Hindawi Shock and Vibration Volume 2018, Article ID 9525680, 14 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9525680

Research Article Dynamic Characteristic and Fatigue Accumulative Damage of a Cross Shield Tunnel Structure under Vibration Load

Qixiang Yan,1 Hang Chen ,1 Wenyu Chen,1 Junchen Zhang,1 Shuqi Ma ,1 and Xi Huang2

 Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , Chengdu Survey, Design and Research Co. Ltd., Chengdu , China

Correspondence should be addressed to Hang Chen; [email protected] and Shuqi Ma; [email protected]

Received 19 September 2017; Accepted 9 January 2018; Published 13 March 2018

Academic Editor: Sandris Rucevskisˇ

Copyright © 2018 Qixiang Yan et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Tis study presents an improved constitutive model for concrete under uniaxial cyclic loading which considers the fatigue stifness degradation, fatigue strength degradation, and fatigue residual strain increment of concrete fatigue damage. According to the constitutive model, the dynamic response and cumulative damage of the tunnel cross structure under various train operation years were analyzed. Te results show that the vibration in the middle of the main tunnel is most violent. With the increase of train operation period, the acceleration in the middle of the transverse passage foor, both sides of the wall corner and the vault increase signifcantly, and the maximum principal stress increases signifcantly only in both sides of the wall corner. Te compressive damage is mainly distributed at both sides of the wall corner, while tensile damage is distributed in both sides of the inner wall corner. Te accumulative damage of the cross structure exhibits a two-stage profle. Te size and range of accumulative tensile damage of the connecting transverse passage are greater than those of accumulative compressive damage.

1. Introduction For the properties of the tunnel lining structure material, the tunnel lining structure is mainly made of reinforced con- Forlongandlargetunnels,acertainnumberofconnecting crete in China [11–15]. Te fatigue of concrete structures transverse passages are normally set up to meet the needs under cyclic loading causes the damage and cracking of con- of the operating ventilation, accident evacuation, fre rescue, crete lining. At present, the fatigue performance of concrete and other functions. Te use of these passages forms the cross structureismainlystudiedusingindoorfatiguetests.Aas- tunnel structures. Tis kind of structure is complex, which Jakobsen [16] proposed a general formula for logarithmic lead to uneven distributed forces for the whole structure. Te lifetime and cyclic stress; Tepfer and Kutti [17] identifed stress concentration most ofen appears at the intersection the general formula of the basic parameters by the fatigue due to the train vibration loads [1–4]. In addition, during test; Holmen [18] studied compressive fatigue performance the service life of the tunnel, the cross tunnel structure is of concrete cylindrical specimens under fatigue load; Huang subjected to the vibration loads caused by the train for a et al. [19] studied the propagation law of the main crack long time. Te concrete material deteriorates continuously, of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with prestressed and the structure is damaged and cracked all the time, CFRP sheet under the fatigue load; Cao et al. [20] studied the which ultimately results in structural damage and poses fractal characterization in the evolving damage of concrete serious threat to the operational safety of the structure [5–10]. structures based on physical model experiments and found Terefore, it is very important to study the dynamic response the surface-crack distribution of the damaged concrete struc- and fatigue cumulative damage law of the special structure of tures. the cross tunnel under long-term train which caused loads for Te fatigue test can accurately describe the fatigue perfor- thesafetyoflongandlargetunnels. mance of the material, but the test is very time-consuming, 2 Shock and Vibration and it is difcult to conduct full-scale tests. Researchers 2. Constitutive Model of Concrete Uniaxial startedtousenumericalmethodstostudythefatiguedamage Monotone Loading of the complex structure. Teng and Wang [21] proposed a two-dimensional damage constitutive model of a reinforced Te stress-strain curves of concrete under monotonic com- concrete structure; Petryna and Kratzig¨ [22] proposed a cal- pression were obtained according to the test data ftting in the culation method for long-term performance evaluation of “Code for Design of Concrete Structures” (GB50010-2010) reinforced concrete structures considering the accumulated and are as follows [31]: damage; Zhang and Shi [23] used the fnite element method �� =�����, (1) to study the interface peel stress and its infuencing factors on reinforcement and concrete under the fatigue load; J.- where � � S. Zhu and X.-C. Zhu [24] proposed a simplifed method { � , �≤1 for numerical simulation of the fatigue failure process of {�−1+�� �� = { � reinforced concrete bridge structures under operating loads; { � , �>1, Wang [25] established a stochastic damage constitutive model 2 {�� (�−1) +� based on modifed elastomeric Helmholtz free energy under � tension and compressive conditions; Wang [26] proposed an �= , equivalent static analysis method for the fatigue cumulative ��� damage process of concrete components. � (2) For the vibration efects caused by train, studies have been � = � , � � � conductedonthedynamicresponsecharacteristicsoftunnels � �� under the train vibration. Gharehdash and Barzegar [27] used � � a complex elastoplastic 3D dynamic fnite diference model �= � �� , � � −� by fully considering the joints to study the dynamic response � �� � oftheshieldtunnelburiedinsofsoilunderthevibration � = 0.157�0.785 − 0.905, loads; Gupta et al. [28] presented the experimental validation � � of a numerical model for the prediction of subway induced where � is concrete strain; �� is nondestructive elastic modu- vibrations; Gupta et al. [29] used a coupled periodic fnite lus of concrete; �� is compressive stress of concrete; �� element-boundary element model to study the vibration is peak compressive stress; ��� is peak compressive strain response from a Talys high-speed train in the Groene Hart corresponding to the peak compressive stress and can be tunnel; Lin [30] studied the dynamic response of the tunnel −6 taken as ��� = (700 + 172√��)×10 . under diferent conditions, such as the preconstruction of the When the concrete is monotonically tensile, the stress- train vibration load. strain curve is as follows [32]: However, most of the current methods are complex in � =�� �, theory and cannot simulate the fatigue damage behavior � � � (3) of concrete structures under high cyclic loads. Most of the where studies only focus on the fatigue analysis of concrete beams, � (1.2 − 0.2�5), �≤1 aiming at the dynamic response of the tunnel under the { � � = � train causing vibration loads. Tere is a lack of research on � { � , �>1, 1.7 dynamic responses of the tunnel structure under the high {�� (�−1) +� cyclic loads and lack of the fatigue damage analysis of the � cross tunnel structure, formed by the main tunnel and the �= , � (4) transverse passage. �� Te improved uniaxial cyclic loading constitutive model � � = � , for concrete is proposed based on the latest concrete uniaxial � ����� monotone load constitutive model given by “Code for Design of Concrete Structures” (GB50010-2010) [31], together with 2 �� = 0.312�� , the concrete fatigue constitutive relation proposed by J. S. Zhu andX.C.Zhu[24].Tismodelisabletomoreaccurately where �� is concrete tensile stress; �� is peak tensile stress; ��� simulatethemechanicalbehaviorofthecommonlyused is the peak tensile strain corresponding to the peak tensile 0.54 −6 concrete. Te formulas for calculating the concrete fatigue stress and can be taken as ��� = 65�� ×10 . stifness variables, fatigue residual strength variables, and fatigue residual strain variables are included in the cyclic 3. Constitutive Model of Concrete under loading constitutive model. Based on the actual situation Uniaxial Cyclic Loading of the Shiziyang tunnel project of -- Hongkong Railway Passenger Dedicated Line, numerical Te related research [33] shows that the fatigue damage of analysis models were established, and the dynamic response concrete structures under cyclic loading is mainly demon- and cumulative damage characteristics of the tunnel cross strated in three aspects: stifness decrease, strength degra- structures under train vibration load were analyzed. dation, and residual strain increase. Terefore, according to Shock and Vibration 3

