Z One Tear 5.50 s 4 BETTER THAN! Z Six Months... 3.03-- 1 BY ORDERING s Three Months. L50; tvm . THE REPUBLICAN! - Phono 2 I tt I I I'l't'Ht T ( fr," THE HONOLULU Male SIS. RE V i tutt t it VOLUME NO. 504. HONOITJLTJ, rx., IV. H. THTJBSDAY, JANTJAST 23, 1902. PHICE PTVE CENTS

Murray. F. M. Lynch. Mr. J. R representatives of the arid MAIL STEAMER Parker and 2 caUdren, J. A. Johnson, In-k- inc toward the abandonme G. Tuboer. Mr. N. B. Browne .CUBA EXPECTS BANKRUPTCY L general scheme of arid CURELESS SUCCESS . wife, Mr. H. T. Cooke, Taos. 3. Grew;. ciaaioon for the time btlajr. the Wra. C. Gregg. J. Mich els. wife aad Goxemment to jo ahead with Its. chlW. Mrs. J. Monaarrat. Mr. B. B. j three Irrigation experiments: bat I, DETER THE rai 1 Scbermerborn. Mr. P. Schneider, Mr. IF TARIFF IS UNCHANGED! think that is all that will be accom--j Iff L. Schaeitzer aad wife, Mr. T. E. I plished during; the present session.": Thompson. Mr. A. H. Wagner. Mr. G. i If-- COAST FROM TIE k. PACIFIC CABLE lOO ntura will sail at 10 o'clock COLONEL HaYES HERE ! thl morning with 172 through wncfrs for tne Colonies. "Pessimistic Vievs of Eastern Business Men IN INTERESTS OF A Mtaj Honolulu People Retarn Honse Committee Conference JUDGE GEAR GIVES ; PAGIFIG GABLE GO. . JT From San Francisco iIahi uf n .. -- u ... l L - Fi i 0 ii Brought Oat Many Inter- the first news of 101 K ITOHl IliBIF ulSB IIIB lijBIffllllBe Last Night. m INIIS mW i "I have come to Hawaii to work esting ' Points. WILGOX' CONDITION , on the Pacific cable proposition.- - said On fays and leans, and Plead for a Colonel . B. Hayes, cable man. BUNGS FIVE DAYS LTER KEWS, irked capitalist ami nnaaci? if sew York, MARCONI'S RESULTS DISGUSSED "Hello! Ls Judge Gtr aboard" to a reporter at the The great steamship Ventura was ) nawaltan Hotel searing the Oceanic wharf last night, last night of Frieads at Oceanic Reduction of Duties. Advocates of Both Bndfeds from San Francisco and two thou-- t Existing Colonel Hayes had Just arrived from Prirate aad people Wharf to Meet the sand packed the wharf to the New York, via San Francisco, la the Government Lines Give very , awaiting to meet friends steamship Ventura. Passengers. l and learn the latest news from the WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. Cuban guard the interests we represent." , egatlon, was heard as to the tariff "1 have Eiilence. ll ; come hero in the interest Coast. Among the crowd there were ' was again under consider-- Representative McClellan of New ductlons Cuba was likely to make In ! if t hundreds of Hawailans. They were ' of a cable company of New York to - - atlon today by the Ways and Means York called to circulars re- to give United States con- ! Ventura Brings Large Consignment ( anxious to know ho Delegate Wil attention order the study up this end of the Pacific cable Business Men of the Orient Said to Committe'e --., ,-- with large representation ceived by himself ond other members trol of the market. He said the Cuban --v. M..i.,-ri- i. -- - u. h cox was getting along. The last work with a view to supplying my I Favor Plan cur--, of Having the Cable news was to effect he had of Cubans and of the various sugar of committee, attacking the tariff was rety low and should be f . f the that the rftmnflnt -- ,. ...! .. fit Twenty Passengers Has a Fair , j v,...H... IU1U..1. Mtiuu WUICU Wlilf Under the be extremeiy ni, but was on the and tobacco interests in attendance, i rent sugar quotations, and stating raised 50 to 70 per cent, and after Control of a Private enable it to place a bid for con- Voyage but was delayed by the road to recovery. I - sugar i the A delegation from the New York Pro- they were influenced by the that a differential granted to the Corporation Cable Can be Man-ufactur- tract to lay a Philip- 10 Whcn the Pub""11 reporter call Exchange reclproc- - men present to cable to the English MallsSails at a. m.. duce favorable to trust. The business United States sufficient control tie -n out across the water to know if Judge pines, via Honolulu, frcm Fran- - in the United States. ity and several delegations from the gave opinion that quotations as against other countries. He ! . their trade Cisco." , Gear was aboard, the .answer came continued Colonel Kyes. beet growing opposed to re--. were impartial. ! from Judge Gear, himself: "Hello sections accurate and favored ultimate free trade, both l snail remain here until the 5th "Vf J . T WASHINGTON. 11. f-- Plt&eea hoars on account a nprocity arrived morning. .,n.nl-.- 5r tkSc WVS which --hf Said. WaS th OnlVinf, .. . Jan. The late, of I this irm.Jlo ... ..u.o inn. - . - - nx mnnfh n.i.M,w,v.u .ill , there! Here am!" ..w. v.v,..." ." w., i Xlll ICIUIU IU fAl, , ...... 1 . .. .. n n 4eiay In the arrival of the English "How's Delegate Wilcox?" was then Ewan Thomas, of the nection that there was an evident solution of Cuba's commercial prob-(Sa- Francisco, where I have business i , i " : v"'v ,11""-- caow waa ee- - to execute In . "' ' malls at San Francisco, the Oceanic asked New York Produce Exchange, pre-- purpose in some quarters of preju- - lem rnnnortlnn un,k tno . """""J.,...... Steamship Company's Ven-- , Improving," jcame answer. ! same idea. n ,.i., Bn ' steamer "He's the sented views of organization. dicing cause Cuban reciprocity Free Trade at Havana. l ! CoVmUtec" C7mme the that the of ' go Yofk --- in ' shall to New my ; immediately tne good news was SLid ( J?"0 - ten arriTed from San Francisco and Ho ,ear $90oo,000 of by creating a public impression that Long -- -. ... that last When Representative brought i ..,- .utku mt- w.,matuig no oin-- ; report. tfc J"'ra "ne nawanan to tne , f!n- - "Whprpa?; Sill f f iJ shortly) wpnt. ennr-h- docked at Oceanic wharf A f d product.-c - tn fh -- M fc .. behind --It.-, - rtiir (ftot - Vfr-. PInnoW Yiod fro-- I 'm rnis uils.w u u J Wt.UV- . W. l.Ul. ( - During my stay in islands -- 9 I J & . - cnrO-At- t tese 0ClOCk VKttSnlaV PVOnlnC in oKnuf TK nnv lin lincmnLC tVio. foi- Vitwl , . TTn..nnn tU ..f,nn r - t ftr - '" thA Unu-- , " wwut . 4fv V,.Vrnn winf v"- - - wu irllnnccoa.uv frint ii uuu..chntrn the UUUC l L II.VWIUU. IUU VUUUU OlUIVV3- I V15IL HnVHl hntv 'e t w.iv- i.4o SDail ana . . ...a . .m t "v ttt ra1.rviAlyciLSUiv W U3 . I some cf the w.nril nt ,l A l.. ; - '.,.. lurire ct"v. si wnii mu amjuJ.I ui r being done by members of Pro- Cuban cause stood on its own merits, man explained amid L .giiter ho i Islands nv,!! jniDrovnc Jn the that other for purpose V opy hoalfhsij . the i - I. the mmmec in pii ot tne mie nour -- Exchange. Continuing, and C. P. Arm-- , majority, t.ing over the gr - t.u ";rin statement of yester-- I" j won,i.r how Wllmr was imk. duce he said: Charles Rabiaan vielded to the and that bvl ound im a ...'...ue iu i.- - ..- -...... , j ti .t.i Hono-- 1 --- j. no ?aiu u oenvveo many came , uiat tne ai pea,TS....for ed scores of times by people of all "Should United States refuse to strong or tne rrouuee .xenange aiso asking much it was nopeu to get as januing piaces tor ; company the """"" he represented would he . I political denominations. Then some spoke favor ....!reciprocity and were possible. to "lt 'aciuc w1?- - l am in nojies that or .iiiM nn (ho'im. in of near as He 50 r,inHnn ' that we able to make excltmivo I W1" ,5n(! traffic irv one who u a s"ItaWp landing plac 0 n Tlie Ventura left Saa Francisco had just heard the news ,i, , . r f-- examined at lenRth bv Chairman ;o nor cent as the lowest ronr.ession f ' ranircments frnm nnintm ti ! U...J tuMM-- 1 i 'oiW inform the inquirers ..i J!"'- "Sh il b makes 17th. t :S2 a. ra. and made that the Payne members of committee grant . .. '.,.- re. pblllpplnes - )nlianNll 0 ,lPnov hA and the which would -- relief. i - - - and connecting with Chi- c5"""----"'"-""-,""- ' ' iim in . a . R "ewgato was better. . ... i - inn niiiuranfam...t.w v i thuLiir . . i trip In days 2 - taituiio i tne down hours .,.!-.- on tne or tne export As hearings Representa-.1 , ,, a ami ...... ,...... ,. - bn - - to -- detai.s iraue to, the closed !sisn,is n . jnjan....tie maintained that will nlanters. rn - m... result rain the . ' nf . 'iHd iitoiii. mi4i iiiiiiiiirs iuici Jiiuci; - " " "c ivaucci- Wh,,e 42 tntaote. weather was ,,,. and effect of reciproc- t WaS P to the Tennessee, " Te i Gear nasseil iinwn thp rnntrwnv bankruptcy to the merchant and tive Richardson of the ed, and probably will be connected tbr Hm, otne rough aeas were OI1 tfthottili a faogt Qf H(J wag laboring classes . il various sugar interests. ranking Democrat on the committee, with each otlur as soc" as " T "" olhers pushIng Kreat distress to the the cable Mnv ,, k.v. vI.Im. ftpwicured. nd Louis-- j Raid: :r IaH ' perspiring and acknowledging a of Cuba, followed by serious indus--i Representative Robertson of JF I rangetuenU with the KasL H Cargo for Honolulu. hundred welcomer 11 once, J a very prominent Fr at be trial ditsurbance and disorder. iana asked a series of questions tenC T notice 'hat j also stated that would sides wrestling a thre be ou8 p 120 w..h couple of , people United States Senator is quoted iu Hie Vewtwra bromrht paseen "Financial and economic disaster ing to show that the Cuban CONSESSfONS 10 tlcns as to the right of the Unite en for Honolulu an the teUowtaB TT.,L to Cuba will correspondingly injure had not spoken of reciprocity, and today's paper as saying the Senate j Sutes to land a cable on foreign T trip. Judge c -,-- - v- .. , .i .. .. .i -- .wi., tj, . n-- i thif: - -i n.nn.:nii.. n.. ,i... .,.nr,.,.ini .llfnotoH liv.... will settle . whnlo nuestion. will I shores. t... Ys! Ym ItoniiUfnlf ol.l ,luu' """ u"" "'""'i "' " i".tv ....v... MtUed beer. 600 castijigf:, 24 express Ports of flour, corn, lard, bacon, "the sugar people," Interested in the make a treaty and that we will have, Chairman Hepburn asked a series t. Judge, panting elbow- - ' and bowing and GBAHTED 1G ' ! nothing do it." j Id cf questions as to the effect of wire Midnses. pkica elect, goods, 400 Ing. his way to gate, l)0rk- - beans, peas, canned ''goods, and trade. to with the where he Nss telegraphy on cs-- ska flour, 12ST fruits and hailed a hack, sped to other commodities. The material re-- Mr. Armstrong answered that the He will hnd out dinerently neioie the submarine ir. pkn the Hawaiian sys- " Dal-do- r, bK Ward replied that the new vegt. 42S pkm irrocerle and prov.. Hotel, secured a room, locked the duction of our exports and imports . interests of all the Cuban people' he gets through," swered Mr. 8 tem presented a serious question. H turned out light jump cor-- , sugar production zell of Pennsylvania. 12 pkg plumbers supplies. 45 pkgs. the and to and from Cuba followed by a were bound up with was not sure that the Paclnc cable e1 j f to-- 11 II 1 - i"to btd. it- Payne the harness, etc.. Ik.v trets. et. bicy- responding decrease in the carrying and must stand or fall with - Chairman stated that project would have been undertaken ' rle, 1 bllliMt! table. 1 s rubber ronts. trade, will result In a loss of freight Mr. Robertson also sought o show bacco men would be heard on tne if the longdistance experiments bad , Special CoRRnsroM)Exc 4 obewiNg gum. 1 es gnlvd iron to shipowners. f American capitalists were buy-- 21st, the beet sugar interests on the been held oarlier. As that WASHINGTON, 11. to the claims I - Jan. It is the ware, A bbls. 32 pkgs hard- - "This committee urges such reduc- - ing large tracts in Cuba and would 22d and that General Wood was ex- that wireless signal, had been coa--, lclwHre. opiniop todav of in-- ' 1 1 t three of the most veyed-00- 1 In Un .li.tirvn tn .. 1.n l rt.- R ,1 txw.ltiFnnltf A f T1 ' frnTTI f'llllfi I'll tlltll miles vrar. 3c photo aoods. 12 cs shoes lin Inri.J V. nrf in lnflH im r0 tf 0 across the Atlantic, , , . I ,. ' I ! Huential me.nbers of the Senate Fl ., ' k Q.nn..n,a !, waru pkgs 1 whiskey. 9 cs HIMONEY TAHGLE IH ,k... 1U1- - tntvf .. .nil..... sain tnat if th claims wsr tobacco. bid Kill illlll lUUUtLU U3 Will lUia VUUiill IlCUIIlt. men oujuuhku, suujv..o,wf lit iltdl I nance. Committee .A up- - del-jo- that the duties made good thfly would people ttoots and shoes. cs books. I bl pending disaster and thereby safe-- ) Louis Place; head of the Cuban f the chairman. ' deter on Cuban sugar imported Into from laying any more cables. orks, 51 pkas dnigs and supplies. 20 the TERB1T0BY OF H4WA i United States v"l be reduced, by When asked as to the effect thus hau. 2 cs h. h. goods. 16 kegs lead. twenty-fiv- e per tent before Congress tar on the cable business. Ward said 21 pkics Merchandise. 1 ct propellors. !t BRITIS SLOOP OF B IS 4ET D PROM 'adjourns. This reduction will be htu depressed cable interest. iS bate steel. 250 hare steel, 102 cs bot- E- f Special Corresponds nee. IT Tho.ma3 - Httshft8' made to take effect uuon the h- -' . a tles, 2 bbls crockery. 2 coops chick-eat- s, American company which1"tinsproduces WASHINGTON. Jan. 15 The House I Ibbment of a government in Cuba. 72 cs dry goods. 19 pkgs machin- cables saW j Committee on Coinage, Weights and and upon that government's granting StateT ery, cs met. cartldges. 50 music Measures announces Definite information about the sail, for this stntinn is a sister shin, and Suln before lannarv 3d. the date of be made in the United aTfi. t that next week it a CUL 4 of-w- l a-- Manufactured articles sent any part Issues. 'A7S pea drested meat. 1 cs will commence - consideration of "a inS of the British sloop Condor. , they are regarded as suitable for the-- the latest - as sailing vesesls other of the world, and he Statc-- from Cuba- - that American labor and caa- - ptetea .'are. 33 cs stationery, 79 coins ge In for the Territory of Ha-- tami Victoria for Honolulu, was re- - Pacific service, where sails can be so which left here since her departure , bnitf1 ' f85;1 con-.- " uav la advantage of doing fkg trunks. 15 parcels, 25 cs c4gars. waii to unravel the monetary tangle ceived by the Ventura last night and much empIoed have arrived there. . lue """"'S'rauon is nrmiy V,'nCed that thls tm fc M ct clocks, 10 cs cigarette, S pkgs there. The bill that finds most favor Is of a very alarming character. The She had ample supply of coal for The Pnn,lnr i ,?efine,1 in the nritlsh StcP Sht to be taken, -- an'rnna Hepburn asked If this S net. 7 cs office with the committee is one that was Condor as a screw sloop. She and It has been made an Ad- - foods. bl nsh left Victoria December 2d, for her voyage, and even had she been Admiraltv list ' company 4tl iiKimiuLtu uariy in tne session oy ministration measure, with ail AnVricani was prepared to 2 Mte oil. 100 sks potatoes, this port, in company with War-- 1 obliged to canvas was built Sheerness. and wa3 of the tomltur. Representative Hill, the resort to her she at of Connection. Ctltt-r- tl- - nll-ll:- n- .. 4 --. .. -- " regular men in the Administration 21 erts srv wuchines. 156 metal inrl fT nu- - .nnnliA.1 m.t.n launched in 1S9S. She is of steel, and l0 IMe moMT and It is also supposed that this 1 "" ,u"u",Ub m&"1' oum uae .ea.uu ,..,,, united Stat9 Goverameat. ji lined up . ugaea shlgles. 25 cs whiskey. has received approval cemUGr 3d a terrible gale prevailed, this month, as the record sailing time sheathed, and her tonnage is 9S0. She reped that the of the There are Republicans in sh ' Tne two parted company off Flattery, troni Victoria to this port is eighteen is ISO feet long, has 33 feet beam, and Congress tion would be submitted In due form Passenger for This Port. Treasurv Department. many a ' 11 6 of them who are fighting within the nert two days. fcllowiaa passengers arrived Experts to be Examined. but letter received from one on davs. draws feet inches. Six The the proposition, and who will con- - Hepburn asked i boanl tho flagship states ves quick-flr-e guns and four 3 pounders that the formal imm th Coast ou the Veatura: When the committee comes to the that the - ., u- - -., i tinue to fight it. but thei- are not Proposition be In alternative for; Dr. V. K. Allan. Mr. C H. An consideraUon of the bill it will call sel Had a terrible experience, and. VICTORIA. Jan. 10. The British .! tretr. iirs. T. D. Ilutterfleld. Mr. A. before it the Treasurj" experts who that her officers had grave doubts war Condor sailed from V sloon of : N. CaaipbelU Dr. A. B. Chirk and have visited the Territory In the last of living through the storm. One ofjtoria for Honolulu a dav after the i. mo. aa .ho .. Ad. r " "" " . .fW Ad " upon Z'JSTJIS-Jsri- U. ears. ,?-, ml'"rtratlon many WW, Mr. W. II. coma. A. rK.jiwo exppctauon is -- ,,n-- ni important ine that, uuns, was --from- - , in- i - cave following- of-- the wrenched its &AkVN.&l VU. tl UIVU UllHUWV,U mlraltv list v." her the V u "J ..A-- .( LUItil JrH Mr. Geo. IS. Dow. Mr. W. B. entile ci4 nf n I.IM ...til' l. .J measu.es. including this one. But J r. oongs, and. rolling about the to Lave gone down in the fierce gale.ficers: Commander, Clifton Sclater; the thought the Government better aWe H B. Hoffman, wife and maid. . ,,,' ..J ri .. power behind Ilare. - this movement is so to do its own cable two gottdecks with tbe PItchinSs ot the ves- which prevailed the fo."owing day. lieutenants, James B. Mason. Hay laying, using the Mr. S. J. Hkudy aad wife. Mr. R. B. weeks and that a bill can be great and the pressure from outside Army transports.JZ so1 increase(l : Winthrop Henry T. V. Proctor; thrtv- -h , lle danger to the men. Latest advices from Honolulu re: and Hogue. Haasra Moore. Mr?. F. J. Congress at this session. '( ' asslst-ccin- sources so immense the bill or thirty-tw- o surgeon. H. Hartley; s that "' soU. Mrs. M. K.' Moore. Miss Laura . Hill's bill provides that silver The construction the Condor , the war ship days out Cap Thomas seems almost certain, even this Another New Building, A. Xott. Miss F. G. Moore Miss L. that were coined under the would handicap her in a heavy sea, ; tain Flint, senior officer of the station ant paymatser. William H. Franklin; at early day, to become During the next six months the ss 'jV. well-decke- d a law before A. Ferkias. ilr. W. Scripps and laws of Hawaii, and that are not mu , she being of the type of j expresses great anxiet s to her j gunner, Arthur D. Aburns; engineer, ' ce!sfor F- - probably ' adjourns. . ?, vlfa. Miss K. M. Severson. Miss E. tilsted or abraded below the stand . ships, very high forward and aft and fate. He hopes, however, thst tho George J. D. Ditton. Prepare 'Sflot on Fort street mafcal st. Wallace. Mr I F. Weaver. Mr. am oi circulation, snail he The fight has been so fierce that It received very low amidships. The Condor delav is due to a shortace of coal and i The Condor was commissioned at of the Love building, preparatory to R. C. six-stor- y Wilson. AUbtor Wilson. Mr. A. j is useless to try to give many details building a building, plans Terri" carrIed about 140 men' and ls a brand" that' she is making the end of her Chatham on November 1. 1900. and the . Angler. Mrs. A. AmeeUy. Mr. W. ment of dues wthe i by this mail, as the hearings on whlch ave already been drawa . . u- -i - -.- . -- v. ,,.--.- v the,rr Castle Jr.. Mrs Chr'-- t. Mr. O. M. ernment and the United States, uij. iuo ucius uiuiucu tuu.- voyage unuer sail, out even in iuui .i..u.i. iMttbar. Mr. lrwig Mr. V.. and that wheuf ho coins The Sheerwater, destinedJevenL she would have reached Hono- -' Joined at that time. F1. J. come Into and Means Committee of the House Hoor being R- chll-'th- e reserved for the use of tbe ffefris. J. - Gait, wife aad 2 possession of the Territorial gov on January 15th. . lodge. . B. Kane sad wife. Mrs. E ernment or the United acquired territorj A United t States thev GOST OF PROVIDING the DIFFERENCE AMONG No S-1- representative of the Hawaiian' . Mfeswfs, DarM Iwreace. Mr. 1. shall not be paid out again but be States, and to prevent the interrup- i sugar industry yet Linie. Mr. 1 l'oclrvrltt and wife. sent to the United States mints cable communication, these has asked for a . '""'ncu. fr. i tion of pueipoocmeni - COAST DEFENSE'FOR THE ARID LAND MEN on a Has been Ukea Ja 4HS K. HScluirdsoa. Mr. F. S. Pres- recoinago into United States coin. pro-- hearing the bill. ' i islands being in the line of the the joint social to have beea held at . Mr. J. G. Kothwell aad wife. Coins Changed as Bullion. ' jected cable. (the Y. M. A. building on Friday A. C. Kice. Miss E. P. Sargent. The coins must be to MAY Magnetic Station Now Ready. C ttlss sent the mint HAWAII AND GUAM CHECK ACTION night. The affair will place P. Sharp. Mr. M. Saep at San Francisco in quantities take on lite L. P. of not' j The United - ' Sutes Magnetic sta- Tuesday evening. Jan. 2Sth. hT4. Miss V. M. Sharp. Mr. H. i less than 3500 and must be received APPOINTED at which a L. NIXON j tion, which has In process of time members of the Y. M. C. A. Sakh. Mr. H Youngs and wife. Mr. at the mint the same as if they weraj ben aad WASHINGTON, 13. Sec- -' 14.