REPORTS SAY KENNEDY BLOCKED U. S. NAVAL BASE CIA PLOT TO ASSASSINATE CASTRO GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Editorial WASHINGTON (AP)-President Ford wants a Senate committee rather Beginning with today's issue, the than the Rockefeller Commission to Gazette is placing more emphasis investigate allegations of CIA on reporting local news. involvement in plots to assassinate The Provost Marshal is cooperating lolatans foreign leaders, his chief spokes- with this effort by making available man said yesterday. to the Gazette reporters, facts Press Secretary Ron Nessen, about accidents, crimes and person- acknowledged that such an al injuries that are handled by inquiry would be outside the man- Base Police. date of the Ford-empaneled com- The purpose of using these mission headed by Vice President stories is not to provide fuel Nelson A. Rockefeller, which is for base gossip. We hope that by investigating allegations of reporting the "hard news" of the domestic spying by the CIA. base, we can help keep Gitmo re- Nessen's comments to newsmen sidents better informed about Tuesday, March 11, 1975 came in the face of published re- their community. We hope that ports that two former aides to these stories might inform base Sen. Robert F. Kennedy say Kennedy residents of some potential problem KISSINGER TRAVELS TO TURKEY told them he blocked a CIA plan areas. We hope the result of this to use the mafia to assassinate is that potential problems or ANKARA, Turkey (AP)-Secretary Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. hazards may be identified and of State Henry Kissinger diverted Meanwhile, in the Senate, For- eliminated. his Middle East "shuttle" to eign Relations Committee members For instance, stories about Turkey yesterday to try to break recommended confirmation of traffic accidents should be the deadlock between the Greek Nathaniel Davis to be assistant graphic illustration that it is and Turkish Cypriots. secretary of state for African possible, even with our reduced He arrived from Jerusalem where affairs and Harry W. Shalaudeman speed limits, to sustain injury he told newsmen he had "No reason" to be ambassador to Venezuela, in your car in Gitmo. We hope to change his view that another despite opposition based on their this will encourage all base Israeli-Egyptian disengagement in involvement in covert CIA act- residents to drive more safely Sinai is still possible. ivities in Chile. and avoid having accidents. Radio Israel said Kissinger was Referring to the Senate Committee We invite assistance from you forced to fly in an Army helicopter headed by Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, readers in our effort to provide to Ben-Gurion Airport after rumors Nessen said "It certainly would more news about the base. of an Arab terrorist attack swept be appropriate for the Church in- W e would like to receive letters Israel, but the U.S. Embassy had vestigation" to look into alleged[ to the editor, which could point no comment on the report. CIA involvement in foreign as- out problems of general interest, Newsmen aboard Kissinger's U.S. sassination plots. or could pass along praise when Air Force jet were told the route Later, responding to another it is due. to Ankara that Kissinger was question, Nessen said Ford "anti- working on a new "forum" to be cipates the Church investigation COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, ZARB MEET set up in New York or Vienna to will get into some of these areas." discuss the Cyprus dispute. Nessen refused to discuss a TO WORK OUT COMPROMISE Talks between Cypriot leaders report in the New York Times broke down last month after Con- about the alleged plot against WASHINGTON (AP)-The chairman of gress cut off U.S. weapons ship- Castro. the House Ways and Means Committee ments to Turkey and Turkish "I'm not going to say anything was reported yesterday to have Cypriots declared a separate about that," he responded re- met privately with President Ford's federated state on the island. peatedly. energy administrator to work out a compromise energy program. MORE RESTRICTIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES PUT INTO EFFECT The report came with Congress virtually certain to approve a tax Fuel consumption in Gitmo during to use air conditioners only within cut of at least $21 billion within February exceeded fuel allocation, these same guidelines except on two or three weeks. The final according to RAdm. Ralph M. Ghormley. military and civilian pay days, when version could differ sharply from As a result, some more restrictive