concrete uniaxial constitutive model of the above specifca- .. Concrete Fatigue Stiffness Related Variable ��(�). Ac- tion and the concrete fatigue constitutive relation proposed cording to the relevant fatigue test, Holmen [18] proposed the by J. S. Zhu and X. C. Zhu [24], the fatigue constitutive model degradation formula for the concrete elastic modulus: of concrete under uniaxial compression can be proposed: that 0.33� is, the stress-strain curve is as follows: �� (�) = (1− ) ��, (10) � �� �� =���� (�) (� − Δ�� (�−1)), (5) where �� is the concrete fatigue life. where the residual strain of concrete Δ��(� − 1) afer �−1 times fatigue loads, the peak compressive strain ���(�),and � (�) � .. Concrete Fatigue Residual Strength Variables ���(�) and the modulus of elasticity � afer times fatigue loads � (�) areconsidered,andtherelevantrevisedparametersforthe �� . Te residual fatigue strength of concrete is related constitutive model are as follows: to the number of fatigue load cycles and the maximum and minimum stresses of the load [21]. ���� { � ,�≤1 Te study [32] shows that the maximum total strain when { � �� � � −1+� concrete is broken under tensile and compressive fatigue �� = { � { � loads is equivalent to the strain corresponding to the max- { � ,�>1, {� (�−1)2 +� imum stress of fatigue load in monotonic loading sofening � section, as shown in Figure 1, the point B in the stress-strain �−Δ� (�−1) curve of concrete under uniaxial static load and fatigue pro- �= � , cess. It is assumed that the concrete fatigue residual strength ��� (�) (6) envelope [34] is represented by the shape of sofening section � ��� (�) of monotonic loading stress-strain curve of the concrete. �� = , �� (�) ��� (�) Terefore, the concrete residual strength envelope can be obtained by the sofening section shape of monotonic loading � (�) � (�) �� = � �� , stress-strain curve of the concrete. �� (�) ��� (�) −��� (�) According to the sofening section shape of the mono- �� = 0.157�0.785 (�) − 0.905. tonic stress-strain relationship curves of the concrete, the � �� envelope equation of the residual fatigue strength of the Considering the efect of peak compressive stress ���(�) concrete can be obtained as follows: [24] afer � times fatigue loads, the peak compressive strain can � (�) � � (�) = � , be obtained afer � times fatigue loads: �� 2 (11) �� (� (�) −1) +�(�) √ −6 ��� (�) = (700 + 172 ��� (�))×10 . (7) where �(�) is the function of fatigue load times �:thatis [24], Similarly, when concrete is subjected to tensile loads, the � formula can be proposed as follows: � (�) = lg [� (� )−1]+1. � � (12) � lg � �� =���� (�) (�−Δ�� (�−1)), (8) Δ� (�−1) Te tensile residual strength envelope of concrete is shown by where the residual strain of concrete � ,peaktensile the following equation [24]: strain ���(�),andelasticmodulus��(�) are considered, and � (�) � the parameters are revised as follows: � (�) = � . �� � (� (�) −1)1.7 +�(�) (13) {�� (1.2 − 0.2�5), �≤1 � { � � � Considering the initial conditions of concrete residual �� = { � { � , �>1, 1.7 strength and failure criterion, the boundary conditions were {�� (�−1) +� taken into account in the concrete compressive and tensile �−Δ� (�−1) fatigue residual envelope equation. Te concrete compressive �= � , and tensile dependent variables A and B were available. Sub- � (�) �� (9) stituting those variables to formulas (11) and (13), the fatigue 0.54 −6 residual strength of concrete can be obtained. ��� (�) =65��� (�) ×10 ,

