Across Canada : Annotated Guide Via Canadian Pacific, the World's Greatest Transportation System
mw wmtm m «* ^ 0«.mcf The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADIANA Queen's University at Kingston Save the Forests! Canada's timber reserves are national assets of incalculable value. To neglect to take ordinary precautions which ensure them against destruction from forest fires is to rob civilization. Quite apart from the danger to the lives, homes and property of settlers, every acre of forest burned means labor turned away, reduced markets for manufactured products, heavier taxation on other property, and higher lumber prices. Passengers on trains should not throw lighted cigar or cigarette ends from car windows. Those who go into the woods—hunters, fishermen, campers and canoeists—should consider it their duty to exercise every care to prevent loss from fire. ACROSS CANADA An Annotated Guide to the Country Served by the Canadian Pacific Railway and its Allied Interests. EASTBOUND PART I. Winnipeg and West Chicago and West First Issued in 1887. This Edition Revised to May, 1922. Canadian Pacific Railway MONTREAL ACROSS CANADA BY CANADIAN PACIFIC THE Canadian Pacific Railway is the world's greatest transportation system. With a total length, including lines owned and controlled, of over 19,600 miles, it serves all the important industrial, commercial and agricultural sections of Canada, as well as many parts of the United States. Practically every large city of Canada is on its system. It reaches famous historic spots, wonderful holiday-making and sporting resorts, and some of the most magnificent scenery in the world. Its steamship services reach out across the Atlantic to Europe, and across the Pacific to the Orient.
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