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Mormon Opposition Literature: A Historiographical Critique and Case Study, 1844-57

William P. Connors - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Connors, William P., "Mormon Opposition Literature: A Historiographical Critique and Case Study, 1844-57" (1994). Theses and Dissertations. 4617.

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A historiographical critique and case study 1844571844 57

A thesis presented to the

department of history

brigham young university

in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree

master of arts


william P connors

april 1994 this thesis by william P connors is accepted in its present form by the department of history of brigham young university as satisfying the thesis requirement for the degree of master of arts

aviVv i K teebjtfu vvimalcolm R thorp committee chairchaintiduhidu

62C 15c01Q CA brian Q cannon committee member q afamhaghawfa X bruce A vanorden committee member

A W 11 date kendall W brown department chair PREFACE

growing up in a very conservative and evangelical southern baptist

church in north ogden utah the only nonnonmormonmormon church in town 4I1 was exposed early to the critics and apologists of most of my friends from high school were among the most active latterlatterdayday in our school they all were involved in the LDS seminary program and several were on the seminary council faithful to their leaders calls for sharing their religion with others my friends actively encouraged me to read the and learn more

about their religion of course their sincere desire was that I1 accept the restored gospel and become a member of their church

my initial response was one of confusion since I1 had moved to utah from the southern baptist holy land of texas mormonism was a new and

different religion to me in seeking a response to my LDSLIDS friends for why I1 was

and wished to remain baptist I1 was directed to the works of critics of mormonism including the group saints alive in and the works of marvin

cowan and jerald and sandra tanner though my high school friends and I1 often engaged in vigorous discussions about our respective I1 was fortunate that they remained good friends despite my refusal to become a member of their church they did succeed however in sparking a great interest within me to more fully understand the historical and theological relationships between the mormon and traditional christian religions

in the fall of 1987 as a senior at yale university I1 had to choose a topic on which to write my senior essay a bachelorsbachelorslevellevel thesis required of all students for graduation my studies in religion at yale had often included forays into mormonism and I1 had discovered the rich and vast collection of LDS materials in the western americana collection of the beinecke rare book and manuscript library at yale this library had a large collection of works written by critics of mormonism during its early years I1 wrote my senior essay on the religious facets of these works

over the years as I1 have continued my academic studies on mormonism I1 have met many of the most wellknownwell known critics and apologists of mormonism I1 have personally met and talked with ed decker sandra tanner wally tope the rev wesley P walters and thelma granny geer I1 have also talked with and read the works of mormon apologists milton V backman jr richard L anderson hugh nibley van hale and others while I1 have many disagreements with the arguments and methods of most of those from both groups one factor has stood out in my mind each seemed to sincerely believe he had the truth and desired to share it with those of the other group

this was significant to me because most of the reading I1 had done about opposition to mormonism during its early period had focused on the violent attacks on the Morcormonsmormonsmons this had reinforced the popular impression that all those who disagreed with mormonism were mean hateful and malicious I1 anticipated however that there were those who like the critics and apologists of mormonism today might have had more rational responses to the problems they perceived I1 felt research into the hundreds of writings of early critics of mormonism was warranted to see if such an impression might be supported to balance the extremely negative perceptions of people today about those who disagreed with mormonism in its early years

iv this thesis reviews the state of scholarship about critics of mormonism in the nineteenth century its conclusion is that these people have not been fairly or accurately addressed in the writing of mormon history more work needs to be done on the many hundreds of peaceful opponents of mormonism who expressed their disagreement through writing this thesis also presents a case study demonstrating the kind of work that I1 feel needs to be done the case study looks at works critical of mormonism published between 1844 and 1857 in the and great britain the specific focus is on the issues of religious concern to the critics including both religious practices such as and ceremonies and religious beliefs such as the role of the book of mormon and other uniquely mormon doctrines such as the nature of through the statements made by the critics in their writings one can see that religious motivations were as prevalent as any other cause of early mormon opposition my experience at brigham young university has only confirmed my impressions of sincere and devoted followers on each side of the question of the truth and benefits of mormonism I1 have worked with outstanding professors who have respected my personal views to these professors goes a great degree of gratitude profspros james B alienallenailen thomas G alexander milton V backman jr brian Q cannon richard 0 cowan larry E dahl steven epperson geoffrey J germane fred R gowans marvin S hill robert J matthews robert L millet hugh nibley H donidonl peterson larry C porter malcolm R thorp bruce A vanorden ronald W walker and C whittaker I1 would also like to gratefully note the assistance provided by mariel P budd history department secretary and lori wadsworth academic advisor for the office of graduate studies v for assistance with this thesis grateful appreciation also goes to the following libraries and their staffs the harold B lee library brigham young university especially chad flake and the special collections staff the historical department library of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints especially larry W draper joan bitton and kim B farr and the marriott library at the university of utah especially the special collections staff

I1 would like to thank the charles redd center for western studies at brigham young university for providing a fellowship which allowed for my graduate study at BYU thomas G alexander was the director at the time this thesis is the final project for both that fellowship and the degree from BYU

finally I1 would like to thank my family friends and coworkers for their encouragement and patience as I1 completed this work

I1 believe this thesis demonstrates that determining thetruththe truth and advantages of any particular religion is a difficult matter intelligent and sincere people can and do disagree and those on each side of an issue deserve the respect and kindness of those on the other side regardless of who is right


PREFACE 1 I iii parts

1 THE historiography OF opposition TO MORMONISM A 1 CRITIQUE 0 2 A CASE STUDY OF MORMON opposition literature RELIGIOUS CONCERNS 184418571844 1857 39 39.39

11. APPENDIX 88 88.88

APPENDIX 22. 127.127 bibliography 147

VII partlpartipaatPART 1 THE historiography OF opposition TO MORMONISM A CRITIQUE

joseph smith the founder of the mormon religion and his brother hyrum smith were shot on the second floor of the county jail in carthage illinois on 27 june 1844 many threats had been made on the smiths life before but this day the threat became reality smith was in jail following outrage from the citizens of illinois at smiths order for the destruction of the press of the nauvoo expositor smith as mayor of the mormon city of nauvoo and his city council had called for the demolition of the press on the basis of their determination that the first issue of this newspaper was a public nuisance a decision based upon challenges in the paper to smith and to his church the newspaper primarily made three criticisms of joseph smith and his mormon religion in fact the editors of the newspaper were former

thehe church to be discussed in this paper is officially named the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints following smiths death this portion of the organization founded by smith followed brigham young as its second prophet and went with him to utah mormon LDS and latterlatterdayday saint are used in this paper synonymously with no connotations intended certainly not the negative ones originally associated with the name see james alienallen and glen leonard the story of the latterlatterdayday saints deseret book 1976 47 and the encyclopedia mormonismofmormonismof sv name of the church the reorganized church of jesus christ of latter day saints organized in 1860 and led by joseph smith illiliIII111 prefers to call its members latter day saints from the materials published it appears that this latter form is the one used until sometime in the 1850s by all the followers of joseph smith this paper discusses the intermountainbasedintermountain based LDS church only not the RLDS church 2 who left the church over their disillusionment with these new ideas 2 their first concern was joseph smiths declared candidacy for the presidency of the united states these men felt that the political and religious governing roles should be left to separate people their second objection was to the practice of polygamy a behavior not yet publicly announced to the nation but nevertheless more freely practiced by the mormons in nauvoo than ever before 3 finally the editors of the expositor objected to the new LDS doctrine on the nature of god only a few weeks before his death joseph smith had taught the existence of a plurality of and the mormons ability to become gods themselves 4 while the assassinations of joseph and hyrum smith were among the most violent incidents in mormon history the expositor and the crime following it illustrate the intense opposition sometimes even hatred theuhe religion of joseph smith often produced in non believers the expositor was not the only publication expressing criticisms of mormonism and the killings of joseph and hyrum smith were not the only violent attacks made on the Morcormonsmormonsmons the writings against the mormons number in the hundreds and the assaults on the latterlatterdayday saints resulted in innumerable burned homes deaths sickness and hardships 5

ztheathe2the publishers were william law wilson law charles ivins francis M higbee chauncey L higbee robert D foster and charles A foster nauvoo expositor 7 june 1844 leonardleonand J arrington brigham young Arnetamericanican urbana university of illinois press 198510019851001031985 loo100103100 103 compiler teachings of the prophet joseph smith salt lake city deseret book 1976 34261342 61 36975369 75 spor more information about the expositor incident and its aftermath see dallin H oaks and marvin S hill carthage conspiracy the trialthial of the 3

thesis overview this thesis examines one aspect of these experiences in mormon history specifically this work is an analysis of the writings published against mormonism the thesis is divided into three main sections the first section is longer than might be expected because it is an examination of the historiography of opposition to mormonism and a critique of this secondary literature not just a review of it the analysis in this part has not been done before justifies the need for this thesis suggests areas for further research in addition to this thesis and provides the background of scholarship for this thesis the second portion of this work is a case study of materials demonstrating what further work needs to be done to better understand why people were opposed to mormonism this case study focuses specifically on the religious concerns of the critics who expressed their opposition to mormonism in books and pamphlets between 1844 and 1857 it includes materials from america and great britain and apologetic works published by the mormons to defend themselves against the charges made against them the analysis in this section investigates primarily the doctrines and religious practices of the mormons that bothered their critics sufficiently to motivate them to pen critical writings it also sheds some light on the historical context of their concerns the third and final portion of this work contains two appendices which occupy a vital place in the argument and value of this thesis the first appendix accused assassins of joseph smith urbana university of illinois press 1975 esp 132313 23 4 lists the numerous works written against the mormons between 1844 and 1857 demonstrating the magnitude of the issue the second appendix contains a bibliography of the scholarship to date on opposition to mormonism showing how little serious work has been done on writings critical of mormonism these appendices provide support for the arguments of the thesis and also provide references for those beginning to do the research that this thesis recommends an important distinction is made in this thesis between persecution and opposition the former is a subset of the latter that is persecution is only one form of opposition all opposition against the mormons was not persecution in this work persecution is reserved for the violent physical attacks on the Morcormonsmormonsmons such as the assassination of joseph smith and his brother the publishing of the expositor however would not be persecution but merely opposition people can disagree with each other and express that disagreement without persecuting one another 6 it is important that critics be understood in their own historical context as much as possible the reader must be careful to avoid allowing affiliation with the mormon church today or acceptance of modemmodern social beliefs to interfere with the historical understanding of the churchs early critics in modern educated communities it is considered inappropriate to express opposition such as that of the early writers against mormonism such modemmodern expectations

ausing6usingsing the definitions for persecution and opposition in websters new collegiate dictionary 1977 ed such a distinction can not be made however for reasons which will become clearer throughout this paper it is important to note the difference between persecution of the Morcormonsmormonsmons which usually connotes causing injury by physical attacks and writings which disagreed with or opposed mormonism 5 should not cloud the readers judgment in trying to understand the concerns of writers of a century and a half earlier for this reason this paper will not use the terms anti mormon or anti mormonism first these words are popularly applied to people of quite differing purposes and means from the murderers of joseph and hyrum smith to the authors of pamphlets second they note what these people are against rather than for what they stood and third the words carry strong negative connotations in the minds of most modem Morcormonsmormonsmons making it difficult to approach this topic rationally too many mormons feel they can immediately dismiss an idea person or writing by labeling it anti mormon the term simply adds confusion rather than light when applied to a subject

the historiohestoriohistoriographygrathygrarhy of 099oggoppositionsitionaition to mormonism perhaps because of the greater human interest in the sad plight of fellow human beings or maybe simply from morbid curiosity the physical attacks on mormons have been amply studied in specialized monographs and general histories of mormonism this is understood and welcomed what is baffling however is the lack of serious academic attention to the hundreds of books and pamphlets that were written against the mormons and which probably had a much greater impact on the thinking of nineteenthnineteenthcenturycentury americans about mormonism A sampling of books and pamphlets during the 1830 to 1844 period reveals that over 100 such items found were critical of mormonism only a few of these works have really been mentioned anywhere in the secondary literature 6 and then they were usually only mentioned not analyzed 7 some of the most wellknownwell known have been critiqued by modemmodern mormon apologists such as hugh nibley but they have not been more appropriately reviewed for understanding of the early criticism of mormonism the first appendix to this thesis lists almost 400 works written against the mormons between 1844 and 1857 again these works have been ignored in the secondary literature to date the article on anti mormon publications in the recently published encyclopedia of mormonism claims that at least 1931 anti mormon books novels pamphlets tracts and flyers have been published in english numerous other newsletters articles and letters have been circulated 8 what then is included in all the works listed in the second appendix of scholarship on opposition to mormonism first the vast majority of them painstakingly detail each violent incident in the mormon past clearly the focus has been on those events which can correctly be called persecution these include the various battles in the tar and feathering of joseph smith and the hamshauns mill massacre in fact some of these stories have been examined in the utmost detail and told repeatedly the scholarship which deals with opposition material aside from persecution focuses on a few of the most wellknownwell known names the least respectable characters the most sensational and to moderndaymodern day readers obviously false claims and a few unusual details as

athis7thishis point has already been made and demonstrated in the authors unpublished bachelors thesis opposition to mormonism A new interpretation yale university department of religious studies 1988 encyclopedia8encyclopedia of mormonism sv anti mormon publications by william 0 nelson 7 exemplified below accurate credible and legitimate critics and criticisms are ignored the limited references to critics usually focus on eber D howes work mormonism unvailedunavailed sic 9 though the work is nearly 300 pages in length the usual commentary on it is limited to noting that the affidavits it contains from early acquaintances of joseph smith were acquired by a mormon apostate Philphilistusphilastusastus hurlbut and pointing out that the spaulding origin of the book of mormon which has been rejected by mormons and most modern critics was begun by howe these two aspects of the book do not even begin to summarize the entire work but they are easy targets for criticism and so are the most often cited 10 similarly another often mentioned work is john C bennetts history of the saintssanbesante I111 bennett was a leading assistant to joseph smith for a few months in nauvoo and as such became one of the highest ranking defectors from mormonism most commentaries on his work first note that he was excommunicated from the church over his morality

bengebergebenber D howe mormonism unvailedunavailed or A faithful account of that singular imposition and delusion Painespainesvillegainesvilleville by the author 1834 topor example richard lloyd anderson joseph smiths reputation reappraised brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 284- 99 hugh nibley the myth makers salt lake city bookcraft 1961 and marvin S hill quest for refuge the mormon flight from american pluralism salt lake city 1989 232423 24 for a response to anderson and nibleys comments about hurlbut see roger I1 anderson joseph smiths reputation reexamined salt lake city signature books 1990

111 john C bennett the history of the saints or an exposiexpos6 of joe smith and mormonism boston leland and whiting 1842 8 the next genre of critical literature discussed is the sensational novels of the 1860s and 1870s the themes of these stories usually focused on a combination of sex polygamy theocratic control destroying and other notorious features of mormonism scholars have looked at many writings that discussed Morcormonsmormonsmons one can find articles on the mormons in literature 12 antebellumante bellum fiction 13 nineteenth century germany 14 periodical images 15 and even films 16 as well as other sources there are a few scholars who have looked at the writings of critics but with the large number of works against the Morcormonsmormonsmons much more needs to be done 17

12leonard J arrington and jon haupt intolerable the image of mormonism in nineteenth century american literature western review 22 summer 1968 24360243 60 13leonard J arrington and jon haupt the missouri and illinois mormons in antebellum fiction dialogue A journal of mormon thoughtthoughts5 spring 1970 375037 50

14D L ashliman the image of utah and the mormons in nineteenth century germany utah Histohistoricalticalficalficai quarterly 35 no 3 summer 1967 20927209 27 15gary L bunker and davis bitton the mormon graphic image 1834- 1914 cartoons caricaturescaricaCaticaturestunes and illustrations salt lake city university of utah press 1983 the death of brigham young occasion for satire utah historical quarterly 54 no 4 fall 1986 35870358 70 illustrated periodical images of Morcormonsmormonsmons 185018601850 1860 dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 3 spring 1977 829482 94 16lindalinda lambert the image of mormons in films new era 2 may 1972111972111515 17for example leonard J arrington charles mackay and his true and impartial history of the Morcormonsmormonsmons utah historical quarterly 36 winter 1968 244024 40 9 the recently published encyclopedia mormonismofofmormonism typifies many of the problems this work is unique because it should reflect the general attitude of the most informed Morcormonsmormonsmons the best of mormon scholarship and despite the disclaimer in its introduction to the contrary the official position of the modem church 18 yet the encyclopedia makes many substantial errors in the presentation of critics of mormonism the most pertinent entry is anti mormon publications authored by william 0 nelson according to the list of contributors in the first volume of the encyclopedia nelson is with the church correlation department in salt lake city nelson has written at least one apologetic article for the churchs official magazine the ensignensignsensign9199 and considering his position he may have written pieces in LDS manuals published under the churchs name although he commits no blatant factual errors the interpretative spins he puts in the entry are discouraging for anyone trying to put this literature into perspective unfortunately the standing of the editorial board and degree of editorial input into this generally high quality work imply that nelsons interpretative framework

inthe18theiqthe editor in chief daniel H ludlow writes in the preface lest the role of the encyclopedia be given more weight that it deserves the editors make it clear that those who have written and edited have only tried to explain their understanding and its contents do not necessarily represent the official position of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints iiiiixii however as ludlow reveals earlier in the preface and as the acknowledgments and list of contributors to the work note the highest church authorities oversaw the project and modem mormonisms most accepted authors wrote and edited the work the intent of the encyclopedia is to provide an authoritative reference work for both ward and nonnonmormonmormon libraries I williamawilliamqwilliam 0 nelson Is the LDS view of god consistent with the the ensign 17 no 7 july 1987 565956 59 10 is not an aberrant view but that of most of the churchs leading scholars the difficulties with the article are many first consider the language nelson used to describe the critics and their works he used the following words and phrases in his article hostile or polemic opposition maligningmaligning sometimes well intended invective falsehood demeaning caricature prejudice and legal harassment leading to both verbal and physical assault irresponsible misrepresentations sustained vitriolic criticism and hostility hostility against the church hostile antimormonanti mormon writing and other abuses derision resorted to satire malign recanted apostate twice excommunicated from the church for immorality professed to know allege infamous manifestation of anti mormonism antagonist turned against claimed invented dialogue borrowing most of his material allied with local antimormonanti mormon elements inflamed hostile anti cormonsmormons revenge a new barrage of ridicule and confrontation stereotyped claimed insinuations sensational erotic novels focusing on the supposed plight of women in the church characterized mormons as a horrid and deluded people authors wrote lurid passages to sell the publications excommunicated members tried to capitalize on their former membership in the church to sell their stories sensationalized exaggerated magazine muckrakersmuckrakersvicious anti antimormonmormon articles charged sordid virulent professional antimormonanti mormon novelist imaginative biased invective common tactic ridicule distortion professing love misrepresentations and falsehoods offensive to church members contrived or trivial grist and strategies reminiscent of oldstyleold style antisemitismanti semitism all of these phrases and words are used in the space of a sixpagesix page article while certain of the characterizations might be accurate for certain works and people is this supposed be a comprehensive portrayal of the entire genre ironically an entire section in nelsons article 11 notes how the mormons were so unfairly stereotyped in the late nineteenth centurycentury2020 next consider this quote

revenge was possibly a motive of some anti cormonsmormons especially apostates Philphilistusphilastusastus hurlbut simonds ryder and john C bennett sought revenge because the church had disciplined them alexander campbell was angered because he lost many of his campbellite followers when they joined the latterlatterdayday saints mark aldrich had invested in realestatereal estate development that failed because mormon immigrants did not support it and thomas sharp had lost many of his general business prospects 21 revenge goes from possibly a motive in the first sentence to the motive in the very next how nelson can so accurately ascertain these critics motives is surprising considering his later claim

when the spaulding theory of book of mormon origins was discredited anti mormon proponents turned to psychology to explain joseph smiths visions and revelations walter F prince and theodore schroeder offered explanations for book of mormon names by way of imaginative but remote psychological associations church scholars have criticized brodies methods for several reasons by using a psychobiographicalpsychobiographical approach she imputed thoughts and motives to joseph smith even vardis fisher whose work children of god nelson considers somewhat anti mormon criticized her book writing that it was almost more a novel than a biography because she rarely hesitates to give the content of a mind or to explain motives which at best can only be surmised 11222 although fawn brodie and others works can be faulted for knowing the thoughts and motives of joseph smith nelson is able to discern the true motives of his subjects

nelsonneison2onelsondonelson anti mormon publications 48

211bid21 ibid

221bid1ibid 495049 50 12 nelson is not exempt from highlighting critics who have been excommunicated as though they are representative of all critics or that this discounts what they say

eber D howe collaborated with apostate Philphilistusphilastusastus hurlbut twice excommunicated from the church for immorality he collected affidavits by assembling those affidavits and nine letters written by ezra booth also an apostate from the church after john C bennett was excommunicated from the church for immorality he turned against the Morcormonsmormonsmons 23 nelson also notes any retractions made by critics in the space of his short article he gives three instances of this two years later alexander campbell recanted this conclusion that joseph smith wrote the book of mormon by himself and accepted a new theory for the origin of the book of mormon however pomeroy tucker acknowledged that his insinuations were not sustained by judicial investigation bernard de voto later admitted that the mercury article was a dishonest attack 24 nelson continues the contrast between the inept foolish critics and the virtuous Morcormonsmormonsmons of the latterstettersmetters response to the writings he says

apart from collecting anti mormon publications for historical purposes and in response to divine direction the church has largely ignored these materials for they strike most members as irresponsible misrepresentations while incarcerated in liberty jail in 1839 joseph smith wrote to the saints and instructed them not to respond polemically church leaders responded to these attacks and adverse publicity only through sermons and admonitions though antimormonanti mormon criticisms misrepresentations and falsehoods are offensive to church members the has counseled members not to react to or debate those who sponsor them and has urged them to keep their responses in the form of a positive explanation of the doctrines and practices of the church church leaders have consistently appealed to the fairness of readers and urged them to examine the book of mormon

23bid231bid23123 bid 46 47

241bid1ibid 46461 49491 50 13 and other latterdaylatter day scriptures and records for themselves rather than prejudge the church based on antimormonanti mormon publications 25 nelsons antagonism toward any uncomplimentary commentary on the saints drives him to unacceptable comments in an article on anti mormon publications he slips in perhaps the most infamous manifestation of anti mormonism came in the missouri conflict during which governor lilburn W boggs issued an extermination order 112626whatwhat does this have to do with publications he even manages to turn the mormon destruction of the nauvoo expositor press into a jab against non cormonsmormons this destruction inflamed the hostile antimormonsanti mormons around nauvoo 27 nelsons agenda is finally revealed in his bibliography which lists not scholarship on critics of mormonism but primarily LDSLIDS apologetic material unfortunately these views do not appear to be an isolated incident in the encyclopedia A number of the articles harbor similar sentiments gilbert W scharffs an employee with the LDSLIDS church educational system was author of the LDSLIDS apologetic work in response to the 1980s film critical of mormonism the Godgodmakersmakers he wrote the entry on and says that the most frequent causes of apostasy are

failure to maintain strict standards of morality taking personal offense real or perceived marrying someone who is of another or who is irreligious neglecting to pray and maintain or misunderstanding of the teachings of the church

251bid1ibidseqsi451 461 491 51 zibid1ibid 46

271bid1ibid 48 14 scharffs is not referring to those who have simply become inactive he is talking about those who have seriously contravened or ignored cardinal church teachings publicly or privately 28 this is significant because most of the critics who are highlighted when they are discussed are apostates scharffs cannot admit that some may be men and women who have left the church because they have come to a rational conclusion that they no longer accept it as truth he insinuates there must be some other grievous sin in the persons life and thus their writings are poorly motivated and have weak content that this prejudice regarding apostates is applied to the churchs critics is further evident in the following paragraph an important enough statement to scharffs and the editors to dedicate onesixthone sixth of his article to it apostates sometimes become bitter enemies of the church leaving the church which claims to be gods official church containing the fullness of the gospel often results in feelings of guilt while many return others develop a need to defend their actions disprove the church or become hostile enemies the fruits of apostasy are generally bitter the book of mormon warns of unfavorable conditions that result from transgression contrary to light and knowledge alma 923 lest there be any doubt whatsoever the article refers the reader to anti mormon publications and to a negative article by lawrence foster about the critical writings of jerald and sandra tanner career apostates 29 in the encyclopedia david J whittaker handles a similarly controversial topic more responsibly in the entry on the mormon canitesdanitesDanites whittaker correctly notes that the latterlatterdayday saint community as a whole did not deserve

28 encyclopedia28encyclopedia mormonismofofmormonism svsm apostasy by gilbert W scharffs

vlbid ibid 1 59 15 blame for the unauthorized actions of a few but where is such allowance made for opponents of mormonism in other articles in the encyclopedia whittaker also accurately states that the reality was far less sensational than the stories about the destroying angels but in an age when latterlatterdayday saints were hated and persecuted sampson avards story provided a ready explanation for anyone who wanted to believe the worst 30 might the same be said about mormon attitudes toward their critics today perhaps the worst example is hugh nibley though admittedly nibley does not attempt objectivity when it comes to the critics of his church nibley is a well educated intelligent man but his interest in the critics of mormonism is clearly to attempt to refute them from a conservative mormon theological viewpoint that nibley is the dean of mormon apologists is amply demonstrated by his place of honor at the foundation for ancient research and FARMS a nonprofit organizationsemi semiofficiallyofficially supported by the church with offices at brigham young university and publication of its research in the churchs official magazine the ensign FARMS and the churchownedchurch owned deseret book is reprinting all of nibleys writings certainly no one in the church has written about its early critics as prolifically as nibley unfortunately niblesnibleys analysis is driven by his purpose defense and refutation and not by the methods of historical scholarship nibley ridicules the critics casts aspersion on their characters is selective in his choice of evidence and material and does not hesitate to make

30 encyclopedia30encyclopedia of mormonism sv canitesdanitesDanites by david J whittaker 16 anyone with a difference of opinion look foolish he has a clever but biting wit says the editor of his collected writings regarding critics of mormonism

nibleys sense of humor combined with a biting satire is often evident nibley opted to evoke some of the critics own rhetorical standstandbysbys such as ridicule and caricature 31 the difference of course is that nibley is extremely well educated writing in the twentieth century and is seen as the semiofficialsemi official church apologist on these issues despite all claims to the contrary his works add very little to a historical understanding of the issue as perhaps best demonstrated by references to his work being limited to mormon apologetic materials the new mormon historians do not cite him or his writings the exceptions to this critique of the secondary literature are notable for being so few one exception is craig L fosters 1989 brigham young university masters thesis titled anti mormon pamphleteering in great britain 183718601837 1860 however there are difficulties with fosters approach most illustrative is the article he wrote for the journal of mormon history which was based on the research he completed for that thesis the difficulty with both the thesis and subsequent article are not their factual content but their focus on the sensational fosters emphasis is on the temple morality of joseph smith comparisons of mormonism and its plural marriage practices with and polygamy secrecy and the canitesdanitesDanites the title of his article is victorian pornographic imagery in antimormonanti mormon literature both the thesis and article

331 hugh nibley tinkling cymbals and sounding brass the art of telling tales about joseph smith and brigham young david J whittaker ed salt lake city deseret book and FARMS 1991 xiv for a critique of nibley see roger anderson joseph smiths new york reputation 17 likely do reflect the literature critical of the mormons in the late 1800s but do not likely represent the entire genre of mormon opposition literature 32

A few other works head in a more positive direction richard L bushman discussed the critics of the book of mormon in his biography of joseph smith in the early years of the church although he corrected the critics such as alexander campbell and showed where he felt they erred in their analyses bushman handled the critics responsibly and accurately david J whittaker has done pathbreakingpath breaking work with his dissertation on early mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing he showed that frequently mormon literature was published in response to critics of the church unfortunately however his detailed analysis focuses on the mormons writing not the critics 33 the first appendix of this thesis contains a listing of all located printed works against mormonism and mormon except newspaper and

craig32craig L foster anti mormon pamphleteering in great britain 1837- 186018601 MA thesis brigham young university 1989 andvictorianand victorian pornographic imagery in antimormonanti mormon literature journal of mormon history 19 no 1 spring 1993 11532115 32 on the surface my thesis may seem like a duplication of the work already done by foster in his thesis however this work is neither meant as a refutation nor a replacement for fosters thesis the reader interested in both this and that work should note important differences fosters period of discussion is 183718601837 1860 while the period for the case study for this work is 184418571844 1857 fosters content is more narrowly an examination of some of the claims of the critics of mormonism while this work is a broader critique of this whole genre of secondary literature backed by one case study the careful reader will also note differences in the writers views and while several of the same topics are discussed eg the temple polygamy the perspectives about these topics is different fosters thesis is a good example of the type of work advocated by this work and each thesis has its place

33richardrichand33richard L bushman joseph smith and the beginnings of mormonism urbana university of illinois press 19841191984119331984 ilg11933119 33 and david J whittaker early mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing phd diss brigham young university 1982 18 magazine articles during the period of the case study 1844 to 1857 though the results of only fourteen years work from over a 160year160 year history the number of works is amazingly large and represents the significant scope of this aspect of mormon history although complete to the best of the research done to date the list will probably grow as more works are uncovered significant are both the size of the list for demonstrating the magnitude of the issue and the content for many of the bookbookstitlesbooksstitlestitlestities reveal a very religious concern about mormonism the source for this information is primarily chad flakes mormon bibliography and its ten year supplementsupplement3434 the second appendix is a listing of all secondary works located to date primarily books journal articles theses and dissertations thatahat discuss opposition to mormonism both written and violent while one will quickly notice that this second appendix is quite large one should also note that the great majority of material focuses on the violent persecution of the mormons and great conflict between the mormons and their neighbors A small minority of the works discuss nonviolentnon violent but unusual aspects of opposition to mormonism like films cartoons and novels what is lacking again is serious academic attention to opponents of mormonism who chose to voice their opposition forfonbor4or whatever reasons through4hrough the more peaceful and reasonable means of the press some of the material in the works in the second appendix do include discussions of the nonfictionalnon fictional printed criticism of mormonism but they skip over lightly the vast