- - Y- - w- - C- - n January WASHINGTON Jan. Senator construction A. wilt . silver httlllf-- nrt Jn e nm -- ' about a mile and a half enterUln their C. chatidt and wife. Jas. Guild frten,s- - - Root GROKER'S SUCCESSOR Bard Is pessimistic regarding arid j 4 wire. Miss K. Herrick. B. H. I. them standard silver dollsrs will- retarr has sent to Coes ;,, the seashore, near the Ewa be land legislatio "I fear.-h- e said to--; lHCrck:ea. Miss M. Herrick. JHss Mutilated coins will be re-- timates of ?307.000 for the defenses j plantation, is now and has day. "that the representatives of the "!.,, Mohicans vs. Custom House. ,' NobK Mrs. W. Noble. Miss S ceived by weight in quantities of not. of the island of Guam and 5526,000"; NEW YORK. Jan. Richard been placed in charge of J. A. Flem- : i V ajd rgjons cannot get together in A W1I-'n- ; baseball nine from Mohican jWtyatoad. Oscar F. Rltter, Mrs r less than fifty dollars. The Terri Croker annour-'- d hi ing, of the Federal Survey forco. who the for the defenses of Hawaii. The de--j retirement framing a bill that will meet the ap has challenged x. H. hir-vs- the Custom House J. Wlllles. A. E. Aldrldge. torial rovernnient of Hawaii must from the formt sadership cf Tarn l of sufflcient members of Con now takes daily observations of the -. . sea-- team for game. H. Soar. Rasmissea. Ja-.- redeem th silrer rertlflmtoc thn fenses of Guam are to Include a - a The chalieag has t'has. J. A. ' many Hall this "afternoon. The an- - deviations of the magnetic gress to insure Its passage. Unfor- needle. J been C. Geo Holden. C M. have been issued by Hawaii, ' coast tiattery. accepted and the game will take Bccle. and $142,000; defensive was made the meet- I nooeisnt at iunate differences have arisen, and place on Saturday 3 p. MrlaaOa, Mrs. N. B'abon. Fred. Hoh-f'ek- . such redemption mast lake place be-- sites, 545,000, torpedo ing executive committee, at m. at the and batteries. the at the results thus far in framing a bi'l Wife Complains of Assault. j Punshou grounds. Mrs. Hoasoa j J. and child. J. fore 1905. mines, etc 5125,000. The defenses which the plan of organization for have been uasatirfactory. I cannot XfcFauden. i Mrs.C. Mallan appeared po--" Mrs. J. McLean. M. CpUc rIih. "esiSns-- the year 1902 was agreed upon, Lewis say approve at the --, . of Hawaii are to include those about that I of the bill that has " Elks Realized Snug M'Hara. W. F. A. Shep lice yesterday , Sum. Oldiss. a irepuiv aaeria wngm ot iauai Nixon was chosen Croker's successor bsen prepared, and if it is presented station afternoon and n-- rd. Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. General The treasury Mrs. J. C. Stu&rt and child. has tendered his resignation to High as chairman of tKi finnce commit- swore out a warrant charging her of the Honolulu Lodee Gillespie, chief engineers, tsates in its present shape I fear I shall of B,ks N'- - S1S Kott G. L. Waters. C. Sheriff Brown. selection of in hattftW ! bas bMn substantial- - O'Jtd. F. The of a tee. This posik, -- . by leag nsase, have to oppose iL hnsband with assault' aba W the estimates these defenses are - Aldrleh. T. Thqnpsoa. A. W. successor to Mr. Wright has not yet that carries with leadership CJ5 nn f--r tfcla I .; . It the of the "From what I clu learn, there Is an ine will rnme trlil - Clark I. Maupln. S. Giacomo. J. been dcterr--icd- (urgently needed to protect the newly organization. ' reaiizea irom tne Tnaetiax- hei-f- lt apparent change of feeling among the morning before Judge Wilcox. j g at the Orpheum

.t )KOLULU JREUBLICAN, THURSDAY; JANUARY, 23. 1902-- n AfATT, CLOSES TODAT FOE OTHER JSLAXDS. For Stealer. Mail closes. Str. sails SA T Kauai ports - Iwalani ... 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.ra. KALIHL KaunakakaL Kamalo. Pukoo, Kaan-- ap-aJ- I and OlowaSu Lehua ...... 4:30 p. m. 5:00 p.m. As a Residential Suburb I Australian ports Ventura .. . . 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Is attracting lots of attention the SUGA Subject to change- - since S DELAYED BY LM OF Bapid Transit Co., built their extension. COAST --AD FOREIGK TEASELS Cs PORT. Arrived Vessel. ! Captain. "Wharf. Destination. See the Gulick Tract Dec 23,:irmgard. bkt J Schmidt ... Brewers San Francisco Before buying buildir g lots elsewhere. 2SHonoipu. schr. . Olsen Allen I Paget Sound . " 2SCbas. E. Moody... ' Rasmossen. Railway : Paget Sound. a beautiful locality "healthy, every Iwalani From Kauai Ports With a Large Cargo TI ...... HHon ...... v...Rif hV . . -i Mackle Railway .... J San Francisco. facility, electric cars, wate-- laid. etc. 29 Robert Lewers. set: Underwood .... Allen Puget Sound . . 30 C D. Bryant, bk. CoUej- - Stream San Francisco. Easy terms of payment apply 31 Joseph Russ.... Petersen Navy Whf 1. Pnget Sound. 11 fi i II f T T I II I C ' 31 Hesper, bk. tms Railway In distress. MRS S. K. GULICK. lamer Hawaiian 10 mmm m ua s lip-h-ui ;;:! F. O. BOX 415. - 1 indwff Wpkh (Drew arewers San Francisco. Prince Louis, sh... j Ellefsen 'Railway (Puget Sound. ( 'Railway Trip-Not- hing " 10 Helene schr. Christiansen J San Francisco. On Special Done Along Front f a lie m:;:- 14 Star of' Bengal, bk.. Ulfcerg Wilde rs Puget Sound. "'15 Alta, bkt Thronagle ! Oceanic . Puget Sound. Co. j Oceanic Steamship " 15 Newsboy, bkt Chipperfield .. .Allen Puget Sound. " 15 Golden Shore, schr. Rasinussen Railway f Puget Sound. Longshoremen Shoot Craps. ; Brewers San Francisco. Yesterday " 15 Tillie Starbuck. shiil Curtis . TABLE. . . t 1 r l- -- . TIME " 1 . i rraucisi-o- 15 Agnes, ship.. neiUKe...... nuiiiiu. ... sua this port as fccreenJa : " 17 Hawaiian, str. BanfieW ! Railroad (New York. The steamers of this line will arrive and leave " 17 Hyades, str... Garlick (Pacific Mail jKahului. FOR SAN JANCISCO. j I FROM SAN FRANCISCO. F " 17 Inca. schr. ! Rasmussen Stream Puget Sound. 4 I . . f On 190L 1SL doing along , of sugar and several passengers. Pur arrived. The natives spent " 20 U. S. S. Mohican Cowden Naval row. a cruise. omt Mttl neither 5 ! vt - S. J. Allen, bkt.. Johnson (Stream San Francisco. VENTURA. ...Wed., Jan. 23 ALAMEDA ....WeL,Fk raO-iee- , dodging! r Lyons reports fine weather on the time shooting craps and ' fc ymierlnmi yesterday. Tbe - ALAMEDA ....Sat.. Feb. 1 SONOMA . Tu Feb. 11 vomi wlMrf wmm jractlcally defrted the Garden Isle, with little rains, the police. "When Captain Harry, )U. S. S. Iroquois... J Rodman jXavalrow ..(Stationary. 'SIERRA .. ..Wed., Feb. 12 ALAMEDA Wed Nov. 26 ' ; coming , - VENTURA . Mar. M '-- of sugar, and the Crossing the channel a fine run 'as Hint was seen down Front ALAMEDA ....Sat. Feb. 22 ..Tses., .ambus bk 19 made over a sea. street, the men deserted the Oceanic ..Wed., Mar. 5 ALAMEDA ...Wed., Mar. btc tuoer llyndes and Hawaiian smooth A7EATHEK BEPOBT. 'SUS, MOOS", AJD 15 SIERRA Mar. 26 I ALAMEDA ...Sat, Mar...... Tns., nf on Pacific (kit Am and nalntinc When the Iwalani left there were wharf and assembled the TkiVENTDRA .. ...Wtd.. Mar. 26 ALAMEDA ..WetL. April ror aocx. uney were 5 SONOMA . April 15 Tk9 giv a coat of over 60.000 bags of sugar ready man Mean Temperature 70. V. I 5 ALAMEDA . ...Sat. April ...Tuos., irA :rh j DAT d ?i fi ALAMEDA April 9 and scattered on every side, " SIERRA ...... Wed., April 16 Wed, int to Jut muu. and. for a freight-- ' shipment on Kauai. The steamers however, Minimum Temperature 62. 5! a51 -- - x ' Quaran-j,,,- , s2 ALAMEDA . April 26 VENTURA .Tnes., May I ! to again later on at the s Si ...Sat, . pneweat a ckn aad attractive ap Hall and Makee will be in from there meet Maximum Temperature 7S. ' today with full loads. j tino wharf. i ' i : Barometer 29.95; irregular. . on a barkentine Alta was a.m.'Ft. pjn.jP.rn. a.m.! li?t-- rm. ir tn ii for Kahnlti! The steamer Hanalei sailed The Austrian Rainfall 0.00. 1 af--. will j Hon.. -- , ( 2.1. 1.92 6.49 3. 3.13 sugar j special trip to Kahulul yesterday towed to the Oceanic wharf and .16.9 yesterday ftenKon. but the Mean Dew Point 52.3. I expected with 120 Japanese laborers begin discharging her cargo ot coai fTnes.Sl 1.5a 2.1 l.Jl T.32 9.W6.W5.43 i.H not MhtK ready, she It not ternoon. Mean Relative Humidity 77. I Saturday. plantations there. Captain on the waterfront. ,22' 2 44 2.2 2.4?' S.23' 9.45 6.43 3.44' 5 14 t get away before nut for the Wind. t Wed. In connection with sailing of &r how-man- the the above steamers the acants com- - A busy spot on waterfront, d. 1. ' I t ! li" Tlie Hawaiian will be here at least Green of the Iwalani went in the East to north; 2 to Thur 2 1.2T 2.S J.i-- 9.u'ie 22's.43.43 6.co j prepared to Issue to intending passengers COUPON THROUGH TICKETS La-ba- Ls houses, day and will call at t as her regular captain away over, was around the boat Jl by any railroad from San Francisco to all points In the United States. More Weather. -- .. ., - j - Frl. 'ti 4.(M?.I lWTOIO.l).WJ.K fmrr, ..- Vnrl- u-,v- on tn If . 11 ., being paint- i a-- , ' ' X'n.- ctmch i tt on her way to New York. on the Noeau. Boats were cleaned and to cloudy, showers 'p.m "" """ v..i aj ou.uu imr iu uii i.uiif " Weather clear 23 4.4 0 IV ..H-J- 1U. 6 33 3.46 T.31 . longshoremen cd, sails were bent and everything 3at... 2 " ,,.,, T ,VT.rtr-w- r . . rw,. Sugar at Kauai. A large crowd of in the afternoon. r.m. i tu vi.riiv.j i. runjiAjiu. Am i tiv Sunday's 5.3 1.8, i 12 03 11.40 6 ja 5.4" S.4S j t. Kauai waited all day for the Ventura and put in shape for ne.t ' ! T Iwalani arrived from Forecast for Today. I appearance. 2T 6 l 1 a & 3T 12 40 - b '3 4T 9 as pari In the morning with a full load Albion to put in an but races. Fresh north winds; probably rain. WE G. IRWIN" & CO. Full moon on the 23rd at 1.36 p. m. LIMirED self, and that another encounter will unakakai to load two boilers and sev-- UI AM O N 1J H El A C BLOODY ENCOUNTER rT GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO. ' be arranged in a more secluded spot. oral thousand bricks. She will take! cure increased appropriations for es them to Funaluu. Diamond Heaa, 10 p m. Weather tablishing aids to navigation in Puget! OF MOHICAN SAILORS1 Fresh north winds; probably ram. OF A party of marines from the Hya-- . Sound Waters. Three particular rec- - MUTUAL SYSTEM ' des and Hawaiian were taken iu - J ommendations are made for Puget Pacific Mail S. S. Co. j qualified from entering the race. lighthouse FIGHT ON THE ROAD TO 1WILEI. PORT RULES PROPOSED charge by local shippers on Tuesday Sound. The service has nicht and enloved a very pleasant. Some difficulty is experienced 111 recommended a - Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. and Toyo Kisen Kalsha evening about Honolulu. j getting the boats measured in time natterv Point, ati the entrance to 'the As Result of Quarrel Which Took for the race, and probably very few wune an Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu and leave hU PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS WORK ..1 . 1w. nAnr.A-I-n So,m,it mariners ask that M4,u,.ux; ...w.-,....- u.C port on or about the dates below mentioned. During" n ,o.,. ,of tbem wH have been mea9ured ,)y Automatic horn or steam whistle be Place Trip of the Mohi per of tlie Keaunou, is ai worK on a FOR CHINA AlSin JAPAN. that time. placed there instead. .... FOR SAN FRANCISCO. a Lively new poem. It deals with the life of V7ii..ljlVj . oa1.3 DORIC JAN. 31 can Two Sailors Have Considers Matter of Tonnage Dues. As the boathouse will not be avail- - urges .rirnn .14N. i The petition turtner tnai uie HONGKONG MARU FEB. 6 NIPPON MARU FEB. 3 I is to lie entitled the Sugges- the sailor and pro-- ! Fight Behind the Jail. Subcommittee Makes able, the skippers will have to common iC buoy off Point Partridge CHINA. FEB. 14 PERU FEB. 23 i to Belfast." "Skipper's Welcome eat--( COPTIC MAR. tions Com- , vide sloping accommodations and Intended to Protect be repiacetl wlth a gas buoy, and that SPriVn r 2? t v Imf 'Ft' AMERICA MARU MAR. 11 , Two hours after the training allies for their crews. Mospuito nets merce Charges to be Combined. Ilurrows Isiand nKhthouse and fog JeRU '.!!!"1maR: 12 PEKING MAR. 1 One of the MvelifHt fights ever seen) i dropped anchor in ...... !.'.'.! Mohican had ""'iWili be in demand. The race for recommended 29 iti Honolulu took place on the road the'siKnal wi,ich has been COPTIC ."!!!!!!.'!.'!!.".".'!!maR. 20 GAELIC MAR. - o will be delayed until the mem- pi-- AMERICA MARU MAR. 23 HONGKONG 3URU APRIL ( pri-- tronhr by the lighthouse service, be lO IwlM, Jwh back of the Oahu CITY OK MEXICO. Jan. 10. The , ashore by the boys with a challenge ,jers wh(J wi CQme down ,)y train nStvLMi .a.r'lUL. a CHINA APRIL 11 I - vided with a steam whistle. son. sluMit o'clock yesterday after- committee on water transportation Custom-hous- e GAELIC APRIL 13 to the sluggers to play from town on Sunday morning have! Con- - HONGKONG MARU APRIL 22 noon. of th International American , a game of baseball, which was had time to connect with Ford's Isl- c All the preliminaries pertaining to'for-nc- e will pr-se- Its report this promptly accepted. The game will TO ARRIVE. ' and. Arrangements are under way r!Rwlr prise fight were dispensed wek. The recommendations suggest--! be played Saturday afternoon at the ' to meet them at some point nearer or with. was no referee or time ed Volney W. Fos'ter, the , At Honolulu from Ssn Francisco There are those of grounus. course than the Peninsula sta- - no admission was Victoria. kepr and fee American member of the commission. The William Nottingham, a ship be- - n,in . , January 2S charg'-d- j and they will be presented to the con-- Gaelic JnR but at BalIanl Washington, by' Alameda February 1 The participants in fight were jVrence In following form: - the the th G1odi Navigation Company. Is HnnirV-nni- Af.in; Fihrtiarv C .us pnic-nav- at Honolulu. ! tw xAllunt tars from Uncle Sam's' First That so far may be now completed, with the exception of, Arrivals Sierra February 12 few months porta charges upon ships February 1 who for the past ticable all the installing of her masts and rig- China call-th- o Wednesday, January 22. Moana February 15 INFORMATION APPLY TO kave been members of the crew of be combined in one charge to be I FOR GENERAL ging. These will be placed during Doric February 22 j bk. C. Allen, Johnson, IS training ship Mohican. ed tonnage aue and as uv.. , s "" "" .c.i week fl tne.boat will be " Alameda February 22, j om San ! ranci.co Didn't Speak as they Passed. due consideration being given to eaui.; iaunching. The vessel j J Nippon Maru March 4i Schr. Eclipse. Towuend, from Kona 5 H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. During the trip of the vessel down table adjustment of such dues upW , nag Sonoma . ...March M fln a W3.foot 12; h coait. wimo discussion took place ships In cargo and those la ballast m ports. Peru March keel. Alameda March 15 J botween the two sailors, and one of Second That gross tonnage of vrs-Xhc- ni Schr. xMico Kimball. Garland, from Agents. ..; Coptic March 221 ' The shares of the Hawaii W.l.fi" !.-- accompanied his argument with sels be taken aa a basin for the collec-ftju- l IVUUtllt Ventura March 26 j Club, which was incorporated a few epithets. The rules and rcgula-- j ti0n of tonnage dues, Su. Iwalani, Greene, from Kauai. America Mani March 2i ti ago, been subscribed ttone of navy prohibit fights republics days have all j Alameda April 5 the of Third That each of the . rr--i .. DHl runr. rt ; al.l ogi Peking April 5 any kind on board war vessels, o It hero represented be recommended to int unifies incu frOHl Honolulu. Canadian Australian forth tba6 196 shares have been tak-- ! Departures Gaelic April 15 . a deeided that the two men should mndlfv nnrt and harbor regulations I flAA nn Sierra April 16 , , ,. .. ,v,...... , . en. maRing ;t.9-- U ot uie VT.VVV I as as vm-- . , muu ,, I Hongkong Maru April 22 met iu iisiiv comoat iwu no mm vessels cuiciiug clearing ... ..V' Wednesday. 22. , January . , tal stock subscribed. The subscribers April 26 Royal Mail Line. gooo : Alameda Ot shore, when a opportunity; mav do so with all posfilbl dispatch ; , , , , Minor, itavens. for " Am. bchr. Bertie China April 3d Steamers of the above line running- in coi&setion with the CANADIAN was Since time, not a, In securing re-- i ' ' ' found that and that to assist this , Eureka. PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B C, and Sydney cla- - ' ' " " ' nord has pas,ed between the to sull the. respective countries shall en.!4710 ".,, Greene, Kahului. N.S.W., and caliing at Victoria, B.C.. and Honolulu, and Brisbane, G., ar ' each' "V Ho,,ron. ' Uotn- - Str. Hanalei. for TO DEFART ilatom Iok? which were not of a' courage the bulldlnE of most aodera ' " "( ',i . rnrrtclinir Pluliii I. Weaver. Jr..! Str. Keauhou, Moslier. for KilaueaJ iriendry...eharacter were, excuangea...... Hischarclng factllttes. II. ' ' Mott-Smit- ...... W. V TMlllncbam E. A. and 5 p. m .j Vancouver and Victoria for Sydney and Brisbane for ...... m...... li , ...... """' ,i,io at From Hanelulu Frm Frm . .e n..x..-w-- .i for San Francis 1 HI V4JI ..7 ? .....I. rtnn CUUUU ''....IUM IUI VUC iUI JVOC UJ ,1 1 wi IU' i-- Brisbane and Sydney Victoria and Vancouver Il t atr. for Eleele. ; i , A. W. Pearson. L. A. Thurston. Allan waiaieaie. Victoria. 1 Iritr.rcourjie went i promoting commerce and mutual in-- MOANA FEB. 15 MOANA - .. JAN. 3 p. ... i Dunn. Albert Wnterhouse. Henry Wa ( at m. Doric , 31 YeAterday holh men had hhor lercourse. a uulform system of inari-- j January C. L. Crabbe, Fred Whit--j Schr. Mokibana. for Aunhola at Alameda February 5, leive and by Mime freak of fate met time and customs administration trhouse. nev. C. Conradt: 5 shares. B. B.i p. m. Nippon Maru February t! in a King street saloon. Several nomenclature b adopted which 6hall tl High- - Sonoma February III 0:i or abut the dates stated above. by Banning; one shore each. J. R :"'. K'u'ivin!. Dower for Mauukoua jp slatwos of Primo were imbibed dcUgnate in alphabetical order in I February ioj THROUGH TICKETS Issued from Honolulu to Canada United Statei IT Y. nnil t1imulni nfwrc m In- - by, W. Maefarlnne. T, ..!!. j Coptic ti both rfdes. and, feellug good, the equivalent terms In Knellsh. Spanish. a t ...reDruary aaj Europe. O. Sorenson William Lyle. N. A. teoruary general apply suited man suggested to tho other PortuweSfl and French, the commod- 1. jAiameaa si For Freight and Passage, sod all information, to Chapman, G. T. McGrew. A. M.j America Maru March 4 thai no better time or ulaoc could ities upon .hich Import duties are Vessels Due Today j Ventura March A 1 ! Brown. T. Peck. H. E. Cooper. F. J. Ve found to settle their differences. veiled, to be used by all the American i IPekiH? March 12 THEO. H. DAVTES & CO., Amweg. A Honolulu jailor suggested that republics for the levying of custom. 