The Honolulu Reublican, Thursday, January
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RATE Z One Tear 5.50 s 4 BETTER THAN! Z Six Months... 3.03-- 1 BY ORDERING s Three Months. L50; tvm . THE REPUBLICAN! - Phono 2 I tt I I I'l't'Ht T ( fr," THE HONOLULU Male SIS. RE V i tutt t it VOLUME NO. 504. HONOITJLTJ, rx., IV. H. THTJBSDAY, JANTJAST 23, 1902. PHICE PTVE CENTS Murray. F. M. Lynch. Mr. J. R representatives of the arid MAIL STEAMER Parker and 2 caUdren, J. A. Johnson, In-k- inc toward the abandonme G. Tuboer. Mr. N. B. Browne .CUBA EXPECTS BANKRUPTCY L general scheme of arid CURELESS SUCCESS . wife, Mr. H. T. Cooke, Taos. 3. Grew;. ciaaioon for the time btlajr. the Wra. C. Gregg. J. Mich els. wife aad Goxemment to jo ahead with Its. chlW. Mrs. J. Monaarrat. Mr. B. B. j three Irrigation experiments: bat I, DETER THE rai 1 Scbermerborn. Mr. P. Schneider, Mr. IF TARIFF IS UNCHANGED! think that is all that will be accom--j Iff L. Schaeitzer aad wife, Mr. T. E. I plished during; the present session.": Thompson. Mr. A. H. Wagner. Mr. G. i If-- COAST FROM TIE k. PACIFIC CABLE lOO ntura will sail at 10 o'clock COLONEL HaYES HERE ! thl morning with 172 through wncfrs for tne Colonies. "Pessimistic Vievs of Eastern Business Men IN INTERESTS OF A Mtaj Honolulu People Retarn Honse Committee Conference JUDGE GEAR GIVES ; PAGIFIG GABLE GO. JT From San Francisco iIahi uf n .. -- u ... l L - Fi i 0 ii Brought Oat Many Inter- the first news of 101 K ITOHl IliBIF ulSB IIIB lijBIffllllBe Last Night. m INIIS mW i "I have come to Hawaii to work esting ' Points. WILGOX' CONDITION , on the Pacific cable proposition.- - said On fays and leans, and Plead for a Colonel . B. Hayes, cable man. BUNGS FIVE DAYS LTER KEWS, irked capitalist ami nnaaci? if sew York, MARCONI'S RESULTS DISGUSSED "Hello! Ls Judge Gtr aboard" to a reporter at the The great steamship Ventura was ) nawaltan Hotel searing the Oceanic wharf last night, last night of Frieads at Oceanic Reduction of Duties. Advocates of Both Bndfeds from San Francisco and two thou-- t Existing Colonel Hayes had Just arrived from Prirate aad people Wharf to Meet the sand packed the wharf to the New York, via San Francisco, la the Government Lines Give very edge, awaiting to meet friends steamship Ventura. Passengers. l and learn the latest news from the WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. Cuban guard the interests we represent." , egatlon, was heard as to the tariff "1 have Eiilence. ll ; come hero in the interest Coast. Among the crowd there were ' was again under consider-- Representative McClellan of New ductlons Cuba was likely to make In ! if t hundreds of Hawailans. They were ' of a cable company of New York to - - atlon today by the Ways and Means York called to circulars re- to give United States con- ! Ventura Brings Large Consignment ( anxious to know ho Delegate Wil attention order the study up this end of the Pacific cable Business Men of the Orient Said to Committe'e --., ,-- with large representation ceived by himself ond other members trol of the market. He said the Cuban --v. M..i.,-ri- i. -- - u. h cox was getting along. The last work with a view to supplying my I Favor Plan cur--, of Having the Cable news was to effect he had of Cubans and of the various sugar of committee, attacking the tariff was rety low and should be f . f the that the rftmnflnt -- ,. ...! .. fit Twenty Passengers Has a Fair , j v,...H... IU1U..1. Mtiuu WUICU Wlilf Under the be extremeiy ni, but was on the and tobacco interests in attendance, i rent sugar quotations, and stating raised 50 to 70 per cent, and after Control of a Private enable it to place a bid for con- Voyage but was delayed by the road to recovery. I - sugar i the A delegation from the New York Pro- they were influenced by the that a differential granted to the Corporation Cable Can be Man-ufactur- tract to lay a Philip- 10 Whcn the Pub""11 reporter call Exchange reclproc- - men present to cable to the English MallsSails at a. m.. duce favorable to trust. The business United States sufficient control tie -n out across the water to know if Judge pines, via Honolulu, frcm Fran- - in the United States. ity and several delegations from the gave opinion that quotations as against other countries. He ! . their trade Cisco." , Gear was aboard, the .answer came continued Colonel Kyes. beet growing opposed to re--. were impartial. ! from Judge Gear, himself: "Hello sections accurate and favored ultimate free trade, both l snail remain here until the 5th "Vf J . T WASHINGTON. 