ≤ 0.67 mag, with an average value of spectrum of SN 2009ku with the MagE spectrograph 0.59 mag. This is an extremely small value of ∆m15(B) (Marshall et al. 2008) on the Magellan Clay 6.5 m tele- for any SN Ia. Although SN 2009ku has a slower de- scope. A journal of observations can be found in Table 2. cline than other SN 2002cx-like objects in gri, the un- Standard CCD processing and spectrum extraction were certainty in converting from decline rates in gri to B performed with IRAF. The data were extracted using the and the sparsely sampled post-maximum light curves of optimal algorithm of Horne (1986). Low-order polyno- SN 2009ku make us question the accuracy of the derived mial fits to calibration-lamp spectra were used to estab- value of ∆m15(B). lish the wavelength scale, and small adjustments derived from night-sky lines in the object frames were applied. 3.2. Spectral Analysis For the MagE spectrum, the sky was subtracted from the Despite contamination by host-galaxy light, all spectra images using the method described by Kelson (2003). We of SN 2009ku exhibit clear SN features. These features employed our own IDL routines for flux calibration and are at low velocity, and there are no obvious hydrogen telluric line removal (except for the ALFOSC spectrum) or helium features (except from narrow galactic emission using the well-exposed continua of spectrophotometric lines). standard stars (Wade & Horne 1988; Foley et al. 2003, The comparison of the spectra of SN 2009ku to those 2006, 2009). Our spectra of SN 2009ku are presented in of other SNe is aided by the addition of galaxy template Figure 2. spectra to the comparison SN spectra. In Figure 2, we

14 compare SN 2009ku to SNe 2002cx and 2008ha at similar http://www.not.iac.es/instruments/alfosc . phases. Although the features in the SN 2009ku spectra 4 Narayan et al.

1.0 SN 2002cx +16 d +18 d +14 d 0.8 SN 2009ku 0.6 SN 2008ha 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 +20 d +20 d +22 d 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

+ Constant λ 1.0 +25 d +23 d +22 d 0.8

Relative f 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 +56 d +42 d +38 d 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

0.0 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Rest Wavelength (Å)

Fig. 2.— Optical spectra of SN 2009ku (blue curves in the middle of each panel) denoted by their phase relative to maximum brightness. The grey and black curves (top and bottom in each panel) are of spectra of SNe 2002cx and 2008ha. For visual comparison, an Sc template galaxy spectrum has been added to each SN 2002cx and SN 2008ha spectrum. The regions corresponding to Si II λ6355, [Ca II] λλ7291, 7324, and the Ca II NIR triplet are shaded grey. Incomplete telluric correction in the second spectrum is marked. Observations of SN 2009ku 5

−12 are relatively weak, they match those of SN 2008ha to a 1.4 high degree. There is some similarity to SN 2002cx, but SN Ia

) −10

also clear differences. Some of these differences are the −1 result of different line velocities and widths, while others −8

km s 02cx are likely differences in the composition and/or opacity 3 of the ejecta. By comparing SN 2009ku to SNe 2002cx −6 05hk and 2008ha, it is clear that there are several features in the spectra of SN 2009ku corresponding to Cr II, Fe II, −4

Velocity (10 07qd and Co II (see Foley et al. 2009 for a synthetic spectrum 08ha −2 09ku identifying these features). Additionally, the spectra of 0.1 SNe 2008ha and 2009ku evolve similarly. From the spec- −20 SN Ia SN Ia tral comparisons, we determine that the ejecta velocity of SN 2009ku is similar to that of SN 2008ha, although per- −19 09ku 09ku I haps slightly lower (i.e., the O λ7774 line is at a lower −18 05hk 05hk velocity at similar epochs in SN 2009ku); SN 2009ku must have had a very low ejecta velocity near maximum. −17 02cx 02cx

