Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 308 5th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Wednesday, 23 February, 2011

Four political objectives Senior General Than Shwe sends * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquil- lity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution felicitations to Sultan of Brunei * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution NAY PYI TAW, 23 Feb — On the occasion of the 27th Anniversary of the National Day of Brunei Darussalam which falls on 23 February 2011, Senior General Than Shwe, Four economic objectives Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of , has sent a * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well message of felicitations to His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic sys- tem Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.—MNA * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples Prime Minister felicitates Four social objectives * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire na- Sultan of Brunei tion * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres- AY YI AW N P T , 23 Feb — On the occasion of the 27th Anniversary of the National Day of ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and Brunei Darussalam which falls on 23 February 2011, U Thein Sein, Prime Minister of the Union of national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of Muizzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.—MNA the entire nation Eleventh-day regular session of First held Approval sought for appointment of Auditor-General of the Union Persons suitable to be appointed as judges of Supreme Court of the Union nominated

NAY PYI TAW, 22 Feb—The eleventh-day regular session of the First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw was held at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Hall in Hluttaw Build- ing, here, at 11 am today, attended by Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint, Speaker of Thura U Shwe Mann, and representa- tives of Pyithu Hluttaw and . Director-General U Myint Thein of the Hluttaw Office acted as master of ceremonies. After taking position, Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint announced the validity and start of the session as 654 out of 658 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives who have the right to attend Eleventh-day regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in progress.—MNA today’s session were an announcement was the qualification regarding nomination objection to the Speaker submitted present, accounting for issued for Pyidaungsu prescribed in Sub- of U Lun Maung to the nominee. Accordingly, nomination to the posts 99.39 per cent. Hluttaw representatives section (a) of Article post of Auditor- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw of judges of the Union The Speaker of to raise objection with 242 of the constitution General of the Union approved the nominee. Supreme Court made by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw an- clear evidences that the of the Republic of the made by the elected Afterwards, the the elected President in nounced that although nominee does not meet Union of Myanmar President, there were no Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (See page 8)

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 1 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Environmental conservation * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State for better world * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy Today, the world has come under environmental degradation due to many human Commander inspects FM sends felicitations to Brunei activities such as excessive exploitation of natural resources and indiscriminate discarding development tasks in counterpart of hazardous wastes and sewage. NAY PYI TAW, 23 Feb — On the occasion of World population is growing day by day, MraukU, Minbya and the 27th Anniversary of the National Day of calling for increasing supply of safe water. Brunei Darussalam which falls on 23 February Similarly, demand of water for the people, Myebon Tsps 2011, U Nyan Win, Minister for Foreign Affairs factories, farmlands and other enterprises is on of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of NAY PYI TAW, 22 Feb—Chairman of Rakhine felicitations to His Royal Highness Prince Haji the increase. So, the government is seeking State Peace and Development Council Commander Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister of Foreign Affairs more ways apart from constructing dams to of Western Command Brig-Gen Soe Thein, on 17 and Trade of Brunei Darussalam.—MNA meet the nation’s demands of irrigation water February, inspected maintenance of roads and and potable water. bridges along MraukU-Minbya motor road. After Myebon Township. So, it is required to utilize and conserve that, the commander met with officers and other On arrival at briefing hall of Myebon-Katha- water sources systematically. In particular, ranks and their families at local battalion and Kyarintaung road construction project in factories near rivers and creeks have to treat presented sport gears. Kyarintaung Village, the commander left necessary sewage and hazardous chemicals before The commander inspected the local battalion. instructions after hearing the report by an official throwing them away. Waste water from Later on, he looked into strand road, construction on works. distilleries, leather factories, peas mills, cold of shops, paving of tarred road, erecting of traffic Afterwards, he inspected road works along storages, prawn processing plants, textile plants, island lamp posts and construction of Z-crafts in Myebon-An motor road.—MNA fish sauce factories, soft drink factories and chemical factories contains harmful chemical agents. Quartermaster- Water in a river or creek contaminated General Maj-Gen with such chemical agents is fatal to aquatic Wai Lwin and wife creatures in it and harmful to the health of those being welcomed by who use that water. Indiscriminately throwing Russian Ambassador away untreated sewage to water sources, setting to Myanmar Mr. up latrines on banks of rivers and creeks and Mikhail Mgeladze taking bath and washing clothes on edges of rivers and creeks are some causes of water and wife at the pollution. reception to mark the Household waste is also consisted of Armed Forces Day of perishable chemical agents, and that causes Russian Federation at water pollution if it is thrown away to water Chatrium Hotel in sources. Yangon on 22 Water pollution, air pollution, soil February.—MNA pollution and deforestation lead to environmental deterioration. Therefore, the entire people have to do their bit in environmental conservation tasks for the better CPT Minister inspects Yadanabon Myothit Project world. Delegation of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise leaves for Malaysia YANGON, 22 Feb—Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise under the Ministry of Information has been building modern studios and making quality Myanmar movies in cooperation with foreign countries with a view to developing the Myanmar film industry. In so doing, MMPE has purchased color analyzer, colour compact printer, B&W film calder processing machine, optical sound recorder CPT Minister U Thein Zaw inspects installation and functioning of devices at Yatanarpon (Stereo), simplex 35mm five star dolby digital Teleport Building.—MNA projector from Addaudio Co Ltd. In order to familiarize MMPE staff with the N AY PYI TAW, 22 Feb—Minister for February. equipment and machines, short-term training Communications, Posts and Telegraphs U Thein Next, the minister oversaw production of courses were conducted with the help of foreign Zaw looked into installation and functioning of cables at Yatanarpon Fiber Optical Factory, technicians. Now at the invitation of Addaudio Co devices at Convergence Billing Center, Soft mobile accessories and prepaid cards Ltd, the six-member delegation led by MMPE Switch Room, ISP Data Center, Yatanarpon Web manufactured at Asia Mega Link Factory, Director (Technical) U Win Thu left here by air for Portal Control Center, Network Operating Center, progress in construction of housings of Northern Malaysia to be able to skillfully operate movie IPTV Room and Data Center in Yatanarpon Housing Project and land preparation and paving equipment and study modern cinematography. Teleport Building in Yadanabon Myothit near of new roads at project area. MNA PyinOoLwin of Mandalay Region on 20 MNA

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 2 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 3 Blast rocks Kabul, Afghanistan KABUL, 22 Feb—A east of the capital city. which left 10 people blast rocked Afghan However, he failed dead and 17 others Capital Kabul on to explain why the injured, and almost of Tuesday. The blast was authorities did not issue them were civilians. happened in eastern part notice to Kabul residents Moreover, two more of capital City Kabul, an before conducting any suicide attacks that official said, but military exercise. rocked eastern Nang- declined to be identified. Afghans are war- arhar and northern Meantime, an official weary people and any Kunduz Provinces on 19 with the press department big bang can cause panic Feb and 21 Feb of Interior Ministry in among the Afghans respectively, had left 69 talks with Xinhua particularly to Kabul dead and over 100 others described the blast as part residents. injured with majority of People gather at the blast site in Quetta, southwest Pakistan, on 22 Feb, of military exercise in Two suicide attacks them non-combatants, 2011. At least two persons were killed and several others were injured in Polygon area of Pul-e- shocked capital Kabul according to officials. a blast that took place in a hotel in Quetta on Monday night.—XINHUA Charkkhi some 10 km on 28 Jan and 14 Feb Xinhua American held in Lahore is CIA contractor Pirates shoot dead four WASHINGTON, 22 Feb—An American held on murder American hostages-US charges in Pakistan after a shooting worked as a CIA contractor but was not involved in covert operations, military US sources closely following the case said on Monday. The confirmation of a link with the CIA — which WASHINGTON, 22 Feb—Pirates shot dead four had been reported in recent days in Pakistani media — American hostages on a yacht they had seized in was likely to further strain Washington’s ties with the Arabian Sea, and a firefight left two pirates dead Islamabad over the case. and 13 captured, the US military said on Tuesday. The shooting of two Pakistanis last month in the The sequence of events was not immediately eastern city of Lahore has inflamed anti-American clear, but the US military’s Central Command said feeling in Pakistan and highlighted the countries’ uneasy the dead hostages were only discovered after US alliance against Islamist militants who attack US troops forces responded to gunfire and boarded the pirated in neighbouring Afghanistan. A US consulate employee is escorted by yacht, known as the Quest. Raymond Davis, a former American special forces police and officials out of court after facing a “As they responded to the gunfire, reaching soldier, is a “protective officer” employed as a CIA judge in Lahore, on 28 Jan, 2011. and boarding the Quest, the forces discovered all contractor, the US. INTERNET four hostages had been shot by their captors,” the Davis’ duties were essentially as a bodyguard, to US military’s Central Command said in a statement. provide physical security to US Embassy and consular Confirmation of a connection between Davis and “Despite immediate steps to provide life-saving officers and visiting American dignitaries, US officials the CIA came as President Barack Obama’s care, all four hostages ultimately died of their who declined to be identified told Reuters. administration reiterated its call for Pakistan to recognize wounds.” Officials strongly denied news reports alleging what Washington says is Davis’ diplomatic immunity MNA/Reuters Davis was part of a covert CIA-led team of operatives and to free him immediately. Davis has said the shooting conducting surveillance on militant groups. occurred during a robbery attempt.—Reuters NATO airstrike kills six civilians, says Afghan A police officer inspects Several the damage following official three near-simultaneous injured in KABUL, 22 Feb—A NATO airstrike targeting car bombings in the a group of alleged insurgents mistakenly killed northern Iraqi City of Pakistan port an Afghan family of six, an Afghan official Kirkuk. The attacks, blast said Monday. which killed at least ISLAMABAD, 22 Feb— The airstrike took place late Sunday in eight people, have been Several people were Khogyani, a district in the eastern province of blamed on Sunni injured Tuesday when militant group Ansar Nangarhar. an explosion hit a main Al-Islam. The attack came one day after President road in Gwadar, a INTERNET Hamid Karzai condemned NATO airstrikes that newly-built port city in had allegedly killed some 50 civilians in the Suicide car bomber kills 12 north southwest Pakistan, local neighbouring province of Kunar. sources said.—Xinhua Internet

of Baghdad Residents gather at the site BAGHDAD, 22 Feb—A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb Monday at a of a bomb attack in police station north of Baghdad, killing at least 12 police officers, police and health Baghdad’s Shula District officials said. recently. A car bomb The attack in Samarra, 60 miles (95 kilometres) north of Baghdad, comes nine exploded at a funeral wake days after a suicide bomber targeted Shiite pilgrims returning from a religious in a Shi’ite area of Iraq’s ceremony at the city’s al-Askari mosque. Thirty-six were killed in that attack. Capital on Thursday, Monday’s bombing also wounded at least 22 people, according to two police killing at least 35 people, wounding dozens and officers and hospital official. triggering clashes between The police battalion that came under attack had been dispatched from a angry residents and police, southern Shiite Province two weeks ago to help protect pilgrims during the health and security ceremony, said Niyaz Oglu, a member of the area’s provincial council. sources said. Oglu accused al-Qaeda in Iraq of organizing the attack.—Internet INTERNET