� ��� (�) .. Residual Strain of Concrete Fatigue Δ��(�). Holmen �� = , �� (�) ��� (�) obtained the formula of the fatigue residual strain of concrete by the curve ftting the experimental data, without consider- � 2 �� = 0.312��� (�) , ing the stress ratio. Te formula is as follows: [19]: � � (�) �2 3 where �� isthestructuralconcretepeaktensilestress �1� (1 − �min/�max) � Δ� (�) =Δ� (1) + max � 4 , afer loading the � times fatigue load and ���(�) is the peak � � � (14) � 5 tensilestrainaferloading� times fatigue load. � 4 Shock and Vibration

  f c 0

 ft

Equal amplitude MMonotoniconotonic lloadoad fatigue loading A A B B EqualEqual amplitudeamplitude fatigue loading Monotonic load fc

t,0 t t,f  (a) Uniaxial compression (b) Uniaxial tension

Figure 1: Te concrete uniaxial static load and fatigue stress-strain curves.

where Δ��(1) istheresidualstrainofthestructureafer1time Te tensile fatigue life and fatigue load curves of concrete fatigue load; �max, �min are the maximum stress and minimum wereobtainedbythefttingformulabasedonconcretefatigue stress of the structure when the fatigue load reaches the upper splitting test [17]: or lower limit of stress, respectively. �� is the longitudinal total 1 1−((��,max −��,min)/��) strain when the residual strain of concrete enters the fnal lg ��,� = [1− ] , (17) stage. Te experimental result shows that it is close to the � 1−��,min/�� peak strain in the uniaxial stress-strain curve of concrete [33]. where ��,max and ��,min are the maximum tensile stress and Wang et al. [35] obtained fatigue residual strain formula with the minimum tensile stress of the cyclic load, respectively; �� the material constants through the fatigue test data ftting is the tensile strength of concrete. analysis and is as follows: 5. Damage Analysis Theory Δ�� (�) =Δ�� (1) Plastic fow, microcracks, and microvoids are the fundamen- 0.00105�1.98 (1 − � /� )5.27 (15) + max min max �0.395. tal reasons of nonlinearity of concrete. From the macroscopic 1.41 �� performance, it shows the obvious diference of concrete tensilestrengthandcompressivestrengthandtheresidual deformation of concrete [36]. Te plastic damage constitu- 4. Life Analysis Method of Concrete Structure tive model of concrete (CDP model) based on continuous medium was adopted to better simulate the nonlinear prop- Life estimation was based on FE-SAFE fatigue analysis erties of concrete subjected to external load [37]. sofware. Firstly, the ABAQUS calculation was used to obtain the dynamic response of the cross structure in the process According to the energy equivalent principle proposed by of the train operation in the tunnel. Secondly, the concrete Sidorof [38], the structural damage factor is as follows: stress-life curve (i.e., S-N curve) of concrete was determined �̃ by formulas (16) and (17). Based on FE-SAFE’s nominal stress �=1−√ , (18) prediction method, the dynamic response and N-S curve of �� the cross structure were analyzed, so that the fatigue life of �̃ thestructurecanbeobtained. where is the elastic modulus when the concrete is dam- aged. Te ftting formula for the tensile fatigue life and fatigue load curves of concrete [17] was obtained by the uniaxial According to the plastic damage theory of concrete, when compression test of concrete, proposed by Tepfers and Kutti: the concrete is tensile, the cracking strain is [37] � ��� =�− � , � (19) 1 1−� /� �� � = [ �,max �� ] , lg �,� � 1−� /� (16) �,min �,max where �� is the tensile stress of concrete. When the concrete is compressive, the inelastic strain is where � is the material constant of concrete, the value range [37] is 0.064∼0.080, Teng and Wang [21] suggested an average of � � � ��� =�− � , 0.072; �,max, �,min are the maximum compressive stress value � � (20) and the minimum compressive stress value of cyclic load, � respectively. ��� is the compressive strength of concrete. where �� is the tensile stress of concrete. Shock and Vibration 5


