The Greenwood Miner.

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The Greenwood Miner. / \ i cr~*U%. ••{*•>»•'' THE GREENWOOD MINER. # Vol. 1, No. 45. GREENWOOD, B. C, FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 1899. $2-00 Per Tear. It is with pleasure that they now un­ has a surface showing of between 250 VISITORS GALORE! dertake to receive, in what they conceivo A WEALTH OF ORE and 300. feet. It is iron ore carrying to be a fitting manner, a body of men gold and copper. A shaft hat been sunk whose interests in the upbuilding of the for 50 feet, and at that depth a cross-cut trade and industry of British Columbia is being made. Three men are being Two Hundred on the Special is common with our own; and whose Rich Discoveries in Deadwood employed in the work of development. presence at such a di stance rfom their Excursion and Camp McKinney. The Greyhound, another property own homes indicates the breadth of their there, which is being managed by Mr. sympathies, andtheir commercial en­ Oliver, has had considerable work done terprise and foresight. It is cincerely on it, and is showing up magnificently. Of Representative Business Men to bi hoped that the impressions car­ Increased Mining Activity, and a The shaft is now down about 40 feet. ried away by you will not only be kindly Dumber of Transactions. — Dead- B. C. to Greenwood—Tendered The ledge matter is ascertained to be and favorable, but that their effect will Banquet By the Citizens. wood a Great Camp. 150 feet in width, and it is possible that be to lessen the Bpace that geography when developed the Greyhound and Ah has created, cement the various inter­ There will prove to be quite as remark­ ests of the district represent­ The Deadwood Gold Copper Co. have able mines as the Mother Lode. ed with those of Boundary; and greatly They came, and saw, and were con­ made an important strike on the St. extend business relations. Work on the Peacock claim, between quered. Yesterday 200 visitors, repre­ Lawrence Mineral Claim which joins the the Greyhound and the Sunset, has been senting the business interests in various It is not our intention to dwell upon Mother Lode on the north. They start­ sufficiently completed to enable the parts of the Province, arrived on the the importance of Greenwood in con­ ed a week or ten day's ago to do surface owners, Messrs. Naden and Mortimer, to C. P. R. on schedule time. They were tradistinction to that of the other towns work and have shown up a very fine Crown grant it. welcomed at the depot by a large num­ in the district. We recognize that your showing of surface ore similar in charac­ ber of citizens and the band. The party visit is to the Boundary as a whole, and ter to that of the Mother Lode. The Bids have been received by the Do­ was met at Grand Forks by Mayor it is as one of the important towns of the width has not yet been determined. minion Copper Company for the instal­ Hardy and Messrs. C. S. Galloway, D. district that we bid you welcome. Our The men are now engaged in stripping lation of a 30-drill air compressor, Cor­ A. Cameron and Duncan Ross, who merits and possible future as a city must the vein but twelve or fifteen feet of fine liss engine, boiler and other machinery went as a delegation. Upon arrival the be determined by the development of looking ore has been disclosed. It is to be used on the Brooklyn and Stem- party was piloted by tbe committee in trade and industry and as business men supposed that the St. Lawerence has a winder mines at Phcenix. charge, headed by the band, to the city, you are well qualified to judge of the sit­ continuation of the Mother Lode vein, where they were "put up" at the club uation for yourselves. Greenwood is as it lies directly north and the lead is LOCAL JOTTINGS. and distributed among the different wide open for your inspection. in the same direction. hotels. The greater number, however, Regarding our mines and mineral re Butler & McCormick have on hand a were obliged to sleep in the tourist cars sources, tho subject is too large for par­ A carload of ore from the Boundary full line of Harness, Saddles, Blankets, in which they came to Greenwood, by ticularizing here. We believe, however, Creek M. & M. company's property near Robes and Sleigh bells, at close prices. the way, four in number. Every hotel that they are destined to afford scope Greenwood lias arrived at the Trail 2t. and bed in town were filled. for the greatest development yet wit­ smelter. It carried 131 ounces silver, Nominations for the election of three W, F. Peters, district freight agent of nessed on the continent of America, two ounces two dwt. gold, 12 per cent, fire wardens at Phcenix will take place the C. P. R-, Nelson, was chaperon. with corresponding possibilities of com­ lead and \% per cent copper and netted there to-morrow in the school house at The party included representatives of mercial expansion, and that as repre­ $110.