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NASA to launch Gulf spill said ‘devastating’ to sea life newest Earth- ATHENS, 22 Feb—The 2010 essentially killed.” Deepwater Horizon gulf oil spill had Joye says she disagrees with an observing satellite a “devastating” effect on life on the assessment by BP’s compensation seafloor that could need years to BEIJING, 22 Feb—NASA will launch fund that the gulf waters will recover its newest Earth-observing satellite recover, a US marine scientist says. from the effects of the spill by the end “Glory” this Wednesday to collect data Samantha Joye of the University of 2012. of Georgia says studies using a on climate change research. “The gulf is resilient,” she said. “I submersible discovered a layer of dead The satellite will be lifted off by a do believe that it will recover from animals and oil in the Gulf of Mexico Women wade through water Taurus XL Rocket from the this insult, but I don’t think it’s going as thick as 4 inches in some places, covering the street and bridge Vandenberg Air Force Base in to recover fully by 2012.” the BBC reported Monday. connecting the suburbs on the California at the dawn of this The impact at the bottom of the Wednesday. Joye and colleagues used the outskirts of Chokwe, near the aquatic food chain will inevitably have “Glory”’s main job will be to study submersible to survey the lowest layer Limpopo river, Mozambique, in long-term effects on species nearer the tiny atmospheric particles called of water around the destroyed January 2011. Fifty million aerosols. The data of this mission may wellhead, known as the benthos. the surface, she says, including some “environmental refugees” will help scientists’ research on how “The impact on the benthos was humans depend on as a food source. flood into the global north by aerosols affect earth climate. devastating,” she says. “I think it’s going to be 2012 2020, fleeing food shortages The $424 million mission was “Filter-feeding organisms, before we begin to really see the sparked by climate change, supposed to start last November, but a invertebrate worms, corals, sea fans fisheries implications and experts warned at a major science problem with the satellite solar panels — all of those were substantially repercussions from this,” she said. conference that ended here delayed the launch.—Xinhua impacted — and by impacted, I mean Internet Monday.—INTERNET Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across Ancient fossils: Plants or animals? the Atlantic Ocean, is BLACKSBURG, 22 Feb—US scientists say mysterious ancient fossils discovered in China defy shown in this undated file classification, puzzling researchers who can’t decide if they’re plant or animal. photo.More than seven Either way, they say, the fossils could shed new light on the evolution of large, complex organisms decades after aviator and indicate they may have diversified earlier than thought, reported. Amelia Earhart disappeared The researchers say the fossils, found in China’s southern Anhui Province, date to between 580 while attempting her ill- million and 635 million years ago. fated flight around the Two of the fossil organisms resemble seaweed, while three other new types are difficult to classify world, a BC scientist hopes as animal or plant. to extract DNA from letters “Some of my colleagues are more leaning toward the animal interpretation,” said study researcher she wrote to loved ones. Shuhai Xiao, a professor of geobiology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. “But my INTERNET personal view is that we still don’t know what they are.”—Internet

Russia grounds launches of Rokot carrier rocket China mobile MOSCOW, 22 Feb—Russian Space “Rokot’s launches have been Forces have grounded launches of suspended to fulfill recommended subscriber Rokot light-class carrier rocket after measures to ensure the necessary level total rises to its failed launch with military satellite of quality and reliability the Rokot Geo-IK-2, local reports said on will be evaluated by the state-owned 853 million in Monday. enterprise TsNIImash and four The launches have to be halted institutes of the Defence Ministry,” January until the completion of a investigation local reports quoted a source from the HONG KONG, 22 on Rokot’s failure on 1 Feb, in which forces as saying. Feb—China Mobile, the rocket’s Briz-KM upper stage The three-stage Rockot is a rocket failed to place the satellite in a developed on a basis of the pensioned- China’s largest mobile designed orbit. off two-stage intercontinental strategic Airplanes might soon have flexible wings like carrier, said its total The next launch of Rokot was ballistic missile RS-18 (or SS-19 by birds and robots could change shape as they mobile subscribers rose scheduled at the end of March, but NATO classification). It is capable to please thanks to research under way on mimosa to about 589.3 million investigative commission said it would deliver up to two tons of load to a low plants, researchers said. in January, including not complete its work by the deadline. orbit.—Xinhua INTERNET 22.6 million 3G subscribers. HP results seen solid as Apotheker’s vision awaited China Unicom, the SAN FRANCISCO, 22 Feb—Hewlett-Packard operating profit, should turn in strong, if country’s No 2 mobile Co (HPQ.N) should reaffirm good corporate unspectacular, results, according to analysts. carrier’s total mobile technology spending trends when it reports HP’s report is due to come on the heels of subscribers increased to results, as investors wait to hear more about the company’s most aggressive salvo at the 169.7 million for the new CEO Leo Apotheker’s vision for the wireless device market dominated by the month, including 15.5 future. likes of Apple Inc (AAPL.O) and Google Inc On Tuesday, the world’s largest (GOOG.O) — the Palm software-powered million 3G subscribers. A private road that leads to the technology company by revenue is expected TouchPad. China Telecom said Jackling House a historic mansion to report strong demand for networking The tablet, unveiled alongside two new its total mobile own by Apple CEO Steve Jobs who equipment, servers and storage, but relatively smartphones, emerged from HP’s $1.2 billion subscribers rose to about has bulldozed the home to make lackluster sales of low-margin personal acquisition of Palm, a pioneer in mobile 94.1 million in January, way for his future house is pictured computers due to weak consumer spending. computing that had languished in the face of including 13.6 million in Woodside, California, The printing and IT services segments, Apple’s dominance. for 3G subscribers. on 21 Feb, 2011.—INTERNET which provide more than half of HP’s Reuters Reuters

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Heart drug may help prevent High cholesterol, blood blindness pressure in middle age ATHENS, 22 Feb— A statin drug — brand-name Lipitor — may help prevent blindness in people with diabetes, researchers tied to early memory at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy say. Lead problems author Azza El-Remessy and colleagues say diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in adults who have had diabetes WASHINGTON, 22 Feb—Middle-age men and women who have cardiovascular issues, such as for 10 to 15 years, and there are no government-approved oral This undated photo by the Great Barrier high cholesterol and high blood pressure, may not treatments. Surgical methods are expensive and painful, El- Reef Marine Park Authority shows Remessy says. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. In a long- only be at risk for heart disease, but for an increased A study using diabetic rats, scheduled to be published in the term study of chemical signaling among risk of developing early cognitive and memory March edition of the journal Diabetologia, found statins prevent organisms in coral reefs funded by the problems as well, according to a study released free radicals in the retina from killing nerves important to National Insitutes of Health, seaweed has Monday. been found to send off a natural chemical maintaining vision. For the study, 3,486 men and 1,341 women with response to ward off fungi, a process that an average age of 55 underwent cognitive tests three “The exciting part is that there are now treatment options could help the search for anti-malaria that are proven to be safe that can be immediately translated to drugs, a US scientist said Monday. times over 10 years. The tests measured reasoning, patients,” El-Remessy says in a statement.—Internet INTERNET memory, fluency and vocabulary. Participants received a Framingham risk score that is used to Health Tip: When you sweat all the time predict 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event. It is based on age, sex, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, Becoming drenched with sweat during an intense workout systolic blood pressure and whether they smoked or is to be expected. But what if you constantly sweat, even without had diabetes. The study found people who had exertion? higher cardiovascular risk were more likely to have Excessive sweating, especially when accompanied by other lower cognitive function and a faster rate of overall symptoms, may signal that you should visit your doctor. The cognitive decline compared to those with the lowest ADAM Encyclopedia cites these examples: risk of heart disease. A 10-percent higher * Sweating heavily for an extended period without an cardiovascular risk was associated with poorer Ragweed allergy season in North identifiable cause. cognitive test scores in all areas except reasoning for America has grown two to four * Feeling pressure or pain in the chest, along with sweating. men and fluency for women. For example, a 10 weeks longer in recent years * Losing weight. percent higher cardiovascular risk was associated because of warmer temperatures * Sweating that usually happens while you sleep. with a 2.8 percent lower score in the test of memory and later fall frosts, researchers * Any of these symptoms accompanied by difficulty breathing for men and a 7.1 percent lower score in the memory said.—INTERNET or a very fast, pounding heartbeat.—Internet test for women.—Xinhua