Haixinsha First load Dashawei Dongyong Xidatan Dynamic response analysis: Station Shiziyang determine stress Tunnnel Shazi Island Structural fatigue life Xiaohu Shiziyang analysis Island River Nansha economic development zone

Degradation Increased residual Degradation of of concrete concrete strength Figure 3: Te planar graph of the Shiziyang subsea tunnel. stifness strain of concrete

Shenzhen, and , which is an important part of the Structural fatigue intercity railway network in the Delta. Te full constitutive model length of the Shiziyang subsea tunnel is 10.8 km, and it is the Fatigue longest and highest standard subsea railway tunnel in China. loading Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Passenger Dedicated Line Update the Nth loading concrete Shiziyang Tunnel is located at Dongyong Station, fatigue constitutive model and N=N+ΔN Station interval. Te ground layers where the tunnel run loaded through are mainly soil, mucky soil, silty clay and fne sand, No coarse sand, weathered and weak weathered argillaceous siltstone, siltstone, and fne sandstone. Te planar graph and Yes Concrete failure End the vertical sectional profle of the Shiziyang subsea tunnel areshowninFigures3and4. According to the actual situation of the project, the Figure 2: Flowchart of structural damage analysis. connecting transverse passage cross structure of Shiziyang railwayshieldtunnelwasselectedandstudiedhere.Te dynamic response of cross structure was simulated when the 6. Dynamic Fatigue Damage Analysis Progress marshalling train is running in the A tunnel. It is assumed and Model of Tunnel Structure that the train is running in the main tunnel A. Te clear distance between two tunnels is 5.0 m and the design speed Te complex cross structures of the tunnel with the designed is 300 km/h. Te buried depth of the selected section of service life up to 100 years are subjected to high cycle the tunnel is 19.0 m, located in the weak weathered muddy fatigue problems under the train caused vibration loads. It is siltstone, topsoil layer covered with lighter silty clay layer, uneconomical to calculate the dynamic impact of train on the and fne sand layer. Te outer and inner diameters of the tunnel every time. Petryna and Kratzig¨ proposed the idea of shield tunnel are 10.8 m and 9.8 m. Te lining is assembled high cycle structural fatigue [32, 39]. Te dynamic response ina7+1blockwaywithauniversalwedgeringreinforced of the train operation in the cross tunnel structure under the concrete single segment. In order to consider the impact of vibration load for the frst time can be simulated. Ten, based the segment on the structure, the stifness reduction ring is ontheresponselawofthestructureunderthevibrationload set at the main tunnel spacing, and the reduction factor is 0.8. of train for the frst time, the fatigue life of the cross structure Te width and height of connecting transverse passage are canbecalculatedtoobtaintheconcreteuniaxialcyclic 4.0 m and 5.0 m, respectively. Te length, width, and height loading constitutive model of the cross tunnel afer �th train of the stratigraphic structure model are 800.0 m, 80.0 m, and vibration load. Finally, based on the concrete constitutive 50.0 m, respectively. All the boundaries except for the upper model afer � times of train operation, the dynamic response boundary are simulated using a continuously distributed and fatigue cumulative damage of tunnel cross structure afer parallel spring-damper system. Tis boundary treatment can the specifc operation years can be simulated. Specifc analysis efectively solve the near feld fuctuation problem at soil- process is shown in Figure 2. structure dynamic interaction. Marshalling train does not consider the connection 7. Project Overview between the carriages. Te train contains 8 carriages with single carriage length of 25.0 m. Each carriage at the front and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Railway Passenger Dedi- rear part has two pairs of axles, a total of 32 pairs of axles. Te cated Line is a fast railway channel connecting Guangzhou, physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rock, 6 Shock and Vibration

Total length 10800 m Tunnel length 10490 m 507 m 4880 m 4440 m 597 m Shield segment Shield segment

Xiaohu Shazi Shiziyang 10 Island Island River 0 −10 W W3 −20 4 W3 W4 −30 W3 W4 W3 W3 W2 −40 W2 −50 W −60 2 W2 −70 W2 −80 Figure 4: Te vertical profle of the Shiziyang subsea tunnel.

Ground (free boundary) A tunnel B tunnel

Viscous-spring artifcial boundary (a) Te surrounding rock (b) Cross structure

(c) Te train marshalling

Figure 5: Te model of the structure. lining concrete, and track are shown in Table 1. Te numerical 8. Result Analysis analysis models of cross tunnel are shown in Figure 5. Te profle irregularity of a railway line is one of the Firstly, the fatigue life of the tunnel cross structure under essential vibration sources for vehicles and track [40]. Assum- the vibration load of the train was analyzed. Te stress ing that the high-speed trains run 40 times per day in the time-history of the tunnel cross structure obtained by the tunnel, the vibration load of the train was selected by the calculation during the train operation in the tunnel for the measured load curve of train vibration at 300 km/h, as shown frst time was introduced into the FE-SAFE sofware. Te in Figure 6. logarithmic life distribution nephogram of the cross tunnel In order to simulate the variation of the spatial position structure was calculated as shown in Figure 8. and the vibration load time in the upper tunnel where the From Figure 8, the shorter part of the cross structural life high-speed train is running, the travel speed of 300 km/h was is mainly concentrated in the main tunnel A near the middle applied to the marshalling train, to simulate the space driving ofthevaultandconnectingtransversepassageonbothsides efectofthetrain,asshowninFigure7. of the wall corner. Te minimum logarithmic life of the cross Track and train were simulated using linear elastic materi- structureis6.491.Teminimumlifeofthestructureisabout 6 als, the surrounding rock was simulated by the elastic-plastic 3.10 × 10 times. model with damping, and the vibration system damping used Rayleigh damping. According to the above analysis .. Dynamic Response and Cumulative Damage of process and the dynamic response analysis model of the cross Main Tunnel tunnel structure under the train vibration, the train vibration response and fatigue cumulative damage analysis of the shield ... Structural Acceleration. Basedontheresponselawand tunnel cross structure were carried out. fatigue life of the structure under the train vibration load for Shock and Vibration 7

