

Copyright: Dr Manish Agarwala https://www.facebook.com/manish.agarwala.12


The clueless Allopath who cannot see the hidden satanic face of Arsenic behind the Covid19 drama will be completely baffled, frustrated and will fail to understand what is going on and why and what to do about it.

- Dr Manish Agarwala


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

- Sun Tzu (6th century BC)


It is the spirit of Truth that tries to unite us all; but the father of Lies keeps us separate and divided.

- Dr

(Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases : A Foreword By Dr Constantine Hering, MD)


Then ye shall see the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.

- Bible. John 8.32


Aude Sapere

-The motto of the 2nd to 6th ed. of ‘The Organon of Medical Art’,

By Dr





Dr Manish Agarwala

• Unraveling and decoding all mysteries of COVID-19 baffling the western medicine experts (Allopaths).

• Discovering the connection between Arsenic and all the Covid-19 theories, observations & treatment approaches of the Allopaths.

• Confirming ARENICUM ALBUM as the Genus Epidemicus of COVID-19 from the viewpoint of Biochemistry, Toxicology, Pathology and Virology.

• High-lighting the blind spots of the Allopaths and pointing out how their treatment approaches are partial, fragmentary & suppressive whereas the Classical Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus (Arsenicum Album 200c) is prophylactic as well as curative because it is a direct hit at ARSENIC - the central pivot of Covid-19.


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. - Sun Tzu (6th century BC)

Only a perfectly Similimum Homeopathic potentized remedy, which is individualistically-holistically-miasmatically similar, can CURE the ‘man-in- disease’ in ‘minimum dose’ as per the law of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’, whereas all other non-Homeopathic treatment approaches by dis-similar remedies to manage the ‘disease-in-man’ can only suppress the disease leading to further chronic complications. That the Classical Homeopathic cure is the true cure, whereas all other non-Homeopathic treatments are at most palliative if not suppressive, is confirmed on the basis of the Hering’s laws of cure.

During an epidemic – the collective symptoms of the disease are taken from the entire community as if all the symptoms occur in one man and a curative Similimum remedy (Genus Epidemicus) is selected that is likely to act curatively for a large section of the community suffering from the same disease.

It must be emphasized that: “What will cure a disease according to the law of similars will also prevent that same disease”. This principle is endorsed by Hahnemann as it is the title of his paper, ‘The Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever’. Thus, the well selected Genus Epidemicus acts prophylactically and successfully prevents the spread of the epidemic because the Genus Epidemicus is not an arbitrarily chosen remedy but is the curative Similimum to the disease condition spreading in the community.






PART 1 TO 10

PART - 1 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221612662489325&id=1336 335841

(Links to parts 2-10 at the end, above references).




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Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) or ‘white arsenic’ is called ‘Arsenicum Album’ in Latin! Latin ‘album’ is literally "white color, whiteness;" it is a noun use of the neuter of the adjective ‘albus’ meaning "white".

The Allopaths use the crude as a drug whereas in Classical we use the potentized dynamic form of Arsenic Trioxide (Arsenicum Album)


SARS-CoV2 is the official name of the virus and the name of the disease caused by it is Covid-19.





• Chronic Arsenic toxicity studies in West Bengal, India: A brief glance at the table 1 herein, listing Symptoms and signs of 167 Arsenicosis patients that required hospital admission in West Bengal, India, amazingly looks like a symptom checklist of Covid-19! Check! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1607551X11001124 ?fbclid=IwAR0y3NlhEuPAueMXDSLpdZZMadL5WlC- MwQEax0hPTcumvoOx6XSmgMCTa4

• Many Covid-19 cases are reporting the peculiar symptom of loss of taste and/or loss of smell. Some are reporting loss of hearing too. See classical Homeopathic analysis here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221724394202548&id =1336335841

Now, see the similarity with arsenic:

The Effects of Arsenic Exposure on Neurological and Cognitive Dysfunction in Human and Rodent Studies: A Review: "China accounts for approximately half of the world’s Arsenic production and consequently its pollution [48], and there are many regions that contain naturally high amounts of Arsenic in soil deposits. Arsenic toxicity studies from China typically focus on symptoms of neurotoxicity, including loss of hearing, loss of taste, blurred vision, and tingling/numbness in the limbs [49]. Altered mental health is comorbid with these ailments, including a prevalence of insomnia [49], anxiety and depression [50], and symptoms of distress [51]." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4026128/#CR49


NOTE: Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) or white Arsenic is a water-soluble powder that produces a colourless, tasteless and odourless solution and was the favourite homicidal agent during the Middle Ages and its use continues today, although not to the same extent. It is interesting to note that the symptom of Arsenic toxicity (or the symptom of Covid-19) produces loss of smell and taste, as if mimicking the chemical nature of Arsenic Trioxide! Surely, that’s a beautiful and unforgettable reminder of the ‘doctrine of signatures’ by the Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493- 1541)!

• Some Covid-19 cases are reporting neurological complications and cerebrovascular diseases like Cerebral Haemorrhage and Cerebral Infarction and also rare conditions like: Acute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing Encephalopathy (ANE). See details here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221875688384808&set= a.10203502134057433&type=3

Now see the similarity with arsenic: a) Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis: “Brain purpura: Brain purpura (pericapillary encephalorrhagia) is a noninflammatory condition with multiple small petechial hemorrhages and hyaline or fibrin clots obliterating the lumens of pre-capillary arterioles in the white matter (Hurst 1941). Patients develop stupor and coma, usually without focal signs. The CSF is normal. Its etiology is obscure, but it is sometimes associated with Gram-negative infections or with ARSENIC or phosgene poisoning. A combination of brain purpura and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, perhaps the superimposition of one condition on the other, may be the etiology of acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis.” https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9176/0e2bb95df9af47d9e00c4ed1ce9 32ab351f7.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1f09v-kTfKTkgjS- SGrtSOTyEvJsMPgCh8hfDQ6cDrYmIWzcx6aM6Esyw


b) Apoptosis and necrosis in developing brain cells due to Arsenic toxicity and protection with antioxidants: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12368058

c) Primary Intracerebral hemorrhage mortality reduction after installation of a tap-water supply system in an arseniasis –endemic area in southwestern Taiwan: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17365607

d) Acute and chronic Arsenic Toxicity: “The effects of toxicity also include changes in behaviour, confusion, and memory loss. Cognitive impairment was reported in two workers from 14–18 months of exposure and mental function returned to normal after withdrawal from the source of Arsenic. An increased prevalence of CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE, especially CEREBRAL INFARCTION, was observed in a large study of 8102 men and women who experienced long term Arsenic exposure from well water.” https://pmj.bmj.com/content/79/933/391

This confirms the uncanny similarity between Covid-19 symptoms and Arsenic toxicity. Therefore, the application of Arsenicum Album 200c as the Genus Epidemicus will prove prophylactic as well as curative because Similia Similibus Curentur!







1. Arsenic exposure may decrease immunity to flu: “In a US-based study, mice were given drinking water containing 100 parts per billion of Arsenic for five weeks before being exposed to the influenza A (H1N1) virus — the influenza subtype that includes swine flu. When researchers then measured the animals' immune response to infection, it was found to be significantly weakened when compared with that of mice in a control group”. https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp.0900911 https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp.trp081309

2. In utero Arsenic and H1N1 influenza- the role of CD8+ T cells in immunopathology: “Epidemiological evidence from an Arsenic-exposed population in Chile demonstrated that in utero and early childhood exposure to Arsenic was associated with a 46-fold increase in the risk of death from bronchiectasis decades after cessation of exposure. ….The overall goal of the proposed research is to determine the underlying mechanism for this effect, focusing in particular on early life exposures. Specifically, we propose to utilize an animal model to investigate the role of in utero Arsenic exposure on immune system dysfunction to test the hypothesis that in utero As exposure (via maternal drinking water exposure) followed by a sublethal dose of Influenza A will lead to increased immunopathology in the lung due to a dysfunction CD8+ T cell antiviral response…. Additionally, the impact of Arsenic exposure on the potential for a PANDEMIC FLU outbreak could have a significant and immediate


impact on public health, considering that many of the geographic areas with confirmed human cases of avian flu or H1N1 (swine) flu are known to overlap geographically with populations that also have significantly elevated As exposures, such as in Southeast Asia and Mexico”. https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/F32-ES019070-02

3. Arsenic exposure is associated with pediatric pneumonia in rural Bangladesh: a case control study. “finding suggests that low to moderate Arsenic exposure may be a risk factor for pneumonia in children under 5 years of age”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26497043

https://www.healio.com/pediatrics/respiratory- infections/news/online/%7B0ac15722-4c8c-4469-946c- cf885665a17c%7D/pediatric-pneumonia-most-commonly-caused-by- viral-infections

4. Chronic exposure to arsenite enhances influenza virus infection in cultured cells “Considering the existing epidemiological evidence and the well‐ established impact of Arsenic on epithelial cell biology, we posited that the effect of Arsenic exposure in epithelial cells could enhance viral infection. This study suggests that chronic arsenite exposure could result in enhanced influenza infection in epithelial cells, and that this may be mediated through increased sialic acid binding. Finally, the decreased effectiveness of the anti‐influenza drug, oseltamivir, in arsenite‐exposed cells raises substantial public health concerns if this effect translates to Arsenic‐exposed, influenza‐infected people”. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jat.3918

5. Quantitative links between Arsenic exposure and influenza A (H1N1) infection-associated lung function exacerbations risk.


“chronic Arsenic exposure and A (H1N1) infection together are most likely to pose potential exacerbations risk of lung function…We concluded that avoidance of drinking Arsenic-containing water could significantly reduce influenza respiratory illness and that need will become increasingly urgent as the novel H1N1 pandemic influenza virus infects people worldwide”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21284682

6. Latent membrane protein-1 of Epstein - Barr virus increases sensitivity to Arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16404345

[Btw-Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3)’ is called ‘Arsenicum Album’ in Latin! The allopaths use the crude Arsenic Trioxide as a drug whereas in Classical Homeopathy we use the potentized dynamic form of Arsenic Trioxide (Arsenicum Album)]

7. Swine Flu: Influenza A (H1N1) Susceptibility Linked To Common Levels Of Arsenic Exposure: “The ability to mount an immune response to influenza A (H1N1) infection is significantly compromised by…Arsenic exposure that commonly occurs through drinking contaminated well water, scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and Dartmouth Medical School have found”. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090520151436.htm

8. Low-dose Arsenic compromises the immune response to influenza A infection in vivo. “Our data indicate that chronic Arsenic exposure significantly compromises the immune response to infection. Alterations in response to repeated lung infection may also contribute to other chronic illnesses,


such as bronchiectasis, which is elevated by Arsenic exposure in epidemiology studies”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19750111

9. Is There Any Role of Arsenic Toxicity in HPV Related Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma? “A statistically significant correlation observed between this metal toxicity and viral infection in the occurrence of oral carcinoma in this population indicates a possible symbiotic role between these two factors in this malignancy”. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12011-018-1419-6

10. Elevated Arsenic Exposure Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11596-018-1921-2

11. Arsenic exposure and hepatitis E virus infection during pregnancy: “The relation of urinary Arsenic during pregnancy with incident HEV seroconversion and with IL-2 levels among HEV-seroconverting pregnant women suggests Arsenic exposure during pregnancy may enhance susceptibility to HEV infection”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4609253/

12. Arsenic enhances immune dysfunction and susceptibility to viral infection during pregnancy. https://idsa.confex.com/idsa/2014/webprogram/Paper48021.html

13. Arsenic is decreased in target organs during viral infection in mice “In the present study, As was measured through inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the plasma, liver, spleen, kidney, heart,


pancreas and brain at days 1 and 3 of coxsackievirus B3 infection in female Balb/c mice. The severity of the infection was assessed from clinical signs of disease. The infection changed plasma As in a biphasic pattern with a small increase (n.s.) at day 1 that turned into a decreasing trend (13%, p<0.05) by day 3. In the liver, spleen, heart, pancreas and kidney As was unchanged at day 1 but, at day 3, it had decreased by 71% (p<0.01), 64% (p<0.01), 55% (p<0.01), 63% (p<0.01) and 73% (p<0.01), respectively. In the brain, As went unchanged. The pathophysiological interpretation of these findings requires further research”. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0946672X0500 1434


The Research Studies cited above establish beyond doubt that there exists a sinister connection between Arsenic (As) and different viral infections in various ways as described above. While this evil connection has been studied and documented with many viruses – no one has studied or even hinted about the specific connection between Covid-19 and Arsenic before me. I am absolutely certain that if the above said research studies are repeated with Covid19 – the Covid19-Arsenic connection will be confirmed.

I was the first person to declare Arsenicum Album 200c [potentized Homeopathic Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3)] as the Genus Epidemicus & curative remedy specific for the Covid-19 pandemic in my Parts 1 to 10 Genus Epidemicus Analysis. Now, I have highlighted the specific connection between Arsenic and Viral infections and this further buttresses the fact that my choice of Ars. Alb. as the worldwide Genus Epidemicus has a very strong possibility of being a successful prophylactic against the Covid-19 virus.

Now, let’s discuss the abstract of the research study quoted in point no. 13 above: “Arsenic is decreased in target organs during viral infection in mice”. This is a very interesting and important research study although, the Swedish authors themselves did not understand the true meaning of their findings and wrote: “The pathophysiological interpretation of these findings requires further research”! Here, in all probability – the coxsackievirus B3 itself was the


similimum to the Arsenic loaded toxic state of the mice (yes, the virus was Homeopathic!) and when the virus was introduced – it produced the Homeopathically characteristic ‘primary aggravation’ as evidenced by “a small increase (n.s.) at day 1”. The authors found it “n.s” or non-significant but, were honest enough to record it in their findings! After the primary aggravation – the ‘secondary amelioration’ followed - resulting in a “decreasing trend” of the Arsenic levels! By, the third day after the ‘Homeopathic’ virus’s entry – the Arsenic level had decreased by 71%! The authors, oblivious of the principles of Homeopathy, which is based on universal laws of nature - called this transient increase of Arsenic levels followed by decrease of Arsenic levels “a biphasic pattern”! If this experiment was repeated in a reverse way and if Arsenic (in an extremely minute non-lethal dose) was given to the coxsackievirus B3 infected mice – it would have acted Homeopathically and healed the infection by bringing down the virus levels!

If crude Similimums can do this much –the application of potentized Arsenicum Album 200c as the Genus Epidemicus will prove prophylactic as well as deeply curative because Similia Similibus Curentur and the potentized homeopathic remedy is truly the ‘minimum dose’. No crude dose, no matter how minute, can qualify for the tag of ‘minimum dose’ unless potentized. The homeopathic potentized Arsenicum Album 200c will work much better than any crude dose of Arsenic (no matter how minute) and without any Arsenic toxicity!

If a single dose of Arsenicum Album 200c is given to a Covid-19 case and the remedy is allowed to work undisturbed – the cure will be evident by the lowering of the SARS-CoV2 virus titre and the process of cure will follow the pattern of Hering’s Laws of Cure.








Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, a Doctor from ICU in New York, Speaks about what is really happening with Covid19 patients. He points out that Covid-19 is not causing dyspnoea but, is actually causing HYPOXIA. Dyspnoea is breathlessness and hypoxia is lack of oxygen in the blood. Both are very different. He questions: Is the routine use of ventilators in Covid-19 patients correct?

See here: https://www.facebook.com/joshyjones89/posts/10157892292456224?hc_loca tion=ufi

If that Hypoxia-Dyspnoea was not enough to baffle the clueless Allopaths – there is more to the mystery:

“What’s driving this reassessment is a baffling observation about Covid-19: Many patients have blood oxygen levels so low they should be dead. But they’re not gasping for air, their hearts aren’t racing, and their brains show no signs of blinking off from lack of oxygen”. https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/08/doctors-say-ventilators-overused-for- covid-19/

So, it’s basically hypoxia (and not dyspnoea) but, strangely there is good tolerance of hypoxia and the hypoxia is not fatal unless the case reaches the terminal dyspnoeic stage. Do the allopaths have any theory to explain the rationale behind this entire perplexing phenomenon?

I can explain everything from the viewpoint of Covid-19 and Arsenic (Arsenic Trioxide) being analogous or so to say – the similia.

Actually, at the beginning the Covid-19 virus causes hypoxia but, as the case worsens, the patient develops dyspnea. In the Complete Repertory, Arsenicum is listed under hypoxia rubrics as well as dyspnea.


mountains; agg., mountain sickness: ARS (grade 3)

Heart & circulation; suffocated feeling, heart: ARS (grade 3)

Respiration; difficult: ARS (grade 4)

Respiration; difficult; air; cold; agg.: ARS (grade 3)

Respiration; difficult; air; open; agg.: ARS (grade 4)

Respiration; difficult; ascending agg.: ARS (grade 4)

Cough; suffocative; dry: ARS (grade 3, Allen T F)

Chest; breathing; difficult, with: ars (grade 1)

Nose; dyspnea: ars (grade 1)

Let us study this further. First from the Covid-19 viewpoint:

• COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism: “The novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) is an infectious acute respiratory infection caused by the novel coronavirus….The results showed the ORF8 and surface glycoprotein could bind to the porphyrin, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. The mechanism also interfered with the normal heme anabolic pathway of the human body, is expected to result in human disease”. https://chemrxiv.org/articles/COVID- 19_Disease_ORF8_and_Surface_Glycoprotein_Inhibit_Heme_Metabolis m_by_Binding_to_Porphyrin/11938173


See this too…

• The mitochondria (where cellular respiration happens) is affected by NSP4, NSP8 and ORF9c proteins of Covid-19 virus. See here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.22.002386v1.full.pdf

Now, let’s turn to Arsenic:

• Handbook of ArsenicToxicology, Edited by S. J. S. Flora, Elsevier 2015. Page 541: “Arsenic impairs cellular respiration by inhibiting various mitochondrial enzymes, and the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Toxic by- products are released when Arsenic interacts with sulfhydryl groups of proteins and enzymes, and substitutes phosphorus in a variety of biochemical reactions [72]. For example, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase and thiolase enzymes are inactivated when Arsenic reacts with their sulfhydryl groups causing inhibited oxidation of pyruvate and beta- oxidation of fatty acids. Arsenic also distorts the conformation of protein structure by attacking the disulfide bonds and thiol groups and binding to vicinal cysteines [73]. Arsenites interfere with sulfhydryl group of amino acids and disturb protein structure, while arsenates substitute for phosphate, affecting cellular processes such as ATP and DNA synthesis [74].” file:///C:/Users/91983/Downloads/Handbook%20of%20Arsenic%20Toxi cology%20by%20%20Swaran%20Jeet%20Singh%20Flora%20(z- lib.org)%20(1).pdf


There is more…


• Altered activity of heme biosynthesis pathway enzymes in individuals chronically exposed to Arsenic in Mexico: “Our objective was to evaluate the activities of some enzymes of the heme biosynthesis pathway and their relationship with the profile of urinary porphyrin excretion in individuals exposed chronically to Arsenic (As) via drinking water….In conclusion, chronic As exposure alters human heme metabolism”. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s002040050592

• Structure–function alteration of haemoglobin in Arsenicosis patients: a probable pathway to exert toxicity: “Our work explores the structure–function property of Hb in chronic Arsenicosis subjects and reveals that the molecule is modified in such a way that comparatively weak binding with oxygen and strong binding with Arsenic occur simultaneously. This association may play a crucial role in exerting the pathway for Arsenic toxicity”. https://www.academia.edu/5360259/Structure_function_alteration_of_ hemoglobin_in_arsenicosis_patients_a_probable_pathway_to_exert_to xicity?auto=download

So, we can see that both covid19 and Arsenic alter the heme biosynthesis and affect cellular respiration. Similia! This clarifies that the Covid-19 mainly causes hypoxia and the dyspnea may be a later development as the case worsens.

