Twenty-eighth Parliament

9 August 1938 – 13 November 1940

Queensland Parliamentary Debates


Contents of this document *

28th Parliament, 1st Session 9 August 1938 – 16 November 1938 Index from Hansard, V.172-173, 1938

28th Parliament, 2nd Session 8 August 1939 – 23 November 1939 Index from Hansard, V.174-175, 1939

28th Parliament, 3rd Session 20 August 1940 – 13 November 1940 Index from Hansard, V.176, 1940

*The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session.

This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume.

A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf.


Twenty-eighth Parliament – First Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.172-173, 1938

9 August 1939 – 16 November 1938

(Smith Government)



1-5 9 August 1938 585-621 28 September 1938

5-19 10 August 1938 621-661 29 September 1938

19-54 11 August 1938 661-696 4 October 1938

54-84 23 August 1938 697-740 5 October 1938

84-122 24 August 1938 741-785 6 October 1938

122-153 25 August 1938 785-841 11 October 1938

1553-192 30 August 1938 841-882 12 October 1938

192-227 31 August 1938 883-940 13 October 1938

227-270 1 September 1938 940-982 14 October 1938

270-306 6 September 1938 982-1040 18 October 1938

306-341 7 September 1938 1041-1071 19 October 1938

341-378 8 September 1938 1071-1136 20 October 1938

378-413 13 September 1938 1136-1166 21 October 1938

413-446 14 September 1938 1167-1226 25 October 1938

446-480 15 September 1938 1226-1264 26 October 1938

480-506 20 September 1938 1264-1322 27 October 1938

506-523 21 September 1938 1323-1333 28 October 1938

523-551 22 September 1938 1334-1398 1 November 1938

551-585 27 September 1938 1399-1435 2 November 1938

1435-1494 3 November 1938 1627-1667 10 November 1938 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE

1494-1526 4 November 1938 1667-1707 11 November 1938

1526-1596 8 November 1938 1707-1774 15 November 1938

1597-1627 9 November 1938 1774-1841 16 November 1938



Official Record of the Debates



First Session


Twenty-eighth Parliament


Comprising the period from the ninth day of August, to the sixteenth day of November, A.D. 1938.


BRISBANE: By Authority : David \Vhyte, Government Printer, . First Session of the Twenty-eighth Parliament of Queensland.

1 9 3 8.

The Governor. His Excellency Colonel The Right Honourable Sir LESLIE 0RME WILSON, G.C.B.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.LE., D.S.O.

The Lieutenant-Governor. The Honourable Sir JAMES vVILLIAM BLAIR, K.O.M.G., Chief Justice.

The Ministry. Premier and Chief Secretary-Honourable \YILLIAM FORGAN SMITH, LL.D. Secretary for Public Lands-Honourable PERCY PEASE. Secretary for Labour and Industry-Honourable MAURICE PATRICK HYNES. Attorney-General-Honourable JoHN MULLAN. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable FRANK WrLLIAM BULCOCK. Treasurer-Honourable FnANK AnTHUR CooPER. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable EDWARD MICIIAEL HANLON. Secretary for Mines-Honourable THOMAS ANDREW FOLEY. Secretary for Public vVorks and } Secretary for Public Instruction Honourable HENRY ADAM BRUCE. Minister for Transport-Honuurable JoHN DASH.

The Legislative Assembly. Speaker-Honourable GEORGE POLLOCK ( Gregory). Chairman of Oommittees-EDWARD JosEPH HANSON, Esquire (Buranda). Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, WILL!AM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). GLEDSON, DAVID ALEXANDER, Esquire (Ipswich). KING, WrLLIAM Tno:r.IAs, Esquire (Maree). NIMMO, THOMAS, Esquire (Oxley). O'KEEFE, JoHN, Esquire (Cairns) , IV,

The legislative Assembly-continued,

BED<'ORD, RANDOLPH', Esquire (Warrego). BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). BRASSINGTON, SAMUEL JOI!N, Esquire (Fortitude Valley), BROWN, .JOHN INNES, Esquire (Logan). BRTCE, Honomable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland). BULCOCK, Honourable FRANK \VILLIAM (Barcoo). CLARK, J AMJCS, Esquire (Fit: toy). CLAYTON, ERNEST HENRY COLLET, Esquire (Wide Bay). CoLLINS, HAROLD HE;;rRY, Esquire (Cook). CONROY, CHARLES WILLIAM, Esquire (Maranoa). CooPER, Houournble FRAKK ARTHUR (Bremu). CoPLEY, PNrRICK KERRY, Esquire (Kurilpa). DANIEL, DAVID JOHN J\fARLAIS, Esquire (Keppel). DAil'l', IVILI,LHr LoaA;;r, Esquire ( JT'ymwm). DASH, Honourable Jonx (J[uullingburra). DEACOX, IVILLIAC\I AR'l'Ill:R, Esquire ( Cmmingha?n), DT.:GGAK, JOHN En~IL'ID, E:;quirc (Toowoomba). IlUNS1'AN, TIIO}fAS, Esquire ( Gymzrie). En WARDS, ,TAlliES BRAID WOOD, Esquire (Nanango). FAJnlELL, ])AVID, Esquin• (ilfm·yborouqlt). ~'oi,EY, 11 onourable THOMAS AKDIU;"' (Nonrwnby). GAIR, VINCEN'l' CLAIR, Esquire (South B1'isbane). GLEDSOK, DAVID ALEXANDER, Esquire (Ipswich). HANLON, Honourable EDWARD MrcHAEL (Ithaca). HANSON, ED\VAIW J OSEPII, Esquire (B111·anda). H~\YFS, ,TOIIN Vmnswr, }'squire (Nunrla!t). HEALY, .Jonx ,Josr:I'H 0 'CoXKOR, Estjuire (IVancicl,;). HnirON, PAUL JERmm RnrrGIFS, Esquire ( Canwrvon). HISLOI', HOLA~D vVILLIA~I, Esquire (Sanclgatc). HYNES, Honom~cblc JYIArRICE PATRICK (Tov.;nsvil/e), JESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kcnnccly). I\:EOGII, .TAMES PA1'RICK, Esquire (J1crthyr). KING, WILI,IAl\! THOMAS, Esquire (Jtarcc). LARC01IBE, JAMES, Esquire (Rockhampton) . ..\1ACDONALD, Dt:xcAx, Esquire (Stanbey). MAI!ER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West M oreton). J\IIANN, JoHN HENRY, Esquire (Brisbane). :J1ARJU01'T, GEORGE lTE:-.iRY, Esquire (Bu!Dmba). l\L\SSEY, HARRY, Esquire ( Toowon.[J). J\!IcLEAX, BERNARD, Esquire (IJundabcrg). MOORE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Esquire (Aubigny). Mormrs, GEOHGE ALFRED, Esquire (Kclv·in Grol'e). MULLAN, Honourable JoHN (Carpcntcl1"ia). MtLLER, ADOLF GFf~1'AV, Esquire (Fassifun). NICKLIN, GEORGE :B'R.\NCIS JiEUBEN, Esquire (Jturrumba). Nnnro, THOMAS, Esquire (Oxlcy). O'KEEFE, JOHN, Esquire (Cairns). PE:\SE, Honourable PERCY (Hcrbcrt). PLt:NKET'l', 'l'IIOc1IAS :B'LOOD, Esquire (Albert). PoLLOGK, Honourable GEORGE (Grcgory). POWER, WILLIAM, Esquire (Baroona). v.

The legislative Asse:· · · ·.. -continucc7.

RIORDAN, ERKES'l' .ToSEPIT, Esquire (JJowrn). Ih:ssnL, Hron :\lcDriR"'IID, Esrjuire (Ila111il!on). RLESS.IR, A r:nREY HommT, Esrjllit·e (JJa?lni). Rli!ITII, Honomnlllc Wll.LIAM l<'OIWAK, LL.ll. (Mr1!:7;ay). TAYLOR, GEORGE Cc'l'HBERT, Esquin• (Eno,r;.r;rra). \V.~LKER, HARRY FREJ>EJUCK, Bsquire (Coorooro). \VALS!!, EDWARD ,)QSEPIT, I"squirc (1J>ani). \VELLING'I'ON, \YILLIA:,r .TonN, Esqnire (Clwrtrr.·: Tmct.·s). \VJI.LIAMS, HJWBF.m', Esqnin• ( rrindsor). \VILLIAMS, THOiiiAS LEWIS, Esquire (Port Cnrtis). YEA'l'ES, HERBER'r, Esquire (Eost Too1t:Oom1Ja).


LTTHLIR\'.....:\rr. Rpr,,!:rr..\lr. Lnr~otnlJe, ;;rr. ilcrlfonl, .\h. llunsl:m, .Mr. llussell, :\lr. Clayton, :tw', :\\r. \f:1her.

PARLL\7\IT~:\T_\l~Y Bt'ILt; :\"G,;.--- ~f T. ~--;p\•:1 !.c•r, "h·. I 1:l,\"<. 1 ~~. ~Il'. ( 'u::rcy, -:\'f 1'. f)(_,·~eon, ::'.fr. 2.~ttlL r, ~lr. :\il!:Hw, ~uu1 JIPn, \\~. Fo-::·g·:lll :-·Ll~lh.

PRJ:.:TI:.:G.-:\r!'. :C:vakn, ',t, 11::nson, :1';·. Tnylnl', :\lr. T. L. \\'illi:nns, :\IL :"Jirldin, :\I r. I'lunkdt, n JJ

H:"l•'HEMTll\1 E~'!' noo~n~.-- ~ :-r< :·~p(':;l\t't', :\11', !':in.~~, ~~.: l', IJ;:n~~t il n. ]Jr. Fo\Yt'l'l :\I l'. _l'~ !C'kl ill, :ur. ?\imnw, ~n1d ~:1'. J·:{l\Y~-rd~. STAXDI:\Cl CigDFJ\S.-~lr. Hj\cl1zer, :\Jr. 11a1l',;o!l, :.\ir. Hn~·;ell, ~ll'. l.J~trtondJcj ~1r. ).luher, ~,[r. Brand, ~uHl 11on. \Y. Forgan S1nlth.

Elections TribunaL

ELECTIO:'s .JUJJGE.~-The Honomahle :\11'. .lustiec E. A. Douglas. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.172-173, 1938 9 August 1938 - 16 November 1938


Index to Subjects.

Accession of King George VI.­ BILLS-continued; Reply to address of congratulation, 8. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 2 (initiation), 1494; (initiation in com­ Address in Reply­ mittee), 1580; (1°), 1591; (2°), 1729; (committee), 1742; (3°) 1754; Answer of Governor, 637. 1 (assent), 1841. Debate on, 12, 59, 110, 140, 197, 380, 419. Presentation to Governor, 621, 637. David John 1\Iarlais Daniel Validating (suspension of Standing Onlcrs), 56; Adjournment, Special, 5, 19, 54, 1839. (initiation in committee), 56; (P, ~-\ conunittee, an,] 3°), :"\9; (assent), Armistice Day, Cessation of Business for, 84. 1670, 1671. . E•lectric Light and Po>wr Acts Amendment (initiation), 380; (initiation in com­ Auditor-General's Functions­ mittee), 418; (1°), 419; (2°), 465; 0 ::\finisterial statement, 55. sc~mmittee), 410; (:i ), +SO; (assent), 'Su. Auditor-General's Reports- Fair Rents Art AnLndment (initiation), BrLbanc City Council Accounts, 177±. 1495; (initi~tion in committee), 1592; Loan Rinking Funds, 378. (P), 1::59±; (2°), 17G;J; (committee), 1171; (:i'), 17/-1; (a,~cnt), 1841. Public ).ccounts, 1071. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (initia­ Ballot Papers, Destruction of, 8. tion), 149;); (initiation in committee), ]::591; (1 °), 1592; (2°), 1754; (com­ Barber, Mr. G. P., Death of (motion of liiittee), J/61; (3°), 11164; (assent), condolence), 1596. 1S4l. Income (State Dewlopment) Tax (sus­ Barristers and Solicitors, :Fees paid by pension of Standing Orders), 1527; Crown to- ( rc3olutions in Committee of Ways and

Order for return (motion-Mr. Et1wards), Means), 1528; (1°) 1 1580; (2°) 1 1598; 23. (committe"), 1628; (3°), 1670; Return tabled, 480. (assent), 1841. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts BILLS- and Other Acts Amendment ( initia­ tion), 1775; (initiation in committee), Apiaries (initiation), 23; (initiation in 1817; (JO and 2°), 1824; (committee), committee), 484; (1°) 1 491; (2°), 608; 1833; c:.:o), 183'l; (assent), 18-H. (committee), 614 (3°), 637; (assent), 1136. Legal Practitioners Act _\.nl'endment (initia­ tion), 553; (initiation in committee), Appropriation, No. 1 (suspension of Stand­ 605; (JO), 607; (2°), 1503; (com­ ing Orders), 23; (P and 2°), 50; mittee), 150'1; (3°), 15'!1; (assent), (committee), 52; ( 3 °, and assent), 5±. j b+l. Appropl'iation, No. 2 (suspension of Stand­ Legitimation Arts Amendment (initiation), ing Orders), 1323; ( 1° and 2°), 1388; 1495; (initiation in committee), 1594; committee and 3°), 1398; (assent), (1°). 1596; (2°), 1804; (committee 1494. anil 3°), 1806; (ae), 1722; (1 °), 1726; (2°), 1790; ( 3 o), 1804; (assent), 1841. (committee), 1/9G; (3°), 1797; Coal ::\fining Acts Amendment (initiation), (assent), 1 8±1. 193; (initiation in committee), 321; Mental Hygiene (initiation), 5''53; (initia­ (JO), 327; (2°), 476 (committee) 480; tion in committee), 940; ( 1 o), 949; (3°), 508; (assent), 785. ' (2°), 1043; (committee), 1517; (3°), Dairy Produce Acts Amendment ='J o. 1 J!i27; (assent), 1841. ·c initiation), 23; (initiation in com­ Milk Supply (initiation), 1323; (initiation mittee), 508; (P), 523; (2°), 553, in committee), 1334, 1485; (1°), 1492; .569; (committee), 954; ( 3 o), 982; (2°), 1652, 1670, 1671; (committee), (assent), 1494. 1698; (iP), 1/08; (assent), 1841. lXDEX TO ~:JllB.fE(:TS-LECHSLAT"l \'B A:SSl•::.\1BLY.

BILLS-continued: BILLS-continued: Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (initia· ·warehousemen's Liens (initiation), 271; tion), 193; (initiation in committee), (initiation in committee), 315; (lo), 319; (1°), 321; (2°), 376; (commit· 317; (2°), 371; (committee), 373;

tee), 47'-±; (3°), ±SO; (assent), 783. (3°) 1 380; (assent), 785. Nurses and Masseurs R-egistration Acts \Vheat Stabilisation and Wheat Products Amendment (initiation), 553; (initia­ (initiation), 1527; (initiation in com­ tion in committee), 954; (P), 954; mittee), 1806; (re, 2 o, and committee), C:~o), 1510; (committee), 1510; (3°) 1 1813; (3°), 1817; (statement by 1.'521; (nssent), 18-±1. Premier), 1838; (assent), 1841. Primary l'rouucers' Organisation ancl Marketing Acts Amendment (initia­ Brisbane City Council Accounts­ tion), 1610; (initiation in committee), Amlitor-General 's Report, 1174. 1716; (P), 1722; (2°), 1775; (com­ mittee), 1787; (3°), 1790; (assent), By-election­ 1841. vVarrego, 8. Public \VoTks La]](1 l~esumption Acts Amcnclment (initintion), ;)52; (initia­ Chairman of Committees­ tion in cormnitt•2e)_, 599; (1°), 601; (2°), 675; (committee), ti/8; (3°), Appointment of ::\Ir. E. J. Hall3on, 22. ti91; (as,ent), 1136. Jl],~CH of, IS7, s±:l, 98:2, 1012. ·Queensland Law Society Acts Amendn1ent HccovC'ry of, 1334, 1431. (initiation), 211; (initiation in com­ mittee), 311; (1°), 319; (2°), 31+; Chairmen of Committees, 'l'empHnu·y--­ (committee), 315; (3°), 380; J>ancl nominated by ::\Tr. Speaker, 8 (assent), 785. Rmal Developm;cnt Transfer and Co-ordi­ nosure Jfotions- nation of Powers (initiation), 23; Xational financin 1 policy (:.\h. Larcombe 's imtir.tion in committee), 85 ; ( 1 o), motion), 157. 110; (2°), 271; (committee·), 321, 344; State Development :mc1 l'nhlie \\-orks (3°), 380; (assent), 551. Organisation Bill- :Salaries Act of 1930 Repeal (initiation), Clause 9, 249. 1670; (initiation in committee), 1709; Srhef1ule (Amendment-:\Ir. Russell), (1 °), 1715; (2° 1 committee, and 3°), 370. 1729; (assent), 1841. :State Dm·elopment and Public \Vorks Coal lliining Industry, Strike in­ Organisation (initiation), 56; (initia­ Mr. Speaker's statements, 552, 568. tion in committee), 124; ( 1°), 140 ; (2°), 1155, 19il; (committee), 229; Commission to M'r. Speaker to Administer (suspension of Sessional Orders), 249; Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance, 7. (committee), 249; (3°), 271; (assent), 551. Commissionr to Open Parliament, 1. :State Transport (initiation), 1136; (initia­ tion in committee), 1323; ( 1 o), 1333; Commissions to Administer Oath or (2°), 1399; (committee), 1437; (3°), Affirmation of Allegiance at Opening 1495; (assent), 1841. of Parliament- :Stock Routes Improvement and Animal and At opening of session, 1. Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts Mr. Speaker, 7. Amendment (initiation), 552; initia­ tion in comn1ittec), 601; (1o), 6015; Committees, Appointment of- ( 2 °), 689; (committee), 1492; ( 3 °), 1495; (assent), 1841. Library. Parliam'entary Buildings, and Refreshment Rooms, 22. :Sugar Experiment Stations Acts anc1 Other Printing, 22. Acts Amendment (initiation), 23 · (initiation in committee), 494; (JD)', Standing Orders, 22.