Table 1: Physical and mechanical parameters table.

Density Elastic modulus Friction angle Cohesion Material 3 Poisson’s ratio ∘ (kg/m )(GPa) () (MPa) Track 7850 200 0.2 - - Lining 2400 34.5 0.2 43.0 1.10 Surrounding rock 2000 3.65 0.325 33.0 0.45

350 LOGLife-Repeats (Avg: 75%) 300 +9.699e + 00 +9.565e + 00 +9.432e + 00 250 +9.298e + 00 +9.164e + 00 +9.031e + 00 200 +8.897e + 00 +8.763e + 00 +8.630e + 00 +8.496e + 00 150 +8.362e + 00 +8.228e + 00 +8.095e + 00 100 +7.961e + 00 +7.827e + 00 e Vibration load (KN) Vibration +7.694 + 00 50 +7.560e + 00 +7.426e + 00 +7.293e + 00 +7.159e + 00 0 +7.025e + 00 +6.892e + 00 +6.758e + 00 −50 +6.624e + 00 e 0 1234567891011121314 +6.491 + 00 Time (s) Figure 8: Distribution nephogram of fatigue life of cross tunnel structure. Figure 6: Measured train vibration load curve (300 km/h).

Driving direction B tunnel B entrance

B tunnel A tunnel A tunnel A3 A2 A1 entrance Driving Cross direction section

Figure 7: Schematic diagram of train vibration load. Figure 9: Diagram of tunnel analysis points. the frst time, the fatigue constitutive model of the structure obviously larger than that of the adjacent tunnel B. Te maxi- can be obtained. Ten, the dynamic response and cumulative 2 damage efect of the cross tunnel structure afer operating a mum growth amplitude of the tunnel A is 0.21m/s . certainperiodoftimecanbecalculated. Four positions of the tunnel arch bottom were selected as ... e Maximum Principal Stress of Structure. Te maxi- the analysis points, and the analysis points layouts are shown mum principal stress time-history curve of point A2 of the in Figure 9. Te analysis points are located at the arch bottom main tunnel A is shown in Figure 10, when the train is of the tunnels. Te longitudinal spacing between the points is running in a cross shield tunnel for the frst time. 20 m. Figure 10 shows that when the train is running in the main Te acceleration amplitude of the main tunnel analysis tunnel for the frst time, the closer the train is to the point of points A1, A2, A3, and B were extracted, afer high-speed analysis,themoreintenseitvibrates.At3.7s,thevibration 3 4 5 5 trainsraninthetunnel1,1× 10 ,1× 10 ,1× 10 ,2× 10 , atthearchbottomA2isthemostviolent,andthemaximum 5 6 6 5× 10 ,1× 10 ,1.5× 10 times, as shown in Table 2. principal stress reaches 0.94 MPa. From Table 2, the vibration acceleration amplitudes of Te maximum principal stress curves of the analysis tunnel analysis points have a certain degree of increase points are shown in Figure 11. with the increasing train operation time. Te acceleration From Figure 11, the maximum principal stress peaks amplitude of the main tunnel A with the train operation is of the tunnel analysis points increase with the increasing 8 Shock and Vibration

Table 2: Acceleration amplitude of tunnel analysis points.

Number of runs Running time A1 A2 A3 B 2 2 2 2 (Times) (Years) (m/s ) (m/s ) (m/s ) (m/s ) 1 0 0.89 2.28 0.73 0.35 3 1.0 × 10 0.07 0.91 2.29 0.76 0.35 4 1.0 × 10 0.69 0.93 2.30 0.77 0.35 5 1.0 × 10 6.85 0.94 2.30 0.81 0.35 5 2.0 × 10 13.70 0.94 2.33 0.87 0.36 5 5.0 × 10 34.25 0.94 2.36 0.89 0.37 6 1.0 × 10 68.49 0.95 2.43 0.90 0.39 6 1.5 × 10 102.74 0.99 2.51 0.99 0.41

