Sturbridge 7-27-07
Mailed free to requesting homes in Sturbridge, Brimfield, Holland and Wales Vol. V, No. 14 PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR OF RELAY FOR LIFE OF THE GREATER SOUTHBRIDGE AREA! COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.STURBRIDGEVILLAGER.NET “A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.” Friday, April 8, 2011 Blanchard aiming for re-election BY KEVIN FLANDERS with several VILLAGER STAFF WRITER issues,” STURBRIDGE — Incumbent Blanchard Selectman Mary Blanchard is said. “Being a proud of the accomplishments the member of the board has made during her tenure, Board of and she hopes the community will Selectmen is a re-elect her to a second three-year big commit- term on Tuesday, April 11. ment that Blanchard is no stranger to the requires you to workings of town government, as have an aware- Mary Blanchard she has gained valuable experience ness of many dif- Courtesy photo by serving on the following boards ferent commit- Burgess Elementary School sixth grader and committees — the Burgess tees and events in town.” Kevin Izzio will spend his April vacation Teachers’ Negotiating Committee, Three of the board’s major competing with his teammates in a chal- the Affordable Housing accomplishments that Blanchard lenging U-12 soccer tournament in Italy. Subcommittee, the Board of takes pride in having impacted are Registrars, the Charter Review the approval it gained through Committee, the Open Space town meeting for an upgrade of the Committee, the Subcommittee of wastewater treatment facility, the the Dialogue for the Future, and revitalization it achieved for the To be the best, beat the best the Zoning Board of Appeals.
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