EGN Erie Gay News Calendar ....Jan 1 -Sweet Honey in the Rock: Songs for the Chil· Jan 4-LGLV·Erie Meets Info: Dave Mulholland 898 drenWQLN (PBS-Erie /Ch.54) 2 PM. 4210. Jan 3-Womynspace: "Relax and UNWIND from the hec· Jan 6-HIV/AIDS Pennsylvania Prevention Planning Com· tic holiday season" "Dance/food/social to make up for mittee meets 6-8 pm. Info & location: Tracey Thomas at having been snowed out in December! Please come and 459-4775 or Michael Mahler at 456-9833. bring friends!! Newcomers always welcome! For infor ....Jan 6 -law & Order: Pride A&E 1pm, 7pm. "A gay mation and location, call Helen at 451-0359 or Carolyn city councilman is shot outside a town hall meeting where at 456-1315." gayllesbian health coverage is being discussed." -Biog ....Jan 3 -Special Presentation: Midnight in Savannah raphy. A&E 5pm. Jan 8-PFLAG·Erie:january's meeting has been moved Jan 3-Gay Men's Swap Fest #3 ( Jamestown NY) "We to the second Thursday due to New }'ear's Day. 7:00 will collect $5 at the door for pizza and beverages. Bring pm Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Erie, 7180 magazines, books and videos and swap for new ones. For New Perry Highway. Info: Elaine Hill at 864-0184. info, directions or to drop offyour wares before the event, call John at 716/484-7285 7 pm till? Continued on page 3 In this issue••• '!'4iW~tt. EGN Calendar 1 Erie Gay News Community "Town Meeting" Update 6 Local news 7 (/0 EGC Coalition, 1115 W7th St, Erie, PA 16502-1105 ECPC awarded HIV/AIDS Prevention grant 8 Phone: (814) 456-9833 Fax: (814)452-1392 HIV/AIDS News 8 Pager: (814) 870-9128 Review 9 Email:
[email protected] Entertainment notes 10 Web Site: Local rock band 5 Empty Chambers releases debut CD 1I 1997 Important year in equal rights battle 12 The Erie Gay News is published monthly as a source of Important White House events.