1.0 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.6 A3 0.5 A2 A1 0.2 0.4 Maximum principal stress (MPa) stress principal Maximum Maximum principal stress (MPa) stress principal Maximum 0.3 B 0.2 0.0 0 1234567 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time (s) Time (a) A2 A1 A3 A2 B Figure 10: Time-history curve of maximum principal stress (A2). Figure 11: Te variation curves of the maximum principal stress of tunnel analysis points. train operation time. During the tunnel design period, the maximum principal stress at the analysis points presents a Figure 13 shows that the cumulative tensile damage is two-stagechangecharacteristic:inthefrststage,from0to mainly concentrated near the invert of the main tunnel A. Te 13.70 years, the maximum principal stress amplitude of the size and range of the cumulative tensile damage value in the analysis points A1, A2, and A3 increases rapidly. In the second middle invert of the main tunnel A are obviously higher than stage, from 13.70 to 102.74 years, the growth rates of analysis those of other positions. In addition, the cumulative tensile point of the main tunnel arch bottom are relatively slow damage develops from near the arch bottom to the side wall of and close to the linear development. Te maximum principal the connecting transverse passage in the middle of the main stress of the analysis point B in the tunnel operation period tunnelA,duetothepresenceoftheconnectingtransverse is basically linear trend, which is only 17.4% of the point A2. passage. It is concluded that the adjacent tunnel B belongs to passive Te development trend of the tensile damage of the anal- vibration; therefore, the vibration load of the train has little ysis points C1, C2, and C3 is shown in Figure 14 to further efect on the adjacent main tunnel B. analyze the cumulative damage development of the main Figure 12 shows the development trend of the maximum tunnel structure. principal stress of the main tunnel segment. It can be seen Figure 14 shows that the cumulative tensile damage of from Figure 10 that the maximum principal stress of the main the main tunnel segment increases with the increase of the tunnel arch bottom is the largest, and the right analysis point train operation time. Te cumulative tensile damage of the nearthetransversepassageisthesecond,andthelefanalysis point C3 in the arch bottom is the largest. Te cumulative point away from the transverse passage is the smallest. tensiledamageoftherightanalysispointC2isobviously larger than the lef analysis point C1 when the high-speed ... Structural Cumulative Damage. Te distribution neph- train operation is 102.27 years, because the right analysis point ogram of the cumulative tensile damage of the cross structure C2 is connected with the transverse passage, leading to the afer tunnel operation 102.74 years is shown in Figure 13. structural stress concentration. Shock and Vibration 9

3.0 0.5

C1 C2 2.5 C3 C1 C2 0.4 C3

2.0 0.3 1.5 0.2

1.0 damage Tension

0.1 0.5 Maximum principal stress (MPa) stress principal Maximum

0.0 0.0 0.00 0.07 0.69 6.85 13.70 34.25 68.49 102.74 0.00 0.07 0.69 6.85 13.70 34.25 68.49 102.74 Time (a) Time (a) C1 C1 C2 C2 C3 C3

Figure 12: Development trend of maximum principal stress of main Figure 14: Te development trend of tensile damage of the main tunnel segment. tunnel segment.

passagemainlyfocusesonthemiddleofthetransversepas- Damage 2 (Avg: 75%) sage foor, and the acceleration maximum value is 4.26 m/s . +3.497e − 01 2 +3.351e − 01 Te minimum value of acceleration is about 0.76 m/s in +3.205e − 01 +3.060e − 01 the vault of connected transverse passage. With the increase +2.914e − 01 of the operation time, the acceleration of the middle of the +2.768e − 01 +2.623e − 01 connecting transverse passage foor, both sides of the wall +2.477e − 01 +2.331e − 01 corner and vault increase signifcantly. +2.186e − 01 +2.040e − 01 +1.894e − 01 +1.748e − 01 ... Maximum Principal Stress of the Structure. Te maxi- +1.603e − 01 +1.457e − 01 mum principal stress values of the analysis point of the lef +1.311e − 01 +1.166e − 01 side wall corner of the transverse passage were extracted, +1.020e − 01 +8.742e − 02 when the train is running for the frst time, as shown in +7.285e − 02 +5.828e − 02 Figure 14. +4.371e − 02 +2.914e − 02 Figure 16 shows that the vibration of the lef side wall +1.457e − 02 +0.000e + 00 corner of the transverse passage is more intense when the distance of the train from the connecting transverse passage Figure 13: Distribution nephogram of cumulative tensile damage of becomes closer. When the train runs to the analysis point cross structure (102.74 a). A2, at 3.7 s, the vibration of the analysis point is the most intense, and the maximum principal stress reaches 1.06 MPa. It is concluded that the vibration response of the lef side .. Dynamic Response and Cumulative Damage of wall corner of the transverse passage is more intense than Connecting Transverse Passage Structure that of arch bottom of the main tunnel, due to the singu- larityofthemaintunnelandconnectingtransversepassage ... Structural Acceleration. Ascanbeseenfromtheabove, stifness. the connection location is a weak part of the structure due Te maximum envelope of maximum principal stress in to the stifness singularity of main tunnel and connected time-history range when the train is running for the frst time transverse passage. Terefore, the interface of the connected was obtained by extracting the maximum principal stress at transverse passage and the main tunnel was taken as the the typical time point interface, as shown in Figure 17. analysis section, and the maximum envelope of the accelera- Figure17showsthattheprincipalstressoftheconnecting tion in the time-history range was obtained by extracting the transverse passage is mainly concentrated near the side wall acceleration of the interface of the typical time point (the train corner. Te maximum principal stress at the right side wall frst operation, operating for 0.07,70.68, 49, and 102.44 years), corner reaches 1.06 MPa. As the operation time increases, as shown in Figure 15. the maximum of maximum principal stress moves upward Figure15showsthatthetrainisrunningforthefrsttime from the skewback along the side wall to upside and its range in the tunnel, the acceleration of the connecting transverse gradually increases. 10 Shock and Vibration

