665 AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science. 2021. 43(3): 665-678 AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science www.agrivita.ub.ac.id

Commercial Potentials and Agronomic Status of elatior, a Promising Horticulture from Family Muhamad Fahmi Yunus1*), Nor Asiah Ismail2), Tamil Chelvan Meenakshi Sundram1), Zarina Zainuddin1) and Norsalsabila Mohd Rosli1) 1) Department of Plant Science, Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University (IIUM), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia 2) Agrobiodiversity and Environment Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Selangor, Malaysia

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: or torch is a species under the Zingiberaceae Botany family, primarily distributed in tropical forests and humid, shady places. Breeding It is a coarse herb often growing in large colonies, characterized by Medicinal plant elongated leafy stems up to 5 m height arising from underground Ornamental plant . It is known as kantan in Malaysia and kecombrang in Plant physiology . The is famous as an ingredient in Malay, Indonesian and Thai dishes. The extract from its stem is used to reduce Article History: swelling, and post-partum women use the leaves while the fruits are Received: March 2, 2021 used to treat earache, diarrhea, coughs, and mouth sores. Because it Accepted: July 30, 2021 has a beautiful appearance, it is also widely marketed as a promising floriculture and horticulture plant. Recently,he t rising demand from ) * Corresponding author: customers for the versatility and durability of cut flowers has made E-mail: [email protected] farmers and the horticulture industry search for new cultivars. Thus, researchers are keen to generate cultivars with various colors, shapes, yields, and longer vase life. This could be done through different techniques such as intensive germplasm collection, hybridization programs, and plant biotechnology techniques. Towards achieving these aims, this review provides current insight on E. elatior from botanical, physiological growth, breeding, , ecology, commercial potential, postharvest, medicinal, and food nutritional aspects.

INTRODUCTION Malaysia is located in one of the floristic regions globally and recognized as one of the mega Genus Etlingera is found in Southeast Asia, biodiversity countries diverse in exotic plant species. South Asia, and the Pacific Islands, with Borneo and The export value of Malaysia’s floriculture industry serving as epicenters of species stands at US$ 119 million (RM 500 million) in 2017, richness. This genus has many plant species in which created 50,000 jobs opportunities. Moreover, various colors, sizes, and shapes (Poulsen, 2006). Malaysia is ranked 8th in the world as an exporter Etlingera have a lot of potential as cut flowers of floriculture products. Thus, the expansion of and ornamental plants. The plants themselves the industry will increase the national income are beautiful, and their blossoms have a lot of and strengthen the nation’s economy (Nik Mohd decorative value. As of 2020, 129 Etlingera species Masdek, Ahmad, Mazwan Muhammad, Ahmad, & were reported by Plants of the World (2020). Out of Abu Dardak, 2020). Interestingly, the government the 1587 species known globally, at least 25 genera of Malaysia has targeted E. elatior as one of the and 650 species of Etlingera are found in Malaysia potential herbs to be commercialized. In Malaysia, (Sirirugsa, 1999). E. elatior has increased steeply from 905.07 metric

ISSN: 0126-0537 Accredited First Grade by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia, Decree No: 30/E/KPT/2018

Cite this as: Yunus, M. F., Ismail, N. A., Sundram, T. C. M., Zainuddin, Z., & Mohd Rosli, N. (2021). Commercial potentials and agronomic status of Etlingera elatior, a promising horticulture plant from Zingiberaceae family. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 43(3), 665-678. https://doi.org/10.17503/agrivita.v43i3.2957 666

