2021-23 Capital Budget Budget Bill PSHB 1080 by Representatives Tharinger and Steele H-1340.1

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2021-23 Capital Budget Budget Bill PSHB 1080 by Representatives Tharinger and Steele H-1340.1 2021-23 Capital Budget Budget Bill PSHB 1080 By Representatives Tharinger and Steele H-1340.1 Office of Program Research March 24, 2021 PSHB 1080 (H-1340.1) – By Representatives Tharinger and Steele • Authorizes new appropriations totaling $5.68 billion in the 2021-23 fiscal biennium: o $3.55 billion in bond proceeds; o $589 million in federal stimulus funds; o $273 million in Model Toxic Control Accounts: o $236 million in alternative financed contracts; and o $1.04 billion in other dedicated accounts. • Reappropriates $4.48 billion, of which $2.88 billion is financed with bonds, for previously authorized capital projects. • Reduces appropriations and reappropriations by $35.2 million in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium. Additional detailed information may be found at: http://leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/budget/detail/2021/hc2123Bien.asp 1 AN ACT Relating to the capital budget; making appropriations and 2 authorizing expenditures for capital improvements; amending RCW 3 43.19.501, 28B.15.210, 28B.15.310, 28B.20.725, 28B.30.750, 4 28B.35.370, 28B.50.360, 43.185.050, 43.155.150, 39.35D.030, and 5 43.63A.125; amending 2019 c 413 ss 1007, 1010, 1014, 1023, 1032, 6 1056, 1058, 1060, 1012, 1064, 1066, 1061, 1074, 1076, 1079, 1077, 7 4002, 4004, 1097, 1098, 2088, 2089, 3020, 3091, 3278, 3301, 3217, 8 3235, 5011, 5020, and 5047, and 2020 c 356 ss 6002, 1003, 1006, 1011, 9 1013, 1009, 1022, 1027, 3025, 3062, 5002, and 5011 (uncodified); 10 reenacting and amending RCW 90.94.090 and 43.155.050; creating new 11 sections; repealing 2019 c 413 ss 1004, 1107, 1108, 1109, and 2034 12 (uncodified); making appropriations; providing an expiration date; 13 and declaring an emergency. 14 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 15 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) A capital budget is hereby adopted 16 and, subject to the provisions set forth in this act, the several 17 dollar amounts hereinafter specified, or so much thereof as shall be 18 sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are hereby 19 appropriated and authorized to be incurred for capital projects 20 during the period beginning with the effective date of this act and 21 ending June 30, 2023, out of the several funds specified in this act. Code Rev/CL:lel 1 H-1340.1/21 1 (2) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this act 2 unless the context clearly requires otherwise. 3 (a) "Fiscal year 2022" or "FY 2022" means the period beginning 4 July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022. 5 (b) "Fiscal year 2023" or "FY 2023" means the period beginning 6 July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023. 7 (c) "Lapse" or "revert" means the amount shall return to an 8 unappropriated status. 9 (d) "Provided solely" means the specified amount may be spent 10 only for the specified purpose. 11 (3) Unless otherwise specifically authorized in this act, any 12 portion of an amount provided solely for a specified purpose that is 13 not expended subject to the specified conditions and limitations to fulfill the specified purpose shall lapse.14 15 (4) The amounts shown under the headings "Prior Biennia," "Future 16 Biennia," and "Total" in this act are for informational purposes only 17 and do not constitute legislative approval of these amounts. "Prior 18 biennia" typically refers to the immediate prior biennium for 19 reappropriations, but may refer to multiple biennia in the case of 20 specific projects. A "future biennia" amount is an estimate of what 21 may be appropriated for the project or program in the 2023-2025 22 biennium and the following three biennia; an amount of zero does not 23 necessarily constitute legislative intent to not provide funding for the project or program in the future.24 25 (5) "Reappropriations" in this act are appropriations and, unless 26 the context clearly provides otherwise, are subject to the relevant 27 conditions and limitations applicable to appropriations. 28 Reappropriations shall be limited to the unexpended balances 29 remaining on June 30, 2021, from the 2019-2021 biennial 30 appropriations for each project. 31 PART 1 32 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 33 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1001. FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS 34 Trial Court Security Improvements (91000001) 35 Appropriation: 36 State Building Construction Account—State. $750,000 37 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $0 Code Rev/CL:lel 2 H-1340.1/21 1 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 2 TOTAL. $750,000 3 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1002. FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS 4 Temple of Justice - HVAC, Lighting & Plumbing (91000002) 5 Appropriation: 6 Coronavirus Capital Projects Account—Federal. $31,000,000 7 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $0 8 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 9 TOTAL. $31,000,000 10 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1003. FOR THE COURT OF APPEALS 11 Division III Roof Replacement and Maintenance (30000003) 12 Reappropriation: 13 State Building Construction Account—State. $27,000 14 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $235,000 15 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 16 TOTAL. $262,000 17 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1004. FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF 18 STATE 19 Library-Archives Building (30000033) 20 The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following 21 conditions and limitations: The reappropriation is subject to the 22 provisions of section 1002, chapter 413, Laws of 2019. 