34chadhad flake A mormon bibliography 183019301830 1930 salt lake city university of utah press 1978 not much additional information for 1844 to 1858 is included in flake and larry W drapers A mormon bibliography 1830 1930 A ten year supplement salt lake city university of utah press 1989 19 majority of cases discuss only the most well known and focus on the sensational in conclusion this topic is an important one for the mormon past thousands of books tracts and pamphlets were being circulated and presumably being read most americans and britons had better access to one of these writings than to a facetofaceface to face conversation with a mormon these works played an important role in determining the views of everyday americans and britons about the Morcormonsmormonsmons my approach is significant because it adds a missing piece to the picture which has been painted of mormon history and gives a fuller understanding to all the events which occurred

problems in Understandunderstandinglnainainq mormon hihistory because this scholarship has not been done for whatever reasons there is great misunderstanding of the critics their work their effect on the Morcormonsmormonsmons and how this interaction between mormons and nonnonmormonsmormons fits into american history the collective understanding of the mormon past would probably be different than it is now had this research been done and these other views incorporated into the construction of mormon history because the research remains to be done the following hypotheses are what this author thinks would be the outcome of more serious consideration of the critics of mormonism the ideas are simplified in their expression here modern historical works intended for a wider popular audience are more guilty of the following generalizations scholarship especially that of the new mormon historians is more complex and the writers are more aware of the need of avoiding gross simplifications nonetheless they too often subtly share the probably inaccurate views they are not as blatant with the stereotypes and 20 misconceptions but still reflect them the following eight points demonstrate the possible changes in the understanding of mormon history that could result from better research into the critics of mormonism most of the problems noted here are illustrated in the discussion about the content of the encyclopedia of mormonism above

1 there needs to be an increased awareness that mormons were not always opposed and that their accomplishments were not all despite persecution reading the summary of mormon history in the nineteenth century from the modemmodern churchs college textbook on mormon history one could easily overlook this fact

since 1820 the church has survived exile from four states harassment and continuous persecution of its leaders and members an extermination order from a governor martyrdom of its prophet disenfranchisement by the government and poverty of the saints this is what the church endured and survived in the first century of its history through such adversity persecution and impoverishment the church gained strength and matured 35 the facts in this paragraph are not inaccurate but the sense of history it portrays is not representative of the full experience of the latterlatterdayday saints in the 1800s the mormons often received a great deal of support from their neighbors or were left alone many of the mormons great accomplishments such as the construction of the kirtland and nauvoo temples the building of their many cities and communities the publication of books of scripture hymns pamphlets and newspapers and their great work could not have been achieved were constant peril the only story of mormonism not often reflected is that not

35 church35church history in the falnessfulness of times salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints 1989 vi 21 all nonnonmormonsmormons joined or supported the persecution of the saints often the nonnonmormonmormon military and press came to the defense of the mormons in response to illegal and unnecessary opposition

in order to justify this thesis and topic it is necessary to dwell primarily on opposition to mormonism however the issue needs to be kept in perspective opposition was not the only treatment the mormons received had it been it would have been impossible for the mormons to accomplish the truly great feats they did achieve this thesis and the research it recommends needs to be read within the broader literature of the history of mormonism and the united states the attempt made here to put this issue into its proper place may inaccurately magnify the issue through this works total focus on it 2 the mormons were not the only minority to receive intense opposition nineteenthnineteenthcenturycentury americans were not very tolerant of anyone different from the majority population groups such as the masons catholics jews many immigrant populations chinese african americans and others felt the brunt of opposition R laurence moore in a book titled religious outsiders and the making of americans notes that although embodying american principles the mormons were joined by the catholics jews christian scientists millennialistsMillennia lists africanamericanafrican american churches veneven protestant fundamentalistfundamentalists inn their struggle for acceptance in another book subtitled interreligious hostility in america the authors discuss historical and modemmodern lenstenstensionsionslons between jews and protestants and catholics liberals and conservatives and established versus emerging groups 1136 catholic authority was maligned as

36rR laurence moore religious outsiders and the making of americans new york 1986 and robert N bellah and frederick E greenspahn eds uncivil religion interreligious hostility in ameficaamerica new 22 well as mormon authorityauthority3737 secret mormon temple ceremonies were exposed as well as secret masonic polygamy and slavery were criticized often togethertogether3838 and the doctrines of small were criticized as well as mormon doctrines 39 albert J menendez has compiled a 114page114 page bibliography of primary and secondary works about religious conflict in america he was selective in the compilation of the work focused on the political sociological cultural and historical issues to the exclusion of purely theological works and ended the search in 1983 yet his bibliography contains thousands of references andnd virtually none of them include the material regarding mormonism mentioned in the second appendix of this thesis he began religious conflict is as american as pie no one likes to admit it today but it is a burdensome truth in prefatory comments to the chapters in his bibliography menendez noted

york crossroad 1987 moores first chapter is on the Morcormonsmormonsmons how to become a people the mormon scenario 254725 47 fon37forfor example see mormon doctrine of polygamy or plurality of wives examined by the author of plain questions for mormonitesMormonites and prize essay the church of opposed to the holy bible and the london wertheim and macintosh 1853 and A few plain words about mormonism showing the latterlafterlatterdayday saints are no saints at Aaltall proved by extracts from their writingsWiffings by the author of a few plain words about popery and the pope pope or queen ac&c bristol wright steam press 185 fonfor example see stephen A douglas kansasutahdredkansas utah dred scoffscott decision springfield illinois lanphier and walker printers 1857 fon3917orfor example see rev hiram mattison A scriptural defence of the doctrine of the or A check to modemmodern as taught by the campbellitescampbeffitesCampbellites hicksitesHicksites new lights universalistsuniversafists and Morcormonsmormonsmons and especially by a calling themselves christians new york colby & co 1846 23 were hanged in massachusetts and catholics were executed in new york both groups were persecuted almost everywhere as were 14011409140 for the period for the case study in the second part of this thesis 1844- 1857 menendez summarized the religious intolerance that afflicted many others not just Morcormonsmormonsmons

violence erupted in several cities A convent in massachusetts was burned to the ground A priest was tarred and feathered in maine dozens died in philadelphia rioting caused by the issue of the bible in the public schools by the 1850s a fullscalefull scale political movement called the know nothings capitalized on the religious conflict and threatened briefly to seize national power 41 entire history shows evidence of persecution of minority groups and the worst time for the mormons was probably also the worst in our history for what was happening to them and many others while one might argue whether or not the mormons were the most opposed minority group or religious group in american history how does one measure certainly the mormons were unfortunately by no means unique in the treatment they received the writings also need to be seen in light of the kind of writing that was done in the 1800s both the critics and mormons wrote with a sensational flair and although it would not be considered appropriate today it was then this is true for much of the writing at the time not just that between the mormons and their critics 3 all opposition was not expressed through senseless violence some spectacular episodes did occur such as the massacre at hauns mill in this

albertalbent4oalbertcoalbert J menendez religious conflict in america A bibliography new yorkyonk garlandgariand 1985ix51985 ix 5

411bid141 ibid 11 24 tragic episode in late october 183817 mormons were killed as a nonnonmormonmormon mob stormed this little settlement of saints in missouri but most people chose to express their disagreement in more peaceful ways 4 the mormons were active in opposition to other religious groups such writers as parley P pratt were as vigorous as any critic of mormonism in favorably comparing their faith to others 42 it is not always clear whose actions or words started each conflagration A more plausible interpretation is that rather than much of the opposition against mormonism being a series of unrelated events there was a cycle in which each side acted against the other prompting continual retribution and response 5 opposition was a complex phenomenon and defies simplistic explanation the resident historian at the missouri historical society kenneth winn attempted to explain opposition to mormonism as conflicting interpretations of republican ideology in his view a republican outlook dichotomized political life into a struggle between the forces of virtue and corruption brigham young university history professor marvin S hill succinctly claimed anti pluralism was the main cause of persecution noted mormon historian richard L bushman has also lamented this tendency among

42see parley P pratt proclamation extraordinary to the spanish americans san francisco monson haswell & co 1852 which attacks the roman catholic church W R pilestcraftpriestcraft exposed or who is the devil in the pulpit sydney by the author 185 and john richards duwauw mawrmawryy Sectsectadaidsectariaidadaidanaid the great god of the sectarianssectarians merthyr tydfil J davis printer georgetown 1851 this last work is in welsh for information about the work in english consult ronald D dennis welsh mormon writingsmiffWiffings from 1844 to 1862 A Histohistoricalficaifical bibliography provo UT religious studies center brigham young university 1988 12324123 24 25 some historians of mormonism to look for one cause of opposition but then pointed to one issue himself as the heart of the matter 43 to look for one cause for the long history of persecution and opposition the mormons have encountered is too reductionistic the number of people incidents times and locations eliminates any one cause different people opposed for different reasons mormonism is too complex to reduce opposition to one cause As much of the secondary literature listed in the appendix shows mormonism has been viewed as much as a political economic social and even military movement as it was a religion 6 much of the criticism leveled against the mormons was accurate by flaccurateflaccurate is meant that the critics understood mormonism and usually represented it accurately not necessarily that their interpretations or conclusions were correct for example the temple and endowment ceremonies were accurately portrayed mormons were practicing polygamy long before they admitted it even while they were denying it as their critics claimed 44 the doctrines concerning the nature of god the and other topics which were attacked were correctly presented for what the mormons actually taught and believed 7 often the blame for the hostilities should be laid upon simple misunderstanding of motives each side often did things that the other group

43kenneth43kenneth H winn exiles in a land of liberty mormons in america 183018461830 1846 chapel hill university of north carolina press 1989 2 hill 181 and richard L bushman mormon persecutions in missouri 1833 bnabnbrighamahamgham young university studies 3 autumn i9601960 111211 12 20

this44this is discussed in part 2 of this thesis 26 misinterpreted or simply did not understand that led to mutual mistrust which then fed the misunderstanding much of the opposition is understandable consider only one example the 1839 mormon migration to hancock county illinois where they settled nauvoo had doubled the population of the county by 1840 by 1845 hancock county was the largest in the state with a population of 22559 it has been estimated that the mormon population of the area by the time of the westward exodus in 1846 was between fifteen and twenty thousand well over half the local population 45 considering that utah today has a population of over one and a half million with the greater salt lake city area

housing well over 1 million the mormon growth in the nauvoo area would be comparable to nearly 500000 people suddenly settling outside salt lake city in the 1990s how would moderndaymodern day utahnsutahna react to such an immigration consider also that the mormon settlers of the 1830s and 1840s were not independent families just looking for a more productive place to settle the city charter for nauvoo granted the mormons liberal though not unique privileges and combined with the group dynamics the mormons had previously demonstrated they posed a potential threat of legitimate concern for a clue one need only look at the reaction of the citizens of oregon to baghwan shree rajneeshs community in 1980 and the tragic disaster with the branch davidians in 1993 in waco texas

45robertrobent45robert bruce flanders nauvoo kingdom on the mississippi urbana university of illinois press 1975 16 church history in the falnessfulness of times 223 and encyclopedia mormonismofofmormonism svsm nauvoo by glen M leonard 27 the mormons developed a persecution complex not that there were not times when they were persecuted but they often overreacted or poorly reacted to people who disagreed with them probably fed by joseph smiths prophetic claimeblaimeclaims he spoke the mind of god and was thus led theahe mormons often were not sensitive to the feelings of their neighbors and did a poor job cultivating positive relations with their nonnonmormonmormon neighbors this is not to blame the victim for the crime but to note that the mormons were not always entirely blameless in or helpful to the situations 8 in scholarly interpretations of opposition to mormonism emphasis has been placed on the economic social political and military goals of the Morcormonsmormonsmons while these were valid areas of objection for many non cormonsmormons they do not reflect all the types of criticism of the Morcormonsmormonsmons another important type of criticism was religious too much focus has been placed by scholars on what the mormons did and implying from that what bothered the critics rather than looking at what the critics were actually saying bothered them scholars point to the mormon bloc voting and joseph smiths candidacy for the presidency to demonstrate nonnonmormonmormon political concerns and they point to mormon economic independence and minimal business relations with nonnonmormonsmormons to demonstrate nonnonmormonmormon economic concernsconcems 46

fon4617orfor example see leonard J arrington and davis bitton the mormon Expedeexperiencence A history of the latterlatterdayday saints new york vintage books 1980 knopf 1979 446444 64 28 the motives of critics of mormonism many of these hypotheses address questions concerning the motives of the critics why did they write this is referring to the question at a deeper psychological level than the economic political social and religious concerns of the critics were these things just what they said what were the real motivations did the critics have ulterior motives in presentations of the preliminary concepts and research in this thesis in a graduate seminar at brigham young university an annual meeting of the mormon history association and at a salt lake city sunstone symposium this has been the most often asked question by commentators usually doubts are raised in specific response to discussions regarding the religious concerns of the critics on which the second portion of this thesis focuses but the issue is as applicable to any type of concern by the critics one must first ask if those asking these types of questions are using a double standard when are these questions asked of the Morcormonsmormonsmons when mormon men went on missions served in leadership roles wrote faithpromotingfaith promoting or apologetic works have scholars tried to read between the lines of the mormons writings for ulterior motives it is certainly credible that most mormon men and women were devoted followers of joseph smith and brigham young and fulfilled their callings out of sincere religious devotion it is equally credible that critics of the church had legitimate concerns including religious issues with mormonism that they expressed in writing where are these questions asked when the critics concerns are pointed in directions other than religious there seems to be the conception in many mormons minds that a person cannot accurately and completely know mormonism be a sincere decent person and reject mormonism as religious truth my personal experience shows 29 that most mormons think that people leave reject or oppose mormonism

because they are evil ambitious revengeful immoral greedy ill informed or jealous as determined by reading between the lines of the nonnonmormonsmormons writings and actions not from what they actually said however those who join and stay in mormonism do so because they have found the truth as determined by taking their statements about motives at face value many people project these attitudes onto the authors of nineteenthnineteenthcenturycentury writings regarding the LDS church for example craig fosters masters thesis discusses critics claims of mormonism as a fraudulent way to make money 47 this gives the critics less credibility in the modern mormon readers mind since they believe mormonism to be a legitimate religious the view of critics would be strengthened were criticisms with more merit discussed instead such as the references about the book of mormon the nature of god the nature of the priesthood and the role of the bible another example is a recent article on the mormon critic john hyde by lynne watkins jorgensen in the final portion of the article motives for apostasy jorgensen sought to determine why hyde left mormonism and wrote against it admirably she begins with his own words and concludes his denunciations focus on three main areas the leadership the practice of polygamy and the endowment ordinance not content to leave the issue there however jorgensen felt the need to provide more mischievous motives there is considerable evidence that he was contentious and ambitious there is also considerable evidence that hyde breached the proprieties

47foster47foster anti mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing 50 30 where women were concerned another hint which may be sheer gossip connects hyde with horse theft there is no further evidence that hyde committed theft however people guilty of moral offenses in a religious community are likely candidates for apostasy there is at least circumstantial evidence to suggest that he may have resented the difference in how the church recognized and rewarded him perhaps all of these factors jeajealousylousy hurt pride economic boeswoes and disillusionment with church practices were involved in the decision to expose mormonism 48 are such tentative claims as demonstrated by her choice of words necessary do they accurately represent this critic or others why is more time spent on the speculative causes of his discontent than his own statements

all critics were not immoral revengeful ill informed greedy hateful spiteful or so forth most were responding to what they saw as a legitimate threat to some aspect of their community many critics were often inaccurate but out of lack of knowledge and investigation rather than willful falsehood it is simply unfair for scholars to assume some motive other than sincere concern for the spiritual wellbeingwell being of others for those who wrote with religious concerns the burden of proof lies on the person who says that the writers meant something other than what they said both sides should be assumed to be sincerely expressing thoughts they honestly held that much is usually granted to the mormon and apologists admittedly more work on the biographies of these men and women needs to be done and certainly some will turn out to be scoundrels on both sideutsides but raising the question should not call into issue the credibility of all critics

lynne48lynne watkins jorgensen john hyde jr mormon renegade journal of mormon history 17 1991 13644136 44 31 it is also inappropriate for historians to summarize the religious issues of critics as concern over sheep stealing this pejorative phrase is often used to characterize the motives of christian who were critical of mormonism this trivializes the issue as a petty power struggle implying ministers were upset because of loss of power influence contributions prestige or numbers the distinguished mormon historians leonard J arrington and davis bitton use this unfortunate phrase in the context of ministers concern about the threat of a reduction in the size of their congregation implying that the clergy lose tithing and power by such loss 49 historians of mormonism should also be especially wary of trying to use history to understand a historical characters psychological motivations they have learned from the critiques of fawn brodie the danger of that task motives of authors are extremely complex the pitfalls of psychobiographicalpsycho biographical history have been well documented in mormon historiography with the responses to brodies 50 in addition to pointing out the problems of the question itself how do we know the claims of the critics especially religious concerns are not just covers for ulterior motives for attacking the Morcormonsmormonsmons therethenechere4here are some

49arrington49arrington and bitton 53 for another example see merlin B brinkerhoff et al religious intolerance mormons in the mainstream dialogue A journal of mormon thought 20 no 3 fall 1987 90

fawn5017awn brodie no man knows my history the lifeuhe of joseph smith the mormon prophet ad2d ed new york knopf 1983 for scholarly critiques of brodies approach see marvin S hill secular or sectarian history A critique of no man knows my history church history 43 march 1974 789678 96 and brodie revisited A reappraisal dialogue A journal of mormon thought 7 winter 1972 728572 85 for a conservative mormon apologists response see hugh nibley no maam thats not history salt lake city bookcraft 1946 32 answers to the question first the critics were accurate in their representation of mormonism and credible in their refutation whether or not the critics interpretation of the issues is correct the concerns they raise call into question the activities and beliefs of the Morcormonsmormonsmons why would they need other reasons the writings of the critics are consistent with the authors lives before and after writing about mormonism those that used economic arguments usually had financial stakes in the controversy those who raised political concerns were actively involved in politics prior to and after the mormons were involved many of those who addressed religious concerns were ministers or lay people with a history of writing on religious matters since the question of ulterior motives is raised most often about religious concerns of critics two answers respond specifically to that aspect first most of the authors were not threatened by mormonism any other way than religiously while the persecutors were the mormons neighbors many of those who wrote lived far away from the latterlatterdayday saints this is especially true of the authors in great britain the mormons never were a large enough or powerful enough group to mount any serious challenge to the british community yet quite a few of the works discussed in the case study below were produced in great britain the major threat the saints made in great britain and in most of the united saints was for the of the people A second validating point for the true religious concern of the critics is that many of authors included religious issues as one type among several while many of the books and pamphlets deal only with religious issues many others deal with a variety of secular and sacred issues for those that had mixed concerns there is no reason to assume that the religious concerns were not legitimate while the others were 33 concluding this issues of the critics true motives examining motives is not an worthwhileunworthwhileun or impossible task to do as long as the tentativeness of the conclusions is realized this could be said of all historical writing the religious concerns of critics examined in this paper are discussed by more than one of the critical authors so even if some of the people did have ulterior motives there are others who believed and used the same arguments since there are insurmountable obstacles with answering the questions when worded in terms of ulterior motives the eight hypotheses presented above get at the issue reasonably within the limits of the historical method certainly there are those who did have ulterior motives but to ask the question of everyone all the time is unnecessary the fair and reasonable approach is to research what the critics said wrote and did and leave the psychoanalyzing out of the historical method for this work

case Sstudy one purpose of this paper is to provide a step in the solution to the lack of analysis of writings opposed to mormonism because all eight of the hypotheses cannot be more completely documented or corrected in a paper of this scope this work will focus on one issue in contrast to what one might think from reading todays secondary literature on written opposition to mormonism many critics had religious concerns about mormonism the second part of the thesis will not only demonstrate the extent of this concern but also analyze those religious concerns the primary materials for this analysis will be works written expressly to criticize mormonism or at least with a major portion of the work critical of mormonism from a religious perspective materials will be limited to published 34 works primarily books and pamphlets a few broadsidesbroadsides and specially issued newspapers this does not include regularly published newspapers these limitations provide the framework for the focus though certainly other types of materials will be used to shed light on the discussion as appropriate this paper follows previous research on the 1830 to 1844 period although much remains to be done on this earlier period as well by examining the works from the years 1844 to 1857 joseph smith was assassinated in 1844 an event which many critics thought would be the demise of Monmormonismmonism smiths assassination followed two years of radically new teaching by him about mormon beliefs as illustrated at the beginning of this paper smiths death also led to significant changes in the mormons situation precipitating their westward trek to the the years 185718581857 1858 are significant because of the utah war also called buchanansbuchanannBuchanans blunder 51 this event marked the transition of opposition to mormonism to two very specific concerns plural marriage and complaints over these two issues would mark the relationships between mormons and nonnonmormonsmormons for the next 50 years thus 1844 to 1857 is a transition period for the literature opposed to mormonism it provides a cross section of the criticism of the periods before and after it by focusing on the religious arguments against mormonism this is not to imply that religious concerns were the only or even most important issue with the

5 united states president james buchanan sent a contingent of the united states army to the in 1857 buchanan had been told by some judges that had had difficulties in utah that the mormons were in rebellion against the united states and needed suppressing the troops were unnecessary and the whole affair was a financial and political fiasco see norman furniss the mormon conflict 185018591850 1859 new haven yale university press 1960 35 critics of those who wrote or otherwise expressed opposition rather this shows the wealth of data and ideas not yet explored that can deepen the understanding of relationships between mormons and non cormonsmormons it can also correct some of the poorly chosen comments such as those about sheep stealing mentioned above the most important source for information about publications regarding mormonism from 1830 to 1930 is brigham young universitys senior archives librarian chad flakes bibliography to this period from this work was combed publications published between 1844 and 1858 and then this material was further divided into works critical of mormonism apologetic works written in defense of mormonism and other works 52 the support for the thesis which follows is based on the materials of the former two categories only representative samples are discussed however as the number of the works is almost 400 see appendix 1 the methodology for choosing the works to research in preparation for this thesis began with trying to locate in utah repositories as many as possible of the items compiled for the first appendix with the assistance of the staffs of the libraries approximately 200 works were found and photocopied and are in my possession those works located were reviewed and those writings with arguments representative of comments made in many works were chosen for

fon52forfor this study only those works that were written responding specifically to criticism leveled against the mormon church are included whether the criticism was vocal or written works that were apologetic in nature but that are not responding to another claim might be helpful in showing the importance of religious claims but they do not substantiate this papers thesis the way direct responses do how they do is explained below 36 discussion here the most prominent or prolific writers were not always those highlighted since information about some of them is accessible elsewhere rather to demonstrate the diversity of authors and prevalence of ideas minor works which nevertheless discuss common religious criticisms of mormonism are referenced this paper will focus on two types of religious concerns of critics of the brigham young led utahbasedutah based LDS church first will be the challenges to the religious practices of the Morcormonsmormonsmons temple ceremonies and plural marriage second will be the criticisms of the religious beliefs of the Morcormonsmormonsmons such as the inspiration of the book of mormon the faults of the bible and the doctrine of god the importance of religious motivations for critics will be further demonstrated by additional evidence from two types of sources first british sources are used because they are heavily religiously oriented mormon apologetic materials are also important because they provide further evidence about what verbal and written criticisms the mormons were receiving it is as important to understand what is not being considered in this thesis as what is first this thesis does not attempt to answer who was right or wrong in any ultimate sense Is mormonism true orlorlalseortor alseaisefalsefaise such a question is outside the scope of this work the examination of the religious concerns of critics will be analyzed not merely restated it will be possible to ask whether or not the criticisms were directed to legitimate aspects of mormons or were incorrectly representing mormonism one can also ask whether the questions had any substantial merit to them but the final decision of the claims implication for the truth of mormonism will not be answered here 37 although many of the hypotheses suggested above about deficiencies in the understanding of opposition to mormonism would also apply to actual persecutors of the mormonhoseMormonmormons hosethose who were violent the case study which follows is not an attempt to deal with this group of people those who would tar and feather another person or bumburnbunn down a familys home are usually much different people from those who write books and pamphlets it is extremely difficult to determine the motives of those who expressed their disagreement with the mormons by assaulting them their motives might be the same but they certainly expressed their reasons differently As discussed above it is difficult even to determine the motives of the critics who wrote without examining the entire lives and all the writings of these people thus what follows should not be seen as necessarily the final word on the concerns of the critics but the preliminary analysis of what the critics stated about their religious concerns regarding mormonism if the recommendations of this thesis are followed by researchers in the future then more will be known about the I1iveslivesilves of the critics and better judgments can be made about the likelihood ofulterioror ulterior or additional motives A concern in the period following joseph smiths death was the 11 succession11succession crisis smiths death was untimely and he had not made clear who should succeed him as prophet of the church should he die there was a small group of works produced in the mid to late 1840s which made claims for different men to inherit smiths prophetic mantle however none of these works are considered in the case study the case study stays focused on the religious criticisms of non cormonsmormons nor does the case study consider any internal dissent 38 As a final note the writings opposed to mormonism during the period of 1844 to 1857 are much easier to understand topically rather than chronologically thus the following examination of religious criticisms of mormonism will occur in categories this includes intermixing american and british works and critical and apologetic writings americans and britons shared a similar protestant outlook and often borrowed from each othersworksothers works the case study which follows will shed light on an overlooked subject in the history of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints hopefully it will serve as a model and stimulus for further similar study PART 2 A CASE STUDY OF MORMON opposition literature RELIGIOUS CONCERNS 184418571844 1857

the historical Backbackgroundaround one of the criticisms the first part of this thesis made is that mormon scholars have not placed their discussions of opposition to mormonism into the proper historical context to avoid making that error with this case study this part begins with the broader historical and religious context in which the opposition writers were publishing the united states in the nineteenthmidnineteenthmid cecentury the nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century in the united states was a period of great turmoil and change that concluded in the civil war of 186118651861 1865 intellectual historian livingirving H bartlett says that recurring themes in the thoughts of the american mind between 1830 and 1860 were belief in the free individual which implies equality belief in the moral law which implies religion and belief in the american mission which implies nationalism A fourth theme may be described as ambivalent response in the american mind to the pace of change 1 in the second quarter of the 1800s jacksonian democracy had been embraced by americans the people wanted a greater and more direct say in

