
An #ou" ofobnoxious reality Yauog suicides triple I-'"~ _ There h.. ..ever bee.. • he ca""" '0 FAU in 197$. AU or _ Ulooor .IX>CeSlf..1 ""icide by .n enrolled ,,,,,",,••• wi'h ...... you...... /u. FAU Iluden'. 8 ... _ ...1 re-r. hcc:ause of ..nreq..ited 10_. SIw'. ,,_... - "';,hdra,,·n and we..., • ..,•• yo..n, man dropped 0'" of he said, Univ~i.y ...""" SM 'hinks Mw Is ...._1,1,.... 'he and ,hen 'oot his "We'..., • socie,y ""_ 0 .. dt>pIU Mr J.9 .r_ poin' life...... rthlessness;· he said. ·We·..., .~. Tlte "",n Mw low. doe. A .pokesman fo, ,I\<: l:ot born _rth n...hina.nd .pend ,he ~o' re'urn her affeelion, AnlOOks S ..icide Pre""n';on Ceo"" rest of o ..r Uves.ry;n, '0 pro"" 0'" rJrPressrd. she 'UUIS On 'M radio aid • b;. f.ctor i.. youn, .uicides ....onh.· Some 'ry '0 find 'hei, ,..p hears. ·You·.... nobody ,11/ is oonf=ed parentlll role. and child ....Iuc 'hrouah ex.rinac ....,.ns _ _body 10,... you..,· S~'s --rearin.. DorwoJ1h disag""",. 'hro"gh 'he 10"" of ...... one d.., H'''_'' agr. "_24 'md oM I. II ·Anylime a oolle.e student or from. ' ..nscrip'. heaaid, ....hich /ikel,· <:lIndldare for .ukido. ekcu ...icide, It'. hi. rcspo...t­ arc really 'he ..me 'h'ng. "ccord,ng '0 Univer.i'y bili.y. no' his parents. P""ple.ry ·Po'"n,;.1 .uieideo ,""ve ... p.yehologi.. 0,. Thom•• •0 find a seape,..., fo' every'hina. eU1l&Cnt'ed need 10 do ...... 11 i.. Dorwonh, five FAU .'..den... will Now i"s parenu orTV. In myd.y order '0 be loved.· he said. So ,he p,obablya"em,," ...icidc 'hisyca,­ oomie boob were ,espons,ble: for 'ole of 'he 'he...p's< '

Student, evaluations finally ok'd ""...... ;n ,he Universi'y ",,,.1o,,,,, SG '0 """leipSle;n ,he provam " toO.lhll is .eeu••'e, do yo.., s

Johni S.ove,. di,ec.or of Colao has _rned .",inot booting ""p...,,,,,n.;ng h'm. S'uden' Activi,ie., said ,he 52.000 ee...;n people '0 Io>c'""". ~ even In 'he caK of Hopper. S.o""r eheck ha. been ",n' '0 ,he ",hool 'ho..gh 'h.y·"" his clicnu,~ She ..id 'ha. Co"o had nO' had Dennis Hopper'. appea..nce.' treas..ry pend;ng a deci.ion On called 'he Hopper ineiden' FAU·. .rouble w;,~ him befo...,••nd ,I\<:..., FAU ' ....0 weet••ao didn', ao like how much 1I0pper,ho..1d he paid. fi .., .peake< -fi.KO.~ h.d been no ""port, orhi.c....'in. anyone upocted. Hopper wu She ..id ,h., Tony Colao, ,he S,over did """,II .ha, Kverfll " ,imlla. problem ,,' any of hi. con'ac'ed '0 Je<:t..re....owhi.fiIm .gen. "';110 American p'oa,.m yea•••0 H .. n'erS. Thompson ...... "The Lu' Movie," .nd ."end a o'~~::::::~:::-...r,erColaos

InsideTheSun C.,.ndar . .. P.le' Che.pEats . . Palel S ...d.... vil'lanl laid. -r...o " on my .... IOC ... 'hcycott "",SI\I6'0",p1ao<. PI I ~A~~nn. Walla« Su" s...,.. w...... _.day'"M • 1lM: .,uden, Vlplante co " .... 'M' fonned study ',me: just. Ftti.,..be "'!Mi' d_. in ,be: ....kc 01 lui -..-Ir·s "'" 01&0.., ..... • SO Via: P~' JIIJI Kobu..r 'old ,I><: d_ho'cd .f'et 'wo or opera.io.... Tenan.. ,he Un...... y may be clooc:. '0.student dClll&l ADoc oo ""uoc, "hid> ..... _",bIcd on • F..... repone•• folio.... !ada ca" be ,,""'''.... F.... a ...... ,. FAtr.l.cpl Aod ProaraJOtod_'hctdcaol .....,..n' dl>ba,""",ur". "'Tbcrc we'" _ ..-..," ou, piI,roll,.,. ,be p,aeuri... dcnmu Irom U.e Boce o ocrvc F I 1I.~'Iy ~ ..uoeou. Tltc P...... K id• ...