
LOW TIDE HI,GH TIDE 4-1-69 4-1-69 o 5 at 1012 b 6 at 0406 o 3 at 2224 r, 8 at 1618 lASS !! --------------------------------------------------,- VOL 9 No 375S' Monday. March 31, 1969 Thousan Mourners Pay I Wafer (oleli,iol Oralae Today's News uSE:) YFS'l'EFDAY 226,400 GALS Eisenhower Final Homage ::::: IN fTO'1ACb 5,300,000 GALS At a Glance WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Mourners by the thousands, kIngs from abroaJ as wel~ as hIgh school tourlsts from the heartland of Amerlca, paId homage to Dwlg~t RAINFflLT Vb c: iF RDAY 45(1, 000. GALS EISENHOWER Statesman's fUneral D Elsenhower In the Capltol Rotunda today before hlS last jOl.rney home held today Ab~lene bur~al tomorrow The doors of the great hall under the CapItol dome were kept open un'l.!. 2 35 pm--an hour later than orlglnally planned--to accommodate the crowds The RA TliMI-J.Ja 9 frrvored us yesterday SAIGON -- North Vwt Irani reported to that stretched four abreast outslde In sunny, cold weather for the equlv­ but the s~y Looks clpar once aga~n be completely rebu~lt alent of SlX Clty blocks Please C'ooperate z,n th COl'We"lnng our Observers estlmated that more than 55,000 persons had passed th~ tormer water 'lUPDZlI ~n e>very hitle way poss~­ NIXON -- De Gaulle and Boudou1-n among Presldent's flag-draped casket ln the Rotunda by the tIme the 20 hours of ble world's d~gn~tar~es v~s~t~ng the Pres publlC vlewlng was ended to permIt ~dent at the Wh~te House famlly, frlends and dlgnltarles to pay the1r prIvate respects Nixon Meets Privately With EARTHQUAKES -- Several quakes reporte The late-afternoon state funeral around the wOr'ld at Washlngton Natlonal Cathedral drew more than 2,000 worshippers, French President De Gaulle DETROIT -- New Programs a~med at bet­ IncludIng Mrs Elsenhower and her WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Presldent Nlxon, startlng a s' lle~ of talks WI~n foreIgn dig­ ter commun~ty relat~ons Zeaves more famlly, Presldent Nlxon, former nItarIes here for the funeral nf Dwigf't D ~cserhoweY met prIv'ltely for almost to be des1-red Presldent Johnson, the hlerarchy an hour toda;y ;nth Fre'1ch }resldent C'halles ae Gb.u~12 In the Ilvlng quarters of of U S government, 18 chlefs of the W1nte House PAKISTAN -- Yahya Khan assumes Pres­ state and other foreIgn dlgnltar1es NIxon, who later met w1th K1ng Bou_oulnIl of BelgIum, gre=t,d De Gaulle on a ~dency s red carpet at the South Portl~e dIP ometi entrdl Ct to the ~h1te Hoube and took h1.m to the Yellow Oval ROOT)) There, t"le two reads of stat~ conferrea for 50 'ANGUILLA -- Ieland and Bnta~n (Jome m1.nutes WIth only two Int~lprpters prC~ent Ito agreement Troops pulZ7-ng out WhIte House Press Secretar., Roruld Zlegl.c:r SRld rr,' ~t WA,., no torma.!. agenda ---- I for th p l' "t1ng bl t that N1xon and De Polarities Blam ed GauIJ e "d~ocu"sed matters gOlng beyond Quakes Hit Mideast, courtpsJ' 11 't's P oblems D, 'a. if .. as rc.'IF'du~ed to arrIve at outhern Europe, Africa Fo r Det rO I r trc SOl"' entran~e 01 the ~~lte House UPI -- Earthquakes rumbled through DETROIT (VPI)-- Nel. prol';Yams all'l~d qt a' 10 m, PST He scfPPPd from hlS the Mlddle East, southern Europe and frcD,h-wad, C~troen unio the red carpet better pollce-cow~unlty rr tlons dnc northeastern Afr1ca today, swaYlng at 9 50 [LJ 'the n.en w rf' wlthout top hlrlng hard-core unempcoJ~Q were ~q ~'I­ tall bU1ldlngs In Calro, shlftlng ed In Detrol t after 1 ts u67 not, but <-oats de··.v~te a vola, lJl-lstery WInd desks and chalrs In Tel AV1V offlces the c1ty stlll shares the urban prou­ Je Gau_~e ~ee~ec L, want to enter the and leav1ng hundreds homeless through lems of the tlfleo Wh~t(' tlouse the Instant he was greeted out the reglon At least seven na­ ~y Nlxon, 'ut ~lXOP got hIm to hesl­ Detro1t M~yor Jero~e P Cavanag'I, cr tlons were hlt tate 1,DC C -lQugn for t,he photograpners a recent appearance tFf-,e a le~ls' The death toll was at least 65 ~re~en" t~eIr tlve commlttee, dloc~sseci t,e pre· .. ms to snap plctures Then Selsmologlsts In Washlngton, Tokyo, of the natlon'~ flftr largert Clty en the Fre"1cP Presldent turned abruptly and Uppsala, Sweden, reported they terms of all c~tles , ana waLyed InoO the executIve ma~oo had recorded t~e qUakes Cavanagh talked abOl,t "lPcrrrC,l'lg trall~d t) NIxon Nine persons were lnjured In Egypt polar1zatlon Wl thl 1 clllS COJI,Lry Nlxon escorted ue C~ulle to hlS auto­ and hundreds fled Into Calro streets mob_] F ar d wa, to hIm as he departed the mlddl '-:!ged le~ ~ us 'he J01 ng b I ~ lJ.. pu when a tremor struck at mldmornlng +'1<.. WhIte T{ouse to retclrn t<- hlS quar­ versus W'Ilte, 'he prosperous \~rsUQ the Two hours later a quake was felt In ter~ dt the French Embassy t-=::::---::::o---~--_,__,_--::_:::__---=..