But, how to explain the strange tolerance to hypoxia, as mentioned by me in the beginning? The allopathic doctors, despite the great advances in western medicine and research are completely clueless!

Let me quote from: China With The World: COVID-19 Experts Dialogues - The 2nd Talk Transcript. The western medicine experts are saying:

“some of the patients tolerate hypoxemia quite well in terms of the RR, as they don’t show any sign of respiratory distress. However, when you measure their pulse oximetry, the reading may be as low as 80% or even 70%. So, some patients tolerate hypoxemia very well, but I don’t know why”.

“It is not really uncommon for emergency workers to find patients at home which oxygen saturation is below 90%. We see patients severely desaturated


but not really feeling breathing so difficult and no hemodynamic compensation. Certainly, some of them may have severe hypoxemia with these characteristics, but I don’t know why”.

“Yes, I confirm that many patients have low saturations without showing symptoms. We found patients severely desaturated with secondary organ failure (particularly brain and heart) due to hypoxemia. It is a good point: don’t be tricked by symptoms”. https://healthmanagement.org/c/icu/pressrelease/china-with-the-world- covid-19-experts-dialogues-the-2nd-talk-transcript

Now, let me explain the why and how of this dilemma and after this, I hope, the readers will be convinced about the powers of Classical Homeopathy and Arsenicum Album as the Genus Epidemicus of Covid19 (and will put the Bryonia/Camphora/Nuv-v/Gelsemium prescribing Homeopathic ‘teachers’ in the dock!)

Read these excerpts first…

• “In the middle of the 19th century stories emerged of people in Styria eating Arsenic for their health. They claimed small lumps of Arsenic, crushed between their teeth and swallowed, improved their complexion, made their hair strong and glossy and helped them breathe easier at high altitude or when doing strenuous work”. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2016/feb/29/is-arsenic- eating-a-clever-poisoning-plot-device-or-recipe-for-disaster

• Farrington’s Materia Medica states in the Arsenicum and Rhus-tox chapter: “In certain districts Arsenicum is indulged in as an article of diet. The women take it for the purpose of beautifying the complexion, and the men indulge in it because it enables them to work hard with little or no fatigue. The drug acts on muscular tissue so as to increase its power of endurance. We may make use of this fact when some disease has resulted, from climbing mountains or a long journey, as a provoking or modifying cause. The "Arsenic vice" is very objectionable, and certainly


very injurious. After awhile these persons will suffer from Arsenic poisoning”. “ARSENICUM is to be thought of for the effects of over-exertion, particularly if that exertion consists in climbing steep hills and mountains. Here you have the effects of breathing rarefied air as well as those of the exertion”

• If you have a subscription – you can download and read this too: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/45628952_Arsenic_eaters_a nd_altitude_sickness_An_epigenetic_strategy_for_improving_fitness_in _a_hostile_environment

• Arsenic: for beauty, sexual desire, stamina to climb mountains, murder and a lot more…

https://www.historyextra.com/period/modern/arsenic-a-brief-history- of-agatha-christies-favourite-murder-weapon/

https://m.tribuneindia.com/2011/20110807/spectrum/book4.htm https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1968490/ [Search ‘arsenic’!]

file:///C:/Users/91983/Downloads/Cullen%20reviews%20978085404363 7.pdf [Yeah! Arsenic IS an aphrodisiac. But, not safe! Don’t try].

Let me explain. Arsenic like all other poisons can also be a tonic or medicine. It all depends on the DOSE, CONSTITUTION, PHASE OF ACTION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND STAGE OF DISEASE! A very detailed discussion on this is beyond the scope of this work and so, I am merely quoting the ‘Arndt Schultz Law For poisons’ which states that – “for every substance, small doses stimulate, moderate doses suppress, large doses kill”. This Arndt Schultz law is about the crude phase of the substance and the potentized Homeopathic remedy works in the dynamic phase.


The Covid-19 patient (an Arsenicum Album patient, actually!) beautifully portrays the Arndt Schultz law in clinical setting! Here the multi-faceted Arsenicum trait is reflected by hypoxia (due to the reasons discussed above) but there is a higher tolerance to hypoxia also (just like Arsenic being a stimulant and tonic)! Again, as the case worsens – the effect is akin to taking the ‘large dose’ which kills! After all Arsenic is a poison and it is as Farrington says in his Materia Medica: “After awhile these persons will suffer from Arsenic poisoning”! Amazing! Isn’t it? And there is more! There is an in-between ‘moderate dose’ type effect too – which ‘suppresses’ and so, in some cases – the allopathic doctor will be completely baffled to see no symptoms at all but, the patient may test Covid19 positive or the asymptomatic case may suddenly develop very severe life-threatening symptoms.

Arsenic bestows strength and life to the patient and gives him the capacity to endure its poisonous sufferings. In fact, Arsenic may make its victim feel better if they take it and worse if they don’t and compel the person to raise the dose! Very satanic and sadistic indeed!

See some interesting Arsenic trivia here: https://oldspirituals.com/2018/11/23/arsenic-eaters/

The Covid-19 symptoms are dramatic because of the innate character of Arsenic. You-are-sick-and-yet-not-feeling-the-sickness-and-then-you-die. That is Arsenic or Covid-19 and can completely baffle the Allopathic doctor with the meandering/contradictory/changing symptoms and asymptomatic/symptomatic phases and variable test results and relapses and re-infections and sudden severe worsening of symptoms leading to death.

As I said before – I repeat - It depends on the DOSE, CONSTITUTION, PHASE OF ACTION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND STAGE OF DISEASE! A very detailed discussion on this is beyond the scope of this work. The best way to end this Covid-19 drama (the Arsenicum drama, actually) is to apply Arsenicum Album in the potentized Homeopathic form and benefit from its dynamic phase of action that will reverse all kinds of crude effects/variations of Covid-19 symptoms completely.


Wisdom lies is adopting the dictum ‘prevention is better than cure’ and petitioning the Governments worldwide for mass public distribution of Arsenicum Album 200c, as the prophylactic Genus Epidemicus, which must be taken in the correct way, as explained towards the end of this research study.

I hope my work will reach some wise people around the world – who will be able to see the truth and come together to implement my Genus Epidemicus blueprint across the world to save humanity from acute (as well as chronic) medical, social and economic disaster precipitated by Covid-19. Until and unless the medical doctors and the Governments worldwide see the central fulcrum of ARSENICUM in the Covid-19 drama – there will be no end to this pandemic. Note my words.



These days, the ACE2 receptor is in media limelight due to the Covid-19 virus!

It has been observed that the Covid-19 affects the old more severely than the young and higher fatalities are observed in the old age group. The scientists blame this on the aging immune system and LOWER ACE2 receptors in the old people. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/possible-biological-explanations- for-kids-escape-from-covid-19-67273

It is further explained thus:

“In children and young adults, ACE2 receptors are present at a much higher density in lung tissue than in older individuals. Thus, the condition in people taking ACEIs and ARBs emulates that in young people. It is possible that having more ACE2 receptors provides a reserve against target-mediated destruction by SARS-CoV-2. ACE2 functions to produce the heptapeptide angiotensin (1-7), which has favourable effects on the pulmonary endothelium and might provide resilience from development of pulmonary failure in COVID-19.” https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30156- 9/fulltext

However, there is a lot of confusion in the minds of the allopaths about ACE Inhibitors & ARBs because they are so clueless about Covid-19!

See here:

ACE Inhibitors & ARBs: Wading Into the Unknown of COVID-19 https://www.mdmag.com/medical-news/ace-inhibitors-arbs-wading- unknown-covid19

But, if someone would have asked me – I would have said that Arsenicum is the similia of Covid-19 and Covid-19 may be “unknown” to you but, you do


know Arsenic very well! So, since Covid-19 is not answering your questions – ask Arsenic – and the replies given by Arsenic will be valid for Covid-19 as well!

Is it so? Let’s see…

Zandvoort’s Complete Repertory says:

Generalities; old people, in: ARS (grade 4 – Kent, Lippe, Lippe, Boericke)

So, Arsenicum does affects the old severely! And so, the old people are at risk of Covid-19!

Eh! Not satisfied with the Repertory explanation? OK! Let’s see the biochemistry...

“Further, AngII caused concentration-dependent incremental change in mean arterial pressure in the Arsenic-exposed rats. Arsenic upregulated AT1 and TβRII receptor proteins” http://europepmc.org/article/med/27889505 and..

“Arsenic upregulates the expression of angiotensin II Type I receptor in mouse aortic endothelial cells”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23603059 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26079204

Arsenic upregulates AT1R and in order to counteract the effects of Arsenic on the physiology– down regulation of AT1R is required and IF Arsenic and Covid-19 are actually similar – in order to counteract the effects of Covid-19 - down regulation of AT1R MUST BE REQUIRED!

And this is what the allopathic scientists eventually agreed upon!

COVID-19 Outbreak Overview & the Link between SARS-CoV-2 & AT1R Antagonists

“Treating SARS-CoV-2 patients with AT1R antagonists, such as Losartan (#L- 185) or Olmesartan (#O-125) may be a means to increase ACE2 in order to counteract the virus’ effects. Thus, higher ACE2 expression following AT1R


antagonist administration could counteract the increased levels of Ang II which could in turn be converted to Ang (1-7)”. https://landing.alomone.com/covid-19


Inhibitors of RAS Might Be a Good Choice for the Therapy of COVID-19 Pneumonia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32061198


Now let’s compare the effects of the allopathic AT1R antagonist drugs VS. homoepathic potentized Arsenic:

Prescribing the crude AT1R antagonist allopathic drugs, such as Losartan or Olmesartan, is a fragmentary approach and this suppressive approach of the allopaths doesn’t work. Holistic Homeopathic similimum remedy prescribed in the potentized form is required.

Ah! Same old mumbo-jumbo by some Homeopath? Let’s see…

As proven by the researches quoted above - crude Arsenic upregulates AT1R. If crude Arsenic upregulates AT1R – the application of potentized Arsenic will act in the opposite direction and will down-regulate AT1R - and so it will achieve the purpose of AT1R antagonist drugs being prescribed by the allopaths – thereby, the ACE2 will increase and will thus counteract the virus effects.

Whereas when the allopathic AT1R antagonist drugs are prescribed – initial downregulation of AT1R will surely occur - but, later on, with continued medication, the AT1R antagonist drug will generally cause upregulation of the AT1R receptor – which is due to the counter-response by the body physiology to counteract the effects of the drug! When this happens, the clueless allopath, oblivious of the natural laws of healing, increases the dose of the crude drug or changes the prescription to a new allopathic crude drug!


In essence, this wonderfully explains why and how the Homeopathic principle of ‘like cures like’ is superior, non-suppressive and the immunological counter reaction of the organism is always in the desired direction of cure whereas the western medicine’s approach of drugging the patient with synthetic drugs (with an opposite action) in an attempt to turn the diseased biochemistry in the opposite direction fails sooner or later and never cures!

The allopath may surely manage to suppress for a while but, eventually the synthetic allopathic therapy fails or the suppression leads to chronic diseases and more complex morbidities. And when faced with new infective diseases like the Covid-19 – the allopathic doctors and scientists, who have no understanding of the natural laws of prevention and cure of diseases, throw up their hands in despair, get panicky and advocate lockdown & obsessive hand washing worldwide!

Further, it must be emphasized that the above discussion about AT1R antagonist/ACE2 and Arsenic is just to highlight the connection between Arsenicum and the patho-physiology of Covid-19. The allopathic scientists may keep changing their theories all the time but, the Truth remains as it is, Absolute! The action of potentized Arsenicum Album is not limited to ACE2 receptors or any particular biochemical pathway. Thus, irrespective of the changing theories and explanations of the Allopaths – the well selected similimum remedy always works whereas the crude drugs of the Allopaths keep failing necessitating more and more so-called ‘research’! The action of Arsenicum is HOLISTIC and complete – it covers the maze of countless biochemical pathways with inter-related interactions/regulations/counter- regulations etc. whereas the allopath tries to forcefully balance a particular biochemical pathway and fails eventually. The materialist allopathic scientist, despite knowing about the inter-dependent vastness of the biochemical mechanisms, fails to grasp its significance. He looks at a very small part of the biochemistry or peers into the microscope or tries to find answers in ‘peer- reviewed evidence-based medical journals’ whereas the vastness of Truth escapes his myopic vision. The synthetic allopathic drugs always cover just a small part of the biochemistry and even this forceful balancing attempt proves counter-productive and fails eventually – as discussed above. Whereas, the perfectly similimum remedy which is similar i.e. Homeopathic to the ENTIRE


DISEASE CONDITION, acts like a vaccine to holistically awaken the immunological reaction of the entire organism in the right direction of deep cure as well as prevention.

…and since Arsenicum has been confirmed to be the similimum to Covid-19, mass public application of Arsenicum Album 200c is the simple & fundamental answer the allopathic experts are frantically searching the world over!



On one hand there is tremendous publicity about hydroxy-chloroquine being the preventive as well as the ‘treatment’ of Covid-19 but, on the other hand established medical journals say that the use of chloroquine and hydroxy- chloroquine in Covid-19 “is premature and potentially harmful” and that “For now, except for supportive measures, infection with SARS-CoV-2 is “essentially untreatable!”

See here: https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1432

This is the BMJ – the British Medical Journal!

Imagine the pathetic and helpless condition of the Allopathic experts! The so- called ‘scientific’ western medicine (Allopathy) appears to be absolutely clueless, baffled and unable to treat Covid-19!

Let’s see why hydroxy-chloroquine will appear to work but, will not work…

Hydroxy-chloroquine is used to treat diabetics and is a derivative of the anti- malarial drug – chloroquine. Irrespective whether the patient has diabetes or not, Hydroxy-chloroquine is being used with the hope that it may prevent viral replication and also interfere with the glycosylation of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor that SARS-CoV2 uses to enter cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7102587/

In the previous section, we have already discussed ACE-2 with respect to Arsenicum and seen the co-relation with Covid-19.

Here, let us see the research link between diabetes and Arsenic.

• Arsenic-tainted drinking water may increase diabetes risk. “When compared with a control group, the Arsenic-exposed mice exhibited higher blood glucose levels due to reduced insulin secretion during the early phases of a glucose tolerance test…Arsenic induces


glucose intolerance through a disruption of beta-cell function that alters normal stimulus-secretion coupling”. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/01/180110163347.htm

• Occupational Arsenic exposure and glycosylated haemoglobin “The concentration of glycosylated haemoglobin (Hgb A1C) was increased in whole blood from the workers exposed to Arsenic due to occupational hazard”. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/1998/AN/a705699k#!div Abstract

So, since Covid-19 is analogous (similia) to Arsenicum – the picture is as expected – Arsenic cause rise in blood sugar and glycosylation and so hydroxy- chloroquine, the anti-diabetic will seem to ‘work’ in Covid-19 cases – but, hydroxy-chloroquine will eventually fail because…

= hydroxy-chloroquine is not the similia to Covid-19. The similia is Arsenicum. Which means that hydroxy-chloroquine tends to treat Covid-19 from a fragmentary viewpoint whereas Covid-19 has a wide range of symptoms (and widely varying biochemistry mechanisms). If the similia is applied – since the similia is the central pivot or so to say, represents the holistic totality – the similia covers and balances everything but, when the allopathic minds try to work with crude drugs with their fragmentary approach - they fail to control all the biochemical mechanisms underlying any disease and fail miserably.

= the suppression of any acute episode leads to chronic complications and here, the suppression of Covid-19 will not be easy!

= the characteristics of Covid-19 are not constant and absolute! As we discussed in the hypoxia paradox – It all depends on the DOSE, CONSTITUTION, PHASE OF ACTION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND STAGE OF DISEASE!

I can say with certainty that the allopaths will be perplexed about the effects/failure of hydroxy-chloroquine in Covid-19 cases and an early indicator of the confusion that awaits the allopaths is here:


Arsenic-induced abnormalities in glucose metabolism: Biochemical basis and potential therapeutic and nutritional interventions:

“Some theories suggest that Arsenic exposure under diabetic conditions inhibits hyperglycemia. However, the exact mechanism behind the behavior of Arsenic as an antagonist or synergist on glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion is not yet fully understood”. https://www.wjgnet.com/2220-6132/full/v3/i2/96.htm

= application of suppressive allopathic drug (that is not the similia to the disease) is bound to have undesirable effects (called ‘side-effects’ by the conditioned allopaths!). The side effects of hydroxy-chloroquine are: hypoglycemia, cardiac arrhythmia and retinopathy. https://www.dicardiology.com/article/covid-19-hydroxychloroquine- treatment-brings-prolonged-qt-arrhythmia-issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3760572/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4652246/ https://journals.lww.com/jclinrheum/Citation/2011/01000/Hypoglycemia_Ind uced_by_Hydroxychloroquine_in_a.12.aspx

As such some Covid-19 patients are showing cardiac complications and there are reports of heart attacks. Experts are already warning about chronic cardiological morbidities in Covid-19 cases “even if you recover” and this is further confirmed by the myriad heart symptoms covered under Arsenicum …

See my analysis of Covid-19 cardiac symptoms here: https://www.facebook.com/manish.agarwala.12/posts/10221794111545438

In this scenario – it is outright foolish to use hydroxy-chloroquine in Covid-19 cases. I can understand that the baffled allopath has no other treatment and is helpless but, the BMJ is right: “Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 - Use of these drugs is premature and potentially harmful.” The BMJ is very candid and right! Covid-19 is “essentially untreatable” by allopathy but, Classical Homeopathy can prevent as well as cure Covid-19! Aude Sapere!



During the 1918 flu pandemic the Allopaths used the NSAID – Aspirin whereas the Classical Homoeopaths strictly forbade taking Aspirin and prescribed the potentized Homeopathic remedy - Gelsemium to most of the cases. Dr Harry Baker, of Richmond, VA, dubbed Gelsemium as the Genus Epidemicus and said that it covered 95% of the cases. The final report card: The Allopaths clocked a mortality rate of 30-38% whereas the Homeopaths lost 0-1% cases!

However, it seems that these lessons have not been learnt or have been forgotten by the Allopaths. The Classical Homeopaths are more to blame because, the Homeopathic community failed to unite and the high standard of successful practice of Classical Homeopathy and the marvellous Homeopathic cures, that was routine a century ago, is not to be seen today.

If ibuprofen, aspirin or any such anti-inflammatory drug will be used in Covid- 19 cases – it will be disastrous. But, the western medical world is confused and contradictory.

See here…

“The World Health Organization (WHO) is monitoring this situation, but it says at present, it does not see a reason not to use ibuprofen. WHO states, “Based on currently available information, WHO does not recommend against the use of ibuprofen. We are consulting with physicians treating COVID-19 patients and are not aware of reports of any negative effects of ibuprofen, beyond the usual known side effects that limit its use in certain populations.” https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and- diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-symptoms-frequently-asked-questions and..

“Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/14/anti-inflammatory-drugs- may-aggravate-coronavirus-infection


Suppression with ibuprofen may surely be fatal for the Covid-19 patient and moreover, analysis with respect to Arsenic Trioxide (Arsenicum Album) – the similimum for most of the Covid-19 cases – confirms that the French are right in advising NOT to use ibuprofen.