1.64 1.72 1.81 1.86 2.00

2.40 2.35 2.40 2.48 2.44 2.54 2.57 2.61 2.83 2.62 4.26 4.35 4.39 4.40 4.73 (a) Frist (b) 0.07 a (c) 13.70 a (d) 68.49 a (e) 102.74 a

Figure 15: Maximum envelope of acceleration at diferent operation times (MPa).

1.2 Figure 20 shows that, in the frst stage of the train oper- ation of 0∼6.85 years, the damage of connecting transverse 1.0 passage develops rapidly with the duration of 6.8 years. In the second stage of 6.85∼68.49 years, the cumulative 0.8 damage development is relatively gentle and close to the linear development, which can be used to predict structure ∼ 0.6 damage development. In the third stage of 68.49 102.74 years, cumulative damage development is intense. It shows 0.4 nonlinear development trend, with the duration of 68.5 years. It is concluded that the initial microcracks in the interior of the material caused by the defects of the concrete itself are 0.2 Maximum principal stress (MPa) stress principal Maximum developed due to the reciprocating vibration load of the train. Te longitudinal development is faster in the frst stage of the 0.0 train operation. In the second stage, because the concrete is 0 1234567 constrained by other aggregates, the number of microcracks Time (s) does not increase signifcantly. But the existing cracks con- Figure 16: Te maximum principal stress time-history curve of the tinue to expand, the material strength decreases continuously, lef side wall for the frst running. and the damage is close to linear accumulation. In the third stage, the microcracks of concrete are interconnected and expanded with each other, and they continue to damage the bondbetweentheaggregateandthemortar,andcracksare ... Cumulative Damage of Structure. Cumulative com- rapidly expanding. pressive and tensile damage of connecting transverse passage was extracted to further analyze damage situation of connect- 9. Conclusions ing transverse passage, as shown in Figures 18 and 19. Figures 18 and 19 show that the cumulative damage of the Considering the driving efects of high-speed train, the connecting transverse passage is mainly distributed in both vibration fatigue life of tunnel cross structure was calculated sides of side wall corner. As the operation time increases, using fatigue analysis sofware. Te dynamic response and the damage develops towards the side wall and the foor; cumulative damage characteristics of cross tunnel structure especially afer the tunnel operation for 102.74 years, the of Shiziyang railway shield tunnel at various operation years damage is particularly evident. In addition, the damage size were analyzed, which meet the requirements of the designed and range of the side wall corner are greater than those of the life of 100 years according to the Chinese standard. Te right side wall corner. Te cumulative compressive damage following main conclusions are obtained: of connecting transverse passage is mainly distributed in the (1) According to the latest concrete design code, the outerwallcornerposition,whilecumulativetensiledamageis uniaxial cyclic loading constitutive model of concrete is mainly distributed in the inner wall corner. Te size and range proposed by taking into account the factors such as the of tensile damage of structure are larger than those of the stifness degradation of concrete, the strength decrease of compressive damage. Te results show that the tensile damage concrete, and the increase of fatigue residual strain. Te of transverse passage is the main factor of structure damage. proposed model is suitable for high cycle vibration fatigue Considering that the connecting transverse passage is analysis of train and can refect the current commonly used mainly afected by the tensile damage, the cumulative maxi- concrete mechanical properties. mum damage values of the transverse passage at the diferent (2) Te high-speed train ran in the cross tunnel structure operation times were extracted and the maximum develop- and the middle area of the main tunnel in which the train mentcurvewasshowninFigure20. runs were the most violent. Te dynamic response of the Shock and Vibration 11

0.12 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.18

1.70 1.70 0.37 0.38 1.06 0.32 1.09 1.16 0.35 1.20 1.34 1.38 1.55 1.55 1.66 0.39 1.66 (a) Frist (b) 0.07 a (c) 13.70 a (d) 68.49 a (e) 102.74 a

Figure 17: Maximum envelope of maximum principal stress at diferent operation times (MPa).