506; (2°) 1 586; (committee), 662; (3°) 697; (assent), 1323. Country .Members' Residence, Removal of 1 ::!!ember after suspension from ser­ Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences vice of House, 1227. Acts Amendment (initiation), 553; (initiation in committee)' 949; (re)' 953; (2°), 1510; (committee), 1514; Days of Sitting­ (3°), 1527; (assent), 1841. Friday, 786. Veterinary Medicines Act Amendment Hours of sitting, 21; extension of, 249, 307, (initiation), 23; (initiation in com­ 786. mittee), 491; (1°), 494; (2°), 1492, Precedence of GoYernment business on 14!)5; (committee), 1502; (3°), 1527; Thursday, 786. (assent), 1841. Tuesday, \Yednesday, and Thursday, 21. INDEX TO SFB.T:EC'TS-LEGISLATT\TE Ai::'SE:\lBLY. 3

Death of- DIVISIOXS-continued: Barber, Mr. G. P. (motion of condolence), BrLLs~continued: 1596. Public \Yorks Lancl Resumption Acts I-Iardacre, Hon. H. F. (motion of con­ Amendment- dolence.), 10. Clause 2, 682. Jackson, Mr. G. (motion of condolence), Clause 3, 689. 11; (reply to motion of condolence), Rural Development Trmtsfer and Co-ordi­ 270. nation of Powers- Lennon, Hon. Wm. (motion of condolence), Clause 16 (amendment-Mr. Russell), 10; (reply to motion of condolence), :ns. 364, 366. Schedule (amendment-Mr. Russell), 370; (closure m'otion), 370. Distinguished Visitor Seated on Dais­ State DeYelopment and Public "1/Vorks J'Ifm·qucss of Lothian, C.H., :\Iember _of Organisation- the Empire P::u-linmentnry Assocul­ tion, J ~H. Clause n (dosnre mo:ion), :::-1-9. Clause 20 (amemlment-IIIr. :\Iuller), IHVISIO="S­ 26:1. DrLLs­ State Transport- ClaJF · !1 ( amenclment-1\Ir. l\faher) Api:tries- 1 1·150. Clause 2-± (amendment-l\Ir. ·walker). Clause ~1 (amenclment-Mr. Maher), 617. 1±75. Clause 33 (amenc1ment-l\Ir. Russell), 620. Sugar Experiment Stations Aets and Other Acts Amendment- Appropriation, No. 2­ Clause 21 ( amenclment-:\Jr. Russt>ll), That hon. member for \I'est iiioreton Gl~. be not further heanl (motion-l\Ir. Cooper), 1396. Days of Sitting- Honrs of sitting, Extension of. 315. DniJ-y Produce Acts Anwndment K o. 1­ National financial policy (motion-:\lr. Lar­ Clause 13 (amenclment-:\Ir. l\Iuller), combe), /58; (closuTe motion), 757. 971. Clause 14 (amendment-Mr. \Yalker), Privileg,•­ 975. l\Iotion-'' That in the opnnon of this Clause 23 ( mnenclment-l\Ir. Rnssell), House the country members' residenec 976. adjoinino· Parliament House does not eome within the purvil'W of S"an,~ing Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 2­ Order K o. 125, '' 12:-l:>. Clause 8 (amen<1ment-:\Ir. l\Ioore), Public Works for Un<:>mploJ·ment Relief- 1747. Question submitted to .House by Mr. Clause 9 ( amemlment-:\Tr. \Yalker) , Speaker whether sul?Jee! matter, of 1754. private member's motwn (=':lr. :\Ia:1er) Income (State Dewlopment) Tax­ is same in suhstanee as that contamecl Committee of Ways andl\Ieans­ in State Development anc1 Public \Vorks Organisation Bill and Rural Amenclments-(1\Ir. :\foore), 1i531; Development Trnnsfer and Co-onl_ina­ (l\Ir. Macc1onnlc1), 1580. tion of Po1rcrs Dill nlri'ady clet~rmmeJ ''That Temporary Chairman's ncling by the House, 4-19. be disagreed to'' (motion-:Hl'. l\faher), 1570. \Ynys and ~~Ieans- Clause 9 (amenclnwnt-J\Ir. ::\foore), Income (State DeYelopment) Tax 1642. (mnemlment-l\fr. Moore), 1:551; amenc1ment-J\Ir. :\Iacdonald), 1580. Industrial Concili:1tion ancl Arbitration :\Totion. ''That Temporary Chairman's Aets and Other Aets Amenclmcut-­ ruling he dbagreecl to'' (Mr. Maher), (Initiation in committee), 1824. Li7ll. ''That th<" resoln1ion b2 agreui to h;· Yeates, -:\Ir., Suspension of, 1217. the House,'' lo·~L Second reading, 1S3;l. El£•ctions TrHmnnl­ Cla11se 2, 1SB3 .JmlgP for 1938, :\Ir. Justice H eneh1~an, 8; Clause 11, 1838. :\h·. ,Justie<:> F:. A. Douglas, nG: Mr. Local Government Ynlidation of Powers­ Justice Henchman, 270. Clause 7, 1197. ).Iilk Supply- Estimates-in-Clliel', 1933-39­ Clause 2 (amemlment-l\Ir. l\Iuller), 'Tabled. :i-tn. 1695. Clause 7 (nmendment-:\Ir. Plunkett), _Esiimates, Suprllementary, 1937-38­ 1699. Tahlecl, 1334. 4 I::\'DEX TO SUB.JECTi::l-LEGISLATIVE Ai::lSK:\1BLY.

Explanations, Personal­ Lennou, Hon. 1Vm., Death of (motion of Mr. Bedford, 1628. condolence), 10; (reply to motion of condolence), 378. Mr. Maher, 1668. Mr. Morris, 982. Library Committee­ Mr. Nimmo, 417. Appointment, 22. Mr. Russell, 884. Xfr. Yeates, 1526. Loans and Subsidies to Local Bodies, [See also "Statements."] 1937-38­ 0rder for return (motion-Mr. Clayton), },ees paid by Cr

":Han~ard," Circulation and Cost of, 54. li!nister.ial Statements­ Chanr·c,; in J\Iinistry, 8. lfard~H-"re .. Hon, IL }\, :Denth of (rnotion of eond-Jl0IH'e), 10. Fundions of Auditor-General, 55. Wheat Rtahilisation i:'chcme, 1838. Jfiospital Precepts, Local J .. uthorities­ Onler for return (motiou-::\rr. ::\Iuller), 24. Jrinisters Sworn before His Excellency the Gove:l''llor, 1, 2. Lr:tnYn tabled, 18'~"1 • Jiotion H!saHownl (J\Ir. Speakor'.o ruling), ]l(nrrs of Sitting, 21; (ext:mrcion of), 249, 841. BOTJ ·186, ::'l!ational l<'immcial Policy (motion-Mr. J·acktntlolcnce), ~70. J:l9S.

King GE:'orge YI., R0ply to address of Opening of Parliament, 1. congratulation upon accession, 8. Opening Speech of Governor, 5, 12. JLe~1

Orders in Council and Regulations­ QUESTIONS-continued: New Standing Order No. 37A [See A.W.1J. membership tickets, Issue of (Mr. '' Standing Orders'']. Walker), 414. Parliament- Baking industry, Trading hours in (Mr. Yeates), 523. Opening of, 1. Barker's Creek irrigation proposal (Mr. Prorogation of, 1841. Edwards), 379. Parliamentary Buildings Committee­ Baroona electoral roll, Erasures and trans­ fers (l'.Ir. Morris), 1668; (Mr. Power), Appointment, 22. 1668. Ban·ett, Go•ver, and Thieme, :Messrs. Pastoral Lease Extensions-­ Official dr~ignations and puyments to Order for return (motion-::VIr. Nimmo), (Mr. Nicklin), 741. 1043. Bingo tU~{1 other gan10s of eh~nrr, Pt'rrnits.. Return tabled, 1334. ·for (:\lr. Ed»;ards), 5~4. Blackall-Charlcville railway link, Sugge~ted Personal Explanations­ Commomwalth co-operation in con­ J\Ir. Bedford, 1628. struction of (liir. Bedford), 621. Mr. :Maher, 1668. Blow-fly repellant, Discovery of (Mr. Mac­ ::VIr. Morris, 982. donalcl), 1494, 1775. 1\fr. Nimmo, 417. Brislwne mH1 South Coast Hospitnl~ B'o~ril, Mr. Russell, 884. Statistics in 1'P (!\Ir. -R~'ssell), 1~26. J\1r. Yeates, 1526. Brjsl)rtnc-TinndaheTg train service (?\fr~ [Sec also ''Statements.''] E'r:uHl), 12~7. Brisbane-Charleville mail train, Accelera­ Printing Committee­ tion of (Mr. Yeates). fi51, 1667. Appointment, 22. Brisbane City Council- Relief workers, Alleged political infiuenuJ Privat~ lUe,mbers' .lllotioills- in retention of (Mr. Power), 507. Mr. Speaker's ruling, 12, 21, 270. I{el•ort on administration (Mr. Dart), i227. Privilege- Brisbane Fish J\Iarket- Removal of member from country mt>mbers' Mullet supplies at (1Ir. 11oore), 341. residence, 1227. · Supplies receivecl from New South w,-,lcs (Mr. 'iYalkcr), 270. Prorogation of Parliament, 1841. Brishane-Ipswich train services (Mr. Protestant Labour Party, Accommodation Yeates), 123. fro- Member at Parlianu~nt House, Brisbane-Too•voomba motor transport, Tax 982, 1042. and number of passengers (Mr. Yentes), 53;3, Public Service [See "Stat2 Employees."] Brisbnne-Toowoonl'ba trains, Hunning of C\Ir. YDtes), 123. Public· Works f()r Cnemployment Relief Burean of Jm1ustry, Tenus of appointment, (motion-:VIr. ::VIaher), disallowed, 448. salary, antl qualifications of Director (J\fr. Nimmo), ~~B: (:\fr. Yeat.'s), Questions Disallowed- 1774. Mr. Speaker's rulings, 155, 508, 524. 743, Caims Hinterlanl1 raihvay service, Effect of 883, 1598, 1708. con! strike on (:\Ir. ::\Iaher), 4+7. Camoowenl-Dn,inrra railway project, S~g­ QUES'l'IONS- gested _ Commonwealth co-operatwn (Mr. Yentes), 552. Abattoir (Brisbane), Lot-Splitting at (Mr. Macdonald), 1627. C~m 'rv Seed Board, Allowances and/or e~penscs of chairman ('VIr. Healy), Aboriginals' Savings Bank Ac aunts, 414. An1ount of interest on (Mr. \:Yalker), 1041. c~ltilf', R,nih..-~t~T trflll!~i'Ol't to \V'all:J11.1."~1Ta and other States (Mr. Maher), 697. Agent-General's Office, Service of l\Ir. E. A. Charleville-Blackall link, Suggested Com­ E'erguson in (::\fr. Yeates), 1597, 1174. monwealth co-operation in construction America (United States), Queenslancl of (Mr. Bedford), 621. loans domiciled in (Mr. Maher), 123. Chnrleville-Brisbane mail train, Accelera-­ Animals and Birds E'nnd, Receipts pai,] to tion of (:\fr. Yeates) _. 551, 1667. consolidated reYenue (:IIr. Brand), 19. Chnrleville-Toowoomba mail train, Accelera­ Auditor-General's Report on Public tion of ('VIr. Yeatcs), 1667. Accounts, Date of presentation (Mr. Chiltlren in 'iYestem Queensland, Improve-­ Nimmo), 380; (Mr. l\Iaher), 1042. ment of diet of (!\fr. Walker), 52:3. 6 IXDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLAT1YB ASSE:\lBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Clarke, Mr. C., Director of Bureau of Indus­ Deficits since 1927, Sinking Fund payments try, Terms of appointment, salary, and (Mr. Walker), 785. qualifications (Mr. Nimmo), 228; (Mr. Dental examinations (:\fr. Nimmo), 1041. Yeates), 1774. Development Works (State)­ Coal Mining Industry- A.W.U. tickets, Issue of (Mr. Walker), Cairns Hinterland railways, Effect of 414. strike on (Mr. Maher), 447. Pares and travelling allowances to Conl'pulsory conference, Suggested con­ workers (Mr. Nicklin), 1707. vening of (Mr. Nimmo), 447. Diesel light trains, Cost of construction and Government policy concerning strike in running (:\fr. Yeates), 270. (Mr. Moorc), 507, 3:5~. Threatened strike in (Mr. ilfoore), 343. Diet of children in Western Queensland, Adr1ition of fruit, &c., to (Mr. Uommonwealth- Walker), 523. Payments lo State during 1937-38 (1Ir. Electoral roll of Baroona, Erasures and }[oore), 193. transfers (Mr. Morris), 1668; (Mr. Tobacco research, Grant foT (Mr. T. L. Power), 1668. Williams), 1436. Electricity Commission (State)­ Youth employment scheme, Statistic in re (Mr. (Mr. Macdonald), 1071. Commissioners, Remuneration of Walker), 348. Communist and United Australia Parties, ::\1aroochy Shire Council, Extension of Alleged coalition (Mr. Power), 447. plant prr. \Valker), 306. Communist Pal't;·, Circulnrs ;n re abolition South Coast districts, Cheaper supply for of intermittent l'elil'f work (Mr. (Mr. Plunkett), 153. Nimmo), 551. ElcctTifieation of suburban raih.-ay services Com1uctOTs on BTisbane-\Vallangarra trains (Mr. Y catr:'s), 586. (l\11'. Yeates), 1597. Evans, Mr., Vehicles seized by State Trans­ Consoliliatecl Rcvenue­ port Board (Mr. Yeates), 1597. Incom·e tax, land tax, probate and suc­ FaTes (raih.-ay), Brisbane-Sydney, da cession duties, unemployment relief tax, Wallangarra (l\Ir. Y eates), 1597. motor taxes, and other taxrs, Rereipts from (:Hr. -:u:aher), 122. Parmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Miscellaneous receipts, Increase in (Mr. Ac~- Walker), 585, 785. Opcrations under (:\fr. \iValker), 85, :JU, -1. ];). l'nemploment Relief Pund, Animals and Birch< Fund, Heayy Vehicles Road T'avmcnts by Connnonwealth (l\Ir. .Fund, nnd other full(ls, Receipts from ~\Ioore), 193. (Hr. Brand), 19. J.<'at lamb raising, 'rests in (.1\Ir. Bc1wan1s), Cost of obtaining answer to questions (Mr. /-11. 10t1. Ycatcc), /H. Pergnsc>n, :,rr. E. A.­ Cotton- llutics in Agent-General's Office (.1\Ir. Irrigation projeet (l\fr. Branr1), 506. Yeate,), 1597. Yarietics (ncvr), Jntrodt;ction from 8en·ile anrl salnry (J\Ir. Yeate.,), 17'14. F.S.A. ("Ir. T. I". Willi:tms), 8+. Fish- '' C'l~tder-JTnil' '­ Mullet supplies at Brisbane Jl'ish J\Iarket (\lr. :\IoOl'e), 341. di,·L: '.< !'.' Opl'u.-ilion :~nd ar~n1isoion to public senice (}Ir. McLean), 2.29. nuantiiv r-eceived from Kcw South \Vales · (::\Ir. \\"all,cT), 27. Statement :tlle"·:·ing politir a] influence in 1',_ tu1~·icn of rC'1it'f Y\ orkcrs hv Brisbane }'ivc-rlay 1Yeek in public sen·ice (:Mr. Cit: Conuil (:'.fr. Power), ;~07. :\faher), 20. D·~jflrra-t :an;oo\Ye:ll raihYay pro.-Jc.:t, ExtPn­ Forlrlcr relief scheme, Operations under Rion to Northern Territory (}Ir. (~\Ir. Walker), 154. Ycates), 55:2. Porestry lands, X oxious weeds on (1\fr. llc-.lbv-Roma-Toowoomba railwny service Clayton), ·±13. ·(:\Ir. Yeates), 342. Fruit, Scheme to supply children in Western r,l111Y San:ltoriEel, Xt:lnhnr of patients, Queensland (Mr. 1-\'alker), 523. staff, nna expenditure (:\Ir. Yeates), Games of chance, Permits for (Mr. 1:2+, Hl3. Edwarc1s), 524. JJcfen cc (CommomYealth) Proposals­ Gatton College, Statistics in re shdents Expenditme.. Allocation of (1Ir. Lar­ (::\Ir. Dart), 307, 507. c••mhe), 1167. Golden Caskct­ Leader of Opposition's Yiew8 on (:".fr. A_~<;lts and cor:nrnis:-,ion (~Ir. ::',Ioore), :\fnc,lonald), 1167. S.J. Toowoomba, -:ifanufactures at (ilfr. Profits ana <1isbursements, 1938 (}fr. Duggan), 1334. Yeates), 585. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLAT'lYE ASSE:\lBLY. 1

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Goldenstedt, Mr. P. L., Income of (Mr. Judges (Supreme Court) on pension (Mr. Hnssell), 7185, 883. Yeates), 1667. Gower, Thieme, and Ban·ett, ::Vfc;;srs. Kirrama Range, Hemo.-al of timber from Official designation and payments to (Mr. Nimmo), 54. '(Mr. Nicklin), 741. Labour and Industry, Annual report of Gratuities payable out of Public Service De1•artment (?\fr. Macclonalcl), 1775. Superannuation ~,und in 1937-38 and Land ballots, Applications for \Velltown contributions (Mr. Maher), 153. resumption and eonclitions of New Heavy Vehicles­ South Wales land ballots (Mr. Hilton), Brisbane-Toowoomba serviee, Tax and 1167. number of passengers (:\ir. Yeates), Licensing Commission- 585. Hotels, Trading hours of (Mr. Yeates), Evans, Mr., Vehicles seized by State 523. Transport Board (Mr. Yeates), 1597. Licenses cancelled, ~umber, name, ancl Heavy Vehicles Road Fund, Allocation of locality (Mr. Walker), 227. (Mr. Maher), 123. Loans (Government)­ Large Owners of (Mr. Yeates), 1628. Amel·ican, Statistics in 1·e (Mr. Maher), Pollanl 's Transport Service, Number of 123. vehicles registered and fees paid (Mr. Yeates), 697. Amount of, at June 30, 1938, and State guarantees of Local Authorities (Mr. Receipts paid to consolidated revenuE> (Mr. Brand), 19. Mahcr), 379. Cost of service (}lfl-. JHaher), 307. Uelidon-Toowoomba railway, Shortening of (:\fr. Yeates), 586. Local AuthOTities- Hermitage State Farm, vVarwick- Hospital precepts in 1937-38 (Mr. J\1 uller), 1041. Area and lhC (Mr. Yeates), 10J1. Loans gua.ranteed by Government, Suitability of area for raising fat lambs Amount of (1fr. Maher), 379. (Mr. Eclwards), 741, 1041. I'nrking of motor Yehiclcs, Power to Hospitals- declare method of CMr. Yeates), 1597. B'risbane and South Coast Hospitals Stcck rout.:,, ), nthorities under the Stock Board, Statistics in re (Mr. Russell), Routes Improvement and Animal and 1226. Ye~;eta1Jle Pests Destruction Acts (Mr. Local Autho:rities' precepts in 1937-38 \Yalkcr), 1436. (Mr. Muller), 1041. Rnh~iclics from Un:mployment Relief Mater Misericordiae Public, Administra­ Fnm1 (:\fr. ::\Iaher), 342. tion of (Mr. J:\foore), 19. I"ogan Dric1::;c tolls, Reeeipts und eosts (:Mr. Hotels, Trading hours (Mr. Yeates), 523. l\Iaher), 12 3. Husbands committed to gaol on \Yife-main­ Lot-Splitting at Bricbane Abattoirs (l\fr. tenance charges (:\fr. Y eates), 193. 1facdonnld), 1627. Imbil Rural School, Closure of (::\fr. :\Iackay Den1:.1l Clinic, Departmental inquiry Walker), 85. (Mr. Nimmo), 55. Income Tax- J\Iackay Harbour Works- Income of Mr. P. L. Goldenstedt (Mr. Damage by cyclone (11r. Nimmo), 55. Russell), 785, 883. Telfer crane, Cost and p·resent value Investigations of incidence (ivir. Walker) (Mr. Nimmo), 192. 523. ' :Main Roads and Unemployment Relief Indigent persons- Funds, Receipts and expenditure (Mr. Railway passes issued by Department of :\Iaher), 20. H~alth and Home Affairs to (Mr. ::\fnrgarine, Volume of proclnction in Nlmnl'o)' 270, 447. 1937-38 (:\fr. Walker), 85. South Sea Islanders, Allowances to (Mr. l\faroochy Shire Council, Electricity supply ::'.Ialter), 446, 7 42. (:\Ir. Walker), 306. Industries Assistance Act Operations Manied women receiving Tations, Occupa­ under (Mr. Nimmo), 37rJ. tions anc1 particulars of husbands (C\Ir. Intero~t- Yeates), 3±2, 524. Ameri.can loans (:\ir. Maher), 123. Mater J\Iisoricordiae l,ublic Hospital Unemployment Helief l'und, Payments administration (Mr. Moore.), 19. from (Mr. Maher), 342. Milk for needy school children (Mr. Irrigation­ \Valker), 447. Barker's Creek project (Mr. Eclwarqs), Ministerial expenses, 1937-38 (Mr. ·walker), 379. 1042. Cotton areas, Project for (Mr. Brand), ::\Ioonah Creek-Dajarra raihYay project (Mr. 506. Yeates), 552. 8 DJDI;x TO 8l:BJECT::3-LEGISLAT1YE ASSK~JBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIO~S-continued: Motor cars (Government), Use of (:Mr. Public Service Superannuation J<'und, Yeates), 379. Grntuities and Revenue, 1937-38 (Mr. Mot0r Vehieles­ Maher), 153. Brisbane-Toowoomba services, Tax on Pupil teachers in State schools (Mr. (Mr. Yeatc•s), 585. Morris), Hl67. Evttnfl, l\fr., Vehic1c·'"; "'eizeU 1n~ State Railways­ Transport Board from (Mr. Yeates), Blackall-Charleville link, Commonwealth 1597. co-operation in construction of (Mr. Parking, Method of (~fr. Ycates), 1597, Bedford), 621. 1667. Hrisbane-Bundaberg tri-weekly passen­ ger service (Mr. Brand), 1227. Third party risks (Mr. Macdonald), 306. Brisbane-Charleville mail train, Accelera­ Width lights on (Mr. Yeates), 447, 552. tion of pir. Yeates), 551, 1667. Mullet supplies at Brisbane Fish :Market Brisbane-Ipswich service (Mr. Yeates), (Mr. Moor(j), 341. 123. N r,nango-Yarraman raihvay project (~Ir. Brisbane-Toowoomba service­ Edwurds), 1494. Acceleration of (Mr. Yoates), 551. H ational financial policy Resolution passed Late arrival and passengers carried by Parliament (Mr: Yeates), 1071. (Mr. Yeates), 123. National Insurance Scheme Report of Suggested shortening of line (Mr. committee (\fr. Walker): 506. YeatE:•s), 586. New ~outh Wales land ballots and applica­ Brisbane-\Vallangan-a passenger mail, tl~ns for Welltown resumptions (Mr. Acceleration of ('\fr. Yeates), 551. III!ton), 1167. Cairns Hinterland service, Effect of coal New Zealand, Export of pineapples (Mr. strike on (Mr. :\falter), 447. Walker), 1071. Cattle, Transport to Wallangarra and other States ('\Ir. :\1ahcr), 697. Northern Territory, Extension of Dajarra railway to (1\lr. Yeates), 552. Commissioner's r ·port, Presentation of (.:\fr. Yeates), 785. North Ipswich State School, Expenditure Conductors on Brisbane-Wallangarra on grounds Moore), 20. (1\fU7; Amcrican loan statistics (Mr. ::\Iaher), (question disallowed), 7J'l. 123. SnlnulJ; n f'.enic~s. Electrification of (Mr. Yea' _cJ), 5'· G. Amount, and State Guarantees of Local Authorities (:\fr. l\Iaher), 379. Suga.r-ranc and ::ug·~·r, Tonnage and revenue (11r. Erand), 1":_!::35. SeniccE, 19.37-33, Cost of (::\Ir. ;,fahcr) 307. ' TomYoomba, Appointment of Ass:stant General Manager at (Mr. Yeates), Public Service-[See ''State Employees.''] 697. INDEX TO srBJECTS-LEGISLAT'l\' l•; ASSK\lBLY. 9

