•jrsy*v* II THE CKAOTOBP CmZBM AMD JULY 12, 1951

brate a joyous occasion. The occa- the hand is over then and there. Union County Association of Su-are producing camp beanie hate. biflilding. The Brazilian tinit ado sion can'be anything but joyous— You cannot meld' ,and you cannot perintendents and Supervising Beginners in pottery' craft made ed "The Amigas" as their, Picidcs Are without.thc use of a few-common- discard. "" .. '. ' • ' ./ Principals, headed by Dr. Arthur tiles and animals and coil bowls name. -*'••• . sonse precautions! . L. Johnson of Cranford, County yrhile more advanced students The camp has adopted an inju. VPeople of! on holidays often feel Superintendent of Schools. molded flgurenes and vases. Occasions for Playing The Cards Local Students Enroll bird which campers rescued tr( such u sense of freedom thai they Advanced leather craft students the Railway River, where take reckless-chances. They' gather By ALEXANDER C. SPENCER At County Band School laced and tooled picture frames. found it floating helplessly., ticks.-boil -their— Games, Crafts Beginners made combination comb bird, a grackle, is now repor roait their rnai slimallows over the rases and «oin purses. M€!j[j ( • \*Now Jt»r summer's .officially blaze and then forget the tire. They ford and one. from Kenilworth You are South in today's hand.' las the ace detent take it. aban- registered recently at the .Union Tuesday's camp closed with, anprovided it with a cage. herV-the picnic and camping sea- tcljLlbemselves it will tio out byso. cover the East-Weit hands with Mrs. Di Martini is helping . • son is in full swing again. While don that suit and take the diamond County Band and Orchestra School, ice cream party to celebrate July o itself," the chief explained, "where- your thumbs. Attract Many complete work on games bad°i the summer means fun and frolic as actually it may jinolder for finesse, and jnu wfll be Out*, ofwhich opened, for; its nineteenth 41 Patriotic songs were sung. No GARWOOD KENILWO to most people, your local depart- nine .tricks. If either adversary consecutive session at Abraham .camp was held Wednesday because Mrs. Uekauswas is aiding th hours Until a gust of wind f.ans it working for the camp craft a wa ment waits in dread for -that In- into again and it begins t< 8 5 takes the first round vl hearts atod Clark High School, Roselle, two To Day Camp of the holiday. A 10 9 732 continues spades, win with the aceweeks ago. • • • •" evitable call to a forest fire or grass spread over the surrounding area o. Second 'week of camping at "The Thursday morning's rain did not CRANFORD. NEW JERJSEY, THURSDAY. JULY 19. i 1951 16 Pages — FIVE CENTS • . fire caused.by some careless pic- "Many fori-st llres me'caused, in A 6 and take UK diaopnd finesse. The new Cranford students at dampen the ardor of the "Friendly Again you will have al feast nine Friendly Cove," Girl Scout sum- : nicker or camper," Fire . Chief this way. Anyone -who has ever '• » •* 3 2 the summer music center are Nan- mer day camp at the Little House Cove" hampers. When' outdoor ac- Howard G. 'Schindler explained witnessed a real forest fire —*has 4k K J 10 9 4 N_ 19 10? 8 2 tricks, because if Eft* has another cy Manger, Paul McKeige and tivities were barred, the girls took Seven Area Draftees f spade tot return.after winning the on Springfield avenue, ended last Gewge Fruris Scbaii] Hats for Contest ; yesterday. seen the 'anxious- fates of people 07 A 9 4 3 • iO'.K« ; Virginia Wortley. Walter Williams Thursday with 127 girls busily en- to song. Miss Carol Koyen and Miss Award 10 n Tomorrow's Call > "Very, few people know that the living nearby and watachwl the 8 diamond, tritk. Vest could only of Kenilworth also recently en- Patricia Lackey led the group in » . #*KQ8?4 •have had four spades originally gaged in a. large variety of recrea- CHIROPRACTOR Five.Cranford men, one Garwood word bonllrc uwas ,pncc. spelled urclinhleis in action with theri 10 9 2 . • A1 Q 7 rolled. tional and educational pursuits. songs. Mrs. Martin taught them spades, shovels, bull-dozers and and y^uwilTose no more Shan two inductee and a former Cranford 'bone fire' and meant a fire of The. Band and Orchestra School After opening of camp last Tues- '.'•Girl Scouts Together." . - THREE SPRINGFIELD AVE.J resident will be in the contingent bones. Another version of its origin jwet blankets—is nlinost tortain to tricks in that suit plus the diamond Girls of the Brazilian!! unit had ire Boys Swim 0 Q J 5 4 king: and heart ace. held its" first concert of the season day morning with^i flag ceremony' f draftees from Board' 44 leaving is its derivation from the French be a crusader for tire safety in our . » J 5 3 last night at the high school. Or- conducted by the Mexican unit, the a "cookout" at lunch time. . Mrs. CRANFORD, N. J. 4 •lainfield City Hall tomorrow At Playgrounds 'bon feu" or".good fire used leech*- woodlunds. With both.sides vulnerable, the As the caiids jie. West can de-chestra 6 and Band 6. comprising girls were taught the proper mqth-: Alex Prista taught the girls how morning, at 8:30 for Newark to be- "Curt-fulness, inusi betfiri when bidding.goes: feat the hand by laJriag the heart the most advanced musicians at od of flag folding. A treasure hunt to make buddy burners and.fire Certificates gin their first day of army life. the lire is first lljjhlixl," Chief the school, performed. 1 SOUTH ' WEST v NORTH CAST ace at ^he second trick and shift- and nature study classes followed, Roosevelt School Schindler warned. .."Never light a. ing to club* This will establish Next Wednesday, 'Orchestra '5 The men arc: John F. Drucken- Registration Begins POISONIVY I NT. pass __3 NT ' pass- The Indian unit held a "cook-, millcr of 29 South avenue, west; lire outdoors if. there is a wind pass pass . • • . East's clubs before his king of dia- and Band 5, next musical aggre- out" and practiced aluminum pail ief s Report Shows Bob Achilles Achieves Tonight at UJC Leads In Softball .Wowing. Do not build a lire where monds is knocked out and decXarer Arthur Williams, formerly, of 134 West opens the jack of spades. gations at the school in the de- cooking. Mrs. Adolph Liekauskas/ Garftcld street, now of Elizabeth; Registration will open this eve- After Week's Play BO REE J. there is nny chance of its spread-? East. playing the deuce: How dowill have, to co down. But howscending order of accomplishment, Indian unit leader, instructed the Damage Is $50,000 Top Honor of Week at ning for Union Junior College's ing to .dry leaves, grass, moss or many Wests win immedialeJy play will perform in a concert at. the Nicholas Walschpl of 108 Anchor At the end of the first week pty you go about getting nine tricks? girls in fire building. place,, Garwood; and'Howard N. second summer semester, with en- RELIEVES SUFFERl&G wood."Most important, never leave the ace of hearts on ibe jack?. high, school at 8:15 p. m. Louis Folk dance~ and square dance Less Than in 1950 Cranford Boys' Camp rollment expected to exceed- 200 the municipal recreation program, the lire unless.you ore absolutely When I kibitzed this hand I won- Standard Lumber & Supply Co. Thomiis, of 31 Burnsidc avenue. STOPS ITCHING That's the point of leading t! Haar, supervisor of instrumental lessons Were given the girls by ^irc loss in Cranford for the first Ten Red Cross certificates were because of the many veterans be- he sandlot softball league holds, sure that the hist spark Is out. lered whether South would fall in- Also, .Eugene H. Krenz of 362 the spotlight with the fast get- DRIES UP BUSTEftS to a very common error, and heJack of hearts at tiick two.. Even music in the Cranford school sys- Jyfcrs. Homer Z. Martin, folk dance months this year, estiinated at awarded beginners in swimming at latedly launching their. college A MM! Mar*»l»» %*m**1 • . •"Thousands of lives have been if. West thinks. South micbt have tem, will conduct Band 5. ' leader at the camp.. . r South Union avenue: Rudolph study benefits of the GI Bill expire way made by the Roosevelt School did. He properly won the opening you the~ services and knowledge 4,950, was far below " the' close of the second 'week at r«r O»»r M v«n>. lost aild millions of acres of good the king and queen of hearts, the Barid and orchestra concerts at The rural Unit's project for ti»e; Cranford Boys' Camp on Friday, Lantz of 238.North .avenue, east, next Wednesday. Classes will be- team which won games against the Curtate** IW» «r M.nty Batk.. timberland binned needlessly, just spifmr lend with the queen, cor- thc semi-annufl and Kenneth E. Meier of 7 Roose- Memorial Field team. 5-4, and the rectly, reasoning that if he held up. psychology of bride is such ih the school, with" the exception of week was to erect a farm house. of more than a quarter jjf^a^ century of Stanley F. Grayson, director, an- gin Monday. • ! 1 — SEE — because- campers und picnickers one major concert, are free of u. velt avenue. • High School entry , 13-1. . HATRAWAV rilARMACV West might shirt to a club. At theWest feels, that his ace is not doing Mexican unit pitched a lean- re Chief Howard G. nounced today. - ' ' - Kenneth W. tverscn, acting dean •KAGKR'8 . DBIIG HTORK were careless with (Ires. Will you full duty wben.it only captures a charge. All concerts are open to practical building experience and "know Committed, released Board 44. announced that thc in the absence of Dr. Kenneth C. Memorial Field, handily trounc- be direful" second trick he led the queen of the public. . •*. . to and the Indian unit a teepee. • Beginners receiving' certificates August call, slated to leave City diamonds and let it ride to East's jack. If South were to,lead the A number of girls in the camp MacKayv said fifty ^veterans al- ng thc High School. 25-1. is in king of hearts indead.of the jack. The school is sponsored : by. the ay, announced. ..•'•• were: Fred Sickert, Charles Boil- Hall at 8:30 a. m. August 27, will second place. The High School king. East came back with a spade are making reed baskets and some how" in your construction problems. I. Last year, in the same period, od, William Webster, ' Howard ready have signed tip. More are .these would be a much greater include 71 selectees. xpectcd during the further regis- brings up the rear in the league. which was taken with the ace. Lses of $69,340 were suffered in Arnesen, Bruce Cromey, Andy Co-captains' of the league-lead- Now South started to count' his chance of west's £oang up with the Furnishing our customers with quality Foldy, Jeff Fleuren, Victor Whit- tration from 4 to 9.p. m. today, ace at once. He still might not shift |l types of fires, or $54,790 more tomorrow and'Monday. ng Roosevelt team are ' Bobbie COAST TO COAST MOVERS ricks, and found that, with two meyer, Stan Richmond and Douglas Lawrence and James. Cooper. spades, five damonds and a .club, to a dub. of mutse. and with any building materials and service has been Ian the latest figure. Reilly. : Thc first summer term, ending other return the. contract is sale: Funeral For his week, had an enrollment of Other members of the team' in- Anywhere In the U.8. tr Cusi*. he was still short of the required our motto for more than 30 yean. Chief Schindler said the depart- Bob Achilles, .best camper of clude: R. Thicme, T. O'Brien, R. - 8«*#>, Reasonable and •lumber, which meant that he had . '. CANASTA '"". ... OIL BURNERS ment answered 159 calls, of which Cabin 5, became the Camper of the 170, comprising 146 men and twenty-nine women. In the group Laska, H. Ehlers, R. Johnson, D. - Immediate Service. to get a heart trick. -So he led the Prior to the recent changes in the were general' alarms. In, 1950, Week tiUeholder. Other cabin Staples. V. Buonternpo, T. Hol- jack of hearts, hoping that it West IMMEDIATE JLOWEST campers . named Were: Cabin A, were 87 from other colleges, By Vanr-Rsll—Boat—Air . rules of caoasia. if the last card of Kc department was iummoned 218 Harry Folk working off academic deficiencies. 0yd. B. Davis, R. Walsh .and R. held the ace he would lay off, butht e stock puV'was a red three, ihe Howard Arnesen; 1, Fred Sickert; Pace. • • • ' •• •'• Wast naturally went right up with INSTALLATION PRICES |mes, including 61 general alarms: New courses to be offered in the player drawing it<^lzced it face; up Property damage this year has 2, Victor Whitmeyer; 3, Richard the ace and proceeded to.cash Supply Co. and Robert Knonv and 5, Floyd second semester are botany,, zo- Thc registration at the Roosevelt HENRY P, TOWNSEND, Agent on the table, and was then allowed Imountcd to $12,550, with the Resulent Until 1948; three spade tricks to set the hand. Schroppe, camper winner, in .the ology, business law, physics, de- playground for thc week is 209, to meld, but could not discard, and Lumber ^ Milhoork - Mason Materials part of thc balance in nine ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. Correct piny ' is to. knock out thethe band was over at that- point. previous week. . Former Leader, Actor scriptive geometry, business mathe- he average daily attendance being FU«H—t racklnc • Crating-a Specialty DEAN OIL COMPANY lutomobllc losses of $2,200. matics and algebra. Students are between 110 and 120, it was re- ace of hearts before touching dia- Here's the new rule: If you draw PHONES: CRanford (-IMS —9-24C7 Nosing out Cabin 5 by a half- In Dramatic Club far Commercial Estimate* Given Freely monds. At trick two, lead the jack One oil burner caused damage restricted to two courses and most ported by Burton W. Longenbach Can WEstfleld 2-4464 the last, card of the stock and it is 24 Hour Service FAnwood 2^484 $4 HIGH STREET CRANFORD If $150, and an electric stove point, Cabin 4 won inspection. Bob Harry S. C. Folk, 64 years old, and Miss Mary. Janet Thomson, of hearts, and if the opponet who a red three, you the three and ,...... • . i ' • —Photo .by Hat neck' take, only one. ' liiuscd $50 damage. Girls attending activities in tne third week of the. "Friendly Cove," Girl Scout Summer Day Glynn is counselor of Cabin 4, andof Scotch Plains, a' leader in dra- supervisors. •'. • . Firemen responded to 83 alarms camp, paraded with hats, of original, and somewhat startling, design last week. Winners; standing Bob McClintock is counselor for matic activity. in Cranfortt for Another highlight of the week lor (jriiss and rubbish fires, and clockwise, are; Janice Papp, Mary Ann McHarg, Connie Bergstrom. Helen. Weber, Hcjan Zesch, the. runners-up'. many years while he lived here, at Roosevelt playground was the \\\ fiijsc • alarms. Connie BykowsKi and-Claire Boright. Seated, same order,, are: Janet Dudar, Dorothy Schultz, ; Every boy entered one contest died yesterday in his home, after pet show. The- prize-winning en- They also were called upon to Martha Babcock, Georgie Martin, Barbara White and Janice Giles. ' in each of four. athletic divisions a year's illness.•• • Hearing On tries in this recent event were: lescue two cats from trees, assist •with a counselor to coach each A Christian Science service will largest pet, Bobby Walsh's German . Ine person locked out of a room, team. In the Olympics, instead of- be conducted by Roderick W Shepard, Gerry; smallest pet —> lilt out'a tree hut on fire, assist Brownies Day Camp thc customary tournaments, stor- Smith, reader, from Gray Memor- Zone Rule Joyce Williams' gupples; longest Ihe Rusclle Park Fire Department Day Camp Closes Tonight ing was on a point basis. ial; 12 Springfield avenue, at 3 hair .— Julie Comarty's Cocker ,• .*-."• • •, • - » . . |mce, and burn Christmas trees. O|icnti Season Tuesday "," winning team p. m. tomorrow. Burial will be Spaniel, Laddie; shortest hair — The resuscitator service was After Four Active Weeks Miss Suzanne Lomench, di- coached by' Counselors Robert private. Union Avenue Woman Don Wilcox's Boston, Bulldog, . •tse