(>0 per ton over freight and treat­ ten. the Boards of Trade of Victoria, Van­ sentatives of business interests in this ment, or $2212 for the carload.—Rossland couver, New Westminster, Nelson, Ross­ Provinco you will not be slow to appre­ Record. Dr. Boucher, a graduate of McGill College, has formed a partnership with land, Kaslo, and other points in Koote­ ciate your opportunities. During the past few weeks a number nay too numerous to give a list of their In this connection, of the C. P. R. who Dr. Foster of this town and will be per­ of locations have been made on the hill manently located at Phoenix. names. Among them were Thos. Earle, brought you here and to whose enter­ just north of Midway, most of these have A Knights of Phythias Lodge is being M. P., W. A. Ward and L. G. McQuade, prise much of our progress and possi­ good copper showings, while a few carry organized at Phoenix. Victoria: J. C. McLagan, editor World, bilities are due, it is our duty to express galena, which until recently was not Vancouver; F. Buscombe, Vancouver; our appreciation. While careful at all known to exist in this immediate locality. Harvey & Robbins, Greenwood, have T.J. Trappand John Hendry, New West­ times to guard rights and interests, as leased premises in Phoenix and will On of the biggest strikes in this coun­ minster; Hon. T. Mayae Daly, Ross­ affected by the operations of that corpo­ open a livery and feed business there in try was made two miles from Camp Mc­ land; Rev. Mr. Frew and Capt. Troupe, ration, we regard as of »minent benefit about two weeks. Nelson ;G. 0. Buchanan, Kaslo, and rep­ to the district the construction of the Kinney above White's bar, between the resentatives of the press, railways, etc., Columbia & Western Ry., which it is forks of Rock Creek, The strike was The C. P. R. freight shed has been a large, lively and influential body of quite proper to assume will soon place made on the Dayton mineral claim. As­ painted. mainly business men. us on the short and main line to the says giving $800 in gold, 5 oz. in silver, Four or five of the leading firms of the The spread at Barrett's hall, where Coast, and the spur lines that have been and one per cent in copper have been city including the Russell Hardware Co., arrangements were made to banquet 200 built into the various mining camps obtained. It is claimed by the man Hunter & Kendrick Co., and the A. H. people by the Clarendon, was a great about us. So far we are pleased to know who made the strike there is a width of Sperry Co, are building private ware­ success; but as there were 200 excur­ that thereturnsin traffic have far exceed­ ten feet on thu lead. The ore is iron ox­ houses along the C. P. R. track south of sionists, and about fifty of our own citi­ ed anticipations of the company, and ide and full of free gold. The owners the freight depot. zens, who had purchased tickets, it was this is only a foretaste of what will occur are Hamilton and Younkin, and Hugh Cameron, Camp McKinney; and H. J. The C. P. R. track laying machine has a physical impossibility to accomodate when the mines are shipping. None been at work since last Friday laying them all, and many, both visitors and more cordially than the members of the McQuaid, Greenwood. The news of this strike has created considerable excite­ track to the Mother Lode, and the work citizens, were perforce turned away. Board of Trade and citizens of Greenwood is being pushed rapidly to completion. Mayor Hardy occupied the chair, and desire to see the Company for all time ment. The claim is evidently the The frame work of the new skating was toastmaster, Mr. Galloway, presi­ to come well rewarded for the expendi­ source of the placer gold of Rock Creek, rink is now up and the prospects are dent of the board of trade in the vice chair ture of $5,000,000 thus entailed. No which caused such a rush in the early that the citizens of Greenwood will be An address of welcome was presented other fact, we may be permitted to ob­ sixties, able t<> enjoy skating very shortly.
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