KONMOUTHCOUNTY tit 3TORICAL A SSO . ^ - EKESHGlD, S. J. "... ■ 11AUG31 X STREET £ "■ Three Deatihs, Many Junkmen Gain New Hurt, Dae To Storm Marlboro Ordinance Heart Attack* From Protest Agal«*t Shoveling Snow Fatal Original D raft’G et „ To Madison Men Revised Measure ,

' Three flefcAs due to h e a rt Marlboro Township Commit* , Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association— Monmouth County Press Association tee slielved Thursday f the or? /allure frcir. the exertions of dlnance initiated last month to ' - «hoveli£E tffiow were the most regulate Junkyards and In it* . serious cstjaltles attributed to 87th YEAR — 38th W EEK M A T A. WAN , N. J., T H U R S D A Y , M A RCH 22, 1956 Single Copy Ten Cents place Introduced a new .ordln- tbe fincw/t.is on Friday and ancc for the same purpos# . again on Sunday and Monday with provisions that were not j . Physician Succumbs | NEWLY-REMODELLED INTERIOR OF DELL’S MARKET as stiff. ‘ .■ "wj ■ !• that Piled up 15 Inches of snow One Still “Poor' Morganville School Asked why uie orlginaT'iOr-, In t^e tmyshore area. Ia ad­ dlnance couic. not have bsBir i dition & large number of traf- From Fatal Cr^h Suffers Great Loss amended, Clifton; JvBarkaliw ; ; ; fic accident^ iWere caused by Freehold, township attorney', : '..skids on tie Ice and snow. '■ ■ : said the changes made v Punches In Slight Miss Crine, Principal, of-a "substantial 0 r d e r . The three victims, oil ln.Mad: .. Ison Township^ were Earl ciun- Rally, Others Fair; Dies; Connected With ■ ey, 3*, uf 352 Shol'eland Circle; dlhanqe was leQulrcdi' Hicks Death Hearing ^ System For 34 Years « nubllc hcaring jiii-ilie orlglni —ClfXwooa B each; A ugust E . nl ordlnnnco Mar,’ (I at whlcli ..-Bell, «1;-«f l6t Hilltop’ Blvd‘, "Some slight improvement In •Mias M ary Crine, 55, Wick- 17 Junkyard operators voloed > —Cllffwood Beach, 'and Frank the condition of Robert Funch- ntunk, died Tuesduy, M ar. ao. Wronko, 63," of 325 Herbert St.. es, 18, R d.. M orennville, 1950. at St. Francis Hospital, strong.opposition and Mata- wan attonicys, Loo Weinstein - Old Bridge.' Mr. Cluney died was reported at Perth Amboy -Trenton. S h e was born In General Hospital last night, Matawan, tfauglUet- of.the into -and Robert LaMura, debated Monday/ Mr. Sell on Sunday Its provisions, the original and' Mr. Wronko, Saturday. but tlie rider In the car which James a n d Mary (Kelly) ordinance was reviewed ; with • Mr, Cluney, a former Key­ carried R onald Hicks, 17, Tdx- Crlno, - • - the attorneys and the Junkman- , port resident, was found lying as Rd.. Morganvllle, to his Mlss'Ciino Was associated death In an accident in Mata­ with' tho .^tarlboro Township by Uia loivhshlp commtttea In the snow in front, of his Mar, 13. After thla the new < house. He was rushed to wan on'Friday still remains schools,for 34 years. She was .South Arftbby . Memorial Hos­ on the poor list. thc principal of the Morgan- ordinance waa formulated I -. Tl\? original ordlAsnce did; pital by Laurence Harbor Of the' other three rid ers vllle~arammlir School /or 13' not pass out of exlntnnco wlthV- First Aid Squad but was pro­ who were Injured, all arc now years,-and was'hold in high out Jts suj)pei'leia..presslnK fnr- ' iiouhced dead, on arrival by ln "fail- condition." They are esteem by pupils, teachers-and- Walter- Ballinger. 21.' Texas parehts. She was a graduate 1U filial adoption. Mayor Di-u. ' Middlesex ' County- Coroner pis Buckley dlsaloseil Thurs- - ■ ’ Francis X.- Muska.. . Rd., Morganvllle; Willie White,: of New Jersey Stale. Teachers day the committeemon had re- > ■' Director Of Bugle Corps IB, of 306 T exas R d., M organ­ College, Newark. ' cetved 150 postcards from per­ ; Mr. Cluney was a director vllle. nnd Purcell Tayler. 30. Miss Crine wits a member sons urging its adoption as ; of the Keyport Junior Drum New BrunswUck. The driver of of various professional organ­ written. Miss Edna M, Net- ■ and Bugle Corps and was em­ DR. CARL A. GES8WEIN the car Wesley Cope, 25, Spring isations suclra* the New Jer­ ter, their spokesman, inferred - ployed aa an electrician at the Valley ftd.,Morganvllle.. de­ sey Education Association, tlio Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen. many more cards could bs clined medical aid at the scene National Gduoatlonal Associa­ gotten, If needed, to impress He. is Butvlved by his . wife, of the accident, according to tion, tho Monmouth County^ the oommUtee wlUt tho p re- : Fear), a daughter, Mra. John Services Today For Patrolman James Volk, Mata­ Teachers Association, and the ponderant weight of opinion In , Bushel], Cllffwood, and three Dell’s Market, 108 Main St., Miklawan, celebrating lta 50th year, yesterday opened lta new­ wan Police, who handled the Classroom Teachers Assoula- favor of the ordinance. ^ __ grandchildren. ly-remodelled store, carrying' a oonvplete line of meals and groceries. The buslneia waa es­ accident. t lon. In NQVembor—1985^-nlie Changes' Outlined ‘ ■ Funeral services will be con- Dr. Carl A. Gesswein tablished In 1808 by Uie 1st* Frank A, Dell, and l« carrlt4 8ii byJ>lasiins,F-r»nkr lr,, and Paulr Mr. Ballinger ..?f fta ..reported -TheremodMIIng:worlcwa«aone by W llllamStroiherrMatawan.-amtthe IIIIIRefrlferatlonC'o;; Avan-pvenonted-wltli-allfomom r^llnTkatoW outlined tits ' —ducted—this— afternoon~at 2 lo-have-lmproved at the hos­ Asbury Park...... berthip In tha National Con changes, He jioteii Uie form- ~o’clock, fronTthe. Flynn and —Resident Of Matawan pital the past few days after Announcement has been made Ihe market owners have purchased the adjoining properly" gross of ParenU and Teachers or restrlotlon .whluh forbtd any Son F u n eral Hom e, 422 E a s t 40 Years Died Monday an ’operation for. his Injuries. at 101 Main SI, from Mr. and Mrs, J. Lauterwald. The building lias been raaed and a parking by the Morganvllle p-TA. Jutikyard (enolng w ithin 80 • Ave., Perth Amboy* with the Practiced In Plainfield He la reported to have had . let will replace It for tbe patrona of the market. . , . ; Miss Crine is survived by a feet of.the sidelines of ad: Rev. Beaman W. Townsend possible fractured skull, ribs sister, Miss Nellie Crine; at Joining property wa»f out to ; officiating. Interment will foi- Funeral services are being and right knee with lacerations Holy Week Services : home;~four~ljrotlist', Michael 35 foot. : The attorney 'was : low In Christ Church .Ceme- held t h is afternoon at of the chin and lips, Tlie one and' James Crine, both at ; tery, Perth Amboy. - aiked why an/ sotbaok was 2 o'clock at. the Bedle Funeral still''.‘In. poor condition, Mr 2662 New Homes For Holy week lervlotB hftv* $125,000 Bonding home; John K, Crine, Fren- needed. : It'was.olaiirted bji.n.. "T7”In the second death,. Coron- Funchpa, Was adm itted With a ..er, Francis. X. Muska reported Home;1 Matawan, for Dr. Carl been planned b j the Matawan jiiiik dealor ' the setbaok i‘«- possible fractured skull, pos­ Council of C hurches as fol« strlollon wa, i>ut In from or- - Mr. Sell was dead on arrival A, aesswfcin.(,71, of Main St., sible fractured ribs and Inter- Madison Approved . at-the Perth Amboy Oeneral Matawanr. who died Monday, lows: Union Palm Sundar dinaiicos used In O range and nil’ cliest Injuries, the Injur­ service will be hetd at 8 p.m. Hillside, lie lieolaieti Utese Hospital after he was found night. M ar. 19. 1958; a t R iv er­ ies of Mr. White were disloca­ Large School To Be Road Improvements, lying in the snow, at a bus view Hospital, following a In tho First Baptist Church wore cltloj. where setbacks, tion of the shoulder and lacer­ Built For Township with the Ilev. A lbert D. Qur* New Town Hall, Are mlRlit be nouded, but In the ■top on Route 35 by a passer­ long Illness. The Rev. Ches­ ations of the right eyelid, face ter A. Galloway, pastorof the At Southwest End rjr, pastor of the Flnt Meth­ Set Up In Ordinances country ..areas of Morlboro by. and scalp and of Mr. Taylor, TowtiMilp, they were not, Mr, \ Coroner Muska said -mem­ Fhrst Presbyterian Church. odist Church, speaklnr on tlie facial Injuries and he lias been Madison Township's housing Harkalow remliided him that bers of Mr. Be'll's family stat­ Matawan, will officiate and thome, “Tho Popular Idea of Madison Township Commit­ x-rayed for a possible head. boom continues at aiuum-elent- Clark' oiid Mftiuvlapiii Town- ed he had been shoveling snow Interment will be In Old Ten­ tbe Cross.M tee lpat night Introduced two Injury. *.... ing pace. A discussion of maps alilps, both aemt-rural areas, from in front of his home at nent Cemetery. Monday evening at 9 ordinances to bond the munici­ Car Goes Out Of'Control totaling over 3000 units cam e hud tlio sftino provision. ■ About 8 p.m. Sunday night, o'clock the; service will be pality for a totnl of $135,000, Dr. Gcssweln was born in According to Patrolman before the municipal planning icontlmiml on page four) -prior to taking a bus to his held In the First Methodist With oaBh added to the desig­ Canton, Ohio, the son of the (continued on page nine) board on Thursday. Job aa a fireman at the Monte­ late Gustave and Mary desa- Church. The Rev, Fronols nated amounts, tlio ordinances ' Chistie Corp., Rahway. - weln. He graduated from the Nearly. 1000 of these units Osterstook, pastor of the lUy- provide- $78,750-for rood 'lm-' Talcen Tollospltal -r' University of, Clnclnatti, and Matawan' Policeman will be ln the area near Ma­ view Presbyterian Church, provements and (52,500 for tho taken to toe hospital the jnedtcal school at the TJu- Dies At 54 .....; ■ tawan. Tho - board approved Cllffwood Beach, ,wNl_Jead erection ot n. mvmlolpal buUtl- fefaiibe iaureiSMv^»rbor;®rsL ivorslty of Illinois, UrbRna. Bcctlon 2, of the Henderson Es­ ihe devotional period, and ing,' T. ’ .. ’ i.1 J'D avlfl E d w ard B rennnn, 84, tates, GhecaeciuEike, for- 332 husl'alid pf Vtrn. Olga (Olsoa) ‘ the Itev,L»wrenco ft.: Daller« Tho streets *ro to Ua'proVld* In Area■ - . ■ Solved •.-■■■■ i * - nounceci dpad./ Coi-oner Mu.ska. the * practice-' medicine ’ id. hom es.. HoWurd RMxel, one Mt -Hutor* of r tbte JPlrst Baptist ed wlttv drainage, and win - be the cause of death as a Plainfield lri 1904 ahd moved Brennan. - of 75 West Prospect the developers, said"' -work St., Matawan Township, died Church, will deliver ilia tor<* g rad ed u n i »r«volod .pr*f)»ra- Entry-Hold-Up In, . ; (continued on page nine) to M ataw an In 1916. H e w as would start on this section ln m on-entlU odr- " J e iu a rhtfer* toty to tuirtam r. moaonlint to: H o l m M U d M a r W ednesday, M ar. 31, 195S, a t the foil. . : . . preta Ills Cross.,r the ordinance. Thoso included the widow er of M rs. . B essie the Jersey City Medical Cen­ Arrest Of Formor M.P, 1' (Hudson) Gessweln, who died Shore Crest Estates map for The Rev, Chester A; Gallo- are: Spring Valley Rd, from ter. Mr. Brennan was a mem­ in N ovem ber 1952. 172. homes on Route 34 was Route 9 to the Monmouth Coun­ ber of tlie Matawan Township war, pastor of the First Pres­ MISS MARY CRINK A com im iler to orlnto, Wll* ' Battle Of Signs . Dr. dessweln bad served on ty Unot Marlboro Rd. from Police Force. He .previously approved as was the Delbasco byterian Church, wltt speak Ham U. H arrington. 33, Now the staff of M onm outh M em or­ map for 72 houses at Chcese- Brunswick Rd, to tlie Mon­ eau, and Wllllam.Crlno, Kng- had been on the Jersey City Po­ on “The Glory of the Cross”' York, a former M, P. at Fort ial, Rivervrew and South Am­ quake and Olsbrow Rd*. Greg­ mouth County line; Dill Rd, llihtow n; Is Carried On lice F o rce for 27 years. on. -Tuesday evenly *at 8 Monmouth, wasarrested by> boy Hospitals. For many ory Construction Co, received from Engllslitown Rd. to Marl­ He was born in Jersey City, o'clock In. tb» First Baptist Funeral aervlces will be hetd Tiaopsra William Kayj_«lKi Al- .; years he was the sohool approval fo r 42 houses on Route C hurch, —...... boro ltd.: Rlverdale Ave., from : Moves By Weinstein the sou of the late Edward and Saturday at # a.m, at the W.ll, trod Flpontta.^f Koyport Btate phystcian for the Matawan 18. A 50-home developm ent of The union service on Good Brookslds Avo, to - tlie Duhern- Frseman_ and Soil Funeral. liolloe, ou -a Naw-York-»ud-- Are Criticized By ‘ Township Board of Educat- Mary (Luker) Brennan and had lived In Matawan Township for Caprano Bros, on- Texas Rd. Friday will be . held in the al water works; Willis Sohool Home, Freehold. A solemn Asbury J ’ark...Transit.Co,..bus... Mausner^ Currife ...... (continued on page four) between Route 9 and Engllsh- from Routo IB to Matawan Rd.; the past five years. First Methodist Cliuroh from high . requiem m ass will bo at Avonei in the mldat of tho town Rd. was approved. ' Kearney Ave. northwest 800 Battle over the alleged llleg- Besides his wife, ht ls sur­ 12 o'clock noon until S p.m. hold,at 10 a.m, at St. Joseph's lillward near noon Monday, Card of Thanks Church, Koyport, with Lhe al placing of three advertising vived by a son, - John David 1932 Homes On One Traet feet from. Matawan Rd,: Tice* Herrington admitted lo 11 «n< The family ->f the late Mar­ town Rd. from,Route 9 to'Cot- Rov. Jolm J. Nowak, pastor tries In the northern half of signs for a real estate develop­ garet Peace wishes to thank Brennan, Keansburg, and a , One big development made ment in Hazlet on a Keyport- foster son, Qeprge Dewey, New Progress at -the. meeting. Dan­ troll's Rd. snd from, a point of Ht, Gabriel's Church, nrutl- Monmouth County' and ons all heir friends, neighbors and Work To Start Soon evolt, offlolatlng, Xrilernient rnan's property continued yes­ Y ork. 1 . ville Realty Co., Brooklyn, re­ 1000 feet w est of Higgins Hit.: hold-up during tho last month, relatives for their many kind­ will be in Bt, Josoph's Cemo- terday In deadlock before Act- A requiem high mass will bo ceived provisional approval of to the Monmouth Cphnty lino;. Ills filial entry was accompan­ nesses during their recent be­ Farrington Rd„ from Route 34 tery. ied by a hold-up wltll a shot­ Irig.Magistrate Robert LaMura, reavement. Especially the celebrated Saturday morning a map for 1932 homes on a 575- On Shopping Center Keyport. Mr. LaMura, a Ma­ at 0 a.m.. at St. Joseph's acre tract known as Shadow to I'nrtrldge Rd.; Outlook Blvd. gun of Fred Triuitweln, IB, at- Rev. W. J. Hutcblnson, M ata­ from Hilltop Ave, to Sunset teiutant nt Iho J'riuitwolii Herv- tawan attorney, was appointed Church,, Keyport. Interment, Brook Estates. A school largo 10-Acre Tract At •, wan First Aid, Police Depart­ Avo.;.Sunset Ave. belwoen Out­ Ice Btatlon, Houle 34, Itolmdel, : to heaffehe? case by Keyport under the direction of the Be­ enough to care for the esti­ Terry Shops Open ment and the Bedle Funeral Apex Routes 35, 36; ' look and Hilltop lids, ' ■. Monday, a foW Hours liefore • - Magistrate Seymour R. Kleln- Home. . dle Funeral Home. Keyport, mated number of children In Acme In One Section Also Blondl Ave,' betweon Ills aaro cr In crim e cam o to , (continued on page four) JFP—Adv. 22* ------will be ln the church cemetery. ■ (Continued on pagq, lour) Philip J, Levin, bullder-de- Avon Bt. and Uie Monmouth an-and>— :—;— veloBerrPlftltifieVdr amiounces COUnty line; Bumiporfic.W Ave. Herrlngtan hinUeH-Kayuurt— that construotioiv-wlll-rstart^lir betweenjeii.adyaldti-AYOTlcrria'-' ~ C h a ifnSpecial izes »'-I5j»x.m,Jt()ii).-thiL.ltflllo-Buii- 'TWAS A BRIGHT DAY FOR THE IRISH, BUT, OH, WHAT A SPRING PREVIEW! wan Way and from Howitn Way lo n n ln al Hlx C orners, M onday, early spring on tho Keyport^ In Ladios Fashions; , Matawnn Shopping Center,, lo­ lo.ltoutorsj; T’urtiian lllvd, be­ afler flight from tlie aonne ot ■ cated at tho apox of Routes 35 tween Ocean Dlvd, and Lako Own Hosiery Mill i (continued on page four) Aver; Raritan lllvd, suuthwost and 30, In the Borough of Key' Heyiuour and Stanley Hluvlii, port adjuccnt to the Garden--lo'Pcoan Jllvd.; Partridge Hd. Newark, owimrs of the Terry Rules For Safe — betwoen Route i’ll and Old Am State Parkway Hhops, have nmuiuncedr-i^int- Shrubbery Delivery boy lid,; Higgins Hd. betwoen The property, situated at the T erry Hluip located a t 22 tills very strategic Intersection Rotlln IH nnd TIcHown ltd.; W est F ro n t St., Keyport, will I’ostmastur Clmrles.J, liase In rapidly-growing Monmouth plDbrow ltd. between Old Am­ niann advised Matawan homo hold Its grand opening tomor­ County, Was , acquired over a boy ltd. and ltouto 34; C entral gardeners loilny thut for tho period of time by Mr. Levin. (continued on pago four) row and Hatunlay, As it spe­ iiafesl dullvery of their shrub' ' ” CJalo CJos Co., occupying a por­ cial feature, nylon stockings bury and plants during' 111. tion ol the tra c t, will move will be aw arded to custom ers current spring planting ii'umin -shortly to. their-new, modem puichasliig-meichandlau-ln-llie they ihntild tnKir ^itlliiTii sTnpl -filling p lan t , and appliance Water Companies am ount o f. 12.00 or over, m alii postal authorities, showroom , on Route 35, Cllff- Tho Terry llhoiis op or tile a We have lieeu Informed by -wood. Seek Well Permits chain apeelallxlng\ln ladles fa­ the Hardening Council «f New Plan* for tho dovolopmonl of shions, Ineluding 'dresses, Vork that this Is tho shipping the 10-scro tract have linen Perth Amboy Not To sportswear, lingerie and hosi­ neasiin fur nuiMery stuck iimI completed by Harold D, ery! and have tholr own hos­ e|s," Mr, Hasemann snld. Olucksman, urchllect, Now- Oppose Drilliuga For iery m ill In Uotith C arolina, "Mtlcli of the stock Is poi p li­ nrlt, providing for the develop­ Madison Developments The owners state that tlieir able, and without the oo oiier- ment of tho project In two sec­ policy li to bring merchandise atlon of the puruhasers, nnd tions. Tho first section will Three application* for wal lo a small town that normally delivering, agencies, beat re­ be completed ln early fall und er for use in Madison Town­ ls tound only In a large city nulls cannot bo expected." , will provide a large, m odern ship subdivisions were iH'unl area. Postmaster llnseinami said Acme supermarket together liy the Htate Water Policy anil Mrs. Irene Larsen, Wood- there were lliroi nlepn that with space for related store Hop Ply Council Tuesday, bridge, will be the manager of purohosers of nursery stock units. Thc total shopping cen­ Tho Madison Writer Co,, lhe Keyport store. Approxl should take! _ ter will have a store frontage which has been supplying the mutely eight olher persons, ail 1. If aw ay o r on .vacation, of over 50Q_foet and- wlll pro Old Bridge nrea,' mid fi<)W has local, will he employed, Mi m ake arran g em en ts in have » vide customer parking for ov­ taken on the 'nddlTiona)"ser­ l.arnen has been associated neighbor accept rdilpnient*. er 700 c a rs, /c c e s s to the vice of the 1200 hom es In iSotiUi. with the Terry Hhops for three K eep m oUl and In a cool lq< parking area will be provided wood, necks approval 0f n well yciirs, nnd has been lhe iiian cation uiitll plmiiliig tlmb.; from Houles 35 and 30 and from whfch .400.000 gull unit of agcr of the Mouth Itlv er store Otherwise, lhe plnnis may ba ’ Main Ht, . pol-able w afer would be pump- for the pant year. duinaged m-.storn«n at lhn Hcntal manager for the shop’ cd dally ut a site miutli of Kng The chain owns a slore In 1’ 0 s’t Office, Kspress, or ping center, representing Mr. Unblown ltd, John Ilruger, T o m s-Itlv er, as welt in fluiiUi Kreiulit Btatlon...... 1...... Levin, will be David Montgom superintendent of the J’ertli Itlver, und In other New Jer 3. If a nnluhbor i.annot accept, tr y . Amboy Wutcr Department, sey towns, and also operates delivery, i.-oiitiiL't Ihe Pm l Of­ Mr. Levin presently In en­ has agreed tills. Is far enough bliKlneiueti In Delaware, I'enn- fice or Imipipmtallon agent, gaged In the developm ent of from the veinn In lh at city's sylvunla and MarylHind. and leuve inntiueUona is to other .hopping centers—Plain­ underKioiind i > n d ■ at Its The Hlavln brothers report where the plnnli caii be'deliv­ field, Bomervllle, North Bruns­ pumping station In Madison that In many places where they ered, A cool basement, gar­ wick, Mount Holly and Went Township, and agreed lo the are opening new stores, they age, or shaded porrh Is always Cunwell, N, J,, Krlo Pit., nnd undertaking. T hem wns no find former cusloiijers resld bolter Ilian a mall room or on- fllniihamton. N. Y .‘ opposition. Ing In the area. They have lltnd department for storage Tying In with the applleat remodeled Ihe filmier Molly of dormant plunli nnd nursery Water Bonds [*nss Inn ,,n<* /iim i (i«idcn /l|;Uo IMtcl.or Murkrl!, which they slock. V/itivi ('o. Tlili i omii.iny I* pmi'IniM'd, nnd have Included 3. Ileal of "II, If you an t An 'H 'D nsfier h'Ht'l tin* The son ihone brightly on Saturday for Ihe Trl.ti t. rrlebrate ■ In Ihe lower left hand corner. Police Itenervr l llie VO'i hoiH‘*:i In’ Ihe all the tieweii Innovation* jn home, have the ground wall^ fnr *ii«1 l'» Madlnon I'ftlk ileveU pot.-iU. j Bt. Patrick’s Par, hut I lie before and after lUdn'l InSlntc that j l‘tU *« ohann on tVem Iron! K(, hnldln, up irjldr on rrld»' ih'-ir imitrltn-i propoted,' "P'l make your aiMX ilirui** i'KMn) i'-th iid'll N rrd ?00,0(fff i..«r., lioisM tor thi? pri|uent hnc, Itliei a| w**!1'* log, anil lol- Front St., after IS htehfi #f had ftllen, Acr^rdln* (• re- ] »*r. We*i Vteni ftt. \* plHtfrrd Tar»dsy msritlnv. Ihr hull- w ax n flrr >Vi'lei , t_, ffol11 | tin l'»i'lh AlilDoy Itervlue CVirivenlenl, n d iio n ilo lowing the .ender'. In^Ji.uet- rts. IhK was thf flrUDt CQiUFUlted7 to -the pxeUnvliia** to r^ rp y id e for p ro p e r. shield.* chemistry and, metallurgy, and Proposal To Build the Thruway. discussion of a motel at tJie infir the main roadw&ya lox-Bracken '' ' e area there: S'- - With landscaping flfld ‘-other Miss Marlon Bennett, daugh­ The engagement of Miss chentlcal work. the particular site was promp­ The projected' feeder road, te r o l Mrs. Blanche Bennett, Barbara Ann Brocken, daugh­ b arriers. He was a fellow of the Amer­ ted by -that .'Moritval* whict? would cozmect yritb tbe Mlskell, Maple PI;, Keansburg, ter of Mrs. Helen . Bracken, t tr u w a y a t ’ ^he N ew ; J e rse y h i e Two M arch 11. 1?5« ican Association for the Ad- Toriti Orders^ Study would beco^:^ m ld-po^^ *nd Theodore Henry Berg, Jr.. --•incement or Science, former travel between , uppej -New New York State line above son of Mr.v and Mrs. Theodore president of American Chem On Advisability York StateVand the Trenton-’ Montvale, would run from the Henry Berg, Atlantic High­ leal Society And a m em ber of and Baltimore- parkway’s - • present northern ! OBITUARIES lands, were' married Sunday Executive Director D. Lou­ the National Research Council Washington areas alter the terminus at Route 17. Param M ar. 11. 1956, at C entral B ap­ is Tontl, of the New Jersey thruway-parkway connection us. Bergen County. It would .Miss Santlna Rettarllal* tist -Church, Atlantic High­ and American, Institute of Min­ M iss Santlna n etta g llsta, 68. ing and Metallurgical Engine­ Highway Authority, Friday re­ Is m ade. The link, work on tie together practically £11 of lands. by the pastor, the Rev., New Jersey with such New died at her home, 35 Gaston ers. ported he has ordered a staff which is to start next month. Harry Kraft. • York State points as Buffalo. study into the feasibility of Is slated for completion by Ave., Matawan, Thursday. Mrs. Melita Kropel was or­ Syacuse, and Albany. M ar. 15. 1956. Miss R ettagll- locating a motel along the July 1957. . - ganist. Lester Smith sang “I BIRTHS Initial plans under study A legal opinion by the autho­ ata was born ln Italy. Love Thee," “Because” and Garden State* Parkway’s pro­ ■ She Is survived by. A b ro th ­ place-the motel immediately rity’s general attorney held •‘The Lord’s Prayer.” er. Giacomo Rettagliata, Ma­ 'B r itt. , posed new link as an added next to the food-and-easollne that it had the power io build and operate mdtels. Director taw an. . . The bride was escorted by Mr. and Mrs. James Britt, saTety feature. . service area proposed for the her brother-in-law, Curtis A IS Pacific Blvd., Cliffwood Noting that the projected parkway Jink. Mr, Tontl said Tontl said any motel uodertak Funeral services were held So den, Somerville. Her gown Beach, are the parents of M onday at 8:30 a .ln . a t tlie link to the New York State i as made of satin, with a high daughter, born Thursday, Mar. Thruway would make the Day Funeral Home; Keyport. neckline trimmed with Swiss IS, 1956,.in Monmouth Memor­ .A requiem high mass was held parkway part of a 600-mile lace, long pointed sleeves, and ial Hospital. expressway route. Director *19 a.m. with the Rev. Charles a nylon skirt, also trimmed CShaugbnessy officiating at Tontl said the study was aim­ Cerlione's Greenhouses with Swiss lace and terminat­ . SJmmeas V ed at determining whether fit. Joseph’s Church, Keyport. ing In a fan-shaped train. She A daughter was born in Rlv­ Interment wa* In St. Joseph's overnight accommodations at may 35 — Keyport carried a white Bible covered erview Hospital on Thursday, a mld-polnt site would help Cem etery. with, orchids. M ar. IS, itse, to Mr, apd Mrs. prevent accidents. . JMr>. Jastpfe Figenl Mrs, Curtis A. Soden, the Donald Simmons, 41 A tlantic Near Ccriterville School St.. Keyport. ^ - "Although the parkway has - M rs. A utolnefcta-FIgonl, 10. bride’a sister, wns matron oT been acclaimed as‘one of the wife of the lnte Joseph Flgoiii honor. Her cocktail length MISS BARBARA A. BRACKEN nation’s safest highways by - (ltd at her home, Church.St.. gown, of nylon lace over taf* i F ram p ler —Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Tramp^ vlrtuie of its . excellent-record T H E _ ~(H*taw«nr"Saturdtty,—Marr^l*. reta'W asdarrbdllyeir6w7~She Unlon-Beachrand the late~Wil­ liam Bracken, te Michael V. ler, 708 Sbore Rd.. Union Beach, last year; we do oot want to 1956. She was born ln Ciecho- had ^a half-crown lace head­ rest on oiirjaurels when thete Easter Plants Wholesale anl llovalcla,. Mrs. Flgonl was a piece, and carried * colonial Cox, jr., son of-Mr.. and Mrs. are the parents of a son. born PROFESSIONAL Michael V. Cox. sr., Keyport, Thursday, Mar. IS, 1956, In Rlv­ la a chance of improving safe­ communicant. of St, - Joseph's bouquet oT aqua colored llow- ty/’ Mr. Tontl added. Church, Keyport. ers. ■ . \ ’ has , been announced by Mrs. erview Hospital. ■ i Bracken." “With the Thruway connect­ M A N T O She is survived by three Tbe bridesmaids, M r a D a sa lz k , - ion next year, heavier traffic : grandsans, John alnd Harry Charles Bensnls land Mrs. Miss Bracken Is a graduate of Keyport High School and A daughter was born ln Rlv­ and considerably more long­ H E L P Y O U BralUi; M ata.w tn, and O eorge Richard Horner, wore gowns erview Hospital on Thursday. distance travtl wtll be gener Smith, Keyport. styled like ihe honor attend­ the Barblion School of Model­ . . ..is easy to find in tJjcr ■ ing. New York. She is em­ M ar. 15. 1956, to M r. and M rs. ated. Rather than risk acci­ Funeral services were held ant's in aqua, and their bou­ Michael Danatiko. 17 Third St., dents caused by drowsy driv­ FOR SALE ployed at Joseph's, Long ’ handy Yellow Pages of, Tuecday at 9:30 a.m. at the quets ^were oT yellow flowers. K eyport. 1 Branch. : Her fiance Is a grad­ ers, we would like to be pre Day Funeral Home, Keyport: Leroy .Horner, the bride pared to serve right on the " your ielcphone book. , 1h » Bev. Cornelius J. Kane of- groom's cousin, was best man. uate of St. Mary’s High School, ' D ntfy " South Amboy, and 14 a student p arkw ay." 0HaCed at a requiem high Charles Sensing and Roger Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy..119 Hie director said the-motel m ass a t 10 a.m, at St. Joseph’s Smith usherejed.* - at, M onmouth Junior College. 19 53 Engiiheera Stone Rd:, Union Beach, are site under study, j is located Church. Interment was ln the A reception followed at Ei- Long Branch, He Is employed the parents of a daughter, Horn Aecoiraiaiiti by'St. Joseph's Church, Key­ within Montvale near the church ' cemetery. Moe-Kl, Keansburg. . F rid ay , M ar. 16, 19S6, tn Riv- northern end of the parkway 1» port. • - erview~HospltaI. fM n , Alexander N, JUsa The bride's mother wore link to the Thruway.—He said FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE slate blue silk costume-.with Gnlnant-Ntv.il ' - no other s»lte for a motel on ^M rs. Viola “M. Ross, wile of " . L a « e r". ' Awhketto- 1 •' A lexander N .-R o ss, 43 Broad pink accessories. Tbe'- bride­ Mr. and Mrs,-Joseph Nixon. the parkway would be consid­ V e t o ’f a a r t a a , groom’s mother wore ' .■' " sen. 40* W ashington S t., Ma-. study was initiated on the ~ Woodbrldge* four grandchil la m rr ------:------—Miss Nixon Is a graduate of Rrwan.-ar* tn*' parent staif level ana that uie tnree 1 Y E L L O l dren;. three sisters, Mrs. Gil’ M«rr«w-RetK>iw^a St. Paul High School, Scrah- daughter, born Saturday1,'M ar^ commissioners of the author* KEYPORT 7-3030 bert, Johnson and :Mra«. Jennie Miss O detv e Reboisson tan, Pa. She. Is_emplo)ed by 17. 1956, ln P e rth Amboy Hos- ’Hx. would pot. consider: the m a­ PAGES the accounting 'depariment of WtMT '~vv' "■ ter" until a full report wig rea­ ~ Johnsont both bl 'Piesident daughter of .Mrs. Antoine Re- ... ’ At Night or Sat. and Sun.. o f y o u r p h o n e b o o k park,.jBTid Mrs. Richard John- bolsson, Tehran, Iran, became the Bell: Telephone; . Company, dy-for them, , • ... ^ H a rm a n easing—thiit—competition the-bride-of^Sgtr-Samuel—At- Wilkes-Ba r re,., P a . A daughter was born era, Samuel Hansell, Perth Morrow, U.S.M.C., attached'to Mr. Quinine- la » graduate private enterprise has PertirAmljoyHospIUloxi-.__ eri~ru!ed"0fct\~by:i1h e “ 8ta ffr Call Long Branch 6-0648 Amboy, -and Andrew Hansell, .the. American Embassy ln Te­ of. Sacred-Heart Hlgh School, iJay," M ar., 18,-1956, - tp M r.: , nt the director aaid there are n» NEW JERSEY BEll TELEPUORE GdMIPANy ~ Afflbdy.”' hran, oh Sunday, Feb. 12, 1956, Plains. He attended* Stonehili M rs.. Wlhsloyv H agniao. od Funeral, service* will be held The wedding took place In the College, North Easton, Mass., Lake view Way.Cllffwood. ,” jr toda^ at' 3 p.m.- at The Flynn F rench " Catholic Church,: T e­ and is a graduate of King's i and Son Funeral Home, South hran, With the R ev.'. M ichel College, Wilkes-Barre.- Pa., „ Hojpu- f :\ Amboy, ^with; tiie R ev. Oeorge Ooyaux performing the cere­ Class of 1953. He is an Eng­ M r. and MrsHoplaf H. Boyd officiating. interment mony. ' . . lish Instructor at Keyport High 212 SeMiJ'’ “Xve., ■ Keansburg, frill be In^brlat Church Ceme­ The bride was given In mar­ School. ' '. are the p^renbfof • daughter,' .-'.'Vi, \ .* tery. •. . ‘ . riage by her brother', Andre The couple will be married ■Bom F rid ay , M ar. J'», 1959, in: Reboisson. The-^bridesmaids In P lain s In August. Rlverview Hospital.' were .~Mlss~aeorgette.~ReboI»-~ - —TSstiurj^.TXlce,-. Jr., 7®,'“'3ied‘ McMahah-Ennls - son, sister- of the bride, Miss . D eyle • W ednesday, M ar; 14, 1956, at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Shel­ A ton .was borh-in Perth-Am- th is w a y ? Anlta jStoevlch, Miss- Slroul -hta*-homeV Coliidgwood - Park, ton, 39.Ravine Dr., Matawan, boy Hospital tO Mr. and Mra; Howell * Township. Mr, Tice Touktam ian, and Miss LIU Robertson. The ushers were have announced the engage-' Arby Doyle, R oute 3#,- K ey­ was bornin,Cedar Grove, the ment of Mrs. Sheldon's daugh­ port. Yow oU ni k com fwy 4 o m l William Halle. Thomas Pave- ,-pr, lock, William Hanly, and Jofen ter,-M lss-Barbata-tou-Ennlsr -Mary-J*ne:-*Van£eUf-Tlce.-He to *toTm.,n'*KelVl3 McM&hM}, -waa ^letffedbousem over and •rerrla...... Mir. and In tbe absence ot the bride sorv-of-Mr: and Mrs. Allen Les­ er. 29 Soul la m em b«rv6r tbe M organvllle lie McMahan, Fairborn, tOhlo. nsmthadljrt £2iut*£h ■ j eroom'm mother. Mra. Bnltlon . IflM JSnnia la a grad u ate o t Bridge, are; the pardnta' of a ■eUral bjr tke aaiiml tkdiltk. ‘ He is .sjiryJved *by his wife. I ^*Pln accompanied the brlde- Matawan High School. She at­ daughter, born ln l'erth Am­ you used M on WoiW.War IL ' ' Mrs. LlrfaXBalley) Tice; eight groom down the aisle. boy Hospital. ' The bride, a French Qlrl tended the College ot William ions, ArLhur F .. W ayside: Wll' and Mary, Williamsburg,* Va.; Scout and leader, was honored “ ' ” Soeit - - lam R., Neptune; Robert O.. and Is a. student at Ohio State by the Scouts after the cere­ A daughter - w m . horn -in and -Lester B.,.