22–27 May 2020 Conversations with the President


E OFTEN TAKE our action about issues they feel most One of the triumphs of our democ- healthy and robust de- strongly about, such as health care, racy is that every South African be- mocracy for granted. education, freedom of speech and lieves the Constitution protects them Yet it is probably our corruption. and that the courts are a fair and im- Wgreatest asset in our momentous partial arbiter of their interests. struggle to overcome the coronavi- The poll confirms much that we al- rus pandemic. ready know about ourselves. We I got thinking on these matters enjoy nothing more than robust en- during a recent visit to the Eastern We have among the most political- gagement with our government and Cape to assess the province’s coro- ly-engaged citizenry in the world. A among ourselves on the burning is- navirus state of readiness. poll in 2018 by the Pew Research sues of the day. We have an active Center shows South Africans are civil society ever ready to safeguard I was asked by a journalist whether I strongly inclined to take political our fundamental freedoms and rights. was concerned at the pending litiga-


President Ramaphosa addresses members of the Eastern Cape Provincial Command Council

tion challenging certain provisions We have checks and balances in of the Disaster Management Act. Our foremost priority place to ensure that every aspect This law is the basis for all the reg- remains to save lives. of governance is able to withstand ulations promulgated under the na- constitutional scrutiny. Where we tional state of disaster we declared Our every decision are found wanting, we will be held to combat coronavirus. to account by our courts and, above is informed by the need all, by our citizens. Besides our Since the start of this crisis, a num- courts, our Chapter 9 institutions ber of people have exercised their to advance the exist to advance the rights of citi- right to approach the courts. The zens, as do the bodies tasked with

lockdown regulations were chal- rights to life and oversight over the law enforcement lenged in the very first week of the agencies. ‘ lockdown by a private citizen from dignity as‘ set out who wanted an ex- As I told the journalist, every South emption from the travel prohibition in our Constitution. African has a right to approach the to attend a funeral. courts and even I, as President, could never stand in the way of any- In the 7 weeks that have followed, body exercising that right. there have been legal challeng- cations following engagement with es from a number of individuals, There has been, and will continue government. religious bodies, political parties, to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our na- NGOs and from business organisa- While we would prefer to avoid the tional response to coronavirus, from tions against one measure or more need for any legal action against the data modelling and projections, of the lockdown provisions they government, we should accept that to the economic effects of the lock- were unhappy with. Some have suc- citizens who are unhappy with what- down, to the regulations. As gov- ceeded in their legal challenges and ever action that government has de- ernment, we have neither called for some have not. Some, who had ap- cided on implementing have a right such critique to be tempered or for it proached the courts on the basis of to approach our courts for any form to be silenced. the urgency of their cases, had their of relief they seek. This is a normal urgency arguments dismissed and tenet of a constitutional democracy To the contrary, criticism, where it is others have found other avenues for and a perfectly acceptable practice constructive, helps us to adapt and the relief they sought. Others have in a country founded on the rule of to move with agility in response to subsequently withdrawn their appli- law. changing circumstances and condi- 3 ANC Today MAY CONVERSATIONS WITH THE PRESIDENT Africa Month tions. It enriches public debate and virus, there is still a long way to go. we recognise that the decisions tak- gives us all a broader understanding The weeks and months ahead will en by government are made in good of the issues at play. be difficult and will demand much faith and are meant to advance, and more from our people. not to harm, the interests of South We have consistently maintained Africans. that we rely on scientific, economic The pandemic will therefore con- and empirical data when it comes to tinue to place an enormous strain Our foremost priority remains to making decisions and formulating on our society and our institutions. save lives. Our every decision is in- regulations around our coronavirus Even as we gradually open up the formed by the need to advance the response. To the greatest extent economy, the impact on people’s rights to life and dignity as set out in possible under these challenging material conditions will be severe. our Constitution. For as long as this is the case, the circumstances, we aim for consulta- We will continue to welcome differ- tion and engagement. We want all potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain. ent – even dissenting – viewpoints South Africans to be part of this na- around our national coronavirus tional effort. The voices of ordinary As we navigate these turbulent wa- response. All viewpoints aid us and citizens must continue to be heard ters, our Constitution is our most im- help us to work better and smarter. at a time as critical as this. portant guide and our most valued protection. Our robust democracy The exercise of the fundamental The coronavirus pandemic and the provides the strength and the re- freedoms of expression, association measures we have taken to com- silience we need to overcome this and speech is a barometer of the bat it have taken a heavy toll on our deep crisis. good health of our democracy. But people. It has caused huge disrup- much more than that, these rights tion and hardship. Although we can Just as government appreciates that are essential to the success of our point to the progress we have made most court applicants are motivated national and collective struggle to in delaying the transmission of the by the common good, so too should overcome the coronavirus. 4 ANC Today MAY THE WAR AGAINST COVID-19 Africa Month FREEDOM AND EQUALITY – THE BIRTHMARK OF A BETTER FUTURE


ART OF THE strategy and tactics of our national liber- ation movement, the ANC, is to analyse the balance of forcesP at the turn of each and every historical period, and to determine how they influence the pace and di- rection of our struggle for the eman- cipation of our people. The ANC has always understood our struggle to be part of the wider struggle by our peo- ple to make the world a better place to live in. Today we use the opportunity of this platform to share ideas about the significance of human solidarity and internationalism and the role of the Cuban revolution in the history of our struggle against imperialism and colo- nialism. We do so because the ques- tionalism is of profound importance in hilated nearly half the population of tion of human solidarity and interna- the current realities of the dominant the human race. tionalism is more than ever becoming world of imperialism and neo-colo- nialism. This question is about the The deteriorating socio-economic important in the current trajectory of conditions caused by the First World our struggle, as we work towards the future of the overwhelming majority of the suffering people of the world, War became the breeding ground for building of a just and a peaceful world the spread of the pandemic. This was order. it is about their common aspirations, their being, their history, present and mainly as a result of the upheavals The reality is that if the progressive future. and mass movements of people from world of the community of nations is one place to the other, overcrowding not together, the weak shall be swal- A century ago, just as the people of in the war camps and prisons, over- lowed by the strength of the powerful. the world were celebrating the end of crowding in hospitals, malnutrition and Therefore, solidarity and internation- the First World War, which culminated other related diseases which weak- alism must be an essential quality of in the signing of the peace treaty of ened immune systems amongst the each and every progressive nation of Versailles in 1919, our mother earth millions of people, and by thousands the world and all revolutionaries. was visited by a catastrophic pan- and thousands of soldiers returning to demic called the Spanish Flu - one of their respective countries, carrying the The question of solidarity and interna- the deadliest pandemics which anni- disease at the end of the war. 5 ANC Today MAY THE WAR AGAINST COVID-19 Africa Month