'Alameda March iS. S. S. Albion, Erickson, from b11 i 22l t Gaelic March Limited. the Iwilel mad would bo deserted imposts which are or may hereafter I Francteco, due. Sierra. March 2v ' both by the police and by curious be established and are also to be used IT fi Will YfifiiT PT U. S. A. Transport Kiipatrick. Itog Hongkunc Msru March 29 GENERAL AGENTS. UL.U1J &'. people at that time of the day, and in shipping manifests, consular ad- - ers. from San Francisco, due p. m. China April Immediately a composed ot half 'Alameda I April 9 party rices, entries, clearance petltious and PREPARING FOR RAGE jmilors civilians pro-- j a down and two other customs documents, but not to I ceoded there. afiict in any manner the right of each) Vessels Sailing Today. American-Hawaiia- n S.S.Cq i Fast and Furious. nation to levy the import duties they MAV par ' .nTc an as as waiaii ' s- s-- Hayward. Col There was no delay. Arrived at' may now have in force or which they' - Ventura. for the Gomes tfcat port of road which makes a onies. the nay hereafter establish. For the Start to Be Made Early Saturday NEW YORK TO HONOLULU big tart, ,tt4.t back of the ja!L and purpose of obtaining and compiling. Str. Iwalani for Kauai ports at VTA PACIFIC COAST. Afternoon Yachts Still Unregis and Watkikl of a long row of Japanese official Information and making rec-- p. m. THE SPLEMDID IEW STEEL STEAMERS- - -' tereS Crews to Sleep and Eat on Str. Lehua, for Olowalu and way stores, the two men took off their ommendations to their respective re- S. S. Obegoxian, 0000 tons, to sail abtut Dec. 26. btottfos and vests and the nghc began, publics, shall be constituted a Board Mosquito Nets Needed. IKjrts at 5 p. m. there S. C000 tons, to sail about It was fast nad furious as long as it committee to be known as the "inter-- McTiohe S. Califohxiax, Januarv lasted. Lou Agnew or Prof. Fox could national transportation commission."! u has been proposed that aii the, Passengers Who Arrived 20, 1902. sot have done any better. The men Said committee shall consist of one boats belonging to the Hawaii Yacht S. S. American, 6000 tons, to sail about February. .! Forty-secon- d pummelled each other, landed body member from each of the signatory Club, tkhlch can get away early on Freight received at Company's wharf. Street, 8oath From San Francisco, per Am. bk. Wholesale Liquor blows and uppemits until nothing who be appointed by Saturday afternoon, shall continue the Brooklyn, at all times. counties, shall Sut- - Tki S. C. Allen. January """ W. A. For Further Particulars Apply to aL.a Msuil.l etdmv v m wmr Ih.MT... fnr.5- - net- .mtMln .K(.Vi runpont I . m tt Wfii.m .. vrrlm V7VS7V UVUill l..luv ICUUUUU WU Mi H..T' Mte. rtiln.xm.m. mu iv. ..u.a.u. ..,. 1 ..i. iuu. i. ucuidir, km. uci' rwd strtaks of goro. Three rounds; will be Indulged in at the two ponds i. ir. iu.i Merohanis. & bad been fought and the Shipping News and Notes H. Hackfeld Co., Ltd. again. ThY'tT: : cJO 1" going at each other partaken of there and the to TnJLilt kTDj C. P. MORSE. Genera! Freight Agent AGENTS. HONOLULU. - s .v.. c.lT .itMAfoj) iL I &wareftj .. . rl...w- -u ., .. by' . ' . ,,-,,,..-. the club headquarters at Puuloa be. sppwwnec. The. it.. moonlight the noise, mado their an todav. a by tars mistook thrra for policemejn. and Taere are still several of the loats AIDS TO NAVIGATION. iTOJVor,tr-T- - schooner Searies Is taic , ii. in the t winning ot an eye the two Robert unrrirfsteivd Tho thtnjlaSit boats' CHINESE SILKS CLOAKS, - ' Marine Men More Protection in backs which had carried them there "s "" "' i which have been recistered up !to Want IN soon 6a tl for the Coast. Phone Main 1(0. PIANO COVERS, wore speeding towards Iwilel, and.; I January 22 are the Pirate, the Myrtle. Puget S4ind Water. EVERY CREPES. taking tho road just back of the, Sorenson"a waarr is being maoa ra. y.,, q.1o th,. vikee. the Mihunanu. Captain? of sailing vessels, and a DESIGN mm. s: CHINESE slaughter house, returned to town. proot. rorce ot men cawag oeea "the Malolo and, the Princess. Unless shipping men generally, are preparing CURI09, ork ca It for the past two days.. ltvK J AND SHADE. U Is said that the men's thirst for otaer j,; (, registered before a iition to be sent to Washington. ISLAND TRADE A SPECIALTY. Hue., 35. j ETC, ETC. blood &oVKitlsfki It I The Nlihau will go to Ka-:t- he day sailing they will dis- - asking attempts o to ik- -. each other's hs stftaser of be that cade wl-.- .. THE HONOLULU REUBLICAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 3-- 9- -

cal College. Chicago, was also Issued reached the coast, and an enterpris- ADVERTISED LETTERS. EALTH OFFICIALS a liras to practice medicine ing manufacturer has decided to try semi-monthl- y report of Plumb The It as an experiment. The big logs Remaining in the Honolulu Postoffic ing Issp'K'tor Keein? was accepted. Keep Eealoiy ! will take all the spare room on deck Up to January 18. 1S03. REMEMBER It read as follow: and will be solidly lashed. They Allen, Mrs Miner, Goo Jr 'N A S Nnmoer of plans Sled. 35: permits came recently from Hawaii on one of Anne, John F Mitchell. Lewis M BY DRINKING issued. 43: Inspections made, 134; Atkinson. H W Miles, C E final rerMScates issued, SS. and sew- - the steamers. Ayres. Mrs T E Morse. Miss L E E. I. Jordan's er connections made, SO. Barnhelsel. Grace Murphy. Thos OF j Beaumont, Jule Mcintosh. G Mfisrc MalulanI Hospital. BLAST DYHiMITE j Bernard, ilrs S McCouaghy, Jso BIG . In the report of Malulanl Hospital Beck, Martin HcDougaL W P Cream of Chocolate REMEMBER ! REMEMBER !. at Waiiuku. Maul, it was stated that PRODUCED STONY HAIL; ,,, Pratt, Frank Z - Patsn. Annie ii A pure beverage of great benefit Board Unitedly Declared for ZT-Z&FSZ- I Bender, Ella Pettus, T H DISCOUNT ' Bowen, Mrs. G Pickard. Mary K to invalids and children. ! year plantation patients for the from CARELESS JAPANESE ARRESTED j Boyle, Mrs R A Porter, H G Publicity In All Its was $ 10D.se : ward patients. J146.6; Brunald. Jacob Poter, Jos YOU CAN GET IT AT ; private patients, IC2.50; operations, ; Burnham, Dr Powell, E Transactions. SSS; Latin board. US; the total re- Coral Rock Sent Skyhigh Descended Brunley, Mrs it BRandall, Wn A If ceipts for the ye&r "being IS5S.50; the - Brown, J Rankin, Guv Through the Skylight of .t ; Salter's Grocery Is Still On.) i expenditures were reported as $466.-- Brown. Mrs John Reach. M C Capt WRoberts, 48. 5110 5 was polltan Meat Market Serious Carroll. F Clarence A cash balance of G ORPHEUM BLOCK. XEWALO REMAINS USTODGHED,' Cambell, M Sanford. Mrs H j frbown to exist on January 1st. 1&02. Consequences Narrowly Averted. Chapman, J Shoemaker, Mrs L , I ! The average number of inra&tes t Christley, Thos Smith. Jas K -- - ioBd in the institution throughout ' Christopner, Spencer. G K REMEMBER QeStlOa Of IiYeSllgaUOH 01 Dirty the year was IS. Twenty-seve- n were Careless Japanese contractors, who , Louisa Steele. Miss A 23 discharged, and 4 died. excavating a lot on King Clark. AI Steward. Mrs C Wash Hoases admitted. have tho of Fiblic The committee appointed to look Connon. Geo W Summers, Mrs A The Complete Process street adjoining the Metropolitan Co,e Reginald r into the matter of palai transporta- j Travis, J S Is Deferred. Meat Company, set off a powerful' (2) Thompson, Thos tion had nothing to report, hence the 1 of repaintine a carriage necessi :j;::. dynamite a boat 10 o'clock Cole. Geo W Toyre. Thos E securing of a vessel to call at Maui blast of Collins Mrs C A tates sometimes the patting on Toemis, L 16 Per-nttssT- ports for taro and transporting the yestercay morning, which sent np a of as many as COATS of Two Mew Physicians Granted ( rollins Mrs K Von Gunther, W Mo-lok- Color on , Lead Paint, Filling Paint, Mini'' to the Leper Settlmnt nnantltv of coral to a creat height Cole. Mrs "Wallace, John - to Practice Medicine in MoHIeWarran Paint and Rubbing- Varnish, and .V was ordered carried over until The rock descending crashed through Socket: .Mrs Thos only then is it ready for the final Territory Yesterday's Meet-- 1 another meeting. 'the 1 the skylight and into the private ot-- Davis, Mrs D D Walton, H P STBJPIXG. log Was Very Brief and Unevent flee of Manager Waller. ! uawson, j u Walters, Mrs G OF ,v a "Waikamllo Camp , AH Carriages Hospital Prospers. LARGE "AT HOME" Fortunately no one was present uecKtT f Maul's in rennjs Eva H Whitney, Sadie M , I the room at the time. The result ' Edwin, Peter White, Wm D that are brought to ns go through I KILOHANA LEAGUE of blast caused a brief hail of Faney Joseqh White, Chas E all this ad more, the old paint Kirlna; publicity to the oiT every The auesUo of upon ' French, Ethel Williams. is bnrut and three coats assorted sized stones to fall the of lead are pumice stoned oif M from local business concerns j mnf in n nnmiwr nf inst.iTiws hfv i Grewt, Henry Mr and Mrs F 2 '. smooth and when we let it go out 1 Green, Mrs Porter Wilson, J H Ih-ou- up in an lofornial! FOR COMPETITION through skjrliBlu ! was aal MANUSCRIPT went the various Hancockj M E Packag'es of the Shops you could not tell 1 of! a. nuiRNer at la rwcuUr meeting uu piwiunu uan ui iuui..rrjcu ;uaa HalveJSOn. C (2) Andrew, Mrs S J it from a new one. about market. M IVmrd of Health held Successfuj the meat Hardee, Berry. H W (2) the Territorial Names of Competitors to t Bring in Your Old Looking advertiser's best friend Is rnedlem through office of Many panes of glass were broken Haber, J (2) Brown. Clara L the yesterday afternoon, at the I be Glven and winn,n9 Essa in consequence. The racket occa Hall Mrs Maria Bush, Carrie THE ho obtains the biggest returns for his money. , Chariot and Have it Resurrected. IfcecuUve OHieer ITatL Is sloned by the explosion attracted the ; riermance, jos Clark, Mrs M E :l medium which used .by advertisers to a great The mooted originate by. Story and Poems Read Aloud by nlon attention of passers-b- y among whom i jines l!LF E Cooke, Jennie extent Is the circular or booklet. The circular or the receipt of a communication fronij Cooper, F (2) booklet la always very Miss Cartwright. was Capuiin Parker of the police j jWjfn F ineffective, unless It is handsome Smith Drug Co., druggists.) q Collins, Jack WRIGHT, handsome enough to attract eyo of man to Benson. force. He promptly arrested Moriml j Ur,, W. W. ;g the tho whom It who nwiaeaUd the Hoard to withhold Jacobson. Connor. H V 1? sent, no matter how busy he may be. A booklet hand- to iwaDa anu Lnuoawara wno bid for drugs and medieal sup! of iJrs peter Conrod. Geo CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER some enough to do this almost always costs from three to ikelr The literary circle the KHohana ed to this branch of excavating, and I pMef submitted before that body Jephson,,' Mr Dert, Mrs M four rents apiece. There is the mailing to count In (two Art League will glvo an "at home" police where King Street v ngo from general took them to the station Judd. Mrs Bonnie Hight. Harry cents a copy, of course); there Is the trouble la getting a list some months the In the rooms of the League in the Kenna, Mrs Thos of names, In addressing. Altogether com-p-tin- they were charged with common nuis- Johnson. and coat will figure public The firm claimed that the Progress block, on Saturday night, at ances, their ball being fixed at $50. Kennedy, Mrs A Jacobus, Myra 'A" up to about seven cents a copy for a good booklet. Two at arm were deslroub of aecur--i ' Kinney, C In Is i ' vs k o'clock, at which will be read the The police department has repeat- Kennedy. Mrs thousand circulation a booklet very" large. Two thou- I'v '.?. lag the figure as a basis for future Kidder, C Knight, Hary $ sand circulation seven cents Is $140. I propose I . ,TI j manuscripts which have received edly received complaints of a similar at to show irii ienlierS. r Kinney, Ruben Laurence. Florence M that you can Invest 5140 in newspaper space and got returns first mention, and n.lHrinnnl tho nature ccming from Japanese who Wmiirwin&Co 1 At the laat meeting cf the Health Kidder, Joseph Lang, John A five fold of whHt you would got through a booklet. pom which received second mention are from time to time conducting i KHtz Admiral Lundohl, C B Hoard the request of the Benson. I in the literary competition recently blasting operations in different parts -- ft Smith Drag Oo. was denied, and the' Klitz, Maj Gen Metcalf, Helen LIMITED- held. They will be read aloud by of city. men in charge of Knight, H W Mitchell, Douglas Board unanimously went on record! the The Miss Elizabfth Cartwright. The perfectly familiar with Lamb, Miss O'Connor, Mrs NT Newspaper Space Is Valuable . , such work are XE2 OUU Ui nrr h ... w b ag follows; the methods employed in the pre Lewis, Master M Richard, Geo (2) REFLXED SUGARS to the letting of contracts for. ! -- G Ut EssavFr.t Imprcsslons of Mat. ention of danger from falling rock. LonS Mrs A Simpson, Nellie E In the first place, there Is the cost. For $140 you can get Mpplies a public niatter. and James Stewart, Gilchrist K a good-size- d space newspaper w tfcew. JJaMlpl R That the provisions laid down by Ter 'Los. Cube and Granulated. in a of good circulation for -- placed at the Meese, Constant St Leon. Miss 5 quite a long time. You know your newspaper rates; you hculd be dipol of( (FJrst Inoution) violated is in can . ritorial ordinances are (2) Ward, F figure out to your own I All intereated. . f. Arthur PAIUELNE PALNT COS it suit instance much better than , " most cases not due to ignorance but Miles, Chas E Webster, A M can. So much for cosL ! '"'" Competitors Secure Figures. (Second mention). to carelessness. Miles, A Mrs sheer Wheeler, H Compounds and was Introduced by. Dr. i Story Francis. Paints, Bnlldlnf The matter Father When calling for these letter please Papers. C B. Cooper yesterday in that he (First mention). Collapsed Building. for "Advertised." Now by ask for Effectiveness i stated he had been informed the I'oems- - Akuas X From Brooklyn Life. JOS. M. OAT, Postmaster. PAINT OILS, the representative of Song X dma firm that Canoe "Kape alive Mike: We're rescuin' You must tell your customers how much your goods are visited olllee of (First mention). Raw going to cost. An 1b V h competitor had the ye." Lucol and Boiled. advertisement without a price Hke meat Health and had com- The names .of the 'authors receiv- Call up Pnone -- 19 ann zet our figures Linseed Raw and Boiled. without salt it will do you no good. How can you put the Board of Voice debris Is big copy of price list ing mention will be from the on Bookbinding and Itulin?. Republican prices in a booklet when you are doing a strictly retail busi- pleted an exact the first and second op s Clancy there wid ys? ness? You have competitors; you change ,v and At-ure- Included in the tender given out before the reading. MDUJME have to your y "Sure he is." Water-proo- Cold-wate- prices constantly to meet theirs, and to meet exi- submitted by the Uenson, Smith Drug The committee making the arrange- f r Paint, in other "Ast him wud he be so kind as gencies. The first change of a price will kill the effective- Co. In their last Wd for medical sup- ments for the event has, by request, When Clock side and outside: in white and t'step aff the rooins. I've enough I the colors. ness of a booklet, and where aro you? Your advertisement plies. Dr. Cooper claimed that the laid the time, in the evening instead da-sir- on top av me widout hiin." in a newspaper may ba changed as many times as you e. Brut greatly disliked their figures of in the afternoon as has previously "TTTTHDrPTT TTT'TDQ You are constantly os- - I I nroiMTty of another, been the case with League's J.' .LULJLJLJJ-ZJLUJ..l- O the the "at Mrs. G.'s Hope. i Nine V pedatly wheu engaged In the hnnie. homes." as the coming one will prob- Strikes From the Boston Transcript. Alex. Cross & Sons high-grad- e S Hue of busl&ess. ; ably be quite a social event. Scotch fertilizers, adapted for The Newspaper Is Effective be-- says Dr. Cooper mated that while he i Light refreshments will be served Mr. Griffin Our butcher Every morning begins the race sugar cane and coffee. ? v: lie Hoard of Health had noth tables presided over by thsre's no money in turkey. &. Fer-- ! red the at small the San Francisco to Chicago N. Ohlandt Co.'s chemical Any kind of a newspaper has more circulation than you .v. ing to keep Secret in the making of following ladles. Mrs. M M. Scott, Mrs. Griffin (at work drawing the , tilizers and finely ground Bone can obtain through a booklet for $140. Newspapers reach y contract, nevertheless he thought Mrs. V. G. Smith, Mrs. W F. Frear.j Kr"' meres aoout everyming else, of the meal. t the heart of the home. Every one they v ' reads them, and are that a competing lirm should not be. Mrs. V. W. Hall, Miss Burbank and in this one. and I didn't know but I 3 far more certain to obtain close attention than any printed 5 permitted to take figures from the Mrs. S. Kinney. might ccme across some money be--' STEAM PIPE COVERING, matter which you would send. If you sent printed matter ! of your ofllce. j fore 1 finished. own accord to persons wlio do not know you. you bids on tie in the California Reed's patent elastic section would be putting yourself y General Dole stoutly face to face with them without a y Attorney KOA WOOD FOR THE COAST. pipe Covering. guarantee. They have nothing to judge the quality of your all j Not Noticeable. maintained that figures and such, goods by, and they can only take what you say on our own . . .! ...... kr.a.-- ! From Detroit Free iniormailO wrr yuptic .v o N r,,t, w!1. T,w nin nerUtnari the Press. paper and In your own war. Anybody can say as much as ter the reuulred time limit. He fall j Willie Why, Uncle Jake, how you Limited... FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, they please. of Hawaiian Hard Wood. 'A' ed to ee where any injustice had I must have changed! When your matter appears in a newspaper of good circu- TM 1 XT S -- ... ' - A . e C - ' ATA and good been dose In the premises. wie uurivi-uuu-l.nl!..A a. ix. ft...1 it .m unc e do you mean THE Linen Jute. lation and standing, the newspaper Js a guarantee for t.isuu Jake What you say. Newspapers ' Francisco, what are always particular as to whom Information Should be Public. the berth for San and will' Willie? & (I week.! CEMEXT. LDIE BRICKS their advertisers are. speak of good newspapers always.) "Our aettoos must be subjected to. probably sail by the .end of the "Papa says the other morning you Your ads will gain a value besides Inherent one. ) their They the closest scrutiny in all matters." , Besides her usual load of sugar, she had a terrible head on you." will be vouched for, and this Is not to be despised. Too t insisted Mr. Dole. "Supposing access .win carry something of a novelty in 1 have a certain fluctuating trade, which Is always valuable. Favorable and which your to court flies, was denied the puU;ic,tiie avo 0r Hawaiian wood. About Point. Agents For needs seme sort of an introduction to store. a; ta perwm or through the me- - From the Chicago News. r "" This introduction the newspaper gives you. either sevon tons of it Js lltIn& put on WESTERN SUGAR REFINING GO., A' dtutn of the dally newspapers, think any .board the vessel. The wood, which "WilL there be honor for th San Francisco, CaL of the deplorable state of affairs man who pola.' k(m- is mai,e mto f,,rn!" discovers the North Good aH - to bo Adds Dignity which would speedily ensue. Thei,s "Certainly! He will be. a creat lift I Paper should be allowed to know just turo. calabashes and other articles. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, V IMIe saver." . You are la. 0573 ny th company you keep, you know, viMit is goto on. who the successful The exportation of Hawaiian wood m Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A.J "A life saver?" your appear paper up be- - industry. A and if ads in a wh'cli holds Itself bidders are. and what the Territory , is practicnlly a new The "Yes: explorers will cease going fore the masses as a leader, you will be known as a patron y us required to pay for Its supplies. fRme and beauty of tne koa has then?" NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., of what Is good, and you will obtain trade from those whom v We have granted authority to any' I It worth trading y (Manf. "National Cane Shredder" 'a is with. y newspaper publishing the figures. Newark, U. S. A. On all scores I consider newspaper advertising by far tousequently how can we restrict the the best On the score of cheapness; on the score of being SRECLA1, ATTRACTIONS OF.FEEED BY - t privilege to thoe who happen to be. able to constantly change your announcements; on the score ONLY 4 DAYS TO HEW YORK. & CO., of direct and immediate returns; and on tho score befog eecacd as rival la the drug busi-- 1 DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES' OHLARDT of : Introduced to people, to strangers, a store which can af- I do we can do San Francisco. Cal as nets. not see how ford to announce its news to every one in a dignified and fi otherwise than let matters stand as! 1 jj straightforward' manner, and this Is the manner which brings Offices: -- v ' they are." j 641 Market Street RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE; pays. See classified advertisement for to drop into when in search of furni- a trade that Attorney General Dole's sentiments WORKS. San Francisco, CaLj $ FRANKLIN BURNHAM, y ( sale cottago: horses, carriages. of ture or house fittings of any kind. - ! the eadorseaietit of President and Ferry. A 4i etc H. H, Williams. Fort street. Work a Specialty. SfOF!cett. Cooper withdrew his Furniture ! New York City. V M. Ir. your Sanitary SAN FRANCISCO. A tlectio, and the incident was Stnd work to the Here's something for the boys you AH Orders Promptly Executed." v Stoam Laundry 'f you want satisfac can get a swell cigar case, ird case .5 asjain considered closed. best-Informe- The above article, written by one of d tion. . the y. Session Was Brief. and a poker set at the Hawaiian advertising men In the country, is In line with the business y Ladles fine underwear, skirts, etc.. News Co., the very latest styles. SING LEE TAI policy Contrary to expectations the fright- Santa lie advocated and maintained bv THE HONOLULU RE- made to order. L. J. Sun, Nnuanu Many by promin- CARPENTER PUBLICAN. His description good newspaper t ful coaitUoH of Kewalo's defective weighty cplnlons of a and lt3 j avonuo. ent business men in favor of the new CONTRACTOR superior merits aa : advertising medium fa distinctly appli- drateage system was not taken up. ' to essentially A portable railway for sale, thirty enclosed type of arc lamps being in PAINTER cable an reliable and dignified family paper of The unsanitary wash houses uader Leave Market Street Ferry Depot: targe circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. W tnd thirty-si- x inches gunge track. stalled by the Hawaiian Electric Co S p. irot of the government located at 9:00 a. m., 4.20 p. m., m., 7:20 c' Iwllei were also Ignored. These mat! H- Hackfel1' & Co. Our Eureka Wickless Soves arc a. m. 54S King Street Honolulu, h. 1. tiers however may be discussed before A pure grape juice drink Is "Ko- - just the thing for this country, quick tr - ' tnrtl ntif hi- frV. .. odorless give . the body upon the return of Health 4UV. ir) .' "C r,ncril5ilit.W"-W.- and out no heaL Come 9:00 a. m. train Is the California I'"' 'J Sleeping Sua Co. The Union Express Otileer Dr. S. 1L Pratt, who is now ed Soda Water Works Co. and see oae. The Hawaiian Hard Limited, carrying Palace Wins Lnns Co., iekcoee J. Chl-ig- o. sslook through i way on ware Co. Cars and Dinlg Cars to Lnoice wines, Liquors and Cigar a buiaees trip to Kauai. Primo Lager is pronounced by Chair Cars run to Bakersfleld K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. Office with EveaiHR Bulletin. . , pe-- ab- - Chinamen are good washermen first-clas- ...... nv.M Mrs. Leleo Mitlkna submitted a prominent medical authorities as for accommodation of local s - L.WI.I. Corner Alakea & King Sts. 1U King Street Telephonb 8b tftwu requesting the privilege of solutely the best tonic known. but they kill a shirt before its life is passengers. No second-clas- s tickets Northwest corner Hotel aad Nnu3n lived. yours, Correspond- nsnrnp aer ausoaau. now connneu at , half Send to the Sanitary are honored on this train. Streets. U5e your phono, our number is :RUITS and FRESH OYSTERS We move safes, pianos and furniture :b Settlement on Molokai. , ,,, ,171 nLrt Steam Laundry and you'll have nicer ing train arrives 7:05 a. m.. daily. Leer v-- t U onr -snno!,i.!,c are We freight and . ..w shirts fcr less money. 4:20 p. m. is Stockton, Merced and by avery boat. haul lumber. w puuvu bticy .we w fresh cream. butter and milk. The We sell black and white sand. nan. piace proTweu sae compiieo Whiskey Fresno local. Corresponding train ar- ur r)ajry Old Blackstone is a house rives 12:30 p. m.. daily. KONA COFFEE, We meet all incoming coast steamers, DEPOT SALOON regulations governing' gj. ". at ith the health hold name across the water, it is only We check baggage on all outgoing - t Use the Ready Rock Asphalt Roof S:00 p. m. is the Overland Express, KONA BUTTER. Honolulu Brewing and Marfo- ww i , lately that has made its appearance teamers. uuiffr. ' on a11 buildings, makes them wa- - it with through Palace and Tourist B5 here. by H. ,GUAVA JELLY. Draught and Bottled Beer. New Physicians Admitted. ; and ,,,, Tha Hawaiian For sale Jos. Hartmann Sleepers and Free Recllnig Chair W. LATtSEN. t tnishl & Co. Ltd. Bethel street. Cars to Chicago: also Palace Sleeper Manager. King street, opp. O. R. &. L. Co. ueorge i nrfwfe, oi , caairman Trading Co. Correspond-n- g Ex-- Om chocolate suppers p which cuts out at Fresno. Depot the Territorial Board of Medical There are no two opinions as to about .11 train arrives 6rOQ p. m.. daily. Goods Delivered Free. oe--' at I favorably reported upon m. wnen gets out are, g j RYAN & DEMENT, Prop. rirs the tae mer5ts of oar aew ca;dv gtore a the theater 7:20 a." m. Is Bafkersfield Local, stop-jin- grad- - Drop in Board, $4.50 per week applicatte rt Dr. East, a candies deUcfoas and 3 WaM comin? quite fashionable. at all points In San Joaquin Val- -- G.. e 01 tae aiau. uniersiij oi jowa. Ntchots COt srme evening; and see your friends. ley. Corresponding' train arrives at 'Meals, 25c Each ud. - PRESS FOB A- - SUE vho tp practice medicine Hart Co.. Elite building. :40 a. ra.. daily.- ClUIDfB ROOM desks ini saddlery P3IYATE FOB LADIES. of and -- Nuuann Street. Back: the Dr. East was! ,ar I of Club Stables. Hawallanlslands. tn '" trehKf." It ir 'the widow's mite" thst is the EVERYTHING 3TEW, CLEA2T and. forr1y a resident of Rising City. ? begirnlng and foundation of a sub-sta- r OFFICES 641 Market SL. and Jn A CYLINDER PRESS, in good con ? good reiwlring work doiu Fred Philp rltESH. dal accounL Leave your Ferry Depot, San Francisco. dltion for a Weekly, Fine Bath House. SheJbyJ KlaE bank Just the Press Dr C A. AHanburger of 1i" 6trt ?'' 4 j Ji?e popular Fine Barber House. snare money in our care at per W. G. IRWIN & CO., Paper. Will be sold at a Bargain. festaurarit Neb. and a graduate of Medi-- ' Our furniture 6tore is a good place cent Interest.. Bishop & Co., Bankers. Agen Honolulu. Apply at REPUBLICAN OFFICE.' Fine Imported Cigars, t, BUhe! Sirci, nack t PostoSce. Fine Boot Polish Stand 4 THE HOXOLLXU REUBLICAX, THURSDAY. JANUARY", 23, 1902.

boys wore, everybody de- ' duly to REPUBLICAN: and and lowing oScers were elected THE H0H0LULO foot- - W. F. year: r pended apon the shoemaker for LEHIGH COMPANY serve daring the ensuing - wear. ML Geor?e X. Wilcox --.President. ftrplieui Theatre H. A. Isenaerg. ..Vice-Presiden- t. Published Every Morning Except Moa- - Al! that is changed now. JIachin- - SATISFIED In-- , W. PJoienhaaer Treasarer. ... u Rniw- -t HHpre Pab- - rr aad factories have superseded A qUESTlONED BY : F. Klamp Secretary. ! d,vW,,al labor Br kn,t soods' lisniag Copenv. Limited. 'H Arain. Haaeberg Auditor. Matinee Today at 2:30 ' . " everything that we flX JfQT MIKE RiDIGAL GHAKGES F. KLAMP. wear, are made within the factor'. f 3t. Secretary. C. R. BUCKLAND. ...editor; ; because they can --be made better and COIITTEEIH; Tonight at 8:15 NEW TELEPHONE SUPERINTEND-- STOCKHOLDERS ANNUAL MEET--' cheaper there than they ever could i TELEPHONES. f ING. b by Individual workers. The mow-- i ENT INSPECTS COM- - I Main 218. ; lag machine, ( Bostnes OfSce the reaper, the raker, PANY'S SYSTEM. , Principals Declare the Panama The regular annual meeting of the LEE and RIALS Rooms Main 123. , and the binder enable one or two men , Editorial stockholders of the Robert Grieve ', to do the work of twenty. j Direct Publishing Co--. Ltd.. will be held at Out of these Inevitable conditions Large Number of 'Phones in This Offer Came Washington Bureau.... Post Building. I the office of the Treasurer, J. H. fac-- Fresi arose corporation. With ! . the the City Material Fcr Lines Very" ! Fisher on World's tory came foundry great From Paris. ' the and the Expensive But Rates on Instru SATURDAY, JANUARY 25. 1902. Entered at the PmL 08ce at Koao--. manufacturing establishments, ever at 3 o'clock p. m. By order of the1 ; ment Cheaper Than on the Coast! s growing bigger bigger response Board of Directors. lulu. H T., a-- second-clas- mall. and in ( H. PLiCED ON RACK.1 EDWIN S. GILL. j to the ever increasing demand of the Very Few Complaints Made. UMPRE Entertainers Secretary, t , consuming public. It was no longer! ! 20, 1302. Flower SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Honolulu. Jan. possible for the individual worker toj i w. F. Lehigh. th new sunerin - i Idmifc WILL CHANGE PROGRAMME . . . . -- . - . " ' - I MUIIIIl. Ditcb Ultimately Re?ens Month, by Carrier &0 m me suuauon. ine lorroauon or- - lhf Telephone corapanv nr leadeaI of of (AUCTION SALE IN BANKRUPTCY.' industrial armies followed as a matter, city, is present busy inspect to the Colombia One Year, by Mall 5.60 this at Monday Night -- of course larger capital was requlreo i ine the company's lines in vari-- ; Al the On Thursday, January 23rd, at 10 A ! Government. Six Months, by Mai! S.ftO thaa any one man coukl control. I otts parts of the city. He has already o'clock a. m., at my salesroom, 65 Partnerships were for a time effect-- 1eea over a large number of them J Queen street, Honolulu, I will sell at Tbee Month, by Mail r Carrier 1.5 rest- Public Auction, by order of Mr. H. G. ' FAREWELL NIGHT Ue to a extent. j an win soon finish wil" he - certain Mortn:inra L. the Property in the Middleditch, trustee in the estate of Tho !n Its nnrlr Hnvs He also intends to make a tnj.; island to inspect tele- - Form of Bonds is Declared Heavy J. H. Taylor & Co.. bankrupts, the fol- Vegetable HONOLULU. H. T.. JAN. 23, 1902 was In England, around the the lowing partially merchan- Tuesday, January Zist not in favor and the phone lines in the outlying districts described against it found frequent ex--j Morgan Charges Company With dise, the complete list of which can be COMBINATIONS OF Mr Iohn is thoroughly satisfied seen my otfice: Anvils, Up-- ; CAPITAL. pressfon In In - at Tire the common law. the wJtn lno. nresent condition of the tele-- Acting in Bad Faith Canal For setter. Coal, Bites, Hammers, Clamps, PRICES: hostility cor-- ( Tutted States similar to phone company and the manner in Years on Bargain Counter. Mallets, Bolts, Shovels, Calipers,' An far bark in th-- history of the - Reserved Seats, SI; Gallery, $50c. IKM.ations was Jxhibltel even down to which it was run under Mr. Corco- Tire Bander, Round and Flat Bar Iron, J Children, 25c; Adults, 50c, to the orld as the time of th ancient the middle of the nineteenth centun-- ran's managemenL He does not in Bar Tool Steel. Wrenches, Drill Press, Seeds 11 ten(1 Ed-uar- d Matinee. Greka and Itowana corporations and i to make any radical changes in WASHINGTON', Jan. 11. M. Flatters, Swager, Punches, Pinchers, I Xevirtlieiess, the coriwration had to of capital were plentl- - mn, .i,fi, ,. , . :. the present system. Lampre, representing the Pana- Wrenches, Desk, Scales, Buggy ful. Under the rly Roman Ww cor-- '. nm, Large Number of 'Phones ma Canal Company, appeared before Wheels, Rims. Oak and Spruce Lum- llr. ..., ..U u.h,.hor th..w .....innc w.nf th..... Used. ber. Drawing DO NOT BE DECEIVED ! ' ....U... the Committee on luteroceanic Knife, Bevel, etc.. etc Derations ronld be formed at the will j The large numbtf of telephones Senate t country gave free trade or protection - Together with a fifteen years' lease of the promoter without any ppecial here struck Mr. Lehigh as a pleasant Canals to-da- v in obedience to the sum- of tho Drink ro substitute for Arrived. to industry. The small corporation) testify property situated on the corner , Just Is rec- surprise and he intends to add to the nions of that committee to of Queen and Milinani streets, 8taU' authorisation. There a has day always re- - and the had its It will concerning the offer of his company altu-- ord of a combination in the Iron trade number as much as possible. He corrugated iron covered building ' main but for large enterprises it has states that the number of 'phones in 'to sell its property and franchises to 'ate thereon. which vm established more than 2,-0- 0 n been sup6rseded by those aggrega-- ' proportion to the population com-- ! the United States. M.Jules Bouefve JAMES F. MORGAN'. Auctioneer. KOMEL pr years ago. This wan before the tions of capital that, for want of a pares very favorably with that of the of the French Embassy also was. Honolulu. Jan. 9, 1902. . the pure juice of the grape fruit days of protective tariff had develop-- better term, are called trusts. These cities in the States, and when the! present at the hearing. The meeting ed in any part of the then known population instru-wort- was held behind closed doors; repre NOTICE. combinations are. after all, only cor-wnit- e and their press being exclud- porations on a large scale.' They are' ments alont a.r; cu"Ud. the number sentatives of the Carbonated only by the All Varieties - ed. All persons avwou tens us tnat "there was a Ranged in size but not in form. It isl "" "m u'f"!'a-- are forbidden to tres- - The service is used morel M". Lampre said his mission to the pass on fishing rights Kaika, CONSOLIDATED Man in Syracue in the days of Diony- highest development cen much the at the of the here than in the cities of the Pacific! United States had been to ascertain Waialua, Island of Oahu. Any person ains. the tyrant, who bought all tho . tralization idea manifested In capital coast where Mr Lehigh has been to whom the proposition-fo- r the sale trespassing or fishing prose-- Soda Water Works Co., Ltd. Iron In tho Island of Sicily, and was will he and industry. It is the evolution of connected with the service, with the of the Panama property should be cuted to the full extent of the law. able to fell it at aueb prices as hui modern commerce and trade. i exception of Seattle, which citv u&es made. Having informed himself upon CITING AKLN'A, Lessee, Sole Asts, for Territory of Hawaii. The lollister Drug Co., pleased, thereby ' the and made such the telephone a great deal, the aver-- this point, he had conferred with prone Dionygiug, ' ' Whin the tyrant. age nuni0(-'- r of l'alls l)ei" telephone; Admiral Walker, chairman cf the Beet sugar men on the Mainland NOTICE. 601 Fort SL. Honolulu, T. H. beard of thta he was pleased with tho I being Isthmian Canal Commission, as to the. I about the same as in this city.! are awakening to the fact that Mr. , Ingenuity of the man, and told him The Q t0M here ar? yorv Rlld- lorm Qf the ofrer. He then had cabled i Tel. 71 Main. Island ordJrs solicited. Oxnard will bear watching. He has Notice is hereby t;iven that. I will that he might kep his money, hut the fact that the sei.viee' roves to1 to his principal,. the result being openly announceii "ut u reapuu.sujie tor any ueuts con-ha- d FORT STREET. ' himself in favor of be a satisfactory one is shown from that the offer to sell for $40,000,000 that he had better Syracuse." name !ve tariff reduction for Cuba before the the fact that Mr. Lehigh has never been made dlr.ctlv from Paris traded in the of Mrs. S. C More than a century ago Blackstone Bertelmaim I. fight begins, hence there is reason to been in a place where so few com and not by him. He said, however. or Mrs. H. Kahilina. said: "When it Is for the advantage) (SlSned) .MRS. I. Buy Only That assume that he is working with, and I hunts were made of the service as that it was his understanding that H. KAHILINA. . . i t of th public to have a iwrticulur i xiitiiuiuiu. .ij.rmnrv un---, iy..' for. the sugar Tuust. This is not the in this city. iut in nuns;! included both tne fran "..... h&t kept on foot or continued, to Expenses are Heavy. chises and the property of the Pan Which you can enjoy drinking. first time that similar suspicion has as eonstrnct artificial presence, who may ( I ne company ama company, not money in MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE INTEN- such attached to Mr. Oxnard, and with nere has to meet but the OF maintain a perpetual .succession and much heavier expenses for its ma- - its treasury, of which there is about TION OF FORECLOSURE AND good reason. One of his brothers is , mjoy a kind of legal immortality." terial than are irpnnralK-- naiil in the 2n,000,000 francs. OF SALE. Old eiackthorne Whiskey in charge of the Trust's refinery at pole'Sf . M. espe- I? tn law authorising corporations States. Thus the wbIch Lampre was questioned I1 New Orleans; another has charge of cially concerning title of pres- - td bought from local lumber firms, as the the mwms certain ami proper. He pre-n1c- Notice is hereby given This whiskey is distilled from the Spreckels' property in San Fran-- 1 the company never gets any large i ent Panama company, several mem that pursuant the need of thl form of organ-hntU- to the powers of sale contained in selected grain, is warranted pure oisco. and it Is a pretty well known consignments for itself, are much j bers of the committee expressing that advantage of pub-He- " certain mortgage dated October 30th, and unadulterated, is highly recom- "for the the more costly they in doubt as to whether tnose now claim ' fact that the Oxnards make no move here than are the, ; 1S99, made by Cecelia N. Arnold of mended for its medicinal proper- unques- ' In sucar world without tho sane-- . States. All the otiuV material is ing ownership had secured Honolulu, Island Oahu, Kngland't. industrial conditions were the of Territory of ties, purity guaranteed. aj! very expensive here. On the tionable title. He replied that they Hawaii, as mortgagor, to C. tion of Mr. Havemeyer. Mr. Oxnard's ' Bosse. the precursor of those in tho United i other hand there is a tendency on the had made their purchase through rhe formerly of Honolulu, aforesaid, but AXJ30 hatred for Hawaii is well known and company States. Originally every Individual rart of the poles to last longer than liquidator of the old and , now of San Francisco State of Calif- his Hawaiian an- attitude acninst they would ac- -' was regular, ornia, as mortgagee, In Old Cremorne Bourbon Whiskey The New IB ' worked and did business independent-fo- r on the Mainland on that the transfer and recorded is very , la- - himeolf. Gradunlly, however, as nexation a matter of inter- count of the equable climate here. Senator Morgan asked what the the Registry of Conveyances in said II 'J esting history. Tiie wires here last about the same ! corporation had been organized for. Honolulu, in Liber 190, on pages 263 Bottled especially for the demands of Industry increased and 264. mortgagee length of time as they would in oth-- j and the witness replied that the pur the intends to and broadened, productive enterprise foreclose the said mortgage for con- er places, with the exception of some po-- e vras to build a canal. The Sen-line- s England compelled Cap!- - dition broken, to wit: non-pay- -i to concentrate. AMERICAN CONSDL ! tllun any attempt the & which are much hamnered bv ator asked whether ment of the interest on sum of J. Hartmann Co., Ltd appeared gave employment - -- -- r -- the tai and Trifk -- rn - - .'tWj.v. rn- - iji .rij wns nm :i iiniPMP n n .. - - - .. noi- . nA .....i-hnm rrt.i. .. i'ini- - - . iwemy-nv-e t TA TO ..0i- uh.u uunurea iJouars (5500j workers, and so the employing and PIUAI rrrnP nu'-itio- - M. - oAMUA lo JllVnil rub5 the n of the wires dur- ng m bad faith. Iimpiv main- the principal sum secured by said Wholesale Liquor Merchants. 1J o ai.-.