Fighting in Paris As Germans Return Bulgaria Also Phoney-Phoning Squad Talks Over Germans' 5-Party Line French Forces Hold Reported Set by Carl W
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Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations Vol. 1 No. 46 New York—London—Rennes Friday, Aug. 25, 1944 Fighting in Paris as Germans Return Bulgaria Also Phoney-Phoning Squad Talks Over Germans' 5-Party Line French Forces Hold Reported Set By Carl W. Larsen Americans didn't reveal their loca- Stars and Stripes Staff Writer tion, since artillery fire already was Key Points in City; WITH A U.S. INFANTRY DIVI- landing close to them. SION, Aug. 24—The Wehrmacht's The telephone expedition began * To Quit War Signal Corps probably still is trying when a Free French officer informed to figure out how American troops officers at the unit's headquarters l managed to telephone the head- that he knew of the whereabouts of Third Army Gains *iSay British Diplomat quarters of five Nazi fortresses in the a German-laid underground military St. Savern area last week on the cable to the fortresses. In Turkey Has Been Germans' "secret lines." Pvt. Arthur Blaheta, of Chicago; "Weil, are you guys going to give M/Sgt. Karrel Pusta, of New York; French Second Armored Division Sounded Out up or do we have to blast hell 1/Lt. John P. Raikos, of New York, Allied capitals were rife last night out of your place?" was the Ameri- and Maj. Alexander were assigned Is Liberation Spearhead; Patton with rumors that Bulgaria, one of can greeting—spoken in German to locate the wires. Hitler's Balkan satellites, would fol- to the operators in eacih of the They found the cable in the base- low the example of Rumania and fortresses. ment of a shelled building and set Drive 15 Miles Beyond Sens Quit the war, swinging to the side Maj. Joseph M. Alexander, of New up their Signal Corps equipment. of the United Nations. York, who led the U.S. phoney- Five minutes later they had con- Paris still heard the rattle of small-arms fire yesterday as German One report said that Bulgarian dip- phoning squad, said that "all of them nected their first call to a fortress. troops, apparently In violation of a truce with French forces to per- lomats in Ankara, Turkey, had act- thought it was some other Germans For nearly an hour, Blaheta and mit the Germans to evacuate the city, were reported to have re-en- ually approached British Ambassa- trying to fool them, but we soon Pusta, who speak both French and convinced them that we meant German, were busy delivering the tered several sections and to have clashed with elements of the dor Sir Hugh Knatchbull-Hugeson French Forces of the Interior. with the view toward opening peace business. "surrender-or-else" ultimatum to the negotiations. "The Nazis really were bewildered fortress commanders. Exactly what was transpiring inside Paris remained confused. De- Meanwhile, no confirmation was and one of our interperters heard American artillery fire opened up spite the announcement Wednesday by Gen. de Gaulle's headquar- forthcoming from either London or one say to another: 'These Ameri- on the fortresses when none of them ters that the capital had been liberated, Allied supreme headquarters Moscow on Rumania's move to di- cans are clever." acceded to the demand. Two days kept a tight silence on the subject and announced only that gains vorce Hitler and join the Allies. In Alexander added that an inquisitive later prisoners streamed from them had been made on other sectors—American, British and Canadian. the wake of a royal proclamation operator persisted in asking "just and the "gateways" to St. Malo It was evident, however, that the , broadcast by Radio Bucharest where are you calling from?" The were opened. French were holding ^11 but a few [Wednesday, announcing establish- key points in Paris. They were re- ment of a pro-Allied government, ported to have asked for assistance Moscow reports yesterday said fight- of the American armies virtually at Yanks 'Reach' ing was continuing between Red Nazis Gamble Other Troops the gates of the city, but there was SVrmy troops and Germans in no word from supreme headquarters Rumania. that American forces actually had Swiss Border, In -Washington, however, Secre- To Save SS and Panzers entered. tary of State Cordell Hull hinted Gen. Patton's Third Army forces confirmation of th? Bucharest report By Earl Matfo were reported to have advanced Near Avignon When he told a press conference that Stars and Stripes Staff Writer 15 miles' from Sens, which they ^/reports indicate Rumania is aban- WITH AN ARMORED RECON UNIT, FRANCE, Aug. 23—Judging by reached two days ago. Sens is 60 ■^■•doning her inglorious war on Hitler's miles southeast of Paris. Bide." z German units being wiped out and prisoners being taken both in and