I1 rvingirvingarving H bartlett the american mind in the nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century new york crowell 1967 121 2 40 the government the less aristocraticappearingaristocratic appearing and more common looking the candidate the greater his likelihood of being elected this shift in attitude since the american revolution first became manifest with the greater popular vote received by old hickory andrew jackson over john quincy of massachusetts however adams was installed as president after the election was thrown to the house of representatives since jackson did not receive a majority of the electoral votes jackson was the clear victor over the incumbent adams in the following election of 1828 the first taste the nation had of the souths secessionist tendencies had come as early as 1832 nulliesbulliesNul lies had led a movement in south carolina to declare null and void the national tariff of 1828 passed to protect the factories of the north this led to the conciliatory tariff of 1833 postponing the eventual showdown also in 1832 the democrat jackson clearly defeated his eminent opponent from kentucky henry clay in an election notable for the emergence of a shortlivedshort lived antimasonicanti masonic third party other issues with which the nation grappled included relocating eastern native americans to the indian territory of moderndaymodern day oklahoma the formation of the whig party a hodgepodge of those opposed to the jackson democrats the election in 1836 of jacksons hand- picked successor martin van buren and the panic of 1837 a severe depression the economic and other woes of van burens presidency helped give the whigs their first national victory with the election of general william henry harrison but it was an election marred by greater concern for clever slogans against the candidates than the parties solutions to national problems manifest destiny the belief that the united states was destined to stretch from ocean to ocean marched strong in the 1840s with the addition to the nation of texas 41 portions of the oregon country and the mexican cession including moderndaymodern day and ongoingon going territorial disagreements with mexico and great britain gold pulled many men west to california in 1849 joined by 250000250.000 others traveling the plains across in the 1840s and50sand 50s 2 the industrial revolution had come to the nation at the turn of the nineteenth century by 1850 the nation had implemented the concepts of interchangeable parts division of labor and factories and was already dealing with the issues of working conditions and labor unions in 1844 samuel F B morse had sent his first message by telegraph in 1852 the cumberland road was finally completed after forty years of work on the stretch from maryland to illinois by 1860 30000 miles of railroad track had been laid primarily in the north culturally the country was undergoing great change as well economic and political hardships led to the immigration of 2 million irish and 151.5 million germans into the united states between 1830 and 1860 american nativists verbally abused and physically attacked these and other foreigners as well as catholics by the 1850s the concept of supportedtaxsupportedtax public education had been accepted and educationcoeducationco and womens colleges had begun to emerge dorothea dix led the fight for better treatment of the mentally ill legislated temperance had shortlivedshort lived support feminists met at the womans rights convention of 1848 the united states began the development of uniquely american literature with henry david thoreaus civil disobedience 1849 and walden 1854 waitwalt whitmans leaves of grass 1855 longfellows and

ajohn2johnohn D unruh jr the plains across the Overoverlandtandfand emigrants and the transmississippiTrans Mississippi west 1840601840 60 urbana university of illinois press 1979 xiii 42 whittiers poetry the stories of edgar allenalienailen poe novels of nathaniel hawthorne the scarlet letter 1850 and herman melville mobymobydickdick 1851 and histories of george bancroft the issue of the 1850s was slavery preceding the start of the war between the states in 1861 numerous events occurred which brought the violent disagreement between the north and south to a violent reckoning martin van buren ran for president again in 1848 this time as the candidate for the antislaveryanti slavery free soil party but was beaten by the whig zachary taylor disagreement over admission of california as a state enforcement of the fugitive slave law in the north and other issues led to the compromise of 1850 which created the utah territory hammered out by henry clay john C calhoun and daniel webster during the disagreement taylor died leaving his vice president millard fillmore to carry out the term the unknown democratic candidate in 1852 franklin pierce surprisingly won the election that year after the whig party divided over sectional interests harriet beecher stowes uncle toms cabin was published in 1852 the kansasnebraskakansas nebraska act of 1854 spawned the republican party in the midwestmid west to work against slavery in 1856 the nativist knownothingknow nothing party nominated former president fillmore franklin pierce had been elected in 1852 and the support he received hurt the republican candidate john C frefremontmont enough to get the democrat james buchanan elected the president that would send the US army to put down the mormons the following year in 1857 the supreme court handed down the dredscottdred scott decision ruling that slaves were property and thus could be taken into any territory the fall of 1858 pitted the illinois senatorial candidates stephen A douglas and abraham lincoln against one another john brown failed to incite slaves to rise after his attack at harpers ferry in 43 october of 1859 in november 1860 abraham lincoln was elected president and consequently the following month south carolina voted to secede

american reliareli0religionionlon in addition to the secular change occurring in the united states during the nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century rapid developments were occurring in the religious environment as well church attendance was still widespread but rationalist challenges were confronting religious belief denominational fervor swept the country william millers adventists expected christ to return to earth on october 22 1844 whitney R cross estimates that probably well over fifty thousand people in the united states became convinced that time would run out

in 1844 while a million or more of their fellows were skeptically expectant 1133 by 1845 both baptists and methodists had split among sectional lines the northern and southern presbyterians parted ways in 1857 in 1823 the american tract society was formed from the new tract society it had already published 777000 tracts a bimonthly magazine an almanac and childrens books 4 by 1830 the american tract society was putting out six million tracts annually in 1835 an american baptist minister noted that baptists that year had used 2500 reams of paper and produced 7000000 pages in missionary work american religious historian nathan 0 hatch has characterized the massive printing campaigns of the period to a

whitney R cross the burnedoverburned over district the social and intellectual history of enthusiastic religion in 180018501800 1850 ithaca comellcornell university press 1950 287

sydney E ahlahlstromAhIstrom A religious history of the american people new haven yale university press 1972 425 44 devotion to print resulting from a protestant commitment to the written word and a democratic urge to multiply authors and readers other characteristics of the mass literature of the period according to hatch were authors who emerged from uneducated and lessthanrespectableless than respectable ranks to produce forms of genuinely popular print he includes joseph smith and a marked pluralism enabling a variety of people to engage in this method to capture attention for their ideas 5 another notable religious development during this period was the rise of it was in 1848 in that the fox sisters katherine age 11 and margaretta age 13 had fooled their family and friends into believing they communicated with departed spirits the spirit rappingsrapmappingspings were in fact made from the sisters fingers and toe joints but this did not stop a movement from developing which by 1850 boasted of 100 mediums in and fifty or sixty private circles in philadelphia in 1860 there were millions of believers 6 religion in america in the midnineteenthmid nineteenth century was in turmoil anti catholicism was rampant the protestants were reaching out their missionary arms through the printing press while tearing their bodies apart over slavery and the doctrine of the trinity 7 challenges were coming toward the established

nathanmathan 0 hatch the democratization of american new haven yale university press 19891411989141461989 14146141 46 gruthuth brandon the spiritualists the passion for the occult in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries buffalo NY prometheus books 1984 1- 242 7edwinbedwin S gaustad ed A documentary in america to the civil war grand rapids eerdmans 1982 422 45 from intellectuals spiritualists and others americans were fighting with each other over what was true and what they should believe mormonism in america it was in such an environment that mormonism had arisen and prospered from the publication of the book of mormon and the founding of the mormon church in 1830 mormonism had been both offered as an answer to the conflict and yet involved in the turmoil usually on the losing end having been chased from new york ohio and three locations in missouri the mormons in nauvoo illinois in 1844 faced the assassination of their prophet and leader joseph smith 8 former counselor to joseph smith returned to nauvoo upon smiths death and vied with others for the role of successor to smith his biggest challenge was the eventual leaders of the greatest number of saints brigham young and the other apostles other splinter group leaders included james J strang who led a small group to form a colony in wisconsin smiths brother william made claim to the role as well and eventually assisted with the founding of the reorganized latter day saint movement soon the mormons were feeling pressure once again to leave their homes in nauvoo the saints made plans to move west but worked to complete the nauvoo temple first the construction work resulted in renewed efforts to get the

athis8thishis introduction only sets the stage and provides a brief overview of significant events during the time period of this thesis for more indepthin depth histories of the mormons prior to 1844 and during the period of 1844 and 1857 see leonard J arrington and davis bitton the mormon experience new york knopf 1979 and james B alienallenailen and glen M leonard the story of the latter day saints salt lake city deseret book 1976 46 saints to leave forcing an early departure of the lead party in february 1846 the trek across iowa took much longer than anticipated and the saints were holed up in locations across the state through the winter of 184618471846 1847 the first group to arrive in the salt lake valley did so in 1847 A historian of this migration concludes the trip had a significant impact on mormonism mormonism became more centralized more theocratic new principles of church government and doctrine developed a religion made more practical by frontier demands perhaps most notably brigham young dominated the scene is as he would for thirty more years after being sustained as in december of 1847 9 from the saints arrival to the close of the time period for this thesis the mormons worked to make an enduring home in the salt lake valley they struggled through insects and bad weather to eke out crops sent missionaries across the oceans to spread the gospel and set up a fund to help the new converts emigrate to america and join them in the west they tried to obtain statehood and failed they struggled with nonnonmormonsmormons appointed over them by the US government A conflict erupted in 1857 when young learned that president buchanan was sending an army to utah to exert US control over the territory and seat buchanans desired officials the saints of salt lake city fled south when the army arrived the forces however marched through without incident and settled in a camp west of the city until called back east for the civil war

srichardgRichard E bennett mormons at the missouri 184618521846 1852 and should we die norman university of oklahoma press 1987 23031230 31 47 great britain in the midnineteenthmid nineteenth centcentury great britain was a plentiful source of converts for the mormons in the

midimid1mid 1 800s1800s thousands were baptized and many eventually emigrated to the united states through the LDS perpetual emigration fund the early part of the nineteenth century saw the transformation of great britain by the industrial revolution one outcome of the creativity of the period was increased productivity of the agricultural industry necessitating fewer people in the countryside to attend to farms concurrently the growth of factories in the cities created many lowpayinglow paying jobs the result was increasing urbanization the inhabitants of great britain and ireland grew from 10 million in 1752 to 30 million in 1850 from four cities in england and with a population of more than 5000050.000 in 1785 the number grew to 31 years later 10 the industrialization led to abuses and the need for reform slavery was abolished in 1833 the same year the factory act forbade children under the age of nine from working in the textile mills in 1847 the ten hours act limited women and children to ten hours of work in factories which eventually affected men as well there was some movement toward increasing voting rights by 1867 virtually the entire middle class was franchised religion in great britain many people in great britain were religious most fallingfailing into either the anglican or nonconformist or dissenter camps the religious census of 1851 revealed that over seventy percent of the population attended some

iorrlorrborrOR R palmer and joel colton A history of the modem world new york knopf 1978 423 48 church on sunday 30 march 1851 approximately half of those attending that day were at church of england services the original connexion methodists had an attendance onethirdone4hirdone thirdthind that of the anglicans followed by the independents congregationalists and particular baptists most of those who did not attend church were from the lower classes 11 even within the anglican church there were efforts at reform grant underwood identifies three groups those is in the high church movement wanted to emphasize clergy and historical continuity an extreme group within this movement was the tractarians who issued tracts deploring the loss of status of the church the low church movement was evangelical with a call for missionary and reform societies the broad church movement included the liberal and educated who advocated greater ecumenistecumenism 12 religious tracts were popular in great britain as they were in america at this time unlike the pluralistic and democratic nature of the literature in the united states however in england class considerations continued to govern popular reading materials produced by evangelicalsevangelicals the works of the religious tract society which published some of the tracts discussed below carried a clear note of social condescension according to nathan 0 hatch 13

11 robert L lively jr some sociological reflections on the nineteenth century british mission in richard L jensen and malcolm R thorp eds mormons in early victorianVictotianrian britain salt lake city university of utah press 19891181989118191989 181918 19 grant12grant underwood the religious milieu of english mormonism in jensen and thorp 333433 34

13hatch13hatch 143 49 mormonism in great britain the latterdaylatter day saints made a significant impact in great britain 14 by 1851 mormon missionaries had converted 5151000000ooo people 15 A number of reasons have been offered for their success the common social and working class background of the missionaries and their converts a millennial message

the14the best work on the mormon experience in great britain in the mid nineteenth century is jensen and thorp other helpful works include richard L evans faithfaithpromotingpromoting account A century of mormonism in great britain 1937 deprrepr salt lake city publishers press 1984 V ben bloxham et al eds truth will prevail the rise of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdaylaffer day saints in the british isles 183719871837 1987 salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints 1987 and james B alienallenailen ronald K esplin and david J whittaker men with a mission 183718411837 1841 the apostles in the british isles salt lake city deseret book 1992 it should be noted that in one of the articles in jensen and thorps book malcolm R thorp early mormon confrontations with sectarianism 1837- 1840 a clear exception is made to the arguments of the first part of this work it is worth quoting however because its contents clearly support the points of the first part

once again we have that everrepeatedever repeated formulary that the minister robert aitken did not join the church because of self interest aitken was basically a man of integrity such stories reveal more about LDS anticlerical attitudes than they do aitkens inward beliefs this episode reminds one of bryan wilsons comment that sects tend to deny religious virtue to anyone except their own leaders 68 compare these comments with those made by richard L evans

in a state of deep concern and agitation caused by the loss of many of his best members this leader of the aitkenitesAitken ites went to preston with the avowed purpose of exposing mormonismmormonisnrt and discrediting the book of Morrmorymormonnon mr aitken was one of the firstprobablyfirstfinst probably the first in great britain to thus expose mormonism since his day thousands of carping critics false religionists pseudo reformers hireling lecturers and sensational journalists have exposed mormonismmormonisrrt 42 though evans wrote this in 1937 the book was republished in 1984

15jensen15jensen and thorp Axi 50 offering the opportunity to emigrate to zion and build the kingdom of god social mobility and the reason stated most frequently by the converts themselves mormonisms primitive simplicity and plainness of doctrine 16 the mormons made their first converts in great britain through a mission in 1837 in 1840 and 1841 brigham young and seven apostles joined the british efforts creating a oneyearone year membership increase of 400 percent to 70007.000 most british mormons were poor city dwellers who wanted to work the industrious poor the greatest LDS success came during 1849521849 52 after which the church in great britain began to wane due to emigration to the US excommunications during the opposition from local clergy and poor publicity about polygamy and the removal of american missionaries during the utah war the mormons received a great deal of opposition to their work in great britain as well one significant difference with their treatment in america however is that the disagreements occurred with fewer incidents of violence many of the british mormon publications including tracts books and articles in the british LDSLIDS newspaper the were direct responses to sermons talks and writings of their critics parley pratt wrote the first such british tract which appeared in 1840 plain facts showing the falsehood and folly of the rev C S bush he wrote two other responses that year a fourth

16lively16lively 161716 17 242524 25 ronald W walker cradling mormonism the rise of the gospel in early victorian england brigham young university studies 27 no 1 winter 1987 253625 36 malcolm R thorp the setting for the in britain political social and economic conditions in bloxham et al 697069 70 51 the following year and shortly thereafter the first LDS pamphlet to attack other religions without replying to a specific antimormonanti mormon work 17 professor malcolm R thorp of brigham young university has done the most work on sectarian opposition to the mormons in great britain he has concluded that in early victorian britain the religious scene was marked by a noted anti pluralism although few serious violent incidents occurred many people were not tolerant of those spreading new religious groups conflict often raged between denominations as well says thorp

A tradition of public debate on religion allowed for the interchange of religious information and required listeners to remain silent until the message had been delivered at which time they were free to make inquiries oftentimes rabblerousersrabble rousers intent on disruption would themselves be shouted down by observers who wanted to hear the message and judge for themselves 18 though the saints had most of their success in the cities of england they were also successful in other sections of the british isles by the end of the century almost 1000010.000 converts had been made to mormonism from scotland 19 in wales many pamphlets appeared in welsh usually to respond to criticisms made of latterlatterdayday saint belief 20 the key figure in welsh mormon history is

alienailenAllen17ailenallenetaletalet al 25659256 59 18malcolm18malcolm R thorp the field is white already to harvest in alienallenailen et al 343

1913ernardernandennardbernardbernandbennard1913ernard aspinwall A fertile field scotland in the days of the early missions in jensen and thorp 104 20thethe best works on welsh latterlatterdayday saint history are douglas james davies mormon spirituality latter day saints in wales and zionsonzon apnp university of nottingham 1987 and ronald D dennis welsh mormon writingsWiffings from 1844 to 1862 A historical bibliography provo utah religious studies center brigham young university 1988 and the call of zionsonzonwon the 52 dan jones who was with joseph smith in the carthage jail and returned to his homeland on a mission he and welsh printer john davis wrote over 70 percent of the welsh LDS publications between 1844 and 1862 21

the case study nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century religious opposition to mormonism

relirellreilreligiousiouslous practices although the mormons had built a temple in kirtland ohio during their stay there not until the building of the nauvoo temple did joseph smith claim to receive revelation of the mormon temple endowment ceremony similar to that practiced today this secret ceremony kept secret because of its sacredness the mormons claimed provided inspiration for the fertile imaginations of nineteenthnineteenthcenturycentury americans suspicious of secrecy soon after the endowment ceremonies started works critical of these religious rituals were written some with very sensational titles increase mcgee van deusen provided much of the material for the attacks on the temple ceremonies his work was probably the first to reveal the ceremoniceremoniescercenceremonyemoniI1 es and was used numerous times for years thereafter by other authors van deusen met his wife maria whose name is also on most of the books in michigan in 1833 at this time he was a methodist exhorter the couple was baptized into the LDS church in 1841 or 1842 and in 1843 increase served a mission in michigan later that year they moved to nauvoo where increase story of the first welsh mormon emigration provo utah religious studies center brigham young university 1987 2 dennis welsh mormon writingswrafWiffwraaingsangs 5 53 donated time working on the temple as a carpenter the couple signed the missouri redress petition in support of their fellow saints in april of 1844 increase was baptized for his dead family members and later that year was ordained a seventy increase and maria received their endowments on 29 january 1846 while brigham young was administering in the temple only three months later the van dessensdeusens had defected from the mormon group led by brigham young they aligned with the strang movement but had a rocky relationship with that group until their excommunication in 1849 increase later died in the old mormon settlement of kirtland ohio 22 van deusens first book on the temple was the mormon endowment A secret drama or conspirconspiracyconspireacy in the nauvoo temple in 18461646 in which process mr & mrs mcgee the authors of this work sic were made king and queen 23 although23although the title sounds inflammatory and the revelation of the temple ceremony to the general public was heinous in the eyes of mormons past and present the content of the work is actually very subdued and factual van deusen made some critical comments regarding the practices of the Morcormonsmormonsmons but the great majority of the content of this twentyfourpagetwenty four page work is simply information about the latterlatterdayday saints the longest and most significant

thenhe22the historical background of the van dessensdeusens was generously provided to me by craig L foster in an unpublished paper in my possession increase and maria van deusen from temple mormons to anti cormonsmormons which he presented at the mormon history association annual conference Gragracelandgravelandceland college lamoni iowa may 22199322 1993 and which is forthcoming in dialogue A journal of mormon thought 23increase23 increase mcgee van deusen the mormon endowment A secret drama or conspiracy in the nauvoo temple in 1846 in which process mr & mrs mcgee the authors of this work sic were made king and queen syracuse new york N M D lathrop 1847 54 section is the first in which van deusen discussed the activities and dialogue which occurs in the temple ceremony there is minimal commentary and what is described appears to be accurate 24 after a paragraphtwoparagraphtwo critique of the spiritual wife doctrine polygamy van deusen turns over the rest of the pamphlet to answering the questions he and his wife werefrequentlywerewene frequently asked what do the mormons believe in was you sic there when smith was killed what kind of place is nauvoo what are the mormons now doing ac&c ac&c 25 to answer these questions he included a letter from joseph smith to james J strang a short account of joseph smiths death a long quotation from on mormon beliefs a

revelation given to james J strang september 1118451845 and other strang material a description of the nauvoo temple in which it is called unquestionably one of the finest buildings in the country26andwhatcountry26country 26 and what the mormon bible book of mormon purports to be by parley P pratt apparently van deusen felt that simply revealing this information would be sufficiently shocking to his readers that much further commentary was not needed the same year 1847 increase van deusen published another work which had the much more sensational title A dialogue between and

this24this author of this thesis has never been a member of the LDS church and so has never personally participated in the temple ceremonies or been in an LDS temple nor has the LDS church ever publicly released the contents of the ceremony however whether it was morally or ethically right or wrong for the van dessensdeusens to publish the information their report does agree with versions published in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in nonnonmormonmormon sources 25vanvan deusen the mormon endowment 10

261bid1ibid 22 55 the and the devil called the endowment As was acted by twelve or fifteen thousand in secret in the nauvoo temple said to be revealed from god at the head of the title was added the reinforcement 11 positively11positively true and when the work was republished they added to the front of the title the sublime and ridiculous blended 27 this work was much the same as the mormon endowment with the addition of A remark worrying about the mormons effect on the indians and a section on for the dead in this latter portion van deusen did an admirable job of explaining and justifying the LDS position on from the mormon perspective in the three and a half pages in which they discussed the mormon theory on this practice not one critical comment appeared in the concluding paragraphs of A Reremarkremarkinremarkingmarkinmankinin A dialogue increase van deusen explained what he believed he wrote

I1 believe just what I1 please there are many things concerning this fraternity mormonism that I1 as fully believe in as I1 did when I1 first went with them and always shall from the fact that they are true but at the same time I1 am free to say that I1 am set against the proceedings of the mormons at nauvoo and am in full belief that as that body existed there they were abominably corrupt and are now cursed of god my only apology for writing this temple secret as I1 said before is that it tends to evil and as I1 know many consequences of enormous magnitude I1 have after much reflection written it out and published it to prevent others going after it 28 increase van deusen and his wife maria were not finished with these works however throughout the 1840s and 1850s their books were

27increase27increase mcgee van deusen A dialogue between the lord and the devil called the endowment As was acted by twelve or fifteen thousand in secret in the nauvoo temple said to be revealed from god albany C killmer 1847

28bid281bid328 bid 141514 15 56 republished and additional works were written on the same theme 1850 saw the publication of their previous book with the new title startling disclosures of the wonderful ceremonies of the mormon spiritual wife system 29 another of van deusens books that year mistefiesmisferiesmlsMisferiestednestennes sic of mormonism included color plates depicting scenes from the endowment ceremony 30 clearly the context of and a few statements in the van dessensdeusensDeusens publications show that they did not approve of the temple ceremonies but despite the sensational titles no doubt meant to help sell the books and exposure of the temple practices much of their writings were based on accurate facts As eber D howes mormonism unvailedunavailed sic had provided much of the material of the mormon opposition literature of the 1830s the van dessensdeusensDeusens books provided material for other authors 31 in london dr john thomas added to his innocuously titled book sketch of the rise progress and dispersion of the cormonsMormormons amons portion of the writings of van deusen on the temple ceremony thomas referred to the addition as an account of the nauvoo temple mysteries and other abominations practiced by this impious sect and titled it the hidden orgies of mormonism practiced in nauvoo and its temple 32 the section is no

29increase29increase mcgee van deusen startling disclosures of the wonderful ceremonies of the mormon spiritual wife system new york npap 1850

30increase30increase mcgee van deusen misteriesMismysteriesteries sic of mormonism new york by the author clc1850850

31 eber D howe mormonism unvailedunavailed or A faithful account of that singular imposition and delusion Painespainesvillegainesvilleville ohio by the author 1834 this work was the original source for the spaulding theory of the origin of the book of mormon 32dr john thomas sketch of the rise progress and dispersion of the mormons london arthur hall and co 1849 57 more than a reprint of the temple section of van deusens A dialogue to which is added a declaration on oath of the truth of the foregoing account signed by both the van dessensdeusensDeusens 33 dr thomas must also have felt that simple recitation of the temple ceremony was enough to warn his readers it clearly upset him as he devoted fourteen pages of his twentyfourtwenty four page work to the excerpt from the van dessensdeusensDeusens the first 10 pages of the tract were extremely critical of the Morcormonsmormonsmons thomas used many pejorative adjectives and expressions in his discussion of the rise progress and dispersion of joe smithismSmithism 113434 though critical language was used he presented an accurate account of the early history of mormonism thomas concluded his portion of the writing by providing an exegetical

response to the mormon use of I1 corinthians 1529 to justify the LDS practice of baptism for the dead said thomas they errernerni egregiouslyegregiouslynot not knowing the scriptures quoting the greek source for the passage he explained what he felt the scripture was saying the apostle is defending the doctrine of a resurrection of righteous dead persons against the denial of a future resurrection by some in the church at corinth who had embraced the dogma of plato newly vamped by humeneusHumeneus and philetus 35 thomas meaning is not completely clear but the interpretation is similar to that used by conservative christians today that paul was not commending the

33thomasworkThomasthomasr 1 workwonk spells the name van dusen

341bid1ibid 9

351bidibid 1 10 58 practice but simply pointing out the inconsistency of those he was referring to who were baptized on behalf of the dead but did not believe in a resurrection it is merely a rhetorical question why practice baptism for the dead if you do not believe the dead will be raised in a future resurrection what benefit is it to them the point is not that paul was advocating baptism for the dead but rather was pointing out the inconsistency of these other peoples practice although dr thomas wrote his tract in london the cover of the tract identifies him as an MD and president of the S and E medical college of virginia united states of america thomas said that he heard a presentation by an elder from nauvoo to an audience of 200 after the talk thomas rose and inquired do you fellowship joe smith the next day the elder was taken to thomas home by a universalist preacher so they could debate mormonism thomas said he only reluctantly consented to talk with the elder who seemed so desirous for a debate thomas said that he used criticisms of the book of mormon in the discussion while the elder resorted to calling thomas names eventually the mormontellMormormonmonmonTellfellfelifeil subdued before the rod that smote him 1136193636 thomas primarily rejected mormonism because of its profound ignorance of the first principles of christianity he wrote that his purpose was to save the public from

disappointment and ruin by one of the most humiliating impostures that has illustrated the folly and wickedness of the human mind in any age if this be accomplished I1 shall not regret the performance of the task imposed upon me by the wishes of many who have witnessed the unhallowed influence of joe smiths pietiesimpietiesim in this island at all events I1 shall have discharged a duty incumbent on every man and that is to combat all imaginations and every thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god as well as to contend

aeibid361bid 1 3 59 earnestly for the faith originally delivered to the saints by the apostles of the lord jesus christ 37 another anonymous author published a full exposure of the seven degrees of the mormon temple in 1849 which was taken by thomas white and used for a new and improved edition in 1851 384 another religious practice of the mormons which attracted the attention of the critics of mormonism was the spiritual wife system as detractors referred to polygamy polygamy was not officially admitted as a practice of the church until orson pratt made the announcement during a general conference in salt lake city in 1852 but the practice had begun before that time and those who knew of it or suspected it began to publish their complaints among the first of the critics were the 1844 nauvoo expositor editors who included polygamy among their grievances with joseph smith in the first and only issue of the expositor the editors felt the need to explain the true cause of their dissenting as all manner of falsehood is spread abroad in relation to the in the church in the preamble they wrote it is with the greatest solicitude for the salvation of the human family and of our own souls that we have this day assembled unlike many of the saintscriticssaints critics

371bid37 91 37bidbid 1 910gio10 the last quoted phrase within the quotation is from the bible jude 13 KJV 38anan authentic history of remarkable persons who have attracted public attention in various parts of the world including a full exposure of the iniquities of the pretended prophet joe smith and of the seven degrees of the mormon temple also an account of the frauds practisedpracticed by matthias the prophet and other religious impostors new york wilson and co 1849 and thomas white the mormon mysteries being an exposition of the ceremonies of the endowment and of the seven degrees of the temple new york edmund K knowlton 1851 60 the editors believed the religion of the latter day saints as originally taught by joseph smith 113939 after several references to god and the duties of ministers of god they elaborated on their purpose

we hope many items of doctrine as now taught some of which however are taught secretly and denied openly which we know positively is the case and other publicly considerate men will treat with contempt for we declare them heretical and damnable in their influence though they find many devotees we answer that our country and our god require that we should rectify the tree for it is the salvation of souls we desire not our own aggrandizement

we are earnestly seeking to explode the vicious principles of joseph smith and those who practice the same abominations and whoredomswhoredoms which we verily know are not accordant and consonant with the principles of jesus christ and the apostles and for that purpose and with that end in view with an eye single to the glory of god we have dared to gird on the armor and with god at our head we most solemnly and sincerely declare that the sword 40 of truth shall not depart from the thigh 1.1 after claiming a futile attempt to call joseph smith to repentance the editors declared but as for us and ours we will serve the lord our god and so they moved on to their first point of disagreement with joseph smith polygamy As the previously mentioned writers felt a simple exposure of the temple ceremony was shocking enough for the reader to not require commentary so the editors of the expositorexposforfeitfelt that telling the reader how the doctrine of polygamy was revealed to a woman and the horrendous impact it made on her was sufficient to warn the reader of the danger of the practice there was no direct assault on it just an unpleasant description

39 nauvoo39nauvoo illinois expositor 7 june 184411844 1 emphasis added

401bidibid 61 in the conclusion to the discussion on polygamy is a reiteration of the writers motives the remedy can never be applied unless the disease is known the that kindles at the tale of wo sic can never act with adequate efficiency till it is made to see the pollution and guilt of men now buried in the deathshadesdeath shades of heathenism As we have stated before it is the vicious principles of men we are determined to explode it is not that we have any private feelings to gratify or any private pique to settle that has induced us to be thus plain for we can respect and love the criminal if there is any hope of reformation but there is a point beyond which forbearance ceases to be a virtue from the topic of polygamy the editors went on to argue that smiths attempt at political power and influence is not in accordance with the christian sic religion they did not believe that god ever raised up a prophet to christianize a world by political schemes and intrigues 41 john hardy published his expose of two mormon apostles for practicing the spiritual wife system in boston after he was excommunicated from the church for confronting these men for their practice of these base and licentious

411bid941 ibid 2 on the fourth and final page of the expositor a reprint of an article from the quincy illinois whig referred to a defense of joseph smith presented by the mormon elder john P greene in which he strongly insinuated that the characters of the individuals who had assailed smith on the second evening previous were none of the best ac&c the author of the whig article unlike the editors of the expositor said

it is not so much the particular doctrines which smith upholds and practices however abominable they may be in themselves that our citizens care about as it is the anti- republican nature of the organization over which he has almost supreme control and which is trained and disciplined to act in accordance with his selfish will the spectacle presented in smiths case of a civil ecclesiastical and military leader united in one and the same person with power over life and liberty can never find favor in the minds of sound and thinking republicans 62 teachings 114242 in 1846 john dennett a former latterlatterdayday saint made a dash at the spiritual wife system 10143 catherine lewis wrote two years later of the iniquities of mormonism and included in her list of complaints the plurality of wives lewis as many of the authors did felt the need to explain herself to tell the reader why she would write a book such as she did lewis explanation was

I1 write not for gain love of fame or from any malevolent feelings against Morcormonsmormonsmons as such but from an earnest desire to warn the people against mormon abominations paul saith prove all things and hold fast to that which is good which I1 endeavored to do fearing least I1 might be found fighting against god my only desire is to benefit my fellow creatures and prevent if possible the horrible blasphemous doctrines from becoming more prevalent 44 lewis was converted to the church in boston in 1841 she shared nothing of her life before then but says she joined because she perceived the saints to be a holy people zealous of good works for two years she was

11strong11strong in the faith until she heard the teachings about polygamy despite her trepidation regarding this new teaching she moved to nauvoo after smiths assassination because great things were promised in the temple after run ins with the mormons over the doctrine of polygamy she secretly left nauvoo and returned to massachusetts via st louis while lewisfinallewis finalfinai religious

42johnjohn hardy startling developments offrimofcrimof clim con sic or two mormon apostles exposed in practicing the spiritual wife system in boston boston conway and company 1844 43johnjohn dennett john dennettsdenOennetts first volume on the horrible enormities of mormonism boston by the author 1846

44catheninecatherine44catherine lewis narrative of some of the proceedings of the Morcormonsmormonsmons giving an account of some of their iniquities lynn mass by the author 1848 iii emphasis in original 63 affiliation is not specified it is clear from the wording of her work that she retained a religious outlook 45 the first part of lewisworklewis work is a matteroffactmatter of fact telling of her experiences in mormonism including the content of the temple ceremony in the part second however she shared her thoughts about going through such impious blasphemous and indecent ceremonies 46146 lewis explained that when she first heard of the doctrine of plurality of wives she thought it a doctrine of the devil in the temple heber C kimball proposed to make her his plural wife but she remained uneasy about the practice later she concluded that polygamy really was damnable heresy and the doctrine of devils and after sharing this with a couple of speechless LDS lady friends she said she was called an apostate she was apparently eventually excommunicated or left the church her book ends with signed testimonials assuring the reader of the accuracy of the temple accounts and the trustworthiness of Ms lewis 47 the famous early mormon author parley P pratt was involved in a veiled defense of polygamy only six weeks before the official public announcement of the practice pratt had written a piece called proclamation extraordinary in valparaiso chile in january 1852 he designed the work addressed to south americans in two columns with spanish text on the left side and english on the right in it he described mormonism but also attacked roman catholicism