air conditioners may be used through- the tax-cut bill passed by the energy conservation measures have out the working bay. House. been put into effect, and other If the above steps reduce usage White House Press Secretary Ron existing measures have been re-em- to an acceptable level, relaxation Nessen told newsmen energy ad- phasized. will occur. If not, additional ministrator Frank Zarb had met Effective immediately, night re- steps will be required which fur- privately with Ways and Means creation lighting will be secured at ther limit water for consumption. chairman Al Ullman to "identify 10 p.m. Office air conditioners RAdm. Ghormley re-emphasized areas of agreement and areas that will be secured from the end of the that washing of cars is permitted need to be negotiated" in the energy work day until 1 p.m. the next work at any time provided it is ac- program. day. Window air conditioner units complished with a hose fitted with Nessen also said members of Zarb's in family housing will be secured a self-closing nozzle or by the staff had begun a series of meetings from 7 a.m. until noon each day. use of a water bucket. The use of with Ullman's aides. Fans on air conditioners may-be run a free-flowing, open-end hose is as desired. The bank is authorized strictly prohibited for washing cars. LOCAL-Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 11, 1975



A Gitmo resident whose car was There was a grass fire near struck on the left side in the Turnkey housing Sunday afternoon, Commissary Store parking lot the third grass fire in that Friday drove to base police head- area in recent weeks. quarters to complete some paper- Base Police investigators work about the accident. said yesterday the fire was While she was parking in the apparently started by a small base police parking lot, the car boy who was playing with matches. was hit on the right side. According to base police, the Mrs. Alice Gillespie told police weeds in the Turnkey area are her car was first hit by an auto fairly tall and dependents play- driven by Mrs. William King Fri- ing with matches can easily start day in the Commissary parking PROVOST MARSHAL REPORTS grass fires. It is possible that lot. Mrs. Gillespie drove to some day one of these children base police headquarters to com- 36 ACCIDENTS IN JAN., FEB. could get trapped by the fire or plete the paperwork but while be injured while running from it. she was parking, her car was There were 21 traffic accidents Police called for the cooperation hit by SA Rebecca L. Gietzen. in Gitmo in January and 15 in of parents whose children might There were no injuries in either February, according to statistics be suspected of starting fires. mishap. Mrs. King and SA Gietzen released by Cdr. Donald Sheppard, were cited. the base provost marshal. ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP MEETING The January accidents included CAR HEAVILY DAMAGED nine major mishaps and 12 minor The Arts and Crafts Workshop is ones. In February, there were having a meeting Saturday at 10 a.m., IN ONE-CAR ACCIDENT 10 major accidents and five minor McCalla Admin Building, to discuss ones. the next Arts and Crafts Show and A car sustained major damages The Provost Marshal defines Sale. It is now taking registrat- in an accident Friday night on minor accidents as ones involving ions for the show which is scheduled Kittery Beach road, adjacent to $250 or less in damages to a for April 19-20. Anyone interested the rifle range turnoff. vehicle. Malor accidents are in displaying or selling their art According to base police, the car those involving more than $250 in or crafts can come to the meeting driven by Joseph Favro, a non- damages or personal injury. or call Linda Hornbrook at 85791. petty officer attached to the fuel There were no serious personal Registration ends March 31. depot, left the road around 9:37 injuries in any of the accidents The Arts and Crafts Workshop is al- p.m. Friday and ran off an em- in January and February. A so offering two classes in clear cast. bankment. base police investigator said Learn to make a picture using sea- Neither Favro nor SKSN Thomas most of the accidents occur in shells and other objects found on L. Briggs, a passenger in the car, parking lots. Gitmo's beaches. The first class is was injured. tomorrow at 1 p.m. The second class Base police ticketed Favro for COMMISSARY TO CLOSE EARLY is March 17. You do not have to have driving while intoxicated and clear castto take the class. excessive speed. The Commissary Store will close early, 4 p.m. instead of 6 p.m., on Mardi Gras day Friday.

