Terrance Dicks | 192 pages | 10 Aug 2011 | Ebury Publishing | 9781849901932 | English | London, United Kingdom and the Auton Invasion (novelisation) | Tardis | Fandom

Earth is under attack by power-hungry aliens. This is no time for to be out of action. When a British space probe is intercepted by a sinister alien vessel on the eve of Christmas, it marks the beginning of an audacious invasion of the Earth by the Sycorax - horrifying marauders from beyond the stars. Within hours, a third of humanity stands on the brink of death with not a single shot fired. By: Jenny T Colgan. reads the brand-new novelisation of the spectacular 50th anniversary TV episode. When the entire universe is at stake, three different Doctors will unite to save it. The Eleventh is investigating a rift in space-time in the present day. And one other - the man they used to be but never speak of - is fighting the in the darkest days of the . Driven by demons and despair, this battle-scarred Doctor is set to take a devastating decision that will threaten the of the entire universe By: Steven Moffatt. A story so epic it was originally intended for the big screen, Scratchman is a gripping, white-knuckle thriller almost 40 years in the making. The Doctor, Harry and arrive at a remote Scottish island when their holiday is cut short by the appearance of strange creatures - hideous scarecrows who are preying on the local population. The islanders are living in fear, and the Doctor vows to save them all. By: Tom Baker. By: Malcolm Hulke , and others. The most amazing Who adventure yet, in which Doctors One, Two and Three cross Time and Space and come together to fight a ruthlessly dangerous enemy - Omega. Once a , now exiled to a black hole in space, Omega is seeking a bitter and deadly revenge against the whole universe The Doctor and his companions, Tegan and Turlough, stumble on a warehouse harbouring fugitives from the future at the far end of the corridor — and are soon under attack from a assault force. By: Eric Saward. A brand-new novelisation of the classic television adventure featuring the . The Doctor and Peri land on the planet Necros to visit the funerary home Tranquil Repose - where the dead are interred and the near-dead placed in suspended animation until such time as their conditions can be cured. But the Great Healer of Tranquil Repose is far from benign. Under his command, Daleks guard the catacombs where sickening experiments are conducted on human bodies. Once, a girl called Ace travelled the universe with the Doctor - until, in the wake of a terrible tragedy they parted company. Now, decades on, she is known as Dorothy McShane, the reclusive millionaire philanthropist who heads the global organisation A Charitable Earth. Nightmares that begin just as scores of young runaways are vanishing from the dark alleyways of London. By: Sophie Aldred. In , Rebecca Whitaker died in a road accident. Her husband, Mark, is still grieving. Due to the influences of the cracks in time, the Rory copy possessed the personality of the real Rory and helped save the universe. The Rory duplicate survived on Earth from A. In the Sixth Doctor novel by Gary Russell which gave Melanie Bush a belated introduction story , the Nestenes used computer games and plastic toys in another bid for world conquest. This novel also featured the Time Lords launching an assault on the Nestene homeworld Polymos, which may or may not be connected to the war mentioned in "Rose". In , the and Lucie Miller encounter in the audio , these Autons being part of an old Soviet program to infiltrate Britain during the Cold War before the collapse of the left the Autons stuck in a loop in the fake British town created for the spies, eventually developing independence. In the Doctor Who Annual , an article written by mentions the loss of the Nestene Consciousness's planets during the Time War, and states that it "found itself mutating under temporal stress". This may be a reference to the difference between the portrayal of the Consciousness in and "Rose". In the sequels, the escaped Autons attempt to awaken several dormant Nestenes put in place since before the development of human civilization. Though BBV was licensed to use the Nestenes, Autons and UNIT by the writers who created them, as with all spin-off productions the canonicity of these films is unclear. In , a sketch on The Charlotte Church Show showed the Doctor examining the inner thigh of a scantily clad female mannequin; when confronted by Church playing his , he claimed that he thought it was an Auton. They appeared in issue 15 of Doctor Who - Battles in Time in which they were the main theme of the issue. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. British Columbia Attorney General. For the trilogy of direct-to- video films, see Auton film series. This article relies too much on references to primary sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. October Learn how and when to remove this template message. Doctor Who. History Canada and the U. Australia Music theme music composers soundtrack releases featured music. Producers Script editors Writers. Radio stories Home video releases VHS releases. Fandom Whoniverse Popular culture Merchandise Awards and nominations. Cast Supporting characters. One of the best we ever did. Howe and Stephen James Walker called it a "strong start" to the season, though they commented that the story was not as effective as Spearhead from Space in "depicting the threat of the Autons. Howe and Walker also praised Letts' direction, though they found that the over-use of CSO caused some scenes to "look false and strained". However, he noted that there were "plot holes" and "gaudy early '70s production values". Sinnott particularly praised the Doctor and , as well as the "subtle humor". He was positive toward the family tone, Jo, and the Master but felt that it "lacks some of the narrative cohesion" of Spearhead from Space and "the Autons are reduced to playing the role of foot soldiers to the Master". A novelisation of this serial, written by , was published by in May The cover art by Achilleos depicts what is supposed to be a fully developed Nestene. The novelisation introduces , although Malcolm Hulke's novelisation titled Doctor Who and The Doomsday Weapon had already done so — albeit in contradiction to the television programme. The Master and the Doctor are revealed herein borrowing from The Making of Doctor Who by Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks, published in to have names that are mathematical formulae, and the grenade the Master uses is identified again, contrary to the television programme as . In , these prints were combined with the colour signal from an off-air line NTSC domestic videotape recording, resulting in relatively high-quality colour masters for a VHS release. As of 5 August , this serial has been included for sale on iTunes. The Nationwide clip is incorporated into Episode one; the rest of the serial consists of restored footage. Comparison between the remastered episodes and clips included in the behind-the-scenes material demonstrate that a great deal of restoration work has been carried out on the picture and sound quality. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Doctor . Companion Jo Grant. Barbara Leake — Mrs. This episode's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. Life on Earth DVD. Radio Times. Retrieved 6 August Doctor Who News. Retrieved 28 May Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 31 August Parliamentary Debates Hansard. House of Lords. The Discontinuity Guide. London: Virgin Books. Doctor Who: The Television Companion 1st ed. London: BBC Books. Retrieved 4 November DVD Talk. - Wikipedia

The Doctor tried to shout but the tape was still over his mouth. There was the crack of the rifle shot, a searing pain in his head and then blackness. Came straight at me! An unarmed man, in a hospital nightshirt? I'll just hang on to you till they all get a bit keener'. But they also have a life of their own. Their over-riding function is to kill"'. He realised that the creature must have some kind of intelligence. It consistently managed to block his way to the exit. Your face may have changed, but not your character! He wore an ancient black coat and a pair of check trousers. He had a gentle, rather comical face and a shock of untidy black hair. He remembered taking the globe back to the factory. Time Lord names have an almost mystic importance, and are usually kept closely guarded secrets. Seeley blamed it on those atom-bombs". This site was designed with the. Delighted by the story being presented in a way that so strongly reflects what appeared on screen. Otherwise thoroughly enjoyable. Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion. By: Terrance Dicks , Robert Holmes. Narrated by: Caroline John. Length: 4 hrs and 55 mins. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed. Please try again. Follow podcast failed. Unfollow podcast failed. Free with a day trial. Stream or download thousands of included titles. No default payment method selected. Add payment method. Switch payment method. We are sorry. We are not allowed to sell this product with the selected payment method. Pay using card ending in. Taxes where applicable. Listeners also enjoyed Publisher's Summary In this, the first adventure of his third "incarnation", Doctor Who, , and the Brigadier grapple wth the nightmarish invasion of the Autons - living, giant-sized, plastic modelled "humans" with no hair and sightless eyes. They are waxwork replicas and tailors' dummies whose murderous behaviour is directed by the Nestene Conciousness - a malignant, squid-like monster of cosmic proportions and indescribably hideous appearance. What listeners say about Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion. Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews. Amazon Reviews. No Reviews are Available. Steven, Katarina, Sara. Steven, Dodo. Dodo, Ben , . . Ben , Polly. Ben, Polly, Jamie. Jamie, Victoria. Third Doctor. . Sarah , Harry. Leela, Mark I. Adric, Nyssa , Tegan. . Adric , Nyssa , Tegan. Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough. Turlough, Peri. Sixth Doctor. . Eighth Doctor. . Auton - Wikipedia

