Digital Syllabus & Course Outline Holy Savior Menard High School 2018-2019 Course Description: is a yearlong course that focuses on understanding the basic operations and functions of a digital single reflex and the manipulation of its settings to achieve a specific result. Students will learn about photographic elements of and principles of , composition, and . They will explore the , learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovators in the field, and relevance within diverse cultural contexts. Students will write and speak about aesthetic, technical and expressive qualities in a , learning to critique their own and others work. Students learn techniques and digital manipulation using Adobe Photoshop, teaching them how to archive, organize and optimize their for print or web purposes. Students will learn how to manage and creatively alter digital as well as critically analyze the use of visual media as a means of in our society today. Instructor: Mrs. Campbell (Room 309) Email Address: [email protected] Course Objectives: Upon Completion of this course, students will: – Understand technical and aesthetic differences between traditional and digital photography. – Make informed choices about composition when photographing and editing digital images. – Make informed choices about appropriate for use in a variety of photographic assignments – Analyze and discuss complex ideas in works of art and photography. – Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill that reflect their feelings and point of view. – Describe the relationship involving the art maker, the process, the product and the viewer. – Demonstrate proper camera and digital processing techniques in production of a – Understand and utilize the steps in the creative process – Realize the vast amount of career choices in the visual - Print work to display on Fine Arts Night --Produce an accomplished portfolio of work Introduction to Digital SLR Photography (Week 1) Factors to consider in a History and in Photography (Week 2-4) Lecture and Discussion: Pioneers and Early Techniques Invention and key terminology Make History Timeline Learning Adobe Photoshop (Week 5-6) File Management Toolbar and Option Bar Image Extensions Saving and sizing image Image Output Photoshop Techniques (Week 7-10) Learn a variety of Photoshop techniques and Metering (Week 11-12) Learn photography vocabulary: , speed, ISO Equivalent Exposures and (Week 13-14) Learning about focal lengths Lenses and f stop numbers Research (Week 15-16) Discussion, Lecture and Slide Show on past and present Project: Photographer Research Project with presentation to share with class Composition and Learning How to See (Week 17-18) Ways to get images with strong composition Samples of good composition Shooting Assignment: Shadows and Light Shooting assignment: Alternative camera angles Shooting assignment: a subject Critiquing, analyzing and evaluating photography Lighting Techniques (Week 19-20) Natural vs. Artificial Lighting Demonstration Use of Reflectors Tungstun Lighting with “hot ” Assignment: Natural Light Portrait with and Aperture Control (Week 21-22) Understand the concept Depth of Field Technical overview and factors which effect depth of field Camera operations and modes Focal lengths and zoom lenses Shooting assignment: Comparing depth of field at different and lenses Action and Motion in Photography and Controlling the Shutter Speeds (Week 23-24) Understand and compare effects Techniques and terminology of action and motion in photography Use of under 60th of a second Setting the ISO higher Shooting assignment: Take a photo of both action sharp and motion blur using different shutter speeds Studio Lighting for Portraiture and (Week 25-26) Lecture and Demonstration of studio hot lights Key terminology and Lighting Techniques Lighting Patterns and Ratios Shooting assignment: Portraits in studio with hot lights Shooting Assignment: Still life and Product Photography Self Portraits (Week 27-28) Learn self-timer camera controls Explore work by photographers Realistic vs. conceptual representation Shooting assignment: Self Portrait with describing words Shooting assignment: Conceptual self-portrait On and Off Camera Photography (Week 29-30) Develop understanding of when and how to use flash Differentiate between direct and bounced flash and the use of outside Assignment: On-Location Portrait using bounced flash and Capturing the Decisive Moment (Week 31-33) Capturing the decisive moment Higher ISO settings, camera and external flash use Explore newspaper and magazine photography Shooting assignment: Capturing a candid moment with appropriate caption Blending Art and Photography (Week 34-35) Students learn about Surrealism, Pop Art, Cubism, , and Photo Explore the concept of mixing mediums Assignment: Extending a Photograph with Assignment: Create a work of Surrealism using Photography, Photoshop and Assignment: Cubism: Make a Face Artist matching quiz Output: Printing, Portfolio Presentation, and Exhibiting Work (Week 36) Explore ways to output imagery Discuss and compare the difference between inkjet and laser jet printing Printing Digital Photography Matting and Presentation Portfolio preparation and electronic portfolios

Classroom Rules: 1) Be Prompt: Arrive to class on time. 2) Be Prepared: Always bring your materials. 3) Be Attentive: Pay Attention (When I am talking, you are NOT talking.) 4) RESPECT yourself, your classmates& your teacher. 5) Always raise your hand to be recognized. 6) The bell does not dismiss you. I do. Classroom Procedures:

• When you enter the classroom each day you should go straight to your assigned seat/. • If someone comes on the intercom with an announcement in the middle of class, you are to STOP whatever you are doing and listen to the announcement. (There will be absolutely NO talking during this time.) When the announcement is over you may continue with the activities you were working on prior to the announcements. • If you need to throw something away you may do so on your way out of class when you are dismissed. (There will be NO getting up in the middle of the class to throw things away.) • The bell does not dismiss you. When I tell you to gather your things and leave, then you may. Rules & Procedures for the Use of the : 1) Absolutely NO food or drink is allowed in the door of the computer lab!!! 2) Assigned seats will be given after the first “computer” day. You must always sit in the seat you have been assigned to. 3) Always check your station when you enter the lab. You will be held responsible for your station. Report any problems immediately to your teacher. 4) You should always login using the username and password that has been assigned to you. This insures that your work is saved in your network and is available when it is time to print/grade it. 5) You are never to boot up the computers or shut them down without direct instructions from me. 6) Do NOT make changes to the desktop or screen lighting. 7) Do NOT adjust the keyboards or monitors. 8) You are not allowed to print anytime you want to in the lab. The ONLY time you should print is when you have been given direct instructions to print from me. 9) The only applications/programs that should be opened at any time are the ones I have given you specific instructions to open. (If you are caught with a program open that you should not have open, you will have to shut your computer down immediately. You will be responsible for making up the assignment you were supposed to be working on.) 10) When using the Internet, the only web sites that you should visit are the ones you have been given specific instructions to visit. (If you are caught visiting a web site that you should not be visiting, you will have to shut your computer down immediately. You will be responsible for making up the assignment you were supposed to be working on.) School Rules & Procedures:

• Student cell phones are not to be visible or on. If a cell phone is seen or goes off it will be confiscated by the teacher and can be retrieved by the student from the office. • Uniform policy will be enforced in this class. Grading scale A 100—93 B 92—86 C 85—77 D 76—70 F Below 70—0 Your grade will consist of projects, quizzes, & daily work. Absences: If you are absent you have 3days to get with me and make up any missed work. If you are absent do not expect me to come to you and tell you what you missed. This is your responsibility.If assignments are not made up after 3 days then a grade of 0 will be recorded. If an absence is unexcused it will be counted against you. I have the right to refuse to allow you to make up an assignment if the absence is unexcused. Please make sure you know the difference between an excused and unexcused absence.

Please sign and return the form below and send it back to me as soon as possible.

I have read and understand the Course Requirements & SyllabusDigital Photography

Parent Signature Student Signature Date