QUESTIONS-continued: QL'ESTIONS-continued: Railways-continued: State Employees-continued: Toowoomba-Brisbane train service, Run­ Railway officers (high), Names, status, ning of (Mr. Yeates), 123. ancl salaries (Mr. Yeates), -H5. T'oowoomba-Dalby-Roma services (Mr. INomen, Single and married, number ancl Yeates), 342. occupations of husbands (Mr. Yeates), Toowoomba station, Cost of milk bar 342, 661. (Mr. Yeates), 697. State Nutritionnl Advisory Board, ·work of Wood fuel in locomotives (Mr. Brand), (.'\Ir. Yeah's), 1042. 1227. State Transport Board, Vehicles st'izecl Yarraman-Nanango link (Mr. Edwards), from Mr. EYans by (Mr. Ymtes), 1597. 1494. Stock routes, Local Authorities under Stock Ration relief-[See ''Unemployment"]. Routes ImpTovement and Animal and Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts (Mr. Relief work-[See ''Unemployment'' j. Walker), 1436. Revenue (State)­ Story Bridge, Expenditure and employment Miscellaneous receipts, Increase in (:\fr. on (~r. Nicklin), 227. Walker), 585, 785. Sugar Industry- Taxation receipts in 1937-38 (Mr. Mahcr), 122. Assignments (:'vir. Walker), 154. Sugar-cane and sugar, Tonnage carried Roma-Dalby railway service (1Ir. Yeates), by railways (Mr. Brand"), 1435. 342. Supreme Comt judges on pensions (Mr. Eoyal commisccion on railway Eerviees (Mr. Ycates), 1667. Yeates), 19, 415, 507. 'l.'axation re,'eipts, 193/"38 (11r. :VIa her), Schools (State)­ 122. Buildings, salaries, and allowances to Teachers (pupil), X umber of (Mr. Morris), teache1rs, Expenditure on (Mr. Maher), 1667. 55. Imbil Rural, Closure of (Mr. Walker), 85. Thieme, Gowcr, and Barrctt, Messrs., Official de:.,ignations, salaries, and oYer­ Milk for needy children (Mr. Walker), time of (Mr. Nicklin), 741. 447. North Ipswich, Expenditure on grounds Third-party risks under :Motor Vehicles (Mr. Moore), ,2:0. Insurance Act (Mr. Macdonald), 306. Primary, Number closed in 1937 (2\Ir. Thomas, :\fr. A. E., Chairman of Wheat Plunkett) , 55. Board and Canary Seed Board, Allow­ Pupil teachers, Number of (NI:r. :\Iorris), ance·•, and/or expenses (Mr. Healy), 1667. 414. Sinking Fund payments in respect of Timber Industry- deficits since .June, 1927 ("i\1r. Kirrama Range forests (Mr. Kimmo), Walker), 785. 54. Somerset Dam, Expenditure on (iYfr. Mac­ Pine (Crown), Exported to other States donald), 228. (Mr. Plunkett), 1071. South Coast districts, Cheaper electricity Tobacco research, Commonwealth grant for for (Mr. Plunkett), 153. (Mr. T. L. Williams), 1436. South Sea I slande-rs, Indigent allowances to Toowoomba-Britlbane motor service, Ta."" (Mr. Maher), 446, 7 42. and number of passengers (":\Ir. Yeah's), 585. State Development Works- Toowoomba-Brisbane train service, Run­ A.W.U. membership tieket3 (llfr. ning of (Mr. Yeates), 123. Walker), 414. Too>Yoomba-Charle':illc mail tr~in, Accelera­ Fares and travelling allowances to tion of (Mr. Ycates), 1667. · workers (Mr. N'icklin), 1707. Too>Yoomba-Dalby raih.-ay services (:i'.Ir State Employees- Yeates), 342. Basic wage increase and salary restora­ Toowoomba-Helidon railway, Sho'l'tening of tions, Annual cost of (:Nir. Walker), (Mr. Yeates), 586. 379. Toowoomba, :\Iethod of parking motor cars Five-day week in public service (Mr. (:VIr. Yeates), 1597, 1667. Maher), 20. Toowoomba railway station, Cost of milk Gower, Thieme, and Barrett, 1Iessrs., bar at (:\fr. Yeates), 697. Designations, sala·ries, and overtime of Treasury, Qu~rto'l'ly retums (Mr. Maher), (Mr. Nicklin), 741. 228. National Insurance Scheme, Effect on Trust Funds, Payments to consolidated contributions to State superannuation revenue from Unemployment Relief scheme (Mr. Walker), 506•. Fund, Animals ::md Birds Fund, Heavy Question, Cost of obtaining answer to Vehicles Road Fund, and other funds (Mr. Yeates), 741. (2\Ir. Brand), 19. 10 I~DEX TO SUBJECT8-LEGISLAT'lYE A8SK\1BLY.

QUESTIO~S-continued: QL"ESTIO.XS-continued: Unemployment- Fnemployment-continuec1: Communist Party eirculars (:\fr. Nimmo), Relief tax, Reduction in (Mr. B'rand), 551. 1040. Family income computations (Mr. Nicklin), 415; (Mr. Yeates), 982,1526, State Development Works- 1628, 1668, 1775. A.W.U. membership ticket (Mr. Free raihYay transport for unemployed Walker), 414. (Mr. C'layton), 414. Fares and travelling allowance tG Indigent persons, Railway passes issued \YOrkers (Mr. Nicklin), 1707. to (Mr. ~immo), 270, 447. Youth-employment Scheme (Common­ Intennittent relief work- wealth-State) (Mr. ::\Iacdonald), 1071. Brisbane City Council, Alleged use of political influence in retention of United Australia and Communist Parties, relief workers (::\fr. Power), 507. Alleged coalition (Mr. Power), 44 7. North Ipswich State School grounds, Yalley Police Station, Tennis conrts at Expenditure on, 1936-38 (::\fr. (::\fr. Moore), 20. Moore), 20. Yeterinary \York by unregistered persons Number of recipients- (Mr. Walker), 1436. Toowoomba District, September an

Reply, Address in­ St'PPLY- Answer of Governor, 637. Committee­ Debate on, 12, 59, 110, HO, 197, 380, 419. Constitution of, 446. Presentation to GoYemor, 621, 637. Opening of, 540.

CoXSIDERATION OF ESTIMATES IN CoM­ Return of "Writs, 1. MITTEE- Estimate&-in-Chief- Sessional Order, Sus}Jension of, 249. Agriculture and Stock­ Sitting Days­ Chemical Laboratory, 983. Friday, 786. Chief Office, 914, 983. Hours of sitting, 21; extension of, 249, Dairy Produce Act, 983. 307, 786. Dairy Research Laborato1·y, 983. Precedence of Government business on :Miscellaneous Services, 1003. Thursday, 786. Slaughtering Act, 983. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, ,21. State Farms and Gardens, 996. Auditor-General, 834. Sitting, Suspension of, 70. Executive and Legislative-­ Solicitors and Barristers, Fees paid by Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the Crown to- CioYemor, 551, 638, 697, 758, 785. Order for return (motion-Mr. Ed>vards), 23. Executive Council, 788. Retnrn tabled, 480. His Excellency the Governor (bal­ ance of vote), 787. Legislative Assembly, 788. Speaker, Election of, 2; (presentation of), 5. Ilenlth and Home Affairs­ Aboriginals, Relief of, 1114. Special Adjournments, 5, 19, 54, 1839. Chari~able Institutions and Grants, 1117. Standing Orders- Chief Office, 1011, 1072. Committee, Appointment of, 22. Fire Brigades, 1134. New Standing Order No. 37A relating to Government ::\fedical Officer, 1188. consideration by Parliament of Orders Hospitals, 1120. in Conncil and Hegulations (motion Lazaret, 1135, 1137, 1188. refcning mattE'l' to Stnndin s Orders Licen,ing Commission, 1,206. Committe~-:\Ir. ::'.Iahcr), :'524; (new :VIent:ll Hygiene, 1134. ~tnnding Order tabled), 1:~3-±; (adop­ tion, motion-::\ir. Smith), 1398; ~\fothnhood and Child Welfare, 1119. (assent), 1494. Police, 1188. Slisrcn~ion of- Police Investment Doard, 1200. Appropriation Bill, No. 1, 23. Prisons, 1200. Appropriation Bill, No. 2, 1323. Registration Boards, 1188. David John :\fadais Daniel Validating State Children, 1201. Bill, 56. Steamer ''Otter,'' 1206. Income (State Development) Tax Resolu­ tions, 1527. .Justice- Passage of Bills through all stages in Chief Office, 1210, 1217. one day, 1708. Courts of Petty f:lcssions, 1225. Electoral Registrations, 1225. State Employe.:~, :

SUPPLY-continued: SUPPLY-continued: CoNsiDERATION oF EsTIMATEs IN Co¥­ RESOLUTIONS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE-­ MITTEE-continuea: Adoption, 1357. Estimates-in-Chief-continued: Reception, 1357. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Resolutions adopted under operations of Agent-General for the State, 813. Standing Order, N'o. 307, and Sessional Chief Office, 799. Orders, 1387. Immigration, 817. VOTE OF CREDIT ON ACCOUNT, 1939-4() Miscellaneous Se•rvices, 833. (£4,600,000) (message from Gover­ Museum, 826. nor), 1334; (Committee of Supply), Parliamentary Counsel aJld Drafts­ 1357i. man, 826. Public Library, 826. VoTE oN AccouxT­ Public Service Commissioner, 825. (£5,950,000) (message from Governor), Public Service Superannuation 24; (Committee of Supply), 24. Board, 833. State Reporting Bureau, 833. Time Limit of Speeches- State Stores Board, 833. Members granted an extension of time­ Public Instruction- Mr. Larcombe, 455. Chief Office, 1312, 1336. :\fr. Smith, 703. Public Lands- Chief Office, 843. Unemployment Relief, Public Works for District Offices, 873. Motion (Mr. Maher) disallowed, 448. Forestry, 876, 884. Irrigation, 1\'ater Supply, and United Australia Party, Leadership of, 20. Sewerage, 898. Miscellaneous, 914. Survey Office, 898. Valedictory, 1839. Railways- Vote of Credit on Account, 1939-4,0­ Central Division and Jli1ackay Rail­ way, 1311. (£4,600,000 (message from Governor), 1334; (Committee of Supply), 1357. General Establishment, 1233, 1265. N orthcrn Division (excluding Mac­ kay Railway), 1312. Vote on Account­ Southern Division, 1299. (£5,950,000) (message from Governor), 24; Treasury- (Committee of Supply), 24. Bureau of Industry, 835. Chief Offiee, 835. Voting at General Election, Analysis of­ Harbour; and Marine, 837. Order for 'return (motion-Mr. Gair), 23. Land and Income Tax, 835. Return tabled, 54. Marine Board, 840. Printing Office, 840. Stamp Duties Office, 841. Tfarrego Electoral District­ Votes passed under operation of Standing Vacancy during recess, 8. Order, No. 307, and Sessional Orders­ Estimates-in-Chief- Ways an.d Means- Public Instruction- Balance of Estimates, 1388. Chief Office, 1357. Constitution of Committee, 446. Balance of Vote, 1357. Opening of Committee, 1388. Department of Public Works, 1357. Resolutions, Reception and adoption of, Department of Labour and Industry, 1388. 1357. Taxation resolution- Loan Fund Account, 1357. T'rust and Special Funds, 1357. Income (State DeYelopment) Tax, 1528. S1tpplementary Estimates, 1937-38­ Vote on account (£5,950,000), 50; vote of credit on account, 1939-40, Loan Fund, 1357. (£4,600,000)' 1388. Revenue, 1357. Trust Funds, 1357. Wheat Stabilisation Sclleme, Statement by Vote of Credit on Account, 1939-40, 1357. Premier, 1838. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL [See "Mullan, BILLs-continued: Honourable John."] Sucrar Experiment Stations Acts and:. C)ther Acts Amendment (initiation m BEDFORD, Randolph, Esquire (War. committee), 499; ( 2 o), 589; ( com­ rego)­ mitter), 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 672,. 674. Takes his seat, 2. Veterinary :Medicines Act Amendment Address in Reply" 197. (2°), 1497. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ BILLS: Nominated on panel, 8. Apiaries (2°), 613. Country members' residence, R

BILLS: IHiASSI.:'iGTOX, Samuel John, Esquire Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initiation (Fortitude Valley)­ in committee), 320~ Dairv Produce Acts Amcn•lment ='J o. 1 Takes his seat, 2. (2o), 582; (committee), 967. Adclrc '· in Reply, 396. Mental Hygiene (committeP), 1521. SCPFLY: Milk Supply ( eommittee), 1694, 1100. Corsi,'c:r:-tion of Estinuttes in Com­ Rural Development T"ransfcr and Co-onli­ mittee­ nation of Po·,vers (2°), 2:'3; (c•>m­ mittce), 3'l6. K;iimaf(..;-in-Cl,cef- State Devdopm0·.t an(] Publi~ \Yorks Public Instrudion- Organioation ( 2 o), 176; (committee), Chief Ofl:ce, 1343. ~34, 258. Railways- State Tr:m.1fJJl't (committee), lcl::::J. General Establishment, 1246. 14 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASBE~lBLY.

BROW;\, Jolm Innes, Esquire (Logan)­ BILLS-continued: Takes his seat, 2. Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ Address in Reply, 384. nation of Powers (initiation in com­ mittee), 85. BILL: Sugar Experiment Stations. Acts and Fair Rents Acts Amendment ( com­ Other Acts Amenilment (initiation in mittee), 1773. committee), 494: (2°), 586; (com­ SUPPLY: mittee), 662, 663, 664, 6'65, 666, 667, 66S, 670, 671, 672, 674. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Vcterinary Medicines A et Amendment (initiation in committee), 491; (2°), Estima.tes-in-Chief- 1492, 1501; (committee), 1502. Executive and Legislative­ "\Vheat Stabilisation (initiation in com­ Legislative Assembly, 793. mittee), 1806; (committee), 1815, Health and Home Affairs­ 1816, 1817. Chief Office, 1101. SUPPLY: Consiileration of Estimates in Com­ BRUCE, Honourable Hem-y ),dam ·(The mittee­ Tableland) [Secretary for Public Works and Secretary for Public Estimates-in-Chief- Instruction]­ Agriculture and Stock­ Takes his seat, 2. Chemical I_,aboratory, 983. Chief Office, 914, 929. BILL: Dairy Produce Act, 983. Income (State Development) Tax ( ~ o), Dairy Research Laboratory, 983. 1607. ?.IiscellalL ous Services, 1003, 1007. Public Instruction and Public ·works, Secretary for, Appointment, 8. Slaughtering Act, 983, 991. State Farms and Garilens, 996, 1000. SuPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com· CHAIR.JU::'i O.F CO::lillHTTEES (Hanson, mittee­ :r:uwar

CHAimiAN 01<' COlU~IITTEES (Hanson, BILLs-continued: Edward Joseph, Esquire)-contd.: State Development and Public Works Member ordered to resume seat, 1715. Organisation-Amendment (Mr. Moore) Reflections on hon. members not in order, on clame 20 not in order, as it would 99. impose a greater charge on the Crown than that contemplated in the message Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 18~, 206, from His Excellency the Governor, 266. 225, 393, 407, 429, 444, 462, 536, 56'5, 582, 627, 1369, 1384, 1411, 1428, 1610, Conversations in loud tones disorde:rly, 953, 1672. 1073. Time limit of speeches, Premier granterl an Denial of hon. member must be accepted, extension of time by Committee, 703. 846, 882, 886. Unparliamentary language- Interruptions disorderly, 953, 1092, 1284. Expressions ruled out of order­ Irrelevancies-Speechl:~ must be relevant to 1 ' Big clown,'' 1715. question before the Committee, 243, ''Deliberately untrue,'' 770. 245, 254, 256, 251, ,~61, 268, 324, 326, 1 1 False,'' 1538. :l30, 351, 352, 820, 825, 846, 864, 873, 9±4, 952, 957, 986, 988, 1000, 1006, 1 'False pr :tences,'' 1715. 1032, 120~ 1221, 1308, 131~ 156~ 156~ ''How in the name of God,'' 619. "Lie," 718. ­ Ithaca election, -:\fatter Hl!b fudicc and can­ not be discussed, 1190. "Misappropriate," 33. ''The hon. member knows that the Personalitiec, not in order, ,255. statement he has made is untrue,'' Quorum within precinct; of Chr1mber, 900. 1837. 11 Tried to mislead this Committee,'' Reflections not in order- 703. On ch:J.ir, 1021, 1214. "You were told to do that," 1538. On royal commission, 12 15, 1216. \Yays and :\leans- On Government, 121G. Income (State Development) Tax- On House, 1220. lion. members must confine remaTks to the principle of an amendment moved Ruling cannot be discussed except on until it is disposd of, 1545, 1547. motion in accorrlance with Standing Orders, 1568. Hon. members must confine their remarks to the principles contained Speaker, D8puty, 'f'akcs chair as, 283, 299. in the resolutions, and will not be in onler in discussing the administra­ SUPPLY: tion of the Income (Unemployment Ac1ministl'ativc action of a depart­ Relief) Tax Acts, 1555. ment i,, open to debate, but the neces­ sity for legislation and matters involv­ ing legi,~lntion cannot be discussed in (:HAJltliL\S OI<' co;m~H'fTE:ES, TE}I· Committee of Supply, 827, 1087, 1'!00, PORARY fBmnd, William Alfred, 1217, 1218. Esq1iire (Isis) ]­ Advisability of having general discussion Nominated on panel, 8. on vote for 1 1 Chief Office,' ' 187. Agriculture nnd Stock, DepaTbnent of­ fHAIRThL\.N OF COJI~HTTE:ES, TElU­ PORARY [Gledson, })avid Alexan· Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, controlled tler, Esquire (Ipswich)]­ by Brisbane City Council, cannot be dicenssed, 1000. Nominated on panel, 8. Health and Home Affairs, Department BILLS: of- Amendment may be withdrawn only by Ran. member not in orcl<:r in suggest­ the member who moved it, 374. ing that police magistrates should Amendment may not be moved to an not inflict minimum fines. A police earlier part of a clause than that magistrate administers .\et as he before the Committee, 1480. finds it and has no power to alter it, Ruling of Temporary Chairman may not 1213. be cliscussed except on motion to dis­ Trust or Loan Funds may not be dis­ agreed to it, moved at the time it is cussed on Revenue Estimates, 843, 8~5, given, 351. 865, 1173. Rural Development Transfer and Takes chair, ;2:41, 249, 315, 317, 319, 321, Co-ordination of Powers- 327, 337, 344, 373, 375, 710, 787, 797, Amendment (Mr. Maher) on clause 9 815, 843, 873, 884, 897, 914, 936, 940, not in order, as it would impose a 949, 954, 976, 983, 998, 1017, 1072, greater charge on the Crown than 1087, 1110, 1130, 1137, 1151, 1168, that contemplated in the message 1183, 1203, 1217, 1233, 1258, 1265, from His Excellency the Governor, 1281, 1301, 1320, 1323, 1398, ]467 ~ 345. 1562, 1721, 172,2', 1796. 16 IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSK\lBLY.

