Having campaigned for years, as your Local Elected Member

Councillor, County Council have finally Louth County Council funded the repair and replacement of all the Public Lights at The Spires . The NEWSLETTER County Council have finally taken the estate in YOUR LOCAL charge and are now responsible for the main- COUNCILLOR tenance of the public lights. sewerage ,water, roads etc

Rockabill Cove have had all of their public Elected Member lights repaired and this estate has also been Louth County Council taken in charge by the County Council.

Congratulations to everybody on Termon- feckin, , Tullyallen, COUNCILLOR Monasterboice and doing so well in OLIVER TULLY the recent Tidy Towns awards Baltray Drogheda

Phone: 086 8245715 E-mail: New Sheetlend Road [email protected] TEL: 041 9822712 footpath and improve- 086 8245715 ment works complete MAJOR ROAD REPAIRS FOR CLOGHER ROAD

The Coast Road THE LOUTH COUNTY I will be holding advice centers / clinics at the from Clogher- COUNCIL AND AN GARDA following dates and times. head to Termon- SIOCHANA SUPPORTING feckin has re- LOCAL COMMUNITY TEXT Last Thursday of each month ALERT COMMITTEE ceived funding to 31st October and 28th November 2013 repair the verges The (Baltray Sandpit Termonfeckin) Balsanter

Over the past Community Text Alert is a new community Waterside Termonfeckin 6.00pm couple of years I based organization. It is a crime prevention have requested and community safety programme using mo- Monasterboice Inn 7.00pm Verges of the Clogher- that the potholes bile phone text alerts to ensure the safety of head Road to be up- along the verges Baltray, Sandpit and Termonfeckin communi- graded similar to the Sheetland Road and surface be ties. It operates as a partnership between An repaired but the Garda Siochana and residents. The scheme Saturday - 30th November 2013 nature of the is run on a voluntary basis through a nomi- Sharkey’s Lounge Clogherhead 3.00pm problem was so extensive that funding had to nated committee of local residents and a rep- be applied for from the Department of the resentative of An Garda Siochana. Fas Office Togher 4.00pm Environment. A special grant of over 80k euro has been allocated this year. The work is now Feel free to come along and receive advice on complete. housing, social welfare, roads, planning, medi- cal requirements, grants, education, water, Other extensive road resurfacing and repairs sewerage etc.. were also carried out on in the area. These works include the road from Blackhall Cross northwards to Murrays Cross, almost 100k euro and from Grangebellew to Gallstown COUNCILLOR OLIVER Road junction, over 30k euro. Drogheda TULLY Road Tenure 49k euro and Begrath to Melli- font 113k euro To continue the work to date and due to in- crease public awareness of the service the Baltray Road works, costing nearly 190k euro, are group intend to erect signs, similar to above, Drogheda due to be carried out locally under the new on the public roads advising of the community County Louth Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) at alert system. The success of this system is Beltichburne, Carstown, Carntown, Killartery, based on the support of the community as a Nunneryland, Galroostown and Cartanstown. whole and we need your support. Why not Phone: 086 8245715 join today??? Application forms are available E-mail: [email protected] The main roads that will be salted this Winter in the local shops, Churches and Credit Union. include M1, R132, Ri66 R170, N51, R168.