-_ • ... n:3I0 .eally did.... lui"" any ....--.,y.~ • ,"'" I bcpn.o _.-. II be had f 1y OI>..I'IC'CI'O.... J-'>· id."One auyC>"Cns.aid be...... ,tnI.oslecP modeled ..... the l.cpl Aid Prova ...-hocto ; Upon mret1tl1 Bob .... ""'fIlC·. ramlly at ,he r1In bcc:o ..... Ioca.1 I."")'Cf5 ..nder U...vcns'y COn'..... in 11. ...-"" ••1I{""hbcrfi""'....),,·ltb ...... "",be M .pp,a..... 11"" an ,hot family m'_ OIl' plu.u 0< " tab.... -n.c idea .. 1:>< a;plo...... hoclaid. M• ...,ao .. t>ole ,11., 1".. F"i... "", 01 IuI...,.M j ,toe..,. Jacobo ..od y d ~...._ IOICpI"COOCd 1001:0 hie • .- 0 - Bob', Pizza. 260lI !'I.E. 2D< __I>. .. no< )"0'" 'yp"""l ",,'rap ., Vn,,"COO'Y pol.... 10' ba"'''' .110_ 'be S.uden, Body PIaoOCIc'" Will W.II...... h f • INI,I«. F...... n< tl> i....~ \>Ic.tt.... 'rnm 9 •.m.,o nooa.. p""" sluh,.... '0 pa....y ,,"bou' no<..... "Il>t:"" ."'."U no clipped coif.nd rap•• obirt, .nno..oocd be .._ ; Yep. c"".. ral CO0 lipped ,hoc.i."", or12 on5)ca... ,ra_lI.,. ,.. ,he F1orid.a KeY" I.1or ,II...... 'h foo : For _.-_ 'hIDa. c>'<:mcm'''k. from ,he lu' ""OO~. "ocr< 'hoc ed....,ed ,, ••ha.p non ....,e-funded """",n. of FJond.o S,uden. • -(rool> d.,lyw .....,.. and doulh on Uoe MN..." York ",ylc~ p""" '0 lI,e • ","rumen' uoed P ....idenu. M ..... A"",,,,. ror .un: lIalia" lalag.... wa. • Dor'" oaodcn,.a,rN ,hei• ...,...... \aI.t ""OOk.'. MThore .....n.. a "'I..lar nooc"nl • The ...rvice. Ioke ,he 0"" J.cob> oldded he ...,11 recommend ,h., ...·ork..,udy • Se...,c Speal<<< W.rn:n "'>eke....,n p • t"" ,10" fd i. delio1...... And '''''''p<"n"ve. Sp,al"e"i .. 52.SO fot ro.e...,. 'c.... fmm Of'S (Other l'e....,,,,,1 s.:"'.....) ue<:U,ive A"'''.n' ..... Shield. wtth. cen,rocal< • pia", .au"" ,,00 U.SO r...- "",.,"'110 or ....""••. I.,k, ,he 1.""1"" • be: hired 0" '0 help Universi'y pol"'" keep 'bee.mpu. .pp,eci.,ion lo,Mllerdedica'ed, ,(",Ie..e(fort., • (Sl.1S)and Zi,i (S2.SO). i' con," .."h ..,.~ ."d ho, b",ad .nd bu"cr. 'b. IU<;<:eSS ..I 'he Jo,n' llutllO'.ry C ..mmi"", : I o'derN ,be Ia...gna .nd ..... ex"emel~ ple.>Cpcci.lly .,nee i' ..fe .fter hours. • -lIclle"" me. I don', w.n' i••0 happen. oc<:ond .prin.1978,- • ...... mo,hered '" ellee>c:.nd • ,.,,~ "Uce. • Ou, m~ dinne.eom""n,on. wen, erac)" ,...." 'hc p,ua. On • ...,.,leof • ..ne '0 'en _one bei... P",ca 11\10."" 'en beh'l'lui' I"'.' p'aII pic ,n • ,lie .I<~ _ Dob·. pina fI' • h'lh """"n ra"nl· • The mos' .man"sl""" 0( ,t"...... " "you11 IIl< Swimmers warned of riptides • CtIS'omcn "'" encoU"lcred ...hile:., (lob'....., F.iday ".<l • A ...bleof.bou'.dOKnCOnad"'.....' no< ,_f••f,om <01.1 ..) ..", Wbe:n obKrvod from ,be: Aee...d,nl to ,It. 0«. • L""n Loupw&n beac". • '00 fa. becau"" ,t.e:" '" only... tables ,.. 'I>c wl>olepl.«. Tn.....rt«! S.....'_,.... 1':610.... ,he """,,n _ .... '0 I:>< flow.n. ,n c b.""",b tbe w.onl d"CCOIOG. Tn...... m'... dea'''' """","" by.he cu,,,,,,' ·• S...... nd 'Ioc occa.n ... he .voided 01 ,he people M ...."ed ""Pnl.""'hoc nea' .,<'bml"'" Irnew, tuolf,hoc",l><, pa'«"" ...... lanty d eo",,,,,,,,ly called · ,o..her 10.... '''0 ..n"p of • parallc1 , .. ,be .Itor..M · &l<'rc ""11"1 a '0...."1 'eo"""on of MW,1d lou" R....,.M ..tIr.,.... FAU', ocean 1.ny ""'W,n ..... · ..00II. Itbecame.ppann''heold I\IY" I>o ...... ed ,he cra"'...... mean' .d".,",e '0 .ceo",p.ny nrl An ...... peco'nl .w,"'''''', ca" '''''''''''''1 to....rd ,Ite ...... · no "'rm. "t>cn be: _&h' ,be: beer very ..dl I:>< ",,"p>< ," 'hoc cunftlt .110 ,Iocn>ocl.