KONMOUTHCOUNTY tit 3TORICAL A SSO . ^ - EKESHGlD, S. J. "... ■ 11AUG31 X STREET £ "■ Three Deatihs, Many Junkmen Gain New Hurt, Dae To Storm Marlboro Ordinance Heart Attack* From Protest Agal«*t Shoveling Snow Fatal Original D raft’G et „ To Madison Men Revised Measure , ' Three flefcAs due to h e a rt Marlboro Township Commit* , Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association— Monmouth County Press Association tee slielved Thursday f the or? /allure frcir. the exertions of dlnance initiated last month to ' - «hoveli£E tffiow were the most regulate Junkyards and In it* . serious cstjaltles attributed to 87th YEAR — 38th W EEK M A T A. WAN , N. J., T H U R S D A Y , M A RCH 22, 1956 Single Copy Ten Cents place Introduced a new .ordln- tbe fincw/t.is on Friday and ancc for the same purpos# . again on Sunday and Monday with provisions that were not j . Physician Succumbs | NEWLY-REMODELLED INTERIOR OF DELL’S MARKET as stiff. ‘ .■ "wj ■ !• that Piled up 15 Inches of snow One Still “Poor' Morganville School Asked why uie orlginaT'iOr-, In t^e tmyshore area. Ia ad­ dlnance couic. not have bsBir i dition & large number of traf- From Fatal Cr^h Suffers Great Loss amended, Clifton; JvBarkaliw ; ; ; fic accident^ iWere caused by Freehold, township attorney', : '..skids on tie Ice and snow. '■ ■ : said the changes made v Punches In Slight Miss Crine, Principal, of-a "substantial 0 r d e r . The three victims, oil ln.Mad: .. Ison Township^ were Earl ciun- Rally, Others Fair; Dies; Connected With ■ ey, 3*, uf 352 Shol'eland Circle; dlhanqe was leQulrcdi' Hicks Death Hearing ^ System For 34 Years « nubllc hcaring jiii-ilie orlglni —ClfXwooa B each; A ugust E . nl ordlnnnco Mar,’ (I at whlcli ..-Bell, «1;-«f l6t Hilltop’ Blvd‘, "Some slight improvement In •Mias M ary Crine, 55, Wick- 17 Junkyard operators voloed > —Cllffwood Beach, 'and Frank the condition of Robert Funch- ntunk, died Tuesduy, M ar. ao. Wronko, 63," of 325 Herbert St.. es, 18, Texas R d.. M orennville, 1950. at St. Francis Hospital, strong.opposition and Mata- wan attonicys, Loo Weinstein - Old Bridge.' Mr. Cluney died was reported at Perth Amboy -Trenton. S h e was born In General Hospital last night, Matawan, tfauglUet- of.the into -and Robert LaMura, debated Monday/ Mr. Sell on Sunday Its provisions, the original and' Mr. Wronko, Saturday. but tlie rider In the car which James a n d Mary (Kelly) ordinance was reviewed ; with • Mr, Cluney, a former Key­ carried R onald Hicks, 17, Tdx- Crlno, - • - the attorneys and the Junkman- , port resident, was found lying as Rd.. Morganvllle, to his Mlss'Ciino Was associated death In an accident in Mata­ with' tho .^tarlboro Township by Uia loivhshlp commtttea In the snow in front, of his Mar, 13. After thla the new < house. He was rushed to wan on'Friday still remains schools,for 34 years. She was .South Arftbby . Memorial Hos­ on the poor list. thc principal of the Morgan- ordinance waa formulated I -. Tl\? original ordlAsnce did; pital by Laurence Harbor Of the' other three rid ers vllle~arammlir School /or 13' not pass out of exlntnnco wlthV- First Aid Squad but was pro­ who were Injured, all arc now years,-and was'hold in high out Jts suj)pei'leia..presslnK fnr- ' iiouhced dead, on arrival by ln "fail- condition." They are esteem by pupils, teachers-and- Walter- Ballinger. 21.' Texas parehts. She was a graduate 1U filial adoption. Mayor Di-u. ' Middlesex ' County- Coroner pis Buckley dlsaloseil Thurs- - ■ ’ Francis X.- Muska.. Rd., Morganvllle; Willie White,: of New Jersey Stale. Teachers day the committeemon had re- > ■' Director Of Bugle Corps IB, of 306 T exas R d., M organ­ College, Newark. ' cetved 150 postcards from per­ ; Mr. Cluney was a director vllle. nnd Purcell Tayler. 30. Miss Crine wits a member sons urging its adoption as ; of the Keyport Junior Drum New BrunswUck. The driver of of various professional organ­ written. Miss Edna M, Net- ■ and Bugle Corps and was em­ DR. CARL A. GES8WEIN the car Wesley Cope, 25, Spring isations suclra* the New Jer­ ter, their spokesman, inferred - ployed aa an electrician at the Valley ftd.,Morganvllle.. de­ sey Education Association, tlio Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen. many more cards could bs clined medical aid at the scene National Gduoatlonal Associa­ gotten, If needed, to impress He. is Butvlved by his . wife, of the accident, according to tion, tho Monmouth County^ the oommUtee wlUt tho p re- : Fear), a daughter, Mra. John Services Today For Patrolman James Volk, Mata­ Teachers Association, and the ponderant weight of opinion In , Bushel], Cllffwood, and three Dell’s Market, 108 Main St., Miklawan, celebrating lta 50th year, yesterday opened lta new­ wan Police, who handled the Classroom Teachers Assoula- favor of the ordinance. ^ __ grandchildren. ly-remodelled store, carrying' a oonvplete line of meals and groceries. The buslneia waa es­ accident. t lon. In NQVembor—1985^-nlie Changes' Outlined ‘ ■ Funeral services will be con- Dr. Carl A. Gesswein tablished In 1808 by Uie 1st* Frank A, Dell, and l« carrlt4 8ii byJ>lasiins,F-r»nkr lr,, and Paulr Mr. Ballinger ..?f fta ..reported -TheremodMIIng:worlcwa«aone by W llllamStroiherrMatawan.