Monday, 1 October 2012


The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, Alderman Roger Gifford Alderman Sir Paul Judge Alderman Simon Walsh Alderman Alderman Sir David Howard Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley Alderman John White Alderman Sir Robert Finch Alderman Robert Hall Alderman David Graves Alderman Sir John Stuttard Alderman Alison Gowman Alderman John Garbutt Alderman David Lewis Alderman Gordon Haines Alderman Neil Redcliffe Alderman Ian Luder Alderman & Sheriff Alan Yarrow Alderman Philip Remnant Alderman Nicholas Anstee Alderman Jeffrey Evans Alderman Peter Hewitt Alderman Sir Michael David Bear

Minutes Resolved – That the Minutes of the Court of Aldermen held on 11th September 2012 were correctly recorded.

Alderman Philip The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor lay before the Court a letter from Alderman Remnant – Surrender of Philip Remnant offering to surrender the Office of Alderman for the Ward of Office Bassishaw.

Resolved – Whereupon this Court, taking into consideration the request of Aldermen Philip Remnant, doth agree to accept his surrender of the Office of Alderman of the Ward of Bassishaw, with effect from the last day of the relevant period provided for by Section 3 A (2) of the Act of Common Council, 1960, as amended, and requests the Lord Mayor to hold a wardmote for the election of a fit and able person to be Alderman thereof.

Alderman Sir The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor lay before the Court a letter from Alderman Paul Judge - Surrender of Sir Paul Judge offering to surrender the Office of Alderman for the Ward of Tower. Office Resolved – Whereupon this Court, taking into consideration the request of Aldermen Sir Paul Judge, doth agree to accept his surrender of the Office of Alderman of the Ward of Tower, with effect from the last day of the relevant period provided for by Section 3 A (2) of the Act of Common Council, 1960, as amended, and requests the Lord Mayor to hold a wardmote for the election of a fit and able person to be Alderman thereof. 1 OCTOBER 2012 2

Alderman John The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor lay before the Court a letter from Alderman Cottam White - Surrender of John Cottam White offering to surrender the Office of Alderman for the Ward of Office Billingsgate.

Resolved – Whereupon this Court, taking into consideration the request of Aldermen John Cottam White, doth agree to accept his surrender of the Office of Alderman of the Ward of Billingsgate, with effect from the last day of the relevant period provided for by Section 3 A (2) of the Act of Common Council, 1960, as amended, and requests the Lord Mayor to hold a wardmote for the election of a fit and able person to be Alderman thereof.

Alderman The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor lay before the Court a letter from Alderman Simon Walsh - Surrender of Simon Walsh offering to surrender the Office of Alderman for the Ward of Office Farringdon Without.

Resolved – Whereupon this Court, taking into consideration the request of Aldermen Simon Walsh, doth agree to accept his surrender of the Office of Alderman of the Ward of Farringdon Without, with effect from the last day of the relevant period provided for by Section 3 A (2) of the Act of Common Council, 1960, as amended, and requests the Lord Mayor to hold a wardmote for the election of a fit and able person to be Alderman thereof.