-both Howell University, Columbus, O. Mr. mony with a display of fire­ Perth Amboy Hospital'to Mr. Township; Ira Warne, Red McMahan Is a graduate ol works. A reception at the Te­ and -Mrs. Walter -Scott,- Pat­ Bank; William Andrews, Ma- Xenia High School. Xenia, O., terson Ave., Union Beach. • - taw an; jR eim er Leuth, Cllff- hran Club followed. , Sgt. Morrow, son of Mr. and and he attended Miami Uni­ wood; Everett Leuth, Oakland,1 versity, Oxford, O. He served , ' DeW ise ' r Calif.; five daughters, Mrs. Mrs, LeRoy C. Morrow who ^_M r._»nd. Mrs.—James De now reside ln -Wesly—Town­ lr the U. 8. Army for two Eleanor- I, Fleberg, Howell yearj._apd 'Wblie stationed at Wlse. .3t Llnton Pl,,_Ke,ai«!- Township; Mra. - Helen John­ ship, near Wilmington, 111., V u rr. a re the p aren ts‘ ’«f ’ nf graduated frdm^fatawan High Fort.Myers, Va„ was a mem­ son, West Caldwell; Mrs. Jen- daughter, born Monday; . Mar School In 1951. f t j ' Joined the ber of the Presldeential Honor I 9 S 0 —You oted twice M -- nle Hansen. CliftonM rs, Hel­ .19, .1954, in-R lverview -HospltaJ,- U.S.M.C. in. 1952...... Guard; He la now {a - student «oud» eUdricky. So jo u r heus* en Watts, c'llfwood: Mrs. Lida at Ohio 8tate University.. Carroll,' Matawan: ;23 grand­ ' ’ • Felscher . ' : .-j -seemed twice aa big \ A daughter was .born in Rlv- children;, i »Jx ’ great-grjirtdchll- FUNERAL SERVICES -1« your dectric cenpaay. ' . drien; a;?isteri -Mr». Ada Woot^ WILLS FILED ervlew Hospital on Monday, M ar, 19, 1916,. to M r, and M ra. on. Old Bridge; and two broth­ Cail LaBella ers. aeOrge.-.Old Bridie, and , Albert P. Reynolds ’ - Frederick Foischer, 301 First Funeral services'were held St., Keyport. Charles,-MatfwanT 8unday at 9 a.m, at St! Ann's Albert Fatrltk. Reynolds, Funeral services Were held Church, Keansburg, for: Carl Keansburg, who died Feb, 14, . ' M cCarm lok ' Saturday at the C. H. T. Clay­ LaB ella, 69, of I P a rk .Ave. named his widow, Barbara Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- ... ton and- Son Funeral 'Home, Keansburg, who died Tuesday, Reynolds, -residuary: legatee CormloV^BOx-416, RD 2,'Mor- Adelphla,: at 3 p.m. The Rev, Mar. 13,,1956, at the Safeway accordln’g .to a will dated Jul: ganville, are the parentalot_a Faye Smith,-pastor of the Meth- .MRrKtl-iThe-ReY^-Edward-AT-l-*^-1®^ daugfiTer, born-Monday,. Mar'. T od< y—You ax a let more — odist- churcbrFarmlngdalerTSf Corrigan officiated-at the hlg 19,-195«rln-Fltkln‘H osplttlr eioctrIcily—t!irc« timee as muc)i at in 19401 Hdated._InUi:mentw»»'ln m ass of reqinem .- Interm ent,; . . ■ eaca ' -e rg re e n 1 Cemetery, Farming Oennarq Maresca, Jlavltte ” , Casagrande And all the whilt-you were finding under the direction of'the John Dr., Matawan,- who died Jan. — dale.— -...... — J. Hyan Home lor Funernls, l^Dr^. Alfred. Casagrande. ir. -Mew wajfa to tite arrnam ed his widbw. 'Clebfe and Mrs. Casagrande, 140 Ra­ Keansburg, was In Hply Cross deetrkitjffor b d ltr • Miss Anna Tansey Maresca, residuary legatee in vine Dr., Matawan, are the U la s Anna T ansey, US Chur- Cemetery, Brooklyn, ' » w|li dated Aug. 9, 1943.- Be­ parents of a son, born Sunday lirine, Ui prie* Ob St., Keyport. died Monflay Mr, LaBella had lived in quests of.$3 each were made to M ar. 18, 1946,- I n M onmouth M f coming down. M ar. 19, 1956, a t M ount F leas­ Keansburg for 44 years, A re two sons, Julius und-Saivatore Memorial Hospital. ‘ ant Manor Nursing Home, Ma­ tired tavern owner, he was as C. M aresca. tawan. Miss Tansey was born soclated In the operation of the Brow ning -In Holmdel Township, the Park Inn Tavern for 18 years. Lillian Hardy A son was born' on Sunday _ daughter of the late Michael He was a member of the car­ Lillian Hardy, Keyport, who M ar. 18, 1956, In M onmouth ' and Ann (Dolan) Tansey. penters' union, Local 22S0,' Red died Feb. 19, in a will dnted Memorial Hospital to Mi', and *he la survived by two ils- Bank,, AFL*. Mr. LaBella was ifune_17, .1955, directs..h er es Mrs. Garrett Browning;:~100 " I 9 6 0 —You'll (M hbtriil four lime* X»rs, the Misses E lla and Ca- one of the founders of the vol­ Ute be divided between two Shore Blvd., Keansburg. the electxkitjr you used in 1940. unteer fire company, Keansburg dnlljiliters, lnei Porter and therlne Tansey, both of Key K u ri — Your—d^ r i c c«Dp*nj »Iready it p ort. — ------. ahd“bp'eraled ohe~6f the first Myra-Young;------: T—: Mr. and Mrs. Ilarr^ Kurr, Funeral-services are being barber shops in tlie borough. . Investing huUkum o i doHara Fred W. Kahus U2 Raritan Aye,, Keansburg leWaTeitraedy, ...... •• held today at 8:30 a.m, at..the He is Bulvlved by two sons, '' Fred W,' Kabus, Klie!Ill Ave,, Day Funeral Home, Keyport are the parents of a daughter, Salvatore and Saverlo, both of Mntawan, in a will dated Sept, born Sunday, Mar. 1ft', 1950, In The Rev, Cornelius J. Kane keansburg: a daughter, Mrs. 5,... 195_3_, nam ed h is , widow, Rlverview Hospital. will celebrate a requiem high Mary Rose Woodworth, Po­ Minnie’ L. K abus, residuary mass at 9 a.m, at St. Joseph’s mona, Calif., and five grand­ leKntee. Mr, Knbus died Dec. O’H erron Church, ’ Keyport. Interment children. 13, 1955. A son was born on Saturday, 'will be In St. Joseph's Ceme­ M ar. 17, 1050, In Rlverview tery. The 6800 acie Naval Air I)r. Colin G. Fink Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed­ Test Center at Patuxent Riv­ Tlie estate of ‘the late Dr.’ ward O'Henon, 95 Leroy PI "Help” Wanted” ads In this er, Md., is located on Cedar Colin Q. Fink, a research en­ K eansburg. paper tell you about tlie good Point, a peninsula bounded by gineer, who lived at Bellevue Jobs open., nine miles of coastline. Ave., Keansburg, and 440 Riv­ erside Dr., New York, was ap­ County Residents . praised Thursday at more than Serving As Jurists $380,000, according to a report n - COMPLETE LINE OF of the Now York State Trans­ Amqng the 140 Monmouth fer Tax‘ Department. • , County residents who . started Electrically speaking, your house is we're continuing to build ahead for your The appraisal set the et*Ute’s servfilg on jury duty Monday, growing oll over the lot If you don't think J k gross value at $392,103 and net ■re the following from this still growing electric future Our present value a t $380,007, Principal a s ­ a re a : ” SO, just count oil the electrical conveniences Ernest H, Brautlgam. Key­ 550,000.000 expansiori program is the sets aro stocks and bonds to* “you've added in the last 10 years taliiig $248,020. port; Qarrett H. Browning, •st in the company's history E A S T E R ... The . balance of Uie estate, K ean sb u rg ;' Jan ies ,M, Conway, after speclflo bequeala to two West Keansburg; niohard F, • While you've been increasing your elec­ sons and three grandchildren Doyle, Keyport; Harry llanna, totaling ${S9,000. goes to tlie Matawan; Harold Honberger, trical standard of living your electric com­ This planning and builoing ahead It widow, Mrs. l^oUie Fink of the Matawan Township; Italph A, pany has been planning and building well another w a y JC.P&L brings you better lh ? New York address. J Howardson, Marlboro Towp- FLOWERS Dr. Kink died Sept. 10, "1053, ahip; Bayard T. Lamborn, Ma- ahead of your electric service needs. And ing . . . electrically. ‘ " in Keansburg, at the age of 71, tawan; Mrs. ^Caroline L.inde* He had* devoted most of his mann, Keyport; WiUer E. J.,., life to developing mans pro M elslohn, KiMiiiHbutu; Nnth- Acaleat, Hydrangeas, Gardenias, Lillier duction liroccssee for electrlo an Mumford. Keyport; Wil­ Tulip*, Daffodils and many others lights, chrome plnted autos snd liam Nelhart, Union Beach; rndio tube* and other devices. Don C. Porter, Keyport; John It w as tin ougIT liln process J, Varca, Keyport; Mra. Alma of turning rust back to metal M. Weiss, Holmdel Township; Jersey C entral low er & L ight that it became possible for mu- Jofui ff, Welitead, Matawan; Charles Boyce Florist , ,. ’ji t .-,-HnTt.vniF t i^ujns t<) i'^»torq aQclent Ks.vp- Si^tjuatni f4,],*W Mon­ 10th annual home safety for­ County seminar, summarized In Rutger* Band u ■ ' collect nil essential financial mouth County during that um. an all-day session held ln the opinions of repiL»spntntivos rccords of last year, receipted week. The mobile unit usual­ Essex House, Newark, re­ of public and private agencies Gordon A. MacLcati.. Union "bills, cancelled cheeks, ajut ly used In the county will be cently. Women, organized to from the two counties who met Beach, is one of the six Mon­ other papers which enable the supplemented, by an In-door combat the problem- of home with 200 other conferees In mouth County residents who taxpayer to prepare the most set up. accidents, can be a powerful Trenton. • are members of the Rutgera accurate type ol return. In our la last year's survey 887!) Influence .in reducing accident "Following a keynote address University Band which present­ addition, the’ longer .the tax­ persons wefe , x-rayed;, 393 rates not^only in homes but in by Gov. Robert B. Meyner. the ed a concert Mar. 0 at Key­ payer waits the more pressing were referred for. fytliier traffic, in schools, In recrcat-. assem bly gathered In 10 "town port High School during the becomes iho obligation, and Clothing Club medical care and eight cases ion and all areas of activity, and county” sem inars, to dls- afternoon assembly hour, somjressential entries may be —of—active tuberculosis were Mr/ Mangeldorf stateds,. •« r .cuss local rehabilitation needs, The concert was the second overlooked or- entered Incor­ discovered m » result of Che Mote than 15tf women dele* existing facilities, and plans for of the season for the 00 piece rectly, W. S. WALLACE screening x-ray. There were gates from 34 state-wide or% local organization and expan­ musclal- aggregation, Martin Telcphono assistance Is av­ sion. Mary E, Switzer, direc­ 4 ft}h'roi ' an expert in a variety of man­ tailers, who view this'"cooper-' First Aid.,Building/ Carr Ave., atlon as a two-way proposition. the same level such as slipping Keansburg. ' ' sized - skills, all' designed to or tripping. . help‘make homes m ore.attrac- They feel that theV profit from, The schedule for -Thurstjay, an enlightened public and Mlss- Arthur. Aj-iBurroughs,.a safe­ tlve^Jiiore - comfortable *nd ty engineering expert* declar- ‘'Apr. 9, cfHs'ibif thevmottlie easifer, tor-m aintaln. . , ' : Thames naturally, gets to know l i unit to be stationed on Spring- etL that accidents of .the home S^e.i doesn't try to dictate a lot more about new produets wood Ave;:-• nesr~-SylvftDr T~lotrfaster; thari most*'house* fixing "an3 ^ repairing _yarlety home fashions,* th&fs u p to in-, _l Asbur y_E Jroim l-ip -8,Jmd. .%re^caujlng-\iAmfirii2aii-.Iamlr- dfvTduarXastes. . ButT'fih^'dOtfS* -wivesTor-the'lr-husbandB, * 6 to 0 p.m. The*Tportable x* If you've squandered away Ues nearly . •/OO.OOj) disabling ray ecjulpment will be In the lend; hliJts on good color de­ Injuries each :year, and cost sign ahd^uae .with downi-to-ear- the winter putting off neces Eatontowq Borough Hall from sary decorating chores in’ the m ore than enough money in l.to 5 p.m. Apr. 5, and la the th advice on tbe.u best and many case to pay profeslon- cheapest ways to restore fur­ hope that spring would let you . Vail Homes Community Cen- turn loose In the garden, al help for doing the' work In niture, 'weave chair seats, • i3hrewsbury Township, there's still time to get some the first place. He said that choose and mix paints, select -- from 7 to 9 p.m. Apr. 6. ‘ interior work done. Miss most of these accident victims First Qualityl Percales/ Broadcloths fabric*, and buy furniture. . The mobile unit will be lo* Thames says. . are found among families re­ . cated at Broadway and Liber­ Miss Thames came here a ' Hear are some ot her sug-~ siding In- single or prlvale ty. Long' Branch! the after­ year ago. to help develop Rut­ gestlons: * ~ • • " dwellings.". The accident rate A ssorted COTTON PRISTS m oon of_Apr."8 and' atrBroad- gers’- extension r program-Jn —IT-any^ofryour furnltufe is in is^furUier bodstednti tfieTiome- home furnishings, a field in accident field by a growing —way"and^Ndrw6od~Ave."li) the neied. of reflnishlng and the R t f . ^ evening. Red Bank-will have which she has spent rrrore than wood has beauty in grain, use women’s auxiliary corps” of -. the^moblle unit Apr. 7, atat- 20 years, first In several coun­ a thin penetrating wocid seal: home flxlters. he said. ' Here Dalnly print, d.ilgn.d 16 l«ok lov.ly o» homt- * lonlng-the trailer at Broad and ties In. Texas. then at Texas er to_brlng _ out__ttie“ natural la the._box.score .ol.lnjucles-re^ c6ati;ijf.iiiSri61i' d r.ll.l. playiuili, «lc, Wld« Ar^ic .ibtrand moatTrece n tly, at ported by Mr. Burroughs >• 1 tp- tKe morn; beauty again. Using atiHct vafl^y o l wa«hr old_nylon_or jax i. among ~ the ~_prln&lpftl^ home, b.tlM1, I s and 3& Inch wI3iIT». ’ — Hor - job on Birmeni, rub the sealer on fixing operations rllB ,000 peop­ »d, VVac‘~Bergeant First cUss eoonomtca. extension tojplrcular^Xnollon aoroaa Uia le a year are th lu ^ d M r re* ....; ; 32c W- Genevieve (Oranny) Harris and leaders around the, slat*- $aIn^inftHban rub off immed- sult-owi^«arpeh- stationed at Fort Dlx, Is gen­ and to, help educate'the New .lately ^.wltti the grain. Allow try re p a ir, work; -98,OOp, Jifeve erally believed to.be the old- Jersey home owner through e a c h ;00at to dry 24 hours and accidents. c?ccurrlhjr as a re­ _jast_mem)5er.;. of ,tbe Women's these agents and weekly press apply enough coats to elimiil* sult of making their own /ur- ATmy Corps. Sgt.. Harris, releases, radio and television ate all dull spots. Between nllure; 95,000 get-, hurt while a great-grandmother, is 62. appearances. She also la re* Continued bottom next column replacing broken window pan­ Vat-dyed Finest Quality 35" & 36" es; 79.000 injuries are account­ ed for as a result of painting the outside of houses; 47.000 Solid Color BROADCLOTH people are hurt while putting NBig New 1956 No-Defrost up or taklpg down storm win­ Yardi and yards of frtih broadcloth al a laving dows; 32,000 while .repairing prictl P«r(«d (or drenoi, lufrm .r tulli, ikl(|-dnd- tlie roof; 31,000 While doing In­ .lopi,.,y£>unail.ti' lag i, ln whii«, poiteli,- medium terroT' painitng'Bndne.soa’por- | sons have accidents while put­ And dark ih a d ,i, . ting up --TV ‘antennas on their chimneys. *-V . new m nm m smttc Vdo coats. smo0th the .surface with REG. 59c 3/0 ateel -wool and wipe- with, ‘ - - a dry cloth and a tacK cloth. Surface should be rubbed with No Ironing Neededl First Quality 4F. pumice powder and light .mineral oil a week after appll. cation of the final coatr~~ SOLID COLOR AND DELICATELY PATTERNED A sealer finish, when t>ro- PONGEE perly applied. Js hard7 durable And iffra^mrgh7d(5es^ot'Bflratcirnim PLISSE NYLON SHEERS gives-a'satin finish with a soft, Summer'i d(rleil,.moil praciical fabric mellow sheen^ - Mls^_, Tham es ....for.dll Ihft family*! ihlrfi, blovif dreiiei sa y s. ^ _ •; "I'.' & niqhtiyiqr - b• diproadi,1 op I While, - A clear penetrating- sealer C yd pailsfi^ madium & dork »liodeiTWoihld»r," designed for preventing rust Is recbm'rheridedv for conquer* yd> i . Rog. 79c yd. as little as ing ru»t on metal -furniture and sm 11**4. . In ••wtlnipnt at- heaulltut screens. Tlie sealer m ay be p.tt.rn. Id*.I f*r tli.I n.yv ragged on atone or brushed on vnmnter dre»s ur Mout« $ .35.... In combination with an enamel Save 3Zc yd. or oil base paint. In all caaes per week where surfaoe has started to Fine, First Quality, Sanforized* j-li* t.-. a ,wi rt - J ji uah-^Qr^.atcel. after small down payment' wool should be used before ap­ Double. Trade-In : plying sealer. ------Crease-ResistantPERCALES 3S-42-lncH — All Conibad^ Mias Thames said weaving PRINTED POPLIN Allowance on Your cane and rush chair seats is a Old Refrigerator . . popular, phase of furniture re­ & SAILCLOTH storation, but: fihat thoss~new -IC hooiaJt In 2 ydtdt or more— 35 ond Z 6 ------^ . Limited Time Only Inch wldthi , . , oi* il 4or apront, drsu*>r - K ( ♦ rush seats need a finish to yd. make a professional Job. Here sun 1^01— «v«n novelty pillow-camt Foil* W / T ' B V 47 again, she recommends sever* color, of court*. High styled. ^ ^ T || mLf- A Close Out'of Brand New al coats of a thin'sealer after ^•Uii I *7, ■ ' • . - ...... L'y flo Valuoi to 98c ...... 1955 G-E Refrigerators loose ends of rush have been Ffril quality combed poplin, In d»- trimmed and polished with the ! SM£ 32 f pi. •porly poMerni, 2 yurdi i/p, feh- rounded end of the stuffer or Snap thij value up fun, »»n- a piece of leather. - wlUi 8.1 €u. Ft. G-E The ' Itutgern home furninh- sm29ty4. | U fUlt intfs ex p ert said persons se­ on* lecting paints for tnterlora irv ltw Model LIl-Ktt 95 should look for. types wllh a J would ON TOP . big Automatic Defrost Re- low nlieen, flat appearance and friferator wltfs Itevolrlnr Shelves that jcrubbable quality to secure KrrOi ( 'r t » p and Cool / I n Sep. brfnt w*» i ilp c la n . Jalre b**". Butter com part­ hK lo notliy >lodel LB-11 M a native -of Beaumont, Texas, 471 ON BOTTOM , . . true Zero Degree Kood m ent Miss Thomas received her 30' M tta* Freeier holds op to HO lbs. , , . sapsr* master's decree from Cornell! 6 a o r t /— . Value* to 08c - lould not re- slelr IntuUied . . . separately refriger­ .Other G -E 1955 Specials In 1951. She was a home eco- j P i g y a r l « ir ®f now p«IUrn« 1031, lin e ated . . . rollout food freeier baskets nornics Instructor, a county! M «CW IXW > pM twu je»r« , , . foot ptdal opening! Come la loday! At this low prlre yill rlr»| (|ualltr while . Ih fy ’H Co fasti home demonstration agent; r U M . BUTIj£«V U»ff Iasi t district m ust Avallsblr In Your Choice of I G-IC and, finally, a specialist int r n* rti»irloi to MW*or->lAtch Colors! ^ home management at Texas j s l i d . j)d»tloiu eli«- A. It },(. tjefor* leaving thr! V'-’^ J ■ Ixme lit fir tiiite in IttM) to Join Vt )oec««.»,|f " Hu* Corn*?!! faculty. toubted (hi, k u ‘ H aijnu kj>|»car»i| on j/ro; pointed out awsl r. fMi'JurtfiJ roort pupil, from P E T E S I N C tl'Ki Ui n of lif'v; Je*; :»*-y 21 We Will Be Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights Of Easter Vs wnslilp who ,UU KEANSBURG KEYPORT countiri in, Ih*' M * Mjr'h the ayitem ,UrU 2 67 MAIN ST. 2 G R EA T S TO R ES , h^en ai.vJcUled v,ph ■*, «pt«mber. H. d«< 44 WEST FRONT ST Mlt4 JharnfH - 1,<» ufv«.*r Til 9 P.M. / M ” Ion* •• Hi, n.«r across from saiowiy hart ji n■> good. . In fcli** ***lon»l llliDTBchml KE 6-1100 KiE 7-2700 enplaiNed, It took l*#?r that long would b# reedy toe to get arojnd oi(e county. J. J NEWBERRY 17 W r , ti? iimi. the i«f.- I .1 punii. itinaia- nmd uii p.e, Objects To Postponement . It takes V powerful hold on Uie mils which limited a fire at a R ed B ank, oil Uie 12th and husband give % man * ride - Mr. Weinstein claimed individual nnd may never be Junkyard to 0 p.m. Miss Net- 14th of March. - Wplnowski’s on leaving their home near the Miltpn Mausner, Red Bar^k. clients had not been duly serv­ $125,000 Bonding tayern. With-the ;information ' ier was satlsfled'Wlth Mr. Lock­ acting for Harvey CLftartman, ed. Capt. Josep^i J. Morley^ f - S T lost. . (continued from page one)" apprehension did not deter him supplied on the direction her wood's assurance, but she said KevaOrt borough /a-Uorney.. Of coursi'St is necessary to Ave. between Brookside Ave. ______from continuing to *‘com- ' ‘ *n4-h*d-t*k*n-and-tb*-4direc* investor with a limited income, yard being set up in the town­ 14 and would not grant more as the sales office of ihe Earo boro Rd. and Old Matawan operate in the area by break­ tion of Matawan or Keyport THE MATAWAN JOURNAL however, the rate'would be low ship and the noise Irom this than one week for this would Rd.; Redshaw Rd. between ing into his old place of em­ and of the man picked up. and Faro Corportions is In Rar-. and therefore would not reduce would certainly be a nuisance. ployment, the Triangle Shore allow'a violation to be continu­ EstabUshed 1889 Tli epJt?l!# 7-5030' JEnglishtown Rd.'and Matcha Stat4 police found the car ltan Township, There was a , J. Habei Brown, Publisher materially the increased value Mr. B arkalow then said , the. Store, aifaln on Mar. *17 'and ponlx Brook; Pomona Bivd and the man who had assisted ed without reason. Mr. Wein­ Published every Thursday'at of the bonds as they are held time could be cut to 8 p.m . in he was in the Jersey Central stein declared that in order to penciled notation on the com* Keyport. Monmouth County, N.J. between Raritan and Ocean t h e -.summer Jp,, consideration Herrington. This man told of over a period of years. P.ower ii Light offipe at Long make a proper defense for his plaints that chief Till had made By dROWN publishing and of the noise factor. ■ delivering the straggler at the service. . I PRINTING COMPANY A res. Branch the- 'same night. He clients, he had to Bummon wit­ It also is & fact that the T^e ordinance for the town Rollo Bus Terminal in Keyport bonds become especially at­ Point -was made the Junk garnered $215 from these op­ nesses from out of the state. Mr. Weinstein disputed it J . Mabel Brown ...... Editor ship hail also includes a new and with this the alarm went Geraldine V. Brown ..Associate Editor yards did not have to be con­ erations, according to state He asked for two weeks. Mr. was adequate service, Acttng tractive at a time when the police headquarters at the pres­ out for stopping the bus. national economy has been ducting sales operations Sun police, ■ Mausner was adamant on one Magistrate LaMura found the ~ SUBSCRIPTION nATES ent municipal building site. day mornings during church Shrewsbury State Police fact the defendants had been « Payable In Advance pretty well stabilized, as at Enters Paint Factory said on questioning Herring­ week. Acting Magistrate La­ One Y e a r (within state) ...... 14.50 hours, that sales could be lim­ im pressed sufnclently. to ap­ present and In several recent Four Garbage Districts Herrington made his final Mura upheld Mr. Mausner. Six Months ...... —...... 2.50 The township was divided in­ ited to a 12 o’clock noon Up ton he admitted to an addi­ pear in court as testimony lhat • Three Month* ...... 1.50 years. The purchases: pow­ foray Sunday night. The way tional robbery at the Val! M r. Cifrrle stated he was only One Year toulside s t a t e ) ...... 9.00 to four garbage collection dis­ 5.p.ih. period. Mr. Barkalow the service had been adequate. One Year (oulside U. S.)..___ 7.00 er of the dollar is maintained the storm *'developedw,made it Homes. at the proceedings as an ob* Instead of being reduced as In tricts: Laurence Harbor-Cliff- observed that this could be However, he would serve & contested discriminatory promising for him to continue server as the property on which The Matawan Journal it a newspaper a period of Inflation. The Indi­ wood Beach, Genoa, Old Bridge warrant for their arrest. < Uie . *'of tn* people, by th e people and tor especially as other, types..of and he, picked the Mary Car­ the signs had been erected be­ the people.* Its aim Is to serve the vidual buying bonds is. posi­ and Madison^ Park. An, ordi­ longed either outright to his magistrate averred This Mr businesses w ere open on Sun* ter paint factory.- Route 34. best interest* of Matawan; to present tive action against inflation nance was introduced to re­ Services Today For client, Winfield Mauf^r, or Weinstein declined but stlli aU of the news* of the week without day mornings. • " lour miles south of Matawan, bias or prejudice in a clean, sane. since it represents money that scind the ordinance of Jan.116 as his quarry. He claimed he (Continued from Page one) w ere still In M r. M au rer’a Insisted his clients were being ' conservative •’ manner, respecting Hie is saved instead of being spent to buy a new. garbage truck. „ The attorney commented ion, and also served as physi­ name pending outcome of con­ brought to law at a disadvant­ Inalienable rights of our citizens, and .t-hat. there._was. nothing-about did not obtain anything at the thereby making itself worthy of their in competition lor goods. Thus Two reconditioned trucks have paint factory but used It as c ia n ' In Holmdel TOwnshlp. demnation proceedings started age In the m a tte r ol prep ara­ tion. ■ ...... confidence^!..:- . . . .. there Is the assurance that 1(4 been" purchased Instead, ac selling second hand auto parts a warm place for shelter from He Is a form er president of by the New Jersey Highway that would keep pne from go­ Responsibility for typographical er­ value will not- be Impaired cording to C om m itteem an ftll the storm before taking off at The. Matawan Bank and was Authority in . taking some of ing to church, w hereas llqUor rors Is lim ited .'to the - cost of the when It Is repaid.. chael Staats. • _ . , daybreak and making his way on the board of directors of space docupJe~EdlU>t! ■stittlorijrntie-bulf-on*-cor“at: otheftWslnesses-Sunda^ foriheJiStp!S£~§t?-A9Hj-J'e--S SUr' er member .of the Monmouth t s by the Borough of Keyport. buses,. It Is considered It ordinance to stand up In law. spicious noises IrTliG’Ipiace of It was averred that Mr. Maur­ year designated as Red Cross It Is not possible to formu­ Bordentown Ave. and Cheese­ County Medical Society. " be a long while before, .these'; business and enured to sur­ er had called Mr. Conover’s at­ Month, and we connot urge late a countrywide crime pre­ quake Rd. * . M r. Barkalow said he ha& prise the thief. However, Her­ There are no close survivors. houses are erected am} on the found' citations of' law which tention to the erection of the market as the land for this ■ vention program which will be . The township commiltee rington had the . zun. Mr. ,T too strongly your support of would nullify any attempt* by signs and had given a$suranc^ subdivision Is In a low-lylpg applicable to every commun-. withheld action on an applica­ Trautweln knew It was loaded this - Important and worthwhile a Junk dealer to get around the signs had been erected area and tlie- developers ap- ' lty. Any plan to be workable tion to transfer the plenary re­ and tha£ the man would .^be drive. The success of each pre- the provisions - of . ihe*. ordln- Battle Of Signs w ithout his* consent and th at parently will have a great deal must fit the needs of tbe lo­ tail consumptlon 1 icense for desperafer.so.siibiiiitted when ceding-drive- In .this area, has cality for which it Is-designed.- ancerby-applylng -to the -State (Continued from page.bne) he^ derived^^ no^^ p ro fitfro m lhelr: of work Installing storm sew- been very evident, and the Kaisejr’s Pavilion, Morgan locked in a cellar at gunpoint berg, since th e B ni-pugh-flf-Kefr,. -being-lOGatjed-dn-his-Iandr-M^ Varying conditions throughout feVarfi^tn T.Ariwig Ttllnw for Highway _ Department forj a by-the-fchjek—Herrington—too ers,— grauinB -before __eaine5tde3ira of the.reslrlenls- special.permit to locate a junk port Is a party to the action. -the—rcounty— necessitate— thr Mr. Trautweln's wallet, con­ Currie believed this absolved they are ready to build their to co-operat^ y 1th all national store In tlie Sayre Woods shop­ yard on a state : ljlghway. .50. planplng-of a crime preventldn ta in in g $15, then piled soda Lep Weinstein and Edward his cllehrfrom* any llablllty for houses...... agencies has been shown, but ping center,...... tH?s provision o f the^jild ordin­ structure stressing the most cases against the door to keep W. Currie, Matawan attorneys, ihe. violation of thi; Keyport Herman Jaffee. Irvington, do not let your interest drop, Imperative reUulrements’of the ance had. .been eliminated. entered the case yesterday, Mr. zoning ordinance which 0 the ran Into new difficulties over for the Red Cross does an ex- the service station attendent area , being sWved, - Instead, he said,..a section Imprisoned - while making a Weinstein appeared as attor­ presence of the signs represent­ the 868-homes subdivision for ceedlngly. fine Job—locally, Undoubtedly, the home is Junkmen Gain New had been Inserted giving the ney for Donald Aranow, an of­ ed. ! Pine Haven, (on Route IS, near countrywide, state-wide; - nat­ getaway. The thief abandoned the most Important factor ln (continued from page one) township zoning board of ad­ the - shotgun, took cigarettes ficer of Earo and Faro corpora­ Three Signs Altogether • Old Bridge. The original plan ions}]? and Internationally. justment authority over junk­ the prevention of Juvenile de­ Oeorge Lockwood, a Newark and whiskey and left the place. tions, who. appeared both as an There are three signs, two of for this development called for This newspaper would-like linquency, and there Is no Junk dealer with a yard In the yards. ' ; J*’ ' Plowing . knee-deep through Individual and as kn officer of which are on land not being the erection of, two. 12-room ' to com m end the people In Uils home like a home over which township,\ suggested the fence The public heating then was the storm in the. snow, he those corporations to answer contested and whpUy owned by schools,’ one on each sld - area ’ for their overwhelming a mother presides, r A moth­ be put Qn the property. line concluded. Committeeman Jo­ found it easy to elicit the sym­ cpmplftints flle’d by -Russell Mr’ Maufeir. They advertise Route 18.\ Mr. Jaffee wf . ; quate defense. Yesterday Mr. prejudiclal reflection on - his- ln everyday living. Do give the area, but no trace of the , the planning body voted tir ri<-- sponsibilities properly, ____ -w-e-f" e-m e m b e r s - o l—! RmlUes- -thief-o r-*n~auto“cai;rying~hittf -Welnsteiir'Object^d'to hearing ^l.epts and~TnJufihg their rights. fer..action at the iegulor meet-- as m uch as you oan to "this There -are- manyr many -current-drive,-for--you—never, Umt/hadbeen-landownei’s^and’ 'Could-bfr~foundr"Troopeic~‘Jo;- th e'C ffsro n ' the"grminds’ he Had” TiT'iaw. MV. Mausner', 'on the ln g . —-----— -— —------cfuise.s In j-.ivfrnlp" delinquen­ taxpayers In the township for know when your contribution seph Oslnskl made a check of Just been brought Into It-and other handrfouhd it ihtolerable_ —Tile board passed n ro^ol.l- cy cases, however, lt Is seK generfltiona .were--TOore entit­ houses; in the"area~and^aTone coUld not do lils cllents justice. they should gain by an Illegal tlon to put more specific terms will be needed to help you dom that a case of juvenlle de- ' (Continued from Page.one) led to protection than non-re»- place found a woman who dis­ He asked three weeks post- condition, even If not effected ln some of the provisions of any yours I llnquency can be_ placed at 200.000 gallons." .With the Idents who had come, in late closed she had noticed her ponement. by design on their part the sub-dlvislon ordinance. the doorstep of any one cause. Perth Amboy systferii's wells NO MOTELS, FLEASK to start Junkyards because In almost every otfense Involv­ relieved of the need to supply (Red Bank. Register)- they were being driven out ing a Juvenile delinquent, there 400.000 gallons -per day for elsewhere! She felt the 50- Madison Water Co., Mr. Rea We hope that, as chairman also Is an adult In delinquent foot setback restriction was status, generally apparent, a ger Is ready to approve the of the New Jersey Highway not too much. . G arden State W ater Co. Tfe discipline. “ ttieV Wlftg SERVICE F O R S A L E w * y . -fumescou' oEjected’To- KnyTlfioie ^reils th ese trait.*! o f 1dom character NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS SEPTIC tank and cesspool cleaning, , O ne-of Ox* principal reasons quarter of a mJJe by a- high Uelntr ‘ BUnk ln this area, but 1953 F.ORD Country Squire. td f - conalraallnt the ^parkway into jfobus and of all- 'living The Matawan Journal does not modern equipment, reasonable -7V ~ s a v e $$:$$: '7 lent condition. Radio' ana heater. jeJnd. The attorney then not­ the W esttiury.well will be sunk knowingly sreept Help Wauled ad- rotes. Call Van Ke.vport 7 ’ellr 1 ------1------••...... SALESMAN to take complete charge str^mcnts. 