'II CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY7 JULY 10. 1051 THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHBONICLZ. THURSDAY. jtlLY 19, 1951 course in advanced aerial , What Ahmt 8»aatish Bice? vcntUaUon feeds the fire, but until vent adulterated or contaminated ondary infection worse than the pilal. on July S. Mrs. Beyerman r ivy poisoning. • tion at Ellington Air Force Base. of Town j» Virginia Nanw«ake ' Our word. p***€mv* .Hh»d a very ]- Tiirre »';« trace ii rice at'» ,K««rnber»- «£ the- the poisonous gases and smoke ire food from being used by humans," Poison Ivy•.;>. Tbe young lobster tnolU or : is the tfjTKiet Mary Anne Luca of towly begirjiir*' It .is derived fro'sn : cative pUot ia the early hir-oriei 'the Xeoe£deoel*9s Housewives Urged removed, the dangers of fire-fight- the report stated: Apparently ani- Immunity is not dependable. Ah Houston', Tex. During the war, Lt. h its bcray .Amateur Historian Discovers Cranfcrd. Mr. Eleyerman ji'an ap- .ike Gre*lc aord. • pai*aeofos." ' of EcTpt, Ptr»ia. Greece or Borne. ing are multiplied many times. mals can eat smoked food, and individual unaffected by one ex-McKeown flew 35 missions With sc!vxd boy f : prentice prtnier at the Plainfifcl«r}.-.<• ./!ii(;i/V iV-' cruiiinui Memorial Methodist Chief Schindler concluded em- ity of a potable water supply, the from a fire in which poison ivy Two patents have can COTC as modi as 3D per < •;•?. but an. i«cori. public «erWee by thg Medical So- birth'of' a"*on. -bcrn -JjiIV «• Mr'y.. | been granted to A. Donald Green I»W"" •« "/ ruttiuu '-Cruniurd:'' ; Ohiirrh ' m.-iiked it* fiftieth anni- I T4 l Guests P ciety of NewJerttv «no-tn«- union frrf«H|/. lUJiUyli lit «/'a* ifill i/'it'iiii j vt-fwiry on Sun'iay, June 10. Dedi- j Thomas, is thf former 11 U»' Cain- j Eartfc. ° The t»cl that **»>"'«»' g Plainfield, Roselle their~skin to eruptr for—an -inventtgK^tt*tcictL Jprn rr.c5t cocaplece fey die housewife ptotert her thrifty A <»mplete search was made of County Medical Society. Quettions art a few miU-M of tori 11,-iiUilr, Va.,! .,| on June 9,1901, the building ferine Kruie, daughter of Mr. and | . Veary Juof of (he natla-»J or earth type and Hillside attended the Tues- for an apparatus for making syn- (UU fcdp to all drug stores for a tablet thought •houkt be addreued to th« Med- thetic rubbers. MK Green^a mem- AS ManatJysX Demnark. whrrr hr untU-rui-nt Imtif train- . n:imo<) in ' honor of Jarrw-n Mrs. Han* Krust- of 202 Beech I Tbe second World War came to a resins which derive their character- : day luncheon meeting of Cranford v :tlS |' awst ace ^ appeared Tuesday aft- Health Board to~be harmful, in response to in-ical Society of New Jersey at 315 Men in. Service, ber of the staff of the Development an Acnerican tourist yilitor, frywith llif utiii'i ruiitwrt,' /»-| Cr^iii'i/C, a .revered con,rnunity sSreetl Her husband is trie w>n of)eiote In Eiuof* on May 7. IMJ—C«« istic* from aging in tbe ground *tt Kiwanis Club at the Coach and called fossil restas. Such fossil re- the ndtjteicszrs teievisian on the Kathy formation received by telegram Wett State street. Trenton 8. N. J.) -. Pvt. Marvin T. Durham,'son of Division of the Standard Orl De-:drowsed a bouquet oh die "gtwvm «* • i Uai bvei^ h-uiUr. If is deKsct'ndants^are active Mr. and MrS;. Thorn>s of 5. M»-rn- jears. eijht months and six days Four. G. Winfleld Scott, vice-pres- tins as copal, kauri and da'mar are. overWNBT. He was from State Commissioner Daniel Mrs:. Hester Durham of 101 High velopment Company, lives at .19 Ha.-rJVi."" or sazed in awe at the *' *lm««W«M'd tt, •CainirKihurr. I'riur; ,„ the church today. • .' - ingside place. ' . after the Nazis started their inva ident, presided in the absence of Among the seasonal distresses to : 1 fati i OOt. by a scientist, a *san of a Report Lists Bergsma. Another search was Norman place. , - ' near-by -rpoel in which • Ophelia liens . • . • • • • John G. Harney, president.. which' summer exposes us arestreet; has successfully completed o ' ts. induction. I,,- ,.,0.» <.,,,pl//w,/] priar to 1901. the congregation Mr. and Mrs. Rkhard D. Faxon [ of economics, a laundry op- prompted by. several complaints Out-of-town guests included those forms of dermatitis — or in- Leadership School with the 26th Richard H. Dudley, also a staff d bersejf* Both w«T« Sn.J- f>.W-u».|/ : rtlt., in ^.^y r>0Wi), Chapel, built oi Tulra. Okta,. onriouiice UK- birth and a housewife to present about a Heavy cream which was be- by a thoughtful Marianljrst r r ( Howard Hermes of. Plainfield, flammation of the skin —.which Field Artillery Battalion,, a unit of member, has been Rranted two "" . " " 'i" "" ,, '"):'" •« IB57- Two Cranford*. Jamw and (of a dauKhter. Miircie Cook Fax»>n. ing distributed. Bacterial counts a P. T. Baraum discussion and dejqion- Claus Forsberg of Roselle, William Inspections result from physical contact with the 9th Division. Artillery, at Fort United States patents; for inventing " | J<.hn, wore among those instru- at St. Johrt's".I!cspJtal. Tulia.' t-11 J"on progress made toVrit- on samples were found to be "high Hair.- . • • . . Bodine of Roselle, William, See- The Cranford Board of Health noxious plants. Dixv it was announcecl"T5y division methods for curing and - outliur. ( mental in -* building tht- Chapel. July A- Urn. F^icon is Uie farmer CRANFORD'S GREATEST a national consumer standard after investigation and the distrib- headquarters this week. • '. izing synthetic rubbcri;. Mr. Dud- obuul rttilroticfli. •^'This •'••uicteiary, I<oe-.ths old. If his parents do j 1 as the housewives in Other to the 1951 ROTC summqr camp at preparing a compound which wiltf the- almost (io^niiitic lj< lii.'f that ! built had been that of the .first the highway, at in the above view of the entrance. July 5 at OverUxii Hospir^l. Sum- George Orrok. Proceeds of the maintenance of safe environmen- purpose of obtaining proper storage In the fall among the first to j his personality Into . ^unities throughout the na-auction were donated to the under- tal sanitation, Health Officer Wil- Fort'Knox, Ky., for six weeks-un- decrease; the oxidation of lubricat- sefcrr. a>cu« asreeable lines, he H ^ fiur town is the. )>d a ' _ loss, if these items, One' hundred seventy-seven .in- fc ^ilonial IVihick Church th Crqn- July 15. LOOK AT THESE AMAZING REDUCTIONS perative that the label and direc- old rhymed warning, ''Leaflets husband of Mrs! Frances McKeown the U.S. by'-15'. tnUlionTHurtnc the a.'.;«S almost twice as many Amtri- novel uhoul an Knclish town, an JTewked- so well on purchase. Axe*Wielding spections were performed during f/,nl Mi'iiioriiil,. ' •.'•• Mr- and Mrs.--James. W~ Rudd, tions be properly read and the pro- three, let it be!" of 11 Heathermede place, and son last five years, telephone plant men »5'tss>jve be«o killed In action account of thf Old Uorriiiiion ('KIII- Jr., of 'Mi H.oHywopd nyt-nue, an- wU out to be unserviceable. lean-up Week alone. This was r £-n U.H. HlKh- Piainiield, on July 10. Mrs. BudJ ttith this dilemma, Mr. Sbme of the important functions Cmnfoiii Memorial," the! 'pastor, sured proper protectiorrin all mat- after contact, through animals or is th* former Margarc-t Frii.hc, and $4.95- Now Ret. $4.95, $5.95—Now out, you have been disclosed by the report show that . " Wj»y I. utxiut 20 trilled 11011th of Jtfvi K:ilpVi E.. llaugh, ministers;to For Fireman ters, large and small. Investiga- insects which have .been in contact daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F- goaf once. Don't be the during the-year the Health Depart- ; Waahington, D. C. tha» i»ilicutt-f. congregation* yt neighboring Oe- tions and clean-ups which are in-with the plans, or through clothing Friche cf Bo^tiU.'. Paternal grand- again. Think of the proverb "The next time you sec a fire- ment was called upon to supervise vthe iocaiioii of CranJV.ril, Vil.; but coquitn and Wood bridge.' A mod- PLORSHE1M FOR MEN cluded on the yearly agenda of theor dust. -.!••' • parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rudd &l WOMEN'S teoes something like this: you man" hacking away at the roof of a.the disposal and destruction of cer- J If they took note of it, nooiningly es I but loyal membership upholds dranford Board of Health may be If contact with the plant has II Willow street, NATURAUZER A UFE STRIDE THE XATIONtS FINEST I ,ne once, shame on you; youBurning building, don't accuse him tain foods damaged by fires. T hiiVe luti mtmtihned the (nutter lit the heritage of Cranford Memorial routine, but an awareness of them been made, the next step should be Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Nelson of uulme twice, shame on me. if being destructive simply for pie The report notes that twenty *home. Hetfiilly I (liscovcrcd Crari- Methodist Church, and a friendly RcgukHy Priced Reptlarly Priced To -85 «tke. of excitement," Fire Chief is very necessary, Health -Officer to wash the exposed part of the | ford «n an Army - in:ip while s| ;•- 8 .English - Village announce the Mr. Stein stressed the iact that pounds of potato • salad, eight Smith added. . welcome is assured any visitor. $19.95-^ Now Only Howard G. Schindler declared yes- body .thoroughly with strong soap V timied in the area. . . birth of a daughter. Jean Lynn, on To $12.95 — Now Only *13 is you. the housewife, who can pounds of cold slaw and ten pounds and water, avoiding vigorous July 2 et Muhlcnberg • Hospital,, _ action against the possibility terday. •.".'•• of macaroni salad were destroyed, I , Cranford, Va., in little more than '••There are several good reasons scrubbing. Then the area should Plainfield. Maternal grandpareois Regularly To $7*5 [being cheated in buying a pro- being considered contaminated by Pirating • I a roadside point. It i« at the cic.st PEDWIN why firemen shope holes in roofs, Crop variety demonstration plant- be rinsed with strong grain alco- Jof rt hillock in Lorton TowiiKhlp in are Mr., and Mrs. A.' MacPherson $10.95 — Now Only _ in good faith, which turns out destructive features of fire. In ad- hol or ether; .—,. "•" of 207' ReUord avenue, and pater- Ube unserviceable. Unfortunately, the average specta- dition to this, paper wrapped food ings to give farmers' information t southern ^Fairfax County.. The set- The 'Cran.forJ Memorial Church, which last month marked ReguUHy To Regularly To -85 tor at a fire has no idea what those . Soothing lotions are sometimes . its fiftieth anniversary. — w,oio« by .wtnum s.. Ydun« nal grandparents are Mr. and Mr£. If.you are not satisfied to pay for and many pounds of meat and- on 'Improved varieties are 'being jting i» in pleasant, rollini! cntiutry- •6 $10.95 — Now Only •casons are. He thinks firemen just planted in 12'North Dakota counties helpful in relieving the itchjng. •tide. Th*' bijihway Kig"n, lit the AJ P. Ntlson of 12 English Village. $995 — Now Only r bad guesses, and would .rather canned merchandise were' disposed Scratching the skin which has been Patrolman and Mrs. Roy Brink- like to destroy property, thUyear, reports;NDAc Extension 'I entrance to a wooded private .park, and Mrs. Lyrr.an'£•. Gillis of 27 J Mr. and Mrs. Constant O. Maffey before you buy a dress /"Perhaps the most important of. :•••'•••.' •' • . .• •. • ' erupted by poison ivy causes a sec- erhofl of 136.Ro«scvt'!t avanue,»:nr Reg. $7.95 "Every effort was made to pre- Service.' , ^ indicates the location' of tiome of West En,d place; on June II. • • jof 105 Severin court, on May yi." TOP QUALITY «,hether it can be laundered or not,reason, for the roof-chopping is to ' the old property of the Cranford nbunL-£> the birth of 5i daughter. Now Only t i? up.to you to bring pressure to A daughter, Deborah Kuth, U>\ ' A son, Roland Alfred, to Mr. and Dana Marie, on July' Il-at Muh- let out poisonous gases, and over- - family, who taint- to Fairfax Coun- Mr. and Mrs. Albert'Goldberg of Mrs. Ulric A. Malllie. of HOI Lin- j Reg. to $8-95 •on the manufacturer and de-heated air that collect in a burning Jty froii- Maryland yt-.ir.s auo. One lfcnbc-rt! H'-fpital.-Plainiield. •';-' nd that clothing" articles be la- 25 Keith Jeffries avenue, on June coin park, east,-on June 1. •'• 1 CHILDREN'S SHOES building when there is no adequate *of the two lionx-s in the (l:irft is. Mr. and Mrs . John MaeVeijjh Now Only 1 in the same fashion the food 10. ventilation. Unless a way is found 'Uiat of the Updikcy. Miti, Updike A daughter, Sullie Ann, to Mr. "Roijan, Jr. of Madi&On ' announce _j purchase is identified, by law. . A daughter, Kristlne, to Mr. andand Mrs. Alfred T. S. Matthews; of the birth of a daughter. Deborah Tnmwndous sorings on famous Buster Brown and Rood.daldzen's SIMMS. to get the gases out of the building / I being, a .Ciimford. No dimbt the Basis for the discussion on theas promptly as possible, the fumes The following births were, re- Mrs. Lawrence V. Htirnil.l of 4852 Wade- avenue, on June 4. . . Sanfoid, on July 7'at M<.rri:-towri Pl*nty oi Big Values for t*enst*ts too In popular Teen-Aae styles. ' ^iiame Cranford applies to the park I broadcast was a recently pub- ind hot air constitute a serious i) as a fiuniiy estate, but my time did corded during June in the olllce of S*iitth avenue, east,- on June 20. A son, Jartitj; Thomas, (o Mr. and Mw.orial Hospital, Mornstown. William P. Smith, register of vital Proposed American Stan- threat \o the life, of every fire- ]|n«it pi'rmit more detailed iriquirieK. . A daughter, Ellen StevctiS, to Mrs, Hoberl A. McMichat-1 of 0 Mrs. Hf-tian is the- ffinnt-r Miiis I for Rayon Fabrics which, its .statistics: Prudence Sanfo:(i, daughter of Mr. j fighter. • The Magnificent * Even more interesting in the very Mr, and Mrs: C, W. Gillenpie. Jr., JJtiatford terrace; on June 2L declared, was written to and Mrs. Harold C. S:mford t.t 18 "Few persons appreciate how * active and historic Crunford Mi- A von, Kai John, to,Mr. and Mrs. of 121) Oak lano, on June 30. A lion, Harry Parole, to Mr. and dp you, the housewife'consumer, Sylvester street. many fire deaths men, women and . • nwiiil MethodiM Church, lociitt-d John Hudmanii of 124 Division A daughter, .AnnC Cutely, to Mr. MriK Hayrhond H. I'agc-.of 114. U'X- Commercial purchasers • andchildren who arp untouched by 5 Jib«ut ri.JfcrVl'dS uy and sell. The standard covers. - (Miints out tin- left (urn which leads b!:iek, j 23 N. UNION AVE, A daughter, Dohnu Ann, to Mr.of 832 Centt-nhiul avenue,' on A.i.on, Iviuis Joseph, Jr., to Mr. white, arid 2>'a Open Friday Evenings CRanford 6-3272 lall fabrics containing 50 per cent sues, v ' . KRISPY V.v'O for krrpinc Summer (iir and Coaler — morning. V-ZJ. > toward ihf church. I/'ss than n and Mrs. Willis Ilird or 12 Iloose- June. 17. and 1 Mr«. . Quitoni or 31S South lor more rayon, which amounts to "A second. important reason for noon, and night. y£o. head >»«r ,.~i.r"* IKtwit-~~ -•—h .t V&^^ I mile in, tnii>lliw»«irr UiUr or no - i|^ 5 at a rur.i! «To^ro;ids Tin smoke. Smoke is an oncmy and a CRACKERS A son, Douglm; All'sn, to Mr. midMrs. Thomas J. Hogiin of 101! Molly A son, David Bruce Schroeder, lyardaje «1 fabrics produced in the For the Worlds Finest Receptionv ' • . ^2£ preparation qver a hot stn\e. Earn •«• is a Miper- ••. «5;j; Mrs. Chattel, A. Allen of 322 Wul-stix'i't, 011 June :i. . UJ Mr and Mrji.'V. W.Schnwyder of.' buzzard in more way$ than one. 1 W^ savine — hteh quality at a lorn. Wv *»rfec. ;^S nut aveiiOv, on June 1-1. •16 Prirkw;iy village, on June 28: Twenty-three of the standards is. a form of gas and can itself cause ib. pk«. A son, Lynwotwl, Jr.. to Mr. .'mil =P\ •' • ''• ' ' • -MS- ' A son, James Patrick, to Mr. andM.IK. Jonei; of 505 Centennial.;11 ve- '• A'dau'ihttT, Karen Ann, to Mr. luhich have been developed would death. *, When judging television, don't lose sight of the sound! For faithful tonal "When smoke is present in ; Mrs. Hcnjaniiu ,11. Chappelle of 0 uiif.'on June 5. . ' and Mi;s.'Johiri'/Rrnall of B(l Ht-n- Iftive Jou inlormation about wom- quality is as important as picture clarity if your, television set IsgoJfWi I'lidiau Spring roud, itn May 27, janiin streot, on ,June 3. ' Jin'swear. They cover fabrics used building.: firemen often have i A daughter,.. Mury Catherine, to -, A son, Joseph Maptin, to Mr. Ln woven and knitted sportswear, iljht the tire blindly. They cannot to make you think "you're really there!" Magnavox, the oUtort ARMOUR'S , A daughter, Diinu Allison, to Mr. Mr. uhd Mis. Cleoigc Junck of ?M\i \ Mr.'. Frank J. Snw:i of 0 n luwen and sheer dresses, woven jet at the seat of the fire. Thej EET ,-45'•'£••; mid Mrs. John K. Con of 2 Walnut avenue, on .June 17. j MEN..'. . HERE'S name in'radio and inventor of the loudspeaker, is justly famous for m IluoM'Vi'lt iiveruu1, on June 25. avi'iine, on June 17. land knitted'fcajamas, nightgowns cannot safeguard themselves prop- T11 YOUR CHANCE TO the high fidelity, rich timbre and full range of its super powered and wp^r- A daughter, Kathleon, to Mr. and i A ((;uu:hu r, Piirneln A !, '" Mr. land underwear. Sixteen of the ;rly against the hazards of un- A daughter, Nnncy IAH; trt Mr. Mrs.- Francis X. Kiu.'pltcr of a-11 l ! and Mrs. Frank C>. Drumrnond of and Mrs. Caij-'W. 'Spador of Ki'J I standards'cover men's wear. ' familiar buildings. The pitfalls o sensHive audio systems. Shop, look and be sure to listen when buying Mansion tcrrac*', on Jiiiiu 1). . I j smoke-filled building are many CHEESE "PEANUT BUTOR ^ " 33' « UOU ("cnti'iiniiil iivcnut-, on June II. Ilillcivst avenue, on May '.!(!. The National Retail Dry Goods television. Your own critical ear will tell you that glorious as any experienced llreman ca A son, Jutiii'K Herbert, to Mi', A Min, David Alan, In -Mr. arid • A con. Howard Klnitr,IV,4ii Mr. lAsaociation is the official sponsor Magnavox full-range sound Is better! Mis. Willium L. Krapf, 72.7 W.ilmit | and Mis. .Spencer. 111 ^ of 507 Klin SAVE tell you. \ and Mrs: Jiuties J. Kel/.of .'14 Piirk- I of these standards, und_er_Amer- FOOD "Holes chopped in a roof let th< •wny village, «m Jinur 11. avenue, on June 20. , 'street, on June 5. . .' ! WITH ican Standards Association "pro- -A'.son, Jt'-liry Wayne, tr> Mr. and I A dai'ij'.hter, Nancy Jean, to .Mr.'! I ccdurcs, Mr. Stein said about the cases and smoke escape. They clcai SPAGHETTI I A Mr it t. Dennis, to Mr., at.ul Mrs. IIKLLMANS 1'hilip Ffrnande/ of H Hiversidc Mrs. Jai-k A. Kri'ss of 450 Lin-j and'Mn-. Richard (\. Wilson of''>\'\ move to let the housewife- • con- the structure for efficient fire-fight' ing. It is true that the increase< diivc, oit June HI. u coin iiv'eruie, cast, on J.IIIHV 1'4. l'arkwiiy village, on June 1. CASH sumer know what she is buyiiifi _. The NORMANDY—-- A' (liiiinlitei', Piitririti Ann, to A son, Hichurd John, to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman AND I u-ith her dollar. Mr...ami Mrs. David K. ' Fortcn- Mr*;. John Ci.^ Lainpa'iter of 120 of 342 McDowi-ll street, I'linniicld, The women's clubs and the Way Back When MAYONNAISE biitU'.h of l»- Iliimpton street, on lk'och Ktroot, on June '.I. • aiinouiu'4- the hirtlvof a CARRY I neighborhood croups in Cranford The first known landscape artist WESSON or mVAKF KOSIIKR May 2(1. . ••'•••.• A dutiKhtcr, Susan CouKtaiice, to Sherry-. Ann, at Muhli'nlier^ IIos- I can do-a great deal to'help their was a Cro-Macnon who lived about 14,000 years afio near what is now A daughter, Vin'.initi Ruth, to i ou;n . interests. By discussion tit Mr and Mis.'Robert K:-Gilbert of Kisslerloch In Switzerland. The sub- MAZOLA OIL DILL PICKLES the proposed standards advocated ject nf his picture was n remarka- 10 North avenue, west, on May 30. TROUSERS 1 Phone. CRanfonl Ii-32H() for a by ihc ASA, they can learn the bly lifr-like reindeer browsing In the 'ir :\ pint 37c quart taxi. You need never fcc| niiu- A daiit'.htei, Nancy Louise, to Mr. I facts about standardized fabrics. grass beside a pool'of water. Convai • One II eeh Sutter Skier w<4ni.' AVK. TDNDER, LOt'Ali uttwii.i.t: fAHK, M. J:. about standardization of fubries at Niacflrn Falls. STRING BEANS I:I. VIM-. ' cu and act then according to your RANKIN FUEL CO NEW. GREEN AMI'l.i: I'KKK fAKKINU own best.intercsts. Kentembcr, Itrar? (IHUUIIy (imdfj gyillly Pra4iteU 321 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD Fath.i-r John . P. Cleiiry of St. CABBAGE ".;• Why Sunday? Thomas Rom.nn Cnttn.lic church in EXTRA-rANCY Why in most ChrUtians/observe Mmr.iiipvil.s •mnk"s ivirr rocordings CUCUMBERS • •'.,'» • Sunday rather than Saturday? The of, 'ni.irn.iiii* cciinionies 'tu help ANY MAN'S TROUSER CUFFS custom of Sunday worship began In kt-'rp cmii-li's uintfd when the bloom 1 . ' 1J^** ' UOHT WflCHT b »postollc time* as a wectily com- tt r. f.ia'.i-i-" f;i(!i*s • »»-morMinn rtf Christ's resurrection UPTON TEA !4 ft... 65C TROUSER POCKETS Mojt Christians have not regarded IMPORTED FRENCH HERE ARE THE COLD FACTS FOR HEAVYWEIGHT IMSTAtllD UPTON TEA SAGS 4t 56c 'hlj change of days ax siunifyins CANNED HAMS .:. *>r»»pcct for thf Commandment. "A showpiece inside and out! In a fruitwood finish FRESH-KILLED UPTON H0OOU v.v TMUSEI ZIPPERS '•R*m$mh«r the Sabbath Day to 3 IMTAUID ' . ««P it holy." _ to blend with fine mahogany furnishings. This early MARYLAND TURKEYS .... Ib. SOUP 3 pkff. ....37c Summer Enjoyment: (7 to '12 lbs.) FLAWLESS American piece is a« asset to any fine home. SMOKED UPTON TOMATO-V(GI Wheat »'rrti)iier JACKETS *O(Mir*!sing u.h«*o«?Unds ptr aere of ammonium nitj 17-Inch , 1 REUNED ttt UPTON R05TH « 'fluently produces yield ln> I DIAMONDS GOLD BEER AT CY'S tNClUOINO NJW Cl TeWvkJon $39850 —J Frozen Food* StIIVf IININOS «»s«! of 10. or more, bushels per DfSS8tTMIX2for. 26c •"« in c<.ntr»l and eastern Kansa» ***** "i's ha.v» been badly d«- n.oo —."19" BRAND — * BEER IS AT ITS BEST DURING HOT SUMMER WEATIIEK. STOP IN AND OVERCOATS »"»t»d in fertility. In the event that EACH $49500 •wmenlum nitrate U unobtainable, —— Broccoli — Lhnas I'MJi Ul» A r.ASIv OF YOUR 'FAVORITE BRAND — OR CALL US AND WE REG. 69« REUNED 10 *o 180 pound* per acre bf am- While td the Shore "**ium tulfate may be nubstituted. li FrieH -— Gre^n Vixii Our Store ... WILL BE CLAM TO I>EL1VER IT TO YOU. ^ ?IU$ CltANINC CHAFES Succotash—- Mixeil Vf^ «»| C«W« Kindly UK S FOOD MARKET CRANFORD'S SUNDAY Ten* Arranged, it Spinach — Orange Juice CeaU« treatment of dairy cow* ^15 MUST AVENUE w off »t the milk pail. Rouuh DRUGSTORESCHEDULE r*™"! of cow* will reduce milk Each IQc , N. J, "°* *v*n rhbugh th* cow* arc fcri *u- So r«member-don't yell m OPEN THIS SUNDAY ?.,f-!»f "bust .them ulth th* Scher's 10 A. M. td I PHONE We 21 N. Union Ave. 3 P. M. to 1 6-0^92 Ceiling 6-059? CLOSED PIANO HOUSE Deliver CR. 64)150 OWNED & OPERATED BY WEST THIS SUNDAY Open 1150 lAST JltSlY STIIIT BUERKLIN U SVSESKEY.^NC LIQUOR STORE LUMBER CO. Halkaway's, Tkundmy Evm. *•« WrA. WttUKUw ) AVK. TM9P.M, ' ELIZAIITH, N. X* 8TOEE Bell's 18 N UNION AVE. ' **»>**• •'•-*•«-«.« r.«. MILT CRANFORD Store Hours —7:30 A. M. to 6 IV M. • _ _ H Ji ' ' ' " ' • 'Wf^ ; *"1V1' .;••>•*;•

