LOW TIDE HI,GH TIDE 4-1-69 4-1-69 o 5 at 1012 b 6 at 0406 o 3 at 2224 r, 8 at 1618 lASS !! ------,- VOL 9 No 375S' Monday. March 31, 1969 Thousan Mourners Pay I Wafer (oleli,iol Oralae Today's News uSE:) YFS'l'EFDAY 226,400 GALS

Eisenhower Final Homage ::::: IN fTO'1ACb 5,300,000 GALS At a Glance WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Mourners by the thousands, kIngs from abroaJ as wel~ as hIgh school tourlsts from the heartland of Amerlca, paId homage to Dwlg~t RAINFflLT Vb c: iF RDAY 45(1, 000. GALS EISENHOWER Statesman's fUneral D Elsenhower In the Capltol Rotunda today before hlS last jOl.rney home held today Ab~lene bur~al tomorrow The doors of the great hall under the CapItol dome were kept open un'l.!. 2 35 pm--an hour later than orlglnally planned--to accommodate the crowds The RA TliMI-J.Ja 9 frrvored us yesterday SAIGON -- North Vwt Irani reported to that stretched four abreast outslde In sunny, cold weather for the equlv­ but the s~y Looks clpar once aga~n be completely rebu~lt alent of SlX Clty blocks Please C'ooperate z,n th COl'We"lnng our Observers estlmated that more than 55,000 persons had passed th~ tormer water 'lUPDZlI ~n e>very hitle way poss~­ NIXON -- De Gaulle and Boudou1-n among Presldent's flag-draped casket ln the Rotunda by the tIme the 20 hours of ble world's d~gn~tar~es v~s~t~ng the Pres publlC vlewlng was ended to permIt ~dent at the Wh~te House famlly, frlends and dlgnltarles to pay the1r prIvate respects Nixon Meets Privately With EARTHQUAKES -- Several quakes reporte The late-afternoon state funeral around the wOr'ld at Washlngton Natlonal Cathedral drew more than 2,000 worshippers, French President De Gaulle DETROIT -- New Programs a~med at bet­ IncludIng Mrs Elsenhower and her WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Presldent Nlxon, startlng a s' lle~ of talks WI~n foreIgn dig­ ter commun~ty relat~ons Zeaves more famlly, Presldent Nlxon, former nItarIes here for the funeral nf Dwigf't D ~cserhoweY met prIv'ltely for almost to be des1-red Presldent Johnson, the hlerarchy an hour toda;y ;nth Fre'1ch }resldent C'halles ae Gb.u~12 In the Ilvlng quarters of of U S government, 18 chlefs of the W1nte House PAKISTAN -- Yahya Khan assumes Pres­ state and other foreIgn dlgnltar1es NIxon, who later met w1th K1ng Bou_oulnIl of BelgIum, gre=t,d De Gaulle on a ~dency s red carpet at the South Portl~e dIP ometi entrdl Ct to the ~h1te Hoube and took h1.m to the Yellow Oval ROOT)) There, t"le two reads of stat~ conferrea for 50 'ANGUILLA -- Ieland and Bnta~n (Jome m1.nutes WIth only two Int~lprpters prC~ent Ito agreement Troops pulZ7-ng out WhIte House Press Secretar., Roruld Zlegl.c:r SRld rr,' ~t WA,., no torma.!. agenda ---- I for th p l' "t1ng bl t that N1xon and De Polarities Blam ed GauIJ e "d~ocu"sed matters gOlng beyond Quakes Mideast, courtpsJ' 11 't's P oblems D, 'a. if .. as rc.'IF'du~ed to arrIve at outhern Europe, Africa Fo r Det rO I r trc SOl"' entran~e 01 the ~~lte House UPI -- Earthquakes rumbled through DETROIT (VPI)-- Nel. prol';Yams all'l~d qt a' 10 m, PST He scfPPPd from hlS the Mlddle East, southern Europe and frcD,h-wad, C~troen unio the red carpet better pollce-cow~unlty rr tlons dnc northeastern Afr1ca today, swaYlng at 9 50 [LJ 'the n.en w rf' wlthout top hlrlng hard-core unempcoJ~Q were ~q ~'I­ tall bU1ldlngs In Calro, shlftlng ed In Detrol t after 1 ts u67 not, but <-oats de··.v~te a vola, lJl-lstery WInd desks and chalrs In Tel AV1V offlces the c1ty stlll shares the urban prou­ Je Gau_~e ~ee~ec L, want to enter the and leav1ng hundreds homeless through lems of the tlfleo Wh~t(' tlouse the Instant he was greeted out the reglon At least seven na­ ~y Nlxon, 'ut ~lXOP got hIm to hesl­ Detro1t M~yor Jero~e P Cavanag'I, cr tlons were hlt tate 1,DC C -lQugn for t,he photograpners a recent appearance tFf-,e a le~ls' The death toll was at least 65 ~re~en" t~eIr tlve commlttee, dloc~sseci t,e pre· .. ms to snap plctures Then Selsmologlsts In Washlngton, Tokyo, of the natlon'~ flftr largert Clty en the Fre"1cP Presldent turned abruptly and Uppsala, Sweden, reported they terms of all c~tles , ana waLyed InoO the executIve ma~oo had recorded t~e qUakes Cavanagh talked abOl,t "lPcrrrC,l'lg trall~d t) NIxon Nine persons were lnjured In Egypt polar1zatlon Wl thl 1 clllS COJI,Lry Nlxon escorted ue C~ulle to hlS auto­ and hundreds fled Into Calro streets mob_] F ar d wa, to hIm as he departed the mlddl '-:!ged le~ ~ us 'he J01 ng b I ~ lJ.. pu when a tremor struck at mldmornlng +'1<.. WhIte T{ouse to retclrn t<- hlS quar­ versus W'Ilte, 'he prosperous \~rsUQ the Two hours later a quake was felt In ter~ dt the French Embassy t-=::::---::::o---~--_,__,_--::_:::__---=..=_=i poor " Tel Aviv, shlftlng furnlture in some II, [,...,1.., ..... ,+ NIxon and Klng Boudou1n, stand1ng be­ offlces and cs' sing some persons to tween all honor gub-ru 01 b().J...tll.er~ ~n Pr'es~dent uunght D E~senhower was part1cularly woeful effects or t,j1P rlln into clvilian defense shelt~rs made Feb 2, 1969, 1-n h1-s SU1- te at Cl ty," he sald ~]~e OVerL(at~ _n~ whlte gloves, chat­ Eth10plan offlclals sald at least Wal ter Reed AI'I111f Med~cal Center' ~n Hubert Lecke, Calan"c'h' ~ adrlJ n~s- cEd ~rlE.fly 'lc 1 nt south entrance~ 300 persons were left homeless in t-W~a=s~h~~~n~to~n~ ______~ tratlve aIde untIl ocrly In Iq~8 wh~n then walked 1"1'~ the Wllte House wlth the v1llage of Serdo In the north­ The actual serVlce approved by he becdffie head of the rellglon dep3.rt- tlw Pre~ldent' s arm around the Klng's west corner of the country as a re­ c,'Ir1.

