Soda Butte Creek monitoring and sampling schemes Final report for the Greater Yellowstone Network Vital Signs Monitoring Program Susan O’Ney Resource Management Biologist Grand Teton National Park P.O. Drawer 170 Moose, Wyoming 83012 Phone: (307) 739 – 3666 December 2004 SODA BUTTE CREEK and REESE CREEK: VITAL SIGNS MONITORING PROGRAM: FINAL REPORT December 2004 Meredith Knauf Department of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado, Boulder Mark W. Williams* Department of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado, Boulder *Corresponding Address Mark W. Williams INSTAAR and Dept. of Geography Campus Box 450 Boulder, Colorado 80309-0450 Telephone: (303) 492-8830 E-mail:
[email protected] Soda_Butte_Creek_Compiled_with_Appendices .doc 5/17/2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We have put together a final report on the recommendations for the Soda Butte Creek and Reese Creek Vital Signs Monitoring Program. The purpose of the grant was to develop detailed protocols necessary to monitor the ecological health of Soda Butte Creek and Reese Creek in and near Yellowstone National Park. The main objectives was to compile existing information on these creeks into one database, document the current conditions of Soda Butte and Reese Creeks by a one-time synoptic sampling event, and present recommendations for vital signs monitoring programs tailored to each creek’s needs. The database is composed of information from government projects by the United States Geological Survey and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, graduate student master’s theses, academic research, and private contractor reports. The information dates back to 1972 and includes surface water quality, groundwater quality, sediment contamination, vegetation diversity, and macroinvertebrate populations.