_.--- i. ./ < THE CRAliFORP CTTIZEW AND CHRONICtE,• ntUB8pA,Y..JULV 19,, 1951 Page £&*«* __ Pvt. '<$! Ficfor & Nielsens Celebrate 'v™™ft*«*v. Tide 3m. Ilnmhy Ctmrtfc /tv raiiywtA SCi«t'Bct£b Jane Rbmaer, & V'.i -. ThirtiethrVeddingAnnivertary *'•*-*«• •t/ Bbx- Bwutarti thuttt , 1. • _|/. WM* KJ_. Viitw S^ *«•**»• . " .—--•'"•. •,—'• ' . —'

tain* alt* iaASn «tf. JhnL » -p«rf*• — - __ tmum. • ii * ??t ^E silk*, nyloni, dUbM, «tc iy, 'Hj|St!- Stibarii acid %_-/• I ^_ kr9*l*g.31e

J*, • — • .•'•'•• . c— . Cay. ,. j-u-iiaf £ati» nud liu* wix. Colgate's Fab Every sensible housewife knows that it's hot,how little she pays for food that counts, hut how ^ ^ much she gets for her money. That's why sensible shoppers come to A&P. They know they can , For "M depend on A&P for fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the farm . . .-for meats that are Urg« pkfl-31c sil of,Super-Right Quality . . . for butter and eggs that are peak-fresh . . . and for all other iootls ____j ircineE. >^^^w\ ^^ rjjbe gftatmi. _t____ at their best. Naturally, such fresh, fine-quality foods give you greater value ... give your , in •J(»«»l*. Mo, Ratftamd xm ar_ AiQaaijintict 35. Y..«•_ c__i_ <_ Ibaacc. x:,J f^ZZ 3uper Suds iWs- dollar more purchasing power. Come to *A&P and see! ••••..-'• . ' All _ tm ! AJJUO pi t-i4tf.l1- 4.1 t>jti HIT Kyle! SorBwrainS for dishts and dwb ±mm ;_ n' Mr *"»^ 'M**.. ijiji. .t'ri'i Kn. ?ViXii . Dorothy Rader Bride Mi*. TScQfroa. a n iwarw Priie awl CNIce U. S. Government Br_fo Mr. anJ Mr«. All • ___«; Marilyn Irene Kerbey . Mr. ami MJ>; Kitid .raf Sew «~r'kJ City- »- I'a/k; Mr and 'ChkiW M*>[w4uc!.- Mi"., MidUn Of fame* Settlemire art oti &a* ! Weds _f. WSiimm _J_5TC__ Barii -Vunt CL-.. tl*S »»at____S C _5fe— V;' Hib Koast cz! Ma. urnS Mi*. J____s; ntasmE Staff -of all {«» H"M t»» Buiiolph-Simon" ; • •: ->£^ S C : ktg seinriioe witfa «b» .Artny. :Air,| A , lor niht __ro_L_w ir4;l larg* pkfl. 32 Troth Announced ••-. '•-.'.siuJKuV _* WJ O___mme_ X___B_r. *o_ ©T iCorps be »«_____a lol » Hatn^ai•Hi_S Jar'J'; 1tuj-tsf-luwxi guenli iras • ^ Leg or Rump of Veal ib 79« Mr. _»d Mr.. O. 1> li.-.ttoj^r.-, oJ^'-'J-»'W -'Jl'-Ir- Spr__s_*_- Toe :. L&OJ B. Cismw Jphiltwcijifay »'cbttfois-jj ChickenS "filing4 FrYing-S,zes2'A to 3'^ Ib..lb45c tiu-y tri*,.cU»__.J*-n f''liry'iki" 3»S4- irj; Mr' Urj'i Mj'J'- Ur: 'JorMiy itrtit, i/j Joint I'. Hisssjiii, ,'d \i*ii S-WJ JtoW/i. .G_e.j*U v«r. Tr-t '"uji_*, Lux Flakes h h a|f Jt j/fi of M»,t, M. &»rx#i 'J JiOwrriOiJt, K.ar«-ri KjJ.'ntl! J*-lfr«ry-_Airjton. Et- !. JJ-J ' JT__„•*_;>*•, |i irt* teri&e _itB_il«tcl W__*m_r;i Pork Loins ^ °i««•" « ^ 53c For di$rW», lingerie, ale I "toy. faer lad-er., __*• toiide j'. i i.c3iCi__p _131_ _bfr Ctifcii^' l_i * ; si Former Osmford : St-ikwJ _ parJeti. . • • . large pkg. 3l« L Smoked Pork Shoulders ib 49c Mite Bi ~rj,, CyiAktist Vi'S.tii, !«jf __i*. 'A I • J»vt .E.ucige"f.. •i»^'i) "SF^f ii_ut".i I'a Mtt Cranfw»d Ltrh, Frau-ioti: Hub--tiei*- n>i'^ 1 ttm*mt**i! Corner ti-/i days with Mr M(».. Johi» iij ilp, FmrityJ- __tb, H-i/i/utw., Mr. ,i!ri_ 'fjitfi; . j_L _« TPiunt 21 fitltid .jinrkti axid ; ••:-3WL_____-'_I Ftm _>i_ H* - Smoked Pork Butts BOnei,«_ib 79c t_g.y -of -junk inai •while J-OKS-'nigfai jiu facffiwo f Mrs- J-,-S- T-ii-"-} liie ' IJaiverjai?' t«! oy H...A. "• .. • .' f J- _t-_ t vhj 1 «nd'. «_>«_-«. . ' ,. , ____).. Icu_ot3-]y „ Crainlwd. ii the-'1! *_•>_, n^iLr1},. i_>_ li»t Crty'*u_ C_ Swan Soap : Frankfurters :•-...«» V67c •',*?: Mr; niiii K«-rj{u%«j»), .-—O— ; ' :'J3th--C IT; p |i<;j , ,W_ Ai-wie. Kertity wits ^r* hw_it vi H*3_rkiti Fltirbw of: _.y' SAtiod haa the little ,S* oincrsto 1 p r>l ri ^ordisha's, laundry and batho twith iht-ir y, Jijuyun>i Jvti, Mr. HMMI u\Utivi*tr»>», r j| ! 73X_lo -Of' foOTidT. _b£lSSt 3Ti5'TI f>W'_L_i- 5_|____ti£_ ' ' ' S-*'-^ ' ^ ' *'***' t'Cfl—J —D -CiT>* ^ i!c ! ki- oJ 101 -'Soo'.ti Cn- !•_'__--. - iSfk. of -,' ; rjTCtiitT "—*_* ? *** B- GiU—itJ". Jr.. ITiW '.' .*Gi>tttl- fW liit _VfcTiiTj£ •W£--Xf; ^!lr- ' ^J^Y. •»"'ijt"I4' —3t f-a'T*--i'K' _jvt»d —^1 j medium cake 9C Shrimp 4 ib 79« Mackerel , ib 23* i 'two •W'-i-ki-' ji< ^Jd.ut'aliow Jri West Virtfiru^. . Htj son avt?j 'I cbtu'tfa "B'its _*rxo_-1*_ wjtb srttsrit, ;_x»c5 Mi-?- L- L. Pii'i-C1 Mr- __i_.W''-- - wo -»t--_ri' tjci. Ki-w Tht-y Vx»tl*oli in-pink ai:.d yr_r !•: _>oxl__>ti. MTj -fid Mr£- MiiJ-.i Tn^. e-cjuplfe plinf a trip io Scallops 4 ib.69*' Flounder 'Riiw.-ib.60e Guard daunt World War ]!. Hr. . m»dmem*i w '••"1 •I —o_ - - • . . ! "wiiiite. . . . ' • iwj DJ^V, iiLr- «_i_ Mrt J?- Pf")-olf: £crl_iid •tt'iftR £iif-tr___irig if -wcr- • ••i virio Mr*'. Victor Lwi-dr/A »jj •i A fa_r:i!lv t*c*-ptj'jn if as faeld i'.-Mr. _XJ4 iCi^. WiJiiarti Hxi.-'-di. Jir-- -,je_,__. . •,-':. - Swan Soap Mr: tljiW) J. Tv/fc*t> bt*fj C4.'t Jast Krl'Jijy In himol <>1 Hw tuuriii trie ;it ISAM o( Mr n/.fj Mr». Otfj Z'fMr, of t>»cr. i.'-C ilw. i*r- Chickens Brrttag4FrylW—Slw under 3 lb«. 1b. 63' Lji.rthduy ^iinlvermiy •. of tK«-i) 1 'jf H Crt-iiV*-*., plat*?, ^rj'j'- a r>os*^4> ' of r'ja*OwOl ir-S S.c4*h D- large cade'.15* ; and Cjndy a»»«J tuMjy _nd wtsv r.or.orfeij _y _s ^ _.-. - . "'••*? ,'j \ir*.\r • World -W-y II- Mrs. Gla&er, _.: fij* f nlm its »*gi__r K*e_Lng pli>c*' For toilet and bath

regular cake 2 (or IT* Mr. iinri'.Mm. -Ira' J..Stohu.o( 22K •11 Orrharcl >.(M-<-( ruivt- ah th«-ir ((Ui-ttii n ttii'ir ijli'H-i, tru; MIHM.'» Mary Kilx~ .c 3M-

' laiili', Aroi atid Krnlly Hurno, •• * • i.iii(!lit<V mother. Mri. regular cake 2 for 17* - 2.5' Mr. urid Mrs 'Oi»rieliu» Hullivari ti M__r.ia;r;sit>c- MX .5r*. Joseph'Dole TomJir.ton . ' ' ' , Kotearia'i. >_r«_s. i.i!r :i.,_ f .j . peraod; • if Ml Kirn str»-fi have returntd Short.. • . av«;r;u«' : (Xrnt \tin-i; v/<^4rk. ul Xiuii ! ch_i cl Mr £ : t jr U MmdrnmrndS •.'—**—* W:r:'y», St.- J'ttcruburg Beacil, Sf.i-r«i _ruc-«ts. _rjo Mrs. Jos*?h . K-CiSi, » •hfir i-iM u^frit's-. Ro_y Jr. fi'xii \i,,iu[A<>u, Va. v/htti' tht'V ' Mr M-lheu'S ;_.tt*rjdfrt3 Admiral , ,_ -Eiefrzy P'^r;t.;- or. Lalce Mr, ami Mrii, A. (-' >, o< I'.-tf-j>b_r^. KJ.J AJ JCrjaUii of 104, • Th« couple !elt f«r * t.r.p VJ i hw fr- «t-«v tli<- jjtiirstt til Mm. SullivanV ^•Firr&gu; Acaotjrjy _nd ser.-frd -Howard. Tr-ey v;_ii«i pi;nts oi sw^J Palmolive Soap mid r', Mr ' ari'J II C<-ntr:il uvetilie huva rcturrieri Mi-I'l"- ti\;n:v ' '/ a'.'.'jri'.pariittl CM. Th_y wiU reiicfc &t iO€ 3 Is.*.* Mr' " .-ifiit* >.iri .ir; the Naval Air Curtis. J jnttt«t 3h Mis_:s:ripf/:, Ala.Di.T- Ut from.- vitit wiOi -Mrs. llopkiii!,'. th<.-/n. For toilet and bath "Mrs. Vauurm M av w»U piavUr-l cf lie '--••i'r.'i Ptor.;.-«y!varija Mi]it-ry Coiltgt; ' " ' —<-— •;.•?•( \frt. T. C. (jn-vtu; <>1 V.ut\ Cix-t-n- A i:r<.up »jj C-'ranfor'! r«-wcfcr4f, ragular cake 2 (or 17* Mr. biirl Mrs Waltir II Kivit <,i ford High Scn'Vjl. •The t>r.a« :. j, .»i recejvtu his Bachelor ol S-ti- . Gu.^nri Merritt. c__ehWr oi Mr.= f.orj c,J lr-c Prciiil.Sor.. pr^otiily wich, 1< I A. Carnjj Hopkir.^, Jr. v,h'< rj.r.'c M'«-n rnt-t'tir'n; lor bridge r *or a 1 fcinfiloyt-d at K«yjs B•«h*-rt >r. Kir.- tr.ee Etegret (rom Rulers L'rjiVer- jjerrjvt of I Spruce sir**:. citir:* tack tc t>* Uir-e cJ Qow-a Save Time, Work mad iff omem With Hew to Kit't Grwsriv.ich Jor the 'for ;i rsurritjer '-f years-.,, lust Almil Eiiiift't. t-.ii. ti*n 'd:tptv*re-i :»• H<»UM-, Yorkt.' liar w'ay. Mr. SeJt!t^r.i ijty, wr;c-re he v.-_si«- rr.e.T.wr. fjJ , (.^ifcti-^ea'htr ir.jj'.t-eriri toer: of Jptutherford. and jjarty. A tiiu.n. S_r._r_ U'IJCOJC ',3 BROADCAST Ivory Mr. .-irnl Mrs Hany V (Yhui, . o - • lii'ti.i rliiincr at t/»e I'rintftori Inn. nrj.'iin-^tt ii f.'t-.'ii ii s.i*B lh*y Bouquet Soap A prfc-nuptial ! vj.^u*-,- tne brt- Mr. Haydt-r., and of the EasV Orir.ge, fcl ir* ^ttifttto. BRANS •••• i Ji iinii i>i<-ir fl.uiKlilfi, Sii'Mi, r.t diJyl A line perfumed soap - Canned Meats Mrs lltl III'IIIMU! iiVi-uui- li.'ivi- ri-tiirnr' 'luuKl.tcr. Ca.-I Arm, of l.'J An,-,f I-i>wr«-ric<-M Tu-k.-r. Mr. at/j -:.,.. r.' V.,. -v; V " w.v- c^,.,,.. ** • ^^ •tr«-£t Mii-nt 1 w»+t' '_'<• I ikt Kfiirn-th K Ut-I.iifiK.c-. Mr. ami Mrs. (iur ^f'"*- -vr; "••(l M.-- i«. -e ,,'_.„ „. ,, ,,,,-• . JT regular cake "c Ivory ^ iiMi-r 'k|M-tir.iinU two WM'ks at Shcl : 1lb.can39G jma" 1 Or.e i&t.uii«S tU Corned Be-f Hash '""'».'• "• •• . ciri-l<-' f;'iii>iff'llnw Jr ty uftt-r rfeh*_»__! Frtti_y r.:gnt. mw street lfelt Saturaay lor a v:>:i • chi!dr«ii y irier.'M '/.:'/?. 'A Glti Grei-nwich, Conn. r.-;t. ot lt_5l pir.t '!!<:>:• :s i b.cy cf . W:!t«-i.-t*rg coiJt-i;*. * (XiO-r.:;i-rfc-er. j: Trs«- Itrv. and Mrs. A!U-r:'t Al- ' 1 Redi-Meat . • • wijli Ihi'ir toil'., Kill iirnl Hav, i,\Ji , "with HiHbin.1 and Jriiir.rx-, of Brothers. lu»*. Thur>J3_y, • " -• —"— . ni-fcti •u -^ P*r.a;r.j cir.il 1 . ,. g . ' (* ... , I ) I I K,linr.'-'r • > til. I" • ..neI • . With the foaming action 2(,»..'liCuluiril'fii jrveriW' N|writ UiiH- rt. GtorK': L. Gr's-Aold of 5; ; i Ib. can wrri<(r'!it \Hv Hultl I'cmmrHuo iri at During 'Xiij. Mrs. Wan:-;: "A'ekh ^ Chili Con Came • turned frurri Norfolk, Va," wher li.lt Momliiv in a ^ix-v.«'fk tour of Colorua. en 2 for 25c AtlVurx Park. Ihey were Kuenl*; of Mr. Hansen's .of 8 Riverside drjve-'and* Mr.'._r,b-iKast opKor ^n vvter_ns on leave, j Powers. _ .summer .student at: Sharp Cheddar . • 12 ox. can J \j C| liidvnls, .Mr anri Mrs. J. Dal l{ny< Chopped Ham • • • _« _ .';,.,.,_ : rujt at the Naval |-8h<-' IS the KranddaUshtc-r of 5_rs |< 16ox.pkg.25e ri( llalllinoif, Md. r k aYl illr lt C T AMAZED! John Lovv (1 Q • Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin O. , Tniininu Centwr there. They werci . "; - ' j Kraft SUces iwta^0"' .« All pticet in this ad guaranteed through with their rlauuhtfis, Anita, Vir- uttoiruianied by Mr. and Mrs. V. Octopu, ;!| Mi anrl Miw. Albort C Murlno Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wntinfe i A «»lo_»fl with he .Nuffield lii Saturday, July 21U n( a«7 Lincoln uvciiue h:iv. rt'attn- , und o( 21(1 Central J. Nivvelt and their duui>hU>rs, Dazzle Bleach Cream Cheese -orden«orPhiia. 301 16 Mury J'JIMI Illc-nv, of Jersey City. )0f 16 Hollywooti avenue enter-; F-fcwJsticn at th*> University Col- ! ji not, Dvcmie, hiive r<:tunn''l forn a urio- e and fronri CatH' C ^« fretfu^ l if certaicertain i {j For the laundry states.' - -, j Mrs. Kiniria Clilmore of 72 Cen- Cottage Cheese "r.«it»tone 8 emh From Nearbg Farms! brother and .ister-in*-17e"V.S-l.'29e Ballon 49c I'ittsllulil >.tit:ot wurt* ttui-nts on u" Mi. ami Mr>;. I». J. Clark arulWaltoi n of 113 Eiistinan 'street c-n- Margaret Rose, of !<>tTjL6_i_. Mo. j M A R T YS_ IJME W E.K E R S eruiu* of the Gitat Iuikt-s on anson, Peter, of 3(UJ South Union' tertairu'd 1 Friday night for who have1 bc*n visiting relatives i BUY — 4 Tlwy wont tlirough thf uvenue, spent tin* wt-ck-ernl at TheMrs. Helen Cult.r of WWes t PPalm ^RAlU$AG^~lNf> THE While House Yellow Corn Montuuk, on Krnhury nvcnni', Keai-li. Fla., at Mrs. Wultrm's home. her for the past week. Forty rela-; Scret'iiR Client (rum C'levcluiul tn l)u- AMAZINC; GRAND PRIZES luth and back. nean Crovi:. fives were present from Lon2 Is—-1 Evaporated Milk Lemonade Mix AH ^.nd, 15< ••it? Mr. niul Mrs.. Harry Grote and land, Rutherford. " Woodbridge.' Ifamily of 28 Holly street left Satur- PARK WEST WHICH INCLUDE: Mr. and Mrs. I ton a Id Connolly, Mi. and Mrs. V. A. Webber Hillsiclc- and Cranford- 2t»!lcartt27* 6 tall cans 79c i-»-"'•''•• -vac-lion at Lake Harvey, Orange Juice ow*,.* « with tlu-li K'in, Jay, and' Crulc of wins I'hilip and Wendell of Man-j Mrs. Laura B. Hickoic. formerly LUMBER CO. 24 lioquois i:IX»; HAUK, s. J. ***** Pmrker Frmmktmrter or Ocunn Ci'dW, wla'io they wen- the now associate broker in Xhe office «o*c.- 2_U and Mr. and Mis. Sam lte;irn ofi «L S-lilS , <_ S. Campfire Welch's Grape. Juice of A&P'H thrift-priced coin is f'.ill ilu.-nlH nf Mr. Conniilly'K puicntu, Woodlawn, Md.. visited Mrs. K, s Elaine ,-ivenue, L\v;is married June 30 in their IMUV. Hrucc, o( 312 Klizabfth White of 43 Cayuua road, have!the Methodist Church to Carmen , ••• ? >-.^ nveiuit' s|M:iit ten Uuyit at then returned from a two-wwk tour to] Jjj Fubio of Crunford, rot to Daniel ONLY $1 EACH SURPRISE! Peaehes *'^j suiuuiL-r cotta Culver Lake. Marvel White Bread Florida. Kn route, they visite'dtheii j 1)1 Kabio, us was stated in. the *• Iona—New Pack brother, HolM-it. and family in'headline of the story and caption of U'atch For-Next ?r<»<»/.-'« Yellow Bananas Mr. und Mrn. Etl_ur J. St.tle, JhJohmibiiib . S. C. I he r last weekk. Rye Bread J-^^W!*^ IILUI17, ' with Ihfir t BRIDE- Dessert Shells ^£***.4fa Watermelon Chlou.o, III. ur« _u*aU of Mr. utul •JULY 26, 27, 28- Yukon Club 20< Mm. ThoniHS J. Ho_ttn of 106 should have a Beverages Dixie Ring P«r_«r Cucumbers Holly street. Mr*. Walluce pluns •«!, 35c to remain for the summer. PHOTOGRAPHER b.au-ti

    lg.l9c »1* irsiN^n-X* **_. - - SUMMIT LUM ;- — -. rti Jtxir. Nitw JtasEV C-ANroMD. NEW J-UtV Dash Dog Food U.00 EACH Crtl) Now CRuiford M849 Frostee Dessert Mix Lip»on» pig. 12« Fortified with liver Pickled Beets siked-G»«.nwoo_'» Uoxt9^**\7c b. can 16V Spaghetti SaUCe Briiri-mwl/rrw»W»m.l0V-o*eanl8c ^^S^PPiPllPpli^ '' ••' ' ' ' " THE CRANFORD AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY,- JULY 19; 1951 Eagle Scout [Respond -Ta. mandlingCare By CABOLYN