-.o I:>< earnod · "0- ,.~ · Af,« 'lui' 'hoc plao< 'oolr on ,he .,moopI><'" o(a 0<...... beerball .os",,,, paraUrI to .I>ore.~ .nd ""....n'ed JOU""'Y ou, '0 ..... '0 V...... , uert_ or ·: A. one of my ep_"""" ..>d, MTbc: 0II1~' """" for 'bu plao< d ca"'" _ oi ,be d...... ,,,..... ·• Ioos.e!. A np cu ' can "'PP'" • ,~ • I ""n', 1"...... " ".11 alwaY" he ,tw. \oc" r...... b... I ,h,..t ,be: food time: ,bc:rc _ ... • " ..n be.. co<>d .Qob'. d<>pCtl ..n,,1 10 p Dd ""..u.lll<.ncLoofbccr "Il>t: 11. .10 ,Ite • from K'oncnbeTl '0 IIuoc:b ror 1S ""'to. Tbcy .bo IuI."< talre OU' ca I'1>o< Iq" pJacaontlloc · ~- l1oo< '0 d,p _ •. The ·• dcpowtcd "'" hcach to >t. Q; · '0 _ tea ... , ..., d,p. · Tn.. action comb'nc0"" C'Ur",,"' .. ,be "",reo • Suicide ,lie power1..1 np curnn' ...... • occ.... '0 be • pc.,..nd....Ia, no. • ,b. ocean • pa,nl_"". "'lib ,,'h>e" one ColIn Thc Oce.n enl,n.." • eo"",'.."on. he ..Od ,.Ia,d 'heoccmmH I.." ... f",,1 'he ...,.....nl pull cI • ,".ir d.;,·c '0 ".y .livo .nd d .... "'" e..nnec,ed wi'h .uicide .u.""n'. • bcea.... youn. peOple ~don't d'o" in'nl 'be i....';onal mind. Bu, ..""p, by .cciden' (,be n..mbe, 'lie mo... ,. 10.' whcn f.n'••y 0"" kille.) or by ea_r (n..mbe. ''''n> '0 reali'y.ltd 'he .ttempted r:-=------:------I=S,.nlnIAu.u" 13. 1918.' g,JO Thc FSA (Florid. S,..d... : .....ode c"",l,onts tile red.'.pe or ,wo). Y""... d'Cry l>1in1otr;.s ...1II bold CO,I>oj;c 1>1... Short pla....'''1 • Voter'. Re...... "01 • The mo", ,,·.do...,."" 'hoc mo", in room 1JJ1 or V..i",,"';.y Cen'er. Dr,ve A ' 9th f'o'" 10-11 : poor ...... M OO....o"b saod. "It·. ""eple: hear .bou, it. 'I>c m"'" n",< ~.. ~ fMiJl'.to...... uch I love ~11' n-w. S h ort s Calctena O,__y on ""ml""'ti,," •: .bc....""" '0 ." obno.i..... yo...• 11 .. ' orten .e...... P...... by c:a!li... caL l621 Tl>c deadline to ...... « for" : "",lity.M Dorwonh ..id. F l"" contempt. no< love. from .he • nd ,_ .Ios< '0 'lloc su>cidc: .....ide·. ot>jcct... Only a .....he• ~:~~"~"~.;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~.~-~";'~-;~-;;.~A~-~;;';'~~ ~ """"'i '" likely '0 talcn you Ir.c a' : 1lM: epo,o_.of youtb com...... , ,11. 1 :::"~~'" ll>c one , npt. 'hoc rat or,1Ioc ,... : ...-.... ( ,n un wba, cis<: I. ob,..i r. 'lah' l"ro,u lOO. "11>ey Ie ..... sm,Ie."".",i". : Itmbs _ COtl"n lly ....iIi... r_ as droll ...... 1 take ,..., bK.I<. Tltere ""<'" a few 'ean. T• f.om di(ferc..' oe1ike..:"""'t«l."""" 'e,;,' " 'he ..cps bet...... ",p ",,"001 .ltd It 'ouched many. t>can ...hen be ,poke or,be : eoTk&e ....,"' ...... p •• 'he W.shin.,,,,, 1>10n..men,. Iocinl in ,he -rron, yard. or 'heir li"",.M Dcspi.. : h h d~ ,hcy .ho..ed '''eir ""uff"'.. cynical na'ore. I relt • f.... drop" ...rf..,... in' : e o~ ~..ed d.noes a. pol1ohcd ...ny Roct"'e COrne" of my eyes '00. • prectSlOn d...... o..,in<. A..l i' ..... probably jult .hoc lacl< of .....p I'd : ,,~ c"ccTheI ddrill. 'am._noth to be ',nfUOCd ... n fro", 'n.'L rotten Communica,ion La... '.r... paper. " ','. e.-s-... ,."Iy ..yli,cd d...... 'eam. 1'1le.. The I..,ivi".. ended Frid.y when ,be liuli ' .qbilb....."""001rc p.nfoo'ball"I,hepm...h.lr·,im. en'en.,nmett' duri,• .·Uhn• gro..p compe'ed for ~l>1iu I)rill Tca....~ :• .W k' . I' _. ",onderful occ;na .uc.. I:><.u,irul. hapP! , ,,1& e" .."ou.l)' M.nyof ... _n, '" I:>< .....inkl<>-I=....n'.nned"""...,.'.~"'..n,.'ionsof • "",fn.me".nd 'h1o. fo...... ,he fin' ",ep.M ..Od Ofle An>cnictI ....y"' m&nda'Of)'-not voluntary_ CO

