UK Data Archive Study Number 8689 - at a (Social) Distance, 2020-2021

CLAIMANT W1 QUESTIONNAIRE Instructions on using this document This document gives the full text of the survey questionnaire, including annotations to explain derived variables / question sources / any errors and how they are corrected for.

To use the data, please firstly read the main user guide. Then you are likely to want to refer to this document – please note:

1. The first three questions are from the screening survey; see main user guide for an explanation.

2. We use the following missing value conventions: Missingness type Stata code SPSS code Refused .r -9 Don’t know .d -8 Not asked .n or .b -7 Routing error at q51 .o -6 Other routing errors .p -5 Implausible values .i -4 Missing from YouGov profile data .a -2 Other missing . -1 UK Data Service Note: missing values across all formats are currently set to the numeric codes, as used in SPSS.

3. We use the following variable naming conventions: • Prefix ‘P’: refers to respondent’s partner (e.g. ‘PpreLwork’); • Suffix ‘R’: recoded version of original variable (e.g. ‘workchangeR’). Often this refers to variables where open text responses have been manually coded and used to create a modified version of the variable; • Suffix ‘B’: binary version of more detailed variable (e.g. ‘hhldworkB’).

4. We also use the following abbreviations: • ‘DV’: a derived variable; • ‘RF survey’: the Resolution Foundation’s YouGov survey of the working-age population, which was in the field fractionally before this survey, and which was a source for some of the questions in our survey (to enable comparisons to the wider working-age population).

5. Administrative variables are explained at the end of this document, after the questionnaire.

6. Each entry below is in the following format:

YouGov original variable name // final variable name

[YouGov routing script]

Question text. List of response categories Notes on this variable.

Screening questions imported // S1

Are you (personally or jointly) currently claiming , Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), or Tax Credits?

Yes, and I started claiming in March 2020 or later (since the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK) Yes, and I was already claiming before March 2020 (prior to the coronavirus outbreak in the UK) No, I am not claiming but I have tried to apply since the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK No, I am not claiming and have not tried to apply since the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK Don’t know

imported // S2

[New and pre-existing claimants]

Which of the following are you currently claiming (personally or jointly)?

(Please tick all that apply) Universal Credit Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Tax Credits None of these

Changes over early versions of the screening: WHEN INCLUDED: w1->w2: There was an error at screening w1 and this only went to existing claimants (not new claimants). PERSONALLY OR JOINTLY: see note under screening q1. OTHER: w3: For screening w3 we added 'other' and asked them to write in - most people said PIP (others were IS, CA) and were existing claimants. There’s one person who said ‘Other’ and then explained that they’d recently claimed ‘New-style JSA’, who should have chosen option 2 (this was the only new claimant picking 'other') – but my guess is that they would choose option 2 if they’d not had an ‘other’ response available.

imported // S3

[If not currently claiming (inc. DK and those who tried to claim)]

Which of the following come closest to why you are not currently claiming any of these benefits/tax credits? (Please tick all that apply) <1> My income hasn’t changed during lockdown so I don’t need them <2> My income has gone down, but I am still comfortable financially so I don’t need them <3> My income has gone down, but I am still earning too much to claim them <4> My income has gone down, but I have too much other income/savings to claim them <5> I don't think I'm eligible due to my immigration status <6> I don't think I'm eligible for other reasons <7> I might be eligible, but have struggled to make a claim <8> I might be eligible, but I don't think it will be worth the hassle <9> I might be eligible, but I don't want to be the kind of person who claims benefits <10> I might be eligible, but am not claiming for other reasons[nonclaimopen2]{open} <11> Don’t know

Changes over early versions of the screening: CATEGORIES: [w1]: first four categories were only three, worded differently: 1. I don’t need to claim these benefits/tax credits 2. I don’t think I’m eligible because I earn too much 3. I don’t think I’m eligible because my household has other income/savings [w3]: Changed to: 1. My income hasn’t changed during lockdown so I don’t need them 2. My income has gone down, but I am still comfortable financially so I don’t need them 3. My income has gone down, but I am still earning too much to claim them 4. My income has gone down, but I have too much other income/savings to claim them START vs. MAKE A CLAIM: changed from struggling to 'start' to 'make' a claim for screening w3. DON'T KNOWL w3: We experimented with changing 'Don't know' to ‘I don’t know if I’m eligible’ option in screen w3. However, this has taken some responses from the ‘I might be eligible…’ responses (excluding the ‘…I have struggled to make a claim’), particularly ‘…I don't think it will be worth the hassle’ (reduced from 3.3-4.2% to 1.9%) and ‘…I am not claiming for other reasons’ (down from 1.2-1.5% to 0.4%). The number of responses that people gave has also gone down slightly. We therefore reverted back to a simple don't know - though this experiment was useful in clarifying that some people genuinely don’t know why they haven’t claimed.

Start of main survey q3_ // benprev

Thinking back to earlier this year **before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak** started in the UK (i.e. the end of February 2020)... Which, if any, of the following benefits/tax credits were you/ your partner receiving? (Please select all that apply)

<1> Universal Credit (UC) <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) <4> Income Support <5> Carer's Allowance <6> Working Tax Credit <7> Child Tax Credits <8> <9> Child Benefit <10> Children's Disability Living Allowance (DLA) <11> Adults' Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or DLA <12> Council Tax Support / Reduction <13> Discretionary Housing Payments from your council <14> Other <15> Emergency grants/help from the council <16> Emergency grants/help from the Scottish Government <17 xor> Don’t know <18 xor> Prefer not to say <19 xor> Not applicable - I/ my partner were not receiving any benefits before the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Taken from the Resolution Foundation COVID-19 survey, but with some small changes: (i) we've taken out EMA; (ii) we've added 'Emergency help from the council' and 'Emergency help from the Scottish Government' (the latter replacing 'Scottish Welfare Fund') (iii) we've added 'Discretionary Housing Payments' (iv) we've separated DLA for children from DLA/PIP for adults, as a crude indicator of presence of a disabled child in the household. (As of Aug 2019 on Stat-Xplore, there were 500k DLA claims for kids, 420k for working-age, 680k for over state pension age).

We expect 'other' to include Maternity Allowance, Bereavement benefits, Guardians Allowance, Industrial Injuries, and the State Pension (if partner above state pension age). We deliberately do not include statutory payments that work via employers (SMP/ShPP/SPP, SAP, SSP), nor do we include Free School Meals (or the vouchers that have replaced them while schools are closed).

q4_ // benapp

And which, if any, of the following benefits or tax credits have you/ your partner applied for **since the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak** started (i.e. since the beginning of March 2020)? (This does NOT include the furlough scheme, other support to employers, or the Self Employed Income Support Scheme)

<1> Universal Credit (UC) <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) <4> Income Support <5> Carer's Allowance <6> Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credits <7> Housing Benefit <8> Child Benefit <9> Children's Disability Living Allowance (DLA) <10> Adults' Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or DLA <11> Council Tax Support / Reduction <12> Discretionary Housing Payments from your council <13> Emergency grants/help from the council <14> Emergency grants/help from the Scottish Government <15> Other <16 xor> Don’t know <17 xor> Prefer not to say <18 xor> Not applicable - I/ my partner have not applied for any benefits since the start of March 2020

Again adapted from the Resolution Foundation COVID-19 survey - but we ask for which ones that people have applied for (rather than 'applied for or receiving') and also clarify that furlough doesn't count.

ROUTING: Initial allocation of claimants to group // {exit status=screenout if not q4.has_any([1,2,3]) and not q3.has_any([1,2,3,6,7])}

[At this point in the survey, participants are also allocated to a group:

$oldbenefittext [q3single] Existing benefit in priority order: <1> Universal Credit (if q3=1) <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (if q3=2) <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) (if q3=3) <6>Tax Credits (if q3=6 or 7). The benefit name as described in this list is placed in {oldbenefittext}

$newbenefittext [q4single if 0] New benefit in priority order: <1> Universal Credit (if q4=1) <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (if q4=2) <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) (if q4=3). The benefit name as described in this list is placed in {newbenefittext}

Slightly later in the survey (after q9), participants are given a single group across both questions - see below

DV // multiclaim

[Derived variable showing people's new claim status across UC/ESA/JSA]

0_None 1_Just UC 2_Routed as UC but also claimed JSA 3_Routed as UC but also claimed ESA 4_Routed as UC but also claimed ESA & JSA 5_Just JSA 6_Just ESA 7_Routed as ESA also claimed JSA (v rare)

This is a derived variable from q4//benapp. In the main surve, respondents are only asked about one 'main claim', which is priority coded (see routing clarification above). This variable shows whether people also applied for other benefits, as well as their priority coded benefit that is the subject of the survey.

Benefits claim status //

This survey is on the benefits system and other topics. The results will be used for a research project led by Ben Geiger at the University of Kent – if you want to find out more or read the results, you can contact him at [email protected].

The researchers will make your responses anonymous, so that no-one could identify you from your answers. They will then make the data available in a public, permanent archive, so that as many people as possible use it to understand and improve the benefits system. As with all YouGov surveys, participating is voluntary, and you can leave the survey at any time.

Your YouGov Account will be credited with 50 points for completing the survey.

We have tested the survey and found that, on average it takes around 14 to 16 minutes to complete. This time may vary depending on factors such as your Internet connection speed and the answers you give.

Please click the forward button below to continue.

q1a_ // ppl

Thinking about the people who live in your household. **Without counting yourself**, how many are…?

Please enter your answers in the boxes below. (If there is no-one from that age group living in your household, please put 0) -[q1a_1] Aged 0-2 -[q1a_2] Aged 3-4 -[q1a_3] Aged 5-15 -[q1a_4] Aged 16-18 -[q1a_5] Aged 19-69 -[q1a_6] Aged 70 or older

Two derived variables are included here, 'ppltot' and 'ppltot_2': - These both add up all the responses here to create a 'total household size' variable - However, it seems that some respondents ignored the instruction not to include themselves in this count. (If you compare this DV to the YouGov profile variable 'household_size', then 60% give same answer, but substantial minorities answer one higher in the survey version, indicating that they ignored the q instructions). - We therefore include an alternate version 'ppltot_2', which assumes that ppl misread the q and included themselves IF the implied household size is 1 greater in our q than in YouGov profile q.

