War horses dance, johnston defeats Tribe shoots d,.····­ show battle moves former Klan wizard Duke Biue Hens 15

TUESDAY Budget cuts, student need strain counseling center By Michael O'Brien Services. This is the first time pan of the CCSD said, "It would be hard to take any students than ever. additional students. Managing Editor student health fee has specifically funded more cuts without losing some of the He said full-time and part-time "We had no information what percent of Budget cuts have forced the Center for CCSD, Ferguson said. professional staff." matriculated students are now eligible to these part-time students are interested in Counseling and Student Development Because of the cut, the counseling center The center currently has one part time utilize CCSD. In the past, only full-time counseling," he said. (CCSD) to reduce its programming, but had to reduce office hours, lose half a and 10 full-time professional counselors. matriculated students were eligible. Bishop said the center has already felt policy changes within the university 's secretarial position, stop running programs The budget cut at CCSD was consistent Dr. Karen Bauer, institutional research the effects of the increase in students. There student health sector allow more students to in residence halls, cut a peer counseling with the cuts at all departments in the analyst, said this creates 4,311 more is currently a two-week waiting list for use its reduced resourses. program and take many future plans for the university for this year, said Stuart J. students that can now get service along with students who do not need immediate Students are also paying an increased center off the planning board for an Sharkey, vice president for Student Affairs. the 13,945 students who are already counseling. student health fee to suppon the center's indefinite period. Bishop said his main concern is to eligible. Kelly McCiaffeny, senior secretary for services, according to Paul A. Ferguson, Dr. John B. Bishop, dean of Counseling provide effective service because the Sharkey said it is "erroneous" to question CCSD, said she has never seen so many assistant director for Student Health and Student Development and director of department is being asked to help more whether CCSD wili be able to handle the see COUNSELING page 5 ·Police 2 blac-kouts arrest :fight disrupt city, suspect businesses

By Richard jones after [the second blackout]," he Paper Mill probe and Ron Kaufman said. :might produce Staff Editors Graham said the police received Two power outages in Newark about 4 7 calls requesting assistance more arrests left thousands of residents without following the second blackout. electricity and forced many area Smith said power was restored at A Newark man was arrested businesses to close unexpectedly about 2 a .m. Sunday by using Thursday on multiple charges in on Saturday. electricity from an auxiliary connection with a group figlft at a Dennis G . Smith, electrical transformer. Paper Mill Apartment party Sept. 8, director of Newark Electric Co., Lt. Bill Nefosky of the Newark Newark Police said. said a 34,000-volt electrical Police said one of the department's Police said Eric Chandler, 27, of transformer malfunctioned at 3:30 goals during the second blackout Church Street, was charged with p .m. Saturday and again at 1 a.m . was to clear the streets of the possession of a deadly weapon Sunday. people celebrating homecoming. during the commission of a felony, He said the power outages Four businesses in the area five counts of assault in the second affected the entire city and left sustained property damage with and third degrees, burglary, 8,000 Newark Electric customers one burglary at the Campus conspiracy, criminal mischief, and without electricity. Convenience Store on East Main leslie D. Barbaro contempt of court. Smith said the cause of the Street, Graham said. Homecoming candidates (from left) Elizabeth Dellinger (AS 91), Jennifer Stewart (PE 91) and Queen Chandler was released on transformer's malfunCLion has not Employees of Rainbow Records Kris Sotir (BE 91) promenade in the Homecoming Parade. $14,000 in unsecured bonds pending yet been detennined but a team of on Main Street and Sbarro's Cafe at a preliminary hearing s-cheduled for engineers began their investigation Main and Academy streets said later this month, said Newark Police yesterday. their businesses lost money Chief William A. Hogan. Homecoming 1990 sparkles Sgt. Don Graham, of the Newark because they were forced to close He said more arrests could occur Police, said the reaction of for three hours on homecoming and up to 70 charges may be filed. residents and businesses to the first weekend. By Rebecca Williams 1980, and some fraternities and "I was happy I could do it for A prior conflict between three blackout Saturday afternoon was "This should have been our Staff Reponer sororities. my sorority," Sotir said. "It was a suspects, excluding Chandler, relatively calm. busiest day ever. We lost between A mennaid, a yellow submarine Chi Omega's Kris Sotir (BE 91) nice honor." staned the group fights, he said. However, Graham called the $700 and $800 of business," said and a hen in a motorboat floated and Sigma Phi Epsilon··s Dave Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Newark Police Officer Bob second power outage a fiasco. through Newark on Saturday Hemingway (BE 92) were elected Phi Epsilon entered a car Agnor gave this account of the fight "Main Street became quite crazy see BLACKOUT page 5 morning. homecoming queen and king. Two brothers recognized a man at see HOMECOMING page 5 The occasion was the second the party against whom they had pressed charges for a Macing annual university Homecoming Parade, with the theme Celebration reunites alumni incident last year in Foxcroft "Navigating Our Future" to By Greg Orlando Jean Miles, administrative assistant Apartments. The three exchanged celebrate the 20th anniversary of Staff Reporter in the Office of Alumni Relations. words. the College of Marine Studies. Like Moslems to Mecca, Graduates gathered in the Field A tenant of the apanment asked At about 10:15, the 41 entries university alumni made pilgrimages House parking lots, where they the man to leave, but he refused. left Newark Hall parking lot, to the Delaware Field House for the recalled good times, cooked weenies The two brothers assaulted the man. bound for Delaware and South Homecoming festivities Saturday. and drank large quantities of beer. The man left the party and College Avenues. The classes of 1940, 50, 55, 65, "We're here to remember the returned with about six friends, Various groups participated in and 1980, and various nursing and spirit of being with a wonderful armed with baseball bats, night the parade such as the Resident chemical engineering classes held group of people," said Bruce White, sticks and Mace. The group broke Student Association (RSA), the official reunions, said Skip Cook, class of 1955 alumnus. down the apartment door, and university and Newark High alumni associate. "This is the best place to be in random assaults ensued. School bands, the Black Student Most of those classes held dinners New Castle County today," he said. Union, the classes of 1965 and or receptions later that night, said - Jilllaurinaitis see REUNIONS page 5

Particpants in the Global Walk will stop in Newark today as they ~hl~l~$- make splash with _worlds best journey around the world. The first leg of their travels began In I :,:, ·;,;.. ..,:'< ,;;;.: . <;;,, California in Februrary and will take them to New York. By Wil Shamlin said. :·aut affer seeing the StiJfiReporrer Australians, we were really happy Although three university to get second." Worldwide march students sJ)ent the summer on· ihe The Australian team, North beach as lifeguards, that wasn•t as Cliffe, took home the gold medal exciting as placing second among for the third consecutive year. Japan travels through city professionals in the World finished third. Lifeguard Championships. "It just gives us something to By jennifer Bodamer spokesperson said Derek Shockro (PE 92), Will shoot for in Japan," Shockro said, Staff~ The group, "Global Walk for a Stack (AS DC) and Mike Quen:y . referring to the 1992 lifeguard The peoples of the Soviet Union, Livable World," will come into (AS 94) teamed up with former championships. · Japan, Spain, Holland and the Newark from Route 273 and meet university studentJJ. Stein indout­ Shockro, Stein, Querey and United States are working together high 9Chool and university students ~nted other pro teams in the Walter Bennett (GC DC) qualifted 24 in response to a problem · more at Newark High School, said Geoff sprint relay competition in for ·the world competition after they global than the crisis in the Middle Salthouse, group coordinator for Travemunde, Germany. sped to a first-place finish in the East-saving the world Student Environmental Ac:tion Considering the cornpetitioo, the National Lifeguard Championships An international band of walkers Coalition (SEAC). in Aa. squad from the Rehoboth, Beach Pompano, on their way cross·country from Then they will proceed through A pulled hamstring during a Palrol was excited about their Santa Monica, Calif., to the United campus to Frazier Field, behind the practice forced Bennett to stay second-place finish. Nations in New York City will arrive Carpenter Sports Building, where "We're just a bunch of college home, Shockro said. in Newark this afternoon. the 100 to 150 walkers will set up In the relay race, each team :From left= Mike Querey (AS. 94), Derek Shockro (PE 92), Will kids and they're professionals.'' The group has been traveling camp. Some walkers will also be Shockro said . member sprints 100 yards on the .'' Stack (As DC) and).). Stein represented the United States at an since Feb. 1, trying to raise "We wanted to win," Querey see MARCH pase 5 ~-lnte.,atl~·lllfeguard~mpetl~l~n this summer. · see ATHLETES page 4 environmental awareness, a group I l.' .. 2• THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990 Gay holiday encourages coming out

ti n I oming Out Day is "an By Nick liparini famous people who are known homosexuals, Student Center at 7 p.m., Fromme said. SWf Rt!pOfftr such as poet Langston Hughes and pro tennis A National Coming Out Day concen will be ncouragcment f r gay, lesbian, and bisexual Homosexuals and bisexuals around the player Martina Navratilova, will be posted held Saturday in Newarlc HaiJ at 8 p.m. people and Lake pride in who they ar. counuy will panicipate in National Corning around campus. Vicky Morelli (AS 91), co-president of the Jl' time 1 teU people, 'This is who I am LGBSU. said National Coming Out Da .,;lh it", Fromme said. ' Out Day, their holiday of celebration and •See Editorial Page 6 recognition, on ThW"Sday. celebrates the 1987 National March on He said the day is a festive occasion for Newark Poli e have been •See Related Story Page 11 On campus, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual WashingtOn for Lesbian and Gay Rights, the h m uals and a chance to reach people i uing warnings and ti lcets to Student Union (LGBSU) will host several There will also be an information table fU"St of its kind. who have not come out, or disclosed their bicycli t who rid on the activities to celebrate the occasion, said a outside the Perkins Student Center, where The day is imponant for homosexuals and homoseJ~uality to a trusted person, and idewallc r against traffi on students will pass out information to help bisexuals both as individuals and as a group, encourage them to do so. Main Street, poli said. spokesman for the organization. dispel myths associated with homosexuality, she said. "On a personal level it is a way to Morelli and Fromme said the LGBSU tends Th police department Tres Fromme (AG 93), co-president of the he said. connect with other homosexuals around to get harassed more after lheir activities on re eh·e a fed ral highway LGBSU, said activities will be held throughout the da in an effort to give the group "a more A film , "Before Stonewall," a historical campus and around the country," Morelli said. National Coming Out Day. Fromme said the grant very •ear for the month look at the homo ellual movement, will be "Politically, it is a way of saying we're here harassment in the past has been mostly verbal f S ptember whi h pro ides visible presence on campus." Fromme said flyers and posters featuring shown in the Blue and Gold Room of the and you have to deal wilh us." but has the potential for violence. for offi r to patrol Main Str et, protecting ped strians and eli ls from hitting one another, Lt. Thomas P noza said. Citizens protest abortion at Christiana Hospital \l h n funding ends at the end of each eptembcr, cy lists By jill Kaufman Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) will still re ei warnings or SWf Reporter and the Students for Life groups ti kelS if they arc caught, but "When they tell you abortion is from the university. n pccifi job will be funded just a matter between a woman and Christine Bowers (AS 91), who is t di tribute bi •cle ordinan her doctor, they're forgetting eight months pregnant, heard about i lation , Penoza said. someone," read signs at an anti­ the rally through lVCF. The number of y li ts on abortion raUy Saturday morning at "There's no way I could have fain Street drop off in Christiana hospital. killed my baby even if my siwation September when th grant Lakes The Voice for the Voiceless march were different ," she said. "One efftXt., h said. is a national annual event sponsored mistake shouldn't become another "The pr gram begin hen by the Christian Actioo Council . mist.alce." hoot begins and emphasis is The sixth annual protest at the Each physician at Christiana placed on warning students," hospital was one of more than 100 in Hospital makes his or her own Cpl. John Potts said. the country on Saturday, according decision to apply for clinical This is th fiflh year ewark to David Lon, president of the privileges to perform abortions, said Police ha e pani ipated in this Christian Action Council for New Lynn Hyatt, a spokeswoman for the program. h said. Casl.le County. Medical Center of Delaware. Although the grant covers About 350 people attended, Lort said lhe hospital physicians the entire it f Newark, the including members of the lnter- police departrnenl has hosen see PROTEST page 5 to on entrate on Main Street, he said. Lisa Burke (AS 92) said she SESSION does n t agree with the poli y. WINTER "It's ridi ulou . As long as STUDY ABROAD IN •ou don't ride crazily there is no reason wh •ou can't ride Pamela DeStefano on th sid wallc," Burke said. Members o( Students For Life and The lntervarsity Christian fellowship were among 350 people who LONDON Student club gives r~llied against legalized abortion Saturday morning. I Karate exhibition SPONSORED BY DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE The Chintolcan Karate Club Former Louisiana Klansman will gi e a demonstration INFORMATIONAL MEETJNG Saturda 0 t. 13 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Newark Hall loses bid for U.S. Senate seat TIJESDAY, OCT. 9 - 5:00 pm. g m, said Jim Reis (AS 9-), ROOM 112 - HARTSHORN BLDG. lub presid nL B Robert Weston mess they are in and Duke's Assistant ews Editor The demonstration will message gives them easy answers." Tbis meeting is for new applicants, in Jude self-defense fighting, Democratic Senator J. Benn u She said Duke has taken and for those already accepted to the program. sai and staff weapon use, and Johnston defeated Republican advantage of the siruation, lending wood breaking, Rei said. David Dulce, a former grand wizard credibility to himself and these If interested but unable to attend, please contact The demon tration will be of the Ku Klux Klan, Saturda in issues. one of the Faculty Directors (451-2201): led b eight-degree black belt Louisiana's .S. Senare ra . However, universiry political Jamie Cunningham master Masaharu Sakimuk:ai, Johnston, a thre -term hit vote in the state, struck a science professor Joseph Pika Dr. David Payne-Carter Sensei Demura, technical incumbent, won 54 percent of the hord whi h has not been heard in disagreed. advisor for the Karate Kid vote to Dulce's 43 percent in the recent times, she said. "lt does not necessarily give him mo i series, and Esteban ele tion, whi h had a low voter "I think hi m sage has legitimacy," he said. "The question TilE 167 - Theatrical Experience Abroad (3cr.) Palacio (AS 92), lhc club's turnout., said a ni ersity of ew politicized a large number of white instru tor. Orlean political scien e professor. oters who had ne er before see DUKE page 4 "Sensei Sakimkai and Sensei parti ipat d in th politi al Demura are two of the most See Editorial Page 6 process," she said. high! respected individuals in Though the numbers would seem " I think •ou ill see more the marshall arts in the nited to indicate a loss for Dulce, said Dr. politicians, not just in Louisiana," States," Palacio said. Susan Howell, the re ult ere sh said, "but all over the country, The demonstration is in actually a victory for the renegade take advantage of these issues." honor of Sakimul.:ai' 10-year Republican. Ho ell said Louisiana' s anniversary in the nited ·This is a victay for his message economic setting i critical to tales, Palacio said. that welfare bla lcs are responsible understanding Duke's su ess. Sakimukai opened a for the economi problems of the While the rest of the country is Chintolcan Karate school in white population," Howell said. just now beginning to worry about a Newpon, Del. 10 years ago, Many whites in Louisiana, she recession, Louisiana has been in a and recentl ga e Palacio sa.id, think unwed bla k mothers reces ion for the past fi e ears. pennission to stan the club at receive most of th state's special During that time, most voters' the university, Reis said. aid benefits, placing an unfair income declined. burden on taXpayers. 'Most people are simply trying Klondike Kate's 5K Dulce, who woo 56 percent of the to make sense of the economic to benefit children

