Avian Population Density in the Maritime Forest of Two South Carolina Barrier Islands
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HABITAT STUDY Avian population density in the maritime forest of two South Carolina barrier islands An investigation of the factors that influence speciesdiversity on these islands W. David Chamberlain INTRODUCTION giniana), CabbagePalmetto (Sabal pal- METHODS metto) and Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda). HEBARRIER ISLAND system of the The understory vegetationis dominated MODIFIEDSTRIP census method southeastern United States is under by Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera), (Emlen 1971) was employed, increasing developmental and recrea- Yaupon (Ilex vornitoria) and Cabbage with three transects laid out on each tional pressure. Little is known of the Palmetto (Table 1). island. All transects traversed the width faunal communities associated with the The topography of both islands is of the island from salt marsh to dune maritime forest on most of these is- characterizedby alternatingdune ridges field. Each transect was 400 feet { 122 m) lands. In South Carolina research on and high ground with drains and depres- wide and crosseda variety of habitats. island avian communities has been lim- sions. These low areas often have stand- Transects were designed to measure ited to qualitative statements produced ing water. This pattern of alternate xeric areas of heavily disturbed, lightly dis- by general field studies and Christmas and mesic sitesallows the development turbed and undisturbed habitat. All Bird Counts. This study was designedto of several vegetation communities transects were sampled biweekly from document avian density in maritime for- which vary in extent on each island. March-September 1979 between 0600 estsand to predict the impact of recrea- tional and developmentalpressures on barrier island habitat. BIJLL 8,•g STUDY AREAS ".[ ISLAND ATAWERE GATHERED fromCap- er's Island, 15 miles north of Charleston, Charleston County, South CAPERSISLAND Carolina, and Kiawah Island, 21 miles south of Charleston. These islands were selected because of their differences in size, accessibilityand vegetation. Cap- er's Island is a small state-owned wild- life sanctuary with approximately 830 acres of high land (Warner 1976). Ac- ß CM,•RLESTOIiI H,•RBOR cessible only by small boat, Caper's Island enjoys light recreational use lim- ited to nature observation and occa- sional primitive camping. On the other hand, Kiawah Island, with approxi- mately 3300 acres of high land, (Warner 1976)is privately owned, and undergo- ing intensedevelopment as a resort and second home community. It is accessi- ISLAND ble by bridge, and there is heavy recrea- tional and residential use over one half of the island. Maritime forest communities on both NORIll fOl$1'O RIVfR Kiawah and Caper's islands are domi- nated by Laurel Oak (Quercus General Stlldy area map/courtesy of Pete Laurie, Sollth Carolina Wildlife and Marine !aurifolia), Live Oak (Quercus vir- ResourcesDepartmentß 142 American Birds, March 1982 Table 1. Vegetationdensity of undisturbedMaritime Forest in two South Carolina barrier islands Height Canopy Cover Canopy trees/ Understorytrees/ Shrubsand saphngs/ Community (fi) % 100sq.m. I00 sq.m. 16 sq.m.t Kiawah Island Loblolly Pine•abbage palmetto 70-80' 60% 5.0 5.5 I 1.0 Transoct 3 Laurel Oak---Magnolia 30-40' 65-80% 6.8 9.0 4.0 Cabbage Palmetto 20-30' 50-60% 7.2 5.1) .5 Maritime Shrub 10-20' 20-50% -- 13.5 6.2 Loblolly Pine•weetgum--Live Oak 40-80' 60-70% 5.0 10.5 1.0 Laurel Oak--pine--Cabbage Palmetto 30-70' 60% 14.8 9.5 3.5 Caper's Island Laurel Oak---magnolia 30-40' 65-80% 3.8 3.2 .5 Transect 3 Loblolly Pine--Live Oak 60-75' 60% 2.2 3.8 1.5 Cabbage Palmetto-' 20-30' 50-60% I 1.5 27.8 10.0 Laurel Oak--pine 40-70' 60% 4.2 l0 5 .2 •A saplingis a tree species<6.6 cm 13in.} dbh. -'Thepresence of ChineseTallow Tree drasticallyincreased the densityof this community. [Source: Gaddy, unpublishedms.; Sharitz. 1975] and 1000 hours. The data presented are viduals/km: (Table 2). Analysis of the confined to observations made in results by island and transect reveals maritime forest communities. Overfly- considerable variation particularly in ing marine and estuarine species were average density. not included. Similarly, swallows and Although the study lasted less than a similar specieswere omitted becauseof year, seasonal variations both in indi- the difficulty of accurate counting im- viduals and in densities were noted. In- posed by the dense vegetation. Care dividuals seen monthly per transect are was also taken to avoid the error im- given for both islands. Patterns as- posed by "driving" species along the sociated with the departure of winter transect. Individuals observed were residentsand the influx of springand fall mapped indicating position on each migrantsare more apparent on Caper's transect and distance from the center Island (Table 3). Further examination of Caper's I., •}'ansect 1, Maritime shrub. line. Additional notations were made seasonal