1 . . - wjtf ..,:wj2a thing should be dona to ;mar men ahd women stupid enough “wasted," and the owners hadr. Decision Is expected AprkJ2 DON’S TV SERVICE to believe that their conduct of sewing machine department; ex­ For fast efficient' radio and television lla beauty and. furthW^ that to go to the expense of separ­ perience preferred but not essentia). scrvtce call M atawan l-3S44r~ • w]U Is unobserved by those ol a on the applications. • Good income; marvelous opportunity ALUMINUM DOOR? . Rteal Estate For. Sale - every bit o! space available to ate .. fencing; when ■ a single Call Bob Orr, Keyport 7*1919. wjtf more tender age? ...... for right .m an. • .Write Box <47,. ".ey. the Authority should' be used party line fence could demark port. . wjtf Russell’s Radio&TY-L SALT hay, balejl. • C|tl Keyport 7- to provide -more lanes and i Fellow citizetis, I waht you theVr^properties.-M r,-^ • IKWf-Swai'tsel'g Farm Supplies, wjtf KNAPP AGENCY ... neal Estale — Insurance ^ greater;safety. to rem em b er !.hl.a--the Cl'ime low said, the ,5Q feet of vacant Crime Forays PRODUCTION ENGINEER Sales & Service A1RDALE puppies AKC, 6 weeks Aid. Now located at new store Highway Innaculaled. wormed, good form • 1151a Main St.—Matawan 1-22*7-. The authority has disting­ problem Is ‘‘your problem." spacc was a safeguard to per­ (Continued from Pagejme^., We have an opening for a seasoned 30 and Summit Ave,, Belford, For -and ..M »*VM,alert. VVVUGood UCWpets IUIfor 1.11children. ' ______■ wjtf uished itself for an esthetic I'm merely your agent. - it's mit fire "engines to get in to the Trautweln holdup. A qiilrk engineer to supervise.- coordinate-and prompt reliable service anywhere call fnqulre^Hodgson. Highway 34,34, Holm- dircct plant operations. Applicant Keansburg 6-23Q0. Store *•*--- hours• ...... 9 * a,m. -- del. •C a in io lm d eet t 0-7321.___ wJ19 sense which la apprecisted by up to you to reduce crime In the rear, of junkyards as...... long of chance, brought about by should have an &.E. degree or equiv­ to B p.m. . ______wjtf .Business Opportunities all. Perhaps its members are this- county. You- can go on as the: business was bne-ttiat j the blizzard, might -have en» alent, ability to work on design and FREEZER. 1052, upright. 18^ cubic construction details with our division LANDSCAPING—Buitdlng and main­ foot $249. Call Keansburg 6*2470 4 $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME * no more anxious to go. Into the paying (ountleBS thousands of was attendant on-always hav- abled him lo, make hia geta- engineers, toroid experience wHh ma­ tenance, of your grounds our spec­ after 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday; At once, man or woman, be your motel business than are the dollars..a-.year for crime, or ing fires to burn off the-finish way had it not been for the chine shop procedure and a thorough ially; top solj, manure, fertilizer, lime all day Saturday and Sunday. wj22 own boss. • Refilling and collecting understanding of coaxlat cable and L. Luces. Stone Rd. Tel. Keyport 7­ FREEZER, Ammania 19 foot upright' money from ' our five cent High • people who . use the parkway, you cah_cut the cost ahd have off an auto to get At the scrap alertness .of James Dunn'e, a transmission line as applied to radio 1415. wjtf Can be seen anytime at Fairfield Grade Nut machines in this ‘ area. .but It would be reassuring to more money lelt for your­ m etal. state motor vehicle Inspector. and TV broadcasting. Position offers Farm. Route 18. 1 mile from Main No Selling! To qualify for work an excellent opportunity for advance- BULLDOZING, lots cleared, cellars, St.. Matawan; Must be sold In two you must have car. references. $940 . near them say It Isn’t so. selves and your children. And Oeorge Easton felt the 35 Inspector Dunne picked, yp a nymt in production and management .tanks and septics dug;-lots, gatagea weeks.- • ! uwrwjtf cash, secured by inventory/ Devot­ what Is more important — If ’broadcast from Trooper Kays field. Top salary to the right man. and coops filled and graded, drive­ ing 6 hours a week to business, your : foot setback was ample as the Communication ‘ Products - Co., -Inc., ways cindered.-graveled- and ..grad< CEMETERY .p lo t. in . Clover-^Leaf .. end on percentage collections will net -BAPETV-1N THE • SAVINGS you rediioe~crlme,_you"i'educe ordinance^ required a Junkyard that^the bus should be"stopped Marlboro, N. J. Phone Freehold 8- ed. Blue stone, road gravel, mason Cemetery... 1 WoodbridKe. je. Oaklawn up-to MOO monthly with very good ■ _____ BONDS _____ the.rftilseiy r thal-always -*oob- 8 200 on-the-Nr-Jr-Turnpiker-ita us­ 1B0D. - A sk-for Col; -Omlnger. - wJ23 •and, washed, gravely fill dirt and- lop secUon*.reasonable.Call Matawan pesaibiliUes of taking over’fun'tlma.----- to - et~back" -feet-from-the- soil Dump trucks for hire. Eckcl 1-3380-M. ' wJ22» Income lncrea&ing_accordingly^—Bor----- wlth' it. fitreel line In front. He ob­ u a l1 route. only to realize the MALE route: salesman for dry clean­ Brothers, Tennent Road, Morgan- COMPLETE bakery equipment; Interview, include phone in appll- "Neve^ sell America .short" snow conditions had led Vo Its Ing and - laundry route.. Auni\ vtlle. Call M aUwan 1-4220-J. wjtf slightly used, excellent condlUon, caUon. Write North American Nut V •till good advloe. It holds It's all up to you. Reduce served few housep sat back Broad Street Cleanerf, 76 Broad Co., Inc.. 27 William Street, New being re-routed on Route I and Keyport. uj22 FLOWING, discing, corn planting. including cash • register, Blodgett l^r. the buying of government crime-, and you’ll he safer, snd further than 40 feet at the shelf oven. Century cake and bread York 5. N. Y. .______w jg * kept it at bay until the troop­ cultivating, mowing and hailing; mixer; 30 cubic foot refrigerated savings bonds. As an Invest­ your hom es nnd fam ilies will most, so Junkyards would not WOMAN to work In dry cleaning also other types of tractor work. Ber­ ers, notified of the change: of " c^tcbllahmrnt. Apply Broad Street nard .Prels, Old Tehrteht Hood. Mor- dough !kw: -18 foot, freezer I.H.. show ment they are as' soiind os the be safer. It’s your, problem, be- located f side by side ' with case, sheet pans/.bowls, cake and course, could arrive and take Cleaners. 78 Droad .St,. Keyport. wj72 ganville. Calt M atawan 1-0065-R-l. bread pans, knives; also benches, nation Itself and from the nnd I hope you me ready to dwellings except In the most ______wjtf Herrington into custody. FEMALE hairdresser, ejiperienctd shelves, boxes, etc., many extras. standpoint of security alone no solve It. unusual cases. This view '- w eek ends. Call Keyport 7-H64. Call Harold Clement Keyport 7*1380. ______wJ22* purchase could be safer. That Your sheriff's office nnd gained general acceptance In The Herrington career in TELEVISION favor of the 25 foot setback. crime included the entry at (74001 seven thousand four hundred WANT ADI is somethin* for the Investor, your police department arc MAN with car lo serve local Fuller patterns to choose.from. Bayshore’s especially the small Investor, constantly striving and are New Hours Set two Matawan taverns, Tour Drtibh territority; no experience RADIO SERVICE largest selection of wallpapers. Wall­ Mr. Barkalow announced a IneV at the railroad station needed, no Investment. From I92.S0 paper from 35c a single roil up. O rr’a to consider flriit of all. eager to protect you, your fam­ a week to atart. For interview write 26 years In business In this area. Paint Shack. Highway 36. Union ohange from the 0 a.m . to and the Town Tavern, 174 Uox 25, South ntver, N. J. or l-.i I1 All work and parts guaranteed. Baech. Call Keyport 7-1B19. Hours There are arguments pro ily, nnd your property, but the Tubes tested free at store. Store effectiveness of ‘'crime pre­ 8 p.Hvr, "Weekdays oifly, pro­ Main St., on Mar. 1 with an SumU\ Utvpr ^ wjtl a.m . I0 . 6 p.m.. Saturday -6 p.m. —. and con, to be sine. But when AUTOMOBuIe ialeiman. part time. hours B:,in. a.m . tn 8 p.m.. Fridays Srnnlay^ 9 . a.tn. unUl ^ .p.m .__ \vj22 vention’'" la llriiltid unless"Tt vision-for;‘Junk-dealers to do accom plice,- Pvt. Ralph Woi- untit-ft p.m.- Ten Eyck'Honaonr Inc., given full thouRht, as they no experience necessary. Call Mr. 2«a Upper Main St., Matawan. Call MAGIG CHEF stove; also Hollywood should be. the weight of evi­ lias the co-operation ot every bysitiess nad ,|icen made. The nowskl, absent without leave Pevkert, Matavvaii l-44’3. _ w)22 Mat a wan MCOQ, wjtf bed; box spring and mattress on ISewtH^^W § f I HOM I I a^ ' dence falls on tlie side of the citizen. ~ new ordinance sets their hours from Ft. Lee, Va. Winooski ‘iNOUsfflWi. INsfntiKlENTATION legs, double size. Inquire Tween jarn n ift aroM at o a.m, and o p.m. in the sum­ waa apprehended Mar. 13/y/tth Male. itiRlrumrnt mechanic -wilh Ilflli; Pleasant Valley Road, near bonds. • It 1« so agreed on nn (Sighed) ■ UioroiiRh knowledge of electrical, TELEVISION Highway 34, Matawan. Cali llolm- Ira E. Wolcott, mer and allows them to sell ahother accomplice, Philip P. hyilruullo. pneuinalic and nici hanlonl del 9*6344. _ J22 . Im pressive sfcnle. F o r the instrmnenta Must he able to trou- ANTENNA SERVICE S h e riff dismantled parts only .from Raym ond. 20. Brooklyn, trying New Antennas installed, old Treasury department says Ihnt bleKhoot snd install types. Electrical Antennas repaired ■ ‘'40,000,000 A m crlcnns now own' B a.m. to G p.m. Sundays, t the doors of the Club Ervel liainlng and exuerlrncc desirable. To The Editor: They may not conduct other Steady permanent shift position in $40,000,009,000 w orth 283 Main St., Matawan E and snvlngs conducted by the Monmouth nlo>ee hinefits. Send conmlele de­ Mfltuwan 1-1600 bonds.” This means nn nver- This concei^ion wan m ade to lice officer in thnt borough. tails of training nnd experience tn wjtf County Heart Association last take feave ot com plaints from 7; • sge of. -♦1000.- for e v e ry . bond llccomCA Suspect IJox A fare this newsjinper. month was successful In rais- Junkmen Mftr. 8 lhat 'Sunday With Woinowskl's arrest, - Mowers Sharpened ow ner. . InK the funds needed to carry was their beat sales day of the Blade-Rlte Lawn Mower Service. By dropping In n few dollnis Herrington became ,a suspect, Hnnd nnd power innwers sharpened, on another yeur of h um anitar­ Week. Situation Wanted P-per week nnd a few iiwre per according to state police. A repairrd and reconditioned. We call ian service In fighting the FrCd VonRodeck, a spec­ for and deliver; all work guaranteed. 7 month the average wage earn­ verifying fact of this was that WILL wash and Iron all types of rnr- For Service coll Fred E. rClepp Ma* Kroalest killer of all—the. Jirart tator, warned the coiHmiltec tains. bIko stretch curtains in mv er or person of small means one of the plncea robbed was, tawan 1-102*). Route D opposite Ulod- and clrculntory diseases. Ihere wns n ‘•loophole” in this, own home. Prompt servlco. Cail Kelts. _ ■ ■______jtf . can build up a strong back­ according to Wolnowski’s ad­ South Amboy l-35fJ5. _ . wjtf We, on behalf of the Mon­ lie said there wns nothing to INCOME tax returns expertly pre­ log of protection over the years, mission, the Triangle Shore, MARRIED man 25 ycors old; Satur. mouth County Heart AHKocia- prevent Junkyard dpalert* from riav* free, desire* wutk. hus driv­ pared by recently - retired- Interna! It w|l| qome.In hnntfy, maybe store. Droadway,' L o n r Revenue Agent and Public Account­ tlon ’ and nil the volunteers carting in ,or out big I nick ers license. Calt Lou llobertson alter ant. Call M. Horowitz. Fredwood ' ' at o. time of Illness or other Drr.nch, where Herrington hud 6 p.m. at Keyport 7-J427-R. wjtf who |Ni!'tIci|>n(cd in the diivt*, Ipnd.s of .»ipnre p n rK Mr. Placc. Matawan. ’ Call Matawan 1- stress, maybe when It's time been employed after having WILL mind I'lVildrrn In myl hmnc h.v Wish lo thank you and your Bavkalosv neknowledKod Mr. the hour, (lay or- week. 5 0 c . p*r tp .Sljart a’ child In college, to been discharged from the serv­ staff for your generous support VonRcdeck had a point and hour. $IU per week. Mrs. John L. buy h hom e -or som ething elBe ice At Fort Monmouth. This l^ u r. M atawan 1«482». )22 FO R R EN T Which mude the suoccs of this the word “retail" would he ap­ was the earliest robbery of the that’s needed or desired. If drive possible. We roallze that pended to Kale** so there’ eoujd LICENSED practical nurse can offer it becomes necessary to ensh pnlr, com m itted Feb. 27, ln WANTED TO BUY one private room; ono semi-private without tlie valuable space i«i be no buylnt: and selling of whtch |50 waa token. lor axed people. Weekly or month­ In the bonds alter a while, VVOOP .Atlie and drill press, Cali !>' - _C • ll_ K e y r t JM 584-J . wjtf your newspaper contributed by p arts in gross. There followed' the hold-up pay Fi>e.’ Ke.\|Kirt 7-2734. wjtf there is nothing lost and some you ns ft public service the Miss Netter found tlie need of Peter Cook, Circle Court APARTMENT !t rnom . am! htUi, , thing or value gained! ALL types of antique*. Dolls, toys. Highway 35, Centerville. Call Key* results of this important finan­ lo continue Junkyard operat­ T railer Camp, Route 35, Ocean furniture, clilna, ila«*war« and old In the meantime the habit of port^ 7-4fJ&5, wJ21 cial and educnllonnl campaign ions to 9 p.m, in the summer, Township, Mar. \ when M r. Jewelry Opportunity Shop, The Mat- thrift that has helped to build iheASB, ll5* iiroa'dWay, Keypnft, CaU HUNGALOW, B rooms; newly decor­ could not have been achieved. when it w a s dark, unreason­ Cook picked up (hr pair an Kevpoit T-I44I. , Jtf ated. nutom atir heat, full base­ .. America has been established able and dangerous, if there hitchhikers. . They took Mr. ment. garage, rural, small family. Becnusc the heart diseases CnU_M«\av.an VOfiiU-W-t. wj21 prpsent tlm number one health should be hurninp un'M lhal Cook's enr. T h eir next cti HOUSES FOR SALE hour, yhe said nol , house on tour Nt and founitatliut tn , ' / * -. Robert L. Jacobson Controlled Hy Mnto wan Ihe pnir parted company. • ult vo'ii v.av uf Uvlnit Oniv UOO WANTED TO RENT John Hawkins Mr. Lockwood told her burn­ Wolpowskl netting himself the down Cad F.maimel Suarlt. Jn rare ‘V . . T h e tittd f« r d m ltr in .th e W *nl . ing at Jynkynrd could pnly; new partner In crime, Herr* uf <|\vartz rtirn ilu rr itore. Mlfirvav UtlNOAl^)W, 4 rooms in M a ta u a n ;^ eVBRYOM Co-Chairmen, . MS opp. MirtdMown flrehoune. Call for 2 tnifhies* girls, Cail Matawanl I ^ > mfw rn*»»rt.* Fonir T>i ive be according to state lire per- ingtun broke into Lnigl> nar, Red llanli f a4» or «»I3. wjtf 1 2M7 R 3. • . p a i*id 1 could drive it 86 — that’e who I” ‘ Browntown Easter | CedarGrove Wmnan IBOOKS FOR A KOREAN COLIEGE START On Speab To League 1 Squibb Plant Toured The Matawan Auxiliary of Mrs,~Russell- Wilson enter­ ’ Mrs, Olsen Honored; ' P a « « y lv * ? J By Local Men,; Item* Monmouth Memorial Hospital tained t h e' Good Neighbor Donation* Voted; ■ M arch 83. 1956 < made 800 dressings at r t s Ciub on Thursday. Her guests M adisonT wp.- IteiTlSJ The m em bers of tbe Brown- meeting Mar. 14. . Those pres­ Nomination! Made were Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. M r.. and Mr.s. C larence E . Plant For MataWtn | (own Union Sunday School will ent were Mrs. George Mill­ G eorge AndVewiJ. M rs. Jam es Oeza DeVegh, ceramic' 'de­ hold tlieir Easter program er, Mrs. Howard Shinn. Mrs. Hauser. Mrs. Paul Hauser and Girl Scouts Made ' ] Benner, Mrs. John Muller, sons. Paul and David, Cedar signer at the Old Mill Gallery Easter Sunday from 3:30 to Edwin* VanMeerbecke. and Mrs. Frank Gray, sr.. and Grove: Mrs. Clarence O. Hau­ Tlnton Falls was guest speak­ The Neighborhood . ASSOClat- 10:30 a,m . Everyone is cor­ Mrs. Charles J. Woodman. Mrs. W. C. Noddlngs, , " ser and sons. John Joseph and er at the March meeting of lhe Ion of the o lrl .Scouts held dially invited to attend. ' Dr. , and , M rs. “ William H. Mr. and Mrs. Jac A. Cush­ their Mar. 30 - mcetlnff at tlio ' Fred Gaub and_Wililam Pit­ Penge) entertained at dinner George. Browntown; were M a t a w » n Contemporary man entertained at bridge among those who attended a . ubllc Health Center,1;, M»t»- ney toured the Squibb- Plant, Friday evening In celebration Saturday evening. . Their T.cague, which was held at the wan, with Mrs; tleorge Ritter ! New Brunswick, with a group of tilt birthday of Di\ Peng- birthday party ' Saturday af­ guests were Mr. and Mrs: ternoon at. the home of Mr, home of F. Howard Lloyd, presiding. ’ from the County Board of Agrl- el's sister, Mr?. George Bar- Charles Pike. Mr. and Mrs. ■ # ® * Main SU, M niuwun. . Mrs. J. S. Smmund, orgnul- - culture and county larmers baiiell. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Florlno, South J- MMm Calvin Bell, Mr. and Mrs. F j Ambpy, huhouor of their soil. siallon chnlr#mii. reported!thi|t ' . Mar. 13. They were dinner and Mrs. Frederick K. Dede- Ammi-m * .. ♦mW** ./ft Mr. DeVeiUi stntcMi tliut cer­ Howard Lloyd, -Jr.. Mr, . and i Richard, who was one-year amics run be - creative, sell- there were 10 Brownies on tho guests bf the Klwanls club of rlck, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Stephen Macuga, and j old. . - waiting list. Mrs. W. Quinn. N ew Brunswick, who sponsor- Gaskell, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad expressive hobby. He spoke Mr. and Mrs. Garrett McKeeu Mr. and Mrs. Eugeuc Stow Plogram chairman, reported • ed the affair. , — Johannsen, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Jr. or the two groups of clay and th at she has a list of program liam J. Ratel. Mr. and Mrs, ronek and Mrs. Anna- Oczkow- Mr. and Mrs- Charles Bublo Mrs. Sparroid Sclianpk at­ from, where they originated, consultants who m ay he called Elmore Kattner, - Mrs. : Mar­ ski, Browntown, attended the He discussed lhe difference be­ - add son; Bobby, and daughter, tended ' the performance of regarding any program quest­ Carol, Lakewood; Diane Kur- guerite Laird. Mrs. W. Oliv- funeral of .the, form er's tween china nnd iirocelalii. He Oklahoma" ln New York on mother, Mrs. John Skowronek, Ions. , -. - tat," Mrs. J. Krutalc, sr., Free- er_Diggin, Mrs. George Peng­ B eaver Cotlcfe &ludentH, Jenklnlowh, P a ., who rtci mpin- explained sonic details or glaz­ Tentative plans were mad# el. Miss Thprese' Pengel, Haz­ Friday evening with Mr. and Newark, on Monday...... bers cf (he Younr Women’a 0|>rl»||i»n AiisoclMion, Icurnlnj of llbld, and John Scllvasl, Plain­ Mrs. William .Story,- Garden ing and molding. A» a p ra c ­ for fly-up ceremonies In June field,- visited the home of the let, and Miss Joan Rosenber- The Misses Grace and Rose Ibe dcsprrate nerd fur books for the library of thc Iniunjr tical' demonstration, lie made City L.I. They had dinner at Mary Spltello, Linden, were for the Brownies. There are ; Fiul Blahotas during the week- ger, N.Y. . ' ' -1 ’ Chrl*(ian College. Teague, Korea, started a “Hooka for a a roseraiiil'« dish out of oluy. the Surf Club. Wednesday evening' guests of Korean College'* drive amonii members of the student body. about 34 Brownies to fjy up. - ■ erttf. . ... Mrs. James O. Harrison, It wtY voted to donate 1180 It -'wn announced by Mrs, ' Mr. and-Mrs. Victor.Fredda Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Maccla. Pictured above, ii\ the niuat order, arc Miss Nanoy Walter#, to the Totoway Nursery, A - Miss Ann Molnar, junior stu- Midland Park, was a guest ^Stroudsburg, Pa., eUalnnan of tl^jp IVorld Uelatediie**. A. Edgar Palm that elalit pco- . Thursday of herparents, Ml, were. hosts. last weekend - to Cedar Grove______- 1 ...... _. contribution—was~voted toward tlieir- son, Midshipman Victor A' surprise luncheon party Commission ol the Beaver YWCA and head of the'drlvej ftfcjaa pie will be laklng training In " pitali. New BrunSwlcST spent ancTMrs. Rensselaer L. Car- Mary Ann Starnes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thonian T. 8t»me«, the various Federation proj­ April to become leaders. _ Fredda, third Class, and Mid­ was given on Friday at tlie ects. The League decided to War. 13 and 11 with her "par- tan. Her daughter, Sandra home of' Mrs. Peter Johnsen 304 Main 31., Matawan, and Ml«s Grace Warrington. George* All troops will send contri­ Ann, who has been visiting shipman Clarence Kelm town,-Del. ' ^ 1 _ . donate a table decoration to erits and sister, Mr.”'and Mrs. ln honor of Mrs. Olga Olsen, butions for the cabin at Camp h e r grandparents for 10. days, Third Class,, students at the - Aa a .result of the drive, several oarlons of book* are now Ihe Senior.Woman's Club fajh- , Paul Molnar and Arlene; p s . Naval Academy, -Annap­ C edar Ql'OVe, ~ wliri was cele­ Nomoco whlcli Is to have the returned home w, i..t h her on their way to the lngung Christian College, sot up recently lon show held Monday______Sul|ihln Memorial Plaqtle. - Mr.-'and Mrs;-Otto J. Qaub olis; Md...... - — '— brating her 6irthday. Others spent St, Patrick’s Day ln New mother. . ' by l)r, Archibald Campbell nf the Presbyterian Foreign Mission. It was .announced that Uie Mrs.' Richard Attrldiie and Mr. and Mrs, Peter Read attending were Mrs. Qunuer York. They were celebrating Ray _E. Bailey . returned Junior Woman's Club federa­ Mrs. 'Martin Laulerwald were entertaine.d Sunday evening.. Ahlman, Mrs. Olaf Gilbertson, tion.night will bo M ar. 27. Mrs. Caub's birthday. - Thursday from a three-rrtpnth and Mrs. Harold Olsen, Brown­ hoHlesses. - . business trip to Puerto Rico, Quests were Mr. and .Mrs. Tlio annual banaiict,. unUev Air. and Mrs. J. A. Rossi Thomas . M. Anderson,'- Key­ town., tho chalrmun^iilp of Miss Han. Elizabeth, were Sunday visitors Mrs. John'£i‘. Morrell, who "King Of Kings” To Be port, Mr. andi-Mrs, John L. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bartlett null "MoLcanT will be held In at'the home of. Mr and Mrs. has been visiting her son-in- and M r; and M rs. L. W, Bl&nk- C hurch D irectory •Shown Holy-.Week law ’and' daughter. Mr, and Chamberlain, and- Mr, ■ and MltST "“ttnj ‘ filial "iiieellnH /Til ' W llliamPltney and family M rs; A. E d g ar-P al: andT sotV..DavlS, Cedar Juno. -31r. and Mrs. Paul Blahota. Mrs. Egbert P. Lott,. ln Den­ --Tlio-CathoUo-Wai'-Vetevaus - M r— and-^Mrs7T^Wila ttended—a—birthday Trinity Episcopal Cluiri-li It'w u s uiinoui|Cecl th at Mrs. ^Ji'TTTnrd'Tlaughterp Mary Lou, v e r,: Col., isnow visiting Mr. party on Saturday ' afternoon ' Viral Presbyterian Church Post 1023, St, Joseph's Chltrol), brough and Mrs. Stephen John Klmiey attended Fodera- were Thursday evening visitors and Mrs. C. Randolph Heuser. at_the,-home_of-ilr.- and~Mrsr ; Maln St,, Matawan .. SIR Main HI., M atawan Koyport, will show the film Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Thompson returned home re­ ■ R ev.: C hester A. Oallowny llon night, Asbury t*aik. "K ing of. K ings" M ar. 17 ut * of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reck- Adolph Ulbrlch. Cranford. In RevTJIjefnird McK. aurllck The Humiliating coulmlttoe, "enthaleh. Roselle. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. How­ cently from a. two-month stiiy honor: of ‘tlielr granddaughter, P asto r p.m.. In St, Joseph's auditor­ at St. Petersburg; Fla. - - Rector ': Mrs; Oeorge Barrelt. chair* I Mrs. Paul Molntir and daugli- ard Woolley, and Mr. and Mrs. Susan Ulbrlch. Chestsr; Vt. Al tho two Palm Sunday ium, Maple PI. L The blessing und distribution mnn, Miss Ilnnnali, McLonn, ters, Ann and. Arlene, spent James Hauser attended the Mrs. Conover Burlew, re­ Later Mr. and Mrs. BlAnken services at u:30 and ii a.m. -Ths flln H * -a MOM- |i rod na­ and Mjra. H ai'ry Pltohev, p re­ tion in sound which puttrays . Mar. ,14. ln Plainfield.-- - St. Patrick’s Day dinner turned Sunday after spending and David were dinner guests of palms will take, place on to; be,:held In the MaUwan several days with her sori-in- sented the following ' alnto., of the trial of chi'lst; ln- Ci»iv»l‘y' Miss Jean AVin’Oaub spent dance Saturday, at’ the ManaM of .Mr. and Mrs. William, Mor­ Palm Sunday with Holy Euclv High . Sohool auditorium, 'the officers for 1930-07; President, law and. daughter, Mr. and leading up to His urucirixloii.. trt weekend with, her parents; quan River Golf and Coun­ rison, Roselle Park! •* >• * ;• artlst and sermon al 9:30 a.m, sarinon topic of the pastor will Mrs. William Zalm; - vice-pres­ Mrs. Harry Stelgleman, Riv­ be "The Art of Coming “111." Everyone Is invited to attend. - iM. and Mrs. Fred Oaub, Miss try,C lub. ’ , Mrs. A n n a Ooakowskl, ident, Mr». Francei, Pitcher; erton. Dr. Buriew w a » a At the .church school session at MSlSHoly Oaub attends Glassboro Btate Charles Marcaptell, T/ft Browntown, is spending & few .feoordlng secretary, Mrs, MaV Plan Trip To Radio , Tfcachers College, -.... 3rd Class, and William. Lolhle, weekend guest! , :wS'.k?J.l»..»Ne-Wfti'k,,'„wti»V*-ahe- J,Qi3!l.*-m»,,a-Boiuid-ftlm’'m iW r Cft.v," V solo by Michael Bel- Mrs. William * Pitney, sr.. .M/M .- Etrem tn, »Norfolk,^V«-i M I1; -and M rs'" Tlio ill as "Don- 1s visiting.her son-in-law and The' R esu rrectio n ," will- be glo; "Jesu s Cbmns Now-li_li>L. -s^nt-UfiFweekerifl at thtr lii ekehd guest of Mr. -aTiueT-jiilnmurat, Li. i„ were: MiTifflji Mrs. i;«sl shown. ~ 1 1 the uaiictiitry Clialr; ,lHos flnancUl.j secretary, Mrs. Ar­ The arace Methodist Cluircl of Mr. and M rsr H. Russom, and Mrs. Lawrence Walker, weekend guest of Mr. and mlr Preston. ariha,p by tho aanotuary and Eveiilnf ptayet-ls Monday. thur.. K>4U', building trustee, uniart Boiiuhr isnjonsorm r H illsid e...... ; . Malden Lane. V . : Mrs. William J. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Penk­ ohapel 'Choirs. A- nursery"~ls Mi's. Kinney, . at 7:30 p.m. Tha Y.uug Chur­ conducted at 9;30 nnd Al bus trip lo New. York Apr, Mrs. Nicholas Arace,.Mrs. Mrs. , Spafford Schadck at­ sa, . Cedar Orove, entertained Mrs. Egbert P.- Litt.- Den­ chmen meet at a o’clock. - o'clock ln the manso for © 5 Ho.uesses for the meeting The group will visit Radio Cl>„ Albert Hopkins, and Miss Marie tended the Wednesday mati­ their card club on Saturday wer* Mrs. Edwin O’Uunlon nnd ver, Col,, was a guest ' for whose paronts . wish to'attend Music Hall, - . Gaub. attended the meeting on several days of her borther-ln- nee performance of “Janus." evening. Those In the group On Thursday, Holy Euchar­ M rs, Ttos.i MagUan. were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ‘Bur- church. *, . . The bus will leave at S:i ^ witter problems and remedies law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ln New York. ist Is at B a.m., and the Maun­ JTlie- next inostln* will - be a.m . Tlokius n m s r Ue imi'Ql^T at the New Brunswick Post Of-. C'-.Randolph.Heuser,_MaLn_St: —^-tr. and Mrs. Wllliarn J. Mil­ lew^Matawani.-MrT-and-Mr.s. dy Tliui'sdftTwatclv i« riom B:30 Churcli scliool ljCifitis 4 0 1 3 0 held MoAday at thc home of .Clatence_1QL_H8.u5er.r-Brown-. -A.m,—The.Prosbytoems-ni^ot asod In advance from Mru flce.-given..through;.ihe. Middle-. Mr,-and M rs.'.Rensselaer-i. ler, -Jr.- en te rta in ed -at' fl'buffet a.m .-to-,5 p.m. - The -Glfls1 ^tt's; Ilarretlv i Abcrdcnn-RiT BtelHIe dr Kfrs, W iggins. sex County-Extension—work, -Cartan-were-Sunday and Mon­ town; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hau­ Friendly Society meeting Is at for junior high, and senlorsiat s u p p e r Saturday evening, s e r. Cedai- G ro ve: M r, .Hn4 _ M f s„Ande rson.-ot-tho-Agtlcul- day -guesta of-thelr-soh-ln-law ^helr—guests—were- M rnnd 3-o'clock; • ------111™-1_ : - Brownie-T roop-66------Cedar-Greit-Club ____ tiiral College, was the leader and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Penksa, Morgan­ On Good Friday, M ar. 30, the The School of Christian Edu­ Mrs; Harold Brackman, Lava- vllle; Mr. and Mrs. John Flo- Invest! New Membert Plan* Benefit Party ' ' , James jirace, Elaine Rosen- James O. Harrison, Midland lette, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas mass of the pre-sanctiried will cation meols- fdr women on rlno. South Amboy. = Tuesday a t-10 a.m,; for men ■ bolim, Robert Faust, Wllhel- Park. ■ ■ : . . Donphye, Elmhurst, L.I., Mr. be at 9 a.in. _ Brownie Troop-06 Morgah- The Jersey Shorn cedar M r. and M tb. Eugene Skow­ oh Tuesday al 8 p.m.; (or coil- meta Browsky, and7 Joseph Mrs. Joseph A. De'rnberger and Mrs. Douglas Ward, Mr. vllle, held an Investiture coro ' Crest Alumnae Club met Mtir, Rfzzo, Madison Township, are ronek. Browntown. were - First Baptist Church . , Ules Thuisrinv n i in • tnV V," B' ■ invesuiure o o w entertained , t h e Wednesday and Mrs. Everett Carlson, and among, those who attended, a yoW gTdliS^d^^^ mony-on-’rhm-ff[ittj'“itrernoon 14 nt the homo of Mi'H. Oils jamong the Matawan High 232-Main Ht,> Matawan----- young . . dessert bridge* club when- the M r.andM rS—Thoma.s-Dix. party Saturday at the home of Rev, Lawrenco R. Bailey y »M!>e Morganlvllle Independ- It,-Thorndike. Fair Haven, School seniors who left for prize winners were;Mrs. W1I Matawan, ■ - Tjie communion;; service on PlniiH w ere complelod for tho Myi; M. Gasperchek ln honor • Pastor out Pllohotieo. Nnw lnemhers , Washington, D. C., Wednesday llam j. Rabel, Mrs. Charles Holy M aundy will- be held borietlt. card inivty to he held Mrs.' Richard Teague, Ra­ of her daughter, Mlsa Mary "Bohold Your King" will be Mar, 39 at 8 p.m. The sanc­ Invested were Joan Sober, Po- m orning. . E. Hunt, and Mrs. Raymond trlcla llolt?., and Joene La­ Apr. .IK at k ii.iii, at the Cy­ vine Dr., left:Mar. J4 for an Gasperchek. who was i cele­ the pastor's sermon topic at Brady, a guest. tuary choir wi>l- sing .portions Mura. C(itliy_Wlt'lh -was to be! press, inn, Wmmmassa. extended visit with her son-ln- brating her birthday.’- j[ both the 10 alid U a.Ul,Services oLStBiner's-'Cniolfliiloii'' and First Aid Auxiliary Invested—but-she-was-lll;- - - —Thtrnext-bmlnesirmflbttninrt- Mrs. Rensselaer..b.-Cattan- mw:_artd-daughterT-M rv--and ----- Mrs—Frances-R»berts';-Wln^ 'oh Sunday. "B aptism w.lll be thcre will be (he service ot Mrs. Peter A. Read, Mrs. tfpaMra. '• Joseph .Splra 0.1..' .a nJ dJ ston-Salem . Nv" CT,a- spent . . ..the . tnnnhi an »nil i -*r “luwmes.Brownies, anenuillgattending anoand t«k-LftK- tlio • d u b - will he May 9, a t administered at the U a.m; tlie- home 'of Mrs. Jairtes-'P, LThurman .C.LNeilis—M rs.J.. famlly.—Houston, -Tex. -Slie weekend vislting- « r the~ home service, A nursery Is conduct- membeTa ' ^ Ingpart-lirtho-cBi'onionywere' - The Matawan Ftrst—A l d F red BoblnsQn;'- and Mr3. EU made tiie trip by,plane JudyMar^Roap.V/llstUI Humphreys. Fair Haven, ' ^_Jk4xlUary-wlll;hold„afood_sale st_>trj-_Rn!l_Mx».;EdwiiLjlp3;_ od for -olilldi'en wliose-tiaretits XL -more—KattnBr7“»ttended7_plutr Mr. and; Mra,. Walter If. enbohm, Browntown. - Keyport Reformed Church olla Sinqera, Uarhai'a.Pen'ska, tomorrow /Betliis r. Press Woman Day. dt W atin^t^. to.', ------' ^w lsh.to,Vt.„«.thfl!u.a,mlw«, ; ^ :l^^riijh^i^rHoateM -=^- ; ■ ? Sfeop, M ain St:”— - v- - Jones; - sr., . ;r£turnba!~home Tho Lt«ltH’VAJ4ui»r»t _ amni,»»ivi(»,.8und»y;,Scbooi Rrtso Antv JaUiison, Dlanq Wai-. Newark, on Thursday, ' ' T h u rsd ay " from a ' tW6-week' Cheesequake Fire Compa .^ e v , RoderlbV 'N . ^peV d u n g - ter,- ana Barbara X,ynn sand AA'EjistcY Bonnet card par­ nteets-»t-10 a.m,-wUli-classes Mrs. Predevtok K. Dedrlak, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Johan­ trip to Im perial B c a c h, sponsoring a card p a rty In the t o r . t-he various , ago . groups, chrlstln* ...... „ : - ty-wlll be held Apr. 11 at the flrehouse. tomorrow, evening '’Benlar::e^alrvi‘'kd^ «* Oufsts "sna I-Imnilirt I Squad .Headquarters______. nsen entertained at bridge on Calif. They visited points of Tjie Men’s. Class,1 convenes In Mr. and Interest^ en route home, and at a o'clock;-:The' card, party nlght-'at, * p^m/^Junior eholr w ere M rs, ffitliol A trldge‘, M i'*r There will be a regular Saturday evening. the parsonage day, ■ Prises were .awarded t»'iV brought their son, - Seaman was postponed from last Fri­ practice Is: Sunday at 9 a.m Leni Sebel', and Mrs, Martin Dftetlng at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Mrs. Wilton Lannlng. Miss Wll- A Communion service will be Smith! Jr. ' M rs. Ralph Cr- Uedls, ; Ml'S. hemlne Harris. Westfield, Mr. Walter Joiies, Jr., home with day because of the weather. Sunday Sohool starts at 9:49 held Thursday evening, -Mar. Refreshments' were served William ‘A. Wasinulli and Mis. and Mrs. Hobart Robertson. them for a 20-day leave. . a m. and the morning worship E dw ard W, C urrie, O lher 29, at 8 o’clock at which time servloe Is a t 10:45 a.in., p re­ to celebrate the Girl Soout's Miss Charlotte Batzel, Bay­ Mr. and Mrs. Forest Teague Basketball Benefit the pastor’s meditation will be guests wem Mra. william 11, ceded by a lH-nilnute orgiin r.e-. 