    Real EfUAe For Sate Red Apartments Wanted To. JBuv - Garmenls made oi.nylon ar* yOUHG ^ w*. ANTJ655 OF ALL lv easy > care if i tew U*> nEUKE KaXVfflAfCW PEKMANENT PHJVEWAY with power roller. ^ruMmd atone »nd lMid«a|>ln«. SEAL CSTATB ATTBACTTVC la^irt flcase caH U Jb rules are toUowed.Beouu e ator. « waeks «M. loo amatl . • —*r«v"r kltdm TlliiXBM. Uy s use. lust priee. a»*»*9: will wdt Mi-tuilTJ!TE LANDSCAM! on aacoOd floor- n*M»lot; OU) ter also nw «»e y ttoo t ft.. etmUeat condition. SM>. • Foeast, fruit ttocK. flowerinr.iiHntu*. 'teat. »-ear ' fiter also Ave.: CPanfof* «-l«M. tf Klwdr tr«3, lawn*. Call BIX KOOMS with VESTIBULE, tile bath. ADUtTS dcapefately need 4 or 5 BOOKS WANTED — an back into shape readily; 2 «T7» alter C V. Hi Jim LoweUod. U 'type. ChUdrea'a. lest. *- little or no ironing is SOLID MAPLE -BED wjth roatcbtttf <**•»- oil. insulation. A man name In aTnwiw ai»>IHii' 'll in Cranionl CHanlord hixtorical. lor. CoUcce Club «•. «xeellent condition.- MO. Call CHas- vilt School- area. S12.M0. Coty. lip-tor VXCAKT — Cawlee Mortb-Sate lopatfcm, «<^radi «^uor ceii«. am Hoity ».. 1. u ' breakfast nook, auratm poach. Ideal ior unfurnished. Call WKstitcld dtanfortf JOSEPH 3. CUKEB. Healtor outdoor dining. S spacious badrpoma. 2-4a«VJ aftar « p. -c its characteriitics. some- BANGS BUKNEH KEBV1C&. 111 Jdortii Ave., W. CRnnterd «-lSat) . tiled batta. Twrration room' tbat at a ERATO. Garage For.Rent wnai' when made into doth and ru- It.', CZ&: Enipti* Asaociate Broker, Mr*. Laura B. Hiotook HOMEY, touitt in aflberette •oat*, bar.. THBEE BOOMS, young business couple. . r«m>ontbl«. : CBanXord 6- ' . asphalt tile Soar, lavatory, oil beat, gar- U Westtdd Axt. Bixa- aVriilai fianfrirfl -ndaiXy, by Sept. 1st. GARAGE in •rictatty of Lilly into a garment. The dyes, I. M1CAMTA. and Trar*OIJ7ja> i X9OS. Apply betweeo : CBanlord tJttX counter lop rtiplacewenla. stint . aae and permanent drive. . BOacftkr r*-9M0. . . tf ric f«iise!>es anil Karinent trim- RUG 9 * It. ritf « K 10. wii»r, p Cx.. »1 Buotb UakMl ; J may also affectjhe finished dknetu Mrt. WKniirld 2-«4S3-W. MULTIPLE LIST YOUH PBOPEBTY NEWLY LUmCD — DaoKblfuUy! located WOMAN and e-rbom bom* on a |nu' Worfb-Blde lot. xpmxtcstD 'itit *?»»'• OIIICI tovently and X bedroom unfucnisSre COAL «ud CAS ABCHJEKV BET, 36-uirli taravt, two bo»« WITH A LOCAL pEALTOB WOKKZat famniar. «. ^ Dressmaking and UUX1AM A BEEO. JB. SIS CSUnlor* «-«« fireplace. S tiled katbs. pooler room. fUto ^t apartmcol Beterencea. Pleasr wnit taW fc, rugii. rjitlau. ' Work science fcrtcben. wonderful < porch, oil awltrlihoauid. danopfaone. asBce nu- Box MX. c/o Citizen and Chronicle, u With these changes in mind, you , ...... and rlwir. . 608 tw u"d dpUvcred. Pl^infield KT.AH HIGH SCHOOL—6-room home. hot water heat, garage. Hardwood floor*; ' Alterations William A. Reed,. Jr. became CO" 430 $onter*et ttl*ad. Nurtb sirable. FuU^ne prnfiamt pm ftLiU get more satisfactory wear Street. Crantord, JiVluc rtiom, fireplace, full dlnlnS room. bay window* in Uvtag reoin and din- IOOB MODDW BOOMS. 3 adults.- near DKESSMAKBtG AMD TIO the ninth Boy Scout In. the his- M. J. . •. "• . '.. hrinit'e kitchen, lovely >un parlor. 3 . ing room. Cedar eloaets. - ' . Start «t-SL. Give aa« and If preaentto CBaBfonl Lm your nylon garments if you VaXVCW CUMMER with CHILD'S . STORK UNE CK1B. ' ad In wiply. BOK Mfc «». cam ajortatlaa: Call ttetm-Kn 5:So p. m. tory of. Troop 75 to earn ad- •ud chlOuotir. wtuw witli d bodjooini:. I ior tWin bed*, tile bath. I »• m, CBantom e-«iffle. lollow cleaning instructions care- «« «rf «tt*£tan>ri«U: ocoelkmt RADIO'AND TELEV1S1OM SEBV1CE OVEBLOOKIKG RTVEB and Cfannkle. ,. 1-* lt« »UxJlcr. «J1 Ukr m-w. UJ iiuikt* repaired, HDK d*y njvie*. . ateun .neat loill. carafe wttb.overhead LADIES- SUITS Lb- Hand washing in warrn water vancement to Eagle Scout status, Street. dUutord «-B«»8. V-M eKt price*. Herbert K. Sorf, Jcr- dooiv Hand neiebborbood. $VifiM. CENTBALLY-LOCATED, newly-listed. •- VOUS. BOOMS by young - couple with last Sunday, when he received lot*, lull kuctb Kadio Service, U4 HiUeeegt Aw. room. Nortb-Side home — of tbe age • twa»j •imtlnjM by local bank' in I mild soap is the best treatment AIBE.* cu~«.. poreelutii. coui- thixt is hard to find. Two tiled baths, CKanfoxd «-MS3- the Eagle Award at the Metho- .tlmiawitimiin; laixc ansai l*p- CHauford 6-04B4 ~ tl HEIN8. Bcaltor '' . ' • Work Wanted - Female Crawford.' Call Mr. Qullty. CR.6-1000 can give any garment with «ud ocrainrmal ann saad condition. «50: Wclbilt 4- 17 North Ave.. E. CBanlord «-«7T7 powder room, tiled m-*—?. wood bunt- dist Church at a special cere- timl-tap riaxzr, flu. CRunford ing fireplace. wwsiauX MOtSawsaBs ^nuk«rflt cscanne foawr *-—' » ay* 4 p. p. weekdays. •ate trimming and construc- CONTHACTOR. ehfldren. CaD aficr a a. 9. CBanfard mony during the morning family '2« nU'lai. it/tM\iicf *•!ripping, porcb vnrlus* Musical Instruction J Soiled spots may be rubbed '•WsOGOUsTOB, aw*) runniixi: LA SHIKDELX. Plant service. . " . • C- be Mieo «tay time. CllaD- Cttulit-itic, fouling* and Ktdiiig, borhood, lot eo x U0. e-room faouae. LISTING.' It has «~large jpems. newly Apartments For Rent Uy. A thorough rinsing is quite Mlulaa-BUt Ckbinct Comjumy, 31 South 1 Unk>o *t» CKanionl S-CCZS. : K. TCoLtufc.- 6 A-d* ?** Ave., 4 „ steam coal beat, annpoirh. lavatory, 1st deoorated in Vitnellftrt taste, oak floors Otiat UCASES AKK EXPIRING We have Croup instruction. M7 Om«e *ssary because any soap left in A member of Troop 75 since w OHM 17. Cull bdure 8 4. in, or after. floor. Need* decorstinc and paint!n< In- throughout, large near porch, nam- Ueip Wanted - remaining apartmehU. 5 roorn*. CBanlord 6-JOSO. - n June 10,1947, William advanced HCYCUES. '*•*. 3« cod M inrht*. TROPICAL riSM-und 6UP«JE1S. Honar « P. M. .••• side and outside. AsklnS S12J00. atioQ. room, oil heat and best d * - Aufust, September. October oc- ^ fabric will dull the color and ; «oixi condition. Out on iulr (Udly. Crmiord Pi-1 Bliop, * ' - t • * U is 12 YEAfeS OLp. Male or Female cupancy. millMTii Acency. CRanlord leave a grimy appearance. to First C|ass rpnk on October 11 NurUi Ave.. C. Crunlord. ' tt BUNGALOW—1 years oW. 4^i rooms. 6-lMO. HwMVnre CRanford 6-1051 AUUU tKjuinii/on Attic, full Basement, laree HERE IS A BUNGALOW with a iuD-siaed BOOKKEEPER, one with seoeral know- '•< Piano tuning White nylon should always be 20, 1949. On April 13, 1950, he [tit TIM KEN OIL ledfe and interest comldered If not .TO*. « fu. 11 . in «uud 0011- MJLLEH BHOSHEi^5Jt««r" <"«• Kuf'i- cor.w-r'plot .100 x 100, convenient trans- ftiwtp^g room. f|fM*r kitcben. 2 bed* PIANO TurJne «-ashed separately from colored became a Star Scout, and he 3. , . ' . r eAtJ!;)? AND BEIIVICE portation, excellent condition, S12.700. rooms, living soam and screened parch. fully ocperienced. permanent. Char- FOUR BOOMS and bath. .luniislM-d or "•/# mrUc«. CaUl or write acter or »—'«—•• reference required. iiitfn^!^!^^!. includiAsj stT' facilities. gained Life rank, one step below . «J: 4Ue* rurkrr. L. A, MclU*. 12 Arliiieton Uoui.jCrmitr : Service on all make* large luU> in-ni»«-uill. Baxter, CBanlord kttrhm. overaise garage. • . man or woman. Start 93-40. ExperienM CRYSTAL LAKE LODGE. Enfold. N. H — motfgh rinsing. Jamboree there in July, 1950. ~ t U't CU tin' rkUnuit** ti'lrphouv WEkttk-ld znore i«n|^^i ip**t ^MI ass. SVrxnanent Swlnuning, tennis, 'boating, canor,lnc by cnue d n Z-4&W before ) P.' M. J. Svvudu. 61V 6iiS If MULTIPLE LIST YOUH PHOPEHTY Tiincn and • A mild bleach may be used on He was a patrol leader of Pioneer WITH A. LOCAL HEALTOH desirable position. Brat No. 591, care eottaga cauipped for bousekeepins: or tioUtli Av,'., CUl'WOf>fl. .tf IK you plan to biuld, repair or tuuke HOWLAND - REALTOR ' Citizen and Chnmieie. • 7-W meal* at lodce. Beautiful countryside East. CaJD Lion garments which have become Patrol at the Jamboree. ' In Sep- *, A TABLE PADS, K-pc. *eU, tronk WJ(, slierationc, Coll 1. JO1INSEN. 4QS Ceu- 444 Chestnut Street ' BOaelle 4-10U - aad lake... Ideal for vacation. High discolored. Use the bleach sparing- ternber, 1950, he joined the Or- Ciiolir o( beiiuUful coloi«> free aati' trui Aveuue, CUaulurd t>-8i4£. li standard* maintained' ' throughout. Mn. Miriam Neville—CJL S-31M , • Owned and' operated by former Cran- ly though, and usually with care- der of Pioneer Patrol at the iujite« (iveli. Albkti-LrwiK. 10» M, Un-THUCK CHAN'K mid TJ3.-S Hulldoier Help Wanted-Male ford and WastSeld re*idcnt&. Pamphlet. ion Ave:. CHwilord t-U»Mli Mni. Gertrude Nunn—CH. C-3SSS ful laundering, the garments should Jamboree. In September, 1950, lor hire. U. W, yliver. Inc., CUaniord Store For Rent : MEN WANTED for central factory, work. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hurbitou. Phnnr Here's ice cream as you like it! Smooth, creamy, rich . . . and at low, low prices, mid Linden 2-7Uft4. ' M UjSHGE BTOHE. 100'- iocation. 15 'East- Mr,- Harold 'WUson^-CIL «-ltS4 Packing Eagineerinf Corp.. CRanford Enfleld 13 _3. ... 7-3C Tbe in good condition. he joined the .Order of the , U»1U Bului, Oeiieral Electric EDUCATOR too! Unmafchable value! Serve Dairycrest Ice Cream today ... all kinds, all Mi/Ou Ail Size*. A -k A Htidwiur, BENDIX Autoii^r^ Wuther Service, r\\ man Street, heat furnished. Available 6-187S. • • tf [Try to avoid putting excessive honorary . camping organization. 42 N-jrtil Avruue. Wed. U work .xuarauleed. CRantord *-17U. • ti !)«., litt or arrangement* can be made EXECUTIVE HOME in Wychwood. built He has 21 merit badges. flavors . »• . and you'll love every one! What a treat for hot summer days! belore. Good location for launderette. TAXI DHIVEH for old-established, firm. krinicles in your nylons. Just 1 1SS6, 4-bedrooin. 3-bath house with permanent job for a good man, must be Want To Rent A No. 1 Vpptt Lehigh VtSKHAN MUNOS, uy to !»". white und Ali. TYFfcS uitk top* repaired or t»- Inquire Superintendent Mr*, lindquist. many interesting features. Principals squeeze out surplus moisture and Ivory, »a.BS. Iuutu*U»tc delivery, AU. 15 EuKlnian Street, Cranford. ti able id furnish references, also good PLANT JOCECUTIVE, 2 Icrn-ate ctauch- I IT* DAIRYCREST pluced. LinuleUiii. acphait, rubber, tik only. Call WEstfield 2-597* for full job for a retired man. Call CRanford SUMMER PRICES kmooth or shake out 'the garment U»u-Lrwl^ H*r,.» 29c rent, *1.MI per; day. "W. •&. Dolbier & Nut and Stove $21.05| Tire manufacturers are increas- Ice Cream Co.. 741 Central Avc. WE»tfleid ford 6-SS43 after 6 p. m. A double treat with Dairycrest ice cream! Sundaes Want To Rent For Colored — . ssary, use a warm, never hot, V.inilla, Cliocol.ito, SU.iwbcrry, butler Pecan, Peach, Neopolitan. »-6»S«. • •• • .. , tl Pea , ._ 18.601 : ing their uses of synthetic rubber Trucking — Hauling FURNISHED HOUSE. 3 bedrooms, by Truck For Sale iron, . • . GRKt OAIRYCRKT $|,12 Cones profeasional men. Reference* Call ONE-rAMlLY HOUSE in Cranford, 1m- In tires 7-50 on do«vn. Year-end limi- DKPKN»AliLE TBUCK1NG — AUo K»- MACHINES AMD VACUUM FOHD TRUCK, 1M1. a»0. Call at 1ST N; Typewriters Buckwheat .. 14.951 ICE CREAM •Ltturt")ivulin£. Tript mkde'at your voti- CLEANEHS >• . South Hiver 6-1000 extension 439. 8 — inediaie occupancy,' tations held natural rubber to .51 Half Gallon Party Treat* epaired aud ucct-ptod lot triidtMn on 4:tiu or write Box 563. care Citlxen and Lehlgh Ave,. Cranford after • p. m. 7-19 TVPEWBITEB rrpairs and rentals. New ' The Bice Custom . . l KOlU 4-tl5»3'K. 1-i arid rcb-ult addinc machine*, type- Rice per cent, of the base period during Peas ! ^18« .1U.-W one*. Guurantaed Woik.11um1.hlp. 'Chronicle. • ' 1-2* TWO-FAMILY HOUSE in Roaelkt occu- 7 D41 Y KT Sodas v pancy 4-ugust 1st. writer*. . and duplicating machines: The almost world-wide custom of January and 43 per cent during KELJABLK TKUCKiNO CO. ' — free 'E^Unurtc — Stationery and supplic*. BREA$T-O MonUuk. 25 Em- 220 South Ave.. E.. Cranford America about 1000 A. D.. or 500 I of the ancient reKgioua practices of Solid P«c\ % . ootiEsim»r»T>.'uom' SHADES, up u> si ...... 1 « rooitu BtU.UO _.. " CKANKUKD BMricervUon Sale* and Serv- CRanford S-B6O0 synthetic rubber. ICE CREAM bUry Avenuv. Guett house, m blocks CRJuiord 6-0»n ROtellc 4.6070 year* before Christopher Columbus Pops Milk Shokct -• ^viaK, 6*11* Day - 6 .OOOI* W6.U0 : ice. Household utuj coimnWt'Uil uvun fronTthe oceanT^fteasonabie-rate*—Now '•••-. tl Cranford 6-1516 I the Hindus and Chinese.. In the Fancy, 7-os. cm . itef rt(rratot« moved S3 and up ' 0.1 VtlKidalie. Kdvuuitor. CruUey. Cold- owiUL'dund operated by Mr*. Edward B. discovered it^H-the claims made I Orient,. rice is the • emblem of la- Tuna All load* luauicd — COiuifuid V1&M »pot, Notse. etc. TeL CHanlord t-ltli HrxU-n. 30. VI. Holly Street, Cranford. in an old Norse sacs were based on Icundity and fertility, end throwing :,—: Dynamite Safer . Phone CK «-l»67 or AS 2-STJI. Lot* For Sale NABI»!O M0M)e fT ns <• > U> JS Id A1JJSON. lm-. fact Toe little ftrl'a name was lit at a ntu'ly-wedded-pair symbol- It's safer to work in a dynamite Hnch * «u«dny .•turk BUr^>», all 213 Soulti Ave...k:.. CK*iilu ELECTl'.lCAL Cc.nlriM.-t)n«— Houaeulrlns LOT &0K VdS, Lincoln Ave. and Thorn** WheafTHins lOli-oi. pkg. 24c ^ 42c S4rt«t. excellent location. Be«t offer, Snorrl Karlsefne. and ahe was the Ihes the wieh that they may be factory than in a garage or |ervice nCISn Camad Utl l k Jit d UOVING — bTUHAOK — 1'ACKINO JobbJii*, tluorcu;ent tixture*. repair* ann BROADCAST #fl C- V- AN»«AM> t-Lt^um blind*. 63c *^- A«cuU Allied Vau LJJIK., lite. .. plu*» ui^UdWd. Ot AM*a«c Cast. CtUolord «-W»3 tf CAKL'8. I^oral Trucking Bervlpe. WiU Chopped Ham Inacti tovkrl. Mr*. J. Wevloii, Ciill- Ericsoa. - injuries while making automobile IIK>V« up U> 4 roonui tti furniturv to MAWJN CONTHACTOHB lord .U-a»28, . MUdew SUlag Better Drlvinf Testa Vanilla Wafers KTS 31c Ib. ahoiw or mountain*. Lt^nt haulinjg, Sidewalk*, riW>tuiw Woik. Cixittt Build- repairs is 13.6 injuries for every Rib Roast Supply Co.. tiour, day or contract. Load* lnaurwd. inc. Brk-k Work, Cellar WaierfruottnC It's easier to prevent mildjw than Visual it'Q'uiremcnts lor auto- r»#i^lAVr> NABISCO 16^.t Spaghetti-Meat u C«wp Avenue, Usidaa HANK BOOK NO. WM. Cranford Truw* million man-hours while employees Alxi atUca, erllan aod yarda cleaned tit* rktlriuU*. ' bk:hwanz, Cllaiiloro 1 LeokemU «aui«« Ull •. If KAhway 7-dUUV. Comp^nV- If riot restored before July remove its stains, besides being |mobile drivers are slowly becom- waking dynamite average only 1.6 VrflUVlVClb fREMIUM packao« 6-l»40i or UNumvllle i5J 'St. WA. «pphi:at'i(i>i' u'lllW nude for The medical' explanation of leu-. WESTON Auerltd Spanish RiceTi-'IDIAl - 22c FtlSH easier on .fabrics! This statement mor« strict, says tbe Better injuries per million rnanhouis in . hill Un* of ««• CAaVCNTEU and ciblnaTniyWr. Quality nt'W book.. . .7-24 r Fslulen' diacouitl BAaUUUfTit IHJVmO AND eoiHes from the textile experts at kerhia. which • bai stood for. 129 InstHirtf. Ten slates • now C>*m* Sandwich pkg. Cider Vinegar 18c KILLED Ib. iu>w tou^li^itf KoUM'^kold £oods to all ^B eralu.iijiiihip. Ludwlgf SrJbrrt, 3BI rnalclngeifploslves'. • ' Cookies Long Island Ducks KtkUnt *tid Cajiada, »pt^Mliziti^ in NvW LiiK'ulii Dnve, Keiulwortb. Tci CKair the American Institute ©f Launder- years in euentially tha *»CD* out- •a*-appiiearrtefpr 'dopth' OSCMMAYUtn I0IAL J» MB !9tan» I'IM Awe.. U t>i«l«Md, riondu a>id CiailuriUa slup- lord tl-O.'-id. tl Wf. of World's Nbltei ing, research fend educational cen- lines, hag been greatly broadened |p*jcepllon~un increase of three Barbara* Soucs can 48c White Vinegar l*-«s. UllU 0C MAfitAJUKES mriitt. tUtiw .v«n tu d»Uiu>tio». ijri by a new concept resulting Irom STAHL MEYtU |Q Delicious! Drawn"Ready-for-the-Oven" Long Island Ducks, Ib. 45c u> i-»llM^I«- your lu-st move, UNITES UJ r«>p«lr* to aU kind* ol Sources of raw Tnateriais u«ed io ter for the laundering and. textile over 10W.- In 37 statos. as Prevent Bloating BtZW ** MUtTWAl. »L.t~i-tlt>t>uli«. Cull VAN LINKS. Yed S»r«*n<, A«rnl. K hold artitle* and wjuipnifht. -elmaking are bting dc'Vclo[)ed ax- research during the past year at 4\l-ol. can IOC Gravy Master baMa »* V. Cm. OUuioid t-»ul&. tl iaU->. ' I'hone Cll industries, who,say that no migic |*t»inst a previous 211. upplicunU To .prevent bloating of cowg and Liverwurst 15c wrj.in.w a-Most) - u U tensifeJ'y .in Canada. Tfce Domimon formula1 has yet been devised; for the University of California School Inuut puss to sis tor roior blindness. ~~~~ ' all kll.d.. Plea** «»11 alu-r 6:i0 p. m. heifers turned on pasture, feed them Smoked Ham S;:.,) * 65c Assorted Cold Cuts * 68c Wwiines 80.pW ct-nt of the world'* of Medicine. . J.II kl>Uj. l>( ; arid iieatjiu;. Sc-weia t'Uriinod removal or the greyish - stains so;ne h:iy. advises Robert II. Olm- lk Vuinting — Decorating clertric www muraine. GuJii.il. nickel, and is the soyr.ee ol nearly caused by the paralste that feeds Lamb Chops *L2i 97c rjalw*. WtrVUuxl l«bW Fire Country stcari, Dunn State extension dairy Fresh Frozen Fishl fcllNKST SIJl'KH, M^liJ iMlntlni; wlttioul . Kdwaid G Lx^ddfu ti St»j. Tel consumed by the steel industry on warm, damp fabrics. Since fuiK-y pj 11 «•». All' uoik iiu^tjntetd ^IU 4-1207 and OlOnfoid 6-21K1S. . specialist, 'f I'e cuuiso inqteri>l V. 43 Mo. of\the United Stales. Canada is the Iceland has an immense tract of Beans ^"^X^'iB KAtiv.u> V 'UiU tl damage usually results from even Boneless Chuck r^ -93c Sat. ,- WASHING 'MACIIINlK HKi'AIltS the stomach lining and Perch Fillet J J world's second largeEt producer of ' scientific efforts to remove mildew IdevastaU'd wilderiR-ss which in na- T. A. CKANIS l »lr.llm; mid lh«iihtUit 17 VEA1W KXI'KHIKNCK ART SUPPLIES escape of gat tlnougb zitic and~aluminum; the third lara- stains, they advise housewives to Itiye lore Is linown as the ."lire focus U-rni> l.iirid •HO ihliU Hi. Tt'l. ClLalilold 6-0»Uf.Only rxperl m«K.luiuc« work on you," belching. Orange Base "-r, c 15c Grapefruit 19c Asco Sliced Bacon 2^ 67c M*Urt* *Uu repaired. Cotfey's, MCOOU llW I'uno Co. J has the fourth largest output of CANVASS BOARDS I beds, tityars and tL'otliuiy caul- Stewing Lamb "• 33c Koitli U.MDKN DECOIIAVINU' CO, — l aliitlli« a* AkUu Su«:l. Tel. ClOnloid 6-^24. ti lemon Base "'""tt,a- 13c Peaches *" " 31c Smelts , »* CK>i.ri>llii«; e«UbU>)wd 1W1«. Call copper and cobalt. . Q. EASELS BRUSHES Jdrons of ii.ud testify to dyiiig tires Uudrn i-M!*0. . 1* II. t HKYNOI.DS. IU>Ury ktieclsllit Oil Like the UilH I,- Young Americans have U be top •of the earth clu-ii> bcncaMi. burmi uivke on all typrt Vacuum The changeable mole, chryso- Hi-C Orange Ade "tTB* 31c 30^*. can r WASHING UA MU'IIAK!, M. liAKK.If — I'jilntln* •*- cle^miis1 oil or t'oul furrufece*. Con- men to get into the U.S. Army Rang- GO and Water Color e'* Finest Firn in Quality, CHUCE&.-KulU Hi H.rfk l"l any typf Ivilor, lutvjlor. p'apri* nuiigligf expertly Farmer* chlore, bus fur that appears differ- ID 11 veibioit work. Tel CltarWo'd C-2120.. • tl ers, The hard-hitting. Rangers are Frenh fruili don*. <;iliinfoird 6-aittU. U Farmers were fir.of to suspect PAINTING SETS ent in color as the Jijjht In which it Orange Juice "L, cOB 13c Pineapple-SuS * ICCMTI 29c Value, Variety! small uniti trained, armed and IDMl or y fAINTINO ANu'l'AI'KtUIANCSINO^ - that barberry bushes were respon- a iii viewed is changed. Sometimes it nnil Vegetables! equipped for the specific'purpos* Picture Frames ' HnM vs , Quality niulriikU, t'^irful \KOtkinjin« Floor Service sible fqr stem riist of small-eraiii appears a golden or bronze-green, Lemon Juice 6S r 10c Sardines In Oil t? 7c SEABROOK Ll .. I'roiupl *»>v- of infiltrating enemy lines. Men •y. !xlvlr» Bullf H MEN/.Kly -- Trirphone u» tu alacuu then a bronzed red. The - coloi Chopped . of lc- CJII CICUIJIO 1C crops—more than 300 years ago. In Paints Fancy Elberta 14 I' your tli problfim. floor.brrutilUs' »» are selected for high mental and Male*! 34 o».l "i; lm iVTrKcilKK* & HI.UKCK - I'alhlfn mid >e>lni*ln>ui of old floor* a apvruhy. Pol France, in 1660,, the first law was changes as the animal moves. Crab Meat '"^''Sr^ 65c M-««. physical abilities. All are. qualified JOHNSTON I. • TOU-CANS Or'dng* Spinach 22c !J.I7.^(.JI. 47 North IWh .Sti«v.