See here:

“Arsenic Trioxide: (Major Risk) An increased risk of bleeding may occur when NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, are used with agents that cause clinically significant thrombocytopenia. Notable interactions may occur with myelosuppressive antineoplastic agents. Patients receiving ibuprofen concurrently with antineoplastic agents should be monitored closely for bleeding”. https://www.pdr.net/drug-summary/Ibuprofen-Tablets-ibuprofen-2618

“Ibuprofen may decrease the excretion rate of Arsenic trioxide which could result in a higher serum level”. https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01050


Vitamin C and Covid-19

There are reports of Covid-19 patients responding favourably to Vitamin C because the anti-oxidant property of Vitamin C combats the oxidative stress due to Covid-19. https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2020/03/25/Hospital-turns-to- high-dose-vitamin-C-to-fight-coronavirus

If Arsenic is really the similimum remedy for Covid-19 – do Arsenicosis/Arsenic toxicity cases too respond favourably to Vitamin C?

Yes, definitely!

See here:

1. Arsenic induced toxicity in broiler chicks and its alleviation with ascorbic acid: a toxico-patho-biochemical study https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70156424

2. Amelioration of Arsenic-induced oxidative damage by vitamin C https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/172631/10/10_chapter%2 04.pdf

3. Arsenic-induced toxicity and the protective role of ascorbic acid in mouse testis. http://europepmc.org/article/med/17188728

4. Ascorbic acid combats Arsenic-induced oxidative stress in mice liver https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S014765130800184X?v ia%3Dihub

5. Amelioration of Arsenic toxicity by L-Ascorbic acid in laboratory rat http://jeb.co.in/journal_issues/200704_apr07_supp/paper_05.pdf


POST SCRIPT: Both Arsenicosis as well as Covid-19 cases respond favourably to Vitamin C because the anti-oxidant property of Vitamin C ameliorates the oxidative stress due to Arsenic/Covid-19. However, there is a controversy about the role of Vitamin C in Cancer patients and some researches seem to suggest a pro-oxidant role of Vitamin C.

Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells

“Cancer researchers have homed in on how high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells. Vitamin C breaks down to generate hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tissue and DNA. The new study shows that tumor cells with low levels of catalase enzyme activity are much less capable of removing hydrogen peroxide than normal cells, and are more susceptible to damage and death when they are exposed to high doses of vitamin C”. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170109134014.htm

Is there any study about the pro-oxidant role of Vitamin C with reference to Arsenic toxicity? Let’s see…

Ascorbic Acid Potentiation of Arsenic Trioxide Anticancer Activity Against Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2805867/

So, considering that Arsenic is similimum to Covid-19 and therefore, both have similar functions – if the above research is to be believed – Vitamin C given to Cancer patients suffering from Covid-19 should be dangerous.


See here:

Vitamin C protects HL60 and U266 cells from Arsenic toxicity

“The direct toxic action of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in vitro is enhanced because many cells cannot directly transport Ascorbic Acid, which remains in the culture medium reducing transition metal ions and generating H2O2 and free radicals. Consequently, the pro-oxidant and cytotoxic properties of Ascorbic Acid in vitro are thought to be an in vitro artifact…


The pro-oxidant effects of Ascorbic Acid in vitro and the wide belief in potential antitumor effects of vitamin C have led to confusion regarding antioxidants in cancer therapy. While vitamin C can affect many signaling events in cells, it undoubtedly functions as a strong antioxidant. We provided evidence that vitamin C can decrease oxidative-induced mutations and we and others have shown that vitamin C can protect cells from H2O2 and radiation. The evidence presented here indicates that increasing intracellular concentrations of vitamin C ameliorates the cytotoxicity of Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3], likely by quenching ROSs generated intracellularly. These results suggest that Ascorbic Acid is not likely to increase the antineoplastic activity of Arsenic but could provide protection to both normal and neoplastic cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1895087/

[Arsenic Trioxide is crude Arsenicum Album by the way…!]


1. Hence it is established that both Arsenicosis as well as Covid-19 cases respond favourably to Vitamin C because the anti-oxidant property of Vitamin C ameliorates the oxidative stress due to Arsenic/Covid-19. It is also proved that Vitamin C is not likely to increase the antineoplastic activity of Arsenic in-vivo but, can provide protection to both normal and neoplastic cells in Arsenic toxicity cases in-vivo. Further, it must be noted that the clinical experience confirms the in-vivo beneficial role of Vitamin C in Cancer patients suffering from Covid-19 too.

2. This discussion of the uncanny similar behaviour of Covid-19 and Arsenic Trioxide (crude Arsenicum Album) supports the findings of my analysis that Arsenicum Album, being similimum to Covid-19, is the most suitable Genus Epidemicus for the present Covid-19 pandemic.

3. I would like to mention that while Covid-19 patients may respond favourably to Vitamin C – it is neither a complete cure nor a guaranteed specific preventive against Covid-19. Why so? Because Vitamin C is not


the similimum to Covid-19. The allopaths may try to prescribe very heavy doses of Vitamin C (alone or along with a cocktail of other drugs) and this may further complicate/aggravate matters because there is no substitute for the similimum remedy. No matter how much ‘research’ is done by the allopathic scientists – no lab created synthetic molecule can act more favourably than the Homeopathic similimum remedy! similia similibus curentur – is the fundamental law of nature and not a baseless belief of the Homeopathic community! Only the Homeopathic similimum remedy/nosode can fully reverse the biochemical cascade unleashed by the invading pathogen and can strengthen the natural defense mechanisms to effectively immunize the body against the threat of the pathogen without any unwanted side-effects/complications. Any forceful suppressive therapy by the allopaths is bound to fail or will surely have serious side effects or will turn the acute disease into a chronic disease. Vitamin C may prove helpful in a mild self-healing case of Covid-19 but, will be powerless to cure a severe Covid-19 case because it is not the similia.

No wonder that Peter McCaffery, professor of Biochemistry at the University of Aberdeen, has questioned the use of high dose Vitamin C in the treatment of Covid-19 and said that: “So although vitamin C does have some small effect on the common cold, it’s unlikely that taking large amounts of vitamin C supplements will cure a COVID-19 infection – or have a large effect at all”.

https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-its-time-to-debunk-claims- that-vitamin-c-could-cure-it-132803

4. I have no doubt the Vitamin C is helpful in Arsenicosis or Covid-19 cases (both in normal and cancercous cells) due to the anti-oxidant effects of Vitamin C. There is a glorious tradition of thousands of years in Ayurveda to use Rasayana (longevity promoting all-round tonics) and Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry or Phyllanthus emblica) is given the topmost importance in Ayurvedic Rasayanas and is the main ingredient in the Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulation - Chyawanprash. Amalaki, it must be


noted, has very high concentration of Vitamin C (41.6 mg per 100 grams)! So, the importance of Vitamin C/Vitamin C rich fruit, as a longevity promoting tonic, is endorsed both by the ancient as well as the modern civilization. Dr Linus Pauling would surely have nodded his head in agreement!

5. Having supported the use of Vitamin C – let me take this opportunity to advise caution as well. The scientific community is confused and considers it okay to give very high doses of Vitamin C in Covid-19 and other cases thinking that it will still act as an anti-oxidant. See an example of the divided opinion here:

https://isom.ca/article/the-effect-of-high-dose-iv-vitamin-c-on-plasma- antioxidant-capacity-and-level-of-oxidative-stress-in-cancer-patients- and-healthy-subjects/


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267033004_Pro- oxidant_vs_Antioxidant_effects_of_Vitamin_C

The scientific community gets confused because they fail to see the central role of fundamental laws of nature in EVERYTHING. The Arndt- Schultz Law that we discussed with reference to Hypoxia should be kept in mind here. My final vote will always be in favour of Vitamin C in normal as well as cancerous cases, because of the anti-oxidant effect of vitamin C, but, only when the dose is WITHIN LIMITS. I am NOT in favour of EXTREMELY HIGH doses of Vitamin C in cancer or Arsenicosis or Covid- 19 cases because I expect Vitamin C to act in a bi-phasic way and function as a pro-oxidant in these insanely high doses and it may further aggravate the situation. Moreover, Vitamin C is not the similimum and cannot cure in any case. I hope the western medicine doctors do not do experiments with patients due to their desperate helplessness.



1. “In data collected by Global Health 50/50, many countries with some of the most cases of COVID-19 are reporting a majority of men dying to the disease. Italy, for example, has so far had 71 percent of all case deaths attributed to men, with only 29 percent being women. Spain, another major global hotspot, has seen 65 percent of all deaths attributed to men, with only 35 percent being women”.


2. “76% coronavirus patients male, 24% female in India, health ministry said….The health ministry also said that 73 per cent of the Covid-19 deaths have been reported in men, while 27 per cent of those have been in women”. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/coronavirus-health-ministry-pc-73- percent-male-patients-26-percent-female-india-1663922-2020-04-06

3. Data from around 1.5 million tests done in the U.S. show that the majority of people tested, 56%, were women. Of those women, 16% tested positive for the virus. In contrast, only 44% of the tests were done on men. And 23% of them tested positive….One large study of 44,672 confirmed COVID-19 cases done by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, found that the fatality rate was 2.8% for men compared with only 1.7% for women….In Italy, one study of 1,591 cases of critically ill people who were admitted into intensive care units showed that about 82% of them were men….Public health information from the city of New York, which has one of the world's largest outbreaks, shows that men are more likely to be hospitalized and are nearly twice as likely to die. The city's department of health reports about 39 female deaths per 100,000 people and 71 male deaths per 100,000 people. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/04/10/831883664/the- new-coronavirus-appears-to-take-a-greater-toll-on-men-than-on-women


The reasons why men are more at risk than females is explained very well here:

• Coronavirus COV-19/SARS-CoV-2 affects women less than men: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32253888

• “If you knock out ACE2, disease gets much worse and if you have ACE2 it gets much milder because it counterbalances the ACE function and, by doing so, regulates the system… they found that, if ACE2 was lacking then heart function was impaired, and was a negative regulator of the RAS. This also pointed to a possible gender bias in COVID-19 – with ACE2 on the X chromosome, meaning males have one copy and females two. ‘In simple terms,’ Penninger said, ‘ACE cleaves to amino acid from angiotensin 1 to make angiotensin 2, which acts on receptors 81 and 82. ACE2 is a catalytically active molecule on the surface of cells – though it can also be soluble in serum – and inactivates this pathway.” https://healthcare-in-europe.com/en/news/seeking-a-covid-19- antidote-the-potential-of-ace2.html

Now, this may be the acid test for me! If Arsenic is indeed the similimum to Covid-19 – does Arsenic show similar gender disparity?


1. Respiratory effect related to exposure of different concentrations of Arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India:

“The present study was undertaken to evaluate the respiratory effects of exposure to different levels of Arsenic in drinking water….The respiratory function impairment among the male subjects found as restrictive type (26.41%), obstructive type (3.77%) and combined type (7.54%), whereas in females only the restrictive type of impairment (10.16%) was found. Restrictive type of impairments among the subjects increased as the concentration of Arsenic in drinking water increased, in males 15.78%, 29.41% and 35.29% and in females 4.54%, 5.00% and 23.52% respectively”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21114123


2. Gender and Age Differences in the Metabolism of Inorganic Arsenic in a Highly Exposed Population in Bangladesh:

“Women had higher Arsenic methylation efficiency than men, but only in childbearing age, supporting an influence of sex hormones”. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5943332_Gender_and_Age_Differe nces_in_the_Metabolism_of_Inorganic_Arsenic_in_a_Highly_Exposed_Populat ion_in_Bangladesh

3. Arsenic Exposure and Age- and Sex-Specific Risk for Skin Lesions: A Population-Based Case–Referent Study in Bangladesh:

“Males had a higher risk of obtaining skin lesions than females (odds ratio 10.9 vs. 5.78)… when exposed to Arsenic in water from tube wells”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1764143/

4. Decrements in Lung Function Related to Arsenic in Drinking Water in West Bengal, India:

“Women had lower risks than men of developing skin lesions and showed little evidence of respiratory effects”. https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/162/6/533/100473



1. “Increasing evidence is suggesting that smokers are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 than those who don’t smoke. One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in February looked at 1,099 patients in China with COVID-19, showing that of 173 patients who had severe symptoms, 16.9% of them were current smokers and 5.2% had previously smoked. Among the patients with less-severe symptoms, 11.8% were current smokers and 1.3% former smokers. More worryingly, the study showed that in a group of patients that either needed mechanical ventilation, admission to an intensive care unit, or ultimately died, 25.5% were current smokers, which was more than twice the rate of current smokers in a group of patients that did not have these severe adverse outcomes”. https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2020/03/23/smokers-at-higher- risk-of-severe--covid-19-during-coronavirus-outbreak/#cd26ebe7638d

2. COVID-19 and smoking: A systematic review of the evidence:

“Specifically, Zhou et al.9 studied the epidemiological characteristics of 191 individuals infected with COVID-19…Among the 191 patients, there were 54 deaths, while 137 survived. Among those that died, 9% were current smokers compared to 4% among those that survived…

Finally, Liu et al found among their population of 78 patients with COVID-19 that the adverse outcome group had a significantly higher proportion of patients with a history of smoking (27.3%) than the group that showed improvement or stabilization (3.0%)…

We identified five studies that reported data on the smoking status of patients infected with COVID-19. Notably, in the largest study that assessed severity, there were higher percentages of current and former smokers among patients that needed ICU support, mechanical ventilation or who had died, and a higher percentage of smokers among the severe cases. However, from their published data we can calculate that the smokers were 1.4 times more likely…to have


severe symptoms of COVID-19 and approximately 2.4 times more likely to be admitted to an ICU, need mechanical ventilation or die compared to non- smokers…” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7083240/

3. There is much confusion in the western medical world about the mechanism by which cigarette smokers are more at risk of getting infected by Covid-19 and with more severe outcomes. Some have suggested that smoking increases the numbers of ACE2 receptors and thereby, smokers are more at risk! Continuing further - as per this logic – some had even gone to the extent of suggesting than anti-hypertensive drugs worsen Covid-19! But, this is far from the truth. See here: https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/blood-pressure-meds-point-the- way-to-possible-covid-19-treatment-67371

With so many erroneous and confusing research studies related to cigarette smoking/ACE2/Covid-19 – I am quoting just one study that arrives at the right conclusion:

Nicotine down-regulates ACE2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6295500/

Nicotine down-regulates ACE2 and therefore smoking increases the risk in Covid-19 cases. [For more discussion on ACE2 – please refer to the previous section on ACE2]


Let’s check if Arsenic aggravates with smoking or not…

1. Arsenic and cigarette smoke synergistically increase DNA oxidation in the lung:

“Epidemiological evidence has indicated that Arsenic and cigarette smoking exposure act synergistically to increase the incidence of lung cancer. Since


oxidative damage of DNA has been linked to cancer, our hypothesis is that aerosolized Arsenic and cigarette smoke work synergistically to increase oxidative stress and increase DNA oxidation in the lung”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16844668

As discussed in the previous section on ACE2, crude Arsenic upregulates AT1R – thereby, the ACE2 decreases. As quoted above, nicotine too down-regulates ACE2 and therefore smoking increases the risk and severity in Arsenicosis cases. This is exactly what we see in Covid-19 cases - Nicotine down-regulates ACE2 and therefore smoking increases the risk in Covid-19 cases!

2. The western scientists don’t know that it is not the cigarette smoke per se but, the TOBACCO (in any form) which is the culprit. It is tobacco that worsens the outcome both in Arsenicosis as well as Covid-19 cases and not the smoke per se.

The Classical Homoepathic Materia Medicas had documented these facts long ago. Only if we care to refer to these great repositories of wisdom!

Ars. should be thought of in ailments from alcoholism…chewing tobacco; ill effects from decayed food or animal matter

- Boericke’s Materia Medica

Ars. should be thought of in ailments from: chewing tabacco; alcoholism; sea bathing; sausage poisoning…

- Allen’s Keynotes

Generalities; tobacco; agg. ARS (grade 4 - Kent, Lippe, Lippe, boger, Allen T F, Boericke etc.)

- Roger Zandvoort’s Complete Repertory

I am having a conversation with a medical student: “You don’t believe in Homeopathic evidence! Is it so?” The medical student says – “Uh, OK – there is an uncanny similarity between Arsenicum and Covid-19 – I admit. I see a link between Arsenicosis and smoking & similarly between Covid-19 severity and smoking/nicotine too. But, this is not enough evidence to convince me about the Arsenic-Covid19 connection, at least as far as smoking is concerned. You


are talking about nicotine is tobacco and not Arsenic. Please note. If you would have shown that there is arsenic in tobacco or cigarette smoke – then I would have accepted the Arsenic-Covid19 connection…and please, I don’t trust Homeopathic or Herbology references!”

OMG! OK, Sir! Hot evidence from W.H.O. (World Health Organization) for you! I hope you trust your W.H.O….after this please go around and tell the world that Dr. Manish is right because he has the right evidence and that both the western medicine specialists (desperately trying to save Covid-19 patients from dying) and Homeopaths (egoistically defending and peddling Bryonia/Sepia/Camphor/Nux-v/Gelsemium and what not!) are in TOTAL DARK and that Arsenicum is indeed the similimum/curative remedy for Covid-19 and therefore, Arsenicum Album, in Homeopathic form, is best suited to be the Genus Epidemicus of this vile pandemic.

• Tobacco “People who smoke tobacco can also be exposed to the natural inorganic Arsenic content of tobacco because tobacco plants can take up Arsenic naturally present in the soil. Also, in the past, the potential for elevated Arsenic exposure was much greater when tobacco plants used to be treated with lead arsenate insecticide”. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/arsenic

Thanks for smiling! Some more stuff for you…

• British American Tobacco working on COVID-19 vaccine using tobacco leaves https://www.euractiv.com/section/all/short_news/british-american- tobacco-working-on-covid-19-vaccine-using-tobacco-leaves/

These guys have gone overboard and are now trying to make Covid-19 vaccine from tobacco without understanding that tobacco is not the similimum for Covid-19! It is an aggravating factor because of the Arsenic content in it and may be otherwise too! These guys don’t know that the perfect similimum is required to develop immunity and not the aggravating factor!

And yes…based on Materia Medica study – I can say that tobacco in any form as well as ALCOHOL increases the risk of Covid-19 and with more severe


outcomes. They are talking about smoking in media but, they need to include tobacco in all its forms (smoking/chewing/inhaling/e-cigarettes etc.) and also ALCOHOL – which is yet to be mentioned in the media as a risk factor of Covid- 19!

If the Covid-19 pandemic scares people away from smoking and booze & if the Governments ban these intoxicants completely – at least for a few months – the world will be a better place!

POST SCRIPT: I checked again just now. W.H.O. seems to have woken up and warned the booze lovers not to indulge in their tipple during lockdowns! Did someone say that ‘ALL good things in life are bad for health’? W.H.O. can be such a killjoy! https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/15/drinking-alcohol-can-make-the- coronavirus-worse-the-who-says-in-recommending-restricting-access.html

Are you convinced that Arsenicum Album is similia to Covid-19? I will continue to give evidence until you say – YES!



The cancer patients are at a high risk of getting Covid-19 infection and if they get infected – they have a high chance to develop severe complications leading to a high mortality rate.