As if history is repeating itself, today, amongst the international community lic of Cuba, a great nation which has as the world community of nations is to help the weak and those who are today become the cradle of the future celebrating the centenary of the end mostly affected. These are the great world of solidarity and international- of the First World War, our mother feats of solidarity and internationalism ism. earth is again confronted by yet an- the future of humanity stand for, and other deadly pandemic called the that we should always try to emulate. In the whole history of the struggle of coronavirus or COVID-19. The diffi- the people of the world, Cuba is the cult situation we are subjected to by The true meaning of solidarity and only nation which paid back its moral this deadly pandemic is part of the internationalism is to understand the debt to the victims of imperialism and history humanity witnessed before, suffering of others and of being true colonialism. The Cuban revolution which saw millions and millions of human beings. Our long held view is paid the moral debt not because it the people of the world succumbing the world-wide slogan that states: “an was involved in the enslavement, op- to pandemics such as the Plague of injury to one is an injury to all.” pression or exploitation of the people, but because of its gratitude to those Justinian (Bubonic), the Black death, As the people of our country mark 26 the great plague of London, the great nations whose people were enslaved years of the anniversary of the birth by the colonial powers. plague of Marseille, the epidemic of of our freedom and democracy, we Polio, Cholera, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, continue to appreciate what human Cuba has been there in the forefront Ebola and many others. solidarity and internationalism have assisting many countries during dif- This is part of the living realities of in store for us. We use the occasion ficulties when some of them were who we are, that we are able to see to convey our gratitude to all through- confronted by calamities such as the world as it unfolds its complex es- out the progressive world, to all of our earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, sence, that we are indeed part of our friends, brothers and sisters across pandemics, floods, and many others. mother nature, because ours is the the frontiers of our mother earth, and Throughout its history we have seen struggle to change it, to transform it indeed, we are grateful of your contri- her sending its medical doctors and into a true home for all. This is the es- bution to the cause of the struggle for other expertise to countries such as sence of the struggle for the liberation the liberation of our people. Nepal, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, Indone- sia, Armenia, Iran, China, Bolivia, of humanity, the struggle towards the Amongst many of the selfless people achievement of our better future. Salvador, Nicaragua, Equator, Mex- of the world, who inspired our deter- ico, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Honduras, In the mist of this disastrous pandem- mination to defeat the monstrous sys- Chile, Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, ic, which is inflicting so much pain tem of the apartheid colonialism, and Mozambique, East Timor, Italy, South onto the people of the world, we are who continue to inspire us today, are Africa and many others during difficult encouraged by the relentless efforts the peace loving people of the Repub- times of need. Even today, at the wake 6 ANC Today MAY THE WAR AGAINST COVID-19 Africa Month

wishes and aspirations of humanity. This is what this small Island with meager resources can contribute the determination of humanity to achieve a better world. In this regard, we are making a call to the USA Administration, under the leadership of President Donald Trump, to lift the decades of econom- ic blockade imposed on the people of Cuba. The economic blockade should be condemned as a crime against hu- manity. On behalf of the leadership and the membership of the African National Congress, and on behalf of the people of our country, we convey our heart- felt condolences to the many peo- ple in the world, who lost their loved once during these trying times, and wish those of our people in hospitals and in health care centers a speedy recovery. Our hearts and minds are with them and we are confident that through our common determination of the disastrous COVID-19, the Cu- We want this important programme we shall conquer. ban medical brigade, the ‘Army of the to be escalated to the higher levels From the deep bottom of my heart I White Gowns’, have been deployed by ensuring that more and more stu- wish to take this opportunity to thank in more than twenty three countries dents are sent to Cuba to study as the leadership and the membership of of the world to fulfill its humanitarian medical doctors and in other special- ties. Our country needs more doctors the ANC Youth in our capital city, Tsh- mission of combating the outbreak of wane, for making sure that this lecture the pandemic. and Cuba is the only destiny to give us the necessary help we need. becomes a success. We call on you Presently more than seven thousand to continue to be the true ambassa- dors of our national liberation move- and five hundred and seventy nine This is what this small heroic Island ment during this difficult period of the students (7, 579) are completing their from the Caribbean continues to con- pandemic of the COVID 19. studies in Cuba in the medical scienc- tribute towards the fulfillment of the es, of which two thousand seven hun- dred and sixty six (2 766) are from our country . Their major spe- COVID-19 STOP THE SPREAD cialty is in the primary health care ser- vices, which will make them to work in Wear a CLOTH face Practice Social Distancing the rural areas and some of the most mask when in public and Wash your Hands poverty stricken areas throughout our regularly country.

The ANC national conference sup- ported the initiative of the Fidel and Mandela scholarship programme which was launched immediately af- ter our democratic breakthrough, to send young South Africans to Cuba to study as medical doctors. We have impressed on our government to en- sure that this historic initiative of our #Khawuleza #BeTheRenewal two iconic leaders is safeguarded. 7 ANC Today MAY COMMENT & ANALYSIS Africa Month