451bid1ibid 551 6

461bid461bidibid 10 emphasis in original

471bid1ibid 131132424 64 accusing it of deceiving and seducing the world 48 according48according to pratt a san francisco editor who read the booklet expressed concern at pratts

neglect of our own countrymen the americans in our religious instructions he also enquires with all the seeming anxiety of a penitent man at the anxious seat as to his excellency gov youngs family matters and whether mormonism allows a man more wives than one49one 49 in pratts july 1852 answer to the status of brigham youngs family matters pratt defended the practice of polygamy without admitting the mormons believed and promoted it his justification was that the biblical patriarch jacob was a polygamist and that god will provide the means for every female to answer the end of their creation 115050 when the mormons finally did publicly announce in 1852 their practice of polygamy the criticism became much heavier but this time mormon writers could openly and enthusiastically come to the practices defense since they now admitted to accepting it perhaps noting prior criticism of the practice and anticipating future arguments against it orson pratts first two reasons for plural marriagemarnage were biblically based according to david J whittaker pratts first two of five reasons in defense of polygamy in his announcement of the practice in august 1852 were that it 1 fulfills the commandment given to adam and eve

panley48parley48parley P pratt proclamation extraordinary san francisco monson caswallhaswallhaswall&co& co 185261852 6 Parley49parley49Ptpanleyarleyarieyanley P pratt mormonism plurality of wives an especial chapter for the especial edification of certain inquisitive news editors etc san francisco npap 1852

soibid501bid 65 to multiply and replenish the earth 2 takes part in the promises made to abraham and his family 51 whittaker further notes that brigham young anticipated criticism of the practice and so he called leaders to come to the churchs defense in publications whittaker contends that orson pratt was the only one who systematically approached his assignment and the only one who interpreted his call as being totally devoted to this topic in his many writings in defense of polygamy pratt offered a number of reasons why the practice was justifiable doctrinal and scriptural support played one key role pratt used the commandment in genesis to multiply and replenish the polygamous biblical patriarchs such as abraham and even argued that jesus was a polygamist according to whittaker allaffabb later mormon defenses of the practice relied on these and other arguments advanced by pratt 52 the works published between 1852 and 1858 show a continual bantering between critics and apologists of the mormons religious practice with almost every exposure followed by a defense in 1853 the most complete and authentic exposure ever published of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the mormons was published as was Shicstricturestures continued being a continuation mormoniteofofmormonite and jewish Polygamypolygamy5353 mormon published his letter to the rev william crowel in defense of polygamy 54

51 david I1J whittaker the bonsbone in the throat orson pratt and the public announcement of plural marriage western historical quarterly 183 july 1987 303

521bid521bidibid 30430931230430931213304 309 31213312 13 0the most complete and authentic exposure ever published of the spiritual courtship and Marmanmarriagesdagesmages of the Morcormonsmormonsmons the gates of opened 66 spencer was the chancellor of the university of deseret in the utah territory and former president of the LDS prussian mission he kept an ongoing correspondence with crowel whom he described as editor of the western watchman in st louis and former editor of the christian watchman in boston spencer describes him as a clergyman of much influence spencer published his letters to crowel and the one in defense of plural marriage was his fifteenth previously he had written about revelation faith baptism the gift of the holy ghost apostasy god priesthood the gathering and the end times in his preface to these letters he wrote

if there has in part of the volume been the appearance of severity towards the religions of modem christianity it has been prompted solely by the impulse of truth in order to demolish error before the destroyer of the gentiles should expose iniquity with irretrievable loss to its victims 55 spencers letter to crowel regarding polygamy was written from england on 13 january 1853 he begins his letter by noting

I1 am fully aware that if my views as to the doctrine of patriarchal order should fortunately obtain any acceptance with yourself or an enlightened exhibiting the licentious abominations and revelings of the high pfiestpriest of the latterlatterdayday saints rev brigham young and his 90 wives awful fate of martha brotherton of manchester london hewitt 1853 and strictures continued being a continuation mormoniteofmormoniteof and jewish PolygampolygamypolygamyllyLl together with a short account of richard carlislescardCaricaddisles real character instead of the fictitious one given him by the rev B grant keighly england J rhodes 1853 onson540rsonorson spencer Patilpatriarchalarchal order or plurality of wives by elder orson spencer being his fifteenth letter in correspondence with the rev william crowel liverpool S W richards 1853

orsononson550rson spencer letters exhibiting the most prominent doctrines of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints in reply to the rev william young vii crowel I1 ath5th ed liverpool brigham jr 1866 67 public that acceptance must be secured by the irresistible force of truth and divine revelation the usage of all christian nations and the most inveterate prejudice will rear their most potent bulwarks against it 56 for this reason he too proceeded to defend the practice on religious and biblical grounds he referred to abraham jacob the father of samuel david and paul concluding thischis7his is the bible truth of the matter 57 the written criticism continued with sensational titles and contents references were made to the mormons immorality and licentious abominations obscene practices haresharemsharems profligacy diabolical schemes if acts of imposture crime and suffering under the guise of religion and so forth 58 maria ward made quite a reputation for herself with the publication of her book female life among the cormonsMormormonsmons A narrative of many years experienceexpedience among the mormons by the wife of a mormon elder recently from utah over 60000 copies were published in english as well as in editions in danish german french and swedish 59

5656spencerspencer patriarchal order 1

571bid1ibid 12 58thethe secrets ofmormonismofmormonism disclosed an authentic exposure of the immorality and licentious abominations of the latterlatterdayday saints and their spiritual wives showing their obscene practices in the temple devoted to public and the profligacy of a mormon harem composed of married and single females london R bulman 1854 and the most complete and authentic exposure of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the Morcormonsmormonsmons exhibiting the licentious abominations and revelingsrevefings ofbrighamofbrigham young and his 90 wives and the vile scenes enacted by the elders with their many spiritual concubines in the secret chambers of the harem the obscenity of the priesthood and their diabolical schemes effecting the ruin of marriedmannedmanmed and single females with other acts of imposture climecrimechime and suffering under the guise of religion london nnpap p cac1c1855855

mania59mariamannamaria ward female life among the Morcormonsmormonsmons A narrative of many years experience among the mormons by the wife of a mormon elder recently 68 ward published her husbands nephews papers as the husband in utah or sights and scenes among the Morcormonsmormonsmons with remarks on their moral and social economy a companion to female life it too discussed polygamy the editors design following maria wards preface to the work explains the editors motivation for assisting with this book he says the mormon faith has at least commenced to perceive the extent of folly and wickedness that must naturally grow up under such a system adverse alike to democratic institutions and the truths of christianity priestcraft in its worst phase is the and life of mormonism 60 although maria wards truthfulness and motives have long been doubted at least the editors interests in exposing mormonism had religious aspects two mormon elders in calcutta published a refutation of the slanderous accusations of anonymously written letters based on female life printed in the bengal hurkaruHurkaru due to the length of the LDS writers response the editor of the hurkaru returned it and the elders published their response themselves as A defense of mormonism other items were added to the elders work from the contents of A defense it appears the anonymous writer criticized polygamy said the elders he perverted and committed violence upon gods sacred word contained in the holy scriptures in criticizing the

from utah london C H clarke 1855 for publication information see flake 75658756 58 60austin60austin and maria N ward pseudpseudo the husband in utah london james blackwood 1857 vii 69 practice thus much of their response is from the bible as positive proof relative to the doctrines promulgated by us 116161 A lady of utah published her letters to her sister in new hampshire in defense of polygamy she explained why she held sacred that particular point in the doctrine of the church of the saints to which you my dear sister together with a large majority of christendom so decidedly object that of plurality of wives 421162 As did all other mormon apologists before her she used the bible as the religious justification for the practice especially the polygamy of the patriarchs benjamin F johnson used scripture and reason in answer to an attack through the polynesian upon the saints for polygamy the polynesian was a hawaiian island newspaper which refused to print johnsons response to an article in the paper according to johnsons comments the critic admitted that the biblical patriarchs practiced polygamy and were not reproved by god but also committed murder and falsehood and were not reproved for this either apparently concluding that lack of gods reproof does not mean a practice is good and desired johnsons response to such statements was

now sir if this futile attempt has originated in your ignorance then you are to be pitied but if from willful and vindictive feelings you should become despised by every lover of candor and truth

61 robert skelton and J P meik A defense mormonismofofmormonism in a letterlefferhetter to the editor of the hurkaruHurkaru calcutta india N robertson & co 1855 i they were none too kind to their critics calling them an hireling priesthood and manufactured ministers

6213elinda6213elindabelinda marden pratt defense of polygamy city npap 1854 121 2 70 he then shows that a plurality of wives was not only sanctioned and blessed by the almighty but that it was practiced by his commandment also 431163 parley P pratt was again in the public fray defending the mormons religious rights to practice polygamy he turned the tables on the critics by using a protestant ministers arguments from the bible in defense of polygamy in this work his concern is that to many individuals the idea of publicly advocating so heathenish a doctrine may be startling and they doubtless will feel inclined to look upon such movement with suspicion in the filling of the mormon mission to teach the first principles of the gospel pratt stated it is well known that we believe in polygamy and to the minds of many belief in such a principle is incompatible with the belief and practice of these first principles of the gospel 64 clearly a number of critics of mormonism in the mid nineteenthcenturynineteenth century objected to the mormons religious practices of the temple ceremonies baptism for the dead and plural marriage on religious grounds religious beliefs even after his death joseph smith continued to be a popular target of the critics he was criticized for his handling of the mormon antibankanti bank in kirtland a company established with the functions of a bank but not legally a bank for

6313enjaminbenjamin6313enjamin F johnson why the latter day saints marry a plurality of wives A glance at scripture and reason in answer to san francisco excelsior printing office 1854 5

parley P pratt scriptural evidences in support of polygamy san francisco george Q cannon 1856 331 4 the protestant work pratt referred to is according to him india ancient and modern by david 0 alienallenailen who was a missionary of the american board for 25 years in india and wrote about polygamy in the appendix of his book to explain why polygamist indians who became christians were allowed to keep their wives 71 his control over the mormon people for his supposed lack of intelligence and morals for his political ambitions and for a host of other claimed crimes the criticism against joseph smith in the works of this paper however focus on the authors views that joseph smith was an inappropriate candidate for the role of prophet of god and messenger of jesus christ it was common for critics to refer to joseph smith as the american mahomet 45 it was also popular to call joseph smith an impostor deluded talsetaisefalsefaisebalse prophet immoral a deceiver a fanatic and no prophet of god 66G these comments were made in light of the doctrines and practices to which he taught his followers to follow

65A reference to the founder of the islamic religion mohammed see A B hepburn an exposition of the blasphemous Dodoctrineschines and delusions of the socalledso called latterlafterlatterdaylaffer day saints and the other abominable practices of joseph smith the american mahomet sheffield M thomas & son 1852 charles mackay the Morcormonsmormonsmons or latterlatterdaylafferhatterladder day saints with memoirs of the life and the americanamericanamefican mahomet london office of the national illustrated library 1851 this book was still being published in the 1880s and john bowes mormonism exposed in its swindling and licentious abominations refuted in its principles and in the claims of its head the modemmodern mohammed joseph smithI1 who Is proved to have been a deceiver and no prophet of god london E ward 1850 fon66forfor example see J F fishwick the false prophet tested or mormonism refutedrefutedlondonlondon wertheim and macintosh 1853 edmund clay the doctrines and practices of the Morcormonsmormonsmons and the immoral character of their prophet joseph smith delineated from authentic sources london wertheim and macintosh 1853 thomas tyson joseph smith the american impostor or mormonism proved to be false by a fair examination of its history and pretensions by thomas tyson late southanofsouthanof congregational minister london hall and co 1852 and george sexton A portraiture of mormonism or animadversions on the Dodoctrineschines and pretensions of the latterlatterdayday saints and a sketch of the career of joseph smith and vailousvallousvariousvamious other notorious fanatics and impostors london W strange 1849 72 for example one of the harshest british critics of mormonism was andrew balfour hepburn a lecturer of the london antimormonanti mormon association and publisher of several works including an exposition of the blasphemous doctrines and delusions of the socalledso called latterlatterdayday saints the doctrines rites and ceremonies of the latter day saints or Morcormonsmormonsmons exposed and mormonism exploded or the religion of the latterlatterdayday saints proved to be a system of imposture blasphemy and immorality 67 in an autobiography in the last work hepburn claimed that he had been converted to mormonism in biggar scotland in 1844 without being told of the new prophet joseph smith the book of mormon or other distinct LDS doctrines he said he was attracted to the mormons because of their doctrines of baptism by immersion an unpaid clergy brotherly love toward each other and assistance of each other hepburn specifically denied having joined the church to become acquainted with their principles and then expose them after being baptized he was criticized by friends for joining the LDS church because of its unusual doctrines but he said the mormon elders denied believing anything unusual including having any other book than the bible later he overheard the elders talking of joseph smith and the book of mormon hepburn confronted them

67andrew67andrew balfour hepburn an exposition the doctrines rites and ceremonies of latter day saints or Morcormonsmormonsmons exposed showing from their own books ac&c that they are without exception the most depraved immoral blasphemous and ridiculous sect that ever polluted this earth the extracts furnished by mr A B hepburn antimormonanti mormon lecturer london partridge and oakey and the antimormonanti mormon tract depot c 1853 mormonism exploded or the religion of the latterlatterdayday saints proved to be a system of imposture blasphemy and immorality with the autobiography and portrait of the author in two parts pt 1I1 by A B hepburn antimormonanti mormon lecturer edited by rev charles short AM london & swansea simpkin marshall and co 1855 73 about denying believing in such things and hepburn claimed the elder admitted to having a new gospel and that hepburn must have milk before strong

1 meat hepburn concluded I1I had been grossly deceived by those on whom I1 had placed the most implicit reliance and their doctrines had been entirely misrepresented to me 68 As a result he left the church with the determination to expose them and their false systems throughout the length and breadth of the land malcolm R thorp characterizes his work as a career as a public anti mormon hepburn spoke throughout england wales and scotland he says for example of his lectures in paisley scotland that theywerethey wenewere productive of great good no fewer than fifty members having left the church whilst a still larger number were dissuaded from joining them he claimed that the saints were not successful in challenging him bytairby fairfain reasonings and arguments and so he ended up in sheriffs court on several occasions for defamation of character not once he says was he convicted in scotland but he was found guilty of disturbing the peace in london thorp however lays blame on hepburn for violent outbursts against the Morcormonsmormonsmons in several towns most notably luton and sohamboham concluding his autobiography with a reiteration of his motives hepburn thanked the ministers of all denominations and inhabitants generally of swansea especially in the hope that

68hepburn68hepburn mormonism exploded 787 8 74 swansea will be freed from all false doctrines and religion and bursting asunder the cords of infidelity and superstition and will acknowledge god as the true and only head of the church 69 it was thus such a man who exposed thefraudthe fraud of mormonism by revealing joseph smiths character in the same work as his autobiography hepburn reprinted the critical against joseph smith first published in eber D howes mormonism unvailedunavailed though hepburn took them from john C bennettbennettss history of the saintssaints7070 hepburn gathered from these various but unanimous witnesses the following conclusions that smith at the time he was pretending to have communications with angels was living a lazy roving adventurous money digging and immoral life that he was evidently surprised at his own success in fixing the fools that this first success emboldened him to enlarge his designs and that at length after his success upon a small scale he ripened into a full blown prophet seer and revelatorrevelatory71 the context of this critique of the life and person of joseph smith clearly shows that hepburns argument was that smith was an unlikely and inappropriate person to be a prophet of a true church of jesus christ or translator of new authentic scripture As john bowes concluded if we find the mormon unholy we know they are false prophets so taught the lord jesus christ it is evident that a man of this character one of the worst in the world is not sent of god and therefore the mormon church is not the church of god 72

w1bidibid 91113911.13 malcolm R thorp sectarian violence in early victorian britain the mormon experience 183718601837 1860 bulletin of the john rylands university library of manchester 70 autumn 1988 140 7johncojohn7ojohn C bennett the history of the saints or an exposiexpos6 of joe smith and mormonism boston leland and whiting 1842

711bid371 ibid 232423 24 emphasis in original

7213bowes7213owesowes 7167 16 75 the book of mormon also continued to be subject to strong religious criticism A common title for books or tracts criticizing the book of mormon was the book of mormon examined and its claims to be a revelation from god proved to be false john haynes the author of this particular work was concerned for his readers immortal soul that must be happy for ever in or miserable for ever in hell mormonism he believed throws a mighty barrier between the sinner and the savior

if it should be asked do I1 then deny that mormonism has salvation in its system I1 answer that judging from the practices of those who follow its doctrines it has not I1 say this advisedly and with sorrow and not till after I1 have paid considerable attention to the system I1 do not wish to be unkind illiberal or uncharitable but I1 think the greatest charity is to warn a man of his danger and point out the remedy and when they deny the doctrine of ignore the blessed trinity the need of divine influence justification by faith and all the fundamental doctrines of the gospel what salvation can there be in the system73system 73 haynes used the rather common division in his exploration of the book of mormon of internal and external evidence mormons used these same categories though obviously reaching different conclusions haynes critique of the external marks included problems with the credibility of the three and eight witnesses and their testimonies and evidence for the authorship of the book of mormon by solomon spaulding regarding the internal evidence of the book of mormon he criticized its use of names of persons offices places or things and terms which were never really used till hundreds or thousands of years after such as describing christian items 600 years before jesus birth quotations from the in periods of the book of mormon before the

john haynes the book of mormon examined london seeley & c01cocob 1853 5 emphasis in original 76 new testament was written contradictions between the bible and book of mormon such as the location of christs birth general inaccuracies bad grammar and great blunders both of the book and style render it the meanest and most contemptible in the english language and in addition to all the above is the ungodly character of joe smith 74 such arguments except for the claim about solomon spaulding are still in use by critics today other critical works of the book of mormon said it was contradictory to common sense reason and revelation proved to be a blasphemous and impudent forgery and of fraudulent origin 75 the authors of the works which made these claims also explored the issue under the rubric of internal and external evidence one author the rev edmund clay minister of st lukes episcopal chapel in leavingtonleamingtonLeamington england wrote a series of tracts against mormonism the one about the book of mormon was his third his critique of the external evidence is nearly identical to that of haynes casting aspersion on the testimonies of the three and eight found in the book of mormon and crediting solomon spauldings manuscript found as the source for it concludes clay

the witnesses are proved to have been destitute of truth and honesthonestyY1 and to have apostatized from mormonism the contents of the book saving the mangled quotations from scripture and the religious sic teaching are

74lbid7741bid1 7177 17 75j M burgess the book of mormon contradictory to common sense reason and revelation or the mormon hierarchy founded upon a fiction liverpool J blevin 1850 edmund clay tracts on mormonism no 3 the book of mormon proved to be a blasphemous and impudent forgery london wertheim and macintosh 1850 and mormon imposture an exposure of the mormon ap 1 fraudulent onorigingin of the book of london npn p 1 1851851 77 proved to have been copied from a manuscript romance of one solomon Spauldingspaulding7676 clays arguments against the internal evidence of the book of mormon also paralleled haynes his first claim is that the book of mormon flatly contradicts the bible his proof is that the book of mormon portrays god as instituting a priesthood that is not of the tribe and family of levi and aaron which he argued the old testament prohibits he also claimed that the knowledge of christianity in the book of mormon is anachronistic clay condemned its poor english as well 77 in light of this truth about the book of mormon and mormonism clay proffered this advice to his readers

pray for the Morcormonsmormonsmons that god may forgive their sin convert and enlighten their souls should opportunity occur point out to them their enormous sin and entreat them for their souls health and salvation to return again to the lord jesus and seek for his mercy but if after all you find them perversely bent on refusing the truth then avoid them as those who serve not the lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple 17878 the rev john freres short history of the mormonitesMormonites claimed to show the real origin of the book of mormon in his work he admitted he lay no claim to originality the writers aim being merely to bring within a small compass such general information as he thinks may be useful and acceptable to those who have no opportunity of consulting larger treatises 79 the famous christian

clay76ciay tracts on mormonism no 3 9 emphasis in original

771bid1ibid 101510 15

781bid1ibid 15 emphasis in original 79revrev john frere short history of the mormonitesMormonites london J masters 185031850 3 78 restorationist alexander campbells 1832 book on mormonism delusions was still being published in britain in 1850 180 and someone with the pseudonym of bukki published a satire of the book of mormon called the book of anak 1181918111 apologists for the book of mormon were also popular one clever person wrote the following work as a rebuttal to the spaulding theory of the origin of the book of mormon 0 bit 0 tauk between two berry chaps abeawt thlattertheatterth latterlatterdaybatterhafter day saints un thath1th christionthchristion Magomagozeenzeen exhibition thchurchth church us itawtitawtabt to be un so on the entire tract is written as a dialogue between two men using this form of spelling to indicate dialect 82 dan jones also tackled the issue of the spaulding theory offering what he felt was irrefutable proof against it 83 one mormon got as carried away as the critics often did with his defense of the book of mormon titled mormonism triumphant truth vindicated lies refuted the devil mad and priestcraft in dangerdangenfl M

80alexander80alexander campbell delusions an analysis of the book of mormon with an examination of its internal and external evidences and a refutation of its pretences to divine authority boston benjamin H greene 1832 nottingham H hudston printer 1850

81 bukki pseudpseudo A supplement to mormon containing the book of anak Cooperscooperstowntown YY sic J I1 hendryx 1851

0820O bit 0 tauk between two berry chaps abeawt ththlattertheatterlatterlatterdayday saints un th christionthchfistion Magomagozeenzeen exhibition thchurchth church us itabtawtitawt to be un so on bury dennis barker union street 1848 8310andan jones tystioliaethau diwrthbrawf irrefutable proofs that the book of mormon was not obtained from the spaulding romance 1 9.9 swansea D jones 1854 the original is in welsh according to ronald dennis jones material came from other sources half from benjamin winchesters the origin of the spaulding story philadelphia 1840 and the rest from other sources including letters from sidney rigdon and parley P prattprantprann 18586185 86

84j H flanigan mormonism triumphant liverpool R james 1849 79 specific mormon doctrinal concepts also came under fire most of the doctrines criticized were first taught by joseph smith at nauvoo the period of his most original thinking on doctrinal topics critics wrote against the mormon doctrines of baptism for the dead85 the nature of christ 86 the character and attributes of godgod87117 the nature and plan of salvationsalvation8888 mormon miraclesmiracles88miracleslm88lm the doctrine of the Trinitytrinity9090 and revelation faith baptism apostasy priesthood the holy ghost and numerous other specific doctrines 91

aifred85aifred85alfredAIfred higbie polygamy versus christianity A discourse against polygamy and baptism for the dead san francisco B F sterett 1857 86nielsniels hansen evadhvad tykkes ederederomom christo what think ye of christ aalborg forfatternensforfattemens forlagdorlag trikttrykt hos carl bech 1854 and the mormons only way to be saved not the way to be saved or the plausible logic of mormonism refuted glasgow W G blackie & co 185

87rR ballantyne A reply to the second tract written by the rev J richards giving a more correct answer to the question what is mormonism containing also three lectures on the character attributes and perfections of the dietydietyscscsic madras S bowie 1854

88jJ jacques salvation A dialogue between elder brownson and mr whitby liverpool S W richards 1853 89revrev edward john bell latterlatterdayday delusions or the inconsistencies of mormonism london wertheim and macintosh 1853

horev9orevrev hiram mattison A salpSaipscripturalturalturai defence of the doctrine of the trinity or A check to modem arianism as taught by the campbellitescampbelfitesCampbellitesfiteskites hicksitesHicksites new lights universalistsuniversafists and cormonsMormormonsmons and especially by a sect calling themselves christians new york colby & co 1846 borson9orsononsongonsonorson spencer correspondence between the rev W crowel AM spencer R james A and 0 1 BA liverpool 1847 and J haynes refutation of the mormon doctrines of brighton and london edward verrall etc etc 1853 80 among the first of the critics of joseph smiths doctrinal teachings regarding the plurality of gods was again the nauvoo expositor of this concept the editors wrote

among the many items of false doctrine that are taught by the church is the doctrine of many gods one of the most direful in its effect that has characterized the world for many centuries we know not what to call it other than blasphemy for it is most unquestionably speaking of god in an impious and irreverent manner after a brief description of this doctrine which is effectually calculated to sap the very foundation of our faith references are given to passages in isaiah references still used by conservative christians in response to mormon claims today 92 the author catherine lewis mentioned above disagreed with the LDS doctrine of the corporeality of the god denying the view that the doctrine of mormonism is so preposterous that education will young mormons of itsfallacyits fallacy she said while we are educating our children on christian principles they the Morcormonsmormonsmons are instilling worse than pagan doctrines in the minds of their children I1 give a specimen of mormon catechism Q what has god been A like man mormonism had no such formal catechism to be recited by the young but lewis did correctly identify the LDS doctrines of the of the heavenly father from manhood to godhood and his retention of his physical body 93

92nauvoo92nauvoo expositor 2

931ewislewis 22 81 among the most sophisticated responses to mormon theological views regarding the nature of god was the materialism of the cormonsMormormonsmons of latter day saints examined and exposed written by T W P tayldertayiderwaylder and published in great britain in 1849 although taylderwaylder tells nothing about himself in the work he clearly was a man of great learning and religious leaning the materialism of the mormons is a direct response to mormon apostles orson pratts the kingdom of god tayldeistayidersTayTayldeisdelsIders specific concern was over pratts views of the divine being especially those which divest him of his spirituality

omnipresence and in some respects of his moral nature 9941194 materialism referred to the pratts teaching that everything was composed of matter including spirit and the godhead this coincided with the teaching that and jesus christ were currently personages of flesh and bone because they were limited to physical bodies as actual persons they could not be omnipresent they could not be in more than one place at a time to traditional christians such as tayldertayiderwaylderTaylderIderiden such concepts were blasphemy tayldertayiderwaylder argued against pratt position using three main headings he said such doctrines were 1TI irrational opposed to true philosophy II11 unscriptural and anti scriptural and illliililIII111 of no utility to man and derogatory to god taylderstayidersTayTayldersdensiders philosophical objections to mormonism were many but included the first cause proof for the spiritual nonmaterialnon material nature of god in summary he argued that because material does not move of its own volition things natural

94tT W P taylderwaylderTaylder the materialism of the Morcormonsmormonsmons or latter day saints examined and exposed woolwich E jones 1849 7 orson pratt the kingdom of god liverpool R james 1848491848 49 82 state is at rest a force outside of nature must have started the movement of the universe the argument is usually used to say that the initial force must have been god in order to prove the but tayldertayiderwaylder cleverly argues that this first force could not have been material itself but needs to have existed prior to material existence thus immaterial beings ie god exist other philosophical arguments against the mormons materialism were the proofs for the existence of thoughtmindthought mind and consciousness for the former tayldertayiderwaylder argued that thoughts are created by the mind but are not physical byproducts thus immaterial objects exist for the immaterial existence of consciousness taylderwaylder noted that over time all physical elements of human bodies are replaced as we eat and excrete but each persons essence still exists in order to maintain the individuals nature as that person this consciousness of self is immaterial but real thus taylderwaylder concluded mr orson pratts mormonism is absurd irrational and philosophicalunphilosophicalun z95 learned ministers often used philosophy in support of their religious beliefs and taylderstayidersTayTayldersdensiders use of philosophical arguments in response to the mormon view of god actually supports the claims of his religious concern about mormonism but tayldertayiderwaylder also effectively used biblical arguments against the mormon view scriptures that would be familiar to a mormon apologist in the 1990s after defending the reliability of the bible as a reliable source of true christian doctrine he began listing the verses he felt made the mormons teaching unscriptural and anti scriptural the foremost were john 42424 god is a spirit and luke 243924 39 A spirit hath not flesh and bones

TaytayldertaylderwaylderwayldermayTaylderideriden 20 83 he criticized pratt for taking literal passages figuratively and figurative passages literally if one accepts at face value the scriptures referring to body parts of god it might be assumed with equal propriety that the divine being is a rock a fortress I1 a tower I1 a shield or abucklera bucklerbucklen 96 taylderwaylder argued that if the mormon scheme were correct sightings of god would not have noted attention in the old testament because god would have been seen daily among the people if mormonism were correct then christ could not have become incarnate because he already would have been in a body or one must disbelieve christs pre existence because he could not have existed if he did not have a body before being bombornbonn of mary paul

distinguished between a natural body and a spiritual body in I1 corinthians 1544 and so on later this work became the second part of a much longer work on mormonism and he was still making some of the same points in a short pamphlet published in 1900 john haynes published his lectures delivered on 5 october 1852 in brighton in great britain as A refutation of the mormon doctrines of regarding the nature of he said right views of the character and nature of god cannot be overratedover rated for they affect not only our hopes and prospects but also our own character if we imagine him to be a gross material substance a material organized intelligence our conceptions lead us to forget our duty to him and sooner or later forget him altogether he too lists verse after verse supporting the traditional christian concept of god over that of the LDS view starting and ending with john 424 97

961bid1ibid 24

971layneshaynes A refutation of the mormon Dochinesdochinesdoctrinesdochinez of 23312331.233123 31 84 A popular approach to criticizing mormon religious beliefs was to compare them with the bible two titles of works which are representative of many others of the 1850s are mormonism traced by the bible and Condemncondemnercondemneecondemnedee and mormonism contrasted with the word of god 99 A work by A cambridge clergyman asked mormonism or the bible the minister noted that mormons add to scripture and responded with the sixth article of the church of england holy scripture containethcontaineth all things necessary to salvation 100 there are a number of additional works which criticize mormon doctrine

just the titles of the works listed in appendix 1 of this thesis amply demonstrate the theological concerns critics had about mormonism space prohibits a fuller examination of all the works they were further exposeexposess of mormonism that refer to the LDS doctrines as blasphemies truthsuntruthsun christianunchristianun posturesimposturesim immoral atheistic pantheistic depraved ridiculous and virtually any other word which american christians would find pejorative thus in addition to disagreeing with mormon religious practices writers criticized mormon beliefs about the nature and role of joseph smith the book of mormon the doctrine of god and virtually every other uniquely mormon theological position

Mormonismmmormonism98mormonism98 traced by the bible and condemned ipswichipswitch npap 1855

99 mormonism99mormonism contrasted with the word of god london wertheim and macintosh etc 1857