Muhamad Fahmi Yunus et al.: Commercial Potentials and Agronomic Status of E. elatior...... tons in 2014 to 1,787.13 metric tons in 2018, where span. The of the Etlingera species, Pahang remains the primary producer of this plant either with short stems or the inflorescence, appear (Department of Agriculture, 2018). In addition, the above the surface, except for E. elatior, E. venusta, floriculture industry remains economically viable E. corneri, E. hemispherica and E. pyramidosphera even during the economic downturn (Nik Mohd which have long peduncles (Yeats, 2013). Masdek & Ab Halim, 2016). The varying shades E. elatior is one of the most commonly of white, pink, and red colors of the bracts and known species of Etlingera. Based on Yeats (2013), flowers make this species an attractive ornamental the genus Etlingera was first described by Paul plant. Due to the commercial value of the plant, in- Dietrich Giseke in 1792. This genus is also known depth biological studies have been performed by as torch ginger or wax flower due to the striking the researchers on ecology, habitat, growth habit, resemblance of the inflorescence to a flaming torch. life cycle, postharvest, and development of new Cultivated throughout the tropics, E. elatior is native cultivars. Hence, this review highlights the insight of to Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia (Larsen, E. elatior from the botanist, ecologist, physiologist, Ibrahim, Khaw, & Saw, 1999). and breeder perspectives that will help the industry Previously, E. elatior has been classified in the future. under few different scientific names: Alpinia elatior Jack; Nicolaia elatior (Jack) Horan.; Phaeomeria The Taxonomy of Etlingera elatior magnifica (Roscoe) K. Schum.; Phaeomeria Zingiberae, Hedychieae, Alpineae, and speciosa (Blume) Koord. However, in later years, the Globbeae are the four tribes that make up the genus is named after a German botanist Andreas monocotyledonous Zingiberaceae family (Larsen, Ernst Etlinger. Meanwhile, the species name is Ibrahim, Khaw, & Saw, 1999). Plants of the Worlds elatior, derived from the Latin word “taller” (Yeats, Online, an online database developed by Royal 2013) . On the other hand, many other Etlingera Botanic Gardens at Kew, England, stated that this species have vast potential for development, family consists of 58 accepted genera with 1587 such as Philippine endemic ginger, E. dalican, E. accepted species. The systematics of this family, pandanicarpa, E. fimbriobracteata and E. burtii however, is far from complete. Zingiberaceae family (Acma & Mendez, 2018). Below is the taxonomical is resilient to climate change with high adaptability classification of E. elatior: towards different growing conditions. The Domain: Eukaryota Zingiberaceae plants are rhizomatous, perennial Kingdom: Plantae and they grow on the ground of tropical forests Phylum: Spermatophyta and humid, shady places (Hintze, 2013). Perennial Subphylum: Angiospermae herbaceous plants from the family of Zingiberaceae, Class: Monocotyledonae are well-known for their ornamental, unique flavors, Order: and medicinal values (Zahara, Hasanah, & Zaliand, Family: Zingiberaceae 2018). Zahara, Hasanah, & Zaliand (2018) also Genus: Etlingera specified that all or some parts of the plant from Species: E. elatior Zingiberaceae family are usually aromatic. That is why this ginger family is commonly found as primary Ecology, Habitat, and Botanical Description ingredients in food, spices, medicines, dyes, and E. elatior grows in open areas within its native perfume (Kumar, Saxena, Singh, & Saxena, 2013). range, at primary and secondary forest margins, and The majority of the Zingiberaceae family is widely low elevation. It thrives in partial shade, humus-rich used in traditional medicine in Malaysia (Ibrahim & fertile, well-drained, moist soil and grows on acidic Khamis, 2004; Sivasothy, Sulaiman, Ooi, Ibrahim, soils (Lim, 2012). The plant is known for its beautiful & Awang, 2013) and one of the well-known genera appearance of deep red-colored inflorescence and from Zingiberaceae family is Genus Etlingera. is surrounded by red bracts. Due to its high ability The Etlingera species varies in size, ranging of colonization, its seeds can spread widely across from less than a meter, and can reach 5-6 m. Even forest grounds and unaltered forests, covering new though traditionally used by a large segment of the habitats quickly. Moreover, this plant can grow community, the majority of the Etlingera species in disturbed areas, forest edges, and roadsides lack ornamental value due to their short vase-life (Mertz, 1999). 667