Singapore finance minister S Korea’s imports of US tipped to chair IMF panel beef grow 97% in 2010 SINGAPORE, 22 Feb— committee Youseef SEOUL, 22 Feb — South Korea’s imports of US Singapore Finance Boutros-Ghali was beef surged a whopping 97 percent in 2010 compared Minister Tharman Egypt’s former finance with the year earlier, the Ministry for Food, Shanmugaratnam could minister. He was no Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said Tuesday. be the next chairman of longer the country’s The ministry said the country imported 125,681 tons the top advisory body of finance minister of beef from the United States last year, up 97 the International following a cabinet percent from 63,817 tallied in 2009. The figure Monetary Fund, local reshuffle in the political stands at 63 percent of the record 199, 409 tons of US media reported on unrest earlier this month. beef imported in 2003 before South Korea banned Tuesday. Tharman will be the File photo of an electrical pole with metre boxes US beef imports due to concerns over mad cow The finance ministry first Asian chairman of disease. said Tharman has been in Vietnam. Vietnam will raise electricity prices the committee if he is The ministry, which based its findings on data approached for the chosen. Singapore is by 15 percent to help attract investment for new provided by the US Department of Agriculture, also position of chair of the currently not a member said South Korea was the fourth-largest importer of International Monetary power plants in the energy-hungry nation, which of the committee but it US beef, after Mexico, Canada, and Japan. US pork and Financial has been invited to the is also battling rising inflation, official media imports, however, fell 14.7 percent last year. South Committee. restricted sessions of the Korea bought 99,901 tons of pork from the US last The Straits Times said Tuesday. committee in recent year, down from 117,157 tons reported in the year said the position is not years.—Xinhua INTERNET earlier, the ministry said.—Xinhua full-time, enabling incumbents to continue Dollar at lower 83 yen in File photo Mount Fuji in other roles. The rising up behind Tokyo’s committee gives advice Tokyo skyscraper skyline. Ratings agency Moody’s on shaping the global TOKYO, 22 Feb— The US dollar changed hands monetary and financial on Tuesday said it had at the lower 83 yen level in Tokyo. changed its outlook on the system to the Board of The dollar bought 83.19-21 yen at midday, up government of Japan’s Governors of the from 83.12-13 yen at 5 pm Monday in Tokyo. Aa2 rating to ‘negative’ International Monetary The euro was quoted at 1.3594-3599 dollars from ‘stable’ on concerns Fund. and 113.08-12 yen, compared with 1.3681-3682 current policy may not be The former dollars and 113.72-76 yen in Tokyo late Monday. adequate to contain huge chairman of the Xinhua debt.—INTERNET

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 5 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 Housing data may have understated extend of collapse

WASHINGTON, 22 Feb—A housing trade analysis firm, according to the report. CoreLogic association is examining the possibility that the says NAR could have overstated home sales by as data it releases underestimated the collapse of the much as 20 percent. housing industry, the Wall Street Journal reported An over-count of home sales may mean that on Monday. there is a bigger backlog of unsold homes and that The National Association of Realtors, which it will take longer for the US housing sector to climb issues the monthly existing home sales report that out of the deep hole it is already in, dragging on the Israeli construction cranes and excavators at is closely watched by economists and financial broader economic recovery. the building sites of new housing units in east markets, may have over-counted home sales dating The crash of US housing markets, in part because Jerusalem, 2008. Israel’s economy picked up in as far back as 2007, the newspaper said in an article of shoddy lending practices, was at the heart of the the last quarter of 2010, chalking up 7.8 percent posted to its web site. economic meltdown that started in the United States growth and a higher-than-expected annual NAR’s home sales count was at odds with and spread around the world. growth rate of 4.5 percent.—INTERNET calculations by CoreLogic, a California real estate Reuters Obesity gene may up dementia risk Lab workers dissect mosquitoes at a STOCKHOLM, 22 Feb— the study, but they may could explain why their malaria vaccine People with the FTO have been previously BMI was already lower, research centre in the genotype linked to overweight. but we don’t know US in 2007. Seaweed overweight and “In a way, the finding whether this effect is emits a natural increased diabetes risk that surprises us most is independent of BMI or chemical response to have three times the risk that when we correct for not.” ward off fungi that for Alzheimer’s disease, body mass index, we still The study involved would otherwise researchers in Sweden see the effect. We thought 1,003 individuals age 75 colonize an injured say. Study leader the effect would work and older — half who plant, a process that Caroline Graff of the through a higher BMI,” had the FTO genotype could help the search Karolinska Institute in Graff told The Local. — who did not have or for anti-malaria drugs, Stockholm says the study “One explanation had not yet been a US scientist said subjects with the may be that those we diagnosed with dementia Monday. genotype were not examined were already at the beginning of the INTERNET necessarily obese during way into the disease. That study.—Internet People struggle to eat Helsinki runs out of heart-healthy foods arctic-grade diesel HELSINKI, 22 Feb— anticipation of demand WASHINGTON, 22 Feb— People may know what Neste Oil in Finland said by vacationers driving to add to their diet for heart health, but they still Monday it had run dry north for a winter break. struggle to incorporate it into their diets, a US of diesel fuel tailored for Temperatures in survey indicates. use in arctic conditions southern Finland are not The International Food Information Council in the nation’s capital low enough to demand Functional Foods/Foods for Health Consumer Asian feet made for more than just walking. region. arctic-grade diesel, Trending Survey indicates eight out of 10 Americans Used and abused, squeezed into high heel shoes Finnish news which is still useful at are aware of the relationship between omega-3s — feet often tend to get a raw deal. But there agency STT reported minus 44 degrees Celsius and heart health, but 48 percent of Americans are are places where they get plenty of attention, as Neste shipped arctic- or minus 47 degrees currently consuming omega-3s. China experiences a boom in foot massage grade diesel to southern Fahrenheit, the news “Consuming a diet that is low in saturated and parlours.—INTERNET Finland last week in agency said.—Internet trans fats, cholesterol and sodium can help reduce your risk for heart disease,” David Grotto says in a Australia’s electricity statement. “But that’s only one side of the equation. It is prices to rise also important to choose foods that can promote CANBERRA, 22 Feb— By 2015, Australia’s heart health such as fruits and vegetables, whole electricity will cost more than double its 2008 price, grains and fiber.” a new study indicates. Among the factors responsible Other heart-healthy foods are: for Australia’s energy price increases have been * Nuts, which provide a rich source of protein, massive investment in transmission and distribution fiber, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fat. networks and movements in the wholesale markets * Monounsaturated fat such as olive, canola, driven by the country’s droughts and mining boom, peanut or high oleic safflower oil, or said the report, released Monday by the Australian polyunsaturated fat such as sunflower, corn or Industry Group. The report comes amid a stalemate A Google camera is pictured during a press soybean oil may help promote heart health. in negotiations in Canberra over the shape of the conference in November 2010 in Hamburg at * Salmon, sardines, herring, trout and tuna are country’s carbon pricing scheme. the launch of Google Street View from 20 terrific sources of omega-3 fatty acids, as are The government favours a fixed carbon price eggs and some fortified food. beginning in July 2012, with an emissions trading German cities. Israeli ministers have been * Protein from soy sources can also help reduce scheme kicking in three or four years later. In an discussing the security and privacy heart risk. interview with Australia’s Sunday Telegraph implications of allowing Google Street View to * Sterols and stanols found in corn, soy, wheat newspaper in December, Australian Prime Minister and some fortified foods like soft table spreads, Julia Gillard attributed rising electricity prices to photograph streets in Israel ahead of the orange juice and yogurt help block the lack of certainty about a carbon price, which she launch here of the 3D-mapping service. absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. said was causing an under-investment in new INTERNET Internet electricity generation.—Internet

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 6 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 7 The noblest task for purification, perpetuation, propagation and promotion of the Buddha Sasana Ba Sein (Religious Affairs) In order to carefully preserve the noblest task for one from Viet Nam and one from England eminent monks including one from abroad, purification, perpetuation, propagation and promotion (c) Dhadhammakahtika Bahujanahitadhara title Thailand of the Buddha Sasana (teachings of the Omniscient to one eminent monk (f) Kammathanacariya title to three eminent Buddha) at home and abroad, the Government of the (d) Aggamahaganthavacakapandita title to monks State Peace and Development Council of the Union seventeen eminent monks Religious titles for excellent missionary works of Myanmar always attaches great importance to the (e) Mahaganthavacakpandita title to two eminent on Buddhism (only for laypersons) implementation of this noble task. monks The outstanding laypersons who generously In this regard, we all Buddhists throughout the (f) Ganthavcakpandita title to twenty-four donated and provided the four requisites for the country are very pleased and greatly honoured to eminent monks and four eminent nuns noble task of excellent works on Buddhism at home learn that the State Peace and Development Council Religious titles for excellent missionary works and from abroad were presented the respective of the Union of Myanmar issued the Notification No. on Buddhism religious titles as follows. It is learnt that these 1/2011 regarding presenting religious titles on the Both internal and international outstanding religious titles have been presented since 1991. 63rd Anniversary Independence Day of the Union of Buddhist monks, nuns and laypersons who For male Myanmar which falls on 4th January 2011. distinctively carried out the noble task of the excellent (a) Aggamahasirisudhammamanijotadara title According to the Notification No. 1/ 2011 of the missionary works on Buddhism at home and abroad to four laypersons State Peace and Development Council of the Union were presented these religious titles as follows. (b) Sudhammamanijotadhara title to six of Myanmar, the respective religious titles were (a) Abhidhaja-aggamahasaddhammajotika title laypersons presented as follows to internal and international to four eminent Mahatheras (Chief Monks) For female outstanding Buddhist monks, Buddhist nuns and including one from abroad, India (a) Aggamhasirisudhamma Theingi title to four laypersons who earnestly carried out the noble task (b) Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja title to laypersons for promotion, purification, perpetuation and twenty-one eminent monks including one (b) Sirisudhamma Theingi title to one layperson propagation of Buddha Sasana at home and abroad- from abroad, Viet Nam (c) Sudhamma Theingi title to ten laypersons Religious titles for distinctively fulfilling two (c) Mahasaddhammajotikadhaja title to eleven It is further learnt that the great grand religious Dhuras (duties), Gantha Dhura (duty of learning eminent monks, one eminent nun and one titles presentation ceremony will be held in Nay Pyi and teaching the Pitaka Scriptures) and Vipassana layperson including two eminent monks from Taw, the capital of the Union of Myanmar. The Dhura (duty of engaging in meditation) abroad one from Viet Nam and one from religious title recipients at home and from abroad will (a) Abhidhajamaharatthaguru title to three Bangladesh be invited to attend this very auspicious ceremony to eminent Mahatheras (Chief Monks) (d) Saddhammajotikadhaja title to fifteen eminent receive their respective religious titles which will be (b) Aggamahapandita title to ten eminent monks including two from abroad one from presented by the Government of the State Peace and Mahatheras including four Mahatheras from Nepal and one from Sri Lanka Development Council of the Union of Myanmar for abroad one from Sri Lanka, one from India, (e) Aggamahakammathanacariya title to two the year of 2011.