44th blrtl.da v. --‘...... onne, and Mr. and^Mrs. Oar- and daughters, ..Linda and Bev- For Little League "J-'lie-Obedlence-of-Chi'Ist^- X!rulg! M is. M arguoBte 11. K iss The Soft rell McKeen. sr., were guestB. erlx,. ._ a n .M rs R ichard Xiltair „ ...... Laird, Mm. r'runk lt.-liilLss, . Mrs. Ross W. Maghan enter­ Teague, Ravine Dr., were re­ A double-header basketball - First Metliaaiit Churoh The c!iurcir’ mem bership _»nil, Mor ganvllle Melhodlsi Churoh M|.,, itnlph w. Ilerrlok. anil Bible class .ntoels Sunduy-'at tained her bridge club Thurs­ cent visitors of Mrs. Chris game to raise funds foe. the Main St., Matawan Hoiite~7»,-Morganvllle Mrs. Leroy Slcklos, Christensen . and Mrs. - Bessie support of-Little- League base-: Bev,. Albert D. Curry.. Pastor 7;30 p.m.; the Jhnlorryoulh fel­ Rev,: William B, Magsain day evening. Those winning lowship at' 6,30 p.m, and the prizes were Mrs. Harry Pit­ Craig, Netcong. bay in MtitawarT this year has ■ Sunday school begins at 9; 45- senior youth group a t-8; IS o’­ "The Hlessednesg Of lloliiar '* -Caollian Staff cher. Holmdel, Mrs, Charles , Charles Neldllnger w 1 1 J been arranged for St.. Joseph's a.m, under the direction of clock on tlie first, second and F. Perrlne,-and Mrs.- Johit Kin­ leave Saturday: for • a “vlslt-ln auditorium on Apr, S. In one Howard .Heiidfirso'n; supeHn- Needed" will be the senium Miss JoAnii. LVkow, 109 Main ney,- a guest. - ' . . Charleston,' 8.C.. . ■ game : tlie Matawftri High lendent. At the-morning wor- third Sunday' of each »month topic of the pastor lit, the 7:4fl St., M ataw an, lias been unmet! The League , for Service V:Tli6mM'''Co(an,‘-'-'.P«rk^Ave.T School alumni will meet the shlp ,ut ll o'clock, a gi'oup rtf p.m, servloe on«iui(hiy, -’niere | biminessi manager orTli'h't'itel- ' Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. nicets th e fourth WocUiusday Thompson entertained at din­ spent Saturday Jn New York at MHS faculty^ team . In, the young peAple who have boon will be special music. | Him. studenl weekly iiewspa- ’ trained tor church member­ oi each m onth. ner ^Saturday. Their guests whch time he was one of the second ^ game the Matawan Friday,.-Mar, -so,- Nol.v C o m n p e r^ iiM 'io iia in fjr cnflB'jie, Rill'. * ; spectators at the... annual— 8t. Hawks, champions of the Key­ ship. wilj bo confirm ed. The First-Church of Clirlal, niunlon will be adnilnlstored uern University, . New ' lli'tin»- were Mr. and Mrs. Carlton al the Aoi'Vlcn alXo'rloek. wick, Lane,-Neptune City, Mr, and Patrick’s- Day ‘parade. . Mi'; port.. Recreation League, will pastor’s sermon subject will lju Hclentlat ------Mrs. John White, sr., M r.,and Cogan-states he had the honor oppose the Keyport Dulies, "The Lord lfnth-Need," ' , 84- Broad St., Iteyport to shake rhandii with all the the ieam-whlcli finished sec­ Mrs! ^Harold Riddle, Red nay view Presbyterian Church Sunriiiy - siirvlco, ll ii.in, BanE> and Mrs. William Rid­ notables 'present,'..^ Including ond in Rec League standings.- Wuidny School,- 11 n.in., Wed­ Irish Primer Minister John The Matawan'Little League , . Cllffwood; ncurh. . dle. South River. ■'./... *... Itev,- Frnncl#-Ostera»ck nesday, testimonial ineellnu, U Cojtello, GovrvAverlli; H irrl5 committee annoiince*' tickets P.m. licndlim room mien Wmi- PjtrIcla Waiter._daughCer- min-'-and“ Mayor“RolJCrr'Wag* A -Jiurvlce-of—deilioatlun—will -for-ndults—cirrrr.ijF—pui’elinseii iiosdny 2 to 4 p.m, of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence?T, ^v,^- - - - j... - ■ - . - from—Mr.—and—Mrs^-Ckmiow- lie held B aturday at 3 p.m . Tim walker, entertained at > 31.' ' ' ...... er, mod frrednni' ...... Mtv-ADd-Mr-Sr-Jolm-B-Snfta (iHfom Mr. and Mrs. und dlscord can-be established Patrick's party and supper in and '■> son, David Waldwick, Floyd Brown."" Mrs. Betllta crttibi- of the . Presbytery of cclebratlon ol lier 13th blrtli- Monmouth,'will preside^ Prof. will be broiighl out at Chris were weekend guests, of Mr. H fy rn e. Is handling sales to. tlan-Science sorvlcos, Ruiuliiy day, Her guests were Mary 's tu d e n ts : ' — v - W, J. iic-eniMS, of 'Prlnrehiti and -Mrs. Josepji Peters;— — 1,1 Uie ._!i'M)iL;se.!Jliyil..f.liiltled. Ann Valles. Theresa Macha: - The—-Mello-Tones—furnished H erberts Staer—-w^-l^o-^wlll Tlinaltigkai.. Semlimry,—w-l-i-l do, Patricia Diadato. Barbara prcach the sermon, “Whnt ’'Reality?' Selections id... be the music for the St. Patrlek-'S manage the second Little Lea- re ad -tro w '■•flctoitoi and:.Ha*ti.h. Pogers, Betty Mallnconlco. Day dance given at Fort Hani. g«e team to be stsrted In -Mat» -Mftkes -a -Chureli!?".-Following Rose Perno. Edward Wahnn- wllh Key to the Scrl|>tures" by cock'on SaturdayT... awati, la handling the athletic the service there will be a re­ Mary Ba_ke> Eddy_wl|| Inohulu ka, william Ratcllffe, William Mrs. Russell A. a. Stetler details, ception In Fellowship Hall.. ., Schrelber, William Brady, the fbllowITlg (4I4;21.,Jfli; "The entertained at bridge on Tues Church School-.ls Sunday at Scripture!declares, ‘The Lord James Walker, Richard Dia­ 9:45 a.m., and at the II o'clock, da*- Prize-winners' were the Holy Name Society He Is : Ood ^Utood),' tliero 18 dato. Frank Slover, and hostess, Mrs. Peter A. Rend morning worship, tlV«"P»ilol"s George McMullen. Sees Dance Student* . none else beside Him,' Even and Mrs. George Oaskell, subject wljl be ’'Hall! Homage so, Jiarmum' js uiiivcrial, and- Mrs. ‘ Robert liardle enter- or- Hate?'r 'l'iie • Weitminster Five students of the Joan discord Is. u n real." -tained -at bridge:-Friday eve­ FeHowshit>-!wHl b?>!?0/f l- J ''‘eriSjneq wj„ be •»|roWir»niifT#rre«afrCT(»' EXCURSIONS Plan Activities - ' wlth dance numbers Saturday of the Lord are great, sought Mrs. George C. B arrett. M rs. served, . .«*■>'■ , out of all theiuJhot have plea­ t o Martin Bell was a guest. T*le Catholic Daughters, of evening at the 8t. Patrick’s Day parly sponsored by the sure therein," . . Mr. and Mr.--, Peter ^Tcn- America, Court BB4, 8t.' Jos- Spring Valley ■ Hojy. Name Society of St. Jo­ N E W Y O R K Eyck attended the Moiftlay | <‘PS'S Church, Keyport, held a Community Church -Assetnlily Of Uoil evening performance of ’‘No; regular meeting Mar. 13 in seph’s Church held In the A» TliQniflfl-CUyt6n,.pfli8lor school auditorium.' - I 's r r lii* lo n I td „ C ;h lle.«e(iiial(*rvlc® I’niye)1-Slid Bible study Is , | ning perforrnsnce of "ThelvVL ‘ Performed 'Lola la held at 7:^. o'clock. Thursday at 7:1)0 p.m, and the COACH FARES view Hospital where he was a Tcllho^ e lhe Angus t i ? B.rl«»“i M>»» 'J»n*t-:«.»!• surgical patient. I Moon." New ford, K eansburg, danced Uie David'a EmmanuerTaUeriiade^ Junior Chris* ■ Ambissndoi s | bcJvtfap f»4*nd Ti York, tonight. | meet Friday at 4:29 p.m. at ...... „ >ji rhythm tap; the Ml^se, P»: Mr. and M rs. William Has- i Mr&_ An(hony Farlcllo spoke 1 . Apostolic Kalth the pastor's home, . |AN\M . T* T* Rooseveil Ave., .Cliffwood Iftch and ^on. Robert, were ! briefly on The compielcd "plans I lriclR ftnd Con9tance Un- A talent night will be spon­ fA«II ' Niwart Ntw Rev. R uth D upree, Pa"*tor “I Kiiicli W e’re moving to our now liftme no n Sunday gursta of Mra. Has* i for the Easter Bonnet card 1 ,on Entertained with an sored on S aturday, Mar, 31,. at lach’a mother. Mrs. Tltu* NIc* party to b? held Apr, 4 in the IrlBh tai>* Sunday School is at 10 a.m, 7/4S p.in, In tlie Cheesr<|ueke lo n iorrow . 1 think w« nil will like It. I ) Hd Point Pliatont $7.15 $7.60 and the morning worship al 11 holas, Long Island. school auditorium, All mem- A , i 'ZTj ^ Flrehouse. /m ere will be sing­ Asbury ParV... l.*0 ■ MO Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, bera snd guesu are requested , AnniVCrtary D inner o'clock, The* atory of Easter ing, reciting and . Instrumental lay* if* a hunl(-Hiiiiin.cd home and ha llm ) Branch . ; . 1.40 7.10 j Brown returned home Mar. 13 to wear Easter bonnels. as | In Cliff wood Beach will' be dramatized ^at 1 p.m* pieces of a religious nsthre, by the young people of the ncenied very pleaned when lie said it." I , d !«*...>. 1-30 1.15 .from a four-monih stay at El- awards «U1 be made. Segunda. Cal. On their way The Rev. Edward fteunner,! Last night the Bsyvlew Pre»* ch u rch , ...... -...... ~ Cllffwesd i:6 rritn an llf...... Pirtli A»boy • > J5 1.70 home they visited Mr. and chaplain, explained the plan} byterJan Church, : Cllffwood A revival was atarteri on M elhsdlst ( hurcli ...... OCHII MVtf ^aA M O . Sunday by the Rev. D. P. Can itfotl IOAIDM VIAM • Mr*. Wilfred Reed, Columbia, for Holy Week lo the memben. j Beach, held a congregational Rev. Itli.hard Yaussy, Psstor m u ta i m hom through out iakki buoy. r IT, AS YOU u n i (OWOKTAIU OUT Of W m , ■ l«*l Amtot. p.m. ^ a.m., and Ui« evening service 0OM4—U«*» — mmV arriving Mra. Brown, Mrs. Reed, and j State Hospital lo and from the the churcto. Miwvk ^ * •* w Mtw Mrs. Macadle are listers. .cottages to the new auditor* The speaker* war# T. How­ Ywk •#»•* A Jac A. Cushman ls on a I lum In order that they may at- ard Lloyd, ar., Matawan. whose Mm7 ” r J ^^rTh'rJn.Vr.'ini llibl. .tudy „ IITUIH »• »*T •» business trip to Omaha, Neb. I tend m a s s on Sunday early work In the Cllffwood *"Z evening at,, F^-mers &. Merchant 1 J:JO A.M. HV*»k, ; and Columbus. Ohio. mornings. Beach area Indicated the need 11:3! A.M. 1t*m N«w»rli *• PM — Sunday School for all sge» u | Mrs. Edward ’Taylor I* va-i ------for a cUurrh. and Dr OrorHC m nt 10 s.m. and niorolnu wor <»elh»emane Lutheran rhurrli 1.00 A.M. •" cationtnff in st. Petersburg,' Sauare Dance Saturday ilorne. stated ta nt U o <*luc;k An evsn Maple PI,; Keyport National Bank I Fla. ! ' mouth 1'iesbytrry. Kz-listlc servlre In held Hurufay Hrv Ir'edriirk lloon, f*»«f«r ; The board of directors of ; ,The Cllffwo^l FM’f* Co. and A pictorial hniory of thr- or al 7:30 pin. Prayers nr« said ‘th r^r ure |\yo »frvlf;CB on ...... Matawan „ 'the Woman's Club of M atawan'its Ladies AusiHary will ?pon- lain Mfjd grow th"of tfm fh w f’h for (hr nick at all s^fvires , Hunritty, iMstlni a* B;3f) a.m Jersey Central linn ! will meet Mond*y at the home^sor a .vjuarr daucr on Haiur '*** Miown aft^r (Jlrinei, • Tuesday at 7;3(j (i.m. the and th< reiiulai aiervire at U IIsnk In Moim.uiilh^ , , , ! S K, UbM j . „„ * of Mrs. PeW Hfrad; n6t at •’day evenifitr in tlm Jfrehou^e ' ...... Railromj >ou»t{ nflrvlre-H h^lo ^Ylo/'k, . Milfidfi) Hc;h0^I'beBtrt* Mr„.brr « edera, .t.seri e W d».l , hom* ‘if 'Mr's. Kred -M. i from 9 p.m qntll 1 a rn, Music | FjrttKhed Piayr*r’ and Mli»lf HUfdy is, a. 0 i OurleWj, . , , , ,, « : , 1 l*1H H* '1»* V/rJ?er. : for. sate H thl« Ihtir.nd'i;/ it ft-p.m. . ‘ rjf'Ht rnl/V* W;, , ''■i'r**U’lnsiir*^r« .^i^|(> |^y ^- » !' ...... - — ^— 1 : mi,: , - .. . SojFtba)! Ljefgufe,: entown in the semi-finals, ah.4 ^ KEYPORT BOXER IN COMEBACK Hawks Halted-By St. faded 0ul Next year, with .#>»& % »•■»? iM. M ata^ » i)-K^yport L O O K I N 4 . i a 7 ~~Attantic Highlanar~:; M Leagoe has organi»ed f*r- .4n^.Jrren'chtdt^ ^ejjm ated of;»v « A « f » Freehold YMCA , :tbe; ^romUlg aeas^a-w ltb ^th e, Holy Name Title 'baslvetbau...talent by gradua-* ■ .fallowing team s %od “ ‘ttbnj the Rumson contingent T M M W fHM atMtMa sees; themselves wibhihg Cen- ;.r'; pare Sk March £2i*i &5fi Rec teagiie Champ*,; .eras ^»l's Tayern, jir - , - St.. Joteph’* Lose* ;v fMorhell; ' Union1 tfeach 1 *ST.‘ P'ETEit(S^ HlCiH,i-N e v f trail Jersey again -and Jn a'V* Season Record 16-3 ,! . A. [C.f John Piritp; X H iiitlc' •'OH Last Second Roul Brunswick, has blrld a'tract' .more-experienced role, to be a I 't ■ stat$ title contender/ Lake* Tile,’ Sam Lauroi Architec­ coach for this seasoj; and it Is Matawan Hawks, ch a m p io n s By the margin of a foul shot wood, as we predicted, had no • r- tural. Tile, Herb J>ietrich; none other thaii George Deitz, Matawan Baseball o» the Keyport Recreation In the last three seconds' of chance against tall, fast Pal- ' Larry’K Barber ‘ Shop, Jim the Matawan grad who is com-, League, ran their season over­ play, the championship of the rnyra; State Group II c h a m p s. ' Mullaney; IIanscn-\’an Win­ pletinp his course at the Rut- all record to 16-3 la s t w eek northern division of the Mon­ we were st> cocksure that no­ Outlook Hopeful when they pulled their accus­ kle - Munnlng Co., Frank mouth County Junior- Holy gcrs College of Education this EameMo; CHffuood Fire Co., body could beat Englewood, tomed send-half -surge to de Nome Basketball League elud­ spring. George is-taking it as but Cranford did it, 55-48, then . ; Batting Punch In feat Laurence Harbor, 70-00. Pete Vena, and S & M,.I)on ed St. Joseph’s five, Keyport. f part-time job after his own ;> s“”G7dve to However, their usual effort Miller. ✓ , ' In their playoff with St. Agnes, liouis of sludj aie completed ke the state Group II, title , Lineup Impressive League officers for 195G failed .and they.-4ost to the Atlantic Highlands, with whom to net experience as coach of, nlQn Hill. toppleii Trenton 70-. Again ' tlie only unpromising Fjeehold'YMCA team', 65-58. will be: Harvey Morrell, i. varsity .spuad. He ran the j c8 ,n G roup IV We ■ president; Ilarry Andrews, they were tied at the end of ' item In! the outlook for Mata- . Artie M,ay and Jud Muro the regular season, they lost mile and did the broacT Jump i hQpe Rutgers s,gned Unlon secretary, and Charles Piroz- wan High School b aseball Is saved the day for the Hawks o u t M ar^ 14 at the Keyport while he was at M ataiian, H(J1,s Gcorge Eamming after'. zl, treasu rer. the condition .of th e field on against Laurence Harbor. The c o u rt, 46-45. High, and aa he puts It. lie go ^ K,me, as a llrst move to ‘ which the team must play. Matawan. team lacked the fire TIjc league is slated ta.-i hold a second meetih^ In the Tom Travers was the hero hls._ share of points foi the , restor(; S driet basketball from Coach Andy Dorak, taking ov­ tbut had carried them to their of the game for the Atlantic Maroon and Steel. Late.. In t ,ts present deplorable depth* er the relntf for the Maroon league championship, and it near future on the problem Highlands team, lt was he who the, U. . S. Army, , : he , was on a iby getting a center who can and Steel, hopes'to get in some of obtaining fields and hlr* took Ihe^lgsertior^, of May into was fouled in the last seconds winning relay team to. hi8 dI- i pm/ f iiic plvotj^nvv right: To *v this•••»•» - i ork with h li squad of 34 as- the lineup at the start of the ing qualified umpires. Be­ of. play and stepped to the free vision in inter-Army competi- [view.^ Palmyra looks-like .hj-tM~ plrants for^tbMeam tills week'. second half to make the dif­ cause of the limited-number, tlon. Last fall, while prac­ throw J.lne and sank the shot best team in tbe state in a^ _ but tile conditioned w et weath- ference. This player, recent­ of fields available, It has that wop the game. ^ tice teaching at Leonardo, he year when play, seemed, gen­ • er lias m»d« the-playing sur­ ly, out of the arm ed forces, . been necessary to refuse the Jlie-Keyport team-appeared helped out Coach Arnie Truex erally sub par; ‘ face so b a d 'lt ap p ears M ata­ hit for five baskets in a row application* of other teams with football. Another coach . wan again will have to lag be- 'for admission, h- to have the .edge in play, to to salvage the Matawan oause. carry them through in the he helped.-last summer was Jiind its- riv als In conditioning Muro offset Uie-fine work of early stages of the contest Bob Zampelle, KHS baseball FIVE public or parochial and ’.raftilng because of tbe John Daley for the Laurence m entor, __in deyeloping_Tpny_ school titles-w ent-to the-Htid-r.: ilcJd handicap. . ; - iraTborforcesontTfe^ boards. -They—took—an-early- lead- and hung on through the first half Cogliaho as a pitcher, while son-Bergen area, one tp Un- . that Keyport High student was Tliere";»re eight letternien _ohn Ybuncofpki, Keyport, one. of the leading amature The second half surge failed blit a St. Agnes rally at the ion County and one to;Sputh_ boxerK in thin area prior to his induction into the . armed ser­ playing for the Matawan team available for (he Maroon anct the Hawks at Freehold. They w histle sent the two team s off Jersey . Is is becom ing al*. vices 'three years ago, is ktartlng out in the-pr^ field under the ih the Monmouth County Jun­ Steel. Five o! the top batters had trailed the YMCA team in Champ At Lanes the floor tied at balftime. ~ most Impossible to-remem­ ortneof tlie-Shore snore Conference in 1855 1955 ««n»rernent of Frjjnk Boyle, trainer of the Boy’s the first half aod were lag- ior Legion baseball league. ber when a school In this part Bie lamonfl them Ll^t liv urad Club; Xouncofakl made an Impretaive record In bb^lng tour- i ging badly when midway of In the third quarter St. Jo- The new St. P-eter^s track of the state won a -title. Un­ h?! ig gun for Miktawan H awks (70) In 1051-52, w hen, at the age seml-darknesq of the Rutgers Is fiob.Oord.folch .Wenner and ______G F P ts Q ^Jjps | andlP.r.lnpeUm-gyma,—Worst. and1.. P rinpeUm-gyma,—Wor am -W th—Its—vaiunted—Hot-— the—weekend-gnowr—“The-K ey- -Union—B«aoh-in—tHe-«S-«?^vle- -drisci Rod—Hundley-out-of-cont«n-—^ Carl Stephens. all of whom ' ' ' - — tory—scorlng'31—points. •■■■., JStaer, f rDeVltiTClftSSlc iff'C blcago, The « ; | -of ail was the spiITttnfiTortl to“rhXd_hepe'Tto have 5 2 12 M anla^ f 7. . 4 18 tion. Booth drew the' as- performed well In tattle League , Atco was handicapped by N usbaum , f next season he was runner-up finals so that one had to and -Little- Blfge^Le.ague base- his charges out -on—the- field M u ro r-c - -1 1 2 - 2 4 ' intbefanTfcd-MilwaukeeJourn- Abbazla, fo _ 2_ 4 „ 8 choose between seeing Group. slgnment of _guarfllhg Hot loss o f threlT'jr ‘ItiT best;jjlay-' D em ery, f bull. , Howeyer, they are. of for -first practice by Tuesday Caden, g .0 a o al Bowlers Tourney: That • 1- 1 3 I arid IV teaims and ' the . Rod and that famous"clown '7 ers. Joe Munii, John Dijcken- Kennedy, c ' 3 0 course, a Ion? ways yet from at the latest, but with a foot- Armstrong, 0 0 12 saine year he stepped Into the Group n and III finals. It' of ; the . basketball courts fleld and Carmen DeNardo, in C arr, c • matching the artistry of the and-one-half of snow on the Morrell, g 0 0 0 0 0 deprived both fans and found nothing, funny In the Its final test. Herb Dietrich’s national lime-light as winner- M artin, g graduated belt* ' diamond, he has tailed everyv M ay, ,g 0 1 13, with Jo e W ilman of the U.S. , 0 ,0 'sports writers of a. chance situation at all when he was sterling ; offensive . effort kept uranata, g. 0 0 limited to a, for him, paltry Players - of—experience - for. thing-off-for-the-time-belngT doubles'tourney: to.^com jfare. the "tifffm8",and -, the Tilerr'dase'tti’ thelr foes Insley, g,: 0 0 18 points. Booth’s accom- tlie' Infield other than those al- The Red and White coach . J - - 32 0 70 .^.the. mod^ of play in the diff thi-ouEtt i . JSrtiL. ■“ ^LanrcmcellaTborteO) • In* 1 0 5 ^ 4° ^fie ;was_ a m em ­ L o o n a rd rg . - ^ - 0 pllshments should grv'e“play- —-ready-nanied-ar^ now—plans-to-conduct:: twJce-a- thou jjli'tfte '• Beacheis ‘ skillfully ber of tlie chafripfonsHlp five- ~ferent groups and should be.7 , -- a F P U covrecied." Otherwise we ers oh: local high school bas­ Pete Bennett, Joe Jfosne, John day 'drills; *jluring the-' Easter varied, their, play by■ sending man'team; ln~the ABC tourney vacation which, ^tart? Tues­ Stratton* f : ... 1 6 ;0 12 ~ 1 8 »:45~ are stuck with the^ new ar­ ketball teams a feeling of . Tomasello, Delter Johnson and In H a n k ' C leary; 'Al Faldiiti or that year,. He was third tn St. A fnes (46) ^ day. The Keys opening gapie Haley, f, * 2 1 5 rangement. The Esse^Counr encouragement, for a 1 i the Joel Mickalyo. O ther lnflelcl arid Al Cerbo to vary their -at­ the ABC all-ievents., His 1D54- ‘ ^ G F Pts hopefuls- are .Cbfrtes (Buddyl* i8-Wltlijfceoflardo-.'Apr; 10 and D aley, f ‘ ? 11 3 25 ty high schools, which means^ dismal showings of' their tack.' Cottrell’s.drive-liiSLXould. 55 accomplishments were wln- Mehklns, f ___ 8 i 17 team s. r-Sliort, Tom Dejesus. Ernest they have only one Shore Con­ hot be stopped' in the'second Bennington—c— 1—-— :5—0-10 n^r .of' tfie M asters RoundTlofi^ big wheel Montclair, would Oldenburg,^ g t)u'2 ' 2 Tim . Travers, 0 o have nothing; to do \vlth the Frazier,. Robert Nlcol, and ference game the last week ln half .and the Beachers pulled In with’ j^au Peterson.. He won Larcey, \3‘^0if‘6 Wilson, 'f 3 13 tournaments if they were npt . Paul Mucci. • • , April, so: there Is still plenty aw ay. . . . • ' .... • the Chevrolet.prize on the sum­ Tpm Travers, f' 2 2 . SWIMMING Is a sport that pf tim e. ' ' mer TV bowling show when he ^.to be sJiifted>frdm-the--:cpmr-‘- has many.-devotees-but nary^a— . A . rangy and hard-hitting Manager Mike Strano', of , v:.;.;: ' ; : 27“’ 0 go D. Calandrlello, c mercial’ljitmosphere of Ellz-- Zampello has plenty of work Atco', said at the conclusion' of av eraged _ 222 for 12 >gamesi competitive performer In this" newcomer, to the outfield will Score by halves:, ; ' f ; P. Calandrlello, g . abeth to the1 sanctified aca­ to do In that he Eas-'lost his the game the Tilers had a .12-5 T h a t y e ar he struck" 203 aveV- area. At leasf thft has been be Purvis Peeler, Other prom­ M ataw an H awks ' 26 44—70 K nochel, g . ^ . demicness of the Rtftgers ising outfielders are..-Bob entire Inflejd, including Al Fal- record’ for. the season, the best ages In leacyng both the Chi- Stockton,: g * , the case, for the .past decade dtll! IpOlng” hitter of. the Laurence Harbqr, ‘ .26 34^-60 oago C IU sslc..League .and the. and^ • Prihcetbn- - campuses. ! or so. Now we have a Mata- Faustman.Sil, A lien *’.■*Frledlanci In the three years-the-Keyport ^ - -Freehold YMCA' (6‘5)1 - I pteflm. and the renowned Aclc North End Traveling League. And what Montclair wants wan High grad. Dave.Bent011i _ tile firm has 'been sponsoring ^ t .— _ _ — ^-G-F^Ptsi -in-New—Jersey- It' getsr~Rut^~ ls TJottrelii' who could, double nt a-basketball team. no said This seasonThe Iea'ds“the_NortlT flnl5hlnK second lu Lhe back­ Dick .Nusbaum, Leon Holmes Bresnahan; I ' . * 1 - 1 3. Scpre by halves: •r gera was only ioo. glad, to and QM’s; WftlhlngtOn; John shortstop or pitching. V , - the Tilers will be back in ih- End League w ith'a 2CT6 aver- stroke for ■ the University of ‘.. Lott, f - " ‘ ^11 * -6, 28 St. Jo sep h ’s 22 23—45 .use^ ritSi.lhfluence, ;tp';tfet' the L p f, ✓'Tvjftrtin -M acia The .R ^ .' ^nd. White “feaitt jluatrUi league agq.age ,V • . ■ . ■ St.-Agnt&^r------22-24—46 M ancinlr;c . . .. . 0—o~o, TNr J.S^te.A thieticA ssocra- meet;.'.xofrithg; colleges-J & ftifffl, r “ Ron OBWBtvskl.'g,-* W i t i l —P e rc-Sundatrnm • arc* othetfout*-’ the i veteran battery of Rich hlduaft,iaK%#Sfi[{fe sVodmB_em\t^v * :Gardeni c U Seea A»^mragui;Crop ,em C anada ’ «ata^H aiK «c.,., Wharton fine; Billy-Eu'stmond. A 'u w ssk r’a •'3!f4 • e r.,iw d en pojffJ.bUJ tJ e s ^ ^ V v v - Ihe AtCo com bino had v^on six Biddle; g: — J—0 -3i dlscoverrthe'reivasi'anoth^i-1 / The’Jayvec bnUti-y'or iBBBtRay gflmeff^and“ldst ohly one.: • Movief Of Europe— — N. J. 32,200 Acre* .' there te- no rule agalnsV^redi- t:. 1 The k e y to the Maroon and LoPresto and Fronk Mlele, al­ college in New Jersey thali Steel; outlook, la ihe pitching^ The box score:,. * - tilt the M arch-meeting of the men competing . on varsity so—should -bulwark—the—Key­ \ m v . f c -New Jersey_asparagus grow- P iln ceto n . '.We doubt tlite; squads In. C anada. - T herefore, - ? ' IT-‘G6ld, Farlello and Sfephehs A lc o t6 2 ) M ataw an H aw ks .158) ■ : Root’ and Branch Garden Club port nine against any janV-up O F P ts eififw ilt" h a rv e st about 32,200 ^Mpntclalr people -will"-ever ; by the 'time he Is a senior, he _ can jUst.produce average high . . . G FPts atjhe home of Mr, and-Mrs. make this discovery, even If in the schedule,: Caden, f ; 2 1 5 acres t^ls spring, ,the same' as should be one . of the tpp col­ school pitching, the heavy-hit H unter, f 6 3 IS tl." SaiJcone,- . Matawan. Mrs. , In, the Infield,, Zampello sees Sab*), I 1 . 0 3 In 1955, icoording to prelim in­ the Montclair . High basket­ legiate swimmers in Canada, °ting Matawan batting order Qeofse p,uth, Hank Cleary and S ta e r.f .... .' . 2 . Or 4 Henry E. Ackerson, jr., Key- ary estimates by the New Jer^ ball team does someday play. will do the rest. . Dietrich, I U •• 4 28 port. was the guest speaker. This Is no sm all a ccom plish- Charlie Alloiioa as his most VolkerL,~c.-. -2 - 0--4. Muro. c . . . 4 • 0 l ,8 seiLc;op-repQrttng-3exyl.ce' _a_.to.umamfint_game-in-the- mi'nt as a boy from a school V anPelt. c"" ~ 1 0 2 Mrs. ”Ackerson showed^fiTms promising-prospects..-The out­ Ecklofl, g ' 5 - 1-11 L ight cuttings of the $10,000,- Kutgers gym, but, regard- around here gets no chance to • Driver* Fined In field Is more secure Wllh a ■Armstrong, g v: 5 3 13 of her two-month garden tour 0Q0. crop will;begin In about a ■ less, it means* college gym Feehan, g- 6-i-2 ..12: M ay. g ...... ’ 3 0 8 of Europe.- She gave a detailed practice-swimming or-get-any -. veteran trio of Bill Clacton, m o n th In' th e'so u lh ern cfiuntles. tournament basketball la coaching ln .swimming as ftone Middletown Township P a rrlsh , g 1 0 2 Nusbaum. g ...... 4 1 9 descrlptlon-ofr_the varloua-gar Joe Pinto and Qeorge. Swann Most of the crop to be sold as here,, lo stay, so we might, of tlie schools haye swimming M61roll^, if^'<- —’w , ,'ii,0 1 -1 dens ln Holland. Denmark, — Five persons were fined aV'Bliable. The :' KHS* coach 27 8 62 fresh asparagus' - will - move as-well-all get used to It- and pools nor organized swimming Mir. 14 ln the Middletown says the development of bat­ Belgium, France, and Eng­ through' the.','auction markets like lt. But let’s play all^ -T etro’s (85) ' 25 8 58 land. : ... - teams. Hence Benton must Township court by Magistrate ting punch Is the. sore, heed of O F p ts ln Swedesboro, Pedrlcktown, four, games, one after-the Score by halves: have made remarkable prog- ’ Wi Gilbert Manson, The fol- his te a m ." C lenfy. f 5 i 14 Earl Benton accepted chair­ Vineland and Hlghtstown, re­ other, at Rutgers. . ress to finish as he did after —losing people were from this Until he gathers his roster Freehold YMCA 28 3 9 -4 s manship of the spring flower ports the State Department of Faldutl. f 4 2 10 MatawanHawks 35 33—58 only one season. The last com- - area: Robert Bloxom, 175 Es- and-takes-the large-number of Pinto, f ' 2 0 4 ahow. - , ,• Agriculture, About 70 per cent . TWO SHORE CONFER-- petltlve varsity swimmers) we ' sejc . Ave., West Keansburg, freshmen and sophomores out Kline, c 1 Q 2 The veterans: project com­ of the crop will be used for ENCE teams, Rumson;- In can recall nround here are for­ ; disregarding a traffic signal, on the diamond, Zampello Is Cerbo, c \ 5 t 11 Service Emblem* mittee made^plans to visit the "canning and. freezing. Group I. and Lakewood-, ln mer Keyport Mayor . .Herb • *5j Paul I. Redcay, South reserving decision on,a lineup. Cottrell, g : 12 7 31 At Hercules Power Post Commander in Marlboro New Jersey Is second only Group H, quickly faded out of Rothenberg and Ed Bllder- Laurel' Ave., Raritan Town­ Wharton, In his senior year, Crlstafulll, i 2 1 5 to' discuss spring planting at to Callffonla .in. total aspara­ state play. As height will do back, for Rutgers, and Art 81- ship, passed a stopped school should be one of the ace pitch­ N elhart, g 4 OS ‘Service anniversaries have their new site. • - gus production and Is first a lot for you In Oroup I, we lcox, who 9wam for Blair bus, .110, ers of the Shore Conference. been attained at Hercules - Club members brought In ar­ among the states which harv­ had thought Rumson would Academy and the University Persons fined In the vlola- LoPresto Is a fast ball artist ...... 36 15 65 Powder Co., .Parlln, by . the rangements of forced flower­ est the crop fn the.late spring only be going' down before pf Miami. - . ... " 4 tlons bureau during the week who needs seasoning and bet­ Bcort by periods: following area employees: ing branches. They were months. The California crop, North Arlington ln the, ilnais, were Cordero M. Sandoval, 112 ter control, according. tO_.hls -TeWofs —------20^2-26-17—W Charles-O.—Emeryr~108> Man.: Judged “ by" the 'guftta of the belnirharvested at present;- Is but' Uie'Purple Bulldogs blew Furnished apartment' slgnr Broadway,'” Keyport, pir'mlt- ooach. The keyport mentor Atco v jh ester^ Ave., _ Ke yport,^ 2^ evening, Mrs^J..McCurdy, Ma~ .expected.to.be.il per cent jjn> 13-polnt: lead-agalnst Bord- -tlrir an ^ unlicensed driver to has hlgh'hopes for'the“ blne^ Referee: H. Ball, Unplre D. years; John j. "arahsm, Jr;, tawan. and Mrs. D. Worrtey, der last year, ...... o p e ra te his c a r, ISO: John phom ore pitcher. ' - G lo ra;------• 1220 Cllffwood Dr., and Don­ Old Bridge. Prises were Tompkins, 7S Park PI., East Several more games may be ald A. Hill, 18 Fulton St;, both awarded as follows: First, Furnished apartment signs Keansburg, speeding, flO; added to the Keyport schedule Mrf. Arch ApgRr; second, Mrs. for sale at this office, t ■_ . All-Stnte„SM nd*y:. of Keyport. William E- Hyer. Robert Williams, Jr.. i \ i At­ which now list* only 11 con­ IM Main St., and Arthur J. Harold Simmons* third, -Miss lantic Ave.. Keyport, careless tests. ' Annual all-state" teams ln Staraleta, Edgewater Dr., both Edith Richards: honorable d riv in g . 930, basketbalt *lll~bf announced 01 Matawan, 15 years: Beldon mention. Mr. Benton. . , T h e Navy's A4D attack Sunday. There Is a possibil­ Donnelly, 215 Campbell 8t., The dark horse prlsa^ was A WV-2 Super Constellation plane weighs 18,000 pounds ity several Keyport or Mata­ Union Beach, 10 years; won by Mrs. Mabel Benten. and has a vlngspread of only ot the- Na-vy’s Airborne Early wan players may qualify for Charles J. Bracken, RFD 1, Mrs. Saccone and Mrs. P. Or- Warning Win*. Atlantlo, Is 27 feet, six Inches, It Is cu r­ Central Jersey rating. The Box 476A, M ataw an. five y ears. laskly were hostesses. : painted a amoky black, In the rently being tested at the Nav­ various all-shore and all-flhore ^-Service certificates and em­ Those not already mention­ future; all Navy patrol planes al Air Teat' Center, Patuxent iPhoni 7-04521 ___ Conference teams of shore blems are awarded for each ed who were present were Har­ . will be painted the same color. River,M d. area newspapers have been five years of completed serv­ "‘^COHVINTIOH HAll T*day - Tomorrow - Saturday Mar. 2X4S-14 old Simmons, Willard Aumack, k IOAIOWALK ___ published. ..Hank. Cleary.. Rich ic e .______wllllanvNeUel. Keyport. "and - ’ Conilnvoua/Saturday-Starting l;4fl P.M. - — Wharton and Joe Pinto, Key­ 'ASBURT MRK.N.J. Miss Ellsabettraeyer, Cheese- In A l l T h e W orld N ev er A nother LiKt WHEN AH AUTO port, received notice as did Wins Junior Varsity quake. Joe Fasso. Ron Carlson and Letter In Wrestling Hostesses for April will be NEEDS A ■Steve Alikas of the M aroon and Miss Richards and Miss Gey Steel. Paul S. Sproul. son of Mr. er. EATONTOWN T r o e j f c o y " and Mrs. Paul Sproul. Mata­ w an, and grandson of E dw ard “Help Wanted” ads 1n this FRIEND, WERE if! a Wottaa aiapt tm aTy W. Currie, president of the paper tell you about the good Matawan Township Board of Jobs open. 1 Op*a lha T«ar R«gi4 Have A Complete Individual In-Car ElccUlfat Education, freshman at The llcatcri R O S S A N A . , JACK BOTTLED Plngry School, Elizabeth, has Recondition Job( Done Si lAIOMieWM M IN P O D E S T A ^ j won his junior varsity letteT in as Helen SERNAS : Painting* Straightening nnd Motor Work wi'efttllng. He also lias been *s Ptris awarded a medal In the novice FOWLER ' At a Reasonable Price clans in wrestling, and is the THKA.TX* FRI. - SAT MAH. 23*14 Also Selected Short Subjects Aa aulonioble dealer GAS best novice wrestler in his K E A N S B U R G , N. J. class, 1U Publle M m I Frank Love)oy w e know Paul won a letter for fresh­ Phoot Kvatuburg S-0S0S ., In Sunday . Monday Mar. 25-2(1 You Get Clean, Quick iTtalni rarrafmaac*! SUH m ake your r» r lookV man football this full and now a t l i t l . Shack Out 101 Continuum Sunday Slarllnr 1:45 I’.M. is competing for the lacrosse like new. , Heat For Cooking MaUaaa Satvrlay Plus tnd hit team, lie has been a student . . . CoaUasoai gaaiay TMf SlSu Of “UACMiriCEin OIStSSlOK-^j^^^ / All work 1* guaran­ Prompt, Efficient at Plngry for three years. Ample Free Parking Fury At Gumight teed and of the finest Krl.