Zimbabwe: Agriculture Sector Disaster Risk Assessment MARCH 2019
Zimbabwe: Agriculture Sector Disaster Risk Assessment MARCH 2019 Zimbabwe: Agriculture Sector Disaster Risk Assessment Zimbabwe: Agriculture Sector Disaster Risk Assessment ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was developed by a team led by Azeb donor community, who ensured fruitful and produc- Fissha Mekonnen, Agricultural Specialist of the tive discussions of the findings of this assessment at Agriculture Global Practice at the World Bank. The various workshops. activities were supported by Carlos E. Arce and Jorge The team also extends its appreciation to the Caballero as lead consultants for the overall study. stakeholders from major agricultural supply chains Eija Peju, Alejandra Campero, Ramiro Iturrioz, and that participated at various stages of the fieldwork Easther Chigumira provided specialized analysis and in workshops to discuss the findings. The team is during the risk assessment. indebted to them for encouraging the team to main- Special thanks are due to the team of Zimbabwean tain a realistic and practical perspective. consultants who carried out field assessments for Valuable and constructive comments were various agricultural commodities and livestock received from Diego Arias Carballo, Lead Agriculture and for the valuable and practical comments and Economist (World Bank); John Luke Plevin, contributions they provided to this study: Carren Financial Sector Specialist (World Bank); and Niels Pindiriri, Jacqeline Mutambara, Jacob Gusha, and Balzer, Deputy Country Director (World Food Vimbai Audrey Chandiwana. Willem Janssen, Lead Programme, Zimbabwe), acting as peer reviewers Agricultural Specialist, and Julie Dana, Practice for the study. Mukami Karuki, Country Manager Manager for the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction for Zimbabwe; Mark Cackler, Practice Manager, and Recovery, Barry Patrick Maher, Senior Financial Agriculture Global Practice; and Holger Kray, Lead Sector Specialist, of the World Bank, provided advice Agriculture Economist, Agriculture Global Practice at various stages.
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