COVID19: Children are the future of Africa

Dear Mr President in April and has since recovered. In January 2017, the African union HE African continent will launched the continent-wide public commemorate Africa Day health agency, the Africa Centers under unique circumstances for Disease Control and Prevention in the wake of the global pan- (Africa CDC), which was established Tdemic which has brought most of the to help African member states to re- world to a standstill. spond to public health emergencies. This has proven visionary in the wake Africa Day is traced back to 1958 of the novel coronavirus as it is dis- when African nations established tinctively positioned to protect the Africa Liberation Day to commem- health of the continent. The Africa orate our independence from Euro- CDC has highly qualified epidemiol- pean colonialism. South Africa was ogists ready to monitor for disease the last country to unshackle herself threats across the continent. They from the clutches of European bond- are responsible for surveillance, age in 1994 while Ghana was the analysis, investigations and reporting first to gain independence in March By Pule Mabe trends and anomalies. 1957 under the leadership of Kwame Nkurumah. While the African Nation- which forbid large gatherings. How- Mr President, Africa may have over- al Congress could not formally attend ever, technology allows the signifi- come colonialism but the effects of the Conference of African States in cant day to be commemorated virtu- centuries under the yoke of imperial- 1958 as it was prevented by the rul- ally. One of the biggest events set to ism have left scars that remain with ing apartheid government, a memo- take place on Africa Day is the Africa us to this day. Despite the riches and randum was sent to the conference Day Benefit Concert At Home, which favourable climate, the continent is on behalf of the ANC. will be hosted by actor Idris Elba and blighted by underdevelopment and will feature artists such as Angelique disproportionate burden of diseases Following the demise of apartheid, Kidjo, Burna Boy and AKA and many such as malaria and yellow fever. The South Africa became part of the Or- others and will be streamed live. coronavirus has also placed a huge ganisation of African Union (OAU) in economic hurdle on the path of build- 1994. As the world and Africa wages a war ing a prosperous Afrrica. against the coronavirus, the pro- Whereas the day is celebrated by ceeds of the concert will go towards The South African government re- showcasing the splendour of African supporting those who are affected sponded to the pestilence by institut- cultural heritage, the celebrations by the virus. Elba, who portrayed our ing a national lockdown to contain the will be muted this year as a result of icon Nelson Mandela in his biopic, spread of the coronavirus. The lock- Covid-19 and the resultant lockdowns was himself diagnosed with Covid-19 down came at a huge cost as it ham- 8 ANC Today MAY COMMENT & ANALYSIS Africa Month

pered and limited economic activity. virus which those who would like to month has been met with under- South Africans understood that the see us regress do not acknowledge. standable anxiety by the parent and protection of lives took precedence The government made it clear that other stakeholders. The measured over anything else. It has been two the protection of lives superseded re-opening will afford the crucial ed- months since movement was restrict- anything else while taking measures ucation sector to adjust to the new ed and there are murmurings of dis- to limit economic devastation. It was realities and acclimatise the pupils content among some sectors of our in this spirit that massive relief mea- and the teachers to the new proto- population. sures were undertaken to cushion cols. The protection of children is a the blow to the poor and small and right guaranteed in the constitution Those who would like to see the big businesses. As the lockdown is and it is the responsibility of every country return to normal have turned eased in phases, it is vital for our peo- South African to ensure that children a deaf ear to the scientific evidence at ple to remain vigilant and continue to are protected. From home to school hand, which is that there is no going adhere to the hygiene protocols that as well as public places, the children back to life as we knew it. seek to protect their lives and those should be protected and taught the of their fellow humans. need to keep physical distance and The coronavirus has irreversibly to wash their hands and wear protec- changed our routine and it would be Social distancing is the new norm, as tive equipment and to avoid touching foolhardy to pretend otherwise. is washing our hands regularly and their faces. avoiding close human contact. Those who want the lockdown to It is often said that the children are be seized without any mechanisms We cannot simply lift the lockdown the future and this is truer today in place to halt the virus, are simply and allow large gatherings and than yesterday. Africa is blessed toying with the lives of our people. events while the coronavirus gathers with a young population which au- The need to maintain social distanc- pace on its path of destruction. We gurs well for the future of the con- ing and the wearing of masks are the cannot allow lives to be lost to the vi- tinent. new normal which we cannot afford rus while we know steps that can be to neglect now and in the near future. taken to limit its spread. We cannot The virus has proven to be resilient afford to be reckless and reverse the These are the minds that need to and until a vaccine is found, all of us gains we have made in mitigating the be developed to take the continent remain susceptible to infection. effects of the coronavirus. to the next level.

Mr President, ours is a loud and noisy Mr President, the government has Yours sincerely, democracy where freedom of speech considered the re-opening the is guaranteed by the constitution. The schools to ensure that the academ- Pule Mabe government is guided by the best sci- ic year is not lost. The return of the National Spokesperson and Head of the entific minds to map the path of the grade 7 and 12 pupils to school next Department of Information and Publicity 9 ANC Today MAY THE WAR AGAINST COVID-19 Africa Month ANC buttress the government and multilateral institutions, the paradox of noise and criticism for COVID-19 lockdown regulations – A POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE

By Tshilidzi Munyai

HE MEETING of the contagious virus that the African Na- is devastating human- tional Congress ity needs support from (ANC) Study around the world, espe- TGroup coincided with the cially from those with the opening of the 73rd Ses- financial muscle neces- sion of the World Health sary to build prevention Assembly which saw a and treatment capabili- number of world leaders ties. pledge their full support to the fight against the dev- We viewed the allega- astating novel coronavirus tion that characterises pandemic. South Africa’s WHO as China-centric remarkable measures in regrettable. It person- the battle against COVID-19 are being work of the study group through sub- alises what ought to be a collaborative recognized in many global multilateral committees, which is effectively done global response. We view this as a institutions, at both the United Nations with leadership leading from the front, continuation of the trade war between and the World Health Organisations. with scientists providing evidence that the largest and second-largest econo- influences policy decisions and most mies in the world, much to the risk of Our co-BRICS strategic partner, Chi- importantly, inclusive citizen engage- growth and development of countries nese President Xi Jinping also ad- ment and stakeholder participation. of the Global South. In this context, we dressed this World Health Assembly, reaffirm our political position of South- further pledging support to African The Study Group has had an oppor- countries towards prevention, de- tunity to reflect on our government’s South cooperation so that coopera- tection and treatment interventions. efforts to protect our people against tion and solidarity of the developing These are significant milestones as this invisible enemy. We commend nations and regions should be better they will build Africa’s capabilities to the government’s transparency and coordinated at African Union, G20 and respond to this pandemic. the respect with which the people of other multilateral platforms South Africa have acknowledged the The ANC has demonstrated that there government’s response. To this end, we commend and support are three effective weapons in the the work effected by the Head of the fight against COVID-19. These are The Study Group further noted threats World Health Organisation, Dr. Tedros political leadership and will, science by the USA’s intent to halt funding Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who contin- and technology as well as public par- to the World Health Organisation ticipation. We welcome our ANC’s (WHO). This is of major concern par- ues to build a global alliance against National Executive Committee po- ticularly because this pandemic needs COVID-19 that relies on science and litical leadership collective and the all hands of deck. The fight against partnership with social partners and 10 ANC Today MAY THE WAR AGAINST COVID-19 Africa Month communities. We urge the WHO to They are full members of a large, bal- with our National Democratic Revo- fast-track the work they have been do- anced and diverse committee. lution. Their proximity and access to ing across the world to champion uni- the public health data and financial versal health coverage. Here in South As seasoned scientists, they should dominance pose threats and danger Africa, we are on course to legislate know well that one view or approach to the sovereignty of our country. As the National Health Insurance as a does not always prevail. Such are sub- the ANC, our political lens at the nex- comprehensive and long-term com- jected to peer review and critical scru- us is “fund and control” which we are mitment to universal access to quality tiny. In fact, it is well known in the pub- unashamedly diametrically opposed lic service that the adviser’s job is to healthcare. to. No one should take advantage of give fearless advice and bureaucrats desperate South Africa financial need must implement the decisions. Those during COVID-19. elected to make policy decisions are Desperate scientist, the para- expected to balance evidence (advice) While South Africa is grappling with dox of noise and criticism to and make decisions against which the tough strategic and tactical political representative democracy public can hold them accountable. It and economic policy choices under On the noise and criticism we have is disappointing therefore that such the lockdown regulation, no neo-liber- seen and heard in the media about senior scientists who work in a collec- al right-wing conservative ideas shall the government’s handling of the re- tive can launch such a vicious public see the light of the moon because sponse to the epidemic, the Study attack against the President only be- we are a disciplined force of the left, Group believes that the Ministry of cause their models or approaches do unashamedly biased to the working Health, the National Command Coun- not prevail in a committee. This is for- class and the poor. cil and indeed Cabinet have been eign to the conventions that these sci- transparent and participatory. They entists are accustomed to in the daily We don’t respect dissenters who cry have consistently tried to rally all grind of their own craft. foul seeking public sympathy to in- South Africans, including scientists, fluence government policy direction behind the response. We caution our government to put in the pretext of science. We as the tight regulation to control the foreign ANC embrace science and technolo- Against this backdrop, we voice our donor-funded NGOs based in South gy to advance our society and advice concern and disappointment by the Africa, whose agenda is not aligned to combat COVID-19. However, such unprecedented attack on the country must be constructive and progres- response to COVID-19 and by exten- sive, done in a manner that does not sion, on an attack against ANC-led The ANC has demonstrated erode public confidence in our urgent government. Even more concerning response, both in parliament as a site is that this onslaught is led by senior and terra of struggle and as legislative members of the Ministerial Adviso- that there are three oversight body, including to the Medi-

ry Council (MAC): Dr. Glenda Gray, cal Research Council that Dr. Glanda Dr.Ian Sanne, Dr. Harry Moultrie, Dr. effective weapons in Grey leads as the President and CEO. ‘ Mac Mendelson and Dr. Shabir Madhi. ‘ These scientists are part of a critical the fight against Covid-19. Tshilidzi Munyai is Chairperson of the committee that advises the govern- African National Congress Study Group ment on evidence-based methods on Health, Parliament of the Republic of of containing the spread of the virus. South Africa, Cape Town. 11 ANC Today MAY IN MEMORIUM Africa Month ANC VETERANS LEAGUE MOURNS THE UNTIMELY DEATH OF COMRADE LAURENCE DWORKIN

HE ANC Veterans League courageous struggles of the South Afri- is saddened by the untimely can society against the most atrocious death of comrade Laurence system of apartheid. Dworkin who succumbed to TCOVID-19 on the 18th of May 2020. The Video News Service was a clan- destine unit of the ANC, which worked Laurence Dworkin, who died at age closely with the United Democratic 65, joined the ANC Internal Video Unit Front, COSATU and all other liberation during the most oppressive days of forces in the country. apartheid in 1985. Laurence was an unassuming person, He took the risk of meeting with Cde Is- highly principled and committed to the mael Coovadia, who was responsible struggle against apartheid. He led with for the ANC propaganda in London. humility and steadfastness. This is where he was given an amount of 43,000 British Pounds to establish He led our team that did the last in- an ANC underground Video Unit. terview with President Oliver Tambo Comrade Laurence Dworkin before he had a stroke in Lusaka. The The ANC underground Video Unit was in-depth archive material that VNS col- responsible for filming the violent at- lected over the years contributed to the tacks by the apartheid security forces, based in London, the Unit distributed documentary film of the ANC,uLibam - police and soldiers against the South video footage of the apartheid atroci- be Lingashoni. The Unit will dearly African society. ties during the most oppressive and miss him. violent years of the apartheid regime Laurence founded the Video News to the World News Agencies and the It is sad, said Cde Ismael Coovadia, Services with Rapitse Montsho, Brian anti-apartheid organisations. that Laurence passed on without us Telly and Nyana Molete who joined lat- documenting the important role he er. Together with Afravision, which was They documented the relentless and played in establishing an ANC inter- nal and underground video unit that exposed the apartheid atrocities. He added that the video materials which were sent to them helped the ANC to mobilise the international community to support the struggle against apartheid.

Comrade Laurence is our unsung hero and his selfless contribution will always be remembered.

The ANC Veterans League conveys its deepest condolences to his family and friends.

May His Soul Rest in Internal Peace. 12 ANC Today MAY PERSPECTIVE Africa Month THE FACE OF COVID-19, JUST LIKE POVERTY, IS A WOMAN (PART 2)

By Precious Banda

The article seeks to demonstrate how pandemics have a general effect to ex- acerbate the pre-existing inequalities and argues that even with COVID-19, it will surely amplify the gender inequality in the world including in South Africa.