- , Bakery tmplotd classes were developed. j mg heavy winds, and thus spoils taiiieu mat it was noi. lie saiu mortgage when due. i: ' enterprises of manufacture, them. t that tho American Panama Canal Notice is likewise given that the Waverley Block. Bethel Street. I Is up Things mining and commerce called for tho Among the passengers on the Ven- - Charaes are Reasonable. Company had been organized in New1 property conveyed by the said mort-- loaded with Good gage will PHONE 219. Notwithstanding - ex-- , Jecsey for purpose of disposing be sold at Public Auction at association of capital in order to car- UUiL .ftlU Ut-- IltMUlTUU. C1I UITKlIl.t. I wv- heavier the the auction rooms of James F. Mor- - penses for maintaining system . of the property in this country if ry on business to tho best advantage. t.. ,.o- pnnc,,i.nn.Mi of th iiit the gan. Queen SCOTCH SHORT BREAD CAKES, here the charges for individual; Possible Auctioneer. St.. Honolulu, Partnerships became common, and to States to Samoa, and his daughter. the on SATURDAY, the 18th day of Jan- ALL SIZES, PRICES and . telephones for the subscribers As a matter of fact." said Mor some extent corporations Miss Dora are uary, 1902. at 12 c'clock noon. STYLES. succeeded Helm rod, who acts as his much less than In fho cities nn the' Kan. "you anDear to have had the - The property covered by said mort- ta partnership form of doing bust- prnaie .secretary, ne is on nis way . on bargain ever Shanghai coast Thus v rie in -v. i. I canal the counter gage ...... - . . t,, " " stti consists of all that piece or par ins was tint conuiuon qt ar- - to mi bis post at Apia, to walch....lid $4 a month for a "phone in a business since the company was organized." cel of land on Waikiki PIES just like your Mother used situated the to make. fairs in England down to the begin- - was appointed after Consul Osborne's office, while the price for a private in- The fact was developed at the hear-- side of Maklki Street near Wilder SlLiJ(S ning of the eighteenth century. I death, the people of Nebraska mak-- ; strument is $C a month. In San ing that the bonded indebtedness of' Avenue, Honolulu, aforesaid, and com-th- e ' prising: Cookies, Macaroons, Lady Fingerd. the United do-- , ing appointmenL'' Francisco the price for a private tele-- j old company was 300.000,000 la State industrial a strong plea for his - Cream Puffs and all the dainty stylos I Al1 piece or parcel con- re- - Phone is J5.j a month, allowing forty francs, and also that since the new that of land velomiient began slowlv. It- wn.s -' Consul Helmrnd is a "nntfve nf Ger- . , suitable for Christmas. " . laining an area ot torty-tw- o hundretns from 50c to .3.00 tl r --, --. V. T T I .1 -- on company naa come into ramrni i iKn AAlnUidttin ...... I i connections. ail connections trt.llvwi-w- v Mir iiJHiiiiiuiip ifimiiis , iiitiiiv aim VillUt IU 111V UIlllCU Otitic . , ( the1 of a,n at Makikl, ?.. auijional price of five had paid 12.000.000 francs to "situate the settlement and subjugation of ajat the age of 20. He settled in Oma- -' lhls auuumm, uiure!aiu. uuu ine TONS OF PURE CANDY cents a Colombian Government for conces n-,- --i , , PER YAltD At -- -. 1 1 switch is charged, -t- - - .. 11 1. .0, while in m iwihu.i. .hui uy nuu-191- r.iiswBii us in ism, anu...nas ueen prommenuy was ', ,.,i ,,.", from cheap grade for children up , this city a telephone only costs $4 sions. It also shown that the Rovai patcnt 3C90. Commission' laglslation that, until the beginning of ' politics Nebras-thol- r Iind to better grades for M cents. We Identified with the of a month. lease from that Govemm nt a? for) Award 1101S to Wahine. The PHONG CO. tj FAT you re-- mem-prstf- ninety-nin- e can furnish a box of delicious national existence, aimod to ka ever Besides being a Mr. Lehigh i? exceedingly satisfied and at the end of Together with all building. Im-th- at yi. 33 Xinj; candle worth a dollar elsewhere. all colonial manufacture. When. 'her of tho State Legislature and with his new portion and also with time the property would revert provements. rights, easements, priv- - Street. nwws-ver-. national Indeiwndence gave Treasurer of his county for two terms the island in general, to the climate to Colombia. ileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, Don't forget! a stimulus to national enterprise, all he was treasurer of the Republican of which he gives especially much M. Bouefve was asked only wheth- - THESE ARE THE FINEST praise. er the proposition to sell the I'aual Terms Cash, United States Gold, GOODS EVER SHOWN IN HO- Harm? of Industry went forward with County Committee during the last expense purcnaser. tor $40,000,000 had been made with cum; ui'itis ai oi NOLULU. LARGE VARIETIES dant strides. In less than one-hal- f campaign. Mrs. Hoimrod.wlll remain For further particulars applv to the authority of the French Govern OF LINEN AND GRASS TEA a century we were rivaling th. mother at Omaha for the present, with two ONLY FEW ANSWER HOLMES & STANLEY, J. OSWAIiD LTJTTED, ment. He replied in the negative, Attorneys Mortgagee. CLOTHS IN STOCK. country in the diversity and import- - younger children, who are pupils of saying for BRITAIN'S that that Government had no Dated Honolulu, December 23, 1901. PHONE 74. MANAGER. an of our manufacturing activities, APPEAL n. the high school of that place. connection whatever witn the trans-actir- C. BOSSE. The United States has been notably, . ... By His i attornev in fact. a nation of wealth producers and dis-- ' . FOR VOLUNTEERS J.M. DOWSETT. gDO:ocoooxoo trio-to- r. history is a of'Afl AflMl V - 0r record UrrluLll i COLLECTOR JEROME i walerly effort to wring i from the LONDON. Jau. 11. The British The above Sale is postponed to Sat- The Pa ciflc Hardware Go, Ltd, atroagnolds of SUICIDE ' nature the material' ATTEMPTS !war Ortice is cenfronted with a most CALLED BY DEATH urday. January 25th. at 12 o'clock gains that nave enriched us. Invent- i serious condition of affairs. noon, at Salesroom of ive genius has lightened labor of lt. callst the JAS- - for volunteers to relieve the j SAN 11. K F. MORGAN. bands, and at the same time Increas- SAN FRANCISCO Jan. 12. Capt.' reei FRANCISCO. Jan. B. HAVE ALSO SOME MORE S I JUST ed pitntucUoa and conrampUon to st W. J. 1). Home of the Ninth Cavalry. Jen,,m' Jl'd at 12:4 d tu,s with abjolutely no response," and hav . sn- - - -- moving his home, Chestnut fabnlons figures. Basiness United State ArmT made a seasa- s,,, to .. tllw wf.i.r.,,t at isil Pin Money gaclty and enterprise havo developed tional attempt to commit suicide at tatlljniatiou --xistlng among all the' tn?tt- - Oakland, after an illness of Moves commercial organisation into a now--! Mascn aad O'Farrell streets about -volunteer regiments. In the first about a month. Ho had had pneumo kkm' erful Hwcblae. with labor'?;30 ,ekk. last alng by cutting 'pj.uv v 1,,. answering the call' nia and suffered a relapse. His wife Pickles - "Yuu I ' n,y ,a- died recently. He two chil- surely heard about those and iirventioa S, wouW a shl,UH? a - leaves "?t SSJJ "Wo . -- T! X?f VV)tAll..ir Tl..... 1 a n,w ilftn- u pin money pickles not 7 ll" 4at? --ve"anry in wuicn mar.y TOk ... r. if be sure anu -- anu . uw - itilil iiiion Mrwis ";; volunteers r- -' He rallied slightly yener- man-- . I have alreadv onllitfd Jorne. to ak about them when you are olutionlze tho labor activity of propr1l,tor for the use of one of hie - ! day and then sank until Ji fivo n da ' the end came in the sstore. kind, begaa to exercise its Influence knives The man Jokingly askd him , V,lf. ,,.,,... thl. morning. Th onlv ,0i,ltlo?. fnr No other people can put up pick- Electric in England as early as 1730. whoa; if a saw would not do. That seemed to tKV AND aDears bo' fur wr nK. les like Southerners and these are ANOTHER INVOICE of Watts' roller spinning was Intro--j to anjwr Home, who left the place. jutroduce conscription or withdraw't' A Cure for Lumbag H3'n ent w- direct from Virginia. dueod. jH into a fruit tand next new Thwe hu'. -- tirml' - a Williamson, of Ami Flash. ,,oor aW!- - - Better telephone bottle, to Filty year? ago the motlw of the seizing a large knife haiup trije to a exunrwhih has not'?- SVU 13I?: "F?r ore tt for come with your regular LC housel-oj- took a week to knit a N- r- J, , Uted order. lftrori I ul" "Government officials and tho volun-- . Here are some of the varieties: of Flocking, and the labor cost put !rJJ5"? J. ;,Jl" , - mt. enlIre reJief hl !r l Pepper Mango, into them was not more than I S ' !" m fnrrnlSVBaSerrtW aCCOrd remU had - l , bank--. Z,n ln,5,ll'mpHsK.PUrPe-- . JS ofliclak. will all dealers and druggist--- Cncumber Mango. .v.-.- -.. v,ffV .. -- h,n-- .. - "l ...... vn - ,,nt, a - KnlIC W3S cms wero - .. oiunt ine rupr. a majority- of the regiments. Smith : Co.. agents for Hawaii. Melon Mango, every , ore used to weave cloth in not deep. j 1 ' Burr Cucumbers. Keep one your bed- - farmhouse throughout the country. mucn 10 , af I 100 txpeci. NQTICE. Martynias and others. t5s,5r rag car--. Ii-i- -,t Wool was carded at home; At the Head of Table. v. the From the Philadelphia Uull.tin. j -.-.-eld. cnrl j auu uuuiv ugilLQ pcLs homemade covered the floors; From the Boston Herald. - , ' "We tried to get the baseball bat- Ar the annual mating of the Pad-- mowed their fields with ' on the burglar farmere where Grover CIe eland, PrvIdcnr ter to sign the pledge for the new fie Guao & Fertillior Co- - held on LEWIS & CO., "when o tcythos; the blacksmith forged the j Eliot, and Charles Francis Adims sit year, but e wcn'L Moaday. January 20th. 1902. at 10; ltd. - , 1C6 Fort St. he comes a bumlins." 9 AT PRICES horseshoes for the villa- -; Lhfl seam- j WHl cone pretly near belnp' the "Of coarse not. Von can't uxptet; 1 'clock a. m at the ofiic of H. Hack-- TO SUIT ALL. to 240 Three Telephones 240. stress made the clothes that the girls head of the Industrial peace table. him to swear off on high Iwlls." fid i-- Co I4d Honolulu, the fol-- t THE HONOLULU REUBLICAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 23. 1902.

j Eton today and Joseph B. formerly of the chips Henry Villard f ' DISTRUSTFUL Foraker to the United States Senate and Kennebec The barkentine has a Senator Fork"r had practically no length of 255 feet on deck and 22' I 4 THIRD AND LAST AT (A VAT A TT1 I I 1 1 opposition. the division bMng parely feet on the keel, with a beam of 42 )rx. fTT j j i.i i.isj partisan, the Democrats supporting feet and depth of IS feet. The vessel IP $sSiM -. Oherb- H Baker of Cincinnati. Ev- has a capacity for carrying l.TWv-- " TARIFF REDUCTION Oh' SUGAR ery Republican cast his vote for Sen- feet of lumber. Immediately after the ator Foraker. There were bo ad- launching the ferry-boa- t 'Garden C.ty dresses except that of the Senator. on her way vp Oakland creek, picked 'Bl Petition to he Presented t Ways up a number of blocks that were ad Means Coomittee Senatoc TRADE tamed hse from the ways, and was Platt Talks ef Blanket Reduction TOT forced to stop until the driftwood was extracted from her mheeL Si.00 Waists for S .50 S4.00 Waists far $2.00 , ( Tv,enty-v- e Per ci-- All Cet WITH HAWAII! u " " Cuban Proctocis. LABOR ORGANIZERS Mini llMlllllrf. Mfll RICHTRST RIGHT, 1.50 .15 450 2.25 x x x i it " " - PACIFIC ROAD'S PLANS We fit Evessjiasscs and Spectacles 2.00 1.00 5.00 2.50 WASHINGTON. Jan. 10.Rpre- j TALKING OVER TIE amimtlm from beet nar predvefng J and fit them Riqfat Just Right. We ii it " " a fit gfasses to old eyes to give better 2.50 125 5.50 2.75 at geOinc to&tir tor INTEND TO MUCH CHINESE EXCLUSION SPEND M0NEY C( campaign against Cuban tariff 1 am! Ijiqunrs vision and to preserve eyesighL We u " " redaction. Several factor lead 'to UN IMPHUVING ROAD fit glasses to young eyes for the re- 3.00 1.50 6.00 3.00 Malt distilled from the choicest in their fight hard, chief of which FROM OM AH A. moval of eye-stra- and attendant ii It " " hi major Hobert T. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. Samuel yields of field and "vineyard, .5) 1.75 6.50 4 JMreluent that rep- evils. 3.25 Man-cfactnrer- a' Gompers &nd Herman Gutstedt, OsukrA. head of th Hmi Sugar bottled with the utmost carel Frames Right, Lenses Right, Association, is In league Prime Object is to Improve Railroad resenting the American Federation and skill, and delivered at your of Labor, and Edward J. Livernash Treatment Right, Prices Right. with tn- - sagar trust ia trylag to se- to Secure Trade With Hawaii door the finest tonics and v Ox-Bard- and Truxtcn Beale of the California cure a reduction of the tariff. 's you can get. RIGHT OUR WAY, please. and the Orient Many Millions Exclusion Commission, met the Presi Shirt Waists at Half Price adrceacy of a bounty draw-bac- k Factorv on the preniis.s. to-da- y by WHAT SHALL WE SEND YOU? to Cuban planters has placed are to be Put Into Improvements dent appointment and brief- ly discussed the Chinese exclusion the true friends of the beet sugar ia and Extension. Come in and make a selection; dnatry ' a peculiar sitnation and question. we guarantee the quality. A. N. 5dNf ORD, canned no end of talk. It la declared "We are well pleased with our in Boston Building. Fort street. im terview with th President," said LTD some quarters that Oxaard and the j OMAHA. Neb.. January 11. The HOFFSCBLAEGEB CO., WHITNEY & MAESH, LTD, 1 Gompers. "He saM forcibly he would sugar trnst haw reached an nnder-- u of campaigning to b THE ah- - not favor legislation that aimed at The Pioneer Wine and Liquor House. MMKiinK whereby the trusts is to ,m b ;Jhj Unfoa pacJfic r0fld leading sugar making It more difficult for the ex- No. 25 King St.. near Bethel. sorb the beet factor. lflft, empt class to enter this country. 2II2i:iIIIirrirTTT-;TTTrTTr-rTTTYT;;ti;;t;Tti- i i MTf" Big Petition Circulating. reBB,t ,&M Jn tf. At the same time he favors the re-- H Ia spite of this snspected Hank , in-- c -- $sa mow u-- - ,, trnm mMUMA" - tn T wtw-wt- on ....- nfv th cTrinsfnn..-- - u nmiu nmnt.... uvu Tba Tri -- Weekly Leading Newspaper. morentent. representatives from Cal in Improvement and extension. is also legislation to prevent Philippine IfornlM. Michigan. Nebraska and oth It j Chinese from coming to the United Best Job Printing at Lowest Prices. sr states are circulating a oKi a coHtlnuanco of the seneral plan of OUR CROW tsiiir states. He would not commit him OUR WORK tfoa io be signed by all friend, of tfce road in the be possible GROCERIES physical fcelf as to a bill. anjl. In fact, we did lhair eauji addressed to th Wars IB condition between Omaha nnt rlicpttCc Infntlc Tho Proclilont ici . Proprietor, -- DR. T anTASTUTKA -sCoa.lttee. weu aone. or . . -dM- and San but the efforts u is tne repairing Editor, - - - T. KI21TJBA FOR 1902 and protmg. FrancWo. trPgJv f.or of legi;ia. ... alkMiustAuy taria reduction that will this year will be directed almost ' t;0D WHEELS, OFFICE: im ., v.., - ' HiinrMMiaiv anect or imnmi.....--..- . thp- - ...i...ii.. .u . r .nnj ..- " n nun. 4, twit fnt Ui &4ft; 1UOU flCJt. From other sources it is learned WAGONS, Itiver Street near Beretania Bridge. A boy once wrote: "I lav a wln"W '. ' SBr of Salt I.ake and Ogden and the Ore- - the" hi3 MACHINES, P. O. Box S42. Tel. "White B4L rooster tew things one iz the mentoer or we nuance that President set visitors fer a seaaie gon Short Line. Twenty millions on points connected krow that iz in him. and tho other to-da- right several CASH REGISTERS, Committee said that an under is spurs dlone will be ! in improvements with exclusion. If they rightly con-- Co. the that air on him to ' will go Clans Spreckels k bak up his crow with." Ml 20 - of u,tfSe ,,'MS aBd th? remainder in strue his attitude they not And the making of to recommend per cent rednc- I 4-- ..r i. . j..r.. .i.- -. ..i mishinir tin. oiumklnn nf tho S.ilt oo far in attempting innovations in STEEL DIES, We admit having crowed often Lake-Lo- s Angeles Ore--, eIuslQa matters. The President MOTOR CARRIAGES and taonsb' with this announcement branch of the - Bankers and. loud, but we "spurs ! wl" not ndorse an- attempt to couple have the eaie . .trt thi nvrmrrf h l.l ci,rt uno vhinh u-- io M,riv FINE STEEL WORK. HONOLULU. - H.T to back up the krow." ir-K- .i, ...... ,...,.. (Japanese with Chinese exclusion, nor if t.iK Lin . t'. v . a th. uc i ... , .. , ., , . - faXactory he woold consent to a reduc--j n tn uv, il uchccu, oie uii turn- l noxt. I We sell pure wholesome fla... A A u. . -- .... l.u. ... ttA fort to the Exclusion Commission in San Francisco Agents The Nevada and ZLT Z 'Ocular attention, however, will Its amendment looking toward the THE MOTOR CARRIAGE AND National Bank of San Francisco. Groceries. W1VGV, ffc rJJ?SL7TZf IHm, IHdi M K IWiHf i bo given to the extensions and im- - extension of the exclusion laws to Hon would not materially affect the . bet sugar buslncs. proxomonts on the part of the Short tho Philippines. DRAW EXCHANGE ON competes CU. Metcalf Opposes Reduction. Line which with the Hill SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na- ; tional Bank of San Francisco. to-da- y LEPER BILL SCHEME , ftepreseutatire Metcalf said , UNIONHiSTREET. prime object, it is said, is to LONDON The Union Bank of Lon- that he h'lKNl the widest iiuhlicitv . r" ' don, Ltd. giv-- l,u roa(l in a position to control would be n to the fact that the Pt MEETS WITH -- Exchange " LITTLE NEW YORK American & CO., Ways and Mt ans Committee would the immense trade with the Orient National Bank. H. MAY Ltd. begin bearing on the 15th insi . and that Is expected to be opened by the FAVOR IN CONGRESS Plione Wfiiic Ml CHICAGO Merchants National that full opportunity would be given j new conditions in the East and Ha-t-o Bank. Callfornlanu and all others who For Some GENUINE HIKE'S PARIS Credit Lyonnals. Boston Block. Street. BERLIN Dresden Bank. Fort dealre to le heard in opposition to , ,,. BOOT BEER or GINGER ALE a rductlcn of the Cuban tariff. He SrECIAL COKRESTOXDEXCE. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA WASHINGTON, D. 11. The Hongkong and Shanghai Bafiking added Hist he would strongly oppose STRAUS APPOINTED C, Jan. All kindd of drinks delivered to all Delegate bill, to Molokai Corporation. Telephones, 22, 24, 92. P. 0. Box 3S6. any ivductiou of tariff. Wilcox' make parts of tho city upon the receipt oi the a leper whole NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRA- Senator Piatt of Connecticut, ON HAGUE COMMITTEE settltment for the order. United met no favor in LIA Bank of New Zealand of the Senate Commlttoe on States has AND VANCOUVER rtizTiTiiim:ir."tx3:rr3Tsriir.'riixizi?iTtrgTiTT3TTTT.! Congress. ad- VICTORIA With Cuba, said to night that The bill was secretly. Bank of British North America. TO SUCCEED HARRISON vanced by some the government the Senate would not formally . of ARCTIC officers, who making the matter of tariff reduction health are a TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING tiutll the House had njed mou it. special study of leprosy and who late- AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. - gv-- Wafer Works well-define- sub-tact- .. WASHINGTON, 14 Osca- 3. ly t out an alarming report about He has d Ideas on the Jan Deposits Received. Loans Made on - Beer Tonic - a th'- Is botor. sad haa uot chanced Stnmas of Nw York, formerly I'nit- the spread of disease in the 127 Miller Street Approved Security. Commercial and his belief that It Is Impossible for! statw Miw to Turkey, to-da- y United States. These are the same Travelers' Credit Issued. Bills of Ex- ' Omunvs. either to grant mnrwsioHS W,IS appointed as a permanent mem-whlc- h men who have frequent periods of change Boucht and Sold. A pure brow of malt and bops is one of tba best ton tea tH'1 mental over danger you have Hhall effecUve before lKr of Committee of Arbitration aberration the Wo known. bcoae . can the establishment of au ind- - pendent ! at Th The appointment is that the world is in from bubonic anything COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC- All cause,! plagae. It is a purely professional jwrernment in the Island, or which,0 the taeaney by the COUNTED FOR. Pi-id- ent ff broken - th ot x Harrison. scarce. canll be condlUoaed ou the men- pre-('ea- repair it. somption that Cb will reciprocate1 O-a- r S. Straist a, Irani in Ottec-- . . ?.lr. Wilcox may not have been PRIMO LAGER aller such government Is established. wni. unen.aa inana. o. yeara sik?. prompted directly by these .men to ' 4 is absolutely pure ami made by tbe most improved One Blanket Proposition. ( and came to America when he u as introduce his bill, but they were be- -- fluds rvenrs old- - He graduated from Colum hind the thing, at any rate. Those BICYCLES scientific process. The proposition that favor JES&Y&ml-S- S -- ,a - IN ALL COLORS. Hh said . thitt t:verslt- and its law school and members cf Congress who have seen ENAMELED me." Senator Piatt. ' y;irPr Order a Case from the Brewery. a bill be passed granting subaUntinl eto"d mercantile life. From 1SS7 the Wilcox bill simply scoff at the idea JSS5 concessions to Cuba, these eonees-,- u he wa Minister to Turkey that a leper colony is needed for the O. .A.. COTV'AX, TELEPHONE MAIN 341. Cleveland, In upon United say stems to become effective at such "n,,r and ISSv States and tHat if one is 1186 Union Street. th resignation of James needed at any time in future Urn after thP Inauguration of the , the it OPP. PACIFIC CLUB. Micbi-Rha- ll l:- - f Unnersltj or musL in humanity decency, bow government a? that nst" ' and be R- RESH itotnt ejual concessions to the: - lsW-n- t McKiniey .inferred located at an isolat?d spot on the iLK UttksH Stale. The matter has not' Turklfh nillon u5k.c Straus mainland. Hf1- - F ( i The Drawing Boom mwR workod out. of course. One BISHOP & COMPACT CREAM pma b: tn grant blanket reduction CAPTAIN MAY a Oil Barkentine Launched. CLARK Of one's house betrays whatever refinement and good taste 16 on products Im- -' of per cent all c KAN 15. I there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. porw ftnt Cuba. Another is t, FRANCISCO. Jan. Last RE PROMOTED TO RE BANKERS BUTTER twi a schedule of reduced rates Friday at Haj Ac Wright V shipyard work A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the excellence on Cuban Imports, differing accord- - Mt Oakland the keel war. laid for a i i affected, roa- - designed A VICE -- ADMIRAL BUTTER MILK of our stock and the reasonableness of our prices. tat to the article and n?w barkentine to be an up-ftioa- BANKING DEPAgTWENT. on r.Tlprocnl reductions on toAtLte veSf1 of its cixs ln ovor. ro. business in all departments nirecwiiy aamen, Transact 'ZF sr-s-, nrunf sloct. It will be owned by the Union of banking. from rbU country to Cuba. I sec no WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 16 Delivered twice daily to any part U. Williams, carefully II. Oil Cotnpan of Ventura, and will Collections attended to. 1146-1- 148 FORT STREET. roanoa why onv or the othr of these The proposition to confer upon Cap bought c" the town. have a capacity 15.000 barrels, and Exchange and sold. nmas could not he worked out. and of Commercial and Travelers' Letters J . tain Charles E. Clark, commander of fBT THE ia povernmtnt etublhh-d- s time is to be used to transport oil to tho of Credit issued on The Bank of Calif- - tn jslre present crops lu Cuba the Hawaiian Islands. The barkentine the Oregon during the Spanish war. ornIa and M Rothchild & Sons, benefit uf the reduction. will be 250 feet long, 42 fo$t wide, somo recognition nearer commen- - London. ii - s Correspondents: The Bank of Califor- Cuba's Friends Seek Relief. with a depth of 21 feet. curate with his distinguished sen-ice- Star DAIRY "Cuba friends In Congress roco:-pt- s nia; Commercial Banking Co. of Engines than he has yet received has been Sydney. London. Union Gas that some relief must be given Ltd.. Bark Rithet in San Francisco. brought up again and is being vigor-- Drafts and cable transfers on China to tfc commercial Interest? of the isl SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IS. Al oasly urged. j""1 Japan through the Hongkong & When ordering ring up BLUE 3171. am! as soon as possible. There , Near the end of last Shanghai Banking Corporation and AKD mt though for the greater part of tho ' fee a reatoratlca of confidence there. month a bill was Introduced into Australia &. wlUl storas ""asual chartered Bank of India. A. B. - Manager STATIONARY hAd hm mast be adopted to'ltm ,',t both branches of the National Con China. DOAK. paralysis of the productive' eritx . fhe bark X. P. IUtfcet, Cap-- allowed on term deposits at pivmt gress to revive the grade cf Vice-- Interest City office, phone Main 391, P. O. - Mucphall. following per cent per an- fafcsfteta. At th same time we raa- tain reached port yesterday the rates Box 22. MARINE not gtvv concessions out of hand, from .Honolulu, after a trip occupying Admiral, with a view to appointing num, viz.: Sampson. Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent W must be met half way. I am not only 51- -. days. Soon leaving Schley and Clark to the after Three months, 3 per cenL LAND GO favor of doing our In rank. Captain unprecedented at OAHU UMl) ."iQ l share the the temnd tilrt j, f wenw Clark's Six months, at 3 per cent. battle-shi- p Hamm-You- V of makia cenceaskms unless w seas breaking achievement of sailing a Twelve months, at 4 per cent Agents n ta-- tremeaous gCo.jLtu. around Cape Horn and subse- "k - hb i 522S3&4.' At? "-- . m " -- quent participation TRUST DEPARTMENT. iiiai 'a 2fr5S?,s - - with the Oregon . - docks? Ilooded - toG - btnr Mason of IHlnofe said to- ""now " k1 The proposition to confer unon Can Act as Trustees under mortgages. t Unys- 30 day-tha- next Mondav. when the S n,'0" fflan--r - or antit latltudo st Santiago wes so signal that h Manage estates (real end personal). ate he would ask that the drcve mwth and longitude 130 vas advanced six numbers, but ow- - Col,ect "J,-- a"? dividends. Valuable MAXN" 278. onviee. ' 1 reach-Whsrge- W",s- - Blnds' etc- receired for on Foreign Ruhitlou bo grees west was reached. Since d ng to subsequent promotions over ' - TIME safe keeping. TABLE from further cousideration jng a jrfint 400 miles off the coast the Mm he has gained in fact only two. From and After January 1, 1001 Jama- - . .. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT. ! wh. b. ibvin s oo., t.f th. rcdprectty treaties with KiUl0t bas Xtt,ifU in weathar. Olil'VVABD Underwear ltd .. Ladies a Bermuda and other Ww India Jolm w p, J;!m Metra. aQd Cfcas An Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off. Auditors for Corporations and Pri- - Dally Dally Dafly Dally DUly ooc . tint ries. and that action upon the ago my ate Books examined and re-- Statloiif. ex ex SKIRTS and CHEMISES tta:e wer, passengers bark, "Some time daughter caught Finns. Ban SQ3 (Wm. G. Irwin..President & Manager .. k.. .,x in the pre- - K-- jx aiies be taken forthwith x severe cold. She complained of pains ported on. Statements of Affairs ass am am pin pa Xatle loOrieraai IcStocl Claus Spreckels.. eoasfets bags - U-O- First Vice He declared that the tr:a- - Th "S0 of 2W.9 of n hex chest and had a bad cough. I pared. Trustees on Bankrupt or In- HoncttUu UO Oi 3d5 5d9 Pesldent Smte. SiSO s,,i;ar- - gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rem- - solvent Estates. PtariQJr 85 9H3 U:tO 3:T DRESSMAKING! ( W. M. GiCaxd.. Second Vice President Mb shou'd he disposed of in torn Ems Mill SSS 10i3 11 liJi J faluon. an.l thnt continued iositiou: " edy according to directions and ia two Walanae ..... 103 ..... t:tS .... Good Fit Guaranteed. Best Workman- H. 3L Whitney, Jr...Treas. and SecT S24 5-- lays she was well go Office. Bethsl Street. Walalaa U-.5- J .... wfta a disg-sr- o Sonate and an' Koko Head is Launched. and able to to ship. Lowest Prices. to the I remedy Kahuiu ..... 133 ..... tJS .... ooo hmuk to cocatrl.s with nhicfa, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. An school. have used this in SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. t 4 tle my family for the past seven years EfWARD XTnTAin; avenue thsy were negotiating. shipping es eeut of M)aie importsce in nd have never known it to fail." says Deposits received and Interest DaUy DaJlj Dairy Sally Dairy LJ.SUN, SearPauaMSt. Sugar Pactors circles wa the launching of the new Prendergast, merchant. Annot- -' lowed at 4ti per cent per annum, in Sudoa, tx ex AND ' Regula-Th- San Saa SENATOR FORAKER four-mast- barkentine Koko Head "o Bay. Jamaica, West India Islands, accordance with Rules and e am aa am a a am obtain-tpproachin- g & pains in the chest indicated aa tions. copies of which may be Kahnka 5J3 36 Commission Agents, at IV. A. Boole Son's shipyard at 1 pnenmonix. WaUlna SUO 5iVl SEATTLE BEERH attack of ed on appl'cation. 7:10 RE-ELECT- o'clock yesterday afternoon. The - Walaaae ...... ooo EASILY xhich was nndoubted- i ia this instance S: Tii3 1H JO or 3a-;iii- J INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. InlDl SOS Srfil On "Draught in barkentine is owned by Hind. Rolphi r warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Pearl aty 140 2i & AGENTS FOR THE Acd-- Bocolula .. .. I JO SiX 5:3 & Co. of thin city, and Is to b used Remedy. It counteracts any tendency Agents for Fire, Marine, Life, f 2S at tte a cold pneumonia. Sold by dent and Employers Liability Insur-t- ll COLUMBUS 0 . Januarj 15. The In the Coast and Hawaiian trade, un toward ".CRITERION" S. dealers and druggists. Benson, ance Companies. G. P. DENISON, T. a S5IITH. Oceanic S. Co. Houfee - m Senate and met id joint bes- der commsiid of Captain W. T. Lewis, Smith &. Co., agents for HawaiL I Insurance Office. 924 Bethel Street. Superintsrdent. P. & T. A. y Of San Franclico. Cal. LJLU REUBLICAN, THURSDAY", JANUARY, 23, 1902. ' mi '

-- ! V ,.i the iiexoLtrc. JtEUBLICAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY, --3. 1902.

-- - s &. fts- r iTicrwvrf t!rTT - CMIM - SnL-- &? w M.rw mmj cnm?wm3 wta- DmrdtW4tlkW rnivi rw Irv.. A SUIT FOR repair saop. or ctaer parposes or as bits. s nvtag grosnd for - -- .1 Rev. J. M. YiagliBc. pastor of the IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY i "12. Tbes et acresc"'"-never had ZT if: St- - M Cftmb-.- l i y good Charch. ingeeuc. whether .w. TT ...-- MY LA2TOS AT bad. opoa the remainder of the plan-orff- 7" ""- - w- - f-- su-- s " "" for great ptaaswe recom-- I tadon. Tbev neither prodeced aorj ? to j The OLIVER TYPEWRITER contributed anything to the a2aBai;mead Chamberlalas Colic, Cholera ,.. f ,i, rj,r,.tir, aad Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used KOOLAULOA and "U3. Even on the assamptloa that11 aod who have never :jj Simplicity, durability, speed ..--: n , it W falL" For sale by all manifolding power arc cocceded 'th 9 - 3 th ! ,j i Comfort the Dowsett lease transaction saows iwdealers and druggists. Benson. Smith to be the four great essentials la The Extra ' mC. Pm S3VS KrnilP.rtV m t 52S:4 per acres is a fair vah- - & Co., agents for Hawaii. a typewriting machine. We pre- JG S 1 Uon upon defendant's oa eoadset sent to the public THB OLIVER judgment Kapaka Is Bis By sad la the percbase of that as the Litest and most striking lease." IYSJGASH0TE3 embodiment of these features, and ! Demurrer of A. H. Lucai. of Law. the most radical departure from Extra Wear Right 1 The Albert H. Lucas, one of the defead-- IMPORTER 1HD DEALER IK otirr methods of construction. Examine this ma- : Allea asainst Thomas R. Lucas et al. , JAPAjSE PEOYIIOSS I1 a chine befora deciding upon a pur- FIRM OF YET GSONG IS BANKRUPT by his goardlan ad litem. JTJ. Doaae y " ' I ! and General J chase of an Inferior maia. . demurs to the plaintiffs complaint. Merchandise f I" 1 "b0 ' alleging that the complaint fails to ! ARCHIBALD GILFILLAN'S WILL, sufficient j SUUe facts to constitute jAPAnESE LIQUOR direct from of these , The all round satisfaction you get from vearing a pair, NAMES CECIL BROWN case aion ana mat it is amoigu Agents for Territory of Hawaii. unintelligible rvuat, jakan. ous. and uncertain. ' high grade, perfection shoes. AS EXECUTOR. Thomas R. Lucas. Jr... Lydia C. Sole Agents for RYOKO MASAMUNE. you feel happy When you buy anything, and are satisfied with it. Lucas, minor, defendants in the above j only achieve this by wear- case, by their guardian ad litem, E. with everything in the world. You can Demurrers of Lucas Minors Sister; .King StreeL Phone Main S2. i M. Watson, also demurs to the plain--1 a of HANAN'S high grade shoes. No--. H. Co., ing pair Albertina Ejectment Case tiffs complaint on the same grounds ; Theo. Davies Lid. !n Albert H tices of Appeal Pain Makes An-- 1 STen the demurrer of T iinns TVia tna lr- a ill fnr fru-t- swer George Markham's General ' ci0sure of mortgage. Mdnefny's Shoe Store. Denial New Term of Court. Gilfillan's Will. j SUGAR FAGTORS. Petition for probate of the will of BLOCK. m IMPORTERS OF KTTEr; Mc.NTYRE the late Archibald F. GIlfHlan has By his attorneys, Smith &. Lewis, P.,..- -. . iii.u.ji nun w ilium mTmmiiinr-- "" been filed. Cecil Brown is named as! Isaac Testa brings suit in the First executor. The deceased died in Fhila i Circuit Court against H. Kauaihilo, delphla on December 23, 1901. leav ing as fol LEATHER General will an estate in this Territorv merchandise John F. Colburn, executor of the lows: Two lots Kulaoka-hoa- , of Antone Rosa, deceased; Helen A. situate at baseball tract, Honolulu, and I Wall Paper Rosa, guardian of William Ladd Rosa, property in San Francisco valued at Wall Paper Rosa, mi- Mahelani Rosa and Rose about ?3000. Personal estate con COMMISSION MERCHANTS. nors, for the declaration of trust, the in.ni..i.u slsts of stocks and money In hand IHHHHipillJLUM IJLj appoin.tment of trustee and convey- valued at JS000. WELTiS For the ance of real estate. Mabel Phillips of Honolulu and AGEXTS FOR Over Aug- t. The complaint alleges that on James C. GHflllan of San Francisco next Just arrived and placed on sale Thirty ust 20, 1SS9, the defendant, a resident as devisees legatees I Canadian-Australia- n Thirty 1 are named and I . Steamship IinQ Thousand of Kapaka, Koolauloa, possessed cer Petition has been set for hearing on a swell line of Days. lands place which he de- & Go. tain at that Monday, March 3. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Lloyds, British Foreign Marine Insurance Rolls livered to Testa by mortgage by way All Estate of G. Rocio. PURSES, of securing the payment of a promis- J. Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life). to be new ex- CARD A sory note and that when the note be- - Final account of J. S. Azevedo, CASES, Canadian Pacific Railway Co. i'lv Sold designs came due no monev was forthcoming! ecutor of the will of J. Rocio, filed PORTE FOLIOS, a F and steps were taken to foreclose the I yesterday, shows a balance on hand WALLETS, Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverfool 4' at TTinrtirnfrp Tins liirt in all the land ! ul cout.io Monday. March 3, has DESK SETS. AND been appointed as discount H involved when the place was sold the time for hear POKER SETS, J ing the petition for allowance of ac- of new at auction. CIGAR CASES, ETC. goods. When Rosa died he had possession counts, final distribution and dis of all the papers in the case and the charge. The variety of leather is of the A Roof Over One's Head 5 PER CENT plaintiff believes that the foreclosure; Ejectment Case. latest and are beautifully mounted S proceedings were not completed, in1 Summons was yesterday returned with art noveau silver. The Weenie Paint that, after the sale of the land, nojas served in the "case of Sister Alber 1 Come early and have the entire Less deed or other conveyance of the prem-- tina, trustee for Stella Cockett A ises was ever made by him as mort-- ' against J. Kaailina et al, ejectment, new stock to select from. than gagee. F. Colburn was appointed Necess and Hall Paper Co., J. Sister Albertina complains that de lis a ity former executor of the whl of Antone Rosa j fendants have unjustly taken into executor of the will of Antone Rosa their possession a piece of land a ii H 116 Bethel Street. PHOHE 62. prices. was appointed guardian of the mi-- j Waikele. about 1 25100 acres, which aiian new Co.,

nors on the same date. Plaintiff asks j plaintiff claims in fee simple by de for the appointment of a suitable per-- scent purchase and otherwise to the LIMITED. Use "best Roofing on , the Earth son to succeed Antone Rosa, deceas-- damage of plaintiff $156.25. MERCHANT STREET, ed, as trustee. Notice of Appeal. On the way to the Post Office. READY ROCK ASPHALT ROOFI- In the Federal Court. Notice of appeal, certificate and THE KASH CO., LTD "United States Judge Estee yester- record from Second District Magis- NG- and keep out the rain. day morning adjudicated bankrupt trate of Honolulu has been filed in Chew Man, together with five other the case of Allen &. Robinson, Limit-Chines- - becomes another vesterdav, who carry on business un- j ed, against Tam San, Fu Lee and Ah firm name Chong, 15 tomorrow will become auotber der the of Yet at Tom, for alleged indebtedness. A Straw Hat FOR JVIIC Y Aala lane, in this city, the petition of TODAY tomorrow To Hear Demurrer. tclav. don't wait for but bankrupts declaring they the that In the case of Paulo Ts the most kumfortable and owe debts which they cannot pay. Lono against Julia Achieu, bill to and koolest kind of Head Gear for a Thev say that they are willing to set aside ours. ! Tl Ptil rloA1 m nloi'notit i -r i klimate like COME TODAY ..,.,. 11 .. .J, v"""i w.u. .UmF.a.Uaui iuaiva IUU Hawaiian A The Tradi 1IU11U Llt t.nl.LUCI1 UIUUC11Y 1U1 IUC ! 1. . I.0I U.C1 4 l J respondent ng Co., benefit of creditors, except what l:u" iui uemuuer ui their be set for hearing. Andrews, Here nro a few sensible suggestions for Holiday Gifts: is exempted by law, desiring to ob- Petert YOU KAN & Andrade for plaintiff. tain the benefit of the United States Get any style, shape or quality bLnkruptcy laws. Pain Makes Answer. Manufacturers' Agents. Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, made to order to your build assess consist chiefly of goods Answer has been filed in the case suit Their of head, Suspenders, Umbrellas, n the possession of the High Sheriff, of George W. Hayselden against the1 Smoking Robes, taken by execution and amounting to j Hawaiian Tramways Company, Limit- - j At Jackets, Bath $50 Oin value. There are no secured j ed, trespass on a case, the defendant ffl Silk Hose, Underwear, creuuors. unsecureu aeois are i ". nunu : oiuuie, utuying an i jj shown as amountinsr to S15S0.SG and allegations in the complaint. ' 3 Ties. j QB Shirts, Pajamas, debts to be paid in full $212.90. Petition Granted. BOKI'S HART & GO., Ltd. Among the debts are fifteen small) reUtion for an order to discharge. Straw Hat Manufacturer. promissory notes, xue lonovwng are ,n Fred Phiip & Brc. fii the matter of the guardianship of Nuuanu St. Opp. Sayegusa's Elite Ice Cream Parlors. a few of the debtors: Ah Shin, onejKahami now ,egal majoritv of has BLDG. All the above and many more useful gifts are to be arm. native. 2.S0; white man,jbeeI1 granted and Henrv Smlth; guar.j 629 King St. WRIGHT Finest resort in the city. .me, j had at wubou. a.W; ua.i carpeuei, d!an was vesterdav ordered to pav SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM $1.25; mason. Portuguese, SS.40; Jap, t0 Kahanu $16S TlllIA (ccok). $2.75; water boss. $3.50;, 1 ItllOlG. Made from Pur Fruit Syrups. s Bond i lllUflMyS Dole. $.60; mill hand. $2.60; water fcuarcian In matter of guardianship! pump. $3.00; blacksmith. Portuguese.! the the A Full Line of i CHOCOLATES AND BON 00N3. KING-STREE- HPH j T $2.70; Xo. 5 pump, $2.00. 