-SM. Mar. I l H Pas# , , « Service . Texas Lady (Color by technicolor) J ane Wyman R o ck H udson Quality. ' NJSIAA Baiketbnll aKo - I Inalde Detroit Tourney Champions N*w» L ^/caven /djlows Financing KEYPORT GAS CO. /III Suit.-Mon.-Tuti. Mar. 23-21-17 thru W ED. ‘TECHNICOLOR Academy Awar4 Nomlnta SUN. Available Tourney Champions MAR. 25-28-17-18 Affiliate of . M arty • Comedy Novelty G roup I North Arlington - a la ft— A, Marnml B. I.aneanter Cartoon Free E*timate* G roup II P a lm y ra Fury at Greenftlde Pasa F ln l Show onlv Bundajr G roup III C ranford fur K ldilln Tuesday -Wednesday M ar. 17-2* G roup IV Union Hill KnAS( I.H COVKRR TIIK New anil Uaed IUO lOWN 1 Parochial li St. AloyslUM iJC IVfd.-Thnri. ’ Mar. 21-29 t'lua 2nd hit & Parochial C Holy Family 161 186 '• - 941 834 845 Rosato 1186 205 215 V. Wilson -137— 179-156 .„ . ...,... .' ". _____ 846 805 851 field, tfas the victim of the C. Novotny ~ .v r 128 B u rlcw ’a R ciU u r» n t (l) O akes 179 177 175 J. Burges 191 179 178 ■ joe’s Restaurant 41) Batlerymen’s sweep. . J . Costlc :' " 209 187 172 In /an ll 203 148 204 • 777 807 706 DISantos 165 204 106 F. Br'.en ' ,178 124 177 Al Faragalli, who last week T. D avlno 154 169 184 ' .. 818 .116 867 - - Cllffwood Fire Co. (J) Montagna 147 178 .168 T. R egan i- - r . 138 157 116 MATAWAN SPORTING ook command of the all-events H. Ross • . ; 14$ - 154151 Martlpl’s Diner (0)'’ F . L a P a rre - • ' 189 167 234 lowlliig at the A m erican Bowl* J . M cQlnty . 1?5 . .. 133 Luxem bourg 213 163 178 R . 8cheetz 185 148 .185 Moody, 147 157- 123 D eFellce 144 164 138 J. Cecere . 182 177. 223 — nf4congress - meeting- at-Ro- 897 R —M oody :---- 143— 166—107 - F —WelSS-----— 171-169-168 GOODS CO. heiter, N. v., showed his Crates Beverages . (1). F. Stringer 163 132 H . A hlers 181 169 151 J;G*ragUty 1M 114. 185 882 863 791 Eaater Greeting Cards ’ -(.sent form was no flash ln C. Carbone: 177. 182 ,.181 R; Geraghty 140 .161 164 , 806 794 - 696 ) -pan by notching his third Schlafone ; 189 173 164 J. Kelly .; 2^1 106 ,167 Old Boathouse (!) H andicap . 34 34 34 Fow ler T heatre (1) .rafght 100 session at the Ma- Tropea-. 145 C. Zelgler 189 :135 Ponente 154 133 147 BOWLING SUPPLIES- FISHING SUPPLIES 177 201 F . Iro n s: 178 187 14$ -awan-Keyport Recreation al- M ontesano 168- 192< 180 P ru ch n lk . 176 ISO -130 : . 803 892 613 143 . 1<6 111 eys. His 719 helped the Krue- Franclsconl • 193 173 155 ■ . : r - : 835 .834 ,791 Eck .. . .. 159 178, 178 J. Cos’.lo BICYCLES REPAIRED le'r team on Its rampage, but, The standings: . M ataw an S p o rtln i (1) , ■ C raig ' 145 ' ii£jH , Sohacht 140 190 168 * II. .0, Trains nnd Supplies - , 14b 103 172 »t that, he had to settle for. ‘ ’ 884 897 885 P .M c K e e n 13(f 151 140 B ossert 154. 143’ 126 j : Ward Open Dally 9 to OiOO-Frlday Until 9:00—I’honp MA 1-4446 T eam - - ' : W; L R .,8 co b ey 1 ' 192 162 207 IS. Costlo 179 201 204 > second to his teammate, Jat H at-K ey B ee (1) B urlew ’s R estau ran t 55 23 Van Meorbeke* 121 180-U! Main SI. \Noxt lo Police Station) . Matawan Eckert, who "pounded out a L auro 189 200 148 K. B |lderback 144 127 167 OK Sales & Service 4H4 3014 £ . B lldorback 143 155 131 ’ 789 940 - 813 727. Lou Campl was a third S, Davlno — 140 ... Old, Mill Dairy. : . « ' 31 . ____ ,___ 788... .733.734 H andicap- — 28 28 28 Kianiburg News (!) member of the'Brewers to hit c . ' D eilaP ietro 197. 101 .148 C rate’s B everages 45V4 32 J4 . A m erloaa, Legion L .ll, (1) 700,-his total being 705 T. N appl . ., 220 149 144 Holden 155 147 141 M, Luxembourg 183 154 ,,, Mat-Key Rec 45" 33 • „ .637*. 823 873. ;— Faragalll-plclced un -129 pins F ; D tv l g t - — 197 247 *199 LU R oller R ink 4454 331!,- H a rp e r------—173-^27".., -T— Infantl^— 196-140—lBli :n Frank Ciaus,e In_hls bid S 2yszlo ' • ,... 228 202 Consolidated Fuels 4214 3514 Marquet rharm acj (!) M alcheskl 189 187 140 M. Cuoool, -130 3ltf- 201 Carolina Rhythm Boys o take over the Individual av­ Jag’s Sport Goods' - 42 36 R^-Palk : • 193 .104 158 O eiger . . 164 187 127 W. VanKoopkl .169 200 176 erage leadership. In his third • i. • 943 .823 841 Cllffwood Amaco 42 36 L. M atuszew ska .100 138 107 Carver 95 .., 142 Q. M atuszew ska 158 176 173 .. Curley,' Shorty and'-Johnny iam e;: P arag alli fired a 289. LH Roller Rlnlt (2) F r a n k ’s B arb er Bhop 4014 3714 Muller : ... 149 150 E. Matuszewska 189 163 183 ... P ra n k (SlimV O kular spark- R ogers- 168 -179 17t Anchor Inn 39 V4 3814 ‘ 5d Electric Battery with, a 732 D eFellce 193 222 185 Rapolla’s Market 3814 39% : V 758757 "7^ YOUft CAft W tTtt ...... ir le s . F e rra ra 187 172 202 Cllffwood Inn : - 640 - 659 599 Western Music 3814 39^4 Sam’s Keyport Bar (!) r SinouA BUIOC Jack Horn rolled a 717 to K elley , 188, 184 199 CllffVood _ Angela 38 40 L arry ’s B arb er Shop (1) P en n ettl • 148 198 203 F c rran o , 180 ,169 213 Schanck's Heaters 38 40 H. Pole . 119. .168 . 1Q3 S. Poland . J ...iat-.159—158 wen mftAMoomoeiL lead- Burlew’s Restaurant to a (m rum cooi^^ jTweep of Lusardl’s Somerville. Regan’snesans Tavernxuvera Ji31 47__ C. .Bfthrenbiirg._lfiX.-435—137„ ...... W ." P o lla n tr 172 156 184 "“IB next week’s opetnera, Elec- 918 928 .970 ■All-Bros_Woodwoi‘KTr'"29 J9 ?■ p o iso n ; . r -U f.,169*5?b ■: l' “ “-X a u fe' r 128­ -Tle-BBtteyy— will meet HiSP Fuels (1) - Oerlty’ai Inn 28 JO E. -Conover _232 . 147 1 7 f chlzm ftdla 163 200 .128 mnnVq whHfr TCrnAgpr yoga 180 162 163 Hoffman’a Liquor _63_ H andicap 12 12 12 J a c o b s____ ... '188-143 against New York. In the iw a n tl 212 168 182 Cllffwood F ire Co. 23 55 Ughtcap. the teftrns will be Pesce 165 152 124 '677 851 ,569 746 881 794 F echer ...... 154-21)9,.190 .-Jack’s,ltardw»r*-!2)..... Valred' olf "according to tosi- 'Keyport Cleaners• (-1)a- Scalzo V 233 160 190 B. Jacobsen 1 ' 177—131 140 ion. • . Key-Mat Church A .-D av ln o 158 158 138 Crystal Bar E . Jaco b sen 174 178 -188. Standings Bowling League J. Davlno .167 148 168 Union and Central Avet. Union Beach Jlectric B attery " ’ “48 27 ; 934. 839 W T. K nam 183 189. 148 J . K nam - 152 191* 225 Barker , 123 ... 123 Crueger Brew ing Co. 47- ’. 28 Cllffwood Amoco (!) Overly J._____ 173 157... 150 V. R aff a '188 237 189 Matawan Fresby.terian J!) Masters FastJFrelght’4214 32Mi. C, Davlno' ... 118 Dr Downey^—- 184"2M'"l9f • , .~'868 «89 701 "Burrew,r ‘"Res{ro»5r39T4.35% B7 Cornell. ' 1« 190 182 Irons 188 189 197 Hlllman’sQolfland 38. 37' P. DellaPlerto -i«S, C. G allow ay 194 149 149 Bayshore Stationery (0) A. Sklslak -- -190 >198- 190 J .—K aclrek------:— 142-136 i90 F,--WOlf 120 111 .157 ' LuSa’ra i’s"S 6m ervine '37i*! 37if 809 7M- 776 C. S ard ella 185 -203 192 A. Henderson .151 145 138 1,, -W olf ■ ■ 140 '1B8 117 M .-B latt Co~.: 40 The standings: New Y ork 33 42 T. Oray ■ ... 195 ; 118 A; Hall ' 187 ■ 170 .138 A7_Slovenz 11« ' 130 128 A.Heltzenroder 118 121 138 T eam W h TELEVISION N ew ark ' ■•>.'-.■ 32V4 42 V4 H andicap 8 , ., Now U the time to trade Varlese Construction 47 19 " P r ic e C hevrolet : 22 , 63 885 1042 860 Handicap—1 — - 4S 43 43 with STRAUB BUICK. J a « ’» T lporl Shop ' (3) ., 80} 780 769 . . M iddletown L a n e y 48 20 P o st 182 186 642 ' W M t | Town. T avern ' 44 22 We’ll give you the com­ ; Cub Pack 80 Visit* •, 189 Betormed (1) B trahlero 182 -193 n«4 •R, C am eron,.., _133 .. T 13? ClUf'i-^Seafood ' (SI Keyport Cleaners38 47 plete hi»tory of any-car The Keyport Weekly Blind 135 C. Loosch 188 '187 132 Blind 155 165 15E S am ’s K evport B ar 3814 2114 on our ,lot. Remember M ontagna . . . >178 188 R . Loosch . 184 159 R. Greenman 120 137 121 Tourlnels Tavern. -36 30 The Keypoft .Weekly, was re­ Llslckl -258 214-177 X . Clclc - - 162 185 157 L. O reenm an ,— 158 214 163 Burlew’s Restaurant 35 31 . . . a used car ii at good cently paid a visit by a group Testlno 188 177' lta Q. P o st 157 188 193 Blind 191. 191 191 Old Boathouse 3314 3314 a» the firm behind the _s£_Cub_ScB.«ta-lrpm.JPacls-a!!. 13. F m & etitld ~180~B? B aron-C offee-shop—r^23Mr42Mr sponsored -by St. Joseph’s Par- 930 922 896 Handicap ... 1 ... 624- 697 630 McQueen Cleaners 2014 4514 •ale. ent-Teacherg Association. Miss . Cllffwood Ancela (0) C ohen's D a u o t Store (1) Jag’s Sport Qoods 18—48 _J^-Mabel.-Browii(-subll»ber-and Q. Diaittmlj’ta 177 US 158 • . . 782 . 806 757 M. Wolff .163 166 124 Amerloan Legion LK 13 53 editor;’ took the boys through B .-'O ulsU 174 1\4 187 C«.lv»rjf . (0) F. VfoUt ,,. 12* \ \ l 128 the Office- and plant.1 - - --u' ■ J . P a ris A: DlQ iam li t* " . . . 14s 141 o ; E lliso n , J r • .,- m . ' , 159 : u o “ i»8 / VHolp YJantod” fuls ln thtr TenEyck Ronson, Inc. --.-: „The :acoUt'siwirr8. enown Just1 J . C alabrese ' 183 198 187 T . P a ris i -*1811 > 175** 28* taper tell you about the good ■ Sales and Hervlca ... - ■- ^Tiow-the paper Is set up and W. Phillipp • n3* 184 140 J . B rtta n a lc 184 211 133 L. Mason- 197 lsl :.. jo b i open...... printed. Each cub was given N. Boyce ..... — 183. ------648 M 1 .B 1 - Vour Dulok U p p » r M a i n S t . M A I S 6 0 0 - M s l a ^ a n " a “ copy "or the'paper' to take O. Aumack' ' 134 ...' T.'. Broad St. Cleaners (1) Read- the Classified Ada 7-4000 E . B llderback 173- 153 158 KE hom e. ' ■ - 810 813 811 R . P ry o r 120 133 122 Tbe scouts In the group, ac­ J. Fekete ... 163 160 Cllffwood Inn (H> H. Dorl : - ... 183 120 M. Ross 113 147 123 companied by Mr, and Mrs. H . P ry o r . 118 167 134 C. Y ates 188 180 186 Handicap — 33 52 34 Harold' Slmmons,_were Robert P . S w an s- 155-162 125 H. Roas ' 186 206- 169 ~MorseTWartln'Bauman. iCobert J . K enner 154 146 . .. Handicap 13 13 13 H ostrup, Nicky Mariolls. . . , 805 866 771 J . Klug 157 188 vl87 M ataw an B ap tist (S) Charles Simmons, a^d Frank — 206 930- 665 661 G. Kahrs — M. D uncan 165 156 144 Plazzi. ’ E.M aJko#skl - ' ' Hollywood Service (!) 164 179 173 T. B aker 182 188 181 N. J. STORM TOLL J . Giles 168 148 150 204 214 181 ‘.'Help . W an ted ". ads In . this V ,-F re d d a Q. Arnold 168 213 118 ______..818....856...839 101 - 148-210 paper tell you about the good It. - Henderson- '■ '1 4 3 "' 135' 143 Frank’s Barber Shop (2H) W. Owen- 193 181 150 T. Olles Jobs open. „ M. M aclag .157 223 181 O, Arnold . 204 :216 - 182 L. K ortenhaus 168 155 . . . Classified. Ads. Oet Results , .895 867,876 ,. . - ' 683 712 593 Blind 135 ...... Ilebrew Congregation (2) .:: : LaZire’s Shoes (1) J. R osalo ' ■ 211 158 169 W otman 182 145 120 T. Soltys 147 227 203 138 144 L. Bellezza ' 112 113 160 Qoldm an 165 It. Richm ond 140 1 80 135 18 Of These Suffered Fatal Heart Attacks F.° R affa 1. . . 187 160 Elsm&n . 157 153 134 N. Wist - ...... 189 W. Richm ond 180 165 154 ENGINEERS Schw artz. 117 144 '177 J , O verly ___ : 185 212 .192 T, B ailey Due To Over Exertion Shoveling Snow AND 818 848 Handicap '' J3 23 ’ 23 Prafeer 131 190 ' ' Schanck Fbel„On <1) Adam W- I ' . • 629 663 t64- — ,JMiy ot-116-Main-StTj*— Boei’ntoHU--— ::r;r-,r)2,of73BMaliT6~St,, ] W. M'etzer — 2tf5 -170 19% _370_:712~765 Thegtandlnifi: ” H icd arhomB aftor- AFTERS HO VELrNGSNOW T^f SURVEYORS R—Spencer ~*138' M ataw an M ethodis t (1) - W.'-tewla^- -=196-1*8-- SHOVELING HIS SIDEWALK Devaney ,"r''^145 150 136 M & M Electric 61 . 20 Connfc L. C------—-— ,57, of 111 Jeff or­ J . Overly 168 169- 223 p o rt ' l'45 . .. ; . . . Hollywood flervloe 80 —31 * .Frank Alien Fosi , R., Kruser . 181, 183:1140 -William J.'M* ^ ,, _ fWU|,65. of UA 815 OJ.W vOrange » son Ave, while , ,. .... - ... B oyajlan ...... —....175 '170-153 J a p lfs H ardw are - 48 33 i' Aispciatet L.Scnanck' 13ft “ l# j Wilks . ,105 141 147 -Ra.,..collanacd.andJdicd whlle-he ^ , Ei Lyons , M fttaw anSportlng...— 4214-3814 ^WALKING THROUGH rDEEP' SNOW -Mr- Longatt’ee t J169 ‘-177 “ 147 Marquet Pharmacy 42 '39 SHOVELED A PATH FOR HIS CAR KEYPORT 7-12!l . Knoell 134 106 M at-Key R«c. ' 42 39 Villium T, S ■■ — —,83, of 20 Wood. 868. 777 785 H andicap .....■ ■ 15 J 2 Rapolla’f M srkct'll) M artin’s D iner 42 39,. Mario L. N of 1) Holmes St,, cllff-Averr. -siLl . 177*: 145 162 Cliff’s Seafoofl 38 42 V, Rapolla . j ' . *354, 788 690 died while' , ; . • AFTER SHOVELING SNOW IN DRIVE 185**154 291 Cohen’s Llauor Store 37 44 J^rBarrasso Bayvlew ^Frea^yterlan (!) A.' Tom asello 156! 184 i?29 Larry'a Barber Shop 3614 4414 SHOVELING SNOW FROM HIS DRIVE C. Ol&en 149 167 154 C. E . B ah rtn b u rg 1414 4^14 Mra, Cumella F- -,70, of 26 Cor- N. Trahlm' '' tt7 140 218 E, Kelley - 171 161 J: Sulo ■ • 171 166 183 Broad St. Cleaners 33 , « Christopher S- —— ,70, of 10 Ayr St„ bin Ave,, walking with hor daughter when H. Sutton ' 152 ,183 141 LaZare Shoes...... 1 '32 48 died-Gnl’oute’ toM m’tland Medicu^eentei' J. Olsen' ' 149 182 139 Bayshore Btatlonnery 2814 5214 shoflllpped . . , , •“ . ' 838 789 1038 E. Sehwahl 152 ,126. ' * Anucbor Ifih (3) ■ aftei’ flufferlnK aii attack while ...... ANPSUFFEREQ-AHEART-ATTACK O. Bruder, ..-148 ~ :: SH0VEt,NG SNOW AT HOME S:*M «!ow sU :r“ 153 O sterstock , 98 m J. G ross . • 105 171 Keyport Buiineomen's John R ------r-, 57, of 425 MonKomcry J. Saulckle 174 ‘ ... ChaiieB N- -- 72, of.82i Park Ave,, 775 118 678 Bowling League _ - St., on way lo work aftor . . . A. Sm ith 176. 213 Lutheran 189 161 (U STRUGGLING THROUGH SNOW Planning A Vacation? W. Yanlcoskl A. Scalzo 1 145 134 185 V. Y ounj 223 Town Tavern (3) ' ' SHOVELING SNOW AT HIS HOME D, B aum ann 118 141 111 184 130 1(5 E . Lem bo . . . 132 Robinson «,70, of 002 Pullaudo !»y J . Hopler 194 163 139 R. Peas* 102 m 303 Martin K— - , 73, of 734 Myrtle St., Salvator S— Steamship or Plane 687 90p 900 J. Welle 1S1 130 1S5 W.< Pease 157 i>i 163 while . . , Ave. . . F, Boos 130 142 172 161 172 PROMPT RESERVATIONS lle g a n 'j B ar (0) p e ra n 184 _„ AFTER SHOVELING SNOW W .O ra tte n 156 176 H andicap 14 14 23 Olrich ... - _ , ,182 . H i,. 147, SHOVELING SNOW Brown Travel Bureau E . Sm ith 206 152 ■ ■ ■ • - - William A. B ------, 01, of 225 Tioga Blind - 135 135 707 730 784 e « 647 830 Silverio D­ —,62, of 662 E. Grant Day Calls: VAllej 6-4141 Si. John • (2) St.; after . . . 214 Smith 84.,, Perth Amboj N. BoltyaJk 133 167 Baron Coffee Shop (9) Ave,, , . . Nlchl Calls: KEyport 7-5031 E , S uruda 180 180 A. B ogart m 194 178 M onlajna ISS 166 144 SHOVELING SNOW SHOVELING SNOW OUTSIDE HOME 7 Broadway, Keyport n. LcRoy 132 140 165 Healy 164 233 163 807 810 739 f M. W allin* 190 174 178 Brestow - 116 167 179 August W. 8 ,07, of 191 Hilt. H. W allins 170 175 134 V ettrel 1«S 114 1M Albert S- 60, of 7102 Connely H. Cowles 107 1925 154 M crrell 174 160 193 Ave., while , . . * ' “ Top «vd t . . ----- ■ ....— SHOVELING SNOW AT HIS HOME AFTER SHOVELING SNOW 801 887 809 . ■ /' 766 640 748 Kerport Bap(Ut (IK - - Tourine’f T avern 13). DANCE . Kolsa 104 174 134 Kenneth H - -,49, of 1020 Windsor ’ FrankV 1 U1IIY W Tf : . \IUt63, 411 706 818 Dancing From 9 P.M. Unlil ? The standing*: McQueen Cleaner* (01 This Advertisement Is Directed To Those Who Like Myself Have Seen More Yesterdays Teum W h Denny 17J 144 St. John's 45 30 W arwick 1» 113 Matawan Presbyterian 43 . 32 Button 88 124 Than Tomorrows. In Tho Hope That The Lesson So Graphically Demonstrated Here Will Matawan Legibn Hall Kfyporti Uaptist 42 33 Cullen 113 loft ; n efo rtn rd 41 34 Devine 1«1 i si. 147 ' Main Slret. Matawan Matawan Ilftptist 30 30 Leouich m 177 Aid In The Prolonging Of Your Life. . Calvary Mrii>odUt Vi 37 McQOrcn 1.17 ' Muiic by Walt Staeger'* Orche»tr« Hebrew Congregation 37 38 - .— . ---- ...- . Bayvl^*r rrcsliylcrlan 34 41 Wl Oil W* \ E. H. LARRJSON, Pharmacist 1 Donation — $1.00 M ataw an 33 42 MlddleU»nn l.unrn HI ■ j L utheran ,. 24 61 Lownay 4, 102 175 121 1 [JTiiiT-jT:! I ' t ' ‘ fl i -. J11»r 11«11 f I f i ; t. u i T rrn rr: Grtdiatei At Balnbrldge Competes Airman** School World Traveled Band their utmost'^ctXMratlpn t§ ^ ” George Irvlnff Vanderhoof, Pfc. Donald A. Anderson, WAC Recruiter h i m and h is s ta f f . Appears At Monmouth The high quality of the men TBE SA, USN, eon of Mrs. Mildred sod of Mr. and Mra. Donald Anderson Hazlet Ave., Hazlet, enlisted uas most gratifying Connell, Belford, has gradual- Shore residents* and military IMATAWAN JOURNAL graduated Feb. 17 from th e. ersonnel agfiln will liay*’. the^ to Ihp-Nr.vnl Sprvlcp as the 1 ? NOIES highly specialized Navy Schools e<*^rom recruit training at the Airman Preparatory' School, opportunity of ' hearing the P ag e Eight March 22, 1BSS are-In need of more'and tnoreT About Area Men U. fl^Naval Training Center. Jacksonville^-Fla. United States NArmy field and Women The course at the Naval Air band of W ashington, D. C. men for basic .and advanced Bainbritige, Md. training in technical fields. •* in ihe / : After completing nine weeks Technical Training Center cov­ when.U makes its appearance ered basic aviation skills, such at Fort Monmouth Apr. 6, it of Intensive training and in-, as aircraft repair, guns and was annuonced by J. Peter Marines Modify v sti uctions* in vital basic plias explosives, fire fighting, elec­ Hotfmari, public information Active Duty Program All-Time High Sales Amed Services1 es of Navy life, Seaman Van tronics, and the Use of hand chlefi ' derhoof was advanced to Sea­ tools. • ~ To. accommodate a maxf- Lt. Col. La.,i-ence P. Snod* dy. Jr.. officer in charge of the i. Company Cited A * One man Apprentice and was glv Graduates At Camp LeJeuue mum audience, arrangements Among the Febi' 18 graduates have been .made to convert U. S. Marine Corps recruiting Of Beit Managed ■" Graduates In Pensacola In “Taak Force Bravo*' en 14 days leave to spend with service in the New York-New Graduated from the Naval from the Second Marine Di­ the post's large field house in Army Pvt. Stephen J. Aqua* his family and friends. After to a concert'hall for the occa Jersey area, ha's announced ,J.ansing P. Shield, presl- Pre-Flight School, Pensacola. vision's Communication Field 'via, 22, son of M r. and M rs. completion of his leave, he will Wire Course at the Marine sion. that a modification in the new *. dent- of the G rand Unlon_.CQ|K - J*laH on Mar. 2 was Navy Joseph Aquava, 514 Chestnut two-yen' active duty program Report to the Naval Base, Nor Corps Base, Camp LeJeune. =_The famous 100-piece music­ .pans’, announced- lait week St., Keyport, recently took part will be of benelii to all quail- “ t ...... N. C., was Pvt. Harry F. Lup- al aggregation,- popularly that sales for the fiscal-sear ln "Task Force Brayo,” -a. burrow, husband of the form­ 'known as the “Kings of , the fied young merL_»-32-j,ears of age. . ' • ' which ended M ar. 3 (53 w eeks) training exercise through In­ er Miss Eleanor A. Terry, 916 Highways” because of its ex: land waterways in Virginia and f 4 I The new two year actlvil . wefe W83.27S;40S, an all-tim e Bayview Ave., Union Beach. tensive travel throughout the North Carolina.______.... -Before entering-the-servlce Un lied ~Sta les7~C anad a, M e x: program allows It qualKiei- ! ^ high.-com pared- -with »219,<52. The exercise gave Pvt. in O ctober 1954, he graduated Ico, England and Europe, is young man to enlist'ln th» Marine Corps Reserve fo’r . 503 for the fiscal year which AqunvJa training in amphibious' from Middletown Township Sgt* Betty DeVine commanded and directed by ended Feb. J6 (53 w eeks), an. operations, piloting, task force Maj. Chester E. Whiting. . three years, with.an immedl-. High School. Leonardo. ate assignment of only two Increase of.;28 per Cent for the control, reconnaissance and The four-week course. Includ­ Sgt. Betty Lou DeVine, south­ The band originally was ac; years of active duty" However, fiscal je a r ...... communications. He _Js as­ ed switchboard operation, wire ern New Jersey area represent­ tlvated during the (last war signed to Company; B of the the change modifies the young ^ ‘'Our p re se n t ra te of sales tying and splicing, field jwlre ative for the Women's Army with combat in.'antrymen from 159th T ransportation Boat B at­ m a n ’s obllgaticn a fte r his ac­ is running. w ell over »300,000, Installation and pole climbing. divisions throughout the world talion at Fort Eustis, Va. Corps will be at the U. S. tive duty tour. Normally^ th#'.' 000 » year.” The Grand Un­ to tour the country selling de­ A 1954 graduate of Keyptftf Army Recruiting Station locatr man would be required u, ion President stated tliat he Orr At Fort Sam Houston fense bonds; So successful High School, Pvt. Aquavia enr tend weekly drills for a period . expects an Increase of at least Pvt. Ronald A. D. Orr, Jr., ed in the post office building, was the group in its mission tered the U. S. Army last Au­ .of-three—years—plus annual - J50,000,OOO in sale s ln the coin, .19, .whose..pRtentsiUvfiL_at_8_Ra^ Red- B ank, - in —Room— 8—each that- it -aptlr earned - the-nick­ gust— and— completed- - basic training periods of -15 , to 17 • — ing y e a r ." ' ' ; ' vine Dr., Matawan, took part Monday between the hours of name of the “Million Dollar training at vort Dlx. in a field demonstration of Band.” The present aggrega­ days. This requirement ha» The 83-year-old food chain 10 a.- m . a n d .2 p. m. mass atomic casualty treat­ tion Includes many musicians been set aside -temporarily. - builtjn new stores ln the yast Sgt. DeVine will be at the Carer In Norfolk _ ment at Fort Sam-Houston, who were formerly coricert The colonel emphasized that re*r~'and acquired eight new LT. PETER B. WYCKOFF recruiting station to explain to this modification may be re. sieves from other chains. Mr.. William Carey, Seamen Ap­ Tex., Mar. 2. artists and bandmasters-.** • -, - • ' h prentice, son of .\ - men a month on their way to of Mr. and-Mrs.-Albert John­ ation of a railw ay station co­ many more recrults_to fill the and .from Naval activities all son, 782 Greenwood Aver; Lahirr- ordination and ycontrql-of;traltr gap- ":aused by the departure ' Area Men Enlist " o/er Uie world. “ ” . ence Harbor, Is receiving bas­ movements,. and methods of of Korean veterans. He at­ ic combat training with the operating electrically control­ tributed -Ihe success of the ' In Air Force ; Ranks Second In Class ^ Eighth Infantry Division at led railway equipment; : Philadelphia . Recruiting Dls- It had been announced , Seaman Walter H. Jones, jr., rorL.CarsQn.-CQl. ~r ...... — ,„A_19i4_graduate_QTKeyport. Jj:lc t_ .to _ th e_ n e w sp a p e rs,—TV. -TfBpt. ThomasT G. Wilkie, lo­ son orM r. and Ktrs‘;W alter H. Pvt. Johnson Is training with High School, he entered the stations and the many other . cal U. S. Air Forg ecuultlqg. Jones, sr., Middlesex StVMa- the _ dIvisian^a—Company—A -o t. [tl. S. Arniy last-AugUHt-Jiad lucul uayiotlc and . civic ; o r - . Uwah.iras- c‘om plete'05 Weeks the • 41a^ T an T tB attallo n .xj : T h e , completed., tiatnina »t < -port —b tfcsm an. tha^thax^ oljpw unlC^s rpr*p«.rinB lo r it^. rhoVo young men frotpi this aie,?,.wet'e ofrtipfdhAwt.kti eriljsted .ln ~ X h ^ ^ ir }Forfifir du^-; tions Techhiclnn^Schqgl^.Im* -"jBiT-tJie—m on ttr'OT ^FeW t/ary; pdl'fnT B each, C a|r/. H e g rad ­ •Robert C. Kilajpp,•' 22"Beech- uated Mar. 8, second highest In hla class with an average wtfod ;Ave., K eansburg, and *s th&\deat” you’ve waited tor, ,, Richtu'.d. J.. Brown, Green 6rD4;a4; Grove Ave., Keyport, ALFRED KDMOND Seaman Jones wlliyreport to ;-.V.These'. men' probably will the Naval . Rpcelving: Station M. Edmond, 8 Stillwell St,. Washington, D, C., on Wednes­ Jjke their Air Force basic Matawan, recently was pro­ day after completing a 2(T-day training at Lackland Air Force moted to Airman Second Class Base, San Antoniot Texas. Bas­ leave. • • " , nt Rhein-M ain A^r B ase, G er­ ROBERT A.DECKER - io tralnlng-lni the Air Force is many. Airman Edmond la as­ " \ EnllfiU In Nayy : nofr-only six'weeks after which signed to the 7493rd Special Joseph John Backet, Jr., 17, ganizatlon conducts th& intro­ the young men will be sent to Investigations Wing In Europe. son of Mr. bad,Mrs. Joseph J. ductory course for aU. students a technical training school for Airman Edmond expects to enrolled In both'pilot and air­ which they are best suited and visit France and England dur­ craft observer -training;-The 'qualified. ing his stay in Europe/ program constitutes a--major mission 'of Lackland;." tjie Available far deSrwy NOW1' “Gateway to the Air Force’r commanded-' by Ma). Gen. Thi, "Mainliner Special" can John H. M cCormick. b* delivered in Fordor m Having completed the 12- m il u Tudor model*. 8tx- cylinder tngtrmVaW avatl- weelr course, Decker will ent­ able. ; ^ *. er the first flying training phases of the program at bases of the flying training air torce. M any-of-tjie—presfllght—grad* will receive, delays'en- route to their new assignments which will'enable them to take a brief, home-leave. The graduating class Includ­ ed a num ber of students en­ rolled as memberr of South A m erican, S uropean and Asl* atlc Nations as well as United. States Cadets. They are en­ gaged in the training either under provisions of the mutu­ al defense assistance program JOSEPH J. BOOKET, JR or under agreements pres­ ently in force^.between.-their- Dooket, s r.i...19 . G aston - Ave.V Home countries and the United Matawan; was enlisted In the S tates. • U. S. Navy as a seaman re­ all cruit for a minority enlistment DIBUfie 1q -G erm any and was sent to the naval Army P v t. B ruce A. D iBlase training center, Balnbrldge 17, son of Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Md., for hls^ecnilt training. DiBlase, 42 Washington St., this equipment... Seaman Booket attended Keyport, recently arrived in M ataw an lUifh School and w as Gtrmany and Is now a mem­ processed^ for enlistment in ber of* the Second Armored per month th* Navy by the local Navy Division...... recruiter, Petty Officer' First How undergoing rigorous •prie* .w y MwrWinf l* Class Alfred McDonald, of the training aa part of the U. S. pricing peltry. Asbury Park Recruiting Office Seventh Army, the Second who Is In Matawan at tht- post Armored is ' maintaining the office on Friday each week. . peak, efficiency in thrust find mobility that earned Its re­ National Guard Review , putation of “Hell on Wheels” Price includes a standard Ford V-t engine-the hest-aeUinK eight Leonard J. Porcelll, Sgt. In World W ar II. M aj. of the 644th T a n k .B a tta l­ i; .. Direct From Pvt. DiBlase Is a construction ion, New J^eraey National specialist ln the division's 11th • » the:ttorM • Tivo- tone, pa in t • White aide,mil tires •MagieAifm Guard', has announced Mint the Engineer Battalion. He annual review of troops for all entered ihe Army lost Sept­ • Turn signals • Lifeguard jmddeflMiiUletl control panetitahel nand nd swtu n i visors.r . W . ^ , ‘ t r ’ New York Style Centers units of the Unttalion will be ember and completed basic held at the Red Bank Armory training at Fort Dix. on Wednesday at 8 p.m ., nc* • FuH-jloto oil filter • Oil bath air cleaner • Girrying charges * cording to a release from Lt. Receives Advanced Training Values Up To $5 98 Col. H ans A, K esnler, B attal­ Army Pvt. Richard. J. Lnn • Insurance • If your old car is of average value il should more 1 ion Commander. The review znro, 19, non of Mr. and Mrs will be tendered to Mnl. Gen, NONE HIGHER THAN , Catello R. Liuutvro, Matawan than cover the doun payment • State and local t a x e s ^nd license extra, •? Edward O. Wolf, Commander Is receiving advanced infantry You'll like their styling, of the 50th Atinorod Division. training in the Fourth Armor­ N, J. National Guard. ed Division nt Fort Hood. Tex, y o u 'l l appreciate Iheir C*4 Units participating will In- The division, reactivntcd* in . fin* moleViols, you'll rec- *r culdc Hq„ llq.-Svc, Co., Medi­ June 1051. In now undergoing ognire Iheir tuperior cal Dot., Co. A and B, all of a comprehensive (raining pro­ Limited offering! COME IN AND TA jjt TR£DE NOW! t’.e Red B.*i,k A rm ory; Com ­ gram The unit won fame ln workmanthip. In gay col- pany C, Freehold, and Com­ Normandy and Bastogne In • oil w 'llK Iiimi t K a t flatter. Mesaanlne Floor pany D, Toms Hlver. MuMc World War II. for the review wll be furnlMi- Pvt. Laiunro. a 1054 gradu­ George S. Barrett & Son ed by the Fort Momnouth ate of Matawan High School Army I?and. rn tered the U. S. A rm y In rry Co. , The public li cordially lnvlt- N ovem ber 10W, an d r complet* MAIN STREET M A 1*3100 MATAWAN • t e 'a t n e f r / '‘ ,M ed baidc training at Fort Dlx. l ”.<. ! New Holmdel Exchange Jewish League Heart they could be recorded. Injures Eye Panel Presented At Grand Jury Prol>e Those who could be. interro­ In addition to these deaths, Cub Pack 93 Plans Retired Missioner there were . numfter of accl- The Monmouth A new telephone exchange gated all agreed they had W hitney fi. w ill be Introduced — . w ^— ————:— — r—- - 1 dents whieh-br^u^V-Jniury-t-o^ vitic The-HtvrrAugitst-^tlebsattFtr asked •Mr, Copt to down j residents. A Matawun t* hear testimony- from three in Holmdel Township, May 6, replacing the present'Holm* a retired Methodist mlssionej: the pace of the car, which wasjgiri. Miss Mauveline L. Bilar- Discuss' Relations magasine distributors and six who spent »ver 30 years in newsstand owners concern* New* Of Interest In del 9 designation, Charles J. estimated to be going 80 miles jcayk. 18. of 14 Main St., may Between Home, School Shcrrard, New Jersey^ Bell Africa, was Uie guest speaker per hour, and he had refused.* lose the sight of an eye as a Ing the distribution of liters, Morganville Area re su lt of a crash in the snow lure which has been called Telephone Company mtnag* at th^ecent meeting of the The c ra sh Occurred at 1:58 lire lmd his car towed jaway. A panel of teachers and the The March Cub Scout theme, er In Ked {Unit said last on Route 34 Monday. The(car "offensive and- ftbscene” by Matawan Jewish League. a.m.* according to patrolman she. was driving skidded into i t-V ear-o ld G irl W f -principal ■ - ^of * - • Morganville “ U nder live S ea," w as discus* w eek. I - ...... >• the Monmouth County Feder­ D uring y ears of m issjonary Volk. - the path of a tractor-truck An n- j?ear-old- g I:f-l,#, ,. school presented 'a program ation of Holy Name Societies. sed at a mieting of the plan­ In addition,\ the last four struck down by, ahiailto Moa* digits of all party numbers work, the Rev. Klebsattel and Mr, Cope wag taken by Pat- driven b ^ E r lc le O row , 44. of at the March meeting-^* the Testifying were. Joseph ning committee of Morganville South Oaonr Park, L. I., anti day wiiile she and two friends Pack 93 at the home of Mr. also will be changed by June his wife have met and worked trolman Volk to Dr. J. P ParentTeacher Association Herig, manager of the Jer­ owned by the Vanldeistine plaj eil in the snow , K ath leeij iey Coast News Co., Asbury and Mrs. Fred Ludemann. SO, when delivery of the new with m any A frican tribes, ob-, Cooper; Matawan. alter the O'Neil, Laure: Ave., W «t held- Jast week in the school. telephone directory Is begun, Co.. Long Island City. Park;George Evensen,of the The pack meeting will.be held serving t h e i r customs and accident. The physician pro KnuisbuiK jvas reported in The' topic “Relationship Be- tomorrow at the Independent Mr. Sherrard said. This will Mr. Grow told Patrolman American News , Co., Nep­ mores. .A collection of hand nounced Uie driver of tho death good condiUon tills morning at. tweet) -Home' and School" was Volunteer flrehouse. Plans al­ permit operators to give re* John Kinnnne. Matawan Rl''erview Hospital, She waa tune; Jack Alexander, own­ carved articles a n d hand car .to be under the influence of Township Police, he was head* " pre&ehted with the schoo! cur- er of the Freehold News so were made for a cub soft­ ports on falls, to numbers made metal objects, exam­ Admitted ior a possible leg which'bave been changed or liquor and ' thereby unfit to ed Routh on Route 34 when he ■ -rlqulum explained by "Mrs. Service. Six new sstand dp*' ball tenm. Ticket* for the an­ ples of native art, 'were used fracture. ■ ; * HowJpUd Hammond, primary nual Scout show at Convention disconnected, he said. ' drive a motor vcblcle. The car saw the „Uil&rcsyk far skid Edwnrd J, oross. Middle eratars, picked at random by to help-illustrate his experi­ completely wrccked, was towed I near the -entrance to the Manto department; Miss Margaret Hr!!, Asbury Park, on Apr. 21 The changes are part of lid., Norlh Centerville, wa» Prosecutor Vincent P . Keu* ences. ^ t° the_O.K. OaraBc, Ma^a\s^n. | Contracting J^o^ driveway. "Mr. A rnold, reading' M rs. . Vin- were distributed. The pro- preparatlonfor a nationwide —At—present, -the—Rev. and driving un 8,1 ,.nuel Ave,. West - _P«JTj _*!»Q_tesilfled«______dialVyslem io be trialalied tri ~ Mv."