SOCIAL DIMENSION The Khayelitsha case exposed social dying in the hands of men, women being GBV robot. The GBV call centre must be challenges where one woman had been violated and dehumanised daily. The gov- expanded and also linked with police so stigmatised and, whilst in hospital, her ernment and society must address the that callers are automatically given case landlord evicted her through a voice note, safety of victims of GBV and child abuse numbers that police can follow up. citing how she placed the landlord’s fam- in the context of a lockdown in which vic- ily at risk. Such stigmatisation led to an- tims are forced into closer and more con- other young woman from Nyanga, who fined spaces with their abusers. EDUCATION DIMENSION was mistaken for the Khayelitsha victim The COVID-19 outbreak compels all chil- and was harassed and had to go on so- Members of the LGBTQIA+ Communi- dren to find means to learn from home. cial media to explain that she is Covid-19 ty are also locked down in homes and What does that mean for the working negative. Stigmatisation by communities places with people who are homophobic class children? Some of their parents is not a new phenomenon as it was seen and continue to stigmatise them. Without cannot read or write because we still during the HIV/Aids pandemic, where a lockdown, they can go to school, work, struggle with adult literacy. Many stay with women were insulted and called names and visit places that are conducive and grandparents, particularly grandmothers. as having caught the virus supposedly less tense. But because of the lockdown, due to promiscuity. Others were declared A smart cell phone with online facilities they will have to be in homes and among might seem like an easy gadget to own to have been possessed and advised to communities with people that are homo- undergo initiation so they could be tra- but not for rural parents and children phobes and have no regard for other peo- where even if one is owned, the digital ditional healers. Activists, organisations ple’s sexual choices and preferences. We and government should be doing a lot of divide still prevents universal connectivi- need an integrated women, children and ty. Moreover in cases where they have a work to ensure effective public education LGBTQIA+ concrete approach to sexual smart phone and connectivity, it is not so- during this time to avoid similar narratives and gender abuse now, given the nature phisticated enough to receive worksheets about COVID-19. of domestic violence in SA. from school via WhatsApp and the cost of data bundles are a serious challenge. The Minister of Police announced the Social workers should be finding smart alarming numbers of Gender-Based Vio- ways of providing support for girls, wom- Ever since schools closed due to the lence (GBV) cases of women having been en and household marred by domestic vi- abused during this lockdown period. A lot olence. The GBV call centre must not only outbreak of the covid-19, our messaging of people were shocked and they forgot be publicised alone but interactive initia- has been to encourage online learning that the COVID-19 outbreak happened at tives like the GBV robot must be taught and the Department of Education has a time when we were already in a war as in all public media and social networks been sharing links to sites where learners against GBV. It is a war that goes on year so that women and children are taught can get study material. We are aware of in and year out, where mainly women are to detect elements of abuse through the the fact that it is difficult for a child who 13 ANC Today MAY PERSPECTIVE Africa Month

School feeding schemes: For some of the learners,

the meal at school is the

only guaranteed meal that ‘ they have.‘

stays in an overcrowded home to study We must introduce the smart learning that have been put in place and stay at and pay attention uninterrupted. We are from primary and secondary schools and home to reduce and cut the spread of further aware that data bundles are a not only for times like these. Interventions COVID-19. As the economic conditions luxury to poor people as they stay in vil- through online classes during the Covid19 get harsher on the majority poor women lages and areas where free Wi-Fi does pandemic that ignore the real conditions in our fight against COVID-19, we can- not exist. With all the online facilities of and lived experiences of the majority of not afford to have increased infections. study being made available, it means we South African children not only denies Let us use water and soap which we can are systematically excluding them. By the working class children the right to equal afford. Let us wash our hands and clean time schools are open, they will be behind education but also strengthens capitalist our environments. The hotel and hospital- compared to their counterparts who had social reproduction. This requires the De- ity industry is called upon to donate soap access to data. The lockdown is a nec- partment of Postal and Telecommunica- and shampoos which they are not using essary intervention to flatten the curve tion Services to invest and expedite the to working class communities that cannot of COVID-19 and its impact is viciously roll out of the SA Connect programme, afford. Each industry must give something harder on the working class and lower which they or National Treasury recent- to the fight against COVID-19. The people middle classes. This calls for the govern- ly un- or underfunded. It also entails the must give themselves up by adhering to ment and society to challenge data and achievement of data must fall, which the all regulations and being patriotic. network companies to contribute towards Competition Commission has started, the learning of the poor by availing free but must become a major programme to While it is difficult for urban and rural work- data bundles to each number on their net- enable closing the digital divide between ing class families to practice physical dis- work so that parents and home assistants urban and rural and between the wealthy tance, let us stay home. Inequality in soci- can access school work. Multi-Choice and working class. ety makes the lockdown particularly harsh platform must also offer all DStv channels for huge families staying in small houses. and extra educational resources for free It is better than being outside and contact- during the lockdown. CONCLUSION ing people as it puts our very families and What is glaring, and is confirmed by the poor communities at risk. Let us be safe The other group we need to think about COVID-19 pandemic, is that where such as we continue to confront patriarchy and are learners who benefit from feeding a pandemic hits an unequal society and capitalism during this pandemic. schemes in schools. For some of these environment, women will be the ones to learners, the meal at school is the only be heavily burdened. The health, labour, With all decisions that are still to be made guaranteed meal that they have. Meals at social and economic implications suffered in the fight against Covid19, we must first- home are usually uncertain because par- are particularly severe based on the lo- ly consider the poor and working-class ents are unemployed or underemployed. cation and positioning of women, and in women and interrogate what will be the particularly black working class and poor implications of our decisions on the state With this entire burden, the girl child is women in society. Never before has the of these women. likely to be subjected to house chores at case for gender and social transforma- home instead of doing school work. Let’s tion been more urgent than now. Gender In our fight against this dangerous all ensure we give the necessary support equality is a product of social, political virus, we must not leave behind the to the labouring girl child in our neigh- and economic transformation; it is there- marginalised groupings in society. bourhood by checking up on them and fore not achievable without fundamental We must fight patriarchy, GBV and guiding them to do schoolwork through transformation of the mode of production COVID-19 until we win. Everything for phone calls and WhatsApps. During the and its ideological and political super- the revolution and nothing against it! lockdown, all little acts of caring count. structure. We must be the girl child’s keeper so that Precious Banda is Convenor of the ANC she excels with her schoolwork. We must all adhere to the regulations Women’s League Young Women Desk. 14 ANC Today MAY Q & A Africa Month Q&A By Amanda Tshemese

