SUPERIOR TIMES. T{ Published Every Saturday, at A

fac. 1 . 4 v 3 111 Inr Iyr

SUPERIOR, DOUGLAS CO,. Wiu. One resale X] 400 600 Ul vX' ’f. iV -o UO Ci lumn Term* of Subscription (Postage Paid), '■ 4 iHI 750 Jo 00 1J it vj Oo 41*0 S2 PER YEAR, Si SIX MONTHS IS 00* IS |XV (K •

u, -• THOMAS BA !I!>O .V, Editor an I Puh'r. 10, A- . ..’e t 1*f ■ -I. I. ' ■ .: ■ s . VOLUME SUPERIOR, APRIL.S, Legal u hi rate* •. |. > WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, 1880. NUMBER 'life* pi Fcrite-i law, j-st a JAMES BA HD OX. Run-dent Editor. 29. 011 ilelirery of af*- lacu. Local notices 1W cents per line for first iuaertn n fivecsnti for Rut-MOjitent ineertions. The recent rise in the price ol Th South St. Paul & Duluth shore Line ingon the corner of 1 ioii’n siuad H T.' iV -UKEE LAKE SHORE AND paper, will, It is suggested insure lave, and Second S.reet; and, like WESTERN RY TiiEITUXEEiI I’HESS 'fitose having charge of the vari- the public, to a certain extent, the philosopher that he is, laughs 1 MigWACKTE, T. • Railroad. ous .inks in the hue at Jan. 2C, 1880. 11. Enter* on th Yr IsSO against arc pushing lus loss, w hich was con-idei able. campaign newspapers, : ah ad with \\ e slated last week who owned J•> A‘jrnt% and Connection* ( newspapers their work as rapidly as Greatly Enlarged and Improved, FAVORITE ROUTE BETWEEN' THE run by rich men tor the buildings, and gave their estim- The exu'ntiioii of this line from Horton- circumstances will permit. The vi 11* to Osb..oeh, and ri' HELM BOLD’S NORTHWEST AND EAST. their own which, was £o<>uL cor- V ith a H.-An Srtno N w Pr s* an<4 jit on amusement, newspapers ated value, trains will be 1 un eominencitii; Jantiarv 2'dib. Northern Pacific surveying party to fill long-felt rect There are no indications as From that date Fieight may be billed and wants, B, Direct route fron Duluth, to Ft. Paul crossed the Nemadji about a mile yet that anyone will re-buil 1 un the s.-edgers tieketcd to the loiluwnijj points • Tiis fastest and all that sol t of thing. aufi Best Press in tto Warifi. on Lake Superior and all eastern point', burned district. on his * '.tension ; I port* f above hay s farm, and aie now ith *'i*Tht .vdutnt -. a.' t. t. 6tillwater and noints on the St. Croix river. Distance from C < >.A IvJ u 4 11*04 >I H-teWeb-l . rlvcim* hum which print.- ;i-i h *ur CONXE< riONS; pushing eastward, running a Horlonville. ' Tub Boston Ho M says that little Vali eofS w ' *.i i’ Mi k— S me ttains ♦Rhodeville 4 toi out it AT ST. PAUL—With for the East, auU piwto lat tlie n . ;.i-.. < .-.i..V. north of KJwards' wi .1. hack, while prices of to mine. The time ago, remarked that an acre *Medaia Junction S r..‘.> in m u*4‘.ioj South and South-west. 1 go* Is have c one c. content* 1 .r , 1.. j good tin- attnliut -s * AT WHITE HEAR—With trains fot a Ontonagon it Montreal river com- of swamp muck >f quality, 3 *f*ralvil?e 15 in ali standstill, and in some classes A l Still water and the M. v St. L, Ry, for Min- feet deep,was actually worth 25,000. Oshkosh 2;j irst-Cla-*. X*\reji:ij*.'i have begun decline, pany surveying party are pushing With ft, J neapolis. to the agitation No doubt su di a statement is sur- *Ft’jtii.ns mark i tints, have no A Tonts ? are it* o;,l> pi N,-. ..f .• ~ | AT —i tnge to Tavlors Falls. ahead, hut are greatly freight points tuiist luid ■ to be l f tor higher wages continues in retarded, as and those prepaid Extract . completeu .