SOURCE: Taken from the Understanding Society COVID-19 survey, but adapted to split 0- 2 from 3-4 (to enable analysis of the 2-child limit - the cut-off for the two-child limit is April 2017, so asking about kids aged 0-2 should roughly capture this).

q2 // partner

Are you currently living with a partner?

<1> Yes I am <2> No I am not

This question needs to come near the start of the survey, so that we can ask people about their partner's situation (e.g. as a reason for their benefit claim), but only to those who have a partner.

ROUTING: New claims module // {module newclaim if q4.has_any([1,2,3])}

q5 // jointclaim_new

[if q2==1]

Was your claim for $newbenefittext…

<1> …a joint application with my partner, which we both did equally <2> …a joint application with my partner, which they mostly did <3> …a joint application with my partner, which I mostly did <4> …an application just for me personally, which didn't include my partner <5> …an application just for my partner, which didn't include me <6> Don't know

q6_ // reason_new

{If has a partner, q2==1} You previously said you/ your partner has applied for $newbenefittext since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started in March 2020... Why did you/ your partner recently apply for $newbenefittext?

{If doesn't have a partner, q2==2} You previously said you have applied for $newbenefittext since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started in March 2020... Why did you recently apply for $newbenefittext?

[Multiple] -[q6_1] Made redundant due to coronavirus -[q6_2] Employed but not being paid due to coronavirus -[q6_3] Furloughed and pay has reduced -[q6_4] Hours & pay were reduced {SEE NOTES} -[q6_5] Contract came to an end & was not renewed -[q6_6] Made redundant for another reason -[q6_7] Self-employed and could not get enough work -[q6_8] Needed to shield from coronavirus -[q6_9] Ill due to coronavirus -[q6_10] Other health/disability issues -[q6_11] New care responsibilities -[q6_12] Household situation changed -[q6_13] Already not working and now harder to find work -[q6_14] Other {If they select this, a follow-up question asks: You said that there was another reason you or your partner applied for $newbenefittext. What was this other reason?}

[If single: heading says 'Applies to me'] [If has a partner, two columns: one for 'Applies to me', one for 'Applies to my partner']

***MINOR ERROR CORRECTED AT POINT correction1*** For people with partners, option 4 mistakenly said 'Hours & pay were reduced DUE TO CORONAVIRUS' (emphasis added) - after the marker 'correction1', the text 'due to coronavirus' was removed to match other versions of this question.

There are two versions of this question: one for new claimants (q6/reason_new), and for existing claimants (q28/reason_old). These are identical questions, except that for new claimants, a series of coronavirus-related response options were included (which are not applicable for existing claimants). Because the response options differ, these variables have different names.

q7_ // appmode

What were the MAIN ways that you completed your initial application for $newbenefittext? (Please select all that apply)

<1> On my own on a computer in a Jobcentre <2> Speaking to a Jobcentre adviser in a Jobcentre <3> Online, using a smartphone <4> On a computer at home <5> On a computer owned by someone I know <6> On a computer in another public place <7> Speaking to someone on the phone <8> On a paper application form <9> Other [q7open]{open}

q8_ // prob

Did you experience any of the following difficulties when making your claim...?

[Multiple] {If has applied online (if q7.has_any([1,3,4,5,6])} <1> Initially, I could not get on to the website <2> The website crashed or kept on crashing while I was using it <3> I was not able to verify my identity online {All} <4> I spent hours trying to get through on the phone <5> I was waiting longer than a week for someone to call me back <6> I had difficulty getting some or all the information and documents required <7> I had difficulties calculating my income or expenses <8> I had difficulties entering my housing or childcare costs <9> I had difficulties proving my ill-health/disability <10 if applied for ESA/JSA, i.e. q4single in [2,3]> I had difficulties proving that I had paid enough National Insurance contributions <11 if has a partner, i.e. q2==1> I had difficulties claiming as a couple <12> I had difficulties providing proof of residency, or problems with the Habitual Residency Test <13> Other [q8open] {open} <14 xor> I did not experience any of these difficulties

Category #14 is renumbered to #15 in the dataset for consistency with the equivalent q asked to existing claimants. Adapted from the Universal Credit Full Service Survey 2017.

q9 // status_new

Still thinking about you/ your partner's application for $newbenefittext since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. in March 2020)... Which ONE, if any, of the following best applies to the status of your application?

<1> I/ we have been told that I am not eligible <2> The claim is currently being processed <3> The claim has been successful but I have not yet received any money <4 if claiming UC, i.e. q4single==1 > The claim has been successful and I have received an advance, but NOT my first payment <5 if claiming UC, i.e. q4single==1 > The claim has been successful and I have some money, but I don't know if this is an advance or a payment <6> The claim has been successful and I have received my first payment <7> I/ we made a successful claim but then left the benefit <8> I/ we tried to apply but we couldn't complete our application <9> I/ we tried to apply but we couldn't verify our identity <10> I/ we started applying but pulled out of the application process <11> Other <12 xor> Don’t know <>

Taken from the Resolution Foundation survey, but: (i) adapted to focus on applications rather than current receipt, (ii) introduced an option for people to say that they applied but then withdrew/left UC; (iii) changed 'our application didn't go through' to 'we couldn't complete our application' and 'we couldn't verify our identity' (the former influenced by Understanding Society q); (iv) split being paid an advance vs. receiving first payment

The 'don't know' category was removed at marker correction2, so that respondents would simply combine this with other'.

Later that this (26th May), we also added a follow-up question (q9followup/stat_det) to get more detail on the 'other' category - see the note on this question (as it was only added at a late stage in fieldwork). Two categories are added to 'status_new' based on 'stat_det': <21>I received a benefit payment of £0 <> <22> I received a benefit payment but for the wrong amount

q9followup // stat_det

***Only added on 26th May at 4:41pm - see notes*** [if q9==11]

You said that your application for $newbenefittext had a different status that wasn’t listed above. Which of the following best explains this status?

<1>I was already claiming the benefit before the coronavirus outbreak <2>I received a benefit payment of £0 <3>I received a benefit payment that wasn’t enough to live on <4>I received a benefit payment but for the wrong amount <5>I’m no longer receiving the benefit, even though I did previously receive a payment <6>I haven’t yet heard whether the claim has been successful <7>Other [q9followupopen]{open}

This variable is used to create categories 21 and 22 in status_new, and then deleted from the cleaned dataset.

This was a late addition on 26th May at 4:41pm to try to increase the number of people filtered into the survey - some of the people who wrote 'other' at q9 (and who would therefore be filtered) were asked this follow-up. - The answer categories are based on an open text question in a preceding version of the survey, to see what people meant by 'other' - We kept option #2-#5 in the survey (that is, <2>I received a benefit payment of £0 /// <3>I received a benefit payment that wasn’t enough to live on /// <4>I received a benefit payment but for the wrong amount /// <5>I’m no longer receiving the benefit, even though I did previously receive a payment). But in practice, this only affects 3 claimants. - Option #1 is also kept in the survey, but (because the 26 people concerned had already reported claiming this benefit in Feb), they were already being treated as existing claimants.

q9extra_ // leftben

[if q9==7]

You said that you made a successful claim but then left $newbenefittext. Which of these explain why you left? (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> I/ we were able to return to my/ our old job <2> I/ we were able to work more hours at our existing jobs <3> I/ we found a new job <4> I/ we were able to get money from the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme <5> My/ our living situation changed <6> My/ our health/disability issues improved <7> Other [q9extraopen]{open}

ROUTING: Allocation of priority benefit group // {goto page blank if (q9 not in [3,4,5,6,7]) and (q3single not in [1,2,3,6])} {goto page existingswitch if (q9 not in [2,3,4,5,6,7]) and (q3single in [1,2,3,6])}

In the last stages of fieldwork, this was amended so that those giving (q9followup in [2,3,4,5]) were kept in the survey - but this only applies to three people.

[At this point in the survey, participants are allocated to their MAIN group, building on the variables after q4]:

[q3q4combo] Priority order as follows: <1> Universal Credit new <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) new <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) new <6> Universal Credit old <7> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) old <8> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) old <11>Tax Credits old.

Note that: - q4single is firstly set to 99 if (q9 in [1,8,9,10,11,12]). NOTE there is an error here - q4single should be set to 99 if q9==2. Because of this, these people are mistakenly treated as new claimants; they have been removed from the final dataset as a result. This only affects very few people though (7 people in the main dataset, 34 people who were being processed when first asked, who were removed by YouGov). - q3q4 set to 1/5 if q4single is 1/5 -q3q4 than set to 6/11 if q3single is 1-3/6 and q4single is not 1-3. NOTE that this means that those who have put in a claim for IS (but are existing UC/JSA/ESA/TC claimants) are included as an 'existing claimant'.

q10 // dateR

**When did you COMPLETE your application for $newbenefittext?**

Please give your best guess if you're not completely sure. {text if q4single==1} You might find it useful to think of the date that your application was accepted (which you may have seen in your online Universal Credit account), and work backwards from there.{end text} To help you remember, it might also be useful to know:
- On Wed 18th March, it was announced that schools should mostly shut (from Fri 20th March)
- On Fri 20th March, it was announced that all pubs, restaurants and gyms should shut
- On Mon 23rd March, it was announced that we should only go outside to buy food, exercise, or work if you cannot work from home ('lockdown')
- On Fri 27th March, Boris Johnson tested positive for coronavirus (he was admitted to hospital on Sun 5th April)

Please click a date on the calendar below. {This showed calendars for three months, 1st March to 31st May}

While this question would usually be difficult to answer, qualitative research suggests that claimants have a clear idea of when their claim was approved, because this starts the countdown for receiving payment (it's also displayed prominently in their online journal). We might expect some people to choose the first available date as a sign of a 'dont know', and in practice, 2.8% of people selected 1st March (vs. 1.7% selecting 2nd March and 0.3% selecting the following Sunday, 8th March). However, this may simply be signalling that they applied at the start of March before lockdown, and they don't remember exactly which day. We have left it to users to decide whether to treat 1st March as 'don't know'.

q11 // delay

Thinking about the change in your circumstances that led you to claim - how long after this happened did you complete your application for $newbenefittext? (Please give your best guess if you're not completely sure).