R s i 0 s i A J ~ .L. . . . A. MAVA BUATAAB DAY,1 I Local Forecast

Par tly to mostly cloudy skies with iso lated showers in the area. Visi- Water figures for yesterday: bil Ity 8-10 miles lowering to 1-3 mil es in the vicinity of showers. PRODUCED: 1,305,000 dr. J., -i.ul A 2 Je v . ito ds N 5 knots at night, SE 14-18 CONSUMED: 1,524,000 2 v c rke . hto ap Win( JA2 John o . AeprE IN STORAGE:' 19,194,000 o R. r . kno ts in the afternoon. High today 84. Low tonight 70. Sunrise tomor- WATERLOSS: 219,000 The GI nta.m. . amet, is publihI cordin to he High OVA BA. ABAA - row at 7:12. Sunset at 7:09. the Dprmn of the. avy. YB, AA.0A.AA~ V VobB.A~ AAOA tide will be at 9:43 a.m. Low tide fic 1t orasrel n t. h v s o C sI. will be at 3:40 p.m. Emmaus

6 LOCAL--Page 3 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 11, 1975

1975 MARDI GRAS PARADE WILL COMMUNITY CHORUS PRACTICE COMMENCE AT 4 P.M. FRIDAY LOCAL The community chorus will hold The 1975 Mardi Gras parade will its final dress rehearsal this BRIEF commence at 4 p.m. Friday, im- evening at 7:30 in the base mediately following a formation chapel. The chorus is preparing POWER OUTAGE THIS SATURDAY fly over of the Cooper Field area for the Mardi Gras concert at by fighter aircraft of VC-10. 7:30 Wednesday evening in com- There will be a planned power Judges will be on the scene to bination with the high school outage this Saturday affecting inspect the individual units. band at the base chapel. a significant portion of the The parade route is from W.T. base. Sampson access road left on NO SCHOOL FRIDAY AFTERNOON The areas affected are: Sherman Avenue, right on Recreation Villamar Housing, Nob Hill, Road, then right past the Windjammer There will be no school for all Defense Housing, Granadillo and reviewing stand. It will students K-12 of the W. T. Sampson Housing, Bargo Housing, Caravela then go right again on Central Dependent School as well as the Housing, ITT Transmitter Site Magazine Road to the dispersal Nursery School on Friday after- (Emergency generator will allow area (BEQ parking lot south of noon. Release. time is being Central Magazine Road). operation), AFRTS (Emergency provided students due to activities The parade sequence is as fol- and to give the others an opport- generator will allow operation), N.E. Gate. The power will be lows: Provost Marshal- Grand unity to lend their support to off from 7 a.m. til 7 p.m. Marshall (Rear Admiral Ghormley), these activities. Therefore, when high school band float, Miss all The electrical sub-stations children K-12 are released at and the portion of the electrical Mardi Gras 1974 (Pat Duffus), their normal lunch times, they distribution system, providing Miss Navy Exchange 1975 (Belinda will not return to school for power to the larger housing areas, Baggett), Miss Naval Station 1975 afternoon sessions. are being improved to provide (Sharon BrenneckeAMiss Marine increased capacity and efficiency Barracks 1975 (Tammy Bringham), COMO CLUB MOVIE SCHEDULE Miss NavSta Hospital 1975 (Gail under a contract with Sloan Inter. Christensen), national Construction Company. Miss FTG 1975 (Jon- Today-The Taking of Pelham, a Under the contract, major mod- nie Davis), Miss VC-10 1975 (Kathy suspense drama rated R starring ifications are to be made in the Hutcherson), Miss NAS 1975 (Cather- Robert Shaw and Martin Blasam. Villamar sub-station which pro- ine O'Connor), Miss ComNavBase 1975 Wednesday-Uptown Saturday Night, (Jeri Tuhey), Miss Dental Clinic vides power to the above areas. a comedy rated PG starring Sidney 1975 (Nicki Wordlow), grand prize Poitier and Bill Cosby. The outage this Saturday is car, Marine Barracks Platoon, Thursday-Phase,a science fiction necessary to allow the contractor Marine Barracks Color Guard, rated PG starring Nigel Davenport to carry out a major portion of Special Mission Force Platoon, and Michael Murphy. the work on the Villamar sub- Company "L" Marine Support Bat- Friday-Shanks,a horror comedy station. talion Platoon, Tank, 155 MM How- drama rated PG starring Marcel It is recommended that personnel itzer, 105 MM Howitzer, 106 MM Marceau and Philippe Clay. living in the affected areas pack Recoiless Rifle, Girl Scout float, Saturday-The Internecine Project, items that will be required from Girl Scout Marching Unit, all girls a drama rated PG starring James refrigerators and freezers during bikes, Filipino-American Float, Coburn and Christiane Keuger. the outage in ice chests before the Motorcycle Club, all boy's bikes, Sunday-world's Greatest Athlete, outage commences and avoid open- NAS float, Fire Truck, Rifle Pis- a comedy rated G starring Jan ing refrigerators and freezers tol Club Float, Lady