1 OO mormonismoomormonism or the bible A question for the times by a cambridge clergyman cambridge T dixon and london hamilton adams 1852161852 16 85 conclusion the evidence presented in this paper demonstrates that many people were concerned about mormonism for religious reasons and directed their criticism accordingly over three hundred tracts books pamphlets and other published material criticized the LDS religion and its adherents for the religious aspect of that faith scathing criticisms of the church were leveled against the mormons unique and suspicious religious practices of plural marriage and temple ceremonies and the heterodox LDS beliefs about the bible book of mormon salvation god and other beliefs david brion davis wrote many years ago it is a curious fact that the vast literature on mormonism tends to treat the subject as everything but a religion 101 such a statement could still be made today about the treatment of opposition to mormonism not for lack of materials or subjects to study but because the work has not been done in addition to the secular motives of opponents of mormonism the religious concerns of critics need to be more fully explored the inclusion of religious concerns of critics is not the only aspect of the historical understanding of opposition to mormonism that needs further work I1 have proposed seven other potential problems perhaps there are others As shown in the beginning of this paper scholars have not taken a serious look at a vast reservoir of significant material references that do exist are sorely lacking in perspective regardless of the reasons for this deficit in the historical understanding of mormonism however scholars should include a thoughtful

loi10101 david brion davis the new england origins of mormonism the new england quarterly june 1953 147 86 analysis of these works in their writings about the mormon past the LDS story has not been completely or accurately told as long as materials such as those discussed in this thesis are not explored opposition is very much a part of the mormon mindretmindset both historically and today ironically opposition has provided mormons as a group reassurance about their rightness and truth difficulties are interpreted as tests of god and challenges from against the work of god by being not only apart but at odds with the world the saints have known that they are preparing for the millennium and the end times persecution and opposition have not been just events experienced by the saints but defining elements in who mormons are for those who have opposed mormonism their work has been less defining for them than for the Morcormonsmormonsmons but important nonetheless many found their mission and purpose in keeping the world free of the errors of mormonism those who left the church sought to rectify their mistakes often the writings were more intended for the authors benefit than the readers not only will further research reveal more about the mormon experience it will also provide more light about the culture and religion of nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century americans and britons the works demonstrate the rapid exchange of ideas across the atlantic ocean the literary standards of the day and the issues of interest to people at the time more importantly this topic illustrates another segment of the long human history of difficulty accepting those with different ideas attitudes and behaviors it is easy today to ridicule the mormons or the critics for their outrageous thoughts and actions and wish that they had seen the light of reason while continuing such difficulties with judgments of our neighbors today 87 perhaps we each maintain an ideal vision of the future in which all are in agreement and work toward similar goals through compatible means but such is the nature of human beings that this vision will not become a reality good people can and do disagree we are better to learn to share differences of opinion in exchanges designed to improve both parties than to force through physical or mental coercion others to fit into our mold may that be a lesson from this thesis as well APPENDIX 1


AND MORMON apologetics 1844185711844 18571 adams george J A true history of the rise of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints of the restoration of the holy priesthood and of the late discovery of ancient american records collected from the most authentic sources ever published to the world which unfold the history of this continent from the earieardeaddearliestiestlest ages after the flood to the beginning of the fifth century of the christian era with a sketch of the faith and doctrine of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints also a brief outline of the persecution and martyrdom of their prophet joseph smith and the appointment of his successor james J strang by G J adams minister of the gospel baltimore hoffman printer 1849 adams william L A melodrama entitled treason statestategemsgems and spoils in five acts by breakspearBreakbreakspearespear pseudpseudo portland printed bathosbythosby thos J dryer Oreoregonianoregoniansgonian office 1852 allenalienailen miss A J ten years in oregon ithaca NY andrus Gauntgauntlettleft & co 1850

thishis appendix attempts to list all imprints relating to opposition to mormonism between 1844 and 1857 this includes tracts pamphlets and books but not newspaper or magazine articles both those works written to criticize mormonism and mormon apologetic works specifically responding to critical works are included since the latter as effectively as the former show the concerns of critics of mormonism this appendix follows the format of chad J flake A mormon bibliography 183019301830 1930 salt lake city university of utah press 1978 from which most of these works come 89 appalling disclosures mormon revelations being the history of fourteen females emma hale mrs hatfieldhaffieldhamfield lucy murray alice foster mrs williams lizzie monroe madanmarianmamianmananmarman gage adeline young mrs jones lady bula marg guildford maud hattieldhatfieldhaffieldhamfield rose hatfieldhaffieldhamfield mrs richards victims of mormon spiritual marriages wives mothers daughters and sisters lured away from their homes and united to the same husbands the tragic deaths of mrs hattieldhatfieldhaffieldhamfield and her husband through the double marriages of their eldest and youngest daughters to the richards the and the awful murder of maud hatfield by the first mrs richards who became a maniac through jealousy and the desertion of her two babes including the Suffetsummetsufferingsings of other once happy women entrapped by the prophets and elders of the latter day saints with their lives an sic crimes from the risefisewise of joseph smith the founder of their profligateproffigafte church to the dark deeds brighamofbrighamof young and his disciples now carried on in their pandemonium at utah london printed and published by H elliot 1856 appletons illustrated handbook americanofofamerican travel new york D appleton & co 1857 ashley F B mormoniaeth neu draethawd ar y sect a elwirelwin selnSeinseindauseintiaudau y dyddiau

diweddafv gan y parch FDF D ashleashieashleyy cyfieithedig ir cymraeggymraeg gan y parch merthyr tydfil MW white 1853 ashley francis busteed mormonism an exposure of the impositions adopted by the sect called the latterlatterdayday saints by the rev F B ashley london john hatchard 1851 an authentic history of remarkable persons who have attracted public attention in various parts of the world iincludingncluding a full exposure of the iniquities of the pretended prophet joe smith and of the seven degrees of the mormon temple also an account of the frauds practisedpracticed by matthias the prophet and other religious impostors new york wilson and company 1849 baird robert religion in america or an account of the origin progress relation to the state and present condition of the evangelical churches in the united states with notices of the unevangelicalunevangefical denominations new york harper & brothers 1844 baker james L men and things or short essays on various subjects including free trade boston crosby nichols and company 1858 90 ballantyne richard A reply to the second tract written by the rev J richards giving a more correct answer to the question what is mormonismmormonismff ff purporting to be answered by him by elder in the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints containing also three lectures on the character attributes and perfections of the dietydietysicsic madras printed by S bowie 1854

dialogue between A and B on polygamy by elder R ballantyne madras hindostanhindustanHindostan printed at the oriental press 1854

A reply to a tract written by the rev J richards MA giving a more correct answer to the question what is mormonism purporting to be answered by him by richard ballantyne elder in the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints madras S bowie printer 1854 barber john wamerwarnerwamenwannerwannen incidents in american history new york geo F cooledge & brothers 1847 bartlett S M whig extra thursdaythuridathursdaY 12 oclock sept ad3d letter from the editor quincy illliiIII111 1846 bays joseph the blood of christ or the mormon baptist water by joseph bays Chatchatterischarteristeris isle of ely Chatchatterischarteristeris J southwell printer ac&c 1849 belisle orvilla S mormonism unveiled or A history of mormonism from its rise to the present time london charles clarke 1855 bell alfreda eva boadicea the mormon witewife life scenes in utah beautifully illustrated baltimore arthur R orton cac1855c1 855 bell edward john latterlatterdayday delusions or the inconsistencies of mormonism by the rev edward john bell london thomas priest norwich wertheim and macintosh 1853 bell J F A reply to the barefacedbare faced falsehoods and misrepresentations of mr john theobald liverpool F D richards 1851 bell james A letter to the rev mr osborne minister of darlington street chapel Wolverwolverhamptonhampton by james bell an elder of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints wolverhamptonWolverhampton hinde printer 1849 91 A reply to the objections of the rev mr osborne minister of darlington street chapel wolverhamptonWolverhampton bybyjJ bell an elder of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints being the substance of a sermon delivered at the saintsroomsaints room st jamess square Wolverwolverhamptonhampton hinde printer 1849 binder christian et maerkvaerdigt brevabrev fra en mand dersomehersomeder some medlem af mormonkirkenMormon kirken laerte at kgende og inaseindse mormonemesskraekkefigeMormomormonernesnernesnennes skraekkelige bedragederBedrabedrageriergedergeriergenergermer og bebenetterretter andeelendeel om deres skjaendselsgjemingerskjaendselsgjerninger oversatovereat afaftydsktydsk iqobenhavnkjobenhavn E G iversonsIvereversonssons forlagdorlag 1855 bishop francis gladden an address to the sons and daughters ofzionofzion scattered abroad through altallattablabb the earth kirtland 1851

A proclamation from the lord to his people scattered throughout the earth 185118511 aarapr 6 kirtland kirtland 1851

A voice of warningwanning and proclamation to allaltaffaal voree ricine county wisconsin territory may 20th 1848 voree wisconsin 1848 bonney edward the banditti of the praidesprairies or the murderers doom A tale of the mississippi valley chicago E bonney 1850 bowes john mormonism exposed in its swindling and licentious abominations refuted in its principles and in the claims of its head themodern modem mohammed joseph smith who is proved to have been a deceiver and no prophet of god london E ward 1850850185021 850l 1851 1854 brandebury lemuel G polygamy revived in the west report by the judges of utah territory to the president of the united states on the conduct of the mormonitesMormonites liverpool printed bytaytby T bracellbrakellBrakell 1852 brewster james colin A warningwanning to the latter day saints generally called Morcormonsmormonsmons an abridgement of the ninth book esdrasofesdrasof by james colin brewster springfield IL 1845 brindley john the antidote to mormonism and infidel error birmingham england wertheim and farringtonfarringdonFarringdon 27 june 1921

A short and easy method with the mormonitesMormonites and the latter day saints agitation at birmingham the antisocialistanti socialist gazette no 8 1 may 184214218421421431842 142143142 143 92 brocchus perry E letter of judge brocchus of alabama to the public upon the difficulties in the territory of utah washington printed by L towers 1852

broom W W Is the mormon a man salisbury published at 31 catherine street 1857

brotherton edward mormonism its iisetiserisediserdse and progress and the prophet joseph smith manchester printed and published by J & S smith 1845 brown adam mercer the gold region and scenes by the way being the journal of a tour by the overland route and south pass of the rocky mountains across the great basin and through california allegheny PA purviance & co 1851

brown thomas dunlop letter to W cunningham esq T D browns letter to W cunningham esq lainshawrainshawoflainshawof Lainshaw ayrshire liverpool R james printer 118481848

browne john ross indian war in oregon and washington territories letter from the secretary of the interior transmitting in compliance with the resolution of the house of the 15th instant the report ofofaofjJ ross browne on the subject of the indian war in oregon and washington territories washington 1858

brownell henry howard the pioneer heroes of the new world from the earliest period 982 to the present time new york dayton and wentworth 1855

bukki pseudpseudo A supplement to mormon containing the book ofanakozanakofanak Cooperscooperstowntown YY sic printed for the publisher byjby J I1 hendrix 1851

burgess J M the book of mormon contradictory to common sense reason and revelation or the mormon hierarchy founded upon a fiction liverpool J blevin 1850 burns dawson mormonism explained and exposed by dawson bums baptist minister sacbrdsaffordsacfordSacfordhondbond london houlston & stoneman 1853 bushnell horace barbarism the first danger A discourse for home missions new york printed for the american home missionary society 1847 93 campbell alexander delusions an analysis of the book of mormon with an examination of its internal and external evidences and a refutation of its pretences to divine authority by alexander campbell with prefatory remarks by joshua V himes boston benjamin H greene 1832 carson valley nevada citizens message from the president of the united states transmitting a memorial of citizens of carsons valley asking for the establishment of a territorial government over them washington james B steedman 1858 carthage illinois convention 1845 the proceedings of a convention held at carthage itiifflffIII111 on tuesday and wednesday october ist and2nd 1845 quincy printed at the quincy whig book and job office 1845 cartwright peter autobiographyautobiographyofpeterof peter cartwright the backwoods preacher edited by W P strickland new york carltoncaritoncanton and porter 1857 caswall henry mormonism and its author or A statement of the doctrines of the latter day saints by the rev henry caswallCaswaft london printed for the society for promoting christian knowledge 18511852185418561851 1852 1854 18561 1857

the western world revisited by the rev henry caswall oxford & london john henry parker 1854 chalmer E boteler mormonism a delusion A lecture delivered in the intwistleentwistletintwistleTinTintwistle church school on thursday august 262618521852 london wertheim and macintosh 1852 chasles philarephilacePhilphilareteareteanetete angloamericaanglo americaliterature and manners from the french of PhilardPhilphilaretephilardtephitareteanetete chasles new york charles scribner 1852 church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints broadside in double columns under date nauvoo september 242418451845 reply to the quincy committee by the council of the authorities of the church of jesus christchhist of latter day saints at nauvoo7nauvoo 7 nauvoo 1845

he that readeth let him understand tl atheethethewthe faith and doctrines of the latterlatterdayday saints with sctiptualscripscriptualscripturaltualfualfuat proofs london to be had oftcofteof T C armstrong printed by W aubrey 1852 church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints missions invitation parallel scripture references to prove the latter day saints faith and doctrines liverpool 1851 94 church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints missions british edinburgh conference latter day saints the edinburgh branch of this society now meet for public worship in mr mphersons large hashallhailhalihag edinburgh 1847 clarke charles H mormonism unveiled or A history of mormonism from its rise to the present time london charles H clarke 1855 clarke R mormonism unmasked or the latterdaydlatter dayay saints in a fix by R clarke one of the apologists of the every day saints london houlston & stoneman 1849 clawson hiram B yankee story salt lake city 1857 clay edmund the doctrines and practices of the Morcormonsmormonsmons and the immoral character of their prophet joseph smith delineated from authentic sources london wertheim and macintosh etc etc 1853

tracts on mormonism no 1 A brief account of the life and character of joseph smith the prophet of mormonism J glover printer no I11 victoria terrace leavingtonleamingtonLeamington third thousand london wertheim and macintosh 1850

tracts on mormonism no 2 the book of mormon itsits history and an analysis of its contents london wertheim and macintosh J glover 1850

tracts on mormonism no 3 the book of mormon proved to be a blasphemous and impudent forgery london wertheim and macintosh 18501185118521850 1851 1852 tracts on mormonism no 4 the book of of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints selected from the revelations of god by joseph smith president second european edition liverpool orson praffpratt 15 wilton street 1849 london wertheim and macintosh leamintonLeaminton J glover 1852 clayton john middleton speech of john M clayton of delaware on the bill to organize the territorial governments in nebraska and washington congressional globe office 1854 cleaveland nehemiah an address delivered at tapsfieldtopsfieldTopsfield mass august 28 1850 the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town new york pudneypudney&& russell printers 1851 95 conybeare rev william john perversion or the causes and consequences of infidelity A tale for the times new york wiley & halstead 1856 conybeare william john mormonism reprinted from the edinburgh review no CCIICCA forapillforAforaoraaprilpill 1854 london longman brown green and longmans 1854 cook william the cormonsMormormonsmons the dream and the reality or leaves from the sketch book of experience of one who left england to join the mormons in the city ofzionof zion and awoke to a consciousness of its heinous wickedness and abominations edited by a clergyman william B fowler london J masters etc etc 1857 cox samuel hanson interviews memorable and useful from diary and memory reproduced by samuel hanson cox DD pastor of the first Presbypresbyterpresbytenpresbyteriantenan church brooklyn new york new york harper & brothers publishers 1853 cyclopedia of religious denominations containing authentic accounts of the different creeds and systems prevailing throughout the world written by members of their respective bodies london john joseph griffin & company 1853 davis john adolygiad draethawdardraethawdar W jones bethesda yryrhwnhwn a elwir egwyddorion saint y dyddiau diweddafdiweddafynyn caelcae eu pwyso yn nghlorianau thesymauthesymau ac ysgrythrau gan john davis merthyr golygydd udgom selon A review of the treatise of W jones bethesda which is called the principles of the latterlatterdayday saints weighed on the scales of reason and scriptures merthyr tydfil J davis argraffydd 1850 2

prenethpregeth garthgwrth formonaidd at y parch T williams ebenezer ger caerfyrddin an antimormonanti mormon sermon to the rev T williams ebenezer near carmarthenCarmarthen rhydybont john jones 1848 3

english translation of title from ronald D dennis welsh mormon writingswllWiltings from 1844 to 1862 A bibliography provo religious studies center brigham young university 19881461988 146

sibidbibid31bid1 687168 71 96 traethodau ar wyrthiauwyrthiau yn cynnwys adolygiad ar ddarlithiau y parch J jones lianuangollenUanllangollenLlangollengoltengoalen a ilyfrynllyfryn y parch J davies LlLJanelli aradyraryryr un pencpwnc mewngewn chlechchwech 0 draethodau gan john dawsdavis treatises on miracles containing a review of the lectures of the rev J jones llangollenLlangollen and the pamphlet of the rev J davies anellillanellillanelleLl on the same subject merthyr tydfil argraffwyd cyhoeddwyd ac alwertharwerthar werthwenth gan J davis 1852 4

ymddyddan rhingrhwng y parcheparchedigdig bachgenynararbacharbachgenynbachgenyn A dialogue between the reverend and the boy merthyr tydfil john davis argraffydd 1850 18525 davis john australian mormonism or the chinesdoctrinesdo of the selfselfstyledstyled latter day saints compared with itself and the bible and found wanting by john davis sydney australia john S sheriff 1857 davis john E mormonism unveiled or peep into the principles and practices of the latterlatterdayday saints by john E davis a deluded brother of the sect who has had the of recovering from his infatuation by discovering the iniquitous proceedings of the leaders during nine months residence among them A warningwanning to the credulous bristol england printed by C T jefferies 1856 davy robert harry some of the principles of the latterlatterdayday saints disucussed in the form of a dialogue between an elder of the latterlatterdayday saints and an inquirer and his friend cheltenham 1852 day charles the latterlatterdayday saints or mormonitesMormonites who and what are they by the reverend charles day london wertheim and macintosh 1854 dean james mormonism not christianity as proved in a discussion between a mormon elder and a defender of evangelical christianity containing also an account of the death of joseph smith and the casting out of 319 devils by a mormon elder norwich otty late charlwood printer orford hill 1847 deck J G the mormons or latterdaylatter day saints what are they manuscript brigham young university 1851

41bidbid 15455154 55

sibid51bid1bibid 798079 80 97 dennett john john dennetts first volume on the horrible enormities of mormonism Mystmysterieseileselleselies of singing in long and short metre unveiled A dash at the spiritual wife system also an exposure of unparalleled wrongs and sufferings while a member of that peculiar sect together with an answer to the following conundrum richly applied why is it that the inhabitants of boston are so much like south boston and neponsetNeponset bridges boston published by the author 1846

desmonsdeamonsDesmons frederic essai histhistoriqueorique et ciffiquecritique der mormonismeMormon isme strasbourg impremericImpremeric de veuve berger levrault 1856

dickin J P the mormon miracle at rochdalerockdaleRochdale tested and exposed being a compilation of articles from various authentic sources manchester A heywood 1854

the doctrines of the latterlatterdayday saints or mormonitesMormonites hereford england R elliot printer 1847

dodge augustus caesar nebraska and kansas speech of mr dodge of iowa in the senate of the united states feb 25 1854 the senate having under consideration the bill to organize the territories of nebraska and kansas washington printed at the congressional globe office 1854

douglas stephen arnold kansasutahdred scoffscott decision speech of hon S A douglas delivered at springfield illinois june 12 1856 springfield IL lanphier and walker printers 1857 the downdownfallfaffbaffbabb of the mormonitesMormonites andandbrighamBrigham young apnp 185 drummond peter mormonism an imposture london 185 mormons only way to be saved not the way to be saved or the plausible logic of mormonism refuted A reply to lorensonlorensowLorensow sic snows only way to be saved london by the author 1854 dynoethiad mormoniaeth yn cynwydcynwys hanes joseph smith saith graddydemigraddgraddy y demldemi gwreigiaeth ysbrydol abertawyAbertawy argraffwyd gan joseph rosser ceolheol fawn 1853 emmons samuel bulfinch philosophy of popular superstitions and the effects of credulity and imagination upon the moral social and intellectual condition of the human race boston LP crown & co 1853

the spirit land philadelphia john E potter and company 1857 98

engelstoftEngelstoft christian thorning om MorMormonmormonememormonernemonemeerneenne af bishop dr christiam T engestoftEngeengelstoftEngelengetstoft odense trysttrygt hos M C hempel 1855

favez louis fragments sur les cormonsMormormonsmons lausanne switzerland delafontaine et cie et amemme duret corbazcombaz june 1854

fernsferrisfermsfernisfennis jacob the states and territories of the great west including ohio indiana illinois missouri michigan wisconsin iowa minesotaMineminnesotasota sic kansas and nebraska new york and auburn orton and mulligan buffalo EF beadle 1856

A few plain words about mormonism showing that latterlatterdayday saints are no saints at allatlag proved by extracts from their writings by the author of a few plain words about popery and the pope pope or queen ac&c bristol for the author by wright steam press 185

findlay hugh mormons or latter day saints a reply by high findlay elder of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints to a tract beaming the above title by J G deck and reprinted at the bombay times press bombay india dasturdustur ashkara press 1853 findlay hugh and john theobald the overthrow of infidel mormonism being a report of the louth dicussiondicusdidussiondidusdibusdiscussionsion which took place in the guild hall louth lincolnshireLincolnshire august 28 29 30 and september 2 313 & 618506 1850 between mr hugh findlay mormon elder from scotland and mr john theobald london W horsell 1850 fishwick J F the false prophet tested or mormonism refuted by J F fishwick london wertheim and macintosh 1853 fitzhugh george cannibals all or slavers without masters richmond VA A morris 1857 flanigan J H mormonism triumphant truth vindicated lies refuted the devil mad and priestcraft in dangdangerdangenerfil bybyjJ H flanigan elder in the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints being a reply to palmers internal evidence against the book of mormon liverpool printed by R james 1849

reply to a sheet entitled the results of two meetings between the L D saints and primitive methodists at gravely cambridgeshireCambridgeshire by james H flanigan LDS liverpool 1849 99 fox henry J fox and hoyts quadrennial register of the methodist episcopal church and universal church gazetteer hartford case tiffany & co sm jas hammersley 1852

franklin john benjamin the horrors mormonismofmormonismof being a lecture delivered by john benjamin franklin late manager of the mormon printing office at great saltsaftsattsartsarr lake city in several places in england ac&c london J appold 1858

frefremontmont john charles central railroad route to the pacific washington 1854

french augustus C to the citizens hancockofhancockof springfield 1846

french R H mormonism a reply to the doctrine of polygamy sketches of the prophets smith and young and the origin of their systems newport printed by J C patterson 1858

frere john A short history of the mormonitesMormonites or latterlatterdayday saints with an account of the real odginorigin of the book of mormon compiled from vatiousvariousvadious sources by the reverend john frere london J masters 1850

friendly warnings on the subject mormonismofofmormonism addressed to his parishioners by a country clergyman london francis and john rivington 1850

frost W dialogue between a latterlatterdayday saint and methodist in which some of the errors of that strange people are exposed as the dialogue has actually taken place in substance the facts here stated may be relied on and can be proved from their printed works aylshem england printed by C clements 1849 fullom stephen watson the great highway A story of the worlds struggles london longman brown green and longmans 1854 gibson william report of three nightspublicnightspubficnights public discussion in botonboltonboitonbomon between william gibson H P presiding elder of the manchester conference of the church of jesus chiistchilstchrist of latterlatterdayday saints and the rev woodville woodman reported by G D watt liverpool franklin D richards 1851 goodrich samuel griswold the world as it is and it has been or a comprehensive geography and history ancient and modem new york I1JHH coltoncotton and company 1855 100 grant jedediah M three letters to the new york herald from J M grant of utah new york 1852

gray I1J H plurality of wives among the Morcormonsmormonsmons london wertheim & macintosh 1853

principles and practices of Morcormonsmormonsmons tested in two lectures delivered before the religious and useful knowledge society of douglas on november 24th and december ist 1852 and2nd ed considerably enlbenl by the rev J H gray douglas M P backwell etc etc 1853

the substance of two lectures on mormonism delivered in sutton bonnington and musthammuskhamMuskham notts by the rev J H gray london james nesbit and co 1852 green nelson winch fifteen years among the Morcormonsmormonsmons being a narrative of mrs mary ettieettleeffieemmie V smith late of great salt lake city a sister of one of the mormon high priestsanpnests she having been personally acquainted with most of the mormon leaders and long in the confidence of the prophetbrigharnprophet brigham young new york C scribner 1858 greenlaghGreengreennaghlagh james narrative of james Greengreenlaghgreennaghlagh cotton spinner egerton boltonlebolton le moors Eamearnestlyestly recommended to the consideration of any who many have attended the mormonite meetings in concert street showing the occurencesoccurrences and difficulties that himself wife and four children the youngest one and the eldest seven years old endured during an absence of twenty three weeks from england having sailed from liverpool to new orleans and from thence traversing the course of the mississippi to st louis then to nauvoo the mormonitessettlement in the state of illIII111 from thence back to st louis and pittsburgh philadelphia and new york thence to liverpool liverpool richard scragg printer 1843 guers emile irvingism and mormonism tested by scripture by the rev emiliusemillus guers with prefatory note by james bridges london J nisbet and co 1854 guthrie edwin lee county antimormonanti mormon meeting apnp 1845 haandsraeknignfor menigmandMenigmand i kampen mod Mormonmormonerneerne kjobenhavn G E C gad 1857 101 hall william the abominations mormonismofofmormonism exposed containing many facts and doctrines concerning that singular people during seven years membership with them from 1840 to 1847 cincinnati published for the author by I1 hart & co 1852 hancock county illinois broadside showing democratic whig and anti mormon ballots hancock county election 184618461 apnp 1846 hancock county illinois sheriff proclamation no 4 to the citizens of hancock county illinois and the surrounding country nauvoo 1845 proclamation no 5 to the citizens of hancock county and the surrounding country nauvoo 118451845 hancock G harris beware of the Morcormonsmormonsmons otherwise known as latter day saints ipswichipswitch england 185 hansen niels evadhvad tykkes eder om christo et vidnesburdvidnesburd imodamod Mormonmormonerneerne Praedpraedikeniken paa 18de sondag efter trinitatisTrinitatis 1854 aalborg forfatterens forlagdorlag trikttrykt hos carl bech 1854 hardin john J citizens of hancock by order of the governor an armed force has again been marched into your county acts of disobedience of the laws and open violence by mobs have been frequent in your county for two years past such agrantflagrantfi violation of law be they committed by whom they may must be stopped warsaw 1845 harding martin 1st october 1853 grand mormon temperance celebration at the city of council bluffs Kaneskanesvilleganesvilleville printed at the office of the western trumpeter september 1853 hardy john startling developments ofoffrimofcrimcrim con sic or two mormon apostles exposed in pracpractisingpracticingtising the spiritual wife system in boston consisting of the trials of elder john hardy who was excommunicated from the mormon church worshipingworshipingaping in suffolk hall for exposing the base and licentious teachings and practices of elders G J adams and william smithsmithl the particulars of which are here made public boston conway and company 1844

Hawthornthwahawthornthwaitheithe samuel mr hawthornthwaithes adventures among the mormons as an elder during eight years manchester england the author 1857 102 haynes john the book of mormon examined and its claims to be a revelation from god proved to be false by john haynes brighton edward verrall london seely & co 1853

A refutation of the mormon doctrines of 1I1 the gospel II11L baptism III111 the apostolate IV the priesthood V the deity VI faith especially addressed to latterlatterdayday saints being the substance of a lecture delivered in the town hall brighton on tuesday october the ath5th 1852 brighton and london edward verrall etc etc 1853

hedrick granville the spiritual wife system proven false and the true order of church discipline bloomington IL 1856

hepburn andrew balfour the doctrines ritesfitesnites and ceremonies of latter day saints or Morcormonsmormonsmons exposed showing from their own books ac&c that they are without exception the most depraved immoral blasphemous and ridiculous sect that ever polluted this earth the extracts furnished by mr A B hepburn antimormonanti Mormon lecturer london partridge and oakey and the antimormonanti mormon tract depot cac1853c1 853

an exposition of the blasphemous doctrines and delusions of the so called latterlatterdayday saints or Morcormonsmormonsmons containing an authentic account of the impositions spiritual wife doctrine and the other abominable practices of joseph smith the american mahomet and his twelve apostles elders and followers to the present time sheffield M thomas & son 1852

mormonism exploded or the religion of the latterlatterdayday saints proved to be a system of imposture blasphemy and immorality with the autobiography and portrait of the author in two parts ptptlbyabI1 by A B hepburn antimormonAnti Mormon lecturer edited by rev charles short AAMM london & swansea simpkin marshall and co 1855 hickman edward B mormonism sifted or the question was joseph smith sent by god examined being the substance of a lecture delivered in the independent chapel boxford friday evening march ath8th 1850 by edward SB hickman published by request norwich england printed by jarrold & sons 1850 higbie alfred polygamy versus christianity a discourse against polygamy and baptism for the dead delivered at wattonvillewatsonvilleWatsonville june 14th 1857 by reverend alfred higbie of santa cruz cal san francisco printed by B F sterrett 1857 103 history of mormonism the christian reformerreformers9 no 106 october 1842 627- 633

hood edwin paxton the lamps of the temple crayon sketches of the men of the modemmodern pulpit third ed rev and greatly enien london john snow 1856

howe henry Histohistoricalfical collections of the great west containing narratives of the most important and interesting events in western history cincinnati henry howe 185118521853185518571858187218511852 18531855185318551853.1855 18571858 1872

hughes jeremiah mormon disturbances nilesnationalniles national register 17 no 10 9 november 18441601844 160igo

hughes thomas dariithiau arardwellardwylldoylldwyll mormoniaeth dariithdarrithdarfith 1I1 arardwellardwylldoylldwyll dechreuad mormoniaeth a draddodwyddraddodwydynyn neuadd trefrhuthyntref rhuthyn medi 3yddkydd 1852 rhuthynRhuthyn I1 clarke 1852

dariithiaudarfithiau ar doylldwyll mormoniaeth dannith II11 ar fam y saint am dduwdouw angelionangylionangyfionAngy llonlionfionrsonsron ac enaiedenvied dyn A draddodwyddraddodwydynyn neuadd oregoneg rhuthinRhuthin chwe fror25ianbror 25ian 1853 rhuthynRhuthyn I1 clarke 1853

hunt james henry mormonism embracing the origin risefisehisedisemise and progress of the sect with an examination of the book of mormon also their troubles in missouri and final expulsion from the state with an appendix giving an account of the late disturbances in illinois which resulted in the death of joseph and hyrum smithsmithl by G W westbrook st louis printed by ustick and davies 1844

hyde john infatuation a fiction founded on fact manuscript harold B lee library brigham young university 1858

modemmodern christianity A dialogue between a baptist and an infidel charlotte mlMI JV johnson and co 18

mormonism its leaders and designs by john hyde jun formerly a mormon elder and resident of saltsaftsattsadtsadd lake city new york W P fetridge & company 1857 hyde orson he that hath ears to hear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches nauvoo 14 march 1846

to the saints scattered abroad greetinggreefingeuing apnp 1848 104 illinois governor 184218461842 1846 ford proclamation by the governor executive department springfield illinois september 20 1845 springfield 1845

irving1 rviarvi ng edward Orvingorvingismellrvingismeisme et iee mormonismeMormonmormonismejugesisme juges par la parole de dieu geneve emile beroud libraire editeur marc dudouxduboux 1855

