Editorial Lolatans

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Editorial Lolatans REPORTS SAY KENNEDY BLOCKED U. S. NAVAL BASE CIA PLOT TO ASSASSINATE CASTRO GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Editorial WASHINGTON (AP)-President Ford wants a Senate committee rather Beginning with today's issue, the than the Rockefeller Commission to Gazette is placing more emphasis investigate allegations of CIA on reporting local news. involvement in plots to assassinate The Provost Marshal is cooperating lolatans foreign leaders, his chief spokes- with this effort by making available man said yesterday. to the Gazette reporters, facts Press Secretary Ron Nessen, about accidents, crimes and person- acknowledged that such an al injuries that are handled by inquiry would be outside the man- Base Police. date of the Ford-empaneled com- The purpose of using these mission headed by Vice President stories is not to provide fuel Nelson A. Rockefeller, which is for base gossip. We hope that by investigating allegations of reporting the "hard news" of the domestic spying by the CIA. base, we can help keep Gitmo re- Nessen's comments to newsmen sidents better informed about Tuesday, March 11, 1975 came in the face of published re- their community. We hope that ports that two former aides to these stories might inform base Sen. Robert F. Kennedy say Kennedy residents of some potential problem KISSINGER TRAVELS TO TURKEY told them he blocked a CIA plan areas. We hope the result of this to use the mafia to assassinate is that potential problems or ANKARA, Turkey (AP)-Secretary Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. hazards may be identified and of State Henry Kissinger diverted Meanwhile, in the Senate, For- eliminated. his Middle East "shuttle" to eign Relations Committee members For instance, stories about Turkey yesterday to try to break recommended confirmation of traffic accidents should be the deadlock between the Greek Nathaniel Davis to be assistant graphic illustration that it is and Turkish Cypriots. secretary of state for African possible, even with our reduced He arrived from Jerusalem where affairs and Harry W. Shalaudeman speed limits, to sustain injury he told newsmen he had "No reason" to be ambassador to Venezuela, in your car in Gitmo. We hope to change his view that another despite opposition based on their this will encourage all base Israeli-Egyptian disengagement in involvement in covert CIA act- residents to drive more safely Sinai is still possible. ivities in Chile. and avoid having accidents. Radio Israel said Kissinger was Referring to the Senate Committee We invite assistance from you forced to fly in an Army helicopter headed by Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, readers in our effort to provide to Ben-Gurion Airport after rumors Nessen said "It certainly would more news about the base. of an Arab terrorist attack swept be appropriate for the Church in- W e would like to receive letters Israel, but the U.S. Embassy had vestigation" to look into alleged[ to the editor, which could point no comment on the report. CIA involvement in foreign as- out problems of general interest, Newsmen aboard Kissinger's U.S. sassination plots. or could pass along praise when Air Force jet were told the route Later, responding to another it is due. to Ankara that Kissinger was question, Nessen said Ford "anti- working on a new "forum" to be cipates the Church investigation COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, ZARB MEET set up in New York or Vienna to will get into some of these areas." discuss the Cyprus dispute. Nessen refused to discuss a TO WORK OUT COMPROMISE Talks between Cypriot leaders report in the New York Times broke down last month after Con- about the alleged plot against WASHINGTON (AP)-The chairman of gress cut off U.S. weapons ship- Castro. the House Ways and Means Committee ments to Turkey and Turkish "I'm not going to say anything was reported yesterday to have Cypriots declared a separate about that," he responded re- met privately with President Ford's federated state on the island. peatedly. energy administrator to work out a compromise energy program. MORE RESTRICTIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES PUT INTO EFFECT The report came with Congress virtually certain to approve a tax Fuel consumption in Gitmo during to use air conditioners only within cut of at least $21 billion within February exceeded fuel allocation, these same guidelines except on two or three weeks. The final according to RAdm. Ralph M. Ghormley. military and civilian pay days, when version could differ sharply from As a result, some more restrictive air conditioners may be used through- the tax-cut bill passed by the energy conservation measures have out the working bay. House. been put into effect, and other