CHAIRMAN OF COlUMITTEES, TEM­ CI:LUR.ltL\.::V 01<' C03I1tHTTEES, TEM· PORARY (Gledson, David Alexander, POIURY [O'Keefe, John, Esquire Esquire)-continued: (Cairns)]­ Unparliamentary language- Nominated on panel, 8. Expressions ruled out of order­ Chair- " Deliberate lie," 1563. Must be arldre~sed, 1318. ''He wants to get at somebody,'' 960. Must be obeyed, 1318. "It was a frame-up put ov0r the Denial of hon. member must be accepted, electors,'' 854. 773. ''Redistribution of seats was made at the order of the Government of the Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 169. day,'' 661. Takes chair, 649, 773, 835, 887, 907, 1274, 1 ' The handy-man of the Government,'' 1313, 1451, 1642. 1215. Unpwrliamentary language­ ''The money was used for buying Expressions ruled out of order- votes,'' 711. lion. member accused the nurses at Ways and Means- the General Hospital of stealing the Income (State Development) Tax Bill- patients' fruit, 773. Amendment (Mr. Dart) to insert a new resolution after Resolution 4, not CHIEF SECRETAUY [See "Smith, in order, as it is similar in principle Honourable William Forgan, LL.D.'']­ to an amendment already moved and defeated in Committee, 1564. CLARK, James, Esquire (Fitzroy)­ Amendment (Mr. Nilmno) to omit cer­ Takes his seat, 2. tain woTus in Part B, Resolution 4, not in oruer, as it is similar in prin­ BILLS: ciple to an amendment already moved Coal Mining Acts Amendment (cam­ and defeated in Committee, 1568. mittee), 483. Amendments uependent upon and Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration governed by amendment already Acts and Other Acts Amendm<:'nt (2°), nPgatiwd not in order, 1569. 1831. Mines Regulation Acts Amendment {)HAIRMAN 01<' COMliHTTEES, TEJI­ (initiation in committee), 321. PORARY [King, 1YHliam 'l'homas, Esquire (liiaree) ]­ SUPPLY: Nominated on panel, 8. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Chair must be olJ~yed, 1179. "E.,st :i::atc{;l-i-n-C htcf- Interruptions dic_orderly, 1110. Health and Homf? "\_ffairs­ Irrclevancirs-~pel'ches must be relevant 1o Chief

Hon. membe1" shoulrl confine remarks SUPPLY: to the principle of an amendment until it i,s disposed of, 15 t8, 1550. Consirleration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­


COLLINS, Harold Henry, Esquire COOPER, Honourable Frank Arthlll' (Co.ok)­ (Bremer)­ Takes his seat, 2. Takes his seat, 2. Address in Reply, 140. Address in Reply, 216.


0 Dai!ry I'roduce Acts Amendment No. 1 Appropriation, N'o. 1 (,2/ ), 50; (com· (initiation in committee), 518; (2o), mittee), 53. 565; (committee), 959. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1388; (moves Milk Supply (2°), 1675. ''That the hon. member for West More­ Primary Producers' Organisation and ton be not further heard''), 1396. Marketing Acts Amendment (2°), 1782. Rural Development TTansfer and Co-ordi­ Rural Development T'ransfer and Co-ordi­ nation of Powers (2°), 271, 303; nation of Powers (initiation in com­ ( eommittee), 334, 345, 347, 356, 359, mittee), 103 : (committee), 350. 366. State Transport (committee), 1449. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Financial Statement, 540, 781. Other Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 504. SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ National financial policy (seconds motion), mittee­ 459. Estimates-in-Chief- SUPPLY: Premier an11 Chief Secretary­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Chief Office, 810. mittee­ Treasury- Estimates-in-Chief- Bureau of Industry, 835. Agriculture and Stock­ Chief Office, 835. Chief Office, 923. Harbours and 2\farine, 837, 838, 840. Slaughte•ring Act, 987. Laml and Ineome Tax, 835, 836, 837. State Farms and Gardens, 997. Marine Boaord, 840. Executive and Legislative­ Printing Office, 840. Legislative Assembly, 793. Stamp Duties Office, 841. Health and Home Affairs­ Vote on Account (£5,950,000), 24, 37, 47. Chief Office, 1087. Licensing Commission, 1:207. Treasurer, Appointment as, 8. Mines- Chief Office, 1154. COPLEY, Patrick Kerry, Esquir<'l (Kurilpa)­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ Agent-General for the State, 816. 'rakes his seat, 2. Public Lands­ BILLS: Chief Office, 857. Backward Persons (2°), 1801. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Fair Rents Act Amendment (2°), 1767. Se,Yeragc, 906. Railways- SUPPLY: General Establishment, 1249. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Resolt~tio·ns reported from Committee­ Mines- Estimates-in-Chief- Chief Office, 1383. Health and Home Affairs­ Chief Office, 1039. CONROY, Charles 'IY:iHiam, Esquire Hospitals, 1134. (lUaranoa)­ Takes his seat, 2. DANIEL, David. John fflarlais, Esquire SUPPLY: (Keppel)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Takes his seat, 84. mittee­ Address in Reply, 441.

Estimates-in-Chief- BILLS: Agricultme and Stock­ Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 1 Miscellaneous services, 1010. (2°), 582; (committee), 958, 962. Public Instruction­ Income (State Development) Tax (reso­ Chief Office, 1342. lution in Committee of Ways and Public Lands- Means), 1574. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ Sewerage, 903. nation of Powers (2°), 302. 18 I:'\DEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSECI113LY.

DANIEL, David John lliarlais, Esquire­ SUPPLY: continued: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ BILLS-continuecl: mittee-­ State Development and Public ·works Estimates-in-Chief- Organisation (2°), 189; (committee), Agriculture and Stock- 257. Chief Office, 925. SUPPLY: Executive and Legislative­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Legislative Assembly, 790. mittee­ Health and Home Affairs- Estimates-in-Chief- Charitable Institutions and Grants, Health and Home Affairs­ ll17. Chief Office, ll03. Chief Office, 1016, 1089. Hospitals, 1130. Public Lands- State Children, 1204. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewerage, 913. Public Instruction­ Railways- Chief Office, 1345. General Establishment, 1290. Public Lands­ Chief Office, 860. WAYS AND MEANS: Irrigation, Water Supply, and' Income (State DeYdopment) Tax, 1574. Sewerage, 905. Railways- DART, William I~ogan, Esquire (Wyn­ General Establishment, 1248. num)­ Takes his s· at, 2. Vote on Account (£5,950,000), 45. Address in Reply, ll9. ~WAYS AND MEANS:

BILLS: Inr·ome (State Development) Tax, 1562, 157+. Apiaries (initiation in committee), 490. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 1 (2°), 563; (committee), 959. HASH, HouDural:ite John (Munding. burra)­ Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 2 (initiation in committPe), 1585. Take' his scat, 2. Electric Light and Pow0r Acts Amend­ SUPPLY: ment (in,itiatiou in committee), 419; (committee), 471. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- Fair Rents Ac-t Amendment (2°), 1771. Es! ·mntes-in-Chicf­ Income (Shte Development) Tax ( com­ mittee•), 1G:l8; (resolution in Committee Railways- of Ways and ~Ieans), 1562, 1574. General Establishment, 1233, 1259,, Mental Hygiene (2°), 1050. 1.28]. Milk Supply (2°), 1689. Southem Divicion, 1299, 1304. Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (L'), 378. DEACON, Winiam Arthur, Esquire (Cun­ Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ ning1mm)­ nation of PowNs; (2°) 286· (com­ mittee), 350, 355. ' ' Takes his seat, 2. State Development and Public Works Address in Reply, 444. Organisation (initiation in committee), BILLS: 136; (committee), 234, 236, 2:;8 256, 257. ' Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 1 (committee), 97 4, 981. State Transport ( ~ '), 1427; ( committ~e), 1444, 1475, 1480. Dairy Proclu~e Act~ Amendment No. 2 Stock HouteJ Improvement and Animal (committee), 1751. ani! Vegc~_lJle Pc'Js Destruction Acts Income (State Development) Tax (reso­ Amenilment (2°), 692. lutions in Committee of Ways and VagranJ s, Gaming, rnd OtheT Offences Means), 1Ci±7, 1556, 1575; (motion for Acts Amendment (2°), 1514. di,:cnt from 'Eemporary Chairman's ruling), 1569; (2°), 1615; (com­ Vet rinan- :>Ieclicines Act Amendment mlttcP), 1641. (2°)' l:J'lfl. Industrial Coneili.atcon and Arbitration Dnys of SiH:ng- A<'ts :nd Other Acts Amendment Ho rs of sitting, Ex;cn~ir,n of, 313. (initiation iu committee), 1824; (2°), 1S'29; (committee), 1835, 1836, 1838. J<'inancid Statement, 7:3~, 758. Mental Hygi,'ne (2°), 1060; (com­ N ation:~J financial poiLy, ~ ,)2~ mittee), 1521. 1NTlCX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE AS~E2\lBLY. 19

DlEAUHi, , WH11am "trthur, Esquire­ SuPPLY-continued: continued: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ BJLI,s-continw:d: mittee-continued: Public Wmks Land Resumption Acts Estimates-in-Chief-contim

SUPPLY: Estinwtes-in-Chief- Agricuiture and Stock­ Con si deration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- ::Vfiscellaneous Services, 1009. Estin;a.tcs-in-Chief­ Executive and Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 795. l~xecutive and Legislative­ Public Instruction­ Lr gislative Assembly, 790. Chief Office, 1320. Health and Home Affairs­ Public Lands­ ]} o~pitals, 1127. Forestry, 894. I'wmier and Chief Secretary­ 1wmigration, 825. Unemployment relief, Public works for (pnint of order), 448. Pul;lic Instruction.­ C1Jief Office, 1321. EnWARDS, James Brnillwoo TranspOl't (committee), 1440. ~/It'.·Ll1 "'!T- (initi.t1tinn in con1­ mittce), , (2°), 1056. Y cteTinary :\Ieclicincs Act Amendm,•mt (:2°), 1-±08. Pl'~Jlic Works Land Resumption Acts A~enr1ment ( committ,•e), 686. Days of ·itti~Jg- Stt1 tc 1!e· clor•meut a nil Puolic \YoTks Hours of ,•ittin~C, :extension of, 310. 01-ti<::J.Jiisajou (...::c), lGG. National financial policy, 757.

Natio11nl finan•:ial }olicy, 627. Sl'PPLY: SUPPLY: Comideration of Estim::te3 in Com­ Oonsiilcrativn of Estimates in Com­ mittee- mittee­ Estimates-int-Ch ic .~- Estimates-in-Chi-ef- ExccutiYe and LcgislatiYe­ Executive Ulll1 Le<) lntive­ Lcgislative ..:1-sse1:nblr, 7B8. J"egisla ti•·c fLsembly, 788. T'otc on Account (£5,950,000), 43. 20 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVJ<; ASi:3:EJMBLY.

FAR.RELL, David, Esquire CMary. GLEDSON, David Alexander, .~<:squire borougll)­ (Ipswich) [See also "Cl1airman of. Committees, Temporai'y "]. Takes his seat, 2. Address in Reply (moves motion), 12. Takes his seat, 2. BILLS: BILL: Coal Mining Acts Amendment ( com­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment ( com­ mittee), 48,2:. mittee), 482. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts and Other Acts Amendment ( com­ FOLEY, Honourable Thomas Andrew mittee), 1836. CNormanby)­ Mental Hygiene (2°), 1053. Takes his seat, 2. Mines Regulation Arts Amendment ( com­ mittee), 476. BILLS: Chairman of Committees, 'remporary­ Coal Mining Acts Amendment (initiation 0 in committee), 321; (!2' ), 4713; (com­ N aminated on panel, 8. mittee), 481, 482, 483. Takes chair as, 241, 249, 315, 317, 319, Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 321, 327, 337, 344, 373, 375, 710, 787, Acts and Other Acts Amendment (initia­ 797, 815, 843, 873, 884, 897, 914, 936, 0 940, 949, 954, 976, 983, 998, 1017, 1072, tion in committee), 1817; (,2. ), 1824, 1832; (committee), 1833, 1836. 1087, 1110, 1130, 1137, 1151, 1168, 1183, 1203, 1217, 1233, 1258, 1265, Milk Supply (committee), 1694, 1695. 1281, 1301, 1320, 13:.:3, 1388, 1398, Mines Regulation Acts Amendment 1467, 1562, 1722, 1796. (initiation in committee), 319; (2°), 376; (committee), 474. SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimat~s in Com­ SUPPLY: mittee­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Estimat,es-in-Chief­ mittee­ :).lines- Estimates-in-Chief- Chief Olliec, 1177. Mines- Public Instruction..,­ Chief Office, 1137, 1164, 1168, 1183. Chief Office, 1341. In Aid of Mining, 1186. Mining Fields, 1187. Re.,olutEo 1s reported from Cam mitte/7-­ ''' :Mining Executive and Legislative- · Journal,'' 1187. IA'gislative Assembly, 136:3. State :\Lining Operations, 1187. Health and Home Affairs­ Resol1btions reported from Conmdttec­ :\[other·hood and Chilcl \1-elfare, Mines- 1379. Chief Oftlce, 1386. Mines- Chief Office, 1381. GAIR, Vincent Clair, Esquire (South Public Lands- Brisbane)­ Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Se>Yerage, 1365. Takes his seat, 2. Speaker, Deputy, T'akes chair as, 283, 299. Address in Reply (point of order), :i89.

SUPPLY: HJ.~LO~, :UonomalJ1e E1lwanl llrielwel Considemtion of Estimates in Com· IH1Hlca) [Secretary for Health and mittee­ Home Affairs]­ Estimates-in-Chicf- Takes hi& seat, 2. Executive and Legislative­ _\cddress in Reply, 432.

Legislative Assembly, 792. BILLS: Health and Home Affairs­ Back1.-ard Persons (initiation in com­ Charitable Institutions ancl Grants, mittee), 1726; (2°), 1797, 1802; (com­ 1117. mittee), 1803, 1804. Chief Office, 1102. Local Govcmment Validation of Pow. rs (initiation in committee), 1722, 1'72:); Licensing Commission, 1206. (2°), 1790, 1795; (committee), 119G, State Children, 1201. 1797. Railways- Mental Hygiene (initiation in committee), 940, 947, 948; (2°), 1043, 1068; (com­ General Establishment, 1293. mittee), 1518, 1519, 1521, 1522, 1523, Southern Division, 1305. 1526. 1NDEX TO SPEECllES-LEGISLATl\~J~ ASSE:\lBLY. 21

HANJLON, JHfmwuraMe Edward }'IiclJael­ HEALY, John Jose1Jh O'Counor, Esquire continued: (Warwick)- BJLLS-Cu<~timwcl: Takcs his scat, 2 N mo~S' a11<1 :"JaRseurs' Registration Acts Address in Reply, 393. Amendment (initiation in eommittee), 954; (2° ;nd comn!ittee), 1510. St:PPLY: Vag•rants, G~ ming, and Other Offences Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Acts Amendment (initiation in com­ mittee­ mittee), f!49; ( 2 o), 1510 ; (eommittee), Esti1nates-in-Chief- 1515, 1516. Railways- SUPPLY: General Establishment, 1288. Consideration of Esti1natc~ in Conl­ :mjtt.ec­ Esti,;;w,fc;.,-i '-Ch'ie/- HILTON, Paul Jerome Remigius, Esquire Heult'' Rnd Homo Affairs­ (farnarvon)­ Aborig:nals, Relief of, llH. Takes his seat, .2. Gh:uit:c;;}le Institutions and Grants, 1117, 1118. BILL: Chief Office, 1011, 1027, 1038, 1107. Stock Routes Improvement and Animal Fire Brigades, 1134. and Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts Government Medie:ll Officer, 1188. Amendment (2°), 695. 113.~'. j-Jospitals, 1120, 1123, 1130, St:PPLY: Lazaret, 1135. Conside•ration of Estimates in Com­ Liccming Commission, 1206, 1209. mittee­ Mental Hygiene, 1134, 1135. Motherhood and Child \Velfare, 1119. Estimates-ineClzit'f- Police, 1188, 119G. Agriculture and Stock- I'risons, 1200. Chief Office, 939. Registr::ticm Boards, 1188. Railways- State Children, 1201. General Establi·cJnnent, 1257. iS teamer ''Otter,'' 1206. EC'sohtior;s 1·eported from Committee­ Rcsdut-'r::;s np"ttrcZ from Committee­ Health mc

Election of, 22. ST:PPLY: Rctmns thanks for eledion, 2±. Consideration of Estimn.tPs in Com­ Speaker, Depnty, T~kes dmir as, 18±, 206, mittee­ 225, 093, 407 4::9, 4±4, 462, 556, 565, EstiL'at, ;-in-Ch'cf- 582, G27, 1384, 1411, 14~8, 1610, JC/2. J\ griculture nnd Stoek­ Chicf OHico, 927.

HAY:N<;S, I~C'alth mH1 Home Affairs­ ~1 .. !ll)­ Chiei OfflcL·, 109-±. I'·til-..Yays- SUPPLY: GcncrcJ Estnhlii.hmcnt, 1286. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Eslim.ates-:JkC?!iej- IrY.NES~ Itononrah1e iilaurice I)PJI'iclr ('l'ov;ps;-lUe) [Secretary l'or Labour Hcalth and Home Affairs­ H!Hl IrHh:str;;-]­ Chief Offire, 10::l4. State Uhiluren, 1201. Takes his seat, 2. Public Instruction­ Commissioner to administer oath or affinna­ Chief Office, 1356. tion of allegiance, 1 22 IJ:\DEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE AStlEMBLY.

JESSON, Cecil George, Esquire (Ken· Chain1wn of Committees, Temporary­ nedy)­ Nominated on panel, 8. Takes his seat, 2. Takes chair as, 137, 331, 506, '121, 793, Address in Reply, 144. 808, 865, 929, 970, 992, 1010, 1081, 1101, 1122, 1146, 1160, 1176, 1194, BJLLS: 10:2:48, 1294, 1547, 1590, 1591, 1592, Mental Hygiene (initiation in committee), 1594, 1771. 946; (2°), 1067. K ational financial policy, 531. Milk Supply (2°), 1673. Public Works Land Resumption Acts SUPPLY: Amendment (committee), 682. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ mittee­ nation of Powers (initiation in com­ EstimateB-in-Chief- mittee), 99; (2°), 279. Sugar Experiment •Stations Acts and Health and Home Affairs­ Other Acts Amendment (.~, 0 ), 594. Chief Office, 1072. Financial Statement, 773. State Children, 1204. National financial policy, 530. ,Justice- SUPPLY: Titles Office, 1226. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Reso/u.tions reported from Committee­ mittee­ Health and Home Affairs­ Estirnates-in-Chief- Motherhood and Child \YelfnrP, 1379. Agriculture and Stock- Slaughtering Act, 983. (Rock­ State Farms all(l Gardens, 1000. LARCOlliBE, Jame~, Esquire hampton)­ Executive and Legislati>e­ Lrgislative Assembly, 790. T'akes his seat, 2. Health and Home Affairs­ Addre'S in Reply, 64. Chief Ofiice, 1082. BILL: Hospitals, 1128. Rural DcYclopment Transfer and Co-ordi­ I"azaret, 1136. nation of Powers (committee), 366. Licensing Commission, 1207. Police, 1198. :Financial Statement, 647. Premier and Chief Secretary­ National financ·ial policy (moYes motion), 449; (point of order, Mr. Ninuno), 450, Immigration, 822. 451. Public Instruction­ Speaker, Election of (nominates ::IIr. Chief Office, 1315. Pollock), 2. Public Lands- Chief Office, 863. SuPPLY: Forestry, 897. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ I•rrigation, ~Water Supply, and Se,,·erage, 910. Estimates-in-Chief- Railways- Justice- General Establishment, 1274. Chief Office, 1219. Resolutions reportecl from Committee­ Pnblic Lands­ Public Lands­ Chief Office, SG8. hrigation, ~Water Supply, and Railways- SclverageJ 137:3~ Central Division and .:'.lac''i1y Rail­ way, 1.311. KEOGH, James Patr.ick, Esquire (l}Ier· General Establishmsnt, 1240, HQT)- Southern Division, 1306. Takcs his seat, 2. Resolutions reported from Comm'ttee-­

KING, WiH~iam Thomas, Es11uire CMaree) Executivc and Legislative­ [See also " Chairman ol' Committ~es, Legislative Assembly, 1358. Temporary"]­ Pnblic Lands- Takes his seat, 2. Inigation, \Yater Supply, and Address in Reply, '10. Sewerage, 1367.

