Program Review for Dudley-Charlton District
Mailed free to requesting homes in Charlton, Charlton City and Charlton Depot Vol. V, No. 14 PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR OF RELAY FOR LIFE OF THE GREATER SOUTHBRIDGE AREA! COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.CHARLTONVILLAGER.COM “A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.” Friday, April 8, 2011 Alicea ‘proud’ of last four years need.” The INCUMBENT READY House and Senate have FOR PRIMARY loosely agreed that latter figure Gus Steeves photos FACE-OFF WITH is somewhere Neighbors and members of Charlton’s American Legion post salute Capt. Mike Mullaly as he drives by en route to his flight around $20.5 bil- to Iraq. The operating room nurse is going there for his second tour of duty to help conclude U.S. operations there. POWELL lion, he said, with fiscal 2012 BY GUS STEEVES being “the worst STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER budget we’ll be Geraldo Alicea facing.” Soldier gets heartwarming send-off To incumbent 6th Worcester “Massachusetts was the last to Democrat Geraldo Alicea, the cur- get into the recession and is the rent fiscal situation is a time for third or fourth to get out of it,” he LEGION, NEIGHBORS UNITE AS CHARLTONIAN HEADS TO IRAQ people, especially in government, said, noting the economy is a “to make tough choices.” “national crisis.” It will, however, BY GUS STEEVES In commemoration, the local ernment, they’ll be out by 2012.” That, in a nutshell, is how he still take time to get back to the VILLAGER STAFF WRITER branch of the American Legion Christine Mullaly, Mike’s wife, defends some of the votes, particu- heights of 2007, but he said he’s CHARLTON — Most of the time, and several neighbors gathered agreed.
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