Golfers Pre- Michael Vincent and John Amos. during the outage. cision Formation Unit, Boy Scouts It is also recommended that per- Troop 534 Float, Cub Scouts March- JACK AND JILL TOURNAMENT sonnel plan to eat lunch at the ing Unit, NSGA Wives Float, Special Mardi Gras or have picnics at Services Toy Train, Interested There will be a Jack and Jill the beach and that they eat out Citizens Float, Horsemen, Golf Tournament on March 23. or plan a late dinner. Garbage Truck and Sweeper. Tee off time is 12:30. All All parade participants are re- participants are asked to please NAVY EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT quested to be present for form up be there by noon. There will be at 3:15 p.m. on the access road a cook out at the golf course In order to allow Navy Exchange to W. T. Sampson High School. following the tournament in the employees to participate in the The horsemen unit will form up honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Parks 1975 Mardi Gras opening ceremonies on the Gold Hill Barracks Road. who are leaving,, Gitmo on April all Navy Exchange facilities with All vehicles driven to the par- 1. So bring your steaks, chicken exception to clubs, cafeterias, ade form up area that are not par- or whatever and join Gitmo's golfers snack bars, and the Mini-Mart ade vehicles will be directed to the in saying farewellto Lou and Eleanor will close at 4 p.m. on Friday. access road immediately west of the Parks. W.T. Sampson access road. Steps CPO ADVISORY BOARD MEETING leading up to the parade form up area are available. The CPO Advisory Board will meet Commanding Officers, 0-6's and Friday at 9 a.m. at the CPO Club. above and their ladies have been All members are requested to at- invited to review the parade from tend this meeting. the reviewing stand, west of the Windjammer Club. Page 4--LOCAL Gutod5,o Tuesday, March 11, 1975 Tuesday, Mrch 11, 1975Gatette Guananam GaztteLOCAL--Page 5 Self Help Really Gets Around, Even to &il

Co J02 Job Oooooell pna gorkrequest to S ldHe p the n't do ty ort because I 0yo2e 000 n0 in jail explaining whatthCly would like 00 loot oew requremtsotheCly don at the base police head- to accomplish and what the need usually turn a little sour." q0000000, 01001 toroaom0000 002 Jolt 0no1, leading potty aboot Solf 001p. M00et0aliOkely sf th mpojt oet SoSfHop offc w thor fSol l odded, Cloyhodnot:hig do wi do requirements, TCowootbtwill go "Tloyoe don' tolizetha000toorjob getting 00you 7001i, huC Cf 000 Cs doth00ol roidng ourhave asked Oto, Cloy toold ho proud Ctooeeohat healreadyhasonoohand aopie f teifroodjet hvoe of 01e oalls thaontainoou0 Co surplus. If Ie doesn't hoot exr ejob Cs 0n10kng0apieceof Co yoor pr0e000nttoatioo. any, It'll order it through his woood ttthefrooth0e000jo0.All Ad, on the subject of Self supply too, SOC tobert 000ps. thioruna sin toeo ria 0000 00d0 Help, which by the way is a pro- Self Help provides assistance andwhenthe01000foods too usedoup, amy yo cae fndnthroughouti Co 010sreare ; by sopplying we 0acobouong omboun the Navy, heretiCo CCmoo00 Co un- ma0er00ls, sup0e00000ionad the fonds, OtonOthisCos henow00hlootCo der the direction of Lieutenant manrpo 70sdepending on job re-0000y." quiremets. So projects sueh asme lo th- police headquarters along with Surplus material is basically Cto jailowas onlyoaost00rtforwha his Sel stepuss inr tP oor. inthTurnokeyoseton~, aorset teamwhen ro iagot the 00ts c-rayomahinew dtftohabng Stl He7 program re-initiated Work proe r0ssibalnpoeldbly Veterinary lmne, Citeroreood loot July. neverwere tottetd, got cancelled worithg Uppe lef Specal Ser-coo., "T touglooenndedapogrnm," to ro raon,Nor tha bulig ColdaHiC oooao, tho lpouneng (Photos by PH2 Dave Clarke) CuoookC toplained, "CTeoriginal was detroyed. No monteyisoated offuCt, foonity 00ayu, gapsouxig 0e failed boases ebe hod 00none because Self Help makes use of O t lopitl andm CotlleLt. toootrol CC, Co oit blhioda Cloy also have a list of proposed desk and look over all the pro- Because they use surplus mat- poedprojesard decide which oerals t1 sometimessettlem otl,onback towdog powod, getablg 0000 were0wothy." onojobo.For 0000710, f atplao ing tooandlotmor from efHl Wheo Seif 0010 ottre-estaoblished called tor pto1igao otaiw Cloytoot foo. ey toood00 coha lg tos in-ooacrten o loets, 0 he emplbs Th10nicethin~g oboot Solf 001p loot Co Oit00 0s that 000 doo't material, tools ortranrportaos-. pooleliog, Cre jobouldoo' beedoft. 