distribution revealed the for singing males, copulating pairs or land Transect 3 traversed undisturbed greated number of species of all active nests. maritime forest. transects were permanent residents. Transects were laid out on each island Because continuing disturbance was Migratory species were approximately to take advantageof varying vegetation a factor on both islands. botanical data evenly distributed throughout the communities and levels of disturbance. were gathered only for undisturbed transects (Table 4). On Kiawah Island, Transec! I was transects.Sample plots were selectedin Habitat relationships strongly in- through highly altered maritime forest. representative communities along each fluenced both the number of species Portions of this transect included de- undisturbed transect. Plots were 400m' veloped areas of single family housing in area with 10m-' areas sampled for while the majority was along a golf coursefairway. All portionsi•fTransect trees,and4m-' forshrubs andsaplings. 1 were heavily disturbed. Transect 2 on RESULTS Kiawah Island ran along a lightly used dirt road through maritime forest and into an old pasture that was reverting to •3054•VER THEindividuals SAMPLE •fiodrepresenting atotal 77of •'•,";•'•{•'•' •:•' ' "•' •½•' the surroundingforest type. Transect 3, ran through undisturbedmaritime forest rangefor individualspecies ranged from _ and included the margin of a small <1 individual/kmeoraea. • to 66/km aeni,vz. On brackish pond. KiawahIsland theaverage density was On Caper's Island, Transect I ran a 2• individuals/km:, while the average KiawahI., 3'ansect1, Heavilydisturbed short distance through maritime forest on Caper's Island was 237 indi- maritimeforest. and included the margins of two large brackish impoundments. These pond Table 2. Number of bird species,individuals and averagedensity by transect margins were dominated by maritime shrub speciessuch as Wax Myrtle, Sea Area in Acres Average Densit)' Myrtle (Baccharis halimifolia), Yaupon Transect (Hectaresl Total Species Total Individuals lndividaals/km 2 and Chinese Tallow Tree (Saplure Caper's I. I 33.6 (13.6) 51 548 287 2 31.8 02.8) 30 305 170 sebiferum). Disturbance on Transect I 3 30.3 (12.2) 35 438 254 was light and limited primarily to hikers and campers. Transect 2 was located Kiawah 1. I 48.7 (19.7) 38 309 112 entirely in maritime forest along a 2 42.4 (17.1) 49 742 309 lightly travelled dirt road. Caper's Is- 3 34.9 (14.0) 47 712 361 Volume 36, Number 2 143 Table 3. Seasonal abundance of individuals on two coastal South Carolina Islands these, 15 were permanent residents. On Caper's Island 14 species were noted Transect March April May June July August September with seven being permanent residents. Caper's 1. I 114 84 63 69 96 62 69 Significantdifferences in the number of 2 34 45 44 57 33 34 58 3 77 48 43 32 56 122 68 singingindividuals were noted between the islands; the average numbers of Total 225 177 150 158 185 218 195 singingspecies encountered each sam- Kiawah I. I 46 65 49 55 37 35 41 ple day were 15.6 species for Kiawah, 2 85 90 131 128 92 107 II0 6.6 for Caper's. 3 109 143 84 98 84 103 91 Common species were also omitted Total 240 298 264 281 213 245 242 from the list of singing males for both islands. Two such species were the recorded on each transect and the total guilds and their number of representa- Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus number of individuals. Species diver- tives empha.size the importanceof crinitus) which was present but gave sity was clearly determined by the total habitat. As would be expected, only a short alarm call, and the Carolina diversity of available habitats. This fac- transects with seral stages displayed Chickadee (Parus carolinensis) which tor was particularly significant on larger numbers of ground-seed and did likewise. The Solitary Vireo (Vireo Kiawah Island where the presenceof an ground-insect guild representatives. •olitarius) recorded on Kiawah is a win- abandoned pasture reverting to mari- The impact of habitat alteration noted ter resident which apparently begins time forest accounted for a number of on Kiawah Transect i is again demon- singingprior to its springdeparture. speciesabsent from the other transects. strated by the paucity of ground-seed Table 4. Speciestotals by transectson two On Caper's Island the influenceof seral and ground-insectrepresentatives. The South Carolina barrier islands vegetation was also important on lack of foliage-nectarrepresentatives on Transect 1 where maritime shrub two of the Caper's Island transects and Perre. Sum. Wint. growth is present along the pond mar- Res. Res. Res. Trans. gins. Kiawahl. Disturbance factors noted on each Transect I 23 9 5 I transect did not appear to significantly Transect 2 32 9 6 3 Transect 3 27 12 6 2 affect bird populations with the excep- tion of Kiawah Transect 1. Dramatic Caper's 1. impacts related both to continuingdis- Transoct I 30 10 7 6 turbance and the wholesale removal of Transoct 2 16 7 5 3 Transect 3 17 9 6 4 understory vegetation were immedi- ately apparent (Table 5).