The second annual Klondilce Kate' five kilometer Run/Walk DUSC to poll students benefiting local children's charities will be held Oct. 13 on university services on East Main Street at 10 a.m., a restaurant manager said. General Manager Mar B Karyn McCormac published in TM Review this week.. Staff Report~ Blocklinger and as istant Students can send responses to managers Ranei Hail and "Thlk Back to D SC," a surve the D SC office through campus Robert Kelly organized the sponsored b Delaware mail, deliver them in person, or race, Kelly said. Three hundred ndergraduate Student Congress call the DUSC hot line at 451- and fift pani ipants are this week. ·will ask Students to list 1082. current! regi tered and what the ' like and dislike about the DiFebbo said he expects more registration is still open Kell university. people to respond to this ear's said. "Thi is our wa of keeping in survey, because last year's was All of the race's proceeding touch with the student body," said limited to a suggestion table in the Join a brotherhood with a common goal: -ro become a part of the will be di tributed to variou Mike Difebbo (BE 91), president Perkins Smdem Center. University of Delaware's Greek System. along With promoting the unity of charities benefitting children, ofD SC. Last ear' s suggestions were sptrtt and purpose which prevails 1n ALPHA SIGMA PHI," he aid. All participan will Students will ba e the used only to give D SC an idea of receive a t-shin. and awards in opportunity 10 voice their opinions what programs hould be RUBBDATitS different categories will be about campus life from dining haJJ implemented. presented, ell said. food to administrative policies. be The results of this year's surve 'lt.71CSD4Y. ocr. 9 • 9-J J Pll Klondike Kate· re taurant said. will al o be shared with the and TCBY ogun will provide The results, categorized into a administration. TBVRSD4Y. ocr. 11 , 10.12 ,., a post-race party with froe food list that names the top five likes The results of this week. 's surve for participants, h said. and gripes. will gi administrators should be completed the week M'JVRDAY. OCT. 13 a collecti e tatement of the of Oct 22, he said. Compiled Aaron Ha.ffnez and change tudent want, DiFebbo «J think the surve is a good Gabriely Marmo said. idea and it should make a For more Info or a ride. please contact Paul Bolldoc 0 458-8707 Student can parti ipate differen e," said Amy "r ler (AS filling out a quest1onnaire 94). October 9, 1990 • JHE RfVIEW • 3 Carper campaigns to keep House seat

By Robert Weston defeat was a big step forward for Congress, according to campaign Assistant 1\kws Editor Carper and the Democratic Party. literature. In 1982, Thomas Richard El:•~~~~·~~ n~ :~ ~ "We had reached the point in the Carper, a progressive on social Carper, a Democrat, defeated , .• ,v_,. { county where we were not issues, considers himself a Compiled from the College Press Thomas B. Evans Jr., a three-term attracting new people into the party, conservative on budgetary issues. Service Republican incumbent, for it had become a closed club," Bullock said Carper believes the Delaware's lone seat in the House Bullock said. decision to have a child is best left of Rqresentatives. in the state came when Joe The strength of Carper's to a woman in consultation with her Fraternity ties up, Since that time many people feel Reardon, a Carper supporter, influence was seen in the spouse or physician. blindfolds pledge Carper, 43, has become the most defeated incumbent Eugene T. September primaries. when Yet, he said, Carper does not powerful Democrat in the state. Reed Sr. in 1989 to become the University Affirmative Action suppon federal funding of abortion In the mid 1980s the state chairman of the New Castle Specialist Rourke Moore upset AI except in the case of rape or incest University of Texas and Democratic Party was troubled Democratic Party. 0 . Plant for the state House of or when carrying the ferus to term Thomas R. Carper Travis County officials are with allegations of corruption and Reed, indicted by a grand jury in Representative's 2nd Disuict would threaten the mother's life. services except those protecting life investigating a possible hazing behind-the-scene-deals that worked July of trying to pay off a public Plant, an eight-term incumbent, Carper believes the most and propeny. case by members of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity after a to exclude many voters, especially official, breaking campaign finance acknowledged Carper's influence pressing issue facing the nation Carper voted to support student was found bound and in New Castle County. laws and trying to evade state taxes, in his defeat, saying "it !lel'""'led that today is the current budget crisis, President Bush's veto of a bill that gagged behind the fraternity Carper led an effoo to reform the was the head of the New Castle the entire Democratic Party was Bullock said. would have allowed the house Sept. 10. party by recruiting new candidates, County Democratic Party from against me." October 1 marked the beginning government to operate until an Police arrested two 18-year­ especially minorities, to run against 1977 to 1989. Though a party leader in of the fiscal year. By law, if a agreement is reached old men, both apparently the traditional party leaders. Jeff Bullock, communications Delaware, Carper is seen as a budget" agreement is not passed, the pledges of the fraternity. One of Carper's biggest victories director for Carper, said Reed's maverick by many members of government must shut down all see CARPER page 4 The man who was attacked, a house member, told police he was sleeping in his bed in the house when a group of fellow Williams aims to represent Delaware fraternity members blindfolded him and tied him up. By larry Dignan 1988 without costing the taxpayers Medicare, he said Texas law and university SQ{f Rrporter Additional taxes in the plan regulations both forbid hazing Republican candidate for the should be used to improve activities, said UT Assistant U.S. House of Representatives highways and mass transit, but will Dean of Students Glenn Ralph 0 . Williams said he has probably go toward the Maloney. beaten the odds throughout his life government's operating costs, he The students involved could and hopes to beat them again in the ~ · experienced~~~~;, enough to advise, said. He said he would vote for the face expulsion, he added. upcoming election. officer of The First National Bank resulting in risky loans by the plan only if there were no other In 1988, a UT student died Describing himself as a quiet of Wilmington and First Federal savings and loans to make money, alternatives. when he fell off a cliff while Republican, Williams said he Savings and Loan Association of Williams said On campaign reform, Williams running from two fraternity decided to run after being urged by Delaware bebe entering politics. Williams said he was unhappy said Congress should reduce its members who had been trying a friend. with the job Congress has done staff in Washington, D.C., decrease to throw him in the pool of a Williams, who experienced the Ralph Williams Williams said he got involved in savings and loan crisis fust-hand, "balancing the nation's checkbook." franking privileges and regulate the sorority house. politics because he wanted to give said, "The savings and loan He said the federal government distribution of Political Action the Persian Gulf. "Strong defense In an attempt to end hazing something back to Delaware. problem really hit home." needs to apply good management Committee (PAC) money. has gotten us where we are in the rituals, in which prospective Born in Laurel, Del., Williams As president of First Federal techniques and responsible fiscal Incumbents start out with an world," he said. members are sometimes made attended the University of Delaware Savings and Loan Association of policies to reduce the deficit and advantage of $1 million from the Williams said he is anti-abMion, to perform bizarre stunts to on the G.I. Bill and majored in Delaware, Williams rumed the bank conb'OI the medical care problem. PAC system, which is corrupt and except in the event of rape, incest become full members of the accounting. around from an institution which The recent deficit reduction needs reforms, he said and threat to the mother's life. "It's fraternity, 10 Greek Williams, a banker for 20 years, was losing $450,000 a month in compromise will hurt the elderly Williams said he supports being used as birth control and organizations have abandoned was president and chief executive 1982 into a profitable business by the most because of cutbacks in President George Bush's stance in that's wrong," he said. pledging. Instead, when students join, they immediately become full members. In the past decade, more than Students help organize Prague winter program 40 students have died in hazing rites.

By laura Raab Marler said this program will be tentatively scheduled for 1992. education courses will be offered. for more students to show interest Staff Reporter unique because students will Amy Fuller (ED 93), Although the College of in order to strengthen the program. College-aged people The Iron Curtain has lifted, contribute to the ground floor of chairwoman of the Prague interest Education will sponsor the Students involved in the at higher syphilis risk giving students opportunities to the planning, giving their opinions group, said suggested activities program, a variety of courses, planning may travel to the explore culturally rich nations, like and recruiting other interested include expeditions to Berlin or including geography and art Czechoslovakian embassy in Syphilis has risen to its Czechoslovakia, that were once students. Vienna and skiing on the Tatras history, will be offered so any Washington, D.C., to gather more highest level since 1949 in the isolated. In 1988, students from Delaware mountains. student will be eligible to information about Prague, he United States, with the For this reason, university and Charles University met at the Fuller said she has always had participate, Marler said. added. resurgence of the venereal srudents and faculty are tentatively Czechoslovakian Embassy, hoping an interest in Eastern European As soon as the group has "Prague is a gold mine," he said. disease striking blacks hardest. planning a Winter Session program to launch a program, he said. countries and hopes to get many formulated their ideas, they will be "It is a glorious city, rich in music researchers reported Sept. 18. at the Charles University in Prague, But the Communist government other students involved. presented to Charles University, the and architecture. The Prague College-aged people, who said Dr. C~Ies Marler, associate rejected the proposal, which was Lisa Sheridan (ED 93), said she oldest college north of the Alps. Castle, Wenceslas Square and the tend to have more sexual professor of Educational Srudies. resuscitated last May, and is now is drawn to the program because Marler said he is still searching Old Town Square are magnificent." partners than older people, could also be at a higher-than­ average risk of contracting the Rosters show increase disease, said Dr. Raben Rolfs ''This is theatre you and Dr. Allyn Nakashima of the in 1990-91 enrollment Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said. By Sarah called the post-Baby Boom era. L Roberts For women of all races, the Staff Reporter "There just aren't as many 18 shouldn't miss!'' incidence of syphilis was The number of applicants to the year olds out there," he said. highest among the 20-24 age Rick Mulrooney university declined this year but the "There's a lot of competition group, Rolfs said. For men, NEWS JOURNAL percentage of students offered [among universities] to get them. black and Hispanic men in the admission rose significantly, a "This year it was much easier 20-24 age group had the university official said. for students to get into the college highest incidence, while for The university accepted 69 of their choice." white men, the highest percent, or 9,005 of its 13,051 Walker said the intense incidence was for those Athol Fugard's applicants this year, said Dean of competition among universities for between 25 and 29, he said Admissions N. Bruce Walker. In students will probably continue for "The dramatic increase in 1989, 52 percent or 7,684 of the about five years. syphilis incidence among 14,776 applicants were accepted, a There are 3,647 new students at homosexual men during the difference of 1,321 students. the university this year, he said, an JBLOOD KNOT 1970s foreshadowed" the Walker said the decline in the increase of 4 percent from 1989. beginnings of the AIDS number of freshmen applicants is a Transfer students account for 677 epidemic in the 1980s, the nationwide trend because the researchers noted. country is in the midst of what he see ENROLLMENT page 4 RETURN ENGAGEMENT Although syphilis itself is often treatable with antibiotics, the doctors wrote, its recent spread is "likely to be an .. , important indicator of changes Wednesday, October 17 2 p.m. & 7:30p.m. in sexual behavior" that, in WINTER tum, would also help spread the Thursday, October 18 7:30p.m. virus that causes AIDS. AIDS, an incurable disease Friday, October 19 12:30p.m.&8p.m. SESSION that destroys the body's Saturday, October 20 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. _· .· immune system, is transmitted through the use of Sunday, October 21 2 p.m. contaminated blood products, the sharing of intravenous REGISTRATION PERIOD needles with infected people HARTSHORN GYM - ROOM 118 and sexual contact with October 15 - 19 infected people. The AIDS virus, however, can take four to five years to FOR TICKETS: begin affecting its victims CALL MITCHELL HALL BOX OFACE noticeably. REGISTRATION BOOKLETS Rolfs and Nakashima found (302) 451·2204 that, after decreasing in the M-F: 12-5 p.m. A VAIU\BI.E NOW early 1980s, the overall syphilis rate increased 61 percent STUDENTS: $.4 SENIOR CITIZENS & UD FAC/STAff: $6 AT 1HE REGISTRATION OFFICE between 1985 and 1989, with GENERAL PUBLIC $8 incidence high among black women and black men in the BOX OFACE OPENS OCTOBER 2 AT NOON 011 HUUJHEN HAll South and the District of Columbia.

•• Bikers, runners compare sports' benefits, limitations

for the fi r t .500 miles (or one month of cycJjng to adj st their Lifesfl{!es m k 10 the activity. Those ho are bWng currently can use this acti ity during the firSt 15 to 20 minutes of their ride to ~ealth warm up the legs. FIISt R nning, like biking, uses the same mu cle gro ps but in a different way. Doug While, a local runner, said tbe main diffe-reoce between running and biking is that "you're working against gra ity when you run. You ha\e 10 lift yoor legs and burn mc:.-e calaies in doing so." White has run 50 marathons in tris 1&-year rurming career and holds Lhe state record (2:3321) in the 40- and-over age d ivision for a P: marathon. Three et:ne•&eKJ repmmen raise tM lOUth mel zone pi pott ~ beb-e the iootha.O ~ Decker said the major problems Police wd both 1M p poRI were torn down Friday nip!. ~about S1 000 . ~es. that stem [rom running come from o'·eruse of the leg muscles, which can lead to tendinitis, shin splints, and a general breakdown of the Athletes E.nrollment increases muscles in the legs from o erexertion. Both agree that proper stretching before and after each activity is a necessity to help prevent injury. Rambacb said when participating in either activity, one must realize the impairments and advantages of each, because lhe damage that may be done can be perma.oenL

~ twen ears ago, A.RCO Chemical Company envi- ro ght uk a Sioned ~es as a wor1d technology boweYeL ""We k> say ~ a7lO malir;e! leacle!. Today . we are one of the Ibid }Uti aod fimdJ fries,. Shockro ~ lea:fng manufacturers and marketers of propyl- said. En! axoe ~ butyl alcohol, styrene monomer and ialBd l!tEmlediate and specialty chemicals used in a broad ~..n products. .1Sion into reality doesn1 happen all by itself. It requires a plan of Duke loses election adi sufficient financial resources to pursue global opportuniti es, and -.os1 ~Uy , the brightest and best people preparing to enter the e political e.aders s.eemed CAFE AMERICAIN ~as tomorrow's leaders. unrespoosive. e ARCO Chemical representatives will be on campus on October 17. 1• B in a swe SDCh as Delaware, OC t: c:ooduct inte!views with Chemical Engineers (BSIMS/PhD) and Chem- lsta D). be said it is dooblful that someooe FEATURL G: l.i.ke Duke o ld a ·e c -...ese are exciting and rewarding times at ARCO Chemical Company and ecooomy. soooess. CO!lS4derable opportunities await the talented individuals who wil help shape cu luue. Sign up today tor personal interview with ARCO Chemical. Orbers. he said. voted far I>uk:e Howell said she is less sk::pUcaJ • e ., ~ -- & Sa: 3ecause anywhere else is yesterday . beca e the · brnt JohnsLOn of Duke's dra · g po er: ~Duke HOURS: Open 5-11 on.-Thurs.., 5-midnigh F - & Sa ad los tO e a erage has gi •en peop e a scapegoat for Closed on Sundays Yot.e:C. their problems. His messages are Si: 61 re:La% to enior""""' !:&sty ~-e or ~~ to ARGO Chemical ~~ "D ke had a reasonabl vecy popobr here.. (3'·