0 "ot dion. ienweook ldfog looetCo go Co 7001 to appreciate O 00T0t'OC', ,A their work, 1 to ha ejoyle 0bipesi," xisd."0 t eterialsthees eady tClorly 0010got aouooo RicokPokoroy, wooc0000to Self to toprghCa Cot A Hbpew Help 1000 007000100. "00 present- fr Aloghompaticr owth hlpogandpeiteeabe baoust do- d d100moflleng s 00 sCod- petsmetok 0n mpojyt, ad gbers og 0saws andarils constrs- of SHelpc has 11o lsto benef potaiol. ee edgot rolling tot ptticl abpiding. eb- on raoledo aqip opti aonax ." "Thontpof t hese S b re se o Coydsmrt elelp gtf new to tho fiold. HelobeloodOotheslvto. Tbe 0000ve ary enu ter oo ha bst 00L7 HELP embers bogy withtheC teiop st ,Cfirst0 adpatontohad w~i O tlSef HlotceAgst satd, poer sooti oddorillsor reusts "I le eth gprogal bendl an oith. 0pper loft, Specoal Str- tatly of old, obeoycld oecbute l 1tp o rk us omy 0at0nd e g t voioe employee p1anes aod taodo poto gfoot0 domemp. a dooo iCothemainopeoiol Ser- vices boildiog. Clookwise, LC. 0n nails T0a's wohale,oefa cew go eloIC 0e tgsayd o0 Hank J. TuoookC, 000 of Solf aodoreoreation. If apropoted CC,nine buidert, an electiciant 001.000CN lchPokoroy, 0000 projec0 follo ooder ooy of thost thiod loss ondo buiderosecond Paol Oooo, pat000iCTuCootey categoies,Chere' good chance loss. TClyoye0a00000 00 o ototo copleted oCth Self Help aid, Clt Clt0H17powilho proovidiog Seobee unit, 01010001 their limit- 00000 0ich Pokorny and Marktten- 0u77000 of toot hiod. edaount ofooanpowernaowsoothe cootol 0ftoith laying ploottloto To understand how Clt 0017 g000 machnetoargnaeoi th 0000000000m. Needoajob done? their jolt, firstt odepartmeot hood o pu000ng 07o building. O ahelping hood? C0tl L0. 00 divon osupervisororequests "T1e ooly probleomthe 00000 Clot a cetaionojob ho doot lot formto onhbo Co got o 4e17- Publicorkooon't food Ct peple1ar000geneoally frieodly ood Cog haod fro Solf001p. becaote of look of money or hlipfu ltoheClthy 00000," 00n- priorities. Clot paortooulard- Otnud TCoootl. '00ButoClohy 00000000 00010havlooetootwoth00 finioh op Cteoiginaljob, Ct 01e0ablitly Co haodle oaloommerpeople doo' t to ClCt 010 andnails. That' whenthey put crewogo. WhentI oavetosyono,

@0 LOCAL--Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 11, 1975


The 33rd Seabee Birthday Ball include crowning of the queen at will be held from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m., recognition of the 12:30 p.m. Monday night at the oldest, and youngest Seabee and Windjammer Club. From 6:30 to guest of honor Captain F. T. 8 p.m. will be a cocktail hour Watkins, commanding officer, in the main dining room and U.S. Naval Station will give outer bar lobby areas. A mod- his remarks prior to the birthday ified buffet dinner will be cake being cut. Following the served at 8 p.m. in the main ceremony, there will be dancing ballroom. until 12:30. The Seabee queen, selected last Any Public Works or NMCB-5 mil- Friday, is Ms.Patricia Anne Stan- itary personnel, any U.S. civilians ley, daughter of BUl Robert Bowen employed in the Public Works De- of the Public Works Maintenance partment or any retired or active Division. Her sponsor is CE2 Gerald CEC or Group VIII personnel are Brehm of the Leeward Point Div- eligible to attend. ision of the Public Works De- Tickets cost $4 for E-6 and be- partment. Her princesses will low, $6 for E-7 through Lt. and be: Ms.Patricia Ann Calkinsa $8 for civilians and LCdr and dental technician working at the above. Naval Dental Clinic, her sponsor Proper attire will be dinner TV8 GIRL SCOUT WEEK SPECIALS is SMCA Craig Hall assigned to dress white jacket or tropical the Maintenance Division, Public white long for military per- "It's Your Baby," 6:5 2p.m. Tues- Works Department; Ms.Mary Lou sonnel; coat and tie for civilians; day is a film that packs more Sandifer sponsored by her husband and appropriate attire for the that 300 visuals wit' an avalanche BU2 Billy Sandifer of the Public ladies. of sound. It leaves go room for Works Maintenance Division; Ms. doubt that girl scouting-is more Helen Akan sponsored by her SPECIAL SERVICES GOLF COURSE than just another kind of club. husband EN1 Ernest Akam of the "The Difference is You'," 7:56 p.m. Utilities Division of the Public Starting Saturday, every Tuesday Thursday, deals with the difference Works Department; Ms.Deanna Shep- and Thursday from 9-10 a.m. and of thousands of concerned men and pard sponsored by her husband 10 to 11 a.m., 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. women who make scouting possible CE2 Dennis Sheppard assigned and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. golf lessons for millions of girls. to the Utilities Division, Public will be given at the golf course Note from TV8 program director: In Works Department; Ms.Bettie Larmore by Gitmo's pro "Moose" Claxton. order to show these films during sponsored by her husband E01 For further information call girl scout week, it will be