An Bord Pleanála

ROADS ACTS 1993 to 2007


Mayo County Council

An Bord Pleanála Reference Number: 16.HA0042

APPLICATION by Mayo County Council for approval under section 51 of the Roads Act, 1993, as amended, in accordance with documentation, including an environmental impact statement and Natura impact statement, lodged with An Bord Pleanála on the 29 th day of August, 2013.

PROPOSED ROAD DEVELOPMENT: A new N5 road development which includes a northern by-pass of Westport and an eastern bypass of , an upgrade to the existing N5 east of Castlebar, a bridge crossing of Lough Lannagh and an upgrade to an existing bridge crossing of the Castlebar River, to be located in the townlands of Westport Demesne (ED Westport Urban), Creggaunnahorna, Deerpark East, Attireesh, Westport Demesne (ED Kilmeena), Gortaroe, Carrowbeg, Knockranny, Monamore, Sheeroe, Drummindoo, Carrownaclea, Sheean, Cogaula, Doon, Knockbrack, Bullaunmeneen, Kilbree Lower, Drumneen, Cloonan, Dooleague, Claggarnagh West, Claggarnagh East, Annagh, Cloonkeen, Pheasanthill, Derrylea, Derrycoosh (ED Cloonkeen), Derrynashask, Derrinlevaun, Cloondeash, Aghadrinagh, Lisnageeha or Antigua, Lisnakirka or Milebush, Balloor, Hawthornlodge, Shanvally, Cottage, Drumaleheen, Kilkenny, Doogary (ED Breaghwy), Carheens, Liscromwell, Aghalusky, Ballynew, Ballyneggin, Breandrum or Windsor, Clogher (ED Turlough) Gortnafolla, Knockanour, Turlough, Drumdaff and Capparanny, . The proposed road development comprises:

• 23.7 kilometres of Type 2 Dual Carriageway. • 2.1 kilometres of Type 2 Single Carriageway. • 0.6 kilometres taper from Type 2 Dual to existing Single Carriageway. ______16.HA0042 An Bord Pleanála Page 1 of 9 • Three compact grade separated junctions including overbridges. • Six roundabouts. • Two at grade left-in left-out junctions and one all movements at grade junction. • One bridge widening over the Castlebar River. • Two rail bridges over the Westport to Manulla Junction railway line. • Eleven overbridges, two underbridges and seven farm underpasses. • Associated earthworks diversion of services, realignment of existing roads, construction of accommodation tracks and ancillary works. • Excavation of peat and unacceptable material, excavation of rock and disposal and recovery of unacceptable material. • Drainage works, landscaping and diversion of services and ancillary works.


APPROVE that part of the development between the Newport Road to Castlebar East (described as Sections A, B and C) based on the reasons and considerations marked (1) under and subject to the conditions set out below. REFUSE to approve that part of the development between Castlebar East to Turlough (described as Section D) based on the reasons and considerations marked (2) under.


In coming to its decision, the Board had regard to the following:

(a) the provisions of the European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2001 (as amended), and the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011,

(b) the provisions of the National Development Plan 2007 – 2013 regarding improvements to the national road network, the National Spatial Strategy for Ireland 2002 – 2020 and “Smarter Travel A Sustainable Transport Future – A Transport Policy for Ireland 2009 – 2020”,

(c) the provisions of the Regional Planning Guidelines for the West Region 2010-2022, including Objective I05, which identifies the roads projects considered a priority for completion, and includes the ‘N5 Westport to to Roscommon borders’,

(d) the policies and objectives of the Mayo County Development Plan 2014- 2020,

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(e) the policies and objectives of the Mayo County Development Plan 2008 – 2014, including Objectives NP2, NP4 and NP5, as set out in Appendix 1 of the development plan, which seek to commence land acquisition and construction of the Westport Castlebar section, and to commence design and land acquisition for the Castlebar by-pass and the Westport Northern Relief Road respectively,

(f) the policies and objectives of the Castlebar Town and Environs Development Plan 2008-2014, and Variation 3 of same made in February, 2013 to incorporate the alignment of the subject road scheme,

(g) the policies and objectives of the Westport Town and Environs Development Plan 2010-2016, and Variations 2 and 3 of same made in 2012 to incorporate the alignment of the subject road scheme,

(h) the sub-standard nature of the existing N5 between Westport and Castlebar in terms of the number of direct access points onto and off the roadway, the road width, the road alignment and the resultant traffic safety improvements arising from the proposed road development,

(i) the traffic congestion currently being experienced in the town of Castlebar and, to a lesser extent, Westport,

(j) the community need, public interest served and overall benefits to be achieved from the proposed road development,

(k) the extensive route selection procedures undertaken by the Road Authority,

(l) the local authority initiatives to promote cycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the county, and Westport’s designation as one of Ireland’s first three ‘Smarter Travel Demonstration Areas’,

(m) the environmental impact statement and the Natura impact statement submitted in support of the application,

(n) the submissions made during the application process, including the oral hearing, and the range of mitigation measures set out in the documentation received, and

(o) the report of the planning inspector, including the supporting report of the assisting inspector,

The Board was satisfied that the information before it was adequate for the purposes of undertaking an environmental impact assessment and an appropriate assessment in respect of the proposed development.