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E. elatior is a fast-growing medicinal plant, and of inflorescences is pine-cone shaped, consisting of several researchers have described its morphology. spirally overlapping flowers and leafless peduncles It is a large plant with elongated leafy stems arising (Chin, 1999; Choon & Ding, 2016; Larsen, Ibrahim, from underground rhizomes, which may reach up Khaw, & Saw, 1999). Its inflorescence is considered to 4 m in height (Chin, 1999; Choon & Ding, 2016). a terminal flower that emerged from the same The leaves are lanceolate in shape, 38-85 cm in as the mother plant (Choon, Ding, Mahmud, length, and 8-18 cm wide, with a short leaf stalk. & Shaari, 2016). The inflorescence has red, pink, The lower young leaf surface is often purplish and is or white bracts surrounding its base. The individual glossy green above the surface. Moreover, the leaf flowers of E. elatior with ornamental arrangements tip is short with a narrow point, and the leaf base is consist of fertile inner bracts surrounded by sterile broad with wavy edges (Saidin, 2000). outer bracts (Fig. 2) (Hintze, 2013). Commonly, The inflorescence stalk is around 90 cm tall, the outer bracts are showy, prominent, broad, and with green sheaths and a flower head about 20-25 cm spreading. in diameter and about 10 cm long (Fig. 1). The head

Fig. 1. E. elatior is a large plant elongated leafy stems arising from underground rhizomes which may reach up to 4 m height. It flowers all year round with average of 18-24 flowers bloom from single inflorescence 668

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Fig. 2. The numerous flowers are close together and opening in a series of concentric circles. The individual true flowers of E. elatior with ornamental arrangements consist of fertile inner bracts and surrounded with sterile outer bracts

Meanwhile, the inner bracts are narrow, capsule-shaped, containing black seeds (Aswani, pinkish , labellum deep red with a narrow white Sabu, & Smisha, 2013). The fruits of this plant can or yellow margin (Henderson, 1954; Poulsen, 2006). be either green or red, with an abundance of seeds The labellum or lip functions as a platform for produced from a single inflorescence (Aswani, small insects, which assist the pollination process Sabu, & Smisha, 2013; Henderson, 1954). The (Aswani, Sabu, & Smisha, 2013). The flowers fruit’s head develops atop the robust scape as the are densely packed and open in a sequence of fruits develop. Meanwhile, the large and fleshy concentric circles. Three small teeth are generally syncarps are eaten and dispersed by squirrels found on the tubular calyx. The corolla, tubular at (Larsen, Ibrahim, Khaw, & Saw, 1999). the base with three petals, is frequently longer than Butterflies, Amegilla bees, stingless bees the calyx. (Tetragonula iridipennis), and sunbirds (Nectarinia Furthermore, the labellum is longer than asiatica and N. zeylonica) have all been spotted the petals with infolded sides. Meanwhile, the pollinating this species (Aswani, Sabu, & Smisha, staminodes are insignificant or non-existent, and 2013; Specht, Yockteng, Almeida, Kirchoff, & Kress, the stamen stalk is short (Chin, 1999; Saidin, 2000). 2012). Research from Aswani, Sabu, & Smisha Fruits are found in the inflorescence head, (2013) showed that N. asiatica, N. zeylonica and T. with around 2.5 cm length, smooth or hairy, round or irridipennis carried more pollen load on their body 669