FAll'S 1971-79 Catalc>scasil)-f..." -... mr _ Suspensions premature, unfair 'oj-ul)' iloSl.lo: pricooa.(.bat·.tho:~p u...... - ). F... _ellU.~I dccitIallal> _.0 tDillt ct...... 10...... Edi.or, doeu...... "Il). H. disrqardllM f...... ,...... wbcal one ot .ho foundi... innc>ClD'. '0 _ time. ~. week. CaII ...... ool"""'~Fun WiUI Vou.CataIc>s- ....-R"'''...of '0 Mr. CoviDO"' 'cwe. In ,1M: July pru.cipkl upOn ..1Ueh ttlis ldental INSTRUCTORS WHO APPEAR TO _IE FOREiCN __if ...... ". 'I>ouah'lclllleu... pr...... mplK>n ot in~ unlil puniolul:>C'nos ..ltic:h .....y no< ~ l. C .." .....n Suo " ...... Prot.. Ocean E.,.;-..... e>'ftI _ an answe<. ""'" CUil' ;. pr...... "p for yean .0 comc:. 1. Vuar M. 1KUl, AIIl.. Prof.• An.ltropoiosy...... weI' '0 lila' q""'fUOa is • 3. K...... T. Kumar. Prof~ Ee.ooomx:tI. ekroni""" NO. This I""et 'hm .. AI ot .his d.n••uill has ..... 4. ""lnmanue! Mehrfl...b. ViI.~. P.ot~ C ...... f)'. diOt•• S. J.y.ra.... R. Pen..naRdd~ Prof~ Cbemio.U'. who 'Qd. and ...... """" ~n yeo a -.d tormi... an .'Certainly. e -'<>no arc 6. o.rab B. U alIa.. Prof" M ...... - w"h 1M ..,..,1_" "dmi....' ...i"., HI&r!"l has """" DOt purobtunen.... It ....,h 7. a.bino S. C ""dj. Prof~ CbemDt'7. e>w. P.of.• H"'or}'. In an .".....pt '0 con,,;...... he 1.L>dcnOS ...... in 11>1 ...... is DOt ""..i.hmen•• I do no< Nt:A.T _0 COMMON COURSE PREFIXES P:. 'het"ebr dc(Won .... fo, .... hoi. or nO< ~ 2. EEL (Enalnccri.." EIo:trical). ...lnl &u<:h dOKriptlvt: phl'Ue­ no< .he quellK>n. Florida A'lanll< Unl~i'y I. a 3. POT (Political Tbeof)'). 010&)' a. "na"se&.in,," ··"OK." public Inslilulion ot hi...... 4. 9UL (8...'..... t,.,...... 1 elK'7). "ckspicablc." "vermin," "vlle" Thcq don...'h.... is ..he.ho. learn,....."bJect 10 lho Florida INSTRUCTORS WITH WEiRO N""MES and othen. $'. ~ diffkuh to ckoIl ..I'h, I IIla,M Qr.he Con..i,,,,ion.nd 'M BiU ot Ihrou." lhom...holho, dlrectJy. 2. !..eon V. F.n....y. O'r.. Coopcrali"., Ed 'io... .ry. / Riah....., down in print '''0 0' indirecoly••he United Stales 3. Herman a. Vonl<. "'-. Prof.. Ed....,;.,... Mr. Covino refe.. 10 11M: Uni"'d "nlu,i.,. "0. COnltlm,lon. M,. CoYlno .ppc:an a. a.nrude 8<>,c"'rdl. Teacher. Hend.rson Sol><>ol. S••'.,.Con'lleullon .nd ,he Bill of '0 dirt..... S. 8<>ril Arnov. """"". Prof.. Educa.io... Rllhll (or ., I~I wme or ,he The Aorid& &I"., 'ho LAST NAMES Ot' WHICH TO MAKE torlh St.'u'" lendS ""I In ,he 8l1J or rI.hl 10 ...... pend .."d.n.. it 'hoy Ir It 1.1111 .1 '0..,.bli.lh F""U l. Barf)' A.he. """"". Prot.. Zoolo.y. Ri.hu, One wond.... If M •• ar. ell&,~ by a proper ... p....o...l n"'om.•_ .nd 2. Donn. Read. A:u•. Prot.• Educalion. Covino h.. ever """n lhe p'.....u'l....,tt,.....y. Tbit h.. beyond ,h. rtaeh of ,h. Ia... or 3. Dill BoPI'. ""I0OI. Prot.. Cri",inal JUilior:. nOlllin. 10 do ..ilh ..het.... Ihey ,h. Unlled SI.les. ,h.n I can only FIRST NAMES "T WHICH TO LAUCII .rc lIulley or in"""""•• a' Illi. hope ,h., he ..III n•••r II&vll",,1I I. 1I".uet'. P.nilb. AuI_ P.of.. Lan...... polnl ,h., II nO< cen.no! '0 Ih. an opponunily. 