11. f-- Plt&eea hoars on account a nprocity arrived morning. ., 5r tkSc WVS which --hf Said. WaS th OnlVinf, .. Jan. The late, of I this irm.Jlo ... ..u.o inn. - . - - nx mnnfh n.i.M,w,v.u .ill , there! Here am!" ..w. v.v,..." ." w., i Xlll ICIUIU IU fAl, , .. ...1 . .. .. n n 4eiay In the arrival of the English "How's Delegate Wilcox?" was then Ewan Thomas, of the nection that there was an evident solution of Cuba's commercial prob-(Sa- Francisco, where I have business i , i " : v"'v ,11""-- caow waa ee- - to execute In . "' ' malls at San Francisco, the Oceanic asked New York Produce Exchange, pre-- purpose in some quarters of preju- - lem rnnnortlnn un,k tno . """""J.,.. .... .. Steamship Company's Ven-- , Improving," jcame answer. ! same idea. n ,.i., Bn ' steamer "He's the sented views of organization. dicing cause Cuban reciprocity Free Trade at Havana. l ! CoVmUtec" C7mme the that the of ' go Yofk --- in ' shall to New my ; immediately tne good news was SLid ( J?"0 - ten arriTed from San Francisco and Ho ,ear $90oo,000 of by creating a public impression that Long -- -. ... that last When Representative brought i ..,- .utku mt- w.,matuig no oin-- ; report. tfc J"'ra "ne nawanan to tne , f!n- - "Whprpa?; Sill f f iJ shortly) wpnt. ennr-h- docked at Oceanic wharf A f d product.-c - tn fh -- M fc .. behind --It.-, - rtiir (ftot - Vfr-. PInnoW Yiod fro-- I 'm rnis uils.w u u J Wt.UV- . W. l.Ul. ( - During my stay in islands -- 9 I J & . - cnrO-At- t tese 0ClOCk VKttSnlaV PVOnlnC in oKnuf TK nnv lin lincmnLC tVio. foi- Vitwl , . TTn..nnn tU ..f,nn r - t ftr - '" thA Unu-- , " wwut . 4fv V,.Vrnn winf v"- - - wu irllnnccoa.uv frint ii uuu..chntrn the UUUC l L II.VWIUU. IUU VUUUU OlUIVV3- I V15IL HnVHl hntv 'e t w.iv- i.4o SDail ana . ...a . .m t "v ttt ra1.rviAlyciLSUiv W U3 . I some cf the w.nril nt ,l A l.. ; - '.,.. lurire ct"v. si wnii mu amjuJ.I ui r being done by members of Pro- Cuban cause stood on its own merits, man explained amid L .giiter ho i Islands nv,!! jniDrovnc Jn the that other for purpose V opy hoalfhsij . the i - I. the mmmec in pii ot tne mie nour -- Exchange. Continuing, and C. P. Arm-- , majority, over the gr - t.u ";rin statement of yester-- I" j won,i.r how Wllmr was imk. duce he said: Charles Rabiaan vielded to the and that bvl ound im a ...'...ue iu i.- - ..- -. ...... .. , j ti .t.i Hono-- 1 --- j. no ?aiu u oenvveo many came , uiat tne ai pea,TS....for ed scores of times by people of all "Should United States refuse to strong or tne rrouuee .xenange aiso asking much it was nopeu to get as januing piaces tor ; company the """"" he represented would he . I political denominations. Then some spoke favor ....!reciprocity and were possible. to "lt 'aciuc w1?- - l am in nojies that or .iiiM nn (ho'im. in of near as He 50 r,inHnn ' that we able to make excltmivo I W1" ,5n(! traffic irv one who u a s"ItaWp landing plac 0 n Tlie Ventura left Saa Francisco had just heard the news ,i, , . r f-- examined at lenRth bv Chairman ;o nor cent as the lowest ronr.ession f ' ranircments frnm nnintm ti ! U...J tuMM-- 1 i 'oiW inform the inquirers ..i J!"'- "Sh il b makes 17th. t :S2 a. ra. and made that the Payne members of committee grant . .. '.,.- re. pblllpplnes - )nlianNll 0 ,lPnov hA and the which would -- relief. i - - - and connecting with Chi- c5"""----"'"-""-,""- ' ' iim in . a . R "ewgato was better. ... i - inn niiiuranfam...t.w v i thuLiir . i trip In days 2 - taituiio i tne down hours .,.!-.- on tne or tne export As hearings Representa-.1 , ,, a ami .. .... ,.. ....,. - bn - - to -- detai.s iraue to, the closed !sisn,is n . jnjan....tie maintained that will nlanters. rn - m... result rain the . ' nf . 'iHd iitoiii. mi4i iiiiiiiiirs iuici Jiiuci; - " " "c ivaucci- Wh,,e 42 tntaote. weather was ,,,. and effect of reciproc- t WaS P to the Tennessee, " Te i Gear nasseil iinwn thp rnntrwnv bankruptcy to the merchant and tive Richardson of the ed, and probably will be connected tbr Hm, otne rough aeas were OI1 tfthottili a faogt Qf H(J wag laboring classes . il various sugar interests. ranking Democrat on the committee, with each otlur as soc" as " T "" olhers pushIng Kreat distress to the the cable Mnv ,, k.v. vI.Im. ftpwicured. nd Louis-- j Raid: :r IaH ' perspiring and acknowledging a of Cuba, followed by serious indus--i Representative Robertson of JF I rangetuenU with the KasL H Cargo for Honolulu.