Muhamad Fahmi Yunus et al.: Commercial Potentials and Agronomic Status of E. elatior...... parts with frequent visits and a high transferring rate Commercial Potentials of E. elatior of pollen to the stigma. Production of herbal plants in Malaysia for 2018 has reached a good value of RM 69 million Growth Habit and Life Cycle (Department of Agriculture, 2018). According to There are four phases in the development Department of Agriculture (2018), the planting area and growth of the inflorescence, as described in for E. elatior alone has increased from 178.31 ha detail by Choon, Ding, Mahmud, & Shaari (2016). in 2014 to 356.18 ha in 2018. This statistic shows They are peduncle elongation, inflorescence that the demand for E. elatior is gradually increasing emergence, flowering, and finally, senescence. The year by year. The 2018 production in Malaysia has inflorescence comprises floral and involucral bract reached 1,787.13 metric tons, a steep increase in which a mature inflorescence has 20-25 layers from 905.07 metric tons in 2014. The average yield of floral bracts and 3-4 layers of involucral bracts. A of this plant was reported at 6.06 mt/ha, with an mature inflorescence consists of around 120 actual overall production value of RM 9.83 million. Across flowers. E.elatior begins flowering after 50 days of Malaysia, the average retail price per stalk is RM inflorescence development. The involucral bracts 1.45. In Malaysia, the state of Pahang is the largest start to unfold layer by layer until the first ring of producer of E. elatior with 1,132.35 mt or 64% of actual flower opens, found between the floral bracts. national production. Moreover, E. elatior plantation It roughly takes 155 days for the E.elatior to develop in Pahang has increased from 178.31 ha in 2014 from rhizome until the inflorescence senescence to 356.18 ha in 2017 (Department of Agriculture, (Choon & Ding, 2016). 2018). Thus, this species needs to be propagated E. elatior has two different growth stages, in large numbers and continuous improvement on the vegetative and the reproductive stage. Choon & certain plant characters. Ding (2016) reported that the vegetative stage of E. Meanwhile, in recent years, demand for small elatior takes about 22 days for the first leaf shoot to pot plants has led to research for producing dwarf E. emerge from rhizome. In addition, during the leafy elatior for ornamental purposes (Muangkaewngam shoot growth, cigar leaf emerges one after another, & Te-chato, 2018). Paclobutrazol was chosen as unfold and lines alternatively on the leafy shoot. This the best treatment for dwarfing the plant through plant remains in a vegetative stage for 70 days until inhibition of gibberellin synthesis. Paclobutrazol inflorescence shoot emerges, where it switches into application was successful and has been used on the reproductive stage once the floral stem emerges chrysanthemum, orchid, and lily previously to get from the clump. It flowers all year round, with an small plants by controlling the canopy character, average of 18-24 flowers blooms from a single which revealed no difference for stomatal opening inflorescence (Aswani, Sabu, & Smisha, 2013). and ability to photosynthesize (Muangkaewngam & Floral development of E. elatior has been Te-chato, 2018). divided into four different stages by Choon & Ding (2017). The four developmental stages include Traditional Uses (1) First stage: Tight or closed buds, occurring 35 Traditional medicine has long been regarded days after stem emerged from the ground (Fig. 3); as a cultural heritage in some countries. Most people (2) Second stage: Six reflexing tips and unfolding in the countryside still depend on medicinal plants of six pieces of involucralbracts, 45 days upon as the primary source for treatment and health care stem emergence from the ground (Fig. 4); (3) Third (Lianah, Krisantini, & Wegener, 2020). This plant Stage: Complete unfolding of involucral bracts, 58 has a long history of traditional commercial uses in days after stem emergence from the ground and Southeast Asia, where every part is valuable and (4) Fourth stage: Full bloom, 60 days after stem can be used as material in preparing traditional emergence from the ground (Fig. 5). medicines. In Malaysia and Southern , the According to Choon & Ding (2016), there young inflorescences are used as herbs and food are two E. elatior propagation methods, i.e., sexual ingredients. The extract from the stem is used to method through seeds or by asexual method reduce swelling, while decoctions of the leaves are through rhizomes. For flowering, the period will start used to clean wounds. Post-partum women also almost 12 months after planting the rhizome, and use the leaves for bathing to remove body odor a year longer may be needed if seeds were used and wound cleaning. In Malaysia and Indonesia, (Choon & Ding, 2016). 670