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PI a. P plan to attend our mformalion pre entation on Tue day. Octob r 9 -:.-00- 9:00PJJ CALL: DONNA C{JJJfiJTJl th tim and I · o .,; th ~·our placem m 456-5950 College Square Shopping Center JP organ Rte. 273 & Library Ave. counseling overall is increasing. of the counseling center at the the counseling center at the Counseling Dr. Jonathan D. Lewis, assislallt University of Maryland, also University of Texas, Austin, said Global march passes director of CCSD, said the problems conducts a nationwide survey, and that through studies in which he has continued from page 1 students bring into his office are said his study shows an increase in been involved, he has found continued from page 1 be dedicated to SEAC from a ii problems they brought with them to the severity of students' emotional counseling centers are often the student environment group in i5 the semester. Bishop said he has college, a trend different than years problems. target of budget cutbacks. housed in area residences, he said. Ariwna. Global Walk will donate • recorded an 11 percent increase in ago. He said more students are But centers' increasing number of Jim Hurst, vice president for SEAC and Amnesty International the other to the university. counseling attendance this year. coming to him that have had serious waiting lists disturbs Magoon more. Student Affairs at the University of are coordinating events during the Thursday morning the walkers Sharkey said that if serious emotional problems for many years. "Problems that are readily solved Wyoming and former director of walkers' stay in Newark, starting will break camp and begin walking ~= problems in the center arise, the The issues the university's center now, in a few weeks may not be," he counseling at Colorado State, said a with a benefit concert at the Deer towards Wilmington accompanied i system will be evaluated. faces seem to follow university said. counseling center is an integral part Park Tavern at 8 p.m. by any interested students and · Students will now pay $193 this counseling center trends nationwide. Bishop said the CCSD gives of a college campus. Two Global Walk bands and local community members, Salthouse g! year for the student health fee, a 33 Dr. Roben Gallagher, director of preliminary interviews to judge who "A counseling center is a silent bands Tree of Life, Monterey said. percent increase. Ferguson said counseling at the University of needs immediate counseling. partner. Silent but powerful in Popsicle and Stump Junction will Leeona Klippstcin, walk media about 13 percent of this increase was Pittsburgh, conducts a survey each Those who need help right away student retention," Hurst said. "At a perform. representative, said the walkers allotted to partially fund CCSD. year that measures all aspects of 254 will get it - "no matter what it time when a student is needy of this On Wednesday, a "Livable World have trekked across the counb}' "to The 13 percent will bring in college counseling centers. "About takes." kind of support, the counseling Fair" will be held on Harrington show that we can live with less and $337,187, more than 50 percent of 75 percent of the centers surveyed Gus Baron, assistant director of center needs to be there." Beach from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. live together peacefully." C:CSD's total budget, Bishop said. reported there was an increase with Community and student groups will Phase one of the walk will end in The remainder of the health fee severe mental problems," he said. set up information tables and New York City in Oct. 24, United increase pays for salaries, fringe Gallagher said centers have been walkers will share their Nations Day. Phase two will begin benefits and the Laurel Hall expanding, not decreasing. He said experiences, Salthouse said. in the spring in London and end in addition. a large number of centers gained a Two Navajo walkers will give "A Hiroshima, Japan in August 1992, Bishop said the additional 4,311 professional staff member this year, Native American Presentation on Klippstein said. students is not just a strain on the for the seventh year in a row. Environmental and Human Rights" Walkers participate for varied CCSD. He said the need for Tom Magoon, director emeritus from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in 100 amounts of time, from a single day Kir~bride Hall. to the whole phase or the entire Following the presentation, a walk, Klippstein said. candlelight march wiU proceed from The walkers received no Blackout darkens city Kirkbride to Harrington Beach, led corporate sponsorship, and full-time by a Japanese walker carrying the walkers were asked to raise a continued from page 1 loitering around." Police dispatcher Diane Hiroshima Peace F1ame. The flame $3,000 walk fee to support their Kelly Vaughn, assislallt manager of Zebrowski described the second is a symbol of the eternal flame mobile community. Sbarro's. blackout as chaotic. located at the epicenter of the site The walkers travel with several Graham said at least 400 people "We were dealing with a little where the first atomic bomb hand-painted buses that contain crowded in front of the Stone bit of everything with a lot of exploded in Hiroshima, Japan. their library, informational videos, Balloon on Main Street during the officers responding to [fire and The group will then plant two visitor's center, computers and restroom facilities. second power outage. burglary] alarms that have gone off trees on Harrington Beach. One will "The blackout affected the bars because of the blackout," she said. the most because they weren't "It wasn't as bad as it could closed yet," he said. have been."Graham said of the "This resulted in a lot of second blackout. "We were pretty Alumni hold reunions intoxicated people out in the street lucky," continued from page 1 During half time, 90 alumni band Dave Hemingway (BE 92) of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Kris Sotir (BE members, assembled from the 91) of Chi Omega were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. They compared success stories. classes of 1946 to 1990, joined the "We came out about equal," said university marching band on the Fran Doherty, who graduated in field. They played the Olympic Homecoming parade 1949. "But Bruce [White] plays a Fanfare, "Singular Sensation," and better game of poker." an armed service medley while the honorary parade chairman. continued from page 1 Others recaptured a little Fighting alumni Golden Girls took the field Chi Omega and Kappa Alpha Blue Hen mania. "Bulldog" Bill and tossed batons. masquerading as a yellow collaborated to win the award for Murray, who played football for the "We were hot today," said Rich submarine and playing the BeaUes best Greek entry, a large board Blue Hens during the 1948 and 49 Irwin (EG 86), trumpeter and alumni song of the same name. It won the decorated with flowers that seasons, said he came to see his old band member. President's award for best overall showed a scoreboard on one side team in action. Jim Demes (AS 92) said "It's entry. and the Blue Hen stomping a He recalled eating all his meals in amazing that these guys can get RSA members held up pieces of William and Mary teepee on the Main Street restaurants. ''Only rich together and assemble such a good a picture graph which won the other. TEAM UP FOR SUCCESS. kids could eat on campus." show on shon notice." Alison Award for the best Alpha Phi and Alpha Epsilon Pi GET THE MOST FROM YOUR Grimacing, Ervil and Kathy After the game, the university residence hall entry. formed the "Little Mermaid," MACINTOSH COMPUTER Francis, classes of 1970 and 1974 sponsored a goal post party for the The float read:"Navy - y + i + which wore a purple bikini. W"H THE KODAK DICONIX respectively, remembered cafeteria alumni, and offered advice for fuiUre gate= Navigate the future. " President of the Alumni MISO PLUS PRINTER. food. graduates. Jeff Gordon, 11 , said, "I liked Association Roben Harra, Jr. said, "Each day's meal was a toss-up, Springer and Doherty, who ;You 'H loolc gr:eat on paper the marc hing band the best." "Last year there were maybe 12 either mystery meat or pyramids," graduated nearly 40 years apart (or overheiids} whei! you tap The univers ity band played entries." Francis said. summed it up best with identical into your Modnfosh computer Bu ster Poindexter 's "Hot, Hot, It may take a few years to get it with the Kodak Diconix M150 plus "The pyramids were the croquets statements. Hot" and won for best student up to where it could be, but it was printer. And 110 printer in the that got buried under gravy and the "Enjoy it while you can," they organization entry. a great turnout." World is quieter, smoler or ligJrter. both said. "Because it doesn't last The College of Marine Studies The parade resurfaced last year mystery meat was an unidentifiable breaded patty." forever." Catch this class act now at the had a motorboat with a goggled for the first time in 20 years. campus computer store. Blue Hen riding in it. Robbie Tom Roy of the Class of 1965 came with his wife Marian and '(A 525 wslr rehate on lbe Kodalc Oiconix Harra III, 12, said hi s favorite was /50 plus printer for DOS cOIIIpflleiS is also availob/e.) "the chicken in the boat." drove his 1967 Mustang fOr ,.NiBs CXNISUifnQ /llfl: "I like the pairing together of convenible in the parade. llllcrocomputlng RHource Ctnter Anti-abortion protest 040 Stritr HaN • 451-&195 the floats - fraternities and "It's the first time I've been couples who want babies cannot Mk~nirri~':.c.,rer sororities and the different clubs," back in 25 years and the campus continued from page 2 General Services EJdg. • 292-35a1 said President David P. Roselle, looks g:·cat," he said. have them. 0wf»1 A ~Wind C...,... /ill Ktdok on4 don't think they have a moral "There are a lot of things that obligation to make a decision make God sad in the world, like whether or not to perform abortions. child abuse and rape, but this just Collections for the Crisis breaks his heart and mine Pregnancy Center were taken at the too, "McDerment said. rally to help support women with Though members of the Student items such as diapers and maternity Coalition for Choice did not plan a clothes, said Janet Lee, a board counter protest, Kelly Dinneen (AS member of the Christian Action 91), co-president of the Student Council. Coalition for Choice said Thursday Melissa McDerment (ED 92) said the group is planning a possible people say there are many unwanted protest at the Crisis Pregnancy children in the world, but many Center on Main Street

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COURBES Earn up to 16 Univeralty of Delaware credita. Independent Study credit may be arranpd and Honora optiona are available. JOSTENS COMM 421 • Intercultural Communication: Applicatioll.B in International AM (R tC A c; COLlEG£ R I NG ' "' Contate FLLT226 - Hi8panic Lital'ature in Tranalation lDST136 - Latin American Since 1830 POSC431 · Latin American Politic SPAN 106 · Spaniah II · Elementary/Intermediate or SPAN107 · Spaniah Ill - Intermediate SPAN206· Spanlah Converaation or SPAN212· Latin Amlll'ican Ci-riliutlon &: Culture FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Forelrn Study Scholanhlpa (S600) are available to Unlveralty of Delaware under­ IJ'aduatea on a competitive baala. OCTOBER 10, 11, 12 COST University Studanta in the Coate Rica Sem..tar will be chaJ'Ie(i full·Ume Univtll'llity of Dela· -i (12·16 ware tuition credita), and the frotram Fee coverinc airfare, houalng with 10 A.M.- 4 P.M. dally breakfast plua 6 evenlna mula weekly for the duration of the proiJ'am, planned II Bookstore ,roup ucunioM, and 00\IJ'M related cultural activ!tiee. After acceptance into the proiJ'am, a non-refundable depoalt will be required. Unlveralty of Delaware $15 Deposit FACULTY DIRECTOR- Dr. Alfred Wedel, LinJuiatica Bookstore Concourse 46 E. Delaware Ave., 451-8203 FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM COORDINATED BY the Offtce of International J>tocrama and Spacial s-tona, 825 Hulllhen Hall, 451·2862 OPINION b • THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990