=_=i poor " Tel Aviv, shlftlng furnlture in some II, [,...,1.., ..... ,+ NIxon and Klng Boudou1n, stand1ng be­ offlces and cs' sing some persons to tween all honor gub-ru 01 b().J...tll.er~ ~n Pr'es~dent uunght D E~senhower was part1cularly woeful effects or t,j1P rlln into clvilian defense shelt~rs made Feb 2, 1969, 1-n h1-s SU1- te at Cl ty," he sald ~]~e OVerL(at~ _n~ whlte gloves, chat­ Eth10plan offlclals sald at least Wal ter Reed AI'I111f Med~cal Center' ~n Hubert Lecke, Calan"c'h' ~ adrlJ n~s- cEd ~rlE.fly 'lc 1 nt south entrance~ 300 persons were left homeless in t-W~a=s~h~~~n~to~n~ _______________~ tratlve aIde untIl ocrly In Iq~8 wh~n then walked 1"1'~ the Wllte House wlth the v1llage of Serdo In the north­ The actual serVlce approved by he becdffie head of the rellglon dep3.rt- tlw Pre~ldent' s arm around the Klng's west corner of the country as a re­ c,'Ir1.<lacr Elsenhower before hlS death was a blm ment at Wayne St~te [,~ver:lty Sd,~ _p­ sult of at least 100 m1nor shocks pIe Protestant one, Wl thout eulogIes troit "ref~ects all th' gr"tideur &ld Otr-er VISIt '0 Inclujed IsraelI F1rst to feel an earth tremor today or mllltary pageantry mlsery of Amer1can raclal Sf clety " Pre~ldent Zalman Shazar, Phlllpplne was the area around Mt Etna near PreSIdent Ferdlnand E Marcos, Greek And when the serVIce was lover, the "ThIS town represents WJld.t tf'(- KF'rn"'r ICatanla~ SlClly Minor damage was 1eDuty Prarrler StY~lancs Pattakos hero of World War II was carrled home CommISSIon S'l.lQ about L h.dJl "01 Ie" ," reported to Abllene, Kan , to be burled In a saId Locke, a Negrc regulatlon GI gray steel casket cost- There has been progress s~n~e tre Ing $80 rlot In employment The g~ant auto In- Reports Show Bombing Damage Presldent Johnson returned to Wash- dustry and other buslnesses repor' Lfi'Y Ington from Texas for the fIrst tlme have hlred 200,000 hardrore ur'''nmlryed Completely Repaired in NViet Nam SInce N1xon was lnaugurated Jan 20 w1thln the past year liT \.101.<11 lSLHoCt SJU']OtI I uPI)- L By cOlncldence, lt was one year to those flgures, thOUl'n," Lo 'e r", " sourC'es wlt,h access to Inteillgence reports and aerlal hot')~ the day Slnc.e he startled the nat10n "Subtract the people who' l have r r sal;} tecta:, North Vlet Nam has completely re"''l.lred the damage Infllcted by ljmF~ can b')nbprs ln 'the alr war that former Presldent Lyndon B Johnson by announc1ng he would not seek re- hlred anyway and you'll ~ t war'" ll}p I elect10n He and Mrs Johnson pald 5,000 or so Wlth prIson r_r'ords af1~ L~e I begdn ,Call'1g dmnl exartly one year ago a condolence call on Mrs E1senhower llke who were tr1.<] y hardr 01 e._" , OthEr JntelllgenL reports from North Vlet Nam sald the country IS sufferlng that lasted half an hour at mldday 11 011 food ,jefl.clencles !inc! that a general manpower shortage IS contrlbutlng On thlS, the natlonal day of mourn­ I cO Industl lal chortcoIDungb Ing procla1med by the PreSIdent, the Yahya Khan Assumes i J Jr-n:;on put "he HanOl-Halphong power core off Ilmlts to AmerlC"an alr attack Supreme Court met brlefly 1n tr1bute on Mar__ -_ b_3_1_. _' _1_C,__ , " 'l!_'_'d__ "-_ll_r_a_l_d_s_ above the 19th pa'rallel stopped Last Nov to EIsenhower and then adjourned un­ Title of President I . __ 1st, the Unlted States halted all alr tIl tomorrow mornlng __ ~ ____ ~==~~~==~~==~;.~...... ;;~and naval bombardment of North Vlet The other surv_vlng former Presl­ KARACHI, PAKISTAN (UPI) - Gen iahyd .-. Nam dent, Harry S Truman, had hlS WIfe Khan assumed the t1tle of Prcs1deLt to­ KuNMING V-I lit na m The reports today sald North V1etnam- Bess telephoned Mrs E1senhower from day In order to tlghten hlS grIp on the CHINA t ese work gangs have now rebu1lt all 1m- thelr vacat10n home at Key West, Fla natIon he has r~led by martlaJ "a, fo~ R0 UNO UP port ant alrflelds, rallroads, ports, to express hlS regrets he could not the past SlX days He lll'ned]at£lf ~.........
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