J H T the mormon elders and the devils a full exposure of an account of a terrific conflict between a mormon elder and 319 devils in which the latter were totally defeated and two saints dispossessed with specimens of other miracles performed by the mormonitesMormonites or latterlatterdayday saints extracted from the millenialmillennialMillenial star london gilbert 1853 jackson joseph H A narrative of the adventures and experienceexpedience of joseph H jackson in nauvoo disclosing the depth of mormon villainy warsaw illinois august 1846 jackson thomas the book of mormon weighed in the balances of the scriptures and found wanting A lecture delivered at coalvilleCoalville december 25 1844 leicester printed for the author bytaytby T cook 1845 james 0 wright & co just published the mormon bible new york city 1858 jaques J salvation a dialogue between elder brownson and mr whitby no I11 and 2 liverpool SW richards 1853 jensenius C H Mormomormonemesmormonernesnemesnernesnennes laergegaerge ofdeoadeof de kilstneskristneskristnes tro afafcabcC H jensenius trikttrykt og foriagtforlagt af J chr abelsted christiana 1855 jensenius caspar H kort degregbegreg om den egentliegeegentfiege mormonismeMormonisme christiania trikttrykt og tilkjobsTilkjobs hos J chr abelsted 1855 jessee dean C and david J whittaker the last months of mormonism in missouri the albert perry rockwood journal brigham young university studies 28 no 1 december 1988 5355 35 johnson benjamin F why the latter day saints marry a plurality of wives A glance at scripture and reason in answer to an attack through the polynesian upon the saints for polygamy san francisco excelsior print 1854 105 johnson henry T mormonism the claims of the book of mormon to be a divine revelation examined and proved to be false brighton england W simpson etc etc 185 jones dan adolygiad ar ddarlithoeddddarfithoedd y parch E roberts gweinidog19weinidog y bedyddwyrbedyddwyrynyn rymnirymnijynyn erbanerbyn mormoniaeth merthyr tydvitydvil1 cyhoeddwyd ac ar werth gan capt jones 1847

adolygiad ar ddarlith clafyolafolafyy parch E roberts rymni yn erbanerbyn mormoniaeth rhydybont argraffwyd gan john jones c 1850

ai duwauw a ddanfonodd joseph smith abertawyAbertawy argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan D jones 185518551

ai dwyfol oeddbedd cenadwri joseph smith abertawyAbertawy argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan D jones 185518551

amddiffyniadamddiffyniadyy saint versus cyhuddiadau thomas jones merthyr ac ereillerefflerceill merthrymerthey tydvil argraffwydargraflwyd gan john jones 1849

amddiffyniad y saint yn ngwyneb camghyuddiadau y rhalnhai a alcantalwant eu hanainhunain yn glewgwew y dondonynconynyn ySysereny serenseneneren gomer 11 lonawr 1847 merthyr tydfil cyhoeddwyd ac ar werth gan D jones john jones argraffydd rhydybont clc1847847

amddiffyniadamddiffyniadyy saint sef gwrthbrofion 0 gam gyhuddiadaugyhuddladau mateis ddrwg dyn or edwenw rees davies 0 new orleans yn erbanerbyn y saint swansea D jones 1854

anfyddiaeth sectyddiaeth merthyr tydvil argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan D jones c1854

anmhoblogrwydd mormon laethbaethlaeth11 abertawyAbertawy argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan dan jones c1854c1ca 854 annerchiadannerchiadatat ofteirlaidoffeirlaid parchedigionparchedigidn pregethwyr a hohollathrawonathrawonathnaAthrawon crefydd yn nghymru ail argrafradargraffiadArgratradfRad yr wythfed fil martharmarthyr tydvitydvilI1 D jones argraffydd c1854 106 atebydd y gwrthddadleuon a ddygir yn fwyaf cyffredinol drwydewy y ayadwyad yn erbanerbyn saint y dyddiau deweddafdeweddaf ar athrawiaeth a broffesant meemmewm slurfffurfo0 ymddyddan er sypudsymud y rhwystrau oddiaroddier ffordd y cymry ymofyngar heb anmhwyllo ynghylch cwestiynau ac ymryson ynghylch beiraugeirau ororrhaiyrhalnhai y mae cencenfigenfigen ymrysonymryson cableddaucableddau a drwgdawg dybiaudybiakdybiauynyn dyfod ac na ddaliont ar chwedlau ac achauabhau orphenananorphen y rhalnhai saddyddsydd yn pedperipenperm cwestiynau yn hytrach nag adeiladaeth dduwiol yrarhonyrhonhon syddkyddsyddtrwyirwytrwy fladdflydd gwnaed paabpawb felly gan capt D jones merthyrmertyyr tydfil1 cyhoeddwyd ac ar werth gan yr awdwr pris 3cac 1847

dadi rhingrhwng bedyddiwr ac anffyddiwr merthyr tydfil D jones 1854

daddun or aydbyd crefyddol abertawyAbertawy cyhoeddwyd ac argraffwyd gan D jones c1855

V glodanglorian yn yr hon y gaelicgwelic david yn pwyso williams A williams yn pwyso david neu david williams 0 abercanaidAbercanaid yn gwrthddweyd ei hun wedi ei adalddal yn ei dwydoylldwyll aiaI1 brofibrodi yn ddeistaidd merthyrmerthyn tydfil1 cyhoeddwyd ac ar werth gan yr asdurasdwr 1846

hamananan yn hongiandongian areigrogbrenar ei grogbrengrogbren eihunbihunei hun neu daniel jones adallddall ai lyfrlyerlyfrynyn profprofi jwirioneddjwftionedd mormoniaethmormoniaethh11 merthyr tydfil1 cyhoeddwydd ac ar werth gan D jones john jones argraffydd rhydybont c 1850 the martyrdom of joseph smith and his brother hyrum by dan jones brigham young university studies 24 no 1 december 1984

peidiwch aua u girandogwrandbgwrandogwrando aertawy argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan D jones1854jones 1854

proftonprofionprorionpropion 0 eirwiredd uyfrllyfruyer komronmomron rhydybont john jones 1847 tystioliaethautystibliaethau diwrthbrawf nad ororspauldingspaulding romance y gwnaed uyfrllyfruyer mormon abertawyAbertawy uyboeddwyd ac argraffwyd gan D jones c1854 jones daniel drychadrychadrychydrychY cywin hee y gellirgelfirgelfar sanfodcantodcanfod yn eglereglur twelltwyll y mormonaidMormonaid neu seintiauseinfiau y dyddiau diweddaf mown dull 0 holiodauholiodau ac ebionatebionalebionat rhingrhwng daniel aia 7 gygyfaillfaill caeriyrrddincaerfyrrddin argraffwyd gan I1J T jones ceolheol las 1847 jones hugh dirgelionDirgelion saint diddiauydiddiauY diweddaf yn carleucaeleucae eu dinoethi caernarfon argraffwyd gan thomas jones evans 1852 107 jones nathaniel V A reply to mormonism unveiled calcutta india sanders printed by sanders cone and co 1853 k1Kka D mormonism self refuted camden town king and company 1851 kelly william A letter to the christians in guernsey upon the pretensions of mormonism guernsey printed byjby J F frost mont durant 1848 kidder daniel parish mormonism and the Morcormonsmormonsmons a historical view of the risefisedisenise and progess of the sect selfselfstyledstyled latterlatterdayday saints new york G lane & PPP P sandford for the methodist episcopal church 1842184418561842 1844 1856 kierkegaard P chr om og mod Mormonismmormonismemem kjobenhavn1qobenhavn forlagt af C G iversen scharlingskeschariingske bogtrykkeri 1855 kilver E mormonism identified with certain views maintained by T L stange esq C S in his light of madras india printed at the asylum press 1853 knowles james D mormonitesMormonites the christian review 2 june 1837 203 koch H P G en adadvarseladvarselimodvarselvansel imodamod de falske propheter aftrykt med nogle foranforandtingerforandringerforandtingerfingerdringer og tillaeatillaeg af lollandbolland falstersbalsters stiftfidendestifstidende nykjobingnylqobing 1852 lander frederick west practicability of railroads through the south pass letter from the secretary of the interior transmitting a report from F W lander esq relative to the practicability of a railroad through the south pass washington james B steedman 1858 latterlatterdayday saints the dupes of a foolish and wicked imposture new york tract society c1849 lee charles mormonism a sketch of its rise and progress A lecture delivered to the derby young mens christian association derby england W rowbottom 1852 leffler S iowalowaowa contested elections speech of the hon S lewerlemerlefflerlemmler of iowa in the house of representatives june 272718501850 on the report of the committee on elections in the iowa contested election case washington 1850 108 lewis catherine narrative of some of the proceedings of the cormonsMormormonsmons giving an account of their iniquities with particulars concerningconceming the training of the indians by them description of the mode of endowment plurality of wives ac&c ac&c lynn mass published by the author 1848

lewis evan hanes chlechchwech 0 benboethisidbenboethiaid crefyddol sef joseph smith mahomet richard brothers jemimah wilson ann lee A joanna southcotte gan evans lewis merthyr tydfil argraflwydargraffwyd gan rees lewis ceolheol fawn 1849 linforth james the rev C W laurenceslawrencesLawrences few words from a pastor to his people on the subject of the latterlatterdayday saints w replied to and refuted by james linforthunforth liverpool printed by J sadler 185 lowe josiah beatson mormonism by the rev josiah B lowe delivered at the concert halthallhalehaie liverpool on thursdaythuridathursday evening november 13th 1851 liverpool W T thompson etc etc 185

mormonism exposed being a lecture on the doctrines and practices of the latterlatterdayday saints delivered in the music hall bold street by the reverend J B lowe liverpool edward howell 1852

reply of rev josiah B lowe to the letter of mr william collinsoncoiColfinsonkinson addressed to hhimim in the mail of the 28th february 1852 apnp T brakedBrakell printer 1852 lyon caleb no government bounty to polygamy speech of hon caleb lyon lionsdalelyonsdaleoflyonsdaleof Lyonsdale new york in the house of representatives may 4418541854 washington printed at the congressional globe office 1854 mackay charles the cormonsMormormonsmons or latterlatterdayday saints with memoirs of the life and death of joseph smith the american mahomet illustrated with forty engravings london office of the national illustrated library 1852 mackinnon lauchlan bellingham atlantic and transatlantic sketches afloat and ashore by captain mackinnon R N new york harper & brothers 1852 magic pretended miracles and remarkable natural phenomena remarkable delusions or illustrations of popular errors london religious tract society 1855 109 marks david memoirs of the life of david marks minister of the gospel edited by mrs manilamantiamanliamadila marks dover NH freefreewillwill baptist printing establishment 1846 mason john the latterlatterdayday saints the dupes of a foolish and wicked imposture A reprint from a tract by john mason of london cape town SA saul solomon and co 1853 masonic hall nauvoo alfilaprilapfil 24 1844 will presented a grand moral entertainment to aid the discharge of debt against president joseph smith contracted through the odious persecution of missouri and vexatious law suits his mendsfriends and the public will respond to so laudable a call in patropataopatronizingnizingmizing the exertions of those who promise rational amusement with usefulness nauvoo 1844 massey stephen L jamess traveler companion being a complete guide through the western states to the gulf of mexico and the pacific via the great lakes riversrivens canals etc giving full and accurate descriptions of aallailait places on and in the vacinvicinityvacinityity of the western waters cincinnati published byja&upby J A & U P 1851 mattison hiram A scriptural defence of the doctrine of the trinity or A check to modemmodern arianism as taught by campbellitescampbeffitesCampbellites hicksitesHicksites new lights universalistsuniversafists and Morcormonsmormonsmons and especially by a sect calling themselves christians by rev H mattison new york L colby & co 184618501846.185018461 18509 1851 mccarthy john the madras christian instructinstructoroe versus mormonism madras india john mccarthy 1856 mcmohonMcmcgohonMohon J P the ne sic plus ultra of the nineteenth century the patent human digester and consumer of wind council bluffs western trumpeter 1854 miller reuben comp A defence of the claims of james J strang to the authority now usurped by the twelve and shewingchewing sic him to be the true successor of joseph smithsmithl as first president of the high priesthood keokuk IA 1846 truth shashallshailshait prevail a short reply to an article published in the voree herald reveille by J C bennett and he willful falsehoods ofaofjofJ J strang

published in the first number of zionssonszons reveille burlington W T 1 1847 110 money C F S mormonism unmasked by the rev C F S money london wertheim 1857

mormon doctrine of polygamy or plurality of wives examined by the author of plain questions for mormonitesMormonites AV and prize essay the church of rome opposed to the holy bible and the catholic church a london wertheim and macintosh 1853 mormon imposture an exposure of the fraudulent origin of the book of mormon ap 1 london npn p 1 1851851 mormon morality revelation given to joseph smith nauvoo july 12184812 1848 orford hill norwich c 1853 the mormon prophet north american miscellany 2 no 18 31 may 1845 204206204 206 mormoniadMormoniad boston A williams & co 1858

mormonism and the mormonitesMormonites the churchmans monthly penny magazine and guide to christian truth 5 october 1851 253258253 258 mormonism contrasted with the word of god london wertheim and macintosh etc 1857 mormonism examined a few kind words to a mormon birmingham 1855 mormonism its blessings and advantages london john smith & co printers 1855 mormonism or the bible A question for the times by a cambridgeCambfidge clergyman cambridge england published by T dixon sold by wertheim & macintosh 1852 mormonism traced by the bible and condemned ipswichipswitch npap 1855 mormonism unveiled A brief expose of the doctrines and practices of the so called latter day saints and their prophet joseph smith jr author and proprietor of the book of mormon calcutta india printed at the star press 1852

Mormonismmormonismenen wederlagdwederiagd of den heligeheilge skriftsskfifts och histotlenshistorienshistorianshistoriensdiens wittnesbordwiftnesbord 1858 iliiii111 mormonitesMormonites the christian reformerreformers9 no 106 october 1842 795796795 796 the mormonitesMormonites english review 13 june 1850 399440399 440 the mormonitesMormonites hoggs instructorinstructors8 1852 107109107 109

the mormonitesMormonites or latterlatterdayday saints A country clergymans warning to his parishioners london wertheim and macintosh 1852

morrish william john the latterlatterdayday saints and the book of mormon A few words of warning from a minister to his flock ledbury printed by J gibbsjun1840gibbs jun 1840 the most complete and authentic exposure ever published of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the Morcormonsmormonsmons the gates of hell opened exhibiting the licentious abominations and revellingsrevelfingsrevnevellings of the high priest of the latterlatterdayday saints rev brigham young and his 90 wives awful fate

of martha brotherton of manchester london hewitt 1 1853 the most complete and authentic exposure of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the Morcormonsmormonsmons exhibiting the licentious abominations and revellingsrevrevelfingsellings of brigham young and his 90 wives and the vile scenes enacted by the elders with their many spiritual concubines in the secret chambers of the harem the obscenity of the priesthood and their diabolical schemes effecting the ruin of married and single females with other acts of imposture crime and suffsummsufferingefing under the guise of religion london npnap p cac1855c1 855

murray nicholas parish and other pencilings by kirwan pseudpseudo new york harper and bros 1854

mysteries of mormonism A history of the rise and progress and the notorious latterlatterdayday saints from the time of joe smith to that of brigham young southward england H wilson 1858

nauvoo expositor prospectus of the nauvoo expositor nauvoo UIL 10 may 1844

nauvoo expositor nauvoo IL11 7 june 1844 nauvoo neighbor nauvoo neighbor extra saturday january 18184518 1845 the voice of nauvoo proceedings of the city council nauvoo 1845

nauvoo neighbor extra 2 july 1844 112

A new heresy entitled the mormonitesMormonites and by themselves the latter day saints has lately appeared the following is believed to be a true account of its origin london wertheimer&cowertheimer & co printers 185

nielsen fr kort veiledveiledningning for menigmandmenig mand tittil bedommelse af Mormomormonernesnernes falske og uchristelige laerlaerdommedomme afaffF N sognepraest forfroslevfor froslev of mollerup menimenighedergheder pass morso nykjobing 1856

norrismorris moses speech of the hon M norrisatoms of new hampshire in the united states senate march 3 1845 on nebraska and kansas washington printed at the sentinel office 1854

notice there will be a meeting held of the american citizens of lee county without reference to their political or religious principles at montrose in said county of lee on saturday the lithI1 ith instdinst for the purpose of ascettaascertaascertainingining their fightsrights as such montrose iowa 1845

0 bit 0 tauk between two berry chaps abeawt thlattertheatterth latterlatterdaybattenhaften day saints un th christion Magomagozeenzeen exhibition ththchurchchurch us it abtawt to be un so on sic bury printed by dennis barker union street 118481848

packard memorial to the honorable the governor senate and house of representatives of massachusetts in legislative capacity assembled boston dutton and wentworth printers to the state 1844

palmer william the bull taken by the horns or papal aggression calmly considered in a letter to lord john russell by W palmer minister of bethesda chapel oldham steet manchester second edition revised and enlarged to which is added an appendix or second letter london arthur hall and co 1850

the external evidences of the book of mormon examined london sold by arthur hall and co briscoe printer 1849

mormonism briefly examined by W palmer chattersChatteris london A hall & co 1849 parker james R proclamation to aailall good citizens of the county hancockofofhancock state of illinois and the surrounding counties nauvoo 1846 parrott william S the victims of mormonism or a voice of warning to my countrymen by william saunders parrott ad2d ed ad3d thousand bath printed by H E carringtoncamagtonngton kingston buildings 1857 113 pennsylvania legislature senate journal of the senate of the commonwealth of pennsylvania commenced at harrisburg on tuesday the second day of january in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four and of the commonwealth the sixty eighth harrisburg isaac G mkinleyMKmainleyinley state printer 1844 the peoples organ devoted to the investigationimvestigation sic of various doctrines and beliefs rreligious moral social and political pittsburgh 15 june 1844 pickett charles edward oration delivered in the sacramento california july 4 1857 san francisco whitton towne & cos excelsior steam press 1857 plain questions for mormonitesMormonites by one who knows they are no saints ad2d ed london wertheim and macintosh thomas ragg birmingham 1852 pratt belinda marden defence of polygamy by a lady of utah in a letter to her sister in new hampshire great salt lake city npnap p 1854 pratt orson absurdities of immaterialism or A reply to T W P taylderstay1dersTaylders pamphlet entitled the materialism of the mormons or latterlatterdayday saints examined and exposed liverpool R james 1849 the prophetic almanac for 1846 being the second after bissextile or leap year calculated for the eastern middle and western states and territories the northemnorthern portions of the slave states and british provinces new york published at the new york messenger office 1845

reply to a pamphlet writtenwhitten at glasgow with the approbation of clergymen of different denominations entitled remarks on mormonism liverpool R james printer 1849

A series of pamphlets by orson pratt one of the twelve apostles of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints withmith portrait to which is appended a discussion held in botonboltonboitonbomon between elder william gibson president of the saints in the manchester conference and the rev mr woodman also a discussion held in between elder one of the twelve apostles and three reverend gentlemen of different order contacontainingining a facsimile of writings engraved on six metallic plates taken out of an ancient mound in the state of Ilfinilkinillinoisoisols in the year 1843 liverpool published by franklin D richards 1851 114 pratt parley P an apostle of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints was in the island of great britain for the gospels sake and being in the spirit on the 21st of november AD 1846 addressed the following words of comfort to his dearly beloved wife and family dwelling in tents in the camp of at council bluffs missouri territory north Arneamericaficanicadica where they and twenty thousand others were banished by the civilized christians of the united states for the word of god and the of jesus liverpool printed by br J B franklin 1846

A dialogue between joe smith and the devil new york prophet office 1845

marriage and morals in utah an address by P P pratt read in joint session of the legislature in the representativerepresentativess hall fillmore city dec mr 31 I1 1855 by thomas bullock chief clerk of the house liverpool orson pratt london LDS book & star depot 1856

mormonismmormonism1111 plurality ofwivesof wives an especial chapter for the especial edification of certain news editors etc san francisco july 13 1852 san francisco npap 1852

proclamation extraordinafiaextraordinaria para ioslosjos americanos espanolesEspanoles par parley P pratt proclamation extraordinary to the spanish Amedamenamedcansamericanscans san francisco monson haswell & co 1852

scriptural evidences in support of polygamy being an address entitled marriage and morals in utah and a protestant ministers arguments from the bible in favor of polygamy extracted from the work of rev D 0 ailenalienallenaltenatten san francisco george Q cannon 1856 quincy illinois citizens public meeting september 22 quincy illinois 1845

R I1 W methodism priestcraft exposed or who is the devil in the pulpit sydney published by the author 185 religious impostors edingburgh printed and published by W & R chambers 1845 religious tract society the doctrines of mormonism london the religious tract society 1850

Is mormonism true or not london the religious tract society 1853 115 mormonism london the religious tract society 185

reasons why I1 cannot become a mormonite london religious tract society clc1850850 remarkable delusions or illustration of popular errors philadelphia american sunday school union london religious tract society 1851 remarks on mormonism occasioned by the question of orson pratt a mormon apostle was joseph smith sent of god printed with the approbation of clergymen of different denominations forafor a committee of working men at the forth iron works glasgow scotland printed by bell and bain 1849 richards john duwauw mawrmawryy sectadaidsectariaidsectadaidanaid great god of the sectarianssectarians merthyr tedfiltudfil J davis argraffydd 1850 6 roberts E twelltwyll mormoniaeth darlithdarlich a draddodwyd gan y parch E roberts gweinidoggweinidbg y bedyddwyr ruanerumnerumneyY merthyr tydvil argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan david jones 1848 ronne C F Mormonmormonerneerne de lidstesidste dages falske profeterprofaterprofeter envarselsrost til budsgudsgudsfolkfolk I1 kobenhavnKobenhavn 1852 rordam H C aytnyt bidrag til oplysningoptysning om Mormonmormonerneerne Meddemeddeeltelt afarafdrafdr H C rordam naestvedNaestved H boch trikttrykt hos G P borg 1854 om Mormonmormonerneerne en kort oplysningopiysning meddemeddeeltmeddeeftelteftelfedtedd af dr H C rordam andetandea oplagopiagodlag naestvedNaestved trikttrykt og forlagt afafaA P bang 1852 rowlands william twelltwyll mormoniaeth yn nghyd a hanes bywyd a marwolaeth joseph smithsmithl 0 america prophwyd santyddol y dyddiau diweddatdiweddaf gan y parch merthyr tydfil argraffwyd gan D jones 1852 russell john claudine lavalle or the firstfinst convict the mormoness or the trials of mary maverick by john russell bluffdaleofofbluffdaleBluffdaiedaleuale alton courier steam press 1853

61bid1sibidbibid 12324123 24 116 the secrets mormonismofmormonismof disclosed an authentic exposure of the immorality and licentious abominations of the latterlatterdayday saints and their spiritual wives showing their obscene practices in the temple devoted to public worship and the profligacy and a mormon harem composed of married and single females london R bulman 1854

sexton george A portraiture mormonismofmormonismof or animadversions on the doctrines and pretensions of the latterlatterdayday saints a review of the history and contents of the book of mormon and a sketch of the career of joseph smith and various other notorious fanatics and impostors being lectures delivered by dr geo sexton london W strange 1849 sharp jonathan jonathan sharp or the adventures of a kentuckian wilttenwrittenwhitten by himself london H colburn 1845

shearer joel comments on the langdomlqngdomkingdom of god and the gospel designed as answers to many important questions and also to show the authors views of gods plan of salvation by joel shearer and william swett members of the church of jesus christ of the new generation council bluff IA 1854 skelton robert A defense mormonismofofmormonism in a letter to the editor of the hurkaruhunHurhurkarwvkarukanu being a refutation of the slanderous accusations which appeared in the above newspaper under the anonymous signature of a visitor nauvooofnauvooof grounded on a review by the editor of a novel female life among the cormonsMormormonsmons by robert skelton andandaandjJ P meik elders of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints calcutta 1855 skriftmaessig bealbevlbeviisbeviesis imodamod Mormonismmormonismensens laere apnpn p 1854 slaterslatenS I1 ateraten nelsonneisonNe I1 son fruits of mormonism or A fair and candid statement offartoffactof fact illustrative of mormon pnncipprincipleslesies mormon policy and mormon character by more than forty eyewitnesseseye witnesses coloma CA harmon & springer 1851 smith charles the mormonitesMormonites their 0originngin history & pretensions being an exposure of the blasphemous doctrines of the latterlafferlatterdayday saints the deception and falsehood practisedpracticed upon ignorant emigrantsem9ma rantsnants specimens of their hymns of praise to joseph smith and the ridiculous absurdities of the book of mormon withwith a notice of their recent sufferings in america through their own violence and folly bristol mathews brothers 1849 smith joseph general smiths views of the powers and policy of the government of the united states chicago illliiIII111 ellis & fergus book and job printers 1844 117

reply of joseph smith to the letter ofjabof J A B of A n house new york liverpool published by R hedlockbedlock & T ward 1844 smith pascal B A law case exhibiting the most extraordinary developments peculiar to modemmodern times arising from an implicit obedience to the dictates of mesmeric clairvoyance as related by a mormon prophet also the speeches of counsel in the case reported by mr webster the phonographic writer by a member of the cincinnati bar cincinnati printed at the daily atlas office 1848 smith thomas calumny refuted and the truth defended being a reply to a tract written by W frost entitled a dialogue between a latter day saint & a methodist orford hill P otty printer 1849

who is the tiarliarfiarriargiar northampton england clc1855855 smith truman speech of mr smith of conn on the bill to admit california into the union to establish territorial governments for utah and new mexico making proposals to texas for the establishment of the western and northern boundaries delivered in the senate of the united states july 8 1850 washington gideon & co printers 1850

Speechspeech of truman smith of on the nebraska question delivered in the senate of the united states february 10 and 11185411 1854 washington printed by john T and lem towers 1854 smith william defence of elder william smith against the slanders of abraham burtis and others in which are included several certificates and the duties of members in the church of chilstchiistchrist in settling difficulties one with another according to the law of god philadelphia brown bicking & guilbert printers 1844