2. Zil. C ••l A,u,. Prof~ Libraf)'. Issu., b".lt all.,... lhose pruidi... 3. U.... Ocenz. Adj. P,<>t".. PoyehoioU. Letter ...... lhe Admlnistrali•• H..rina Tlmo.hy L. Wllalen 4. Reba- V. KinlC)'. Prot.. £1I.....n..f)' Ed...... ;on. '0 .uopc:nd. ,h...-cby ct.",in. """orney o.,,,.,.aJ. S.O. CUY WHO ""LMOST NOIoOOY LIKES Policy I, Sydney Tal-MaIO... Asooe. Prot.. "n. CUY WHO I DON" UKt; 11M A'....Ok Sun _ I. Clay SI";nman. Prof.• Com...."na';""...... fl'OOW _ a.., ""oM. COURSES WITH LURINC TITLES _bfoct. L...... ',pM and Hopper ~upsets' programmers I. ~Hiah Civlllu.ion of M;.;Idle and South ""merica· (""NT dou~ad an pnt ..... 4162)...... d"'...... mona ilion. dark people. _ anld' _ .... Our Sin. 2. ~HiI'Qf)' of In,.rion--(""RH a160). ouldoo, cia.. ",,-plori...... 1< -Jor _ ,. . Thi. II ;n 'lPI'd '0 you. edilorlal or Au....1 I. 19'1'. The 'rend. ,n ca. upb<>Ioc: "Ipc:-e BOT44l)ot) _n.. i..,.rv;.,..-alpc ...... , -. _k... (.bou. 30 names) lhal would be ot in'e,a, 10.11 .. wdI on eurn:n, 10pia ouc:h II ca"no pmbli...... _, _",...... 11, our limi'ed budSI'. I ...... f;OfItaCled lhe ..."""'" lhal _ •. -Hilto....., .nd Uh...... "'" of T• (ZOO a1S1)• ... Sun 1Io~ Ioao' In troM of ....ua1!y tleaJ wi'h and Den.... Hopper came ou, hlthly .....rIc: ,...... by M,. Whipple. duo held in '"...... t...... or 1>, .. riOln, '0: roc:ornrnmdcd. Ou, ...... oa>d lhat Ocnnis PUI on a aoo11<'110101,)' of ...... 100 A'....'.. S ..... and ..... lIOy '0 work ..ittl. W.look lIis ..ord on 'ha' olDoc .... has .hoooi... "",..h". d,nner "",re. Flori. -"dvancpam e11 0 me. linoe i..... my fin< ",•• ....."" ...., .... d.Il...... _.d .... '. -Dt>tldhtom- (PHH 40810)••,..,nt"... punebl1neo '" I)•...... - '0 'W S.... otne:.. Bu'. 'hex .h,..p "'ppen .nd "ntonuna'ely •••he Cllpmoc or M;e.l\ad 8t>tld·. f.vQn,"./Otes...... __ ~of Olhen. AU I oay is ''''1 ''7 '0 bri.... yOU lhe belt ...,·il COLUMN ABOUT TO E,...O ,... U..I...... I<' C_...... ,~ \able 10 ..... I'h......

T Cnbb. ATLANTIC SUN P o T.du,,,c,,,,, 1'10< ...... _ S_ •• -"I)' ~ F1 A U"_y_0,0_ ....,...,...... I. ,1>0 ,..bkar_ ..... ,I>< ...... -1 1'10< A,Ia..", Su wiIl_ ... _bIo lor _ ...._-'" S_ I~'_~ ,... ""...... _" of ,... In;" _ -..-rily'-al n...... -..-ot••_,,--.-.....r '0...... 1'.-..s...-ror--.__loop__ A,"~ 1 A_ U ,y. TI>< s..a ._tryA"" " Scn-;""F-. A__" po 'oT_ lloo-...___ . A' S_ u.._"e-er. Aoorioloo A U.._ ...... "-'- Rondo 3300JI OEAO SES For .. act w._, __ ,..\Ilocal-. ~-:I ... lou...... po.,,_ _ .. For _ ,-....- S ...... w ..._"....-_poo__ F .. T_ A,"_ S_ ...u _._ ...,..._ ot po.)'W"'_ r...... , act.....-.. __ n-.y._""_AIt~_yloo .'-"'pllocal...or ...... _ ...... _'O """"....tl)cIa" ,o_s...___ r..'...._sp- ...... eat Au"", 8:1978 ""Pace 5 -students 'play' for grades