Examining the spectra in detail, there are a few at Peak (mag) V −16 07qd 07qd obvious differences between SNe 2008ha and 2009ku. M SN 2009ku has a clear feature at ∼ 6325 A˚ until at −15 least 23 days after maximum brightness. We interpret 08ha 08ha this feature as Si II λ6355, the hallmark of SNe Ia, −14 −1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 −12 blueshifted by ∼1400 kms . This feature is present in ∆m (R) (mag) Velocity (103 km s−1) SN 2008ha at maximum brightness (Foley et al. 2010a), 15 but is not clearly present a week later (Foley et al. 2009). Fig. 3.— A comparison of ∆m15(R), MV at maximum, and the ∼ This feature is present, but weak, in SN 2002cx until photospheric velocity at 10 days after maximum (derived from the minimum of O I λ7774) for various objects in the SN 2002cx-like around 15 days after maximum brightness (Li et al. 2003; class. The grey band represents the width-luminosity relationship Branch et al. 2004). For SN 2002cx, a feature at a simi- for SNe Ia (in the MV vs. ∆m15(R) plot) and typical values for a lar wavelength persists until at least 25 days after max- Branch-normal SN Ia. The dashed lines represent the relationship imum brightness, but this has been interpreted as Fe II between ejecta velocity and ∆m15 for (from bottom-right to top- left) 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.4 M⊙ of ejecta mass. SN 2009ku is (Branch et al. 2004). marked with the blue circle. Additionally, SN 2008ha has strong emission from the Ca II NIR triplet at 23 days after maximum bright- ness, but this feature is much weaker in SN 2009ku at formed to determine MV at peak. We assume that there a similar epoch, being very similar to that of SN 2002cx. is negligible host-galaxy extinction, which is supported At ∼40 days after maximum brightness, SN 2008ha has by the relatively blue colors of SN 2009ku. Regardless, strong [Ca II] λλ7291, 7324 emission, while SNe 2002cx SN 2009ku must have been at least as bright as our and 2009ku have weak or absent [Ca II] emission value of MV = −18.4 mag at peak. There is no clear at this epoch. These differences may indicate that correlation between ∆m15(R) and MV for SN 2002cx- SN 2009ku burned more material to Si and less to Ca like objects, even when restricting to the sample of than SN 2008ha, making its nucleosynthesis more simi- McClelland et al. (2010). The five objects with pub- lar to SN 2002cx. lished values (including SN 2009ku) have a large range in MV 3.3. . Although most SN 2002cx-like objects have similar Comparison to Other Objects decline rates in R, SN 2008ha is significantly faster than Although the number of SN 2002cx-like objects has the other objects. grown such that properties of the class can be exam- There is a correlation between decline rate and ejecta ined, few comprehensive studies have been performed. velocity; however, SN 2008ha is an outlier. Using Ar- Jha et al. (2006) was the first to compile several mem- nett’s Law (Arnett 1982), we can derive a relationship bers, showing that the relatively small sample of ob- between ejecta velocity and ∆m15(R) (if we assume that jects had “striking spectral homogeneity.” SN 2008ha, the R band is representative of the light-curve shape of if a true member of this class, is an outlier in this re- the bolometric light curve) that depends on ejecta mass. gard (e.g., the maximum-light spectrum of SN 2008ha By assuming that a typical SN Ia has 1.4 M⊙ of ejecta, we shows strong Si II, which the other members do not; obtain curves of constant ejecta mass which we present Foley et al. 2010a). McClelland et al. (2010) suggested in the upper-left panel of Figure 3. All SNe except for (using SNe 2002cx, 2005hk, 2007qd, and 2008ha) that SN 2008ha are consistent with 1.0 – 1.4 M⊙ of ejecta. there were correlations between peak luminosity, light- Stretching the gri light curves of SN 2005hk to match curve shape and ejecta velocity. those of SN 2009ku before peak, we derive a rise time SN 2009ku challenges that assertion. In Figure 3, we of 18.2 ± 3.0 days. Correcting the gri peak magnitudes plot ∆m15(R) (or ∆m15(r) for SNe 2007qd and 2009ku), of SN 2009ku with the gri bolometric corrections from ejecta velocity ∼10 days after maximum, and MV at peak SN 2005hk, we find that SN 2009ku had a peak bolomet- for several SN 2002cx-like objects and typical SNe Ia. We ric luminosity of (6.4 ± 1.6) × 1042 ergs sec−1. Applying assume that since SNe 2008ha and 2009ku have a simi- Arnett’s Law (Arnett 1982) to the rise time and peak lar ejecta velocity at 18 days after maximum brightness luminosity of SN 2009ku, we