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Sasekani Manzini

1. Who is Sasekani Manzini? workers can go on protected strikes; I am an African woman and a mother they can bargain for their wage and who was born in a village called Ma- fight against unfair dismissals. Wom- dras in Bushbukridge, Mpumalanga. I en workers have maternity leave and learned through the Durban University most workers are consulted by their of Technology (DUT) and University employers on any changes relating to of Johannesburg (UJ), my alma ma- their working conditions. ters. I learned through the ANC Youth League, the ANC mother body and through the well of wisdom that is to be 4. What would you say is the rele- found in the community of my village, vance of unions currently? including through many other social Unions are very relevant and continue interactions. wage workers struggles and protect workers from exploitation in many My hatred of poverty and underdevel- forms. It is common cause that in South opment drove me to join the ANCYL Africa, there are still employers who do and the ANC as a vehicle to wage not meet the minimum standards pre- struggles to build a better life for all. I scribed by the labour relations Act. So, served and was elected the first female it is the work of unions to make sure Provincial Secretary of the ANCYL in Comrade Sasekani Manzini is that these minimum standards which Mpumalanga. I have since served, MEC for Health, protect employees or their members among other portfolios, as a Member Mpumalanga Province are met. Some employers still refuse of the Mpumalanga Executive Council to pay the minimum wage prescribed responsible for Public Works Roads by the progressive ANC government. and Transport and currently in Health. Some still deny women their maternity the worst time but through the leader- leave. This is a clear case for the con- ship of the ANC government, we seem tinued existence of unions.. 2. You’re one of the youngest MEC to be sailing through the rough seas member in the country. How has the and we are still alive, and in these test- journey been as MEC of health es- ing times life alone is enough. 5. What do you think needs to be pecially during these testing times? improved from now on in order to The journey of expanding public qual- make lives of the workers even bet- ity health care and making sure poor 3. In terms of workers’ rights pro- ter? South Africans have access to the tection, how do you think SA is do- A lot needs to change to improve the best health facilities has been a diffi- ing as compared to the rest of the lives of the working class in South Af- cult but fulfilling one. There are many world? rica. We need to change the way in challenges in the sector which range As an activist, I believe workers rights which capital and the means of pro- from backlogs in health infrastructure are human rights, so they are part of duction are owned and controlled in to a shortage of nurses and doctors. the non-negotiables I believe in. It is a South Africa. We need to reduce the However, as a positive person, I do not known fact that South Africa has one levels of income inequality and do bury myself in challenges but look for of the best constitutions in the world away with the current unsustainable opportunities everywhere. That is why largely because it guarantees, among and unjust system wherein a few own I am an ardent campaigner of the Na- others, workers’ rights. When com- wealth equal to that of the bottom half. tional Health Insurance (NHI) because pared to other parts of the world, South We need to increase the participation it is the only solution to our health care Africa’s workers rights are amongst of the workers, the youth and women challenges. The COVID-19 came at the best, that is why South African in the mainstream economy.. We need 15 ANC Today MAY Q & A Africa Month to make sure that the economy grows, but that it doesn’t grow for the elite but “Love in the Time of COVID-19, grows to benefit all through, for exam- A Community Poem for Healthcare ple, the creation of jobs and empower- Workers and Other Frontliners” ment of the workers. You spoke calming words to me stock the shelves, and work so hard as I slipped into sleep so we can stay in our space. 6. We are marking workers month And yours were the first eyes I saw at a difficult time in our countryand as I came out from under the fog You can do it, you can make it, the world. What would you like to Wingless angels dressed in scrubs, single mom working two shifts, say to our essential workers, our footfall on our steps, exhausted nursing home staff doctors, nurses, petrol attendants, a tap on the window, fighting against depression cashiers, taxi drivers and others? a neighbor’s wave, and confusion. Dementia. The first thing I need to say is to offer a newly-sewn mask tossed my sincere gratitude to all for carrying (in a plastic bag), to the front Dressing up in silly costumes, the world through these difficult times. of the door: “run it through the washer dancing down the halls, Thank you once more, and kindly first,” she calls, waves, and departs. Holding ipads high preserve your patriotism and love for so loved ones can see, humankind.. Siyabonga! My second Earth angels, haloes shining bright, their elderly parent message is an appeal to ordinary working with this virus in the air! who are unable to communicate, South Africans to treat these important We will not despair reassuring them people who we often disregard with You support us that everything will be okay. the highest level of respect because You surround us we have all seen that the world is in- Because of you, the world Smiling faces, complete without them. will get brighter, heads pounding, socially un-distancing. tirelessly ensuring the outside world 7. How is the ANC in Mpumalan- Bless the arms that hold you today. stays ‘outside’ ga assisting government to fight We’re all joining hands, and residents stay safe. COVID-19 and helping those needy guests on this planet, families with food during these test- across many lands. For the inner strength, ing times? We are forever grateful courage and compassion The ANC as a people’s movement that to the warriors who save lives. with which you serve, is always amongst the people espe- our eternal devotion, you so deserve. cially when they go through difficult Time to recognize the real heroes, times, is doing all in it’s ability to en- brilliant shadows, as we’ve never For all your efforts, sure that our people have all the ne- seen before. God calls us may you be blessed cessities they need through these dif- to opportunity, it is for each a thousand fold. ficult times.. Structures of the ANCare of us to claim. Our neighbor making sure that our people receive is our brother, is our sister, Where we are, the information required to acquire re- is our keeper, is our healer. the tired ghosts of fearful uncertainty sources, like applying for food parcels As soldiers, you stand tall, welcome the laughter provided by SASSA, applying for UIF ready for the next patient who calls. that champions the heart, for those who were working and so on. Your love and care exemplify for the speed of love turns out So, there is a number of interventions heroism without compare. to be the speed of light. led by different structures of the ANC even though they are not sufficient be- Without you, our country would be A gentle reminder: cause the poverty levels in our country facing an even larger catastrophe. Be safe. Be well. is too high and extremely concern- Be kind. Which is to say, ing. The poverty levels exposed by Doctors and nurses and other shelter in safety and love. COVID-19 require us to think and do frontliners, with help to give. things different post the crisis. Some deliver goods, Everybody’s home some clean and scrub, and nobody’s alone. 8. What’s your motto? By Aileen Cassinetto, Poet Laureate Never bury your head in a crisis, always look for opportunities. Never complain, always provide solutions. 16 ANC Today MAY THIS WEEK IN HISTORY Africa Month

23–28 May 2020 Source: SA History Online (

23 May 1926 Joe Slovo born Joe Slovo (1926-1995), the former South African Communist Party (SACP) and African National Congress (ANC) leader and Minister of Housing, was born in Lithuania. From 1950s Slovo became a victim of repressive legislations, including banned under the Suppression of Communism Act of 1951, forcing him and others to continue political work underground. In 1963 Slovo skipped the country to work on African National Congress and South African Communist Party external missions. He was elected as General Secretary of the SCP in 1984, and a year later at the ANC Kabwe conference as the first white member of the NEC. He returned to South Africa after the unbanning of the ANC and SACP in 1990, served as part of the ANC negotiations team, and drafted the ANC discussion document on the so-called “sunset clauses.” After the first democratic elections in 1994, Slovo became an ANC Member of Parliament and Minister of Housing in the Government of National Unity.