Muhamad Fahmi Yunus et al.: Commercial Potentials and Agronomic Status of E. elatior...... the fruits are also used to treat earaches, diarrhea, In Southeast Asia, the inflorescence is famous coughs, mouth sores, and increase human appetite as an ingredient in Malay, Nyonya, Indonesian and (Habsah et al., 2005; Ismail, Rafii, Mahmud, Hanafi, Thai dishes. It was reported by Lim (2012) that its & Miah, 2019; Sabilu et al., 2017). flower petals and half-ripe fruiting shoots are widely Other than that, E. elatior has also been used as an ingredient in traditional Malay cuisines effective in treating typhoid fever symptoms within such as Penang laksa, nasi ulam, nasi kerabu and one to two weeks. The pseudostems were blended mixed vegetables. The mature fruits of E. elatior are and filtered to get the liquid and served to treat the edible with a sour taste and preferably processed typhoid fever patient. In Indonesia, it also serves as into candies. In North Sumatra, the flower buds and a traditional supplement drink (Sabilu et al., 2017). the ripe seed pods containing tiny black seeds are used for cooking fish dishes.

Fig. 3. Floral development of E. elatior has been divided into four different stages by Choon & Ding (2017). The picture shown above is a first stage or tight or closed buds, occurring 35 days after stem emerged from the ground 671

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Fig. 4. Second stage of floral development consists of six reflexing tips and unfolding of six piecesof involcural bracts. Occur 45 days upon stem emergence from the ground. E.elatior begins flowering after 50 days of inflorescence development 672

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Fig. 5. The head of inflorescence is pine-cone shaped, consisting of spirally overlapping flowers and leafless peduncle. Fourth stage of floral development or full bloom, 60 days after stem emergence from the ground

Development of New Cultivars through Breeding profitable horticultural and floricultural products. Programme Numerous cultivars with high ornamental values An attempt for genetic improvement from wild have been registered worldwide, including cultivars cultivars has emerged in early human civilization. of Thai White, Tropical (Hoult & Marcsik, 2000), One of the oldest reports of successful generation Almost White, Bloody Mary, Frilly Pink, and Red of the new cultivar was reported during the 355-417 Torch (Hintze, 2013). Other Etlingera species with AD in , as mentioned in the poem of Tao Qian great ornamental value which have been registered for Jiahua Chrysanthemum. Report of the first time were Etlingera helani ‘Black Tulip’, E. hemispherica using wild species as the ornamental plant goes ‘Alba-Red Tulip’, E. hemispherica ‘Flower Forest’, back to the Chinese Xia Dynasty during 2100 BC- E. hemispherica ‘Olympic Torch’, E. venusta “White 1600 BC (Heywood, 2003). Venusta” (Hintze, 2013; Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, In response to the floriculturist demand, Lasker, & Ford, 2003). extensive research is being conducted, leading Attempt to create a hybrid was performed to more variation in the range of colours, shapes, to broaden its genetic variation, and it remains a yield, and extending vase-life. Screening for suitable challenging process. The selection of different agro- breeding materials can improve the classification morphological characters like colors and yield was and utilization of the plant. For Etlingera species, conducted by Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, Lasker, & E. elatior has been most commonly promoted as Ford (2003). Only 9 from 89 crossing attempts were 673