successfully holding the festival on a grand scale. First Chaungtha Beach ... Moreover, buses will run at usual fares,” he said. We have learned that hotels of the beach will serve the visitors with refreshments on 25 February evening, the stage show with participation of Chit Kaung, Sai Sai Kham Hlaing, Ye Lay, Kaung Myat, L Seng Zi, Waing Su Khaing Thein, Chan Chan, Ayethin Cho Swe, K Meiko to the accompaniment of the Trees Band on 26 February, and the Five Star Anyeint on 27 February. General Manager U Kyin Hlaing said that priority will be given to security measure of the festival, and full time rescue duty will be assigned to members of the Red A Japanese couple strolling along Chaungtha Photo shows bungalows among coconut Cross Society. Beach. palms. In-charge of the construction group U San Yin said (from page 16) that hotels are being decorated with pleasant accessories, Market where tourists buy domestic products and rivers and creeks as a network. Chaungtha Beach is and the beach archway, stages for Anyeint and stage souvenirs was built and reopened last year. At the gaining greater development thanks to roads and show, shops are under construction. festival, 50 shops will be built to display marine bridges that has emerged one after another after 1988. An official explained that Shwethaya Myoma products and domestic goods. Hotels, inns, restaurants, scenic beauties of forests, A total of 15 hotels including international standard mountains and the sea make the tourists fresh and hotels, inns, restaurants and souvenirs plan to give happy. better hospitable services to the visitors at 10 per cent We, the news crew of Kyemon Daily heard news discount. that the First Chaungtha Beach Festival will be held on Thanks to Chaungtha Beach Festival, the visitors a grand scale from 25 to 27 February. In an interview, will have the opportunity to tour Thebyu Island, Secretary of the Organizing Committee U Nyi Nyi Pokala Island (or) Aungmingala Island, Aung explained that the local authorities, the Myanmar Kyaukmaunghnama Beach and Shwethaungyan Hoteliers Association and local people plan to join Beach and their environs and to observe traditional hands in organizing the festival for development of the works of local people and enjoy panoramic scenic region. beauties. “Especially, all hotels, inns and restaurants in the Information and souvenirs for tourists at Translation: TTA zone will offer customers with 10 per cent discounts for Chaungtha Beach. Kyemon: 20-2-2011

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 7 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 Eleventh-day regular session of First Pyidaungsu Hluttaw…







book. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker submits nomination of persons suitable MNA to be appointed as judges of Supreme Court of the Union. —MNA (from page 1) The elected President Soe Nyunt, U Mya Thein, of Union Supreme Court Constitution of the the constitution of the coordination with the and the elected Chief U Myint Aung, U Aung in accord with paragraph Republic of the Union of Republic of the Union of elected Chief Justice of Justice of the Union Zaw Thein and U Myint (1), Sub-section (d) of Ar- Myanmar and Myanmar and that if there the Union. nominated U Tha Htay, U Han for the posts of judges ticle 299 of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Rule were any representatives 26. inclined to raise objection The Pyidaungsu against the nominees, they Hluttaw Speaker an- may report to the Director- nounced that the contact General of the Hluttaw Of- persons of respective par- fice this evening in accord ties may take out the cur- with Sub-section (b) of riculum vitae of the nomi- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Rule nees, appropriate to be ap- 27, taking clear evidences. pointed as judges of Un- Next, the Pyidaungsu ion Supreme Court nomi- Hluttaw Speaker an- nated by the elected Presi- nounced the eleventh-day dent and elected Chief Jus- regular session of the First tice of Union, at the Direc- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ended tor-General of the Hluttaw and the twelfth-day regu- Office, to examine lar session would continue whether the said persons at 11 am on 24 February. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives arriving to attend the regular session of Pyidaungsu possess qualification de- The session came to Hluttaw.—MNA scribed in Article 301 of an end at 11.15 am.—MNA Nursery and Midwifery Home for human trafficking victims opened in Muse

Conference starts NAY PYI T AW, 22 Feb— Police Col Soe Myaing, District Maternal and Child equipment and utensils Opening of Muse home for Head of Squad for Preven- Welfare Association, has been provided from YANGON, 22 Feb —The 52nd Nursery and Mid- human trafficking victims, tion of Trafficking in Per- UNICEF, UNIAP, WV the fund of Commit. wifery Conference of Myanmar Nursery and Mid- built under the supervision sons Deputy Police Col (M), SC and AFXB. To jointly combat wifery Association took place at University of Nurs- of Central Committee for Nyunt Hlaing, Chairman At the ceremony, the human trafficking be- ing (Yangon) on Bogyoke Aung San Street in Prevention of Trafficking of Muse District Peace and Chairman of Muse Dis- tween Myanmar and Lanmadaw Township here this morning. in persons, took place at the Development Council U trict PDC, the director China has started since Chairperson of the association Professor Dr Nan front of the home in Moe Hein, Director U Saw and the deputy police Col 2005. In 2009, signing Htwan Hla made an opening speech and presented Swansaw ward in Muse Win of Social Welfare De- opened it. MoU and opening of bor- special honourable gold statuette to Winner of world yesterday morning. It was partment, invited guests Police Col Soe der relation offices were outstanding health staff prize for 2011 Midwife Daw attended by head of from respective depart- Myaing unveiled the carried out. A total of signboard. After that, Nan Than Than Oo of Malyan village public health Transnational Crime De- ments, representatives 183 Myanmar victims in Police Col Soe Myaing centre. The laureate was also awarded by officials of partment under Myanmar from District Women China were handed over Affairs Organization, made an opening to Myanmar in 2010 ac- MNMA and Nutrition Manager Daw Su Su Lwin of Police Force Headquarters speech, on behalf of the cording to mutual Mo Asia Co Ltd (DUMEX). The MNMA chairperson Chairperson of Myanmar Nursery and Midwifery Central Committee for cooperation between the presented certificates of honour to companies who Association Professor Dr Nan Htwan Hla speaking Anti-Human Traffick- two countries. sponsored the conference. The conference will be ing. The director and the Similarly, under the at 52nd Nursery and Midwifery Conference. —MNA held till 24 February.—MNA Chairman of Muse Dis- cooperation between trict PDC spoke words border relation offices, of thanks. 12 cases of human traf- The home measures ficking and 32 human 98 ft by 36 ft and can traffickers—eight males take care of 50 victims. and 24 females were It was built at a cost of exposed. The newly- U$ dollar 95000 opened home will take contributed by Japanese care of the victims in Government. With the line with international arrangement of UNIPA, norms. K 4 million worth office MNA

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 8 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 9 Meeting on holding religious title Forestry Minister visits fine wood conferring and rice offering held products factories in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township NAY PYI TAW, 22 Feb—A U Aung Ko, departmental heads of coordination meeting on holding a the ministry, officials from various YANGON, 22 Feb — At the briefing of fine wood products. religious title conferring ceremony ministries and subcommittees, rep- Minister for Forestry U hall of the factory, the man- Then the minister and rice offering ceremony took resentatives of Nay Pyi Taw Com- Thein Aung together with aging director and went to fine wood prod- place at the Ministry of Religious mand and guests. Managing Director U Win manager of the factory ucts factories of Myanmar Affairs here this afternoon. The minister delivered an Tun of Myanma Timber gave accounts of Technologies Industry and The meeting was attended opening speech and officials of the Enterprise and officials vis- production line, and the Lin Win Co., Ltd. by Chairman of the committee for subcommittees reported on their re- ited Fine Wood Products managing director of MTE Fine wood prod- organization the ceremonies spective tasks. Factory of Beautiful Wood and officials made ucts of the factories are Minister for Religious Affairs The deputy minister gave a Industry Co., Ltd in Dagon supplementary reports. exported to Southeast Thura U Myint Maung, Vice- supplementary report and the minister Myothit (Seikkan) Town- Next, the minister Asian and European Chairman Deputy Minister Thura made a conclusion remark.— MNA ship today. inspected manufacturing countries. —MNA EP-2’s Refresher Course for High-level Officials commences