Irrational wrath Thursday is a holiday across the nation. Classes won't be cancelled, and nobody's going to feast on turkey or commemorate the nation's veterans. Define abortion As a matter of fact, those who do celebrate the holiday will do so only after years of deliberation, The Oct. 2 issue of The knowing they will face persecution for participating in Review published an opinion by Tricia Taylor advocating the day's events. National Coming Out Day provides a abortion rights. Taylor suggests chance for gays and lesbians to realize their sexuality that "the rights of the unborn openly in a community of support. should be considered." This Sound strange? It shouldn't. statement acknowledges that the Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and it's none of unborn are human individuals. This is a pro-life position. It is your business. very apparent that Taylor does Homophobes, those with an irrational fear of not know whal she believes. She homosexuals, need to grow up and take this opportunity is, however, trying to further her to realize their own ignorance. cause. According to literature from the AIDS Coalition to How many others are promoting their causes without Unleash Power, silence equals death. understanding them? Unless people eradicate ignorance of gay issues, I f you consider yourself to be people will continue to die from AIDS (Acquired pro-choice, ask yourself these Immunodeficiency Syndrome). They will continue to questions: commit suicide facilitated by society's hate. Do I believe it is OK to use abortion as birth control? Do I One individual's sexuality does not threaten believe in abortion on demand? another's. Abortion only in cases of No one is asking heterosexuals to convert, simply to The power of semantics economic need? Only in cases of accept homosexuals as fellow human beings. rape or incest? This heterosexist society forces homosexuals to feel In seventh grade, my two best friends were named When is a fetus an individual Julie, so between the three of us things got pretty like outcasts who must form a subculture in which with its own rights to life? At confusing. conception? After three months? acceptance is the rule rather than the exception. I got sick of having the wrong papers handed back Only after birth? Homosexuals are people, not sexual acts or deviants to me so I changed the spelling of my name from Taylor should reevaluate her to which gay bashing reduces them. Homophobes - "Julie" to "Juice" (which I have since changed back). position on this issue and decide take a holiday from prejudice and listen to what real Obviously it didn't help me because the two exactly what she believes. I am spellings sound the same and don't even look much people have to say. not trying to get anyone to different. convert to one side or the other. Some feminists and radical feminists are lrying to I would just like people to do the same thing. They want to change the spelling define exactly whal they believe of "woman" to "womin" or "womyn" to get rid of the Julie Carrick and why they believe it before Subtle seduction word "man." they try to influence others. They should lake a lesson from me. People will just Republican David Duke may have lost the election for think it's misspelled. egg in a test tube, shake it up , let it cook for nine Jim Trettel the Louisiana's Senate seat, but he won a horrifying But not only that,-what would it accomplish? months and never have to miss a day of work . (AS 91) victory over social justice and morality. Such radical feminism is an unproductive waste of Face it , no one can beat biology. Women are positive energy. It's a great idea that's been carried too different than men genetically and no amount of social The former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan won 43 No music to his ears percent of the vote. The man who defeated him won only far. protest ~ill ever change that. Equal Rights for women makes undeniable sense, But different does not mean deficient or weak. 54 percent. but some radi cal feminist theorists aren't fighting for It's true. Discrimination exists. Some people don't know a The war against prejudice has flared again in a equality. It's true men average more annual income than good disc jockey when they hear disgusting statement of the power of prejudice. Duke They want total isolation and independence from women. And yes, that does bother me. one, namely the disc jockeys on didn't garner almost half the popular vote. men. The feminist movem ent has accomplished so much WXDR. It seems that no matter Racism did. Will taking the word "man" out of "woman" for women, giving us confidence and a chance to what show I call during, my achieve this? prove that we deserve equality with men. By seducing voters into seeing blacks and the poor as request for John Phillip Sousa's There is still one thing women must rely on men Ideas like changing the dictionary and messing with "Thunder March" is met with scapegoats for their own problems and economic misery, for: reproduction. And likewise, men rely on women. biology discredits this vital movement. Women do nothing but scorn. he preys on everyone's irrational fears. But women must be "free from the tyranny of their need to make men sensitive to women 's issues, but Could it be that the university A political science professor at the University of New biology," one radical says. treating them like the enemy won't solve anything. community has lost its The obvious problem with this freedom is how to Some people think taking the "man" out of appreciation for the fine and Orleans said, "This is a victory for his message that reproduce. Some radicals don't want to have children "woman" is the equivalent of giving Adam back his welfare blacks are responsible for the economic problems powerful beauty that is Sousa? because it would be a strain on their "biology." rib. It's not. One can only hope that of the white population." I'm glad my mother didn't feel that way. No one can undo the history of oppression women WXDR comes to their senses This charismatic product of plastic surgery employs The choice not to have children should be a have faced. The best anyone can do is work to be a before it's too late and spins the same frightening techniques that galvanized personal decision, not a social statement. successful individual, male or female. I wonder how some discs by the march Iring. Germans into a nation of hate not so many years ago. Now here is another great solution one radical they want to spell female now? proposes which generously could allow the human Americans cry out for blacks in South Africa, but Sleven M. O'Neill race to continue: extrauterine reproduction. julie Carrick is an assistant news editor of The (AS 92) when one man draws fire against deprivation by Have babies outside of the body. Throw a fcnilizcd Review. inspiring hate against another group, we answer his call. And it's not so distant from university students. Racism, so alluring in the grand ole South, hits in our own backyard of East Campus. Last month three black Rubble of freedom, not democracy students in Gilbert Hall B found racist slurs written on Almost a year and a ha1f ago, we their dorm room doors. watched a lone Chinese student Duke lost the battle, but he's winning the war. stand def~antly before a column of tanks, daring them to roU over and c~hhnn. - As the lead tank turned to move rtlll-fE around him, the defiant one moved also, keeping the tanks from advancing...... ~~--~ While images such as these from the Tiananmen Square massacre are Sharon O'Neal, editor in chief Darin PoweU, executive editor bwned into our memory, the issues Rlchelle Perrone, editorial editor William C. Hitchcock, managing editor which ignited the student protests Archie Tse Michael 0' Brien, managing editor Josh Putterman, managing editor are not so clear. karen Curley, Julie Ferrari, advertising directors The overuse of the terms free restaurant meals or theater CaroiJioffman, business manager .freedom and democracy as tickets . News Editors ...... Michael Roush, Chris Cronis, kathleen Graham,· catchwords for the student Officials will also buy scarce raw Diane Heck, Richard Jones, Johanna Murphy, Leanne Riordan, movement have created the materials at low subsidized prices John Robinson, Abby Stoddard, Tticia Taylor "misconception that freedom and and resell them on the open market Features Editors ...... Vanessa Groce, Christina Rinaldi democracy are as viable and for a high profit · " Graphics Editor ...... Archie lie The coons are trying to prosecute Photography Editor ...... Leslie D. Barbaro applicable in China as they arc in Entertainment Editor ...... Jay Cooke Eastern Europe. officials who engage in quandao, Assisstant Sports Editors ...... Alan Greilsamer, Dan B. Levine Freedom and democracy may but the students have asked that the Assistant News Editors ...... Julie Carrick, Robert Welilon have been the rallying cry of the press be allowed more freedom to Assistant Features Editor ...... kristin Noll expose the corruption. Assistant Graphics Editors ...... Sonja kerby, Richard Uu protesters, but the initial Assistant Photography Editor ...... Allison Graves demonstrations had more specific These demands would only be a Assistant Entertainment Editor ...... Jordan Harris goals. first step toward a more egalitarian Assistant Business Manager ...... Jennifer Shaffer Among the student's demands government. But they have been tkmocratic China or a free China. democratization would throw the Copy Editors ...... r.ua Finnegan, Ron Kaufman, lost in lofty rhetoric. Jill Laurinaitis, Molly William• were reforms in the notoriously Some even called for lhe removal of counlry into chaos. Editorial Cartoonist ...... Neal Bloom corrupt government and freedom of At a demonstnUion marking the lhe current leaders of the Chinese China's cultural inertia resists the press. flrst anniversary of the T181181lmen government. change. Also, the size of its According to a Ttme Magazine massacre this summer on Capitol But such demands are high- population is a stumblina block. article last year, nepotism is Hill. labor leaders, congressional minded. A country of 1.1 billion _ Let us not be fooled in10 ~hinting Published every Tuesday ~nd Friday during !he ~mic school year, Frid~ys during Winter represenWives and student leaders Session, by lhe student body of the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Editorial ~nd widespread in the Chinese people cannot become a democracy that democ:ratiulion e111 oc:cw a business offices at West Wing. Student Center. Phone: 451 ·2771, 451 -27n and 451 -2774. government from the Beijing protests spoke overnight easily there u it is oc:curing in Business Hours: Mondily through Friday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Officials arc also known to use before an emotional crowd. Refonns and more freedoms are Eastern Europe. EditorlaVOplnion: Pige 6 is reserved fiK opinion and commentary. The cdilorlal above represents their positions for quandao, or Unfortunately most of the reasonable requests since they work a oonseruus opinion of The Review sl~ff ~nd is wriMen by the edilorlal editor, excepl when official profiteering. For example, speeches offered no workable within lhe existing framework of Archie Tse is the graphics editor of siJined. The mff columns are the opinion of the author pidured. Cartoons represent the opinion officials exert their influence to get solutions. Most demanded a the government. Immediate The Review. of the artist. The leners to the editor oont~in the opinions of our readers.,., October 9, 1990 • THE llEYilW • 7

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 4:00P.M. 208 Smith Hall 4:00P.M. 324-B Purnell Hall 324-A Purnell Hall WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 4:00 P.M. 102 Purnell Hall Paris is one of the most important cultural cities in the world. In Study in London during the fall semester with faculty from London 20th century, virtually every major world figure has studied Study in the Old World city of Vienna, the intellectual and cultural center that was and the University of Delaware. Learn at its eource about the or lived there. Dozens of museums give the city a rich artistic home to Beethoven, Freud, and Kafka. Feel the history and tradition of the imperial history and literature that so influenced our own. Experience the heritage. There are classical concerts to attend every day of the week, and popular city of the Hapsburgs. Courses are offered by faculty from Austria and the University excitement of this modern cosmopolitan city that spreads below the music of all kinds abounds. Students will live in French homes. Living and studying of Delaware at the Austro·American Institute of Education. You will live in a Tower of London. Live in a flat in a pleasant residential neighbor­ in Paris will not only give students a unique understanding of French culture, it will Viennese ho;..,e, develop your German language skills and enjoy opportunities to visit hood near Hyde Park. This location affords easy access by under- broaden their horizotts by immersing them ip a preeminent center of Western cultural and historic sites in several Austrian cities and in Czechoslovakia. to the historical and cultural sites in London. Attend lectures by civilization. speakere and artists. Visit historic and literary sites, museums, and theatres. COURSES COURSES Earn up to 15 University of Delaware credits. Independent Study credit may be COURSES Earn up to 15 University of Delaware credits. Independent Study credit may be arranged and Honors options are available. Earn up to 15 University of Delaware credits. Independent Study credit may be arranged and Honors options are available. Additional courses will be offered by the arranged and Honors options are available. faculty director. ARTH 339 · Art and Architecture of Central Europe ARTH 323 · Modem Architecture of London: 1750-1900 ARTH402 · Seminar: Impressionism and Post-impressionism GERM 106 - German II -Elementary/Intermediate ENGL 351 · Introduction to Irish Literature FLLT 224 - Topics: French Literature in Translation GERM 107- German III · Intermediate ENGL 472 - Studies in the Drama FREN 106- French II · Elem/Intermediate GERM 205 - German Conversation GEOG 203 - Cultural Geography FREN 107 - French III · Intermediate HIST 339 - Central European History HIST 375 · History of England: 1715 to Present FREN 205 · French Conversation MUSC 339 · Composers of Vienna MUSC 101- AppreciationofMusic FREN 304 . French Phonetics FLLT 32CVCMLT 320 - Contemporary European Drama POSC 442- Problems of Western European Politics HlST347- 4French Revolution & Napoleon GEOG 203 · Cultural GeoiJ!'aphy POSC441· Western European Politics · France FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GEOG 346 - Urban Cultural Geography !foreign Study Scholarships ($500) are available to University of Delaware under· FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IP'aduateo on a competitive basis. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Foreign Study Scholarships ($500) are avsilable to University of Delaware under· Foreign Study Scholarships ($500) are available to University of Delaware under· graduates on a competitive basis. COST graduates on a competitive basis. Students in the Vienna Semester will be charged full-time University of Delaware COST tuition (12·15 credits), and the Program Fee covering airfare, housing with daily COST Students in the Paris Semester will be charged full·time University of Delaware breakfast plus 5 evening meals weekly for the duration of the program, planned Students in the London Semester will be charged full-time University of Delaware tuition (12· 15 credits), and the Program Fee covering airfare, housing with daily IJ!'OUp excursions, and course related cultural activities. tuition (12-15 credits), and the Program Fee covering airfare, housing with daily breakfast plus 5 evening meals weekly for the duration of the program, planned breakfast plus 5 evening meals weekly for the duration of the program, planned group excursions, a nd course related cultural activities. FACULTY DIRECTQR group excursions, and course related cultural activities. Dr. David Stixrude, Foreign Languages and Literatures FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM COORDINATED BY 4·14 Smith Hall, 451-2451 FACULTY DIRECTOR· Dr. Edmunds Bunkse, Geography the Office of International Programs and Special Sessions 223 Newark Hall, 451 -2294 325 Hullihen Hall, 451-2852 FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM COORDINATED BY the Office of International ProiJ!'am& and Special Sessions FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM COORDINATED BY the Office of International FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT THIS OFFICE 325 Hullihen Hall, 451-2852 Programs and Special Sessions, 325 Hullihen Hall, 451-2852 THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. by CPT. Peter Lomlevas X XJ xu And they're both repre~ Plebe.' Week De me rita On the Monstrosity Plebe

sented by the insignia you wear For Eaoter week plano Garick made: A look at Garick'a Corpo archlveo: Plebe Garick we evaluate Delinquency report. Cowa• coined. as a member of the Army Nurse Plebeo' Week • all elM Marianne muot And Sir, our TA~··•, here'a our report: drop. Report ohed light on Garick'a life, Thua aheped up thla cadet to date - Corps. The caduceus on the left She had to watch the Plebeo Parade. Hio martial progre.. at w.. t Point. To Compan11 hio worth io naught. The Banquet ended with a Hop. When Marianne thooe leaOeta read, He can't recall our choice of drinks. means you're part of a health care Vacation• also Marianne had. Became ahe puzzled, even ..d . The menu of the da11 he blows. To tee West Point waa auch a thrllll Here Ia the Jlot of whet waa said: Hia unbruohed teeth of sulfur stink. system in which educational and "Plebe Garick cannot make hla bed. Along with her came Momm11, Dad. Hia grimy hand our ice cream clawa. career advancement are the rule, Their da11 had to the rim Ita fill . Improper PMI •• he aport.. And thU. monstrooity, thlo Plebe, At Ike Hall gueota conaumed their lunch, While poonta on hengero air he, Who c.n't maintain the proper dreu, not the exception. The gold bar Oboerved how Plebe• controlled the Hla parb In the wardrobe roto. Whooe •hoeo are dull, spot• dot the on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're School, Our laundl'l/'• tago ml....t compan11. aleve, At Quarters Hundred drank their punch. Thl• Plebe ignored the CUCV" .. fllm. Tomorrow joins the Upper Class! earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Then Supe•• bade gueata to mount a Demerit. wued we to him. Vic Garick will be recognized! ....* mule. Throw up 1/0Ur hando. The Underoigned. Clifton, NJ 07015. Qr call toll free: 1~800~USA-ARMY, ext. 438. Athena-like, long-treeeed and cool, Fair Marianne rode the grev mule.••• •eow. · USMA Junlo,. ..PMJ ~ Pnllmln11ry MUitary IMtrucdon •pte~ · VSMA lrahmAn --cucv • Com ...... dal Ullllly C.rgo Vohlcle •• Supe ~ Superintendalt of USMA . LT GEN ••-yAC • Company •dvl.or ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE: •••Grey muJe. Wat Poklt maecOI .....NCOQnlzed - accepted Into the Corpe

~ Student Prog~am Association ~ Films Presents Natiunal Harrison Ford Cum ina in Uut Uav 5l Cefe6ration of (jay.Lesbian.t:Bise~a{ Pride Thursday, October 11 7:00p.m. Uctuber i i th Rodney Room, Student Center Admission SO Cents with University ID We've been Out since 19 72 ... Lesbian Gay Bisexual Student Union 201 Student Center 451-8066 -Made Possible by the Student Comprehensive Fee • 8 • THE aMEW • Qaober 9, 1990

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·ALL MAJORS · CASUAL A TT/RE October 9, 1990 • THE REVIEW • 9


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What do you have in common with WhitneyY ?

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DUSC WANTS TO KNOW! Now is your chance to TALK BACK to OUSC so that we can tell the ad­ ministration what students want and need, and change the University of Delaware for the better. Just return this form to 307 Student Center through campus mail, or call the DUSC Hotline at 451-1082. A lot - if you're the kind of person who feels deeply for all people; who thinks that social justice and equality aren't just words, but require action. A lot - if you think there are many paths to truth to explore. A lot - if you believe that what you think and feel, What do you like best about the University of Delaware? ______what you meditate and pray for, can be acted on daily. For those who share these beliefs, there is a faith that welcomes and suppons free and independent-thinking people who have hope for the fut ure. Unitarian Universalism - it's the faith that helped sustain Dr. Alben Schweitzer, Henry David lboreau and Dorothea Dix. It's the faith of people down the street from you . Maybe we have something in corrunon. Think about it. U you would like to visit a UnitMian Universalist congregation this week, welcome!