Kindly allow me to quote…

1. “Data from China has shown that mortality in cancer patients was two times higher as compared to general patients with COVID-19,” observed Ashok Vaid, chairman, medical and haemato oncology, Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon. “Italy had recorded 20% mortality in cancer patients….” he said. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/covid-19-drives- oncologists-to-tweak-cancer-treatments/article31259024.ece

2. “The investigators concluded that people with cancer in the Wuhan hospital had a 2.31-fold higher risk of coronavirus infection than the hard-hit city’s general population”. https://www.cancerhealth.com/article/minimize-cancer-patient- hospital-visits-reduce-covid19-risk-say-experts

3. “Oncologists should be ... terribly attentive to [COVID-19] because patients with any type of advanced cancer are going to be at much higher risk for bad outcomes,” Paul A. Volberding, MD, an oncologist by training who serves as professor of medicine and director of the AIDS Research Institute at University of California, San Francisco, told HemOnc Today. https://www.healio.com/hematology-oncology/practice- management/news/online/%7Bdbf76fca-5777-4c45-b5ff- 0f09f6cc0540%7D/covid-19-and-cancer

4. “Patients with cancer are more susceptible to infection than individuals without cancer because of their systemic


immunosuppressive state caused by the malignancy and anticancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery…. Therefore, these patients might be at increased risk of COVID-19 and have a poorer prognosis….Most importantly, patients with cancer were observed to have a higher risk of severe events (a composite endpoint defined as the percentage of patients being admitted to the intensive care unit requiring invasive ventilation, or death) compared with patients without cancer….patients with cancer deteriorated more rapidly than those without cancer”. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470- 2045(20)30096-6/fulltext


Let’s see…

1. The WHO says: “Inorganic Arsenic is a confirmed carcinogen and is the most significant chemical contaminant in drinking-water globally… In addition to skin cancer, long-term exposure to Arsenic may also cause cancers of the bladder and lungs. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified Arsenic and Arsenic compounds as carcinogenic to humans, and has also stated that Arsenic in drinking-water is carcinogenic to humans… and exposure in utero and in early childhood has been linked to increases in mortality in young adults due to multiple cancers, lung disease, heart attacks, and kidney failure”. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/arsenic

2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): The IARC is part of the World Health Organization (WHO). One of its major goals is to identify causes of cancer. IARC classifies Arsenic and inorganic Arsenic compounds as “carcinogenic to humans.” This is based on sufficient evidence in humans that these compounds can cause: Lung cancer,


Bladder cancer. Skin cancer. IARC also notes links in some studies to: Kidney cancer, Liver cancer and Prostate cancer.

The US National Toxicology Program (NTP): The NTP is formed from parts of several different government agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In its most recent Report on Carcinogens, the NTP classifies Arsenic and inorganic Arsenic compounds as “known to be human carcinogens.”

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA maintains the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), an electronic database that contains information on human health effects from exposure to various substances in the environment. The EPA classifies inorganic Arsenic as a “human carcinogen,” based on evidence in human studies of links to lung, bladder, kidney, skin, and liver cancers. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/arsenic.html

3. The carcinogenicity of Arsenic. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1568809/

4. Not only is Arsenic carcinogenic but, it may also enhance the effect of the anti-cancer treatment being given to the patient and also sensitize the cancer cells to the cancer therapy. This can lead to higher toxicity, side-effects and death - if the ongoing cancer treatment is not adjusted accordingly [I can predict that this is applicable to Covid-19 cases also who have a past history of cancer. I wonder whether the allopathic cancer specialists have observed very carefully and noticed this fact].

“Arsenic trioxide induces apoptosis through a reactive oxygen species- dependent pathway and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in HeLa cells….As2O3 increased cellular content of reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the


antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine completely suppressed As2O3-induced apoptosis”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12063550 https://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/62/14/3893

“Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) sensitivity of carcinoma cell lines and cancer cells from patients with carcinomatosis peritonei”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15487701


5. I searched Zandvoort’s Complete Repertory to look for “CANCER” rubrics where Arsenicum is listed in the 3rd and 4th grade and found about 66 rubrics!



The hottest topic in the media today is the Covid-19 vaccine! When will the ‘Great Saviour’ come? That is the biggest question! But, will it be really be the saviour?

The W.H.O. says that the vaccine will be ready in 18 months. But, meanwhile, in the absence of any credible prophylaxis, all this lockdown and cost of tests/quarantine/sanitization/healthcare will surely flatten the economy worldwide and keep it flat long after the Covid-19 graphs have flattened! How to save ourselves from Covid-19 in these 18 months? And will the Vaccine surely arrive after 18 months and will it be effective and safe?

In 1984, then U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler had said that a Vaccine to prevent HIV would be ready for testing within two years. More than 30 years and 30 million deaths later, there’s still no approved HIV vaccine!

While the pharmaceutical lobby is always waiting to encash every opportunity (such as the present Covid-19 scenario) - the anti-vaccine crusaders remind us about the vaccine damaged children suffering from autism and other neurological/neuro-muscular disorders that worsened after vaccination.

Let’s see some media reports quoting the experts…

• “There was no vaccine for SARS or MERS Will there be one for the new coronavirus?” https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3051853/there-was-no- vaccine-sars-or-mers-will-there-be-one-new

• “Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus”. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/comments?id=10.1371/journal.pone. 0035421


• “Even vaccines based on tried-and-true methods often have side effects that would limit, or prohibit, their use. Sanofi’s dengue vaccine can worsen symptoms in some people who haven’t yet been infected, restricting use, and a vaccine against Lyme disease developed by SmithKline Beecham, now GlaxoSmithKline Plc, was pulled in 2002 amid concerns about links to arthritis”. https://m.economictimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/pharmaceut icals/a-coronavirus-vaccine-in-18-months-experts-urge-reality- check/articleshow/74906798.cms

• “With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, researchers’ main safety concern is to avoid a phenomenon called disease enhancement, in which vaccinated people who do get infected develop a more severe form of the disease than people who have never been vaccinated. In studies of an experimental SARS vaccine reported in 2004, vaccinated ferrets developed damaging inflammation in their livers after being infected with the virus”. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00798-8#ref-CR3


I do not wish to indulge in speculation and write about a ‘conspiracy’ just on the basis of rumours. But, there do exist reports in the media that makes one wonder whether the Vaccine researchers really know enough about the origin (or creation!) of the virus in order to work on a vaccine and whether the genome sequence supplied by the Chinese is exactly the same as that of the Covid-19 virus or not. Will all this confusion make it difficult or impossible to prepare a safe and effective vaccine in time? I don’t know.

Sharing links: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/coronavirus-origins-genome- analysis-covid19-data-science-bats-pangolins/ https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/science-technology/deconstructing- sars-cov-2-virus-that-caused-covid-19-pandemic-70033 https://www.sciencealert.com/genome-analysis-of-the-coronavirus-suggests- two-viruses-may-have-combined


“The new virus’s genome most closely resembles a bat coronavirus discovered in July 2013 in Yunnan province in China, information made public by the Wuhan Institute of Virology only on Jan. 23 of this year. The progenitor of the current virus, says Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, could be either the 2013 bat sample or another bat coronavirus that is closely related and hasn’t been discovered or disclosed as of today”…. “Two Chinese universities recently posted online notices placing restrictions on publishing academic research on the origins of the coronavirus, though those have since been removed from the internet”. And more at… https://news.yahoo.com/intelligence-officials-weigh-possibility-coronavirus- escaped-from-a-chinese-lab-194958353.html https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3052966/chinese- laboratory-first-shared-coronavirus-genome-world-ordered

“News about the sequence came from Edward Holmes, a virologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Sydney, who tweeted the first notice about the availability of what he referred to as an “initial” sequence of the virus... Holmes is a member of a consortium led by Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & School of Public Health that posted the sequence on an open-access site, virological.org ….Rambaut criticized the fact that Olival did not credit the researchers who isolated the virus and sequenced it. “This is one of the reasons why people are reticent to share data,” Rambaut wrote on Twitter. “No acknowledgement of where the data comes from or who generated it.” https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/chinese-researchers-reveal-draft- genome-virus-implicated-wuhan-pneumonia-outbreak#

So, it is quite clear that everything is not as clearly defined, predictable and rosy as the marketing & advertising guys of the pharmaceutical giants would like the gullible public to believe.

My statements may be taken as biased towards the Homeopathic viewpoint – so let’s hear the Covid-19 vaccine story direct from the horse’s mouth...


Coronavirus vaccine in a year, not 100% cure:

“We need to be very clear; this is not a 100% solution and cure. Maybe 60- 70% of people who take the vaccine will have that protection, the rest may still get the disease despite being vaccinated,” said Adar Poonawalla, chief executive officer of Serum Institute of India (SII), which has a budget of $100 million for developing the vaccine”. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcar e/covid-19-vaccine-in-a-year-not-100- cure/articleshow/74699719.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_mediu m=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Wait a moment…

Based on 72,314 cases of COVID-19 confirmed, suspected, and asymptomatic cases in China as on February 11, a paper by the Chinese CCDC released on February 17, 2020 and published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology has found that: 80.9% of infections are mild (with flu-like symptoms) and can recover at home. Now, you are saying that you will vaccinate the public and after vaccination only 60-70% people will be protected – this is absurd. 80.9% cases were very mild anyways. So, where is the extra protection granted by the vaccine? I am very concerned after reading these details. Why do I say so? Because, as per the Chinese source, as cited above, 13.8% cases are severe, developing severe diseases including pneumonia and shortness of breath and 4.7% cases are critical and can include: respiratory failure, septic shock, and multi-organ failure. But, after the vaccination - this vaccine guy is saying – there will be 30-40% people who will still get the infection! What will be the severity status of these 30-40% people? NO ANSWER!

Should we trust such a dubious vaccine? It is quite obvious why the vaccine lobby in US want indemnification/legal protection, in advance, against vaccine mishaps! If they are investing $100 million in vaccine research – they are here to make money and not to take responsibility. And why will this wealthy pharmaceutical lobby ever support the poor ole’ Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus remedy which does not benefit them? Rather a worldwide Genus Epidemicus will make their millions invested in so-called ‘research’ go down the drain!


I do NOT recommend vaccination. In my opinion, it will not be possible to make an effective, long-lasting and safe vaccine against the Covid-19 virus - SARS-CoV-2 and if the western pharmaceutical lobby hides facts from the public and uses the political-government route to peddle whatever vaccine is made by them – it will lead to massive vaccine failure (due to virus mutation or the vaccine not able to reduce the % of severe cases) AND/OR the vaccine may cause severe chronic lifelong morbidities like cardiological/neurological/cardiovascular & neurovascular pathologies AND/OR increase incidence of cancer AND/OR the world will see the re- emergence of new waves of COVID-19 infections or other coronavirus pandemics AND/OR COVID-19 may become a chronic epidemic similar to influenza because of genetic recombination AND/OR the world may see the co- emergence of all kinds of viral epidemics along with Covid-19, which itself may return annually every winter.

[Exactly what will happen out of the possibilities outlined above and how bad the situation will be depends on the level of suppression and interference by the allopathic experts].

Is it just my personal opinion? Let’s see what the experts are saying… a. “SARS-COV-2 is very likely to fade and return every winter, like the flu” Virologist Luis Enjuanes, Spain's foremost expert on coronaviruses, is working non-stop. From his laboratory at the CSIC's National Centre for Biotechnology, he is engaged in trying to find, in the shortest time possible, a vaccine to stop the COVID-19 epidemic. https://www.agenciasinc.es/en/Interview/SARS-COV-2-is-very-likely-to-fade- and-return-every-winter-like-the-flu

b. According to Li QinGyuan, director of pneumonia prevention and treatment at China Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, those who have been infected with Covid-19 develop a protective antibody - but it isn’t clear how long the protection lasts. However, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long," Li told USAToday. "For many patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of relapse”.


Dr Peter Jung, an assistant professor of paediatrics at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston told The Huffington Post. “But just as the flu can mutate, so could Covid-19, which would make an individual susceptible to reacquiring the infection.”

However, according to Dr Stephen Gluckman, an infectious diseases physician at Penn Medicine and the medical director of Penn Global Medicine, who spoke to the outlet, it seems likely that having the disease once results in immunity in most individuals - as is seen with other coronaviruses. “Coronaviruses aren’t new, they’ve been around for a long, long time and many species - not just humans - get them,” he explained. “So we know a fair amount about coronaviruses in general. For the most part, the feeling is once you’ve had a specific coronavirus, you are immune. We don’t have enough data to say that with this coronavirus, but it is likely.”

According to one study, people with mild infections can test positive for the virus by throat swabs “for days and even weeks after their illness”.

But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to contract the disease again, especially in those who are immunocompromised. This means that people who initially recovered are more likely to relapse rather than get reinfected with the virus. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/coronavirus- immunity-reinfection-get-covid-19-twice-sick-spread-relapse-a9400691.html

c. Drs. Chengzhi Yang and Zening Jin, both of Beijing Tiantan Hospital and Capital Medical University in China, co-authored an editorial that published alongside the new study in JAMA Cardiology... Yang and Jin wrote. "Emerging as an acute infectious disease, COVID-19 may become a chronic epidemic similar to influenza because of genetic recombination. Therefore, we should be ready for the reemergence of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses." https://www.kimt.com/content/national/569159682.html

d. A separate study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2018 found a significant association between respiratory infections, especially


influenza, and acute heart attack... "this is a solid and important study," said Brooks Gump, the Falk Family Endowed Professor of Public Health at Syracuse University in New York, who was not involved in the study. When it comes to the public health impacts of Covid-19 and cardiac injury, the study suggests that "two key take-aways are that it's an important marker of those at high- risk for mortality as a consequence of Covid-19 infection and it may be an indicator of future risks associated with the cardiovascular injury from this infection, even if you recover," Gump said. https://www.kimt.com/content/national/569159682.html

e. Researchers are actively investigating if antibodies will protect against reinfection with COVID-19 disease, but still do not know how well -- or for how long -- they will work. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/you-immune-covid-19-3537185/

f. As they race to devise a vaccine, researchers are trying to ensure that their candidates don’t spur a counterproductive, even dangerous, immune system reaction known as: antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), https://www.pnas.org/content/117/15/8218

g. Some health experts are saying that patients cured of the Covid-19 disease are unlikely to get reinfected, although they cannot say for sure exactly what is causing some discharged patients in the Chinese city of Wuhan to test positive again for the coronavirus. https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/explainer-can-covid-19-patients-get- reinfected-and-do-they-develop-immunity-against-virus


h. Those who recover from the coronavirus are probably not going to catch it again, at least in the short term, experts say. But it's unclear how long that immunity will last. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/can-you-catch-coronavirus- twice-you-ll-probably-be-immune-n1171976

i. So the virus will traverse the world, probably infecting between 40 and 70 percent of the global population during its first wave. This might occur over a painful six to 12 months, or it might be spread over a more manageable several years. Either way, once the first wave is done, the virus is probably here to stay. This seems scary, as if we are resigning ourselves to tens of thousands — or hundreds of thousands — of deaths in the United States each year. But it is very unlikely that things will remain that bad. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/coronavirus-pandemic-immunity- vaccine/2020/03/12/bbf10996-6485-11ea-acca-80c22bbee96f_story.html

The confusion and cluelessness of the so-called scientific medical community is quite palpable!

Jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!"

(Luke 23:34)

The curative Homeopathic similimum remedy is the safest and surest way to cure. I do NOT recommend suppressive allopathic medication at all. In my opinion – if a person is infected by Covid-19 once (if he is not immuno- compromised or a cancer patient on medication or living in an Arsenic endemic area) – he MAY have a short term immunity to covid19 – but, ONLY IF the fever and the disease is allowed to run its full course without ANY interference with ANY suppressive allopathic medicine or vaccination. [This may be fatal in severe Covid-19 cases. It is for this reason that I do not recommend the total hands-free approach (as in the ‘herd immunity’ model) which may totally overwhelm and collapse the healthcare system, particularly in densely populated and developing countries like India]. But, if the natural course of the


fever & disease in interfered by non-similia allopathic remedies (like hydroxy- chloroquine or anti-virals or vaccines) – this suppression will not allow proper development of even short term immunity to Covid-19 and there may be relapses or chronic morbidities and there is a strong possibility that Covid-19 may become a chronic pandemic. So, the allopathic approach is triple harmful – it does not cure, its interference leads to relapses and it also has the potential to turn Covid-19 into a chronic pandemic!

Further on, as I expect the virus to mutate, the vaccine (if any) will prove unsuccessful and this suppressive approach with dissimilar vaccine or allopathic drugs will lead to “reemergence of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses” and “COVID-19 may become a chronic epidemic” as rightly feared by Drs. Chengzhi Yang and Zening Jin quoted above. And hence, with the virus mutating and new coronoviruses (from animals) waiting to jump over to the humans – there is a possibility of re-infections with the newer mutations of Covid-19 and/or infection with these new coronaviruses.

Those who expect the allopathic treatment to be a live saver or those homeopaths who seem to be taking special delight in suppressing mild self- healing Covid19 cases with Bryonia now – please note that the present Covid19 scene may just be the trailer of the horror movie yet to come… this peculiar virus may not grant protective lifelong immunity after infecting someone for the first time and the second re-infection may be deadly due to the phenomenon of ‘Antibody Dependent Enhancement’ (ADE).

The experts are confirming what I am saying: “It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure.”

Ref: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3876197

This mutating and changing Covid-19 and emergence of new coronaviruses and deadly re-infections may be a matter of grave concern for the classical Homeopaths and naturopaths who are aware of the dangers of unnatural suppression and vaccination – but, this will, in fact, be heartily welcomed by the pharmaceutical vaccine lobby! A ready market and chance to do fear


mongering and sell vaccines every year or every season for this and that and everything!

No wonder that https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/you-immune-covid- 19-3537185/ states:

“Other viruses, like seasonal influenza, can change from season to season, so a new flu vaccine is needed each year”.

Incidentally, the Genus Epidemicus remedy (Arsenicum Album) is the best solution in this scenario and can confer umbrella immunity against all the mutating strains of the Covid-19 virus and can eradicate the susceptibility of the host organism against newly emerging similar viruses.

If Arsenicum Album is used in the correct way by an experienced classical homeopath – it will act prophylactically as well as curatively and will prevent relapse as well as prevent re-infection too.

The Genus Epidemicus remedy will be more superior than a SARS COV2 nosode or crude vaccination of the allopaths because the nosode or the vaccine may be similar/identical to the virus SARS COV2 but, the Genus Epidemicus is similimum to the disease COVID-19 and as such the Genus Epidemicus remedy is perfectly Homeopathic to Covid-19 and therefore, deeply curative & preventive of Covid-19.

Apart from what has been discussed above - the reasons for my stand against vaccination will be clear when I discuss Arsenic below. Actually, Covid-19 and Arsenicum behave in a similar fashion and the peculiar characteristics of Arsenicum convinces me that the allopath’s effort to tame the Covid-19 menace with a crude vaccine will backfire.