•** of it* arm;o'. im n:s r il;<* . ton ■' nearly prising. So was the statement o? 0:.0. AT NORTH BRANCH —Stage tu Sunrise i H. F WHITCOMB, are all the parties, by deep snow, 1 >r. L iwes that a ni oL England, ton *.•• s City. •very hrai eh of uuifaeluring busi- General Freight A I‘aseettger Agt. I the ordinary n-a : As- :;o •• • • i>- uv. *! w >d( . AT HARRIS—Stage to Cambridge and ness, and among i lie Marquette, Houghton & On- of bran f< to cows, returned more H. G. 11. REED. 1a Iv-evten led *n not fVltyrHjihlc Sp- :i! >, t also workmen of • • -> i j ..m sp. untrue* r. in Washi . ; N-** 1 rk, than its cost in manure. Swamp General, Supt. ,lok n, OL. Istnti County. 'other Strikes higher tonagon suiveyors had to withdraw '**'), Milwaukee Man.-titiieiu> w ,u,l- !•. Marquette, Chippewa and Se.hool- muck, as RIINN. torteta pn •. Lc, Duluth TT'O a. ni i economy. so t<> make th iiitrogen It eep*ninlly r* t;**. Tl.r 1 " Ip St. in (Successor theater of it* dr ilatiuii it tua nt . it* Ar. Paul 4:15 p. eratt counties , have peti- available. An acre of sw imp muck to tlte Dulutli Savings Lank.) citic*■ au.l towns t uku> emirs <>> mi ; 1 -s.\m> Le. St. Paul...... B'oh. rn 3 leet conia'ns 2,500 tons, (Goon Pro res'- —The final sur- tioned Congress fur grant lt> deep, t.u*-'AX. OORUEst'OJtOENTK wboiMt daily tel. : raphlc a: i Ar 6;' ■(,) a >l’ n; Duluth o. m" and would require 8 month* to draw mail rtportM n-Sts t Uie runs ilailr hmU r* of tin* vey of the I)., M. £ M. railway has seelii . s in the two last named A SPECIFICSREMEDYirOR ALL w ho!* rs-tr. *u from L*k' Mi i. gar: aui Stiponor to t.* out, at 10 loads a day. Few per- C AP! PA \j Itccky M intaiiis. 1,400,000 Acres Min- ,been completed to incline between counties to aid the branch to the sons realize the value of the fertiliz- 000. A I i-nili r of Opinion. n?sot;i It ntwsi r. tU- sa..i that t u .1 >NK!'R Fill S- : v 1 Lands For Sale. ranges 10 and 1! west, a distance Sauk. The Canadians say they ing elements of common w aste mat- iiiteilig.-m, Theae l.iuu- arc loea.ed in the U-t grain, c&niliil aad m 1. 1 01-nt ili„ -u-s -i'>a of l ol miles from Mai', and .V; . w ill have a line to the Sank time ters, udiich lie under their bet, and 1) rectors.—Hon. C. F. !I 8E A 81; 8 thr ;■ 111. ill, li'iiu j.ii ai, ! othfi t.-plrp .ul l ur , f itock and wool grow ing regions of the north 70 in Vanderburg, urunta;lied tons 1 A. Uif liny. Las long a h!"h p'a.s am m-tti * went; idea goii, th" innumerable ofmatter, that fieoi-ge Spencer, S. Chase, II M. Peyton, jounia> healthy climate, pure water, chief engineer, left foi to connect w ith ll e American road. v lnch arc is-.oinurc.l ti 1 to- tl.w mvaiw.. McKeOivn, A. K. M icft lane. piluratora cheap binds, tree and good markets. may he available tor fertib/ing pur- 1 as tlir li-a.*.-rr aii.i ot pui ;r .j -u n T;.j

