Malcolm Hulke, | 1 pages | 01 Apr 2014 | BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House | 9781445824673 | English | London, United Kingdom - Wikipedia

As IMDb celebrates its 30th birthday, we have six shows to get you ready for those pivotal years of your life Get some streaming picks. and Jo visit at his island prison where the Doctor becomes curious about a number of ships sinking in the area. Review of all 6 episodes: The Master teams up with reptilian creatures who have been dormant under the ocean for millions of years to try to conquer humanity again. These creatures, which are dubbed Sea Devils by terrified humans, are relatives of the 'Silurians' or as The Doctor re-names them Eocenes. They were on Earth before humans and want to claim the planet back after eons of suspended animation in the ocean depths. The Doctor tries Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils broker peace whilst The Master whips up a war. Human leaders also have the appetite for war so trapping The Doctor Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils the middle. This adventure is not flawless but provides Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils entertainment and iconic scenes throughout. All episodes of this adventure are terrific fun, exciting, interesting, well written and acted with only very minor faults. The interest and quality levels never drop below 9. Pertwee himself is in majestic form demonstrating brilliant humour, dynamic action, warmth and intelligence. There is a tremendously fun sword fight between him and The Doctor as well as all the wonderful verbal jousting. There are a few guards and sailors whose acting and stunts are underwhelming but they are a tiny minority, most of the Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils cast is convincing and the whole naval scenario is brought to believable life with superb location work and ships, guns, submarines, hovercrafts etc. It is extraordinary in ambition compared to many earlier and later eras of the show. Three main guest characters add particular quality to the serial too: Edwin Richfield as Captain Hart is a great substitute for the Brigadier providing cynical but admirable support, Clive Morton as Trenchard is a fantastically rich character beautifully acted and Martin Boddey as Walker provides an incredible mixture of comedy and horrible, pompous warmongering in a terrific role in the last 2 parts. The Sea Devils themselves, whilst looking unimpressive to modern audiences perhaps, were very well done for the day in terms of costume and voices. The performance of Peter Forbes-Robertson as their Chief is superb as is the concept of them as a race with links to the Silurians introduced a couple of seasons earlier. Overall this is a really great adventure. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Doctor Who — Rate This. Season 9 Episode 9. All Episodes Director: Michael E. Briant as Michael Briant. Writer: by. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. My Top Doctor Who Stories. Doctor Who: Season 9. Shows I'm buying up. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Episode complete credited Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Doctor Who Master Edwin Richfield Captain Hart Clive Morton Trenchard Royston Tickner Robbins Neil Seiler Radio Operator Declan Mulholland Clark Hugh Futcher Hickman June Murphy Telegraphist Bowman Brian Justice Castle Guard Wilson Terry Walsh Castle Guard Barclay Pat Gorman Edit Storyline The Doctor and Jo visit the Master at his island prison where the Doctor becomes curious about a number of ships sinking in the area. Edit Did You Know? Trivia First of two Pertwee serials that Neil Seiler has minor roles in. Goofs The door to The Master's "cell" is fully riveted, indicating that it's supposed to be solid steel, however given the way it handles and the sound it makes on closing, it's clearly a wooden door painted to look oxidised. Connections Featured in Hello Sailor! Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add the first question. Edit Details Country: UK. Language: English. Sound Mix: Mono. Color: Color. Edit page. October Streaming Picks. Back to Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Picks. Clear your history. Sea Devil | Tardis | Fandom

Like their land-based cousins, the Siluriansthey lived in prehistoric times in a scientifically-advanced civilisation. As their aquatic Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils awoke from suspended animationthese one-time rulers of the Earth attempted to reclaim their planetleading to conflict with the new rulers: humankind. An advanced sub-species of Sea Devil lived on the Raven Peninsula. The Sea Devils were related to the Siluriansthough they were genetically divergent enough to create problems for the offspring of such matings. Like the Silurians, variations existed among the Sea Devils with different subspecies and appearances. Sea Devils typically looked somewhat like humanoid turtles or plesiosaurs. They had beak-like mouths Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils, large eyestwo fins on their head and long necks. They had three webbed digits on their hands and feet. Their skin tones came in a variety of shades, including greenblue and orange. They were much tougher than humanssince they needed to survive the crushing depths of the ocean. Sea Devils communicated in a language like sonarbut they could speak human languages in a whispering, rasping voice. One group of Sea Devil warriors, which appeared at Sea Base 4were notably distinguished by their Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils skin and their lack of head fins. TV : . Another subspecies of Sea Devil, suggested by the to be a "warrior-class", were