ed by the fact they could not come Wl th hInts of a Dower strJV - 11.. I ·er the alr war to Washlngton.__ " ______the mll1.tary headed by Farya K! E.11 and "Some of thelr major brldges even the nat1on' s b-lreaucrats have two auxlllary spans ln case the Anguilla Rebellion ThlS became eV1dent, WIth tne efforts maln one 1S dropped by a resumptlon of F1da Hasan, one of former Pres1dent of bomblng, II one Amerlcan source saId Mohammad Gayab Khan's chlef adv ers, today More than 400 trucks move Ends in Agreement to follow the same coursF' under 'J at ya southward da1.1y wlth war supplles for THE VALLEY, ANGUILLA (UPI)-- Great An announcement was lssueu Thursday the battlefronts Brltaln and Angullia slgned an Inter- naming FIda Hasan as ~org three ad­ The halt ln the bomb1ng has created 1m frlendshlp and cooperatIon agree­ visers to Yahya Khan, but the announc.e­ 'I a lackadaislcal attl tude among many ment today. ending the Carlbbean IS­ ment was subsequently wcthdrawn end ,North Vletnamese, accordlng to 1n­ land's two year role as a rebel there were reports Hac an had II rr'. ' Itelllgence reports, and the Hanol lea­ Britlsh paratroopers and pollce, Ayub Khan reSIgned as Presl tellt 1 'l.~­ :dershlp 1S sald to be dlsturbed about who occupIed the Island 12 days ago, Tuesday, hand1ng over con t,.o 1 t :, ya thlS were to be withdrawn as soon as Bri­ Khan after months of VIolent ay,tl-gcv­ HanOl'Sj news medla are complalnlng tain considered it feasible--possibly ernment riots and neW" anart..}IY Y9.1,r " IWlth Increaslng regularlty about w1.thin a matter of days Khan 1mposed martlal law and del ,,<-,j The pact prov1des Anguilla will death for violators of pUDLc r reiC'l ~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~; andeaucracy, lethargy corruption, absenteelsm henceforth be under the direct auth­ A communlque from the MI '1lSt n ,f I ,­ The Amerlcan sources sald the aver­ orlty of a resident British commlS- format1on in Rawalpindl today sal ~ .. 1 age NQrth Vietnamese c1tizen has only s ioner "in full consul tat ion and co­ was necessary for Yahya Kran, ~'), ',~ t lenough food for two meals a day, des- as,sume the t1.tle of Pres~lu·)t tc ·,r,_ operation wlth representatives of the ~~~~~~~~~:g~~lpite Increased shIpments of rice from people of Anguilla" form certain functions ~rder PI~~~car~ the Sovlet Unlon and Communist Ch1na ~ ___... __ .m=n __ ~' In a recent speech, North Vletna- Britain agreed to accept Anguilla's fUld int_rnatlO'lal law On] y fer re,­ ~ seven man elected council headed by ident can ratify treati",-, TeL'" lm~se Premler Le Thanh Nghi asked the apPolntmen!9 of ambassadors. to " II ------Ie ------) Page 2 HO,'RC14SS Monday, .farch ~------~------.------~~------~------~------~ Gun Cantr I Act Valunt rs B gin W rk AROUND TOWN ;,e Gun ~ontrol Act of 1968, PL 90- On April 2, volunteers from all organ­ 618, ~r0v~Q~Q that 'It shall be unlaw­ izations on island will begin soliciting f~~ for any I Erson knowllngly to lmport contributions from fellow workers on be­ "Big Find" is Gold n Cowry for Bill Pauul 0.- bY) ng l'1t·-.J the '1'11 ted StateD or any half of the Aloha Council, Boy Scouts Everyone dreams of making that "big find" It may be pJ"st:E"io-, thereof any f ~re3...'1il or ammu­ of America This year's fund drive will a spouse, a job, a gem or a state of mind nlt1')1' " run three days--Aprll 2,3,4--with con­ Bill Pauulei, a Global heavy equipment operator, ~s al­ ThP de+]nlt10n of "flrearm or ammunl­ tributions going to help extend the ef­ ready marrled He has a well-paying job, and he's tlon" lncl ... deG war souvenlrs and des­ fectiveness of scouting throughout Pac­ friendly tructIve devIces, whether ln good condl­ fic areas The Aloha Council in Honolulu serves , , He doesn't sport a huge diamond on his flnger, but re­ tlon or not, 11ve or empty Thus old \ cently Bill did find somethlng some conslder as valuable Items of mliltary ammunltl0~, such as scouting organizations in the Marshall -- a golden cowry. rlfle wld plstel cartrldges, grenades, Islands, Samoa, Wake, Midway, Oahu, and Whlle working on a nearby lsland, the find was made mortar rour' de , fuses, and the 11ke, Kauai The Council, like its counter­ "My frlend, Eddie Wharton, walked over it I was behlnd EVEN IF THEY ~ SAFE, are prohlblted parts in the states, employs profession­ him and grabbed the cowry It was alive and Just lying lmportatl01' ally trained personnel to provide fac­ on the reef" Tropical Storm Phyllis may have been the MarlJ of these 1 tems, if lnspected and ilities, services, and programs neces­ reason for the cowry's unusual location approved, may be allowed lmportatlon sary for the success of scouting Mrs Elden Buck lS the only other known islander who has ~fter mlnor modlflcatl0r Do you have Fund money is used to help support the a golden cowry It was glven to her several years ago any of these? For further lnformatlon, costs of such things as field trips to What will Bill do with his shell? call CPT Gregory M Burke, 81361, the Marshalls by a professional scouter, "I send my chlldren boxes of shells So, thlS one duty hours counseling and training volunteer lead­ wlll go to them The shells are taken to school and dlS­ ----~------ers, registration, issuance of badges, played since many on the KwaJalein Atoll are not found "Know the Regulations" scouting literature, monthly and yearly ln the islands " KMR Regulatlon 190-14 and Global program guidance aids, postage costs, Bill and his wlfe, Thelma, have eight chlldren They Procedure 4500-4 establlsh procedures rechartering of scouting units, order­ are Thelma, 10, Wliliam, 9, Blilie, 8, Bonnie, 7, Nancy, for reg1"tratl0n, lmmunlzatlon and con­ ~ng of uniforms and manuals, maintenance 6, Robert,S, Trudy, 4, and Jo, 2 trol of pets on the Kwajaleln Mlss1le of a summer camp on Oahu, and coordin­ On hlS fam1ly's Slze, Blll remarked, "Yes, we love ,Range ThlS regulatlon and procedure ation of regional and national events, kids " are applIcable to all resldents of KMR particularly those involving boy parti­ H1S work takes hlm throughout the atoll At the All pets over nlnety days old m~t be cipation time Bill found the golden cowry, hlS crew was blasting • regJ~tered at the Central Pollce Statlon Residents who contribute $12 00 or a reef Then, trenches were dug for installation of and Inoculate~ annually for rables more are considered Sustaining Members communlcatl0ns cable Inoculat~on and reglstratlon tags are of Boy Scouting and are so recognized by "After the dynanute blasts, schools of sharks appeared requlred to be worn on the anlmal's a wallet-sized membership card issued by to feed on the dead fish I once saw one ahout 10 feet cJl1ar Durlng a temporary absence the Aloha Council "Coconut crabs are about the only hazard They fro~ KMR, the owner must arrange care can pinch you a good one" Bill's been on Kwaj alein for the pet and notlfy the Pet Regls- Ebeye Exchange Program four years and owns a perfect safety record trdtlon DESk, Central Pollce Statlon One of the very lnterestlng act lV­ .------~ 01 Lne arrangements Upon permanent ltles sponsored by the Yokwe Yuk Wo­ aeparture, the owner w1ll report to the men's Club IS the Ebeye Exchange Pro­ Pet ~egIstratlOI' Desk WIth the new own­ gram whose purpose lS to foster coop­ er to transfer reglstratl0n eratlve actlvltles between Amerlcan No dogs, cats, or other pets wil~ be and Marshallese women The program was allowed to run at large at KMR JUI establlshed In 1966 as the result of a ovmers mus"t Jreep thelr dogs, cats and growlng reallzatl0n that women of two other pets under dlrect control of a cultures have a great deal to offer one responslble person When not under another sucL d1rec"t control, dogs ~111 be con­ The Ebeye Exchange Program has proved flned 1n a faml1y type dwelll11g or a extremely successful Demonstratlons fenced yard or be restralned pn a leash and work shops presented alternately by to prpvent roamlng Cats must be cared Ebeye and Amerlcan women have been re­ for In a manner as rIot to create a nUl­ celved wlth unfal1lng enthuslasm One sance of the early programs presented by rep­ Impertatlon of new pets to KMR lS pro­ resentatlves of the Ebeye Women's Clubs hlblted and pets may not be moved from was a demonstratlon o~ the preparatIon one lsland to another wlthln KMR Fe­ of lndlgenous foods such as coconut male pets must be lsolated whl1e In breadfrUIt, and taro Later at Emon heat Owners unable to properly keep Beach the Ebeye women taught thelr Kwaj such pets wlll brlng them to the Central aleln counterparts the art of weavlng Pol~re Statlon for 1mpoundment In the coconut fronds At thlS demonstratlon shelter A dally fee 