nec- Matthew Larmore of the PWD 951119. essary to back up regularly Transportation Division; MaRosalind scheduled programs so they will Metzmeier sponsored by her hus- PROPER DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL now start a few minutes later. band SW2 Fred Metzmeier of the So that most of the Gitmo com- Public Works Maintenance Division. The increasing amount of usable munity will be able to view The evening's festivities will in- reclaimable material that is being these films, they-will be re- dumped at the local landfill is peated this weekend. Dates and BAND, CHORUS WILL PERFORM noted with concern. Many of the times to be published at a later observed items are in demand time. In accordance with the 1975 Mardi locally. Some known items being Gras ceremony, the W.T. Sampson con- dumped are: lockers, metal shelving, NEW WEEK-END CLINICS AT HOSPITAL cert band and community chorus, un- copper wire, copper pipe, expended der the direction of Dave Shallert, brass and serviceable pallets. To provide better week-end med- will be performing tomorrow at 7:30 All commands must insure that ical care and to more efficiently p.m. in the base chapel. Tickets proper disposal methods are being utilize the week-end staff of the are on sale for 50 cents per adult followed. The DSA Property Dis- hospital, Saturday and Sunday (and and 25 cents per student, and may posal Office, located in Bldg. 696, holidays) clinic hours will be purchased from any band or com- telephone 85184 will provide every be established effective Saturday. munity chorus member, or at the assistance in proper disposal of The purpose of these clinics is door. Pieces include "Shaft," excess material. to provide care for patients with "Hawaii 5-0," "Jamaican Jamboree," urgent medical problems which "Man of La Mancha," and "Cabaret." CPO CLUB TO HOLD SUPPER SPECIAL cannot be deferred until Monday or the next working day, as ANDREWS SPEAKER AT SURE LOSERS MEETING The CPO club will hold a supper/ appropriate. Of course, emergencies entertainment special this Wed- will be seen at any and all times Frank Andrews will be guest nesday night. The club will offer but all other patients are urged speaker at the Sure Losers meeting a special price for couples on a to adhere to the scheduled clinic tonight at 7 p.m. in the hospital delicious Delmonico steak dinner. hours. Patients without true em- classroom. All club members and Then afterwards, Mike Grogan will ergencies who appear at the Hosp- interested persons are urged to be performing in the back bar for ital to see the medical officer at attend this meeting. E-7's, 8's, and 9's and their hours other than those noted below authorized guests. will be requested to return during the next scheduled clinic. Hours are: 9-11 a.nm and 6-8 p.m. 0 Tuesday, March 11, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette SPORTS--Page 7

KENTUCKY'S BASKETBALL COACH PRO GOLF TOURNAMENT TRAIL AT THE NET RECEIVES A FOUR-YEAR EXTENSION MIAMI (AP)-"I hope," Chi Chi By Mark Rodriguez said hopefully, "I can LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP)-Joe Hall, Barrett win a tournament pretty quick Kentucky's basketball coach, re- so I can get in the Tournament of ceived a four-year extension on Champions, and won't his contract, through 1980, yes- The tennis boom has struck Guan- have to play there all by him- terday. tanamo! The Juniors' Tourney at self." Hall. formerly assistant coach the Racquet Club this weekend It's a good line. But it's not under Adolph Rupp, became head proved that. Forty-three entrants completely accurate. coach in 1972 and was named filled out a schedule of almost Even though Miller has won seven Southeastern Conference Coach 70 matches to be played on the two tournaments in the eligibility of the Year that season when courts during the two days. period for the elite event at La Kentucky won the league crown There was mod scoring (first play- Costa, there will be more players with a 20-8 record. er or team to six games won), guys in the Tournament of Champions, The following year, Kentucky's playing against girls, unabashed this year than there were last record dropped to 13-13, but this cheers and boos and coaching from season. season the Wildcats are 22-4, the sidelines. Twenty-five played last year. share the league title with Play was divided into five div- Twenty-seven are eligible now, Alabama and will represent the isions, and many players partic- with six more Tournaments remain- SEC in the NCAA-East tournament. ipated in more than one. Bill ing in the eligibility period. Carson took home the big trophy Included are 10 players who will TULANE HAS SIGNED GEORGE KONECNY for the