larger, faster, and stronger than those that he was familiar with. Their muscular bodies sported dark green skin, small red eyes, a pronounced jaw, and a large tail. They lived on the Raven Peninsula. They could communicate using a form of sound-based telepathy and could use this ability as a weapon by producing a deadly sonic scream. There also existed a Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils of Sea Devils who were much smaller, about the size of an infant human, that could merge with a human host, creating a human-Sea Devil hybrid but with the Sea Devil's psyche dominating its host. They possessed the sound-based abilities of their warrior-class counterparts but also displayed potent psionic powers, specifically telekinesis. The Twelfth Doctor explained that this was a side effect of two minds merging into one. They held an unwavering view that, as the original rulers, it would always be their right to do so. However, they were willing to make peace with humans, but they quickly changed their minds when they were under attack from the surface. TV : The Sea Devils. The Sea Devils were more advanced Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils the humans of the 20th century when they went into hibernation. They had colonies around the world, each filled with thousands of Sea Devils. One base, located near a sea-fort, had simple grey- black-coloured walls, TV : The Sea Devils while another appeared to be carved into the rock, and was covered in algae and seaweed. They also used special orange capsules to transport land-dwelling creatures. The Sea Devils had stockpiles of weapons in these bases. They typically used small, round, side arms. The Sea Devils that attacked Ravenscaur Island had an enormous underground colony located in a network of caves that artificially reproduced the environment and climate of prehistoric Earth, indicating they had advanced terraforming and environmental technology. They had colossal war machines that were shaped like giant metal spheres with tentacles that could pierce through the hull of a human battleship easily. Sea Devils also had large submarines heavily armed with laser armaments that could easily outmatch an aircraft carrier with its speed and firepower. A fearsome piece of technology they possessed was sonic destructors. These were enormous tower-like structures that produced sonic pulses capable of sinking an entire island by causing intense earthquakes. The Sea Devils ruled the Earth when humans were apesjust as the Silurians did. TV : Doctor Who and the Silurians The repeated the claim to Marc Marshall that the Silurians built the shelters when they thought the planet would "suck away" Earth's atmosphere as it rushed by. TV : The catastrophe did not happen as predicted, and the Sea Devils remained inside their hibernation units. During millions of years of hibernation, the reactivation machinery of the hibernation units deteriorated. A Sea Devil captured by pirates. A lone Sea Devil scientist was prematurely awakened around the late 16th century due to a defective hibernatorproceeding to study how the world had changed during his sleep. After ten years, the Sea Devil rescued and befriended a humanDiego de Columba of Cordobawho had washed up on the beach. Unfortunately, the Sea Devil was later captured by piratesone of whom inadvertently activated his device which called a creature to awake from under the seaproceeding to destroy the pirates' ship. Diego presumed the Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Devil to have perished with the pirates. Sea Devils emerge from their hibernation units in Ina group of Sea Devil woke up beneath Raven Peninsula. They used terraforming technology to create an earthquake which separated the peninsula from the main land. Ravenscaur became known as Raven's Isle. The Sea Devils infiltrated the school and village on the island by turning the humans into Sea Devils. He attempted to persuade them to reclaim the planet from the human race. Despite the Third Doctor's efforts to convince them otherwise, hostilities escalated when Private Secretary Walker ordered the to attack the base, and the Sea Devils decided to go to war with the humans. However, before they could use the Master's sonar device to reactivate more bases, the Doctor blew up their base by overloading the devices by reversing the polarity of the neutron flowpreventing the war between humans and Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Devils from starting. Sarah Jane opened diplomatic relations with them. On her return to England, she contacted the Brigadier, who wished to make amends for his earlier mistakes. In the early Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils centurya colony of both Silurians and Sea Devils were discovered under the South Pole. After a corrupt businessman attempted to blackmail them into providing him with a unique energy source, they revolted, with the Sea Devils launching an attack. They were forced back into hibernation by the , who collapsed the crevice leading to their colony afterwards. A colony of Sea Devils are awoken Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils the Silurians in A colony of Sea Devils were awoken in by the Silurians. They were sent as shock troops to invade Sea Base 4 to ignite the war the base had been Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils to fight in. Though they were better prepared, they were all killed by the Hexachromite gas used by the . By the 26th centurythe inter-species conflicts appeared to have come to an end. Silurians and Sea Devils were accepted into Earth society, and the term " Earth Reptile " was apparently popularised among humans. Around the 26th centurya number of Sea Devils and humans colonised