<1> Almost straight away <2> Within a week <3> More than one week, up to two weeks <4> More than two weeks, up to one month <5> More than one month, up to three months <6> More than three months, up to six months <7> More than six months, up to a year <8> More than a year <9> Don't know/ can't remember

q12_ // whydelay

[if q11 in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]] {If didn't claim straight away, even if claimed within a week}

Why was there a delay between your change in circumstances and when you completed your claim for $newbenefittext? (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> I wasn't sure how long the coronavirus outbreak was going to last <2> I waited to see what other sorts of support were available during the coronavirus outbreak <3> I didn't know about $newbenefittext <4> I wasn't sure I would be entitled <5> I thought I would get another job quickly <6> I didn't have access to a computer at home <7> Completing the application took me some time <8> I had to get help to complete the application <9> It seemed like too much hassle to apply for $newbenefittext <10> I thought $newbenefittext was for other people, not people like me <11> I was worried about how I would be treated by DWP/Jobcentre staff while applying <12>It felt easier to claim now that so many other people are claiming <13> Another reason [q12open]{open} <14 xor> Don't know

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

q13 // advance


Still thinking about when you/ your partner applied for $newbenefittext since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. in March 2020)... Did you/ they apply for an advance payment?

<1> Yes, I/we applied and were successful <2> Yes, I/we applied but it was rejected <3> Yes, I/we applied but still waiting to hear <4> No, I/we did not apply <5> Don’t know

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

Source: Adapted from Resolution Foundation survey (not just yes/no, but added answer categories). one.

q14 // whyadvance

[if q13==4]

Which ONE, if any, of the following is the MAIN reason that you/ your partner did not apply for an advance payment?

<1> I/ they don't know what it is/ haven't heard of it <2> I/ they don't want to get into benefits debt <3> I/ they were told I/ they wouldn't be eligible <4> I/ they didn't need one due to having enough earnings/ redundancy pay/ other income <5> I/ they didn't need one due to having enough savings <6> It looked like too much hassle to apply <7> Other [q14open]{open} <8> Don't know

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

Source: adapted from RF survey - we've added 'It looked like too much hassle to apply' and I/ they were told I/ they wouldn't get it.

q15 // delayadvance

[if q13==1]

Approximately, how long did it take from completing your Universal Credit claim to receiving an advance payment?

<1> Two days or less <2> More than two days, up to one week <3> More than one week, up to two weeks <4> More than two weeks, up to three weeks <5> More than three weeks, up to four weeks <6> More than four weeks, up to five weeks <7> More than five weeks, up to six weeks <8> More than six weeks <9> Don't know/ can't remember

This is adapted from the RF survey, which asked, "Approximately, how long was the period of time from making your Universal Credit (UC) claim to receiving either an advance payment or your first payment? (Please select the option that best applies)"

q15extra // covidben

The Government decided to make some benefits/tax credits more generous than normal during the coronavirus outbreak.

As far as you know, is YOUR OWN PAYMENT affected by this change?

<1>Yes, I receive higher payments because of this change <2>No, I am not affected by this change <3>I don’t know if I’m affected by this change <4>Other [q15extra_open]{open} <>

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

Note: 'Open text box for 'other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2'), to match version to exitsing claimants (q35_extra2).

q16_ // payment

[if q9 in [4,5,6]]

Thinking about your MOST RECENT payment for $newbenefittext…

As far as you know, was the amount you received affected by any of the following?

[Multiple] <1> The <2> The two-child limit <3> The under-occupancy charge ('') <4> Reduced benefits because you received redundancy payments <5> Reduced benefits because of your other income or savings <6> Deductions after receiving an advance earlier in THIS claim <7> Deductions due to past debts to the DWP <8> Deductions due to past debts to others (e.g. rent arrears) <9> Deductions that I don't understand <10 xor> None of these

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

Note also: - This was not asked to those who left the benefit (q9/status_new==7). - New ESA/JSA claimants are set to missing for payment6, which is not relevant to them as they cannot claim an advance (the equivalent question for existing JSA/ESA claimants does not ask this option to them).

q17 // slow

[if q4single in [2,3]]

How long was the period of time from completing your claim for $newbenefittext to finding out that you had been successful? (Please give your best guess if you're not completely sure).

<1> Up to one week <2> More than one week, up to two weeks <3> More than two weeks, up to three weeks <4> More than three weeks, up to four weeks <5> More than four weeks, up to five weeks <6> More than five weeks, up to six weeks <7> More than six weeks, up to ten weeks <8> More than ten weeks <0> Don't know/ can't remember

This is adapted from the RF survey, which asked, "Approximately, how long was the period of time from making your Universal Credit (UC) claim to receiving either an advance payment or your first payment? (Please select the option that best applies)"

q18 // claimboth

[q18 if 1 in q4 and (q4.has_any([2,3]))

You said earlier that since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. March 2020), you/ your partner have applied for **both** Universal Credit and Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Which of the following best applies?

<1> I/ we applied for ESA/JSA first, and when this was rejected I/ we then applied for Universal Credit <2> I/ we applied for Universal Credit first, and when this was rejected I/ we then applied for ESA/JSA <3> I/ we applied for ESA/JSA first, but then withdrew the application so that I/ we could apply for Universal Credit <4> I/ we applied for Universal Credit first, and then withdrew the application so that I/ we could apply for ESA/JSA <5> I/ we applied for Universal Credit and ESA/JSA at the same time, as I/ we weren't sure which to apply for <6> I/ we applied for Universal Credit and ESA/JSA at the same time, as I/ we are eligible for both of them <7> Other [q18open]{open}

This is the start of five questions that have alternative routings (so no-one is asked more than one); this particular question has a slightly different focus to the others. (Of the 5 questions, 3 go to new claimants that are given in succession here, and 2 to existing claimants given below, each asking if people considered a different benefit, or if they applied for a different benefit, why they did so).

q19 // considerJSA

[ if 1 in q4 and not q4.has_any([2,3]) and not q3.has_any([2,3,6])] ]

Since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. March 2020), did you consider applying for Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), rather than Universal Credit?

<1> No, I've never even heard of JSA/ESA <2> No, it never occurred to me to claim JSA/ESA <3> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <4> Yes, but I/ we were told by politicians/the media that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <5> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone else that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <6> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would only be eligible for Universal Credit <7> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would get more money if I applied for Universal Credit <8> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that it would be better for other reasons to apply for Universal Credit <9> Other [q19open]{open}

Other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

q20 // movetoUC

[if 1 in q4 and not q4.has_any([2,3]) and q3.has_any([2,3,6])]

You said that you/ your partner were already claiming $oldbenefittext before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. February 2020). Why did you then decide to apply for Universal Credit?

<1> I/ we were WRONGLY told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we would be better off on Universal Credit <2> I/ we were CORRECTLY told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we would be better off on Universal Credit <3> I/ we were told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we should claim Universal Credit (but the other answers don't apply) <4> I/ we were told by politicians/the media that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <5> I/ we were told by someone else that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <6> I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would get more money if I applied for Universal Credit <7> I/ we decided ourselves that it would be better for other reasons to apply for Universal Credit <8> Other [q20open]{open}

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with q20alternate (to unsuccessful new claimants, who are existing claimants are routed into the other bit of the survey).

q21 // considerUC

[if q4single in [2,3] and not q4single==1]

Since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. March 2020), did you consider applying for Universal Credit, rather than $newbenefittext?

<1> No, it never occurred to me to claim Universal Credit <2> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we should claim JSA/ESA <3> Yes, but I/ we were told by politicians/the media that I/ we should claim JSA/ESA <4> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone else that I/ we should claim JSA/ESA <5> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would only be eligible for JSA/ESA <6> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would get more money if I applied for JSA/ESA <7> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that it would be better for other reasons to apply for JSA/ESA <8> Other [q21open]{open}

The version of this variable in the dataset combines this q (to successful new claimants) with an identical version to existing claimants.

Note also that 'Other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

ROUTING: Re-routed claims // {if (q9 in [1,8,9,10,11,12] ) and (q3single in [1,2,3,6])} For the rest of the survey, please think about the benefit you were claiming **before the Coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. in February 2020)**, not the application you made since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. in March 2020).

q20alternate // movetoUC

[if 1 in q4]

You said that you/ your partner were already claiming $oldbenefittext before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. February 2020). Why did you then decide to apply for Universal Credit?

<1> I/ we were WRONGLY told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we would be better off on Universal Credit <2> I/ we were CORRECTLY told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we would be better off on Universal Credit <3> I/ we were told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we should claim Universal Credit (but the other answers don't apply) <4> I/ we were told by politicians/the media that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <5> I/ we were told by someone else that I/ we should claim Universal Credit <6> I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would get more money if I applied for Universal Credit <7> I/ we decided ourselves that it would be better for other reasons to apply for Universal Credit <8> Other [q20alternateopen]{open}

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q17b // contributory

[if q3single in [2,3]]

There are several different types of Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Before the Coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. in February 2020), which type of JSA/ESA were you claiming?

<1> ‘Income-based’ JSA/ESA (which depends on your savings/partner’s earnings) <2> ‘Contributory’ or ‘new-style’ JSA/ESA (which does NOT depend on savings/partner’s earnings) <3> I’m not sure which sort of JSA/ESA I was claiming <9> Prefer not to say

ROUTING: Existing claims // {module oldclaim if q3single in [1,2,3,6] and q4single not in [1,2,3]}

[In the following section, most of the questions are simply copies of the ones for new claimants; genuinely new questions are highlighted in red.]

q27 // jointclaim_old

[if q2==1]

Was your claim for $oldbenefittext…

<1> …a joint application with my partner, which we both did equally <2> …a joint application with my partner, which they mostly did <3> …a joint application with my partner, which I mostly did <4> …an application just for me personally, which didn't include my partner <5> …an application just for my partner, which didn't include me <6> Don't know

See notes on jointclaim_new above.

q28 // reason_old

[If a partner, q2==1]: You previously said you/ your partner has applied for $oldbenefittext before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started in March 2020...
If you can remember, why did you apply for $oldbenefittext? [If no partner, q2==2]: You previously said you/ your partner has applied for $oldbenefittext before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started in March 2020...
If you can remember, why did you apply for $oldbenefittext? -[q28_1] Made redundant -[q28_2] Hours & pay were reduced -[q28_3] Contract came to an end & was not renewed -[q28_4] Self-employed and could not get enough work -[q28_5] Health/disability issues -[q28_6] New care responsibilities -[q28_7] Household situation changed -[q28_8] Other {If selects this, then asked q28open: You previously said you/ your partner had applied for $oldbenefittext before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. before March 2020)...
If you can remember, why did you apply for $oldbenefittext?} COLUMN HEADINGS: <1> Applies to me <2 if has a partner, q2==1> Applies to my partner

See notes on reason_new above.

q29_ // appmode

If you can remember, what were the MAIN ways that you completed your initial application for $oldbenefittext?