I say all this on the basis of my understanding of the nature of the virus itself and the Organon and most importantly – the characteristics of Arsenicum Album - the similia of covid19.




a. Exposure to low-dose arsenic in early life alters innate immune function in children. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1547691X.2019.1657993

b. Both animal and in vitro (laboratory cell level) studies support an association of low-level arsenic exposure with impaired immune function as reflected in suppression of innate immunity (present at birth) and increased pathogen load. https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDe tail/abstract/9255

c. Arsenic and Immune Response to Infection during Pregnancy and Early Life: The latest evidence points to alteration of antibody production and transplacental transfer as well as failure of T helper cells to produce IL-2 and proliferate. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40572-017-0141-4

d. The relation of urinary arsenic during pregnancy with incident HEV seroconversion and with IL-2 levels among HEV-seroconverting pregnant women suggests arsenic exposure during pregnancy may enhance susceptibility to HEV infection. https://ehe.jhu.edu/research/faculty-research- interests/heaney/_images/Environmental-Research-2015-Arsenic-HEV- infection-during-pregnancy.pdf


e. Elevated childhood arsenic exposure appeared to reduce cell-mediated immunity, possibly linked to reduced concentrations of Th1 cytokines. https://academic.oup.com/toxsci/article/141/1/166/2338254

f. Arsenic exposure increased tIgG and tIgE in plasma, and tended to decrease mumps-specific IgG in children at 9 years of age. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317597381_Humoral_Immunity_in _Arsenic- Exposed_Children_in_Rural_Bangladesh_Total_Immunoglobulins_and_Vaccine -Specific_Antibodies

Since Arsenic does interfere with the development of immunity – I do not expect the covid19 vaccines to be successful because the central issue of similarity with ‘Arsenic’ or so to say the ‘Arsenic state’ is left untouched by these dis-similar vaccines.


As per news in the media:

“Australian researchers to trial BCG vaccine for Covid-19” https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/australia-bcg-vaccine-trial-covid-19/

And as with everything related to Covid-19, here too, the western medicine experts are confused about BCG and the opinion is divided. https://theprint.in/science/can-bcg-vaccine-protect-against-covid-19-heres- why-the-excitement-needs-to-be-tempered/401449/


• As per classical Homeopathy, the use of the BCG vaccine is a classic case of using a crude dis-similar antigenic substance and grafting a stronger disease (tuberculosis or so to say – the tubercular miasm) on the host


organism and making him sick with a strong disease which prevents him from contracting a mild new disease (mild form of Covid-19).

• ORGANON APHORISM §36 If the two DISSIMILAR diseases meeting together in the human being be of equal strength, or still more if the OLDER ONE BE THE STRONGER, the new disease will be repelled by the old one from the body and not allowed to affect it. A patient suffering from a severe chronic disease will not be infected by a moderate autumnal dysentery or other epidemic disease. The plague of the Levant, according to Larry, ( 18 ) does not break out where scurvy is prevalent, and persons suffering from eczema are not infected by it. Rachitis, Jenner alleges, prevents vaccination from taking effect. Those suffering from pulmonary consumption are not liable to be attacked by epidemic fevers of a not very violent character, according to Von Hildenbrand.

• Further, BCG is a good candidate to suppress Covid-19 because of partial similarity of BCG side-effects with Covid-19 symptoms:

BCG side effects similar to Covid-19 are:

Very common (10% or more): Malaise/fatigue/lethargy (19%), fever without infection (13%), influenza-like illness, pyrexia, rigors, fever, chills, aches, weakness, flu-like symptoms; cough or trouble breathing;

Common (1% to 10%): Pneumonitis Rare (0.01% to 0.1%): Cough Common (1% to 10%): Arthralgia, myalgia Common (1% to 10%): nausea, diarrhea Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): thrombocytopenia Very rare (less than 0.01%): headache Very rare (less than 0.01%): Lymphadenopathy https://www.drugs.com/sfx/bcg-side-effects.html


Needless to say, this suppression of Covid19 with a partially similar CRUDE immunological substance (BCG) will have disastrous consequences and will lead to chronic lifelong morbidities (tubercular infections, cardiac and neurological complications and cancer) and when such BCG vaccinated ‘sick’ people (who will appear to be immune to Covid-19) get Covid-19 or other coronavirus infections – it will be of the severe fatal kind because only the strongest acute infections will be able to overpower the already sick chronic state of the organism. Moreover, this tubercular trait will be genetically passed to the next generation leading to various kinds of genetically inherited disorders.

• I searched the Complete Repertory for tuberculosis rubrics with remedy ARS. In 3rd and 4th grade and found 31 rubrics! So, this confirms that a worldwide BCG vaccination will lead to a chronic tuberculosis and cancer pandemic – because, Arsenicum carries a very strong tubercular and cancer miasmatic trait.

• Chirps my alter-ego: “You claim an Arsenic connection everywhere. Can you show a connection between Arsenic and BCG? Prove it or else your game is over.” Challenge accepted!

Additive antitumor effect of Arsenic trioxide combined with intravesical Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy against bladder cancer through blockade of the IER3/Nrf2 pathway https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30257321 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S075333221833 1238

Crude Arsenic trioxide (i.e. crude Arsenicum Album) is acting synergistically with BCG here. This has implications in cancerous patients under chemotherapy and such patients, if vaccinated with BCG, are likely to have more toxic outcome of chemotherapy, if infected with Covid-19. Such patients will have very severe complications leading to death in most of the cases. Do the Allopathic experts know this? No! I don’t think so.


And see this too…

The risk or severity of infection can be increased when BCG vaccine is combined with Arsenic trioxide. https://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01169

TO SUMMARIZE: I see a very clear danger in forcefully suppressing a very infective pathogen like Covid-19 with dissimilar crude vaccines (BCG or any other) or dissimilar crude allopathic drugs and this mindless tendency of the allopaths, fuelled by the greed of the pharmaceutical giants, will be the genesis of a chronic Covid-19 pandemic with all kinds of chronic morbidities.

The use of the crude dis-similar vaccines does not lead to immunity enhancement but, to immune suppression.

See here:

Vaccines and Immune Suppression by Dr Joseph Mercola http://www.whale.to/vaccine/mercola.html

I do not need an epidemiologist to make a forecast about Covid-19 or some great scientist to look under the electron microscope and mouth the delphian oracle for Covid-19. I get my prophecies and forecasts from the organon and Materia Medica! Make no mistake. Covid-19 and Arsenicum are similar. Both Allen’s keynotes and Boericke’s Materia Medica clearly say about Arsenicum: “Complaints return annually”. This should be a warning for those taking Covid-19 as a temporary acute phenomenon.

I searched the Complete Repertory for “TUBERCULOSIS” rubrics with remedy ARS. In 3rd and 4th grade and found 31 rubrics! And for “CANCER” rubrics where Arsenicum is listed in the 3rd and 4th grade - there are about 66 rubrics! This should tell us what is going to happen in the present and also future generations if Covid-19 is suppressed with dissimilar synthetic allopathic drugs.


I got direct confirmation from Complete Repertory that vaccines will be very dangerous in Covid-19 cases. I searched for the following rubrics with the remedy Arsenicum and found pages after pages of listings…




[Btw - Thuja is not the only remedy that can be routinely given to eradicate the vaccine trait!]

I have collected all these hundreds of research studies to try to convince the allopathic doctors to see light. But, a Homeopath who knows his organon and Materia Medica and a bit of history too, all this was never required. Such a wise Homeopath knows that once you have a pandemic of a very infective pathogen like Covid-19 and the Genus Epidemicus is Arsenicum Album – it won’t just go away very quickly and will surely become a chronic issue if the similia is not applied.

Let’s turn to history: It was found that the ‘Arsenic eater’ peasants of Styria and the Tyrol were “usually long lived” [as per one Dr Lorenzo quoted in ‘The Daily Republican’ someday in 1901]. The unfortunate old husbands bumped off by their young wives with the ‘Victorian Poison’ (Arsenic Trioxide) - took the secret to their grave and Arsenic can still be detected from the hair and nails of their corpses more than a century later! And yes, should we forget the use of Arsenic in taxidermy? The ancient taxidermists of Egypt will not let me sleep peacefully if I fail to mention that they used Arsenic in their embalming processes and aha! I need to mention the ancient Indian Siddha/Yogic tradition as well as ancient Chinese tradition where Arsenic was used in secret alchemical formulas to achieve immortality…

Well, the essence of all this Arsenic romanticism is that Arsenic will kill many like a powerful poison and for many others if will give them a long rope to hang themselves and they suffer..suffer…suffer for a long time, may be a life time, before meeting a painful death. Do you remember the perplexing


tolerance to Hypoxia - which I had discussed earlier? I had discussed the Arndt- Schultz Law there. Please let me repeat what I had written in the Hypoxia chapter:

“Arsenic bestows strength and life to the patient and gives him the capacity to endure its poisonous sufferings. In fact, Arsenic may make its victim feel better if they take it and worse if they don’t and compel the person to raise the dose! Very satanic and sadistic indeed!

See some interesting Arsenic trivia here: https://oldspirituals.com/2018/11/23/arsenic-eaters/

The Covid-19 symptoms are dramatic because of the innate character of Arsenic. You-are-sick-and-yet-not-feeling-the-sickness-and-then-you-die. That is Arsenic or Covid-19 and can completely baffle the Allopathic doctor with the meandering/contradictory/changing symptoms and asymptomatic/symptomatic phases and variable test results and relapses and re-infections and sudden severe worsening of symptoms leading to death”.

This Arsenic is a powerful acute remedy but, an even more powerful chronic remedy. Arsenic is all about maximum possible suffering of the longest possible duration and then painful agonizing death. Expect Covid-19 to behave similarly.

The clueless Allopath who cannot see the hidden satanic face of Arsenic behind this drama will be completely baffled, frustrated and will fail to understand what is going on and why and what to do about it.

I hope my audience or readers are convinced that, if bungled by the Allopaths, Covid-19 is bound to become a VERY chronic pandemic (LIKE HIV) and the chronicity may be carried over to future generations. There is ONLY ONE WAY to exorcize the Covid-19 demon: the correct application of Arsenicum Album as the Genus Epidemicus worldwide.


This treatise will be incomplete if I do not articulate my entire viewpoint on vaccines, immunity and immunization in general.

It is unfortunate that an extremely wise and elder Homeopathic teacher of the stature of Prof. Vithoulkas states that “Homeopathy cannot provide “preventive” remedies with the kind of effectiveness a vaccine may have” (Vithoulkas, 19.03.2020).

With due respect, teachers like Prof. Vithoulkas make such baseless statements because of 2 reasons: a) These teachers tend to forget the glorious success of Genus Epidemicus and nosode Homeoprophylaxis during epidemics: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221616785392395&id=1336 335841

[My discussion of Prof. Vithoulkas’s changing statements during the Covid-19 pandemic is here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221652593567577&id=1336 335841 ] b) These teachers tend to court the Allopaths, so that they and their teachings are more ‘acceptable’ to the Allopathic community and are allowed to teach in Allopathic Medical Colleges.

Alan V. Schmukler, the editor of hpathy.com, is right, when he comments:

Re: Does the wholesale condemnation of vaccination give us greater public influence or less?

“I understand your desire to court allopaths, but some things are true. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2013, 1 in 50 children were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. That’s a 72% increase in the diagnosis since 2007. Now the figure is 1 in 45 children. Children’s lives are being destroyed, so this is not some theoretical argument for armchair conversation. The drug companies are pushing mandatory laws so parents won’t have a choice anymore. The vaccines are loaded with


neurotoxins. The debate is over. If allopaths participate in giving toxic vaccines, then they are either ignorant or complicit, and not worthy of courting”. https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/hahnemanns-views-vaccination- reply-peter-fisher/

The western medicine is actually a scientifically backward system of medicine but, unfortunately due the decadence of high quality classical Homeopathy in the last century and the promotion of BAD Homeopathy because of various reasons and also the lack of unity amongst Homeopaths – today, the common public perception is that the orthodox western medicine is a ‘scientific evidence-backed medicine’ whereas Homeopathy is not. It is a very unfortunate scenario indeed and the Homeopaths are themselves responsible for this mess.

Vaccines are all about money! It is an evil nexus between the pharmaceutical giants, influential politicians, industrialist moneybags, cunning distributors and doctors seeking benefits. It is a big marketing gimmick!

Vaccinations are also based on the Homeopathic principle of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ OR ‘like cures like’ but, are not praiseworthy because of their crudeness and therefore they tend to graft the miasm on the susceptible individual who, then, may become chronically sick for life (vaccinosis) and this constitutional derangement, like other allopathically bungled suppressed diseases, may be passed over to the next generation leading to a gradually increasing chronic sickness of the entire human race. No wonder cancer, neurological illnesses, psychiatric problems and moral perversion are on the rise in the society but, the vaccine manufacturing pharmaceutical giants are laughing all the way to the bank!

We should remember that the great Homeopaths of the past called the allopathic medicine to be the ‘old school’ and classical Homeopathy to the ‘new school’ and this nomenclature was not without basis! Actually, the Vaccination idea is based on the Homeopathic principle of ‘like cures like’ but, the mode of application is GROSS. When the gross infective substance is introduced to the organism in the hope of development of immunity – the organism reacts violently and produces aggravated symptoms of the disease that the allopath is trying to prevent! The allopath calls it the ADE – Antibody


Dependent Enhancement and frantically tries to understand the mechanism of ADE or how to avoid ADE and fails miserably! It is because of this reason that the Hahnemannian classical Homeopathic thought process is about SIMI-MINI- MONO in the same breath! The similimum remedy (SIMI) must be just one (MONO) and it MUST be the MINIMUM DOSE (MINI) & POTENTIZED REMEDY in order to cure (or develop immunity) or else the unproductive aggravations with the GROSS DOSE of the crude substance will jeopardize the very purpose of prophylaxis or cure. However, despite the so-called advancement of science and the ‘vaccine research’ being conducted by immunologists in big institutes – they have failed to understand the combined importance of similimum + minimum dose and this is an important reason why vaccines lead to severe aggravations of symptoms…and the scientists are still scratching their heads!

See here:

“Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus”. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/comments?id=10.1371/journal.pone. 0035421


“With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, researchers’ main safety concern is to avoid a phenomenon called disease enhancement, in which vaccinated people who do get infected develop a more severe form of the disease than people who have never been vaccinated”. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00798-8#ref-CR3


“This immune backfiring, or so-called immune enhancement, may manifest in different ways such as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a process in which a virus leverages antibodies to aid infection; or cell-based enhancement, a category that includes allergic inflammation caused by Th2 immunopathology. In some cases, the enhancement processes might overlap. Scientific debate is underway as to which, if any, of these phenomena—for


which exact mechanisms remain unclear—could be at play with the novel coronavirus and just how they might affect the success of vaccine candidates”. https://www.pnas.org/content/117/15/8218

DO YOU SEE HOW CONFUSED THESE SCIENTISTS ARE? I wish to gift them the book: Magic of the Minimum Dose by Dorothy Shepherd. The title itself should be an eye-opener to these scientists!

Moreover, after the crude gross vaccination, particularly, if the vitality of the person is weak – this diseased and immune suppressed state may be carried forward lifelong and to subsequent generations. And the allopathic lobby thinks that they have done some great service to mankind by advocating routine vaccinations for all! As we have discussed with the BCG vaccines, this grafting of strong iatrogenic diseases on mankind generation after generation is preventing mild acutes at the cost of making the entire human race chronically diseased. No wonder cancer, neurological and psychiatric illnesses are on the rise.

It is really unfortunate that there are Homeopathic teachers and Homeopaths who advocate using these unscientific & illogical vaccines, due to their ignorance.

The Covid-19 virus SARS CoV-2 is a very infective pathogen and suppressing it by any means is bound to lead to chronic complications and fooling around with such an infective pathogen in the name of ‘vaccine’ will be very dangerous. Hence, at this juncture of our discussion, it will be prudent to clarify some ‘classical’ Homeopathic conundrums or else some Homeopathic teacher may again confuse others by spreading some kind of misinformation.

I would like to clarify that use of the crude morbid matter to develop vaccines is actually not true Homeopathy. The allopaths use IDEM (same) substance whereas in classical Homeopathy we use the SIMILIMUM (similar) substance.


David Little refers to Hahnemann’s Chronic diseases and writes thus:

“In the light of Hahnemann's logic the use of the miasmic material without potentization was crude isopathy whereas their use in potencies is within the realm of Homoeopathy”. http://www.simillimum.com/education/little-library/the-works-of-great- homoeopaths/hih/article01.php

So, the use of nosode for Homeo-prophylaxis is within the realm of Homeopathy because the crude morbid substance (idem) becomes similar or similimum after potentization - the process of potentization ensuring that its grossness gives way to become the ‘minimum dose’. No crude dose, no matter how minute, is well-qualified for the tag of ‘minimum dose’ unless it is potentized.

[Personally, I do not advocate the use of ANY potentized homeopathic remedy below the Avogadro’s Limit (12c in case of centesimals and 3.5 LM in case of 50-millesimals). In fact, my lowest potency is 30c and LM/5 or LM/6. Needless to say, at this level and upwards - it’s just ‘memory of water molecules’ without even one molecule of the original substance! Ah! That’s the beginning of Homeopathic ‘minimum dose’ for me! [The doses can be made even more minimum! More discussion on posology and the 6th organon some other time!]

Make no mistake. The IDEA of vaccination is definitely BASED on the Homeopathic principle of ‘like cures like’ but, it is NOT HOMEOPATHIC.

There are Homeopaths like Dr Peter Fisher who say that Hahnemann supported vaccination and then there are teachers like Prof Vithoulkas who support vaccinations. What was Hahnemann’s view on vaccines?

Let’s see…

I quote my friend and colleague David Little:

“Hahnemann was supportive of Jenner’s attempt to prevent smallpox by vaccination. He suggested that other animal miasms might be useful in the prevention of infectious diseases affecting humans. It was his personal opinion that the cowpox inoculation had lowered the number of smallpox cases during his lifetime. His case histories record patients suffering side effects from


Jenner’s vaccination but he thought the danger of smallpox outweighed the risks of immunization.

The Symptoms of Vaccinosis

Hahnemann did not write about the long term negative effects of vaccination nor speak out against the method. It was Wolf, Boenninghausen and Hering who observed that Jenner’s vaccination was causing a man-made chronic miasm. For this reason, Hahnemann’s followers began to seek remedies to remove the side effects of immunization and search for better alternatives to prevent smallpox. Today all diseases caused by immunization are called *Vaccinosis* although this word originally was used only for the vaccination against smallpox”. http://www.simillimum.com/education/little-library/case- management/pedh/article.php

First of all - I see a grave danger in following Hahnemann blindly. As Dr Eizayaga had once quipped “Homeopathy is not a religion!” Hahnemann had supported Jenner’s vaccine idea as an endorsement of his principle of Similia Similibus Curentur but, he was not blind to the effects of vaccinosis and had recorded the signs of vaccinosis in his case histories. Again, it was Hahnemann who made a distinction between IDEM (same) and SIMILIMUM (similar) in Chronic Diseases and junked isopathy. So, it cannot be said that present vaccination drama has the blessings of Hahnemann or is Homeopathic.

Moreover, as noted above, Hahnemann’s followers made the major contribution in noting that Jenner’s vaccination was causing a man-made (iatrogenic) chronic miasm.

Here, I would like to quote, learned Homeopath Rudi Verspoor:

“A similar, more recent variant of this "rely-on-allopathic-vaccination" position is that of the Faculty of Homeopathy in London, England, which declared in a letter to the British Medical Journal of 27 September, 2002 that Hahnemann supported vaccinations …This statement does not stand up to the facts of the matter. The Faculty position is justified on the basis of Dr. Hahnemann's alleged support for smallpox vaccinations, citing Aphorism 46 of the Organon.


Aphorism 46 only explains the principle behind the cure, by nature, of an existing disease by a similar disease, such as cowpox and smallpox.