A revelation given to william smith in 1847 on the apostasy of the church and the pruning of the vineyard of the lord philadelphia 1848

to the public slander refuted an extract from church proceedings and expulsion of mormon apostates from the church apnpn p 1844

william smith patriarch & prophet of the most high god latter day saints beware of imposition ottawa IL 1847

zionssonszons standard a voice from the smith family princeton IL printed by PLclynchplynchP ynchlynch 1848 118 some account of the socalledso called church of the latter day saints london john W parker and son west strand 1852 sparks quartus S priestcraft exposed false religion unmasked derided and slain hypocrisy unveiled ruthtruthT vindicated sectaries mad and babylon falling bybyabyqQ S sparks minister of the gospel HanhartfordYordyond hartford printed for the publisher 1845 sparks quartus W H andrews et al mormon politics and policy political and judicial acts of the mormon authorities in san Bemardinomandinobelardinobemardinobernardinobernandino california proceedings of public meetings to counteractcounter act the influence of mormon doctrines as taught to the indians reply to mormon communications published in the los angeles star san diego herald bulletin and western standard an appeal to freemen of san bernardino city and county and the state of Calicaliforniafomiabomia preamble and platform of a new order established in the city and county of san Bemardinomandinobelardinobemardinobernardino published pro bono publico by the order of the united independent democrats of the county of san Bemardinobernardino los angeles printed at the office of el clamor publico 1856 spencer orson correspondence between the rev W crowel AM and 0 spencer BA liverpool R james 1847

patriarchal order or plurality of wives by elder orson spencer being his fifteenth letter in correspondence with the rev william crowel liverpool S W richards printed for the publisher by R james 1853 spicer tobias autobiography of rev tobias spicer containing incidents and observations alalsoatsoso some account of the visit to england boston H pierce and company 1851 stenhouse T B H victoria assembly rooms the inhabitants of southampton are respectfully informed that a public discussion on the doctrines taught by the latterlatterdayday saints will take place between the rev enos couch and elder TBHT B H stenhouse on the evenings of monday tuesday and wednesday april 29th29thj 30th and may ist ath6th6thx ath7th and ath8th 1850 southampton I1 cox printer 1850 strang james J the diamond being the law of prophetic succession and a defence of the calling of james J strang as successor to joseph smith voree wisconsin gospel herald print 1848 119 the prophetic controversy A letter from james J strang to mrs corey saint james sept 26185426 1854 saints james cooper & chidester 1856

warning to allaitaftatt people by james J strang successor prophet to joseph smith jefferson county NY 1846 strictures continued being a continuation of mormonite and jewish polygamy together with a short account of richard carlilesCarcanfiles real character instead of the fictitious one given him by the rev B grant keighly england J rhodes1853rhodes 1853 substance of a lecture on mormonism bridgefoot printed by thomas gibson c1855 sweet james bradley A lecture on the book of mormon and the latterlatterdayday saints with notes london printed for the society for promoting christian knowledge 1853185518571853 1855 1857 taylderwaylderTaylder T W P the materialism of the Morcormonsmormonsmons or latterlatterdayday saints examined and exposed woolwich england printed by E jones 1849

the mormons own book or mormonism tried by its own standards reason and scripture london patridge oakey 1855

twenty reasons for rejecting mormonism reprinted from the christian cabinet london partridge & co 1857 tayler W H some account of joseph smith and the mormon imposture chiefly compiled from chambers miscellany and the rev H caswalls work entitled the city of the cormonsMormormonsmons warminsterWarminster england printed bawbywby W H tayler 1845 taylor john er Mormonismmormonismenen en vranglaereVranglaere afafjaejJ taylor 22detoplagdet oplagodlag kobnobhavnNobkjobhavnhavn udgivertUdgivert afat hector C haight trikttrykt hos F E bording 1856 three nightspublicnightspubficnights public discussion between the readsrevds C W cleeve james robertson and philip cater and elder john taylor of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints at boulogne sur mer france chairman rev K groves MA assisted by charlescharies townley LLD and mr luddy also a reply to the rev K groves MA & chariescharleschanieschannes townley LLD liverpool published by john taylor and for sale by 0 pratt at 15 wilton street and by agents throughout great britain and in boulogne 1850 120 taylor 0oliverliver alden memoir of the rev oliver alden tayloramTaytaylortoramlorAMAM late of manchester massachusetts boston tappan and whittemore 1853 theobald john I1 john theobald challenge any man in the universe to public Disdiscussiodiscussioncussion to discuss the merits or demerits of mormonism and derby W horsley printer 6 august 1850

the latterlatterdayday saints and the respectable public are invited to attend a course of lectures by john theobald dec 17 to dec 25185125 185 1 londonlondon18511851

mormonism harpooned or theThe blasphemies of joseph smith IF the prophet of the latterlatterdayday saints exposed being the substance of the fourth lecture of a series delivered in various parts of the london W horsell 185

monologyhormonologymormonologyMor or the blasphemies of the latterlafterlatterdaydayday saints exposed being the substance of the first lecture of a series delivered in various parts of the united kingdom bybyjJ theobald london W horsell leichesterleechesterLeichester J F winks 1852 thomander john henric femogtyve af Mormomormonernesmormonemesnemesnernes laeresaetninger sammenholdte med udsagnudsogn afdenafabdenden hellige shriftskrift afbiskopafbiskop joh henr thomander oversatovereatoversatfrafrabra svenskafnsvensk af N schrader lqobenhavnkjobenhavn forlagtforlagtafaf boghandlerBoghandler th lind trikttrykt hos FH shultz 1856 thomas john sketch of the risefisehisewise progress and dispersion of the Morcormonsmormonsmons by john thomas MD president of the S andandeE medical college of virginia united states america to which is added an account of the nauvoo temple mysteries and other abominations practiced by this impious sect previous to their emigration for california by increase mcgee van dusen formerlyforhorbormerfymerty one of the initiated london arthur hall and company 1849 thompson william to the committee on elections apnp 1850 thummelThOmmel U R die natur and das leben in den vereinigten slaatenstaaten von nordamerikaNordamerika in naeranerihreruchtlicht und schattenseiteSchattenseite nach den schiderungen von augenzeugen und den briefbriefenbriedenen ausgewanderter landsleuteLandsleute dargesdargestellttellt langenErerlangereriangenerlangenerlErieniangen palm 1848 to the antimormonanti mormon citizens hancockofhancockof and the surrounding counties warsaw warsaw signal print 1845 121 to the members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints it becomes an imperative obligation devolving upon the mendsfriends and adherents of prespros sydney rigdon to make an explicit and candid statement of the causes which have edled to their disunion and disfellowship with the adherents of the twelve in their illegal and unwarrantable assumption of the authority of their first presidency nauvoo 1844

the true church of jesus christ contrasted with the syterssytems of men manchester jacques printer oldham road 1845 the true larnlamplighterplighter and aunt marys cabin sketches of franklin gray queen victoria joe smith and the cormonsMormormonsmons P T badumbamum ward trial in kentucky wooden nutnutmegsmegs john bunBurburrillfill jona whitsonWhilson boston published by cushing perkins & fay 1854 tyson thomas joseph smith the americanamefican impostor or mormonism proved to be false by a fair examination of its history and pretensions by thomas tyson late ofsouthanofsouthan congregational minister london hall and co 1852 udfald fra christi kirke mod Mormonmormonerneerne og falsklaereretalsklaerere af astromustrom iqobenhavnkjobenhavn faaesfaaea hos boghandlerboghandler J R moller trikttrykt hos S L moller 1857

US congress house committee on the territories carson valley utah annexation to state of californiacafifomia and eastern boundary of california washington cornelius wendell printer 1857

1 territory of nevada to accompany bill HR no 567 may 12185812 1858 mr william smith from the committee on the territoriesterfitofies made the following report washington james B steedman printer 1858

US war department military posts letter from the secretary of war in answer to a resolution of the house of the ath5th december transmitting a report of inspection of military posts washington goatgovt print off 1867 astrupustrup et udfald fra christi kirke mod MormonMormonmormonernemormonememonemeerneenne og flasklaerere af astromustromustrorn pseudjpseudo lqobenhavnkjobenhavn faaesfaaea hos boghandlerBoghandler J R moller trikttrykt hos S L moller 1857 122 utah territory citizens territory of nevada the committee on territories to whom was referred the petition of numerous citizens of the united states residing in the territory of utah asking for of a new territory to be formed from the western portion thereof washington james B steedman 1858

utah territory legislative assembly utah memorial of the members and officers of the legislative assembly of the territory of utah settingseffingsemming forth their grievances and praying congress to give them a voice in the selection of their rulers washington james B steedman 1858

vahl I1 er mormonlaeren sand eller ikkeakke 7 efterefseresserefterdetengleskevedldet gleskegieskeengleskeenglesbeEn ved vahl cap for farumfanum og kirkevaerlosekirkevaeriose kobenhavnKobenhavn 1857

valley tan great salt lake city 6 november 1858

van deusen increase mcgee A dialogue between adam and eve the lord and the devil called the endowment As was acted by twelve or fifteen thousand in secret in the nauvoo temple said to be revealed from god as a reward for building that splendid edifice and the express object for which it was built by I1 mcgee van deusen and maria his wife ad2d edjededieda albany C killmer 184718481849118501847 1848184918501848.18491850

the mormon endowment a secret drama or conspiracy in the nauvoo temple in 1846 in which process mr & mrs mcgee the authors of this work were made king and queen to which is added a sketch of the life of joseph smith the circumstances of his findingthefindingthe mormon bible his last revelation in the appointment of his successor the angels appearance to him his finding another bible his revelation concerning polk and the mexican war baptism for the dead mormon faithfalthfaittifaietti spiritual wife doctrine description of nauvoo and the temple ac&c ac&c syracuse NY N M D lathrop printer 1847

mistedesmistadesmisteriesmlsMisMistedesteriesenes of mormonism new york published by the author clc1850850

startling disclosures of the wonderful ceremonies of the mormon spiritual wife ssystemYStern new york 1850 veed fald jorgen belysning afafnoglenoglenogie afafvorevorevone dages uholdbare troesbekjendelser udgivetudgivetafoleaf oieole veed fald sen aalbordgalbord tryketfortrykettryker forfon udgivemudgivernUdgivern hos christian schou H C johansen 1855 veed fald 0 en procesgroces imodamod MorMormonmormonememormonernemonemeerneenne Meddemeddeeltelt afoleaboleaf oe veed faldfaidpaid sen aalborg udgivet afoaafogaf og trikttrykt hos P A hoist 1852 123

Mormonmormonsksk non plus ultra eller fortsatfortsas procesgroces imodimoriimoci Mormonmormonernemorrnonerneerne udgivet af 0 VFV F sen forhenfochen medhjelpermedhimedhjalperelper ved opdragelsesanstalten og den landoeconomiske virksomhed paa flakkebjflakkebjergerg institutinsfitutinstitute aalborg 1855 victor metta victoria fuller lives of female cormonsMormormonsmons a narrative of facts stranger than fiction philadelphia G G evans 18561858185918601856 1858 1859 1860 wainwright charles henry mormonism tried by the bible and condemned an address to the church of the latterlatterdayday saints by the rev CH wainwright BA curate of st margarettsMargamargaretesretts ipswichipswitch ipswichipswitch england W hunt steam press 1855 wallace charles A confession of the awful and bloody transactions in the life of charles wallace the fiendlikefiend likeilkefikekike murderer of miss mary rogers new orleans published by E E barclay & co 1851 walsum S B hersleb vogt eder for de falske propheter et advarsels ord imodamod MormonMormonmormonememormonernemonemeerneenne bergen 1855 wandell C W history of the persecutions endured by the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints in america sydney printed by albert mason 1852

reply to shall we believe in mormon sydney new south wales 1852 ward austin and maria N ward the husband in utah or sights and scenes among the Morcormonsmormonsmons with remarks on their moral and social economy by austin and maria N ward london james blackwood new york derby and jackson cincinnati H W derby and co 185718591861 18631186518901863 1865 1890 ward maria female life among the Morcormonsmormonsmons A narrative of many years experience among the mormons by the wife of a mormon elder recently from utah london C H darkoarkdankclarkclank new york J C derby 1855 1856 18571858186018631857 1858 18601863 c1866187218731888c1866 18721873 1888 1890 warsaw committee of safety to his excellency thomas ford governor of the state of illinois warsaw 1844

to his excellency thomas ford governor of the state of illinois warsaw illinois 1844 124 warsaw signal supplement to the warsaw signal this supplement to the warsaw signal contains a complete documentary history of the late difficulties with the Morcormonsmormonsmons and an account of the late expedition of gov fort sic to nauvoo warsaw 1846

warsaw signal extra sept 24 1845 warsaw 1845

warsaw signal extra sept 3030120012 00 PPMM 1845 warsaw 1845

warsaw signal extra the warsaw signal wednesday aug 7 1844 warsaw 1844

warsaw signal friday june 14 1844 at a meeting of the citizens of warsaw convened the 14th of june instdinst the following address reported by thos C sharp esq was unanimously adopted and ordered to be published in connexion sic with the resolution adopted by the mass meeting at carthage yesterday warsaw 1844

warsaw signal extra warsaw january 818468 1846 important from carthage warsaw 1846 weakley joseph mormonism examined by J weakley and proved to be false by the holy scriptures june 28th 1850 jersey england W marston cac1850c1 850 white thomas the mormon mysteries being an exposition of the ceremonies of the endowment and of the seven degrees of the temple A new and improved edition by thomas white new york edmund K knowlton 1851 whitney J mormonism unravelled pseudo revelations aliasagiasaggas the book of doctrine and covenants not of god and the mormon christ a false christ joseph smith a fanatic and no prophet of god london simpkin marshall I1 and co11851co 118511851

who ears have to hear let him hear sic apnpn p 185 william smith patriarch & prophet of the most high god apnp 185 williams david twelltwylltwA y seintiau diweddafdiweddafynyn caelcae elei ddynoethi mown nodiadaunodiadau byr ar draethawd merthyr argraffwyd gan D jones hoel fawn 1846 125 williams margaret amddiffyniad Y saint sef garthgwrth trofionbrofion 0 gam gyhuddiadau malaismaleis ddrwg dyn orenaororenwedwenw rees davies 0 new orleans yn erbanerbyn y saint A defense of the saints refutations of the false and malicious accusations of a man by the name of rees davies from new orleans against the saints abertawyAbertawy argraffwyd a chyhoeddwyd gan D janes c 1854 7

willmore benjamin mormonism unmasked or earnest appeals to the latter day saints by the rev benjamin willmore Westwestbromwichbromwich england george alienallenailenhudson 1855

wilson robert mexico and its refirebirennreligiongion new york harper & brothers 1855

winther F kjaerkjaem sprog mod Mormonmormonerneerne udgivne afaffF W praestpraesttiltittil61 slemslemmingeminge og qedeffeldefjelde nykjobing 1855

woodhouse W W mormonism an imposture or the doctrines of the socalledso called latterlatterdayday saints proved to be utterly opposed to the word of god by the rev WWW W woodhouse MA rector of st clements and st helens ipswichipswitch ipswitch ipswich N PanPannipanniferandjanniferpanniferniferferandand JM burton and co 1853

A word for the true gospel A tract for the latterlatterdayday saints by a clergyman london wertheim and macintosh 1848 wray G W mormonism exhibited in its own mirror wherein it is proved from their own standard writings which every mormon is bound to subscribe to and obeyobeA to be a base system of infidelity and full of contradictions and absurdities teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and the dogma of devils middlesbroMiddlesbro england printed at the chronicle office 118541854 wright james 00. & co just published the mormon bible new york city 1858

V doniaudoneau ysbrydol ym mrawdlys y celyngelyn yn cynnwys sylwadau ysg6lauararysgrifau sylwedyddsy1wedydd or gogleddgogledd yn seren gomer 1I hydrefhydred 1848 aydhyd chwefror 1849 ynghylch y toniautoniakdoniaudoneau ysbrydol gan olygyddudgornolygydd udgorn selonscionsejon merthyr tydfil argraflwydargraffwyd acarwerthacaracanac ar werth gan J davis georgetown 1849 young brigham proclamation great salt lake city 1851 lionszions messenger council bluffs iowa 1855

71bid1bid 17981179 81 126 zions standard A voice from the smith family palestine IL 24 march 1848 broadside APPENDIX 2

SECONDARY WORKS ON opposition TO mormonism1MORMONISM1 adams henry jr charles francis adams visits the mormons in 1844 proceedings of the massachusettshistoficalmassachusetts historical society 68 october 1944 267300267 300 adamson jack the treasure of the widows son no help for the widows son two papers on the influence of the masonic movement on joseph smith and his mormon church 3123 12 nauvoo IL martin publishing company 1980 ader louis M evangelical missions among the Morcormonsmormonsmons review and expositor 49 july 1952 313326313 326 alexander thomas G the church and the law dialogue A journal of mormon thought 1 no 2 summer 1966 12328123 28

mormons and gentiles A history of salt lake city boulder CO pruett pub co 1984 alienallenailen james B defenders of the faith three vignettes from mormon history brigham young university studies 11 no 1 1970 888988 89 anderson C leroy joseph morrismondsmorns and the saga of the mortisitesmorrisitesMortiMorrimontisltessites logan utah state university press 1988 anderson richard L atchisonsatchisonnAtchisons letters and the causes of mormon expulsion from missouri brigham young university studies 26 no 3 summer 1986 3473 47 the impact of first preaching in ohio brigham young university studies 11 no 4 summer 1971

this bibliography is a start at a comprehensive list of all secondary literature that discusses any form of opposition to the mormons at any time in their history 128 anderson richard lloyd joseph smiths new york reputation reappraised brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 283314283 314

arrington leonard J charles mackay and histruehestruehisHi truearuesTrue and impartial historyofhistory of the Morcormonsmormonsmons utah historical quarterly 36 winter 1968 244024 40

church leaders in liberty jail brigham young university studies 13 no 1 1972 202620 26

crisis in identity mormon responses in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries mormonism and american culture 168184168 184 eds marvin S hill and james B alienallenailen new york harper & row 1972 james gordon bennetts 1831 report antheontheon the mormonitesMormonites brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 35364353 64

kate field and J H beadle manipulators of the mormon past salt lake city university of utah center for studies of the american west et al1971al 1971 why did the latterlatterdayday saints experience persecution improvement era 73 august 1970 495349 53 arrington leonard J and davis bitton the mormon experience A history of the latterlatterdayday saints new york vintage books 1979 arrington leonard J and jon haupt intolerable zion the image of mormonism in nineteenth century american literature western humanities review 22 summer 1968 24360243 60 the missouri and illinois mormons in antebellum fiction dialogue A journal of mormon thought 5 spring 1970 375037 50 ashliman D L the image of utah and the mormons in nineteenthnineteenthcenturycentury germany utah historical quarterlyquarteriy3535 fall 1967 20927209 27 backman milton V jr american religions and the rise of mormonism salt lake city 1965

A nonmormonnon mormon view of the birth of mormonism in ohio brigham young university studies 12 no 3 spring 1972 30611306 11 129 bailey paul dayton holy smoke A dissertation on the utah war los angeles westemlorewesternloreWestern loreloneione books 1978

baker legrant L on to carthage to die improvement era 72 june 1969 101510 15 barnettbannett steven G the canes of the martyrdom brigham young university studies 21 no 2 springSpring 1981 205210205 210

wilson law A sidelight on the expositor incident brigham young university studies 19 no 2 winter 1979 24446244 46

bennett richard E Morcormonsmormonsmons and missouriansMissourians the uneasy truce midwest review 9 spring 1987 122122112 212 1 bitton davis kirtland as a center of missionary activity 183018381830 1838 brigham young university studies 11 no 4 summer 1971 497516497 516 the waning of mormon kirtland brigham young university studies 12 no 4 summer 1972 455464455 464

blair alma the hauns mill massacre brigham young university studies 13 no 1 1972 626762 67

boggs william M A short biographical sketch of lilburn W boggs by his son missouri historical review 4 january 1910 106110106 110

brinkerhoff merlin B jeffrey C jacob and marlene M mackie mormons in the american mainstream dialogue A journal of mormon thought 20 no 3 fall 1987 909690 96

britsch R lanier paul S rose H grant heaton adney Y komatsu and spencer J palmer problems and opportunities of mission work in asia A symposium of former mission presidents brigham young university studies 12 no 1 1971 8510685 106

buttonbritton rollin J earlyeariydaysdays on grand river and the mormon war columbia state historical society 1920 brodie fawn M can we manipulate the past salt lake city 1970 sir richard burton exceptional observer of the mormon scene utahufahuta historical quarterly 38 fall 1970 295311295 311 130 bunker gary L and davis bitton the death of brigham young occasion for satire utah historical quarterly 54 no 4 fall 1986 35870358 70

illustrated periodical images of Morcormonsmormonsmons 185018601850 1860 dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 3 spring 1977 829482 94 the mormon graphic image 183419141834 1914 cartoons caricatures and illustrations salt lake city university of utah 1983

bush lester E jr mormon elderswaferselders wafers images of mormon virility in patent medicine ads dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 1976 899389 93

the spalding theory then and now dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 4 1977 406940 69

bushman richard L mormon persecutions in missouri 1833 brigham young university studies 3 19601960 112011 20

taking mormonism seriously dialogue A journal of mormon thought 1 no 2 summer 1966 818481 84

cannon george 0 the history of the cormonsMormormonsmons their persecutions and travels salt lake city G Q cannon & sons 1891

cannon kenneth L II11 A strange encounterencoumterencournter the english courts and mormon polygamy brigham young university studies 22 no 1 winter 1982 73- 83

cannon M hamlin bankruptcy proceedings against joseph smith in illinois pacific Histohistoricalfical review 14 winter 1945 424433424 433

contemporary views of mormon origins 1830 mississippi valley historical review 31 fall 1944 261266261 266 cannon mark W the crusades against the masons catholics and Morcormonsmormonsmons separate waves of a common current brigham young university studies 3 winter 1961 234023 40 clayton james L from pioneers to provincials mormonism as seen by wallace stegner dialogue A journal of mormon thought 1 winter 196610519661051141966 105114105 114 clebsch william A each sect the sect to end all sects dialogue A journal of mormon thought I11 no 2 summer 1966 848984 89 131

connors william P opposition to mormonism A new interpretation senior essay department of religious studies yale university 1988

cook lyndon W brother joseph Is truly a wonderful man he Is all we could wish a prophet to be preipre1pre1844prepne 1 8441844 letter of william law brigham young university studies 20 no 2 winter 1980 207218207 218

james arlington bennet and the Morcormonsmormonsmons brigham young university studies 19 no 2 winter 1979 247249247 249

A more virtuous man never existed on the footstool of the great george miller on joseph smith brigham young university studies 19 no 3 spring 1979 402408402 408

william law nauvoo dissenter brigham young university studies 22 no 1 winter 1982 477247 72

cornwall marie and leonard J arrington perpetuation of a myth mormon canitesdanites in five western novels 1840901840 90 brigham young university studies 23 no 2 spring 1983 147165147 165 cowan richard 0 mischa markow mormon missionary to the balkans brigham young university studies 11 no 1 1970 929992 99

mormonism in national periodicals phd diss stanford university 1961

cracroft richard H the gentle blasphemer mark twain holy scripture and the book of mormon brigham young university studies 11 no 2 winter 19711191971119401971 11940ilg119 40 crawley peter parley P pratt father of mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing dialogue A journal of mormon thought 15 no 3 fall 1982 132613 26

crider kenneth gordon rhetorical aspects of the controversy over mormonism in illinois 183918461839 1846 phd diss university of illinois 1956 daines franklin david separatism in utah 184718701847 1870 washington DC american historical association annual report for 191719201917 1920 davis david brion new england origins of mormonism the new england quarterquarterlyjune 1953 147168147 168 132 some themes of countersubversionCountersubversion an analysis of antimasonicanti masonic mormon anti catholic I1 and antimormonanti literature mismississippiSISSIPPI valleyvatteyvailevalley Histohistoricalficaifical review 67 fall 1960 205224205 224

dawson janice P frederick vining fisher methodist apologist for mormonism utah historical quarterly 55 fall 1987 35869358 69

de pillis mario S mormonism and the american way A response dialogue A journal of mormon thought 1 no 2 summer 1966 899789 97 the quest for religious authority and the rise of mormonism dialogue A journal of mormon thought 1 no1nonoinoa 1 spring 1966 68- 88

dennis ronald D the rev W R davies vs brigham young university studies 27 spring 1987 536553 65 durham reed C jr the election day battle at gallatin brigham young university studies 13 no 1 1972 366136 61

Is there no help for the widows son no help for the widows son two papers on the influence of the masonic movement on joseph smith and his mormon church 153115 31 nauvoo IL martin publishing company 1980

dwyer robert joseph the gentile comes to utah A study of religious and social conflict 1862901862 90 washington catholic university of america press 1941

eagle donald alvin one communitys reaction to the Godgodmakersmakers dialogue A journal of mormon thought 18 no 2 summer 1985 343934 39

ehat andrew F they might have known that he was not a fallen prophet the nauvoo journal of joseph fielding brigham young university studies 19 no 2 winter 1979 133166133 166 ellis charles mormons and mormonism why they have been opposed maligned and persecuted inside history of the present antimormonanti mormon crusade by a non mormon ten years in utah salt lake city magazine printing company 1899 ellsworth paul D mobocracy and the rule of law american press reaction to the murder of joseph smith brigham young university studies 20 no 1 fall 1979 718271 82 133 esplin ronald K life in nauvoo june 1844 vilate kimballs martyrdom letters brigham young university studies 19 no 2 winter 1979 231- 240

flake lawrence R A shaker view of a mormon mission briaBrIgbrighamhainharn young university studies 20 no 1 fall 1979 949894 98

follick edwin duane the cultural influence mormonismofmormonismof in eadyearlyeawy nineteenth centurycenturyamericaamerica npap npap 1958

foster craig L anti mormon pamphleteering in great britain 183718601837 1860 MA thesis brigham young university april 1989

increase and maria van deusen from temple mormons to anti Morcormonsmormonsmons unpublished manuscript in authors possession forthcoming in dialogue A journal of mormon thought

victorian pornographic imagery in antimormonanti mormon literature journal of mormon history 19 no 1 spring 1993 11532115 32

foster lawrence career apostates reflections on the works of jerald and sandra tanner dialogue A journal of mormon thought 17 no 2 summer 1984 356035 60 frazier thomas R ed underside of american history new york harcourt brace jovanovich 1971 furniss norman F the mormon conflict 185018591850 1859 new haven yale university press 1960

the mormon struggle for autonomy underside of american history 253270253 270 ed thomas R frazier new york harcourt brace jovanovich 1971 gayler george R attempts by the state of missouri to extradite joseph smith 184118431841 1843 missouri historical review 58 no 1 october 1963 213621 36 the expositoraffairexpositor affair prelude to the downfall of joseph smith the northwest missouri state college studies 25 no 1 february 1961 3153 15

governor ford and the death of joseph and hyrum smith journal of the illinois state historical society 50 1957 391411391 411 134 gentry leland H the band of 1838 brigham young university studies 14 no 4 summer 1974 421450421 450 godfrey kenneth W causes of mormon nonnonmormonmormon conflict in hancock county illinois 183918461839 1846 phd diss brigham young university 1967 goodliffe wilford L american frontier religion mormons and their dissenters 183019001830 1900 phd diss university of idaho 1976 greenwell james R the mormonantimormonmormon anti mormon conflict in early utah as reflected in the local newspapers 185018691850 1869 phd diss university of utah june 1963 groberg joseph H the mormon disfranchisements of 1882 to 1892 brighambnabnbhainghain young university studies 16 no 3 spring 1976 399408399 408 hamilton marshall thomas sharps turning point birth of an anti mormon sunstone 13 no 5 october 1989 162216 22 hampshire annette P mormonism in illinois 183918471839 1847 A study of the development of sociosocioreligiousreligious conflict phd diss university of durham 1979 hampshire annette P and james A beckford religious sects and the concept of deviance the mormons and the mooniesMomoonvesonies british journal of sociology 34 no 2 summer 1983 208229208 229 hansen klaus J the political kingdom of god as a cause for mormongentilemormon gentile conflict brigham young university studies 2 spring 1960 241260241 260 hart newell the bear river massacre preston ID cache valley newsletter pub co 1982 hefner loretta L from apostle to apostate the personal struggle of amasa mason lyman dialogue A journal of mormon thought 16 no 1 spring 1983 9010490 104 hickman josiah E the banishment of the mormon people brigham young university studies 11 no 3 spring 1971 31116311 16 hickman martin B josiah hickman A student defends the faith brigham young university studies 11 no 1 1970 9910399 103 135 hicks strains which will not soon be allowed to die the stranger and carthage jail brighambnabnahamgham young university studies 23 no 4 fall 1983 389400389 400

hill marvin S brodie revisited A reappraisal dialogue A journal of mormon thought 7 winter 1972 728572 85

cultural crisis in the mormon kingdom A reconsideration of the causes of kirtland dissent church history 49 1980 28697286 97

joseph smith and the 1826 trial new evidence and new difficulties brigham young university studies 12 no 2 winter 1972 22333223 33

joseph smith the man some reflections on a subject of controversy brigham young university studies 21 no 2 spring 1981 175186175 186

money digging folklore and the beginnings of mormonism an interpretive suggestion brigham young university studies 24 no 4 fall 1984 473488473 488

quest for refuge the mormon flight from american pluralism salt lake city signature books 1989

secular or sectarian history A critique of no man knows my history church history 43 march 1974 789678 96

hill marvin S and james B alienallenailen eds mormonism and american culture new york harper & row 1972

michael stephen inevitable acquittal trial by jury and trial by history reviews in american history 4 no 3 fall 1976 397402397 402

huntress keith governor thomas ford and the murderers of joseph smith dialogue A journal of mormon thought 4 no 2 summer 1969 415241 52

murder of an american prophet san francisco chandler publ co 1960 jennings warren A the army of israel marches into missouri missouri historical review 62 january 1968 107135107 135 136 the expulsion of the mormons from jackson county missouri missouri historical review 64 october 1969 416341 63

factors in the destruction of the mormon press in missouri 1833 utah historical quarterly 35 winter 1967 567656 76 importuning for redress the missouri historical society bulletin 27 197015197015291970 152915 29 isaac mccoy and the cormonsMormormonsmons missouri historical review 61 1966 628262 82

two iowa postmasters view nauvoo antimormonanti mormon letters to the governor of missouri brigham young university studies 11 no 3 spring 1971 27592275 92

zion is fled the expulsion of the mormons from jackson county missouri phd diss phd dissertation university of florida 1962 jensen richard L and malcolm R thorp eds mormons in early victorian britain salt lake city university of utah press 1989 jenson andrew the crooked river battle the historical record 5 april 188618865418865456545654 56 hauns mill massacre the historical record 7 december 1888 671684671 684 jessee dean C new documents and mormon beginnings brigham young university studies 24 no 4 fall 1984 397428397 428

return to carthage writing the history of joseph smiths martyrdom journal of mormon history 8 1981 3193 19

walls grates and reekingScscreekingscreening iron doors the prison experience of mormon leaders in missouri 183818391838 1839 new views of mormon history A collection of essays in honor of leonard J arrington 194219 42 eds davis bitton and maureen ursenbach beecher salt lake city university of utah press 1987 jessee dean C and david J whittaker the last months of mormonism in missouri the albert perry rockwood journal brigham young university studies 28 no 1 winter 1988 5355 35 137 johnson darkoarkdankclarkclank V missouri persecutions the petition of isaac leany brigham young university studies 23 no 1 winter 1983 9410294 102 the missouri redress petitions A reappraisal of mormon persecutions in missouri brigham young university studies 26 no 2 spring 1986 314431 44 jolley jerry C the sting of the wasp early nauvoo newspapers april 1842 to aprillAprilapril18438431843 brigham young university studies 22 no 4 fall 1982 487- 96 jones dan the martyrdom of joseph smith and his brother hyrum brigham young university studies 24 no 1 winter 1984 7910979 109 kimball james L jr A wall to defend zion the nauvoo charter brigham young university studies 15 no 4 summer 1975 491497491 497 kimball stanley B thomas L bamesbarnesbannes coroner of carthage brigham young university studies 11 no 2 winter 1971 14147141 47 lambert linda the image of mormons in films new era 2 may 1972 11- 15 lambert neal E saints sinners and scribes A look at the mormons in fiction utah histonhistoricalcalcai quarterly 36 winter 1968 637663 76 lambert neal E and richard H cracroft through gentile eyes A hundred years of the mormon in fiction new era 2 march 1972 141914 19 larson gustive 0 the americanization of utah for statehood san marino CA huntington library 1971

federal government efforts to americanize utah before admission to statehood brigham young university studies 10 no 2 winter 1970 21832218 32 launius roger the american home missionary society collection and mormonism brigham young university studies 23 no 2 spring 1983 201210201 210 lesueur stephen C the in missouri columbia university of missouri press 1987 138 high treason and murder the examination of mormon prisoners at richmond missouri in november 1838 brigham young university studies 26 no 2 spring 1986 3303 30

1 the mormon war the struggle to maintain civil order in northwestern missouri in 1838 phd diss 1981