OF .. THE , Tin- Saint. Paul and I doth Railroad iVlriot on Thursday, with the pro- So ‘‘things are working” al) along much ot the idle Ot-Kioi ii-—lf. M. Peyton, Pn-sident; A. rout of it* columns 11 • ulian ! by tha fart poses, and that Hint tins am ilio yt-ar f .11. tl.or for R. Maefatlane, Cashier; Jas. C. ■ 1 t‘s’ initial ultvtisD Company also uffera sale 1.502 niiliiaii ‘be ot the the represent n liuniep. w-liicU jiromiws to lw on** of the s-'t n 1 ct files, for purpose letting line. and neglected materials IVtier. nitwit feet ol Pino Timl.i r, i large portion of which & on of additional UO miles. vast amount of wealth.— (American Bladder Kidneys. can h>‘ manufactured the line the rail- contract for the Il> luijirmml M.irkrl llepoits. Superior's Great lire. ,r o ro i, Tiinhcj will l>e s< tap for the use of A oricnlturist for Ati rib C n irt Th survey ot the rem derot the snsisii .in ainonir th.- new ; 1 loftl■' n>. each mill ; low prices made h r stuinpage; o- NKKK J'KIXS w..l lt .. atly I aai-I hi and every ! .ie contract UOpr.'.eiA . l>tu'a. U r of 11* ’iia. het r:c . ;\l soeci’tl rates of fit given, fa- line wi.l he finish' and oni The lire which on Friday l ist America, i io* list /a r't Wheat Field of icllun .- The ftt!.-:iOoli l**inc vfivcn tl ioi-ai gra;’., pr 'VisK cilirr offered to make the business perm a Debility, Lo?a 0 Memory t on or before ‘ho tirsl of May. destroyed the Coddinglon For f Indisposi- 1 rodi' -r. and list, sto k inarli- w, wl.ile 11 pains rex nent let, block ■ ami protitable. COMMISSION tion to or • . lands, MERCHANT Exertion Businefin, Nhoitness of a 1 . are in’ rested in ft II AIH, OKO. H. SMITH. survey, :st anee b-.Tweeu as as Those who *r itoua * ev the the and and adj >ini.- builnngs well Breath, with a t lt.-rapli < Troubled Thoughts of Disease, iuionuatioii b> aJlUto icadiu; T. A h <• i Supt. > keep in the tvu>; j-a and tout) or wi-'n t posted pro- —AND—- Dimness in;i. out. rs. I*. H. IIALHIS, M: mnger Land Dcpai tuu nt Marquette and B•• St. Ignaee is Snyder’s shop the post-otiicc and if Vision, Pain the Hack, Client, n• gress ~f the wonderfully productive and Head, Kush of Blood to the Head, Pale TlillMs*: - —— miles, R I*iiF>*M, —r ■■ —■ shown to be just I.U? i lici t' Brook's store on the oppo.-iti si.Jt- j valiev, subscribe Countenance and Dry The D.'UI ’ T’Ui\! ! seven i-si ; r DEALER!N ATtin. -* Kiver -bon'd GENERAL (, Jed MERCHANDISE week !>. 1 v- nr. y•; nil .<. the Fargo !>>> 7 i/nt< is " Mouthy ' • „j is no doubt whatever of the com- of street, has been the leading for the T The ill Sril tor CASK and Free It these symptoms art* allowed to go on, 6 deliver. ofCharge 3 M ;; 0 ) 8 p- ge (515 column) xei \ frotpientlv Epileptic uUm North'n Pacific S. E. pletion of a 1 arge part of the line -übject of talk and thought here i largo paper, to me Buyer’s House ai Duluth Pr.ces, hit aid (’onsnmn- and makes a specialty of h*ea' new- tion follow. H lien the constitution becomes within the year, and we for the < ek. From tin* best, affected it requires aid of an present past u ilirouphoui along FLOUR, the invigorating ’ tlic valley and •. medieienc to THE WTEKLY I*lOXl E I M K ESS good saying that it IKK I), strengthen and tone up the “CUSTER have authority for evidence attainable appears the line of the Northern Pacific system—which ROUTE” thatj Enlarged to Filty-Six Folmiins, TO THE a stionu >us ilfort be made to the fire originaled in Mr. Cranwell's lla'lio 01. BRA s*. COR with a now .Ireaa of * lear an*, l-ea-ififul Ihe Bates of subscription, 82 per , I'll .AC iv HILLS. complete the whole of it. office, not through any fault of that; EELMBOLD the vear. 81 for six months, invariably OATS, S BUCHU 1 Ut \ Saulf Sic. Marie to a junction with chimney. The building being oid. tree, dress *n*< t*<. I .