1S charged for the Kwajaleln women rapldly gal ned ' board and care Every anlmal lS glven great respect for the deft manner In a tIck control bath upon enterlng and WhlCh thelr lnstructors whlpped to­ Leavlng the shelter A fee lS charged gether baskets of Dlany shapes and Slzes fer t'1l3 serVlce at the tIme of admls­ WIth the program well on lts way, the S10n Qpeclal food, lf deSIred, must Yokwe Yuk Women's Club reclprocated by be provlded by the owner presentlng varlOUS programs on Ebeye Areab where pets are prohlblted are One of the most popular of these was a all lsland mOVle treaters, hospltal, home nurslng course glven over a perlod Bl11 enJoys flshlng, but doesn't use a pole Many years Paclflc DInlng Hall, Yob.e Yuk, Cross­ of several weeks More recently Rose ago, hlS father taught hlm how to use a throw net In roads and Oceanvlew Clubs, Snack Bar, Marle Glasolll, as Chalrman of the explalnlng the art, Bill sald, "You must know the wlnd Macy's and Macy's Annex, Chapel, Surf­ dlrectl0n, the flSh's path and hold the net with the rlght way, Paclf1c Barracks, Beauty Parlor, balance " Barber Sho~, Communlty Center, Bowllng Another unusual find, a "shlngleback" turtle, now re­ ,Uley, LIbrary, Dental Cllnlc, swimmlng sldes in the Flshing Pond Blll recently caught the tur­ ~ools, and the Alr Termlnal Includlng tle bare-handed, whlle worklng on South LOl the ThI Nay, taxIways, parklng stands MUS1C ~s on his mlnd too Bill plays bass gUltar and and ramps performs wlth the Nautlcal Hawalians He also lends hlS Curren+ 9o11mal control fees are talents to the Young Hawaiians and the Western SWlngsters when they're minus a man Annual Inoculatlon $ 2 50 Phl1 Chlng, leader of the Nautlcal Hawallans, descrlbea Reglstratlon 1 00 Bill as the "best bass guitar player on ls1and " Board and Care, per day 1 00 In addltion, Bl11 shoots pool, SWlms and socializes T1CA Contrel Bath 5 00 as notorlzed by his shlrt Involuntary Impoundment, Dogs 5 00 ~------Cats 2 00 YYW C March Meeting Ebeye Exchange Program conducted a The March meeting of the Yokwe Yuk Women s Club, held cooklng class followed by one on beauty last Thursday, was made particularly interestlng by care Each course conslsted of sev­ Phil Monson's program, Aquarlum Fish I Have Known USlng COMMANDER~ HOUR eral weekly meetlngs taught by Rose Mar­ color slides Phil introduced an array of qualnt hshy 181& - 1846 le and volunteer helpers from the YYWC characters who have inhabited his aquarium boarding house HOURS The cooklng class presented the ex­ change teachers wlth certaIn unexpected at one time or another His sprite-like commentarv~ prp - Th~s week we clean up everyth~ng blems It was, of course, necessary sented in laymen's terminolog~maQe a suoject or partic­ eve~ W~ll~e Peppers Henry Lum of ular interest all the more enjoyable Among the inter­ Lum'a Garden Shop tells us how and the recipes Include the food aVBll­ at the stores on Ebeye ThlS esting aquarium inhabitants Phil presented were the ~hen to get started Assorted sports revlslng many of the reclpes wrasse whose purpose in life appears to be the maintenan~E too of a fish cleaning establishment--that is removing para­ stl11 retalnlng thelr baslc nu- rltlonal value The reclpes were then sites from other fish, a small fish with a mouth d'al A RabIes Inoculatlon Program wl11 be ranslated lnto Marshallese by Dlnah opens to its midsection, which P~il has nicknamed the neld Sur J>l,)', Apnl 6th at the Central ampson and mlmeographed so each student C-124 fish, the leaf fish which looks like a leaf dri~en I fol~cp StatIon, between the hours of have a copy Slnce there are few in the current, and the black gobi who Just perches 1.l1side I 1] WI and 1 pm Inoculatlon and regls­ on Ebeye, reclpes were adopted the coral I trat10n for all anlmals over three The next Yokwe Yuk Women's Club meeting scheduled for montus 01 abe qr,- requlred for all anl­ baklng In electrlc frYlng pans or the 24th of April will feature a program about Marshalles' I "'IJdls at Kt"lR kerosene stoves medicine i Thpre ~S a ~ )0 charge for the in­ The Beauty Care course WhlCh lncluded four weekly seSS10ns c~vered care of I oculatlon and ~L r~ ~harge for the reg­ Toastmistress Club does not meet tonight, Marc' 31st I lstration 4.LJ r..TC' lllJST ACCOMPANY ALL haIr, facials, and manlcures In­ structIon In halr beauty lncluded wash­ The next regular meeting is Monday, April 7th "Ice­ I T _ ""'3 Tple~' , ,<, 82~63 for further In­ rinslng, settlng, and cuttlng breakers" will be given at that time Guests 'In:. alw <"S ! )l Ifl.ti'lT To be c tomorrow) ... ------.... -~-... -----~~_..._...... s ...... ____.----- ...... -----.,. Mond-a.)', March 31, 1969 %URGLASS Page 3 ==:~~~~~======~=------__=- ___JI S cr t US Patrols R p rt Sci ntists Solv One Probl m On R d Supply Mov m nt Of Marin r 7 Pow r L ss "-"" Salgon (UPI)--The Unlted States lS (UPI)--Scientists con­ sendlng secret patrols of U S Marlnes or the flIght of Mariner 7 have figu­ Green Beret Special Forces lnto Laos to out the reason for a momentary drop in report on the movement of thousands of shortly after launch, but still vere tons of North Vletnamese supplles over zled today over two other fleet~ng ir­ hlgh speed roads lnto South Vlet Nam, In­ ties formed ml1ltary sources sald today spokesman for the jet propulsion labo­ The dlsclosure was made as U S troops ory said yesterday the drop in electric , stepped up thelr pressure on Communlst from the spacecraft's batteries vas forces trylng to move on Salgon U S cau~ed by the command to shift a sun shade soldlers aboard tanks and armored vehlcles l~slde the Mars telev1sion scout shot thelr way lnto a North Vletnamese But englneers "don't qUlte understand" base 45 ml1es northwest of Saigon ues­ reasons for two other trans~story terday, ml1ltary spokesmen sald difflculties - a br1ef drop in \radlo trans­ The ml1ltary sources sald the patrols tt1ng pover and the sWltch1ng of the on­ by teams of flve to 10 men are under computer lnto the wrong operatlD1 orders not to flre unless they are condition attacked HONEYMOONERS HERE ArrIvmg from Fngland to VISit Launched Thursday, the four leaf clover­ They sald thelr activltles were for With the bnde S father In parts unknown Bp tl~ Paul Me shaped craft vas reported operating per­ the capture of supplles and weapone at Cartnev hiS brIde the ormer Lmda Ea&tman Ot the East fectly today No major maneuvers were Operatlon Dewey Canyon near the A Shau man K·od'lk fo",une an,' I lll,ht'r Heather 6 bv a prevl 'lllL at Nt W 'J fJrk ~ Kenned\ Au'port planned until Apr11 7 when scientists v111 Valley ~~~~~=~~c~~~~ make a minute correction 1n ~ts course They sald the patrols travel on foot or Three Min;sters to Officiate tovard the red planet are 11fted by helicopter as far as three Mar1ner 7 and 1ts predecessor 1n space, ml1es lnslde Laos The Leathernecks and At Services for Ei:;enhower MarIner 6. w1l1 reconnolter the mysteriOUS Green Berets carry food for flve days but planet to try to deternune if there 1S thelr surveys normally last about two Wash1ngton (UPI,--Three n Plstel of ! suff1CQent water to sustain earth-l1ke days two protestant denominat j ons ,',rp i C of'ficl-: lIfe Thelr find1ngs will be used to pre­ They have reported that several supply ate at servIces f'or Dwlg[," D .l! 1 S,_r,'lClYor pare life detect10n robot craft scheduled hlghways lnSlde Laos have been improved at the Washlngton NatIonal CaLhpd rql l'he to land on Mars In 1973 over the past months Most have hard rltes will open wlth an organ ('hor'lle b;y Marlner 6 WIll fly by Mars In late July dlrt surfaces and camouflaged parklng Bach and close to the btraH'S {f ''>-,cad , and Marlner 7 WIll rendezvous w1th the spaces to enable trucks to pull off the KIndly LIght " planet In early August road dur1ng frequent U S a1r ra1ds on The clergy conduc -:Ing the ",er'I1Cf', WhICh the 1nf11tratlon routes starts at- 4 3C pm, FST, are ttlP Very Rev Russian flotilla Moving The m111tary sources sald more than 400 FrancIs B Sayre Jr , Dean ')f -:'Jle cathedlal trucks a day are mov1ng down h1ghways and grandson of' Woodrow WllsOll, th~' ,pV I Fa rther Into North Atlantic w1th1n 10 m11es of the border and huge Edward L R Elson, mInIster of the Natlonal London (UPI)--Russ~a's large naval task storage areas have been developed 1n the PresbyterIan Church wtlch Elbe~hower att~n-( force has moved farther 1nto the North area ded whIle In the Whlte {ousP, and the RIght' Atlantic, keep1ng UP the mystery of 1ts Amer1can Green Berets today transferred Rev WillIam F Crelght~~, Fplscopal B1Shop' d~stlnatlon, defense offlClalS sald today. control of two of the1r Spec1al Forces of WashIngton 1 The Sovlet flotllla of submarInes, mis- camps 1n the Central Highlands to the The crgan prelude WIll feR.tur - t 1le choralel slle carrying crUlsers and destroyers and South V1etnamese army as part of the plan by Bach and a second by Brahr!'