Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 November 2015 at 7pm in Hayton Reading Room

PRESENT: Cllrs. Tinnion (Chairman), Clubbs, Clarke, Cain, Bowman, Graham, Jackson, Smith, Watson and Milburn ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: 2 members of the public (registered in Attendance Book) WELCOME Cllr. Mrs Anne Milburn was welcomed to her first meeting of the council. 104 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs. Billington and Longstaff. Also Cllr. D Parsons, City Councillor. 105 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING Resolved - To authorise the Chairman to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2015 106 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr. Bowman declared a pecuniary interest in planning matters being and Planning Committee member on City Council. Cllr. Graham declared a pecuniary, non-pecuniary and personal interest being a member of County Council, Carlisle City Council and Down a Gate Committee. 107 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES 1. Cuts to Police Funding – Acknowledgements have been received from the Chief Constable and John Stevenson MP. The proposed funding formula has been halted until the New Year to allow for further investigations. 2. Allotments – The Land Agent telephoned with an update.  The Allotment land is not part of the land for sale currently.  The land owner if now fully aware of community interest and commitment to the Allotment land  There is no notice to quit but the Land Agent would not go so far as to say a new Lease would be forthcoming  He has made note of the parish council’s wish to be given first option to buy and has been appraised on the council’s budget setting timetable. Resolved – to apply for the allotments to be added to the Community Assets Register. 3. Edmund Castle Bus Shelter – Zurich has given the go ahead for a replacement bus shelter to be purchased and they will re-imburse the council on production of an invoice less the excess. Resolved – to proceed with the purchase of a three-bay shelter preferably in brown. The meeting was suspended at 7.15pm for: 108 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A resident of attended the meeting to speak with the council regarding the proposal to build 128 houses on land adjacent to Hurley Road, . He requested the council consider collating the objections of residents attending the drop in session. Cllr. Graham stated that he was intending to carry out at survey weekend commencing 21 November 2015 and he was going to attend the Examination in Public of the Carlisle Local Plan beginning 1 December 2015. Cllr. Bowman informed members that the land in question was not all designated in the Local Plan. There was land designated adjacent to Hurley Road


for 38 dwellings. All agreed that if there was to be a significant development in the Corby Hill area it should be on the east of the A69 where all the facilities are located. Mr Greene attended to see if there were any problems relating to the Quarry works. There wasn’t. The meeting resumed at 7.24pm 109 BUS SHELTER FOR A69 CORBY HILL 1. Highways – a response has been received but does not really address the matter. The Highways Agency was renamed Highways England in April 2015 and from that date they do not have any enforcement powers. The letter did not address that the problems have arisen from a 2012 planning application. Resolved – to write to Highways England and the City Council pointing out the shortcomings with this particular application. 2. Bus Shelter Quotations – quotations were attached to the agenda. Resolution – to purchase a 3-bay shelter and make arrangements for installation as soon as possible. To check Lease agreements. 110 HAYTON SCHOOL – ROAD ISSUES A letter has been received from Cumbria County Council asking for comments on proposals to widen the footpath opposite the Island and to install some double yellow lines (attached) Resolution – to object to the footpath being widened on the grounds that it would make the highway problems, particularly for the school bus worse than at present. To request a single yellow line together with a temporary parking order for no parking between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday. 111 SUPERFAST BROADBAND COVERAGE A request has been received for parish council support for superfast Broadband to be linked up to properties close to Hayton at How Mill. Hayton Townhead and Fenton Lane End are also not connected. Resolved – to contact Connecting Cumbria requesting information about if and when these areas are to be connected. 112 TALKIN VILLAGE GREEN – BROADBAND CABINET Two resident complaint letters have been received regarding the siting of the cabinet on the village green. The cabinet appears to be larger than the usual cabinets but as an agreement has been signed there is little the council can do as there were only two locations in the village where the cabinet could be located. The other area was refused permission. 113 POLICE MATTERS AND REPORTS The Brampton Police Newsletter has been received but it is not in its usual format due to changes taking place to the computer software. A copy can be obtained from the Clerk on request 114 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Councillor Graham stepped down from his position on the planning committee and requested the council consider Cllr Smith take his place. Resolved – that Cllr. Graham resign from the planning committee and Cllr. Smith take up the vacant position. 15/0876 – Land to the rear of Elmfield, Townhead Hayton Brampton CA8 9JF. Erection of 3 detached dwellings (Reserved Matters Application Pursuant to Outline Permission 13/0455).