A scarier man than one of them I1 never saw attitudes and perceptions of missourians during the 1838 mormon war sandy UT mormon miscellaneous 1986 lewis james R apostates and the legitimation of repression some historical and empirical perspectives on the cult controversy sociological analysis 49 no 4 winter 1989 38696386 96 lindsey richard A gathering of saints A true story of money murder and deceit new york simon and schuster 1988 linford orma the mormons and the law the polygamy cases utah law review IX winter 1964 30870308 70 54391543 91 littlefield lyman omer the A sketch of the lives and a full account of the martyrdom of joseph and hyrum smith together with a concise review of the most prominent incidents connected with the persecution of the saints 183018461830 1846 salt lake city office 1882

reminiscences of latterlatterdayday saints giving an account of much individual suffsummsufferingelingeting endured from religious conscience logan utah journal

co 1 1888 lundwall NB comp the fate of the persecutors of the prophet joseph smith salt lake city N B lundwall 1952 lyon T edgar evangelical protestant missionary activities in mormon dominated areas 186519001865 1900 phd diss university of utah 1962

independence missouri and the Morcormonsmormonsmons 182718331827 1833 brigham young university studies 13 1972 101910 19

religious activities and development in utah 1847-184719101910 utah historical quarterly 1967 292306292 306 139 lythgoe dennis L the changing image of mormonism dialogue A journal of mormon thought 3 winter 1968 455845 58

the changing image of mormonism in periodical literature phd diss university of utah 1969

mackey randall A the Godgodmakersmakers examined introduction dialogue A journal of mormon thought 18 no 2 summer 1985 141614 16

madsen truman G are christians mormon brigham young university studies 15 no 1 1974 739473 94 defender of the faith the BH roberts story salt lake city bookcraft 1980

may cheryll L et al the document diggers and their discoveries A panel dialogue A journal of mormon thought 19 no 4 winter 1986 446944 69 mckay douglas the puissant procreator the comic ridicule of brigham young sunstonesunstonetSunstoneT7 no 6 november december 1982 151715 17 klemanKiemanmckiernanMc F mark sidney rigdons missouri speeches brigham young university studies 11 no I11 1970 909290 92 klemanKiemanmckiernanMc F mark et al eds the essays in mormon history lawrence KS coronado press 1973

mclaws monte B the attempted assassination of missouris ex governor lilburn W boggs missouri historical review 60 october 1965 506250 62

melville J keith colonel thomas L kane on mormon politics brigham young university studies 12 no 1 autumn 1971 12325123 25 conflict and compromise mormons in nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century american politics prowprovo brigham young university printing services 1974 menendez albert J religious conflict in america A bibliography new york garland publishing 1985 midgley louis C the christian world awakens to the need for prophets new era august 1970 687868 78 140 moore R laurence religious outsiders and the making of americans new york oxford university press 1986 naifeh steven and gregory white smith the mormon murders A true story of greed forgery deceit and death new york weidenfeld & nicolson 1988 nelson richard alan from antagonism to acceptance mormons and the silver screen dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 3 spring 197759197759691977 596959 69 A history of latterlatterdayday saint screen portrayals in the antimormonanti mormon film era 190519361905 1936 phd diss brigham young university 1975 nibley hugh censoring the joseph smith story improvement era 64 july aug oct nov 1961 the comparative method the improvement era 62 october 195974474775919597441959 744747744 747759747 759 the comparative method part two the improvement era 62 november 1959 848 854856854 856

the grab bag the improvement era 62 july 1959 53053353053053315335331 546- 548

how to write an antimormonanti mormon book bighambnghambfigham young university extension publications 17 february 1962 30 just another book part one the improvement era 62 may 1959 345347345 347 388391388 391 just another book part two the improvement era 62 june 1959 412413412 413 501503501 503 just another book part two conclusion the improvement era 62 july 1959 530531530 531 565 kangaroo court the improvement era 62 march 1959 145148145 148 184185184 185 kangaroo court part two the improvement era 62 april 1959 2242263003012242261300301224 2263002261300 301 141 the myth makers salt lake city bookcraft 1961 no maam thats not history salt lake city bookcraft 1946 what frontier what camp meeting the improvement era 62 august 1959 590592590 592 610615610 615 tinkling cymbals and sounding brass the art of telling tales about joseph smith and brigham young david J whittaker ed salt lake city deseret book and FARMS 1991 nicholson john the martyrdom of the murder of a mormon missionary also an appendix giving a succinsuccinctct description of the utah penitentiary and some data regarding those who had up to date of publication suffered incarceration through the operation of the antiantlmanti mormon crusade begun in 1884 salt lake city 1886 oaks dallin H the suppression of the nauvoo expositor utah law review 9 winter 1965 862903862 903 oaks dallin and joseph I1 bentley joseph smith and legal process in the wake of the steamboat nauvoo brigham young university studies 19 no 2 winter 1979 167199167 199 oaks dallin H and marvin S hill carthage conspiracy the trial of the accused assassins of joseph smith urbana university of illinois press 1975 odea thomas F mormonism and the avoidance of sectarian stagnation A study of church sect and incipient nationality religion culture and society A reader in the 651661651 661 ed louis schneider new york john wiley & sons

sources of strain in mormon history reconsidered mormonism and american culture 147167147 167 eds marvin S hill and james B alienallenailen new york harper & row 1972 olson edmund T utah A romance in pioneer days with historical accounts of turbulent scenes incident to the adjustments of social and political differences between latterlatterdayday saints and united states salt lake city by the author 1931 142 palmer spencer J and william L knecht view of the substitute for inspiration brighambfigharn young university studies 5 no 2 winter 1964 105113105 113

parkin max H the nature and cause of internal and external conflict of mormons in ohio between 1830 and 1838 MA thesis brigham young university 1966

paul E robert early mormon intellectuals parley P pratt and orson pratt a response dialogue A journal of mormon thought 15 no 3 fall 1982 424842 48

paul rodman W the mormons as a theme in western historical writing the journal of american history 54 1967 5115112323 rice claton S ambassador to the saints boston christopher publishing house 1965 rich russell R the dogberry papers and the book of mormon brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 315319315 319 richards paul missouri persecution petition for redress brigham young university studies 13 1973 52043520 43 roberts alienallenailen D the Godgodmakersmakers shadow or reality A content analysis dialogue A journal of mormon thought 18 no 2 summer 1985 243324 33 roberts B H the missouri persecutions salt lake city G Q cannon 1900 the rise and falifallfag of nauvoo salt lake city deseret news 1900 sandall G nohl mormon as objects of attitudes what nonmormonsnon mormons think phd diss brigham young university 1979 shields steven L divergent paths of the restoration provo D C martin 1975 shipps jan from satyr to saint american attitudes toward the cormonsMormormonsmons 186019601860 1960 unpublished paper presented at the 1983 organization of american historians shupe anson D jr david G bromley and donna L oliver the anticultanti cult movement in america A bibliography and historical survey new york garland publishing 1984 143 sillitoe linda and alienallenailen D roberts salamander the story of the mormon forgery murders salt lake city signature books 1988 simmonds A J the gentile comes to cache valley A study of the logan of 1874 and the establishment of nonmormonnon mormon churches in cache valley 187319131873 1913 logan utah state university press 1976 smith heman C mormon troubles in missouri missouri historical review 4 july 1910 238251238 251 smith timothy L therhe book of mormon in a biblical culture journal of mormon history 7 1980 3213 21 snider cecil A development of attitudes in sectarian conflict A study of mormonism in illinois in contemporary newspaper sources MA thesis state university of iowa 1933

11 A syllabus on mormonism in illinois from the angle of the press newspaper source materials 183818481838 1848 unpublished paper snider helen F mormonism in illinois an analysis of the non mormon press materials 183818481838 1848 MA thesis state university of iowa 1933 stathis stephen W and dennis L lythgoe mormonism in the nineteen seventies the popular perception dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 3 spring 1977 9511395 113 stevenson edward liberty jail utah monthly magazine 9 1893 168172168 172 stewart lynn D constitutional rights and the mormon appeals for national redress of the missouri grievances MA thesis brigham young university 1967 swenson sharon lee does the camera lie A structrualStructrual analysis of the Godgodmakersmakers dialogue A journal of mormon thought 18 no 2 summer 198516198516231985 162316 23 taylor alan rediscovering the context of joseph smiths treasure seeking dialogue A journal of mormon thought 19 no 4 winter 1986 182818 28 teuscher alvin J A study of the causes of conflict between the mormons and nonmormonsnon mormons in missouri and illinois phd diss brigham young university 1940 144 thomassonThornasson gordon C mormon culture and the melting pot experience in america international and interfaith implications of antimormonanti mormon polemics unpublished paper delivered to the american academy of religion denver CO 27 april 1984

thornton willis gentile and saint at kirtland ohio state archaeological and historical quarterly 63 january 1954 8338 33

thorp malcolm R early mormon confrontations with sectarianism 1837- 1840 in mormons in early victorian britain eds richard L jensen and malcolm R thorp 466946 69 salt lake city university of utah press 1989 the field is white already to harvest in men with a mission 183718411837 1841 the quorum of the twelve apostles in the british isles james B alienallenailen ronald K esplin and david J whittaker 32344323 44 salt lake city deseretbookdeseret book 1992

membership drop in the great britain mission in the 1850s notes from presentation at brown bag lunches of the joseph fielding smith institute brigham young university 7 february 1989

the mormon peril the crusade against the saints in britain 1910- 1914 journal of mormon history 2 1975 698869 88 the religious backgrounds of mormon converts in britain 1837- 52 7 journal of mormon history 4 1977 516651 66

sectarian violence in early victorian britian the mormon experience 183718601837 1860 bulletin of the john rylands university library of manchester 70 autumn 1988 13547135 47

winifred graham and the mormon image journal of mormon history 619796 1979 107210721107 2211 the trials for the membership of john W taylorandtaylorlandTaytaylortorandlorandand matthias F cowley jordan UT mormon underground press 1976 van wagoner richard S sarah M pratt the shaping of an apostate dialogue A journal of mormon thought 19 no 2 summer 1986 699969 99 van wagoner richard and steven C walker the josephhyrumJoseph Hyrum smith funeral sermon brigham young university studies 23 no 1 winter 1983 3183 18 145 vetteriivefterliVetvesterliteriitenil richard mormonism americanism and politics salt lake city ensign publ co 1961

walker ronald W the persisting idea of american treasure hunting brigham young university studies 24 no 4 fall 1984 429460429 460 walters wesley P from occult to cult with joseph smith jr the journal of pastoral practice 1 summer 1977 121137121 137 ward gordon A the treatment of mormonism in contemporary texts MA thesis university of wyoming 1956 wells merle W mormonismantimormonismanti in idaho 1872921872 92 prowprovo brigham young university press 1978 whittaker david J almanacs in the new england heritage of mormonism brigham young university studies 29 no 4 fall 1989 8911389 113

the bone in the throat orson pratt and the public announcement of plural marriage western historical quarterly 18 no 3 july 1987 293- 314

early mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing phd diss brigham young university 1982

orson pratt prolific pamphleteer dialogue A journal of mormon thought 15 no 3 fall 1982 274127 41 whittierWhiftierienlen charles and stephen W stathis the enigma of dialogue A journal of mormon thought 10 no 4 autumn 1977 707370 73 williams david A president buchanan receives a proposal for an anti mormon crusade 1857 brigham young university studies 14 no 1 fall 1973103197310341973 1034103 4 winn kenneth H exiles in a land of liberty mormons in america 183018461830 1846 chapel hill university of north carolina press 1989 wood gordon S evangelical america and early mormonism new york history 61 no 4 october 1980 359386359 386 woodward kenneth L bible belt confrontation newsweek 4 march 1985 65 146 yorgason lawrence M preview on a study of the social and geographical origins of early mormon converts 183018451830 1845 brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 27982279 82 youngren buddy sons of the martyrs nauvoo reunion 86018601 bnghambilghambiggham young university studies 20 no 4 summer 1980 35170351 70 zahiserZazahniserhiser patricia A violence in missouri 183118391831 1839 the case of mormon persecution MA thesis florida atlantic university 1973 bibliography primary works an authentic history of remarkable persons who have attracted public attention in vadousvarious parts of the world including a full exposure of the iniquities of the pretended prophet joe smith and of the seven degrees of the mormon temple also an account of the frauds practisedpracticed by matthias the prophet and other religious impostors new york wilson and co 1849 ballantyne R A reply to the second tract writtenwhitten by the rev J richards giving a more correct answer to the question what is mormonismmormonism11 containing alsoatso three lectures on the character attributes and perfections of the dietydietyscscsic madras S bowie 1854 bell rev edward john latterlatterdayday delusions or the inconsistencies of mormonism london wertheim and macintosh 1853 bennett john C the history of the saints or an exposiexpos6eexpos6 of joe smith and mormonism boston leland and whiting 1842 bowes john mormonism exposed in its swindling and licentious abominations refuted in its principles and in the claims of its head the modemmodern mohammed joseph smithsmithl who Is proved to have been a deceiver and no prophet of god london E ward 1850 bukki pseudpseudo A supplement to mormon containing the book ofanakozanakofanak Cooperscooperstowntown YY sic J I1 hendryx 1851 burgess J M the book of mormon contradictory to common sense reason and revelation or the mormon hierarchy founded upon a fiction liverpool J blevin 1850 campbell alexander delusions an analysis of the book of mormon with an examination of its internal and external evidences and a refutation of its pretences to divine authority boston benjamin H greene 1832 nottingham H hudston printer 1850 148 clay edmund the doctrines and practices of the cormonsMormormonsmons and the immoral character of their prophet joseph smith delineated from authentic sources london wertheim and macintosh 1853 tracts on mormonism no 3 the book of mormon proved to be a blasphemous and impudent forgery london wertheim and macintosh 1850 dennett john john dennetts first volume on the horrible enormities of mormonism boston by the author 1846 douglas stephen A kansasutahdredkansas utah dred scott decision springfield illinois lanphier and walker printers 1857 A few plain words about mormonism showing the latterlatterdayday saints are no saints at all proved by extracts from their writings by the author of a few plain words about popery and the pope pope or queen ac&c bristol wrightweight steam press 185 fishwick J F the false prophet tested or mormonism refuted london wertheim and macintosh 1853 flanigan J H mormonism triumphant liverpool R james 1849 frere john short history of the mormonitesMormonites london J masters 1850 hansen niels evadhvad tykkes ederederomorn christo what think ye of christ aalborg forfatternens forlagdorlag trikttrykt hos carl bech 1854 hardy john startling developments of crim con sic or two mormon apostles exposed in practicing the spiritual wife system in boston boston conwayandConconwaywayandand company 1844 haynes john the book of mormon examined london seeley & co 1853 A refutation of the mormon Dodoctrineschines of brighton and london edward verrall 1853 149 hepburn A B the doctrines rites and ceremonies of latter day saints or Morcormonsmormonsmons exposed showing from their own books ac&c that they are without exception the most depraved immorimmonimmoralal blasphemous and ridiculous sect that ever polluted this earth the extracts furnished by mr A B hepburn antimormonanti mormon lecturer london partridge and oakey and the antimormonanti mormon tract depot c 1853 an exposition of the blasphemous doctrines and delusions of the socalledso called latterlatterdayday saints and the other abominable practices of joseph smith the american mahomet sheffield M thomas & son 1852 mormonism exploded or the religion of the latterlatterdayday saints proved to be a system of imposture blasphemy and immorality withwith the autobiography and portrait of the author in two parts pt I1I1 by A B hepburn antimormonanti mormon lecturer edited by rev charles short AAMM london & swansea simpkin marshall and co 1855 higbie alfred polygamy versus christianity A discourse against polygamy and baptism for the dead san francisco B F Stesterettstenettreftreutneut 1857 howe eber D mormonism unvailedunavailed or A faithful account of that singular imposition and delusion Painespainesvillegainesvilleville ohio by the author 1834 jacques J salvation A dialogue between elder brownson and mr whitby liverpool S W richards 1853 jones dan tystioliaethautystibliaethau diwrthbrawf irrefutable proofs that the book of mormon was not obtained from the spaulding romance I1 1 swansea D jones 1854 lewis catherine narrative of some of the proceedings of the Morcormonsmormonsmons giving an account of some of their iniquities lynn mass by the author 1848 mackay charles the cormonsMormormonsmons or latterlatterdayday saints with memoirs of the life and death of joseph smith the american mahomet london office of the national illustrated library 1851 mattison rev hiram A scriptural defence of the doctrine of the trinity or A check to modemmodern arianism as taught by the campbellitescampbelfitesCampbellitesfites hicksitesHicksites new lights universalistsuniversafists and Morcormonsmormonsmons and especially by a sect calling themselves christians new york colby & co 1846 150

mormon doctrine of polygamy or plurality of wives examined by the author of plain questions for mormonitesMormonites n and prize essay the church of rome opposed to the holy bible and the catholic church london wertheim and macintosh 1853 mormon imposture an exposure of the fraudulent origin of the book of mormon london npap 1851

mormonism contrasted with the word of god london wertheim and macintosh etc 1857

mormonism or the bible A question for the times by a cambridge clergyman cambridge england published by T dixon sold by wertheim & macintosh 1852 mormonism traced by the bible and condemned ipswichipswitch npap 1855 the mormons only way to be saved not the way to be saved or the plausible logic of mormonism refuted glasgow W G blackie & co 185 the most complete and authentic exposure ever published of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the Morcormonsmormonsmons the gates of hell opened exhibiting the licentious abominations and revelings of the high priest of the latterlatterdayday saints rev brigham young and his 90 wives awful fate of martha brotherton of manchester london hewitt 1853 the most complete and authentic exposure of the spiritual courtship and marriages of the cormonsMormormonsmons exhibiting the licentious abominations and revelings of brigham young and his 90 wives and the vile scenes enacted by the elders with their many spiritual concubines in the secret chambers of the harem the obscenity of the priesthood and their diabolical schemes effecting the ruin of married and single females with other acts of imposture crime and suffering under the guise of religion london npap c1855 nauvoo illinois expositor 7 june 1844

0 bit 0 tauk between two berry chaps abeawt th latterlatterdayday saints un th christion Magomagozeenzeen exhibition ththchurchchurch us it abtawt to be un so on

bury dennis barker union street 1.1 1848 151 pratt belinda marden defense of polygamy great salt lake city npap 1854 pratt orson the kingdom of god liverpool R james 1848491848 49 pratt parley P proclamation extraordinary to the spanish americans san francisco monson haswell & co 1852 mormonism plurality of wiveswives1 an especial chapter for the especial edification of certain inquisitive news editors etc san francisco npap 1852

scriptural evidences in support of polygamy san francisco george Q cannon 1856 priestcraftpfiestcraft R 1.1 W methodism exposed or who is the devil in the pulpit sydney by the author 185 richards john duwauw mawrmawryy Sectsectadaidsectariaidadaidanaid the great god of the sectarianssectarians merthyr tydfil J davis printer georgetown 1851 scriptural evidence in support of polygamy san francisco george Q cannon1856cannon 1856 the secrets of mormonism disclosed an authentic exposure of the immorality and licentious abominations of the latterlatterdayday saints and their spiritual wives showing their obscene practices in the temple devoted to public worship and the profligacy of a mormon harem composed of married and single females london R bulman 1854 sexton george A portraiture of mormonism or animadversions on the doctrines and pretensions of the latterlatterdayday saints and a sketch of the career of joseph smith and vatiousvariousvadious other notorious fanatics and impostors london W strange 1849 skelton robert and J P meik A defense of mormonism in a letter to the editor of the hurkaruHurkaru calcutta india N robertson & co 1855 spencer orson correspondence between the rev W crowel AM and 0 spencer BA liverpool R james 1847 152 letters exhibiting the most prominent doctrines of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints in reply to the rev william crowel ath5th ed liverpool brigham young jr 1866 patriarchal order or plurality of wives by elder orson spencer being his fifteenth letter in correspondence with the rev william crowel liverpool SWS W richards 1853 strictures continued being a continuation of mormonite and jewish polygamyfl together with a short account of richard carlislesCaricaddcamiisles real character instead of the fictitious one given him by the rev B grant keighly england J rhodes 1853 tayldertayiderwaylderTaylderideriden T W P the materialism of the Morcormonsmormonsmons or latter day saints examined and exposed woolwich E jones 1849 thomas john sketch of the rise progress and dispersion of the Morcormonsmormonsmons london arthur hall and co 1849 tyson thomas joseph smith the american impostor or mormonism proved to be false by a fair examination of its history and pretensions by thomas tyson late southanofsouthanof congregational minister london hall and co 1852 tystioliaethau diwrthbrawf irrefutable proofs that the book of mormon was not obtained from the spaulding romance Q swansea D jones 1854 van deusen increase mcgee A dialogue between adam and eve the lord and the devil called the endowment As was acted by twelve or fifteen thousand in secret in the nauvoo temple said to be revealed from god albany C killmer 1847

mistadesmistedesmisteriesmlsMisMistedesteriesenes of mormonism new york published by the author clc1850850 the mormon endowment A secret drama or conspiracy in the nauvoo temple in 1846 in which process mr & mrs mcgee the authors of this work sic were made king and queen syracuse new york N M D lathrop 1847 startling disclosures of the wonderful ceremonies of the mormon spiritual wife system new york npap 1850 153

ward maria female life among the Morcormonsmormonsmons A narrative of many years experience among the mormons by the wife of a mormon elder recently from utah london C H clarke 1855 ward austin and maria N pseudpseudo the husband in utah london james blackwood 1857 white thomas the mormon mysteries being an exposition of the ceremonies of the endowment and of the seven degrees of the temple new york edmund K knowlton 1851

why the latter day saints marry a plurality of wives A glance at scripture and reason in answer to san francisco excelsior printing office 1854 winchester benjamin the origin of the spaulding story philadelphia 1840

secondarsecondary1 works ahlstrom sydney E A religious history of the american people new haven yale university press 1972 alienallenailen james B and glen M leonard the story of the latterlatterdayday saints salt lake city deseret book 1976 alienallenailen james B ronald K esplin and david J whittaker men with a mission 183718411837 1841 the quorum of the twelve apostles in the british isles salt lake city deseret book 1992 anderson richard lloyd joseph smiths reputation reappraised brigham young university studies 10 no 3 spring 1970 28499284 99 anderson roger I1 joseph smiths new york reputation reexamined salt lake city signature books 1990 arringtonamngton leonard J brigham young american moses urbana university of illinois press 1985 charles mackay and sTruehistruehestruehisHi true and impartial history of the Morcormonsmormonsmons utah historical quarterlyquarterly3636 winter 1968 244024 40 154 arrington leonard J and davis bitton the mormon experience A history of the latterlatterdayday saints new york vintage books 1980 knopf 1979 arrington leonard J and jon haupt intolerable zion the image of mormonism in nineteenth century american literature western humanities review 22 summer 1968 24360243 60 the missouri and illinois mormons in antebellum fiction dialogue A journal of mormon thought 5 spring 1970 375037 50 ashliman D L the image of utah and the mormons in nineteenthcenturynineteenth century germany utah Histohistoricalfical quarterly 35 no 3 summer 1967 20927209 27 aspinwall bernard A fertile field scotland in the days of the early missions in mormons in early victorian britain eds richard L jensen and malcolm R thorp 10417104 17 salt lake city university of utah press 1989 bartlett irving H the american mind in the nineteenthmidnineteenthmid century new york crowell 1967 bellah robert N and frederick E greenspahn eds uncivil religion interreligious hostility in america new york crossroad 1987 bennett richard E mormons at the missouri 18461852184616521846 18521652 and should we die norman university of oklahoma 1987 bloxham V ben et al eds truth will prevail the rise of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints in the tiffishbritishbiffish isles 183719871837 1987 salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterdaylatter day saints 1987 brandon ruth the spifitualistsspiritualists the passion for the occult in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries buffalo NY prometheus books 1984 brinkerhoff merlin B et al religious intolerance mormons in the mainstream dialogue A journal of mormon thought 20 no 3 fall 1987 909590 95 brodie fawn no man knows my history the life of joseph smith the mormon prophet ad2d ed new york knopf 1983 bunker gary L and davis bitton the death of brigham young occasion for satire utah historical quarterly 54 no 4 fall 1986 35870358 70 155

illustrated periodical images of Morcormonsmormonsmons 185018601850 1860 dialogue A journal of mormon history 10 no 3 spring 1977 829482 94 the mormon graphic image 163419141834191416341834 1914 cartoons caricatures and illustrations salt lake city university of utah press 1983

bushman richard L joseph smith and the beginnings mormonismofofmormonism urbana university of illinois press 1984

mormon persecutions in missouri 1833 brigham young university studies 3 autumn 1960 112011 20 church history in the falnessfulness of times salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterdaylatter day saints 1989 connors william P opposition to mormonism A new interpretation yale university department of religious studies 1988 cross whitney R the burnedoverburned over district the social and intellectual history of enthusiastic religion in western new york 180018501800 1850 ithaca comellcomeilcornell university press 1950 davies douglas james mormon spirituality latter day saints in wales and zion npap university of nottingham 1987 davis david brion new england origins of mormonism the new england quarterly june 1953 147168147 168 dennis ronald D the call of zion the story of the first welsh mormon emigration provo utah religious studies center brigham young university 1987

welsh mormon writings from 1844 to 1862 A historical bibliography provo UT religious studies center brigham young university 1988 evans richard L A century of mormonism in great britain 1937 deprrepr salt lake city publishers press 1984 flake chad A mormon bibliography 183019301830 1930 salt lake city university of utah press 1978 flake chad and larry W draper A mormon bibliography 183019301830 1930 A ten year supplement salt lake city university of utah press 1989 156 flanders robert bruce nauvoo kingdom on the mississippi urbana university of illinois press 1975

foster craig L anti mormon pamphleteering in great britain 1837 MA thesis brigham young university 1989 increase and maria van deusen from temple mormons to anti Morcormonsmormonsmons unpublished manuscript in authors possession forthcoming in dialogue A journal of mormon thought

victorian pornographic imagery in antimormonanti mormon literature journal of mormon history 19 no I11 spring 1993 11532115 32 furniss norman the mormon conflict 185018591850 1859 new haven yale university press 1960

gaustad edwin S ed A documentary history of religion in america to the civil war grand rapids eerdmans 1982 hatch nathan 0 the democratization of american christianity new haven yale university press 1989 hill maninmadinmarvinmanvin S brodie revisited A reappraisal dialogue A journal of mormon thought 7 winter 1972 728572 85 quest for refuge the mormon flight from american pluralism salt lake city signature books 1989 secular or sectarian history A critique of no man knows my history church history 43 march 1974 789678 96 jensen richard L and malcolm R thorp eds mormons in early victorian britain salt lake city university of utah press 1989 jorgensen lynne watkins john hyde jr mormon renegade journal of mormon history 17 19911361991136441991 13644136 44 lambert linda the image of mormons in films new era 2 may 1972 11- 15 lively robert L jr some sociological reflections on the nineteenthcenturynineteenth century british mission in mormons in early victorian britain eds richard L jensen and malcolm R horpthorpcorpT 163016 30 salt lake city university of utah press 1989 157

ludlow daniel H ed encyclopedia mormonismofofmormonism new york macmillan 1992

melendexmenendexMenendex albert J religious conflict in america A bibliography new york garland 1985

moore R laurence religious outsiders and the making of americans new york oxford univ press 1986 nibley hugh the myth makers salt lake city bookcraft 1961 no maam thats not history salt lake city bookcraft 1946 tinkling cymbals and sounding brass the art of telling tales about joseph smith and brigham young david J whittaker ed salt lake city deseret book and FARMS 1991 oaks dallin H and marvin S hill carthage conspiracy the trial of the accused assassins of joseph smith urbana and chicago university of illinois press 1975

palmer RRR R and joel colton A history of the modem world new york knopf 1978

quinn D michael early mormonism and the magic world view salt lake city signature books 1987 smith joseph fielding comp teachings of the prophet joseph smith salt lake city deseret book 1976 thorp malcolm R early mormon confrontations with sectarianism 1837- 1840 in mormons in early victorian britain eds richard L jensen and malcolm R thorp 466946 69 salt lake city university of utah press 1989 the field is white already to harvest in men with a mission 183718411837 1841 the quorum of the twelve apostles in the british isles james B allenalienailen ronald K esplin and david J whittaker 32344323 44 salt lake city deseret book 1992 sectarian violence in early victorian britian the mormon experience 183718601837 1860 bulletin of the john rylands university library of manchester 70 autumn 1988 13547135 47 158

the setting for the restoration in britain political social and economic conditions in truth will prevail the rise of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints in the british isles 183719871837 1987 eds V ben bloxham et al salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latter day saints 1987 underwood grant the religious milieu of english mormonism in mormons in eadyearlyeamy victorianVictodanowan britain eds richard L jensen and malcolm R thorp 314831 48 salt lake city university of utah press 1989 unruh john D jr the plains across the overland emigrants and the trans mississippi west 1840601840 60 urbana university of illinois 1979 walker ronald W cradling mormonism the rise of the gospel in early victorian england brigham young university studies 27 no 1 winter 1987 253625 36 whittaker david J the bone in the throat orson pratt and the public announcement of plural marriage western historical quarterly 183 july 1987 early mormon Pamphleteerpamphleteeringing phd diss brigham young university 1982 winn kenneth H exilesaesxes in a land of liberty mormons in america 183018461830 1846 chapel hill univ of north carolina press 1989 mormon opposition literature

A historiographical critique and case study 1844571844 57

william P connors

department of history

MA degree april 1994


this thesis is in three parts the first part looks at the historical scholarship on writings opposed to mormonism especially those from the nineteenth century the conclusion is that despite hundreds of works written against mormonism in its early years the historical scholarship has not done justice to the writings or people involved the vast majority of the writings and writers have not been analyzed and those that are discussed are usually the most sensational and not representative of the genre

the second part of this thesis is a a case study giving an example of the kind of work the author feels needs to be done to make up for the deficiency in this area specifically this part examines the religious concerns of critics who wrote in the united states and great britain between 1844 and 1857 the evidence clearly shows that there were many writers who expressed religious concerns about mormonism criticisms were made against mormon religious practices such as polygamy temple ceremonies and baptism for the dead and against mormon religious beliefs such as the role of joseph smith the book of mormon and mormon doctrines on god and the bible

the third section contains two appendices the first is a bibliography of imprints written against the mormons between 1844 and 1857 the second is a bibliography of all secondary literature about opposition to mormonism

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