[Multiple] <1> On my own on a computer in a Jobcentre <2> Speaking to a Jobcentre adviser in a Jobcentre <3> Online, using a smartphone <4> On a computer at home <5> On a computer owned by someone I know <6> On a computer in another public place <7> Speaking to someone on the phone <8>On a paper application form <9> Other [q29open]{open}

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q30_ // prob

If you can remember, did you experience any of the following difficulties when making your claim...?

[Multiple] {IF HAS CLAIMED DIGITALLY, i.e. if q29.has_any([1,3,4,5,6]} <1> Initially, I could not get on to the website <2> The website crashed or kept on crashing while I was using it <3> I was not able to verify my identity online {ALL} <4> I spent hours trying to get through on the phone <5> I was waiting longer than a week for someone to call me back <6> I had difficulty getting some or all the information and documents required <7> I had difficulties calculating my income or expenses <8> I had difficulties entering my housing or childcare costs <9> I had difficulties proving my ill-health/disability <10 if q3single in [2,3]> I had difficulties proving that I had paid enough National Insurance contributions <11 if q2==1> I had difficulties claiming as a couple <12> I had difficulties providing proof of residency, or problems with the Habitual Residency Test <13> Other [q30open] {open} <14 xor> Can’t remember <15 xor> I did not experience any of these difficulties

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q31 // whenclaim

Thinking about your most recent claim for $oldbenefittext, when did you originally apply for $oldbenefittext? Please give your best guess if you're not completely sure.

<1> In the 3 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Dec 2019-Feb 2020) <2> 3-6 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Sep-Nov 2019) <3> 6-12 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Mar-Aug 2019) <4> 1-2 years ago <5> 2-5 years ago <6>More than 5 years ago <7> Don’t know / Can't remember

q32 // delay

Thinking about the change in your circumstances that led you to claim - how long after this happened did you complete your application for $oldbenefittext? (Please give your best guess if you're not completely sure).

<1> Almost straight away <2> Within a week <3> More than one week, up to two weeks <4> More than two weeks, up to one month <5> More than one month, up to three months <6> More than three months, up to six months <7> More than six months, up to a year <8> More than a year <9> Don't know/ can't remember

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q33_ // whydelay

[if q32 in [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]

Why was there a delay between your change in circumstances and when you completed your claim for $oldbenefittext? (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> I didn't know about $oldbenefittext <2> I wasn't sure I would be entitled <3> I thought I would get another job quickly <4> I don't have access to a computer at home <5> Completing the application took me some time <6> I had to get help to complete the application <7> It seemed like too much hassle to apply for $oldbenefittext <8> I thought $oldbenefittext was for other people, not people like me <9> I was worried about how I would be treated by DWP/Jobcentre staff while applying <10> Another reason [q33open] {open} <11 xor> Don't know

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q34 // advance

[if q3single==1]

Still thinking about when you/ your partner applied for $oldbenefittext before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. before March 2020)... If you can remember, did you/ they apply for an advance payment in your/ their application for Universal Credit?

<1> Yes, I/we applied and were successful <2> Yes, I/we applied but it was rejected <4> No, I/we did not apply <5> Don’t know

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q35 // whyadvance

[q35 if q34==4]

If you can remember, which ONE, if any, of the following is the MAIN reason that you/ your partner did not apply for an advance payment?

<1> I/ they don't know what it is/ haven't heard of it <2> I/ they don't want to get into benefits debt <3> I/ they were told I/ they wouldn't get it <4> I/ they didn't need one due to having enough earnings/ redundancy pay/ other income <5> I/ they didn't need one due to having enough savings <6> It looked like too much hassle to apply <7> Other [q35open]{open} <8> Don't know / can't remember

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

q35extra_1 // status_old

You said that you were claiming $oldbenefittext before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. before March 2020)... What is the current status of that claim?

<1> I/ we are still claiming $oldbenefittext <2> I/ we are no longer claiming $oldbenefittext as I/ we are claiming a different benefit <3> I/ we are no longer claiming $oldbenefittext as I/ we have found work <4> I/ we are no longer claiming $oldbenefittext for another reason [q35extra_1opena]{open} <5> Other [q35extra_1openb]{open}

q35extra_2 // covidben

The Government decided to make some benefits/tax credits more generous than normal during the coronavirus outbreak.

As far as you know, is YOUR OWN PAYMENT affected by this change?

<1>Yes, I receive higher payments because of this change <2>No, I am not affected by this change <3>I don’t know if I’m affected by this change <4>Other [q35extra_2open]{open}

q36_ // payment

[Those who have NOT put in a new claim for {benefit} but who were claiming {benefit} in Feb 2020]

Thinking about your MOST RECENT payment for $oldbenefittext…
As far as you know, was the amount you received affected by any of the following?

[Multiple] <1> The benefit cap <2> The two-child limit <3> The under-occupancy charge ('bedroom tax') <4> Reduced benefits because you received redundancy payments <5> Reduced benefits because of your other income or savings <6 if q3single==1> Deductions after receiving an advance earlier in THIS claim <7> Deductions due to past debts to the DWP <8> Deductions due to past debts to others (e.g. rent arrears) <9> Deductions that I don't understand <10 xor>None of these

q37 // considerUC

[if q3single in [2,3,6] and not q4single==1] NOTE: not clear if the 'not q4single==1' routing was consistently applied - may have changed at correction1, though I could find no evidence of this.

Since the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. March 2020), did you consider applying for Universal Credit?

<1> No, it never occurred to me to claim Universal Credit <2> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone from the Jobcentre/DWP that I/ we should claim JSA/ESA <3> Yes, but I/ we were told by someone else that I/ we should claim JSA/ESA <4> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would only be eligible for JSA/ESA <5> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that I/ we would get more money on JSA/ESA <6> Yes, but I/ we decided ourselves that it would be better for other reasons on JSA/ESA <7> Other [q37open]{open}

See notes on equivalent q to new claimants above.

Support to claim //

The next questions are about any support you received when trying to claim benefits.

This section aims to look at the support that people receive when claiming. Few other surveys ask about this, so more of the questions in this section are new. Given limited space, we will rely on the qualitative work within our project to investigate this in detail; the role of the survey is to see how common different types of support are.

q38_ // suppwho

{text if q3single in [1,2,3,6] and q4single not in [1,2,3] - i.e. if an existing claimant}: Thinking back to when you made your claim for $oldbenefittext... {end text} Did you get help from anyone to make your claim for $oldbenefittext? (Exclude any help you got from the Jobcentre/DWP). (Please select all that apply. If you did not get any help, please choose 'No, I made the claim by myself')

[Multiple] <1> Yes, from my partner <2> Yes, from friends/family <3> Yes, from someone at 'Help to Claim' (a specific service provided by Citizens Advice) <4> Yes, from someone at a local charity/group (e.g. CPAG, Citizens Advice) <5> Yes, from someone at a housing association <6> Yes, from someone at the local authority/council welfare rights service <7> Yes, from someone at a library <8> Yes, from a social worker <9> Yes, from a GP or other health professional <10> Yes, from a Facebook forum or other social media <11> Yes, from a website <12> Yes, from others [q38open]{open} <13 xor> No, I made the claim by myself <14 xor> Can't remember

'Ideally we would ask people how much support they received from each source ('None', 'A little', 'A lot', 'Main source of help'). However, this would add to the question length.

q39_ // supphow

[if q38.has_any([2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]]

How did you access this support? (Again, exclude any help you got from the Jobcentre/DWP). (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> Online (speaking to someone e.g. by chat or email) <2> Online (reading webpages only) <3> Over the phone <4> Via social media (e.g. Facebook, Whatsapp) <5> In person, face-to-face <6> Other [q39open]{open}

q40a_ // suppwhat

[if q38.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12])] [Those who get help, INCLUDING from their partner]

Thinking about all of the different forms of support you received… What part of your claim did you receive help with? (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> Making me aware of the benefit <2> Understanding if I was eligible <3> Giving me access to a computer <4> Support in making my claim <5> Getting medical evidence needed to complete my application <6> Getting other evidence needed to complete my application <7> Help in challenging a decision by the Jobcentre/DWP <8> Making me less anxious / providing reassurance <9> Other [q40open]{open}

q41_ // suppwhy

[if 13 in q38]

You said that you did not get help from anyone to make your claim. Why was this? (Please select all that apply)

[Multiple] <1> I didn't need any help <2> It didn't occur to me to get any help <3> I didn't know who to get help from <4 if q4single in [1,2,3], i.e. new claimants> I didn't know how to access help during the coronavirus lockdown <5> I couldn't or didn't want to get help by phone / over the internet, which was all that was available <6> Other [q41open]{open} <>

Other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

Benefit attitudes & stigma //

q42a // payund1

[All those who have received payment - that is, new claims that have received payment and all existing claims where can assume this]

Thinking about your latest benefit payment, do you understand why you received this amount?

<1> Yes, I understand exactly why I received this amount <2> Yes, I understand roughly why I received this amount <3> No, I don’t understand why I received this amount <4> No, I think the Jobcentre/DWP have given me the wrong amount

Note: 1. There are minor routing errors here so that this q is wrongly asked to new claimants who have not yet received a payment, IF they also were existing claimants. These claimants have been manually set to missing. 2. Don't know/can't remember option added during early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

q42b // payund2

[All those who have received payment - that is, new claims that have received payment and all existing claims where can assume this]

Now think back to when you first applied for $oldbenefittext. How does the amount you expected to receive compare to the amount you actually receive now?

