Presidential Action to End Coal Strike Is Expected Soon
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■ ■ .. 7 r ■ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 ,194S Manchest^r Evening Herald Average DsOy Circulation For to* Mento of May, 1848 Tht^ eather the autoiiiiobiles were on their way Gifford, Jr., P ratt and Whitney I /.' \ Por*«M« *1 O. A Waatber Bar*** Ifia. BHaabeth Dowd of 709 Public Records to or. from employment. Aircraft, lA ; John W . Melesko, 8,230 T-Mifi atraot haa returned from Pleasure Car Frequent inspections are to be More Appeals Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, lA ; < Dental Degree Mepitor *f to* Aadit Contlauad warm aad humid to- mtTown Now Tork, whore aha want to at made in and around amusement William F. Brockhaua, Pratt and tend the wadtUng of bar aon Henry places’'‘pnd when cases of flagrant Whitney Aircraft, lA. Botcmi *< OtoeslstfoM algfct aad Friday feraaooa. Marrtoga Intonttona Turned Down and MtM Anna KriaaMc of Aatoria, For Mozzer Checkup Here and willful violation are found a Claastfioatloiu of marked man ____ I o f m n Ctartni The caramony took Andrew/^bula, TJ. 8 . Army Air summons will be issued “on the without children are ooeupylng tha Manehetter— A Clly of ViUofie Charm 'mm r t u l a ^ *® ^ )laoa on M ay 80 at the Precioua Forces34 Union street, , and spot” by the Inspectors. Violators local draft board largely during Its - i - I mrMh hoM. at Lioouat 3k>od church, Aatoria. The bride Margitret M. Rowe, secretory, of No iSummons Issued in are ,to' be given hearings at the Local Draft Bbartl Is present sessions. However, the (GlaaaHlad AdvertialBg as Pag* I f ) Manchester Resident Is VOL. LXn., NO. 208 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY,\i u n E: 8, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) ,%W^tonishtat«:80 and bridegroom are apending their 353^'Hilllard Street; Richard J. OPA quarters irt Hartford. Upheld in Most o f Its next contingent from Manchester PRICE T h r e e r a Mtaanal «C tb* v«oltal. Vb»y honeymoon in New York City. Graduated at Columbia p^gmato, city fireman, of 26 W d-. Tow n; Iiis|»ectors^ V isit will be made up mostly of y o u ^ r to fM M Trttey. Ju m 4 at tigtit -bott street, Hartford, and (^ladys Taverns and Grills. Classifications. ,who have reached the age of 18. Mra. Lana Hill of 4T Edward University Yesterd^ Ethel Belluccl. of 78 Birch street, Seek ^i&orkers Btraet wfll grant tha uae of her and Thomas E. Ryan, U. 8 . Army Navy Reports AUies Pound Italian 'Islands home thla evening far a.aoclal and Manchester was visited by two The local Selective Service board ____ __ CRM dab wm (Special to The Herald)^ o f 123 Willetts avenue. New Lon Chinese Soldiers kitchen bingo for the benefit of the don, and Ruth Arlene Shea, 48 Inspectors representing the Office' For Plavgrouiuls was upheld in four of ito six 1A Its aunwl bcnqiMt this «*«• Dagraa ofPocahontaa. Priiea will New York, June 2—T ^ degree \ classifications of registr^to in the WHITE GAS « t tiM KUiehMtw; CloantTy Bissell street, applied for mar of Price Administration, Hartford Bombers Raid Presidential Action be awarded tha winnera and ra- of Doctor of Dental Surgery wSa riage licenses in the town clerk’s last returns from the .County Ap CSutlnnui Raymond Brick* branch, last night to check-up on Director ..Howard Brown of \he peal Board. In the other two re (No Lead) ‘ freahmenta will be aerved. conferred today by thi Faculty of office today. CORSIC , and w « aoeUl commlttM hmrc any violations of the pleasure Recreation Centers is seeking turns one registrant waa given a Push to Yangtze fo r it program and wiva# Dentistry of Columbia University W'arrantoe Deeds automobile driving ban. The town workers for, playgrounds during For Blow Torches, Jap Postons The praiae and prayer aervlce 2B classification for six months lla___ d y frianda o f tha mambara on Raymond Richard Mozzer, of Walter W. Keeney et als, to Pe was found to be generally In com the summer vacation. He has made and the other a 2B classification Cleaninsr Purpoees, ba praaant. Chef Arnold Pa- thia evening at 7:30 at the Church ter Jason]"' land on Burnham pliance with the regulation and no several appeals for men and wom of the Naaarena will be followed by 105 Eldrldge , 4treet, Manchester. for two months. A ll o f the appei Gasoline Stoves and To End Coal Strike arin aarva a roaat ehlokan dln- street'. summonses were issued here. The en seeking full or part time posi were for occupational defei[(pei Air-Activity Renewed im the monthly meeting of the church A t tfie exercises, held on the cam two