-(, K.'ii- Uhlntf, alwi u j>i"B r-illmitM chrcrf'jll> pusii-'d afcuinst these rust-s.t>readintt Sefra buchel of tine ^ as parachutists. Training streaaea Av<, K , T«l Cl ilvuoiih. N J Ti l.i))n>"» CliMnltxxi 1 r 8 plants. "Srmi'''r laws were, passed in PARfe" WEST JUICC Mok.» 34 o««.l 23c Welsh Rarebit °'5wV 46c ii-4VK> — KUwlW i-IUfA-M. tl the use of foreign weapons and Start Seeds Indoor*, -lulh Avcnu* Clunford Connecticut-in H26, Massachusetts PAINT SHOP TOUCANS Bltrided <-M. CM IOC maps. • demolition and sabotage. Peaches 2"»19c Lemonade U MVJN/KI. - Iniri'lor, fktcilor Uilnl- in 1T75. and Rhode Island uj 1766. UCR/sRD HABTIG, Pr«». Gardeners can get the lump oh MaltM 36 oit.l . Evap Milk guerrilla warfare, amphibious 'and plura peckof lihojwbteei '•« w. wi:KTriKi,wiKTriKi,bb AV 6r.79c Luscious, large, ripe, delicious! Concentrated. Each can m»ke» full quart! JumMe Store FurniHhvd Rooms"] • 1*7-5 N. UNION AVE. HOtitXI.t: I'AHK, N. J. spring planting by starting their •-fi airborne operations and close com- II. S.BU ,M s seedlings Indoors. Faster scrniinu tuuo I HAll-Y biio'.li.l UM< l.r.. 61 Kli Avriiw, ClUnfurd. tf ~ Cranford 6-2540 MOsili.l.j; I'.MtK, N Hik(ng'Safest. Kttort bat . . ••• OCEAN SPRAY Red Ripe Asparagus °* WI1.1.1AM iuiKSKL. interior uiid KvUrUir FoiRetit tlon 'will result from the use ot 1 16-OX. CM IIAMOOI( I .Inline SUjHld lull lianli-d. IVtu>luU I.AKCK ri'HN.ISIIKI» IIOOM. lil»h MI«I Accordinc to records kept by the Terrn-Lite vormlculite ,in the soil . Cranberry Sauce 18c Baby Limas • kiipriviilun, JOS C'fviUltlbl* Avonlia, |j_«ilidj||y(;rjilrd Quailly PradurU 1 National Safety Cornier], bike-rid- Cl.nloid Call ClUululd K-STli . U 1 C^->/ 1 rnuiilorH •i-14t) ». ing is one ol the safest sports in Strained or whole. Keep asupply on your pontry Driring Instruction UOIJ11L.K IICMIM'. iiiuiiic. tiutli, (or Ki-ntlf. the country, showing fewer acci- Watermelons " 4c Broccoli ^, iiiuii. Ninth-t'K^* lik'i'ttnn nuur ull BMch-Nul A-i Al^^<> wiii>0L . . Bl'V ram|K>rt.itiiin. Cltiiiironi U-tJOVJ. ' dents, cti-,. than base-ball, football 4 Sugar sweet. At all Acmes! Slralntd Cut Corn SXJT* -I-V-. 19c r'j.t^.li.j-^l 1«» d buslci>tbnll, dcspilc the facl Baby Foods 5 iT49c Chow Mein rr^-'X 57c LTAHN TO DH1VK KOWi TWO r'UIINISHKi) II'«)M« 'M iirivutt more yimniiMc.fi ri.i|i bikrs. • . 1 1 > hi'Mii- Ittt a\ (or' mil or twit I>iibin4 -* Ideal Peas jinn, ncji LIIM. l'liuii. ilton A\t-,, CJKiiiiforil tIMIiU,V). Clocks Rejiaired •1IU W Wt.Kiltriu Avt'. Shift this lit0 c y Noodles in Chicken £ 42c Jumbo Cantaloupes Orange Juice 35c! UDKtl.lt. I'AHk. H. 1. KOOMS (or lent I)V day or wrek. Heit- 3 wiiuult) r:itin. Call t'Kuufnrrf S-MaC* PUNCH Good & Plenty £ X 19c A « WVUIMJ OI vl . .".IMS , 4 II M cut your money headaches $ CIIANKOIID HOTEL U Offer|a*d«aA«pardasMa|«MMr| Premier Sauce "S^ 17c ...d K. f. CIL. AMI'lr t Fancy Cucumbers - 5c Onions r »IH> 23c: Worry al thw TW Wihajsi Wiifcut Kraft Caramels \Z 21c lom Nursing Service • Without cany ing charge*, our. Ap(>le Juice ^«. „,, 28c Yellow Squash *5c Waffles S-2&I plan is arranged to. that Shar Repairing fOHIJ V. N. A. for rtritfml Nuirw Don't try ti>, IMITV the 1'Hi'l MODEL 495-s- « Orange Slices »L~% SMOC » N Utiloa UiW. Vl.lts. HyiUKtorink's. Matcnuul'artii ; payments spread over a con- ' Grape Juice "".SU wnu. U of IliKiiiciiil risks iiuiiinst IOSK tllf^nt Cure, llrjltll . EdlU-'Jilloll. . Th. sovat HmaJ 'HLvenient number of months. Dairy Fatoritei Vultlli* Nuix CUII Help Vou. Noniliu h>' Hie, wm^. 1 l)irr»u>ty U Inry, uct-idt'iits, liability, suits, Special! your gallonage requiruMat*, Only » tew of the many "Lets than Pilced-Flxed-Prices." At all Aeww ,«l|ln0 foiletrlw. and Far LOOM, a*^ m»i»w»< fids moving anj etc. the secret of Thor features u •IIIIMII *<...«. aar Allied V«>> Ui,».. uv« work—Ket clothe* .cleaner-1 a sum is set to cover this and %m* A3! lisas «f cnllotf ai>d li^kii.j Tutoring at low, low cost! I you pay In even amount* like SAVi Cinnamon Twirl or in an K*|I«I< UTOniNOIH«h Ketuinl and Colla*> . "V/hcn you have n loss, you ir Lyon's Tooth Powder ^; 34c 1*1 si«. Tub* Mild Colored Cheese » 57c tent It helps you plan in. SAVI •ublecti. Carolus T. CIJ*k. It. A, lYM want the matter cleaned up in- Special BUSHEL AND A Pt A cinnamon treat, spcci.il for this week-end. tal iinuuish to you. • You want condition. Easy terms! ' I Vou can avoia ihose bl« out- level* out your beating cost*, 3Icl Shave Cream Z^^ 44c fc to shift the burden to broader Sharp Colored • 65c Roofing —. Repairing ty» l hU \ red up<. Wooe today. r Lavoris Mouth Was-i l:;Jlc Fresh Dessert Shells "JT 17c ' •> KAatkK A os aU typr. shqiiUlcis than,your own. Let 3 37c All VAkliilES fc s«* as UW. tL.u. MclNTYRE'S Extra Sharp Sfcwi- 79c nd any «Uwf lyw us- unticipLte this jvissibllity for ?J Ponds Cold Cream :;: 44c> yqw by writing the riuht policies Vaseline Hair Tonics 39cIfratt Vi Loaves Bread 10c ;°£:,12c Ms CmJaW. CU11 flUv Lawn Mower Shop Who* edvMtbtr hosn't •nvtwl »U OPEN EVERY tUIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. AlyoU rd«-MH. tl tin cover".vou against all such Parmesan 'o.lYc'kl'l Illustration, mad by blggw buslrms In put- Oil Fresh Rolls %...,.6,. 18c lu.sst'.s. Open ThmkAo«- , MCkltteU tf-'.'.V years away, but, meanwhile, in- yew |>a*dn't worry about that. Equipped crt PLENTY Or FREE PARKING Pabst-ett - -" 24c Call day ere'* top-notch car «ervic« for N. MM in «T. InilHuU Aluminum bu»y people! Whenevet^yo*** cmr surance, will uive you mental •<*• w wWi AWro >4Wipopar Satvlt*, our ADJACENT TO STORE. Borden's Gruyere peace that i.s worth fur more ttoff I. ofal« to put, th« "ogamcy touch" into ^ .- ^ eeds attention, fctathirit^ only STEAK SIZZLER IOEAI U»a« OntA* A check-up or a repair job, w* thun it costs you. yourooV-otnotiitracoilroyou. .JJj^^J*JJ Whit. BkM CW«M *t 11 81c ;ladly call tot and deliver. Just- EXPERT SHOE WILBUR COON OOIO IEAI Ur** Ofrad^ A phone ut, Ourmo^ro Serv»-Car L MWxd C»Ur«, K.J Cart** •» IX will be at your door in a jifly! SHOES Adf MM Of AMaf taMMASAMiaa«UtiA< *— -•" Maui *-^^*--' -J REPAIRING HEDENBERG- SIIVII MAI Ufa* Eggs CariM •i i> 71c SERVICE WITH HacBEAN REEL-STRONG GOALCO, UNION COUNTY Beardsley's China Beauty Gold Seal AtiENCY MAZOLA College Inn Battle Creek The Cranford Glizen & Chronicle FURNITURE£,APPLIANCES CRanford 6-0900 PREPARED ANDREW CRISANTI "Insurance Kiclujiot-l Chow Mein Bran&Fig BUCK COMPANY "Dfpend[obUrr Friendly Service Since 1925" Corn Flakes Ora*J«a\te Codfish Cakes Salad Oil Tomato Juice if NORTH AVE. JUcmbcr Audit Bureau of ClrculuUora 1M South Ave. fU. Cr. 8-3000 MMtRHUNSHMCS NtVKMTV H«a*tJ C SS. W OFFICE YAKD letll. VWUMOi ak«. IOC U4 CENTENNIAL AVE. Lowest Rates Obtainable EASTMAN ST. AT NORTH 4M&CRANF0M 21c lit. 37c '£? 71c Cocktail £r 23c Dinner -°«X« 50c Flakes JOZL 22c C r< Norlh TEL. WK. Z-UN CKANVOBD 21-23 AUen St " , Cranford Op». Theatre — Cat «-3 ° * UNIM. Avec LexlnetoM Ave. at LXJIM, L • CORNER OF ALDEN AND MILN STREETS > MM ,v THE CRANFORD CITIZEN ^AND CHR0NICU5, THORSDAY, JULY 19. 1951 - o THEV CRANlbpib CIT^ZN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, JULY Varied Activities '—r OBITUARY—-— Edward Aborn Heads At Playgrounds * -i DatingThief Johji W. HM«U Sister Kenny Divisions YContinued irom pflfle one) Fu.neral services for John W. (Continued from papc one) MEMAKIN O O K t! pera have been made by: Bill Min- Hazell. 69 yearsVold, of 2?2 North Service called attention to the fact Tries to Steal avenue, cast, who died last Thurs- that there were 60 per cent more • By •."•• ••• ers. Don Knowlson. Robert Drie- Has The ihiy .it his home aft „ . . L\U3C-PEESVMWB were held at 2 p. m. Monday frenv week. Polio-conscious men and Andrew Ventre, Andrew Denofri Empty the Ogden Funeral Home, 458 women who hear this will wish to H*m» Etmumia Adviser. and Bruce Thompson. North Broad street, Elizabeth. A sneak thief went to a great do all' in their power, it is hoped PmUi* Smies EUetrie smd G*s Cmmfmj Bob Pace l» at present making a Mnoneaii- deal of trouble in ah attempt to The Rev. Matchett Y. Poynter, by the fund workers, to have ready pastor of Centenary Methodist checkerboard out of wood and steal a purse from the second-floor the . means to fight the terrifying painted with enamel. When - apartment of James Polidoro of Church, Newark, formec minister disease and to see that the Eastern COOKING ON SMALL wHa Soar Cream at Cranford Methodist Churoh, « slices American ished, it will be used at the play- 110 North avenue, west, at 5:45 Area Sister Kenny Institute in APPLIANCES' C k»i» tomb grounds. . . , > • • . p^n last Wednesday, but escaped cfnciated. Burial followed in Ever- Jersey City is ready, for any emer- chops 1* thick cheese Hectrlc appliance* are » Jo* and Other activiUes during the week criipty-handed when discovered by green Cemetery, Hillside. Fred gency. . "\ ' . ' " .7 -• ooTenience-to the bomemaker for Salt. O C tbsp. thick '*• Mr. polidoro makintf away with Hazell, Charles Hazell, Thomas In a plea for a fully backed cam- thfty contribute «Te»tlr to the piep^- Pepper soar cream w»uch kept the children occupied the loot, according to police. Curtis and Roy Peterson were paign- loc.-illy. fund officials said, •ration of meals and 'to the per- C sUces sweet , wer* horseshoes, quoits, games and bearers. . • races, patati"^ coloring and mak- Even had the burKlar Rotten ''men and women who drop, coins formance of manj household i»k». onion , . • ^ ^ oway with the theft, he would -have Azure Lodge, 129, T. & A. M.. of in the canisters of the Kenny Foun- dome of the »ppltance« hate »i- VUf*i'eW»pa 'la shallow pan. ing- Hawaiian leis out of crepe found that-the escapade was for Cranford, held services at 8 p. m. dation, arid make larger contribu- •ral uses: Some of jb*»* are elec- Sprinkle. with salt and pepper. paper. . nought, police reported, since the Sunday. Worshipful Master Charles tions during the campaign period, tric roaster, broiler, waffle iron. Puce a alle« -of onion, cheese an Joyce Skaarup has been working FANCY CUT LARQE or SMALL pockctbook was empty. L. Farr officiated. will £e doing much to take the Mndwlcb KriireombtnMloB and th*. I tbsp.' soar cream on each chop. with a good dealof success, the f The daring thief, pottce said, en- _ A native of Ipswich, England. ttrror-'out of polio with its threat mixer with attachment*attam . Othtra are Bake at 37S*F. for 1 hour. Serves «. supervisors sayT^on decorating m$t Mr. I'lSeTr\arne~Ta~ this country to the children they, love." deilsned to do a speciaill JobJob, coek RUMPS OF VEAL •H tered the Hollywood Grill, owned glassware with a relativly new type by Mr. Polidoro, which is on the with his parents when he was 12 a« the blender, the toanter. and th*i of paint callecU"Dek-aH". ground floor of- the, bulidinS, in years old. Before coming to Cran- colfeemaker. 3 raps diced «4 tsn. salt The hardball league has not as xw& Day Camp Closes carrota . 3 tbsp. bolter or FANCY CUT which the Cranford rcstauratiteur ford 18 years ago, he lived in Eliza- The more Informed you are of yet begun at the playgrounds. En- beth and Roselle Park. the uses and advantages of these Vx Ap boillngr ' margarine and hi^ family live. From the KnlU Tonight After 4 Weeks waicr ' • - tries for the league, whose playee he slipped upstairs to the apart- A'plumber, Mr. Hozell was both labor aavlng appliances, the more age limit is 14, -arc still being VEAL CUTLETS (Continue\Jrom page one) they will add to your pleasure. It Place carrots to sntaM casserole. ment, where Mr. Polidoro's son. a private contractor and Journey- requested by the supervisors, it is Vincent, was viewing television. man until his retirement several dlan corn and how. j& bake on n Is always important* to follow ta« Add boillnjf water and salt; cover. manufacturer's directions. Bake at 375'F. for I hour. Just be- reported. When the league is com- JERSEY DRESSED The stranger asked Vincent years ago. He was a member of reflector oven. ' plete, a tournament is planned for Wesley Methodist Church and * Household appliance* wfllobe fore senrins, add batter or marga- where the Burns family, also sec-. Girls working on pottery with Memorial Field, where all games Azure Lodge,-129, • Mrs. George Ostcrheldt, Jr., and mor« valuable to yon If .they are rine. Slim «.. " .-• . ' (b.59c ond floor occupants, lived. He then will be played. FRESH PORK BUTTS Surviving arc' hi* , wife.. Mrs. ready for use wherever they ar» told the boy his grandmother Miss Pat\Lack«.y completed tiles, needed. Give them a permanent Succotash . A pet show at the Memorial (All. Meat) Lillian Winans Hazell,' and a wanted her pockctbook. Vincent col) bowls and small animal fig- place on the work nurface la yooor % caps lima % c«p bollln*; Field, similar to the one. heldf at gave the purse to the intruder. brother, Alexander, of, Haddon urines. Campers working on leather kitchen or on toe buffet or aerviax; beans . • water • Heights.- , Roosevelt School, had the following CHOICE CUT In attempting to make his escape with Mrs. Adolph Liekauskas, Mrs tab!* in your dlnlnic room, make \t eac»s whole M tap. salt entries: largest pet belonged to through the restaurant, the burt!- J. >M. Di Martini and Mrs. P. J sure. there Is a convenience outlet grain com 3 tbsp. butter or' . Miss Evelyn Klein Gilchcr have made comb cases and Linda Jackson, smallest to Donald lar was accosted by Mr. Polidoro. near by. . ' .. , ' • - margarine Hendricksen, pet with the longest A service for Mis.* Evelyn Klein, coin' purses, lanyards, belts and H«ro are some recipes to uae When asked where fie got the v Combine lima beans and cor*. hair to Raymond Fricknian, short- LEGS of LAMB of 217 North avenue, east, who «tied picture framejs! '• . with yonr appliances: . pocketbook, -he'said he found it, Place In casserole. Add boiling wa- est hair to Linda Jackson, cutest police reported. Monday in Elizabeth General Hos- Mrs. M.H ic Prista is. teaching WAFFLE IRON ter and salt; cover- Bake at 375T. pital,' after a brief illness, was held girls, learning feltcraft. how to" dog to Raymond LaRosa, cutest pet FANCY FRESH-KILLED The grill proprietor grabbed the Creamy Waffte* , . for 1 boor. Jnst'before serrint;. add to_Normah Mukfrow, and most yesterday at. 3_p^_an^J!rojn_G0iy, Jnafee—beanies; in- green and yeU baiter or jnargaHne, Serves '*. puisc frqrri the munand telephoned 2 tbsp. sngar 3 tsp. baklnc unusual.pet to Virginia Anderson. police, the burglar ran out the Memorial, 12 Springfield avenue, low material with the initials, "C.G.S." on them. Eight grils art; 1 tap. salt . . powder ' Pineapple Upside Down Cak* Handicraft' projects have been Ib. 38c with Ilabbl, Gcrshow Chartoff of LARGE FOWL ' door and down the street, in the 1% cups cream 4 tbsp. melted popular with the kids at Memorial direction of Garwood, it was 'said. Temple B'nai Israel of Elizabeth learning canoeing under Miss Joan t ttxp. batter or 1 tsp. lemon Kaul. • ' '...'• ' ' or top ml]1c . batter or Field, it' is reported^' Some of the Lt. George Rosendalc and Patrol- olViciatinu. Burial was in Beth marearin* margarine juice Israel Cemetery, Wuodbridgc. In bnskutry, Mrs. C. J. Inner r enp brown Rind of Vi lemon articles which'have been com- EXTRA SPECIAL! man Frank Caruso searched the Z cups sifted pleted are: woven place mats, .hot area without success. • Born in , Miss holm and Mrs. E. G. Simpson 'are so«ar 1<4 cups sifted tV.^'K teaching the girls to make all-reed enriched Boor C slices ; enriched flour mats, door stops, house number BqraF R Klein lived in Cranford about 40 Combine sugar, salt.0 and cream yeiirx. She was the daughter of the baskets. Thirty girls are working pineapple' . 2 tsp. bakins . signs for lawns, napkin holders and or top milk. Beat until smooth. ! cap potter or powder paper chains. XAIfS UVER ° l:it<; Jiicob imd Saiiih Klein. Her on games badge requirements with Funeral For : Separate eggs, add yolks to Srst inaixarine - \k tsp. salt Directors Andrew _Crisanti and mother died in,April this year. Mis. II. G. Martin. J mixture and beat until creamy. Add \ 'nip sugar .i cap pineapple Miss Jean Voorhces say that the j Folk Shu wnsTn secretary for the Ideal Forty-eight girls are receiving sifted dry Ingredients. Mix until egr Jttlce o average attendance at this play- V lb. BACON ^Continued jfrom iia«e om) Plating- and Polishing Company, instruction in canoeing given by well blended. Beat egg whites nnti 2 89 Melt 4 tbsp. batter or margarine,/ ground is about 125 daily; in 1920, a year after it was forfttcd. Newark." • • • Miss Joan Kaul. . stiff bat mot dry. fold into ,i«r In C" x !•* pan. add brown The High School supervisors, He had the .lead in the first Surviving arc a sister, Mrs. .,.' Cmnp Week ended witri a doll mixture. Add melted batter or Ttv OvHce *i T«p,iT BdtoB Rand three-act production in the Casino, sniear. Arrange pineapple .slices in Walter Ramsey and Miss Barbara James Reilly, and n brother,'Wil- show. Winners were: Oldest doll, Earine. Bake on preheated- waslle pan. Cream •» cop butter or mar- in 1921, titled."Tho Man Frorti Elinor Ingeholm;, largest, Mary Iron. Serve with batter and maple Lockwood, report an average daily liam- Klein, both of Cranfoid. garine, add sugar gradually. Add attendance of between 50 and 70 Home." Mr. Folk played lead roles Jane McGovney', smallest, Diane ayra*. Yield: 4 waffles. egg.. lemon Juice and rind, mix CORNED BEEF - in' "The Dictator," "The Devil's Mk George Voss Tuttlc; typical American, Maureen thoroughly. Add sifted dry Ingre- children.' Disciple," "The Barker," , "The Funeral for Mrs.- Marian F: Voss, Bannon; doll family, Joyce Slater ROASTER dients alternately with the pine- Recent projects undertaken at WILSON'S CERTIFIED Squall," "Outward Bound,"" "No «•!» years 'old, of 314 Clarcmont and Joanne Liekauskos; bestrbaby, Di apple Juice. Pour in prepared-pan, this,'playground have included glass •count Boy," "Half an Hour," nnd place, will Ixi.at 2-p. m. today from Marilyn Powers, and best foreign, *Umk Chops with Sour Cream feake at STST. (or 1 hour. Turn decorating.—paper- weaving.- leis, in several musical plays written Mary Lynn. . . •Buttered Carrots *Succotask upside down on platter. Serve with papier mache dishes, spatter paint- 55c Gray Memorial, 12 Springfield SMOKED HAMS and presented for benefits. avt.'nui>, conducted by the Rev. Ncal . •Pineapple Up^tde-Dowa Cake whipped cream. Serves L ing and block printing. Mr. Folk was seen in .hi:} last N. Hur.ndon, Jr., assistant minister1 Speed *t 8*nnd • A pet sh6W was also in order at benefit performance three years 'or-First Presbyterian Church-. Bifr- the High School. Awards were pre- LARGE LEAN Through dry. air, at a temperature Philip McLaugM®, Richard Will sented to Bill Old for the largest nfio. called .. "While The Sun will be .in Moravian Cemetery, of 68F, sodnd travels with a speed Award 10 Boys auer. Charles H. Woerner and - Shines," presented,bythe- Dramatic dog, Carol Iverson, smallest dog, s. i. •••'•' •••-;. of 1130 feet per second. The speed Harry DeGrew. Club. . increases with temperature. At the ; Sw i in Certificated Larry Botts,, ppeet with the longest Sbonlder PORK CHOPS Ib. Mi's. Voss died Tuesday in the j Also. David R. Curry, Harold hair. Timmy Meyers, shortest hair, ' Interested in the stage since home of her daughter, Mrs. Morton freezing' point of water, it Is 1088 (•Continued frotrt-patje o«e> j »»•»«. —--..- — • ---, '^••'M childhood, Mr. Folk, prior to join- feet per second. As » Tough value, • presente•>•«-•»«•• d Saturday night in the Schcssler. Bob Steers. Gene Bauer and Virginia Alberts for the cutest Wilson, after ii brief illness. Born ' * Richard FrankFrank,. DaviDavid anand CharleCharles pet'. The catagory of the shortest EXTRA SPECIAL! ing Jho Cranford group, was fu- in-Staten Island, she had lived you cun'take the speed MI mile in I lodge. Eaton. Richard Van- Horn, Robert lvous (or his routines as a "song- tlvo sccondn. and us* this to'deter- I pet was headed by two winners, here 25 • years, On Wednesday, senior, boys tied Achilles and Jack Allen. Nancy Martens and Robert Cohen, ond-dance man," in the fashion of Mrs. Wilson is tho sole sur- mine dlstuncss. , -I with a Softball team from Hope. And. Frank Walter, James Brew- CHlOPS! CHOPS! the late Geor'ge M, Cohan. vlvor. with four runs, and on Thursday Jsler. David Ward. Michael Tier- He is survived by his wife, MM. One Rail Line Loin Added aiaaw levening. campers hiked to a Hope "^ Stej.hen Foldy. Albert Vajda. Ethel Crawford Folk, iind a son, own One of the oddest railroads ever Although basketball is regarded confectionery.. Main movie feature.'«&•*•feature, ' ^ - ^Khard, iWrt and built, the Ballybunlon Line in Ire- LAMB CHOPS KldKeiy.C, both at homo: a broth- Children Different JR eir and Bruce Ciomcy. by most persons as,a modern .sport, "Roadshow," on Tut'sday night j "« land, ran on one rail. Each coach er, A. R. Folk of Miami Heath. ' A parent should hot. treat all chll- tbc Ancient Mayans played a simi- Rib Fla., .and two grandchildren. was supplemented by a cartoon.; was built m two parts. One half drt-u In the family the same way, lar-game called "tlaxtll more than Egg Storage hung to the. right, the other to the LAMB CHOPS according to - Chiklcraft experts.. 1000 years Jigo, and it wasn't evgn and boys enjoyed soda before the program. ~~~" The best place to keep your eggs. left of tho single rail. The pas- ' No Work of Art Each child's nwrts differ with re- original with them! They probably to preserve freshness and quality, sengers were carefully seated so Shoulder gard to. such thing!) as .rosponsibll- lemoned the jjanio from the Toltccs, New campers or stay-overs this 1» in the' refrigerator at a tempera- ' A book published in 1927 achieved week are:. Lawrence Titnmin*. balance would be maintained. ; LAMB CHOPS Wide, circiilation; it . was called ity, disciplino, nnd show of alft-c- a warlike tribe that had Invaded ture of from 35 to 45 degrees Fahr- tlon from parents. . Mexico from the north'. George Craft, Bill MeCord. Rich- vohcit. ' ...... o Mem KanYpf. nrd 'Mcsserly. G*eorjje~Scott. Jay STRICTLY FRESH-KILLED ' Maa-Hoor Lasses ;