<1> I receive much more than I expected <2> I receive slightly more than I expected <3> I receive about the same as I expected <4> I receive slightly less than I expected <5> I receive much less than I expected <6> Don’t know/can’t remember {see note}

Note: 1. There are minor routing errors here so that this q is wrongly asked to new claimants who have not yet received a payment, IF they also were existing claimants. These claimants have been manually set to missing. 2. Don't know/can't remember option added during early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

q42c // payund3

[All those who have received payment - that is, new claims that have received payment and all existing claims where can assume this]

Now think back to before you thought about applying for benefits. Which of the following statements do you most agree with?

<1> Before I claimed benefits, I thought benefits were more generous than they actually are <2> Before I claimed benefits, I had a pretty good understanding of how much they paid <3> Before I claimed benefits, I thought benefits were less generous than they actually are <4> Before I claimed benefits, I had no idea how much they paid <5> Don’t know/can’t remember {see note}

Note: 1. There are minor routing errors here so that this q is wrongly asked to new claimants who have not yet received a payment, IF they also were existing claimants. These claimants have been manually set to missing. 2. Don't know/can't remember option added during early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2').

q43 // satis

[if (q4single in [1,2,3] and splitnewclaim==1) or (q3single in [1,2,3,6] and splitoldclaim==1)]

Thinking about all the services provided by Jobcentre Plus and the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP), overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service. Are you...?

<1> Very satisfied <2> Fairly satisfied <3> Fairly dissatisfied <4> Very dissatisfied <5> Don't know

We would like to compare our results to the DWP Claimant Satisfaction & Experience survey, but unusually the team in DWP that deals with this survey refuse all requests to view the questionnaire (they refused our request, and have previously rebuffed an FOI request). We can tell that the answer categories match, but from the published tables/reports, the tables only note 'Percentage of claimants who were satisfied overall'.

One wording of a satisfaction question is used in the Resolution Foundation survey. However, we have adopted a slightly different version, using the Jobcentre Plus Customer Survey 2011 (DWP Research Report 775) - the most recent questionnaire we can find that is published.

q44a_ // snctn_att

[q44a if (q4single in [1,2,3] and splitnewclaim==2) or (q4single in [1,2,3,6] and splitoldclaim==2)]

Under normal circumstances, some people receiving benefits need to meet certain conditions, otherwise their benefit is reduced or stopped for at least a week. These benefit reductions have temporarily been suspended during the coronavirus outbreak. Thinking about a FUTURE TIME when lockdown is lifted, and most workplaces are open with safety precautions and social distancing… Do you think someone’s benefit should be reduced or stopped if they do any of the following?(Please select all that apply) [Multiple] <1> They don't want to work because they were worried about safety during the coronavirus outbreak <2> They only want to look for certain types of work, rather than take just any job <3> They don't do a work-related activity that they were told to do (e.g. a training session) <4> They refuse to apply for a particular job that they were told to apply for <5> They don't want to travel further than 45mins each way to a job <6> They don't attend a compulsory meeting at the Jobcentre <7 xor> None of the above – their benefit shouldn’t be reduced/stopped <8 xor > Don’t know

Note YouGov routing error: this was not asked to existing claimants.

q45 // snctn_2yr

{if q3single in [1,2,3,6] and q4single not in [1,2,3]}

In the two years before the coronavirus outbreak started - so since March 2018 - have your $oldbenefittext payments been reduced or stopped ('sanctioned'), because the Jobcentre said that you did not do what they asked you to do? (This does not include changes to your payments as a result of changes to your income or earning).

<1> Yes – I have been sanctioned once in the past two years <2> Yes – I have been sanctioned more than once in the past two years <3> No – have not been sanctioned in the past two years <4> Other [q45open]{open}

q46 // snctn_fair

[if q45 in [1,2]]

{text if q45==2} Thinking about the most recent time you were sanctioned… {end text} Did you think the decision to sanction you was reasonable or did you think were sanctioned unfairly?

<1> Yes, I thought it was reasonable <2> No, I disagree that I failed to do what was required <3> No, I had a good reason for failing to do what was required <4> No, I think the sanction was disproportionate to what I failed to do <5> No, it wasn’t my fault I was sanctioned but due to a DWP error <6> No, but I can’t remember why I felt it was unfair <7> I don't understand the reason why I was sanctioned <8> Other [q46open]{open}

q47_ // stigma

By 'benefits' in this question, we mean state benefits that people receive when they are out-of-work (e.g. Universal Credit, Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)). How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about state benefits? -[q47_1] Benefits are too low and cause hardship -[q47_2] People are generally treated with respect when they claim benefits -[q47_3] Having almost any job is better than being unemployed -[q47_4] I personally feel embarrassed to claim benefits -[q47_5] *I think* most other claimants should feel embarrassed to claim benefits -[q47_6] *British people generally* think claimants should feel embarrassed to claim benefits -[q47_7] I'm not the sort of person that usually claims benefits

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know

-[q47_1] Benefits are too low and cause hardship This is taken from British Social Attitudes (BSA), but with several changes that mean it is unlikely to be strictly comparable. It talks about 'benefits' (rather than 'benefits for unemployed people'), and respondents don't choose between this option vs. '...are too high and discourage them from finding jobs' (which doesn't really apply at the present time). -[q47_3] Having almost any job is better than being unemployed This was taken from a DWP survey (UC Full Service Survey w1), but I think is also included in various BSA years, and is generally a widely used question on work commitment. Note that it is quite complex to interpret - see Andrew Dunn's work.

-[q47_7] I'm not the sort of person that usually claims benefits' This captures different aspects of how people situate their identity with respect to claiming benefits - these are not based on previous items, as none are available. However, we have heard many statements about this from claimants on Twitter etc at the current time.

-[q47_2] People are generally treated with respect when they claim benefits -[q47_4] I personally feel embarrassed to claim benefits -[q47_5] *I think* most other claimants should feel embarrassed to claim benefits -[q47_6] *British people generally* think claimants should feel embarrassed to claim benefits These statements are adapted from my own previous work on benefits stigma. Three of the questions talk about being 'embarrassed' (a change from the original wording of being 'ashamed'm which is a bit strong). They distinguish three dimensions of stigma (personal stigma, stigmatisation, and institutional stigma). Alternate versions of the first statement include "The application process for benefits is humiliating" (adapted from a US paper by Stuber & Kronenbusch). There were other suggestions that we did not use, that might be worth coming back to: - I don't want to be seen as the sort of person who claims benefits / I'm not the sort of person that usually claims benefits - Perhaps worth asking about whether people EXPECTED to be treated well (vs. actually treated well), to understand satisfaction q properly.

Work & conditionality //

q48 // preLwork

Thinking back to your working status earlier this year before the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK (i.e. the end of February 2020).. Which ONE of the following best described your working status at this time?

<1> Employed full-time (30+ hours per week) <2> Employed part-time (16-29 hours per week) <3> Employed part-time (<16hours per week) <4> Self-employed full-time (30+ hours per week ) <5> Self-employed part-time (<30 hours per week) <6> Both employed and self-employed (full-time or part-time) <7> Employed/self-employed but on long-term leave (e.g. sick leave, maternity) <8> Unemployed <9> Student without any paid work <10> Student with paid work <11> Looking after family or home and not in work <12> Short -term sick or disabled and not in work <13> Long-term sick or disabled and not in work <14> Other [q48open]{open}

This is loosely based on a question from the RF survey, but there are several differences as we combined hours and working status within the same q.

q49 // everwork

[if q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]]

Have you ever (in your life) had paid work, apart from casual or holiday work (or the job you are waiting to begin)? (please include self-employment)

<1> Yes I have <2> No I have not

Take from the LFS.

q50 // whenwork

[if q49==1]

How long ago did you stop your most recent period of work?

<1> In the 3 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Dec 2019-Feb 2020) <2> 3-6 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Sep-Nov 2019) <3> 6-12 months before the coronavirus outbreak (Mar-Aug 2019) <4> 1-2 years ago <5> 2-5 years ago <6> More than 5 years ago <7> Don’t know / Can't remember

This type of q is asked in the LFS, but after piloting the LFS version, we completely changed this question so that it works for self-employed people.

q50extra1 // seiss

[if q48 in [4,5,6]]

The Government has created a Self-Employed Income Support Scheme providing grants to self- employed people during the coronavirus outbreak. Which of these most applies to you?