Muhamad Fahmi Yunus et al.: Commercial Potentials and Agronomic Status of E. elatior...... able to produce seed pods. However, only 7 out of design and vase life. Harvesting stages are divided 9 putative crossings were generated, with only half into three stages: closed (base bracts closed), reaching the seedling stage. Only 40% of seedlings semi-open (base bracts beginning to open and survived up to field trial, and three new cultivars with central part of the inflorescence visible), or open improved vase life ranging from 12 to 16 days were (base bracts completely open and flower opening) generated and commercialized by the Australian (de Araújo et al., 2018). Closed buds, known as floriculturist (Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, Lasker, & “candlesticks,” were harvested early for export Ford, 2003). (Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, Lasker, & Ford, 2003). However, as a cut-flower, Etlingera lacks a Additionally, inflorescences mass that can weigh good vase-life. E. elatior ‘Thai White’ cultivar has a up to a kilogram makes the postharvest process vase life of 6-10 days, while ‘Tropicas’ cultivar has tedious and laborious, leads to the high price for the a short vase-life with 3-5 days, limiting its market consumers (Gonçalves, Colombo, & Castro, 2014). potential (Hoult & Marcsik, 2000). Researchers have For cut flower plant, E. elatior has the started an intense hybridization program to extend shortcoming of several agro-morphological the vase-life of Etlingera varieties to solve this characters where the durability of the flower cut shortcoming. However, only one cross-hybridization is just an average of six days of vase-life, heavy attempt from ten different combinations involving flower stems, and low yield of flowers (Choon & four parents resulted in a successful cross (Marcsik, Ding, 2016). Some of the cultivars show good Hoult, Connelly, Lasker, & Ford, 2003). yields, for example cultivar of Tropicas can produce de Araújo et al. (2018) proposed that cultivar 150-200 stems per plant, Thai White can yield 100- IAC 41 and IAC Camburi were chosen as the 120 stems/plant, and Ironstone produced 50 stems/ suitable cultivars for the breeding program based on plant (Hoult & Marcsik, 2000). In addition, IAC 41 their flower appearance and vase life where 8 and and the cultivar IAC Camburi produced 33.25 and 5 days were observed, respectively. On a positive 41.20 flower stems/plant, respectively (de Araújo et note, application of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) al., 2018). and Florissant® were reported to be successful Post-Harvest in prolonging the durability of the blooming To determine E. elatior suitability as cut flower inflorescence up to five days (Bayogan & Gratuito, with great acceptability for export industry, the 2015; Unemoto, de Faria, Takahashi, de Assis, & researchers developed a grading system based on Lone, 2011). floriculturist standard. The vase life grading system Due to the inflorescence structure, the by Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, Lasker, & Ford (2003) crossing process of the Etlingera and its analysis suggested that E. elatior inflorescences at four is challenging to perform. Thus, a more effective developmental stages can be used as a standard means of identifying individual flowers which have to help farmers with the export market. The stages been pollinated is needed. Furthermore, a more are (1) tight bud (TB: closed and pigmented bud, thorough understanding of stigma receptivity and 35 days after emergence above ground), (2) pollen viability would be beneficial (Marcsik, Hoult, six reflexing tips (SRT: six pieces of involucral Connelly, Lasker, & Ford, 2003). The difficulty bracts unfolded, 45 days after emergence), (3) of crossing is proven with low fruit set due to the all involucral bracts unfolded (IBU: 58 days after position of the individual flowers in inflorescence, emergence above ground), and (4) full bloom (FB: identifying crossed and pollinated flowers (Aswani, the first ring of actual flowers opened, 60 days Sabu, & Smisha, 2013). Interestingly, artificial after emergence above ground) (Choon & Ding, cross-pollination showed a better fruit set than open 2017). Postharvest durability (PHD) or period pollination, with adequate pollination observed acceptable floricultural plants for consumers to use if some external agents are used. Stigmas under varies between varieties in different countries. On natural pollination were screened, and only 30% of average, Australia’s cultivars varied between 3-10 the stigmas observed have attached pollen grains days, Malaysia is 6 days, Latin Americas IAC 41 is (Aswani, Sabu, & Smisha, 2013). 8 days, while both IAC Prumirim and IAC Camburi Continuous improvement is needed for long- are 5 days (Choon, Ding, Mahmud, & Shaari, 2016; term viability, especially for the cut flower market. de Araújo et al., 2018; Marcsik, Hoult, Connelly, Floriculturists have different demands, different Lasker, & Ford, 2003). harvesting times based on the demand of floral 674