    Warslnski, John M. Duryec. III. •. i': ^ Alvin J. Ciecone and Thomas r"ul- la Sacks Time lost by workers from all Ib. 43c Ichcr. .. , Each year more than 500 million accident causes in 1950 totaled 410,- FRYING CHICKENS •Also, JTjhoVnas Beatty, Lyman feed and flour sackc are turned Into 000,000 man-days, the National •r-j MarsHail.'^Georgc E. Conovcr. Ed- elolhinfr draperies, slipcovers and Safety: Council. estimates. That is WILSONS CERTIFIED •••fl OSraij iQrtmntal equivalent . to the shut-down of r - ( ward J» Conover. James Taliafcrro. other household' articles! Women r plants with 1,350,000 workers for an 9 '.' 1X91 Peter- L'Heureux, Paul Kechblcr. use the colton bag fabric for sew- v?tfi entire year. lb.73c r Tht'tmas Cripe, Ronald H. Cron, COTTAGE HAMS"» -> •; •-;?. FANCY : LONG ISLAND DUCKS Ib. 31 l WRITE YOUR OWN LEAN i .' • !? • 'i

    CL^IFIED AD LEAN CHUCK :•:! 1 • i* THE cmrr.fi and cmtONICLK ' . 31 Alden Slreel " ^ STEWING BEEF a 79c| '• ••')•' :•*] Cranfard. N. J. ^u • • .... , SWIFTS PURE LARD Ib. 21c GKlrffcEMEN: ' .• ' •••''. • • '•••••. o . ^ - Please ituert im following Classified Advertisement for times bcijin- Armour's Ri Cheddar Cheese ^ 79c ning with jjoiir b*ue of „ ; under the classification * .. of : .i...-. „„„.„„ I „ A Real Extra Super! .03 per word Minimum charge .50 1 Repeat Ads .02 per word — Minimum charge .25 SWIFTS . •..« >>.i1 r,'''n:i ' DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ADS 10 A. ML WEDNESDAYS ib 49c 12 SPllINOhlELD AVENUE, CKANVOIID SUCED BACON IMPORTED ZWANBERG We offer resident* of Cnmjord and vicinity tin HOLLAND HAMS 31 i lbs. 3.98 outstanding funend~ hotne, complete with air con* Rivertide Luge GRADE A A ditioriinu, organ, large light rooms for y mr every tt u 14 STRICTLY FRESH EGGS convenience. Our own display room. GRADE A IT ts FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER'i73J MAGNIFICENT VALUES . .V DEL RICH — PHENIX \ CLASSIFICATIONS • OPEN EVERY NIGHT til Ib. eve«y one! NA matter wlwt type o( clulr y*« luve Iu 1 MARGARINE - 33c except, of course, on Sundays rHM! Mdf i «uM t. Kay I » i you've t gooil dunce of finding it In tkb tenific Koo- out * .. Mid at • terrific Mving! Some Iwve io*m-nki*vt ad check of cash.tef • li™__™.^ • BUDOET TERMS INVITED UM abov« a) Id hlU. fraiidrd Heat Market cushions . . . tome so>id m«fcg-ny frarnef . . 4 •©»• or you may open a Charge Account Directors FRANK VODRASKA euntomullored! You'll even find platform rockers! But 12 SprincdWid Avtmu* 318 E. Broad Strcat Cort Price* to Church and, Civic Org»nization» n... _ '. • CcdnlonL N. I. — CR 6-0091 WestfUldL N. I. - WE 24143 OUR BTORE CXO8KD AlX DAT MONDAY • SORRY, NO PHONE ORDERS m.u. . 11 WALNUT AVE. CBanford 6-1113 ST. QfOtGfS AVi. V

    . -,*J —r;. : : : : ' ^ .'. •'. „ '• .-• :-, . ^'. • •• "" : ~^~- '—•: ••••'.-, ••' .• ,;;. ]•".. ^-V-— — -^-—~ —-—: - -—•—-' ' " . '

    CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE; THURSDAY, JULY 19. 198J1 Page Eleven TH£ CnANTORD CITIZEN-AND CHRONICJLE. THURSDAY. JULY IP, ,1351 sweet, tart flavor of the bright eaU emotional, health is an important Stanley W. McCormick, property Haar, instrumental music super- Straubing. Germany..; He will be' lect all unused and unwanted aluminum ut, ofedballs? : factor in all forms of anti-social in Severin court, 161.97 feet from visor ,,ln Cranford schools, con- trained' for special duty guarding ducted Band 5. the German-Czechoslovakian bor- THE CRANFORD panse of concrete 'whith .would be greatly IN RETROSPECT from Cranford householders, proceeds of sufe The Westfleld homemaker who behavior. A child with plenty of Thomas street, extended. the metal, to go, to |he National. Scrap Alumij, money steals in school because m Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Morgan Orchestra 5 will perform,at an der area. . ' >y the planting of a few shade T/ie iVeti? Jersey: Poll ' From the-Film of The CWxf tmi Chronicle Fund. Mrs. Gaiton Crosby, drive chairman, asked yesterday morning about FAMILY watermelon pickle floating had is emotionally upset. The specific, to Edmond J. Nestor, property in 11:25 a. m. assembly program at being assisted! by Mrs. O. J. Arnold, Mrs. Watermelon Marsh street, 250 feet from Burn- the high school tomorrow. Next v\ (Biffem; • . Five Yean Acs " . • .' M Wittnebert, Mrs., Howard Cowpcrthwaite, been precooking the. syrup and reason is hard to fine 1 It may be .J-agely attended funeral service* were held side avenue. Wednesday at 8:15 p. m.. Orchestra Cirao*rict.*. fc*Ia} • .". Remember, trees along a business VOTEHS TELL .HOW THEY Charles'Crounse. Mrs. Harold Glovier, Mrs. then cooking the melon in it only (hat he feels his parents don't love 1 in Trinity Episcopal Church for the Rev. Frank him or that his teacher picks on Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hansel 6 .Band 6 and the Aliimni Baud CMKMMW CrmsN. Established street are not "small-townish. ' The STATE GOPP CA CANN BE STRENGTHENED Balsam, W. A. Lyon and H. G. Wilson, as briefly. Longer cooking in the sy- Sheetrock Magill Sherlock, rector of the church. Representa- district scouting commissioner; E. P. Catts. t. Variety him or he may be trying to winto Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hansel, will be presented in a special con- j3^j^wr^tij^jw,jftif7kt million inhabitants PRINCETON—Today's survey inquiry shows how New Jersey present, qnn their way to and from places of Gambling and the inability of: the party in power to to Chairman Herbert R. Winckler, who reported! the Thursday that my ing, trim off green skin and pink doesnt realize that nigh intelli- Being angry or afraid prevents us Mi", and Mrs. Carl Spader to Mr.Paul the tuba in Band 8, most ad- control gambling. •• . \ .'••'. . > Church;'it was decided to locate all future build- flesh. Cut in inch cubes .and soak gence cannot compensate tor the 109 JEFFERSON AVst ings and development at Lincoln and V?alnut total of 759 volunteers available.r took me to that de- from . making - the most of our- and Mrs. Peter* Tinnesz, property vanced of the six bands formed employment a.s well as pleasure seekers 2. Overcontidcnce and'complacency; lackadaisical. for 2 Ms hours in the limewater. chance to learn to work and play EL. 2-2340 avenues. • , • • ." "'.••' ••••'•• ui island. But I can remem^r selves. A person who can with- in South Union avenue. 605.88 feet from students of the school. 3. Don't accomplish much; talk a lot arid promise things Flfteen YtanAn with others. Johnny is well on the shoreward or returning, the traffic situa- one^-it fascinated me so. Drain, cover with fresh water, cook ' without getting too much done. Township Committee referred to the flre com- stand and stress will go farther from Lexington avenue. Last night, Orchestra 5 and Band 11 A. M. M 4 >. «. Ba% - Ha. t Ham. t A. M. M •». mittee for recommendation, four bids for a new As one of the preliminaries to organization ( P, bricht. red balU made an for IVi hours, or until tender, and ay-tv an unhappy life. than the chronic worrier. Poor •Evelyn Gargano to Mr. and Mrs.5 conducted a joint concert. Louis tion is the main headache of the police More than three out of every five of those offering comments the Cranford public school system into the s Room For Trees? 750 gallon pumper and three bids for a new 65 lUSally appealing offering and I add more water as it boils off. Let Intelligence is only one of the named one of the above throe. • •-. . aerial ladder truck. Equipment was authorized in year high school plan, the Board of Educate big four. Physical condition, emo- departments of many municipalities.., Next in order df frequency of mention are:' . ' \ immediately they were stand overnight in this same water' •rrf a previous ordinance. . . transferred Charles A. Wallace from his post ...Jon pickles, in glamorous and next morning drain. Bring to tional maturity and social matur- The. growth of a community can . 4. Need new blood; the same small group seems to have • principal of Sherman School to thc high sch Cranford being in the center of .Un- .More than 100 residents. living adjacent to The flavor was wonderful, the, boiling, point the vinegar, 1 ity are the others. The mentally mean added wealth to be spent on im- o tight control of the reins. , . • the Central Railroad roundhouse on North avenue, effective in September. Mr. Wallace was to sc . ••' 5: • Machine polities;'too much politics. • . . as vice-principal until completion of the new hij pint.of water, sugar and spices tied gifted youngster, who cannot get proverhents. ^This progress through ion County naturally gets a terrimc east,' at Elizabeth avenue,, petitioned Township along with others, who is beset (i. Failure to let people vote on bingo; way they are hand- Committee to alleviate alleged noise and dirt, school building on the Cranford Oval. "if perhaps, you have some mel- loosely in cheesecloth. Add the money should be utilized, but with,a amount of cross traffic and, with the ling bingq' n6w. . ' , , • " ernanating from the structure, or remove it " ' ' Allocation of State Aid for ' improvement rind for pickling on a copl daydrained watermelon rind, and boll with personal problems or who is 7. Not libciiil enough; still not close enough to average • part of Orchard street by repaving was an'nounr gently for 2 hours., or until the in poor health, is as "handicapped' spirit, of pride in developing the facilities opening of that section of the Parkway Impressive installation ceremonies for Boy \ a little time to go with U, you • voter.. -,. • . ••'.'• Scout Troop 84, sponsored by the Brotherhood of by Township Cammittceman Frank McCullou^ want to dress up your finished syrup is fairly thick: Remove the as a dull child. one has at hand. , V from Centennial avenue to the Edison Grait; some . thing we do in life-^-is colored by from Union, Springfield, Summit street,, a'member of the 1936 graduating class. Two Cranford men and on manthe state of our health.. Feeling GOLDBERG'S SEMI-ANNUAL drdinary pleasures or natural beauty. • i •-» ii < | . "The inubilttyto control gambling and crime, (Newark clerk) Election of Carl D. Proctor of 30 Elmora ave- Your favorite recipe Will do ex- "The garnbking.< going1 on under the Republican regime; other- nue as vice-president in charge of domestic sales . been awarded the Newell Rodney Fiske Post Schol that white, vinegar and white formerly from Cranford assumed happy, having pep and energy and As cities have grown in the past many points beyond, rossibly this con lw*v'ro Hnini*'-nH'. rlffht ** /PiY»«tW**»t Pnrlr rnntrartnrV ' • arshlp for his freshman year at Princeton. M new posts at the General Aniline & being mentally alert are all influ- dition will be greatly relieved at theend wise they're doing-aH- right." (Prospect Park contractor) of American Type Founders, Ino., and American iavix instead of'brown and whole few ,, the one-time rural roads "There's toft much complacency. They have been in control so Type Founders Sales Corporation, Elizabeth, was Brown had distinguished himself throughout Film Corporation's GrasselU Works enced by our physical condition. of.the seashore season. , school' as.a student arid a leader in cxtra-curr athcr than ground spices, give the lon'|»; they get more or less lackadaisical." (East Orange business man) announced by President Edward G. Williams. Mr. . ; a better chance. The coloring Division in Linden, it was an-Even bright Johnny doesn't learn have been denuded of trees and have . ."They're' too sure of'themselves; act as though they have it in. Proctor was made sales manager in 1944, and, cular affairs. Cranford dmcials recently appointed not be added until ihe laet nounced this wcekby the corpora- as well when he has a headache becopie hot "concrete, shimmering in, the the b:if!." (Pntersbn'factory worker). •'. joined the company in 1940. He had been general Projected improvements for the Mcthodij tion. ' . or a cold. a Highway Safety Coordinating 'Commit- ' "They're not doing anything much." .(Trenton bus drive.r) promotion manager for thc American Salesbook Church building, already approved by Ihe _ hour of cooking^ Can't you . summer heat. Some cities, have realized Company at Niagara Falls, and Remington-Rand, church committee, were presented for action lust enjoy in imagination the spicy, Robert T. Walker, 5 Preston ave- The ability to get along with tee'to • work "out plans, if possible, for - "They ncotl some young Wood in, the.party." (Cliftpn doctor) nue, has been appointed Ansco pro- their fault and have recently endeavored T''The stirne"'small group has been in control for years. New Inc.., Buffalo, and was born in Muncie, Indt V the'Church Extension Board in by th others is of vital importance alleviating the conditions in Granford — people don't get a chance." (Hawthorne stenographer) John E. Heney of 305 Maple place was elected, Rev. Matchett Y. Poynter, pastor, who was a'ccon| duction supervisor, Process Devel- personal success. We are with peo- 'to replace small shade trees along the State' commandant by Department of the Mew panied by Dr. J. Edgar Washabaugh, district opment Department, and Robert L. ple almost all the time at home, at' this is a step in the right direction and "They're handled by machine 'Politics in many parts of the perintendent, arid F. Herbert Hoick. ' main roads of their business section.. state.". (Fuii* Lawn grocer) . • ••' . Jersey Marine Corps. League, at the annual con- Kelly, 709 Springfield avenue, has school, at work, in recreation ac- possibly something worthwhile can be vention In Asbury Park. His wife, Mrs. Helen '. Members of the Lions Club and their, wiv DOES YOUR • These cities are realizing, once more, the "They're hidebound; too far away from the average citizen." attended ah annual Echo Lake picnic. Captain been named production supervisor worked out. Police Chief Fischer came up (Elizabeth banker) Heney, was named' junior vice-president \ol .the; in 53 building, Vat Colors Area. auxiliary. Founded in 1923, the league is the sole Jack Apgar and Joseph Warsiniki led' softba value of the tree. '. , The (North Bergen house- teams. President James A. Strong, was chairman < HOME Anthony Colaneri, of Union, form with a good idea last Week When he de- wife... ) " whole.blnub situation is a mess' . natipnal organization of members and veterans A boy knows this value and has an of the corps. • the committee in charge, assisted by Al Hcmid erly from Cranford,.has been pro- Bur- Following Ouir Usual Custom of Reducing Prices At the End of Each Season, cided to allow traffic to turn right on both "Wo should l.iave n chance, to decide what we want to do about and Fred Lelb. William Klein 'was chef. NEED moted to staff accountant. . intimacy with the tree, but often as a Arnold G. Owen of 210 Edgar avenue, for Insulation Our Semi-Annual Sale Prices Are Now In Effect. -South and North avenues when the red bint'o." (Kemny mel-hnnic) With both the sale and discharge of firework • man he tends to forget the tree and tries "They sliould increase unemployment'benefits to at least $30.00. the past 17 years assistant secretary and assistant treasurer of Echo Lake Country Club, was named prohibited..here and no municipal celebratiii PAINTING? Cover Cracks light is showing. This will allow the flow You ciin't do much'on S2(!.OO if you got a family." (Trenton rubber _ INVtSTIGATE GliATCX — PARK WEST Fall Clothing Prices, Authorized By the Office of Price Stabilization Will lie to get along'without it the rest of his life. worker) club manager. He succeeded Jack Gueyer, re- ..planned, Cranford was ready for a quiet Ind< A tiny crack,in a cherished wood- of cars to keep moving. ..„,, , pendence Day. All stores, with the exception ' — ASK — The community of Cranford is like this signed because of ill' health. en bow] can be filled nicely by pour- LUMBER CO. About lP'i Higher Than For the Past Season, It Will Be Greatly To Your Ad- \i J^ L^ it L" Mil •. The caucus system. .Its disgraceful. Something should be done confectioneries and delicatessens, were to be clo ing shellac into the opening after boy, grown into manhood. The town ' - ' .'-., Ten Yean throughout the day. July 4 falling on Saturdaj| . »l» W. WBSTriELD AVE. . No doubt other practices will be put ,,b<>ut "There'it, especialls stilyl plentin thye osenn'te.f graft" K«i" (PatersoR cm."n (Atlantitoachef)c City clerk) ; many townspeople planned a week-end at th thp , surface has been' thoroughly BO8SXJJC TAMK, N. J. vantage To Select Your Fall Suits Now at Our Sale Price of has forgotten the importance of the tree ''Sumo, of them are trim imilly involved in graft on a state and Arrangements had' been completed by thc cleaned and dried.' Shellac sticks EL »-45IS . CM ft-IMT into effect from time to time. that will Local Defense Council for a' five-day drive to col- shore, in the mountains-or at nearby lakes. with its beauty, shade and water reten- county level." (Orange housewife) ** In various colors arc available. . AMrLE' racE PABKINO materially help, but as one suggestion we large cracks use a mixture of fine OfJ^ally Orm««4 QaaUtjr.fnlnb • sion qualities. Cranford, unlike many would like to recommend that Severin Tho Cranford Cltlterj odd, Chronicle present* the report* of the new Jersey CXANFOKD sawdust and shelloc. other communities, is still shearing off Poll rxrlimlvely In tlilj area. The New Jrmy Poll U a weekly (outur* sponsored rourt lv» mnrlf> •» nnC-wnv ( liul.-in'iulriit New Jcnty nowapapcr,!. NO MORE : its trees at the pavement and not bother'. than lh*s« same suite will b« aold tor after our sale is over. court be maae a one way street rromLen ; PrUicctoii. NAW .^I'r^jy. '" ^'/. . ;^ '^ 7. Telephone 3178' FLOYD E. REYNOLDS W« have a kng*' assortmsmt of long wearing Wontsds and Gabardines, ing to replace them with young saplings. v EXTERIOR PAINTING tennial avenue to Lincoln ayenue, there- (Copyrluht, 10M. by Princeton He*eareh Service* ' . . NEED A TIUCK All wall-known standard brands As a result, we find our shopping district by allowing those Cranford'residehi^^ WORRIES Plumbingitnd Heating Gonlra^Cor COAL;•— FUEL OIL At Sal* Prices of WITH OLATBX Fl« IHE SHORE- . resembles a bake oven on these hot sum- liVe in that section of town to get out of We 8pecUllu In Tttnr OIL BURNER SERVICE (3 ounces) to 10 gallons of water. — ASK — . mer" days. • . . . ; the traffic jam as quickly as possible.. For n quart of water use 1 tens- RUN ANTHRACITE — Fradoet of Jeddo-Hlghlani '.' ' Some of the, pavements along the spoonful of DDT. HEATING PROBLEMS PBOMTT REPAIR SERVICE ~ business area are too narrow to allow The basic operating responsibility A 5% dust, (Jives good control. Lower strengths have less value. trees to be replanted with facility, it is for civil defense is the individual and his Ueensed Master Plumber In Cranford. Roselle. Use cniulsillable concentrates ac- 1 "' Garwood ,and Linden. Rankin and Jahn Coal Company true. But such a place as the north, side local government, "Leonard Drey fuss, cording to manufactures directions. ENTIRE LINE OF « BOCtll AVE.. E. CKANFORD C-5M7 of the railroad station offers a broad ex- state civil defense director, says. . •- ' • Apply thc insecticide when CKANPOKD 6-3474 321 CENTENNIAL AVEL, CRANFORD, N. J. SPORT COATS By F.RIC 11. PETERSON, JR. beetles appcur. A second applica- UTILITY County Agricultural Agent tion, may be necessary. TeL CR. 6-0S54 YARD—WWAN8 AVK. SUMMER WEIGHT SUITS Res. Price SALE PRICK ' Japanese beetles have nfiain •Ornamentals, a'nd non-bearing TRUCK •••• i.m nrrived in large ((uantities in many apple, peuch and cherry trees and REDUCED £uno $30.00 $24-00 Wens nf the county to plague form- grape vines should be sprayed in' REHTALS 9 Krc Price SALE PRICE ors iind home gardeners. They will dusted as required. HOURLY, FOR THE 'FOR THE BES$ IN FOOD and LIQUOR * 32.50 feed l«.»: ,1 month or so chewmu up Bearing apple and i>ench trees DAY OR LONGER $27.50 $22.00 and bearing grape vines should be VISIT 26 °° the leaves jwui other soft parts of treated not later than two weeks 320 Washington Ave. 29.95 24.50 35.00 00 nearly 275 kinds of trees, shrubs before .ripening of fruit. Such fruit EUZABETR N.}. Chestnut Tavern 34.95 27.75 28 and other favorite plants. should be pushed before eating. 649 CHESTNUT ST.. UNION. N. J. 00 DDT is an excellent insecticide Bearing raspberry jind 'bluck- EL 5-9819. 39.95 32.00 40.00 for Our Kltrhm Naw. Under the 8a»er*Ubl> »t. Japanese beetle control. It not _ biishes. should _^b_e treated IXSIE. Formerly •( Cnal«4 49.50 39.50 32 (inly protects plants, against dam- ;££ thcTruii has boon picked". Serving You The Best In If yov are now regularly employed, yon can arr/ange for a •jipm« but is helpful in re- arsennto- will also prevent Reg; Price SALE PRICE heetle population. Con- ,, (ho Japanese beetle but BATHING TRUNKS tiirt of the Ceot of the 'Beetle with injury y Steaks - Seafood • Chops - SaNwehes low cost Personal Loan to obtain money to pay your hills. it mvcs off more b t', $1,00 2 for $1.50 •' * :'i a Personal Loan at this bank. Your confidential loan with us emidsiiiable concentrate for spray- SOME WHITES INtCLVDEO ' '': • <• 1 glass-sarfaced steel ; prevents embarrassing situations which often occur when bor- iiu .. KIM (lustiiu: there are dusts 1.50 1.15 Reg. Price SALE PRICE imitainiiii; up to 10\, DDT. Spray- tank of the $3.50 $2.85 ing is superior to dustinr, because PARKWJ^ST heater Can't rust 2.00 1.55 rowing from friends. LOW 3.95 $3.15 of liottiT adhcsioiK LUiMBER CIO. because glass cant rust. 2.50' 1.85 ESTABLISH your credit with us. Your application / Fur spiaiiiif; with r>0>';, wettable 4.50 3.65 :iit» w. wi:>iTFi>:i.b AVK. It's made to Utt! 3.50 2.65 — 2 for 5.00 . will receive friendly consideration* powder apply at the. rate of l'j UOKCI.I.i: PAKK. M. J. 5.00 J 3.95 tablesponnfiils of DDT to one gal- Kl. .%-«M.% , CM S-Wti AMfl.K VKKt: f.\UKIMyMrn I. 1050.00 76.48 97S.S2 70.00 throu«h hlsh Voltage lower 11MM wllk othrf WALLPAPERS cUrlrle rorapanir* in Nrw JerM-y ami la UM DRASTIC PRICE CUTS ' ^)'H ABOVE CHARGES INCLUDE LIFE INSURANCE . Beichbortas »|atf of I"rna»yl«aaia aaj NrW -U York. ' - 1-. IN FAMOUS MAKE FOOTWEAR ! IMJAXMAS TO COVER UNPAID BALANCE I,. SWEATERS NOW AVAILABLE EUlrle ttUUly rote»*Blc«, unlike other i»Ja.|r!r«, Kec- I'rke SALE PRICE cannot klor« Utelr product acalnrt a "rainy HERE PULLOVERS mnd SLEEVELESS Nuiui Burth ut $3.00 Less Than Regular Price Call, Write or Telephone Any Office day™ — you rta't klor« away kilowaM-koara Reg. Prke SALE PRICE $4.63 " $3.75 IMPERIAL for tu« Mr%t week, , . Edgcrtoii at S1.50 he** Than Regular Price Elizabeth 5-6600 CRanford 6-1000 $3.95 $3.15 3.00 3.95 NANCY WARREN Tkrou«k tuck tlr>lu» aJJilloul capacity U ». See us about ihe financ- 5.00 3.95 f availakle to taut MnforM««a dnuxb «r \«1 the iparklin* clean lior water Shop Comfortably In Our Air Conditioned Store 3. >5 4.75 LOCATED LLOYDS "*? «»nt... no more rust that 5.95 4.75 •• ^- .*»»• Wur wash; no more corro- ing before you buy your MONDAY aud FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 7.50 5.95 BANKING OFFICES THIBAUT ^ Till* InUrreonuectMl ky>lrm ka* • total .*« «lirt that discolors trattr 6.95 5.55 gMMratlBC capacity of klx tallnM •odhituft* ' ' next car. Come in today*} UNION COUNTY MAIN OITU:E COME IN: AND HELE0T ^•"<« w«« Bcnerallng capacity 142 Bro«J St., UUiibrlli NOW FROM ODE CATALOGS. As L»w At FXIXABKTtl AVK. OFFICE Tke rosl of attck latercoaiicctUaw to) Into n*li- Week. 715 FJUdbelli Aw., Kll««t«lh TRUST COMPANY Uoaa of dollars •— anotkrr naaiali of tfci* GuaninUe CRAWFORD TRUST BROAD ST. OFFICE ,.' contpanyV

    •. i1 .• (•••>

    THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CWHONICLE. THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1851 THE CRANFORI3 CITIZEN ANP CHRONICLE. THUIISDAY. JULY 19. 1051 Page ThlrteetV Page Twelve hits In the frcc-swinKing dffnir. I Wood &, Seliek, with Sal Delia Neirhling .Sur sofi Vit-'Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Miller. in six safeties. Rob. Neebling. former Cranford • George Iivint!, T.I year: old, ofJr. "f :i(ifi Manor ii venue, returned . ams iIil!h'Schl ace hurler, has pitched 117 MiikMom drive, wns |)l.ici(l on home from' Elizabeth General Him- * The "Shamrock defeot. enmc at ioftbaU Lutherans the critical list Monday niuht ;it \)\\u\ on - Saturday. He was gd- h&ve a beach' party at Point Pleas- garet Walton. Nancy Service, and Lewkis. Martin Matthews the hands of the Old" Timers, 7-5. two four-hitters and a" five-hit mitt(-d to th«« hospital last Thur»- young people arc invited to attend. Beverly Paflfrath. The Lodge, which won both it« Muhlirnberi; Hospital, PljiinfleWi, c ant. The grbup will leave the Carol'Meyers. , jjiimi- in his first three starts for the Wn»k Sorcnson, Virginia Tice and George School. ' • . Hoick &re in charge of rcservri- Program Ends afid Dorothy Turner. connected for nine hits. , " • , According to Patrolirmn F*i';iri- lions. When J'.'sus told his disciples that He was going to leave Vacation Church School of Cal- Still l «l AH Only .Calvary Lutheran blanked Lin- hi those three contests, he al-cosco Ruonocore, wh'i sumrn'mi-d The Rev- Aldcn T. Smith, pastor ihi-n; they were very sad, so that He proceeded to comfort them vary Lutheran Church will begin Primary, second grade — Peter Mrs. Frederick Wahl Jack Cznowikl slashed out two den Presbyterian. 7-0, Monday of thi- Methcutisi. Church in Little doubles and Ray Page a tWo big- lowed one earned run in 2.3 Innings. tile mnnlcipnr.'imbilliincc, the >n:m Ch'iUrr Chlckeaa" . ' - with those words, ^'Peacc I leave •with you. my peace I give unto August 13. it was announced yeS- Conte, Ronald Dalyrmple, William Harris }-t*\. is Untied niuht to clinch the title of"-, tin- In his latest nine-inning victory, Buy rhiiki-ni that have pliabto , Kails, will have ns his sermon topic, you. Lot not your heart be troubled, neither let"rt*be afraid." terday by the Rev. Arnold J: - Methodist At PreHkyterian ScliiM ger to help the Lodge cause, Bill stumbled on -the (irst step of tli<; 'Problem of WorryMn Di Tullio. Susan Kightlinger, Bill Tin- first w'tssk of play in the scc- Cranford Church Softball I.i'.'ij'iir. he struck out nine batters. , . ' .Cranford Hotel, fY>|| backward, :in. pasto:'. ' Knox, Diane Mohnhcimer, Laura Mrs. Frederick C. Ward uf Herman, Lodge moundsman, Mid It wns the eighth win for the Luth- ar'.d It/U1-. !'i'-J a irnooth. moist *9:ao a.. m. family service in theOsoeola Sermon Topic strife :md testing; for I feel sure, that they can be a source of- „„ numd «>f the Crantord Rccrea- the Outlaw swingers to four bin- .Neebling was. originally signed sulffrcd ii de<'p scalp It-i^'i '•>•'• hit* Children from four through 11 Church School Taff.'Carol Terpennins; and MarCasin- o avenue, a- member of ] 11 erans, against two losses. y.itll f«. w nilifi'.'itlliTK Mo-U'hiidist Church. The Rev. Albert G. Dczso. pastor great comfort'if recognized to be a promise from the Lord Himself. :' League ended FViday Hies. TcrriU connected for n homO to the Richmond team in Indinnu head struck';the pavcmfoi. lie w.i ( 1 years «ld will be welcomed at the garet Turner. , • , The Hcv. Mr. Smith, former pas- A capacity, audience of parents Presbyterian Church, is aut-,ul1 Iho oixlcr or the dayru. n and Bob Johnson a triple for To settle the standings; a tiein the Ohio-lndianir league; by lluconsvioils, poliic S;IKI, fium the of Osceola Presbyterian Church, Some find u sense'of peace and security in .having a good 10 a. m. to noon sessions. Monday Primary, third grade —. Carol tor of: the Methodist Church In has chosen "The Problem of "Wor- bank account; but that'does not console when one views things in and friends attended closing exer- the Easteifn Summer Lead.-rsh, Ivnly llaivis. Ltd. stood in undls- the Outlaws. ganu* between Linden and Trinity Irving "Rabliit". Johnson, Detroit. time they.arrived at (I-45 p in. un- lll v through Friday, the Rev. Mr- Dahl- Bauer, Linda Dunne, Nancy Irrius, is scJH-duk-d for Monday, when JI Tiger scout. > ' . • - til Jifter he was taken l'i. t'li" 'IK-::.-' ' — ^W 'Union.'has been miest speaker for ry" as the topic of his scrm(»:> for the tilJht < ( eternity. We must remember that the Word of pod quist said. , cises of the Methodist Vacation School of the Board of ChiUiiJ i of a spot in the Billy Gebler limited the Old ; thi-* past several years, cUirint!- the11 a. m. services Sunday. The ser- • teiirhi's! and experience'substantiates it, that we'shall leave, this Church School last Thursday eve- Ruth Jackson. Nancy Lees, Linda clown recreation league, comprised of the pitiil. Picnic • Theme of the school will, be "The Martin. Mary Ann Mackey, Fred Education of the Presby Timers to four hits as Harris, Ltd. same teams, also will begin. • minister's vacation. mon will be thrd.in Mr. Demo's world ny we came into it. so that one needs something more than ning in the educational building.^ defeated the Oldsters, 3-3. Hnrris, Dr. Anthony Sorrlill, at hi-; money. . Cities Jesus Visited," and at" the Swisher, Stephen Tice and -Jeanne Church. U.S.A., at Ursinus Coll,.,., Cianford , Talx-rnatie trounced St. Mith:u Ps diagnosed', a possible «;ites to Cedar Ctest' Ctm- summer serte* on "The Problems Average daily attendance,reported : \il HiMiney's Shamrocks and theLtd. scored its five runs oh fin? fei i-iuv will lw cledUxitwl. They "are: of Everyday Life." Great comfort comes from the knowledge of having a conclusion of the school, on August during-the three-week session had Vioh.1. CollcBcville. Paj Osceola Presbyterian, 17-0, with ture, and ordered thi' patien iios- of reliable friends^ upon whorhwe feel we can rely in the hour of 24. the daily offering will be con- i,'u.lH,i,s split their two games ldst Kles by Howavd Arnesen, Al Ceop- Novena to St. Amu* »Je;m Thomas, Althca Younc, MarJ' The nnnual Church School picnic been 130 children. Junior—Glenn Allinger, Ronald The Leadership School,.,"w er, Tom Nolnn, Don Lynch and Wilson. Tabernacle hurler, holding The annual summer, novena in. pitali7.ed. •> PARK WEST •You Thomas and' Matnias Torfier- testing-' But again, the Bible in many words, reveal? that fickle- t iributed for work among refugees Durham. Connie Geicer, Clifford L'(k ii'iiil remained deadlocked at Osct-ola j:c