<1> I have already applied for it and received a payment <2> I have been contacted about it/started applying, but have not yet received a payment <3> I have not been contacted about it/started applying, but I plan to apply <4> I cannot use it because it will make me ineligible to receive benefits/tax credits <5> I cannot use it because I am ineligible due to my profit levels or because my business is incorporated <6> I cannot use it because I am ineligible due to not having completed the relevant tax returns <7> I do not plan to use it because I have suffered no or minimal loss in profits from coronavirus <8> I have not heard of it <9>Other [q50extra1open]{open}

Taken from the RF survey, but amended answer categories to reflect the slightly later time period, where people may have already received payment.

q50extra2_ // preLtype

[if q50extra2 if q48 in [1,2,3,7]]

Thinking about all the paid work you did before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started in the UK (i.e. the end of February 2020) … Which, if any, of the following applied to you? (Please select all that apply)

<1> I had more than one paid job, aside from any self-employed work <2> I was on a temporary contract <3> I was on a zero-hours contract (i.e. where your employer is not obliged to provide a minimum number of hours work for you) <4> I worked for an agency <5> I had variable hours from week to week <6> I was not salaried (i.e. instead paid by the hour, shift, or job completed) <7 xor> None of these <8 xor> Don't know/ can't recall

q50extra3 // preLind

[if (q48 in [1,2,3,7]) and (splitnewclaim==1 or splitoldclaim==1)]

If you had more than one job before the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK, please think about your MAIN job only (i.e. the job where you usually got most of your earnings from.) >Still thinking about before the coronavirus outbreak started in the UK (i.e. the end of February 2020)... Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN industry sector you worked in? (Please select the option that best applies)

<1> Administrative (e.g. travel agencies, security, cleaning services, office admin) <2> Agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying <3> Arts, entertainment and recreation <4> Bus, rail and air transport <5> Other transport <6> Construction <7> Energy, water, and waste management <8> Finance, insurance and real estate <9> Food retail (e.g. supermarkets) <10> Other retail and wholesale trade <11> Health, care and social work <12> Hospitality (accommodation and food services) <13> IT and communications <14> Manufacturing <15> Professional (e.g. legal, PR, consultancy, architecture, research, advertising) <16> Public administration and defence (e.g. civil service, police) <17> Pre-school, school or college-based education <18> Other education, including university, sports, recreation, driving, etc. <19> Warehousing and distribution <20> Other services (e.g. repairs, hair and beauty) <21> Don't know

Taken from the RF survey.

q51 // workchange

[q51 if q48 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]]

Thinking about the last week, which ONE, of the following BEST described your working situation regarding this job? *If you had more than one job before the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. February 2020), please think about your MAIN job only (i.e. the job where you usually got most of your earnings from)*

<1> I still had this job, and worked the same/more hours <2> I still had this job, but had fewer hours & less pay than before <3> I still had this job, but didn't work as furloughed / had no shifts / had no clients <4> I still had this job, but took unpaid leave or refused shifts <5> I still had this job, but was off sick or self-isolating <6> I still had this job, but didn't work for other reasons (e.g. other sickness, on holiday) <7> I no longer had this job <8>Other [q51open]{open} <>

Other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2'). This included an open text box, which was manually recoded into the variable 'workchangeR', which is used for the derived work status variables below. SOURCE: Taken from the Resolution Foundation survey, but distinguishing people whose hours had reduced from those not working at all (the order of the sentences in the q are also changed).

q52 // workother

***SEE NOTES*** Main routing is: [if q51 in [3,4,5,6,7]]

Still thinking about the last week... Did you do any other paid work, excluding for your MAIN job?

<1> Yes, I was employed in a new job <2> Yes, I was newly self-employed <3> Yes, I continued to work in another job I had before the coronavirus outbreak <4> No, I did not do any other paid work

There was an error in the survey that was corrected after about 800 people had completed the survey (600 existing claimants and 200 new claimants): - The wrong routing was: if q51==7 or q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]] - that is, this q was asked to people who no longer had their Feb job, or who weren't working in Feb [rather than those who do NOT still have old main job]. - People who were filtered consistently were: if q51==7 [Note that (q51 in [3,4,5,6] and q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]) is not a possible routing) - that is, people who no longer had their Feb job - so can just ignore this bit] - People who were only asked the question after the change were: if q51 in [3,4,5,6] - People who were only asked the question before the change were: if q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]] => Hence use responses only after the marker correction1; one version of this variable (labelled 'preferred') sets other responses to missing (.o). In the final cleaned dataset, this is the only version that it is supplied.

There is also a more minor routing error: this q was not asked to those giving 'other' at q51/workchange. From the manual text coding of the 'other' open text response it is clear that many have a job, but those who do not were not asked either of the current work status questions due to a routing error. In the final cleaned dataset, cases affected are labelled .p. For the derived working status variable 'empstat', only 14 cases are affected.

SOURCE: Taken from the Resolution Foundation survey. One small change: we amended 'new paid work' to 'paid work', and have added 'Yes, I continued to work in another job I had before the coronavirus outbreak' as a response option - it is logically possible for those with multiple jobs to have lost their main job, but still be working in secondary jobs.

q53 // worknow

***SEE NOTES*** Main routing is: [if q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]]

Thinking about the last week, did you do any paid work?

<1> Yes, I was employed in a new job <2> Yes, I was newly self-employed <3> No, I did not do any paid work

There was an error in the survey that was corrected after about 800 people had completed the survey (600 existing claimants and 200 new claimants): - The wrong routing was: if q48 in [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]] were wrongly asked the PRECEDING q that asks about work last week 'aside from your main job' - (The wrong routing also asked this q randomly to people who were q51==5, who can simply be deleted) - While thre is a version in the data that combines the different versions, it seems that the version before correction didn't really work - less than half as many people reported a job, probably because they were excluding their main job => Hence use responses only after the marker correction1; one version of this variable (labelled 'preferred') sets other responses to missing (.o). In the final cleaned dataset, this is the only version that it is supplied.

See also note on preceding question.

q54 // workhours

***AFFECTED BY ROUTING ERROR FOR q52-53 - SEE NOTES ON THOSE VARIABLES*** [if q51 in [1,2] or q52 in [1,2,3] or q53 in [1,2]]

For the following question, please include all paid jobs and self-employment activities that you did. If you didn't work any hours in your job(s), please enter zero (0). Thinking about the last week... How many hours in TOTAL did you work, including any paid and unpaid overtime? (Please type your answer in whole numbers in the box below. If you are unsure, please give your best estimate) This q is affected by the routing error at q52/workother and q53/worknow - see notes on those questions. In the final cleaned dataset, affected responses are set to missing (.o).

'9 implausible values are set to other missing (.o). This is defined as above 112 hours (7*16 hour days), but 8 of these are actually impossible (above 168 hours = 7*24 hours).

q55a // worksearch1

***AFFECTED BY ROUTING ERROR FOR q52-53 - SEE NOTES ON THOSE VARIABLES*** [if (q51 in [7] and q52 in [4]) or q53 in [3]]

Thinking of the last 4 weeks, were you looking for any kind of paid work at any time in those 4 weeks?

<1> Yes I was <2> No I was not

This q is affected by the routing error at q52/workother and q53/worknow - see notes on those questions. In the final cleaned dataset, affected responses are set to missing (.o).

'This question has two versions, given to different respondents. The version to those not working is taken from the LFS (but with 'last 4 weeks ending Sunday (date)' changed to 'last 2 weeks').

q55b // worksearch2

***AFFECTED BY ROUTING ERROR FOR q52-53 - SEE NOTES ON THOSE VARIABLES*** [if q51 in [1,2,3,4,5,6] or q52 in [1,2,3] or q53 in [1,2]]

Thinking of the last 4 weeks, were you looking to increase the hours you are working at any time in those 4 weeks?

<1> Yes I was looking for more hours in my existing job <2> Yes I was looking for more hours in a different job <3> Yes I was looking for similar hours in a different job <4> No I was not for another job or more hours <5> Other [q55bopen]{open}

This q is affected by the routing error at q52/workother and q53/worknow - see notes on those questions. In the final cleaned dataset, affected responses are set to missing (.o).

'This question has two versions, given to different respondents.The wording for those working is adapted from the UC Full Service survey.

q56 // nosearch


What was the main reason you did not look for work (in the last 4 weeks) ?

<1> No jobs are available at the moment <2> Worried about safety *at* work during the coronavirus outbreak <3> Worried about safety *travelling* to work during the coronavirus outbreak <4> Caring for a child because schools/childcare are closed due to coronavirus <5> Caring for an adult or child for other reasons <6> Ill, self-isolating or shielding due to coronavirus <7> Temporarily sick or injured (not related to coronavirus) <8> Long-term sick or disabled <9> Student <10> Waiting to start a job / find out about a job application <11> Retired / Do not want employment <12> Not yet started looking <13> Any other reason [q56open] {open}

This q is affected by the routing error at q52/workother and q53/worknow - see notes on those questions. In the final cleaned dataset, affected responses are set to missing (.o).

This is an alternate routing to asking about work hours. The q is taken from LFS, but with a few changes: - Changed order to start with the obvious response under lockdown, and added 'at the moment' to it - Also changed second option (originally didn't ask about waiting to start a job as this is a separate q in LFS, so combined here; original wording was 'waiting for the results of an application for a job/being assessed by a training agent') - Looking after the family/home is split in two: 'because schools/childcare are closed due to coronavirus' and 'for other reasons' (as there's no space for a separate q on caring responsibilities). I've also changed it to 'Caring for an adult or child', because 'Looking after the family/home' is an old-fashioned wording. - Added to 'temporary sick': "(includes self-isolating or shielding because of coronavirus)" /// 'Worried about safety at work during coronavirus outbreak' - Removed 'Retired' (people can write this in) - We've just asked about main reason, not the list of all reasons

q57a_ // empsupp

Now thinking about the NEXT few weeks, which, if any, of the following types of support would help you find work or find more hours of work? (Please select all that apply. If you are not looking for work, please select the final option.) I would find it helpful to get advice or support with...

[Multiple] <1> ...thinking about what sorts of jobs I could do <2> ...searching for jobs online <3> ...writing a CV/job application or interview skills <4> ...drawing up an action plan <5> ...improving my skills/getting training <6> ...setting up my own business or becoming self-employed <7> ...finding a work experience placement or voluntary work <8> ...managing my health condition or disability <9> ...managing care responsibilities <10> ...the costs associated with looking for work (e.g. travel expenses, money for clothes or childcare costs) <11> Other [q57open]{open} <12> None of these - I don't need any help to find work <13> None of these - I will not be looking for work in the next few weeks

q58 // expectRTW

{module question58 if splitnewclaim==1 or splitoldclaim==1} [if not q51==1 and q48 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]]

Thinking about a FUTURE TIME when lockdown is lifted, social distancing is in place, and most workplaces are open… Compared to before the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. Feburary 2020), which of the following best describes the type of work that you expect to do?

<1> I expect to return to my previous job / previous clients <2> I expect to do a similar job, but with a DIFFERENT EMPLOYER / DIFFERENT CLIENTS <3> I expect to do DIFFERENT work, but in the same general industry sector <4> I expect to do a completely different type of work in a DIFFERENT INDUSTRY <5> I have no idea what type of work I will be able to get <6> I do not expect to be working <7> Other [q58open]{open} <8> Don't know

This was wrongly asked to people in q51==1 (who were already doing their normal work) - this was corrected at point correction1, and in the data cleaning.

q59 // PpreLwork

[if q2==1]

Now thinking about your partner and their working patterns… Thinking back to before the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. the end of February 2020), which of these best describes your partner's paid work or self-employment status at that time?