~C6pe w as arraig n ed on ' Grow said -h e drove > his* truck TjB€Htr—Droug htonT- a rit SmeticT The move to ban (he alleged ceeds^t this-show_wni t>i used Mrs. Klebsattel .reside In El- Keansburg. #hrn Ji» spotted, » ' Mrs.* H arry Giloly, social stud- for the camp fund. a few years. __1T ’ a CRUsing - death - by - auto i Into a snowbank on the should* girl pushing two friends on • Indecent literature was initi­ beron, where their home is c h a r g e_bftorr Magistrate | er of the road to try to avoid ;«les: - and^ William Grenger. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beyer Because of the rural nature Well stocked with the m any sled Just norlh of Middle Ru. . ated by the Clean Literature of Holmdel Township, there James H. Martin, Matawan, the skidding auto but it was to .language'arts. Committee of (he Holy Name have returned fx-o m v*a two- ourios and momentos collect­ The two girls rolledj.off. snd;. _haa_ t»cen_a com m unity dial, Friday, and-was..released .ou an avail. ^iiLiE5bert"_:__Sena,— principal.-* -So c l e t j—of " St; 'Joseph’s .week Caribbean cruise-on- the ed- during-years as ^-mission7 avoided the oncoming aut# liner Mauritania. system In effect ln llolm del er. The Rev. Mr. Klebsattel $5000 ball to aw ait heariim Mins Bilarcsyk wus taken lo but - K athleen could, n o t ; get . opened the discussion by em-l Church, Keyport, under the Monday, lie was represented Mrs. Marcellus Quackcn- for more than 16 years. extensively, speaking before Perth Amboy General H^spit- out of the way. Tlie RCCideht pbating certain facta in teach- direction of Frank Shea, by RalplT'Heuser, Matawan M by MaUwan First A id inff. He said tha. primary ob-1 carm an. ~in ^ cooperation**! ^ *nd Mr»- «•'c - Q^acken religious,’ social, and cultural happpned at 9:30 a.m. i /ere among the local groups. - , . attorney, lie also w|)l face a wiuad where slie was treated West .K eansburg F lra t AW ' Ject of the sclio;rU ts> produce with the county orranliatlon. drunken driving charge prc- residents who attended'the Tor a bad eye Injury und an ir,embers treated Ihe girl al . dem ocratic citizens. He ndd^ Appeals have been made to A' sliort business meeting Jej^recl_b>'_Cll!eLjlQhn-J..li'lood^ International Flower Show at Woman Elected Head .followed the—spea ke r —P1 a ns -fnjijry-to-llip-kneeT— She-waV ii.* scene; and took-lrerlo th*"' ed that a- great responsobillty.. .communities - In—the—oounty- of borough police The W nnam nker building in are underway for the closing released yesterday. Her car lu sp llal, nas oeen thrown on the school, to adopt ordinances to make Capt. J. Edaar Wilkinauii, i \vas battered . in along I t s New- York.' dinner meeting'in June with Two Women Hurt ’ : and that the'home, the churcn st&tfe and county laws more Of Madison GOP Mat-awan Townahlp Police, as- front and hactto be towed from Qeorge Murdock and son Lewis Bloom as chairman, Two Keyport women wera ' . .and the- community each linj effective. Thus far, an ordin­ slsted Palrolinaui Volk In hand Robert, le.'t Friday to attend and Mrs. J. Selling^r assist­ the scene by file Mamo trac­ severely Injured Saturday night -'^ a responsibility to the : ohll* ling the nceldent. rj Mr. Cope ance has been passed by At­ a dispersal sale of short horn­ Mrs. A . Zelenalc tors which also pu% d lhe In s \ outslfla !y’ dreiii.-’He said the frame of ing. contended he was forced oif lantic Highlands; one Is up ed steer at Mars.iall, Va., On Replace* Chamberlain M rs. S. Lazow and M rs. L, Vanldei'stlne truck free, ■» thfi area, It o c c u n id near tha ^mindv-of" the child coming lhe road by a car comint for public h e a r lrr In Keans­ the trip down they visited with Bloom were hostesses Jor the tied Uank M an Hkliln Edison Biidgt, 'entrance on - to school-Is. a great Influence, burg, and \i>i^n««ires have At the regular meeting of south a n ie was liesdfid north .Robert. J. Ballweg, as, New ijiehfeel Ryniewicz, newly Mr, M urdock’s sister, -Mrs, the reffeshment-s th a t follow* tbe.'Woodbrldit Township side. been: discussed-in Ke' rort Ruth Shinn, Silver Springs, t£e Madison Township Repub/ on Freneou Ave. Both offic­ Monmouth, sustained a . gnsh tlTi'elriber of the board ed. . The women were reported Id ' and Middletown Township. • Md. lican Club held Mar. 13 in tj>e ers reported their investigat­ across his mouth and ail In­ or*education, attended t h c fait; conditloir yevtefday. On Monday. Mrs. Thomas Cheesequake Flrehouse John ion failed to uncover-witnesses jury to Ills-ribs Saturday when meetfng and discuwed the prj\ Wilkins Appeal* . , Injured were (he driver. I Antisell attended the planning L. Chamberlain resigned . as to substantiate this. .... a car driven by Carl Smith,' M ra .1 B ertha Thovhe, a#, IB - ..'L jjosed'-'/'- im p ro v em e n t to the Joseph Lrfroski ;; * president because he is a Can­ Assault Verdict • ■ j 41, Red B auk, skidded co'ining T7pJfly?rbuhd at the MDrgnnviUe m eeting !of C hingarora Dls- Fulton at.. vihqL was admitted H\s JOtK. BiflNday. ... Jrict, Boy ScouU, at St, Mary’s didate .for the Madison Town­ up the grada-on Home 38, nrnr Tr7TSeliflolr-7,nife^o:,sanl2ation'rweiit App£nl lias been filed by In "p o o r" condition at . Uie HalU Keyport. A demonstrat­ ship Committee. The club un­ Chlngttiara Ave,, Keyport,- and yiia record 'requesting thaif The Three Deaths, Many Perth Amboy aeneral Hospl- - - Joseph-..- L aroski, Unlo n ion--of-—the^- making ’ of biVd animously elected .Mrs. An­ H arry W ilkins,-F ifth .S t.r Mn-' spin across the -road-Inlo Site ;ard ot,-educa *4onr level ~8tid tawan, nBalnat .a decision by - iCohtinued trom piHe uiiei tal a lte r - suffering --br'tilm-^ of Beach, .celebrated , his L 10th fe.eding - stations :was given. drew Zelennk as his successor. p a th : of the BallwfcK oar;: - ^• b lS C ^ p p ^ W . playpround sur*- Magistrals Luther A, Foster, li'art attBck brought on by the lhe chest, lacerations of th# birthday wIDTt’-."party'"at his Also a sound film on bird calls This is the first time in over Mr,-Ballwcg waf| laken by head and a. pbaslble frac tm a face/-at the pearliest' date* pos^- 20 years that a woman has Matawan Township, M ar,' 13 exei'tlon of shovullng snow.­ home j-ecsntly. Refreshments ivas shown 6ince t hfe cub . Mr. Sell waa a vetorah of Keyport First Aid Squad to n of ihe skull and rlBht leg. Her ';.: -sible;:.-^He-. teachers^aTi'Cl .prin* presided ove.r this Republican fining him $10 mid tS costs on Keyport physician for treat, fv clpal^^were Infavor • of .the \vere served and favors given theme for April is birds. World War I nnd was a mem' passciwot', Mrs, B in I I ir to all guests. Prizes were ' Mrs. Joseph ^ LaMura, Jr., organization. __ an assnult and battery count m en t of Ills Injuries. Hotti -,:inpv'cs4i:: ‘ ' * bor of the Uiilon of OponUIn* French, mrf of 80 Fullon .st,, Mrs^ Zclenak Is a past pres- and Imposing ji !fO-dny.su$pend- AU5P^.cLbusin ^ j^ ..o ^ VaJe^5klrMa^won by Nickle Strano, w^ AM..pru;-Barbara- and Mfrs. R obert S eb er; Jr.. nngltieers, Local (!H. lie -WUH­ flUiLJJIJ^u_toW^eyiJi:nm_Uifi4nuHeTed-abr«aloh»-oW)fttli4ag»- 'W5iT “csyTiostessea at a plastic^ IdCHVof the Browntown Par* ed-.sentGncff ln“the colliity_]aU. scene on order of piitrolman niid bruises of tho chest, 8ho conducted "by- MrsV"\V-ill!am The complSkt. was filed by an JExemiit Fl.roman and a chnik. HoUtess for; the after- demonstration at Mrs. LaMti- ent-Teacher Association, and tR cm ber-of Uio Sohm ilat Tt'.uok. W illiam peas e, Koyport was reported lu "fatv" erudi­ GrenftCr,. prior to; the p:q- Clarence Fellowcs as the re* ao:n \vas--Dlane .Maiicinl, ra 's hom e M ar. 13. •M rs. The* has been active In the Repub> and Hose Fli'o Co, . Pollct*. D am ane to the Hall- tion a t tliu liospl.al, • • grrmV'.the Attendance brnner lioan Party for several y^ars< suit of an alleged bnttle tn the wfcu.ciir was estlmiUcd at >400 ••-V.’irr awn.fleU-.ij Miss- -B ’ rer fl.’te id irq xyere Ml odorc ^Hoffman was the, dem­ - He Is survived by his wifi, Tho clrlvov of the sooomt c ar fchael Strano,Janies.,and Myr- on strato r. TVh-iV ij^tYes~^yi.ttr-h er—hugbarnd- ^trgat bftvvomi Uift-»iuii-ttt.-(l;3n m ul ,wl- t HI)0 lo Bm llli^h— —:----- r Cr!ng*s uihsL ipn^P n W TiTH,. ^iidiuu —tScdtiuiii :;3Pit7 mvuivml m tilt!'in i ii li a1 p wiut . were - Mrs.. J^D ouilas Alt' and three chlldren’ln the Ced­ a.m . Fob. 27. M r. Followes and a sister, Mra, Ida Up- Two snow aeclCent victims Oerard' Mlrablle, 34; of 34 Mn\v .rmnounceajhn ths-fllm-sl-ips » J g £ j£ claimed Injuries. A counter Mrs. Delores Bresney, Mrs. ar Orove section of the Town­ hpuse, Bloomfield. . were reported Improved at Brook Dr., New Monmottth. ship,. b e 'S v e d :‘b*;'!fr0ap-'^ d J3.;e:^ji Lanzfiro, M rs. Eugene complaint nn the nssnuit count Funeral Bervlcca aro being RtV%rview H ospital yesterday. He stiffSred lacerations of Uie Lanzsro, Mrs. -LouM -Peter­ The club tnUiualastlcally en­ filed bj; M r. Wilkins against Tieid’Oils m orning a; 11 o ’olock One was John Uavluo, 33. of 4idse aiu r wa»'” rtl]eBst!l~n'fter-: him was dismissed. Edward lollowlpg-’nllotvin®-'the the mcc'.ing.mpfirp. - Uj.on .Bea^h, Kaie-i and R.c- son. Mis.' Alethft—McCormlclc, dorsed and pledged full sup­ at Jt.h-c -Qundrum_.fler.vicc, <7 Lower Main Hi.,^1 r.uwynu, .treatment. Bt, John's-W rit kle MnjewF’ci, Cliffwood Beach Ml?, Peggy-LaMura, Mle« port^ In- the-comln*—primary Wise, Jr., R ed-B ank; w as’ Mi' Home for PunerBls, South Am' who Is Beoretary of the Mata­ Aid Bqund, yorda, responded W- ^ Y- .^ acdrJaniLs^SieTerr ^nB-19'n^-lnMna-LLaMur*, »llt-ol_Moiu. election to the HeBuIftr Organ­ Fellowes attorney. Mr. Wllk boy..,: ..In K im e n t w!» . b?. .IO-. wan Township P .1 aji nlng tn lhe call. 1 ' ' iS Px/l ', kc5i t ^ n r s i ‘in th e.evening the guests In-1 Danville; Mrs, Peggy Dietz isation 'Republican candidates ins will be represented by Leo Clii'lst , ■ Chuich Cemetery; BoartH" Mr. 0avlnor« caFtfcld- M ra.--Jean-ar«y,-M ata- to r- cjounty -committee!—Dis­ Weinstelq, Matawsn, oil- the dedonthelce 8aturday:"nnd A-.-L.tU.U.H L.U«S UI.IUm. m. i»*»i n SduUTXinlioy. “ •" ~ Mr. and Mr3. George Mansini, \vm, and Mri, Mary LaMura, appeal. - h it a bridge abutnienl on by-the Bra^/nics ofj Tro.p trict 1, Mr*. Catherine Kaslmlr Suffers lleart Attack _ Freehold. - . -Rotile-3ST—Centerville^— West under the d’rection o.‘ Mvs. D.;'Geor?e M ncini, jr.. Mvs. and C,._ J,„JKIrschm*n>_iJ!a-t Mr. Wionko suffeiea a heait F ran k B alducci, M rs. . J sa n . Mrs. Thomas Antisell pres­ : .lom im rafcepl. en : :-Th:irsday. tflct a, Mr*. Bette Nellson and attaok andWas found dead hi Keatisbffrg;. First Aid Bquad iPruchnik, Union BsachT Mr. ident, conducted the meeting * There card^ - will -be-senj- to Charlea Roas, Jr.; dlatrlct 3, One Still “ Poor” the cellar of 111* home Saturday gave him emevganoy fid for Quick Battery Scry ice /v a rio u s Vospitftls arid Mrs.' John Majewslcl^Cliff- of Holmdel Ladles Aid when Mrs. Myrtle Adams and John afternoon. Madison .Township severe cuts about Hie face and wood Beach; Mr. and Mrs.. Joe the group made plans for a (Continued from page onal liead and theh took him to the ! and home?, ~by the A m erican Conover; dlatrlct 4, Mra. Shir­ Police said the vlotlm had beon Jiosre and son, Joseph, and food aale In April. ~ A- theatre ley Youne an d Kenneth Volk, the car with the six rid­ hoapltal. Keyport Stale Po COLOT'S, Malawan Fr.ends Sr.vice C:mmlttee‘ in^--»»{?«.u*--e ■ shoveling snow all morning and Pnflflrf^iin'n- •- ' t ; - dautTh.erg, , Dora/ and Nina. party Is planned for May. Bank*; dlatrlot B, Mr*. Irene ing In It- had- left. -Marlboro Pnllade.pu.a. - , • ciirrwro.V Mr. and^ Mrs. louls Township iand was being ^dri v­ that lie went to the cellar of lila The‘Ladles Auxiliary of the Haley and Ralph Roberts; dis­ home to put lila shovel away. Sieger,; Long- Island; Airman Morganville Volunteer Flrt en Into Malayan by Mr. Cope tric t I, Mra; Evelyn DeHart —Patrolman Oeorg* Hanapnr Second Class M.' DlM»tteo, Co. held a successful -dance and William Joyce; for town when lt W^nt sut sf conliol on Fort Dix . . : Freneau Ave. near Wilson who investigated, said Mr. on^'Satur^gy when,music was sTilp committee, Mr. Chamber­ Wronko had been suffering furnished by Uie "Jesters." lain, Cedar Orove, and Horace Ave. It went off the road, hit' Enjoy one pf Amet'lca's great Pjlresjer«_»»Rrded--to-Tom- tlng._a....directional.-algn_tlien. •W.-Anderson,—Southwood—Dr;; he apenl-tWe mpntha in it New freedorasr“ TCU6ifd- \He cKuvch my Smith, Keyport; Miss Old Bridge; for tax assessor. smashed into a utility pole and of your choice this weekend. Mary Farrell, Morganville; turner over. - ' ..... York hospital last' year. Leonard Massom, Laurence —He-waa pronounced dendiby- afldrrJerold ~:Llpkus~W lcka- —M atawan-First- Aid—Bquad took all thoBe In .the car but Pr. Julius Delcau, South River. tunk. "'■ ' . ' ; ' HosteskM. for the evening w era. WM,,-Bi,aiiy.«4, U> V,the'.' hospttal In Theft Of A & P Bread- M ra. Z elenak. M rs.1 B, C. M ac­ Htfck’a w a\i cia, Mrs.. James Kuslmir, ced­ Sroqounoed (dead on(*rrlvvere_ solved .,enrly , -Tuesday- held - In- the- American—Legion fractured skull,-..The coroner, when ji Cllffwood Beach man Hall, Old Bridge, on Tuesday took slatementa from the oth- and his- juvenile^ “companion" evening, A prrl Or at 8 o'clock. ci'h brought. to_the hospital, so. w^re' takeh Into’ custody with the" back of thelr' car laden* Mi»» Phyllit Hoban with freshly baked cakes, bread and doughnuts.v Shower Honor, Guest - i While on patrol in tlie late A surprise shower wns .held hours, Patrolman Charles In honor of M iss P h y llis- Ho­ jBolce and Special Officer-Jos- ban. »l Broadway, Keyport; at : epti Lexkowlcz, Madison Town­ the Odd Fellows Hall, Main St., English M otors , s h .1 p —Pallet, came upon Keyport. Mlsa Hoban receiVed : C harles L. Culkln, 2S, of 3S many gifts. ~ Cllffwood W a y, ClIffwoocT Those attending were;'Miss j Beach, and a minor making Dorothy Ludwig, Miss Marge LINCOLN • HERCDRY I b a th r o o m so m uch noise ln Bn auto the.y Carroll, Miss Myra Brown, "were warned by the officers Miss Virginia Chrlstatliakls, they, were disturbing the sleep Mlsg.Lllllah Tracey, Mrs. Mur­ NEW AND USED CARS . of persons living nearby on --yey-can be proud of ... ie l JiU dw lg. M rs. M arjory Ho- _Uii_Monmeulli m fe»t Oj*«ll« <;arll«n Tti*>lr* Laurence PirM rtjC- The- of IF ban, Mrs. P st Simonson,. Mrs, cera-reported the antics of the Mary Christsthaklsr’M rsrU ot unusual pair led them to de­ C alam aras, and Mlsrf C ather­ Red Bank 6v454y — ^0176 modern-styled fixtures cide To check on them' again Ine Infantl, all of Keyport. ' after an Inspection . of the Also Miss 4arle Car/ie, Mrs. Laurence ' Harbor business area. ; - 1 . Dorothy Decker, and Mrs. Lil­ b y AM EM CAN-c$ta«toJ lian Hodgeson, Cllffwood ;- M|s« The officers nottd bread and 8lil-.ey White, .Mrs, Evelyn pastry usually left on night de­ Danielson, Miss M adeline livery at the A & P was not In M Your bathroom is the mo»i important room ln your home. 8orce, and Mr^. Florence evidence. AllowlDg for a de^ While, Union Beach; Miss ’ Jlfake it more conwnient,' more beautiful with smartly-.lyled layed delivery due to t h e Barbara Magyar, -Miss Arlene do you Morm. they, checked the locat­ Schmidt. Mrs.- Sylvia Ahearn. « riu r« by American-Standard. You’ll be pleaiantly miipriaad ion of the Culkln car and found and Mrs. Anna- ^reie, Laur­ H stalled. One look In Uie MAKE -^tisjnfidtsLi'O ht — a)id you cart chooae from a vnriety of bMUr- ence Harbor; Miss nose KU‘ back told for. the officers- what pea, Miss Belty O Hrlen. «nd tifbl inlors and models. ’ '• - . , - ■ had become of ’ the missing Mr*. May Conroy, cllffwood A h P bread and pastry. Beach. _ ...... Chief Edward Adler, town­ Also MIm Robert: Robinson, CALLED HIM ship police, questioned Culkln Mra. Joan Barba, and Miss COME IN TODAY FOR ffiff ESTIMATE about the missing goods and Barbara Sheppard, Keans­ drew admission of theft. Pa­ burg: Miss P at Hanley, trolman Bolce then signed Cheese'qitake;. Miss Pat Huls- IRATELY? both a disorderly and a lar­ art, and Mrs. Helen Pokallus', ceny complaint against Ihe Malawan; Mr*. Stella Frrse Cllffwood... Seach man. — His *nd Mrs, Al Fasiler, New rarely Juvenile companion wai turn- ’ Brunswick; Mrs. Rlla'Hoba'fi', Probably note->0U •d over to county authorities. Mr*. Lorraine Herman, Mrs, , TFiVn yoii will liV« IK* iir'vice ollliii bonk,.... '* Etta Qrnario. and Mrs K itty need telephone repair . ^ , Prominent Sculpturer 1 lioban, ■ N ew ark: Mrs.- Her- olwoyto.clow sympothy nei‘vice time days , V Formerly Of Matawan nice Coll, Morgan. *virt> lit* problemi of overage men and Women Franclsiek Olstowskl, form­ —piut cf quick feadinin to cooperole in Retiring Cuatodian wuan'l loo jmrny years ngo, WM It, Wh«n erly of Matawan, Is keeping Honored At Dinner very busy at his home;ln Cor- 1 financial moller*. Serving you ii our oillinK I lie leleplione repairman wns a prtU y inii Chrlstl, Te*. Mr. Olstow- On Mar. 15, the chief custo­ bv»in*ijT ond it ii oljo a pleotura, roiiniKin event? Nowadays you no«d his »*r- ski Ij art director for the De- dian of tlie Orove fit. School, ■ vires once in n liliif moon (nvm ige: 2>fi jear*), |ja:lirier,r or Parks and In the Irvington; Wjiltom 0~Schnei­ way of extra work holds clas*- der, Church Bt., Matawan. wai A ctu ally , Ihe leas y o u n r r d re p a ir w ork, ti* '-V in sculpturing. Altogether honored at s surprine dinner liellifr we lik.i il, h menna thnl t*lephot»* V - nbcml 50 students, Including and gift presentation, held at children and adults, attend his the Meadowbrook Hestaurant, vice i« Ix-romlnK ever mor« reliab le.'" A ^ 10-week course which meets at Ihal'a Dm Ilrst job of tho 2 S .S 00'"’I JOHN ELBRECHT Cedar Orove. o. the recreation center. About 75 guens attended wonmii of New .lenicy H ell. 6S Ravine Dr. Matawan 1-2155 The students choose their Uie affair, which was.televised, THI own subject rnmring from a Thof.e present were )larry J, giraffe, a matador, an ele­ Donovan, Jr., principal, Mrs MATAWAN Bhoulil you naed him.- phant, to a linn <|f the teacher Donovan, faculty and Maffl you II Ami s trltphona ll-B* h!in*elf. One woman pays her , member^, nnd i*pTr*fnt*Mve:i ; III* (Imr** It, Ciimall, l'" k; CHARLES E . IIUFFT fun a per.ny a minute Ut po*e I of the Parent-Teacher Af^,ocl'i BANK mi lire J«,li(„,i, J „ it J ^ i d l ...... ill," 32 Park Ave. Matawan 1-2182 as her subject. ~ ’ • i atJrjn. : llciinlr F. rvl^.e, • Ti-.e fliiu ie, a ie molded of j A cafh gift pjrr.fjj*.cd clay on bate* built of wue: by Mr. Donovan to M r. h MAU //AN, NIW IIIIIV paper fnd plaster of psris. | «e! -aJI) jeiJre this After the clay Ilcure is com­ NKW JEltBEV OKI,I, m onth sfler a o u siie r o: a TKL* O H N J. MULLER pleted. a mold is m ade and century In t' h e IrvlMjflon ® -K1HON* COMPANY then the sculp:u:e Is cast in School fijtiem. * , Lifcfrly St. , Matawan 1-2417 either a atone ml* or pla'.ter. - y r t, No)r»f»n fipeneer. MMUnMIMItftWI Mr. Ol.towskl (iliru to visit m em ber t ! the faculty. . mmtMt (nm unm Matawan In June...... chairm an o', arrangement*, Esstsr sesls plsy a p&rt. thii vlded by tie nitlon»l orjin111* For 75 Years The Red Cross Has Been | Promoted By Utility year will bring Important, ne­' tion. - ' cessary rehabilitation help to over 2000 New Je rse y crippled eaches Mid-Point ~ana~SaudlcajjpedTJeople.Achl' dy^ttefidi vendent of our 1858 goal will * 'NoihSect.»ri*n After Last Year's All-Time High In,. . . aJj Remaining Time Ii make possible the luther ex­ Funeral Home Expenses, Resources Have Been Depleted Critical Period pansion of this program/the 1361 M aple' I’l- .li ” ^ r.t- . , . chairman added. . : K Tel. KEyport j-lM* _ Puppy Auction By _,Sevgnty-five. ye&i^l^gQ .the —Early—returns—in’ the 195fl~ Of Easter Seal- funds raised WHOAl'MCWO* • * u * Amreican Red Cross was born, master Seal Appeal are en­ in New Jersey, over 90 per , ; - - v * pent are retained by New Jer­ the climax of a Jive-year cam­ YOUR RED CROSS couraging, Alan Sllbergleit, V «H«fa M • •• S*4** “^SPCA In Asbury Park paign by .Clara .Barton to. en­ sey Society and its affiliated prefect? vi fawrtt b th fo* 91 list the support of the govern­ Monmouth County Easter'1 seal county Easter Seal Societies - Humane Treatmcnt ment .in .the precepts of the chairman said today, but the for support of New Jersey ac­ ! Bulletins Prepared Oeneva Conference of 1863, time fre. a, now. until 'Apr. 10 tivities. The balance goes to­ which prompted the convention remains J critical for the hun; ward the support of the nation­ wide program of education, . ! preparations for'a-bdoUi'7j;o or 18M. It was a t this con­ dreda of crippled children a'qd ’be maintained at Ihe .Caval- vention that the’ first .£reaty consultation and research'pro- in international law to: aaBure. adults who look to Easter seal- T-icade ’ of Progress,-.;,: yyaljury supported treatment and re­ ■ -Park, by the .Society,;, (dr- the protection to wounded soldiers ■ prevention of Crilfiity. o f" Ani­ and the caring for them, was habilitation services - for. help throughout the year. The East­ mals were' discussed : at- the signed^ Today the^Jled Cross “ regular~nionthly.^ineettn£ 1Gr counts- ?!) societies limongnts" er seal-perlod_will reach-mid- point this week-end. ■ - the'board of directors.1 The members , throughout : t h e CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY “To-insure the continuation ■ ''irieitih? was held at'/the home Wrld. , . ' . , 10 MAID ST. TEL. KE 7-U91 KEYPOHT of Mr. and M rs., V incent ' M l­ Clara Barton guided the Red and vitally needed growth of MISS ItOSEMABI KENNEDY our Easter sea1! projects, for ; letti^jumson. --1 v. : Crops from 1881 to 1904.. At WIILLIAM 8. SALLY that time, activities were lim­ the crippled and handicapped, - Mrs. EdwlOr . B erg er, presl- Miss Rosemarl Kenendy, 0 projects which this year will .dent of tie ibpre frea, auxili­ ited primarily to dlsa&tej re­ o n the job William S. Sally, Asbury South Circle, Woodbrldge, re­ lief work. The American Red bring essential help to many, lt ary, told the;' boalrd .th at the cently completed 25 years of Park," has been promoted to will take Easter seal gifts for members will man the. booth Cross saw Its first war serv­ service with the Jersey Cen­ ice in the Spanish-American the position .of sales promotion these crippled people from for. the entire, -show, beginning tral Power & Light Company. The Red CroSs does not el War of 1898 and received its its service to the serviceman representative'of the Jersey thousands of our warm heart­ Apr, 9. The d irecto rs agreed Miss Kennedy-is—commercial ed Monmouth County residents to iiuc'.lon off puppies to tlie first~gov«hmehtal^e'cDgnltlon,' when he becomes discharged. Central: Power ii-Light -Com­ SAVE manager of the company’s On three‘more occasions, the to do the Job." : highest bidder; at jthe show, Keyport district, a position she It helps ex-servicemen and pany, Fred I. Smith, sales ■"One small gift from every WITH providing ".'successful bidders Red Cross has gone into bat­ women ln co-operation with has held since 1040. She first tle, helping those on the front, manager of the company, re­ one of us in Monmouth Coun­ Cureful driver? Tlien will show evidence ' that they was employed by the company the Veterans Administration. and those at home. ’ cently announced. He was, ty who has received his' 1956 can provide a proper home ln Sayrevllle, transferring to The disabled or hospitalized Easter Seals will make this you can save with for Ihe-puppies. Mrs. Befger The Red .-Cross has a broad veteran, has a friend and coun­ formerly a sales representa­ SAFECO Keyport as a senior clerk In range of community services. year a m e m o ra b le ' one ln SAFECO and havo ' reported that dog food manu­ selor in the Red Cross. Home tive. , AUTO 1947. She is a member of the L ast y ear "over 300 relief op­ achievement and progress for facturers have agreed to give Keyport Businessmen’s Assoc service workers help prepare Mr. Sally will be responsible the crippled." ' better insurance I away, sev eral m onths supply erations were recorded in Red the claims made by veterans INSURANCE latlon, . ■for the preparation and exec­ The local appeal, the chair­ protection; too. Ask- of food to’ persons awarded Cross history In 44 states. Hur­ and surviving dependents for ricanes, floods, and tornadoes u tio n of 'the com pany's sales man pointed out is part of the puppies in the auction. Special Questions government benefits. statew ide appeal for $300,000 Douglas Potter, treasurer brought much disaster to Corps Of Volunteer Nurses advertising , and related pro­ On Consumer Income A m ericans. The R ed Cross is for the support of the broad of ; the ■ county S.P.C.A., an­ The Red cross maintains i motional activities. He Joined and varied program of reha­ ROSSWJAGHAN^f nounced the current building prepared to serve as a relief standing corifs of volunteer the com pany in 1852, follow­ ' Special questions on con­ agent during these times of bilitation services provided by fund drive as past the $17,000 nurses ln all localities to help ing four years of service with New Jersey Society for Crip­ m a rk . The organization is sumer Income, migration and catastrophe by providing shel­ in times of emergency. Cours­ Real Estate — Insurance - . family characteristics will be ter, food, clothing, nursing, the U. 8. Navy.- Mr. Sally at­ pled Children and Adults, tbe try in g to ra ise $50,000 for the es in hom e care of 'th e sick tended grade school la Long statewide Easter Seal Society! Matawan 138 Main St. Ma 1-0003 construction of a new shelter asked in the U. S. Census and suppll&s to the homeless. and mother and baby care are Survey in March, according to Mobile canteens move in to Branch, high school in Wood Thirteen Easter seal-support­ to; replace the current location conducted. All Red Cross nurs­ bridge and ts now enrolled at ed projects located in various a t - Eatontow n. w Jerome Lltzky, Supervisor of provide hot food, and drink and es are registered and profes­ the Bureau’s district olflce at remain on the Job during the Monmouth Junior College. areas, the several state wide Miss Abble Strickland, pres sional nurses. 641 Washington St., New entire emergency. projects operated from New ldent of the Red Bank Auxll York, which will participate . The work of the Red Cross Accidental deaths, the four­ Furnished apartment signs Jersey society headquarters, lary, reported that the Red ln the survey. The. special does not finish when the emer: th leading cause of death, are for sale at this office. and other services in which Bank'group is preparing bulle­ questions will .l^e in addition to gency U over. They aid In reduced by the instruction the tins for school children on the WE H A D If< U t> IN MIND the regular employment and restoring broken families to Red Cross gives in first aid, subject of humane treatment unemployment inquiries ask- normal living. Eighty -P3r water safety, and first .aid on ALL VARIETIES of EASTER FLOWERS of jnlmals: The bulletins will ed-efrch-month-ln-the-curreftt cent-of-their-dlsaster^funds-areL the highways, bast year when we formed this new tnSSfctrlbuted.to-schools-in.UiC-)-^-!' 000 cnrtlfiontes were issued for populatloiraurvey:------expended helping victim s of a l i Monmouth area. Miss Strict those who had completed train­ Supervisor Lltzky emphasi­ catastrophe back on their feet. land: reported that last year a Costliest Period In History ing ln first aid. , business association between set of bulletins. were issued zed that nil information. about ASSORTED PLANTERS and GARDENS Individuals furnished to the However, 1955 was the cost- Among children, too, the periodically to public schools list period ln Red Cross his­ Red Cross Is on the Job. Over —in the county, Tills year the census,. bur^Bu is held In abso­ tory. Stricken families and 21,000,000 school children learn ­ organization has been granted lute confidence under federal JERRY’S BROOK FARM small businessmen were given ed the practical use of.. the permission froni the Trenton law. It .is used only to obtain •Prop. Jerry Pern© aid at the rate of ( 160,000 a Ideals Of the Red Cross; ~'dlocess to jrlso distribute bulle­ sumpiary figures such.ias to­ J. L. SCHANCK & SONS day. At this rato, tho normal through a wide variety of proj­ tins to the parochial schools tals/averages and percent­ - ~ Highway 35 and Clark Street - ages for various, groups in the $4,000,000 allocated yearly for ects. Gift boxes, albums, and ...... ' AND / . . in:the area. exhibit materials are sent to ? New Jersey S.P.C.A. prcsl- population and not to show in; disaster relief was exhausted Keyport , Tel. Keyport 7-2741J quickly. The $10,000,000 con­ children in foreign schools, dent, Dr. .Smith, will be the formation for particular fam­ ilies or individuals. The in­ tributed especially for the promoting understanding and ■ main speaker at the Red Bank good will among the youth of Auxiliary dinner-meeting Mar. formation cannot be furnished Eastern states floods also was AUTOMATIC to any other government used up. During the Chrlst- all lands. Junior members re­ 20. at Peterson’s Restaruant, ceive training classes In hos­ Red Bank; It also was an agency and thus cannot be mas-tlme west coast floods, funds dwindled to less than pitals. te* Mom anounced that the auxiliary used for investigation, taxa­ Ninety-nine out of every 100 Abridge will be. held Apr. 10 at tion or regulation. ’ *1,000,000. — - If Red Cross disaster re­ Red Cross workers are volun­ tMPfiOVfMm the Navealnk Library, The current population sur­ Plans were discussed for all vey is being conducted local­ sources are not replenished be­ teers. In the 3700 chapters in auxiliaries to Join together in ly and In 329 other areas of fore another unexpected na­ the country, there Is a roster HEATING EQUIPMENT chartering a bus to. make the the country this week, tional emergency arises, the 2,000,000 persons, giving aid "trip1 to Trenton -on Apr. 1 to Red Cross, for the first time to military, veteran, and civil­ attend' t h e state S.P.C.A. ln three-quarters of a 'century, ian hospitals, as well as or­ Mike’* Superette would have to be caught oil W . h m jtlK ltd lh . Winkler Htotlno Equlpm«nl b*> m eeting...... " . phanages, homes for the aged, Opens In Keyport the Job...... societies lor. the blind, schools . cavt. it offers YOU troubl»-fra*, dependable, comfort* . Another area ln which tho lor. the-handicapped, J»nd many be»».".\^nklir{i»: " "Help Wanted” ads li>, thta Red Cross serves is with the other'. en.orprlacR. ... r1. ; . : ,a» jll»..V«Fy'■ paper tell you about the goon 'Joseph ’"ahd Mary TVMolR formerly of 4 -High Bt., Mata­ armed forces around tho world Since its inception there-has "H«tt On America's Firing lfne"-l> should I* FfoTon® Jobs,Open. /y. wan. bare .'taken over Uie op­ and their families nt home been but one focus of Red Your List to s m If you need healing equipment. ' . " Classified Ads Get Results eration of Mike’s Superette at Trained workers are stationed Cross activity—service to hu­ 183 First St.. Keyport. Mrs. around the world. At home manity. . - , Stop ln bur show room and ret a. Uve demonstration D’Alola formerly was employ­ the workers provide counsel of this bufner in operation . - ed at Muriel's and was a chef Ui)g ln persona}., and fam ily The New Jersey Depart­ *4We Can Prove Savings DR. LOUIS I.PRAGER at Tourine's Tavern, Matawan. problems, communication fa­ ment of Health recently ap­ OPTOMETRIST Top brands of groceries and cilities, and financial assist­ proved a Boarding Home for - EYES EXAMINED meats will be carried ln the ance in emergencies. A total Children Code for adoption byl hew store at the lowest pos­ cf $13,000,000 w as-provided for reference * by local boards of Its Time To Start Building, Remodeling See-a Winkler Demonstration Before You Bnj - • o f f i c e nouns sible prices; Free delivery this category last year. health. . . And Repairing... Daily and Saturdays will be feature, and the new 9 A.M. to 6 P.M . owners will endeavor to All Orders Given Prompt Attention - Fridays 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. please their customers with ORDER NOW — Wednesdays 9 A.M. to the quality of merchandise J. L. SCHANCK & SONS -T-- ■ 12 Noon cnrrlcd and service given. WATER PUMPS 30 W . Front. St., . v Homo Owners and Contractors 336 Broad St. Keyport ' Keyport "Help Wanted- ads in this For Free Survey and: Estimate CaU Keyport 7-2100 KEyport ’7-2020 paper tell you about the good SELL OR RENT Matawan Lumber Co. Jobs open. ★ Gasoline Driven Pumps The Friendly Lumber Yard Sutpliin Ave., opp. Freneau R. R.'Station ★ Electric Sump Pumps M.Uawan, N. J. Telephone MA 1-2061 ★ Marine and Cellar Pumps GRAND OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS

FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 28 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT r n c r PLANTS' TO EACH SUNDAY. r Ivtilli CUSTOMER Our Biggest Ea*ter Selection_ " Diamond Label MARCH 25th SUGAR FRUIT ! Q f COCKTAIL J 7 l Boy's Sport Coats 5 ibs 4 8 c • N o 2Vi oan ALL WOOL ^ 1 (L 9 5 Site 12 - 20 | || Diamond Label is a w * * -v< 1 tainted*. Still other* work In increaied Sales For than'ihenatiocaltolalof 1M resSdentlal heating , !or the b y holding (Hnner<5FSeter- to this dinner." Further details Training Program At the. pedUtrico department _ jipd Increase. H .,,,j^ j. j ;13^uontl> period, the. i Sea.Sfl Food brill. TRed j^uiy_Jie__obtaj !?:• have, beei>^ta)ne,d ,ca're';tor NJ;J.‘flatu^ 6W'.- re a s i ’ v.:4s ^5.7 'pel"pel- icent.' ‘ Bank, at 7 p.m. ■ ‘ ;-?rs_ up tp: tlie ag;e:‘of lemons The New Jersey' Natural tiailjiltidgi' showed Un' even Dr. H. N._Smith, DVM, flew Gas. Company baa repotted, an gj-e’ate i' Increase, Residential S.P.CA, Holds 2nd ' Jersey's pVesldeut! ot the S.I’.- In the training; prografn ,»t increase of 16.^er,cent in its he^tlhjr- ga^ sales for January C.A.,’ will be the -guest speak- Monmouth Memorial. ,,tiie AnniverBnry Dinner ' Nuriing Aidey gas sales'during the month'of wef t l ,718 U ienns aa^coiti- ei- a n i i i s dinner. A brief h is­ jm piuiL^^reVlpua .education ^*nuary~ »» ViQompared ;\?lth paiydi: t o '4,116,395 in Jan u a ry ‘ The Red Bank Area auxil­ tory of dlhe Auxiliary _ m id'Its -V ?iJiw.bI«A«*iit*nceh need not affect a person's suc­ Jan u a ry ’1955. . increase of 18.6 per iary ol the Society lor tlie alm s and puipSse also'Vwell \ie cess as a potential nursing aid. : O v er 120 nursing aides or Wi Daniel Williams, vice cent, , : Prevention of Cruelty td Ani­ given; ' ■ • " ^ ' Some of the aides at the, hos­ attendants at Monmouth Mem­ president ln charge of sales, For tlie U month .period mals will celebrate lta sec­ Anyone Interested In tlie pital have had as little as eight orial Hospital assist the nurses announced that the firm sold ending Jan. 31, the' ctfmptfffy ond anniversary on Mar. 29 S.P.C.A. is cordially Inlvted ^ in the dally care of patients. years of formal education, 7,650,903 th erm s in Jan u a ry , sold S3,664,022 therm s, or an WOW A group of employees compos­ other have high school diplo­ as com pared to 6,554,843 dur­ increase of 16 percent as com­ ed of people j)f every age. mas or more. If a man or a ing the same month last year. pared to the national industry BOTTLED GAS N o t 202 Not 210. every educational background, woman has a sincere interest The increase is slightly higher increase of 12,1 per cent. In Not.225 ; and every type of Work ex- in helping others, and; if the I periance, the nursing aides fieldj>f nursing appeals £o that constitute. 40 p er cent->-Lp£ TJerson the iuiiniug program as USED .: . o BUT 275 H. P. th e dep artm en t of nursing ser­ a nursing aide is available. f vice. They perform a wide There are certain physical and OTANE ;______^uUiurii6ed_8tudcbakcr- Dealn ...... * variety of serv^c^s in all jJaU- mental_reQuirements for -such SALES and SERVICE— — ent- areas and relieve Regis positions of course, and only Popular Records 39< each tered Professional Nurses to applicants who display an in­ 3 for $1.00 PHILIP MOTORS carry out-the highly technical terest ln patient" care are em­ South Pine Avenue kT duties requiring their'1 special­ ployed In the. program. VILLAGE TELEVISION & APPLIANCE CO. ' ired skill. K E 7-2000 Many or .their duties are nec­ ■ 20 K. Front SI.. Keypnrl Hlchway 35 Middletown So 1-1357 (Old Rt. 35 to So. Amboy) Morga^ :The Increase in the'numbers essarily-routine and they must 26-28 W. Front St. Keyport ‘ of ‘ nursing “aides’ In .modern be. able to adjust to the hospi­ hospitals is the result of in­ tal schedule . arid'work well TT" w in service training p ro g ram s con- Under supervision. Many nur­ ,k 5 ductecl by nursing departments sing aides ftt-the hospital wear -(H- to train person^ wlth jittla. or ^?:®®Xyip.blJP.iitSi--aw.arded._for '-noprevious'hc'stiitiTexperience ’many- years of seryice In this to; perform . skillfully many, of capacity, and they have de­ What makes sales go"up and up'at Grand Union ? the duties required by the.av- rived a considerable sense of ' % ’ e. age hospitalized- patient.1 satisfaction' in performing a . The nursing aid .training pro­ good job in .the interest of gram at Monmouth Memorial others. . • ‘ w * supervised by M’vs. 'Muriel In Jth e ir crisp plnk> uniform s ‘ K ejley, R . N.', a m em ber of the which distinguish them as nu­ - w f ■ mirslng staff,- who, with her rsing aides,' they step quietly staff . of registered . purses, through the patient'areas’dis­ - rt- trains and supervises the pensing the services which - _ " “r activities of nursing aides mean $o much.to the patient's 1 ia patient • areas. These em­ welfare, • ‘ . ployees assist In the dally-care The training . program for of patients, attend to the morv nursing aides Is a continuous nlnff: and evening toilets for one. As aides gain in exper­ —ibed patlfcnts, take ‘And record ience, som e - of them “ enter 7~ pulse, temperature and res­ practical nurse schools to pre­ piration, and assist patients pare themselves to become li­ out^of bed,—serve, caryy an£ censed practical nurses. Since remove frays at mealtime. the services performed by Uie Nursing aides assist in pre­ nursing aides are essential to more and more value-wise people are paring patients for examina­ the efficient operation of thc tion,.. treatments . and labora­ nursing department, new - em­ joining the Grand Parade to Grand Union tory tests. They care for the ployees are regularly -trained . equipment and ^ supplies-used to. assume those duties, In in each p atien t unit, a nd-.gfin:. zadditiott^^i^instruct^oit11? ^ '"■ei-aiiy" contribute io the pati­ ceived at the bedsld6r t)ie nurs­ ent’s com fort; r Moving'^ pa^i ing aide receives , approxi­ •ents from bed to. chair, from mately 30 hours of classroom Bnched-BthBoiiit —- S u ed — Top <)nk patients who have had opera- the- Departmeni of Hospital flops, and under; the supervls- Nursing of the National League! BONELESS Top or Bottom lon'ot a registered nurse, they, for Nursing,'and the U. S. Pub ■attend to that patient’s spec- 11c Health Service. The New Jersey League for Nursing en­ lost Year's Price > 85/ dorses .this ^project, .and _prer. "vides-for the instruction of re- .professional: nurses in . . ' On* Sfop M*of Shopping serviS^ administration and the PORK LOIN ■trflHffltr 5l*M^W n ^ y id e sr &UCED"B&CON lankly Uy WetU - MuU In One iThese ia? itfrfl, .. Leflof. qualified to establish •the nur- BONELESS VEAL ROAST Rump - VARIETY PACKA6E slnir aide training program at Crisp and Juicy" ; ~ ' Afmoor'i 5Ur — Sllnleti NO WHITE ■■■-■ - their respective hospitals. FRANKFURTERS - Cello n B. PeilKt , A«(.Wl. -The current intensive in-serr W INESAP APPLES 2^29^ ^ S.iff* lro«lfUW^—— Fni irJMIjl tt IH. vice program was established SAUSAGE MEAT Cello Rod • 2 at Monmouth Memorial ini CHUCK DOAIT, CHOICI CINllfl CU1 fOUK CHOM, W e’re 1950. Prior to that time, many Fcr Salad Perfection SANDWICH S T E A K S ^-39*- rom iQIH: I0AIT .id OROUNO tn r. of the services now furnished Tender U avti ..Setting , “by nursing aides were per­ CHICORY 2 ”” 19* New formed by— the “professional Records s ta f f .T h r o u g h , 'the..wgiipe?Yl5r Lenten Sttggettion*...... ion and training of attendants Starkist Tuna cKi^u 2*l/j;;59< GRAND UNION W ith Our the professional staff Is . rer Wide lieved to carry on the profess­ Quick Frown • Top Qualify . Freslipak Salt n.i« .r i.di..^ Selection ional responsibilities o! pati­ PERCH FILLET ent care. ^ • . ■ - ; Weston George Inn --/iiotlment 1 Ib. ftif, 39< From Your romUu . no w « i, > H it Parade COP FILLET S W Mazola Corn Oil b'',.33* hJ!: 59^ of Popular E. P. Curran Reminds SALE Center Cui ‘ ; P | | j « Numbers SWORDFISH ,b 5 r Crisco «•" 33* > - 88* With Top Artist Bicyclists Of Laws i j j l / , o*. Vtnlll, . U 'g. - Wkil. ’ Cumpbe"'* i cant McCormick K ,* ^,'27* r^25^ Responsible For Own SHRIHP HevorTreal. ^ '7# ^ tom ato juice LISBON ANTIQUA—N, Fiddle And Others9 Safety Frei^.FulV Cleaned,Dressed Llpfon Tea *£79* Tea Bagi,;1,', 59* Robin Hood—Cap »S7 Armaur | - ZrPOOK PEOPLE Or PAftlS— - With - the M r-a t hint of BUTTERFISH lb3 5 f spring at hand,^Jfs _tlme, CORHED BEEF Sunshine Cheez-lt ; ."A* 19# Troy—<-r«p h i t again for parents to remind 3. BOCK AND ROLL WALTZ— their blcycle-rldlng boytf and K . s u r FRCSHPAK SALAD DRESSIH6 Beech-Nut Baby Food ‘ I ’ve Chaofed My Miod A girls that traffic laws apply Processed Cheeie Food ^ Thoatftnd Tln»r*— Vie 29 (U» to them as well as Vo motor­ ^ Slrelnsd Jen 59* 6 Junj«r Jer* 89* . L. Baxter 4. SO . NOT MUCH—Four U dl ists, advises Edward P. Cur­ CHEE-ZEE 2 lb W 7 9 f Sliced ^I*)! Never Knoir—Tol 400* ran, safety director of Key­ LIBBY PEACHES 5. GREAT PRETENDER— stone Automobile Club. Fancy Grade RlftdUa. # Knilrr H m h r r y I r r a l i P lllte fl ' . L*«n Jert * Daacint P uU tr— , ''There are bicycle laws and sfiss CHEESE b oT 5S.25‘ Asiorled or ftlect ♦ Concord M crcary 10*33 j a bicycle. code governing use For Th«* lyw y Lo. i-25* Yeliow Peeps '.‘ft * ^|*pU‘lpUe , CtiiBte of Heart—Cap 3243 biles In traffic Cltocalelf 0 »«>u Rumble floofiie—Col 4059: Donuts 12'-29< 1*. THEM E yROM TH E “ THaF.R safety and that of others as PENNY OPERA*' (MORITAT) those driving automobiles and Coconut Eggs ',7iV. 29* N»'ir Wnn . Cotomul D. Hyman trucks, _ • One of fa * ROSE-X AMMONIA feUt.it Bajibtc*, Banslfi. md Heads— M-GM 12149 "Bike riders are forbidden Cream Eggsu'i'iI.V:;. * Macaroons II. THEME FROM TUB “TIIRFF. by law to hitch on or hold 29 - PENNY OPKHA’* (MORITAT) fast to any other vehicle, il&uiir’s Tofff* Nency Lynn . H avm an ■ J. A ufim I'll Pe WHh You In carry an extra pnsscnKfr on Easter Bunny )y',r * Apple Mo>*om Time—Merrury the handlebars ot any other 29 Honey Cake HIM part of bike, engage in any H. BLUE flllF.OK KHOFS—C. Peiltlna trick or fancy riding on high­ © F r o z e n F o * d i Stock Up Your Freezer Now With WILSON PRODUCJt Burry'* n w itjy Pon’t—Bo* i m ways. and ride bike on side­ Coimd Beet ii « 4S< 11. IIBARTIIREAK ILOTFL — E. walks uulcss local ordinances French Filed Rite tlm (■ 1,1 15* .. Preiley k Birdseye Frozen Foods Corntd t i l l Huh u .. <•• 78* I K it ihe One—VicYO^tZO direct otherwise. French fri* B* Weevil—Coral 11590 Choppid B ill II m, i*n 35< traffic laws’by all bike riders Potatoes fikoi. Cream of Rite **• ^ 17. nUNOAREB DDI.L-K. F|»her will go a long way toward 6 1 : 8 7 * 1 2 1.69 ChltUrt rilcitti* 11 “ J9* . Everj'bo^y'a & ; Tou Oot Me tT«n4frliif-^Dfr Frpiefi BEEF STEW 30* • HIJ. 01. I O t 01. Cocoa Marsh ! 1 Dance At School Tuns Pies 25‘ 6 6 ‘i t . w i i r r o o u f a i x i n Orange Juice cans 1.0 5 I Mm cam 1 9 9 M oi, o n 1 LOVE • b l in M d i 39* lonllo X :: w | I n , IStbr, Too—M«-Mrrfdfy Cliffwood Parent - Teacher Cauliflower *“ » ^.“ 25' ' i i ; m . Association sponsored a m . LOVKI.Y ONT.—F«»f V altH •'•now" dance at Cllffwood Lima Beans i <1 25' "Contain* • Oeri***™*—C«i«iiaMa 4C44) School Prlday night for the BtMth” J cam J v Mm cans Ji J / \ | | OtTfH&lNT J4«.pV,. 3 7 * /««> o / i t o f t - B a b - 0 ■ — also— children of the achopl. Music Contain* M*gic*l Fluorlit.n wa* supplied by a Matawan M m t m crtircAt tKiionur Find/ D»l*rg*nl D««« tvtrythlng Ig pig, 3 0 ' I 1* Popular Sheet Music High School group. conslMing k (M M k r. ilk rrv UJXO CREST IS?/” ' A ll 'Ar 33* ptq.llb 79* D uz «• 72* of Charles Brown. Joseph Sa- •aftln; Kwl fciwW; M litw r tin. «D kowf.kl and Joseph Peters, and ktat mitt; lia f "irtin" i * c * 6 9 < Copper Cleaner 4^ iCre-Solveiit 2'.:,29*!" 35' Ivory Soap 2 7.1;.'" 17* i Ivory flik« ” ^ Ann Sakowski. vocalist, call' MmI h r w * * 4 t m i p m l « . l « | « ih< In* themselves the Mellow 4 > t ’/ ,. > 1 « j m H v t f f i . j . NEWBERRY Tone*. Douglas Kenner, ORANO UNION Q i» u r y P«U»» I(f«< llv* through Mar, ? fih . Troduio I Duliy tluough M ar. I Cllffwood Bchoo) student, woo KEYPORT tike door p rit* . according to & Mm. Ethfl Boyle, P-TA «r. ' Hi|bway 36, Keansburg Open Tues., and Thurs. Til 9 P.M . — Frl, Til 10 P*M> ]5T. JOHN’S CHOIR REHEARSES FOR EASTER SUNRISE SERJflCE MCOSS Reports On HOW TO CLEANSE FRESH FOODS OF FALLOUT lealth Nurses, *55 Council, Training', ^ Given To Families Service to tuberculosis, car- dlac and cancer patients con- stituled the largest number of therapuetic nursing visits Paint Toll Booths made last year by the staff of the Monmouth County Organ­ Planting. Of Treef' : ization for Social Service. Pub­ In Service Areas - lic healths nurses of MCOSS m ade a £otal of 51,026 visits - Tlie Oarden State Parkway during ldSS.-^rCSBreHiWKto^ ushered ln .spring-with'1 the an­ report iriodfe today byW lls* nouncement Tuesday, of plans Winona E. parrah, director of for painting toll - booths with services. new colors and the planting of Miss Darrah Issued her re­ service areas with hew trees. TIP TO HOUSEWIVES how to cleanse frolU stratlon during a Radiological School ■ponsored p ort of s e r v ic e tg_coJncide_ with C h a irm a n Katharine Elkus aiid-vegeUbl« bf- t»d^iiclive milFriar if Uiey^by tte FederirClvaTJefenae AdminlatralConTaie —While; t>: the New Jersey community health week, Mar. became.contaminated Is provided by radiological showed how to prepare fruits or vegetables for High n ay' Authority, which op­ l4 to 24, sponsored by tbe expert and housewife Dr. Rosalind Yalow of the eating when the outside Is “contaminated*' byi erates the 184-pnlle parkw ay, United States Junior Chamber U. S. Veterans Hospital, New York. At a demon- fallout particles. - ' (FCDA Photo*) said the Iwo: major toll plazas of Commerce to focus public attention on health servicea___ _ 1 ..Housewives .might- hiave to handle radloac- - 2. When washing.produce, use running-water... . at- Unioiuand_Jlftrltan_ will re­ tively contaminated fruits and vegetables as \i possible, providing it comes from a covered^ - ," celve a coatlng’of green and ’The choir of St. John's Methodist Church, Keyport,. la £hown rehearsing special music A ‘total of 4932 nursing vls: gingerly as a newborn baby lor a'time if their source such' as a well or a known unconlaminatedi •’ yellow paint. Heretofore, all for the outdoor sunrise service to be held at C:30 a,m, on Easter mornlnr on Uie property re­ 'its were made by. MCOSS staff food, stocks are ever exposed to fallout. * . . supply. If running water is not available, be sure . toll plazas below Bloomfield, cently'acquired by the church on Florence1. Ave. for its expansion program. ' . members In the tuberculosis Under those circumstances, radiological ex­ the water used to wash the vegetables is changed) have had' an aluminum paint The members of the Men's Club of th4 church recently erected three, crosses, oji. the prop­ control program which MCOSS pert Dr. Ros&Und, Yalow, a housewife, and staff frequently, ' ‘ covering. ; - ' • ■ " erty to form part of the background for the sunrise service. The crosses are rufrtlc,and as conducts as county agent of member of the New York-Veterans Administra- ,far_»8 Js JuiowaJromjceflearch.-are. ahout Jhe_jl*e^nd. ahape_>f_thosj! utllL^^liWthe^ crucifix^ —tion -Hospital,-emphasises- tha t a* housewife would- — '3 .- Fruits -ami -vefietabios- with thtck Bkihs,5 ’ - The plans , call for gradual Ion of Christ and the thieves who hung; on His right anti left side/ ;! the-New—Jersey—Tuberculosls such as bananas; or those that may be. easUy.^ and Health Association. Visits have to take special precautions to avoid contact painting-}of all. parkway toll, The scriptural reference .which appears on. tbe slgnln front of the crosses, '‘Does It mean with radioactive particles in preparing food. washed.-such as apples, would be preferable. A '2 > booths In. the green-and-yellow nothing to you - - all ye that pass by?” is> intended 1 to stimulate the thinking of Christian to patients with heart disease housewife would be-wise to handle, these foods -• color co m b in a tio n .. T he {our people as they pans'the display. The crosses will be lighted1 In^tne evening.. : totaled 3439 and to cancer pa­ with disposable towels during cleansing. ; ;. ' northernmost toll areas, Es­ The Men’s Club also was responsible for erecting the creche during Christmas season. tients 2007. Visits In the school '• FBESH t'OODS most likely to be exposed to sex, Watchung, Passaic, and health program In ’21 school fallout contamination would be those • coming Ber*en7 '>ave ,borne those col­ d istricts totaled 9838. - - directly from home garden plots, open fruit WITHOUT 8PECIAL “know-how'^'and care,] ors on an experimental bas­ Appointed To : ' Jehovah’s Witne^es* standsC or left near an open window in a fallout Dr. Yalow points out, it would tie easy for .a per­ “These are necessary statis­ area. [Fruit* and vegetables left on open pantry son accidentally totransmit radioactive contain- Is from the .time of their open­ Key Sales Posts Regional Study Circuit 2 Assembly tics," Miss Darrah pointed out, shelves would have more of a chance of being ination into fruits or. vegetables by washiog them ing la st- y ear. "but for each statistic we must contaminated than those ln closed cupboards or Hanson-Van WlnkleMunnlng From Bayonne, Perth Am­ with “contaminated" water,-or simply by han­ At the same time, Chairman always see service to Individ­ refrigerators. . , • . .. . , dling peeled 'fruits With “cQntamin^ted" gloves White reported thaU plans are Co., Matawan, .announced Mar, boy! Somerville, Keyport, New uals and families. The num* This to-called “contamination" would *f- or towels. • ' feeing set for Ihe planting of 13 the appointment of M. A Brunswick and other parts of bers'represent care of the sick ■fect only the surface of fruits aad vegetables ,With this knowledge, a farmer's, wife,-for - Garrison To Set •----— unless, through careless peeling or washing, . holly : and other trees at the Tavdlff and P. C. Burnham to the-• northern, section of the and guidance’to help keep peo­ example, conld ,in most cases make the pro- ^ Cheesequake restaurant - gaso Another Date ple well; the teen-agfe girl with’ » housewife showed the center of 'the frnJI to* duoe from her fallout-exposed; garden safe key sales, posts In rthe com *tate, some 2000 Jehovah’s.wit­ become contaminated. - " ■ • . > ■line service a re a near South 7cancer who frequently requires abd usable again by her family. ' ' . ■ .. pany's midwest sales organlza A meeting of board of educa­ nesses are preparing to travel Dr. Yalow had the following tips to aVqid this: Amboy and at the SeavlUe res professional nursing' care In After an attack, housewives would And out by*j taurant-gasollne service area tion. . . , tion members from six county to Newark to attend Ihe week­ her home; the young mothsr 1* Use fruits and vegetables which,were pre* radio whether’ Uieir homes were located in. a fall-. ' ' In Cape May County. The lat­ Mr. Tardlff Is now, responsi­ municipalities studying the end Bible assembly of the new*: giving her baby his first bath wrapped, or kept away from the open: air such out zond, Then-they would learn whether to take ter'planting also will take In ble for general . equipment feasibility of establishing a re­ ly formed New* Jersey Circuit under the guidance of a train­ as they would be in a refrigerator. " .. these precautions or not. . \ . what has been labeled the ed nurse; the diabetic the sales, tor 'H-VW-M's J ,' C. Mill gional high school, scheduled 2 a t Uie N ational G uard A rm ­ “ftolly. Mile" along the soutb- nurse has taught to adminis­ •msnost stretch of the park' er Division, with headquarters for Monday night at- the At­ ory. 4 , ■ ; .. ter the insulin'so Important to County League Plans - Social Security Tax j Douglass ^ilumnae' w ay. • In- O rand R apids, M ich ,' M r ^ t T lantic Highlands High School, Eighteen* congregations jf111 his well being; the former Dejnocratic Dinner; ..... Applies To Everyone . Plan Dough Sale Chairman White said the Burnham . Is appointed convey­ _^as cancelled because1 of the -bef TeWesented in* this seml- state hospital •patlgnt.tbejiurse- ^pi^ivt-job.iplanned lor .the Un storm . ' ; • '■. - ^ annuftl .Qimuit-oonventlon-tlrgt ‘Is'helping to adjust t^the, com­ Mayor Thomas Jarrell, Sea Chris riii'. Gross', district dI-‘ ' For the benefit of:'scholar-; Ion and ".’.Raritan toll plazas or sales engineer for J. C.. Mill opens Friday at 7 p.m. Lester munity; the wt\ge eai'ner with re c to r of the Camden Internal ship ald to Douglass College —-~wa3~Tiromi3tecl b~y the need 01 "CTUTvIsIon territory, ‘ the states Earl B. Garrison, county su Bright, and Thomas H. J^n- ■DrrB^adleyr-travelingf—circuit- -tuberculo&ls'^fot*— whom-Hhe students and ;the annuaL.fund: a new "coating,rather than by. or Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee parlntendent of schools',safd representative, who wll! be in nurse arranged hospitalization nlngs. Atlantlc Highlands, are Revenue Service, stated today the desire .to'ohange colors. Mississippi, and, when , need another .date wo\ilc| be set, The charge of the meetlDg, has and whose wife ..and children co-chairmen of !the_aecond, an^ "conslderable confuslon ap­ "drive^cdnductedbythe_alum-_ ed. the Detroit area. • - .... All toll plassas • will be re-palnt- meeting was calied to,'discuss been working with the two are checked periodically; the. nual Jefferson-Jaqkson Day pears jtd exist:-s» !to whether nae .;6f . the ; State University ^ ed only when the original coat Mr. Tardlff graduated from Newark congregations all week octogenarian who needs coun­ or not; Puerto'' -Rican fapm womeq’s college,. Douglass Ing1 becomes tarnished. Hope College, Holland,; Mich., a regional high school setup dinner sponsored *. by the 6ay- supervising: final details for s e lin g o n his nutritional n e e d 3 ; .workers are Subject to social alumnae will: hold. “Dough for . • ’^However, she added, the In .IMS, receiving an AB de for Atlantic Highlands, High­ the three-day assembly, the patients of all ages who shore D em ocratic League of gree with majors ln chemls security taxes.,r; The director Doiiglass'^_ bake sales during . .turn to. a new/color, scheme lands, Keansburg, -Union • Mr, Bradley.\wlll be assist­ need post-operative care on, M onm outh county to be Iveld _jS9ued...the follpw ing-stitem erit was based .on. findings . that try and mathematics. He has Beach, and Raritan, and Holm- ed during., the.^aasejribly-lby their. - return -vfrom-^-the- hospi^ ;Apr""T^at^'^aVryTs“rLobsler- ^he. n'onth of April...... , . _.KX?s6-in(l=.yeIlow„.provlde>.for resided-lnarondRaplds-slnce. In order to clarify the - situa­ i3erTownsTilps~* ■ - rv~'-' Ro~hard' M U lerr d istrict repre* ta!,*’’ / !,y' House, Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. tion. For social security pur­ The'plan calls for approxl- - better visibility from a_ dlst- 1949. v- :■ ‘ sentatlve-foi'-the-Watch Tower Mr. Burnham has been as-c Boards of education' In7 each "Theseand -many-other-hu­ Anthohy'A. Auer, Keansbufg, poses, an individual' who ia a mately B5_ Individual sales, bo 1 ance and for Improved attrac- Bible ahd Tract Soclaty, whose soclated with H-VW-M since' municipality, !Mr. Garrison ex­ man factors are. embodied in citizen of Puerto Rico Is con­ be conducted ln cities through* tlveness. ., . ministerial oversight Includes, the statistical report of_ithe, president of jthe organization,-: sidered a citizen of the-Upited QreenJnd.yellowhavebeen Its merger wltU the J. C. Mill­ •out New jersey and-others in plained, have named-delegates in addition, to New Jersey, work done b r MCO&_publlc ahnouncei^^tfie following com-; States."' .7 ~ • ...... the colors of the trailblazer er Co. in 1954. Upon his re­ to .ft reglonaLhlah school.study eastern -Pennsylvania, Dela­ New Vork, .the District of Co- turn’ from service In-World health nurses in their roles mitleea to assist with arrange­ A Puerto Rican farm’ worker sign posted along m ain con-r ware, central New, York and War II, he attended Grand conjmlttee which has held one as visiting nurses, school nurs­ ments: Mayor Joseph A. Scho- is su b ject to. so cial’security tax lumbla, Pennsylvania and nectlng roads to guide motdr- portions of Massachusetts. Mr. Rapids junior College. He Is meeting. .; \ es, and health advisers, caring if he receives $i00 *or more M assachusetts. . D ates of la* lats to parkway entrances.' . Miller, tlie featured speaker ler, Mayor Sidney B. Johnson, The new' paint. Job will be an. active .member of the Orand Succeeds Keyport Plan 'for. and helping patients of all cash wages for agricultural la* dividual- sales will' be self by 1 The “plan 'Is a successor to at the meeting, la scheduled to aged,- all Income .brackets," Phillip- Serplco, Mayor John bor from any one employer, —handled—by-Hhe—malntenance R!TPlds~Brah ch i"A '.E.S.r Serving deliver the principal address, local com m ittees. > ... , division and the new planting as vice president In USl-Sf and one whleh fell through In which Miss Darrah concluded. Marz, Jr., Mathew dill, MrsJ during the calendar year. Keyport was the central mu­ /‘Consulting God on World At- Health guidance visits total­ Ethel Smale, James Kinlan, The total aiumnae fund goal Job will be-supervised by the elected president In 1955. .He fairs” on Sunday at 3 p.m., as The Abclal security ta x e s.a p ­ for this year Is $23,500 with > Is a native of Orand Rapids, nicipality 'and Atlantic High*: ed 3602 for Infants; 2971* for landscape division of the aii well as several other talks dur­ Mrs. Viola Horan; and William ply. ,to_ cash ^ w ages o f. $100 or which , the assoqlateralumnas- where he now resides. lands was not Included. - How­ one-to fpuri.year .oldsj . 1610 for thorlty,- "i'i* • ., r ing the assembly,-Includlng tfte Reddlngton, deception; Mrs. more 'paldrby eich. employer carries on its, program ot .un­ ever; tbe Keyporf'Board back­ five .to i4 y e ars old; lfllO for in a calendar .year to 'an <*.m-. ed Out,»’contendtn« ’d t ‘-would important baptismal discourse the 15 to 19 y ears old ond 3291 Harold p^steljq^^Mrs, George dergraduate scholarship »ld,. F a y , .H^Pieiij McCoy, ^Mrs; ployee(>ipr agriculturalv labor. from - 'Which i students mave cost that ^district too much Saturday .. afternoon —at.._li3Q. ttibse over »«?*■ p.m . ' - : Mwlori ‘ Leon, Mrs.- Albert TtferHaxrts.fou^er cent-of tax-' been aided* with their, college , Meeting Ceyjon ’a Housing Shortage money, Mr. Garrison said. O ther figures highlighted in able swages paid, two per cent The revised plan was pro­ Miss Darrah’s_ report includ­ Jackdon, Mrs. Charles Sch­ expenses. ■ • midt, ‘ Robert F”. Keehn, Jr., employer ta^ and two per cent posed ■ by Atlantic Highlands, Tree Expert Advises' ed 1541 visits^ in the orthopedic to be with heid Jfrom wages for According to Mrs. Walter James Crist, and Mrs. J*. -Har­ Turhbuir South Plainfield he added, due to crowded con* New Home Owners nursing program; 699 visits to employee tax'. / * dltlons there. “Atlantic Hlgli- former - state mental " hospital ry ^Robertson.-Journal...... 1 president of the* associate alu­ , Any em ployer, 'who paid lands has to.build either a high Shade trees which begin to patlehts; 583 mental health Also Mrs. Frank Illo, Mrs. mnae, the holding of Individ­ cash 'wages of. $100 or more school- . or an elementary decline and die a few years visits; 1201 to diabetics ,dnd Herman Wenzel, Mrs. Alton ual “Dough for Douglass’1 sales during tlie calendar year of school. All school facilities In after home owners move Into 3124 maternity visits.- Parker,1 and Mrs. Mildred Gol­ in every county in New Jer'- thd tarough .are . being used den, special awards; Mrs. Har 1955 to a P eu rto Rl^chan em ­ new housing development !.‘The _ public health nurse ployee for agricultural labor/ sey and In, nelghborlng-states-,— ^nd there Is not enough room,” should b'e' given im m ediate forms ar^lmportant part 0/ the ry. Hill, Mrs; Jane L. Garland, •sliould enlist the participate should have reported.and paid said Mr. Garrison. first aid, a Monmouth County health team of a community," Mrs. -William Greer* Henw Ion of between 3000 and 4000 the tax on such employee pr­ The Atlantic Highlands' tree specialist said Thursday. the report continues. "Hers Vida, Willie Jam es,- BerJTUM' alumnae.- - r ior to Feb. lv If this his not Board proposed that the pres^ ' R o b ert-* E , R 6oif_Utum son, Is not the spectacular role to P e rry , W alter JphnsjyS'T and For the past five years, the ent high school, which U at; said many trees In suburban play. She does a quiet, thor­ Mrs. Claude Minn/di, enter­ been done, he. should contact .annuil all-alumnae benefit the nearest Internal-Revenue tached to the elementary developments have been dam ough -Job day-a(ter-day always tainment. ‘ Jias been, an . antiques .show,^ Service office at once/. * school, be ■ mude an addltton afted by W ldoaeiV.duvjing cpn-- alort-to-avoW-emevgency “sit­ Also Edward Cullen, Harold and sale, conducted- at thej .to the elem ontary schooly-and Btructl0h7_by packing of soil uations by taking note of a per­ Sisco, and John A. Diver, door; college In New Brunswlok.v ; that a reglonnl high school be and by excess fill of top-soil sistant cough; loss of weight, Mrs. Robert F. Norton, Mrs. Mrs. Fred-Tatham 1 Miss Emily Post, Princeton,'1 constructed, the county super­ around,,their roots. a slight limp in the baby learn­ John P. Weir, Phillip Cassidy, Dies At Home .' is chairman, of the:.central intendent said... • °n • “These, trees then go Into ing to walk, etc. The nurse Richard Burke, Leo Weinstein, committee lor the sale. ': -1 Students from Highlands decline,,r s a \, d Mr, Root. considers prevention the big­ William R. Greene, Mrs. John Mrsj Mabel Tatlfa'm,,i3, wi­ E. Grodeskn, Julius .Jacoby, now go to the Atlantic High­ "Dead wood appfearS. Some­ gest part of her job." : dow of Pre3 Tatham, died sud­ Nam* Omitted lands -High School; Union times the roots are suffocated. Among the communities and Mrs. Marge Smith, ticket? denly at'her home; 29, Chand­ Beach, (o K eyport; K eansburg. Borers and bark beetles In­ served in 1055'by the MCOSS ler Ave., Keyport, pn Sunday, In an article ln newspa- . to Mtddletown Township; Rar­ vade the trees.' Many such family-centered nursing serv­ $47,000. Goal For ^ , M arr—18., 1950. She was born per last week concerlng the itan Township, to Keyport, and damaged trees die from one ice were Keansburg; Union In Stanhope, daughter of the County Cancer Fund i 91st birthday party for Mrs. Holmdel Township, ,|o Keyport to five years after new.hoine Beach, Holmdel. Marlboro and late William and Alice (Clause) Evelyn Knickerbocker_at_lhe_ and Red Bank. / owners move in.” - , , Raritan Townships. . _ More than 50 area'tchflirman P a rk e r, ...... ; --r- • V,'aler’s Edge Rest Home. K ey- Middletown Overcrowded ' Mr;-.!;RoQt -.said -th a t new —SchboV districts served by arid co-chairmen for the. 1950 Mrs; Tatham Is survived by port,: the name of MrsT-Sueilaf- •"Middletown ToWnshlp has home owners must' "live” M_C 0 S S..._:.lnclude.-_-Holmdel, Cancer'campalgnMieard'Lbula I a’ bi'Pthe**, Harry Parker, Pas* Stult7, was omitted Inadvertent­ flaked Iho Kea’nsburr B0nrd~0 f wllirHiieM~trees‘W 'a'y ear'o r Keansburg,. Marlboro And A. Reilly, Newark postmaster sale. • ■«•.