Aphorism 46.9. ...due to their great similarity, the ensuing outbreak of smallpox is at least greatly diminished (Homeopathically) and made more benign a] by the cowpox which has already neared its maturity...

What is left out in the Faculty position is the whole issue of dose. Dr. Hahnemann pointed out clearly that the law of similars using nosodes or isodes is harmful because of the large (material) dose. To be safe, the application of disease material as a preventative (immunization) has to be diluted and succussed (potentized)…..

Aphorism 56.4. a] 3. But this intending to cure by means of an entirely identical disease Potence [that is, using a crude substance] contradicts all healthy common sense and therefore all experience also.

Aphorism 56.4. a]7. But meaning to cure a human disease with an identical human disease matter, that is going too far!

Aphorism 56.4. a] 8. Nothing results from it but calamity and aggravation of the disease!

The conclusion is clear. Dr. Hahnemann supported the principle of immunization, but not the "normal" (i.e., allopathic, crude dose) approach. Quite the contrary! He stated, presciently as it seems, based on official statistics, that such an approach to prevention would lead to death and destruction”. https://heilkunst.com/disease.html

I quote Rudi Verspoor again. He contradicted Dr Peter Fisher’s pro-vaccine views by stating thus:

“Vaccines are not simply nosodes… Thus in the case of modern vaccinations we are dealing with what Hahnemann in Aphorism 40-42 warns against, namely iatrogenic disease”. https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/hahnemanns-views-vaccination- reply-peter-fisher/


So, it is quite clear that Hahnemann is talking about the potentized minimum dose and he does not endorse the gross crude dose of the allopathic vaccine guys.

Dr. Stuart close makes the basic principle of Hahnemannian Homeopathy very clear when he writes:

“Homeopathy is opposed to the use...of drugs in physiological doses...to the methods of vaccine and serum therapy...to so-called ‘pathological prescribing’ and to ‘group treatment’ of diseases...It depends for all its results upon the dynamical action of single, pure, potentised medicines…administered in minimum dose.” [The Genius of Homeopathy, Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy, Stuart Close, 1924, pp.20-21, B.JAIN India reprint]

I think is it important to clarify some common misconceptions about vaccinosis in the mind of Homeopaths. While the ill-effects of the vaccine (vaccinosis) was acknowledged by Hahnenammn in his lifetime – the menace of the vaccinial taint was further observed by his followers in his lifetime and thereafter and they searched for remedies to cure vaccinosis.

“In Burnett's time, as in Hahnemann's, vaccination meant the use of cowpox or attenuated smallpox. Burnett promoted the discoveries of German Homeopaths such as Rummel, Boenninghausen, Grauvogel, Kunkel, and Goullon, who spoke of the ill-effects of smallpox vaccination and the use of Thuja to cure it. He credits Boenninghausen as the first to notice the Homeopathicity of Thuja to smallpox, and Kukel and Goullon with using this observation to treat the ill-effects of vaccination”.

Ref: https://chchealth.weebly.com/vaccinosis-burnett.html

It must be noted that Thuja is not specific to eradicate the vaccine taint of ALL vaccines. In the old days – ‘vaccine’ only meant the small pox vaccine and the old masters were concerned about the sycotic miasmatic taint grafted on the constitution by the small pox vaccine. Nowadays, we have a lot many vaccines with complex miasmatic footprints and the ill-effects of all these modern vaccines cannot be removed by giving Thuja. Moreover, it must be noted that, even for the small pox induced vaccinosis- if you prescribe Thuja (as per Boenninghausen’s advice) or Sulphur (as per Hahnemann’s advice) and are


successful in removing the vaccinial trait – you will also be antidoting the vaccine and making the organism susceptible to small pox again! You cannot have it both ways! I repeat - if Thuja or Sulphur or any other remedy really works to remove the ‘ill-effects’ of any vaccine – whether it be the small pox vaccine or the Covid-19 vaccine or any other - it will bring the organism back to balance and will remove ALL the effects of the vaccine (good or bad or whatever!) and make the organism susceptible to the infection again!

I am pleased to provide the link to a lecture by Prof Vithoulkas where he makes this important point very clear:

[Please hear from 22:02 to 22:53] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S3aGFBxV6Uc&fbclid=IwAR1CYfzQMIYPsuVli 5g0_7m83V9Qj-4QfwIKVbgGt92ovxLMOIP71m1v9XY

[Note: Please note that I do not agree with everything that has been said by Prof Vithoulkas in this lecture although the wise teacher has made some very good points here. My critique of Prof. Vithoukas’s views on Covid-19 / vaccination / Genus Epidemicus is here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221652593567577&id=1336 33584 ]



Let us look at things from an immunological perspective…


A) The individualized chronic constitutional remedy - Dr Prafull Vijayakar calls it the GCS – Genetic Constitutional Similimum. And individualized acute remedies as and when required.


B) The Genus Epidemicus remedy during epidemics.

C) Nosode Homeoprophylaxis.

D) Natural immunity developed by contacting a disease.

E) Vaccines

The constitutionalists vote for A- the individualized chronic constitutional remedy for everything and they are right! However, going by the dictum – an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure: B - the Genus Epidemicus remedy becomes de rigueur during an epidemic where millions and billions of people cannot be treated individually. In my personal opinion, A and B above, are the best ways to develop innate immunity, balance the biochemical processes towards health and stay protected during epidemics.

Next in order of preference is C - the nosode prophylaxis. I regard similimum remedies to more superior than the nosode because of the power of the similimum! The Genus Epidemicus works because it is the curative similimum to the ‘man-in-disease’ whereas the nosode is simply the similimum to the pathogen - ‘the-disease-in-man’. Classical Homeopathy is all about the individualized & holistic treatment of the ‘man-in-disease’ and not the unscientific approach of the allopaths which only focuses on the pathogen (‘the-disease-in-man’) and orders a symptomatic suppressive ‘one size fits all’ treatment.

David Little writes:

“In 1836 Hering stated that: he never succeeded in curing but only ameliorating diseases with their own morbid products. This statement was made after 7 years of rigorous clinical trials”. http://www.simillimum.com/education/little-library/constitution- temperaments-and-miasms/nih/article.php

I hope the wise Homeopaths now understand why I strongly advocate the use of Arsenicum Album and say that Arsenicum Album, as the confirmed Genus Epidemicus of Covid19, is more effective & prophylactic & curative than the SARS-CoV2 nosode.


During, epidemics - I rely on the Genus Epidemicus as the first and the best preventive option for the community. The nosode Homeo-prophylaxis is the second option. The nosode Homeo-prophylaxis should be used only when the Genus Epidemicus is not clear, even after very careful analysis. [Just labeling it as ‘one sided disease’ should not be an excuse for poor observation and even poorer study of the Materia Medica!]. Moreover, the Genus Epidemicus is the curative remedy too (in most of the cases) whereas, at most, the nosode can only work prophylactically to some extent.

However, I consider nosode Homeoprophylaxis to be superior than E – the crude vaccines because the nosodes are much gentler and safer in action as compared to the crude vaccines. As noted earlier, the nosodes, being similar and potentized, fall in the realm of Homeopathy whereas the vaccines are crude and idem (identical) and not at all Homeopathic.

Don’t make the mistake of considering the nosodes in any way incapable to generate a strong and effective immunological response. I do admit that in the present times, nosodes do not seem to act as powerfully as the crude vaccines but, this is no reason to support the use of vaccines (like Prof. Vithoulkas does). The fault is not in the nosodes but, in the way the nosodes are applied. The immunological effect of the nosodes can easily be made stronger by adopting different potencies and potency scales. If required, new potency scales may need to be created for this specific purpose after meticulous research. However, NO Homeopath has done fundamental research on these topics and the Homeopathic community has failed to research, document and standardize nosode-Homeo-prophylaxis to the satisfactory immunological level where crude vaccines will become redundant.

At present, I have no hesitation to admit, despite a lot of work done by Dr Isaac Golden and others, there is no universally acceptable and well-balanced, research proven Homeo-prophylaxis alternative to mainstream immunization schedule. The allopathic western medicine experts do not use Homeopathic nosodes/remedies during dog bite or when then is a risk of tetanus. IMHO – we Homeopaths should be blamed for the sorry state of affairs in Homeopathy and for failing to prove that classical Homeopathy can offer a better and safer research proven alternative.


Next in order of preference: I consider D- the natural immunity developed by contacting a disease to be better than the crude vaccines being peddled by the pharmaceutical lobby. This development of natural immunity is only possible provided the natural course of the fever & disease is not cut short or disturbed by non-similia allopathic remedies or anti-viral/anti-bacterial allopathic drugs or crude vaccines. Natural short term or long term immunity against a particular disease may be developed by contracting the particular disease or a similar disease – by accident or by circumstance and is an example of coincidental Homeopathic cures by Mother Nature (Aphorism 50, Organon). However, this cannot be taken as the standardized way to develop immunity and may produce serious life threatening complications and fatality.

Next in order of preference is E – the much used and the much abused and the much bad-mouthed Vaccines!

Undoubtedly, as discussed above, the gross crude vaccination of the allopaths, being un-Homeopathic, is totally unacceptable.

In my opinion, if the quality of classical Homeopathy reaches the heights of ‘de medicina futura’ [medicine of future], as dreamt by Dr Hering once upon a time (Hering, 1826) – the world will see classical Homeopathic constitutional prescribing as ‘advanced customized genetic medicine’ and A, B, C will replace E i.e. the judicious use of the constitutional remedy + Genus Epidemicus + nosode Homeoprophylaxis (and also specific prophylaxis) will be enough to replace the crude/gross vaccines of the ‘old school’ of allopathy! I am sure it will be possible to develop a range of research proven potentized nosodes in different potencies/potency scales [‘Homeopathic vaccines’!] as a strong and yet safe and gentle immunological alternative to the crude vaccines.

Classical Homeopathy is a futuristic system of medicine. The present level of scientific thought is still unable to come to terms with the effects of the potentized medicine and the phenomenon of ‘memory of water’! However, Homeopathy’s time of glory will surely come and it will be the mainstream advanced system of medicine one day. That day the crude gross vaccines will only be found in the footnotes of the annals of history and the use of Homeopathy will be de rigueur!

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come!” - Victor Hugo


Recently, I wrote to the famous Nobel Laureate Dr Luc Montagnier that I have extensively researched and I am in a position to tell the world for the first time about the best suited preventive & curative remedy (Genus Epidemicus) for Covid19 & HIV. No crude Vaccine or allopathic drugs are required. No patents and no restrictions. No money politics by moneybags and pharmaceutical giants. YES! For the first time in the world, I have solved the mystery and found the Genus Epidemicus remedy for HIV and Covid19 and also the connection between the two. YES! Hahnemannian Classical Homeopathy, IF PERFECTLY APPLIED, can prevent & cure HIV infection as well as Covid19.


I see the statement of the great British Naturalist – Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) as a realization of the future enlightened race of mankind:

"Vaccination is a gigantic delusion. It has never saved a single life. It has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age...”

- Alfred Russel Wallace, as quoted in the editorial of the ‘medical news’ on 19th January 1901

I am indebted to my respected brother and colleague Dr Ferenc Sasvari, the famous Homeo-pathologist from Hungary for sharing a warning quote by Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925), who was a student of Dr Henry Clay Allen, MD and taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago.

"Stop the death dealing process of vaccination or the whole race will soon become degenerated".

-Dr. John Henry Allen


I CAN PREDICT that if the entire world population is vaccinated with a powerful Covid-19 vaccine – we will see a chronic cancer pandemic worldwide. I say so with confidence because, I know the similia of Covid19 is Arsenicum – a powerful carcinogenic. Covid-19 will behave similarly. Suppress Covid19 in any way and you are bound to get CANCER.

Classical homoepathy is an advance science of immunology which is capable to provide safe & gentle, genetically customized immunological medicine to each individual – we Homeopaths call it the CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY! The so called ‘modern medicine’ [western medicine] is still way behind the advanced & futuristic thought process of Dr Hahnemann, whose 265th Birth anniversary was celebrated this year on 10th April. In fact, each and every correctly prescribed potentized Homeopathic remedy acts like a vaccine! It not only cures but, also prevents! We do NOT need crude Vaccines! Hail Hahnemann! Hail Homeopathy!

I repeat what I said before - More research, documentation and standardization needs to be done on the immunological effects of nosodes prepared in different ways. If required, new potentization scales may also need to be created! The Homeopathic remedies may need to be delivered through olfaction too! I have already done a lot of research work in these areas and if I have the blessings of benevolent celestial forces & also get the required support from the Governments for data and clinical confirmation – I will be able to provide a research proven, safe, gentle and effective Homeopathic immunization program as a BETTER and safer alternative to the present crude immunization schedule of the allopaths. And everything will be backed by strong ‘evidence’ of the kind that will convince the allopathic mindset! [Btw- Hahnemann was the father of ‘evidence based medicine’ when he refused to rely on empirical data alone and declared the ‘proving’ of a remedy to be sine qua non and the only basis on which a remedy could be prescribed].

Coming back to Covid-19 and the present moment…. Surely, there are a lot of things that need to be done in the field of classical Homeopathy and Homeopathy is yet to be crowned ‘the medicine of future’ - however, today, we do know enough (and have enough Homeopathic tools already available with us) to say a big NO when the vaccine pushers come to give a flu shot


every year and also tell us to get vaccinated for every illness, bacteria, virus and what not! So, say a loud ‘YES’ to the Genus Epidemicus of Covid-19 and a big ‘NO’ to the Vaccine!

IN A NUTSHELL: In my opinion, the Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus [Ars. Alb. 200c] is a safer, gentler, effective, curative, protective and readily available alternative to the dubious, non-Homeopathic, yet-to-come Covid-19 vaccine with yet-to-be-known dangers. In light of the entire discussion so far – it is quite clear that either the crude Covid-19 vaccine will not be effective or else it will surely aggravate the disease or lead to long term serious complications and morbidities.

The Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus [Ars. Alb. 200c] is also the fundamental solution to the suppressive and unscientific allopathic ‘treatment’ of Covid-19 [and also the baseless repeated doses of Bryonia and other dissimilar remedies] which tends to make Covid-19 a chronic pandemic with chronic morbidities.

The Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus [Ars. Alb. 200c] is also the preventive medical solution that can stop people dying from every minute in Italy & US and the total breakdown of the healthcare apparatus.

The Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus [Ars. Alb. 200c] is also the practical solution to lockdowns which can only slow down but not end this pandemic.

The Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus [Ars. Alb. 200c] is also the realistic solution to avoid the worldwide economic depression that is bound to come if this pandemic continues for a long time.

Aude Sapere!



1. I have already confirmed Arsenicum Album (potentized Arsenic trioxide) as the Genus Epidemicus of Covid-19 and analyzed the common Covid-19 symptoms as well as the rare cardiovascular, neurological and neurovascular complications [including ANE – Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy] and confirmed Arsenicum album as the Genus Epidemicus on the basis of Materia Medica, Repertory and also toxicological research studies.

See details here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221612662489325&id=1336 335841 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221724394202548&id=1336 335841 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221794111545438&id=1336 335841 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221875688384808&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3

2. Relying on the classical Homeopathic concept of PQRS (peculiar, queer, rare, strange) symptoms as the final confirmation for a remedy [Ref. Aphorism 153, Organon, Sixth Ed., Hahnemann] - I will now present before the worldwide Homeopathic community - quotes from COVID-19 research studies that report another rare condition - Rhabdomyolysis - as a RARE complication of Covid-19 and study it.


“Rhabdomylosis: This is an extremely rare condition, but it’s one that COVID-19 researchers are monitoring. In rhabdomylosis, the muscles break down and tissue dies. As cells fall apart, a protein called myoglobin floods the bloodstream. If your kidneys can’t flush it out of your blood quickly enough, it can overwhelm them and cause death”. https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-complications#2 https://www.cureus.com/articles/30228-rhabdomyolysis-as-a-presentation-of- 2019-novel-coronavirus-disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32197060

3. I hereby link Arsenic Trioxide (crude Arsenium Album) with Rhabdomyolysis and thereby confirm that my choice of potentized Arsenic Trioxide (Homeopathic Arsenicum Album) as the Genus Epidemicus of Covid19 is the perfect choice:

A) Rhabdomyolysis in Fatal Arsenic Trioxide Poisoning

“We report a case of fatal Arsenic poisoning with acute renal failure, circulatory collapse, and severe rhabdomyolysis”. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/379872

B) Arsenic trioxide induced rhabdomyolysis, a rare but severe side effect, in an APL patient: a case report https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11684-017-0514-y

[Interestingly, this paper mentions a Chinese link too…“Arsenic trioxide (ATO), a component of the traditional Chinese medicine Arsenic sublimate, promotes apoptosis and induces leukemic cell differentiation”].

With ref. to Aph. 153: Rhabdomyolysis as well as ANE – Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy, which are rare complication of Covid-19, are linked to Arsenic/Arsenic trioxide. This surely re-confirms Arsenicum Album (Arsenic trioxide), in potentized Homeopathic form, as the Genus Epidemicus of Covid-19 and validates my research study on Covid19 once again!


I would like to ask ALL those Homeopaths who are spreading mis-information worldwide and prescribing Bryonia – does Bryonia or any other remedy cover Rhabdomyolysis and Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy along with other Covid19 symptoms? Please read part 1, 5, 7, and 8 of my research very carefully – take a deep breath and think about the dying and suffering humanity worldwide. It’s time to leave your ego & ignorance and support the truth. It’s time to serve people and wipe their tears. It’s time to - AUDE SAPERE!

“It is the spirit of Truth that tries to unite us all; but the father of Lies keeps us separate and divided” - Dr Constantine Hering

Then ye shall see the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. (John 8.32)





Let the evidence, published in various journals, speak for itself…

1. Evidences of Protective Potentials of Microdoses of Ultra-High Diluted Arsenic Trioxide in Mice Receiving Repeated Injections of Arsenic Trioxide

“The present study was undertaken to examine if microdoses of ultra-high diluted Arsenic trioxide (a potentized Homeopathic remedy, Arsenicum Album 200C, diluted 10-400 times) have hepatoprotective potentials in mice subjected to repeated injections of Arsenic trioxide. Arsenic intoxicated mice were divided into: (i) those receiving Arsenicum Album-200C daily, (ii) those receiving the same dose of diluted succussed alcohol (Alc 200C) and (iii) another group receiving neither drug nor succussed alcohol. Two other control groups were also maintained: one fed normal diet only and the other receiving normal diet and Alc-200C. Toxicity biomarkers like aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, glutathione reductase, catalase, succinate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione contents were periodically assayed keeping the observer “blinded”. Additionally, electron microscopic studies and gelatin zymography for matrix metalloproteinases of liver tissues were made at day 90 and 120. Blood glucose, hemoglobin, estradiol and testosterone contents were also studied. Compared to controls, Arsenicum Album-200C fed mice showed positive modulations of all parameters studied, thereby providing evidence of protective potentials of the Homeopathic drug against chronic Arsenic poisoning”. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2011/391752/


2. Ameliorating effect of microdoses of a potentized Homeopathic drug, Arsenicum Album, on Arsenic-induced toxicity in mice.

“Both Arsenicum Album-30 and Arsenicum Album-200 ameliorated Arsenic- induced toxicity to a considerable extent as compared to various controls….The results lend further support to our earlier views that microdoses of potentized Arsenicum Album are capable of combating Arsenic intoxication in mice, and thus are strong candidates for possible use in human subjects in Arsenic contaminated areas…”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14570596

3. A potentized Homeopathic drug, Arsenicum Album 200, can ameliorate genotoxicity induced by repeated injections of Arsenic trioxide in mice.