..' "'he fun:':l 'I many supply Sh1PS which left Murmansk last to gIve the South V1etnamese more control r1 tes begIn when the t-hree c1er~e', lli~P I w~ eK for an undeclared destInat10n was 600 over the way The two camps at Cung Son, -r,J.}e body and escort tJ.}e c )f'fln to t1le TH ~es of the West Irlsh coast today 240 m11es north of Salgon and at Tan Ra1, crosslng of the ca.+1,rc1ral BrItIsh defense offIcials sald the Sh1PS 65 m11es to the South are manned by 800 Durlng thl", the congregatJ 'Ji stan'1, have Spll t up and scattered over a w1de mercenarIes whlle the cachec1ra1 choIr SIn;,;", The:; PSd.lm'" area of the mld-North Atlantic The maJor ground flghtlng reported today by J Faure ~le purpose of Its presence In the North was 1n the approaches to Sa1gon northwest Dean Sayr~ then offr>rs thlS oppt 1 ng Atlantlc and 1 ts flnal destlnat10n rema~ned of the CIty prayer "Remember thy fervant, Irngh" J obscure allllost a week after 1t left Mur- uth Side .Fuzz" Perform Dav~d, 0 Lord, aCCGruln~ to Lhe favor 'hJ~h! mansk ' ns ihou bearest unto t~j people, and grant I The fleet formed there and has been that, lncreaSln~ en knowledge and love of salling steadily since last Tuesday At T Delight of Teenagers thee, he may go .prom strpngth to strength one time lt SplIt up lnto two groups for Ch1cago (UPI)--The "South Slde Fuzz" In the 11{'P of PlTfpc+ 5erv~-·n thy naval exercises d1d the1r th1ng at a dance attended by heavenly kl'1gdom, through JfSU. Chr,st, But offICIalS sald the Sh1PS are now 2,300 teenagers 1n suburban Oak Lawn our Lora, /ho lIveth aniJ. ~elgnetll W.ith scattered over a very w1de area, and 1t Saturday n1ght but d1d not make a slngle Thee and the holy Ghost - ,", pr, <"Ie God. IS no longer clear whether they are even arrest world wIthout er,d rt.'1ler.. " engaged In maneuvers or have other lnten- Instead, the four pollcemen of the Worth 5}p mJ rll~ Gers an(1 the mourr."', 1.,hcn tions Pol1ce Department were glven a standing jOlntly say i he Lerd' s PraJ"e.r tlnC!. 11m te ~=~=------:1 ovat10n after tak1ng off the1r jackets and in slng1ng Lut"i'ler' s four-centurv-old 'lymn, hats and tak1ng the stand to slng some of "A MIghty Fortress Is lInr G0U " the more popular record1ngs arGund the The c11max 15 t},p Senglng of "Ovward, country ChrJ 5 :'la,l So] hers" as the C'l.'J.l\.ct lS "The South Slde Fuzz, backed by a popular carried to the north ~'1trance Gf the commun1ty combo, the Dontays, was launched c'3.thedral 1n an effort to ~stabllsh closer pol1ce­ Thelc thl scarlet-jacketed Marlnc ?~nd, commun1ty relat10ns," sa1d Joe Sugarman, known as "thEo Preslde'1t's own," WIll play manager for the "Dontays" who created the trlbut A to the 0ead gene al wI+h the whole Idea tradl tional mLU c;ary aIr, '1I.rmy Blue," and The pol1cemen, lead slnger, B111 Demblon, as the body lS borne down tne cr:s.thedral 37, detectIve Greg Walsh, 26, hIS brother, steps, conclud.es w" th "T,eaa KIndly LIght " Sgt Charles Walsh, 30, and Sgt Art Zlek­ Ike, more or less "volunteered" for the Humphrey Opposes ABM job - WhICh saw them work day and nIght C1nc1nnat~ \UY~)--Former Vlr~ rr~sldent for theIr Saturday debut Hubert H }l,lT1phrf'Y says he opposes the "They, the polIcemen, were nervous, antlballlst~~ I1I1SS11e system ber.!a'L f_ lt edgy - nobody knew how the klds would re­ "wouJd start a new sply",l in th~ arTIlS act to them," saId Joe Altobello, presl­ race " dent of the Worth PolIce Assoclat10n AddreSSIng a Bonds for Israe_ dirner, Altobello, who worked wIth Sugarman ln Humphrey saId last nIght the controvelslal organIZIng the teen dance, saId "after the ABM would add "uncertaInty" to the prob­ 8agte1t CBagkets dance, the kIds went WIld" lems of thE. Unl ted 2t-lt~S and nothlng to "The klds even asked for autographs from the nut lon's s~cv~i+y g. Cllttdieg the polIcemen," Sugarman sald "I don't bell (Ol'e' 1 t auld help or,° bl t," "I was proud of those kidS," said Alto­ I,'" sald "I'm fcr dl[l'0 cnntrc'- In fact, bello "Those kids could have -,"lIed lt I lon' T wdnt any '101 p arrr" ,n Oill (' ountry . all by starting a fIght, but 1nbu~ad, ~hel 2he defe~ted 196P Demr'Ta+]C preSldtnti enjoyed the mUSIC It was great " ('ar,dIda-ce saId th'2 ~UddJ e East r 1'] S LS In­ Altobello sa1d he had been work1ng for volved th<> urn ted state and t1..-e ::; vle+ a dance of thIS sort for the past few UnIo~ as w'11 as Israel and J1~ Prab years because he was tired of the "poll< e tB.tes A,'ll '>t',frontatlon ret'H'eer. the brutalIty" charges two largec ~~wers, he sa'Q would ue a "I get so SIck and tIred of hearlng "r~al -rag :c, II about police brutalIty, corruption 1n the Humphre', ::aic1 I,e s < ~ 1 J ,.,( r of I ,pt- suburbs," Altobello said "We just had to ween IS1:ael. and i.he 1,1'" rl'lt'!.ons pruducec. try and do somethlng " PC '1v"utlcn to cne ;.jJdd.:.p "t"st pr~':>l<>ro "The South Slde suburb was st111 buzzing upcaus e 00'!" e+ arIne wel st t 1J b'" iT 'Uf'C­ VLdJd 10r the FXR~S ~~~~ ..------.... ------Monday, March 31, 1969 t-p_age_4------Jriil' ;)10$S Sports M ntr al Exp ct d Last National Hock y L agu The are going to get a The Chicago Black Hawks finished out the lot of manag1ng this year Whether they season last night like they st111 had a can finish higher than sixth in the six­ -. chance to go to the Stanley Cup playoffs team Eastern D1v1s10n 1S doubtfUl. They beat the Detroit R d Wings, 9-5, and The Expos will be managed by Gene Mauch, along the way set or t1ed a series of rec- who 1S one of the more forcefUl pilots 1n Tuesda,y, April 1 ,ords Bobby Hull got another goal -- his b1g league baseball Gene never succeeded Dally Field 58th-- which will now be the NUL season 1n w1nn1ng a pennant at Philadelphia, but 5 15 Kentron vs Ebeye Angels record Pat Stapleton ass1sted on six he got close enough to touch one in 1964. (Neale & Cors1) Hawks goals -- a tie for most In one game Gene will have a few knowledgeable b1g Brandon F1eld for a defense man He also has 50 ass1sts league types 1n this f1rst year of Mont­ 5 30 Bldg. &: Grounds vs Sandbaggers for the season -- a new record The two real as a big league club. But he doesn't (Hults & Yamash1ta) teams combined to t1e a record as they had have down the 11ne strength Wednesday. AprIl 2 26 p01nts 1n one per1od. the second Also, It now seems certain the Expos w11l keep Dally F1eld Chicago's Pit Martin had four goals. Hull's Rusty Staub, the sol1d hitter they obta1ned 5 15 Range Riders vs Islanders goal came 11 seconds before the game was to In a trade w1th the Houston Astros for (Dem,sey & Ching) end The fans threw so much debris on the Jesus Alou and Donn Clendenon When Clen­ Brandon F1eld 1ce the game had to be anded at that point denon announced hIS retIrement 1t cast 5 30 S K F vs Amer1can Electric PIttsburgh ended its season by topping some doubt on the trade, but it now appears (Belilan & McInerney) Philadelph1a~ 2-1 Boston outdid Montreal. thIngs w1ll be worked out Thursday. Aprill 3 6-3. New York shutout Toronto, 4-0 It appeared when the trade was made that Dally Field and Los Angeles and Minnesota t1ed. 3-3 Montreal would use Staub at f1rst base, 5 30 R01 Namur vs Ebeye Islanders * • * • * • hIS pos1tion last year at Houston. But Brandon F1eld the 1nC1Slve Mauch has developed a theory 5 15 Kool }its vs Bldg & Grounds National Basketball Ass ciati n that Staub hItS better when used in the * * * * • • The San Francisco Warriors hope for their outfIeld and that's where he plane to em­ third victory aga1nst no defeats in the ploy hIm Staub hIt 291 last year but Western playoff 1n the National Basketball the season before that he hit 333 for lMOUNTAINBALL RESULTS Wenoca smashed the W1ldcats, 18-6, at Association They take on the Los Angeles the Astros as an outfIelder Lakers 1n ton1ght's "A" ser1es The New Gene Intends to use Bob Bailey, the for­ Brandon Field Saturday to hand them the1r first defeat. The winners scored 1n every York Kn1cks beat the Baltunore Bullets, mer PIttsburgh PIrate bonus boy and Los 119-116, in an "A" series game 1n the East 1nn1ng of t~ f1ve-inn1ng game They Angeles Dodger, at first base Bob IS a last nIght while the Boston Celtics topped former thIrd baseman and outfielder but scored eignt runs in the second and seven the Philadelphia 76ers 1n iii. "B" -game Both first should hold no terrors for h1~ The 1n the last inn1ng The WIldcats could pick up only f1ve hits New York and Boston now have 3-0 records bIg questIon IS -- w11l he hIt? for the playoffs Gary Sutherland, who batted 275 for the Corry led the Wildcats with two hItS. Phlilles last year, WIll be at second base Barnard had three hIts for Wenoca, Thimsen * * * * * * and Maury WIlls, the one-tIme Dodger flash contributed two hits U.S. Finishes Last and more recently a PIrate, will play * * * The World Ice Hockey championsh1ps ended shortstop Keones Lounge handed the Ebeye Islanders theIr first defeat of the season at Dally yesterday -- Russia still hold1ng the Coco Laboy, a product of the Cardinal tItle for the sevepth stra1ght year Rus­ farm system, WIll be given a chance at FIeld Saturday when they beat them 9-1 .Keones scored six ru"s in the th1rd Inn1ng, S1a beat Canada, 4-2. 