find that SN 2009ku had 56 that they have a similar velocity a week earlier. Using a Ni mass of 0.3 ± 0.1 M⊙. This is larger than that SN 2005hk, the light curves of SN 2009ku were trans- found for SN 2005hk (0.22 M⊙; Phillips et al. 2007) but 6 Narayan et al. less than typical SN Ia explosions (∼0.4 – 0.9 M⊙; e.g., tangling these effects are beyond the scope of this study, Stritzinger et al. 2006). but may provide additional insight into the explosions of Finally, there does appear to be a relationship be- these objects. Indeed, this may be the key difference be- tween peak luminosity and ejecta velocity, except for tween two very spectroscopically similar SNe that differ SN 2009ku, which has a much lower velocity than its by a factor of ∼40 in peak luminosity. peak luminosity suggests (or has a much higher peak lu- McClelland et al. (2010) suggested that there was a minosity than its velocity suggests) and is a significant relationship between light-curve shape, peak luminosity, outlier. and ejecta velocity for SN 2002cx-like objects, includ- ing SN 2008ha. Their sample does show a relationship between ejecta velocity and peak luminosity; however, 4. SN 2009ku is a clear outlier to this relationship. The DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS class of SN 2002cx-like objects appear to be quite het- PS1 is expected to discover several dozen SN 2002cx- erogeneous, with SNe 2008ha and 2009ku providing ex- like objects per year in the Medium-Deep Survey alone amples for the diversity. (S. Rodney, private comm.). SN 2009ku is the first of With PS1, we expect to discover enough SN 2002cx- this class to be discovered (and spectroscopically con- like objects to map the parameter space of the class. firmed) by PS1. SN 2009ku is also the most distant Additionally, by probing parameter space neglected un- member of the class (400 Mpc; followed by SN 2007qd til recently, PS1 will continue to find rare and interesting at 175 Mpc). Although the early survey PS1 data had objects. SN 2009ku is an example of the diverse transient a gap in the post-maximum light curve, measurements phenomena that PS1 will discover. In the coming years, from additional telescopes were able to partially fill this our understanding of this class and other exotic tran- gap. sients will be greatly improved by PS1 and eventually SN 2009ku peaked at MV = −18.4 mag, which is LSST. fainter than typical SNe Ia, but also slightly brighter Facilities: PS1(GPC1), Gemini:South(GMOS), Mag- than SNe 2002cx and 2005hk at peak (Li et al. 2003; ellan:Clay(MagE), NOT(ALFOSC) Phillips et al. 2007). SN 2009ku declined very slowly G.N. is supported by NSF award AST–0507475. R.J.F. in gri relative to other SN 2002cx-like objects, with is supported by a Clay Fellowship. Supernova research ∆m15(r)=0.32 ± 0.05 mag. Despite the relatively high at Harvard is supported by NSF grant AST–0907903. peak luminosity and slow decline, SN 2009ku had spec- We are grateful to the staffs at the Gemini, Las Cam- tra that are most similar to the very low-luminosity and panas, and Nordic Optical Telescope Observatories for fast-declining SN 2008ha (Foley et al. 2009; Valenti et al. their dedicated services. We thank E. Kankare, S. Mat- 2009; Foley et al. 2010a), including a very low ejecta ve- tila and S. Valenti for their contributions to this work. locity (v . 2000 kms−1). The PS1 Surveys have been made possible through Although the spectra of SNe 2008ha and 2009ku are contributions of the Institute for Astronomy at the Uni- similar, SN 2009ku had a stronger Si II λ6355 feature versity of Hawaii in Manoa, the Pan-STARRS Project and weaker [Ca II] λλ7291, 7324 and Ca II NIR triplet Office, the Max-Planck Society and its participating in- features. Although these differences may be related to stitutes, the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Hei- ionization or opacity effects, another possibility is that delberg and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterres- the burning products of the explosion produced a differ- trial Physics, Garching, The Johns Hopkins University, ent ratio of Si to Ca in the two explosions. This could the University of Durham, the University of Edinburgh, be explained by different degrees of both He and C/O the Queens University Belfast, the Harvard- Smithsonian burning (e.g., Perets et al. 2009), or simply by a differ- Center for Astrophysics, and the Los Cumbres Observa- ent efficiency for the burning in both explosions. Disen- tory Global Telescope Network, Incorporated.

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