“Compared with controls, the drug fed mice showed reduced toxicity at statistically significant levels in respect of all the parameters studied, thereby indicating protective potentials of the Homeopathic drug against chronic Arsenic poisoning”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17718811

4. Comparative efficacy of two microdoses of a potentized Homeopathic drug, Arsenicum Album, to ameliorate toxicity induced by repeated sublethal injections of Arsenic trioxide in mice.

“Ars Alb 30C showed marginally better efficacy than Ars Alb 6C.

CONCLUSION: Both remedies indicated potentials of use against Arsenic intoxication”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18550913


5. Potentized Homeopathic drug Arsenicum Album 30C positively modulates protein biomarkers and gene expressions in Saccharomyces cerevisae exposed to arsenate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21749826

6. A Follow-Up Study on the Efficacy of the Homeopathic Remedy Arsenicum Album in Volunteers Living in High Risk Arsenic Contaminated Areas.

“Therefore, administration of Arsenicum Album 200C considerably ameliorates symptoms of Arsenic toxicity on a long-term basis, and can be recommended for interim use, particularly in high risk remote villages lacking modern medical and Arsenic free drinking water facilities”. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2011/129214/

7. Homeopathic remedy for Arsenic toxicity: Evidence-based findings from a randomized placebo-controlled double blind human trial.

“Elevated levels of ESR, creatinine and eosinophils and increased activities of AST, ALT, LPO and GGT were recorded in Arsenic exposed subjects…The administration of “a potentized Homeopathic remedy - Arsenicum Album-30” [VS. placebo (Succussed Alcohol-30) to the control group] appeared to make positive modulations of these parameters, suggestive of its ameliorative potentials. Most of the subjects reported better appetite and improvement in general health, thereby indicating possibility of its use in remote Arsenic- contaminated areas as an interim health support measure to a large population at risk”. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969707006766?via% 3Dihub https://europepmc.org/article/med/17628642



I have proven the central role of ARSENIC in the entire Covid-19 drama, but, it is not necessary that only those suffering from Arsenic toxicity will be affected. The entire world population is at risk.

Why and how? We will see…

1. Areas with high concentration of Arsenic in soil or water worldwide are particularly vulnerable to the stage-3 spread of Covid-19 and its relapse. However, with the use of Arsenic for industrial-chemical industry – all heavily industrialized and chemically polluted areas will be at high risk. Areas where the groundwater deeper aquifers are under high stress due to continued depletion of the deeper aquifers for industrial and irrigation purposes may report Arsenic contamination in soil and water. All these areas should be marked as high risk zones for Covid-19 spread, relapse and lingering chronic effects.

2. Arsenic is more widely spread that it is imagined…

W.H.O. says: “Inorganic Arsenic is a confirmed carcinogen and is the most significant chemical contaminant in drinking-water globally. Arsenic can also occur in an organic form. Inorganic Arsenic compounds (such as those found in water) are highly toxic while organic Arsenic compounds (such as those found in seafood) are less harmful to health….Arsenic contamination of groundwater is widespread and there are a number of regions where Arsenic contamination of drinking-water is significant. It is now recognized that at least 140 million people in 50 countries have been drinking water containing Arsenic at levels above the WHO provisional guideline value of 10 μg/L” https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/arsenic

See widespread distribution of Arsenic here too: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/arsenic.html


3. Not everyone is similarly affected by Arsenic. There are gender differences in Arsenic methylation capacity and males are more affected by Arsenicosis. This has already been discussed earlier.

There are some races of people who have adapted to the high Arsenic levels in drinking water due to nucleotide variants in the gene AS3MT.

See here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ajpa.23193 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150304075422.htm

Are there races of people who are genetically more or less susceptible to Covid-19? This may need to be researched. However, a link between Covid-19 and Arsenic may surely emerge from such a research.

4. This is my observation: Arsenic or Arsenic Trioxide may be involved or somehow connected with the origin (or creation) of the SARS CoV2 and/or involved in the jump of the virus sequentially from one animal to another and finally to humans. This may need further investigation and research. If such a link is found, it will further justify the covid19-Arsenic link.

As per my understanding – Lockdown can only slow down but, not end the spread of the virus forever. Arsenicum Album, if used as the Genus Epidemicus, will surely break the chain of virus transmission and put a stop to the human-to-human transmission – a feat that cannot be achieved even with a very long term strict lockdown.

Arsenic and Phosphorus are said to be isomorphic. It is not possible to substitute Arsenic for phosphorus in humans, but, in bacteria, Arsenic and phosphorus derivatives, being so similar to each other - it is possible for arsenate to be incorporated into metabolic pathways usually requiring phosphate.

See here: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/arsenic-tolerant-bacterium-needs- phosphorus/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4030840/



Also see:

Handbook of ArsenicToxicology, Edited by S. J. S. Flora, Elsevier 2015. Page 541 states:

“Arsenic impairs cellular respiration by inhibiting various mitochondrial enzymes, and the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Toxic by-products are released when Arsenic interacts with sulfhydryl groups of proteins and enzymes, and substitutes phosphorus in a variety of biochemical reactions [72]. For example, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase and thiolase enzymes are inactivated when Arsenic reacts with their sulfhydryl groups causing inhibited oxidation of pyruvate and beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Arsenic also distorts the conformation of protein structure by attacking the disulfide bonds and thiol groups and binding to vicinal cysteines [73]. Arsenites interfere with sulfhydryl group of amino acids and disturb protein structure, while arsenates substitute for phosphate, affecting cellular processes such as ATP and DNA synthesis [74]”.

Does the relationship between arsenate and phosphate have any relationship with the origin/creation of the SARS CoV2 or its jumping from one species to another and finally to humans and its mechanism of action inside the human body?

Is the in-vivo mechanism of Arsenic toxicity in any way directly connected with the activities of SARS CoV2 inside the human body?

There is DEFINITELY a sinister link between viral infections and Arsenic. I have already discussed and established the connection between Arsenic and viral infections including the curious phenomenon of decrease in Arsenic level after infection by coxsackievirus B3 virus. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0946672X05001434

Now the exact connection of Arsenic with SARS CoV2 or the role of Arsenic in metabolic pathways influenced by SARS CoV2 in-vivo may need to be further investigated, researched and confirmed.


If the genesis of the SARS CoV2 itself is linked to Arsenic and Arsenic has the potential to cause hypoxia by interfering with the heme biosynthesis and impairing mitochondrial respiration – the entire world population is at risk and particularly those who are exposed to Arsenic, even if the exposure is (or was) in very low dose. Because, the harmful effects of Arsenic can be felt many years after the exposure, even if the exposure was in a very low dose.

5. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) confirms my worst fear – due to rampant pollution and industrialization all around us, exposure to Arsenic is not limited to Arsenic endemic zones – ALL OF US (particularly, we, the so-called ‘modern’ city-dwellers) ARE EXPOSED TO ARSENIC WITHOUT EXCEPTION…

Presently, about 90% of all Arsenic produced is used as a preservative for wood to make it resistant to rotting and decay. The preservative is copper chromated arsenate (CCA) and the treated wood is referred to as “pressure-treated.” In 2003, U.S. manufacturers of wood preservatives containing Arsenic began a voluntary transition from CCA to other wood preservatives that do not contain Arsenic in wood products for certain residential uses, such as play structures, picnic tables, decks, fencing, and boardwalks. This phase out was completed on December 31, 2003; however, wood treated prior to this date could still be used and existing structures made with CCA-treated wood would not be affected. CCA-treated wood products continue to be used in industrial applications. It is not known whether, or to what extent, CCA-treated wood products may contribute to exposure of people to Arsenic.

In the past, inorganic Arsenic compounds were predominantly used as pesticides, primarily on cotton fields and in orchards. Inorganic Arsenic compounds can no longer be used in agriculture. However, organic Arsenic compounds, namely cacodylic acid, disodium methyl¬arsenate (DSMA), and monosodium methylarsenate (MSMA), are still used as pesticides, principally on cotton. Some organic Arsenic compounds are used as additives in animal feed. Small quantities of elemental Arsenic are added to other metals to form metal mixtures or alloys with improved properties. The greatest use of Arsenic in alloys is in lead-acid batteries for automobiles. Another important use of Arsenic compounds is in semiconductors and light-emitting diodes.


Arsenic cannot be destroyed in the environment. It can only change its form, or become attached to or separated from particles. It may change its form by reacting with oxygen or other molecules present in air, water, or soil, or by the action of bacteria that live in soil or sediment. Arsenic released from power plants and other combustion processes is usually attached to very small particles. Arsenic contained in wind-borne soil is generally found in larger particles. These particles settle to the ground or are washed out of the air by rain. Arsenic that is attached to very small particles may stay in the air for many days and travel long distances. Many common Arsenic compounds can dissolve in water. Thus, Arsenic can get into lakes, rivers, or underground water by dissolving in rain or snow or through the discharge of industrial wastes. Some of the Arsenic will stick to particles in the water or sediment on the bottom of lakes or rivers, and some will be carried along by the water. Ultimately, most Arsenic ends up in the soil or sediment. Although some fish and shellfish take in Arsenic, which may build up in tissues, most of this Arsenic is in an organic form called arsenobetaine (commonly called "fish Arsenic") that is much less harmful.

Since Arsenic is found naturally in the environment, you will be exposed to some Arsenic by eating food, drinking water, or breathing air….

You normally take in small amounts of Arsenic in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. Of these, food is usually the largest source of Arsenic. The predominant dietary source of Arsenic is seafood, followed by rice/rice cereal, mushrooms, and poultry. While seafood contains the greatest amounts of Arsenic, for fish and shellfish, this is mostly in an organic form of Arsenic called arsenobetaine that is much less harmful. Some seaweeds may contain Arsenic in inorganic forms that may be more harmful. Children are likely to eat small amounts of dust or soil each day, so this is another way they may be exposed to Arsenic. The total amount of Arsenic you take in from these sources is generally about 50 micrograms (1 microgram equals one-millionth of a gram) each day. The level of inorganic Arsenic (the form of most concern) you take in from these sources is generally about 3.5 microgram/day. Children may be exposed to small amounts of Arsenic from hand-to-mouth activities from playing on play structures or decks constructed out of CCA-treated wood. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/phs/phs.asp?id=18&tid=3


Yes, you read it right! RICE may be a source of Arsenic!

Read this research about the “Risk perception of arsenic exposure from rice intake in UK population” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-019-0297-7

Also see this…

Determination of Arsenic in air particulates and diesel exhaust particulates by spectrophotometry.

The results showed that considerable amount of Arsenic are associated with diesel engine particulates. The variation in concentration of Arsenic was also investigated. The atmospheric concentration of Arsenic was different in different sampling stations was dependent to the traffic density. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15900780

So, it stands confirmed that ALL OF US (particularly, we, the so-called ‘modern’ city-dwellers) are exposed to Arsenic without exception. As such, the risk of Covid-19 is likely to be more in Arsenic endemic areas, in ALL industrialized areas and also in ALL modern congested cities with heavy traffic. The risk of Covid-19 may be less in laid-back remote areas, still untouched by modernization & industrialization and where nature still reigns in its pristine glory – Thomas Hardy-ish ‘far from the madding crowd’!

6. It appears that there is definitely a very strong connection between Covid-19 and Arsenic because the ENTIRE SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF COVID-19 MIMICS THE STATE OF ARSENIC POISONING. I am the first person who pointed out this FACT.

I see the entire world at risk because of many reasons, as outlined above. Moreover, as per the classical Homeopathic thought – the level of Arsenic in the blood/body tissue is not important. If we see the Arsenicum “STATE” in totality of the symptoms – we prescribe Arsenicum to great relief of the patient.




I have carefully reviewed many case histories of Covid-19 cases from many countries worldwide and my final opinion is as follows:

1. Arsenicum Album is the only remedy that covers the “ailments from” + mode of transmission + season at the time epidemic started (in China) + modalities according to the nature of the virus + syphilitic miasm + chief complaints (respiratory symptoms) + Gastrointestinal symptoms + peculiar neurological symptoms in some patients (loss of taste/smell/hearing) + cardiac symptoms/complications + confirmation from toxicological research studies + past experience of the efficacy of Arsenicum Album in viral ILI (influenza like illnesses) + neurovascular incidents (cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral infarction) + rare complications (Rhabdomyolysis and Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy)

2. The last part of my research work is revolutionary and explains all the dilemmas being faced by the medical doctors during the treatment of Covid-19 from the perspective of Arsenic. Here, I have quoted many research studies from journals of medicine, virology, toxicology, pathology and biochemistry to prove my point that Arsenic is at the centre of all the symptoms and paradoxes baffling medical doctors worldwide.

3. It is reported by many Homeopaths that the Covid-19 +ve cases are responding to Arsenicum Album and Bryonia. It is difficult to say whether the cases which responded to Bryonia were true Bryonia cases or a suppression of mild Arsenicum Album cases with Bryonia.

In many cases - Homeopaths are giving Bryonia to Arsenicum Album cases. I myself had got confused due to some unreliable data from US and Italy.


There is a lot of similarity between Arsenicum and Bryonia as far as the particulars are concerned but, big difference in generals. The Complete Repertory lists both Bryonia and Arsenicum under all rubrics which are commonly used to differentiate these remedies from each other – particularly the rubrics related to thirst/hot & chilly/movement. So, some Homeopaths are getting confused and prescribing Bryonia to Arsenicum cases. But, this suppression is only possible in mild or moderate cases. Dr ajit kulkarni says that the severe cases need Arsenicum Album. Dr kulkarni is right. The severe Covid- 19 cases are unlikely to be Bryonia and the severe cases cannot be suppressed by the wrong remedy.

If repeated doses/high potency of any remedy is given in mild self-healing cases - it is possible to suppress the symptoms. This leads to an erroneous conclusion about the Genus Epidemicus.

Prof. Vithoulkas had warned about this confusing scenario. To quote prof vithoulkas…

“It is well known that this coronavirus is self-recovering in 97% of the cases, so any remedy or false remedy or a placebo will have the same success as the one described for these cases. It must be noted also that the correct Homeopathic remedy will give an effect much different than the one described in these cases : this effect is instant recovery not a dragging recovery, like the one described in these cases. I can foresee that if everyone was trying to find the genus epidemics, possibly everyone would find a different one! What may happen for example, after treating let us say 5 cases and finding in two of them he has given the same remedy. He will proclaim it as the Genus Epidemicus. One can imagine the total chaos and confusion that will ensue in such a case where everyone will propose a remedy”. - Prof.

More discussion on the ‘Bryonia Confusion’ is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221908548166282&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3

Differential diagnosis with Phosphorus is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221875688384808&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3


Differential Diagnosis with Bryonia, Gelsemium and Camphora is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221612662249319&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3

4. For those Homeopaths who are getting confused between Bryonia and Arsenic Album due to thirst-thermals-activity related symptoms - I will suggest a simple way to confirm Arsenicum Album in a Covid-19 case:

If any three of these are present – it is most probably an Ars. Alb. case of covid19:

= burning anywhere or burning amel. By heat

= diarrhoea or diarrhoea + nausea

= metallic or bitter taste in mouth

= partial or total loss of smell or taste or hearing (any of these)

= very bad (cadaver/rotten meat like or garlic like) odour from mouth/body/urine/stool

= angina pectoris along with any of these symptoms

= very chilly + thirsty for small amounts of water (not necessarily small sips but may be a bit more than that) at frequent intervals.

= any kind of haemorrhage

= clear signs of hypoxia

= dry cough or dry cough with suffocation (with or even without fever)

I will not use thirst/thermals/movement/mind as the only criteria to confirm or reject Arsenicum because there is a strong possibility of getting confused with thirst, thermals, movement and mind symptoms in the rapidly progressing syphilitic Arsenicum Album cases or due to the innate peculiarity & variability of Arsenicum symptoms, as discussed so far.


Please do not rule out Covid-19 even if the quick lab test (or even RT-PCR) gives you a negative result. The ground glass appearance of the lungs in CT may or may not be present. The CRP and eosinophil may or may not be high. Look for the keynotes and peculiarities of Arsenicum Album that are of particular importance in Covid-19 cases and prescribe. This strategy is important due to widely varying presentations of Covid-19 and many cases are asymptomatic but, if you observe carefully – you will see Arsenicum Album!

Remember that Arsenicum patients may feel totally and completely exhausted and not want to move. Again, Arsenicum type of angina pectoris will agg. on movement. This is not Bryonia. Also note that the Arsenicum Album case may look like a camphora or carbo-veg or verat-alb in advanced stages but it is actually Arsenicum Album. A little keen observation and there you are! You can easily differentiate. Check Allen’s keynotes and Farrington’s material medica and Kent’s lectures to convince yourself about this before you prescribe Bryonia to an Arsenicum Album case.

5. Arsenicum Album was suggested by CCRH of AYUSH ministry (India) although they were vague, evasive, non-specific and talking about the use of Ars. Alb. In a generalized way for preventing ILI -influenza type illnesses. Later, the ministry retracted the advisory partially - adding to the confusion.

According to my analysis - Arsenicum Album is the Genus Epidemicus as well as the curative remedy for the Covid-19 pandemic. I was the first person who presented well researched evidence and declared Arsenicum Album as the Genus Epidemicus remedy specific for the present Covid-19 pandemic on 13th March 2020 on Facebook and till date I am the first and only person who highlighted ARSENIC – as the central pivot of the entire Covid-19 drama!

Dr Ajit Kulkarni was the second person who came out and declared Arsenicum Album as the Genus Epidemicus. https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-interviews/the-covid-19-pandemic-and-its- homeopathic-approach-interview-with-dr-ajit-kulkarni/?fbclid=iwar0ra- ny79o6rakks1tnwzkfnlyudk8s9xbv6z6sgr1p8stxyabawq5hzts


6. As already analyzed in part-1 of my Genus Epidemicus analysis – Camphora (as suggested by Dr Rajan Sankaran) is not the Genus Epidemicus.

It must be noted that Prof Vithoulkas has analysed Dr Rajan Sankaran’s paper and rejected Dr Rajan Sankaran's choice of Camphora as the Genus Epidemicus remedy.

See here: https://m.facebook.com/groups/12236875283?view=permalink&id=10163511 299425284

And https://www.facebook.com/groups/12236875283/permalink/1016362119308 5284/

7. Individualized treatment is the best but, this Covid-19 pandemic calls for urgent mass prophylaxis strategy – the Genus Epidemicus remedy - without delay. This mass prophylaxis strategy is urgently necessary to save the population and governments from the acute as well as chronic health, medical, social and economic damage by Covid-19.

In my opinion – in the present troubled times – an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure – hence, unless it is very important to go back to the chronic constitutional remedy – it is wiser to take the Genus Epidemicus remedy. In the present situation, my vote will be for the Genus Epidemicus remedy even for purists who believe in holding on to the constitutional remedy for everything.

8. In my humble opinion - if the Genus Epidemicus is applied en-masse it will ensure that the silent spreaders - the asymptomatic Covid +ve carriers will become Covid -ve in course of time and will not be able to infect others. This Genus Epidemicus will also help to eradicate the susceptibility of the entire population to Covid-19 and lower the infection rate. Hence, there will be no need for a lockdown or fear of community stage-3 spread.