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Environmental Impact Assessment:

The Board considered and generally adopted the environmental impact assessment carried out by the Inspector.

The Board shared the Inspector’s concerns regarding the impact that the proposed roundabout at Knockranny South might have on the setting of, and the approaches to, Westport Town. The Board attached a condition to mitigate the impact of this roundabout by requiring a reduction of same.

The Board noted the input from the Annagh Residents and the views of the Inspector regarding the negative visual impact that would arise from the proposed bridge over Lough Lannagh. The Board considered that the visual and landscape impacts were not acceptable or justified and decided to omit the bridge and require alternative access arrangements by condition.

The Board noted the comment of the Inspector that the proposed development would be likely to cause a marginal increase in the emissions of greenhouse gases. However, the Board considered that this effect would be justified by the overall benefits of the proposed road development.

Having regard to the nature, scale and design of the proposed road development, the environmental impact statement submitted with the application, the submissions on file and received at the oral hearing, and the Inspector’s assessment of environmental impacts, which is noted and generally adopted, the Board completed an environmental impact assessment and concluded that, subject to the conditions set out below, Sections A, B and C of the proposed road development would not be likely to have significant adverse effects on the environment.

Appropriate Assessment:

Having regard to the nature, scale and design of the proposed road development, the Natura impact statement and the environmental impact statement submitted with the application, the submissions on file and received at the oral hearing, and the Inspector’s assessment, which is noted, the Board completed an appropriate assessment of the proposed road development on the River Moy Special Area of Conservation (site code 002298). The Board was satisfied that the part of the proposed road development being approved (Sections A, B and C), in itself or in combination with other plans or projects, would not adversely affect the integrity of the European sites in the vicinity in view of the conservation objectives of those sites. The Board noted the Inspector’s concern in relation to the potential impacts of Section D of the proposed road development on the River Moy Special Area of Conservation when considered in combination with other future planned road projects, but in light of the decision to omit Section D for other reasons (as set out in Reasons and Considerations (2) below), the Board did not consider that these concerns would have any implications for the completion of Sections A, B and C of the proposed road development.

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Additional Considerations:

In deciding not to accept the Inspector’s recommendation to seek further information in relation to the severance of routes serving pedestrian and cyclists in parts of Section A of the proposed roadway, the Board considered that these design concerns could be addressed by way of condition.

The Board shared the Inspector’s reservations in respect of the proposed bridge at Lough Lannagh which is designed to serve Annagh Road, a minor country lane ‘cul de sac’ serving a small number of properties. The Board considered that the scale of the proposed bridge, comprising a 5-span bridge of approximately 120 metres in length, would have a significant negative impact on the landscape at Lough Lannagh and the Board, therefore, concluded that the justification for the bridge was insufficient to render the environmental and landscape impacts acceptable. The Board noted the alternative route discussed during the oral hearing and considered that connecting the Annagh Road by the alternative route would be preferable. The Board considered that this route could be delivered with significantly reduced environmental impact and was of the view that the reservations expressed by the applicant were amenable to resolution.

The Board also considered that a number of the proposed roundabouts, and in some cases the associated slip roads, are over-designed for the traffic volumes envisaged and would involve environmental impacts without sufficient justification. The Board, therefore, attached conditions to omit the slip lanes at the Knockranny North and Castlebar East roundabouts and to reduce the diameter of the Knockranny South roundabout.

The Board was satisfied that the amendments sought by the conditions set out below would not lead to significant effects on the environment and would not have significant implications for the Compulsory Purchase Order.


It is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, Sections A, B and C of the proposed road development would not have significant negative effects on the community in the vicinity, would not give rise to a risk of pollution, would not have a detrimental impact on archaeological heritage, would not give rise to detrimental visual or landscape impacts, and would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity. It is considered that the proposed road development, which would constitute an improvement in terms of road safety and convenience, would be in the interest of the common good and would be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

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1. The development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the plans and particulars lodged with the application, as amended by the further information submitted to An Bord Pleanála at the oral hearing on dates between January 14 th and 17 th, 2014 and January 21 st and 23 rd , 2014, including the environmental impact statement and Natura impact statement and supporting documentation, except as may be otherwise required in order to comply with the conditions set out below.

Reason: In the interest of clarity.