What is your biggest complaint about the University? ______420 Willa Road Sundays 9 & 11 a.m. 368-2984 Unitarian Universalist Fridays 4-6 p.m. Name and campus address (optional) Student Center, McLane Room L~------~ 1 0 • THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990

'International Behavioral p-- I DETACH AND MAIL ~- Medical Center's LEARN-TO-SWIM-PROGRAM :SWIMMERSNAME AGE proaram belped me lose wellflt ~ repln WHEN : SUNDAYS, OCTOBER 21 THROUGH DECEMBER 9. I my confidence• No lessons Sunday, November 25. I CIRCLE APPROX. SKILL LEVEL EACH SWIMMER WILL RECEIVE SEVEN · 45 MIN . I " I ..... ,.,... ,..,... • 'piNaniJr lllu ...' . lulllw~IMIIIa.ncM LESSONS. THREE SESSIONS TO CHOOSE FROM : I BEG . AD. BEG. INT. ADV. l ...... ,...:t...... ~ ... 12:00-12:45, 1 :00-1 :45, 2:00-2:45. ALL LEVELS OF 1------~::-:-:=---- SWIMMING WILL BE OFFERED AT EACH SESSION. I PARENTS NAME PHONE ..=t~-=~ CENTBI'I~~~.:=I AGES: 5-14 :ADDRESS =ulc:ildr•lllelr·*••'""'*,., .... llfiiHI,_,...rnrpwlglll. AM I-IIII t:f11 COST: $40 00 ·------=-----==-- .1::'n:,'::~h= :-n.':! CHECKS PAYABLE TO: UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE I CITY STATE ZIP c. FEE AND APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCT. 1 B. I ~lease list the lesson time you would prefer: (see times at left) llll:h...... ~...... , ~ ...... ,., ...... 1st Choice 2nd Choice llllghiiii'Obleni , II~IIIJ-=r...... • 1 ...IYIIIrfiOIIIIMIIII ..... WHERE: UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, CARPENTER SPORTS I NOTE: ATIEND YOUR FIRST CHOICE LESSON UNLESS BUILDING POOL, NEWARK, DELAWARE 19716 I OTHERWIDENOTIFIEDBYTHESWIMMINGSTAFF. I HELP FOR MIN, INJURY a IIANY HULTH PROBLEMS I MAIL TO: ATHLETIC BUSINESS OFFICE I INSTRUCTORS: CERTI FIED AMERICAN RED CROSS WATER I UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE I +lalldachfJ • Spars Injury SAFETY INSTRUCTORS· APPROXIMATELY 1 DELAWARE FIELDHOUSE I • Back p.;, • S.•IMI O,..A.nciiDn INSTRUCTOR FOR EVERY 5 SWIMMERS. I NEWARK, DE 1971 6 • AlfN(IIa1 ·High Blood Prw~~.n • Arlhrllis • Smolclng Hell • Whiplash • Many Othr CondiMonl ·------· Call Now lof 1 FREE Appointment International Behavioral Medical Center (302) 328·2262 Congratulations to Sigma Kappa's Zeta pledge class!

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ATTENTION • • • STUDENTS! THE DOWN UNDER College of Business and Economics Kicks off fall with our new TV sports satellite Applications for Change of - see all your favorite teams on 7 TV's. Major and Minor* to: THIS WEEK JOIN US FOR: Accounting Sundays, Bloody Sundays OPEN 12:00 Business Administration* • Bloody Mary Bar - concoct your own bizarre bloody! • All .the Eagles, Giants & Redskins games • Miller Genuine Draft beer special Economics* • Food specials plus halftime buffet • Jaegermelster special $1.50 all day long Finance • Live acOustic music 9:30 p.m. ARE DUE IN RM. 206 PURNELL Tuesday Goodbye Alternatives FOR ACCOUNTING, - ReDo - What the Buck? • $1 bottles Molson & Molson light RM. 306 PURNELL FOR • $1 121nch pizza, $1 wings • OJ entertainment BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION So It's Tuesday - who gives a buck? RM. 406 PURNELL FOR ECONOMICS Wednesdays • Safe Sex AND Appreciation Night RM. 106 PURNELL FOR FINANCE • $1 "Sex" Shooters all night • Free Safe Sex gifts for all • BY • $1.25 Coors Light & Extra Gold • Come one come all OCTOBER 15 for Fall review - This Sunday- A Good Thing - featuring Y-Not's Paul Lewis and MARCH 15 for Spring review Coming - Saturday, October 20th - Outdoor Octoberlest Party Sh •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fam

y f f vivant October 9, 1990 • THE REVIEW • II Understanding differences t) For homosexual students on campus, education is essential to understanding By Richelle Perrone Along with many others like himself, Fromme was forced i Editorial Editor to read everything he could lay his hands on just to learn the "Being a gay person is a tough thing to describe," says meaning of homosexuality. Heterosexual s, he says, can either Tres Fromme (AG 93). rely on their parents to discuss sex with them or even pick up "It means a lot of things to me. It means having friends, the "facts" from locker room talk as a means of learning going to parties, eating at The Scrounge and brushing my about their sexuality. teeth. It is an ambiguous thing. It is life." "Lacking the knowledge or ways to meet people, many As co-president of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Studem lesbian, gay and bisexual teenagers mi ss out on an entire Union (LGBSU), Fromme believes that for the large chunk of their youth," he says. "At first, I went through community of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LOB) students on periods when I thought, 'God , I don't want 10 be gay. This is campus, the LGBSU provides a "community for strength." too much work.' 1 never knew I had to read so much ." Amidst the heterosexist society that dictates heterosexism Fromme says he has realized and accepted his sex uality, as the "correct way to be," the LGBSU provides a safe place though he refuses to use the word "admit," since it carries where people are recognized as individuals rather than mere connotations of guilt and sin. For him, realizing his sex ual deviations from the norm. orientation is at once spiritual, emotional and sex ual process, On Thursday, National Coming Out Day, lesbians, gays while it also means belonging to a subculture. and bisexuals are encouraged to confront their sexuality by Fromme strongly feels that knowing hi s own sexua lity revealing it to someone. Realizing homosexuality, says empowers him to recognize and accept differences in others, Fromme, is a gradual process as is realizing heterosex uality. which he may not have otherwise done. Fromme first acknowledged his preference for men as a Suzy knows exactly what he means. child watching The Superfriends. While he felt attracted to Her girlfriend proposed this summ er and th e two arc Batman, he recalls, Wonder Woman did not appeal to him . planning a commitment ceremony following graduation , but Later on , he would often write in his journal,"! am gay" this ceremony is more rare than it would first see m. changing it the next day to "No, I'm not gay." As another member of the LGBSU, Suzy is white and As a high school freshman, he confessed his Jewish, while her girlfriend is a black Catholic. homosexuality to a heterosexual counterpart, who assured Her parents refrain from discussing her sex uality. "They him that someday, he'd realize he is really heterosexual. Only haven't condemned me. It's polite," she says, adding that if later did Fromme realize his attraction to this friend . they disapproved strongly, they would let her know. Still , she As a result of institutionalized heterosexuality, he says, the can't be certain if her parents' apprehension results from her growing process is especially difficult for homosex ual lesbianism or involvement in an interracial relationship. adolescents, since society does not provide information Initially, Suzy's moth er had trouble accepting her concerning homosexual relationships. daughter's sexual orientation and one night, began screaming In this country, heterosexual adolescents experience and crying. "landmarks" in maturity, such the first date and the first "She poured all kinds of Jewish guilt on me," Suzy prom . Yet since homosexual youth miss out on th ese remembers, "saying, 'Let's see where you are in 10 years. Pam De Stefano opportunities, says Fromme, they're missing out on a vital Vicky Morelli (AS 91 ), co-president of the LGBSU, says that for homosexual part of growing up. see HOMOSEXUALS page 14 students, revealing their preference requires a great deal of introspection. l.ive from New Yawk, it's awwl in the accents There are a handful of things to obvious and allows people to th ose from Philadelphia, Maryland, their effects on people. Woody Allen after hearing me. In discuss when breaking the ice at figure out where I'm from in a and southern Delaware, whe re As a Staten Island secretary, fact, my accent is a frequently campus parties and gatherings. flash: I have a Brooklyn, New many studems hail from. Overall, Griffith is concerned about discussed topic among my friends. After all, weather, sports and York/New Jersey accent, but I th e primary difference bet ween succeeding in the Wall Street They will ask me to talk about difficult classes have always made never thought it sounded distinct New York dialects and tri -s tate corporate jungle but fears that her anything, including my mother, great ·small talk. until I arrived at Delaware. area accents is the extended working-class dialect will affect just to hear the Brooklynese flow. But for the two-and-a-half Brooklyn was my home until I enunciation of th e letter "w. " her chances. After confiding this 10 To those out there with semesters I've attended this was in the eighth grade, and after For example, most people in this friend , she receives the following differently distinctive accents, I sprawling university, I have my family's move to the greener area pro no unce the word s "wa lk ," consolation: "What are ya worried advise everyone to take pride their encountered a subject which makes pastures of Jersey, I reasoned that "talk," "water," and "dog, " about? Ya tawk fine! " dialects. It not only shows where for fascinating conversation for my accent had faded somewhat Jordan Harris phonetica ll y. That's exactly how I feel - I you're from, but a big part of what days on end. during my high school years. I, for one, ex tend my w's to the do tawk fine. Sometimes the accent you are all about. It is the regional accent, the But it's come back to haunt me fullest ex tent, so that my words makes me feel different among the It also can make terrific small voice which enables people to at Delaware - especially at The your major?" th e question people come out lik e "wawk," "tawk," Delawareans and the tawk with the opposite sex, so know your hometown, what your Review, where the lovely features ask me most often (ever since the "watah" and "dawg ." Philadelphians abound at UD , but I always use it to yawh best family is probably like and what crew who constantly imitate my day I arrived on campus) is : My speech patterns are the mal e co nsider it an essential part of my advantage. heritage. type of job you may hold in the dialect persuaded me to write this "You're from New York. aren't equi va lent to Melanie Griffith 's Many people have actually future. forum and get to the root of life you?" character in th e film "Working jordan Harris is the assistant . compared my dialect to Robert De Call it a blessing or a curse, I with a Brooklyn accent. · The New York accent is quite Girl," which includes a memorable entertainment editor of The - Niro, Dustin Hoffman and even to speak with an accent that is very With the exception of "What's pronounced when compared to scene about New York accents and Review. Continuing a majestic legacy, Lipizzan stallions stay in stride

By Jennifer Shaffer entertainment and what seems to Staff Reporter be their own pleasure. They are known as th e ballet Part of their s ho ~ includes "airs dancers of the equines. above gro und ," which look more Snapping their braided tails, th e like a kangaroo jump than how one white stallions waited in their would envision stallions kicking in spacious green and white striped midair. tent stalls, as spectators took Anything but warlike, th eir dozens of photographs and chatted gracefully delicate maneuvers with the riders. seem to echo scenes from Swan The Carousel Farm, 3 700 Lake. Limestone Rd . in Wilmington, One legend says that th e knight presented three performances by in the game of chess was in spired the world reknowned Lipizzan by the movements of the stallions last week. Lipizzans . Though the graceful moves of While the Herrmann's Lipizzans the performing stallions are now a are trained in sunny Florida , the dying art, they were once the fatal stallions are direct descendents In the midst of WWII, Gen. George Patton aided the Herrmann• ~ battle steeds of the Austrian from the Royul Austrian Lipi zzans, by smuggling the Lipizans out of Czechoslovakia. Army's high-ranking officials, sa id Su'san Roberts, one of the few explained Col. Ottomar Herrmann, riders 'who is not a member of the General George Patton aided the commentary of his family's . host of the Herrmann family Herrmann family. Herrmann family by smuggling the involvement with the breed · original Lipizzan stallions of Having worked close ly with the Lipizzans from Russian controlled between displays of the stallions' Austria. family for seven years, Roberts Czechoslovakia to Austria in 1945 elegant battle maneuvers that are Known in the days of chivalry said she learned to speak German during World War II. now only amazing tricks. as the choice of kings and queens, to follow th e Herrman n's An American more known for Herrmann praised the stallions the Lipizzans' talents were instructi ons and survive family his cartoon animals, Walt Disney constantly throughout the program considered obsolete when cannons conversations. As a tradition, the eventually retold th e story in the in German, Italian and English. and guns powered by gunpowder horses arc trained entirely in movie " Miracle of th e White At the end of the program, the instead of hay replaced the German . Stallions." form er Au trian officer had one charging stallions in baule. With an extensive hi story, the At Carousel, Herrmann hosted final thought for the audience - Today, performing the stallions ha ve been a part of the the show in hi s original World the Lipizzan breed was created, he Shown with Falcon Favory, Professor Harry Herrmann maintains a choreographed battle move of Herrmann family for more than War II Austrian uniform while explained, to be "the best war yore, the horses dance for family tradition of working with the stallions for over 300 years. 300 years. providing a brief historic hors~ ito ilistory." 12 • THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990