-li .n. FROM A 1 PORK,’ It lo'itaa ■ ti.e , rv-iii of all tin i ; nus s . !,i i m m ii road, wi ’ !?c ah I‘s miles in the foundation had rotted < 'II AM BEKS & WAIT. Ac. ami SKLtn in.a i-- . Mtin a . ; . . ;;1 i <> t•:i- awav BACON. SH 1 *n IT isinn rclc pretiaretj aiet elafitt i i'i! m-.i nr: t am imk . i.m F' itc.o, D.T. 51 uual'Uu: Afti* > length, e tu. orueti .n of c Mail Newv ot tin-\rc< wlUi ail the M-xErt-J a -1' ■one -r a! T f 1 for ti uising ’lie walk to settle, e.-peci-i k. latest an 1 most . rtant t:-ivs in full. 1' I-'urni .n 1 ,j , r ■■ ;■ a 4. HU■ .1 - * 1. Is- (j a ■#/ a}l ;o> JPnblidieil Helmbold's Buchu Columnare am n. ite aflrat tiv- n r t’ e -it iroho.deis •>! i!o *. knerat, zed within lev iking the chimney apart, and CllAl’TKit :UT. dealer in Its JVw-kly ilnit-M u. tin- M.iikt-'s, •! \N ACT t > ’.'ii !•? * tWf-nfj.fmr t?ie rrepir-'d espe. Ih, v, I. ni o .ly ? hai'*t*r iallv £..r its . rainn-. uaet; • rtL M. it: M. It tunned . 1 1 ■- 87(1. wtitlrd hu a--t tu incort* t a** 1379- Wnuer Arrangement. 1880 ■ Rial. - the su'.s. rit. f inuor atnl ti.e S'lj ,*in >' . a . • i?: it>i i 1X11 . be built as soon tin* C’svuadian the fire e >mmunicated to the dry ■> Dry Goods. IS UNEQUAL!.!:!) Country Ut-alerin grain, pr lu*.pruviepiim, Im- .is ■ • ■ . . r-ent<. or any eortof farm product. r.U'l, - HRA IVi’".n PD S.. MVRHON t i- road, now p uing towards the ij -aids, wldch ignited like tinder, In S-n.t in. I A'-, >l. cun Hah aubscriptlon price ul the v. > >•.• a-. !\.t ■ur SOUTH. yer.Tlt. - (•ti?ti't' ?Tt *• Notions, etc. to ■ t.ii -ifrii>n t■ ii ,r mtv-f rf Bv remedy known. It Is bv retlueetl — I. any person bed In, *> |. in. DC AIVKHD, i' es th it O" nt. o' 12 Sauk, re JM spreading over the entire structure g v- uil the most eminent One l>l!nrnntl Filtis-n IS'iits jw-r M-nr, 't physicians ail over the l 140 • m ar i. ~ nt a- ,>,■< S'i|.i.rv*r !>• .mi i ’.'in|j■ in y i li-rt '.v ammi.i.-i■ world, in This retluct-i pr. 'c i Kt:I! ii. irnam. .1 1 • . i • t >0 p, m. f l.ittb t-- ‘, J. . i.• >p. s,i quette dourn in a vi y short space of lime. There • r- i.l n fi- ti 1. -."1 •■■rp ri- iu -.- ■ t * I■■ •! •••! teg It* ni*o e.u.l a c . .n f l 2.* :u, a. m f.iii ir. in-i' tn aull'oi i/fil and ■ The ulaiv<. view lie fU th • ii,t, var!"te r.n-l !' Lake .*; . w i llpiii, St ml, le. 7 v in water convenient, and a strong tin* s.inr I. iir re.p’, l!i* B>y <.f S|.. ri-.r m Shore and St'I’ERMATORRIKKA, value of Ita i ".nt/Mita, an 1 their ..I .. I t. w i-'. (>. is a r fa; * • .• < T 5 i. • in m Here inw bn her jourualisi \ . /ft -ii-’ !• .Ill’s | ' the rural 1: f N r't t w. t blowing il'iUt*/. >ln li ns thi'V s!i .1 tlen k N KL' 11A LGIA, th* want* of wind from the northeast, (i*i in ’ * - - I- hyfar the< le-apte-t ail XJ -.-it We. 1,11 ,l . , i,iu. ..j it; Uat many - ?>• puts We suppose hi: tisfi! i miCf.. a >1 lire .’II. 11l ”i’lps i.y. Western Ey. N Kit Vi >USNKSS, in tfce Woe!. H", >r;i AN- .' I‘l'M' \ ! IN- or to AI I II ill I little nothing coniu be done •■>r ih ;i"-i *-p i. (*ir*s; .r. 1 2 1 s- I TKI'.M •: the • I'• at : -t, poofile think that newspaper I. • ;.HI. 1... ,1 . r 1ri1.11,1 v ; ■- Dyspepsia, •bay bln "~ MO.Vl'oi; M:i-s , !'! a I I J r Tho WREKI.Y r I. A . -it ill'! ‘1 N Kfltr, a• . n save ihe buildings. Aii the peo- limits ..I th*-t n-afi ml' r., m. :m ! tin* . II 0 H RESD. Gen’l INDIGESTION, i year *; J*t is ' *' a „i t 'l -i. An, are et a 'Supeiun’endcut. Is t'l.i men pcri't?nt dans; tt> 11 1- y mi'li .ri/>’ l I > . v.