Bordeaux Is Liberated beyond the French "pocket", the German High Command is gambling French 'In Vanguard' ' Swiss Radio said Marshal Ion The military correspondent of the Algiers Radio Says; !Antonescu, Rumania's pro-Nazi pre- the safety of many of its ordinary Wehrmacht troops to save what official Allied'Press Service said last mier, had fled to Germany. it can of SS and other Nazi elite. night the Second French Armored Fight in Toulon A London economist, commenting German ground, air force and infantry outfits have been rushed to Division was in the "vanguard of the on Rumania's reported move, said this front, for instance, and men advance on Paris." German forces As Algiers radio reported the liber- over BBC last night that the hew captured tell of relieving SS and he said, were opposing the Allies on development will mean elimination ation of Bordeaux, important French Panzer people and of others, in the outskirts of the city port on the.Atlantic coast 125 miles of vital oil supplies from the Ger- The strangulation of the great Jman war machine. He said that 2,000 Heavies small groups, moving through them from the Spanish border, an uncon- to the rear. German pocket west of the Seine is ^throughout the war Rumanian oil- being accelerated., headquarters said. firmed Swiss dispatch said American Ipelds in the Carpathians have sup- One captain decried the fact that Gen. Koenig's headquarters troops had reached the Swiss fron- plied the crude oil which has been Pound Enemy the SS and Panzer men who mana- last night issued a detailed account tier in the vicinity of Geneva. refined at Ploesti and in Germany ged to escape the American and of the Maquis fight to liberate the Meanwhile, with all but the port British trap are "running" so fast. former capital of France. area of Marseilles securely in Allied Reds Take Kishinev, Germany,SatellitesHit He figured the troubles between the The communique told of pitched hands, American 'and French forces Nazi chiefs and the Wehrmaccht of- battles between resistance fighters yesterday were driving northwest Bessarabia Capital In American Raids; ficers may be a reason. and the enemy, in which the Ger- from the city, and one report said Meanwhile the pursuit and anni- mans brought tanks and machine- guns into play, and decribed city- U. S. troops were near Avignon. \ Kishinev, capital of Bessarabia, RAF Active hilation of German fighting strength Fighting is still in progress in the Jtyas captiiFvd yesterday by troops of in this part of France continues. wide disruption of transport and port area of Toulon. ^Russia's Second and Third Ukranian More than 2,000 heavy bombers While mostly the fighting in the last communications brought about by Though sporadic street clashes lArmies in an operation which roared out from bases in England few days has been hot pursuit, a bit the Maquis. continued along the Marseilles water- Marshal Stalin's Order of the Day and Italy yesterday to strike oil, of firing, then mass German surren- Saturday Decisive front, most of the city was quiet. The described as "a skillful outflanking aircraft and industrial targets in der, some German pockets have stood "Saturday, Aug. 19, was the deci- French National Committee of Libe- mianuever combined with a frontal Germany and her satellite countries. to fight a hard losing battle. The se sive day in the Battle of Paris," Gen. ration, functioning in the prefecture, assault." A salute today in Moscow of While 1,300 heavily escorted Forts isolated pockets now are everywhere Koenig's report said. "From early early yesterday morning began 24 salvoes from 324 guns will mark and Liberators of the Eighth Air in this sector. morning, following the order to re- feeding the hungry popuiace from ithe victory. Today Pvt. Sam Deas, of Florence, volt given by the Paris liberation secret food stores which patriots i At the same time, Soviet forces Force iiit central and northern Ger- S.C., with his supply truck carrying In a wide sweep to the west and many, 750 heavies from Italy raided committee and the national resist- had hoarded during German occu- Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia 800 gallons of gasoline and two tons ance council, the strike movement pation. The food supply was reported southwest from Jassy captured four of high explosives, ran upon a group adequate for about five days. more Rumanian strongholds. Stalin's and Italy. More than 750 Eighth of Germans. He shot one of them spread, and fighting increased in all second Order of the Day said troops Fighter Command Mustangs, Thun- and took another prisoner, then con- carts of the city." With most of the Germans of the second Ukranian front in a derbolts and Lightenings escorted tinued up to the "front" with his The German garrison in Paris re- cleared out of Marseilles, Gen.