NAY PYI T AW, 22 the training hall of the Feb — Minister for Elec- ministry here yesterday tric Power No (2) U morning. Khin Maung Myint ad- The one-week Myanmar Olympic soccer team on 20 February morning seen at the airport together with dressed opening course is being at- ceremony of Refresher tended by 13 deputy Myanmar Football Federation President U Zaw Zaw before departure for India where they are Course (3/2011) for chief engineers and to participate in the 2012 London Olympic qualifier (First Leg). —MNA High-level Officials at directors.—MNA Hospital exam centres to be A collection of ‘Myanmar, the land we love’ opened for inpatient and other articles comes out matriculation exam candidates YANGON, 22 to cherish and protect Building at 529/531, NAY PYI TAW, 22 Feb—For hospitalized can- Feb—Naingngan Gonyi the motherland and Merchant Street, Yangon didates who are going to sit for matriculation exami- Publishing House today Myanmar lifestyle all the (374532), Naingngan nation to be held from 7 to 17 March of 2011, Health published the book “A more. Gonyi Publishing House Department and Myanmar Board of Examinations collection of ‘Myanmar, The bilingual (2) on Thitsar Road in have planned to run three hospital exam centres at the land we love’ and book (Myanmar-Eng- Yankin Township, Yangon People’s Hospital, central Women’s Hospi- other articles” by Mi Pyi lish) is available at Yangon (725530) and tal and Waibargi Specialist Hospital. Chit. Naingngan Gonyi book centres across the Inpatient candidates wishing to take the The book is de- Publishing House (1) in nation. It is priced at 1000 exam may contact medical public relations officers signed to inspire readers Sarpay Beikman kyats per copy.—MNA who are on special duty at those hospitals.—MNA KNU mine injures civilians Computer courses in MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) NAY PYI TAW, 22 February. injured in the left belly, Feb—Two innocent While Daw and the son, in the right YANGON, 22 Feb (Yatanarpon) and at 3rd Floor, Theingyi Mar- people were injured in Khin Win and her son and left thighs. —School of Computing Mandalay Campus on 31 ket (C) Building, the explosion of the Maung Aung Phyo Htet The victims are of MCC Training March, whose certifi- Shwedagon Pagoda mine planted by KNU were cutting trees for now in Kya-in Seikkyi Institute (Yatanarpon) cates are conferred by Road, Pabedan Town- in the forest near firewood, a tree fallen Township General Hos- under MCC Group runs University of Greenwich ship, Yangon (01- Thonetaing Village in onto the mine, which pital under the care B.Sc (Business IT) in England. 395512, 245762, Kya-in Seikkyi Town- led to the bomb explo- taken of by authorities. Courses; School of For further infor- 249152, 246634), or ship, Kayin State, on 20 sion, leaving the mother MNA Engineering, B.S.E mation, contact MCC Mandalay Campus on Courses; and School of Training Institute Wahgingon Pagoda Business, B.B.A Course. (Yatanarpon) Incubation Street, 35th Street, be- Captain Manual in circulation B.Sc (Business Centre (3) in Yatanarpon tween 56th and 57th IT) Course will be opened Cyber City, PyinOoLwin Streets, Chanayethazan YANGON, 22 dures he gained at sea in Book Centre at 101, Feb—The book “Cap- his service of nearly 30 Building (1191-1192), at Yangon Campus on (02-78112, 02-78114, Township, Manadlay tain Manual” by years. It also features Letwe Mindin Street, 24 March; and at MCC 09-5067165), Yangon (09-91034062, 02- Professor U Kyaw Nyunt suggestions and ways of Myitta Nyunt Ward, Training Institute Campus, Hostel (3-4), 77930).—MNA (Retd) came out today. how to deal with dan- Tarmway Township, The book is gers and difficulties. Yangon (09-5058533, based on the experiences The book priced 01-545036, 09- of marine laws, rules and K 4000 per copy is pub- 49288948). Take Fire Preventive Measures regulations and proce- lished by Wisdom House MNA

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 9 2/23/2011, 4:29 AM 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 China’s Huawei withdraws from US company purchase SHENZHEN, 22 Feb—A leading out of the 3Leaf Systems purchase Chinese telecommunication equi- deal,” the executive said on condition pment manufacturer confirmed of anonymity. Monday that it would abandon its Huawei bought servers and efforts to acquire assets of a US intellectual property rights from computer company as recommended bankrupted 3Leaf Systems last May by a security panel. for 2 million US dollars. “Huawei Technologies Ltd has Huawei said it did not apply for withdrawn its application to the approval from the CFIUS in advance Committee on Foreign Investment in because it bought only assets of the the United States (CFIUS) for approval company, not the company itself. of its purchase deal with 3Leaf On 11 Feb, the CFIUS recom- Systems,” a Huawei senior executive mended Huawei to part with the assets told Xinhua in a telephone interview. it had bought, citing security “That means Huawei will also pull reasons.—Xinhua Tourists walk on an China, Malaysia to enhance co-op in ancient path in Wuli One Chinese killed, four others Village, Bingzhongluo injured in road accident in cross-border crimes Township of Lisu for closer ties with China Autonomous Prefecture N Philippines in fighting cross-border of southwest China’s MANILA, 22 Feb—A Chinese national died and crimes. Yunnan Province, on 21 four others were injured in a road accident in Feb, 2011. The path was Malaysia deems northern Philippines early Tuesday, police said. excavated and paved on China as one of the most Huang Jiahua, 27, driver of the car, died while cliffs as a section of the important countries and undergoing treatment following the accident that Cha Ma Route, which is willing to continue happened in Sta. Cruz village in Sta. Ana town, literately means Tea Cagayan Province at around 5:45 am, Philippine deepening bilateral Horse Road. Beginning National Police spokesman Senior Supt. Agrimero relations with China, said in the Tang Dynasty Najib. (618-907), this business Cruz Jr said.—Xinhua He stressed that as route was traveled by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (L, front) meets important partners, it is caravans across west and Stampede kills at least 30, injures with Chinese State Councillor and Minister of Public crucial for Malayisa and southwest China’s 70 in Mali Security Meng Jianzhu (R, front) in Kuala Lumpur, China to further enhance Yunnan, Sichuan, BAMAKO, 22 Feb—At least 30 people were capital of Malaysia, on 21 Feb, 2011.—XINHUA cooperation in security Gansu and Qinghai killed and 70 others injured on Monday night in a KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Chinese State Councilor fields and join hands in Provinces and Tibet stadium stampede in Mali, media report said. Feb—Malaysian Prime and Minister of Public fighting against various Autonomous Region to Report from AFP said the stampede occurred Minister Najib Tun Security Meng Jianzhu cross-border crimes. reach south Asia. in the Modibo Keita stadium in Bamako, the Razak met with visiting here on Monday, calling Xinhua XINHUA capital of Mali at the end of a sermon by a Dutch crime boss killed in renowned imam. The tragedy came as the crowd was trying to Amsterdam get close to the imam, the report said.—Xinhua THE HAGUE, 22 Feb—Dutch crime boss Stanley Hillis was attacked and killed by a group of unknown At least two dead, ten trapped in bus hitmen Monday on the east side of Amsterdam, after collision in Southern Calif police said. Hillis, nicked named “the Old Man”, LOS ANGELES, 22 Feb—At least two people were was slain on the streets by several gunmen who fled killed and 10 others were trapped inside a bus after the scene in a van after the shooting, local press it collided with a vehicle and went over side near quoted police as saying. Crestline in San Bernardino mountains, Southern The man was a top figure of the Dutch organized Salvadoran rescuers and firefighters stand around a California on Monday, authorities said. crime and has been active since the 1970s. He damaged bus after a truck collided with three buses The bus, packed with as many as 25 teenagers committed a series of robberies and shot a policeman near the department of Santa Ana, 42 kilometres when it collided with a SUV, slid down a 25 feet (7.6 in 1979, and escaped from prison several times. west of San Salvador, capital of El Salvador, on 21 metre) snow-covered embankment near Lake His lawyer Mark Teurlings said he was Feb, 2011.—XINHUA Gregory Drive in Crestline, about 73 miles ( 118 km) surprised,”To me the murder comes as a surprise. east of downtown Los Angeles before noon, fire I spoke to him a few weeks ago. He had no fear and Stepmother indicted in department spokesman Bill Peters said.—Xinhua was not concerned.” —Xinhua murdering disabled US girl US, Colombian coast guards save BEIJING, 22 Feb—The stepmother of a 10-year-old six after shipwreck disabled girl was charged on Monday with murder in the child’s death in the US State of North Carolina. BOGOTA, 22 Feb—The Colombian navy says Zahra Baker, who lost hearing and part of her left US and Colombian rescuers have saved six people leg at the age of five during cancer treating, was from a shipwrecked catamaran after more than 24 reported missing last October, according to media hours adrift at sea. reports. Officials on Monday released the latest detail Capt Carlos Gil says the Japanese-flagged in the case of Zahra: her head was missing. Since “Pulchra 3” was carrying four Japanese nationals, Zahra’s reported missing, police have found some of an Italian woman and a Frenchman, the captain. her body parts in various locations, but never the They were heading from France to Panama skull. when the boat ran aground early Saturday on a Performers participate in the Kapa Haka Te An autopsy concluded some bones had “cut coral reef near the Serrana Bank, a Colombian Matatini Festival in Gisbone, New Zealand, on marks”, indicating the little girl was dismembered by atoll in the Caribbean. 20 Feb, 2011. The four-day festival began on at “least two different cutting instruments.” They used a satellite phone to make a distress 17 Feb in Gisbone.—XINHUA Xinhua call to the US Coast Guard in Miami.—Xinhua