1 of Joshua David Koki .a minor. The-- LINE. . Whips. Co., , " ,... Saddles, Harness. Ltd. Pearl Harbor Land Valued. ""y""' leave WaikikI for Town at LTJMCH. The S- BAKERY Kash AIU - - and KkI- sureties- - have3.45, In the matter of the appeal for 1 a 6:15, 6:45 a. m., and every 15 Collars. Hames. Chains. jRll TWO STORES TWO STOCKS. TELEPHONES: tv'inn a b0nd in the SUm f ?7000-- ! minutes thereafter till 10:45, 11:15 new trial of the Honolulu Is Soaps, Bridles, Bits. Spurs "Theresa Koki appointed guardian. i and 11:45 p. m. from WaikikI go to P. 0. Box 558. Mam 96 and Main 376 n ,,. mv.,o wlo,u.. ,!r i7i . FRESH MARKET v.v,,.... .v. "k" Dfidants Appeal. , tne Punahou Stables I District Attorney J. J. Dunne which, Defendants in the assumpsit casei Cars leave KIne Kange or Pawaa lil 23 and 27 Hotel Street and Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. has been delivered to Judge Silliman.of Lee Kqw agalnst Lee Chan aI1(j switch for Town at 5:5S a. m. and representing defendants, declares . J every 15 minutes 11:05 Supplied dally with fresh killed meats B Yong Jan give noUce Qf appeal frQm thereafter till Harness Oil and Dressing, Gal' Bflif that the jury went outside of V.m. thejthe Second District Magistrate of Cure. Campbell's Hoof evidence in placing a valuation of J e Remedy. Honolulu, filing bond for costs. , .?liVCS $15,20S on the improvements on the ' corner for Palama m. and Elliman's Embrocation. H. H. H. A LARGE GROCERY uc-'u- & DEPARTMENT Rff j c .,,. j p. m. nwcr. eery io minutes aiter un 11:20 00000000000XOCO00 land in question Liniment, Etc.. Etc. FRUITS, ETC, ETC. George ; Cars leave for Palama only at 5 'judge SilHman yesterdav afternoon j Defendants Markham et al, flrc answer of general denial in Orders delivered to any part of the handed his brief, in reply, to Mr.; ,mtke th; teavf Pala-- ! RP' I cars for Dunne. action to quiet title brought bv Pe-I- . , aIb,kitm . , . o:4o a. m. and every lo till SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON - JosePQ ir- - Poepoe attorney e's The following, in part, is Mr.!- is j 9:45 p. m 10.4-Dunn- f then at 10:15 and ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN. brief: j fr e defendants. 0, m. The 11:15 p m froai Palama C. a. YEE HOP & CO. "1. The 561 acres never had any New Term of Court. for Punahou only goes to WaikikI on Saturdays. Corner Beretania and Alakea. annual use. The new term of thp First Circuit t PHONE BLUB 2651. Portable never I ... I Cars leave Fnrt nril TTfrit- - ct-oo- to Phoxe Blce 25' "2. They had a yearly value. will commence a from j Lourt week corner fQr R,fle 1:20 and "3. They had never been cleared, Monday, enires for a grand and 3,5.55 plowed, cropped. am sowed or petit jury will be issued within a few Cars leave Fort and King streets Honolulu Iron Works Go "4. Nearly one-ha- lf is useless and days for service. Both Judge Hum corner for WaikikI at 6:05 a. m. and unfit for cultivation. phreys and Judge Gear, who Is ex-- every 15 minutes till 10:05 n. m then Germania Saloon ...STEAr ENGINES... 14 in-- 30 in. Guae lbs. Rails They never produced any j t.octid back :rum tne Coast on the at 10:35 and 11:05 p. m. The 11:35 come whatever. Ventura, will hold court. p. ra. goes to WaikikI on Saturdays C.WES5IXS, I -, "6. whole piece is land only. BOILERS. SUGAR UttiS. COOL- The Notary Public Kellett. 604 Queen Streot, cor. South. ERS, BRASS and LEAD that never has been cultivated, thatj CASTINGS. P. D. Kellett was yesterday com- BERETANIA STREET AND NUU- never raised a crop, and whose capa Headquarters for Honolulu Primo made & order. Partlcnlar atteaUon Track 36 in. Guage 20 lbs. Rails purelv missioned to act as notary public for ANU VALLEY. UHtles nr speculative. Beer, In bottler and on draught. Al-- Paid to ship's blacksmithlng. Job "7. Shallow soil, rockv patches the First Judicial Circuit- - Cars leave Punahou stable for Town Ice-Co1'- work executed on shortest notice. 5:30 and for Town ways 3- We can Sive yon the , Tirhv snots. at and Vallev at' l "S. No water supply beyond onej hemintscenx. 5:40. 5:50, 6:10, 6:20, 6:40," and 7:20 best glass of Beer In town. . . j From m. IN QUANTITIES small brackish artesian well. the Detroit Free Press. ' Beaver Lunch Rooms. FOR SALE Cars leave Oahu College for Town . . . Pailroad easement. t "Thoss people next door to you and Valley TO SUIT. at 6:30. 6:50 and 7:10 a. T? "Y "10. No Improvements. Nolther tm are they the kind that borrow? . in, ana every 10 minutes till 10:10 T H. J. NOLTE, : : : : Propr. BY mill nor the pumping plant Is on thisi -- indeed, yes. When I call there 1 1 land. They are both Independent, and THF A! MIA Q A! Fort Street-- B i(U . rpmlndPf? . pm. Complete built prior to the clearing and plough rm. nlvmirc.... vf5lh1ir H..-.- nfv. Trhat.... vars tAMnleave isnuannxMMnHZllSitii.auey at o:io. Wtl VliVvli ing. ; once possessed" They would have been balk DOTJTX BT THE IROX UTORKS Just received a new lot of celebrate DJacMeld&Co., anyway, whether the defendant goij- - "" I thereafter till 10:50 p. m. jh lnnii nnt ne nor ni:. ' New Ice Creant Parlors. Cars leave Fort and Queen streets , ..... tr a ,as -- i D. opea--t Pacahon College 6:05. 6:25. t ror uooa' FIVE CEST CIGARS ndisiw rable ta th cttr SC :; acres : G. Camarlnos has recently ?r at tcr a "w . a. ja ana everr ------nr , ed up a ju minutes alter - b-. --- - ninn.inn -- LDnTED. parlor, comer of Alakea and King. till 9:45 p. m. After that the 73 KS JtL Jtlv JbC ,jNew York Capaduras, Washlnfjton, "11. TTti recently this land w a erTtMag d Ice Tnn to the Stable up to 11:05 p. m. nctl-ca- AHston, Union Calja, waste, overrun by cattle. It was COQi drjnfcj! etc. rtoa't fail to which Is the last car from Toirt, f ds JQOOOX0X)OOOpX00XX0XK000XCK5 subjected to any useful purpose, drop tn. reaching the Stab!-- at 11:30 p. m-- t ILEMIE 180S. PfSjriallirS Grand Republic Etc


F. H. Redward !NewYorkDental LAXTiXA IS REAL ESTATE MHSFERS! WM. H. BARTH" PO00COO0OC0OCCOOCCOOOC0OOOCOOOCKXXXXXXKXXX00OCO00O'J Contractor STAR BLOCK and Builder - Parlors. IXSECTICIDE 'Instruments Filed for Record Janu ( 1290 Fort Street, Near Kukui Street It Pays to Set the Best ary 22, 1S02. 42 ; P. O. BOX SO. Punchbowl Street : J- - K. Kaae to "W. C-- Parke, deed. I - No you pays besL This FYPFRIKPNTS flF TIP R fMBTFB i . n-- n t ., f METAL ROOFING matter what are buying it always to get the Telephone BLUE 1701. r.. rule holds good In other things as well. It pays to patronize the Room 4, Elite Building. Hotel Street . , J. Kaae ;o W. C. Parke, deed. GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIGHTS Y. C. to best laundry as it will always give you the most for ycur money. Peacock Est. a P. Btskop. AND VENTILATORS. LEAVES ARE DRIED ON OAHU mortgage. In this case it is the most satisfaction and the least wear to your Jobbing Promptly Attended to. AND REDUCED TO FINE j Washington Mer. Co.. Ltd., to H. PIPE AND GUTTER WORK clothes. You are saving money as surely when you buy good laun- THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. insect powder. H p: iu dry work as in any other commodity. retepboae White SSL : j lllc;; to Woacr Yoog. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. lease. Jcbbicfiad R;p2iri&Frccptljltt&d:d la J ! ropolUaa Co. Ltd, to Bfefcop & Heme Manufactured Machine Is Used HONOLULU, H. T. No More Dread of the Dsntal Chair. j vw . .- - OSCAR SELLERS To Dry Leaves Which are Then , r, J.xcs5a.t ex staixw PLUMBING. Sanitary Laundry f Ground and Sifted Powder Burns Recorded January 13, tSC2. RUSSELL & WATSON Steam fo. Office and Shop: Teeth extracted and filled absolutely Readily and is Very Effective George ft' Ross and wife to J. A. Back: COUNSELORS-AT-LAW- . (71 I ATTORNEYS AND Beretaala. Near Alapai Street witbotst pain by oar lata scientific j deed; interest in portion R. 2367, Without an Unpleasant Odor. P. LIMITED. Przaplng u union. sieep-prodQcl- agents methods. No Waitoa. North Hilo, Hawaii; SStt. Magoon Building, a or only dental J Book ?34. page 30. Dated SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. cocaine. These are the December Cor. Merchant and Alakea CCOOCOOCCOCCXCCCCKXXX!00OCOOC ' Lys- - 31, 1S01. Streets parlors in Honolulu that have the pat The suggestion received from Phone Main 328. ent appliances and ingredients to ex- ter H. Dewey, a botanist from the Recorded January 14, 1902. tract, fill and apply gold crowns and States, that the bark ot the lantana! M. A. Maikai and husband to Ha- - John a. Kassinger, porcelain crowns, undetectable from might be used for tanning purposes, waiiaa Realty & Maturity Company. California Harness Shop '. Why natural teeth, and warranted for ten i calls to mind at least one use to Limited ; mortgage; lot 13. block 4 NOTARY Not I PUBLIC, rears, without the least particle o which this despised plant can be put Kewalo tract. Honolulu. Oabu; $1S0. Fort Street, Opposite Club Stables, Book 230, page 209. January Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, etc KEEP YOUR HORSE pain. Gold crowns and teeth without Experiments with it have been made Dated Hf1NUFr1QTUREK5 OF 13. 1902. Removed to the fillings den- Ma-ka- o, AT THE plate, gold and all other by Dr. A. B. Carter on bis place Offices Macfarlane & Co., H. L. Pooloa to C. Pooloa et aL. of r ii-n.- 1 5IXGLE work done painlessly and by spe- on side island, mawrrrrss' txijr-j- EOUBIE tal tlie other of this detd; portion R. P. 565L KuL 10S7. KAAHUMAXU STREET. rJT- -' 7 - cialists. leaves o. m r$&m and he found that the of the King' street, portion KuL 6S9. Kapuu-kol- v'ftrC V z-r- s EXPRESS iH.W a iL .1 .Hlh Hotel lantana. dried and reduced into fine Oahu; 7?5 Si Stables Gold crowns, $5; full set teeth, $5; Honolulu. $500. Book 229. CARRIAGE mjL jl A 1. X 1 AJ K) KJ powder, made a very fine insect pow- page 330. 10, R. Susumago Ukt K--.- bridge work, $5; gold filling, $1 up; Dated January J902. JrX&M&i der. P. K. Tripp and husband to H. G PHOTOGRAPHER. Where the feed is good, the con- silver fillings, 50c mortgage; Doctor Carter .Experiments. Danford: portion Ap. 2, R. Fine Cabinet Photos Only $3.50 per ditions sanitary, attention kind P. 3925. Kul. 1S0S. King street, por- REPAIRING The doctor lit upon this discovery Dozen. and prompt, and tion Ap. 2. R. P. 3667, Kul. 5931, Ke by noticing insects seem M that most kio, piece land, Leleo. Honolulu, Oa- Gor. of Maunakea and King Sts. RATES MODERATE? PLATES to shun the leaves of the lantana hu; $2509. Book 230, page 211. Dat- H0 Hljfcfe$-- 3, 1902. -- bushes and that they seldom alight ed January w r i ii it smmkmT'i t THOMAS LINDSAY "UlRPrV "" on them. This led him to believe that L. X. Gay and wife to R. F. Tripp, D. O. HAMMAN. deed; S2 S3. Ho-- . thiiv mii5T i 5nmpthlnf In thn Ip.tvp: lots and Kekio tract. James Brown, Proprietor ' nolulu, Oahu; $1300. Book 229. page Manufacturing Jeweler SJSSSSJtVS. K.KJSJKJfcJ..JPK..s ; which was repugnant to the insects! . , . ' January if, izv- -. and he consequently began experi- iiva J C. Brewer & Company, Limited, to Vndrew Llsher 8c menting. He first thoroughly dried A. do Rego aL; And Watchmaker Cos i et deed; portions the leaves using for this end a drying Kuls. 2459 and 522S, Peepee. Wailuku. P. O. BOX 544 i LOVE 1SLOCK 530 FORT STREET iESEie.vjs J FISH MARKET Any work that should not prove sat- machine which is used on his place .Maui;' $1000. Book 229, page 341 ' speciax drying fish, and Dated December 17, 1901. isfactory will be attended to free of for fruits other things. This apparatus, which is Bank of Hawaii. Limited, to V. C DR. W. R, BOGLE BOOTH charge any time within 5 years. Achi' 2, 3 4, 'a very effective one. is simply a box! Partial release; lots and . I.T Win, ARNOIiD, Manager. I I J. . ..i bicck a. tract. Honolulu. QHlKOrODUT. iWUUl UI1U uuuuieu luiif, auu .u icci...,", Oahu; $200. Book 230, page 214. SCOTCH iflZHISKEY !!.El?HAr: d with glass like a hot house. The HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A We are making a specialty of gold Dated January 14. 1902. Room 18. Arlington Building. point com-beaut- if CHOICE LINE OP crowns and bridge work; the most end which faces the of the W. C. Achi and wife to A. A. de ul, painless and durable of all w. & ( I)ass from which the trade winds Paulo; deed; lots 2, 3 and 4, block S. 3. PEACOCK '. oo. Imported and known to tho profession. , CORNS AND INGROWING "3l'. dental work come about three feet bove the Kaiulani tract, Honolulu, Oahu; $600. SOLE AGENTS. Domestic Meats; Our name alone will be a guarantee . w elevat-hav- e TOE EXTRACTED ; Book 229. page NAILS FJeb; Live and Refrigerated Poultry, that your work will be of the besL We ground while the other end is 343. Dated December ;;';4Wtftf4tf,J'-es- Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Potatoes, a specialist In each department . d about ten feet. O, llH'l. Emme-luth- ; Best operators, gold workmen Estate B. P. Eishop to J. j Fruits and Vegetable. bst Verv Effective Drver I . and extractor? of teeth: in fart, all the partial release: portion R. P. T n r Two deliveries daily to any place of modern dentis - . The doctor has found that the air ..:.; etaff are inventors 2464, Kul. 5573. Merchant Ho - street. ..:....: ex within city limit at 9 a. m. and 3 try. We will tell you in advance whicj, paSses through this apparatus nolulu, Oahu; 56500. Brok 230. page REAL ESTATE A G E N TS p w. The Coyne by the sun's 214. Dated November 29, 1901. and tejl tfyy0"'" us a call ana you d to examination. Give M. STOCK BROKERS. fU8timr ".inns bare their find we o exactly as we adver- - shining on the glass, a temperature F. Lucas to J. S. Azevsdo: enter dllverr-- an- r pctfDlly will : Use. or 140 degrees having frequently mortgage; lots 35 to 42. inclusive, 307 Stangenwald Building to call and thr name "block Kapiolani Ho- : Phone 223 Main. I Co., lavf been reached. This drier proved F. Park addition, Furniture nrlor to the hour above named nolulu. Oahu: S700. Book 230, page very effective for drying the lantana 217. Dated January 4. 1902. ALBERT KALLWEIT fi IS OFFERING SOME ef- although they can also be - II EW YORK DENTAL PARLOR S leaves R. C. Silva and husband to Ho Poi; NICE . CIGAR . STAN D nv irTiPrr. ppninfti ptc .Telephone 379.. fectually by simply exposing ' it! Em dried lease: R. P. 3612, Kul. 83S and build- Adjoining Hotel Stables. HOLIDAY PRICES, Building, Hotel SL them directly to the sun. When the ings. Emma street, Honolulu, Oahu; Tobaccos of All -,- - ; Room Elite Kinds. '"Hi- - leaves had been thoroughly dried twenty-fiv- e years at ?300. Book 22S, Cool In WHITE MAPLE, BIRDSEYE i LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. Drinks On Ice. HUfe . ". they were pounded into as fine a pow- page 449. Dated January 10, 1902. HOTEL STREET, .MAPLE, OAK, .MAHOGANY, ICE ICE J Office open from S a. m. to 6 p. ni. der as possible and then this powder Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. a ASH, ELM and PINE. 3t3pU appointments for evening Dolivorod to all pans of j Make was shaken through several sieves, STOCKS AND BONDS. i'.rs' g ss the city. the last sieve in the series being a ALBERT BERNDT OTlie Xiroi-re- 331oclc. FORT STREET ? Ka Hao Saloon. very fine one. It was found that the Yesterday's Market Quotations at the FIRST CLASS TAILOR. iWela powder which was powdered by this CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER QUEEN STREET. Honolulu Exchange. & process would burn very readily In the Cleaned and Pressed. Oahu Ice JUST OPENED. same manner as bubach and like Wednesday, January 22 HOTEL STREET, CONDON'S NIGHT PATROL COOL DRINKS. Adjoining Hotel Stables Opposite FINE CIGARS. preparations. MERCANTILE. Electric Go. The lantana powder has also tin STOCK. Bid. Asked. Hawaiian Hotel. J RELIABLEWATCHMEN FURNISHED advantage that it does not emit the C. Brewer & Co ... $410.00 5 3151 B1UO & Thompson, Prop's. FOB Phone Mckenzie peculiar odor which makes the burn- Sachs Dry Goods Co, 90.00 Rates many peo- L. B. Kerr & Co ... 40.00 French Laundry: Buildings, i ing of bubach offensive to '.' Property SUGAR. Mm v ple. 505, Cor. of Bcretanla Ave. nil Ton'-hbow- l St. AND Reasonable m::xi-- Fwn 23.00 O S Ag. All by FOR ONE WEEK 0lLY 3 Cheap Hawaiian Books. Hawaiian Co 270.00 WorkDone Hand Residences 3 Hawaiian Sugar . . . 27.00 2S.00 V The Bible and Tract society is at Lace Curtains, Silk and Glove Honomu 130.00 ALSO S PHONE BLUE 1211. I present selling out a lot of curious Honokaa 10.00 Gleaning a Specialty. old Hawaiian religious works and text OFFICE: 1249 FORT STREET. Haiku 190.00 -- Ac Ships and Docks 3 books at ridiculously low prices. Kahuku 23.50 24.25 aJ3JIII CO. ! BIB SHIRT WAIST SALE IifiST I Some very quaint old Hawaiian prim- Kihei 10.50 ers for instance sell at 5 cents each. Kipahulu 102.50 Ltd j ;?.:;;;s.;;;ttjSX Progress" goes Koloa 160.00 tSRetropolitan Meat Co., V Bunyan's "Pilgrim's at the same price and so on. The McBryde 5.00 6.50 Oahu '. ALL UIL'ORTKD GOODS of thf my latest and most society are on the 97.50 rooms of the Onomea 22.00 I building ibylteh 'fashions. Don't for'ts it will close on fourth story of the Boston Ookala 9.00 108 KING STREET. Saturday, Jan. isth. on Fort street. Olaa assessable 5.50 ti.)0 G J. "WALLEB, - - - Manager. Olaa paid up 13.00 The efficiency, brilliancy, penetrating power and general sat- ! Committee. ." Y. W. C. A. Physical Pacific . i. 210.00 i Wholesaln and Retail isfaction, which our new enclosed type of ARC LIGHTS are if. The physical committee of the Y. Olowalu 140.00 W. C. A. will meet at the residence Pepeekeo 170.00 BUTCHERSand giving recommend them to the merchant as the best light for SO. 00 A. A. MONTANO, Prop i of Mrs. A. B. Wood, Nuuanu avenue. store use. Pioneer assessable 65.00 on Monday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. NAVY 2 M Waialua 55.00 CONTRACTORS J J phy--1 I Members who are interested In Wailuku Mop. sical work are especially Invited. Mr. C. C. Eakin, Store, been H. F. DAVISOR, Waimanalo 15i.50 ... THE EAGLE SALOON ! g of the Imperial Cigar has using s MISCELLANEOUS. the new arc light for some time, and says : "J find Ihts new light ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. At the Muslcale. Wilder S. S. Co.... 100.00 GED. J. CAVAN AXTGS7 Pxop'r. ' From the Philadelphia Press. 'nter-Islan- d gives absolute satisfaction in 'every respect, and I would have :U1. Box ' "She has Improved in her singing Hawaiian Electric . . 107.50 15 y Phono Main P.O. 57. ' no other.' V and she knows it. too." K. R. T. & L. Co 90.00 Always on tap. ! & 5 i so? 1 noticed It didn't re- Oahu R. L. Co 90.00 .. tst-:frfrx- "Think Cor. Punchbowl and Halekauila Sts. f quire very much applause to induce BxVXKS. h?r to sing again." First National We have many such opinions as this, but the light is the "No. but there was a Umo when it BONDS. i didn't require any applause at all." HIlo R. R. Co., G's.. 100.00 greatest recommendation. Can be seen at Manufacturing Shoe V Hon. Rap. Transit.. 100.00 Groceries Co., W.. W. DimoruTs, Globe Clothing Store and others. For & The Main Point in Brooklyn. Oahu R. & L. Co. 6's 9 CANNED FRUITS, Get From Brooklyn Life. Oahu Plan. 6's 101.00 further information address Waialua Agr. Co. 6's 101.00 CANNED MEATS, You come to Mrs. Gatterson will CANNED FISH. dinner anyway. Mr. Tutter, will you Your SALES. i Go., I not? Though I am afraid there wll' TEAS. The Hawaiian Electric Ltd. Twenty-fiv- e be niany interesting people prea-eat- . HaWn Sugnr. S2S: 50 COFFEES, nt -- 23-2- : 50 Fwn. $23.25; a It fs Ewa. SUGAR. w ' Kanjr SBti-ee-t Horses Tutter (saliEntly) What differ- 5235; 5 Ewa, $23.25. FLOUR and Near AJcilceci. I ence does that make.? One is always ... i FRUITS. sure of a good square meal at your A Little Boy's Life Saved. ..at.. t&&cx&cc.L'waa From imkm&lk lo Get house I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It - Ii-J-LJf- Lucky Girl. saved my boy's life and I feel AVEERO'S QUINN c little FRANK E. W. saBg oiaa From the Philadelphia Press. I cannot praise It enough. I bought Mr. Croppfr (after the fox hunt) : bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Beretania Street near Alakea. S. D TJ. A plumber eX loodwin. S. and when I Merchant Were you in the death? ot Tailor TERRITORY STABLES home with it the poor baby conld ; my IE Miss Annie Seed Well, rather; hardly breathe. I gave the medicine fort Employment Agency' TWO porr old grandfather left me a quar-- every STORES. is directed ten minutes until Flrst-Cla- st tt on A MODERN LIVERY, np-toa- In trt-r- first-clas- s Estimates furnished particular, , a million. o-- ter of ie "threw up" and then I thought t i opp. wevr . (JAPANESE AND CHINESE.) ; .o. ijotei, England Ba boarding. Rigs delivered and called for in any part city. j ... going Modern Plurnblnfe. of the 'ure he was to choke to death. King Street, : : : Cor. Alakea ery, and HoUl street, opp. Love in the World. w had to pull the phlegm out of St -- The Patronage ol Owners, Arcii Hoffman Saloon. I Heed not what thsv dream or say his mouth In great long strings. I Coot3. Waiters. Servants, House Love is in the world to-da- am positive that if I had not got that Boys. Garden Boys. Stable Boys, snp- - tects and Builders Solicited. ntlpi? mnrapnt'? nnrirp. Suits Made to Order j Love that, sinning or forgiven. bottle of cough medicine, ay boy at s ( in the Latest S. F. Tfionias, Manager. ' j i Styles. Makes the world a dream of heaven! f would not be. on. earth today. Joel Contracters requiring men can ob--1 Perfect Fil'Guaranteed. sysgeg l Vcs Constitution. mont, Inwood, Iowa. D-.