C~ d~ dllnes are Tuesdays at 3 p.m. f01 The Review Friday issues and Fridays at 3 p.m. fo r Tuesday iioues . The first 10 words are '2 fo r students with ID and 30 cents per word thereafter. First B-1 Student Center 1 0 WOlds are ' 5 fOf non -students and 30 cents Newark, DE 19716 Classifieds per WOfd thereafter. ·, ANNOUNCEMENT 1979 Monte Carlo, good transportation, Student Center! It's your volcle - irs your Thanks Sig Ep for folding and fluffing! JESS STOTI · I'M PSYCHED TO HAVE Phi SiQ pledges are the best! -' new tires, $750.00 or best offar 733-0261 . vote. You're the BEST! ASA YOU IN CHI-01 LET'S DO TCBY THIS INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH TIME. LOVE, KRISTIN LISA WOLFE FOR DU SC SECRETARY. HEY KATHRYN SUE GOODING! Want CHILDREN? DISCOVER THE POWER RENT/SUBLET If you see DENISE GEHRKE today, give SHANNON MOORE: HERE'S TO MANY VOTE OCTOBER 1211 OF YOUR IMAGINATION I Every Sunday Room for rent. Excellent location, East some p-o pudding? Happy 21st Birthday her a big hug and buy her a Molson - GREAT TIMES + MEMORIES. WE 'RE and Tueeday night 7:30 Kirkwood Room. Campus area. $250/month + utilities. Call Nerdgir11 Luv, the Goobers - Nanc, Jo, SHE'S FINALLY 21 Ill SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU ! MUCH CHI-0 Happy 21st Birthday Baby, Love, K.C. Call E-52 451-6014 456-9362 Lori LOVE , ALLISON AS/1\S PLEDGES ARE HOT! HOT! HOT! Alpha Phi thanks AEPI for helping with RAISE A THOUSAND IN ·A WEEK. The 2 roommates wanted, Papermill Apt., AMY (SMITTY) SMITH, Happy 21st LESTER - IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU the Little Mermaid. fundraiser that's working .on 1800 $170.00 month+ 1/3 util., no smokers, Birthday. Get ready to quench your thirst. Happy Birthday Rosemary ! Love, Kathy WENT CHI-0! IT'LL BE A GREAT campuses. avail. immediately, call 456-3654, leave Love Ya, Amy and Georgie SENIOR YEAR! CHI-0 LOVE - BECKY TARRY BARRY, GREAT JOB WITH THE message. FLOAT! LOVE. T HE ALPHA PHI O FF-CAMPUS STUDENT LAUREN APPLEBAUM - Happiest RAINBOWMAN - Happy 21st Birthday. Laurie Uklist - Happy 22 . Just a little SISTERS. ASSOCIATION MEETING - Wednesday, Female roommata(s) needed for 3 BM belated birthday! We love you! Love from You're the apple of my ey e. Ditto, Q.T ­ insurance so no one will forget. God October 10 at 4:00 in the Blue and Gold Bath house near Towne Court; 456-3131 your running partner, aerobics partner PIE loves you I Your Two Roommates I've got THE POWER for your parties and Room (Student Center - 2nd ftoor) New and hair stylist. P.S. Come and imitate the ELECTRIC SLID E for your semi­ members always walcomell Own room in house, great location, your favorite blender speed. JILL GEISER · Welcome to the Chi·O WE LOVE YOU GIDGETI PHI SIG formals . Others CAN 'T TOU CH THI S! washer/dryer, cable, available family. Your sisters love youl Beth And Good Prices and Great References. OJ - Amateur Radio Association Meeting 4:30 immediately. $300/month neg. 456-3522 For a GOOD time and good pay, call Kelly(G.O.) PHI SIG hopes everyone had a great GOOD VIBRATION S • Paul Kulch - 834- Wednesday October 10 in 404 DuPont. Richie C. homecoming! 0796 Students, faculty, stalf ara welcome. Share 2 bdrm., 2 bath apt. w/ 3 girls. Eric BJ - when do you want to go to 125/month + 1/4 util. 3 miles from UD. AOII SISTERS: Thanks for all your Margaritaville? L. Ashle, Kristy, Kathleen, Stacey, the best Oh god no Wa fo rgot his CONDOMS!!! FREE SPRING BREAK TRIP + CASH! CaH 292-2030 anytime support last week. You guys really came is yet to come! Love, Usa + Kim JAMAICA! BAHAMAS! Sell trips on your through for us when we needed you! A.L. campus and earn free trip tor you plus ROOMMATES NEEDED for large two Michelle and WendY bonus cash ! Call FOUR SEASONS 1· bedroom apartment near East Campus. 800-331 -3136 Apartment is NEW and CLEAN . $170/mo. MATTY - HAPPY 21ST. Love Jenny and for two, $250/mo. for one. CaU Dave at Brenda. Did she FEEL that your apple Recreation Aides wanled for Del. Autistic 456- 1088 or 292- 1977 and leave was tasty? Program Mon.-Thurs. 6.90/hr. Call Rob or message. Mike 454-2202 LAURIE ROSSI: You did an awesome job with RUSH. Love, Your LKB Roommate needed now for 3 BR H. T.A. C. presents GEORGE townhouse. $225/mo. and utilities, SISTERS WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE October wash/dry, dishwasher, micro, AC. Call 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 8:00PM, 100 Wolf Hall, Stacy 292-1965. LAURA C: You survived your 21st IHlayll $3 presale $4 at the door. For more info. Did Elcee and Bertha return? I hope it call 738-1142 Roommate(s) needed for 2 BR apt. Call was fun. - K. 836-2068 (Kenny) for more info. NAIL DETAILS - Manicures, silk wraps, AVAILABLE 3 bedroom 1 112 bath 600 a month. Call nailart, call Jodi for appointment. 456· 5974 WORDPROCESSING BY C. LYNNE 301-398-2438 PUBLICATIONS 368-2480 STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA Room for rent on Main St. Full use of Information on semester, summer house. $160 mo. + 1/5 util. Available FRATS, SORORITIES, SOCIAL CLUBS - Graduate and Internship programs 1111190 737-6311 or 456-1131 Custom screened 100% COTION short running under $6000. Curtin University. and long sleeved !-shirts and shorts. Our , -800-878-3696 sweatshirts outweigh Champions! BEST Roommate needed to share furnished PRICES; FAST SERVICE. 738-2484, apt. $245/mo. Heat and HW incl. Call Chris 733-7943 Riley - The California Beach Bum. Paul. Homecoming won't be the same without you! miss you! The Three Blind Mice Need one roommate to share furnished We TYPING/Word Processing - $1 .50/pg . and Bean Call Sabrina 738-5829 townhouse. 250 includes all utils 456- 0866 ALPHA XI DELTA PLEDGES - Keep up University Typing Services. Overnight the good work! 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By Jay Cooke Ent.,.Wnm«~l EditDr Live Dead I never expected to write a Grateful Dead story before Sept. 12. That was a fateful day for me. When I woke early that epochal morning to the LP captures glory of a radiant sun (and the hangover-induced agony of my roommate's radio blaring The Descendents in the bathroom), I could hardly have fathomed the events that lied ahead. carnival feel It was all going to be so simple. We had no classes, a full tank, a 12-pack of Bud tall boys and about 23 cassettes. Above all, we had the key ingredient, a magical envelope containing our admission passes to (sorry Ringling Brothers) the greatest show on Earth. Locked and loaded at about 1:30 p.m., we aimed my '85 Chevy wagon towards Philadelphia. I was headed to my firSt ever Dead show. My partner in this debauchery, a certifiable Grateful Dead junkie, remained calm enough at first. He was content to hang back and listen to the flip side of "Dead Set." The Grateful Dead rolled into Philadelphia last month, bringing with them a But about when we veered off for I-495, he carnival atmosphere, delicious egg rolls and the standard inftull of devotees. started fidgeting. Frantically drumming his fingers against the dash, he recited (with the enthusiasm of nodding his head, happily chatting away. my mom saying the Rosary) "What are they gonna When he kneeled and started praying to il. open with? What are they gonna play?" we chose to leave him and begin wandering. I couldn't figure it out. He was nearly frothing at Our journey around the stadium, sort of a the mouth. What's the big deal? manic Yellow Brick Road/Bataan Death March So I turned and said, in my infinite wisdom, voyage, yielded a bounty of sights, f'rom purple "Dude, relax. It's only a Dead show." busses to sitar players. He looked at me like I had two heads. Then he transportauon. Some stumbled, some pedaled, We ventured through the "Market," the smiled, shoolc his head and said, "You'll see." others danced unrestrained. Mechanized endless aisles of Grateful Dead worshipers We exited the interstate and passed about 15 tie­ skateboard/scooter contraptions, pogo sticks, hawking their wares for gas money to the next dyes pleading "Need one,"at about 2:25p.m. you name it, it was there. city. The venerable fortress that is JFK stadium loomed The clothing was incredible. Every color of I felt I was passing through an exotic, far­ overhead like a medieval fortress welcoming the the spectrum was represented, with purples, Eastern seaport sometime in the 18th century. weary, well-traveled masses and intimidating those reds, greens and oranges meshed into a twisted Hand-woven blankets and sweaters, T-shirts, uninitiated io it's contents. sort of visual gumbo. pottery, and a deluge of food and drink were Fortunately our tickets (and five bucks for We inched through th e festivities and available - for a modest fee. parking) gained us passage to this peculiar land. parked. It was about 3 p.m. when the two of us, There were drugs everywhere. I was offered The parking lot was a step back in time. I felt I perched atop my wagon swilling beers and everything from Bart Simpson LSD to ether to entered a hybrid world fusing Tom Wolfe's "The spitting sunflower seeds, saw the Carpet Guy. opium. There were enough pharmaceuticals to Electric Kool-Aid Test" and your average Hendrix We dubbed this fellow the Carpet Guy cure every patient in Christiana Hospital, or at bootleg. Chaos was order and order, chaos. because he was holding a true conversation People rambled about using all modes of with his rust-brown th row rug - laughing, see DEAD page 14 eplacements shake it up on LP Chris Rice Slim Dunlap and Paul Westerberg, "All Shook Down" well earns its '· Reporter ·.... : ·REVJEWJ tit the Replacements themselves, title as a Replacements album. It's a new year, and time for yet 'The Replacements. • ..., ::t \}!!: throw a little humor into the liner As long as lead man Westerberg 1 notes by including themeslves is involved, fans will always be Replacements album. ~:~;~k Down .{}•) ;':\ called "All Shook Down," among the guest performers. able to find something worthwhile serves as a fitting follow-up to 8 But looking any further at the about a Replacements release, no last release, "Don't Tell A notes reveals nothing else really matter what type of LP it is. worthwhile about the album Westerberg has an incredible Neither hard-core, a Ia their first album) and "One Wink At A (though it does have some neat talent for songwriting, which , nor the loud, fun rock Time," which features an pictures.) magically makes anything he does roll that brought them to the incredibly fun and catchy horn Particularly frustrating is the remain interesting to those that position that they occupy section. absence of information about appreciate him. can be found on this album. A quick glance at the liner notes which of these guests actually Longtime fans can easily find What you will find more of is shows a huge list of guest stars, plays on what songs. some enjoyment in any of the hook-filled, simple pop songs including Steve Berlin, John Cale It's rumored that it would be material on this album, because its "Don't Tell A Soul." (of the Vel vet Underground and more correct to call this a basically what they've been doing "All Shook Down" kicks off various solo projects), and Johneue Westerberg solo album, because all on each and every release since great, typical Napolitano (lead singer for four band members play together their first. iJ•epl:acements songs, "Merry Go Concrete Blonde). on only one song. It's just packaged a bit Minneapolis' Replacements team up with a star-studded list of (the ''I'll Be You" of this Chris Mars, Tommy Stinson, Regardless of guests and lineup, differently. guests on their latest album "All Shook Down.• L.L. Cool J comes back with punch

By Anthony Uro "Mama Said Knock You Out" women named after brands of Staff Reporter does just that, as L.L. 's hard cereal (i.e "Lucky Charmj all of Ladies Love the Legend in hitting raps, thumping bass lines which are referred to as "a bowl of Leather. and self-effacing lyrics ignite the cereal to sticlc your spoon in." UncleL. listener's salivary glands if not hi s Three previously released songs The Future of the Funk. auditory nerves. are also included on this new Cool J. The first single, "The Boomin' album. The man with more nicknames System," is an anthem for those They are the remixed dance rap than the South Philly mob scene is who have perfected th e art of Backed by the beat of En "Jinglin' Baby," a song about "back on the map" with a 14 song "frontin' in their rides," (showing Vogue's smash hit " Hold On," police harassment, "Illegal hip-hop compilation that would off in their car with the stereo "The Boomin' System" has Search," and the battle rap ''To Da make any rap fan's mouth water. blaring). already followed suit, taking a ride Break of Dawn." to the top of the charts itself. Two years ago, L.L. dissed "Battle raps" are a staple on any fellow rapper Kool Moe Dee on Razor Tracks Ruffage Playlist L.L. album, as he brags, boasts and the single "Jack the Ripper." Now, fitting epitaph for insults his way into the hearts of on "To Da Break of Dawn," he Seasons in the Abyss 1. Ultr~ Vivid Scene Joy, 1969- 1. his fellow rappers. takes on a new foe from a new 90 (4AD/CBS) (Def American). The title cut is powered by the coast.. .Ice-T. Stevie Ray Vaughan 2. Lard Last Temptation of Reid 2. Queensryche Empire bass drop of the Digital Through rough lyrics such as (Alternative Tentacles) (EMI). Underground's "Humpty Dance" "hip-hop raccoon," and "I'm cool, 3. Flaming Lips In a Priest 3. Rust in Peace and the quick cuts of D.J . Cut I freeze I-C-E," he completely Driven Ambulance (Restless) (Capitol). Creator, while "Murdergram" is insults and humiliates what he Mama Vaughan didn't let her 4. Galazie 500 Fourth of july 12" 4. Anthru Persistence of Time delivered in the style of "Jack the believes is the "West Coast rap all­ (lsland/Megaforce). babies grow up to be cowboys - (Rough Trade) Ripper." star." 5. Iron M~iden No Prayer for ralher, she brought up a couple of 5. Lubricated Goat "Around the Way Girl" is one of With the help of producer the Dying (Epic) . bluesmen. Psychadelicatessen) the many paeans to the cuties in Marley Marl, L.L. Cool J has 6. lard The Last Temptation of She probably would approve of (Amphetamme Reptile) the neighborhood on "Mama Said matured a great deal since his Reid her boys' latest effort, "Family 6. DNA featurlng Suzanne 'veg~ Knock You Out." smash 1985 debut "Radio." (Alternative Tentacles). Style," the new album from famed diflerent Jimmie Ray plays tight, Tom's Diner 12" (A & M) L.L. 's sensitive side shows The inclusion of multiple beat 1. Judas Priest Painkiller through on this LP, heightened by patterns and instruments have Texas guitar stingers Jimmie Ray '50s roclcabilly leads, while Stevie 1. Primal Scre~m Come (CBS). the midtempo style and melodic helped his raps stand out from Vaughan and the late Stevie Ray Ray jams delta blues with a Together EP (Sire/Warner Bros.) 8. Biohazard Biohazard choruses. each other. Vaughan. flamboyant, Hendrix-influenced 8. My Bloody V~lentine Glider (Maze). When Diane Keaton was busy The boasting and bragging are The album, completed prior to sound. EP (Sire/Warner Bros.) With a liner note reading 9. Faith No More 4 from 5 Fat "Looking for Mr. Goodbar," she still there, but unlilte some rappers Stevie Ray's Aug. 27 death, brings 9. Jane's Addiction Ritwl de lo "thanks to Mama V. ftJ letting us Bastards (Slash-reprise). should have been looking for L.L., like M.C. Hammer, L.L. can bact the brothers together, minus Habitual (Warner Bros.) play," the album kicks off into 1 0. Metallic~ the self-proclaimed one thing up what he says with some of the Jimmie Ray's Fabulous 10. Kitchens of Distinction Ltwe what should have been an "'Stone Cold Crazy" 5" (Electra). women desire. best raps and rhymes in the Thunderbirds and Stevie Ray's is Hell (One Uttle lndiai'IIUK) Double Trouble, for their first exploration of the blues, but falls a On "Mr. Goodbar" and "Milky business. liule short - short as in only 40 Ruffige Playlist was compiled 10/6 Cereal," he brags explicitly of his He is a man with tremendous collaborative effort. Razor Tracks was compiled 10/5 from WXDR"'S Cutting-Edge Program sex appeal and wealth of expertise rapping abilities . Though both undoubtedly minutes playing time, and short as from WXDR's Cutting Edge program by Rich Gtafstein. in the horizontal. lharcd a bedroom as children, their by Chin-a-Panaccione. A man who always list.enito bia guitar styles are distinctly see VAUGHAN page 1 The Iauer is constituted of marna. 14 • THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990