boys' open singles)defeat- be making their first start in the ing Mark Allen 6-3; as teammates event that brings together only TO A FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP they shared first honors in boys' the current tournament winners. and girls' 15-and-over doubles They are Allen Miller, Rod Curl, NEW ORLEANS (AP)-Tulane has by downing Michael Fox and Bongo Bob Menne, , Richie signed George Konecny, Arkansas' Bamundo 6-1. Mike and Bongo Karl, Victor Regalado, Forrest high school heavyweight boxing almost were shut out in the semi's Fezler, Terry Diehl, Gary Groh champion, to a football scholar- by Richard Flory and Frank Magor and Pat Fitzsimons. ship, a university spokesman said in a tough 6-5 match. Others in the field include yesterday. Lee Davis and Steve McGuire won Miller, Buddy Allin, Dave Hill, "We brought him in to handle the boy's and girls' 14-and-under Gary Player, Hubert Green, Hale our free-for-alls," the spokes- Lubles division through hard-hit- Irwin, , Ed Sneed, man quipped. ng, lots of hustle, and fine team- Dave Stockton, Bobby Nichols, Konecoy, a 6-foot-2, 210-pound ork. In the finals they won over , Miller Barber, native of Stuttgart, Ark., runs Jack Corneau and Jeff Chauncey 6-2, Al Geiberger, Gene Littler, the 40-yard dash in 4.8 seconds. probably their toughest match was J.C. Snead, Bob'Murphy and Jack He was graduated from the Subiaco the quarter-final triumph over Nicklaus. Academy where he lettered in Skip Potter and Fred Schriefer 6-4. Perhaps the strongest field of football for three years, track But Fred shrugged it off--and in the the year is shaping up for the for three years, and boxing for boys' 14-and-under singles, whip- Heritage Classic in Hilton Head four years. ped Steve 6-3. And lastly, in the Island, S.C., two weeks from now. boys' and girls' 12-under singles Arnold Palmer committed last ASHE ACCEPTS INVITATION TO PLAY final, Rowland Hoskins fairly week, giving the tournament a drubbed Chris Knehans 6-1. That sweep of all the game's top IN TENNIS FESTIVAL IN SOUTH AFRICA finals was almost a Knehans vs gate attractions. He joins Jack Knehans match--because in the Nicklaus, Johnny Miller, Lee CAPETOWN, South Africa (AP)-Art- quarter-finals Rowland just barely Trevino, Gary Player and U.S. bur Ashe of the U.S. has accepted edged Fred Knehans 6-5 in a match Open champion Hale Irwin--the first an invitation to play in an April of nerves. time this year all have played 11-12 tennis festival here, the The playing under adults' and peers' in the same tournament. WPLTA said yesterday. close scrutiny caused a lot of "nerves" among the players, which NO HOPE FOR THE DAVIS TENNIS CUP PLAY-OFF BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICA AND MEXICO occasionally threatened composure, but on the whole it was a pleasure JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP)- not issue visas to the South African to watch. This coming weekend is There is virtually no hope of players because of the country's Adults' Mixed Doubles with con- the Davis Tennis Cup play-off be- apartheid policy. solation--pick yer partner and tween South Africa and Mexico taking Denklin said he had telephoned call John Thornton at 85554 before place anywhere, the President Mexico's Davis Cup captain, Fran- 6 p.m. tomorrow. of the South African Lawn Tennis cisco Contreras, who told him Union (SALTU), Justice Blen he had argued for four hours with Franklin, said yesterday. government officials to try to He said: "The Mexican government get the decision revoked. has forbidden its team to play It is likely that the tie will South Africa even at a neutral be awarded South Africa by de- venue." fault. She won the Davis Cup com- Mexico announced Friday it would petition last year by default. -Page 8--BEELINE Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 11, 1975

What's happening

Beeline TODAY

PAINTING CLASS will meet at 7 p.m. in the McCalla Admin building. For more information call 98171. Calls will be accepted for ads BOY SCOUTS will meet in the Boy Scout Hut at 7:15 p.m. For more infor- on Sundays from 5-7 p.m., Mon- mation call Skip Miller at 99147 AT. day-Friday 3-5 p.m. Boxes are BINGO will be played in the CPO Club beginning at 8 p.m. located at the Flagship Mess and between the Navy Exchange The ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP IS OPEN from 1 to 6 p.m. For more infor- and Commissary Store. mation call 85791. THE OKINAWA KARATE AFFILIATION will practice from 6 to 8 p.m. in Marble- DIAL 951144 head Hall. For more information call 98258 AWH. THE GUANTANAMO BAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB will meet at 7 p.m. in the for sale COMO Club.

