Identification and Characterization of Quorum-Quenching Activity of N

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Identification and Characterization of Quorum-Quenching Activity of N antibiotics Article Identification and Characterization of Quorum-Quenching Activity of N-Acylhomoserine Lactonase from Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Tomohiro Morohoshi 1,* , Yaoki Kamimura 1 and Nobutaka Someya 2 1 Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya 321-8585, Japan; [email protected] 2 Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Ibaraki 305-8519, Japan; * Correspondence: [email protected] Received: 15 July 2020; Accepted: 4 August 2020; Published: 5 August 2020 Abstract: N-Acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) are used as quorum-sensing signals in Gram-negative bacteria. Many genes encoding AHL-degrading enzymes have been cloned and characterized in various microorganisms. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are present on the skin of animals and are considered low-virulent species. The AHL-lactonase gene homologue, ahlS, was present in the genomes of the CNS strains Staphylococcus carnosus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and Staphylococcus sciuri. We cloned the candidate ahlS homologue from six CNS strains into the pBBR1MCS5 vector. AhlS from the CNS strains showed a higher degrading activity against AHLs with short acyl chains compared to those with long acyl chains. AhlS from S. sciuri was expressed and purified as a maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that regulates several virulence factors such as elastase and pyocyanin by quorum-sensing systems. When MBP-AhlS was added to the culture of P. aeruginosa PAO1, pyocyanin production and elastase activity were substantially reduced compared to those in untreated PAO1. These results demonstrate that the AHL-degrading activity of AhlS from the CNS strains can inhibit quorum sensing in P. aeruginosa PAO1. Keywords: quorum sensing; N-acylhomoserine lactone; coagulase-negative staphylococci; AHL lactonase; Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1. Introduction Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication system used by many bacterial species depending on their population densities [1]. One of the most common quorum-sensing signals, N-acyl-l-homoserine lactone (AHL), is used by Gram-negative bacteria [2]. Once the AHL reaches a threshold concentration, the transcription of specific genes is activated, resulting in the expression of phenotypes such as motility, adhesion, biofilm formation, toxicity, and pathogenicity [3]. AHL-negative mutants of many pathogens generally have defected pathogenicity [3,4]. Quorum quenching, which disrupts or manipulates quorum-sensing signals, is one of the most effective techniques to inhibit the expression of virulence and disrupt the infection of host cells. Many AHL-degrading enzymes have been cloned from various microorganisms and studied for their applications in the control of infectious diseases [5]. AHL-degrading enzymes have been divided into two functional groups—AHL lactonase and AHL acylase [5]. AHL lactonase catalyzes AHL ring-opening by hydrolyzing lactones, whereas AHL-acylase hydrolyzes the amide bond of AHL [5]. AiiA-type AHL lactonase, first identified from Bacillus sp. 240B1, is the most-studied AHL-degrading enzyme [6]. It belongs to the metallo-β-lactamase superfamily and Antibiotics 2020, 9, 483; doi:10.3390/antibiotics9080483 Antibiotics 2020, 9, 483 2 of 10 Antibiotics 2020, 9, x 2 of 10 hasenzyme been identified [6]. It belongs and characterized to the metallo in various‐β‐lactamase bacteria superfamily such as AhlS and from has Solibacillusbeen identified silvestris and[ 7], AttMcharacterized from Agrobacterium in various tumefaciens bacteria such[8], as AhlD AhlS from fromArthrobacter Solibacillus silvestrissp. [9], and [7], AidC AttM fromfrom ChryseobacteriumAgrobacterium sp.tumefaciens [10]. In addition, [8], AhlD we from have Arthrobacter previously sp. reported [9], and AidC a highly-thermostable from Chryseobacterium AiiA-type sp. [10]. AHL In addition, lactonase, AiiT,we which have previously was isolated reported from the a thermophilichighly‐thermostable bacterium AiiAThermaerobacter‐type AHL lactonase, marianensis AiiT,JCM which 10246 was [11 ]. isolatedCoagulase-negative from the thermophilic staphylococci bacterium (CNS) Thermaerobacter are known tomarianensis comprise JCM over 10246 30 species, [11]. which are part of the normalCoagulase flora‐negative on the skinstaphylococci of animals (CNS) [12]. are Coagulase, known to whichcomprise converts over 30 fibrinogen species, which into fibrin,are part is a majorof the virulence normal flora factor on produced the skin of by animals coagulase-positive [12]. Coagulase, staphylococci which converts (CPS), fibrinogen