1n the last game • thIrd base He batted 292 for Tulsa and Sweden f1D1shed second In the tournament knocked in 100 runs then were held to one run the remainder of the game. The Islanders could get only as it beat Czechoslovakia, 1-0, 1n their The outfIeld WIll have Staub, Mack Jones last game The Czechs were third All and eIther Manny'Mota or JIm FaIrey Both six h1ts to Keones' 12 Lolon and Boro each had two h1ts for the three top finishers won eight games and Jones and Mota have hIt big league p1tchlng lost two The final stand1ngs were deter­ pretty well In the past Islanders Bo111an, Dempsey and Corsi had two hits apIece for the winners mined by the1r goal performances The John Bateman WIll have to do most of the Amer1can team lost all ten games it played catchIng The pItchIng looks 11ke the * * * 50th State shutout the Range RIders. 2-0, Yesterdays fInal loss was 7-3 to F1nland usual expansIon team pItchIng -- a few guys The last-place standing means the UnIted WIth fair records and the rest all hope­ at Brandon FIeld yesterday The W1nners scored their runs in the first and thIrd States will be dropped from the group "A" fuls stand1ng and be relegated to the "B" group 1nnlngs, then were held the rest of the JIm (Mudcat) Grant, John BillIngham and next year Larry Jaster are three certaIn starters game * • * • * * Grant dId some good pItchIng for MInnesota Thomas led the Range R1ders ~th two hits STRIKES and SPARES In years gone by He was drafted from the Tokuhara, Kaaihue and Hamabata had two hits Dodgers along WIth BIllIngham, who had a apIece for the winners Thursday Inte Weco-Meck League 2 15 for the Los Angeles * * * C Barnard ~81-200-210--591 team last year In 50 games Jaster w11l be Palm Terrace edged KMR, 9-8, at Dally B Bonannan 182-194-166--542 remembered as the CardInal southpaw WIth Field yesterday KMR led unt11 Palm Ter­ P Pstu:mg 209-156-178--538 the unIque talent for tOSSIng shutouts race t1ed up the score at 4-4 In the th1rd R Kees 172-177-188--537 agaInst Los Angeles InnIng. The W1nners came back with three H Stokes 178-180-152--506 The Expos were hard hIt by the retIrement runs the next 1nning But KMR smashed * * * of Larry Jackson, a veteran r1ght-hander back 1n the s1xth ~ th four runs to take More Mountainball R suits WIth bIg league know-how They w111 have the lead aga1n Palm Terrace held KMR in to come up WIth a starter or two from a the next 1nn1Dg, and scored the ~nning High School I defeated the ROI Oldtimers, batch of rookIes, Including Ernest McAnally. run in the bottom of the seventh 11-4, at Dally F1eld yesterday The W1n- Bob Reynolds and MIke Wegener Leonard and Lucero each had three hItS I ners scored in every 1nning but the th1rd Montreal WIll be 1n the Eastern D1v1slon, for KMR Leonard had a home run Ramsey, I ROI p1cked up three runs 1n the f1rst and as we noted earlier, along with St LOU1S, Sumter and Cris1stomo had three h1ts one 1n the second 1nn1ng, but were held the ChIcago, PIttsburgh, Ph11adelphla and the apIece for the WInners rest of the game They led H1gh School in * * * h1tS, 15-14, but couldn't get the runners WIth Mauch runnIng the club, th€re IS Have FaIth Security p1cked up theIr a.cross the plate sure to ue an aIr of hustle and bustle first V1CtOry yesterday at Dally FIeld as Five R01 teammates had two h1ts apIece about the team That WIll help But It they smashed the Mountaineers, 37-0 The Brewer led the HIgh School with four hits, won't win enough games for the Expos to do WInners scored in every Inn1Dg. but the two o~ Wh1Ch were homers Stenvers contr1- anything but fInIsh SIxth In a SIx-team bIg one was the fIrst when they scored 16 buted three hIts d1vlslon tImes The Mountaineers could manage only * * * * * * * * fIve hItS wh11e Secur1ty had a grand total Kolohes Lounge pIcked up their s1xth vic­ FAMOUS* FIRST FACTS -- The f1,T'st unasS1,S­ of 28 hItS tory yesterday at Brandon FIeld when they ted tT'1-ple play 1,n a modern mQJOT' league Carlson had two h1ts for the Mounta1neers' defeated Douglas 11-4 Douglas scored all game was made by shoT'tstop Neal Ball of Akau, Ldwson and Howerton had four hIts the1r runs 1n the fourth 1nn1ng the Cleveland AmeT'1-can League team on July ap1ece for Security Dye, Lovelady and LaPlaca each had two 19~ 1909, at Cleveland, Oh1,o, 1,n the seconJ * * * ! hIts for the losers Kusano led Kolohes 1,nn1,ng of the f1,T'st game of a double-heade~ The Hawa11anas edged by the TItans, aga1,nst the Boston AmeT'1-can League team 9-8, in an e1ght-inn1ng game at Brandon Ball caught Amby McConnells' l1,neT'~ Field yesterday The TItans took the lead 1W>::ef:::d:::::;:-::::o:::::::e:o~::e:th't' touched second, T'etinng HonU8 WagneT', who early 1n the game, scor1ng f1ve runs in Dally Field yesterday Wenoca led 5-4 !JaS on h1"s way to I;hiT'd~ and taqqed ~Take the first Inn1~ But they were held to unt11 the top of the seventh when the w~n­ Stahl as he came up to second When Ball three more runs, whIle the W1nners kept ners ral11ed for S1X runs came to bat 1,n the same 1,nn1,ng, he h1,t a on scor1ng. The Hawai1anas p1cked up the Herbert had two hItS for Wenoc~ Chr1v1a home run Cleveland defeated Boston 8-1 winn1ng run on a sacr1fice hit I led the Sandbaggers W1 th three hits Trie­ ~n the f1,T'st game Boston defeated Cleve­ Fumio and Aglia had two h1ts each for bach and GorskI contr1buted two h1ts each land 8-2 1,n the second game the TItans Kodama and Kua led the • • * Hawa11anas with three h1ts apiece. One of H1gh School II squeaked by the Meck Is­ It * * TRAVELING* trom one* Pro Kua's hits was a homer land Outcasts, 6-5, at Brandon F1eld yester­ \ Tenpin Tales K tesslonal Bowling Association day Meek Island scored all their runs in BY SAM LEVINE classic to BJlother Is no prob * * * EdItor, The Kegler lem tor either southpaw Bill men's Volleyball the first inn1ng. The H1gh School scattered WRITING about her father Allen ot MalUBJld Fla or Nel­ w their runs. Meck Island led w1th 15 h1ts Josef Stalin m hel book son Burton Jr ot St Louis ATTENTTON All Women's Volleypall coache They both fly their own planes while High School had only f1ve hits. 'Twenty Letters To A FrIend are requested to attend the aeeting at the Svetlana Alllluyeva related which they tie up next to each Keel1ng led vhe winners w1th two h1ts Bowling billiards anythmg other In whichever airport Community Center on Tuesday, April 1 at Six Meck Island teammates had two hits they land that took a ~harp eye hf' w~., 5 pm ap1ece good at • • • ------,------~ Monday, March 31, 1969 HOURGLASS Page ~Sirhan Trial Will Cost Sl Milli n Congr ss M urns Ik 's D ath Los Angeles (UPI)--The tnal Qf Suhan B With R solutions Of Sympathy Slrhan for the murder of Sen Robert F Washlngton, (UPI)--Congress m~~ned the It's YOJ!M£!lNOMY Kennedy wlll cost Los Angeles County $1 death of bwlght D Elsenhower today, pour- mlillon, a county offlclal estlmated today lng forth warm and affectlonate trlbutes BILLIONS $900~~~~~~~~~--~--~--~~ The trlal resumes tomorrow wlth a pro- to the former Pres~dent whlle thousands secutlon psychlatrlst, Dr. Seymour Pollack, passed by hlS coffln en the Canltnl Rotunda. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT. on the wltness stand and the case wl11 Meetlng at noon, both the House and the ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL probably go to the jury of seven men and Senate -- the Rotunda separates thelr 800 flve women next week County Supervisor separate wlngs of the Capitol -- passed Kenneth Hahn sald the cost to the county resolutlons of sympathy GNP IN 1968 PRICES to date to lnsure a falr trail for the The Senate deslgnated the two Kansas 25-year-old Arab defendant was $858,595 Senators, James B Pearson and Robert J 700 As chalrman of county courts, Hahn lS Dole, as ltS offlClal representatlves at observlng the costs and wl11 recelve a Elsenhower's burlal ln Abllene. Kansas, complete accountlng Wednesday "Although lt lS unfortunate the people The House selected Reps Chester Mize, of LQs Angeles County have to pay for the (Rep -Kan ), and 0 C Fisher. (Dem -Tex ), 600 expenses of the case, the trlal 1S worth to represent lt Mlze represents the every penny," Hahn commented "If lt dlstrlct In whlch Abl1ene lS located reveals the truth of what happened that Fisher sald he was plcked because, 11ke nlght last June, lf lt guarantees Slrhan Elsenhower, he lS a natlve Texan, lS 8eUlOX Slrhan Justlce, then who can say the cost Texas member of the House Armed Servlces lS not Justlfled?" Commlttee and lS "an old frlend of the Speclal precautlons to protect Slrhan general's" pushed the costs of hlS case far hlgher After two hours of eulogles, the Senate than normal A speclal cell was con- adjourned at 2 pm, and the House qUlt at structed for hlm on the elghth floor of 1 30 pm, "out of further respect" to Sources CounCil of Economic AdVisers and U S Department of Labor the Hall of Justlce and armor plate was Elsenhower By CARL H MADDEN. CHIEF ECONOMIST lnstalled on the walls of the court room One of the warmest Senate trlbutes came Chamber of Commerce of the UnIted States In addltlon, he has round-the-clQ~ guard~ from Sen Jacob K Javlts, (Rep -N Y ), a MUST UNEMPLOYMENT RISE TO STOP INFLATION?-Potentlal and many sherlff's deputles have worked Ilberal who frequently dlsagreed wlth GNP (Gross NatIOnal Product or the market value measure overtlme malntalnlng securlty In and around, Elsenhower on major lssues of our output) IS the output we could produce If we were usmg our resources fully In recent years and untIl 1965 the courtroom "He was a man of great humor and deep, there was a gap between our actual GNP and the potential Another speclal cost t]m~ for the passlonate feellngs," JaVl ts recalled Durmg UJat penod we had prospenty but relatIvely hIgh nrlsoner has been antlclpated by state "He could get very mad And he could be unemployment Then m 1965 the gap closed InflatIOn re allthorl tles In Sacramento, Phl11P the warmest person on Earth You only had suited and unemployment was reduced to a mlnunum Now ruthrle, spokesman for the correctl0nal to see hlm wlth Mamle ln h15 later years we are trYIng to cool the economy whIch presumably WIll open the gap between actual and potential GNP Does thIS authorl ty sald a three-cell SUl te, cost- to reallze that " mean that unemployment must rise agam? It s a tough lng $5,000, lS belng prepared at the "Greatness not only conslsts of great questIOn for PreSIdent NIxon Vacavllie Medlcal Facl11ty to house Slr- achlevements -- hlS leadershlp ln World han, assumlng he lS convlcted War II was that," Javlts sald "But lt also Slrhan's meals would be prepared ln lles ln good sense, wlth a brlillance Investor's Guide the sUlte -- kltchen, bedroom and 11vlng not to do thlngs and keep the natl0n from room -- wlth a televls10~ set dOlng them Ike could as easl1y have By Sam Shulsky Even lf he lS condemned to dle ln the gotten lnto the Vlet Nam trap as hlS Q - You recently wrote that mutuals gener­ gas chamber, the sta.te would prefer to successor, but he dldn't " ally donlt Yleld 5% lncome, but that lncome hold Slrhan at Vacavllie to protect hlm Senate Republlcdll Leader Everett M lS generally arounq the 1 to ~% level ThlS ln the lnterlm, Guthrle lndlcated Dlrksen Sdld ~f George Washlngton was the lS hard to understand We recelved 32 cents father of the country, Elsenhower was" ln dlVldend lncome and 69 cents ln capltal Saig n Negotiators Still leady a father to the country" He pralsed "the galns per share from our fund ln 1968, WhlCh, rlghtness of l11s outlook, hlS human Vlew to my way of flgurlng, works out to about T Op n Secret Talks With Cong and hlS dedlcatlon to the cause of peace " 10% on the present value of the stock ParlS (UPI)--South Vletnamese negotla­ Senate Democratlc Leader Mlke Mansfleld Aren't capltal gains as useful to the In­ tors sald today they were stlll ready to bald that Elsenhower's leadershlp rested vestor as divldend lncome? open secret talks wlth the Vlet Cong In hlS abllltv to lnsplre trust A - As a matter of fact, capltal galns are to try to end the Vlet Nam War desplte "He was trusted, In the end, because he more useful Slnce they are generally long­ outspoken rnmmunl~t denunclatlon of such was the personlflcatlon of a trusted term galns and therefore taxable at only an offer last week Amerlca He lncarnated Amerlca's revulslon one-half the rate you pay on dlvldend In­ An all led source sald the South Vlet­ wlth the Nazl-raclsm of hlS e~a and come namese delegatlon dld not conslder the America's compassion for all those who However, the mutual fund lndustry's P011CY denunclatlon a "reJectlon" A Vlet Cong suffered under ltS ruthless polltlcal mlll­ -- gOlng back to the baslc Investment Com­ negotlator had assalled the proposal as tarlsm He expressed Amerlca's slmple pany Act of 1940 -- holds that only dlVld­ a "crafty trlck" French dlplomats saw hope for a world of peace and order H1S ends may be counted ln the lncome computa­ the new Salgon declaratlon of readlness ~mllc spoke vlVldly of America's frlend- tl0n Capltal galns are excluded

to enter secret talks as "a sort of renew­ I ShlP for all " I agree that lf you are retlred and re­ al" of Presldent Nguyen Van Thleu's of­ Dole sald "hlS drea..nb as a boy In Abl1ene ceive $1 01 a share ln both lncome and galns, fer for such talks Thleu had sald the could never enV]SlOn the helghts he would you can spend all of it, but the fact re­ posslblilty of the talks was "a light scale In hlS Ilfetlme " Wl th "hlS brQM_ mains that they are not exactly allke, lf at the end of the tunnel " grln and good humor," Dole sald, E1Sen-­ only beaause the capltal galns portlon lS Some South Vletnamese offlclals are hower was abl~ "not only to lead an army, much more "lffY" than the lncome portl0n fearful that Salgon guerrliia talks I but to stlr men's hearts " If you look back at your fund's records would lead to a coalltlon government I Members of the Ho~se who served both you'll flnd that In poor market years, the lncludlng the Vlet Cong under ~lsenhower the genera~ and Ike the capltal galns dlstrlbutl0n was less than In Washlngton, Defense Secretary Presldent Jo~ned ln nearly two hours of half of what you recelved for 1968, whereas Melvln R Lalrd sald yesterday he would trlbutes on the House floor the dlvldend record was far more stable "certalnly accept" a coalltlon government Durlng the eulogles, evangellst Blily Also, you must reallze that your fund today In Salgon ''If lt was elected In a free Graham entered the vls~tors' gallery and lS seillng at only a few cents alshare above electlon " Ilstened for nearly half an hour the level of 10 years ago It's been a good Lalrd's remarks were In a copyrlght In­ "He held a speclal place ln the hearts mllk cow, but hasn't won any glamour tervlew In the magazln~ U S News and of hlS countr~nen and that speclal place prlzes I'm not knocklng lt I'm Just World Report lS now vacant except for sorrow," sald trYlng to tell lt as lt lS South Vletnamese Vlce Presldent Nguyen Speaker John W McCormack * * * * * * * * * * * * Cao Ky sald yesterday he would fly to Democratlc Leader Carl Albert sald Q - What lS the dlfference between In­ Parls after attendlng the funeral of "Elsenhower as Presldent should be rated terest and Yleld on a bond? On a stock? former Presldent DWlght D Elsenhower, much hlgher than many contemporary hlstor­ A - A bond may be Ilsted as carrylng a glvlng hopes secret talks mlght begln ~ans have seen flt to rate hlm " and Rep 5% coupon, thus Household Flnance 5% soon He has been In Salgon the past Leslle C Arends of Ililnols, asslstant debentures of 1982 So lt pays $50 a year wonth Ky has been coordlnator of Sal­ GOP leader, sald "he was a terrlflc Amerl­ ln lnterest But lt sells at 80% of par, gon's delegatlon In Parls can " or $8OD So the current Yleld lS $50 dlVld­ Dlplomatlc observers sald they saw Sen Strom Thurmond, (Rep - S C ), who ed by $800 or 6 1/4% By 1982 lt lS to be Ilttle prospect for progress ln the 11th parachuted behlnd enemy Ilnes In Normandy, pald off at par, $1,000 So, addlng the $200 negotlatlng seSSlon Thursday at the sald, "There was no question he was held $200 galn ln prlce to the 6 1/4% current Hotel Majestlc They sald the absence of ln great esteem by hlS soldlers " Yleld glves you a Yleld to maturlty of Henry Cabot Lodge, chlef U S negotlator, 7 37% made lt unllkely Dependents are not permltted ln the A stock paylng an annual dlvldend of $2 Lodge was In Washlngton for the funeral Bachelors/Sw~rr~lng Pool and seillng for $40 a share Ylelds 5% ($2 of Elsenhower U S delegation sources Durlng thlS week of vacatlon, chl1dren dlvlded by $40) Slnce a stock has no