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 10 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 11 Drought leaves 190,000 short of water in SW China county CHONGQING, 22 Feb— All its wells and ponds A four-month drought had dried up, leaving more has left nearly 190,000 than 9,000 villagers, people short of drinking including 3,000 primary water in a county of and secondary school southwest China’s students, without Chongqing Municipality, adequate water supplies. a local water conservancy By Monday, water official said Monday. shortages had been The county with 1.21 reported in nearly 80 million people, located villages and 20 towns. in the Yangtze’s Three “The drought could last A farmer from Yanghe Gorges Dam area, until April,” said Cheng. Village in Shiyan, reported little rain in He said the water People skate at the Central China’s Hubei winter and most of its conservancy bureau had Hundred of flights delayed, 20 Province, checks on reservoirs and wells are sent water wagons to the skating rink in the withered bok choi now empty, said Cheng drought-hit areas and Central Park in New canceled in foggy Shanghai plants on his farm on Dexing, the county’s were diverting water from York, the United SHANGHAI, 22 Feb— activated by the airport to Friday. Winter wheat water conservancy chief. bigger reservoirs in States, on 21 Feb, Almost 100 flights were cope with an influx of and vegetables in the Shuikouxiang Town- neighbouring counties, 2011. An overnight delayed and 20 were flights when the skies province have been ship was among the first hoping the worst would light snowfall hit the canceled over Monday cleared, said the severely affected by to suffer from the be over by the end of the night and early Tuesday spokesman. The airport several months of prolonged drought that month. city on Monday. at fog-covered reminded passengers to drought.—XINHUA started in October. Xinhua XINHUA Shanghai’s Pudong check the flight schedules. airport. Fog was expected to NZ leader says at least 65 More than 30 hit most parts of east China incoming flights destined on Tuesday, with the killed in earthquake for Shanghai Pudong visibility of less than 200 CHRISTCHURCH, 22 Feb—A powerful earthquake International Airport metres in parts of Beijing slammed New Zealand’s already-bruised city of landed at Shanghai and Tianjin, said a Christchurch on Tuesday, killing at least 65 people, Hongqiao International warning issued by the and sending rescuers scrambling to help people Airport between 8 pm National Meteorological trapped under collapsed buildings. Monday and 8 am Centre Monday night. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the country’s Tuesday. Snow and strong second-largest city around lunchtime, collapsing The heavy fog has winds are expected to hit buildings and sending bricks and other heavy A building in Christchurch, New Zealand, is covered the city since late north China’s Inner debris toppling into busy city streets. It was the destroyed after an earthquake struck on 22 Monday, reducing the Mongolia Autonomous second major quake to strike Christchurch in the Feb, 2011. The 6.3-magnitude quake collapsed visibility to less than 100 Region in the next few past five months. buildings and is sending rescuers scrambling to metres on Tuesday days, reducing temper- Prime Minister John Key told reporters that help trapped people amid reports morning, said the Pudong atures by up to 12 degrees the death toll was at least 65, and was expected to of multiple deaths. Airport spokesman. Celsius, according to the rise further. INTERNET An emergency provincial meteoro- Video footage showed some multi-storey response plan had been logical centre.—Xinhua buildings collapsed in on themselves, and others Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker declared a with walls that had collapsed into the streets, state of emergency and ordered people to evacuate Australian flood relief centre strewn with bricks and shattered concrete. the city centre. Troops were deployed to help Sidewalks and roads were cracked and split, and people get out and to throw up a security cordon deluged in Brisbane storms around the stricken area, Deputy Prime Minister thousands of dazed, screaming and crying BRISBANE, 22 Feb—Overnight storms caused flash Bill English said.—Internet residents wandered through the streets as sirens flooding in Brisbane’s oldest suburb of Spring Hill in blared. Groups of people helped victims clutching Australia, ruining half of the donated goods in a food bleedings wounds, and others were carried to 5.3-magnitude earthquake relief centre in the area, local media reported on private vehicles in makeshift stretchers fashioned Tuesday. from rugs or bits of debris. jolts N Philippines Goods donated for Brisbane’s flood victims MANILA, 22 Feb—A authorities. including kitchen items, clothing and electrical 5.3-magnitude earthquake The tremor was also appliances, at the flood relief centre at the RNA rocked northern Philip- felt in the capital city. showgrounds, Spring Hill, have been water damaged. pines Thursday morn-ing, Shiela Briol, a Manila Craig Michaels, a disability pensioner who started the United States resident, said that when the flood relief centre, said it was a cruel blow for Geological Survey (USGS) the tremor occurred, she families still struggling after January’s floods. said. was at the 19th floor of a “It’s been pretty devastating walking in here to The quake, whose highrise building in the see the massive damage that’s been done to everything epicentre was 66 kilo- city. “The whole office is there,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation metres southwest from swaying,” she said, (ABC). He said about half of the donations at the Manila, occurred at 10:10 surprised. centre had been ruined. He appealed for volunteers to A light rail train moves in fog in Dalian City, am, the USGS said, The Philippines sits go to the showgrounds to help to clean up the mess, northeast China’s Liaoning Province, on adding the depth of the in the so-called Pacific and move what was salvageable to another site. 22 Feb, 2011. The heavy fog decreased the tremor was 137 kilo- Ring of Fire, an area where “Some helping hands would be fantastic,” he visibility to less than 200 metres in some parts of metres. continental plates collide said. Dalian Tuesday. A “yellow alert” was issued by There was no producing frequent “It’s just devastating.” He said boxes and packing local meteorological centre. immediate reports of quakes and volcanic tape were needed, along with storage pallets to move XINHUA casualties from Philippine activities. —Xinhua everything.—Xinhua

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 11 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011

MINISTRY OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION CLAIMS DAY NOTICE MYANMA RAILWAYS MV ANH SON VOY NO (-) INVITATION TO SEALED TENDER Consignees of cargo carried on MV ANH SON VOY NO (-) are hereby notified that the vessel will 1. Sealed Tender is invited for supply of the following items in Euro; be arriving on 23.2.2011 and cargo will be dis- Tender No Description Quantity charged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will 12(T)4/MR(ML) Spare Parts for Locomotive 15 Items lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject 2010-2011 Engines (Turbocharger GP, Housing, Turbine, to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Injector Nozzle Tip, Plunger & Barrel and Valve) Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 Closing date/time - 24.3.2011 (Thursday) (12:00) hr am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day 2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 22.2.2011 during now declared as the third day after final discharge office hours and for further details, please contact: Deputy General Manager, Supply of cargo from the Vessel. Department, Myanma Railways, Corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street, No claims against this vessel will be admitted Botahtaung, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291985, 95-1-291994. after the Claims Day. Royal Mail’s red rubber band use revealed SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY LONDON, 22 Feb—Postal workers get AGENT FOR: RK SHIPPING & TRADING through two million red rubber bands PTE LTD per day, the Royal Mail has revealed. Phone No: 256924/256914 In the past five years, the organization has spent almost £5m on four billion Monkeys ‘display self-doubt’ bands which are used to bundle letters together. Keep Britain Tidy has called like humans for their use to be reduced because they WASHINGTON, 22 Feb— versity of New York at say wild animals can choke on them. The Royal Mail said the bands were Monkeys trained to play Buffalo and Michael The Royal Mail says the bands are nec- re-used .— INTERNET computer games have Beran, from Georgia essary and that they use biodegradable 2009, about 13,000 discarded bands helped to show that it is State University, carried ones.The figures were released to the were collected by people and sent in to not just humans that feel out the study.—Internet Daily Telegraph under the Freedom of the charity who then delivered them to self-doubt and uncer- Information Act. the Royal Mail’s headquarters.Dickie tainty, a study says. US- It said that the amount the postal or- Felton, from Keep Britain Tidy, has based scientists found ganization spends on bands has in- previously said: “We accept that that macaques will “pass” creased by 40% in five years. Keep dropping an elastic band is hardly the rather than risk choosing Britain Tidy has long campaigned worst littering offence in the world, but the wrong answer in a against the use of rubber bands. In none-the-less it is litter.—Internet brainteaser task. Aware- ness of our own thinking Device ‘could revolutionise blood pressure monitoring’ was believed to be a LEICESTER, 22 Feb — A measure pressure in the cording the pulse wave uniquely human trait. device which can be largest artery in the body. of the artery, which is then But the study, pre- worn like a watch could Evidence shows it gives fed into a computer to- sented at the AAAS meet- revolutionise the way a much more accurate gether with a traditional ing in Washington DC, An international team blood pressure is moni- reading than the arm cuff. blood pressure reading suggests that our more has found that tored in the next few The technology is from a cuff.Scientists are primitive primate rela- monkeys trained to years, scientists say. funded by the Department then able to read the pres- tives are capable of such play computer games Researchers at the of Health and backed by sure close to the heart, self-awareness. feel self-doubt and University of Leicester Health Secretary Andrew from the aorta. Professor John David uncertainly. and in Singapore have Lansley. It works by a Professor Bryan Smith, from State Uni- INTERNET developed a device to sensor in the watch re- Williams, from the Uni- versity of Leicester’s de- Drug relapse brain region A sensor in partment of cardiovascu- the watch lar sciences at Glenfield found in rats records the Hospital, said: “The aorta LONDON, 22 Feb — region, there were fewer pulse wave is millimetres away from Scientists in the US have relapses. Experts in the of the artery. the heart and close to the identified an area of the UK said the study was a INTERNET brain and we have always brain which makes technical ‘tour de force’; known that pressure here heroin-addicted rats re- however, it did not prom- Thousands are ‘at risk of alcohol death’ is a bit lower than in the lapse. The study, pub- ise new treatments in hu- say doctors arm. “Unless we measure lished in Nature Neuro- mans. the pressure in the aorta science, showed that part minimum price of 50p per unit are The study worked on we are not getting an ap- of the medial prefrontal urgently needed. They also said the the idea that when addicts preciation of the risks or cortex was activated. coalition government was “too close” stopped taking drugs, but benefits of treatment.” When the researchers to the drinks industry. then returned to the place Internet blocked nerve cells in the But the Department of Health said they were taking drugs, it was taking “tough action”, while they were likely to re- the drinks industry said it was lapse. Rats were trained to “playing its part in tackling alcohol take drugs in one environ- misuse”. The scientists predicted UK ment, where they were Fewer people ‘drinking more’ deaths from liver disease in four dif- delivered a dose of say experts.—INTERNET ferent scenarios. heroin. The rodents then LONDON, 22 Feb — Poor alcohol The best case was based on the UK “went to rehab” in another regulation could cost up to 250,000 following the example of France, environment where the lives in England and Wales over the which had a deep-seated problem in feel of the floor, lights and next 20 years, doctors warn. Writing the 1960s, with high liver disease sounds were different and in The Lancet, leading liver disease deaths linked to the consumption of The finding has been hailed by one expert as a there was no access to specialists say measures including a cheap alcohol.—Internet ‘research tour de force’.— INTERNET heroin.—Internet