~ _ i"'~I. • lOS"'''''' opcr_ well as 'WO 1'_" f.om Boca work," RodrilJUC::< .".pIal...... Fuml,u«:"a"" other props came di..eell)c OJ,,,, Rodri...ez TILia quaner. only four Sl.u&'nu Hlah SChool. The ,WO _ J....n rrom the ,hca... departmen. "ned. "We c:om.e In o tcacl>cs • quaner. Rodriauc::< said S60 of 'Grad rep t....ter is <1<>"" In back at niah. '0 , ..'-roe arc panidpa,i... in 'he "'<:>&ram. dr...... a. Boca HI.h. th....c..t to royalll"" for ,h. play. S,udlo Two of .he humani.i"" The ra, arc perfo....l... in "W.had 'ode<:ide ....., was mos. buildina, a lona. ,hin room at tit<: $Ummer OIoct. or other "'''',ed The ~ad " ..den•• take care of Impor...nl 10 bUy ..ith .h. res,. so ..,..'1t<:a51 cornetj On the fi .., floor. TlIc ~'ion i. fields. - M OradWl'" .n aspecU of .he p,odualon. ..e boush' breakable Buddahs There a'e on'y about 40 sealS kh ara<'".tc ,hea,er .u,dents put Willi .",,1> • omaU number of sl,ned the I<:IS, and PTovo",h. Th..... for ~'Black Comedy" has fror: admission. e,he, a production on thdT .,.ad ••udents. .he Summer did 'hcCQS'..m.... Luc;' hu. part ..... buIll wllh matmal. from "BI.~k " ..m be n. An insuuClo. Sc o ...... ac. play. "We d. "The Ma.chm.ku:· .hi. quar_ performed at 8 p.m. Wednesday visor and gnldes 'hem on fea'ures many undcrllNOd..a,.. as look ••~.Uy for our JI1Id 'c 'e". «:aular Th..,.r production. thmush Friday. ' Comedy' Has lots. going for it For a producdon pu, 'OIe'he. In ••mall ..udio by gradua,. ,n""t.r s'ud...... , "Black Comedy" i.n·. at aU bad. 'n fact. for a producdon pu, toa.'hcr by ju.. abou, anyone in ,hca,••• "Black Comedy" i. a quali'y endeavo•. Fin, of all. ,he on._ac' play i..<:If...n".n by Pc,.. Shaff.r. is a fin. on•. $c, in 19(;) wndon. moo' of 'he action (.nd ,Ilere', plen.y) takes place duri a l>O..e. railure. For an unu.ual and in,er..,ina ...iot. the liah,l i. set ba~k..artla to 'h....ion; ..hen i.·. "dark" in the play, .he lights are brigh'; .nd when .Omeone o,,",..e IIgh.. a ma,ch o. "ah'er, the ....e Ilah.. ar. dimmed. Performa"""" arc uniformly ex<:<:lI.n" espc:cially Icad aC'or Dav;d ForsYth ..a <:onniv;ng ...... n ani.. and Humani.1es sor:rctary Lor: Townshend .. almos.·H~y,plns.er Miss FrunivaL The pl.y i••t its bcs, in the middle, where Fo..Yth is a"emptina '0 «:mcr:c- furnllur. h. "borro..ed" from a n"shbor while in the "blaek..-" of the a.,...men'. Hi. near·misses with 'he other eh.....e.. as h. carrl"" ou, chai.. and tabl"" i. perf"., to ,he second and th. inch. "Black Comedy" i. fror:, but ...'inlJ i. very limited. Co ....Iy _ it Is ...11 ..or.h It. rock turns into Cheap Trick

The rull_coe U"i'ed :rear.. A ..d I". comln. nu' rully ...onlJ now with ,.". And Amc:ricans ""d full <:on,n,l o""r I"". er:uy lJI"0up••ueh as Ihe DWllJn, Twilley Band,T om P elly ..... for O""r '0 Y"""'- ..... Ibe H ...tbr..k .... and. upedall,.ChupTrld<. Then. bu"",h ofe""n elazier Enalishmc:n ._k over .ha' _rican bom_.nd_b.-cer (..-ilh ,he l>elp of .om<: rica.....1 lea.., have brouah. rock 'n' roll '0 ..ha' i. is .,. drums) ha•• tend....y ,osound .ht:sa"""af'crlisteningtoall No.. "",,'n: wa'ina ...hoI<: bunch of American rock 'n' thr<:c of 'h. lJ'OUP', album•. But i,·. no' so much the sarno: ""lcrs...in. And.he ne.. American rocke "'taki.... lo. ,ha, 'n .pp"",;'tion of oonaln Trick sonpdoean·.como:ou, ,f'.r Ilea,in, tne group" .lteir ••ulf from .he older Enl,i.h rocke ho ._k It M om Ihe old"", A_rican rocke",... Th.. Lot""t Cheap Trick LP. ~Hea"".. Tonight. contain. ..""",I rno:morabl< sonp. MSurrendcr'" oor:a zander oaki... Tltio ful1-cirel< of rock 'n' roll hao been b",..i...forY"""" C_p Trick """ i.', <:omina r..lly ..rOnl no" ..i.h ,roups ,,,,,h ...he hi, MfalJ rod ,oina by SO fa.. i,·. h.rd '0 keep up. ~ Ho..A", land. Tltere 10 a '01 mo",.o '!