Never had I observed such a Homosexuals use education to combat ignorance Live De~d massive, ecstatic outpouring of emotions for musicians. The love continued from page 11 love. Dating a few men, she monl.h , but you 're starting off on the "I didn't want to come out to continued from page 13 these people have for the band is wrong foot," he says. "It's much them until was sure. l wanted to We'll see if you're really happy."' eventually dubbed herself bisex ual, least to help them forget their ails immeasurable. When the Dead hits have a boyfriend to prove that this Even within the gay community, because it was an easy label to hold more difficult for gay and lesbian I stood there, munching egg rolls town, joy is in the air. wasn't a phase and to prove that acceptance of interracial on to. relationships to last because of all in honey-mustard sauce and flipping This story was supposed to have homosexuals can have healthy relationships does not prevail as it Today, she feels that being a the outside pressures." through a Herman Hesse novel been a review of the Dead's new Along wil.h the outside pressures, relationships. I guess l wanted to should, she says. Subsequently, life lesbian is far more difficult than (only 25 cents), absorbing it all. live double LP, "Without A Net," prove that I was th e perfect gay as a lesbian confronting both sexual being gay, stemming from cultural a self-destructive attitude can After several hours of this theater but a realization hit me when I prevail in the gay and lesbian son." and racial prejudice every day has socializations which vary of the absurd, I began to realize the started writing. community. Its members are Nevertheless, his parents were heightened Suzy's awareness of collectively towards men and appeal of a Dead show. This, like all live Dead LP's, is frequently locked into a self­ upset not because he was gay, but minority issues. women. It was the most carefree, genuine, great. I highly recommend iL Men, she says, often identify fulfilling prophecy, in which they because he didn't feel comfortable She first. came out to a friend in friendly atmosphere imaginable. But nothing equals the arc not completely honest with telling them. He resented them high school. Because the friend's coming out with their first sexual The parking lot was a joyous experience of a Dead show. experience, whereas many women themselves. because he thought couldn't share it deafness made her a minority also, throwback to a peaceful era. For those who wait with baited designate coming out wil.h their first This can prove more detrimental with them . Suzy thought she would be more Sure, there were problems. A breath for tour dates, living and emotional bond. for homosexuals, says Brian, But for Green, coming out was accepting. Dead show isn't a perfect dying by mail order, you've been Her friend , however, no longer As Morelli sees it, "There seems because hctcrosex uals start dating inevitable. "I couldn't stand living atmosphere, but what on Eanh is? there. You know what I mean . speaks to Suzy. This experience to be approval of guys engaging in earli er and gain th e support of l.hat lie," he says. Everyone was outgoing. I saw no For those that have yet to catch a forced her to realize that sometimes sex play as male bonding ral.her l.han friends and parents. It was more l.han a lie about his fights, and people picked up trash. show, try one. Everyone has to start as a queer act." Women, on the Many homosexuals lack maturity sexual orientation. He lied about people don't deal with the person By 8 p.m. we hit the show somewhere. inside but rather, with images ol.her hand, are supposed to be more and sexual growth, since dating little things, such as where he was Armed wil.h our press box seats, we But for now, if you see a navy passive and are not taught tO explore often doesn' L start unti I college with going at night and with whom he surrounding them. and 19,000 others danced and wagon rolling down Main Street When she was coming out, she their own needs. support systems and opportunities to was talking on the telephone. freaked out in a mass hysteria. blaring "Franklin's Tower" or "Box Most of all, society 's di ctations meet people. From his experiences, he says says, "I didn't have a problem being I've caught about 50 concerts and of Rain ," bear in mind - it's easy or appropriate behavior disturb her. At the age of 13, Brian faced the th at no one can convince another gay. I had a problem being myself." tons of bar bands in my time, but I to be converted. Vicky Morelli (AS 91), co­ At one time, she considered herself same negatively biased literature individual to come out. The can honestly say the Grateful Dead And hopefully I'll see you at the president of the LGBSU, agrees that a dyke, which originally meant a that Morelli read. One book psychological trauma of living the was the best act I've ever seen. spring tour. coming out involves introspection strong, independent woman, presented the high and low roads to falsehood compounds every day. along with a thorough examination because it was easier than saying sex: the high road includes waiting "It is unbelievable how liberating of societal labels and norms. "lesbian." But as Morelli points out, until marriage for sex and having coming out is," says Green. "It's Morelli became involved with society dimini shes it to a derogatory babies, while the low road includes something you don't believe until another girl for the first time during term, destroying the confidence of masturbation , sexually transmitted you experience it." her senior year in high school, but lesbians. diseases and homosexuality. Fromme says coming out NATIONAL was tortured by serious denial. Of Brian Green (UA Gl) faced many It contained "cryptic passages involves decisions every day that a their relationship, her "girlfriend" similar obstacles before reali zi ng describing homosex uality as having lesbian, gay or bi sex ual person asked, "Does this mean we're gay?" happiness with Greg, his "husband" strange, unnatural thoughts," he lives. It means deciding whcl.her to 5 til 10 STOKE Morelli answered, "No, we just love of three years. recalls. tell even the new guy at work or risk each other." Brian and Greg held a ceremony Critically evaluating literature facing gay jokes. 66 E. MAIN STREET "Reconciling 'She is a girl. I am in which th ey exchanged rin gs, like this as coloring distorted Society, he says, can combat NEWARK, DE 19711 a girl. And we're together,' played sipped champagne and shared a pair pi ctures of his feelings made him homophobia by breaking down the games with my mind," she says. of diamond earrings. take on a positive approach towards institutionali zed prejudices. Gradually, her process of coming Regardless of the fact that no his homosexuality. Initially, Brian Moreover, education plays a key YOUR HANDY DISCOUNT STORE out evolved through a series of self­ state in Am erica legally recogn izes didn't even comprehend his role in validating the lesbian, gay imposed labels. Searching for gay and lesbian marriages, Brian homosexuality in terms of sexual and bi sex ual lifestyle. answers to her sexuality, she read never doubts the legi timacy of his ac ts, although he recognized his "Educators must include these WE ACCEPT OPEN •MC the book "Everything You Always own. own orientation from wil.hin . issues in their lessons as part of the •VISA Mon.-Thurs. 9-8 Wanted to Know about Sex, but He explains that he and hi s He postponed telling his parents human experience as they include •WSFS Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5:30 Were Afraid to Ask" which contains husband do not play gender roles as he is gay because he'd never had race and minority issues," says •CHECKS •CASH Sun. 11 :30-5 a chapter about being gay but deals many gays have in th e past. sex , which he viewed as the fina l Fromme. "Ignorance is the agent of with lesbianism only in the chapter Originally, gays performed th e confirmation of his feelings . fear, and the on ly way to combat about prostitution. gender roles as an imitation of ignorance is through education." ALL She recalls reading, "Lesbianism heterosexual life, but fewer and 1 is looking for sex where there can't fewer feel the need to play these Vaughan S go home be real sex and looking for love roles anymore. GREETING CARDS where there can ·be no love." Fromme adds that with many :ontinued from page 13 and "Brothers," a roaring blues jam Convinced that these negative couples, one would dress as the 'Baboom/Mama Said," a grooving with the boys trading guitar leads. feelings were not the love she felt, opposite sex to avoid recognition, .nstrumental. But that's it. 30°/o OFF Everyday she decided she must not be a thereby avoiding the possibility of On "Tick Tock ," a catchy song The remaining six songs have lesbian. being harassed, beaten up or even about peace and understanding with merit as good, straight-ahead Although she dated, she decided killed. a definite holiday season feel, rockabilly tunes, but fail to reach not to have sex, neither Maintaining their own sense of Stevie sings "Remember/ Tick tock the expectations promised by the DISCUS ATHLETIC® homosexually nor heterosexually. equality, both men perform people/ Time's ticking away," others. At that point, she concluded to household chores in conformity ironic, ominous lines The tracks sound as if neither SWEAT PANTS label herself primarily as with what each likes to do, ra ther , foreshadowing his death by brother wants to overpower the androgynous, tying her masculine l.han a kind of gender bias. other, leaving no one to take th e WITH POCKETS helicopter crash. SML TO X-LG clothing and short hair to gender Brian stresses that his l.hree year . The best of th e three lead. As a result, the songs seem a implications rather than sexual relationship with Greg is instrumentals on the album, bit restrained, lacking either MANY COLORS orientation. uncharacteristically long for most "Baboom/Mama Said" has the raw brother's distinctive guitar licks. Her dress and behavior, she tried gay men. Because few outlets exist feel of a lowdown barroom strut, While "Family Style" won't be to convince herself, were not to meet other men, besides gay bars, and showcases "Mama Vaughan" remembered as a landmark album, sexually oriented. dating is restricted. urging the boys to "turn it down" the high points make the lapses NOW IN STOCK Morelli envisioned lesbians as "If you meet someone at a bar, Lhroughoutthe song. bearable, making the effort a large, masculine women wearing you might have sex a couple of Other solid cuts are "The pleasant listen. DELAWARE boots in a dark image of unhealthy times and you might date for a Telephone Song,'' testament to Thanks again, Mama V., for Hendrix 's influence on Stevie Ray, letting the boys play. STATE FLAGS 12 x 181NCHES • 2 x 3 FEET • 3 x 5 FEET




y t SPORTS ribe's long drive stops Hens' defense Josh Putterman capped with a quarterback sneak b Ed1tor C · y hns Hakel on a 4th-and-goal According to Delaware coach situation gave the Tribe a 13-12Iead Raymond, the football team with nine minutes and 34 seconds its best defensive game of left in the game. season. Between that scoring drive and Almost. The Tribe of William & the Tribe's first, which occurcd on Mary won Saturday, 22-12, to both its first possession of the game, spoil Homecoming festivities for William & Mary (3-2) could only Delaware (3-2 overall, 2-1 in the muster four offensive plays on Yankee Conference) and delay Delaware's side of the 50-yard line. Raymond's 200th career win at least "I'm extremely proud of the way five more days. the defense played," said Raymond, A 17-play, 77-yard drive that was whose career record is now 199-80- 2. "That's the best they've played in maybe a couple of years . "We 're just infinitely better than we were five weeks ago." The Hens held the Division 1- AA's most-productive offense to just 283 yards for the game. Before the fourth quarter, when the Tribe scored its las t two touchdowns, the scoreboard listed a measly 151 yards on William & Mary's sjdc. The Tribe's first drive in the fourth quarter, which contained all but four of the 17 plays needed for the go-ahead score, saw William & Mary convert its first third down of the game. But while the Hens held the Tribe to making only two of its 15 third downs into frrst downs for the game, William & Mary was successful on Willi~"? and Mary fullba.ck Tyrone Shelton, who rushed .for 1.04 yards and a 41-yard touchdown late in the game, gets tripped up by see FOOTBALL page 16 Hens hnebacker Mark Htte. At left, Delaware halfback Bnan Ltttle (33 all-purpose yards) looks for daylight.

Hollinger's score is school's 799th By Tara Finnegan Copy Editor While neighboring tailgaters were cooking burgers on the grill, the 18th-ranked Delaware field hockey team was cooking up its second straight victory Saturday as it defeated the University of Pennsylvania 2- 1 in sudden death. With the score tied at 1-1 at the end of regulation, the Hens and the Quakers played an aggressive but scoreless overtime period, forcing the game into sudden death. But the Delaware was tired of waiting and its Homecoming was not going to end in a stalemate. It only took 36 seconds for forward Meghan Mulqueen to see Kelly Hollinger cutting across the middle, pass her the ball, and watch Hollinger score the game-winning · Pam Berentsen goal . Hens' sophomore defender Arlene Gregory chases after a loose ball during Delaware's 2-lovertime victory over the University of Pennsylvania. The Hens play at No.9 Temple University Thursday. see HENS page 16 The one that got away Pam De Stefano No. 3 singles player Amy Beamer was defeated Sunday by Blue Men's disallowed goal keeps match scoreless until Dragons' game-winner in OT Devil Kathy Dobrasky 1-6, 6-2, 6-2. Delaware lost 7-2. By Dan B. levine down and covering the ball." "It was just that their backs Throughout the contest, both Assistant Sports Editor Drexel forward Mike Pellegrini's pushed forward," said Pellegrini. Drexel and the Hens took turns A goal scored by the Delaware goal with 13 minutes and eight "We hit a long ball to Tommy testing the goalkeepers, who each seconds left in the second IS-minute [Martin] and he just laid it across to turned in spectacular performances. Central Conn. St. men's soccer team which was disallowed may have been the overtime period lifted the Dragons me." Helgeland, who is the top difference in a 1-0 overtime loss to to victory. "We played them tough the goalkeeper in the ECC with a 0.63 Drexel Saturday before a large · Pellegrini took forward Tom whole game," said Puican, who goals against mark, robbed wins ECC battle Homecoming crowd. Martin's centering pass and put a made 11 saves on the day. "lt's just a Delaware junior forward John In the ftrSt half, the Hens (4-5-2 shot past Delaware sophomore shame we had one breakdown in the By Alan Greilsamer crucial. Before the contest, both see SOCCER page 1 6 Assistant Sports Editor overall, 0-2-1 in the East Coast goalkeeper Mark Puican. back." the Hens and the Blue Devils were Conference) appeared to take the Week after week throughout the undefeated in conference matches. lead when sophomore defender John tennis season, Delaware women's But captain Leslie Gilbert, at Wharton put an apparent loose ball coach BJ. Ferguson stresses that it No. 6 singles, was the only past Dragons' (7-3 overall, 3-1 does not matter if a player wins or Delaware player to win in ECC) goalkeeper Rune Helgeland. loses as long as she learns individual action. The No. 3 But much to the dismay of the something new, either about tennis doubles team of Amy Beamer and Delaware fans, the referee ruled that or about life, on the court. Julia Kratzer was also victorious. Helgeland had possession of the ball While Ferguson does not like Said Beamer, who with partner and took away the Hens' goal. seeing her players defeated, she Kratzer has won four straight "He didn't have possession," said thinks the most important time for doubles matches: "The score might Wharton, a Brandywine High the team and individuals to peak is have been 7-2, but individually the matches were close." School graduate. "I stopped because at the East Coast Conference This was the frrst meeting of the he had it, then it rolled away from championships. schools since Central Connecticut him and I kicked it in. With only two matches left (10-1, 4-0 ECC) joined the "But as I kicked it in he put his before the tournament on Oct. 13- 14, the Hens have a rough road conference this year. hand on the ball." Blue Devils' coach Vic Stone Senior co-captain Dave Deegan ahead of them. said Delaware was thought to be thought the official's call was Delaware (4-8 overall, 4-1 in their competition and it is proper. "IL was a good call, the the ECC) has lost five of its last six matches, including a encouraging to easily beat the goalie had two hands on the ball. competition going into the "You hope you get the goal, but conference loss Sunday afternoon tournament. there's nothing you can do about it." to Central Connecticut State Ferguson said Central Drexel coach Johnson Bowie University 7-2. agreed with Deegan. "The reason I Eric Goodman This most recent lost for see TENNIS page 16 thought he [Helgeland] had Delaware freshman defender Chris Ross eludes Drexel forward Tom Martin during the Hens' 1·0 Delaware may have been the most possession was because he was overtime loss Saturday. Delaware hosts UMBC in an ECC matchup tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. 16 • THE REVIEW • October 9, 1990