Two Fedders air conditioners, 23,500 TOMORROW BrU, $125 each; Fedders 12,500 BTU air conditioner, $110; 150 lbs. of JUDO class will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Marblehead Hall. For more in- weights, $20. Call 95559 AWH. formation call 98233 AWH. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet. For more information call 96160 AWH. 1974 Honda Elsinore MT-250. Call On Leeward Point call 64436. Hall at 85429 DWH or see at K-208 GHB AWH. Must sell. THURSDAY

Original oil paintings by Gitmo CO4NAVBASE CIVIC COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD will meet at 7:30 p.m. For artist. For further information more information call 952234. call 96123 AT or see at 76-D G.C. COMMUNITY CHORUS will rehearse at 8:30 p.m. in the base chapel. BINGO will be played at the Windjammer beginning at 8 p.m. Five string banjo with case, $80, GUANTANAMO BAY SELF DEFENSE CLUB will practice at the Child Day Care portable Hitachi TV, $80. See Center at 6 p.m. For more information call 85232 DWH. in Rm H-209 GHB AWH. THE OKINAWA KARATE AFFILIATION will practice from 6 to 8 p.m. in Marble- head Hall. For more information call 98258 AWH. 12'x12' gold carpet, excellent con- dition, $85; baby stroller, $8; bar- 0- b-que grill/broiler, never used, $25. Call 951247 DWH or 952253 AT. Kawasaki 90, small frame, excellent Magic Chef refrigerator. Call 85585 for young rider, $450. Call 64452 services AWH, ask for Danny O'Hara. AT or 64329 DWH. Responsible woman willing to babysit your house while you're on leave. 1963 Pontiac, automatic trans., runs Suzuki 350, Dishwasher, $100; 1974 Will take good care of your house good, $200. Call 96108 AWH. brand new, $500; high chair and baby and pets. Call Sue at 64311 DWH. crib with accessories, $50. Call 23" black&white console TV, excellent 97280 AT. Babysitting for one or two children condition, $150 or best offer; Fedd-* between two and four-years-old. ers 12,000 BTU air conditioner, $35 1968 Dodge Charger, new battery, ex- Call 99272 AT. or best offer; Sears 3 to 1 Super 8 haust and tires. Best offer. Call movie camera with light, $70 or best 97231 AWH. Babysitting in your home anytime but offer. Must sell. Call 90106. school hours. Call 97141. 1966 Ford Fairlane, 390 cu. in., 4- 1967 Corvair, $450; .22 single shot speed trans., $900. Call 85311 Power mowers repaired, blades shar- rifle, like new, $15 firm; Sears after 2:30 p.m. pened, tune-ups, mufflers, etc. 125cc motor scooter, needs repairs, Call 951037 or bring to TK-15. $25; 1972 Super Beetle V.W. Call 1974 Grand Torino Braugham, blue 85444 DWH or 97200 after 1 p.m. and white, 351 cu. in., AM/FM stereo Cakes baked and decorated. Call with 8-track. Price negotiable. 90258 AT. Braun strobe unit with charge cord. Call 95339 AWH. Call John at 951144 before 1 p.m. Motorcycle, outboard and lawn mower print sofa with matching Green floral tune-up and repair. Call 96162 AT. 22,000 BTU air conditioner, used two armchair, $75; lady's 3-speed bike, months, like new, $200. Call 952284 $35. Call 95443 AWH. House and stove cleaning on week- AT. ends. Call Burke at 85734/85231 DWH. Two-100 watt speakers. For more in- formation call Pat between 6-9 a.m. at 95551.