the planet Chosanwhich was being attacked by Calabraxian terrorists. They sent Bernice Summerfield. She found the ocean planet held a sentient protein in the waters which had began to infect the water-dwelling Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Devils. The entities attempted to possess the Sea Devils and use them as an army against the humans but faced difficulty in integrating themselves into the host's biology. This led to mutations. They took the Sea Devil Lurnix as a host. They tried to have Lurnix lower the security grid and infect all the Sea Devils for an army. However, Bernice Summerfield evacuated the colony and detonated a bomb at Chosan, ending that threat. The Sea Devils were forced to abandon the Chosan colony due to the continuing threat. Jo Grant hallucinates about a Sea Devil. TV : . In the 30th centurythe Earth Reptiles were part of the Earth Empire and were considered full members of that government as an Earthborn species. In the st Doctor Who and the Sea-Devilsthe Earth Reptiles were part of the Union. A drawing of a Sea Devil from an Anubian book. TV : Curse of Anubis. In one alternative version of the sthe Doctor having died during the Wenley Moor incident, the Silurians ruled Earth unchecked while the Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Devils served them as underwater soldiers. In an alternate timeline created by the Black Guardian where the never left Gallifrey and became Lord Presidentthe Sea Devils and the Silurians fought over the Earth along with several species of alien invaders. This timeline was destroyed when the retrieved the Key to Time. In an alternate dimension in which the Doctor 's adventures existed as a fictional TV show called Doctor Whoa fan dressed as a Sea Devil was present at a Doctor Who convention which Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils Eleventh Doctor visited with Ally in The planet Mondas had lifeforms identical to Sea Devils. In the video game Happy Deathdayplayed by Izzy Sinclair on the Time-Space Visualisera Sea Devil was among a host of "every single enemy " that the Doctor had ever defeatedwho were assembled by the Beige Guardian and pitted against the Doctor's first eight incarnations. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. You may wish to consult Sea Devil disambiguation for other, similarly-named pages. Contents [ show ]. Destiny of the Doctors. Categories :. Cancel Save. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. Complete list of appearances. Mondasian Silurians and Sea Devils. BBC - Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - The Sea Devils - Details

The Sea Devils is the third serial of the ninth season of the long-running British television series Doctor Whowhich was first broadcast in six weekly parts on BBC1 from 26 February to 1 April It was written by Malcolm Hulke and directed by Michael E. The serial is notable as the first appearance of the Sea Devils and features extensive location filming in cooperation with the Royal Navyas well as an experimental electronic score by Malcolm Clarke. The serial is set in various locations in and beneath the English Channel. In the serial, the alien time traveller the Master Roger Delgado makes contact with the Sea Devils, a bipedal marine race that ruled the Earth before humanity, and plots to use them to reconquer the Earth from humanity. As they depart, the Doctor hears of ships mysteriously disappearing. Curious, he investigates a sea fortress, where he and Jo are attacked by a sea-adapted bipedal reptile, called a Sea Devil by one witness. They escape to a nearby naval base. The Doctor discovers that the Master, with the misguided aid of his ostensible jailor Colonel Trenchard, is stealing electrical equipment from the naval base to build a machine that will control the so-called Sea Devils, intending to use them as an army through which to conquer the world. He summons them and they begin to emerge from the sea. A battle for the prison ensues during which Trenchard is Doctor Who and the Sea- Devils. The Doctor and Jo once again flee to the naval base where Captain Hart tells them a submarine has disappeared. Whilst the crew prepare for battle, the Doctor is seized by the sea creatures. The Doctor offers to broker peaceful negotiations between the sea-creatures and the humans, recalling how he failed in his earlier attempt with the Silurians. Matters are left unresolved in the wake of an attack by depth charges ordered by Robert Walker, a British Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils arrived to take control of the situation and intent on repeating UNIT 's actions against the Silurians, namely blowing them up, but this time with a nuclear weapon. The attack is opposed by Jo, but does provide the Doctor with cover as he flees to the naval base, where he persuades Walker to allow him another, final attempt at negotiation. In the meantime the Sea Devils capture the naval base, a move instigated by the Master. As part of his plan, he now forces the Doctor to help build a machine to revive dormant Sea Devils around the world. The device activated, the Sea Devils imprison them both, their uses ended, but the Doctor has sabotaged the machine. He escapes with the Master using equipment from the captured submarine. The sabotaged machine destroys the Sea Devil base before a military attack can begin. The Master evades capture by faking a heart attack and then hijacking a rescue hovercraft. Whilst imprisoned, the Master watches the children's The Clangers. Working titles for this story included The Sea Silurians. Because of the story's location filming requirements it was allocated the second slot in the production run for Doctor Who ' s ninth season so as to allow filming in October. However, to