23 Reappropriation: 24 State Building Construction Account—State. $4,078,000 25 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $1,222,000 26 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 27 TOTAL. $5,300,000 28 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1005. FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF 29 STATE 30 State Archives Minor Works Projects (30000042) 31 Reappropriation: 32 State Building Construction Account—State. $471,000 Code Rev/CL:lel 3 H-1340.1/21 1 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $102,000 2 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 3 TOTAL. $573,000 4 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1006. FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 5 WTBBL Security Improvements (30000043) 6 Appropriation: 7 Washington State Library Operations Account— 8 Federal. $510,000 9 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $0 10 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 11 TOTAL. $510,000 12 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1007. FOR THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 13 Archives Minor Works (30000044) 14 Appropriation: 15 State Building Construction Account—State. $325,000 16 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $0 17 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 18 TOTAL. $325,000 19 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1008. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 20 Community Economic Revitalization Board (30000097) 21 Reappropriation: 22 Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving 23 Account—State. $8,020,000 24 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $10,000,000 25 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 26 TOTAL. $18,020,000 27 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1009. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 28 Public Works Assistance Account Program 2013 Loan List (30000184) 29 Reappropriation: 30 Public Works Assistance Account—State. $1,523,000 31 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $32,378,000 32 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 Code Rev/CL:lel 4 H-1340.1/21 1 TOTAL. $33,901,000 2 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1010. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 3 Clean Energy and Energy Freedom Program (30000726) 4 The reappropriations in this section are subject to the following 5 conditions and limitations: The reappropriations are subject to the 6 provisions of section 6003, chapter 4, Laws of 2017 3rd sp. sess. 7 Reappropriation: 8 State Building Construction Account—State. $6,302,000 9 State Taxable Building Construction Account— 10 State. $2,997,000 11 Subtotal Reappropriation. $9,299,000 12 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $31,101,000 13 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 14 TOTAL. $40,400,000 15 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1011. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 16 Building Communities Fund Program (30000803) 17 Reappropriation: 18 State Building Construction Account—State. $1,497,000 19 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $18,168,000 20 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 21 TOTAL. $19,665,000 22 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1012. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 23 Housing Trust Fund Appropriation (30000833) 24 The reappropriations in this section are subject to the following 25 conditions and limitations: The reappropriations are subject to the 26 provisions of section 1005, chapter 35, Laws of 2016 sp. sess. 27 Reappropriation: 28 State Taxable Building Construction Account— 29 State. $1,492,000 30 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $78,508,000 31 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 32 TOTAL. $80,000,000 33 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1013. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Code Rev/CL:lel 5 H-1340.1/21 1 2015-17 Community Economic Revitalization Board Program 2 (30000834) 3 Reappropriation: 4 Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving 5 Account—State. $3,000,000 6 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $7,600,000 7 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 8 TOTAL. $10,600,000 9 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1014. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 10 Ultra-Efficient Affordable Housing Demonstration (30000836) 11 The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following 12 conditions and limitations: The reappropriation is subject to the 13 provisions of section 1006, chapter 35, Laws of 2016 sp. sess. 14 Reappropriation: 15 Washington Housing Trust Account—State. $600,000 16 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $1,900,000 17 Future Biennia (Projected Costs). $0 18 TOTAL. $2,500,000 19 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1015. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 20 2017 Local and Community Projects (30000846) 21 The reappropriation in this section is subject to the following 22 conditions and limitations: The reappropriation is subject to the 23 provisions of section 6004, chapter 4, Laws of 2017 3rd sp. sess. 24 Reappropriation: 25 State Building Construction Account—State. $1,750,000 26 Prior Biennia (Expenditures). $9,128,000 27 Future Biennia (Projected Costs).
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