Damage Damage (Avg: 75%) (Avg: 75%) +2.061e − 05 +2.061e − 05 +1.976e − 05 +1.976e − 05 +1.890e − 05 +1.890e − 05 +1.804e − 05 +1.804e − 05 +1.718e − 05 +1.718e − 05 +1.632e − 05 +1.632e − 05 +1.546e − 05 +1.546e − 05 +1.460e − 05 +1.460e − 05 +1.374e − 05 +1.374e − 05 +1.288e − 05 +1.288e − 05 +1.202e − 05 +1.202e − 05 +1.117e − 05 +1.117e − 05 +1.031e − 05 +1.031e − 05 +9.448e − 06 +9.448e − 06 +8.589e − 06 +8.589e − 06 +7.730e − 06 +7.730e − 06 +6.871e − 06 +6.871e − 06 +6.012e − 06 +6.012e − 06 +5.153e − 06 +5.153e − 06 +4.295e − 06 +4.295e − 06 +3.436e − 06 +3.436e − 06 +2.577e − 06 +2.577e − 06 +1.718e − 06 +1.718e − 06 +8.589e − 07 +8.589e − 07 +0.000e + 00 +0.000e + 00 (a) 0.07 a (b) 13.7 a Damage Damage (Avg: 75%) (Avg: 75%) +2.061e − 05 +2.061e − 05 +1.976e − 05 +1.976e − 05 +1.890e − 05 +1.890e − 05 +1.804e − 05 +1.804e − 05 +1.718e − 05 +1.718e − 05 +1.632e − 05 +1.632e − 05 +1.546e − 05 +1.546e − 05 +1.460e − 05 +1.460e − 05 +1.374e − 05 +1.374e − 05 +1.288e − 05 +1.288e − 05 +1.202e − 05 +1.202e − 05 +1.117e − 05 +1.117e − 05 +1.031e − 05 +1.031e − 05 +9.448e − 06 +9.448e − 06 +8.589e − 06 +8.589e − 06 +7.730e − 06 +7.730e − 06 +6.871e − 06 +6.871e − 06 +6.012e − 06 +6.012e − 06 +5.153e − 06 +5.153e − 06 +4.295e − 06 +4.295e − 06 +3.436e − 06 +3.436e − 06 +2.577e − 06 +2.577e − 06 +1.718e − 06 +1.718e − 06 +8.589e − 07 +8.589e − 07 +0.000e + 00 +0.000e + 00 (c) 48.49 a (d) 102.74 a

Figure 18: Compressive damage nephogram of the connecting transverse passage at diferent operation times. arch bottom in the middle of the main tunnel opposite the principal stress of the transverse passage mainly appeared transverse passage was the largest. Te vibration response of near the side wall corner, while the maximum acceleration the hance of the main tunnel near the transverse passage was mainly appeared near the middle of the transverse passage larger than that of the opposite of the main tunnel hance. foor. (3) Te stifness singularity between the connecting trans- (4) Te maximum principal stress and acceleration of the versepassageandthemaintunnelcausedlargestressconcen- connecting transverse passage increased with the increasing tration phenomenon at the interface, and the stress and accel- train operation years. Te acceleration increased signifcantly eration were relatively large at the interface. Te maximum in the middle of the transverse passage foor, both sides of side 12 Shock and Vibration

Damage Damage (Avg: 75%) (Avg: 75%) +2.639e − 01 +2.639e − 01 +2.529e − 01 +2.529e − 01 +2.419e − 01 +2.419e − 01 +2.309e − 01 +2.309e − 01 +2.199e − 01 +2.199e − 01 +2.089e − 01 +2.089e − 01 +1.979e − 01 +1.979e − 01 +1.869e − 01 +1.869e − 01 +1.759e − 01 +1.759e − 01 +1.649e − 01 +1.649e − 01 +1.539e − 01 +1.539e − 01 +1.429e − 01 +1.429e − 01 +1.319e − 01 +1.319e − 01 +1.209e − 01 +1.209e − 01 +1.099e − 01 +1.099e − 01 +9.895e − 02 +9.895e − 02 +8.796e − 02 +8.796e − 02 +7.696e − 02 +7.696e − 02 +6.597e − 02 +6.597e − 02 +5.497e − 02 +5.497e − 02 +4.398e − 02 +4.398e − 02 +3.298e − 02 +3.298e − 02 +2.199e − 02 +2.199e − 02 +1.099e − 02 +1.099e − 02 +0.000e + 00 +0.000e + 00 (a) 0.07 a (b) 13.7 a Damage Damage (Avg: 75%) (Avg: 75%) +2.639e − 01 +2.639e − 01 +2.529e − 01 +2.529e − 01 +2.419e − 01 +2.419e − 01 +2.309e − 01 +2.309e − 01 +2.199e − 01 +2.199e − 01 +2.089e − 01 +2.089e − 01 +1.979e − 01 +1.979e − 01 +1.869e − 01 +1.869e − 01 +1.759e − 01 +1.759e − 01 +1.649e − 01 +1.649e − 01 +1.539e − 01 +1.539e − 01 +1.429e − 01 +1.429e − 01 +1.319e − 01 +1.319e − 01 +1.209e − 01 +1.209e − 01 +1.099e − 01 +1.099e − 01 +9.895e − 02 +9.895e − 02 +8.796e − 02 +8.796e − 02 +7.696e − 02 +7.696e − 02 +6.597e − 02 +6.597e − 02 +5.497e − 02 +5.497e − 02 +4.398e − 02 +4.398e − 02 +3.298e − 02 +3.298e − 02 +2.199e − 02 +2.199e − 02 +1.099e − 02 +1.099e − 02 +0.000e + 00 +0.000e + 00 (c) 48.49 a (d) 102.74 a

Figure 19: Tensile damage nephogram of the connecting transverse passage at diferent operation times.





0.15 Tension damage 0.10


0.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time (a)

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