These, believing themselves to be genuine Roman soldiers, tricked the , who realised too late what they were. They imprisoned him in the Pandorica. One of these Autons, fashioned after the late and time-erased Rory Williams using the memories of Amy Pond, did not want to fire on her and tried to resist the call to arms. However he was unable to prevent himself shooting her fatally. After the Doctor reset the universe and time, the Alliance Autons were erased from existence. The real Rory Williams, though, recalled the life of his Auton copy. In , after receiving a wealth of information from the future, Grigori Rasputin foresaw, among other things, men made out of plastic. The late 20th century development of plastics by humans created opportunities for invasions of Earth. One invasion was coordinated by a Swarm Leader known as Channing. Channing took over Auto Plastics and arranged for standard Autons to be mass produced and placed in shops across Britain. Channing also obtained a contract from Madame Tussaud's to make plastic "waxworks" of key government and military leaders. The attack was coordinated first thing in the morning. The Autons broke out of shops to attack key strategic positions whilst the facsimiles helped soften resistance. Unfortunately for the Autons, the Third Doctor and the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce had found their base and rigged a device to destroy Autons and the Nestene. Although the Nestene used standard Autons for this operation, the assault relied on deadly plastic daffodils. The Third Doctor convinced the Master to stop his alliance with the Nestene, as the Nestene would not distinguish between the Master and anyone else in their takeover, and the two worked together to fling the Nestenes back into space by "chang[ing] the polarity" whilst the transfer shift of the radio telescope that summoned the Nestene invasion force was still open. This caused the Autons to stop functioning. In , the Nestene took control of Winston Blunt. He formed the Galaxy Plastics Inc and then killed himself. In his place, an Auton named Mr Dolman controlled the company. When an industrial spy, Max Fisher , disrupted operations, Dolman attacked and later killed him. An Auton copy of Max was later created. The Nestenes also experimented on humans, converting them into Nestene replicas. The invasion was prevented by the Sixth Doctor. Circa the s a group of Autons were re-activated and attempted to colonise Earth. On New Year's Eve , , she planned to replace several key figures in the plastic industry with Auton replicas so the Earth could be dominated and absorbed. The Seventh Doctor and Mel gate-crashed the party and broke the Nestene link, which deactivated her. Info from Vanguard , Earthfall , Bridgehead and Armageddon needs to be added. When the Ninth Doctor came to investigate, it sent Autons to try to stop him. When Rose Tyler got in the way, it also sent an Auton duplicate of her boyfriend, Mickey Smith , to try to find out more. When the Nestene thought it was in danger, it activated the Autons to go on a rampage. At the front of its glistening body a single huge eye glared at them, blazing with alien intelligence and hatred. Andrew Lawrence produced the reading with Michael Stevens as executive producer. The cover blurb and thumbnail illustrations were retained in the accompanying booklet with sleeve notes by David J. Howe and music and sound effects by Simon Power. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Cover by Alister Pearson. Cover by Chris Achilleos. The Auton Invasion Portuguese cover. The Chase. . Mission to the Unknown. The Mutation of Time. The Massacre. The War Machines. The Power of the Daleks. Doctor Who and . Doctor Who and the Keeper of Traken. . . The Novel of the Film. The Christmas Invasion. The Time of Angels. The Lodger. Like children, these scientists! Over-work probably. Does he think the Nestene baubles are atom bombs? I suppose the first question might answer the second. Does Terry have no idea what an atom bomb is or is he trying to suggest that Seeley's an idiot? He looks like a wax dummy, thought the reporter uneasily. Open him up, take a poke around, see what's what'. I don't see that an operation The Doctor tried to shout but the tape was still over his mouth. There was the crack of the rifle shot, a searing pain in his head and then blackness. Came straight at me! An unarmed man, in a hospital nightshirt? I'll just hang on to you till they all get a bit keener'. But they also have a life of their own. Their over-riding function is to kill"'. He realised that the creature must have some kind of intelligence. and the Auton Invasion | Dr Who's Putrid Ham