Objection – The dwellings in the detailed application are houses and the council feels that their height impacts on the size of the dwellings giving the impression that the mas of the buildings would be intrusive in the landscape. Indications on the outline plan were that the dwellings would be one and a half stories (dormer bungalows) and it is felt that by reducing the height of the dwellings they would sit better in the landscape and reduce the overbearing appearance of the properties on the site and with the surrounding properties. (22.10.25) 15/0945 – L/a Willowdale, Fenton, How Mill Carlisle CA8 9LZ. Erection of 2 detached dwellings (Outline). No comment 22.10.15 15/0970 – Land adjacent Holly /bank, Faugh, Brampton CA8 9EA. Erection of 1 dwelling (Reserved matters Application Pursuant to Outline Approval 14/1062). Objection – Visibility at the junction of unclassified road, U1294, leading from Stonebridge Lees is seriously substandard. An unauthorised mirror has been erected to assist drivers exiting the junction. This application should not be approved unless the Highways Authority issue a notice under Section 79 of the 1980 Highways Act on the present owner of the land to: 1. Alter his hedge line; and 2. Not to erect any building on his land that would affect the visibility at the junction and so enable a safe visibility distance to be achieved. Under no circumstances should any development take place which would prevent any future highway improvements being made at this junction. 15/0985 – Ash Lea, Corby Hill Carlisle CA4 8QG. Removal of Glazed Linked Porch to Annexe to create 1 Dwelling. No comment – 18.11.15 115 PLANNING DECISIONS 15/0823 – Land adjacent Overwater, Talkin Brampton Carlisle. Erection of 3 detached dwellings (Reserved Matters Application Pursuant to Outline Approval 15/0652). GRANT PERMISSION 116 PROPOSAL FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT, LITTLE CORBY This item follows on from the public session. Cllr. Bowman showed members the land designated in the Local Plan; land adjacent to Hurley Road is designated for approximately 40 houses only and land to the rear of Corby Hill Methodist Chapel for approximately 30 dwellings. The A69 and roads in those areas accessing the A69 are all at capacity now. Resolved – to await the outcome of Cllr. Graham’s survey. 117 CHANGE OF NAME FOR THE HAYWAIN INN, LITTLE CORBY Developers have requested a change of name from the above to The Otter Inn, Little Corby. As there was no comment from the Planning Committee the matter has now been agreed. 118 FINANCE 1. Income – to receive and note the income received and banked HM Revenues & Customs – Quarterly VAT Return - £252.20 2. Schedule of Payments – to authorise payment of the accounts listed below Corby Hill Methodist Church 101467 Room Rental 30.00 CALC 101468 Training 5.00 G Kartach SO Salaries, Tax & NI 615.80 Hayton Playing Field Project 101469 Transfer of money being 212.59 held from Xmas event 2014


3. Monthly Reconciliation – to receive and note the reconciliation and balances authorised by Cllr. Clubbs, Finance Auditor 119 2016/17 PRECEPT Chairman updated members on the meeting held on 12 November. Resolution – to agree a Precept of £16,500 for 2016/17, an increase £626 (3.9%). The average Band D is based on the 2014/15 formula as the new one has not been received as yet and that is an increase of £0.75p 120 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK 1. CALC Annual Report 2. Open Spaces – Autumn Newsletter 3. CCC – Consultation on Budget emailed 9.11.15 4. CALC – Tesco Community Scheme in conjunction with Groundwork 5. CALC – November circular – emailed 9.11.15 121 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS ISSUES 1. Haywain Hill, Little Corby – Cllr. Smith requested that the council invite Sarah Steel from Cumbria County Council to attend a site meeting where the problems can be discussed. Resolved – to invite Sarah Steel to meet with Cllrs. Smith, Graham, Bowman, Longstaff, Milburn and Clubbs. 2. Hayton Townhead to Low Gelt Road – there is flooding occurring due to blocked drains. Cllr Clubbs to supply Cllr Cain with the details of the Highways Inspector. 3. Eden Grange – residents have approached Cllr Milburn requesting a sign indicating the street name and the numbering. Contact City Council 4. The pavement at Little Corby Road is in need of urgent repair. Cllr Graham to take this up with the county council. 5. Land adjacent the sign – Parish Council wishes to erect a new noticeboard at this location although it is in Hayton parish. They will require planning permission. Cllr Graham to deal with the matter. 122 MEETINGS AND NOTICES 1. CALC AGM – 14 November – no one attended 2. Carlisle City Council – Local List meeting – 17 November – Cllr. Tinnion attended and there are two items they can apply to be registered – the Penfold and the Walnut Tree in Hayton. Warwick Bridge is a pilot scheme and they will contact the parish council and speak to them at a future date. 3. Local Award Scheme Workshop – 18 November – The Clerk attended this workshop which was then cancelled due to the speaker being unable to travel beyond Preston as all trains had been suspended due to the weather. The workshop will be arranged in the spring. 123 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 20 January 2016 in Hayton Reading Room at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 8.52pm