Leah Kalanguka Miss 2014 - 2015 MISS UGANDA PROFILE MY STORY.

I was crowned miss Uganda 2014 in my final year at Makerere University where I graduated as a professional Computer Engineer.

I am a fashion designer, a makeup artist, a model, a motivational speaker, an online English tutor and I am currently working as cabin crew with our national career, a profession that I am newly qualified in and has allowed me to continue serv- ing my country. I am a very diverse person professionally which has helped me grow my creativity, my personal skills and professional skills. That’s what makes me special. My achievements haven’t all come easily. Like any good fairytale, failure and effort have played their part in my story.

I became a role model for many young people by promoting Agriculture and En- trepreneurship amongst the youth. This was my primary role during my reign and so I was able to visit schools, institutions, communities and also take part in different entrepreneur events orga- nized by different companies including the US embassy to promote Agriculture and Entrepreneur- ship as a means to job creation and eradicat- ing poverty. I was also given the opportunity to work with dif- ferent NGOs and companies to address different issues concerning life, such as Sexual Health, Dis- abilities, Education and Career. With my title I was able to influence many young people with my story, motivate them to stay in school, sensitize them on different aspects of life and how they can grow up to be responsible citi- zens and fare well in life. As Miss Uganda, I was able to work with my fellow queens from all over the world by supporting each other on our different projects in our different countries and also showing up for each other in order to make the world a better place. Life after Miss Uganda is still great because I carried all that I learned as queen with me even after my reign. As the saying goes, once a queen, always a queen.

I am CEO to my own Fashion brand EdgeBYLeahK which is both a fashion clothe line and a makeup brand. It has given me satisfaction making outfits for my clients and making up different brides for their special days. I would like to use my compa- ny in the future to give back to communities in different ways and so I am growing it to that direction.

Inspiring Women ! Being miss Uganda did not only allow me to serve others in this country but it also opened doors for me to grow my skills in hospitality, eloquence, teamwork ,public relations to men- tion but a few. The crown is a great way to reach others and enable others to reach you.

I continue to motivate different young people about things like career, education, and talent to mention but a few. My career as a motivational speaker is ongoing even at the moment. I have been able to work as an online English tutor (over a period of 2 years we delivered millions of tutorials to thousands of students), a model and currently, cabin crew with our national carrier.

Every opportunity I have been given in life I take very seri- ously because I do not take any for granted. I believe in making the most of all opportunities that come my way and using them to make a contribution to the community. For me, it has been Only God from day one. Address: Plot,73 ,Second street industry area,

Email: info@missuganda- GET IN TOUCH foundation.org

Phone: +256 75230056