Inspectors who made the check losite abont 8 o’clock. Thoae attand- Allen A Hitchcock, Inc., to An tions and still has received but few The Appeal Board findings >^ere Power Lawn Mowera. ■ra ramindad to board the bua board. pus, 8.86^ degrees and a number here alsb went to Wilhmantlc. No I *____ gelin# M. Yourkas, property on responses. Anyone wishing to take as follows: \‘ South Pacific; Ki^ka In t tha Depot Square termlnua of hondiary awards were present- summonses-were Issued there. lla a ftn t Oakland street. over one of the playgrounds dur Joseph E. Wltkowskl, /Rogers t;15. Mlaa Hazel Hamilton, daughter ClMck. Licenae Plates ing the summer should contact Di Paper Mfg: Co., 2B for sto^onths; Also Hit as E|iGmy Emmeline Curran to Allen A SurrouniL4,000 Invad of Mr. and Mra. David Hamilton Inspection was made only at rector Brown at once. Raymond L. Jaycox, Mumm-Whlt- GERICH'S of 17 Brimmer atreet, Boaton, Hitchcock, property on Maple Arms by Air Wiped Out Attu. Is Expected Soon WC. rran ds 8 . Piach, aon of Mr. known and recognized pleasure 'These directors are needed thia ney Machine Co., lA ; Frederick J; FILLING STATION ers Farther Down Riv SARDIN IA 1 Mra. Frank Piach o f 464 Hart- Maaa., formerly of thla town, who street. places. License numbers were list season as never before. So many Barrett, Hamilton Std. \Propeller, Buckland will be graduated from High achoOl ed from cars parked immediately er; Recapture Town Washington, Jtuta 3—<)IV- Re d Road, haa completed hla train- people are now working and four 2B for two monthu^Edwg^ L. C. To^China Fill Tyrrh*nian at an air baae In Nebraaka, and thla month, will enter Tufts Col adjacent to taverns, grills , and playgrounds that will be open newed aerial actm ty In tha South lan Roosevelt Calls CIO-AFL lege in July, to major in i;hemia- dance places. Then the inspectors O f Changyang and Sm Miners Want One-Forth '.la akpacted home within a few daya morning, afternoon and evening z .4 , Facifle with /i^erioaa bombera Labor War Board to ^ an a abort furtougti before he be- try. ____ Heads Elected visited the Interior of .thpse spots will need supervlalon. Heretofore Occupy Port o f ' Chih- Road^s Loss inquiring for the drivers' of cars pounding Japanese positions on ^ training at South Dakota there has always been a greater B ou gan 'v^ was reported by the White House for Con College. Members of the Woman’* AuxU- bearing the license numbers they number of applicants than posi king Belcyw Jap Base. Pact Signed O f Incom e lary of St. Mary'a Eplacopal ^ d noted down. The Inspectors N avy ^today in a oommunique By Department tions but ,|hat is reversed thla which^ told also of bombing rrida PaUrmo ference; Appeal to church arc ramlnded of the com were prepared to Issue a summons A ^Comfortable TtconThirds Tonnage to ement— year. It le pleasant and easy work. on Klaka in the Aleutians and a munion service tomorrow (Aacen- to anyone who did not have . a ' Chungking/, June 3.— (A*)— Bonds Goal cpntlnued wiping out of amall To Dig Again iners, Invocation o f akm Day) at 10 o’clock, also to legitimate reason for being In the Chinese troops have driven to Be Carried in Month Oarden fertillaar, $8.96 par 100 Fire Companies 1 and enemy groups on Attu. bring their thank-offerlnga. Red place and who was found to be •anctions or Compro Ground bone W.B6 10<^ the right bank of the Yangftze Will Mean Replace’ Large Area were started at Tln- Latania Sheep manure $1.75 per bag, Croaa sewing which was omitted 3 Choose Officers at driving his car while pleasure 'ummer At Home! today will follow the communion Rummage Sall^ opposite Ichang in an air- puto harbor and Numa Numa har Strikers Prefer Definite Morgenthau Says Each mise Willi I.«wi8 Pos ^Portland cement 70c bag at the bent. ment of Old Voh^e, bor by the bombers which struck ■^.PANTILIIRIA SICILY Mrvlce. The Annual Meetings. Because o f the weather the num supported colinter-oifensive , ntora. Oraaa aeed 40c Ib. Oombina' the northeast coaat of Bougain Contract Instead o f Family Must Invest sible Roads Open Now. ‘ ‘UcB Bcraen and atorm doora, |7.76 ber of cars on the highways was Thiirs., June 3, 10 A. M. oil Heavy Hardwood against the Japanese and Because o f the school concert Washington, June — ville. Two small enemy veaaeU off ‘ W . Barry England, Manchea- Hose and Ladder Company No. greatly reduced and hone of the Store in WiaRnell Bldg. / have surrounded 4)000 of the Truce Pending Settle Amount to Carry Its this evening, it haa been decided to Wings over the Himalaya soon Tlnputo were bombed and one was Washington, June 3.— (iP) tar Green. Phone 8461.