sald Lodge would also confer wlth Pres] should SWlm In the DeperdentsiPool and maturlty, there lS no Yleld to maturlty ~€nt Nlxon and other high adminlstratlun Emon Beach w~ere there lS a 11fe guard on officlals whlle In Washlngton duty For a wrltten reply write to Sam Shulsky, Lodge sald yesterday in Washington Klng Features Syndlcate, 235 East 45th St that "some progress has been made" In New York, New York 10017 Be sure to en­ the Parls talks in the year since As Wonderfl11 Wllly Peppers says close a stamped-self addressed e~velope a partlal halt In the bombing of Nort} 'CONSERvE WATFR" also 1--2V~l~e~t~N~am~ ______~~ ______~~ ______----~------~ Page 6 HOURGLASS Monday, March 31, 1969 ICROSSWORD By Eugene Sheller I 11 Ancient Will There Be New Alaska Gold Rush? HORIZONTAL 41 More VERTICAL 1 Avehlcle fastidious 1 Throw Semitic 5 The 43 Artists 2 Pilaster deity sweetsop medium 3 Interior 16 Shade tree 9 Acrowd 47 Mountam sheepskm 20 Wlneve88e1 12 Wild ox on Crete 4 Labeled 22 Festive I 13 Be con 48 O-posltive 5 Dull gathering cemed 51 Negative pain 23 Medicinal 14 High particle 6 Chinese plant note 52 Debt pagoda 24 Obtain 15 Theater symbols 7 Sea bird 25 Kimono employee 53 Love god 8 JeWIsh sash 17 A resort 54 A beverage festival 26 Surrender 18 Ensnare 55 Legal 9 Communi 27 To box 19 Artist s wrong cations 28 Worthless stand 56 Amencan 10 Leather scrap 21 PrInter s lawyer flask 30 To the measure nght' 22 Italian Answer to Saturday s puzzle 35 Cains city mother 24 Prod 1= I RE(IAN.CL AP 37 Church 27 Salt ARAL USE.RANA festival , 28 ExCited r-ONDENSE.ATTU 39 Pathof I 31 Recede EN TE R_D AN IEL celestial I 32 In favor of _R body 33 Before HEMP IRE 40 Bounder 34 To surge £sT.sR 41 MIss Foch 35 Consumed ATE 'OR~ ZOE 42 Pagan 37 Itahan YEA CENT_HEEL deity SP A.SETA_ pnncely Ii 43 Mall WORD GLADIATOR Sen Ev The U S Coast and GeodetIC Survey s .h,p the Surveyor here Ires at anchor In Alaskan waters RE CA NT ER ODE 44 NOVIce house erett M DIrksen R III be 38 Elephant s OM AR .E ••ST EE MED 45 EpIC By JONATHAN EDWARDS roleum and OCCIdental Petrole comes somethmg of a real I tusk WI PE .5 HA .M ILE poetry Celltr!!l Press As~octatlOn Correspondellt llm- are reported In Nome mm 40 Symbol SL ED .T EN .5 TE N 46 Mmus one m Washmgton as he NOME Alaska-The smell of gold IS m the aIr agam m Alaska Ing CIrcles to be c~n'ldenng for ,... 49 Cardgame puts on a Roman helmet to a state made famous by tne dIscovery of the precIOus metal but I ",mllar operatIOns Understand calcIUm -'vera"f' time of .olatlon 3'7 mlautelJ 50 Pronoun spur Ben Hur March of WhICh has mmed very httle smce World War II abl} theIr plan, are clothed In DImes benefIt film In capItal Unhke the gold rush days at the turn of the century prospec secrecy It IS noteworthy how I Z. "?> 4 b 1 8 10 1/ tors WIll not be flockmg to the 49th state m excIted antIcIpatIOn ever that ofhhore permIts WIth ~5 ~9 of qUIck wealth For the gold hes m the seabed off Alaska s Alaska, Dn 1"lOn of Lands now I? I,?> t4 shores and mmmg It would be a large scale venture reqlllnng cover approxImately three mil ~ ~ substantIal corporate capItal hon acres of undersea land 15 Ib rr However the POSSlblhty that the dormant gold mdustry may ~ be revIved by the dIscovery of slgmflcant amounts of undersea SOME f,ve to 'IX mIllion 1& ~19 2.0 "Id enough to be profItably mmed IS causmg excItement m ounces of gold "ere recovered ~ Nome from the beach at Nome before al 2t 2."!I Nome was the CIty where about 2 000 prospectors recovered the supply ran out DrIllmg m ~ ~ around $1 million m gold dust I Norton Sound has uncovered ~ ~ ~ ~ from the beaches m the summer IndIcatIve of the government s gold depo"t., but whether m M- 25 2.b 27 28 29 '!.O ~ ~ and early autumn of 1899 The Interest In the prospects the mmable quantItIes stili remams '!o? average dally haul was $20 to U S Coast and GeodetIC Survey to be learnerl A GeologIcal Sur ~I ?>2. $100 per man ShIp Surveyor wllI for the sec ve} offlual saId that undlscov ~ ~ ~ ~ • ond stlalght year conduct van erable mtnable lesources of the 34 '?>5 ?>b '?>"1 NOME has fallen on dull days ous surveys off Nome order of mIllIOn of ounces of ~ ~ since then when the populatIOn The operatIOn WIll Include gold llIav eXI,t off the coast of 3t!1 M 40 MICHIGAN POLICE believe reached 20000 It IS now down echo soundmg whIch "III en Alaska ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ they may be up agamst to 2300 W,ll offshore gold mm able oceanographers aboard the A Coa,t and Coodetlc Survey 41 42. 4~ 44 45 4& someone mentally deranged mg revIve thIS colorful cIty? shIp to detect the old beaches marIne geolog"t 'dId that a ~ ~ For the past few years the and stream beds The Surveyor good pal t of Norton Sound may 4'1 48 49 So who s got to be caught federal government and pnvate WIll survey the area frolll June have been abovp water at some ~ qUlckly In the bludgeon and compames have been surveymg to September tIme dUl'lng the Ice Ages 51 51 S'!> sex mUI del of 16 year old Norton Sound the mland arm Where the ebb and flow of the ~ ~ Maralynn Skelton (above) of the BerIng Sea on "hleh BOLSTERING the govern sea stopped he explamed It 54 55" 5b a runaway from Fhnt whose Nome IS sItuated They are ,eek ment s effort are those of mm tended to form beache, and thIS ~ ~ nude body was found m a mg m ItS comparaliv€ly shallow mg and 011 concerns They m IS" here he gold would be con 2.-10 lover s lane near the Umver waters whose ma'''mum depth clude the Amencan Smeltmg centrated slty of MIchIgan campus at IS 200 feet eVIdences of sub and Refmmg Co and the Shell So f tr three submerged CRYPTOQUIPS merged shorelmes and stream 011 Co whIch are JOintly con beaches pos"bly f,ve have been Ann Arbor She IS the fourth GFTERZAT TLZRYF GFEATL FTED channels w her e s I z e a b I e ductmg a three month dnillng (hsco\'ered along WIth several SUch'ldIm m a 15 mIle tn amounts of gold may have been program m Norton Sound undel',e

FIVE DAY SNOW ORDEAL FATAL-Mrs Mane F un re covers m a hosi'ltal m Los Al'1mos [" oJ_ll 10 fIve da:,' In forest snOI\ dnfts wh I 1 f'f Ip HIGH TIDES AND STRONG CURRENTS dId the damage ex dr'ltlOn dnd expo 'II L By rIel' , 1I dmlnpd hy Mr and Mr~ Maunce Auger at HIli s Beach flown from hiS It Iy USA ~ 1"lS", r el 1 \ Nfrs Mdlne Re'ldent. of the area ~ay theIr problem began after Flam 24 ::t llJ.r~f dr;)v( l 1 7

",mpletwn of a Jetty at the mouth of the nver tha t f'lOnth old h"uv to m",t cell! - 1 ]h.i rh

THEN SHE COMES BACK FOR THE LAST MINUTES OF THE SHOW AND WANTS A COMPLETE RUNDOWN 11rcz,.,'O.... D. H~T T'P 1'0" NO NAME/~ FT LAUDERDALE, FLA natIOnal A z a I e a Festlval Api'll 23 27 m Norfo'k Va ~~ TrlClu N,xcn 23 daughter ~ of PresIdent N,xon tells <0 -:> newsmen m Washmgton at '-" --:::> c- / c" Q-.<..--.. I I a pre festIval receptIOn that II so WHAT HAPPENED AFTER YA she has been puttmg the pres~ure on her father to TOL' TH' LIEUTENANT HE COULDN'T attend her coronatIOn But SEND YA TO TH' FRONT FER NOT you know how busy presl ------SAlUTIN' '? dent~ are she saId I'M GOING TO PULL AN APRIL ANO DON'T 60 BIG GEORGE! FOOL JOK:E ON 'IOU TOMORROw, lR«I1N6'b IUPe p SO TR'i /0 BE READe( INA CAVE OR by Virgil Partch e SOMEllUN6 11 a n u t s " ." .-

V I .. "P~p, I don't I~~e looks~ of that upper air turbulance

~nw 6 '1'1::> 8 'OHOMS S'lH't'O l: ''110)1'10 H1HON L -UMOO 1't'0~ OL W't'D 8 1I31dO::>JHH L 'l't'a 9 '1'10::> ,. AHOD't':I £ '3NIN L-UOJ:)'t' SH3MSN't WISHING WELL 5 6 8 3 8 8 II G Y •S T A I 0 I E• U 2 3 II d 1 8 II 3 d Ii 2 E 0 C V D S M E T 0 L U" w 4 2 "1 8 1 6 5 3 2 6 Ii 3 " R E H E 0 A I I 0 N T V F ~------~----=::~ "i 2 5 6 3 2 3 5 6 1 8 d T E E G T H 0 Y L R R F R -Iii!: /(155 OF 6 1 8 1 "6 5 3 2 8 2 a A BEA UTi FUI.- WO'o'IAN I T 0 J F 0 I L U R N S V \ I ./ S-5 2 6 1 "2 3 i II "6 1 8 WIt-I.- TURN Nlr: BAG" p li'lToA PfZINC!:t E I I G A A D 0 M C U L 6 8 1 6 "II 1 2 6 Ii 8 Ii 2 6MACK- J A N 0 0 D T S B R Y E M ./ ~,,~I " / I / I I) w• , II I HERE Is a pleasant little game that will give you a mesaage Z every day It Is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune Count the letters In your fl1'8t name If the num- a ber of letters Is 6 or more subtract f If the number Is le_ than 6 add 3 The result Is your key number Start at the o upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone of YOUI key numbers left to right Then read the mesaap the letters under the checked figures I give you a-IS" .. __ ------.l.