<1> Employed full-time (30+ hours per week) <2> Employed part-time (16-29 hours per week) <3> Employed part-time (<16hours per week) <4> Self-employed full-time (30+ hours per week) <5> Self-employed part-time (<30 hours per week) <6> Both employed and self-employed (full-time or part-time) <7> Employed/self-employed but on long-term leave (e.g. sick leave, maternity) <8> Unemployed <9> Student without any paid work <10> Student with paid work <11> Looking after family or home and not in work <12> Short -term sick or disabled and not in work <13> Long-term sick or disabled and not in work <14> Other [q59open]{open}

q60 // Pworkchange

[if q59 in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10]]

For the following question, if your partner had more than one job before the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. February 2020), please think about their MAIN one (i.e. where they usually got most of their earnings).
Thinking about the last week, Which ONE of the following BEST described their working situation regarding this job?

<1> They still had this job, and worked the same/more hours in the same role <2> They still had this job, but had fewer hours & less pay than before <3> They still had this job, but didn't work as furloughed / had no shifts / had no clients <4> They still had this job, but took unpaid leave or refused shifts <5> They still had this job, but were off sick or self-isolating <6> They still had this job, but didn't work for other reasons (e.g. other sickness, on holiday) <7> They no longer had this job <8> Don't know <9>Other [q51open]{open} <>

Other' option added at an early stage of fieldwork (at the marker labelled 'correction2'). This included an open text box, which was manually recoded into the variable 'PworkchangeR', which is used for the derived work status variables below.

DV // empstat

[Derived variable showing current employment status and change from the pre-lockdown period] 1_Still has job 2_Lost job but kept/found another 3_Found job 4_Lost job 5_Still no job .o_Missing due to routing error (see correction1) .p_Missing due to other routing error This combines information from several questions (workchangeR, workother, worknow) - see detailed notes on those questions above. The Stata syntax for deriving this variable is: gen empstat = 1 if inlist(workchangeR,1,2,3,4,5,6,10) replace empstat = 2 if missing(empstat) & inlist(workother, 1, 2, 3) replace empstat = 3 if inlist(worknow, 1, 2) | workchangeR==12 replace empstat = 4 if workchangeR==7 & workother==4 replace empstat = 5 if worknow==3 replace empstat =.o if inlist(.o, workchangeR, workother, worknow) replace empstat =.p if (workchangeR==7 & workchange==8) | workchangeR==.n replace empstat =.r if inlist(.r, workchangeR, workother, worknow) replace empstat =.d if workchangeR==.d

DV // empstat2

[Derived variable showing current employment status, with detailed reasons for not looking for work] 1_Still has job 2_Lost job but kept/found another 3_Found job 11_No job but l-t sick or caring 12_No job but not looking due to COVID 13_No job not looking 14_No job and looking for work .o_Missing due to routing error (see co .p_Missing due to other routing error Don't know Refused This is based on the DV empstat, but for those not looking for work, it provides further detail on the reasons why. It therefore combines information on empstat, nosearch and worksearch - see detailed notes on those questions above. The Stata syntax for deriving this variable is: clonevar empstat2 = empstat replace empstat2 = 11 if inlist(empstat, 4, 5) & inlist(nosearch, 5, 8) replace empstat2 = 12 if inlist(empstat, 4, 5) & inlist(nosearch, 2, 3, 4, 6) replace empstat2 = 13 if inlist(empstat, 4, 5) & inlist(nosearch, 1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) replace empstat2 = 14 if inlist(empstat, 4, 5) & worksearch1==1 replace empstat2 = .o if inlist(.o, workchange, workother, worknow, nosearch)

DV // hhldwork

[Derived variable showing household current employment status based on having any attachment to a job] 1_single & working 2_couple both working 11_couple only R working 12_couple only P working 21_someone working someone DK 91_single not working 92_couple neither working .o_Missing due to routing error (see co .p_Missing due to other routing error Don't know Refused This combines information on the respondent's own work status (from 'empstat') with their partner's work status, if they have a partner (from 'PworkchangeR' and 'PpreLworkR)', to create an overall measure of work within their household. (Note that this only excludes the respondent and their partner, and does not include other people who work in the household). The dv uses the following Stata syntax:

gen hhldwork = . replace hhldwork = 1 if partner==2 & inrange(empstat,1,3) replace hhldwork = 91 if partner==2 & inrange(empstat,4,5) replace hhldwork = 2 if partner==1 & inrange(empstat,1,3) & inlist(PworkchangeR,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,13) replace hhldwork = 11 if partner==1 & inrange(empstat,1,3) & (inlist(PworkchangeR,7) | inlist(PpreLworkR,8,9,11,12,13,14)) replace hhldwork = 12 if partner==1 & inrange(empstat,4,5) & inlist(PworkchangeR,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,13) replace hhldwork = 21 if partner==1 & (inrange(empstat,1,3) & inlist(PworkchangeR,.d,.n)) /// /**/ | (inlist(empstat,.d,.r) & inlist(PworkchangeR,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,13)) replace hhldwork = 92 if partner==1 & inrange(empstat,4,5) & (inlist(PworkchangeR,7) | inlist(PpreLworkR,8,9,11,12,13,14)) replace hhldwork =.o if inlist(.o, workchangeR, workother, worknow) replace hhldwork =.p if (workchangeR==7 & workchange==8) | workchangeR==.n replace hhldwork =.d if (inrange(empstat,4,5) & PworkchangeR==.d) | (inlist(empstat,.d,.r) & (inlist(PworkchangeR,7) | inrange(PpreLworkR,8,14))) /// /**/ | (inlist(empstat,.d,.r) & PworkchangeR==.d) | (partner==2 & inlist(empstat,.d,.r))

A binary version hhldworkB is also included, where values 0-21 are treated as 'someone working', and values 91-92 are treated as 'no-one working. This is used for the derived variable claimgroup1 below.

DV // hhldhours

[Derived variable showing household current employment status based on positive work hours in the past week] 1_single & pos hours 2_couple both pos hours 11_couple only R pos hours 12_couple only P pos hours 21_someone pos hours someone DK 91_single not pos hours 92_couple neither pos hours .o_Missing due to routing error (see co .p_Missing due to other routing error Don't know Refused This is similar to hhldwork, except that it has a narrower definition of 'work' to only those that report positive hours of work at the moment. This is a best estimate of those who are currently working, and treates people as presently working if: (1) R or P (at current work stat) reports usual or fewer (but not zero) hours in pre-lockdown job (2) R did some hours of work last week (including those furloughed / no clients / shielding) (3) R has a new job since lockdown It excludes those being paid but not working, e.g. on furlough / being paid sick pay / maternity pay etc.

The dv uses the following Stata syntax: 'gen _workingR = (inlist(workchangeR,1,2,10,12) | inlist(workother,1,2,3) | inlist(worknow,1,2) | inrange(workhours,1,150)) if ~missing(empstat) gen _workingP = (inlist(PworkchangeR,1,2,10,12,13)) if ~missing(PworkchangeR) gen hhldhours = . * Single people replace hhldhours = 1 if partner==2 & _workingR==1 replace hhldhours = 91 if partner==2 & _workingR==0 * Those in couples replace hhldhours = 2 if partner==1 & _workingR==1 & _workingP==1 replace hhldhours = 11 if partner==1 & _workingR==1 & _workingP==0 replace hhldhours = 12 if partner==1 & _workingR==0 & _workingP==1 replace hhldhours = 21 if partner==1 & (_workingR==1 & missing(_workingP)) /// /**/ | (missing(_workingR) & _workingP==1) replace hhldhours = 92 if partner==1 & _workingR==0 & _workingP==0 replace hhldhours = hhldwork if missing(hhldhours) | inlist(hhldwork,.p, .o)

A binary version hhldhoursB is also included, where values 0-21 are treated as 'someone working', and values 91-92 are treated as 'no-one working. This is used for the derived variable claimgroup2 below.

DV // claimgroup1 // claimgroup2

[Derived variable dividing claimants into in-work vs. out-of-work claimants at the household level] 1_new claim & has work 2_new claim & no work 3_old claim & has work 4_old claim & no work There are two versions of this variable - claimgroup1 (based on hhldworkB and oldnew) and claimgroup2 (based on hhldhoursB and oldnew); see notes on those variables for information on the derivation of those variables in turn, and the difference between claimgroup1 hhldworkB and hhldhoursB.

Income & standard of living //

On a slightly different topic… The next section is about your income and standard of living

q61a_ // copingwait

[if q4single in [1,2,3] and q13==1]

Thinking about the time after your change in circumstances, but before you received your Universal Credit advance payment… During this period, how did you manage financially? (Please select ALL that apply)

<1> Fell behind on rent/mortgage payments <2> Fell behind on other bills/debts <3> Skipped meals <4> Reduced spending on food & other necessities <5> New borrowing from credit card, overdraft, or bank loan <6> Borrowing from friends and/ or family <7> Gifts from friends and/ or family <8> Used food bank <9> Received emergency help from the council or a charity <10> Used savings <11> Me or someone in my household found new work or increased hours <12> Other [q61aopen]{open} <13 xor> None of these

copingwait' combines answers from q61a and 61b; a DV copingwaitflag indicates which version people saw.

The repsonse categories are loosely adapted from a Understanding Society q. We have added added a few options, and because there are so many, we don't have a 'Dealt with earnings loss in another way (write in)' option.

q61b_ // copingwait

[if q4single in [1,2,3] and q13!=1]

How did you manage financially while you were waiting for your first payment of $newbenefittext (Please select ALL that apply)

<1> Fell behind on rent/mortgage payments <2> Fell behind on other bills/debts <3> Skipped meals <4> Reduced spending on food & other necessities <5> Borrowing from credit card, overdraft, or bank loan <6> Borrowing from friends and/ or family <7> Gifts from friends and/ or family <8> Used food bank <9> Received emergency help from the council or a charity <10> Used savings <11> Me or someone in my household found new work or increased hours <12> Other [q61bopen]{open} <13 xor> None of these

copingwait' combines answers from q61a and 61b; a DV copingwaitflag indicates which version people saw.