BILL: Treasury- Printing Office, 1364. Legitimation Acts Amendment (2°), 1806. late en Account (£5,950,000), 27. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVB AS8K\1BLY. 23

MACDONALD, Duncan, Esquire (Stan· BILLS-continued: Iey)­ Fair Rents Act Amendment (initiation in Takes his seat, 2. committee), 1593; (2°), 1765. Add•ress in Reply, 204. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 1592; (2°) 1 BILLS: 1756; (committee), 1763, 1164. Dairy Produce Acts Amentment No. 1 Income (State Dewlopment) Tax (resolu­ (2°), 572; (committee), 957, 974. tion in Committee of '.Vays and ::\feans), Ineome (State Development) •rax (resolu­ 1537, 1546, 1550, 1571; (motion for dis­ sent from Temporary Chairman's rul­ tion in Committee of 'Nays and Means), 0 1570, 1571, 1576. ing), 1568; (.2: ), 1602; (committee), Milk Supply (2°), 1674. 1635, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1648. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ Acts and Other Acts Amendment nation of Powers (committee), 350. (initiation in committee), 1820; (2°), State Transport (committee), 14 78, 1479. 1826. Stock Routes Improvement and Animal Legal Practitioners Acts Amendment and Vcgetable Pests Destruction Acts (initiation in committee), 606; ( 2°), Amendment (2°), 692. 1505. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Local GovC'rnment. Validation of Powers Other Acts Amendment (committee), (initiation in committee), 1723; ( 2°), 665, 670. 1790; (committee), 1796. V cterinaTy 1ledicines Act Amendment :Mental Hygiene (initiation in committee), (2°), 1497. 941; (.2:o), 1046; (committee), 1519, Country members' residence, Removal of 1522, 1523, 152±. member af"er snsprnsion from service Milk Supply (committee), 1694. of Honse, 1231. :Mines Regnlation Acts Amendment N

Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Acts _\.mcnclmcnt (2°) 1 1510. mittee- Primary Pror1ncers' Organisation and E.<" .wtes-ili-Chief­ ::H-rketing Acts Am~ndment (.:: o), 1776; (committee), 1/SS. Agriculhre anr1 Stock­ Public ·works Lmd Resumption Acts C'licf Or'lee, 938. Amendment (initiation in committee), IVA>:S AXD :\[EAXS: ()00; (2°), G/5; (committee'), 678,682, fm·omc (StRte Development) T'ax, L"570, 61'7. Ji571, 1;3/G. Quceuslancl La·,·- Society Acts Amcnd­ Incnt ( iP itiation in_ crnlnHittc''), 319. Rural Dcw!opment 'l'ransfer aml Co-ordi­ IlHlc, Esquire CWest nation of Po1-rers (jnitiation in '-0111­ mittee), 90; (2°), 272; (committee), Takc3 his sc_,_t, 2. :l29, 330, 336, 344, 353, 3•"5G, ;'."iS'; 364, 369. ~"rid:·cc'· in Reply, ;)(\, Salaries Act of 190() R0pec 1 ( ini tintion iu BH.LS: committee), 1710; (2°), 112!1. Apiaries (2"), 611; (eonds motion of con­ Gcneral Establishment, 123tl. dolence), 1596. Southern DiYision) 12H~. lion. H. :!<~. Hardarre (seconds motion of Vote on .Account (£5,950,000), 2G. condolence), 11. · Mr. G. Jackson (seconds motion of con­ Unemployment relief, Public orks for dolence), 11. (moves motion), 4-±8. Hon. Wm. Lennon (seconds motion of Valedictory, 1840. condolence), 10. .WAYS AND MEANS: Financial Statement, 638; (point of order), Income (State Development) Tax, 1537, 703. 1546, 1550 1•371; (motion fo' dissent Leadership of Opposition, 20. from Tempo'l·ary Chairman's ruling), Motion, Withdra•val of notice of, 508. 1568. National financial policy, 463, 525. Orders in Council and Regulations, Con­ lliANN, John Henry, Es1111ire CBris!Jane)­ sideration by Parliament of (moves Takes his seat, 2. motion), 52+. Address in R.eply, 213. Personal explanation, 1668. SUPPLY: Private members' motions, J\Ir. Speaker's ruling, 21. Consideration of Estimate> it1 Com·· mittee­ Public works for unemployment relief (moves motion), 448. Estimates-in-Chief- Health and Home Affairs­ Speaker, Election of (congratulations to Mr. Speaker), 4. Chief Office, 1079. Standing Orders, Suspension of, 1708. Mines- Chief Office, 1149. SUPPLY: Railways- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ General Establishment, 127 L mittee­ Estima.tes-in-Chief- 1\'IARRIOTT, George Hei1ry, ERqnke Agriculture and Stock- (Bulimba)­ Chief Office, 917. 'fakes l1is seat, 2. Miscellaneous Services, 1005. Address in Reply, J50. Executive and Legislatiw- BILL: His Excelleney the Governor (balanee of vote), 787. Friendly Societies Act3 Am0ndment Legislative Assembly, 788. ( cominittec), 1762. Health and Home Affairs­ SUPPLY: Chief Office, 1012. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Police, 1193. mittee­ Prisons, 1200. Estimwles-in-Chief- .Justice- Health and Home Affc

MASSEY, Harry, Esquire (Toowong)­ MOOUE, Artlm;t• Edward, Esquire Takcs his seat, 2. (Aubigny)­ Address in Reply, 148. Takes his seat, 2. Address in Reply, 419. BILL: Mental Hygiene (initiation in com­ BlLLS: mittee), 947. Backward Persons (2°), 1800; (commit­ tee), 1803, 1804. SUPPLY: Coal Jl.fining Acts Amendment (initia­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ tion in committee), 324; (committee), mittee­ 480, 481. Estimates-in-Chief- Dairy Produce A.cts Amendment No. 1 Railways- (committee), 954, 956, 963, 968, 969, 972, 975, 977, 979. General E·stahlishment, 1273. Dairy Proilme Acts Amendment N'o. ·2 (initiation in committee), 1585; (2°), ]IJcLEAN, Rernard, Esquire (Bundaberg)­ 1737; (committee), 1742, H50. Takes his seat, 2. Electric Light and Power Acts Amend­ ment (2°), 469; (committee), 471. Address in Reply, 76. Fair Rents Act Amendment (committee), Bnber, ::Yfr. G. P., Death of (motion of 1772. condolence), 1596. FJ'iendly Societies Acts Amenllmcnt BlLLS: (2°), 1759. Electric Light and Power Acts Amend­ Income (State De,·elopment) T'ax (resolu­ ment (2°), 468. tion 111 Committee of Ways and :\Iental Hygiene (2°), 1061. :\feans), 1540, 1575; (2°), 1609; (com­ mittee), 1628. State Development and Public ~Works Organisation (2°), 175. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts and Other Acts Amendment Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and (committee), ] 833. Othn Acts Ame!Hlment (initiation in tommittee), 501; (2°), 594. Legitimation Acts Amendment (initia­ tion in committee), 1594; (2°), 1805; Fina;:~~al Statement, 723; (point of order), (committee), 1806. I(,). Local Government Validation of Powers National finanri:'J policy, 534. (2°), 1791. :\Iental Hygiene (initiation in commit­ SUPPLY: tee), 9,15; ( 2 a), 1063; (committee), Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 1:)17, 1524. mittee­ :Mill· 8npply (eommittec), 1701, 1703, B&timates-in-Chief- 1706. Agriculture and Stock- Primary Producer.' Organi ;dion rmd Slaughtering Act, 983. Marketing Acts Amendment (initiation in (;Ommittce), 17'19; (committee), Executive and Legislative­ 1189. Legislative Assembly, 796. Queensland Law Society "\ cts Amend­ Health and Home Affairs­ ment (2°), 375. Chief Office, 1022. Rural Development Tranpfcr and Co-ordi­ Police, 1192. nation of Powers (initiation in com­ mittee), 107; (committee), 327, 33 7, Justice- 361. Chief Office, 1212. State Development and Public ·works Mines- Organisation (initiation in committee), 130; (2°), 189; (committee), 230, 249, Chief Office, 1146. 265. I)uhlie Instruction­ :State Transport (initiation in commit­ Chief Office, 1337. tee), 13L.6; (:2°), 1405; (committee), HH, 1458, 1459, 146!1, 1464. Public Lands­ Btoek Routes Improvement and Animal Forestry, 890. and Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts Railways- Amendment (2°), 693. t:cnrral Establishment, 12137. ~Wheat Shbi!isation (committee), 1813, Southem Di,·ii_ion, 1303. 1S16. Financjal Staten1cntJ 105.

Mlil~E/fER l"OR 'I'RA:I8POR'I' [See Gohlcnsterlt, :JlT. P. L., Income of, 811 '"!Jash, Hououraole .John"j. :National financial policy, 538. 26 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IYE .\S::iEl'.lBLY.

~WORE, .Arthur Edward, Esquire- SuPPLY-continued: continued: Consideration of Estimates ill Com­ SUPPLY: mittee-continuecl: Cbnsidcration of Estimatcs in Com­ Estimates-in-Chief-continued: mittee­ Health and Home Affairs­ Estirnates-in-Chiel­ Chief Office, 101±, 1021. Anclitar-G emral, 83±. Police, 1189, 1198. Health and Home Affairs­ Justice- Aboriginals, Relief of, 1116. Chief Office, 1214. Charitabl•' Institutions and Grants, PnLJic Lan,lc­ 1118. lnigation, l'(:t'L· Chief Office, 1103. Sewerage, HO:C:. Ho,ritnls, 1120. IY.IYS AXD ::\IEAXS: Licensin~; Commission, J 208. Mental Hygiene, 11:i3 . Income (State Dcwl•Jpw :ut) Tax, Hi66. .Justice- JUrLLA~, Honourable Jolm (flH'1Jrntarla) Titles Office, J2:2G. L.tttorney·Oenrralj­ Mines- ~rakes h1s seat) '' Chief Offiee, 1161. J'remier and Chipf S ·erotary­ BILLS: Chief 0 fiice, S11. Jlavid John ::\f;nhis l:an·d Yalidating (initiation in co1n1n~tte~), 5GJ GS; Public Lands­ (committee), 59. Chief Office, SG::J. Fair Hcnts Act Amcnt1ment (initiation Railways- in committee), 159:2; (:2°), 1765; (com­ General Establishment, 123:1. mittee), 1172. Treasury- Friendly Societico Ad·· Amen;;ment (initiation in coltlmittee), 1591; (2°), Harbours and Marine, 8:.:8. 175-±, 1/60; (committee), 176:2, 1763. Vote o.1 Accm111t (£5,950,000), 30. Legal Practitioners Act Amendment (initiation in c-ommittee), 603; (:2°), VVAYS A)!D }lEA)!S: 1303; (committee), 150S, 1509, 1510. Incom2 (State DeYelopmcnt) Tax, 15±0, Legitimation Acts Amendment (iuitiatiun 1575. in committee), 159-±; (:2°), 1804, 1806. Queensland La1Y S'ociet;, Acts Am~nJ­ MORRIS, George Alfre<1, ES{1Uire (Kehin ment (initiation in c ,mmittee), 317; Grove)­ (2°), :n+, 37G. Takes his seat, 2. \Varehousemen's Liens (initiation in committee), 315; (2°), ~\71, 37;l; (eum­ Address in Reply, 114. Initter), B7B.

BILLS: SUPPLY: Coal Mining Acts Amendment (commit­ Consirleration of Estimat,s in Com­ tee), 483. mittee­ Income (State Development) Tax (resolu­ Esti·mat e <-i Ji-Cliiet- tions in Committee of vVays ancl Means), 1566; (2°), 1608. Justice- J\Iental Hygiene (initiation in committee), Chief Office, 1221. 946, 948; (2°), 10;31; (committee), Courts of Petty Sessions, 1225, 1520. Public Cnmtor, J 225. State Development anc1 PLLblic \illorks Organisation (committee), 2;36. ~IULLER, Adoif Gustn, Esquk0 (Fassi­ State T'ransport (2°), ]4.~-±. fern)­ Vagr:.mts, Gaming, and Other Offences Acts Amendment (initiation in com­ 'fakes his seat, 2. mittee), 952; ( 2°), 1513; (committee), Addn'ss in Reply, 20t'. 1514. BILLS: Personal statemeHt, 982. Dairy l'ror1nc! c\ds A me•1r1mPnt No. l SUPPLY: (il1itiation in committee), 5Hi; (2"), 573; (committee), 9G3, 9G8, 969, f\71. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- Dairv Proc1uce Acts Amendment No. 2 (i{,itiation in conunittee), 1589; (2°), Esti nate<~>-in-Chief- 113-1-. Exeeutive and I"egislative­ Electric Light and Power Acts Amend­ Lez-islatiw Assembly, 791, 796. ment ( 2°), ±10. IXDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISI~ATIVE ASSE.}lBLY. 27

MULLER, Adolf Gnstav, "'-Esquire­ BrLLs--'continued: continued: Milk Supply (initiation in committee), BILLs-continued: 1485; (2°), 1660; (committee), 1694, Income (State DeYelopment) Tax (resolu­ 1695, 1698, 1699, 1702, 1703, 1704. tion in Committee of \Vays and Primary Producers' Organisation and

Means), 1570. Marketing Acts Amendment (2°) 1 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 1779. Acts and Other Acts Amendment (2°), Rural DcYelopment Transfer nnd Co-ordi­ 1830; (committee), 1837. nation of -Powers (initiation in com­ Milk Supply (initiation in committee), mittee), 94; (2°), 292; (committee), 1488; (2°), 1665, 1670, 1671; com­ 348. mittee), 1693, 1695, 1696, 1703, 1704, State Development and Public \York& 1705. Organisation ( 2 o), 179. Primary Producers' Organisation and State Transport (2°), 1421; (commit­ Marketing Acts Amendment (2°), tee), 1469. 1776; (committee), 1787. l'i'heat Stabilisntion (committee), 1815. Rural Development Transfer ancl Co-orc1i­ nation of Powers (initiation in com­ Financial Statement, 732. mittee), 100; (committee), 348. SUPPLY: State Development and Public 'Works Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Organisation (committee), 237, 258. mittee­ State Transport· (2 °), 1429; (committee), 14+1, 1467, 1468. EsliliW!C.i-in-C/;icf- Warehousemen's Liens (2°), 372. Agrirnltnre and Stock- Whcnt Stabili::ation (initiation in emu· Chief Offic-e, 020. mittee), 1812; (committee), 1816. Health and Home Affairs­ Days of sitting- Chief Office, 1017. IIours of sitting, Exteasion of, :-31:1. Jl::tilw::!ys- Financial statement, 721. Gcneral Establishment, 1269. SUPPLY: Treasury- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Harbours and ::'.Iarine, S31. mittee­ Vote fJn Account (£5,950,000), 34. Estixrnates-in-Chief- Agriculture and Stock- 1'\HIMO, Thomas, Esquire (Oxley) [See Slaughtering Act, 985. also " Chairman of Committees, Health and Home Affairs­ Temporary"]­ Chief Office, 1032. Takes his seat, 2. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Ad(lress in Reply, 3S7. Agent-General for the State, 314, 815. BILLS: Immigration, 819. Apiaries (initiation in committee)., 490; Public Lands­ (committee), 619, 620. Chief Office, 872. Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 52; ( com­ mittee), 53. Rc.,oluti,ons 1·eportecl from Committee­ Backward Persons (initiation in com­ Public Lands- mittee), 1128. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Coal :Mining Acts Amendment (initiation Sewerage, 1365. in comn~ittee), 32-:J. \~'A YS AKD :\IEAKS: Dairy Produce Acts Amendment ~c. 1 Income (State Development) Tax, 1570. (2°), 580; (committee), 960. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 2 NICKLIN, Georg·e Francis Reuben, Esquire (committee), 17 48, 1749. mrurrumba)­ DaYid John J\Iarlais Daniel Yalidating Takes his seat, 2. (committee), 59. Address in Reply, 400. Electric Light and Power Acts Amend­ ment (committee), 470. BILLS: Fair Rents Act Amendment (2°), 1769. Apiaries (initiation in committee), ·188; Income (State Development) Tax (reso­ (2°), 608; (committee), 615. lutions in Committee of ·wayti and Dairy Produce Acts Amendment Xo. 1 Means), 1548, 1550, 1.553, 1567, 1573; (committee), 969, 972, 975. (motion for dissent from Temporary Local Government Validation of Po\Yers Chairman's ruling), 1568; (2°), 1621; (initiation in committee), 1724. (committee), 1646. 28 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGIRI~A'riVJ:<; AS:SE~lBLY.