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 12 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 13 Designer says his car will North Dakota mom offers Cat survives soon fly breast milk online arrow shot to The science fiction dream of a flying car will A North Dakota So far, Clemons, who head soon be realized, a designer is telling potential woman says she produces is married and has two buyers and investors. so much breast milk she’s young children, has had A black tomcat who Sam Bousfield, a California architect, came to offering it for sale on no takers. survived having an arrow Seattle Saturday to pitch his concept in a computer- Craigslist. The Human Milk shot into his head may generated video. Breanna Clemons, Banking Association of have his name changed “When artists dream of the future, you always 26, of Bismarck told The North America from “Jynx” to “Lucky”, see that traffic moves in the air and people walk on Grand Forks Herald, “As discourages free-lance the cat’s Illinois owner the ground,” he said. we speak, I have over selling of breast milk. “We said. Sadie DeWolfe, 33, On the screen, a little red dart takes off from an 200 bags.” She is asking don’t recommend casual of Toulon said her pet aircraft carrier and flies in the air. $2 per ounce but says she sharing of milk from In a 18 Feb, 2011 slipped from her house Bousfield calls the vehicle Switchblade is mainly trying to help unscreened donors,” said photo, the Beauty of and was shot sometime because when it’s on the ground its wings fold into mothers who cannot nurse President Jean Drulis. Xiaohe, a mummy Friday, the Peoria (Ill.) discovered in the the chassis like the blade of a pocketknife, The and whosebabies cannot She said the Journal Star reported. Tarim Basin in far Seattle Times reported. drink formula. organization screens She said she found western China, is him on her front step He is asking prospective customers to make a “If someone were to donors for HIV, hepatitis shown at the ‘Secrets about three hours later – $2,000 deposit. The “target price” of the kit is inquire, I would pump it and drug use. Milk banks of the Silk Road’ $60,000, but the owner will have to add an engine and store it, so it would be pool the milk of several exhibit at the - the arrow still in his and avionics that will raise the cost to $85,000, as fresh as possible for donors and pasteurize it, University of head. DeWolfe said she and then assemble it himself. them,” she said. Drulis said. Pennsylvania Museum took a picture of the As an “experimental” self-built kit airplane, it of Archaeology and injured cat with her need not be certified by the Federal Aviation Anthropology in phone, posted it on Administration. Philadelphia. The Facebook and got many exhibit is scheduled to comments from people run through until on angry about the cruelty File photo released by Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, 15 March. Jynx suffered. capital of Japan, shows giant panda “Xian Philadelphia is the The arrow went final stop before the Nu” from southwest China’s Sichuan through the cat’s head artifacts return to from front to back, just Province. A pair of giant pandas, “Xian Nu” China. and “Bi Li,” from southwest China’s Sichuan barely missing his skull, Province arrived at their new home in said DeWolfe after she Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo late Monday. News Album took Jynx to Wyoming Veterinary Clinic. Dina Lohan earns cash for Rihanna steals audience’s Lindsay Lohan’s photos, blasts attention at NBA All-Star media for star’s troubles Game NEW YORK, 22 Feb— troubles. The “concern- BEIJING, 22 Feb— Robyn Rihanna Fenty stealed Dina Lohan may have ed” mother blamed the the audience’s attention by making a halftime show earned a decent amount media for Lohan’s during the 2011 NBA All-Star Game at Staples Centre of money for trading troubles on “Good in Los Angeles Sunday. The Barbadian beauty, who Lindsay Lohan’s Morning America” was right on her 23rd birthday, brought 4 singles, photographs with ABC Friday. “Umbrella”, “Only Girl in the World”, “Rude Boy”, News, but that doesn’t While she took and “All of the Lights”. stop her from blaming 15,000 dollars from Canadian rapper Drake joined Rihanna, and Barbadian singer the media for the star’s ABC News for changed the lyrics to “Happy Birthday” for her. Robyn Rihanna Fenty interviews with Musician Steven Music producer Kanye West emerged on stage when poses for “GMA” and “20/20” Tyler arrives at the Rihanna began her last song. Their wonderful photographers as she with Chris Cuomo, she T-Mobile Magenta cooperation grabbed a part of audiences’ concentration arrives at the MTV also received a Carpet pre NBA All- from the basketball superstars to the rhyme of music. Europe Music Awards licensing fee for family Star Game event in photos of Lindsay, as In the All-Star Game afterward, Western Conference 2010 in Madrid, on 7 Los Angeles on 20 team beat the Eastern Conference by a score of 148- Nov, 2010. it disclosed in the Feb, 2011.— XINHUA footage.—Internet 143. Kobe Bryant was named MVP.—Xinhua XINHUA Director of new China’s first film with A model wears a kissing scene dies at 90 creation by fashion SHANGHAI, 22 Feb—Huang Zumo, director of the classic Chinese movie, desgner Vivienne Romance on Lushan Mountain, died Saturday night in Shanghai. Westwood during The 90-year-old director died of heart failure at a local hospital in Shanghai, her Autumn/Winter Cast member Jennifer said a spokesman with the Shanghai Film Group Corporation (SFG). 2011 collection Aniston poses on the Huang Zumo is most remembered for shooting Romance on Lushan show, on the third red carpet as she Mountain, a 1980 blockbuster about two lovers who were forced to separate due day of the London arrives for the German to the opposing political views of their families, with the backdrop set in the Fashion Week in premiere of the movie picturesque Lushan Mountain. The movie won Huang great fame and popularity London, on “Meine Erfundene and was regarded as a landmark, since it was the first new China-made film that 20 Feb, 2011. Frau” (Just Go With included a kissing scene. A sequel, titled Romance on Lushan Mountain 2010 XINHUA It) in Berlin on 21 Feb, and directed by Zhang Yu, who played the heroine in the 1980 Romance on 2011.—XINHUA Lushan Mountain, was made in 2010 as a tribute to the original film.—Xinhua

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 13 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 Cole hammers Burnley Van der Vaart out of FA Cup hopes Blackpool clash LONDON, 22 Feb—A double by England striker Carlton Cole LONDON, 22 Feb—Spurs matches. Van der Vaart, inspired Premier League strugglers West Ham to a 5-1 Dutch international who has been a huge suc- thrashing of Championship side Burnley and earn them a place playmaker Rafael Van der cess in his maiden season in the FA Cup quarter-finals here on Monday. Vaart was ruled out on with the club scoring 12 The 27-year-old struck in the 48th and 50th minutes to add Monday of his side’s Pre- times in 23 matches, should to German Thomas Hitzlsperger’s opener on his debut for the mier League match with be fit in around 10 days. West Ham United’s Carlton Cole (C) three-time FA Cup winners - Kiwi international defender relegation-threatened Spurs are presently goes around Burnley’s Lee Grant to Winston Reid added a fourth for his first goal for the club. Blackpool on Tuesday. fourth, 10 points adrift score during their FA Cup.—INTERNET Burnley - who had beaten their opponents in their last The 28-year-old has suf- of leaders Manchester meeting in the Premier League in February last year - reduced fered a recurrence of a calf United.—Internet the deficit through Rodriguez but the four goal advantage was muscle injury, which had S P O R T S restored in time added on by Freddie Sears.—Internet forced him out for several Greece condemns Athens derby violence Gattuso gets four match ban ATHENS, 22 Feb—The Greek govern- be unveiled in March would toughen for headbutt ment on Monday condemned the vio- sanctions on troublemakers, impose PARIS, 22 Feb—AC that Gattuso will not be lence that marred yet another Athens greater scrutiny on fan associations and Milan midfielder Gennaro available for Champions Tottenham Hotspur’s derby between arch-rivals Olympiakos make teams responsible for organised Gattuso received a four League action until the fi- Dutch midfielder and Panathinaikos, highlighting the fail- supporter trips to matches.—Internet match suspension from nal - should Milan reach it. Rafael van der Vaart ure of successive state crackdowns. UEFA on Monday for Gattuso cut a frustrated waits by the post during “It is distressing to have such inci- headbutting Spurs coach figure during the 1-0 de- a match.—INTERNET dents in a supposed field of sport,” gov- Joe Jordan in last week’s feat to Tottenham at the ernment spokesman George Petalotis Champions League Last San Siro and regularly Safarova said as authorities pledged a new over- 16 first leg clash. squared up to beanpole breaks Qatar haul on the operating of fan clubs which He was already sus- striker Peter Crouch after are blamed for the problem. pended for the second leg challenges between the duck in style The government said a new law to after being booked. pair. He also argued with DOHA, 22 Feb—Lucie Shot and stabbed, Olympiakos’ fans AC Milan told AFP that Jordan on the touchline Safarova of the Czech celebrating in the the player would not be before pushing the former Republic made amends Christy Martin refuses to quit stands in Athens making any reaction to the Milan player in the neck. for her two previous first LAS VEGAS, 22 Feb—In during a derby match punishment and that they Internet round exits here when Christy Martin’s world eve- against Panathinaikos. were not going to appeal. she stunned the seventh rything was pink. Except INTERNET The suspension means seeded Agnieszka the blood. On a March night Radwanska of Poland in 15 years ago in a boxing Baddeley back on the right track straight sets at the Qatar ring on the Las Vegas Strip LOS ANGELES, 22 Feb— In a battle of genera- Ladies Open on Monday. it was bright red and it was The last big hurdle for tions, Sunday’s win at his- Safarova, the world AC Milan’s midfielder Aaron Baddeley was a toric Riviera made him feel number 35 defeated the everywhere, gushing from Gennaro Gattuso(R), row of eucalyptus trees to young again. 10th ranked Radwanska a freshly broken nose and seen here confronting the left of the 17th fairway Internet forming a mosaic of stains Tottenham’s assistant 7-6 (7/3), 6-3 to win her on Martin’s pink trunks. at Riviera, a shot that could coach Joe Jordan on 15 first main draw match in The people who had have made his two-shot Feb, received a four the Qatari Capital on her paid thousands to sit at lead disappear at the match suspension from third appearance in the ringside were there to In this 16 March, 1996 Northern Trust Open. UEFA on Monday for tournament which is mak- watch Mike Tyson win the file photo, three-time He never gave it much headbutting Jordan in ing a comeback to the heavyweight title against world champion thought. last week’s Champions WTA regular circuit after Frank Bruno, not two Christy Martin of With a 3-wood, he League Last 16 first leg two years. women fight. But as the Orlando, Fla, cel- aimed at a gap in the trees clash.—INTERNET Internet blood flowed the cheers ebrates her victory and played a 50-yard cut over Deirdre Gogarty to get back out into the Cyclist has wood removed started raining down as the as her husband and fairway and escape dan- unlikely warriors bathed in trainer Jim Martin from leg after crash red traded punches for six ger. Moments later, he Aaron Baddeley, right, holds her up at the MANCHESTER, 22 Feb— massive splinter, a day af- rapped in a 5-foot par putt rounds before Martin won MGM Grand Garden of Australia, shakes Malaysian cyclist ter a crash at the Manches- in Las Vegas. on the final hole to win for hands with playing a unanimous decision. Azizulhasni Awang stag- ter Velodrome sent it Internet INTERNET the first time in four years. partner Fred Couples gered across the line at the through his leg. after Baddeley won the Track World Cup with a Awang managed to re- Earnhardt Jr wrecks late, fades in Daytona 500 Northern Trust Open bronze medal and a 7.8- mount his bike after the DAYTONA BEACH, 22 Feb—Surrounded PGA golf tournament inch piece of wood stick- high-speed crash in Satur- by friends and strangers, Dale Earnhardt at Riviera Country ing through his left calf. day’s Keirin final and Jr watched a highlight video of previous Club in Los Angeles. Awang had surgery stagger across the line to Daytona 500 races. INTERNET His late father was featured promi- Sunday to remove the claim a bronze medal. nently. There also was a huge No 3 A splinter is seen He was rushed to the painted in the infield grass at Daytona In- through the leg of hospital but doctors waited ternational Speedway and a moment of Malaysia’s Azizulhasni until Sunday to carry out Dale Earnhardt Jr comes to a silence during the third lap. Awang after a crash in the procedure to remove stop on the back stretch after he Earnhardt welcomed all the tributes. He the Men’s Keirin Final the splinter. “Operation was involved in a crash during the might be glad to leave them behind, too. during the Track done. Splinter taken out NASCAR Daytona 500 auto race After what had to be a difficult week, Cycling World Cup at cleanly,” Awang wrote on at Daytona International Speed- one that was mostly about the 10-year an- the National Cycling his Twitter account. way in Daytona Beach, Fla, on 20 niversary of his father’s death at Daytona, Centre, Manchester, “Thanks for the prayer n England.—INTERNET Feb, 2011.—INTERNET Junior can now move on.—Internet support.”—Internet