Note very slight wording difference to previous q (in main text, not response categories); see notes on previous q.

q62_ // copingnow

[if q9 in [4,5,6,7] or q3single in [1,2,3,6]] ]

Thinking about the present time, do you currently have to do any of the following to get by financially? (Please select ALL that apply)

<1> Falling behind on rent/mortgage payments <2> Falling behind on other bills/debts <3> Skipping meals [category #4 from copingwait is not included here] <5> Further borrowing from credit card, overdraft, or bank loan <6> Borrowing from friends and/ or family <7> Gifts from friends and/ or family <8> Using food bank <9> Using emergency help from the council or a charity <10> Using savings <11> I/ we do not need to use any of these to manage financially

Some people were not asked this question, because they are still waiting for their first payment (q9/'status_new'==3), and therefore their situation while waiting for their first payment is identical to their current situation. In these cases in the cleaned dataset, responses to 'copingwait' have been copied to 'copingnow', so that 'copingnow' shows the current situation for ALL claimants.

A very small number of other people (n=3) were not asked this q because they said their claim status was other (zero payments/wrong payments: q9/'status_new'==21 or 22). These people are set to missing.

For explanation of response categories, see notes on q61/'copingwait'.

q63 // incchange

Now comparing your situation before the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. at the end of February 2020) to now... To what extent has your household's income (the money you and any partner have coming in from earnings, benefits and other sources) increased or decreased, or has it stayed broadly the same?

<1> Increased substantially (by more than 25%) <2> Increased moderately (by 10-25%) <3> Increased a little (by less than 10%) <4> Stayed broadly the same <5> Decreased a little (by less than 10%) <6> Decreased moderately (by 10-25%) <7> Decreased a lot (by more than 25%) <8> Don’t know <9> Prefer not to say

We have slightly reworded this from the Resolution Foundation survey - the text is the same but the sentence structure is different. (RF asked "To what extent has your household's income (the money you and any partner have coming in from earnings, benefits and other sources) increased or decreased compared to your usual income before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak started (i.e. the end of February 2020), or has it stayed broadly the same?". )

q64 // outchange

Still thinking about now in comparison to before the coronavirus outbreak started (i.e. the end of February 2020)… To what extent has your household's **outgoings** (the amount you and any partner spend) increased or decreased, or has it stayed broadly the same?

<1> Increased substantially (by more than 25%) <2> Increased moderately (by 10-25%) <3> Increased a little (by less than 10%) <4> Stayed broadly the same <5> Decreased a little (by less than 10%) <6> Decreased moderately (by 10-25%) <7> Decreased a lot (by more than 25%) <8> Don’t know <9> Prefer not to say

See note for q63/incchange.

q65_ // strain

For the following question, please think about all of the income your household currently has...
To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? -[q65_1] I/ we can keep up with bills and regular debt payments -[q65_2] I/ we can make regular savings of £10 or more a month for rainy days or retirement -[q65_3] I/ we can replace or repair major electrical goods such as the fridge or washing machine, when broken if we needed to -[q65_4] I/ we can afford to eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day

<1> Strongly agree <2> Tend to agree <3> Tend to disagree <4> Strongly disagree <5> Don't know <6> Prefer not to say

The q is mostly taken word-for-word from the Resolution Foundation survey, to enable comparisons to broader working-age population. Their qs in turn are loosely inspired by the material deprivation measures in the Family Resources Survey ('FRS') and underpins the HBAI poverty measures, although the wording in FRS takes up more space; RF selected particular items that seemed to particular identity people in poverty.

q66 // hungry

Thinking about the last 2 weeks, have you/anyone else in your household ever been hungry but not eaten because you couldn’t afford food?

<1> Yes, I/we did <2> No, I/we didn’t <3> Don’t know <4> Prefer not to say

Taken from the Food Foundation COVID-19 tracker, but adjusted to focus on 'couldn't afford' food (rather than 'couldn’t afford or get access to food'). (The Food Foundation instead use a follow-up question to distinguish 'couldn't afford' vs. 'couldn't get access to food', but we combine this into one q given limited space).

Sociodemographics //

Finally, just a few background questions…

q68_ // dis

Do you have any longstanding health problems or disabilities that limit your day-to-day activities and which affect you in any of the following areas? (please select all that apply)

<1> Vision (for example blindness or partial sight) <2> Hearing (for example deafness or partial hearing) <3> Mobility (for example walking short distances or climbing stairs) <4> Dexterity (for example lifting and carrying objects, using a keyboard) <5> Learning or understanding or concentrating <6> Memory <7> Mental health <8> Stamina or breathing or fatigue <9> Socially or behaviourally (for example associated with autism, attention deficit disorder or Asperger’s syndrome) <10> Other [q68open]{open} <11 xor> None of the above

NOTE MINOR ERROR before correction1: the phrase 'affect you in any of the following areas' was repeated (so it mistakenly read, "Do you have any longstanding health problems or disabilities that affect you in any of the following areas, and which limit your day-to-day activities and affect you in any of the following areas?" This is mainly the GSS Harmonised disability/impairments questions, but combines several of these qs into one (this is inspired by a similar attempt in Understanding Society).

q69 // anxiety

[if splitoldclaim==2 or splitnewclaim==2]

On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is 'Not at all anxious' and 10 is 'Completely anxious', overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?

<1> 0 - Not at all anxious <2> 1 <3> 2 <4> 3 <5> 4 <6> 5 <7> 6 <8> 7 <9> 8 <10> 9 <11> 10 - Completely anxious

Taken from the Resolution Foundation survey, which in turn is taken from the ONS indicators of national wellbeing (as used in the LFS and elsewhere). The ONS early report on wellbeing during the pandemic classifies 'high anxiety' as 6+ out of 10.

q70 // housing

On a slightly different topic...Which ONE of the following best describes your current housing situation?

<1> Own home outright <2> Own home with mortgage <3> Rent home from a local authority or housing association <4> Rent home from a private landlord on my own/ as a couple only <5> Rent home from a private landlord sharing with people other than my partner or my children <6> Live in home owned or rented by parent(s) <7> Live in home owned or rented by family member other than parent(s) <8> Live in home owned or rented by someone I am not related to <9> Other

q71 // houscosts

[if q70 in [2,3,4,5]]

By 'housing costs', we mean your mortgage or rent payments. Which ONE, if any, of the following BEST describes your ability to cover your housing costs since the coronavirus outbreak (i.e. since the end February 2020)?

<1> I have been able to cover all of my housing costs <2> I have fallen behind with part of my housing costs <3> I have fallen behind with all of my housing costs <4> Don't know <5> Not applicable - I don't have any housing costs <6> Prefer not to say

q73a_ // prevclaim

[if splitoldclaim==2 or splitnewclaim==2]

Thinking back BEFORE this year, and ignoring any benefits/tax credits you were claiming in February 2020, have you ever previously received any of these government benefits?

[multiple] <1> Universal Credit (UC) <2> Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) <3> Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) <4> Income Support <5> Carer's Allowance <6> Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credits <7> Housing Benefit <8> Child Benefit <9> Children's Disability Living Allowance (DLA) <10> Adults' Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or DLA <11> Council Tax Support / Reduction <12> Discretionary Housing Payments from your council <13> Other <14 xor> Don’t know <15 xor> Prefer not to say <16 xor> None of these

Slightly adapted from Universal Credit Full Service Survey (and also influenced by the UCFS Omnibus Survey).

[Administrative variables] ID This is a random but fixed ID for each respondent. exclude A small number of cases (302 of 7,601) should be excluded from most analyses, because of one of the following: - exclude==3: They are ‘existing claimants’ as of Feb 2020, but have since left the benefit (n=227); - exclude==4: They are ‘new claimants’ who received benefits since 1st March 2020, but have since left the benefit (n=42); - exclude==2: They are talking about their partner’s claim for an individual benefit (ESA/JSA; n=16); - exclude==1: They said they claimed both UC and ESA/JSA, and are routed as a UC claimant (due to our priority routing), but they later say they were claiming ESA/JSA rather than UC (n=17). Assuming users are using the supplied survey weights, then these respondents will automatically be excluded from the analysis (as the weights are set to missing). They are nevertheless included in case any users are interested in claimants who have since left the benefit, and because they will be followed up at future waves. w8_old This is the YouGov supplied survey weight for existing (old) claimants – see user guide. w8_new This is the YouGov supplied survey weight for new claimants – see user guide. w8_combined This is the YouGov supplied survey weight for existing (old) and new claimants combined, to enable analyses of the situation of all claimants – see user guide. processing This is a dummy variable indicating respondents who initially said that their claim was being processed; they were then followed-up a few weeks later, and those who had now become claimants were included in the survey – see user guide. claimgroup1 claimgroup2 [These are DVs described above in the section on Employment – they are not administrative variables, but are placed near the start of the survey for convenience.] oldnew q3q4combo q3single q4single These indicate claimants’ routing through the survey: o ‘oldnew’ indicates whether they are new or existing claimants; o ‘q3single’ is their priority-coded existing benefit claim (UC, then ESA, then JSA, then tax credits) – ‘q3’ is the initial YouGov name for the variable ‘benprev’; o ‘q4single’ is their priority-coded new benefit claim (UC, then ESA, then JSA) – ‘q4’ is the initial YouGov name for the variable ‘benapp’; o ‘q3q4single’ is the final routing, combining q3single and q4single, an prioritising new claims. multiclaim This provides more detail on respondents that claimed multiple new benefits (derived from q4/benapp). claimboth claimbothR [These are DVs described above – they are not administrative variables, but are placed near the start of the survey because they relate to people who claimed multiple benefits] splitsample A small number of questions were asked only to a randomly selected subsample of respondents – this variable indicates which random subsample a respondent was allocated to. starttimeD starttimeR endtimeD endtimeR These show the day (…D) and time (…R) that respondents started and ended the survey. correction1 correction2 Due to the rapid timescales that these surveys were launched on, there were two routing errors that were only corrected during fieldwork (albeit at an early stage). Dummy variables indicating if respondents started the survey before/after these corrections are labelled ‘correction1’ and ‘correction2’. The variables affected are noted in the main questionnaire above.