-amtthe IIIIIRefrlferatlonC'o;; Avan-pvenonted-wltli-allfomom r^llnTkatoW outlined tits ' —ducted—this— afternoon~at 2 lo-have-lmproved at the hos­ Asbury Park. .......... berthip In tha National Con changes, He jioteii Uie form- ~o’clock, fronTthe. Flynn and —Resident Of Matawan pital the past few days after Announcement has been made Ihe market owners have purchased the adjoining properly" gross of ParenU and Teachers or restrlotlon .whluh forbtd any Son F u n eral Hom e, 422 E a s t 40 Years Died Monday an ’operation for. his Injuries. at 101 Main SI, from Mr. and Mrs, J. Lauterwald. The building lias been raaed and a parking by the Morganvllle p-TA. Jutikyard (enolng w ithin 80 • Ave., Perth Amboy* with the Practiced In Plainfield He la reported to have had . let will replace It for tbe patrona of the market. , . ; Miss Crine is survived by a feet of.the sidelines of ad: Rev. Beaman W. Townsend possible fractured skull, ribs sister, Miss Nellie Crine; at Joining property wa»f out to ; officiating. Interment will foi- Funeral services are being and right knee with lacerations Holy Week Services : home;~four~ljrotlist', Michael 35 foot. : The attorney 'was : low In Christ Church .Ceme- held t h is afternoon at of the chin and lips, Tlie one and' James Crine, both at ; tery, Perth Amboy. - aiked why an/ sotbaok was 2 o'clock at. the Bedle Funeral still''.‘In. poor condition, Mr 2662 New Homes For Holy week lervlotB hftv* $125,000 Bonding home; John K, Crine, Fren- needed. : It'was.olaiirted bji.n.. "T7”In the second death,. Coron- Funchpa, Was adm itted With a ..er, Francis. X. Muska reported Home;1 Matawan, for Dr. Carl been planned b j the Matawan jiiiik dealor ' the setbaok i‘«- possible fractured skull, pos­ Council of C hurches as fol« strlollon wa, i>ut In from or- - Mr. Sell was dead on arrival A, aesswfcin.(,71, of Main St., sible fractured ribs and Inter- Madison Approved . at-the Perth Amboy Oeneral Matawanr. who died Monday, lows: Union Palm Sundar dinaiicos used In O range and nil’ cliest Injuries, the Injur­ service will be hetd at 8 p.m. Hillside, lie lieolaieti Utese Hospital after he was found night. M ar. 19. 1958; a t R iv er­ ies of Mr. White were disloca­ Large School To Be Road Improvements, lying in the snow, at a bus view Hospital, following a In tho First Baptist Church wore cltloj. where setbacks, tion of the shoulder and lacer­ Built For Township with the Ilev. A lbert D. Qur* New Town Hall, Are mlRlit be nouded, but In the ■top on Route 35 by a passer­ long Illness. The Rev. Ches­ ations of the right eyelid, face ter A. Galloway, pastorof the At Southwest End rjr, pastor of the Flnt Meth­ Set Up In Ordinances country ..areas of Morlboro by. and scalp and of Mr. Taylor, TowtiMilp, they were not, Mr, \ Coroner Muska said -mem­ Fhrst Presbyterian Church. odist Church, speaklnr on tlie facial Injuries and he lias been Madison Township's housing Harkalow remliided him that bers of Mr. Be'll's family stat­ Matawan, will officiate and thome, “Tho Popular Idea of Madison Township Commit­ x-rayed for a possible head. boom continues at aiuum-elent- Clark' oiid Mftiuvlapiii Town- ed he had been shoveling snow Interment will be In Old Ten­ tbe Cross.M tee lpat night Introduced two Injury. *.... ing pace. A discussion of maps alilps, both aemt-rural areas, from in front of his home at nent Cemetery. Monday evening at 9 ordinances to bond the munici­ Car Goes Out Of'Control totaling over 3000 units cam e hud tlio sftino provision. ■ About 8 p.m. Sunday night, o'clock the; service will be pality for a totnl of $135,000, Dr. Gcssweln was born in According to Patrolman before the municipal planning icontlmiml on page four) -prior to taking a bus to his held In the First Methodist With oaBh added to the desig­ Canton, Ohio, the son of the (continued on page nine) board on Thursday. Job aa a fireman at the Monte­ late Gustave and Mary desa- Church. The Rev, Fronols nated amounts, tlio ordinances ' Chistie Corp., Rahway. - weln. He graduated from the Nearly. 1000 of these units Osterstook, pastor of the lUy- provide- $78,750-for rood 'lm-' Talcen Tollospltal -r' University of, Clnclnatti, and Matawan' Policeman will be ln the area near Ma­ view Presbyterian Church, provements and (52,500 for tho taken to toe hospital the jnedtcal school at the TJu- Dies At 54 .....; ■ tawan.
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