- Atlanta tain them throieh us. P. O. Box 1S2. 115 Union SL Clothing Cleaned. -H and Repaired '3 Messrs. Morris and McCann were venber last. He received erery ! MAWAIIArMer o k daat) irrirnBV11 i' 111 i released with a. reprimand. Toe?-als- Democratic In Legislative I'M A WW1L JL1jJIJXLXiii OF CflKESE Tote the "v were charged with, assaulting Asscmblr Consraysija WilLan K Engineering and Construction Co. Unqulst-- Jacksos was the Republican nominee The leading Plumbers of San Fran- SlKDERSOK WILL HOT PROSEGDTE The prosecution failed to show to G0IST KMBEES ABE SATISFIED cisco, hare decided to locate a per- -' ROOMS SC6, 5C9. 510 STANGENWALD BUILDING. &l the satisfaction of the coart M. f that YENEZUELAN YESSEL manent establishment in Konolnlo. O ABtsordo and R. Manaahf were vag--j j give Work solicited. Examinations, Sor-tct-s RFARE BETWEEN UNION AND MEASURE IMMIGRA This will the residents of this All classes of Engineering rants. Tbey were coaseqnoatly dis- PROHIBITS Waterworks, Steam and N ULillv . ZDHBADOR SUNK BY i Reports made fcr any class of NON-UNIO- SAILORS IS city an opportunity of having their and charged. TION OF CHINESE FROM Electrical Construction. Plans and Specifications, and E3timate3 pre- ABATED. Soreaa, a Porto RJcau Tag- - ; pismbing done at reasonable rates by U Engineering Sanies ALL COLONIES. REVOLUTIONARY SHIP pared, and Construction Superintended in branches of A rant, was sentenced to one Tear at) ' the most skillful mechanics in the , Work. Contracts solicited for Railroads, electric and steam; Tunnels. the Reform School plumbing business. Bridges. Buildings. Highways, Foundations, Piers, Wharves. Etc. C. BMe Released Upon the Charge of j Orientals B:m in Federal Territory NEW YORK. Jan. 11. A cable to on a Chines - Valuations, and Battery Are Included Provision- s- from-WIHeras- SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Examinations, and Aaft CAR in the the Herald tad says- It OFFICE AND SHOP AT THE TROLLEY - Reports of Properties for Investment purposes. Fterae BuHder Porto Rfcan Vag.j Senate and House Concur Calif is reported that the Vearnela revo- lationary steamship Libertador. FREDERICK j. AMWEG, M. Am. Soc. C-- E. rants Mtist Either be Proven ornia Chinese Will Appeal to merry the Ban Rlgh, which Alexander Youne i HURTS SAILOR, & Biii'ig. Engineer and Manas'. Matos expedition to Vene:zuela. QmHty r Discharged. Washington Bill in Congress. the has sank the Venezuelan gunboat W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. Zambador off JAGOBSEN GETS A SGALP WOUND the coast of this island The remarkable chance of seati- - WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. At a The Libertador carries several mod- , largely attended meeting to-da- y of ern riges. B?fore she left Fort de meat. mpou the pun of J- - Anderson, Pacific Coast Senators and Repre-- ( France. Martinique, plates to MOTORMAN RINGS GONG BUT armor Harris Oil c. aofroaida sailor betoegiag th sentatives a final determination was were placed on her to protect her M Btoua fNtgkter Hya. resulted la! IS NOT HEEDED BY MAN j reached as to the course to be par-- vital parts. Leading Straw Hat Manufacturers tke wholeMle rewe of ax even doz- NEAR TRACK. seed on Chinese exclusicm legislaJ It is known that the Libertador has en anion seamen who had been ar- tlon, and the following resolution was been near the coast cf Curacoa for Contractor and ALL KINDS OF STRAW HATS DRY AND FANCY GOODS, J MADE TO ORDER. by police, and arraigned in t adopted. several days GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, retted the HATS WASHED AND PRESSED. the First District Court upon tbe( Sailor Evidently Gets Rattled, for He "Resolved, That the Pacific toast Builder. JAPANESE SILK and Senators and Representatives approve Largest Stock of Ladies' and Gents ctmrgc threatening to do bodily . Jumps Against Car and is Hit by PLANS FOR WESTERN In the city. COTTON DRESS GOODS. of policy provisions Hats j the and general of harm to Anderson, Grab Handle, Which Inflicts a the bill which they have requested Judge. Jobbing Promptly Attended to' The cae cane up bfore Scalp Wound Lieutenant Sam Representative Kahn to introduce in coaling stations AT Wilcox morning. Prose-cato- r yitraay Leslie's Last Handkerchief. the House and Senator Mitchell in the Cbillingworth tackled his job! Senate; but this shall not affect the & ', Rear-Admir- ai Oo. WASHINGTON, 11. Iwafcami with the belief and conviction that privilege of any member to perfect January HOTEL STREET. HOTEL STREET. he had a eonrpkr-t- walk over in mak-- J A sailor named Jacobsen had a nar-- the same by amendment." Bradford, chief of the bureau H. HAIMNO de- - The bill thus to be introduced was equipment, informed tag th charges stick against the row escape from injury yes-faadan- of Senator Per serioas upon When Anderson came rush-- agreed at the meeting. As kins today that the bureau would rec--, terday afternoon. With a companion finally adopted, Japanese Monday the insular section ommend an appropriation of 5250,000 .... The Oriental Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Iwr Into the police elation on nQ was walkinsr aloneslde the track of as reads follows: ; Importer of Products . . Wood-curdlin- g for a coaling station in San Francisco night, he nnfotderf a tne Rapid Transit line on King That from and after the passage ! bay. Mission is preferred tale to Deputy Sheriff ChiUingwortn. fitret, near the bridge. Car No. 20 of this act the entry into the Anierl-t- n rock the Provisions and Wines . . men In site, and will be selected in case the - which be stated that the came along from behind the men, and , can mainland territory of the United The Home Company aesttoa had assailed him as he was jt was traveling at a rate of about States of Chinese laborers coming courts decide that the Government's , pHSSIitfc in the vicinity of the lumber f0ur miles an hour. from any of the insular possession title is good. If an adverse decision Cor. King and Smith Streets Issues all modern forms of policies at the lowest posU 1 yards near the Oahu Railway depoLl The motorman saw the men and of the United States shall be abso- is rendered, the department will lutely prohibited, and prohibition Aaderson claimed he had been told tapped his gong repeatedlv they the choose between sites on Angel island 260. rates. Policies issued in both English and Chincb '! but shall apply to all Chinese laborers. phoxe that unless be made himself scarce in ua not seem to hear it. The motor- - and at California City. languages. as well as to such as were in insular Will this community he would be severely j man sang out men get! Hogan Sue. then to the to possessions time 301-30- at the oit times cf HOME OFFICE: 2 Stan cenwald Blda.. Honolulu, T. H. dealt with. off the track, but they did not move acquisition thereof respectively by Ernest Hogan, "The Unbleached huen Chang Cq. Afraid for His Life. until the car got right up to them the United States, or to those who American," will bring suit against the local hui which is said to have con Manufacturers of All Kinds of "Those fellows will kill me." when Jacobsen probably got rattled. have come there since and those who ' have since, with him and his troupe to BISCUITS, declared Anderson, after his He jumped to the wrong side and got been born there and those tracted who may come there hereafter and come to Honolulu. The claim will be, CRACKERS, NEMS FOR release from enemy's stronghold. . hit by the grab handle of the car, HARD TACK. - the those who may hereafter be born and trans- THE MOST Enler- was immediately. it is said, for salary earned '-"- r brought which stopped , j0 The union sailors were j RICE ' there." portation home. - prising News Boy, iuce to face with the non-unio- n ac- Picked Up Unconscious. (HANDLED. ' THE cuser during the latter part of yester- who disposes of the When Jacobsen was picked up he Chinese Make Protest. Albion Not Coming. j Large Importers of day's session of the police court most papers of . . . was unconscious. He had a scalp WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Wu Ting The steamer Albion of the Empire j F'ourf Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables Deputy Chillfngworth was primed for NEWSPAPER wound right above his ear but was Fang, the Chinese Minister, and Lee line, which was expected here yester- - WHOLEPALE AND RETAIL. Che Honolulu Republican a stiff cross-examinatio- n of the de- Foy. "Mayor" , not hurt otherwise. Lieutenant of the of Chinatown in Phila- day, will not call at Honolulu. She j Anderson was placed on the delphia, will j fendants. mounted police Sara Leslie was pres- appear before the Sen- sailed from San Francisco on Janu- - 120 KING STREET, BOYS during the month of and told to give his version of ate Committee on Immigration stand ent and called the patrol wagon. next ary 14th, for Manila direct P-- O. Box 972. Phone. White 801. the assault and consequent direful Tuesday to oppose the January which took the Injured man to the i of the Chinese exclusion act, which threats. ' Queen's hospital. through fear, or a lack of expires by limitation next spring. A CLASSIFIED THE TRAVELER'S INSURANCE Whether Leslie played the good Samaritan mysterious anonymous MRTISEEHTS memory, Anderson declined to have pamphlet is by caring for the man and tying up being circulated among Congressmen COMPANY OF HARTFORD anything say. surprise and to To the his wound with the only handkerchief and is attracting some attention. It Jill BsWkM disgust of the prosecution, the star he had left from the fire which de- contains in eighty one pages substan- Don't Run Your Legs Off witness flatly denied that the bunch stroyed his home some time ago. tially a'l the arguments the Chinese IIFE- - CCIDEHT HEALTH of anion men had ever used 'threat- The man regained consciousness Minister has advanced from time to Looking for a Situation tanxuage time opposition a room ening to him. From the while in the patrol wagon. He is a in to the restriction a house of Chinese immigration. a senant changed standpoint assumed by An- sailor, his vessel being Minister last the Star Wu denies, however, is .IsOMEKiN, derson, the men were all good fellows - that he the of Bengal. lie had been in the hos- A25cnlinthBREPU8L!CaN -- nothing author or in any way connected with and he declared that he had pital for some time and had just rec- Will do the Work the publication. AGENT TERRITORY OF HAWAII. SIS TO BE GIVEN whatever against him. ently been discharged from there. Case of Cold Feet. motorman No. 20. states The of car PREPARATION MADE Classified Advertisements in this column Chilliacworth soon tumbled to the that the accident would not have xcill be inserted at 10 cents a line first 403 Judd Building. racket, and was not slow to see that happoned had Jacobsen not became insertion; 5 cent a line second inser mjujux cents araasr FOR REGEPPTION OF Hon; 25 per line per week; 3. It was an aggravated case of "col.l rattled, as he was originally walking cents per line ttco tcceks, and 50 cenfi to feet" that confronted him in the case at a little distance from the track per line per month. and out of of the car. THE GERMAN PRINCE of Anderson. reach FOR SALE. Come He therefore motioned for a nolle Tom Sharp and see the Watch, Boys! pro! for the dosen men and they were Newly-buil- i-- C t Cottages. ENGINEER HENDY IS Washington. Jan. l cable It's a Daisy Stem Winder, discharged. The troubles which have . ewly-bui- it Iluntiiur advices received at the German Em-1- 1 Stable, 60 by 50 existed between union and non-unio- n bassy here indicate that Pirince Hen- 6 Fine Horses. Case, 'Sterling Silver, Standard days SURE CUBA WILL VEX 1 gi6no(5paphist men for a week or ten past arc ry of Germany will arrive off New New Surrey. t Movement - now believed to be endod. The rocent York February IStn. While Dr. Von 1 New Hack. (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) M- 4- departures of union vessels, namely, ' HAWAII IK SUGAR Holleben, the German Embassador, 2 Pairs New Single Harness. has yet 1 Pair New Double Harness. the C. D. Carleton and Chas. E. not been advised fully as to UP-T-O the details of Prince Henry's visit 1 Pole. bloody, with the contemplated sailing ' JOHNNIE HICKEY won the GOLD WATCH to this country, is opinion of Apply to idatje: SICKS of the Florence, has greatly diminish-- ' The man who has the contract for it the S selling: the embassy officials that the stay of JOS. FRIAS, for the most "papers up to Christmas Day. ed the ranks of the fighters. Yester- the engineering work and electric the royal visitor f.n the United Fort St. opposite Hackfelds. lighting system build- States and Gilding:. day there was very little doing along in tha Young will not extend over a fortnight. Designing tke skirmish line. ! ing, now Hearing completion in this WANTED. i The voyage of the imperial ' ' yacht - 0& . . Hen-d- y ' 0 0? f j& & 0 Case. j city, S. J. Hendy. of the Joshua Hohenzollern will be so timed Advertising- a Specialty. f 'tf 0 Water Flume that WANTED At once, 6 or 7 room fur--, 0' Machine, Works of San Francisco, the vessel will arrive off New York "VCC C Bolte, charged with assault and' nished cottage for light house--, wu anion? the arrivals from the in season to join the steamer which ').& battery upon a Chinese named Hoe keeping by couple with no children. Office and Workshop: Coast in the steamship Ventura last will bring P:f.nce Henry, so that he 1 Must be centrally located. Apply "Va, was ordered discharged yester-- may beard yacht pro- 1170 UNION STREET. night, and is now stopping at the Ha- the and then Republican office. day by Judge Wilcox. The case was ceed on, to by waiian hotel. be met the reception The one in which the prosocution sought fleet of naval vessels and steamers Mr. Hendy is accompanied b his ro right to which will Hohenzollern WANTED To fine white Dia establish the and title escort the se'mefine opal wife. This is the first time they have tnond rinps: also rinps: rea BUY a water flume. The matter had taken ' into New York harbor. sonable prices. Watches repaired or WHY HOT THE BEST ? visited the Islands, and Mr. Hendy the greater portion of two days to time. G. Dietz. watchmaker and jew IT COSTS NO MORE Is here as mush for pleasure as he is i Fort st--. near Hotel. :n Prescott-rtore- . Ifii Robert Grieve thresh out. The row was caused over REPRESENTATIVES OF t. for business. Mr. Hendy will ob- , . giiiii iii csegg the contention of Ahlo for a right of. serve the progress of the engineering I mwm MM-iali- i lande whirl) 'Mr UNITED WANTED Oirls to do lMintlrr wort L vork Young building and he STATES FOR Applj Sanitary Steam Laundry, 11. tne ' the ns Co Botta controlled. On January and South streets. Publishing and his wife will make a tour of the wi;ao fitune of Mr. Ahlo whs torn up at the various islands, remaining here, sev KING'S CORONATION ordw of Mr. Bolte but & few days eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hendy WANTED Two single gentlemen de later Ahlo wme with a force of men' will take in the volcano and other sire rooms and good table board, Ltd. to replace the flume. It was chargod WASHINGTON. January 14. The either in house or cottage near, must objects of interest. . that Mr. Bolte used force in stopping Cabinet meeting today was devoted not be far from business portion of noes all kinds of Commercial jr.d Job Printing at the low- Mr. Hendy will also visit the sugar est rates. worts oo the flume, ami that the Hoe largely to the consideration of the re- - city. Expect to remain permanently plantations vfih a view to ascertain- - Recent additions have been made tj the mechanical force (& Wa were put to route. - If satisfactory and rates reasonable. forces g ! of representatives of coun- n-- Port this which enable the Company to out In rail- - . facts in regard to the machinery Address A. Republican Office. turn orders promptly. A. G. M. Robertson, attorney for the try coronation R. road and plantation work we any fi iu u?u. at the of Kins Edward excel other printing establish defense, said that in order to make VII. following ment in Hawaii. t "Cuba. as far as I can see," said At, the conclusion the FOR RENT. out a case of assault and battery t designations were Mr. Hendy. last night. "Is lik'ely to be announced by the was necessary to prove malice on the 1 a source of vexation to Hawaii on the Secretarv of State: Special ambas-- FURNISHED ROOM A splendidly BINDING OF of the defendant W. .V Kinney, "Whltelaw uart sugar proposition. I understand that sador. Reid of New York; furnished room with excellent reurogentlng the prosocution. con-toad- representative of United board for two gentlemen with pri- 11 is the wish of the sugar planters the States that It was not necessary to vate family on Vineyard street. in Hawaii to see some arrangements Army, General James H. Wilson of EUREKA WlCKLESS w BOOKS, MAGAZINES provo actual malice. Judge Wllcor effected whereby Chinese may be ad- Delaware; jepresentatlve of the Unit- OIL STOVES TO Delightful roomy i Blue Flame reviewed the case at some length and ed States Navy, Captain Charles E. LET bath tubs witt) mitted here for the purpose of work- with either hot or cold water, and Sold GcrnIt said that the alleged assault was of Clark, commander of the battle-shi-p ANDPAPBES ing in the cane fields. Cheap labor every improvement and convenience Kerosene a trifling charactor that he did Spanish-America- n and Gasoline eh seems to be the absorbing topic with Oregon during the known to the modern "age. At Is another branch of the art preservative that we give particular not coasider It constituted an offense. governor people from Hawaii whom I have met war and now of the Naval Silent Barber Shop. iff attention to. Our bindery is the most complete In Honolulu and 'w Wickless Stoves - how-cvc- Home at Philadelphia. the larce amount of work always en hand attests to the excel- JL Job Lots. on the Mainland. I do not see. j. eight cotUijt lence of our bindery. - fm Ah Sang, a Chinese, charged with how Chinese will ever be FOR RENT An room ill If you any the j want kind of Printing or Binding done you should RE-ELEGT- on Younc street. Apply J. A. 31s FOR SALE AT THE bicycle from the GORMAN patronize us you first-clas- s taking a Cleveland admitted. The exclusion law Is bound poon. laoon Duuaing. if desire work. i & Co., was iff promises of Mclnerny to b 'u ii i 0 -- lUQuQimn uftrmunro nil?! n trn jr, .. J.. Av hoW for trial at the next term of the am deeply Interested In Hawai- TO BE A SENATOR "I COMFORTABLE POTTAGES ON tb. uananan Httiunaiouu. uu ,w nL-- n p i tx Circuit CourL All marks on the ian conditions and hope to learn prenus": of th sanitary tl li l i j btara lano FORT STREET. i f' raool had ben obliterated the Islands before I dry Co. LtiL. Marrhion and Sontl mm mm ruousning to., Linnien. br something of the tiwfcj Th rottare contain 4 rtinn f -- Hong, who was ANNAPOLIS. Md Jaau&ry H. nra wiley Colastlal. Ah leave. kitchen and hath room-- No Bnalnew raen wlH tell you u extr aCexoSxairfc SXo-Rolialv- said to have received the stolen Former United States Senator Ar- charr for hot nd cold water aac ttav. bb ad in The Republic- iXf reajmBahle. Ap if discharged thur Pne Gorman tens today "lertrir lisht. Rnt an briar food results be- property, was r?rvto-daf- p Re prerntK - - - fc-fc lob nrintinr at The plv oi the to J. Lisbtioot fc- ' - "Itfcl fc - to occupy the place in the Senate -- cause tie peop'.a rvd it. George Connlff was dl6ch&rffrf.BaT- pnblicaa office. Phone 218. rnaaaser. itS

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