* >in l 1 ss int. • Itfonths A \ M-'t ;’i to i 'll N. i" I on. le. 4.11". J' ple could do was to try save the .•••Dti’ol ao‘l >n .-ill Inc- "1 I tiial-.-r ti.<’h Constipation, a, ; ~i - I". •(>. p 111 ner himself in a simniar ■ it IJiltiitll, 2 1 tn plaei* :nsv lis mu 11: ilnv-Ti or vv h: 11 lin*> coin- wiitiin Hu l ■i; g f; m MM.W\t KI'K n rth throngh the store goods. (. Aches and Pains. household contents and ;!ic ! i,, t-. r ih- |.itr }i - ,'ins' -n't f .'b.wing Countie, ; 1 V STiljscript! .lie at’- i p ill' in a 1 R"m!*- business position and see it be s. ihe '*lllo |>r vi.i.-l, thf fhaiii-'ls f MIIWAt’KrE, OZAI’KVR, .ve ( V i-nrine : Stttl’. General Debility, Ly inoi.i . t*. -|, Young and ; id fan-e* male n\ t.nsl r s.t KHAIM it: AN 0 I AltO O ITVIsiON old, men, women ss .1 riv-rs u I h*ya sti.ill r>-.i.*;ti fr 0 n 111.- SIiMT 'U ■- (.‘.VLl’tlliT, OCTAOAMIB, not the same. Supj use I Kidney Diseases, draft at our r.sli, Ui - exp, . i-'.-l.aim a - -1 trans- •> would do T bstrncip<] for tl.f f v-.-acls *-i i WtyxEH'fi.y, Shawano, H'T. children, mittal being R ene liy the sender. Sam;.- c< P.* ~t worked with will ' Ta'ij'.oi. } 711 p a alibis, !i-vi£;ifinn sun- \V V t*A A ?! *H ! >N, Liver ■ I- -RUlN’Kill*, ar. 12 m ’'n* r 1 l Complaint, fitwi uc appll. ;n. Ad,!r~-H he raised one thousand busln•’.> ot S> fiv- s ii.. ti m 2 th 1 t-* v-foii' And all rc-'cb oni.. now so -- 2s *a ■ and the surprise is that is i*. &'ji'’inl>-1 - • I™ s S rt-. t 'A* VOTON, IV. • OTU.VN KKVOI'S Derilh y, tip 1 ' M • le n *2*l a 111 h. hv r> is- s- 1 SIIER-Y Shi F*tts. . CO,. V. his neighbor >..ou!d \Vh-It(*ver Tiir. PltiM.l. LiLss a wheat, and 5 v 1 u 1 tun her sh ill 1 t. np>- l, Ma sit.'vtc, T’a- Hiv s it. k atna. (pmkt- a, I-- a !o. I*2 ll p Til was Kpilespv, hi;.* *' " much saved. a'fifei ’ - ...ii” it*- f. Ml r .:"NnLLi;..'?snS"Stt I'uiil, ' W Vto \\. Is 10 II H. n 1 !e:n(.l *in s**.’ I 011 110 New I.ond- n, M. Minn. buy a and the ■ ■ - ■ come and bushel, ot tills srt. tllM Sill corj.i. f ’ ;i'll sliiil! I. v the r-igltt NT-,. ll .raT >N. BAD ' i le pi 10 a in 11 TrOURLES, *" 1 ••• Mr. Cranwell is really the ;o receivp .. 1 1 H Itetfir. le a;oa ni uni . .Il**ct t.l 1 • ft u • 'y -hv 1 r.ts I pARVI " v was a small matter ot only Hi■ ■ . 1.. ISIS, r ‘ ’ price tljousand. 1 f.-el nf t-iai -ur '' ’Y m !■ r heaviest not in values .m; CONNECTIONS n 11-: loser, .1 ( exactly , >ll iny -a O rn On Ipii vc a in tn mil have 11-• 11 11 a —With *U and i ENi:K A L ILLII E A T.TII, two dollars or les*q and the igh- ?i: ■ int> ■ I.■ .mvf Milwaukee Railroad .stcauiLnat T ( a Issi .1 ar. lse are i t r me a 1 -.1 - ale ft ’A . m counted by lollars and cents, but Spinal • !% Diseases, ;:| t. itn -ha-1 ov j itf renr. ver I u 'I ■ ili-'.rl If i*S i m boi‘ sa\s, *‘l wi . hand you the It which I Weeden S With ouinibuv bine I r Sheboygan ' itiM- nuy I• • 1 * u I-02( •p m in the loss of all bis office paper-, iiciis "f .’1 ait'iM'l siirli 1 a . umh-r ..f Fa 3 ttiilox.) Sciatica, * natureami kin!'oever. i id t.l ni t K.rgo,■ I<- e ni As the She’, oysaa "; h Sh.-t > .a .a Id li H ,a M ■ .