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Comprehensive studies were performed to of both compounds decreased once the flower get an insight into the nature of the flower blooming starts to open sequentially. This led to the changes and the mechanical aspect of the inflorescence of color to dark and drying of external bracts and the growth. The previous report has shown that the upper part of the peduncle (de Araújo et al., 2018). transfer of photo-assimilates from the vegetative Medicinal and Food Nutritional Values of E. stem for flower stem development occurs once it elatior switches to the reproductive system (Choon & Ding, Many researchers have reported on 2017). For a cut flower, the ability of the stem to the medicinal values of E. elatior. Flavonoids, stand without any support is related to its mechanical terpenoids, saponins, and tannins are essential strength, which involves rigidity and strength of the compounds successfully isolated from E. elatior stem. Choon & Ding (2017) stated bract’s cell wall inflorescences. Anthocyanin is the highly detected metabolism relationship between inflorescence flavonoid compound in inflorescence (Anzian, opening and peduncle strength where degradation Rashidah, Nazamid, Che Wan Sapawi, & Meor of cellulose in involucral and floral bracts occurred Hussin, 2017; Chan, Lim, & Wong, 2011). Study during inflorescence opening. from Juwita, Puspitasari, & Levita (2018) showed A strong peduncle is necessary to support that anthocyanin in the inflorescence is able to heavy and oversized flowers at the flower blooming inhibit the ovarian cancer lines through cytotoxic stage. Anatomy studies performed by Choon & activity. In addition, the ethanolic extract of E. Ding (2017) revealed that the upper and lower elatior inflorescence has a vigorous antioxidant part of the peduncle shared identical characters activity and could be used as a treatment for throughout the growing period. Higher mechanical lead poisoning (Chan et al., 2008; Habsah et support is characterized with two essential events, al., 2005; Haleagrahara, Jackie, Chakravarthi, lignification of vascular bundle and cellulase Rao, & Pasupathi, 2010; Jackie, Haleagrahara, activity. The anatomical studies revealed that & Chakravarthi, 2011). Moreover, the E. elatior vascular bundles were abundant in the peduncle. flower extracts were also proved to repress Human Vascular bundles involved in the translocation breast carcinoma tumor cell lines of MCF-7 and process were found in the upper and lower part of MDA-MB-231 (Ghasemzadeh, Jaafar, Rahmat, the peduncle throughout the growing period. The & Ashkani, 2015). Plus, Wong, Sivasothy, Boey, cellulase activity varies during the closed buds, Osman, & Sulaiman (2010) has successfully and involucral bracts unfolded stage; the cellulase extracted essential oil from leaves, roots and activities were high and lower cellulase activity was rhizomes of E. elatior. observed during flower booming, which leads to the There is always a demand for marketable shortage of cellulose content in involucral bract. and high nutritional products in the food and health Before the complete bloom stage, substantial turgor supplement sectors (Kumari, Ujala, & Bhargava, pressure with the cell wall thickening occurred in the 2021). The nutritional properties of the inflorescence peduncle. In addition, a surge of cellulose content are highly valued. The inflorescence contains a and mobilization of lignin to the vascular bundle high level of protein, crude lipid, and fiber, with the happened. Those lignified vascular functions contents on dry weight basis is 12.6%, 18.2%, and support the increment of water and carbohydrates 17.6%, respectively. Furthermore, the inflorescence from the mother plant to maintain the pressure contains essential minerals like potassium, calcium, turgor for the flower blooming. magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium, and During the flower blooming stage, two boron. These elements are necessary for human enzymes were involved: cellulase and pectin functioning, both intracellular and extracellular methylesterase. Both cellulose and pectin involve (Wijekoon, Karim, & Bhat, 2011). The presence loosening the cell walls, cause the influx of water of anthocyanin in a flower makes it more resistant and cell expansion before the flower blooming to heat during food processing or pasteurization, stage. It is a stage where water uptake occurs reducing the flower’s susceptibility to degradation at the highest rate (Bayogan & Gratuito, 2015). as the temperature rises. It maintains the quality of Accumulation of soluble sugars and starch grains the food products and makes them more marketable occurred before flower blooming. The concentration for export purposes. 675