NIMMO, Thomas, Esquire-continued: SUPPLY-contiilli!U!d: BILLS-continued: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration mittee-continued: Acts and Other Acts Amendment (2°), Estimates-in-Clvief-continued: 1830. Justice- Local Government Validation of Powers Chief Office, 1212. (committee), 1796. Mines- Mental Hygiene (initiation in com­ Chief Office, 1160. mittee), 943; (2°), 1054; (committee), 1526. Public Instruction­ Milk Supply (2°), 1687. Chief Office, 1353. Public Works Land Resumption (2°), Public Lands­ 676; (committee), 681, 684. Chief Office, 855. Queensland Law Society Acts Amend­ Forestry, 893. ment (committee), 375. Railways- Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ nation of Powers (committee), 333, Central Division and ::\fackay Rail­ 338, 341, 359, 361, 364, 370. way, 1312. State Development and Public W arks General Establishment, 1282. Organisation (initiation in committee), Resol1ttions reported from Committee­ ] 37; (2 o), 183; (committee), 233, 243, ExecutiYe and Legislative­ 249, 253, 257, 268, 269. Legislative Assembly, 1362. State Transport (2°), 1430; (committee), 1437, 1443, 1457, 1±62, 1466, 1467, rote on Account (£5,950,000), 40. 1473, 1479, 1481, 1483. \YAYS AXD ::\IEAXS: Stock Routes Improvement and Animal and Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts Jneome (State DeYelopment) Tax, 1548, Amenilment (initiation in committee), 1:)50, 1553, 1567, 1573; (motion for 604. <1issent from Temporary Chairman's ruling), J568, Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Other Acts Amendment (committee), 670. O'KEEFE, Jolm, :Esquire (Cairns) [See i'agranto., Gaming, nnd Other Offences also " Chairman of Committees. Acts Amenilment (2°), 1513; (com­ Temporary"]­ mittee), 1516. Takes his seat, 2. \\'arehousemen 's Liens ( 2°), 372; ( com­ Address in Reply, 224. mittee), 373, 374. \Vheat Stabilisation (committee), 1814. BILLS: Chairman of Committee2, Temporary­ l'uhlic IVOJ·ks Land R.csumption ( com­ mittee), 684. Xaminated on panel, 8. State Development and Public Vvorks Takes chair as, 1345. Organisation (committee), 242.. Couutry members' residence, Removal of S'tate Tran port (c,mmittee), 1448. member after suspension from service Vagrant·', Gaming, and Other Offences .of House, 1232. Acts Amendment (committee), 1516. ·Days of sitting- Chr.irman of Committeel·, Temporary­ Hours of sitting, Extension of, 31]. ~ominater1 on panel, 8. Financial Statement (point of order), 648, Takes rhair as, 649, 773, 835, 887, 907, 166. 127±, ]313, 1451, 1642. National financial poliry (point of order), Speaker, Doput;-, Takes chair as, 169. ±50, 753, Personal explanation, ±17. SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com·­ Sl'PPLY: mittee­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Estimates-in-Cliief­ mittee­ I'ublic Instruction- Esti·mates-in-Chi-ef- Chief Office, 1346. Health and Home Affairs- Railways- Charitable Institutions and Grants, General Establishment, 1285. 1117. Chief Office, 1091. Res&lu.tio:;s 1 cported from Committee­ Hospitals, 1132. ::\Iines- State Children, 1203'. Chief Office, 1386. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ~\SSEJ\.II.BLY. 29

PEASE, Honourable Percy (Herbert) SUPPLY: [Secretary for Public Lands]­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Takes his seat, 2. mittee-­ Esti•mates-in-Chief- BILLS: Health and Home Affairs­ Public \Yorks Land R;;sumption Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), Police, 1195. 599; (2°), 675; (committee), 678,683, Prisons, 1200. 686, 688. Public Lands­ State Transport (committee), 1468, 1469. Forestry, 880, SS±. S'tock Routes Improvement and ~'mimal Treasury- and Vegetable Pests Destruction Acts Harbours and Marine, 838. Amendment (initiation in committee), 601; ( 2 °)' 689' 696. \\'AYS AND ii:IEAKS: Commissioner to administer oath or Income (State Development) Tax, 1577. affirmation of allegiance, 1. Financial Statement, 703. POLLOCK, Honourable George CGregory) SUPPLY: [See also •• Speaker"]- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Takeg his seat, 2. mittee­ Sc;PPL¥: Estimates-in-Chief- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Public Lands- mittee­ Chief Office, 8c1B, 848, 871. Esfi,mate~-in-Chief- District Offices, 873, 875. Executive and Legislative­ Forestry, 876, 878, 885. Legislati,-e Assembly, 797. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Sewerage, 898, 912. POWER. WilHam, Esquire (Baroona)~ Suney Office, 898. Takes his seat, 2. Address in Reply, 40:i.

PLUNKETT, Thomas :Flood, Esquire BILLS: (Albert)­ Coal :Mining Acts Amendment ( com­ Takes his seat, 2. mittee), 483. BILLS: Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts and Other Acts Amendment Dairy Produce Acts Amendment K o. 1 (initiation in committee), 520; (2°), (committee), 1835. 569. Mental Hygiene (2°), 1061. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 2 Public Works Land Resumption ( com­ (initiation in committee), 1588; (2°),__ mittee), 687. 1735. Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences Income (State Development) Tax (resolu­ Acts Amendment (initiation in com­ tions in Committee of \Yays and mittee), 951. :Means), 1577. SUPPLY: :Milk Supply (initiation in committee), 1491; (2°), 1678; (committee), 1696, Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 1702, 1706. mittee­ Public Works Land Resumption Acts Estimates-in-Chief- Amendment (initiation in committee), Agriculture and Stock- 601. Slaughtering Act, 985. Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ Executive and Legislative­ nation of Po>Yers (2°), 296; ( com­ mittee), 347. Legislative Assembly, 794. State Development and Public Works Health and Home Affairs­ Organisation (committee), 240. Chief Office, 1018, 1024. State Transport ( 2 o), 1425; (committee), Police, 1190. 1440, 1470, 1480. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Veterinary lYfedicines Act Amendment Immigration, 820. W>, 1498. Railways- National financial policy, 750. General Establishment, 1263, 1297. 30 INDEX TO SPEEUHES-LEGISLA'l'IV~ AS8E~iBLYO

RIORDAN, Ernest Joseph, Esquire BILLs-continued: (Bowen)­ State Transport (initiation in com­ 0 Takes his seat, 2o mittee), 1330; (2, ), 1415; (commit­ tee), 1442, 1471, 1475, 14770 BILLS: Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Income (State Development) Tax (resolu­ Other Acts Amendment (committee), tions in Committee of Ways and 671. Means), 15640 Warehousemen's Liens (initiation in Industrial Conciliation a,nd Arbitration committee), 317; (2°), 371; (com­ Acts and Other Acts Amendment (2°), mittee), 3730 18300 Wheat Stabilisation (committee), 1816. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Days of sitting- Other Acts Amendment (initiation in Hours of sitting, Extension of, 3120 committee), 5050 Financial Statement, 7170 SUPPLY: Goldenstedt, :\Iro PO Lo, Income of, 705, Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 809; (question), 7850 mittee­ Leadership of United Australia Party, 200 Est,:mates-in-Chief- National financial policy, 6310 Agriculture and Stock­ Personal statement, 8840 l\fiscellaneous S'erl-ices, 10060 Speaker, Election of (congratulations to :Yiines- :\fro Speaker), .J-0 Chief Office, 11800 SUPPLY; Premier rmd Chief Secretary­ Consicleration of Estimates in Com· Iumigration, 8200 mittP~- 'il\f \_YS AXD :\IEAO!S: Est'mates-in-Cliief- Income (State De..-elopmeut) Tax, J 564o Health and Home Affairs­ Chief Office, 10360 RITSSELL, I-Iugll JiclHarmid, :Esquire Justice- (Hamilton)- Chief Office, 12Ho Takcs his seat, 20 Premier and Chief S.•cretary­ At1c1ress in Reply, 4090 Agent-Geueral for the State, 813_ RJLLS: Chief Office, 8090 J, piaries (committer), 618, 6200 ::\Iiscellaneous Services, 8330 __:l_ppropriation, N oo 1 (2°), 51. RaihYays-- Dail'V Produce Acts Amendment ::-;r Oo 1 Gencral Establishment, 12440 (committee)' 916, 0810 Trcafi-n:y- P<.ir Rents Act Amendment (2°), 17700 Land nnd Income Tax, 835, 8360 :Friendly Socic'.'cico Ac'.s Amendment Valedictory, 1840o (2°), 1758; (committee), 17610 IHcome (State Development) Tax (resolu­ \VAYS AXD :\IEAKS : tions in Committee of \Vays and Income (SLte Development) Tax, 1545, ~.Iehns), 1545, 1551, 1579; (motion for 1551, 1579 (motion for dissent from dissent from Temporm-y Chairman's 'L'emporary Chairman's ruling), 15680 ruling). 1568; (2°), 1624; (commit­ tee), 16390 SLESSAR, Aubrey Robert, Esquire Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (Dalby)­ Acts and Other Acts Amendment (2°), Takes his seat, 20 18250 Legal Practitioners Act Amendment Address in Reply (seconds motion), 16. ( 2 o), 1506; (committee), 15080 SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE AND Mental Hygiene (2°), 1066; (com­ STOCK [See "Bulcock, Honour­ mittee), 1519. able .Frank William "] 0 ::\filk Supply (2°), 16900 Nurses ancl Masseurs Registration Acts SECRE'i'ARY FOR HEAL'l'H AND HOME Amendment (committee), 15100 Al''FAIRS [See "Hanlon, Honour­ Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi· able EdwaJ•d ~Iicl1ael "] 0 nation of Powers (initiation in com­ SECREARY FOR LABOUR AND INDUS· mittee), 106; ( 2 o), ~97; (committee), TRY [See •• Hynes, Honourable 353, 357, 364, 3660 Jiaurice Patr.ick "] 0 State Development and Public Works Organisation (2°), 172; (committee), SECRETARY J<'Olt MINES [See "Foley~ 233, 2-i5o Honourable Thomas Andrew "]. INDEX TO .SPEECHES-LEGISLA'fiVE ASt:lEMBLY. 31

SECRET.tRY FOR PUBLIC LANDS [See Commissioner to administer oath or affirma­ '" Pease', Honourable Perey "]. tion of allegiance, 1. Country members' residence, Removal of SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS A~D member after suspension from service SECRETARY l<'OR PUBLIV IN· of House, 1230. STRUCTION [See "Bruee, Honour­ Days of sitting- able Henry Atlam ~']. Hams of sitting, Extension of, 21, 249, 307, 314. SlUlTH, Honourable William }'organ, Precedence of Oovernment business on LL.D. (Maekay) [Premier. Chief Thursday, 786. Secretary, and Vice-President of DEath of- the Executive Council]­ Barber, ::vir. G. P. (move9 motion of Takes his seat, 2. condolence), 1596. Addrecs in Reply, 80. Hardacre, Hon. H. F. (moves motion of condolence), 10. BILLS: Jackson, Hon. G. (moves motion of con­ Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1396. dolence), 1J. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment No. 1 Lennon, Hon. \Vm. (moves motion of (eommittee), 979. condolence), 10. Electric Light and Power Acts Amend­ Financial Statement, 69/; (points of ment (initiation in committee), 418 order), 648, 661. 419; (2°), 465; (committee), 470; 471, 4712, 473. Goldenstedt, Mr. P. L., Income of- Income (State Development) Tax Motion by hon. member for Hamilton (suspension of Standing Orders), disallowed, 841. 1527; (resolution in Committee of Salary, Statements concerning, 705, 742, Ways and Means), 1528, 1556, 1572, 806, 812. 1578; (dissent from ruling of Tem­ Leadership of Opposition, 20. porary Chairman), 1569; (amendment ~I ember, Suspension of (l\Ir. Yeates), -::\Ir. l\loore), 1554, 1547, 1549; point of order), 1554; ( 2 o), 1598; (commit­ moves motion, 1217. tee), 1631, 1642) 1644, 1645, 1646 ::\Iinisterial Statements- 1647, 1650. ' Appointment of Hon. F. A. Cooper as Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration 'l'reasurer and Hon. H. A. Bruce, Acts and Other Acts Amendment (2 o), Secretary for Public Works, to be also 1823. 8ecretary for l'uhlic Instruction, 8. Rural DeYelopment Transfer and Co-ordi­ Auditor-General, }'unctions of, 55. nation of Powers (initiation in com­ Wheat Stabilisation Scheme, 1838. mittee), 98; (committee), 327, 339. National financial policy, 621; (point of ~lalaries Act of 1930 Repeal (initiation), order, Mr. Nimmo), 450. 1/09, 1712; (2°), 1729; (point of Orders in Council anrl Regulations, New order), 1715. Sta.nding Order No. 37A, 1334, 1:398. State Development and Public Works Organisation (initiation in commit­ Personal statements, 154, 416, 742, 1660; tee), 124, 134; (2°), 155 193; (com­ (point of order), 418. mittee), 229, 232, 233, 2B8, 247, 252, Queensland Road 'l'ransport Association 259, 263, 266, 267, 269; (adjournment), Limited, 806. 192. ' ill!_· Royal commrsswn on railway services, State Transport (initiation in commit­ R,eport of (point of order), i 43. tee), 1323, 1332; (2°), 1399, 1432; Speaker, Election of (congratulations to (point of order), 1422; (committee), ::\Ir. Speaker), 3; (presentation of Mr. 1438, 1441, 1443, 1451, 1452, 1454, Speaker), 5. 1455, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1465, 1466, 1470, 14712, 1474, 1476, Standing Orders, Suspension of- 1478, 1481, 1484. Income (State Development) Tax, 1527. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Passage of Bills through all stages in Other Acts Amendment (committee), one day, 1708. 669. Wheat Sbbilisation (initiation in com­ SUPPLY: mittee), 1809, 1811; (statement by Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Premier), 1838. mittee­ Chairman of Committees­ Esti1llates-in-Chief- Illness, Recovery from, 1437. Auditor-General, 834. Nominates Mr. Hanson, 22; (congratu· Executive and Legislative- lates Mr. Hanson on election), 24. His E'Xcellency the Governor (bat Closure, Moves application of, 249, 370, ance of vote), 787, 788. 757. Legislative Assembly, 788. 32 INDEX 'rO SPEEOHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ:<; ASt:lEMBLY.

SMITH, Honourable William Forgan, LL.D. BrLLs-continuea: -continued: Second reading debates, Limits of- SUPPLY-contiwued: Principles only and not detailed provi­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ sions may be discussed, 691, 692, mittee-continued: 1422, 1425, 1513, 1598, 1609, 1618, 1627, 1828. Estimates-in-Clvief-continuea: Hon. member may not say what ought Premier and Chief Secretary­ to be in the Bill but must confine his Agent-General for the State, 813, remarks to the principles contained 814. in it, 692, 1499. Chief Office, 801, 812. State Development and Public Works Immigration, 817. Organisation- J'discellaneous services, 834. Premier replying closes debate, 193. Public Service Commissioner, 828. Chair- State Reporting Bureau, 833. lion. members must address, 115, 751, 1622, 1778; and obey Chair, 1396, 1500, Railways- 1829. General Establishment, 1265. R-eflections on, Disorderly, 449. Northern Division, 1312. Chairman of Committees- Southern Division, 1301. non. member not entitled to refer in the Resolutions reported [r01n Comn~ittee­ House to any action of, 11Rl4. Executive and Legislative- Illness of, 787, 843, 982, 1072, 1334. Legislative Assembly, 1362. Commissioner to administer oath or affirmation of allegiance, 7. United Australia Party, Leadership of, 20. Conversations in loud tones disorderly, 478, Valedictory, 1839. 745.

WAYS AND .MEANS; Country members' residence- lion. member suspended from service of Income (State Development) 'rax, 1527, House is not permitted within the gate 1528, 1556, 1572, 1578; (amendment, of Parliament House during the cur­ Mr. Moore), 1544, 1547, 1549; (point rency of the suspension, and country of order), 1554; (dissent from ruling members' residence comes within pur­ of Temporary Chairman), 1569. view of Standing Order 125, 1229, 12ilil. Wheat Stabilisation Scheme, Ministerial Death of- statement, 1838. Jackson, Mr. G. (reply to motion of condolence), 270. SPEAKER (Honourable George Pollock Lennon, Hon. Wm. (reply to motion of (Gregory) [Se,e also "PoUock, condolence), 378. Honourable George "]­ Denial of hon. members must be acc<>ptcil, Nominated, 2; (submits himself to House), 1±4, 765, 842, 1398, 1622. 3; (returns thanks on election), 4; Goldensteilt, Mr. P. L., Income of­ (presentation to Governor), 5. Motion by hon. member for Hamilton not Armistice Day, Cessation of business for, in order in form submitted, 841. 1670, 1671. Motions in order will be necepte

SPEAKER (Honourable George Pollock)­ Private members' motions- continued: Motion by Leader of Opposition cannot King George VI., Reply to address of be accepted until conclusion of debate congratulation, 8. on Address in Reply, 21. Legislation agreed to by the House may Notice may not be given for same day not be discussed t~Yice in the same on which it is given, nor for a day session unless an hon. member intemls later than the eighth next sitting day to move a motion to rescind it, lmt of the House, 12, 270. an hon. member will be in order in Privilege- dealing with the principle of inserting measurC's in an Appropriation Bill, but CountTy members' residence, Removal not the details of a. measure which of hon. member suspended from service has alreac1y been c1ealt with, 60, 61. of House, 1229. Standing Orders do not provide for Lothian, Marquess of, C'.H., Member of extended debate on motion of, 1231. Empire Parliamentary Association, Invitation to take seat on dais, 129. Public works for unemployment relief- ::\faiden speeches of members, Interjections Submits to d-ecision of House ques­ during, 119, 149. tion whether motion (Mr. M:aher) is the same in substance as that which Member ordered to discontinue speech­ has already been resolved by the House Mr. Yeates, 750. in connection with the State Develop­ ment and Public. \Yorks Organisation 1fen1ber ordered to resume scat­ Bill and the Rural Development Trans­ Mr. Yeates, 1829. fer and Co-ordination of Po1vers Bill, 449. Member silPnr.ed under Standing Order X o. ]07, 1396. Questions- JI.Ic•mber, Suspension of (Mr. Yeates), 1217. Coal mining industry- Suspension of hon. member excludes him Qnestion allowed but matter may be from House and all rooms, inclmling sub ,iudice, 552. eountry members' residence, set apart Question must be entirely in the public for them under Standing Order No. interest and not pre,iudicial to 125, 1229; question standing in his tribunal negotiating n settlement, name is excised from business paper, 568. 1233; but is restorerl to the paper on expiration of the period of suspension, Cost anrl fonn. 524. 1526, 1598. Disallowed, 155, 743, 883, 1233, 15Df1, ::\Iember wishing to speak must rise and 1708. address the Chair, 249. Government policy, Not incumbent ou Members' accommodation in Parliament Minister to answer question concern­ House, 1042; (statement by Mr. ing, 155. Morris), 982. Notices of questions shoulrl be audible to Memhers must be referred to by the names Mr. Speaker, 1072. of their electorates, 115. Same or similar questions cannot be asked during the same session of Parliament, Motion by hon. member for Hamilton 508, 743, 8R3, 1598. referring to alleged use of confidential information obtained from the Income Quorum, Hon. member may call attention Tax Department, not in order, 841. to state of House, 599. National financial policy- Reflections on hon. member not in ortler, 145, 390, 418. Motion of hon. member for Rockhamp­ ton concerning national financial Reflections on Industrial Court not in policy in order as subject matter has order, 390. not been resolved in the affirmative' or Royal Commission on Railway Services, negative during the session, 451. Release of report matter for Govern­ Acknowledgments of resolution forwarded ment, 743. to Premiers, 1071, 1168, 1398. Sub ,iuiliC'e, Hon. member not in order in Notice of motion- asking fJnestion on matter, 552. Notice of motion for withdrawal not Suspension of member [See ''Member, Sus­ necessary, 508. pension of'']. Offensh-e words must not be used, 613. Unparliamentary language­ Expressions ruled out of order­ Personal explanation may not be debated, Hi27, 1669. " Bluffer," 748. "I am astounded at the hypocrisy that Personalities not in order, 749. hon. members opposite have shown Premier, Should be referred to by his during this discussion,'' 1832. official title, 786, ''Pulled up unlawfully,'' 1734. 34 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ<~ ASi:>E"iBLY.

SPEAKER (Honourable George PoUock)­ SUPPLY-Continued: continued: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ lTnparliamcntary language-continued: mittee-continued: Expressions ruled out of order-contd.: Estimates-in-Chief-continued: ''Speaking from a political not an Railways- honest point of Yiew," 1681. General Establishment, J 291. ''Shabby busineGs, '' 449. Treasury- ''You are simply stupid,'' 755. Harbours and Marine, 837. Valedictory, 1840. Resolutions repo1·ted {mm Committee­ \Varrego Electoral District, Announces Agriculture and Stock- return of Mr. Randolph Bedford, 8. Dairy Research Laboratory, 1379.

SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Hanson, Edward TREASUR.ER [See " Cooper, Honourable Josepll, Esquire (Bura.nda), Chair­ Frank Arthur "]. man of Committees]­ Quorum in preeincts of House, 628. l'VALKER, Harry Fre,flerick, Es!1uirv Takes chair as, 184, 206, 225, 393, 407, 429, (Cooroora)­ 440, 462, 536, 565, 582, 627, 1369, 1384, Takes his seat, 2. 1411' 1428, 1610, 1672. Address in Reply, 73. SPEAKER, J)EPUTY [Gledson, David BILLS: Alexander, Esquire (Ipwwich), Apiaries (initiation in connnittee), c189; TemJJorary Chairman of Commit· (2°), 610; (committee), 616, 617. teesJ- Dairy Produce Acts Amendment K o. 1 Takes chair as, 283, 299. (2°), 557; (committeP), 964, 97:\. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment Ko. 2 SPEAKER, UEPrTY [O'Keefe, Jolm, (initiation in committee), 1583; (2°), Esquire (Cairn~), Temporary 1731; (committee), 1753. Chairman of Committel's]- Local GoYernment Validation of Powers Takc chair as, 169, •±37. (initiation in committee), 1723; (2°), 1793. ::\filk Supply (2°), 1684; (committee), TAYLOR, Ge():rge Cut!JlJert, Esquire 1702. (EllQ!'gera)­ .Mines Regulation Acts Amendment Takes his seat, 2. (committee), 475. Address in R•ply, ·137. Public Works Land Resumption (2°), 677. BILLS: Rmal Development 'fransfer and Co-ordi­ CJal Mining Ads Amendment (2°), 480. nation of Powers (2°), 288. Legal Practitioners Act Amendment State Development and Public Works (2°), 1506. Organisation (committee), 239. Mental Hygiene (initiation in com­ Sugar Experiment Stations Act and mittee), 946. Other Acts Amendment (committee), Milk Supply (initiation in committee), 668, 669. 1490: (2°), 1681. Yeterinary l'lfedicines Act Amendment State DeYelopment and Public ·works (initiation in committee), 493; (~ 0 ), Organisation (initiation in committee), 1495. 129. Death of .Mr. G. J achon (motion of con­ dolence), 11. SUPPLY: National financial policy, 636, 743. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ SUPPLY: Estimatcs-in-Chief­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Executi\-e and Legislati>c­ miLtee­ Legislative Assembly, 791. Estimates-in-Chief­ Hcalih alHl Home Affairs­ Ag:·iculture and Stock- Chief Office, 1015. Chief Office, 914. Prisons, 1203. Slaughtering Act, 9!JO • .MinE's- Public Lands- Chief Office, 114'l. Forestry, 895. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Public Instruction- Immigration, 824. Chief Office, 131S, l:l22. Public Instruction­ Railways- Chief Office, 1355. Southern DiYision, 1309. INDEX TO SPEECHE8--LEGIBLATIYE ASSE:'IlBLY. 35

WALSH, Edward Esquire SUPPLY: (liiirani)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Takes his seat, 2. mittee­ BILLS: B,.:timates-in-Chief- Ilairv Produce Acts Amendment No. 1 Health and Home Affairs­ ( c~mmittee), 9!31, fl66. Chief Office, 1 ODO. Primary Prodneers' OrgaJ1isalion awl Marketing Acts Amendment (2°), WILLIAMS, 'l'homas Lewis, ES!Juire (l'ort 1784. Curtis)­ Public ·works Land R·esumption ( com­ mittee), 687. 'l'akes his seat, 2. Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ BILL: nation of Powers (committee), 352. Rural Development Transfer and Co-ordi­ State Transport (committee), 1446. nation of Powers (2°), 284. Sugar Experiment Stations Acts and Financial Statement, 760. Other Acts Amcndnwnt (initiation in committee), 502; (2°), 596; (com­ SUPPl.Y: mittee), 664, 665, 673. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Financial Statement, 777. mittee­

SUPPLY: Estimates-in-Cluief- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Agriculture and Stock- mittee­ Miscellaneous Services, 1004. JCstimatcs-in-Chicf- State Farms and Gardens, DOG. Agriculture ant1 Stock- E·xeeutive and Legislative­ Slaughtering Ad, 9811, Legislative Assembly, 789. S'tate Farms and Garden&, H99. Health and Home Affairs­ Health am1 Home Affairs­ Aboriginals, Relief of, 1llG. C:hief Office, 1095. Chief Office, I 097. Pnblie LandG- ~Tin~s- Chicf Office, 861. Chief Office, 1174. District Offices, 875. Public Lands­ Railways- District Offices, 876. General Establishment, 1278. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Sewerage, DOl. lVELLI~GTON, William John, Esquire Public Instruction­ (Charters To•wers)­ Chief Office, 1347. 'l'akes his seat, 1040. R.ailways- General Establishment, 12DG. SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Resohtions reported from Committee­ mittee­ Health and Home Affairs­ E.ply, 205. Electric Light and Power Acts Amem1­ ment (2°), 468. BILL: Fair R<>nts Act Amendment (2°), 1768; Mental Hygiene (committee), 1521. (committee), 1771, 1773. 36 INDEX TO SPEEC!IES-LEfiH:\LA'l'IV.E AS8El\1BLY.

YlU.TES, Herbert, Es!1uirc-continued: Questions disa!loiYed, 743, 883, 1598, 1708. BII,Ls-continued: Quorum, Draws attention to state of House, 628. Income (State Development) Tax (resolution in Committee of ·ways am1 SUPPLY: Menus), 1547,1564, 1567; (2°), 1618; Consideration of Estimates in Com­ (committee), 1637. mittee­ Industrial Conciliation am1 Arbitration E8timatcs-in-Chief- Acts and Other Acts Amendment (:~ 0 ), 1828; (committee), 1833. AgricuHure and S'tock­ IIfiscellaneous Services, 1003. Legitimation Acts Amendment (com­ mittee), J 806. Slaughtering Act, 986, 996. State Farms and Gardens, 996, Mental Hygiene Onitiation in com­ mittee), 943; (2°), 1051. Executive and Legislative­ Public 'Works Lanr1 Resumption (2°), Le~islative Assembly, 789, 797. 071; (committee), 682. Health nnd Home Affairs­ Queensland Law Society Acts Amen

Other Ads Amendment (2°) 1 599. Chief Office, 85•!. Ya<-~r;1nt:•, Haming a11iliPation (initiation in c•on>­ Harbours and Mm·ine, 8-!0. mittee), li'\12; (committee), 1813,1815. Vote on Accmmt (£:5,950,000) (Com­ Fin:>n<'ia I .Statc•mcnt, 655. mittee of Supply), 38. :\nfinnnl finaneial poliey, 7-(.~; (orc1crec1 to Suspended from service of House, 1217. rlistontlnuc speech), 750. WAYS AND MEANS: Onlcrerl to discontinue speech, 750, 1715. Income (State Development) 'fax, 15-17, Pcrronal explanation, 1526. 1564, 1567.

lly Authority: DAVlll WHYTE, Government Printer, Brisbane. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Twenty-eighth Parliament – Second Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.174-175, 1939

8 August 1939 – 23 November 1939

(Smith Government)



1-17 8 August 1939 566-602 27 September 1939

17-52 9 August 1939 602-635 28 September 1939

52-92 10 August 1939 636-668 3 October 1939

92-121 22 August 1939 668-700 4 October 1939

122-153 23 August 1939 700-740 5 October 1939

153-179 24 August 1939 740-798 10 October 1939

179-205 29 August 1939 798-833 11 October 1939

205-235 30 August 1939 833-893 12 October 1939

235-266 31 August 1939 893-920 13 October 1939

266-293 5 September 1939 920-952 17 October 1939

293-318 6 September 1939 952-986 18 October 1939

318-348 7 September 1939 987-1045 19 October 1939

348-381 12 September 1939 1045-1075 20 October 1939

381-409 13 September 1939 1075-1133 24 October 1939

410-442 14 September 1939 1133-1174 25 October 1939

442-472 19 September 1939 1174-1223 26 October 1939

472-502 20 September 1939 1223-1252 27 October 1939

502-532 21 September 1939 1252-1288 31 October 1939

532-565 26 September 1939 1288-1319 1 November 1939

1319-1375 2 November 1939 1611-1640 15 November 1939 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE

1375-1402 3 November 1939 1641-1690- 16 November 1939

1403-1434 7 November 1939 1691-1715 17 November 1939

1434-1466 8 November 1939 1715-1779 21 November 1939

1467-1522 9 November 1939 1779-1822 22 November 1939

1522-1550 10 November 1939 1822-1881 23 November 1939

1550-1611 14 November 1939



Official Record of the Debates



Second Session


T wenty~eighth Parliament.


Comprising the period from the eighth day of August, to the twenty-third day of November, A.D. 1939.


BRISBANE: By Authority : Thomas Gilbert Hope, Acting Government Printer, Brisbane. Second Session of the Twenty-eighth Parliament of Queensland.


The Governor. His Exrel1ency Colonel The Hight Honourable Sir LESLIE 0Rl\IE WILSON, G.C.:S.L, Ci.C.~I.G., G.C.I.E., D.S.O.

The lieutenant-Governor.

The Honourable Sir JA~IES WrLLIAM BLAIR, K.O.J\LG., Chief Justice.

The Ministry. Premier anrl Chief Seeretary-Honourahlo IVILLIAM FORGAX Si\IITH, LL.D. Secretary for Puhlic Lands-Honourable T'ERCY PEASE. Attorney-General-Honourable JOJIN MULLAN. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honomablo l<'RANK vVILLIAi\I BULCOCK. Troasuror-lfonourablc FnAKK ART!JUR CooPER. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honournble EDWARD MICI!AEL HANLON. Secretary for LalJonr and Industry-Honourable 'l'nonrAs ANDREW FoLEY. Secretary for PulJiic ·works am1 Honourable HE:

The Legislative Assembly. Speaker-Honomable EDWARD JOSEPH HANSOX (Butanda). Chairman of Committees-.TOJJK 0 'KEEYE, Esquire (Cairns). Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, I'IILLIAhl ALF'RED, Esquire (Isis). BuAsSING1'0X, tlAMJ;EL Joux, Esquire (Fortitude Valley). DuNSTAK, THOMAS, Esquire (Gympie). KING, WILLIAJ\I T!!O}IAS, Esquire (Marce). NnrMo, TnmrAs, Esquire ( Oxley). IV.

The Legislative Assembly-continued.

BEDFORD, RANDOLPH, EHquire (1¥arre,r;o) BRAXD, \VrLLL\~I Ar.r'HF.D, :F;srjnirc (his). BRASSlKGTO:le Ji'R.\XK All'l'IIUR (Hremu). COPLEY, PATRICK KF.!mY, Esquire (J!urilpa). DANIEL, DAVID JOHN J\L\RI"AIS, Esquire (Kcz>pel). DAR'l', \VJLLIAM LOGA:-1, Esquire ( Jf"!fJl.'l/11111). DAsH, JonN, Esqui1·c ( J[unrFn,r;IJ/11'/'a). DEACON, Y\'rr.r.IA:lr Arnnr:n, l~sMAt! Ac-:DHEIV (N ormanby). GAIR, VINUEK'l' CLAIR, }Jsquirc (Sonth Brisbane). Gumeimr, Honourable DAnD ALEXA:-11). ~lAcDONALD, DuYcA::, EsqHirc (Stanbc)J) l\L>~.Htllt, ED~lURll Bllm:, l~squi1'C (JVe;;l Jloreion). ::\1ANN, JO!IN HENHY, )jJsquire (B1·i~;bana). :\JAHJH01"1', GEoRGE HEC\RY, I~sr1uire (Bulin: ha). 1IASSEY, HARRY, Esquire (Toowon{f). McLEA=", BERNARD, Esquire (Bundaberp). MOORE, AR'l'llUR EDWARD, Esquil'c (Aubigny). :Cviot:JUS, GEOilGF Al.l'HED, Esqttire (Kel1:'11 Gron'). Mur.LAN, Honoura blc ,Jonx ( Carpcn taria). MuLLER, ADOLF GusTAV, Esquire ( Fassif< rn). NICKLIN, GEORGE FR,\XCIS HEUBE)I, Esquire (JJLurnnnba). Nnnro, TnmrAs, Esquire (Oxlcy). 0 'KEEJ!'E, .TonN, Esquire (Cairns). PEASE, Honourable PET(CY (Ifabcrl). PLUNKETT, THOMAS FLOOD, Esquire (Albcrt). v.

The legislative Assembly-continurd.

POWER, WILLIAJ\l, }jsquirc (Baroona). RroRDAN, ERNEST .JosEPII, Esquire (Bowen). Ru;:;SELL, IIFGII l\1r;DrARJ\IID, Esquire (Hamilton). 8LESRAR, "\UBREY ROBERT, Esquire (Dalby). RMWH, Honournble WrLLIA~I ~'ORGAN, LL.D. (lifackay). 'rAvLOR, GEORGE CuTHBER'r, Esquire (Eno_q,gem). \VAJ,KER, HARRY FREDERICK, Esrjuirc (Coomora). IVALSII, EDWMm J OSEPIT, Esquire (J!irani.). VVILLIAMS, HERBERT, Esquire (Windsor). IVJLLIA~rs, 'l'HOJ\IAS LEwrs, Esquire (Port Cu1·tis). YEATES, HERBEHT, Esq11ire (Err.,t Toowoom bn).

Committees. LIBRARY.-:Mr. Speaker, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Bedford, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Russell, ..\Ir. Clayton, and Mr. Mnher. PARLIAMENTARY DUILDINGS.-J\Ir. Speaker, Mr. Tinyos, Mr. Conroy, Mr. Deacon, 1Ir. "\[iillcr, ::\[r. Ninnno, and Hon. W. Forgau Smith.

PRINTIXG.-Mr. Hpeaker, Mr. 0 'Kcd'e, Mr. 'l'a~·lor, ::\[r. T. L. Williams, Mr. Nicklin, ::\lr. Plunkett, anc1 Mr. VValkcr. HEFJmSHiiiEXT Rool\fs.-:Mr. Speaker, l\Ir. King, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Power, Mr. Nicklin, 1Ir. Ninuuo, nncl JVIr. Er1wards.

8•r.~NDING ORDERs.-iVIr. Rpenker, M.r. 0 'Keefe, Mr. Russell, Mr. Dunstau, Mr. Maher, .Mr. Brnnc1, and Hon. \\'. Forgau Smith.

Elections Tribunal. f:LEmroxs JL'DGE.-'l'he Honourable Sir J ames William Blair, K.C.M.G., C.J. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.174-175, 1939 8 August 1939 - 23 November 1939


Index to Subjects.

Address in Reply­ BILLS-continued: Adoption, 349. City of Brisbane Financial E~ergency Answer of Governor, 427. (initiation and initiation m com­ mittee), 1106; (1"), 1133; (2°), 1134; Debate on, 10, 21, 96, 124, 156, 181, 236, (committee), 1172; (3°), 1174; 273. (assent), 1375. Extension of Debate on, 180. Criminal Code Amendment (initiation and Presentation to Governor, 409, 427. initiation in committee), 1691; (!"), 1694; (2°), 1716; (committee), 1725; (3°), 1729; (assent), 1881. Adjournment., Special, 17, 92, 1878. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 1134; (initiation in committee), Auditor-GeneraFs Reports- 1274; (1°), 1286; (2°), 1578; (com­ Brisbane City Council Accounts, 1779. mittee), 1606; (3°), 1611); (assent), Loans Sinking Fund, 410. 1715. Dental Acts Amendment (initiation), 701; Public Accounts, 349, 1075. (initiation in committee), 793; (!"), 794; (2°), 1522; (committee), 1529; Barristers and Solicitors, Fe,es paid by (3°), 1551; (assent), 1715. Crown to- Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (all Order for return (motion-Mr. Edwards), stages), 1694; (assent), 1881. 20. Fruit and Vege:tables Acts Amendment Return tabled, 636. (initiation and initiation in com­ mittee), 1698; (1o, remaining stages), 1701; (assent), 1881. Bebbington, Jlir. W., Death of (motion Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act of condolence), 20; (reply to motion Amendment (initiation), 1643; (initia­ of condolence), 205. tion in committee), 1701; (1"), 1703; (2°), 1793; (committee and 3°), BILLS- 1796; (assent), 1881. Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Health Act Amendment (initiation), 1551; (initiation), 181; (initiation in com­ (initiation in committee), 1643; (1°), mittee), 452; (1"), 463; (2°), 484; 1648; (2°), 1856; (committee), 1862; (committee), 517; (3°), 533; (assent), (3°), 1864; (assent), 1881. 893. Income (State Development) Tax Act Agricultural Requirements Control and Amendment (initiation), 156; (initia­ ConserYation (initiation), 567; (initia­ tion in committee), 217,293,321, 349; tion in committee), 634; (1 o), 635; (amendment-Mr. Nicklin), 298; (2°), 1547; (committee, 3°, and (amendment'----Mr. Russell), 339; assent), 1550. (amendment-Mr. Macdonald), 367 · (amendment-Dr. Watson Brown), Air Raid Wardens (initiation), 1551; 375; (1"), 380; (2°), 382, 428; (com­ (initiation in committee), 1648; (1"), mittee), 445; (3°), 472; (assent), 740. 1650; (2°), 1864; (committee and 3°), Inopection of Machinery Acts Amendment 1865; (assent), 1881. (initiation), 894; (initiation in com­ Appropriation, No. 1 (suspension of Stand­ mittee), 951; (1 °), 952; (discharge ing Orders), 55; (1 ° and 2°), 83; of on1er for 2o), 1376. (committee and 3°), 92; (assent), 179. Inspection of Machinery and Another Act Appropriation No. 2 (1"), 1522; (2°), Amendment (initiation), 1376; (initia­ 1612; (committee and 3°), 1640; tion in committee and 1"), 1376; (2°), (assent), 1715. 1540; (committee), 1546; ( 3 o), 1552; Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ (assent), 1715. cedure (initiation), 1698; (initiation Mackay Scandinavian Lutheran Church in committee), 1734; (amendment­ Land Sale (initiation and suspension Mr. Nimmo), 1752; (1"), 1779; (2°), of Standing Orders), 532; (initiation 1796, 1815, 1823; (amendment-Mr. in committee), 541; (1"), 542; (2° Brand), 1835; (committee), 1848; and committee), 573; (3°), 619; \3 o), 1856; (assent), 1881. (assent), 7 40. 2 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATlVE ASS1~11BLY.

BILLS-continued: BILLS-continued: Main Roads Acts Amendment (initiation), Primary Producers' Organisation and 1134; (initiation in committee), 1265; Marketing Acts Amendment (initia­ (P), 1274; (2°), 1552; (committee), tion), 1134; (initiation in committee), 1564; (3°), 1612; (assent), 1881. 1286; (P), 1288; (2°), 1654; (com­ mittee and 3o), 1665; (assent), 1881. Margarine Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 1404; (P), 1409; (2°), Queensland Law Society Acts Amendment 1666; (committee and 3°), 1679; (initiation), 1435; (initiation in com­ (assent), 1881. mittee), 1650; (1°), 1651; (2°, com­ mittee, and 3°), 1865; (assent), 1881. Medical (initiation), 180; (initiation in Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts eommittee), 467, 524; (P), 530· 1 Amendment (initiation), 320; (initia­ (2°), 553, 573; (committee), 800, 927; (3°), 953; (assent), 1522. tion in committee), 921; ( 1°), 926; (2°), 1076; (committee), 1224; (3°), Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (initia­ 1254; (assent), 1522. tion), 156; (initiation in committee), Rural Development (\Yater, Irrigation, and 206; (P), 216; (2°), 448; (com­ Wire Netting) (initiation), 349; mittee), 472; (3°), 517; (assent), 740. (initiation in committee), 530; [not Mining Acts Amendment (initiation), 156; further proceeded with]. (initiation in committee), 216; (P), Torres Strait Islanders (initiation), 181· 217; (2°), 451; (committee), 484; (initiation in committee), 463; (1 o/, (3°), 517; (assent), 740. 467; (2°), 498; (committee), 521; Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amendment (3 ), 533; (assent), 893. (initiation), 567; (initiation in com­ Workers' Compensation Acts and Another mittee), 1257; (P), 1265; (2°), 1714; Act Amendment (initiation), 567; (committee and 3°), 1715; (assent) (initiation in committee), 632; (P), 1881. ' 634; (2°), 1866; (committee), 1873; (3°), 1878; (assent), 1881. Navigation Acts Amendment (initiation), 567; (initiation in committee), 1254; (P), 1257; (2°), 1704; (committee), Bl'ldge~, JUr. T., neath of (motion of con­ 1711; (3°), 1714; (assent), 1881. dolence), 20; (reply to motion of con­ Newstead House Trust (initiation and dolence), 532. initiation in committee), 1781; (P, 2o, committee, and 3°), 1785; (assent) Brisbane City Council Accounts, Auditor­ 1881. ' General's R.eport, 1779. Officials in Parliament Act Amendment (initiation), 1435; (initiation in com­ By-elections­ mittee), 1651; (P), 1654; (2°), 1729; (committee and 3°), 1734; (assent) Charters Towers, 4. 1881. ' Gregory, 4. Optitjans Acts Amendment (initiation), Townsville, 4. 701· (initiation in committee), 794; oo), 797; (2°), 1533; (committee), Chairman of Committees­ 1535; (3°), 1552; (assent), 1715. Election of Mr. J. 0 'Keefe, 19. Patriotk Funds Administrntion Acts Amendment (initiation), 532; (initia­ tion in committee), 533; (1°), 541; Chairmen of Committees, Temporary­ (2°), 567; (committee), 572; (3°), Panel nominated by Mr. Speaker, 9. 619; (assent), 7 40. Peanut Industry Protection nnil Preserva­ Charters Towers Electoral District­ tion (initiation), 1435; (initiation in Death of Mr. W. J. Wellington, 4. committee), 1467; (P), 1472; (2°), 1679; (committee and 3°), 1690; Retum of Mr. A. Joncs at by-election dur­ (assent), 1881. ing recess, 4. Pest Destroyers (initiation), 427; (initia­ tion in conm1ittee), 542 ; ( 1°), 553 ; Closure Motions­ (2°), 597; (2° and committee), 631; BILL- (3°), 636; (assent), 893. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency­ Petroleum Acts Amendment (initiation and Initiation in committee, 1133. initiation in committee), 1694; (1°), 1698; (2°), 1785; (committee), 1792; E•lectorates (State), Redistribution and (3°), 1793; (assent), 1881. compulsory preferential voting (Mr. Pharmacy Acts Amendment (initiation), Maher 's motion), 619. 701; (initiation in committee), 797; (P), 798; (2° and committee), 1538; Commission to lUr. Speaker to Administer (3°), 1552; (assent), 1715. Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance, 9. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 3