-ret slit Railr mil books, maps, etc., the accumulation j >| “ - tanner did not want to be small is her-tiy imf n.le Is- i- t- -i Mf : i"D Two Rivers—" Stag*' for KewAnnoe ani Decline, h . • ; m; > 'i. The eJ c -r,>.Mat. h, after rni A‘ mi pee. am! during sea- o —IS TICK in estate ’ the of 25 years the real busi- I", ' tmiher, 11.iy li -I I.n| n !l ami r 'iich •;.-S i.n , of nav.gation with Slea’iiiers fur Lumbago, i 4 about the matter he says all _:it ill p.'r-o s 11■ ie . K >TA DIVISION i from any h--! .ny r.-ht. j (HiintH. /.VTERMETHA TK COXXECTIOX *if e > ne-s. Besides this lie lost all hi- tlier'iu. until the l.aful of Catarrh, ST man !• ve s int-r t den."" us said Fr< rest Junction wt - ’-Vdec >nin Central R.K 'ap, n, +K and the with the ■vmrp'M .it inn f . .1:1 i;.- toll ►! .11 tirst e (.aid w Apple OH June ion—-Yuh Cbir.igi ind North' Nervous Compl’th. . ■■ clothing excetu *a at niM'i-m, !• 2 pin hat he wore that Al • wesfpri In Tho Great Through Line I- ’ I ■ Hv. ) Another comes in the Complaints. in '.TUI \ ani wheat. ?> a- la li le . not reraov. and m the b. other Female ,1 , ber. Shall l -ai/e 01 C. A W Ky. ante A St. tlik day, his bedding, furniture, —in thereon, Oshkosh-With F M. —betwken wav until the w hole ot the rhafi-os fluid s inti. art provided, ,ne- P. Ky. same viens to the hist d*> id’*K*t-*ber next Si eediug the —" -ii-en R*' ai.d Mlcr thing. He now tern- tub) New Londoi Ry. fact very is c mgs timber then • AMeila. are re epu said bo'-nis ■>f mi.'h and Clin onville—" go- fill Phawnn 15 fi..le. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Cough, thousand bushels ot wheat tb said curfioraii i ihaath'-rile-i toarß .aid logs ani NORTHANDSOriH F* i porily located in one ot the rooms I,at D'Z/irntPs. .S’uur .S'tomach, Kruptions. Bad Coi’iecta At Paul an Minncapo’i? with • timber upon whichbou-u ige tM is ine tod ntipai tru-ted out f one thousand ditfer- Which giver for three Freight I’aste in the Mouth, Palpitation the i ’ Sale, “hall, of FAMILIAPY KNOWN AS ' ent Kart ami South; at N’t ’i,u ! w i,h tra • i at house, jnibli ot i.iitlce b<’ TBS the Court ami re-establish- succee-ivo w*rlf< in some r.-vesnep pu lished in Heart, Pain in the cie ’■ Me r,,ae 1 flic Nailk Brai- persons, and not one ot the pur- region of Kidneys, an Valid ; ont . : - . the higne refoi F a - Tickeis -t and thousirr.d other painful are , himself as well as Through .. lomptoms, n ill train* make c'-a-e conmvliotis to and ing lie can. am! saw! .orporatio . ni y in ei. and faith, v it' airmt ‘• chasers concerns himself about it, ti 1.. h 1! \ ut' ol the United ition acl Ca’uvin, the offsprings ISoult*!" tram Du' uii an i to and from the West and or (T-per offl or, bid up..n end ('irchase any of .Dyspepsia, Mr. Brooks it seems had S2OO > sold, an. h logs and timber a t* be in I M The Trmeling Public < node th; C ' 1 , for it is a small amount he owes the Land Seekers and Se lers Ticke’s esse it s' ill be the h s-'.-sl I ! ler th“Tef r. be > a ( to aao connection with St. Paul trains t of insurance in the Trailer's Insur- "lit ot or price - hid -n.-h sale, farmer, and of course that, would and th prnreede > L unfit obtained nil Stolon.* at Lftwcut Rale?. N P. ? i ti > Si. Raul A Pacific R.tiiroad of in iy r“tii.. and receive the Costs ands ".al expenses ——TTf IIE !