If the above steps reduce usage White House Press Secretary Ron existing measures have been re-em- to an acceptable level, relaxation Nessen told newsmen energy ad- phasized. will occur. If not, additional ministrator Frank Zarb had met Effective immediately, night re- steps will be required which fur- privately with Ways and Means creation lighting will be secured at ther limit water for consumption. chairman Al Ullman to "identify 10 p.m. Office air conditioners RAdm. Ghormley re-emphasized areas of agreement and areas that will be secured from the end of the that washing of cars is permitted need to be negotiated" in the energy work day until 1 p.m. the next work at any time provided it is ac- program. day. Window air conditioner units complished with a hose fitted with Nessen also said members of Zarb's in family housing will be secured a self-closing nozzle or by the staff had begun a series of meetings from 7 a.m. until noon each day. use of a water bucket. The use of with Ullman's aides. Fans on air conditioners may-be run a free-flowing, open-end hose is as desired. The bank is authorized strictly prohibited for washing cars. LOCAL-Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 11, 1975 GITMO RESIDENT HAS GRASS FIRE AT TURNKEY "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" ACCIDENT THIRD IN RECENT WEEKS A Gitmo resident whose car was There was a grass fire near struck on the left side in the Turnkey housing Sunday afternoon, Commissary Store parking lot the third grass fire in that Friday drove to base police head- area in recent weeks. quarters to complete some paper- Base Police investigators work about the accident. said yesterday the fire was While she was parking in the apparently started by a small base police parking lot, the car boy who was playing with matches. was hit on the right side. According to base police, the Mrs. Alice Gillespie told police weeds in the Turnkey area are her car was first hit by an auto fairly tall and dependents play- driven by Mrs. William King Fri- ing with matches can easily start day in the Commissary parking PROVOST MARSHAL REPORTS grass fires. It is possible that lot. Mrs. Gillespie drove to some day one of these children base police headquarters to com- 36 ACCIDENTS IN JAN., FEB. could get trapped by the fire or plete the paperwork but while be injured while running from it. she was parking, her car was There were 21 traffic accidents Police called for the cooperation hit by SA Rebecca L. Gietzen. in Gitmo in January and 15 in of parents whose children might There were no injuries in either February, according to statistics be suspected of starting fires. mishap. Mrs. King and SA Gietzen released by Cdr. Donald Sheppard, were cited. the base provost marshal. ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP MEETING The January accidents included CAR HEAVILY DAMAGED nine major mishaps and 12 minor The Arts and Crafts Workshop is ones. In February, there were having a meeting Saturday at 10 a.m., IN ONE-CAR ACCIDENT 10 major accidents and five minor McCalla Admin Building, to discuss ones. the next Arts and Crafts Show and A car sustained major damages The Provost Marshal defines Sale. It is now taking registrat- in an accident Friday night on minor accidents as ones involving ions for the show which is scheduled Kittery Beach road, adjacent to $250 or less in damages to a for April 19-20. Anyone interested the rifle range turnoff. vehicle. Malor accidents are in displaying or selling their art According to base police, the car those involving more than $250 in or crafts can come to the meeting driven by Joseph Favro, a non- damages or personal injury. or call Linda Hornbrook at 85791. petty officer attached to the fuel There were no serious personal Registration ends March 31. depot, left the road around 9:37 injuries in any of the accidents The Arts and Crafts Workshop is al- p.m. Friday and ran off an em- in January and February. A so offering two classes in clear cast. bankment. base police investigator said Learn to make a picture using sea- Neither Favro nor SKSN Thomas most of the accidents occur in shells and other objects found on L. Briggs, a passenger in the car, parking lots. Gitmo's beaches. The first class is was injured. tomorrow at 1 p.m. The second class Base police ticketed Favro for COMMISSARY TO CLOSE EARLY is March 17. You do not have to have driving while intoxicated and clear castto take the class. excessive speed. The Commissary Store will close early, 4 p.m. instead of 6 p.m., on Mardi Gras day Friday. R s i 0 s i A J ~ .L. A. MAVA BUATAAB DAY,1 I Local Forecast Par tly to mostly cloudy skies with iso lated showers in the area. Visi- Water figures for yesterday: bil Ity 8-10 miles lowering to 1-3 mil es in the vicinity of showers.
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