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 14 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 15

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas sunshine hours on 21-2-2011 was (10.2) hours (Approx). WEATHER Rainfall on 22-2-2011 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1- Tuesday, 22nd February , 2011 2011 was (1.97) inches at Mingaladon , (1.89) inches at Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T. Kaba-Aye and (3.54) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum During the past 24 hours, rain have been scattered in wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4) mph from North Taninthayi Region, isolated in Upper Sagaing Region and at (12:30) hours MST on 21-2-2011. Chin State, weather has been partly cloudy in Lower Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy in Sagaing Region, Kachin, Shan, Mon and Rakhine States the Andaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States. elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. Night temperature were (5°C) above February average Forecast valid until evening of the 23rdFebruary temperature in Mon State and (3°C) to (4°C) above February 2011: Light rain are likely to be isolated in Upper average temperature in Upper Sagaing Region, Kachin, Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin, Mon and Northern Shan and Rakhine States and about February Kayin States and weather will be partly cloudy in Yangon average temperatures in the remaining Regions and States. and Ayeyawady Regions, Chin, Shan and Kayah States The significant night temperatures were Pinlaung, Heho and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States. and Haka (6°C) each. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall Degree of certainty is (60%). recorded were Kawthoung (1.30) inches and Myeik (0.12) State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar inch. waters. Nay Pyi Taw Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of Maximum temperature on 21-2-2011 was 98°F. continuation of isolated light rain in the Southern Minimum temperature on 22-2-2011 was 61°F. Relative Myanmar areas. humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 22-2-2011 was (65%). Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for Rainfall on 22-2-2011 was (Nil). 23-2-2011: Partly cloudy. Yangon (Kaba-Aye) Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for Maximum temperature on 21-2-2011 was 98°F. 23-2-2011: Partly cloudy. Minimum temperature on 22-2-2011 was 69°F. Relative Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 22-2-2011 was (53%). Total 23-2-2011: Generally fair weather.

Injuries hit Man Utd for MYANMAR INTERNATIONAL Programme Schedule Marseille clash (23-2-2011) (Wednesday) MANCHESTER, 22 Feb—Manchester United set out for Marseille on Tuesday for their Transmissions Times Champions League last 16 round tie without several senior players including Rio Ferdinand and Ryan Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST Giggs. Oversea Transmission - (23-2-11 09:30 am ~ 24-2-11 09:30 am) MST Ferdinand has not played since picking up a calf injury before the Premier League defeat at Local Transmission Wolves on February 5, and his fellow central * Opening defender Jonny Evans also missed the trip as he is Manchester United set out for Marseille on * News struggling with an ankle problem. Tuesday for their Champions League last 16 * Ecstasy of Life That meant Chris Smalling was in line to round tie without several senior players * VCD Centre start alongside Nemanja Vidic in the heart of the including Ferdinand and Ryan Giggs. * News United back four against the French champions. INTERNET * Foundation of Taungoo Kingdom (500th) Veteran midfielder Giggs was another absentee Anniversary (Episode-2) from the United party, which was also missing FA Cup fifth-round win over Crawley. Michael Owen, who has a groin injury. He reportedly suffered a knee injury which * News United midfielder Anderson was a non-traveller will need further examination before United can * Artist Ahead: Min Wai Aung and could be facing a lengthy absence from the be sure how long he will be absent for. * News side after being substituted at half-time in Saturday’s Internet * From Yangon to the Peak of Mt. Victoria *5th Anniversary of Paragu Shan Tiniketan Library 7:50 am 4:30 pm 6:00 pm Oversea Transmission 5. Nice & Sweet Song 4. University Of 11. Evening News * Opening Distance Education 8:00 am 6:15 pm * News (TV Lectures) 12. Weather Report 6. Health Programme * Ecstasy of Life Third Year 6:20 pm 8:10 am * VCD Centre 7. Cultural Dances (Economic) 13. Traditional Boxing 4:45 pm * News 8:20 am 6:35 pm Wednesday, 5. Songs For 14. Shwe Yin Chone * Foundation of Taungoo Kingdom (500th) 8. Myanmar Traditional Upholding Than Anniversary (Episode-2) 23 February Cultural Performing View on today National Spirit 7:05 pm * News 12345678901 Arts Competitions 4:50 pm 15. Ratha Pawlwin * Artist Ahead: Min Wai Aung 8:30 am 7:00 am 6. Classical Songs Thayotesaung * News 9. Teleplay (Traffic) 5:00 pm Lwin Pyin * From Yangon to the Peak of Mt. Victoria 1. Paritta By Venerable 8:40 am 7. Documentary (Character Contest) th Mingun Sayadaw *5 Anniversary of Paragu Shan Tiniketan Library 10. International News 7:30 pm 5:05 pm * News -Uppatasanti Paritta 8:45 am 8. Musical Programme 16. Alinka Wut Yi * Zar Ni Aung & Her Goal of Arts 7:25 am 11. Musical Programme 5:20 pm Music Troupe * News 2. To Be Healthy 4:00 pm 9. “ASEAN” 8:00 pm * Myanmar Customs & Naming System Exercise 1. Martial Song Programme 17. News * News 7:30 am 4:10 pm 5:35 pm 18. International News 2. Musical Programme 10. Melody Tunes 19. Weather Report * Shriking Footprints 3. Morning News 4:20 pm (Sogya 20. Korea NG Award * News 7:40 am 3. Dance Of National Pyawshwin 21. TV Drama Series * Music Gallery 4. Dhamma Puja Song Races Tay Thansin) 22. Myanmar Drama * Myanmar Movie “Mommy’s Girls”

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 15 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM 5th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 Only with stability and peace will the nation develop Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy Riots beget riots, not democracy Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire VOA, BBC-sowing hatred among the people We favour peace and stability RFA, DVB-generating public We favour development outrage We oppose unrest and violence Do not allow ourselves to be Wipe out those inciting unrest swayed by killer broadcasts and violence designed to cause troubles

New building for First Chaungtha Beach Festival to “Khant”K LibraryH opens attract more tourists in Sittway Township Byline: Zin Htoo SITTWAY, 22 Feb— The opening of a new building for “Khant” Library built with the contribution of K 1 million by Movie Star Khant Sithu took place at the library in Mingan Ward in Sittway on 15 February, attended by Chairman of Sittway District Peace and Development Council U Moe Zaw Soe, Deputy Director (Admin) U Myint Swe of Information and Public Relations Depart- ment (Head Office) and officials. The deputy director and the district chairman spoke on the occasion. Next, the assistant director of Sittway District IPRD presented a set of TV for the library through the chairman of the ward PDC. Then the district chairman and the deputy director and the ward chairman formally opened the new building for the library. — MNA

Significant night temperatures (22-2-2011) Visitors taking relaxation at Chaungtha Beach in Pathein District with sunset beauty in the background. Pinlaung (6º C) Arrangements are contests on a grand scale tion centre with easy ac- established as Chaungtha being made for organ- from 25 to 27 Febru- cess and low cost for Beach with a few hotels Heho (6º C) izing the First ary. transport charges. for over two decades. Chaungtha Beach Fes- Tourists and home- A small village near Indeed, Ayeyawady tival comprising fun- grown travellers know the origin of Uto Creek at Region is teeming with Haka (6º C) fairs, special sales and Chaungtha as a recrea- the Bay of Bengal has been (See page 7)

23-2-2011 NL.pmd 16 2/23/2011, 3:57 AM