The Status of Threatened Bird Species in the Hunter Region
!"#$%&$'$()*+#(),-$.+$,)/0'&$#)1$2+3') !"$)4"+,&5$#)!"#$%&%'6)789:) The status of threatened bird species in the Hunter Region Michael Roderick1 and Alan Stuart2 156 Karoola Road, Lambton, NSW 2299 281 Queens Road, New Lambton, NSW 2305 ) ;%'<)*+#(),-$.+$,)5+,&$()%,)=05'$#%*5$>)?'(%'2$#$()3#)@#+&+.%55<)?'(%'2$#$()A.355$.&+B$5<)#$C$##$()&3)%,) !"#$%&"%'%()*+,'(%$+"#%+!"#$%&$'$()*+$,-$.)/0'.$#1%&-0')2,&)3445)ADE4F)have been recorded within the Hunter Region. The majority are resident or regular migrants. Some species are vagrants, and some seabirds) #$205%#5<) -#$,$'&) %#$) '3&) #$5+%'&) 3') &"$) 1$2+3') C3#) ,0#B+B%5G) !"$) %0&"3#,) "%B$) #$B+$H$() &"$) #$2+3'%5),&%&0,)3C)%55),-$.+$,>)H+&")-%#&+.05%#)C3.0,)3')&"$)#$,+($'&,)%'()#$205%#)B+,+&3#,G)!"$).3',$#B%&+3') ,&%&0,)C3#)$%."),-$.+$,)+,)2+B$'>)+'.50(+'2)H"$#$)#$5$B%'&)&"$),&%&0,)0'($#)&"$)Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) review. R$.$'&)#$.3#(,)C3#)&"$)1$2+3')%#$).3I-%#$()H+&")-#$B+30,)-$#+3(,>)53.%5)&"#$%&,) %#$)#$B+$H$()%'()&"$)30&533J)C3#)$%."),-$.+$,)+,)(+,.0,,$(G)) ) ) INTRODUCTION is relevant. The two measures of conservation status are: The Threatened Species Conservation (TSC) Act 1995 is the primary legislation for the protection of The Environment Protection and Biodiversity threatened flora and fauna species in NSW. The Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 is the NSW Scientific Committee is the key group equivalent threatened species legislation at the responsible for the review of the conservation Commonwealth level. status of threatened species, including the listing of those species. More than 100 bird species are A measure of conservation status that can also listed as threatened under the TSC Act, and the be applied at sub-species level was developed Scientific Committee supports the listing of by the International Union for Conservation of additional species.
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