23 May 1993 24 May 1921 it as a reunion. Clapham wanted to re- South Africa joins the OAU Bulhoek massacre member those who had fallen in the war by ultimate testing of body and mind, and triumphing. Sixteen runners com- pleted the 87, 9km (55 mile) race from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. The annual ultra-distance marathon between Piet- ermaritzberg and Durban, is the world’s oldest and largest ultra marathon.

After the first fully democratic elections, 25 May 1922 South Africa was officially admitted as Young Communist League 53rd member of the Organisation of (YCLSA) formed African Unity (OAU) at a summit, held In 1921, in a battle lasting less than 30 in Tunis, Tunisia. The South Africa del- minutes between police and Israelites, egation was led by the Foreign Affairs followers of prophet Enoch Mgijima, Minister Alfred Nzo, who was applaud- more than 180 people were killed. The ed after membership was authorised at battle started after police issued an ul- an OAU Council of Ministers meeting. timatum demanding that the Israelites After joining the OAU, South Africa evacuate land they were squatting on participated actively in all activities and and warned that if they failed to comply, structures, such as the Secretariat, the their leader would be arrested and their The plans for the formation of the Young Centre for Conflict Prevention, Man- homes demolished. Soon afterwards Communist League (YCL) were laid agement and Resolution, the Central a group of around 500 white-robed in 1921 when the Communist Party of Organ, the Council of Ministers and men, armed with sticks and spears, South Africa (CPSA) was established. the Annual Summit. The OAU was su- challenged the machine guns of an Youth groups were formed in Johan- perseded by the African Union (AU). 800-strong police force sent by Jan nesburg and Cape Town. In 1922, the The inaugural session of the AU was Smuts to remove the Israelites who had YCL played a supportive role during the held in Durban, South Africa on July settled at the holy village of Ntabelan- great white mineworkers’ strike when 10, 2002. South Africa currently hosts ga, Bulhoek in Queenstown to pray. 25,000 white miners downed tools be- the Pan African Parliament, the African cause the Chamber of Mines proposed Risk Capacity Agency, the NEPAD/AU 24 May 1921 to dismiss about 2000 of them. In May Development Agency, the African Peer First Comrades Marathon that year they established a national Review Mechanism, as well as set to The first Comrades Marathon was run structure, the YCL. Amongst the found- host the space campus of the Pan Af- by Vic Clapham, ex World War One vet- ing members were Edward Roux, Sar- rican University. eran and other 34 runners, who initiated ah Sable and Willie Kalk. 17 ANC Today MAY THIS WEEK IN HISTORY Africa Month

25 May 2010 According to Motswai, he liked “to draw by the Apartheid government. Some of South Africa opera tenor Siphiwo happy people doing ordinary things such his most notable works include: A Dry Ntshebe passed away as travelling on buses, talking and sing- White Season, An Act of Terror and ing in places I know well, like Soweto.” The Other Side of Silence. He attended art classes at FUBA (Fed- erated Union of Black Artists) and the 29 May 2005 Johannesburg Art Foundation. Motswai’s Hamilton Naki passed away superb visual memory enables him to re- cord details of people, places and events which provide us with the artist’s docu- mentary of a period from the early 1980s to the present. His colourful, bold images record the subtleties and humour found within a culturally diverse and economi- cally divided South Africa.

29 May 1935 Siphiwo Ntshebe was born in Brighton, Writer AP Brink is born Port Elizabeth. He was a great opera Hamilton Naki was a gardener who lat- singer, whose career ended abruptly er became a laboratory assistant with- when he died of meningitis on 25 May out any formal training. He first worked 2010. Ntshebe was only 35 and was for Robert Goetz, who asked him to only days away from what would have assist him in the laboratory instead of been one of the highlights of his career. gardening. Having started with just as- Former South African President Nelson sisting with the animals and cleaning Mandela had selected Ntshebe to be cages, Naki later began anesthetizing one of the performers at the 2010 FIFA the animals and assisting with sur- World Cup. His sudden death came as South African novelist, Andre Phillipus geries. When Goetz left, Naki began a shock to many who knew him. His al- Brink (d.2015) was born on 29 May working with Chris Barnard, the doctor bum Hope was released in 2010. 1935. Brink obtained his Bachelor of who would perform the first heart trans- Arts degree in Literature at the Univer- plant in South Africa. Those who have 27 May 1973 sity of Potchefstroom in 1955. 1n 1958 worked with Naki described him as a Award-winning artist Thomas he earned his Masters in Literature and very talented and skilled for someone Trevor Motswai born in 1959, his Masters in Afrikaans and who didn’t have any formal training. He Thomas Trevor Motswai (known as Tom- Dutch literature. In the 1960s, Brink, would often perform amazing surgery my) is an award-winning South African Ingrid Jonker and Breyten Breytenbach work on animals quite effortlessly. After artist. He has achieved national and in- were part of the Afrikaans literary move- his death, it was claimed that he had ternational acclaim. Motswai was born ment, Die Sestigers (“The Sixty-ers”). assisted Dr Chris Barnard on his first on 27 May 1963, in Soweto, South of Jo- The group used literature to speak up successful heart transplant. The claim hannesburg. Although he was born deaf, against Apartheid and to bring about a was later refuted and subsequently he became a prolific and successful artist European influence to Afrikaans liter- retracted. In 2003 UCT awarded him who portrayed the world around him on ature. This saw some of Brink and his the degree MMed [honoris causa]. Naki paper with pastels, and later lithographs. contemporaries’ books being banned died on 29 May 2005. 18 ANC Today MAY THIS WEEK IN HISTORY Africa Month INTERNATIONAL DAYS 23–28 May 2020 Source:

24 May World Brothers Day 25 May International Day to end Obstetric Fistula The day celebrates the link between siblings, and the impor- Obstetric fistula is one of the most serious and tragic inju- tance of family. ries that can occur during childbirth. It is a hole between the birth canal and the bladder or rectum caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without treatment. The condition typically 25 May Africa Day leaves women incontinent, and as a result they are often The day celebrates the founding of the Organisation of shunned by their communities. Sufferers often endure de- African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa. pression, social isolation and deepening poverty. Many wom- During the first few decades, the focus was onsup- en live with the condition for years – or even decades – be- porting the decolonization process, but after the end of cause they cannot afford to obtain treatment. An estimated 2 apartheid in Namibia and South Africa, a greater focus million women in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Arab region, was on peace, development and integration. The OAU and Latin America and the Caribbean are living with this in- Charter spelled out the purpose of the Organisation jury, and some 50,000 to 100,000 new cases develop each namely: year. Yet fistula is almost entirely preventable. Its persistence • To promote the unity and solidarity of the African is a sign that health systems are failing to meet women’s es- States; sential needs. In its resolution A/RES/67/147, the General • To coordinate and intensify their cooperation and ef- Assembly calls on the international community to use the In- forts to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa; ternational Day to significantly raise awareness and intensify • To defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity actions towards ending obstetric fistula. and independence; • To eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa; and 25-29 May World Map Reading Week • To promote international cooperation, having due Maps play an important role in our world, even with GPS on regard to the Charter of the United Nations and the our phones and cars. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 29 May International Day of UN Peace-keepers The OAU was officially transformed into the African Union (AU) at a historic launch in July 2002 in Durban, South Africa. It has 55 member states that make up the countries of the African Continent. The AU is guided by its vision of “An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.”

The day pays tribute to the over 100,000 UN peacekeepers that are active all over the world today, including the more than 3900 peacekeepers who have lost their lives serving un- der the UN flag. The theme for this year’s Day is“Women in Peacekeeping: A Key to Peace” to help mark the 20th an- niversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, Peace and Security. 19 ANC Today MAY BOOK REVIEW Africa Month #Lockdown READING LIST 8 A-Z OF AFRICAN WRITERS

Compiled by Robin Malan (2009. Shuter) | Reviewed by Fébé Potgieter-Gqubule

HE A-Z of African Writers. A Guide to modern African writing in English by former Waterford Khumbula School in TSwaziland head of English, who also ran a bookstore, is one of those books that you don’t read from beginning to end, but to use as a reference, to look whether your favourite authors are in or who are left out! The author in the in- troduction explains: “Of course, I’ve had to select these writers. There are thou- sands more.” So the selection focus- es on fiction, poetry, children’s books, plays and biography, that have been written or translated into English.

So, the book features the ‘old guard’ – Peter Abrahams, Bessie Head and Chinua Achebe, Ama Ata Aidoo, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Grace Ogot, Jose Cravei- rinha, Wole Soyinka, Naguib Mahfouz, Thomas Mofolo and Ousmane Sem- bene, Nawal el Saadawi and Eugene Marais, as well as many of the “young- er” generation of authors Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (on cover), Ben Okri, Mia block such as Lauren Beukes, Nnenedi opening lines from Helon Habila’s Mea- Couto, Lebogang Mashile, Veronique Okorafor, HJ Golokai, Angela Makhol- suring Time (2007) “They had decided Tadjo, Tsitsi Dangaremba, Yvonne Vera wa and Leye Adenle, although the latter a long time ago to make life hard for and Leila Aboulela. The list goes on. may be due to the timing of the book their father. He had broke their mothers What makes it very useful as a refer- (published 11 years ago in 2009). heart…” or the critical comment in the ence book, apart from being organised entry about Yulisa Amadu Maddy: ”The alphabetically, it also gives the list of For each writer, a short biography is most completely realized homosexual writers by decade of their birth, as well given, a list of the author’s most import- character yet found in contemporary as by country. The spread by decades ant works, an extract from or a striking African literature comes from (his nov- shows a fair representation across Afri- opening line from a major work by the el) No Past, No Present, No Future ca’s ‘modern era’ (20 and 21st century), author and a quote or a critical com- (1973)” . but the list by countries show the Anglo- ment by or about the author and her/his phone focus of the book, and perhaps work. This makes for very interesting The A-Z of African Writers, despite its because the author lives here, the dom- read. For example, the entry on Ache- limits, is an accurate reflection of the inance of South African writers. There be, a comment is quoted “In every En- depth and breadth of modern African are also some obvious omissions (as glish and non-English speaking country writing and writers, and the kind of ref- the author said, there are thousands left on the planet, if you ask a student to erence work that you keep on picking out!), such as Miriam Tlali from the old name just one African novel, it is most up, just to read little gems about known guard, as well as the new kids on the likely to be Things Fall Apart…” or the and unknown writers. 20 ANC Today MAY X-WORD | Africa Day 25 May Africa Month

Across Down 2. Continental institution to coordinate efforts on pandemics and disease 1. ANC and PAC present at OAU founding, but when did South Africa join? 4. Ethiopian emperor and host of the OAU founding conference. 3. Host city of the founding conference of the OAU on 25 May 1963 8. First country to gain independence in 1957 and founding member of and its headquarters. the OAU. 5. OAU and AU protocol on Economic Integration. 10. In 2001, the OAU transformed into this institution. 6. AU Protocol on Gender Equality. 11. Bloc in 60s arguing for national sovereignty first and then incremental integration. 7. Which war gave further impetus to anti-colonial struggles in the 1940s and 50s? 12. Number of independent African states who gathered to form the OAU in 1963. 9. Heads of State and Government. 13. This bloc in the 1960s wanted Africa to move immediately towards a United States of Africa.

WORD BANK Ghana World War Two Addis Ababa Selassie thirty two ninety ninety four Casablanca Monrovia Abuja Treaty Maputo Protocol African CDC African Union HOSG

Maximum contributions of 600 words, in an accessible language – any South African language – adequately referenced. We reserve the right to edit articles. [email protected]