alternate the stories between those set on Earth and those set on other worlds it was transmitted third in the season. This was the first time stories were produced out of transmission order. The earlier Doctor Who and the Silurians had resulted in many letters from scientists and geologists who argued that it was impossible for a reptilian lifeform to have existed in the era. In this story the Doctor admits that the name "Silurian" is inaccurate and states they should more properly be called " Eocenes ". The Royal Navy waived royalty fees on the use of stock footage and clips showing ships in Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils, happy with on- screen credits and the positive publicity generated by the show. Many sailors volunteered to help with the filming, so that most of the extras during the sequence at the Naval Base were actual service personnel, except in some of Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils stunts. In the first episode, the script called for Jo Grant and the Doctor to climb up a ladder to get into a sea fortress. The ladder proved too slippery for Katy Manning, so stuntman Stuart Fell did the shot Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils as Grant. A model of a submarine was Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils by purchasing a Woolworths submarine model kit and then altering the propeller. By chance, the alterations to the model strongly resembled an actual prototype submarine being developed by the Ministry of Defence. After footage of the model was broadcast as part of the story, director Michael Briant received a visit from two Naval Intelligence officials, who were concerned about where the visual effects team got the plans for the model. When the wiping of episodes ceased in it was discovered that the first three episodes had only survived as black and white telerecordings made for overseas sales. These were converted back to the original PAL format. It was his first contribution to the series and was notably more experimental than the series' usual Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils by freelance composer . His score for the serial has been described as "startling in its range of obtrusive electronic timbres and relative melodic paucity", "mixed music and sound effects" and "presented uncomfortable sounds to a substantial early evening audience on Saturdays in a way not duplicated in Britain before or since". Parts of the incidental music, as well as a line of dialogue, were sampled by Orbital on their track Doctor Look Out. The story was edited and condensed into a single omnibus episode, broadcast on BBC1 at pm on 27 December[9] reaching 8. However, they felt that the music "veers between being eerily experimental and tunelessly intrusive". Howe and Stephen James Walker described the story as "a colourful adventure yarn" with quality direction and high production values. They praised the acting of both the main cast and the guests, finding Trenchard the most interesting. They noted that the incidental music had a mixed reception because of its radical departure, but it remained the most striking aspect of the story. InPatrick Mulkern of Radio Times wrote that The Sea Devils Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils the Third Doctor's era reaching an "apex in ambition and quality", praising the design of the Sea Devils and the supporting characters. He also disliked the incidental music. A novelisation of this serial, written by Malcolm Hulkewas published by in October and was originally to be titled The Sea Monsters. There are, as usual with Hulke, many added sections—including an ironic death for Trenchard as he Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils a last stand against the Sea Devils and forgets to take the safety catch off his pistol. Also, the Master makes reference to his alliance with the in the later serial Frontier in Space also written by Hulke. A Portuguese translation was published in In Junean audiobook of the novelisation was released, read by Geoffrey Beevers. The story was released on VHS in September The story's original soundtrack was released on CD as part of the 'Monsters on Earth' tin set along with Doctor Who and the Silurians and Warriors of the Deep in October and linking narration was provided by Katy Manning. From Wikipedia, Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils free encyclopedia. This article is about the Doctor Who serial. For the eponymous race, see Silurian Doctor Who. For other uses, see Sea devil. Doctor Jon Pertwee Third Doctor. Katy Manning Jo Grant. Commander Mitchell Brian Vaughan — Lt. Commander Watts Christopher Wray — Ldg. Seaman Lovell Alec Wallis — Ldg. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. December Learn how and when to remove Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils template message. Doctor Who: The Discontinuity Guide. London: Doctor Who Books. Hello Sailor! BBC Worldwide. Doctor Who Restoration Team. Manchester University Press. Doctor Who News. Retrieved 28 May Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 9 June Retrieved 30 August The Radio Times : The Discontinuity Guide. London: Virgin Books. Doctor Who: The Television Companion 1st ed. London: BBC Books. Radio Times. Retrieved 26 February DVD Talk. Den of Geek. Retrieved 9 October Retrieved 1 May Doctor Who episodes. Stories Episodes 97 missing Original series —, 1 2 Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Film Revived series —present 1 2 3 4 — specials 5 6 7 specials 8 9 10 11 Doctor Who : The Master television stories. Doctor Who. Doctor Who : Silurian stories. The Sea Devils Warriors of the Deep. Doctor Who Live. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history.