Iptvelopment, San Francisco, Calif
, _ DOCUilla RiSONS \ . ,, xED 186 618 . -CE 024 '640 ) C , AUTHOR. Banathy, Bela H.; indlOthers 4 , . .T,.TLE Implementing Career Education fot. Native American k Students. 4 Guide. Native American Career Education Demonstration, Project. INSTITODIuN , Far West Lab. tor Eddcational Research and .iptvelopment, San Francisco, Calif. sPi./NS AGENCY Office ot Faducatimn (DHEW),.Washingion, D.C.. PMB DATE GRANT GOU7802031 NOTE . 146p.; Some pages with small type will not r,eproducq ' well'. For related dOcuments see CE 024 650-652,ED. , \ .147 59176_04 ED 16,3_ 226, aad ED_ 167 77_5...'. EDRS PRICE 8F01/PC06 Plus postage. .%. DESCRIPTORS Adpinistrator:Guides: *American Indian EducatiOn: *American Indians; *Career Educationi Demonstration , Programs: Program Descriptions; Program.Design; 4:Program Development;Program Gud.des; *Program 1, ImplementatiA; Surveys IdENTIFIZRS Education Amendments 1474 / , ,...,..-. ABSTR'ACT, ,, . This sluide..is inte,nded to serve as aresqurce for 'School, project, and/or community people in implementinga career eddcati9n program to:. their Indien sudents. The (Aideis divided' -into four chapters, qrllowed byan annotated bibliographyl, The first . chapter describes the conditions and resources needed to starts . developiAg a program and hokto acg1iire them. In the secondoilapter, the activities involved in designing and imp,lementinga pilot project ( are.discussed. Tjae third chapter.talks about program expansion, ' including formative evaluation, while the. fourth chapteeis , concerned with how to maintain and dissamiaatea fully-developed program. Each . flapter- begins yith an analysis of the basic activities and procedures Ulat take place during thatp)iase, follows witha , e discussion of each step (illustrated by examples, and conclucles''.witV.- a review of essential points. Native American career educiation - , :surveys for the 'community and tor studefits.are appended.
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