An Auton's viewpoint. Larger were given to replicas to allow copying of brain patterns and memories to allow them to pass off as the originals, and in some cases like the Swarm Leader Channing a large portion of the Consciousness could be given to an Auton so that it could almost be individual, having something akin to feelings and being able to directly control other Autons. This could also occur with Autons left over from invasions that were randomly activated. The typical Auton did not look particularly lifelike. It resembled a mannequin, was robotic in its movements and mute, although the Nestenes might speak through an Auton leader, generating a robotic voice. It could also be used as an interface with allies. TV : Terror of the Autons Autons were primarily noted for the concealed wrist-gun within their hands , which could kill or vaporise their targets using psychic projections. Despite their solid appearance, some Autons were metamorphic and could change the shape of their features and limbs. One Auton actually absorbed two energy units and Nestene blood into itself. TV : The Big Bang. Autons were extremely long-lived, with one existing for almost two thousand years with no visible signs of wear, even with the link to the Consciousness broken. A duplicate of General Scobie. TV : Spearhead from Space. In addition to the basic Auton, more agile and manoeuvrable models were made as duplicates of humans. More sophisticated Autons could be created to copy and impersonate specific individuals. The originals needed to be kept alive to maintain the copy, although these were sometimes imperfect, looking and acting human except for a slight yellowing sheen or glint to the skin and a flat-sounding voice. When destroyed, the duplicates reverted to the appearance of a basic Auton, sometimes leaking Nestene blood. TV : Spearhead from Space One Auton copied Graham Winslet before reverting back to its basic form; however, it later appeared as Winslet with no apparent connection to the real man, although it may have only required a human appearance rather than Winslet's mind. TV : Terror of the Autons. Even more accurate Autons could be made, identical in appearance and actions to the originals. These units were implanted with false memories and actually believed themselves to be the real subjects they duplicated, being indistinguishable. The Auton copy of Rory Williams was even able to remember being erased from existence in the time field. TV : . A number of famous figures were duplicated and displayed at Madame Tussauds , including General Scobie whose duplicate was intended to take his place and command the British Army. TV : Rose. Roman Auton duplicates taken from a memory print of Amy Pond mimicked humans perfectly and were used as sleeper agents until the Nestenes later asserted their influence, although the Rory Auton partially resisted this control. Autons disguised as Roman soldiers. When the Nestene Consciousness joined the Alliance , they produced Autons disguised as Roman soldiers in These, believing themselves to be genuine Roman soldiers, tricked the Eleventh Doctor , who realised too late what they were. They imprisoned him in the Pandorica. One of these Autons, fashioned after the late and time-erased Rory Williams using the memories of Amy Pond, did not want to fire on her and tried to resist the call to arms. However he was unable to prevent himself shooting her fatally. After the Doctor reset the universe and time, the Alliance Autons were erased from existence. The real Rory Williams, though, recalled the life of his Auton copy. In , after receiving a wealth of information from the future, Grigori Rasputin foresaw, among other things, men made out of plastic. The late 20th century development of plastics by humans created opportunities for invasions of Earth. One invasion was coordinated by a Swarm Leader known as Channing. Channing took over Auto Plastics and arranged for standard Autons to be mass produced and placed in shops across Britain. Channing also obtained a contract from Madame Tussaud's to make plastic "waxworks" of key government and military leaders. The attack was coordinated first thing in the morning. The Autons broke out of shops to attack key strategic positions whilst the facsimiles helped soften resistance. Unfortunately for the Autons, the Third Doctor and the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce had found their base and rigged a device to destroy Autons and the Nestene. Although the Nestene used standard Autons for this operation, the assault relied on deadly plastic daffodils. The Third Doctor convinced the Master to stop his alliance with the Nestene, as the Nestene would not distinguish between the Master and anyone else in their takeover, and the two worked together to fling the Nestenes back into space by "chang[ing] the polarity" whilst the transfer shift of the radio telescope that summoned the Nestene invasion force was still open. This caused the Autons to stop functioning. In , the Nestene took control of Winston Blunt. He formed the Galaxy Plastics Inc and then killed himself. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. . Susan , Barbara , Ian. Barbara, Ian, . Barbara, Ian, Vicki, Steven. Vicki, Steven, Katarina. Steven, Katarina, Sara. Steven, Dodo. Dodo, Ben , Polly. Second Doctor. Ben , Polly. Ben, Polly, Jamie. Jamie, Victoria. Third Doctor. Fourth Doctor. Sarah , Harry. Leela, K9 Mark I. Adric, Nyssa , Tegan. Fifth Doctor. Adric , Nyssa , Tegan. Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough. Turlough, Peri. Sixth Doctor. Seventh Doctor. Eighth Doctor. Ninth Doctor. Tenth Doctor. Eleventh Doctor. Amy , River. Amy , Craig. 134.pdf