>em. M Fi... ofan take.heirimase: l"oauyo{Robin Zander.nd ...... vy me...1.upplemen.ed by fine: melodic>. And Nlelaon·. Vou i. done at a .imilar .~. bu' tne 'hYthm I. kept Tom Pctel'OSOnl."'lheperf"'" pie'u",ofpu", ~ny-bopper ,100 a aoot! ....d lJuita"". never soundi... like eltac.ly .imp]er. and 'nu, 10 eas;"r to ae' a la'eh On. Iliso. Lpns. ,haW hair(one blond. one brune' ....ke your anyone: e1... but never so al",n t ...., ,he",'...o'hina '0 The li"le eu' '0- Heaven T on;sh,M is ,n.climax to ,he tock l'i' menye""uahl be ehie. And idenrify ..-i,h. .... rolleomody-eapTrick. Ina mood .Imost '0 Heavy.~ ..lltick J.Wr. and .oon .f'er he'. Jeff Chnlp Ttkk...·M, A C/ DC...·il/INIn "N01 Srmdo)' ~b tf. ')(1'. movie .bou' hill> ""hooljock. _ .hon .hon ""ir. Lynn. (of ELO). '" Ow",an nail In MI"",I. .. aT<'S6.'O.pl,,3jO un" 3erv;ufricala of the 8ia Band S..ina Eta. Pieces Tommy Dotsey', .010...ill be _ay. AUI. 14 an,.,,-. Harry PAU Jazz Baod perform> in Sou..d Of Mu.ic." Side of ,he S"...t," "Belin ,h. J.m..• Solos by S'U Bren...".. University Thealer a. 8:)(1 Theoreh.,.Ir, ..ill play "Hel;"" Overtur•• Opus 11" by Ni.l.on Beguin••" "Car.van." "1 Can't Matk Sorr.l< and Larry Shaff.r; . each oishI. Tkkel$ are n. and 1Ii=·. "Symphony in C." Ge. Started Wilh Vou" and Charlle Ba,n."·' .01os by Mik. Members of 'he Jazz Band. Theehoru.l. di,ected by Flaneois l.aCtOUt. Michael Sch.rpc:ral "Slor:py l.agoon." Rossi. Gene Krupa'. by S'.ve ed by Or. Willi.m Prin"". Salo, and Benny Goodman'. by ..ill di,cc. the orch"",,,,. f...,u,e the mu.ic or Iknny Tlte oriBJnal .

...$:110 It has some crunch 7:110 ,h., of ,he ",Ory', New EnJland K,llna. .- Mlmul.l\lo" Roy Scheldc i..,,;al PR flo,lr. had perfon".""" ...he: ,own', pol",,, ehkf. l1e doa nOl • fi. ,he carica."", of .he bold. dIu",n" h.andlOme • pt._ by and 'M brO\&hablo s..,roundi... I.. openl... • llad wOnl orr. CTi,lcltJ opinion Iud been _live ... he.o ..I!>o eatn and h I1ad been I,,",' of K1Iera! frknds. .bk .0 rioc: ,p ,he occ:aoIon. " Surpri.ina'Y...... _ n" i, bdt~ .!\an ~ mi&ht John WilIlam. pdeo • muUeal _ .ha., ""pea. 11>cre vny ~ma: cenainly no< lip '0 .hoc quality of hi, "S••• w..... of tho film II due '0 • ckolre '0 copltaliu on 1M .nd "C1ooc EncoCCCU of "Ja_" and make evft) more M ..rray Hamillon .nd LorraIne Qary II'''' In ~. y ...... J W· II • limplc. TV 'IY~ "0<)1 n>e. one ...... , ,Iu" QR 1< he ...... har_ .b K~ ~ 1lIa"e lOM,wO really tood pOi..ts ._. "J."", II." di...... J ..., .. "Bil WedneWay" only came altve .... S­ T1>e .he film an oflno comes ali.." ..."",,, ,he oI\.ark io around. And.be .hark beauur..1 _ wi,h hio n '"....phy. T'hcfe &tC .epea.edIy .'uckl... ,he kith ",lUk ..m". It It>r,. 357 E. Palmello xvual....,__ .hIl•• ..- P >lUioOIfIqI ~I on i,. pn:>ducuon. an<:It'. "Soobotqc:' no. ,t-> 1936 film sa- uP ''''0 1"" _ _ ...... he .ouo] a..:k of com~ion and ol~""c""'" ...... ""W". c""",",", of ..boteun...1>0 .".....p' r<;;,Hu '0 .hei. ~ ~ ~ cam" Jacob'. polit;c..1 .11.....'h.he lea of num.o:n IIfc ..',"It• .--...... and p<~..y. ....HCtt__,.. _.,,:aCON,n..us.. Also on ,he bill 11 "E~....u.. U:· 1NlTES For _lUn,~.... mor" biu.,.,. Slo.um-y n~.·. "'-_".. .-_.. ... PER WEEK film •• S:)Oln ,he Gold C.." R.-n i. Ken 11'. 11...... ­ .. P.M. TO .. A.M. -~- "The oe-.,u.·· TIle film !tao be-en "'",fully ....