    s/.- ••' :. I, .THE it) CITI2EN AND CHnONTICLE. THURSDAY.) JULY 19. 1031

    Sunday on the Munusquan tivcr. | 1 . • I"!ilr Play •>» Hujinems' first' Mr. otiil Mrs. Clulr Michaels of JBoy,'Falls* FIUHII !\«>v'4'iia at Si. AIHI«"'H ut *tt maim. 45 Third avenue arc receiving con- Rerriv«*M Two Sli GAHWOOD — The ajindal nr>- In a tuiuiiirni.Lii decision ^p gratulations on the birth of a son. down In WM. the..U.S. Supr«ipa C;ARWO<.)1J--TWU stili-hrji wrre v\"iia to IKIIIIII St. A(iii<; npciu-dat Court forniuluti'il a new BJjniroiis; Ucmigjtt Bruce Charles, on July 1 at Rah'- Si. AniH'":; Churtji.".Tuosday ni«ht whldl ht-U that truclcr.;arkj. gar rr^twire to.. way Memorial Hospital. i'i'(|uirt*d to closr, a (ja:;li rcii'ivi'd ;it I! and will' run each niiiht pjtcntJ and coypri^hti, are PtJJ>" te» aftfir tn toy Mrs. Raymond F.i ,N;oonan nnd by Anthony SperanZH, three yt'.'T through nt^xt Monday, tin* ainii- •-rty nnd d«:!ifrvt- »af«-fi'iiard* agaMrt family of Richmond, Va., and Mr.old, of OHi Center strcc-t, when hr bi-ini! ••xploiu-d, without the and Mrs. Malcolm Gregory- and Ml from tin- hack' porch ol liii; vi'ks;iry ol Vlu- saint's blrlh. Tlif er'n I'otiscnt. tn UIIM declaring Award Camjirl filfBNJV Ili-v. .Tohn W O'l.<-lirv of .Ifixi-V lr:iflii liiW riifi«tHoliOf] 6. fdcnftr lids Open To Seoul Ticket-SeHera cent guests of Mrs. Charles Sunger llc.<; .stated'. ' rrty Levies Fines PARK WEST For School Demolition of 503 Beech avenue. vi.-na USIH:! t\'rll-!:n»',vn liratuls us prlce- GARWOOD — WiUiatn Kalman; Patrolman .Tiiim's t,e::ak took tht- Building OARWOob — Openlns of new Twin sons, Howard and Philip, child to. the ottjetr of Dr. Ki.iiu'i'. footli.ilH. ->, I LUMBER CO. son of Mr. and Mn. William Kal- bids for the demolition of vacated were born .on June 23 at Overlook er man of 382 Second avenue, and Karney, who treated tlu- wound. Strrl I'roillicllon JIUIH ElZitu Thmnqmui In Two local Jefferson School and appointment Hospital, Summit, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kappy, ion of Mr. *nd 6f a Jonltor were topics on thePhilip M. Turcks of' 527 .Spruce World Hin-l .production lncrcnaed 'I hi* Tinny Are liierease Mrs. Marlon Kappy of Locust ave- Anniversary Agendn for the School Board meet- uvenue. . ttlumnt-r* nrurly 23 niilllton ton* Must yror, :ipir.'). iii;in.i/li'.e3 and Traffic Cases ( Office nue, winners of a recant ticket- ing last hlght. . • . , Robert and Edward C'olwcll, sons la tlicrt; ii flout'f whlvh bloomi liiciirdliiK to. im 'nVrritue of r*\i~ tire' printed wilh type rnetal. an- selling contest for the Boy Scouts' GARWOOD — Mora than 75 m.itcs by two trade pdb'luntions. Jfcr. and Ita. H«nry A j.»^». tan; Bount UocaS Package bids for the school de- of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Col weir or only nt iiluhl': Tin ii- lire u HUIIIIHT other in the tin alloy legion. Babbitt S*E.30> la Snai andi annual card party, will receive a members and their gunsts attended 450 Beech uvenue, ure vacationing of fluutin which I'II UiiVT. Moiit of 'I ho tJiilIrd Stnli'M accoimtiMi for uu-tiil mal:i.-.i-'|io.<:»lutu sr-ft repUce- Shown the fifth anniversary! celebration molition and grading and pointing ovi-r 1R.7 rnillion toiiso' thr iirrrouic c>'>»'l'ully white rliiKf froio the r.orld'ii' thurchtoW- !*•*** 104 heraiu -i • . Platform, Auxiliary, held Saturday evening work was rondverlisedi asking sep- tiiii.i.nf r;t>.v atcrl. Tim luric^t (n rr>i. film uii-(;il contuinv tm; »o doei ' fflnmi JCUli. a dlucipt Other scouts who placed, in the arate bids.(hit! time. of Mr. mid Mrs. Cii-orjie Nicholmn or pale yullow. "lin-y uru pplliuiitrd ina hrautfht liy Pataraimott contest and will have part of their ut post headquarters on South avc- by vurlolin k^idK of iiinlhx. Sonu- of ni-aitii <'.iiUidr of tliw'OnUi'd Stule* thir bron/<- of st:ittn-.< .In thy. perk. nuo. . V ;••, • .'.•* •' • '• .. and family 4>f Third avenue. oC'iijiic'l In Hui.nn Mild wan II|>|>I'OK- Rtfutur. Awuu (Diet! E. WairsytaMi of 90 expense!*. at camp paid • include Mr. and' Mrs. Edward EpnerK the* more common .of thr.;r pluiittt GARWOOD — Pwtmasler John Guest speaker for the occasion. art> lint ''Nii;ht-bloiiiiiiiii; (.'rrtMis" u.n.itfly 4 iiiiHInn loiii, ,lrwa. TlJtt puGcalknam 1 David Gray, Alex Sugzda, Clifford und .family of Third uvenue en- . . I'innrer / , has announced the opening Introduced by tho toastmuflter, (the common, iiiimu foi* HrVcrul to till! tuidc nik'Kii/liiex. usui ttje- dwfttmtoriT: dtuwe.- Buchman, Edward Froat and Rich- Joyed' the week-end visltlnu -the The first l-"l<)ij<):i ''tourist" W«i. ai«i ii«T !»isr.i:r; anil „..* lot quarters for the local Mrs. Marlon Es'poslto, was Mrs.:-. Socials of cactus), ,the Moonflowi-r, •| ui! 90' milter an boinr TOOAT — »Kt — SAT ard GUbertson. Richurd Eoncrs of Lon^ Island.- Juan I'orHr li. II;' di;i("°vcred' „>, oRUv. The present lease ex- Carrie Brady (ft Elizabeth, past of E ('•ilnr.ulu yi 1 an Ate. tin; BtouittUiiBcH.- a> ' Net proceeds of the card party id <:nlunil>lnn KL pfovomber 30 thU.year and Mrs. William Boss of Hickory p K > tin- iiii-.u v.hlrli h iiovr thi- fiirilous •i j; luce llumji- were more than $200, according to deputy district president. Others ('nli)i :iHo xi'lrrlril thv while mid U-ikM- will r»n» *.'t!n:i. while' siurchlnf 1 IliVt'iidi-r < <> 111• i>t>i ii A>»]iii, 302 "GO FOR BROKE* Mrs. Mercer. .Scoutmaster Charles Third avenue, is employed by thea handkerchief showi»r tendered inn lit. that stHtu's for the K'iutil'uln t)f I'crptr'ut' Vouth, . ,xje tx f.od be»nnln« Decem- Donovan of Linttcn, past command- 1 v ; jtrutfT., etiaCijKi* by. Mercer extended thanks to all par- off|c-liil flovvrr In 1HD9. ACcoidilill in i: yuan. ;«• i «turu-.i'. «5 ' May Be New Ellzabethtown Water: Company, her by u group of women from the B»fr«n»rd Mrtal A»«lnM Raul The futllr, <|Ui-.\t' ni^de

    and account* receivable derived I go but how fast you can stop," heReceives Patent Speeding Isn't Dr. Kenneth K. Kearby, <;( ]|| DOLLAR DAY SALE APS ON PAGES 1O, 11, 12 and 14 Foundation Says Not Logic, from the cates of {hew goods is tut reminded. exempt '• • '• ,;' , The chairman added that the Arbor street, haa been granted i By any- standard, New Jersey Always Fast other extreme was the slowpoke United States patent which . m. Is Tax Basis corporation* — except banks, in- Playing The driver who drives too slowly for vides for a method for manufmiutl DOLLAR DAYS DOLLAR DAYS •si •nd- conditions and causes not only un- ing high octane numbenumber gu dition rather than logic For ex-utilities — pay lower state taxes confu-'ttw« announced this week: t Today, I ample: 'foreign corporations pay than in any compbrable state. The •ion, but accideniii as~well. ""^XearbyiriB mernbwrofthe staffj TTo«lay, less than those incorporated in Most motorists associate spited- I Commission is insistent that intel- "Such drivers should remember tne Chemical Division of Friday and i New Jersey; partnerships P«y no.ligent revision of the business tax Lack of knowledge of a simple entered his hand by ruffirig a ing with driving "fast", hilt fkw that the law forbids slow speed* standard Oil Development f • 9 state tuxes at all; and corporations' convention caused a slip in the de- spade, then ted another heart realize that, they may be •'•peed- which Impede or block traffic ex- j structure would not place..New which was, ruffed with dummy's Saturday i. wyth little prortt pay proportionate- Jersey business in op urtfair situa- fense of today's hand and let de- ing" at a low velocity because the, cept when reduced »peed U neces- R Saturday ly more than those eatiunfi large clarer turn an intended sacrifice last trump. This took East's last determining factor to driving con- sary for sate operation or in com- s s tion "with .competitors In other • , Cars aai Oettosi p'roiltki ' states. • : bid into a nice fat profit heart, and declarer took the last ditions. Frank T, Whltty, chair- pliance with law," he said. "Slow,- G A R W O O R A NFORD ENILWORTH -Machinery, equipment, ray> ma- three tricks with his remaining man oi the Cranford Highway pokes should conform, with a reas- Approximately 68 pounds of ( 1 These conditions'alt point to the two trumps and hs established jack Safety Coordinating Committee, onable and prudent minimum speed are used in the various parti <£] terials, work-in-process, and iln- necessity, of ' a drastic' change in 4 K 9 5 2 ona p p earl:' '•. • ; • ' - ishcd K«>otls — nil the things that -tf. 8 -.' , . • of hearts. • declared today. His commentt were or get oft heavily-traveleltld d roadds : /ol. IVIU. No: 27 CRANFORP, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. JULY 26. 19SI 20 Page. — FIVE CENTS the- business" tax laws. The Com- West's play to the second trick made as part of this community's make possible a business enter-? mission suggests four possibilities: 0 K« 8 4 3 in the public interest." I priM? — ;ire supposed t<> be taxed • Q ? 4 was wrong. Having Jed the high- participation In a continuing state- Members of the llocal commit- L.J.Brcnaaa Cr. the same as household goods "at 1) To abolish the present tax on est card in his partner's bid suit, wide traffic safety program./ tee, besides the chairman, are Po- New Sign ID Tribute T9 War 9 County W» a Leader business personal property. WEST «A«T his subsequent plays should have BRENNAN&TOYE S 2 -C HH) por cent of value." But rto It can be. seen that it isn't so lice Chief William Fischer, Magis- >lleges Boys Camp In Cancer Fond Drive „.:!>• To grant permissive local * AQJ63 4 104 been in descending order. He trate Charles Stevens, Township as>essoC sivks to onfwve the law much. a question of whether a Coiniy w*> one of 13 73 Town Workers v7 KQ7 2 Plumbing — Heating as . II he iliil, business taxing powers to municipalities to 5? should have followed with the nine driver is traveling in excess of aEngineer Patrick Grail and School make up for this loss by imposing O Q 0 10 5 spot at' the second trick, not the Supervisor Howard R. Best. New Jeticy coMiUci, to CQ pv*r would remove . us" much personal. certain number of miles per hour tinning accept 62 the toft ut Ihe I9S1 fuod-raiiing .£ • 3 Hropo:,ty as it could to moiv hus- j taxes on llocalizel d businessbi : deuce. The idea of this convention but rather one of whether a driver's Has Record Formation SOUTH is to give information to partner American Ba#lstar Co. cruaade of the American Omeer pitable soil. retailing, services, hotels, and speed is such that hit vehicle is C^il K. Withers, state - •'. 4I,1 .-. ' •'•••.••-. Granted Bonuses The weakness ,ij the present-bus- amusements. .'•;.' so that he will know the distribu- always under control and he can avoid spoilage, Tard. butter; AutomaUo O0 Boraen V A J 10 6 3 tion of the suit and thus plan his 'rom CHS annoiHKCd yesterday. iness l.ix structure- is the possibil- 3) To adopt a classified property stop in time to "avoid an' accident margarine, drippings, rendered fats tM 8onth Ave.. R. CKANFOul Attendance The county raised 106.7- per cent Next Month ity wi "Uix.liBhtn^ji." The "Itji.hi- , 0 A J 7 « 2 defense more intelligently. and opened containers of ulsd oils 3 2- c tux on laodv buildings, machinery, regardless 4f *hy circunutartces of ib goikl and vast ninth highest. l)J< Kiirolln 2MJ Town * J 8 ^lW b i <' t 11 tilni;" sii ikes wluHnui assessor vyho and equipment to recognise Jthe Whenever-you open partner's that might make it difficult for him Ttuc state has uiccesifuHy com- ;••! 1 lias been rtssessinii machinery, differences between machinery and With East-West vulnerable, the suit, and subsequently, play a card to. do so," said the chairman. .3JJ.8'. Sewerage Body Will In Second T«'rm Half Yeur, 1 in that suit which partner can read XBMX1 IX! XBBSXi 3X Tom Fulcher, Cabin 3, pleted its diivr. Mr. Withers said. equipment.-etc.-at «mly a ..small inventory, etc. . . * bidding went: "Having a vemcle 'under, control' r total of $301,167.42 A rccorn 2411 students have reg- i1 inu"tuui of its true value suddenly NORTH as being your lowest,'he then tan be'described as the ability to Education;' Chouten Camper off (Convene liy AiiguMt 16; (This u tho third-lit ft-SITI'.-. C i>f 4) To revise, the corporation KAST SOUTH « WKST in contiibuuoos-. This is the third istered for the necdiid summer term ;iml sharply 'inciv'ases' the valua- franchise tnx to provide an addi- 1 • pass knows with certainty that you have stop it in the assure^clear di«- to Service \ year, and the fifth out of Diri|»ule Near Solution ut Utiloh Junior College, luigeiit ToWdship Committee adopted a flrticli-5 on Sew Jersey lax )>rol>- tion. He may do this for the cur- no more. That is why West should Week at Silver Lake motion Hc-t beioic its meeting Tue»- Ictius ptvparvd /or the. V^u1, J «•««•)/ tional, yet more equitable, tax 2 * 2 0 3 tance ahead." sj/— , am campaigmi. that NeW Jersey has With the Cranford-Mountuiniildc enrollment for a second flmirner vent \ e:ir . and may even reach have-played the nine spot at the The Wise Old Crow Sez: •A |,,)iii of 02" members of the . Tom Fuleher,. son of Mr. and duy night which will allow for» pass Chairman Whitty nointed. out llir>1 term in the collvgu'ft history, Dr. .Association hy rln" W-u* .'«•!•- base. This could best be done by pass pass Lbss "' wl'U-'h was graduated Mrs. George ft. Fuleher of 113 Mo- attained its coal. pass pass ni«e the difference between as- Ruhway Valley Sewerage Author- nounced thin week. .. tloti-J V). IHM-M ace<:>tccl by colleges at week at'Cranford' Boys' Camp at The Cianfofd which What happens te-thi*: •:« .munic- porations, domestic and foreign, to more clubs.. If West had played sured clear distance ahead and'tl)|« i ity is scheduled for cqrhplction by The bonus will conuiKt ot 2'/i New Jersey .is 'approaching :i As the cards were. East-West the nine spot. East would have Used Cars. Wide Selection. Manyi Itlus point. >t was announced in o Silver Lake, wtM among 4l boys ended May S. kept pace with lead- CIUKSCK, which began Mi'tiduy,' ipality t-ittHls extra money,. The liu- pay niiWivn net -assets or net in- could not. have made four spades, apaprent clear distance. * / AugUNt 16, it wan announced ut last will run? six weeks, cndirik AugiiMt per cent of Ihe employe's salary critical tax- situation. Its cili.-vns thonty. t"uul that the added revenue shitted to a spade and West would JieiMX't <''<"'> the ofllce of the suppr- registered last week, the largest inc ccttmtjr nttunM-ipalities by. Koing received from July I, 1051, It wa« km come. . ,.'. • , . but South was. afraid they might, "Drivers should remember that IvisiiiU 'principal,.,Dr. -Howard' R. attendance in the camp's history. Thursday nJght's session of th31e. CluSNcs are conductor! Mojiduy arc asking for mote serviiv.; — can be" •obminoil'by d.oub\in« the have taken the setting trick at once. One Owner. Buy with confidence from j over Hi< U>t> by about seven per Ruhway Valley Joint Meeting in stated m the .mev'ting. _• • ,At a three per cent basis, the and so went to five diamonds, ex- the greater .the speed the greater Director Stanley F. -Grayaon cefct. Ho«af its corporate income tnx is estimated pecting to go oft a counte of tricks the destructivencss. For example, ported. chatrnuuni. announced that' Crun- erty of the XYZ CorpoirnUon. So •'9 6"2. ..' \ • ' . ihe difference in destructiveneu a Dealer whose reputation is established; •rhtsc lluu'res produce a percen- amounting from $7.50 to $125, will present ts«)C IVSOUIMHS 'fan' provido.- 1o yield $32 lo $35 million a year, to save the rubber. , ' — . ,if :iit.8 student* who have Final candidate* . for the toforditeap . ' coatributed more than Failure of Cranford .4ii>3 West- Tjilrtecii iiiKtructoi'M ore on the the assessments :n"e Vnised arbi- West opened the ten of clubs. ' V K 9 4 • • . '. . between 40 and 60 miles an hour li:i stalf for the second Memestcr, which be made In two installment*. Tho, Despite its great powth as indus- trarily. ; • '- while- the tax on i)ct assets Would from 30 ye^rs of fair dealing. lilecii awptcd into college courses uw.ard were, bcultleH Tom. best to the YundL, which had a Held to >ign the agreement has de- East took the ace and continued 0 A J 10 8 can be likened to driving a car oft layed formation of the* authority. drew ii much larger i-nrdlinei.t (iatcH of the instullmcntu will bo " trial state, New,,Jorso,v rol^s on :i The corporation cannot easily :i narrow tux bast-: property. move and $ lias little chancy, for This proposal would permit the Dm inn tin- last school year. fence near the entrance to Cranford Memorial Field, was installed Cubln .A; Richard, Wlllauer, I; the committee continued. ,, . played the deuce of clubs, not the You are vulnerable and have a part compared with a 9-story buildingt 1 to emphasize the fact that the field Is a tribute to the townHhjp's until u plan to sell KCWUKC disposal announced^ There were 175 stu- New Jersey •t.ieoils.. to modernise in loci ions, as IOBJJ us the assess- replacement of all or part of the S „ of tin- class .of '5-1 were in Steve. Foldy,'2; Harry "DeGraw, $22.4 million tax on business in- nine spot. Now -Cast Was sure that score of 60 points. As dealer, what failed war heroes* us well us a place for athletic events, H. ,R. . to Mountainside is woi'ked tients ut the college during th-.i Employt-H of the town who will ' tf^-ffii Its tax'structure, to revise its i\se:il nesit.-- ilo not cxcccil lrtO-per"-cent nilcui' preparatory courses,/ Dr. Kobert Achilles. 5. , liiht summer turm, which ended In ventories and the present' $8 mil- West hod no more clubs,- reading is your opening bid with this hand? Jacobus,. Kcci'oation Committee head, announced. The word —Harry DeGruw, Edgar Brown, out. Recent events seem to point be eligible for this bonus includo policies so that there may. be an ( true value. The larger the busi- WESTFIELD lesi's H'lMirl states. The remaining lion yield of the bank slock tax. the play of the 'deuce as a. "down- Au opening bid of one diamond "memorial" Is accented On the new sign and. pictures of a'soldier in on agreement between the mu- recently. . •.-•'•• mcfnbcrK of'the police, and fire equitable system keyed .to theness and the ur'eater.its investment .BUY— -. '\ • • V liidi-iils \v