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CONCLUSION side, the garden in the house is a new trend in Malaysia where researchers can grab an advantage This section highlights different perspectives from it. One of those is to get plants suitable for to increase the value of this ornamental plant. indoor conditions as Malaysians move towards In Malaysia, the economic potential of this plant modern interior decorations. The successful remains promising with E. elatior’s planting area inducing dwarfism of E. elatior was the starting alone increased from 178.31 ha in 2014 to 356.18 point to produce cultivar suitable for indoor plants. ha in 2018. This proves that the demand for E. Moreover, the flower is used for floral arrangement elatior is gradually increasing year by year. The during festive and wedding occasions. data by the Malaysian government agencies also Another prospect is new cultivars development showed the increasing trend of the bud’s price, that and genetic improvement through biotechnology. are used as a spice in culinary. From a floriculturist Biotechnological techniques that can be manipulated perspective, customers’ rising demand for versatility, are somaclonal variation through plant tissue culture, durability, and low cost has cut flower markets genetic engineering, and in vitro mutation. Moreover, constantly search for new options in diversifying E. elatior is a valuable plant species where every the product. Incentives by the government for part, including young inflorescences, stem, leaves, the floriculture industry are suggested options in and fruit, has its nutritional value. It would be worth strengthening the competitiveness of the industry. exploring the possibility of improvising and producing In the meantime, further research is necessary to new food products based on the nutritional value understand the market’s dynamic by taking into of the plant. In conclusion, continuous genetic account the response by the farmers and industry improvement is suggested to generate premium for diversification of the export market. cultivars for planting materials with higher quality Thus, to meet the demand of the cut flower flower appearance, vase-life, and medicinal value. market, floriculturists need to create new E. elatior variants in range of colours, shapes, yield ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and extended vase-life. To date, researchers are implementing intensive hybridization programs Authors are grateful to the Ministry of Higher to improve the quality of E. elatior. However, low Education, Malaysia and International Islamic success rates have been reported, with only one University Malaysia for the RACER/1/2019/STG05/ successful attempt of cross-hybridization from ten UIAM//1 research grant. different combinations. Additionally, the national germplasm and national database portal for REFERENCES collections need to be constructed to select traits Acma, F. M., & Mendez, N. P. (2018). Noteworthy records that can be used in the future to generate more new of Philippine endemic (Zingiberaceae) cultivars. in the buffer zone of Mt. Hamiguitan Range In recent years, research on the vase life Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental, . of the flowers gains attention among scientists. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 16, Longer vase-life and understanding the postharvest 111–115. https://doi.org/10.22364/eeb.16.10 process to maintain the quality of the cut flowers are Anzian, A., Rashidah, S., Nazamid, S., Che Wan Sapawi, necessary. The dynamic response of the cut flower C. W. N. S., & Meor Hussin, A. S. (2017). to various postharvest treatments is something that Chemical composition and antioxidant activity can be further explored. Even though the attempt to of torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) flower extract. prolong the flower blooming using one of the most Food and Applied Bioscience Journal, 5(1), 32– used postharvest chemicals, 1-MCP has failed, 49. https://doi.org/10.14456/fabj.2017.4 there are plenty of other options to be investigated. Aswani, K., Sabu, M., & Smisha, K. P. (2013). Therefore, it is suggested to use physical chemicals Reproductive biology of Etlingera elatior (Jack.) and gaseous treatments in reducing senescence. R. M. SM. ornamental torch ginger. International Another prospect is for landscape development Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental using E. elatior as the main attraction. Naturally, it Sciences, 3(4), 75–80. Retrieved from https:// attracts its pollinators with no serious problems www.fortunejournals.com/ijpaes/admin/php/ with pests and low-cost maintenance. On the other uploads/391_pdf.pdf 676

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