2. The proposals, mitigation measures and commitments set out in the environmental impact statement and Natura impact statement and supporting documentation, and as further clarified by submissions made by the road authority to the oral hearing on various dates between January 14 th and 17 th , 2014 and January 21 st and 23rd, 2014, shall be implemented as part of the proposed road development.

Reason: In the interest of clarity and to mitigate the environmental effects of the proposed road development and to protect the amenities of the area and of property in the vicinity.

3. Section A of the proposed roadway, that is from the Newport Road to Knockranny South, shall be modified as follows:

(a) A one metre wide grass verge shall be provided between the vehicular carriageway and proposed footpath/cycleway starting from the junction with the Attireesh Road (opposite plot P0180) to, and along, the south side N5/N59 link road (from chainage 2+000 to 2+764) as far as the junction with the old railway line on the Carrowbeg Road (at plot P0100).

(b) A one metre wide grass verge shall be provided between the vehicular carriageway and proposed footpath/cycleway starting from the Allergan junction on the Carrowbeg Road to, and along, the south side N5/N59 link road (from chainage 3+000 to 4+305). The footpath, cycleway and grass verged area shall also extend south along the Knockranny Link Road to the Knockranny South roundabout and west to plot P0525.

(c) A grade separated crossing (underpass or over bridge) with appropriate signage and road markings shall be provided across the N5/N59 link road (between chainage 2+000 and 2+300) to facilitate a continuity of movement for pedestrians and cyclists to and from the Great Western Greenway and the Western way.

(d) The proposed Lodge Road underpass (under the proposed N5/N59 link road) shall include provision for pedestrians and cyclists.

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(e) A link for pedestrians and cyclists shall be provided from the Lodge Road to the N5/N59 Link Road.

Reason: In the interest of traffic, cyclist and pedestrian safety and to support the cycling and walking asset that has been successfully promoted in the county.

4. Section A of the proposed roadway shall be further modified as follows:

(a) The slip road at the Knockranny North roundabout from the proposed N5 to the Knockranny Link Road shall be omitted.

(b) The proposed Knockranny South roundabout shall be reduced from 80 metres to a maximum of 50 metres diameter.

(c) The amended layout at these two roundabouts shall make improved provision for pedestrians and cyclists.

Reason: In the interest of amenity on the approaches to Westport and in the interest of the safety of road users.

5. Section B of the proposed roadway, that is from Knockranny North to Castlebar West, shall be modified so that the proposed bridge over the N5 at shall include provision for pedestrians and cyclists.

Reason: In the interest of traffic, cyclist and pedestrian safety, to support the cycling and walking asset that has been successfully promoted in the county, and to facilitate connectivity to the proposed Castlebar- Islandeady Greenway.

6. Section B of the proposed roadway shall be further modified as follows:

(a) The proposed over bridge at Lough Lannagh and associated works to serve the Annagh Road shall be omitted.

(b) A new local road link shall be provided immediately adjacent to the northern carriageway of the N5 to link the Annagh Road to the “Fore Annagh Road”.

(c) A new underpass shall be provided under the proposed N5 at the “Fore Annagh Road” to serve local traffic.

Reason: In the interest of protecting the visual and landscape amenities of Lough Lannagh, and having regard to the need to serve the low traffic volumes accessing and egressing Annagh Road.

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7. Section C of the proposed roadway, that is from Castlebar West to Castlebar East, shall be modified as follows:

The slip roads at the proposed Castlebar Road East roundabout shall be omitted.

Reason: In the interest of amenity on the approaches to Castlebar, and in the interest of the safety of road users.

8. Section D of the proposed roadway, that is from Castlebar East to Turlough, shall be omitted with the exception of works required to accommodate the approach to the roundabout. No works required for the approach to the roundabout shall extend eastwards of chainage 40+400.

Reason: In the interest of clarity having regard to the refusal of Section D of the proposed roadway.


Having regard to:

(a) the relatively recent upgrade of this section of the N5 roadway on a greenfield line between Castlebar and Turlough,

(b) the compliance of the existing road with current standards for Type 2 single carriageways and the current condition of the road in terms of surface treatment, cross sectional dimensions, horizontal and vertical alignment and the existence of continuous hard shoulders that are generally wider than those required by design standards,

(c) the existing and future predicted traffic volumes for this section of road,

(d) the proximity of the proposed road to cultural and natural heritage assets at Turlough Park, Turlough Church and the trees at Clogher, and the potential impacts on these heritage assets, and

(e) the report of the person who conducted the oral hearing into the application for approval of the proposed road development,

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it is considered that the proposal to advance this section of the N5 roadway from Castlebar East to Turlough to dual carriageway standard at this time has not been adequately justified by traffic and safety considerations, having regard to the environmental impacts arising. The proposed development, described as Section D, would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Member of An Bord Pleanála duly authorised to authenticate the seal of the Board.

Dated this day of 2014.

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