-. ~ ly from the list of guests. Mrs. Educntion if It Wjlll send its two to determine whether they Raritan. The school health and state chairman /for the The body, underthe direction Stultz presented the honored students elsew here because of will moke a come back, At service* Also is rendered In St. drive, discuss the campaign at the, .Day. Funeral Home. g u est -with a Bible.. V isitors ot- overcrowding there, Mr, Gar­ the same time they should Ann’& School. Keansburg. Its opening meeting at the ! Keyport, was removed to New- Mrs. Knickerbocker on that rison said, - ; have the trees pruned and headquarters of the Monmouth, ark. / • evening, Mar. 8, were Mr. and. . Keyport is so crowded, un* fed. he said. Self-Employed Must : County Chapter of the Amer- Mrs. Harry Wells, Matawan. der.present conditions, he add- "F eeding should be* accom ­ lean Cancer Society In' Allen- Furnished apartment signs who also presented Mrs. tri. that the school'wHi have to panied with niration. the Pay Social Security. ^ hurst Borough Hall' this -week. for sale at this office. Knickerbocker with a elft. go on double sessions In 1058 punching of holes ln the soil Social security for . seif-em- He announced a quota of $1,­ If tho_ situation Is not eased. If. th ere is excess fill about a ployed professional groups 000,000. for the-state , In the Monday night's meeting was tree so the roots can "breathe’ brought under! the old-age and drive which opens .Apr. 2. ; to permit the representatives a ra ln ," 1 survivors Insurance program J. Allen Mohn, campaign to go over prospoctlvo enroll­ With valued trees such as as of Jan . 1, 1955, is com puls­ chairman for Monmouth Coun-' ment figures for the next'VO elms, maples and oaks, spray' ory, Allan A<: Bass, district ty, stressed the need: for the' THE CUSTOM OF COLORING years to detorm lne.how many itig to fend off malicious leaf- county's reaching its go^J of manager of the Perth Amboy EGGS/S AT LEAS T 5000 Ceylon needs 278,000 new homes plus another 40>0®0 * ! ea,r ‘ students- the regional high feeding pests and - keep the social security. ' office, said $.47,000 ahd announced that 45 home lii Increasing population. With aid ol UN specialist m , school would linve, to accom­ leaves free of diseases also Ia last week. He was referring of the 52 municipalities of the YEA R S OLD. TH E AN CIEN T Cost hou sin g , 0. F. Middleton (rlfht), Ceylon's M i n i s t r y of Industries, modate, Mr. QnrrUon Mated. recommended. . to professional engineers, ar­ county were organized for the PERSIANS AT THEIR FESTIVE Ilouilnf and Social Services has e r o l r e d suitably methods ot *>ulld- drive. chitects, accountants, and fun­ CELEBRATIONS OF THE R E­ ing c h e a p but stronf and durable home* with wall* of Good Response To ‘53 Jamboree Scouts eral directors who. began to Dr. Daniel A. Featherston, eattK, S how n here Is worker at houslnf project at Gongllota lor TURN OF SPRIN G (H ELD Heart Fund prive Contribute To Camp earn social security. Insurance executive committee chair­ l«w-tocome troupi. With Mr. Middleton I* J. B. Symonds, UN protection for themselves and man, who presided, said the APPROXIM ATELY AT THE SAME Technical Asslltanoe representative In Ceylon. Mayor J o h n H awkins, Monmouth Council’s 1053 their families last year. Na­ fast growing home care pro­ TIM E A S EASTER) 6AVE C0L0H10 Shrewsbury, and Robert gram of the chapter drama­ west coast jamboree Scouts tion-wide, about 1000.000, per­ EGGS TO ONE ANOTHER AS Jacobson, Rumson, co-chair have m ade a gift of $1000 to­ sons self-employed In 4hese tizes the campaign needs stressing that last month near­ TOKENS O F GOOD WILL. National Lead Co. Homemaking CouHei m en of the 1096 h e a r t . fund ward the development of the professions are now covered drive, have , announced that county's new. mountain reser­ by the law, ly *$2000 was spent for six can­ In Color, Design contributions- will • probably cer patients ln nursing homes, Presents Awards . ._ vation at Forestburg, N. Y. Ali self-employed profession­ WHEN TEACHING THE CHRISTIAN reach the goal of $3.1,000 In according* to an announcement al men and women whose for nursing service In the The ^tipnnl Lend Co., Ti­ The Monmouth County Home Monmouth County. by K. Donald Sterner, clmlr work is covered by social se­ homes of patients, and cn med­ FAITH, THE EARtXAPOSTLES SAW Economics Extension Service tanium Division. South Am­ In a Joint statement Issued man of the Camp-Development curity, whether they operate ications. * NO HARM IN ADAPTING THE boy, has announced the pre­ la offering an opportunity to by Mayor Hawkins and Mr. Campaign. Mr. Sterner’ said their businesses as sole own­ POPULAR PAGAN CUSTOM OF actuation of service button serve Monmouth County home* Jacobson, It w as said th at $20,- the Scouts’ gift would be usad ers or in a partnership are 90 Presented With COLORING tCGS TO THE CHRISTIAN awards to Uie following em­ 2W has been collected so far to establish nn outpost cam p required mandatorlly to make makers through one or two. lo­ K . C. Third Degree 1 CElfBRA TION OF fASTER. THEY ployees from this area during with reports still to be turned on • the Forestburg tract. a report of their net earnings tl»e month of March: Fred A. cal. community leaders who In by several municipalities. Funds received from the and pay the . social security On Sunday 90 candidates re­ THOUGHT THE EGO, WHICH HAD BEEN Bolte, 313 Flrat St., Keyport, will come to F reeh old on A pr. 4, jo, and 2 Muinted matter.------■ ■ ft .NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES .ANCE AUTHOhiaNG exceeding One-Humfa^Sfcyepty iitn^oai aiW improvements to ta? C * * * 1 said. Bonds shat# have-a lien oa-aU cient ^ * k e *,*11 the pajm «nU r«^ make- availableaitable generally,-'til*" - Town&hip~sITaTr~fii»ve com pllerrfullv 1HB STRUCTION Ofl-^CgU. Thousand Dollars t$175;D®};purMaiit sb*Ucte ad­ -log . | He ret e ) ; or any TrtM «e. acttivif taxes without limitation as to rate ditions, extensions and improvements for 'ttioh l|4i)(|>iy iult,- to roafeftuy and ai tucb preiniuni^r egilfprpent-end aUpioperfy.i ieaf «ir Otaraer and order of priority: _ ln this ordinance, in an economical THRCOST THEREpK. personal, tangible-or intangible? how tl) Revenues shall first be used all sums necessary for the purposes au ctfictent manner with all prank'- m andsm us or ■other proceeding tn X5ING THE REVENUES premiums, if any. such exact rale^or specified in (I) to (4) aUive to Vie able -dispatch/ and thereafter . will any court of competent Jurisdiction* LEGAL NOTICES___ rates cf interest, maturities and other <>r hereafter owned or used- by the for deposit into a fund- to be known __ WATER SYSTEM TO Township for said Water System. as the "Sinking Fund.” which is full extent that the revenues derived maintain said W ater System In good prutrcl and enforce anv and all AYMENT THEREOF. details as shall hereafter be deter­ hereby created and established, and from said Water System are Insuf­ comliiion and continuously "nptrate riKhts under the lawa of the State esprrbb i aw iimugh not expressly ORDAINED BY THE mined by resolution. . i3) "Gross Hevenues'* shall mean the Township shall, on the first day ficient therefor. the same in an efficient manner and of New Jersey, or granted and con­ prohibited, or oguuwt publio policy, . all fees, rentals or other charges or at a reasonable cost. tained In thia KecUou 4 of this ordl- u r-sh all for* any icason whatsoever i COMMITTEE OF THE The full faith and -credit of the of each month, apportion and set F. SALE OF THE WATER SYS­ be held invalid, then such covenants, . 'P- OF MATAWAN. IN THE Township, as provided in Section 7 of income whatsoever received by said apart out of the Water Svstem Heve- TEM. That said Waier System may K. SERVICES RENDERED TO name, »nd may enforce and compel T ow nship,-or-accrued to said Town* the performance of all duties hrrc- ogreements or luovlsionu be. OF MONMOUTH. NEW this ordinance, shall-be pledged fur nu^ Fund and deposit in tbe Sink­ be sold, mortgaged. leased or other­ THE TOWNSHIP. That the Town, mill and void and ‘hall be the payment of the principal cf and ship, or by. or to any other board or ing Fund such sums as will be suf­ wise disposed of only as a whole or ship will nol render or cause to be under bv the Tiwnshlp. «r l»v nn> agency of the Township In control of oltlcer thereof. Including the flxlnu. sepm ablc from the reihflbtlDM cov- i 1. That-pursuaat lo the sp» Interest on said *175.000 W ater Reve­ ficient to pay one-sixth of the Inter* substantially aa a whole, and. onlv rendered any free services of anv eiinnts. H>:recinents or provitiiona,1 nue and General Obligation Bands, the management and operation of said est maturing on' the Bonds on tlie if the- net proceeds to be realized nature ly l)s Wuler System, nor will charging and collei’tlns of roles, statutes of Ihe Stale of New Water System, all as calculated in ac­ next interest payment date and shall be sufficient to ndeem prior fees, rentals or charges for the serv­ and j.hall tn no wov affect the val­ >'there is hereby authored'the and said Bonds shall be additionally any preferential tales be ektabhrih- idity of any of the other covcnsnta, secured, together with any pari passu cordance with sound accounting prac* one-twelfth of the principal matur­ to maturity all of said Bonds which ed for users of the same class: nnd ices and faclllticn of said Water Sw cUon or acquisition of addi- ticc. - ■ . ing on the Bonds on the next an axe so redeemable, and tn pay the hv the event tbe Township, or any de­ tcm. L ' uburwnMt m- tivovlstons of this ^*5” * ■’extensions and improvements additional bcuids hereafter issued, un­ M) '‘Operating Expenses” shall tlon ? of this ordinance or of the, i, der the terms, conditions and limita­ nual maturity payment date. Prior principal of and ail interest tci ma­ partment, agency, Instrumentality', 1 In the event th nt default ilttill he Honda or cqppuuk Utucd hereututcr. .Water System of the TounthJp mean the current expenses, paid or to the completion and placing in op­ turity of said Bonds which are not officer or employee thereof, shall made tn the payment uf the interest awan, consisting ot, but not b*- tions provided herein, by an irrevoc­ accrued, bf operation, maintenance Section 5, Tmrn nciuiing the la* 1 able pledge of and first Hen on the eration of lhe additions, extensions redeemable prior to maturity. The avail' Itself of the fuciiille* or serv­ on or principal of anv of said ISoncM auance of the Waler llevenuc.ann ' 1 to.tw itdings, well*, mama, and current repair of (.aid Water and improvements authorized here proceeds from such sale, mortgage, ices provided b/ said Water Sv*lem. as the same- shall become due. or Ceoeral Obligation HoihIn authorised -. • . - , pumps- find other facilities, gross revenues derived by said Town­ System and hs facilities, and ihall in­ in. the Township shall make such ease or other disposition nf said or any part thereof, the same rates, in ihe makingi of Ihe paym ents into with the acquisition of .any ship from the operation of the Water clude, without limiting - the generality deposits into the Sinking Fund from Water System ahall he Immediately fees or charges >pj)»U-«h!®_. io._£lher _Lhe__SiuUnH - iHnvd, -ve—It*—the—event Ju_Sectiou—4-hereof, thejc-.-ipgy-'b* -— — lJ System of said Township, as defined of the-foregoing, labor, materials, in- the proceeds of the BoniJ».__t«_the_*Xi. ishucd bond anticipation notes-Of the - , r interest therein, rlwhts-of- herein. depo*ited-ln - the 'Sinking- Fund " amT TUstfrhiera receiving like services un-17 that the Township or any officer, ’l\>un>hlp in an ai'Kicgnte nrinctpal .'easements, and any other prop* surancc-preroiums and-adminlstrative tent-permllledT>y''law, or from oth­ shall be used only for the redemp­ der similar circumstances ahall be | agrnt or cinploYrc thereof shall fail nntounl not exceeding One Hundred . - •7 real—or— personal," necessary —Scr long"»s~any~ o t the principal of expense? of the Township relating; er general funds of ' the Township, tion of said Bonds t*r the paymeot charged the Township. Such charges or refuse lo comply with the pro­ •Seventy Five Thousand pollgra- and any other purposes ap- or interest on any of*9said Jl *5.000 solely tn said Water System, and such to the extent that—revenues are In­ theieof at maturity, together with shall be paid aa they accrue, and the visions of Ihla Section 4. or shall i t n 1.000> pursuant to ssld iJocat ■ ant, necessary. or dssirabje Water Revenue and General Obliga* other reasonable current expenses of sufficient therefor. . all interest thereon. Township shall transfer RiSm Its gen­ default in any covenant made heir- Bond Law. All said notes shall bear_ ; . and all in accordance with tion Bonds, er any pari passu addi­ operatiun, maintenance* and current (3) Thereifter. revenues remain­ The foregrUng provision notwith­ eral funds sufficient sums to u»y in. and in the further event that any iuteves.t—at not-—exceeding six pee ' . tional bands hereafter issued within repair of said Water System as shall ing in the Water System Revenue standing, the- Townshiu shall have such charges, The' revenues to r«* *V£h default shan contlnoe^ for- a- or« : -and specifications, and reports riod of thirty days, any holder of cent i»er annum , and the form, melh* ared by Cralr Finnegan, iW n- the terms, conditions and limitations be in accordance-with sound account­ Fund shall be used for the* payment and hereby reserves the.right-to sell, celved-shall be deemed lo be rtve* od of. vale, m aturities nnd other de*~~ . ! ’ Engineer, and heretofore filed provided herein, fhall be 'outstanding ing pr.-jctice...... of the operating; expenses o f ssid lease or otherwise dispose of any nues derived from the operation ot such Bmuts, or anv Trustee appoint* tails Jlhrrcof shall be dclenniucd by and unpaid, or uaUl there-shall have v3) “Net Hevenues” shall mean the System, as-defined In this Section 4. of the property comprifing a pari of said Water System, and shall be de* ed to represent Bondholders an her*» subsequent resolution or icboluUons . and approved by this Committee, gross revenues, as- defined io (31 (3) Thereafter, revenues-, remain* said Water System hereafter de* posited and accounted for in the inaflcr provided, shall be-entitled nt ction It In hereby found, de* been act apart in the Sinking Fond samrt manner as other revenues de­ or right to the appointment or a re* adopted ouisuant lo inw, . - i herein established . •- sum sufficient above. After deduction only of oper­ Ing In the< W ater System Revenue termlned to be no longer necessary, Section f, it 1* herebv determined ; Ined, and-declared bytbis Com* ating • expenses, aa defined in- (4t Fund shall be* used for necessary useful or profitable ln the uperalion rived from such, operation of said celver of said w ater SVstem In ait and declared by tnla Committee aa' ■■ as follows:, • to pay when due, or redeem prior to atMve. thereof. The proceeds pf any such Water System. appvoprlate judicial proctedlDg,.lJV a m aturity. 11 any of such bonds shall extensions; additions and improve­ follows: f : . ! . The estimated maxjmym * B. RATES. That It nUl fix. estab­ ments to raid Watar System, and sale, lease or other, disposition shall L. ISSUANCE OF TAR! PASSU court, of competent Jurisdiction, K. That the period of wsefulneaa.^____ ounl lo W raised frool alt sourcca be redeemable prior to maturity, the lish and maintain such rates and col* necessary renewals- and replace* be used for the construction of ex­ ADDITIONAL BONDS. That_no p«r| vvhelher or not suen_hoWcra or-.trun*. o f the" InVpioveinents- described lit;, the purposes stated In Section 1 entire* principal of the bonds remain* lect such fees,* rentals or other meets of capital assets of'aala Wa­ tensions. additions or Jmpiovemcnts pa;t nection. sslth paid Uonds, ^ prefein ltw^d^by skid' l.ocsl 'Bond - Law • d for the purposes stated In Sec* enants with the holder* ot any and necessary, as-will always : provide- assets. Including extraordinary re* of callable-Bonds, or the purchaae- any Bonds pursuant to this Smlim The holdri* or tinklers of Honda In la forty vfw a. ^ J hereof is. $175,000. a ll. such bonds,* in cluding'any pari gross revenues sufficient to pay, and pflrt, of said Wat*r System, as ahall of i such callable. Bondn at not ‘more’ 4 of this ordinance, except under the an agart-gaic pvliwiiml kmmmt ot not B^Tlial the supplemental debt That aiv appropriation was cod* passu additional ^ooda heteadve is­ out cl sild gross revenues shall be nec*«sary to maintain said System than the then redemption price of conditions and in the- manner herein less ihnn twenty-five i>rr centum cf statem ent lr*piirr«t U\ Srctlon 40:1-19 sued within th»teimr, conditionsend pay aslhe same-Khall bvcoroel Rtw Jer* .. ned In a budget or budgets of the able Bonds' are« then outstanding, for unship heretofore adopted uftder limitations provided' herein, as fol­ >rincipal of and interest on th e Bonds (*) That lfon any payment datei No such pari passu addtlloiiul ing may, by duly exreuted certi' sev was duly m ade and filed In lit# lows : . 1 sKUed pursuant to thl* Section ( of ther revenues on deposit in said the purchase of Bonds at rot more Bonds shall be* Issued unless Ihe lie 1 ficate in wilting, appoint a trusted «vfftee vf the-Township ClevH prier to . •< c caption "Capital improvement f Water .System Revenue Fund are than the then market price of such nd" or “ Dowfr Paym ent Fund*’;, A. DEFINITIONS. The- following this crolnaticr.- snd the cost nf llje revenues.' its defined In thih Section for holders of snid Bonda TTTTl au­ the oatKn^e of this ordinnncs on firal -, terms shall have.the following’mean­ operating expenses of said Water Sys­ insufficient to place lhe required Bond*; . ’ • 4. derived from said Water System thority to ifprrfktnt hiich llondhiiilcrs ceMtini*, and thnt tlio l^t-uiuwe of the ' there Is how available in said ings in this Section-i of this ordinance: tem. and all other obligations payable amounts Into the Sinking.' Fund, the G ISSUANCE OF OTHER OBU* during each of tho. preceding two in any legs) iirticcedingK lor tho en< obii^nlloni. autliorirrd bv this ord>- . in said appropriation the »um (1) "Bonds” shall mean the ft?S ,000 deficiency shall be-mnrlc up In the GATIONS PAYABLE OUT *OF >ejiri< Kltnll have been nut le.ss than forcrment ando protection 'or the 1 $0,000 which sdld sum is here by from the revenues of said Water nanco !•> ncnnllted bv the eKcenllon ' Water Revenue aad General Obliga­ System, and . that such rates, fees, subsequent payments in addition, to REVENUES’. That, the Township one- hundred thirty five pei' centum rlghta of such Bondholders'. Such 10 the di bl IlmltatUm* contained' in ' ppropriated as a doivjv-paymcnt. for will not issue any other obligations, he purposes stated in Section 1 here- tion Bonds originally authorized to oe- rentals'or 'other charges shall nor be the payments which uould otherwise of the largest amount of prim'lp.il cerllflcnte shall he executed by such KectUnv .40:1*18. tgl of tha H evlscd------issued pursuant to - this ' Section 4 .of reduced en as to. be Insufficient. to be required to be made--into said except pari passu additional Bnnda and lutsrvst which will inatuje nnd Uondhitldeih - or their lUdv authOilreil MntutiN, and that Iho gions debt of this ordmnnce and anyfrarl pi-t.su ad* nrovidef-ftdeouale sror* revenues for Sinking Fund on the subsequent pay* as hereinafter provided, payable become- due in any year -thcrciifter ailornc.VK - o r rrpiescninlivrs nnd Hid Township at ilellnrd hy *icdlnn " Section 3. That said sum of Sl&l,* ment dates.- The«. Sinking Fund shall from the revenues-derived from the on: (11 the lUft,w)o Bonds orhrlnnl- shall be filed in the- -t>ilUv nf tho 000 be and the sam eis hereby ap-' ditional bonds her«<«fler issued-within such purposes; Tbe Township. hr>w- 4n‘i-*(ttt jif .ihe Revised -Statute*-'-ur------the terms, conditiop* and. limitations eve»", shall hnve the* rlrh t tu pay any be maintained In a bank or trust operatiun of ssld Water System, or ly iKsu^d purauunt to this Srrllim 4 Tmvnsliilt rietk . “ ‘ - “ New Jornev Ik Im i'pused bv this ortll* . Oproprlgted for the purposes stated in company in a special fund, and shall any part thereof, nor voluntarily of this ordihattcv (hen outslsndlng; N. ENFOliCKMlCNT OF COU.UO Section 1 hereof. . provided herein, and the interest cou­ iart of snid principal and lntereat .Manci' by in a .fW .m . . ' pons attached to , aedd Bonds. rnm »a vatr^rm taxallnu or other constitute a trust fund for the-pur* create' or cause -tv be- created any and, 73) pari psasu additional Bonds TION-. Thar the Tovutship w(ll dili­ C, That' the lotsi nmonnl of lhe - ; ■ Section 4. T hat lor the' p urp o se nt <2| "Water System" shaii mean (he available-funds* until such time aa poses provided herein, and the hold* debt. Jien. pledge, assignment, rn theretofore issued pmsucnt to (his gently t-n td ivr arid coifed all ftc*l noceetth of the obligation* auiimr> . financing the coat of the improve complete' Water Systeth, now owned the additions^ extensions and-Improve* era of sald> Bonds shall have a Utn curttbrnnce-or any ott\er charge hav 1 snbsecllon 4- tL) then outstnnding, If tcitlols or other charges for the fled bv this ordiniuu-e, wlilch mny' " ment* described in Section 1,. ex* by said Township, both within and ments authorized' herein have been on- all the moneys.-In - • tald •* SinkingSinklhi ing'priority to or being on a-parity any: and, (3) the pari pami addi­ services and ftcilllleM o? ^ald Water :lusive of said down payment here­ without said Township, including completed. ^ ' Fund until paid out and applied aa with the lieu.ot said Bonds and the tional Honda- then pioposetl to be System, and lake all steps, action* ie expended for interest on the otitb tofore referred to, there is hereby au* provided herein. Th* moneys in ssitl interest thereon, upon any of the J»nued. ‘ and inoceerilnga for Ihe rnfoicrm rnt RNlious m ilhoilrrd herein, en«lm'or< wells, .storage tanks,, pumps, pipes C. PLEDGE O F G nO SS' REVE­ Income and revenues of, said Water ing. rsnfm.es, le^ol espouses ami Ihe -< JiorJzed the issuance of negotiable and mains and all facilities forjhe NUES. The-payment of the*prtnclpal Water System Revenue- Fund and in - The- tevm “pntl passn addlttonkl nd colleelinn of such fees, rentals Water Revenbe indiT Cenenral Obli* said Sinking Fund shall not be in­ System:, or any part thereof. Any Bonds" an used ir> this. sub»rs'tion or other charges which shall bcrmn* co>t of thof water v-lth- of and interest on all of said Bonds other obligation! Issued by the Town­ llmis authorlreit by tills "ordiminoe. cation Bonds of the Township in an ,tn and without raid Township, and Fh?ll he- sccured lorthwith equally vested or reinvested st'any time. shall he deemed to meun additional delinquent to the full extent permitted aggregate principal amount' of not '(&) Thereafter, reVenues remain­ ship and payable from such reve­ obligations evidenced bv Bnndi in- or milhmtxrd by Ihe laws of lhe Including |«*li\lln^, adveitlssm ent. t*f . shall include all of the'additions, ex* ahd ratably hy a first lien on the ing in the Water System Revenue nues, In addition to the $119,000 sutu tinder tha provisions and with­ Stale of New Jeraev. millnanres and notice of sale nnu cross revenues derived fn»m safd Fund shall be ustfd for the payment Bonds auUtorirrd pursuant to this in thn llntitatlona of this sub-iecUon The Townsblu' furlhri1 SKpresriy leijnl expenses, arid other pgpennea. Water System, and such crosn reve* of ' debt service on any other ob** Section 4,- and such-pari passu- addi­ and -payable from - the Water -System covennnis that ^ It - wlll. iindcr renson* as provlilfil lu Secllon 40? i-Rft pf the nuee are hereby iVrevocablv Medged ligations ot • the*'Township payable tional Bonds,- fcha)! contain »n)ex< llevcnue Fund uaii passu with lhe able iiUcs and rct:ulallonn. slmt 'off KeCiHU' of-Naw-.leTSfy'-U-—-- for the psyment'of tl>e principal of from the revenues of thu Water Sys* prcis statement that mu-Ii obliga­ 917A.OOO Honda orlKinall.y Authorised and discontinue Hie supplying of all not I'Ncenllns the sum of |:it).000.0ti, and .interest on ««id Conds as the tem. . tions ave Junior and subordinate .tn pursuant -to Scctlon 4 ef this -ordl* water svivlvea fu c'th e noi>pa>m«nt Secllon 7. The full faith tviul crcd* Do You Have Income Tax sf’-'e t^^rnr due.- • (6 ) Thereafter, the-balance of any said- $I7!V,000 Bonds and such pari nance. Such pari passu a<(di(Ional of uaicr chni'ies, nnd will-not re» 11 of lhe TnwnMhlH of M a(aw aiu.Jn - D. WATER. SYSTEM REVENUE revenues remaining ~ jn the Water pAisTT additional 116nd»,~as- to lien JBonda shall be autnorUed by .pro- store anv of salil \valfr servkea to the Comv v of Muuinoulh, New ,|er* ^ FUND. That the- entire, gtosa reve­ System "Hevcnue Fund after aU on and so operation- of men! ’.from the revehu^s of saltL lh«-^f>*ettawte-H4>*J-“‘-'-'; purposes provided In this Section 4 shsll have complied fully with all er hatardi and links,. |<> the.jttiejtL -Ume.er-ltuves-of-lhelr-issusncerCshalJ maw* IthmiV' lHS " ciniitSnr in wnl-* the pilncipal of and lhleieii on the Fredwood Place_ f Matawan and shall be- kept separate and dla* the- convenanls- and provisions'& f' Uie such Tiisurancc Is /rom I me to lime rank equally with respect to their in g ' of lhe hohlt.'is uf t\\o-thli ds or Ixmda‘ * and ' ••.mile: suthortied bv floe ■llnct'ftpm all'other funds of the Section 4, a . available, In time of wav, the Town* lien on ihe revenues of »«!« W ater more-In pvlnvlpal amount of tlie lions \ and• ‘l\ 1> . to 1k. Il.ll M- Phone MAtawan i-3764-M , . Township and used only for the pur­ 17) The Township further Irrevoc­ ship shall also carry such insurance System, ami their source and leeur* Bonds then ouUlmidlngr provided, enl that other... >r 'JA .. >v*ll>li!c >r«- poses and In the manner provided ably covenants and agrees that If'at as insy be available agulnitt loss or I ly toy payment-from-aaltl revenues, however, tha I \w ntoaUon or H s u % le h l in*. , „ In this Section 4. . The holders of anv tim e the revenues are Insufll* darna|e by the risks and,hazard!,of without preference of any Bond, cr ameiHlmeiu shall permit a rhanne jn .. _,i— . ‘-"-i- Rrcllniinee shall coupon, o verany other. . the inAlttrlly uf auch Uonds or i« t «#• — flags—aiur-the^- " *! ’BOOKS AND RECORDS. Thai ..A ll _p[LYinrnU-...mtuticd—for— I)}*1 f1UcUuiili}ihsai:ate^of-lutBfCf.lthfre‘ allnit after final passage' tha —Township—will-keep—bongs~~ and Sinking-Fund shall he lncrehied pro­ on. o r |h ‘-the-atnopnl of the ptlni'l* thm-eofp«f iniraunnltniraunnt In law, records-of said~Wat«r Syslein, which portionately upon the Issuance of pa) obligation or articling- Die tm> f 'UJMLIC I t U " NOTICE — Is-hereby g iv en ' ahall be separate and apart from any -pari passu additional Ronds. comlillonnl prnml«»- of- the Townahliti Urnt the ' above urtllnance was flrtallv all other books, rfcqrds and ac* All tvtch tinvl nsHsti additional Bo>,nk« to pay the nrtmdpal of and Inlsreat adopted hy the Townahn) Commli* counts of the- Township, In which shall be dated as of (he same day of nn mild Honda as the,sam e ahull be* ,.wlee ...... of The Township ijf wataw H*!.** aii...... In complete and correct entries shall the'month, or six mopllva.thereafter, come due from the‘revenues-of ssld the Cmmiy of Mnnmnnlh. Hew Jer* be made of ail trsmactlona relat­ as the II7S.OOO Bonds orl|lually Ir Water System-anti tu lhe cxn’iit nei Ihe^Twenlyfltit day «t__ ing to said Water System, and any stied puriunnt to lhii'Rcction V and cosaury .|tiim-it«-Valoreiu_iaMaa-leet - t IlM r holder of a Bond or Buntfg—JihaH Uie- in le re it Dieretm - shall b eT > aykbli led upon all Inkbhlr piopeit.v In said HTATKMENT ' * From Keyport, N . J. (Rollo Post House) ____ - h n v c 'lh e right ut all reasonable oh tlie ianie seml*annusl mlereat Towmhlp without .ilmil aa to rule The biuwl urdiuanev tnddlshed here*- - times to inspect said Water Svslem payment dates, ahd-all such pari pan* or amount,, or 'reduce the percentaim with has been finally passed and the*' and all parts thereof, and all rec* su additional Bonds ahall mature*on of HinidlKddflCN requited jo consent IweniVMlAV peilod itf Ilmllalloit wllii- ortjs, accounts »od data of the the same day of the month' ot any to such modification or amendment, m wli(ch a m il. action nr proceeding • Township relating thereto. year of ni'alurtly as the $175,000 Without the consent nf the1 holders miestlonlng the'-validity or ranch eW Dlred To New York City's Business and Theatre Districts . :The Township shall. »t least once Domic orljiinally Issued. ___ Uonfla..^------— — ------e crm im rnrertr'*«"Pfq^~-' a.ycafr-tause I he- books,- records * and -N o - pati y&fan "frtdif/Ofial'Bondsras 7\ WI5VKRABIUTY CM W K. |f t’lded In (he !*»coI Bond Lave, In# Clip Out and Save B _j T ± Clip Out anti Save ...... — accounts of'sald Water System lo be In this subsection defined, shall lie sry one or mors of the t'oy»»iintiv beglm- .tn.. rtih-froin-tUe-rtJite-of-^t#^-: Round Trip Fare properly- audited ' by a* qualified and Issued at any time, however, unlssi agreetpents or provlaions of this Sec­ first' PUblh'Mlon^nMlda stateinepl, 1 , Departures From Keyport Departure* From S t w V o rk registered Municipal Accountant, who. all required payments into the Sink- tion 4 of thia ovdlnsnep. shstl he. h*U\ . "HOKE M"*' “ WKNll.ltl^ ... Is also a certified public account tiling Fund have been duly made- at contrary lo an expicM vrovlslon. of Towwniliip' CleikJleik, 'V v CHy.,.. . City «•, Kryptrt and, /)hall->mall- upen' repeat, d th«- tlme,pf,.>*ueh snee^-

A tv .ii,., ,. liOLLO TRANSIT Phone KEYPORT 7-0797 - 7-0360

Our New Modern Self Service Market

MAXM'KLI, MOflSK __ ------KIIHMIAHT" OK — ‘ ----- r ...... I.VIIXlir ’— ' '“DOMINI)


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Pork Loin riband c lb 25< Red Salmon 8 o i «<*• i4 9 t Frozen Peas 2 i»r 35' A Sc B ' . 5, . . ' i iic n ii i iu»/r.N Can Picnic Ham < «”> ib 59< Flounder 16 ez pkg 55c rito/jKN < iu< iu,n pahtk . . is* YOU CAh AFFORD ANY 16 ox pkg H*r»'s dninwtle p m f that ChryUer h»g nwrt that't new Bologna 25c Chicken Breasts 89c than Ml #th*r ewnpetttWg can c e w tM l FVtXY-EQUIPPED “LOW PRICE” CAR, YOU CAN AFFORD A Mete In t m Chryslie Cm Cm Crnmm~ Cm **0M Car »«r* Rock Cornish game hens each Pet Milk 3 for 35c BtOOER, mORU POWERFUL ‘ Major style changes YES NO NO NO NO NO CHRYSLER WINDSOR V*0i • Longer Body YES YES NO YES NO MO BREYERS ICE CREAM Puihbytton DriYS . • ; Control^ YES NO MO NO NO NO *PowerSty/e* FREE GIFTSi . N tv R»voJul«onary Orake y2 gal $1.19 6y»tem YES NO : NO NO . NO .N 0 PT. PKG. 35c DOOR PRIZES Ht-FI Record Play#f* YES NO NO NO NO NO CHRYSLER Incrssted Horiepower YES YES YES YES YES YE.S Qusnlilict Mny Bn Limited 0IO4SIOT BUY OP ALL FfMK CA«» H%«t*rvt Hsshng Sytlem* YES MO NO HO u o !'° ‘ . ' ' \ : *• *Op*i*«k«l •( II—>1 *mW9 4t4 VOvf ' 1sT UsW C*n »«e tke feest Mm4 ttM rttNr 1 t e s *tM 4» m< keis M Mm* itM ds| mU lh< U*W Cmn Im lewn — *•!; * * + Ck»pr**e# v-l Migfaw .. . make seisatO w«M Ctarreto Urn tm 1 " I'm DELL S MARKET FREE 106 MAIN STREET O p e n Thb Th*'- Frl- Raritan Garage Bennett's Garage Inc. " A R K I ^ G MATAWAN U n til 9 P .M . So. Main St., Keyport. N .J . - KE 7*0361 Main St, Mvlboro, N.J. - FR 8-1330 FREE DELIVERY mat I ■ h— Tm. h i '.i k w, Mr - i n * om*i \ in r -cum m i- M IM U--IM (V MM IIMH >N« IIAIHXn- - • - -Fabulous Fashions w ^ F o r Smart Women^™** ..■' Now Serving The Value Conscious '•■. .: ■ -'- Shoppers O f 47: Cities COMES TO KEYPORT a t 22 W. FRONT ST;

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10 WEAR NOW . . . . AND RIGHT THRU SPRING TERBY SHOPS A Lovely Pair O f $1.00 Value AUXUBX-IACEI -BRINGS YOU . . . «LEir.ti_Quality • -Sl-Gaure- CAMISOLE $18.00 WORTH OF ; • Full Fashioned • 15 Denier

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CompareWiUi .Those Selling ' Choose from hundreds la F o r f2.00 c ■ i Regular ftnd HaU_BI*es_ with purchase of *.98 ,• or mor* •'

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at n e w If rour choice Is r \ c e s \ o v J P "ALJ, WOOL” $*>98 or “ALL NYLON”, Ck.VSSlC—FA ILLE We Haye Just The Compare with those selling elsewhere ..... Topper You Need • F o r M.8S COAT IN BLACK . Al A Tremendous IN NAVY - SAVINGS TOOl m IN TURQUOISE ; $ 90 Choose from hundreds in ' R e iu la r I'v.'r., wanted alyl* . $16.95 WORTH DOLLARS MORE com pare! Values

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Choose from hundreds Light sheer Power net control that feels like nexttt In every wanted fabrlo nothing— Rayon satin lastcx front panel for tununj control. The elastic band design will not bind or ride MOST STYLES! Long detachable garter* for evening wear. ~

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