Wolstonbury Hill: explore nature Wolstonbury Hill, Pyecombe, walk Near Brighton, West Sussex Wolstonbury Hill has been an TRAIL important landmark for thousands Walking of years. Iron Age farmers grazed animals on its summit and the GRADE Romans left pottery remains on its Moderate slopes. In wartime Britain Winston DISTANCE Churchill and members of the 3.7 miles (5.9km) war cabinet met at nearby Danny House and would allegedly visit TIME the slopes of Wolstonbury for 2 hours to 2 hours 30 inspiration. minutes These ancient slopes are a designated Special Site of OS MAP Scientific Interest (SSSI) for Explorer 122 their chalk grassland habitat that supports a rich diversity Contact of flowers. This walk takes you 01273 857712 through beech woodland at the
[email protected] base of the hill and across open Facilities grassland to the top of the hill. Upon reaching the summit, you'll Refreshments and toilets be rewarded with breathtaking (patrons only, not NT) at Jack panoramic views of the weald, and Jill pub, Clayton the sea and the downs, including Newtimber Hill and Devil's Dyke. This walk is best in spring when the bluebells and wild garlic can be found in the woodlands. nationaltrust.org.uk/walks Terrain Terrain is steep in some places. Bridleways and paths can be extremely wet and muddy in winter or after periods of heavy rain. Dogs are welcome but please keep them on leads, as livestock are in surrounding fields. There are no dog bins so please take your dog litter home. Things to see Beech trees Dew pond Wild garlic Beech is now a prominent tree Dew ponds are an historic feature Walking through the woodland species in the woodland at the on the downs, possibly dating in spring you might smell the base of Wolstonbury Hill (you'll back thousands of years.