e.g., Staphylococcus into fibrin, aureusis a major virulence factor produced by coagulase‐positive staphylococci (CPS), e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius [12]. Therefore, CNS strains are considered less virulent than and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius [12]. Therefore, CNS strains are considered less virulent than CPS CPS strains. Gram-positive bacteria such as CNS strains do not produce any AHL molecules but strains. Gram‐positive bacteria such as CNS strains do not produce any AHL molecules but use use oligopeptide as their quorum-sensing signals [1,3]. Meanwhile, some Gram-positive bacteria oligopeptide as their quorum‐sensing signals [1,3]. Meanwhile, some Gram‐positive bacteria produce produce AHL-degradative enzyme and inhibit quorum sensing in other Gram-negative bacteria [5]. AHL‐degradative enzyme and inhibit quorum sensing in other Gram‐negative bacteria [5]. So far, SoAHL far, AHL-degradative‐degradative enzymes enzymes isolated isolated from from CNS CNS strains strains have have not notbeen been reported. reported. In this In this study, study, we we identifiedidentified and and characterized characterized novel novel AHL-degradative AHL‐degradative genes from from several several CNS CNS strains. strains. 2. Results and Discussion 2. Results and Discussion 2.1. AHL-Degrading Activities in CNS Strains 2.1. AHL‐Degrading Activities in CNS Strains Six strains from four CNS species, Staphylococcus carnosus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Six strains from four CNS species, Staphylococcus carnosus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, StaphylococcusStaphylococcus saprophyticus saprophyticus, and, andStaphylococcus Staphylococcus sciuri were selected selected to to evaluate evaluate their their AHL AHL-degrading‐degrading activities.activities. CNS CNS strains strains werewere cultivated in in Luria–Bertani Luria–Bertani (LB) (LB) liquid liquid medium medium containing containing 20 μM 20 Nµ‐ M l l N-hexanoyl-hexanoyl‐L‐-homoserinehomoserine lactone lactone (C6 (C6-HSL)‐HSL) or or NN‐decanoyl-decanoyl-‐L‐homoserine-homoserine lactone lactone (C10 (C10-HSL).‐HSL). After After 4.5 4.5 andand 9 h 9 incubation, h incubation, the remainingthe remaining AHLs AHLs in the in culture the culture supernatant supernatant were visualized were visualized by AHL by biosensors, AHL Chromobacteriumbiosensors, Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 violaceum (for the CV026 short chain(for the C6-HSL) short chain and VIR07C6‐HSL) (for and the VIR07 long chain (for the C10-HSL), long whichchain produced C10‐HSL), the which purple produced pigment violaceinthe purple [13 ,pigment14]. The resultsviolacein of AHL[13,14]. degradation The results are of shown AHL in Figuredegradation1. All CNS are strainsshown in used Figure in this 1. All study CNS completely strains used degraded in this study 20 µ completelyM C6-HSL degraded by 9 h incubation, 20 μM confirmingC6‐HSL by their 9 h C6-HSL-degradingincubation, confirming activities. their C6 Specifically,‐HSL‐degradingS. sciuri activities.ATCC Specifically, 29060 and 29061 S. sciuri completely ATCC degraded29060 and 20 29061µM C6-HSL completely by 4.5 degraded h incubation, 20 μM suggesting C6‐HSL by higher 4.5 h incubation, AHL-degrading suggesting activities higher than AHL those‐ ofdegrading other strains. activities In contrast, than those most of C10-HSL other strains. remained In contrast, by 4.5 hmost incubation C10‐HSL in remained the supernatants by 4.5 h of S. carnosusincubation, S. in haemolyticus the supernatants, and S. of saprophyticus S. carnosus,. S. Lower haemolyticus levels of, and C10-HSL S. saprophyticus were detected. Lower in thelevels culture of supernatantsC10‐HSL were of S. detected sciuri ATCC in the 29060 culture and supernatants 29061, which of alsoS. sciuri had ATCC higher 29060 C6-HSL-degrading and 29061, which activities. also Afterhad 9 higher h incubation, C6‐HSL‐ alldegrading CNS strains activities. completely After 9 degraded h incubation, 20 µ allM CNS C10-HSL strains except completely for S. haemolyticusdegraded NBRC20 μM 109768. C10‐HSL These except results for S. suggested haemolyticus that NBRC the CNS 109768. strains These tested results in this suggested study hadthat higherthe CNS degrading strains tested in this study had higher degrading activities toward C6‐HSL than C10‐HSL. activities toward C6-HSL than C10-HSL. FigureFigure 1. 1.N -AcylhomoserineN‐Acylhomoserine lactone lactone (AHL)-degrading(AHL)‐degrading activities activities of of CNS CNS strains. strains. Full Full-grown‐grown cultures cultures ofof CNS CNS strains, strains,Staphylococcus Staphylococcus carnosus carnosus NBRCNBRC 109622 (Scar), StaphylococcusStaphylococcus haemolyticus haemolyticus NBRCNBRC 109768 109768
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