This Genus Epidemicus is the practical and effective prophylaxis strategy which sidesteps A) the delay, costs as well as the possible perils of the mainstream Covid-19 vaccine and B) possible dangers of the proposed BCG vaccination and C) side-effects of the hydroxy-chloroquine prophylaxis.

Mass public application of this Genus Epidemicus will ensure prophylaxis without burdening the state exchequer with the costs of tests and quarantine. It will also allay public fear and panic and give people hope and confidence of protection.

Classical Homoeopathic treatment of the acute Covid-19 infection is without side effects as compared to the western medicine's cocktail of anti-HIV drugs & hydroxy-chloroquine or the antiviral ramdesivir (ebola drug) or kaletra (combination drug against HIV) or camostat mesylate (used in pancreatitis) - which can result in lifelong morbidities and/or make the virus resistant and/or weaken the immunity of the body making it vulnerable to new pathogens in future and/or in the present instant, due to suppression of disease - lead to relapses and 2nd / 3rd waves of Covid19 infection.

Moreover, the correct classical Homoeopathic acute remedy will cure fully without any chronic cardiac sequela - unlike the allopathic 'treatment' of Covid-19 cases which is relapsing in many cases and there are reports of cardiac and other complications too. Thus, the classical Homoeopathic approach will ensure that this acute Covid-19 does not become a chronic pandemic and does not irreparably damage the economy beyond repair.

Only the correct classical Homoeopathic acute remedy can prevent serious rare conditions like Acute Necrotic Encephalopathy and Rhabdomyolysis.

9. I recommend a single dose of Arsenicum Album 200c given just once and not repeated thereafter as the preventive Genus Epidemicus as well as curative remedy for Covid-19.

I propose a worldwide mass distribution by all governments

The remedy must be of standard quality and not spurious – particularly in countries like India.


Although a genuine Arsenicum Album 200c from any reputed pharmacy will work – potentization method does make a difference. I recommend a high quality Arsenicum Album 200c prepared on K-Tronic Potentizer of Labotics (Belgium), as offered by (France) or SBL (India) or any other very reliable pharmacy which uses the K-Tronic Potentizer, as the best choice.

10. Earlier I was suggesting constitutional treatment OR Genus Epidemicus - as the case may require and Arsenicum Album 30c just one dose in areas with low risk. But, seeing the present scenario with the looming threat of stage-3 community transmission and long term chronic effects of Covid-19 – I have revised my advice. Now, I am suggesting only the Genus Epidemicus - Arsenicum Album 200c. One dose. Only once. Should not be repeated thereafter or else there may be very strong aggravation along with disturbance in remedy action.

Sensitive provers (I myself being one such prover) have found that a 200c hand succussed remedy by brands such as HAPCO of Kolkata lasts for at least 84 days with just one single dose. Remedies potentized on K-Tronic Potentizer are stronger and last longer. A 200c SBL remedy lasts for at least 4 months. I would never repeat a 200c SBL remedy, single dose, before 5 months, at least.

• SINGLE DOSE APPROACH is the best and most suitable approach for applying the Genus Epidemicus in the community. It is preferable that the person is not already over-medicated with many wrong remedies and multiple repetitions (Bad Homeopathy) and the correct Genus Epidemicus – Ars. Alb. 200c - one single dose - given only once - is allowed to work undisturbed for 5 months. Do not repeat and wait for at least 1 year from the date of prescription.

• DELAYED APPROACH: If any another potentized remedy has already been taken before – prescribe Ars Alb 30 immediately. Only one dose. Only once. Thereafter don’t prescribe any other remedy for 2 months. Then after 2 months – prescribe Ars Alb 200. Let Ars Alb 200c work undisturbed for 5 months. Do not repeat and wait for at least 1 year from the date of prescription.


• STAGGERED APPROACH or INDIVIDUALIZATION: In case of patients of neurological disorders (like epilepsy) or neuro-vascular cases (like cerebral stroke) or patients with severe cardiac or renal issues or any other patient with a very fragile health condition – please do not assume that the Homoeopathy remedy can be recklessly prescribed without harm. In such case, multiple remedy prescriptions or repeated doses or high potency may prove to be fatal. In such very severe & precarious cases – it may be advisable not to prescribe the Genus Epidemicus unless the case is carefully evaluated by a medical doctor along with a very experienced Classical Homeopath. The Chronic constitutional remedy may be the best protection in such cases. Even if a decision is taken to prescribe Ars. Alb. as the Genus Epidemicus – it should only be prescribed in 30c potency (One dose. Only once). Then wait for 2.5 months. Thereafter, repeat Ars Alb 30c again (one dose. Only once). Do not disturb the remedy action for 2.5 months. Thereafter, Ars Alb. may be repeated only after 1 full year and not before. Such critical cases are best handled individually by a very experienced Classical Homeopath and should be kept outside the purview of mass general Genus Epidemicus. Keep Ars Alb 200c in mind for Covid19 acute, though.

I will recommend the use of Arsenicum Album in 200c potency particularly in areas with stage 3 community transmission risk, high risk individuals and health workers.

This 200c is the syphilitic phase potency as per Dr Prafull Vijayakar and was the frequently used potency by Lippe, Boenninghausen and Dunham. The in-vitro research work by Dr Girish Gupta of Lucknow, India confirms the unique effects of 200c potency.

I recommend only the 200c potency for Covid-19 prophylaxis as well as cure. According to me, 200c is the similimum harmonic potency for the Covid-19 syphilitic symptoms.

Single dose Ars Alb 200c makes more sense than the AYUSH ministry suggestion of 30c on 3 days.

There may be some atypical cases needing other remedies for cure. Some patients may need their constitutional remedy for cure. Nevertheless,


Arsenicum Album is undoubtedly the best suited Genus Epidemicus preventive remedy and is likely to be the curative similia in almost all very severe, potentially fatal Covid-19 cases.

• There are some pseudo-homeopaths who tend to merrily prescribe many remedies and many doses and/or prescribe ‘combination formula’ of several homeopathic remedies and/or prescribe combos of allopathic drugs + homeopathic remedies. These pseudos are a curse for Classical Homeopathy and are responsible for all the mess and bad repute of Homeopathy. Some of these bogus Homeopaths may also conduct ‘Research’ and publish articles in Journals! Recently, I came across a ‘Research Paper’ on the Homeopathic treatment of Covid19 in an European country where 2 to 6 remedies were given to the same patient and it was claimed that about 20 different remedies were indicated in Covid19 cases and that the homeopathic remedies were prescribed along with allopathic drugs! This is not individualization – this is not treatment – this is not Research - this is not homeopathy! It is VERY BAD Homeopathy and a gross professional misconduct. Such pseudo- homeopaths with zero knowledge of Homeopathy have turned Homeopathy into a joke. Discite moniti – Hahnemann Primum non nocere - Thomas Sydenham

Summary of my advice: I propose the use of Arsenicum Album 200c - potentized on K-Tronic Potentizer. Just one single dose and not repepated thereafter. It is the best suited worldwide Genus Epidemicus prophylaxis as well as the curative remedy. Do not disturb the remedy action for 5 months. Do not prescribe any other remedy for 5 months. Do not repeat and wait for at least 1 year from the date of prescription.

11. Covid-19 nosode is not required. The prophylaxis effect of Arsenicum Album 200c will be more specific and better than the nosode because Ars Alb is the similimum curative remedy for majority of the severe cases.


Please don’t prescribe the Covid-19 nosode even if a very reliable nosode becomes available or is available (as some Homeopaths are claiming). Do not prescribe the nosode after or before prescribing Ars Alb 200c. Do not give the nosode along with Ars Alb. This will disturb the action of Ars Alb. One single remedy (Ars. Alb.) and only one single dose and no repetition thereafter please. Some homeopaths tend to prescribe many remedies and many doses and spoil everything.

12. In an acute case, I feel more comfortable with Dr Prafull Vijayakar's approach of giving the carefully chosen similimum remedy in 200c potency (just one dose) and thereafter, just wait and watch! For curing an acute case of Covid-19 - a single dose of Arsenicum Album 200c given just once should suffice - if the remedy is given in time and the vitality still has the strength to react to the homeopathic remedy – and also assuming that the allopathic medicines have not spoiled and complicated the case beyond repair - the single dose of Ars Alb 200c should cover all stages/act in any stage and resolve the entire acute emergency very beautifully as per Hering’s laws of cure within 24-72 hours!

13. I have a few advices, warnings and predictions….

On the basis on my entire in-depth research, Allen’s keynotes, the Research papers cited by me and the Research study on Covid-19 virus by Dr Mohammad M Sajadi and his colleagues at University Of Maryland (which I referred to in the first part of my Genus Epidemicus analysis) – I would like to predict and warn about the following:

= Covid-19 should not be taken as an acute epidemic which will disappear in a few months. It is likely to last for at least 1 year and if messed up by allopaths now – the chronic effects of so-called recovered cases may last lifelong. Renal, neurological, cardiac and lung pathology is likely. Covid-19 should not be taken lightly.

= the pandemic may slow down in hot summer particularly in tropical countries but treatment relapses likely and there is a possibility of re-emergence of


wave-2 or wave-3 of infections particularly during damp weather and cold winters. ‘Complains return annually’, says Allen. So we need to be very vigilant till next winter at the end of 2020 and continue our vigilance throughout 2021. Covid19 cases that have been infected once may get re-infected again.

= countries and regions along the 30-50 n” latitude corridor need to be extra vigilant

= areas with high concentration of Arsenic in soil or water worldwide are particularly vulnerable to the stage-3 spread of Covid-19 and its relapse. However, with the use of Arsenic for industrial-chemical industry – all heavily industrialized and chemically polluted areas will be at high risk. Areas where the groundwater deeper aquifers are under high stress due to continued depletion of the deeper aquifers for industrial and irrigation purposes may report Arsenic contamination in soil and water. All these areas should be marked as high risk zones for Covid-19 spread, relapse and lingering chronic effects.

= weather conditions of 5-11 degrees celsius and 47-79% humidity may be a warning for Covid-19 relapse.

= the virus is now in human chain. Into human to human transmission so it has gone beyond the initial temperature-humidity-season cycle. It should now be treated as a long term acute as well as a chronic pandemic. All densely populated cities are high risk areas.

= as per the understanding of classical Homeopathic miasm theory – syphilitic miasmatic constitutions - which is concordant with vata prakriti of ayurveda - will be particularly vulnerable. So those in the syphilitic age group or syphilitic state of health will be at high risk – it means the elderly and those with degenerative diseases may easily get infected with Covid-19 and with very high death rate.

= this virus is new to the human sphere and will try to infect all of us without exception. Whether one dies or is severely affected or is mildly affected or not affected at all will depend on the constitution of the person. Mass public Genus Epidemicus is the only way to escape from the short term as well as long term damage to the health, society and economy worldwide. Vaccines or


allopathy won’t be able to fortify the immune defences of the body against Covid-19 nor will be able to completely cure the acute cases.

= Please impress upon the governemnt of your area, particularly the AYUSH ministry of INDIA to arrange for a mass distribution of Arsenicum Album 200c as the Genus Epidemicus. It is URGENTLY required.

14. Please refer to my 10 part Genus Epidemicus analysis for Materia Medica and repertory details of Arsenicum Album and to see how I arrived at Arsenicum Album as the Genus Epidemicus and confirmed it.

Part 1 to 10

Part – 1 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221612662489325&id=1336 335841

(Links to parts 2-10 at the end above references)

Thanking all of you for your kind attention,

Dr Manish Agarwala

Kolkata. India



May classical Homeopathy prove its unique worth during epidemics.

May classical Homeopathy become 'de medicina futura' – the 'medicine of future' as envisioned by Dr Hering.

Aude sapere

Hail Hahnemann

Hail Homeopathy

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu niramaya.

Bhavatu sabba mangalam

May all be healthy, happy, peaceful and free from disease.

Dr Manish Agarwala

Kolkata. India




I am a classical Homoeopathic doctor based in Kolkata (India) and I am the co- convener of an international group - STOPcovid19: medical doctors and Homeopaths united against Covid19.

I am deeply pained to hear the news of some many people dying every minute and millions suffering worldwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have extensively researched Covid-19 from the perspective of mainstream medicine (medicine, epidemiology, virology, biochemistry, pathology and toxicology) and also classical Homeopathy and have reached at the conclusion that mainstream medicine has no cure for Covid-19 and that the vaccines (not yet available) will be even more disastrous.

Based on varying estimates from India and China – up to 86% cases were/are asymptomatic and so escaped/escape detection. As per Chinese and Japanese research - the number of “silent carriers” (asymptomatic covid19 +ve cases) who silently transmit infection - may be as high as 30%. 20% covid19 +ve cases in South Korea and 50% covid19 +ve case in Iceland, had no symptoms even after testing positive and being kept under observation in a hospital. As per Chinese and US experts more than 30% tests are false negative. If these statistics are considered – the WHO’s forceful emphasis on tests rings hollow and the widespread confusion is very much palpable. Surely, it is not possible to test 7.8 billion people of the world on a regular basis and even if it is done – western medicine has no cure or prevention. The BMJ was honest and candid when it admitted in an article on 8 April 2020: “For now, except for supportive measures, infection with SARS-CoV-2 is “essentially untreatable.””

The side effects of hydroxy-chloroquine and the anti-virals being prescribed may lead to lifelong morbidity. The Covid-19 virus causes hypoxia by interfering with the heme biosynthesis and to treat it as dyspnoea/pneumonia with ventilation is a gross medical error of judgment. The cardiac and neurological complications of Covid-19, that are beginning to emerge, are just the tip of the iceberg.


Covid-19 is not a temporary acute phenomenon but, is likely to develop into a chronic pandemic with far reaching medical, social and economic morbidities. Even those who recover - may suffer for life.

Even after recovery – there may be a relapse. Second & third wave of infection is likely. The present pandemic will continue for 1 year, at least, if not more and it is apprehended that it may peak again next winter. Emergence of new coronavirus threats, the Covid-19 virus developing resistance and co- emergence of many different viral pandemics is a possibility.

Lockdown can slow down the spread of the virus temporarily but, not end this menace completely and permanently. Moreover, an indefinite lockdown is not possible. The effect of this pandemic on the economy will be very damaging worldwide. Obsessive hand washing or putting masks cannot be a permanent solution or cure. The Swedish idea of giving time to develop herd immunity is very risky and can lead to high fatality. Community spread of Covid-19 can completely overwhelm and collapse the healthcare system in any country.

A strong, effective and safe prophylaxis (preventive) is URGENTLY required as the answer to all the doomsday scenarios described above.

As per my research, I have found ARSENIC TRIOXIDE to be at the centre of all the symptoms and paradoxes baffling medical doctors worldwide. I am in a position to explain all the hows and whys, for the first time, with reference to hundreds of published research studies related to ARSENIC / ARSENIC TRIOXIDE.

To test the theoretical background of my advice - simply ask all your top medical experts and toxicologists to look up symptoms/research on ARSENICOSIS or ARSENIC TOXICITY and they will find that EVERYTHING about Covid-19 is AS IF it is an ARSENIC POISONING case! That is the key that will unlock the mystery of Covid-19 and if properly understood, will end the Covid- 19 drama completely and forever!

There is ONLY ONE solution to end this pandemic…

I propose worldwide public distribution of the Homeopathic remedy – ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c as prophylaxis (preventive). This approach is called ‘Genus Epidemicus’ in classical Homeopathy.


Arsenicum Album 200c is Arsenic Trioxide in ultra-dilute potentized Homeopathic form and has no toxicity like crude Arsenic. I will be pleased to give more specific details about the CORRECT WAY to apply this remedy, if asked to do so.

I can understand that the mentally conditioned medical doctors may not easily accept the idea of a Homeopathic remedy being preventive & curative. I wish to tell them that during the 1918 flu pandemic – the great Homeopaths in USA saved millions of lives by distributing the Homeopathic remedy – Gelsemium and had a mortality of 0-1% – whereas the mainstream medicine prescribed aspirin and had a mortality of 30-38%. Further, I will be pleased to share several published research studies on Arsenic endemic populations in West Bengal (India) and the effect of the potentized Homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album in 30c and 200c on their health. I can also present research proven data on the successful use of Homeopathy during the 1974 meningitis epidemic in Brazil.

Arsenicum Album 200c has not even one molecule of Arsenic and so the toxicity is ZERO. So, it is SAFE. No harm in following my advice. As such the mainstream medical establishment worldwide has failed to provide any solution.

Whatever is going on - looks like a huge global catastrophe. I am confident that with your support, it will be possible to save humanity and the world economy from this disaster. I hope someone in power somewhere will see the Truth in my Research and save humanity. I believe in what the Bible says: Then ye shall see the Truth and the Truth shall set you free (John 8.32).

I can understand that my appeal may sound far-fetched and crazy to the doctors of western medicine and the classical Homeopaths may be having many questions.

I request your kind attention to my research and analysis which is on Facebook:




PART 1 TO 10

PART - 1 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221612662489325&id=1336 335841

(Links to parts 2-10 at the end above references)

[The last part of my research work – PART 8 - is revolutionary and explains all the dilemmas being faced by the medical doctors during the treatment of Covid-19 from the perspective of Arsenic. Therein, I have quoted hundreds of research studies from journals of medicine, virology, toxicology and biochemistry to prove my point. Kindly let me know if your experts have any questions.]

I know there are too many people posing as an ‘expert’ and giving their suggestions. However, I am absolutely certain and confident about my research and will be pleased to advise the Government of any country worldwide.

I hope you will be the medium for change to begin and the menace of Covid-19 will come to an end.

I would like to end my appeal by quoting Victor Hugo:

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come!”

With warm regards,

Dr Manish Agarwala

Kolkata (INDIA)

[STOPcovid19: international group of medical doctors and Homeopaths united against covid19]



PART – 1

COVID-19 CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHIC GENUS EPIDEMICUS ANALYSIS https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221612662489325&id=1336 335841

(Links to parts 2-10 at the end above references)


PART-2 and PART 3:

ANALYSIS OF DR. MANISH BHATIA’S SUGGESTION OF BRYONIA AND DR. RAJAN SANKARAN’S SUGGESTION OF CAMPHORA AS THE GENUS EPIDEMICUS https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221619900550272&id=1336 335841 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221655970091988&id=1336 335841

(NO need to visit these links. Already covered in the narrative in PART-1 in the revised and updated presentation)






PART - 5



PART - 6

THE FINAL SOLUTION TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10221854910265368&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3&av=1336335841&eav=Afal_K2-RZcRF2O6x8Xum- e57b0kX18VVq1-R7Cosd5_JKiQP9FXveWffHQQV1d2Z0o








A UNIQUE ANALYSIS FOR THE FIRST TIME… https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10222034720440510&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3




PAGE FOR UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10222022692339815&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3






DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE RESEARCH WORK POSTED ON FACEBOOK AS .PDF FILES FROM HERE https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10222022687459693&set=a.102 03502134057433&type=3



Copyright: Dr Manish Agarwala


Disclaimer: This information is only for medical professionals & Homeopaths and only for private academic discussion among the medical community. Please do not self-prescribe or self-treat yourself or treat anyone else on the basis of any talk or post made by me on facebook or on the basis of any other information anywhere in the social media. Statements made by me are not endorsed by WHO or any other statutory, medical or Government body. Please contact Government authorities for official epidemiological forecasts and advisories. Please consult your healthcare providers or local hospitals for proper professional treatment & advice specific for your case. Please follow all Government advisories/directives applicable to your locality including social distancing, isolation, lockdown, testing, quarantine, hygiene & all other safety measures.