------Pa e 8 FOR SALE CLASSIFIED Ballet classes WIll begln In "bout MOVIES PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT THE three weeks pendIng fHlu.ll;l.al,.. J"l cf DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, avallab-le ..space For 1nforma"_0~ Sony 777 tape recorder wIth remote , KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL IS­ about enrollment, etc, please cG~tact Tomght At control, $200 Call 82530 after 4 30 LANDS CONTRACT DAAG-43-67-C-OOOI Lea Sharsky at 82829 pm The HourGlass is pub11shed daily Mon­ RICHARDSON day through Saturday ChIld's sprlng horse In good condition, A regular meeting of the Kwajaleln Mater1al for publ1cat10n on the $8, scooter, $1 Call 83606 Amateur Radio Club will be held on AROUND TOWN page must be submitted 1n Wednesday, AprIl 2, 1969 The meeting ''MURDER AHOY" wrItlng to the HourGlass 72 hours Akal model M-8 tape recorder, less WIll take place at the club station Stars prIor to des1redpub11catlon date than one year old Seldom used Plus KX6BU and will start at 7 30 pm In Margret Rutherford, and Arthur Mater1al for the AD and SPORTS pages Akal model SS70 stereo corner speaker addIt10n to reglllar bus1ness 1tems, Mr Strmger must be 1n the HourGlass Off1ce 1n B Fellhoelter of Kentron wll~ d1SCUSS system wlth cables Component parts, Comedy Black & WIn te wrlt1ng 24 hours prlor to deslred Includlng stereo jaCk, felt cleaners, communications on KwaJalein wlth the ATC 7 30 publlcat10n date plnch rollers, brake Wheels, belts and posslb1llty of a tr1p to V1ew some of Telephoned notices and ads WIll not mlcro-phone kIt Call 82282 the actual equipment after the meeting be accepted All copy and photographs The talk 1S certa1n to be 1nteresting become the property of the HourGlass Clothes dryer, $25 AvaIlable Apr1l 1 and all members are encouraged to at­ Repub11catlon of material contelned Call 82290 tend Guests are welcome A dOOF hereIn is not authorized Without prlor pr1ze WIll be given IVEY HALL approval of the Command1ng Off1cer, Man's 26" blcycle - used Call 83746 Kwajaleln MISSIle Range Special Services Schedules If you have not recieved your Hour­ COIns for sale, some U S , CanadIan, Tony Curtl.s as Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 Engllsh, NFL, and two pleces of U S For Spring Vacation Recess "TIlE BOSTON STRANGLER" between the hours of 6 15 and 6 45 pm colonlal currency If Interested 1n Wl.th and a copy will be delivered to you Box 2012 Henry Fonda EDITOR Larry Corsl a llSt, drop a note to A program of act1v1ties will be of­ Drama Color-WS 6 30 & STAFF Marcla ChrIvla fered by Special Serv1ces during the Recommended for ADULT 8 30 G1nger Storme school's sprIng vacat10n from March MaternIty clothes -- dresses, shorts, auchences ONLY Lucy Blodel tops -- SIze 12, electric can opener, 31 through Apnl 6 All ch1ldren are Rudy BaldWIn $5, AM clockradio (needs a tube), $5, welcome to partiCIpate in the follow- FEATURE new bIcycle basket, $2 Call 82210 lIng recreatIonal activ1ties OCEAN VIEW WRITER Bob Phllllps before noon or after 3 pm CIRCULATION FISHING DERBY - All children who enjoy MANAGER PhIl Pokoy Ocean gOIng raCIng sloop fully fIshing may enter Prizes w1ll be equlpped for long-ranged crulsing awarded for the largest, smallest and "A GIRL NAMED TAMIKO" presently crUIsIng thIS area most fIsh caught during the vacation, W1th LOA 32 ft -- LWL 255ft -- draft March 3l-Aprll 6 When a fish 1S Laurence Harvey, and France Nuyen 55ft -- beam 75ft Net tonnage caught that you would like to enter In Drama Color-WS 7 30 & 6 48 tons StaInless Steel rlgglng, the contest, take it to the Small Boat 12 30 GLOBAL ASSOCIATES Dacron salls, 12 hp Unlversal tWln MarIna for measurement and make 1t an AT offlc1al contest entry • auxlliary englne, Knud Relmers deslgn Pr~ce $9500 Inspect at Majuro harbor OFFICIAL BULLETIN or wrIte to Z Frellands, "Iris II" HOLIDAY ART CONTEST - Th1s contest IS c/o Majuro Postmaster, Majuro 96960 open to all boys and gIrls who WIsh to YOKWE YUK enter All orIgInal work In any DATE DU'rY OFFICER PHONE medIa may be brought to Spec1al Ser- 3lMaro9 LTC J Cooper 82838 WANTED VIces offIce Awards will be present­ George Peppard, Romy Schne1der lApr69 CPr W Lynn 82623 Part tIme walters wanted. Apply at Globa], ed for the three best works of art & Vmce Edwards 2Apr69 MAJ D Walker 82867 ~ssoclates Personnel Offlce Second and entries WIll be d1splayed In the Floor TermlnallBulldlng In 3Apr69 MAJ R Thompson, Jr 84555 I LIbrary and SpecIal SerVIces off1ce Home for one female and 2 male k1ttens "TIlE VICfORS" 4Apr69 MAJ F Johnson 82208 War Drama B&W-WS AT 5Apr69 cw4 J KeelIng 82461 also a nlce mother cat Call 82113 or EASTER BONNET CONTEST AND DOLL CONTEST 7 9 05 6Apr69 CPT G FIsher 84533 see at 467-A These two contests w1ll be run slffiulta­ & 7Apr69 CPT L Rader 84691 neously at the RIchardson Theater, "DurIng hours of 11 30-12 30, Monday Drapes for a two bedreoom house In gold, Thursday, AprIl 3 at 1 pm, and are open through FrIday, phone 81419 for Duty green, brown or a prInt Interested In to all gIrls of any age Doll con­ all WIndows Call 82577 TRADEWINDS OffIcer test prIzes will be given to the gIrl Duty Offlcer IS Kwajaleln MIsslle WIth the prettIest doll, most orig1nal ATTN Amateurs, do you have a 3 band Range Commanding OffIcer's representa­ costumed and a spec1al award to the "INVASION" I tlve durIng other than normal duty verticle or beam for salel, 10-15-20 most outstandIng doll Awards In the If so call 83616 Stars ':tours Easter Bonnet Contest WIll be made to Edward Judd those glrls WIth the prettIest, flln­ Fl.ctl.On Large power boat, tWIn engInes, good nlest and most orIgInal hat condItIon Please call Ed SchIele at 9954,.:2 ______SLOW-PITCH SOFTBALL-Organized games for boys and glrls WIll be held each LOST morn1ng of the vacatIon, March 31- Tan leather clutch purse WIth brown AprIl 4, at Dally F1eld, startIng at 'trImmIng Need It badly because of 10 am All equlpment will be fUrn1sh­ : SocIal SecurIty Card, etc, also one ed and any boy or gIrl desirIng to 'Ipalr of lIght tan moccaslns.J women SIze play should report to Dally F1eld at i8 Please return these to 219-A or the deSIgnated tIme ready to have some call 82553 fun I

GIVE AWAYS JUNIOR GOLF TOURNAMENT- A tourney for Please gIve a home to a lovable lady I boys and gIrls of any age will be held cat, 7 months old, gentle wIth chIldren, Thursday, AprIl 3, at Holmberg FaIrways and doesn't eat much Has had rabIes startIng at 8 30 am Call Spec1al shot and IS house traIned Call 82211 I ServIces, 83331, If you wIsh to enter' (DurIng the vacat1on, jun10r golfers PERSONALS should plan the1r golf so they are off Anyone havIng cla1ms agaInst SFC Robert the course by 4 pm ) A DInse, RA5553~981 please contact I Major Jerry L KIntIgh, SENSEA, by STORY HOUR-StorIes for pre-schoolers phone at 81425/81426 or In person at through fIrst grade WIll be read Monday BUIldIng 1051 (SENSEA Bldg) Wednesday and frIday at Grace SherwooJ Ll brary, 9-9l 'W am Storyteller WIll ANNOUNCEMENTS be Mrs Peggy Ice WATER CONDITION -- ORANGE TEEN CENTER-The Teen Center w1l1 be open dally, 1 - 3 pm and 8 - 10 pm SpeCIal tournaments and events are beIng planned now for the holiday IYWAJALEIN SCUBA CLUB DIVEMASTERS There IWlll be a dlvemasters meetIng at the MATINEE-A matInee WIll be held CommunIty Center at 5 pm, Wednesday, Wednesday, AprIl 2, In Rddltlon to 'AprIl 2 All dlvemasters are required the regular Saturday afterpr ~OVle to attend For further information call C LesnIak at 8?7h8 Cl~p and Save th~8 Schedule' MOVie ScheduJ~ THE RAINY SEASON MAY BE JUST AROUND THE CORNER---Many ladies' raIncoats have BARGAIN BAZAAR lS open every Wednesday been left at the Beauty Salon over the mornIng between the hours of 9 30 and past several months Please take the 11 30 Plckups are made Wednesday af­ opportunIty to look over the accumula­ ternoons If you have any glve-aways tlon, If yours is mIssing, the next call Barbara Johnson at 82208 or Karen tlme you have an appointment Favre at 82322

LADIES DUPLICATE BRIDGE will meet every EMON LODGE # 179 A&FM WIll hold a Wednesday afternoon at 12 30 pm at the special meeting Tuesday, April 1, at Yokwe Yuk Club Any questIons? Call 7 30 pm All Master Masons are cordial­ Mary Colligan 83570 ly invited ~OW R~~f~ilieStarBII~eiliere~y '~~-n-~I-w-A-S-I-O-N---~~~=~L~O=W~--~-~B~O~S;T=O~N~-~-~~~~-+~o;oo~--- Due to the dry season and constant heai Beta Sigma Phi's on island who are in- STRANGLER COUPLE salt spray cocoanut palm fronds w1lI teres ted in forming a chapter here? O~ not be delivered to private or publ1C ny women who would be interested in lnE CHILDREN'S MATINEE FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AT THE IVEY HALL WILL BE gathenngs Until further notice this ledging to organize a chapter? If se I "THAT DARN CAT" AT 1 pm service will be discontinued effectlve all 83490 after 5 pm lHF MATINEE pm) lJ1<'DNESDAY WILL BE "BON VOYAGE" AT 1 PM Apnl 1, 1969