£< TE ance Company, Chicago, on his of sale, together wit hthe bo- cim/. * J herrmb* lor* rthepn th.s Hoad runs through a i •• nut Ihe p">-tion of at r Kisin r’s L imii. t, K not help him any. He does said (i -at pay ver 'l lie* 1 pei vided. and c 7 n shi'.i . '’ reg n abounding in maple, birch, bi*---. I, onk, —BETWEE.V— t**r"v ii 1 the •sseseiops ; at building and $1,500 on his stock. to owner or 'he >1 HELMBOLD'S BUCHU British P His frittered inaod the [lemon entitled residue l enii" k and pine. i'.dnreineijtri to realize that the farmer lias and (.iiechasrrH such sale small l.i. Social r.irci with stages such proceeds, ut ■ - for OAuU'Eng Reek, Fort (.art ict ; 1 locate machinery for menu- The building was totally destroyed, juire the right ind title .f the owoers or !.■■! U s I 1 h ce, Berthoid, Fort Km away large aim t,.c .. ■ Invigorates the Stomach. St. Panl or Minneapolis gh, and ot’.ier his crop of wheat, - I, ,f the log' and properly so ! ('.or ■• %d"',(cd. —AND in M ut.ina , also w iN. W. St ige and the stock con ddcrahly injured. S ’Cthu 4. Be* tioti •” en of -li ipter t venfy- urn'lenrc -s him a 1 to any Agent ! its va’ue is due in is ?’ K'ir : r.uati.'ii .apply of the Coni' i. ‘timulatcs the 1 D f oir Is hereby union I- d'U ns t I r*' I 1 1lows 1 .f t<.r pi Liver BoweN, and Brad puny, 01 to ST I GUIS He moved his goods into the Section 7. All (.ei son oth. r th.i th- H';’h"r 'I■ action, in tlie KANSAS CITY. units -.n the Black HiP little and that he is seri- v Kidneyr to liealthy clensing H. F. ■* driblets, • : said p net a cot or WHITCOMB. ANh AJTa p■ s' r | II■ K s C*r, olou i ali impurities, arid y*rs VRtJKNT, -haw store ami has kepi closed all de.t'oy or injure ot .he bo'Mii -sol r.irpma' Fast Water and Mason ST'-ets. 11 Wi*. of imparting new Gf 'I M*ivts*r, L^nL ously emitarrassed in Ids business any • I in tiou, o 'nrn loose or a Irift any 1 its or tiniher life and vigor to the whole system. G H. A. TOWXE, week wailing for the Insurance SANBORN. treat it a th- eln. or who-hall fb-tnn t the f-ee p.image ol —IT 13 ALSO— because his debtors ns - Gt n’! Frt. A. Ticket Agt. Superintendent just logs and 11ruber into suit h .rns lv 1 la Ing • bst rn.’- A single trial will be quite sufficient to Co* qcuiy’d adjuster, who his tioimlnor across the chai tie s f “ i 1 v-r.s and St ’’ml. Braincrd little matter. But if all would pay convince tin* most hesitating of its valuable l-.'vs an-! above s t.d 1.0 ms. ami -hull be c nvicted arrived. t ceding could th’*re*vf. sliali be pnn'shed by .* ti * ex. remedial qualities. The Oroat Rctilc him promptly, which they do - ■ in thecoiinty post- ■OO 1 bou-:tnd dollars, or imj • tiiwent Mr. Perry has opened the \ as well as not, it won and be a very j I . 1r>t excee hog .-.x months, or both, at 'he disart?' FOTDJSTIiIIiV'IION 01' TLA VEL to r, an i office in the store tion .-f t’ne c-Mirt. 6.000.000 Acres huge amount th'* farm Hacker House >- "or 5. This act Shull ts .0 eff- e l l.e in EAST WEST. .tee in uni and *•’ on his business • fr after im pas-uge publication. o *' emdd.e him to carry building, At it upon and papers, but 10-t \RfiIED ■ ■ annlicstion culties that the newspap r man has a good man . -fS. Agent, a* 4G On Fnmiav afternoon i.i*?, 2Sth inst., by * own things; even ' of his safe, i '** to contend with. his |;AiIT ’ f"t, S; Paul, or Braincrd, Minu. Rev. Ciias. Verw * y-l, at 11 '€• of the 2 TRAINS EACH WAY 2 which he was unable to move brUie’s ptirents, Lkwis Th"i;?s"\ hih! Miss GaLi.agiikh, of Pullman Sl'. .3 Daily o have the beyond the back door office, Kate Uaught-.T A. Gallag! • r. I'r 'Acred to any address free fiom obser- No Time.