___e-...-...... so. hl~or><:lll documen.ed.n.eer,,,.. 3 .. 7 p.m.. Rat T""May. "'...... I' "Alaek Comedy." 8 pm. H ..mannll:' S,udio T",o, ·S,on... N,aJt'.~ 1l:)(J I'm .. 11. ... 1',...,. Satu.day. "'...... II F,lm _ "Th. Dewil••" 8;)(J I'm...... I X. "'.Jm,..ion 23 eenu ....den.... $J.W 0.".... lI"mp,on. ,ock band In 11."•. 10 p.m F"", I~ 00 Mo..d.,. A"I"" • Jau. 1I.non, Sunn... M I fr98 mOVIes O",he.". Thea . Continuous A II Ch<:.I' Tri<:k. AC, DC 0 ...... II.U 1759 N.W. 2nd Au",nu", A III M.I.n... J,m &r. Chuck Olao> Ou.man II.U 368-1330 Boca RatO#1 A 19 Iila<;~ Oak A.k.n.... AI,·,.. W... 1"lm lleae" ~ Audnonum Commodorco M ram, Ilucball S ..d ...... 1I.11 A 0 ..... W.... p.lm_h "ZERO MAINTENANCE" A"".. on..... Moami ll'Kbali S.ad,..m HAIRDOS STYLECUTS FOR THE TWO OF YOU

Offering Total Hair Styling FOR THE NOW WOMAN FOR THE NOW MAN Cla3§ic & Currenl Hair S1yling Preci,ion CUllIng. r\! Blow Waving High Performan~ Colour 40 S.E. 61h SI. BOClI R.IO#1 "IDnlk of tile CMI,Tu__392-3209S" '

~ ~#'d~. .f-. ~ ~ '~ ~ ,'- ~ ~ e.-g ~~ \, #111 d:t ! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ . ~J0a;f@. ~~ ,,,~:?P,~:M~~,~,~SH:~;'~

SHIRTS AND MORE - GUYS & GALS ALIKE MAKE ooiya. 0( 0...... Kho.yya Bookecpe. Li,h' 'yp;n, Con,.e' "AU l)ive Club _ 1 _ 100 p.m.• UC 232 Wimberly Llb...ry fint n_r Pal 391-l6Ol. ~. Nunin8 Center Of Abbey Con,in"l,.. Ed_,ion: Ploon ..';oo Hil" Schooll.....d Chinuc Studen' Asooe. Film· '1 p.m.• G( camp _••.m. _ 10 p.m.• OCRand OS Audi,ion N 'atu­ Del R.y Nuna A"to _ will I"'n ec"Woed T~"'r C ...... Aa""" Fi.~,ric:1< 276­ Eoorly Chilcllw>r.hibil: -n.c a"boli,.. Omar Khayya",- ­ FILM' -Tbc [kvi!oM _ &:30 p ...... GeR. SI""" 622·J209. Wimberly U .....ry lint floor _ Ratoa ndry ou..... Sl~. R.>Cd X _n", Computer Openu C--. M ... Wed_,. A.....'. 1m The: Hampt_ Band_10 p.al...I2:30...... RAl T,,,, ~r _ WIIod Balancer 810,,,,,,, J\ls-'s200. s.uder>< Affun Staff· ID:3O a.al.. - _ ... UC 219 Delta Si...... Pi • Cllapcer Community Projclt Con""" Ton. 391.-. so ...... 1"'" _ S _ 10 p.m.• UC 219 .. ~ Alpi,.. En..noenna Produet. Con.inu,n8 Educa.ion: Plantalion Hi... Scllool band Exhibit: ""'l"IIe RUbaiyal of Omar KllaY)'l camp _, ••m. _ 10 p.m.. OCR.nd OS W,mberly Ubn.ry lin> floor Compu'er Clerk Conta'" B,ll "-~ R.....,.u 781_J3Jl. I.ocllm.nn·o Pl..... C ..llie'. FILM Ooubk Fca'u", _ 1 p.m. _ midn~•. RAT. W.i,reoo 913-0660. ,- Sund.y. AU8" IJ. 1978 M Alpll. Tau Ornep _1 _ 10 p.m.• UC 2lJ John Oranl Entincerinll l. """cc",i.., • 5 "leaM con._ VI inl••-.....Ir. If 2. ··Sabo••&<:~ Alpll. Tau Orne.... 6:30 - 1 p.m.• UC 219 ....nd Su,"""yor full ,I....., Con'"". , __an ..-orlr. 'of.tw.bo.... S<><:<>er Club Practice _ S p.m.. FlCldho~ Delta Del,. Mu _1_11 p.m.• UC2J2 Bob Bu&&<:" J95-n3J. U'. 1<101. _It ...... E>... Unhm"e4 _, ._m. _ -. UC 21) Fc~ ,-.... --_.~ Horuono Unli.....ed. _ I ••m. - "000., UC 213 Club _ 1 ·9 p...... OCR Con"n",nl Educa.""",, PIa"ta.ion Hi", School band SO«C1" O ..b P~ke _ j p.m•• F.ddbo..... camp -, ••m. - 10 p.m.. OCR .nd OS E.h,b", -Tlte Ruba,yal or Otnar "Ita Roll,... 5'0""" Nillh' _ 9:30 p.m. _ 12:30 a.m.• RAT Wi-mt>oo Unlomlt

APPLICATIONS For EDITOR - IN - CHIEF ATLANTIC SUN dBBrfleId beach fk1 _Nl.:lnd_ ~_ftO~ 1't'o:>I-.(X)6)

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