confidence with eight minutes left The Hens face tough competition Hens in the first half with sophomore on AstroTurf Thursday against Football midfielder Jen Daggett scoring to ninth-ranked Temple University, continued from page 15 continued from pase 15, give Delaware a 1-0 lead. Mulqueen said a speedy transition The Delaware defense kept the from grass to turf is important for a a pair of fourth-down plays while Mulqueen credited the play's Quakers scoreless for the fll'St half, Hens' victory. driving toward the Delaware end smooth execution to the team's 2- allowing only two shots on goal. But their schedule does not get zone: Hakel's one-yard leap into the on- 1 practice drills. "I knew The defense of Cassie Herr, Jen any easier with upcoming matchups end zone and a nine-yard someone should have been there, Daggett, Cathy Michaud and goalie against the seventh-ranked completion by Hakel to wide and Kelly's always been there," she Leslie Saylor remained University of Virginia and 16th­ receiver Mark Compher on 4th-and­ said. impenetrable until 3:28 left in ranked Lafayette College. one at the Hens' 26. "We tried to go up high and set regulation, when Penn midfielder Not to be overlooked in the "I just assume that nobody's up in the right position with the Ashley Adams' goal tied the game. midst of the wait for football coach going to have their head in their tail right pass," Hollinger said. "We "This is a good win for us," said Tubby Raymond's 200th career and start to regress because we lost a played real well. The win is a good coach MaryBeth Holder. "In win, the Hens are only one goal football game," Raymond said. confidence builder." ovenime, it's who wants it more. I away from scoring their SOOth After marching downfield for a The Hens' offense showed its was pleased with our play." school history. 7-0 lead early in the first quarter, the Tribe's next possession was the beginning of its offensive collapse. Soccer loses 1 -0 on goal in OT Passes were beginning to be dropped, runners were being continued from page 15 Hens' coach Loren Kline was match. stopped at or before the line of satisfied with his team's efforts. Currently in the ECC, Delaware scrimmage and Delaware's pass Sellers on a breakaway at the 21:44 "That's probably as good as we is in a sixth-place tie with Rider, rush was closing in fast on Hakel. mark of the fll'St half. could expect our kids td play, with (both are 0-2-1) while UMBC (1-3) "We did a lot of outside pressure," In the second half, he made his the exception of finishing." is in a fourth-place tie with Hofstra said Hens' linebacker Rob Wolford, best save on the day diving to his Said Bowie: " I think we got the (1-2). who registered two of the team's right to send Hens' junior midfielder lucky break at the end. Delaware did The top four teams qualify for the three sacks. Brian Davis' rising shot over the a tremendous job of shutting down ECC playoffs, which begin Nov. 6. "We just could not seem 10 get crossbar. our scorers. anything started to get us going," Leslie D. Barbaro Puican, who moved into seventh "It was an even ballgame and said Jimmye Laycock, WiJfiam & Hens' linebacker Rob Wolford grabs Tribe quarterback Chris Hake! place on the all-time save list at should have probably been a Lie." Mary's head coach. "We didn't play for one of his two sacks during Saturday's football game. Delaware, was equal to his Tomorrow, the Hens host the real well, and [Delaware] kept counterpart for most of the University of Maryland-Baltimore playing hard." Acker picked off a Hakel pass at the holder Keita Malloy on one hop and afternoon. County at 3:30 in another ECC While the Tribe was having William & Mary 26 for hi s first bounced out of hi s control. The problems with its offensive collegiate interception. Tribe lead, 7-6. William & Mary 22 NCAA DIVISION 1-AA dfllt· machine, Delaware also was looking Three plays later, Delaware The Hens took their only lead of Delaware 12 Low prices for a jump-start. The teams sophomore quarterback Bill the game when Vergantino scooted FOOTBALL POLL High quality (Reloaled Od. 8) combined for punts in the first Ve rgantino hit senior halfback into the end zone on an 8-yard run Wiiam&Maoy 7 0 0 15-22 13 Delaware 0 6 6 0-12 Quick service half and 20 for the game. Admiral Sydnor on a five-yard with 8:55 left in the third quarter. Ium BK2rd fll. fw. WM~teen 2 run (Mueller kick) 1 . E. Kentucl·· "tt. · lnl. 12. The Citadel 3-2 34 18 Punts· Avg. g . 38.0 11 · 38.5 • RIICtllve your lnaltnlng flu trNI "Their bodies are beginning to Dobrasky 1-6, 6·2, 6-2; Kratzer, a Fumbleo · Loot 2 · 0 2 · 0 13. N. Iowa 3-2 33 17 F'enaltieo • Yards 5 · •0 g. 71 14. Georgia Southern 3·3 29 20 Connecticut is a good team that will catch up with road trips and not freshman, was defeated by Kate Time of Posteasion 30:03 29:57 15. N. Texas St. 3-2 26 :::::::::/,~.::!,::::,;::. - plu6 /eng cb/MIQ dlatrJa be favored going into the weekend gelling enough sleep, but that is not Concannon 6-3, 7-6 (7-3); and 16. William & Mary 3-2 15 - INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS 17. Marshall tournament, but it is not so good unusual for this point in the senior Sherry Haideri lost to 3-2 13 9 FAXING COPYING RUSHING-William & Mary. Shelton 18· 104, 18. Weber St. 4·2 12 - that It cannot be beaten. season." Philippa Lane 6-3, 6-3. Green 18·75, Williams 1· 1, Hakel 6·(·t8) . 19. E. Washington 3-2 7 10 BINDING COLLATING Delaware, Vergantino 18·64, Brantley 13-.41 , 20. Holy Cross 3+1 5.5 ''They might think they can run On the court the Hens have been Other doubles action saw Gilbert A.Ventoeoca•-1•. A.Syd""' t -6. - STApLING PASSING-WiiUam & Maoy, Hakel 14·30·2·122. (Delawaoe opponents In bold) 131 E. IIAIN ST NEWARK, DE away with it because of their match struggling with slams and have and Mary Wolfenden defeated by Delaware, Vergant ino 17·33·2·181, Prooniewoki PHONE 4A-9100 FAX 411-1104 results, but tournament situations failed to put away points. "We are Dobrasky and Concannon 6-4, 7-5. 0·2·0.0. RECEIVING- William & Maoy. SheHon 4· 5-4 , are different. missing the easy ones," Ferguson The Hens travel today to ECC Con-pher 4·47. Green 2·2. Loci

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'I ~ I I October 9, 1990 • THE R!VIEW • 1 7 COMICS

and Calvin Hobbes by Bill Watterson THI PAR SIDI By GARY LARSON

I .. ITS C.lHR Ill Nt.'IER. ~-~~~E 33 ... 27 ... I~L ~ CAREER 11'1 SPeRl'S \JN"fll t lEARN 1Q SUI'PRts'S M~ SIJR'-411/ ~l INST\I'IC.I.

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~1-lr>.T TillS G~t-'.'i: ~E.t.DS AAE: N"t;.GCTif>..iED S£TTLEI-\£t-ITS .

Danook shows off his Swiss Army Rock. Each time the click beetle righted itself, Kyle would flip it over again- until something went dreadfully wrong.

~m . ~ouR MOt-\ USED 10 GD 10 WORI( , B\lT CNC£. '!0\.1 cA\o\~ ~LOIIIG-, SO\o\EON£ Hft..D it:l 5\ft..'i ~ME .

L. T. Horton GoT A Gl-t!'E.? W~D'il~ ')/®f!J~ $7t~l?~ ~§.\P~{;~~~~~?OVIK rL~S~S' ~ U//)~ T<> 'i/.fiH<>I>JfJ,t...C.

L\t:E: EVE~'{ f{ESPOI'Hifi'l.R C- rTI2EN1 Yd v I+AV€ 'rtiP!iiS, (.ON<:.£3/Z.Nf I>,NP f'lf:E OL TU SI .Jar Tt-IEM DowtJ - · · "Say, there's something wrong here .•. We may Fish funerals &Eel!- Sll6ut.P fJe" (.(1/lf,.J OUT have to move shortly." F~f<~ &v TitlE' r.cvriP-I'IMeNT! fh~lti\>JPt.~ IHoiJ'-~ ~~ £i:>u"D~ Ul' "'NP liASS~O ! ( w,Jo;JT willli..D f£!t<:.E. NOuJ j 11M {t(;IC Of- -n--t~

ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED LO AM CH AP .M AAS 1 Archers· gear s• 5 Rapid IN L E T• LO R E .I GLU 9 Head part LO OS E• OR IG IN ATE 14 Pang T R us T F UN ME TEA 15 Sex appeal: Sl DE .po• AA E'RS • A var. ••MA GG OT SA GA 16 Forbidden A L I E N.•• NO IS E L •ESS •• item 17 Foreleg I T s• .F AW NS ATE 18 About MA T T E R IN G. ••RA VEN 20 Head: Fr. RA L. •c EM EN T 21 High priest •u AS T R AY .R EA V E 22 Mattress's •• BE E R HA NO IN •••ESS kin s• 23 Vertical AG R E EM EN T• Sl NCE BY GARRY TRUDEAU 25 Completed cu AT RG E• E T NAS 27 Distortion •u Doonesbury K E y s OE A. DY ERS 29 Cognizance •o 30 Wiles 34 Wreath 36Passage 68 Iowa city 30 Math sub) . 38 Hawaiian 69 NCOs 31 Attached word homes 39 1954 Nobel DOWN 32 Asian 33 Declares winner 1 Stitch 42 Pulp 34 Abandoned 2 Pigment 35 Mr. Gardner 43 Pyromaniac"s 3 Rieslings. deed 37 Intend to e.g. 38 Asian money 44 H of HMS 4 lroquoian 45 Assay 40 Superlative 46 Shipping 5 Be angry ending units: abbr. 6 Soap plant 41 Particle 47 Western pact 7 Fire- 46 Dull person 49 Coral maker protection 48 Expression of 51 Sidetrack equipment gratitude 54 Dynamo part 8 Article 49 Stances 58 Take one's 9 Valuable 50 Sample place at violin 52 Compostlion table 10 Summon 53 Kilmer work 80 Hebrew lyre 11 Second boy 54 Narrow strip 61 Legendary 12 Mislay 55 In - : as a daydreamer 13 Station whole 63 Golf unit 19 More than 56 Jot 64 Make amends a)ar 57 AdJust 65 Tenth: pref. 24 Rubble 59 Mr. Speaker 66 Leg area 26 Believes 62 Oklahoma city 67 Books 28 Excavation ......

18 • THE IEVIEW • October·9, 1990

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1 1 l/\ 1 r T() flf R q C o111 1 \"If OtJf <..J OAY (){ TfJ Ht H 1 I { (H ll TH1JR ~-. DAY Of:f OH I H I I f o n1 THURSDAY OC TOBl A II ! Coni 1 SPONSOUD IY THE 10:00 A.ll.-4:00 P.ll. 7:00 P.M.-1:30 P.M . 2:30 P.M.-4:30 P.M. SOLUTIONS TO SIXUAL 12:00 NOON-I :00 P.M. Resource/Jnformallon Table • "The Accused" "Sexual Assault: It Doesn't This presentation will emphasize the VIOLENCE TASK FORCE "Sexual Harassment in S.pport Group for Victims/ . Film And Discussion Discriminate" need for system-wide change in S.rvl¥01'5 or Se11ual Oft'eme (SOS) the Workplace: A Costly public policy. law, and community • Rodney Room, Perkins Student Center •center for Black Culture. Se11u•l Asuuh • Perkins Student Center Concourse Proposition" nonns to prevent violence against This award winning fictionalized 192 S. College Avenue women. and will e•amine in AW8rftiCSI Week ~ • Rodney Room, Perkins S1udent Ce nt er 10:00 A.ll.·11 :30 A.ll. account of th<: New Bedford, Valerie L. Taylor. B.A .. Education particu lar sexual violence. has been supported by fundinc Liar)C Sorenson. M.S .. D~rec t o r . and from the followina units of the Massachusetts barroom gang rape Coordinator. D.C. Rape Crisis Center. 7:00 P.M.-8:00P.M. "Not • Lon Story" sensitively demonstrates both the Washington, D.C. Donna Tuites. M.A .. Program Univenity: VIdeo •nd Discussion violence of rape and it's traumatic Coordinator. Office of Women 's "Victims Rights: Putting it on Se xual assault crosses all boundar­ Affairs. University of Delawa re •commission to Promorc • Collins Room, Perkins Student Center aftennath. Jody Foster and Kelly ies. Every woman, regardle ss of the National Agenda" McGillis give outstanding Racial and Cultural Divmity What does pornography mean to the race, ethnicity. class, level of Sexual harassment on the job is one • Auditorium. Newark Hall people who view it and the people perfonnances as the rape survivor education. has the potential to be a of the most explosive iss ue facing •commissioo on the Slalul of who make their living from it? This and the auomey who seeks justice. the workplace today. As many as Joseph R. Biden. U.S . Senator, State Women victim. Afri ca n-American women of Delaware; Chairperson. Senate video looks at these questions and at and other women of color are espe­ 70% of women have bee n sexually • Dean of Students Offrc:c 1 (l t J! pr t 111 Tr FH n Jud iciary Committee. the role pornography plays in cially vulnerable to a sexual assault harassed in some way. Men can also •office of Housina and violence against women. anack due to the realities of their be victims. Find out what ·exual The "Violence Against Women Act Residence Life 10:00 A.ll.-4:00 P.M. economic conditions. The key weapon harassment is . and how women and of 1990" will double th<: federal 12:00 INOON-1 :00 P.ll. • Student Health Service Resource/Information Table • for fighting sexual assault anacks is men can work together to eliminate penalty for rape. penn it seKual . "'l8pe Uld Sexual Aslllult: Sips, Support Group for Victims/ empowennenl. this barrier to true equality. survivors to sue for damages in • V'~ee President for Symploms, and Helping Slnllegies" Note: Open to women and men. federal coun . make rape a civil rights Employee Relations Survivors of Sexual Olfense (SOS) 1 :30 P.M.-3:00 P.M. violation . and allocate funds for local • Collins Room, Perkins Student Center 3:00 P.M.·5:00 P.M. • Vice President for Studenc • Perkins Student Center Concourse "Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol: Ne,•er rape prevention and counseling. Affairs. Mernben of the Suppor1 Group for 10:00 A.M.-11 :30 A.M. "An Overview of Campus Violence" a Perfect Match" Senator Biden. the author and V'~etimi/Survivon of Sexual Offense principal sponsor of this legislation, (SOS) will deacribe the services and "Breaking Silence" • Ewing Room, Perkins Student Center • Bacchus 'Theatre. Perkins Student Center will discuss its importance in puttina We would also like to thank prognuns offe~ by the group and Video and Discussion Dorothy Siegel. Vice President for Joyce Walter. M.S ., Coordinator. rape victims/survivors rights on the the Solutions to Sexual Wellspring Health Education nat ional agenda. Violence Task Force memben provide an overview of rape and • Collins Room. Perkins Student Center Student Affairs, Towson State sexuaiiSSault, to include prevention University. Program; Richard Holland, M.A., reJmsentina the: This video looks at sexual violence Assistant Area Coord inator for strategies and techniques to help Ms. Siegel, founder of the Center for Office of Women's Airlin victims/survivors. against children from the point of Residence Life view of both the victim and th<: the Study and Prevention of Campus 10:00 A.M .-4:00P.M. Women's Studies Propun Violence at Towson State University, Drugs and alcohol often play a 1:00 P.ll.-3:00 P.ll. perpetrator. The video also examines Commission on the SIIIUI of the impact of incest on the will discuss the issues surrounding significant role in sex ually abusive Resource/Information T•ble • Women "bpe •nd the Lltw" victim/survivor, family, and friends. campus violence and uamine ways n:lationships. This program will Support Group for Victims/ focu s on the connection between Office of the Senior V'a to ~uce its occurrence. Sunoi\·ors of Sexual Olfense tSOSl Administntion •Rodney Room, Perkins Student Center 12:00 NO~N-1 :00 P.ll. sex ual assault and substance use and President for "-1 Moderator: Valerie Hans, 7:DO P.ll.-8:30 P.M . abuse. • Perkins Student Center Concoune Office of the V'rce Praidenl Ph.D., Criminal Justice Prognm, "Child SellUal Abuse: What for Student Afflin You Should Know •nd What You "Milled Si1nals: A C.L.A.S.S. Act" 2:00 P.M.-5:00 P.ll. 1:30 P.M. Univenity of Delaw~~re. "-lists: Dean of Students Office Honcnble Charles M. Oberly, Ill, C•nDo'' Live Performance "Men: What You Can Do to Stop Assemble fur March Office of Housina and Attorney General, Slate of Delaw~~re; • Bacchus Thealre, Peri