—Those of bis - Ks<|. BETWEEN most time usually lave the least. badly scorched and warped. vation. was ‘■Patients’' niey consult bv letter, receiv- Ritchie, ’ ‘hnig I > do ar harass Those who have * & S. Mrs. A toine Ca lotte, who liv* THIS PA Pi:!: ing the same attention as by calling. St. Paul St. Icuis! ngest al u it, la ftei Kowidl A t\>' Newspaper A Ivenise 1 Bure-i i (lo Competent Physicians attend to corre- - ... - THROUGH TICKETS ATTORNEY AT LAW. hurried at the end. up stairs in the Schiitte building, Sp are St . *vh and, r.g contracts urn be -pondents. .-lil be bite and made for 11 I>f NEW i ?BK letters should addresed early start and a steady pace, most of her furniture, and i- to To Ail Important Points I C 'ity ? is. An saved A K FOR TICKETS VIA takes tin slowest through the race. temporarily stopping with the Probate Notice. The tortoise out-n ave\d the fox, .V. E. 11. T. lIEI.MBOLD, family of Mr. Philbrooks. v STOMACH THE CENTRAL for he kept on, while the fox slept FTATK 0? WI*CO ?tV. ? . and Chemist, n * r Druggist EE&B Burke lost only a few Countv Court fi r i'-.iiglrt- Connfy j THIS! by the r b■ T vvn f Superb, irsha u saved minutes mak co qt of 30 hens and chickens. Siie i’ -aid P-.'in.v, n the El ST ft K'IIAVOFMAV■ A.I) M 11towti. lovt hats, r Fever and Ague. clothing*, furnish- Hall liie time spei l in lr . ling a I-'", the fill...ving itiattsr6 WtU he h-ard ani i-uo- is living in John Sanrnou’s house sidere i : true antidote to the effect* ot mhsma job is sufficient to and t it. ami halt Th*' P. B. OAYLOKi), ing goods and Mer- The ppl : ca!i a.f f e.inard F. Whe. I cfc adinini'- Iloptctier’s Bitters. Tiii- medicine ' on 3rd street. i= the time spent .a, ie-sotk tr,->:.,r ofthe-state of Sixtus Uoffina'., lae of'h- an CAUTION! t T’* nof Sap. nor in a<-i C. .in';.. de,-*a-ei to the will be ample tu . am it, wo Air. Snyder is located in one of pi-res . • ~>hl estate b<-1 nging tosu- h estate. of succ ''ful nr orietary specifics, and See that the private Pp.o- ifS-rined * fi If ire > wit: PHOTOGRAPHER f this Con- about it. in Middletown. He * is in imntensr’ demand wherever on Great Boston One Price hi- buildings Lot N 271 West 8e ’ ’ and PRTBTAEY STAMP IS ON EACH ! Ninth in the \ liage f— ■ tinent fever and ague elifts. A wineglassful AND DEALER IN Nevci vhi , rej . West ,-treet, uj.s-r; >r stoves and many other * Clothing Store, Minne- b-.iso lost ids L i’s I, 2 and 5 in Rh> k 4 L 5 ’li Block 2h, T.d 5 three times a dav i? the best po pre- Bottle. hie. Be ui and about your on 11- fB - ... ‘u bi.s-s and liv n par .live for encountering \ malarious atmos- - ■ articles, more than he thought ut - . ness. You sav vou have no time; Und 2-3 ot and apolis, - invigorating the besi. Cloth- v* phere. regulating ijyer, Frames and w f ’ >f’e- 10, Town 4- H mge a Picture : , IT. t tte you I are all the time therei*. sixty first. , row ■ . su the -tomacd. Mouldings. ing Store in the North- Mr. Chris. T.ord ban re-opened liv order ol the C mut; For ?ale by a!! Druggists and Dealers nun *its m every hour, au i tW'.utv- flic 'V. PERHT, frt“f? I generally. Sold EVERYWHERE. TjbT ■ west, iuui hu’.i.. ..j t-'cry and ay. his saloon in Uetiry Miller's build-• I'a'e 1 Msr 1; jeg" TOTJIjTJT 2A