Commissioner of Main Roads, Report of IHVISIONS-continued: visit to Europe and North America BILLS-continued: (tabled), 1822. Income (State Development) Tax Act Amendment- Committees, Annointment of- Motion-'' That. the Temporary Chair­ Library, Refreshment Rooms, Parliamentary man's ruling be disagreed to" (Mr. Buildings, 19. Maher), 309, 314. Printing, 20. Initiation in committee (amendment­ Standing Orders, 20. Mr. Nicklin), 339; (amendment­ Mr. Russell), 367; (amendment­ Days of Sitting­ Mr. Macdonald), 375. Medical- Friday, 7 41. Hours of sitting, 18; (extension of), 669. Clause 8 (amendment-Mr. Russell), 810. Precedence of Government business on Thursdays, 669. Clause 19 (amendment-Mr. Moore), 829. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 18. Clause 33 (amendment-Mr. Deacon), 935. Death Gf- Mines Regulation Acts- Bebbington, Mr. W. (motion of condol­ Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Walker) , ence), 20; (reply to motion of con­ 483. dolence), 205. Bridges, Mr. T. (motion of condolence), Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amend­ ment- 20 ; (reply to motion of condolence), 532. Initiation in committee (amendment­ Demaine, Mr. W. H. (motion of condol­ Mr. Maher), 1265. ence), 94. Navigation Acts Amendment- Hynes, Hon. M. P. (motion of condolence), Clause 10 (amendment-Mr. Russell), 9; (reply to motion of condolence), 1714. 235. Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Pollock, Hon. G. (motion of condolence), 9. Amendment- Tolmie, Hon. J. (motion of condolence), Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Mac­ 20; (reply to motion of condolence), donald), 1237. 293. Walker, Mr. J. E. (motion of condolence), Workers' Compensation Acts and Another Act Amendment- 1551. Wellington, Mr. W. J. (motion of condol­ Clause 7, 1878. ence), 9. Electorates (State), Redistribution and Compulsory P:referential Voting (motion-Mr. Maher), 619; (closure Demaine, :t\Ir. ~W. H., Death ol' (motion of motion), 619. condolence), 94. SUPPLY: DIVISIONS­ Estimates-in-Chief- Department of Labour and Industry­ BILLS- Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ Sub-Department of L8~bour- cedure- Amendment ''That vote be Initiation in committee (ame,ndment­ reduced by £1" (Mr. Maher), Mr. Nimmo), 1760. 982. Motion-'' 'rhat Chairman's ruling be disagreed to" (Mr. Maher), 1750. Elections Tril:lunal- (2°), 1848; (amendmcnt-Mr. Brand), Ithaca election petition, Report of Elections 1844. Judge, 6. Clause 2, 1851. Judge for 1939, 17. Clause 4, as amended, 1853. Clause 5 (amendment-Mr. Russell), 1856. Electorates (State) Redistribution and City of Brisbane Financial Emergency- Compulsory Preferential Voting Initiation in committee (closure (motion-Mr. Maher), 410, 503, 603. motion), 1133. Criminal Code Amendment- Estimates-in-Chief, 1939-40­ Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Maher), Tabled, 619. 1729. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment- Clause 3 (amendment-Mr. Mac­ Estimates, Supplementary, 1938-39­ donald), 1607. Tabled, 1434. 4 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Explanations, Personal­ International Situation, Statement by Mr. Bedford, 54. Premier, 123. Mr. Jesson, 1319. Mr. Macdonald, 741. Ithaca Election Pemion- Mr. Nimmo, 155. Certificate declaring Hon. Edward Miehael Hanlon duly elected entered on journals Mr. Smith, 155, 156. of House, 7. Mr. Yeates, 1781. Report of elections judge, 6. [See also "Statements."] Library Committee­ Fees Paid by Crown to Barristers nP Appointment, 19. Solicitors- Order for Return (motion-Mr. Edwards), Loans and Subsidies to Local Bodies, 20. 1938-39­ Return tabled, 636. 0rder for Return (motion-Mr. Clayton), 55. Loans of local bodies guaranteed by State­ Financial Statement (Committee of Order for Return (Mr. Moore), 124. Supply), 620. Debate on, 636, 671, 701, 742. Local Authorities, Hospital Precepts Tables relating to, 619. Levied on- Order for Return (motion-Mr. Muller); Fruit Marketing Organisation Acts, Regu. 20. lations under- Return tabled, 1224. Lapse of notice of motion (Mr. Nicklin) 410. ' Local Bodies- Government Loans and Subsidies- Germany, War with- Order for Return (motion-Mr. Clayton), Co-operation of State with Commonwealth, 55. 267. Loans Guaranteed by State- Ministerial statement (copies of telegrams Order for Return (motion-Mr. Moo re), tabled), 267. 124. Railway Employees- Government Employe£s, Number of­ Order for Return (motion-Mr. Yeates), Order for Return (motion-Mr. Nicklin), 1289. 20. Return tabled, 1076. Members- Named and suspended from service of House (Mr. -Yeates), 1815. Governor's Opening Speecl1 (read by Premier), 1, 10. Ordered to apologise­ Mr. Edwards, 789. Gregory Elec,toral mstrict­ Ordered to discontinue speech, 366; 1399, Death of Hon. G. Polloek, 4. 1815. Return of Dr. C. V. Watson Brown at Sworn- by-election during recess, 4. Dr. C. V. Vvatson Brown, 4. Mr. A. Jones, 4. Grievanc?s before Supply (Mr. Speaker's Mr. G. Keyatta, 4. rulmg, statement), 620. Ministe,rial Expenses, 1938-39­ "Hansard," Circulation and Cost of, 179. 0rder for Return (motion-Mr. Nimmo), 55. Return tabled, 800. Hospital Precepts Levied on Local Authorities- Order for Return (motion-Mr. Muller), Ministerial Statements- 20. Air Raid Precautions, 269. Return tabled, 1224. Changes in Ministry, 7. International Situation, 123. Strike of ship's crew at Mackay Harbour; Hours of Sitting, 18; (extension of), 669. anti-war propaganda, 1642. Sugar, Sale of exportable surplus to BritL;h Hynes, Hon. M. P,. Deatl1 of (motion of Sugar Control Board, 443, 921. condolence), 9 ; (reply to motion of War with Germany (copies of telegrams condolence), 235. tabled), 267. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 5

Notice of Motion to Disallow Regulations QUESTIONS-continued: under Fruit lllarketing Organisation Auditor-General's Report on Public Acts (Mr. Nicklin), Lapse of, 410. Accounts, Date of presentation of (Mr. Maher), 320. Opening of Pa.rliament, 1. Backward Youths, Use of Jubilee Sana­ torium, Dalby, as institution for (Mr. Opening Speech of Governor (read by Yeates), 893. Premier), 1, 10. Bakers' Convictions during 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 1641. Orders for Returns, Delay in Presenta­ Barristers and Solicitors, Distribution of tion, 1781. Government work amongst (Mr. Yeates), 1780. Parliament- Blow-fly preventive, Experiments with blue stain (Mr. Macdonald), 153. Opening of, 1. Brennan, Mr. Justice, Alleged statement Prorogation of, 1881. as to Crown's prerogative of mercy (Mr. Gair), 1224. Parliamentary Buildings Committee­ Bribery (alleged) in Main Road~ con­ Appointment, 19. tracts (Mr. Macdonald), 833. Brisbane City Council- Personal ExnlanationsL­ Administration of, Report of Govern­ Mr. Bedford, 54. ment officers (Messrs. McCracken and Mr. Jesson, 1319. George) (Mr. Nimmo), 9, 18; (Mr. Russell), 1253; (Mr. Yeates), 1376. Mr. Macdonald, 741. Borrowings approved by Loan Council Mr. Nimmo, 155. (Mr. Clayton), 53, 122. Mr. Smith, 155, 156. Budget, Recasting of (Mr. Dart), 1045. Mr. Yeates, 1781. Commission (proposed) to administer affairs of (Mr. Dart), 1045. Pollock, Hon. G., Death of (motion of con­ Government Loans to (Mr. Deacon), 18; dolence), 9. (Mr. Nimmo), 93. Private Hospitals Ordinance, Repeal of Preferential Voting (Compulsory) and (Mr. Morris), 53, 93. Redistribution of State Electorates Reporters (State) at Council meeting (motion-Mr. Maher), 410, 503, 603. (Mr. Dm-t), 53. Sanitary contract, Government's veto of Premier's Term of Office, Congratulations (Mr. Morris), 54. to Hon. W. Forgan Smith, 94. Brisbane Fish Supplies, Report of Mr. T. Marshal! on increase of (Mr. Mac­ Printing Committee~ donald), 180. Appointment, 20. Brisbane River Harbour Dues (Mr. Russell), 1467. Prorogation of Parliament, 1881. Brisbane-Toowoomba road, Cost of (Mr. Nimmo), 741; (Mr. Yeates), 1641. Brisbane-Wallangarra mail train, Late Public Service [See "State Employees."] running of (Mr. Yeates), 502, 566. Bulimba Creek, Pollution of (Mr. Mar­ Questions- riott), 1253. Disallowed (Mr. Speaker's ruling), 410. Bureau of Industry loans (Mr. Clayton), Form of answers to (Mr. Speaker's ruling), 920. 410. Bureau of Rural Development loans (Mr. Clayton), 122; (Mr. Walker), 1522. QUESTIONS- Cattle dip, Qualischefski, Test of (Mr. Aboriginals' Savings Bank Accounts, Maher), 123. Amount of interest on for 1938-39 Cattle traffic on Etheridge railway (:Mr. (Mr. Maher), 266. Walker), 1779. Agricultmal Farm Selections expiring in Cavey and 37 others, Rex. v.­ 1908, Tenures of (Mr. Walker), 987. Cost of prosecution of (Mr. Walker), Agriculture, Precepts of Council of (Mr. 1046. Walker), 1289. Jury, Suggested questioning ·of (Mr. American Loans, Amount outstanding and Nimmo), 1641. cost of service, 1938-39 (Mr. Walker), 669; Increase in cost of service (Mr. Chaff bags, woolpacks, and corn sacks, Walker), 700, 798. Price of (Mr. Maher), 799. 6 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSI<;MBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Chemists' apprentices, 1928-1939 (Mr. Family of 10 children- Russell), 1550. Alleged destitution (Mr. T. L. Williams), Childhood Endowment- 1822. Alleged speech by Premier (Mr. Nimmo), Employment of father (Mr. Morris), 123; (statement by Premier), 155, 1823. 156. Relief allowance (Mr. Nimmo), 1823. Suggested introduction of scheme (Mr. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Yeates), 1780. Acts, Operations under (Mr. Nicklin), Christmas Cheer for recipients of rations 319. (Mr. Clayton), 1641. Federal Aid Rehabilitation Fund, Amount disbursed (Mr. Nicklin), 319. Commonwealth-State Youth Employment Scheme, Number placed in employment Fishing Industry- (Mr. Macdonald), 348. Brisbane supplies, Report of Mr. T. Cook Highway, Cost of (Mr. Yeates), 893. Marshal! on (Mr. J\facdonald), 180. Corn sacks, chaff bags, and woolpacks, Curing, State assistance to (Mr. Maher), Prices of (Mr. Maher), 799. 1611. Inland waters, Report of Mr. T. Cotton Industry- Marshal! on (Mr. Macclonald), 320. Effect of new bounty (Mr. T. L. Flax-growing industry at Kingaroy, Williams), 603, 740. Government assistance to (:Ylr. Rogers, Mr. W. L., loan to (Mr. Nimmo), Morris), 381. 952. Flour Mills, Report of Auditor-General's Council of Agriculture, Precepts of (Mr. Department on purchase by Queens· Walker), 1289. land Co-operative Milling Association ''Courier-Mail'' Brisbane Exhibition sup· (Mr. Healy), 566; (further report plement, payment by Government (Mr. tabled), 669. Daniel), 54. Fodder Relief Scheme, Amount outstand­ ing (Mr. Plunkett), 180. Crown's Prerogative of Mercy, Exercise of (Mr. Gair), 1224. Forestry- Dairymen, Proposed organisation of (Mr. J ackson, Mr., Earnings outside Sub­ Muller), 1253. department (Mr. Morris), 920. Dajarra-Moonah Creek Railway, Proposed Reforestation, Expenditure on (Mr. extension (Mr. Yeates), 1253. Walker), 1045, 1075. Showroom (new), Cost and duration of Dalby Sanatorium- job (,J\fr. Daniel),, 180. Backward youths, Use as institution for Timber Advisory Committee, Salary, (Mr. Yeates), 893. term of office, and duties of Chairman Home for aged people, Suggested use as (Mr. Yeates), 318. (Mr. Yeates), 1550. Pruit and milk for children in Western Inmates, staff and expenditure (Mr. districts (Mr. Clayton), 266. Yeates), 54, 180. Gardner, Mr., Chairman of \Voothakata Defence duties, Civil and military pay of Shire Council, Position in Railway Government employees on (Mr. Service (Mr. Morris), 798. Nimmo), 442. Gledson, Hon. D. A., Salary and allow­ Defence road (inland), Proposed route ances, 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 893. (Mr. Maher), 502, 602; (Mr. Walker), Golden Casket- 1715. Agents and commission paid, 1938-39 Development Tax (State) R.eceipts and (Mr. Nimmo), 93. Expenditure, 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), Drawings, Cost and fees paid to Govern­ 123. ment officers (Mr. Yeates), 320, 381. Diesel trains and steam locomotives, Golden Investment Company, Agreement Number constructed, written off, and with (Mr. Nimmo), 18; commission ordered, 1938·39 (Mr. Yeates), 502. paid to (Mr. Nimmo), 93, 179. Dunwich Home for aged people, Suggested Government Loans-[See ''Loans'']. removal of (Mr. Yeates), 1550. Government Printer, Vacancy in position Electoral Districts Act, Suggested amend· of (Mr. Yeates), 1434. ment of (Mr. Yeates), 1612. Guaranteed loans of semi-governmental , Cattle traffic on, bodies (Mr. Maher), 320; (Mr. and Suggested extension to Croydon Walker), 920. (Mr. Walker), 1779. Heavy Vehicles- Family Endowment-[See ''Childhood Registrations and fees (Mr. Yeates), Endowment'']. 952. Family income, Computation for purposes Road Fund, Allocations, 1938-39 (Mr. of ration relief (Mr. Nimmo), 267. Nicklin), 93; (Mr. Yeates), 1045. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLAT'lVE ASSEMBLY. 7

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Hooper, Mr. W. A., Report on Railway L.oans-continued: Services by (Mr. Yeates), 18, 1641. Bank Loan of £10,000,000 to State Hospitals- Governments, Terms and security (Mr. Mount Morgan, Receipts and expendi­ Maher), 1611. ture, 1938-39 (Mr. Daniel, 154). Borrowings approved by Loan Council Number and finances of (Mr. Walker), (Mr. Clayton), 53, 122. 1403. Brisbane City Council, Terms of Govern­ Private Hospitals Ordinance, Brisbane ment Loan to (Mr. Deacon), 18; City Council, Repeal of (Mr. Morris), Borrowings approved by Loan Council 53, 93; Shorthand reporters (State) (Mr. Clayton), 53, 122. at Council meeting (Mr. Dart), 53. Local Authority, Guaranteed by State (Mr. Maher), 320; (Mr. Walker),, Women's (Brisbane1), Cost of (Mr. Nimmo), 1403. 920; Borrowings approved by Loan Council (Mr. Clayton), 53, 122. Income Tax, Exemption of donations to Red Cross J<'unds (Mr. Nimmo), 800. Raisings in 1938-39, Sources of (Mr. Macdonald), 206. Infantile Paralysis, Incidence of (Mr. Mann), 952. Semi-governmental-[See also ''Bureau of Industry,'' ''Bureau of Rural Inland Defence Road, Proposed route (Mr. Developmen't,'' and ''State Advances Maher), 502, 602; (Mr. Walker), Corporation'']­ 1715. Guarantees by State (Mr. Maher), Intermittent Relief \Vork-[See "Unem­ 320; (Mr. Walker), 920. ployment'']. Indebtedness (:\Ir. \Valker), 920. J ackson, Mr., Earnings outside Forestry Raisings, ] 939-40 (Mr. Clayton), 53 Service (Mr. Morris), 920. 7 122; (:\fr. Walker), 1522. Jones, Mr. Inigo, Salary and allowances of (Mr. Macdonald), 987. Service Costs, Public Debt, 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), 206; Increase in, 1939-40 Jubilee Sanatorium, Dalby- (Mr. Walker), 700, 798. Backward youths, Use as institution for (Mr. Yeates), 893. Loan-S'ubsidy Schemes- Home for aged people, Suggested use Commonwealth Government, Allocations as (Mr. Yeates), 1550. to Local Authorities (Mr. Moore), Inmates, staff, and expenditure (Mr. 1375. Yeates), 54, 180. Loans and Subsidies to 30 June, 1939 (Mr. Brand), 52. Juvenile Employment Bureau, Number registered and placed from 1 January Mackay Electorate, Loans ancl subsidies to 30 June, 1939 (.Mr. Dart), 122­ to local bodies (Mr. Nimmo), 235. [See also ''Youth Employment'']. Local Authorities- Kairi State Farm- Heavy Vehicles Road J<'und, Allocations Closing of (Mr. Yeates), 952, 1045. of, 1938-39 (Mr. Yentes), 1045. Cost and lease of (Mr. Yeates), 319. Indebtedness of (.Mr. Walker), 920. Kenny Clinics, Cost and work of (Mr. Loan raisings approved by Loan Council Mann), 952. (Mr. Clayton), 53, 122. Kindergartens, Suggested payment of sub­ Loans and Subsidies- sidies to (Mr. Morris), 410. Amount approved to 30 June, 1939 King, Mr. V. C., Earnings outside Railway (Mr. Moore), 52. Department (Mr. Monis), 920. Commonwealth Subsidies under States Labour and Industry, Department of­ Grants (Local Public Works) Act Annual report, Date of tabling-1937-38 of 1936 (Mr. Moore), 1375. (Mr. Yeates), 205, 382; 1938·39 (Mr. Mackay Electorate (Mr. Nimmo), 235. Yeates), 154, 800, 1403. Loans guaranteed by Government to 30 Destitution of family of 10 children June, 1939 (Mr. Maher), 320; (Mr. (Mr. Monis), 1823. Walker), 920. Larcombe, Hon. J., Salary and allowances, Locomotives (Steam)­ 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 893. Construction and delivery of (Mr. Legal work, Government, Distribution Yeates), 566. amongst barristers of (Mr. Yeates), Depot, Number and condition 1780. at (Mr. Yeates), 566. Licensed Victualler!~, Convictions during 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 1642. Numbe,r constructed, written off, and ordered, 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 502. Loans- Logan Bridge toll, Receipts ().fr. Muller), American, Amount outstanding and cost of service, 1938-39 (Mr. Walker), 669, 154. 700; increase in cost of service, Lot-splitting at stock sales (Mr. Mac­ 1939-40 (Mr. Walker), 700, 798. donald), 153. 8 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Mackay Electorate- Motor vehicles using producer gas, Sug­ E•xpenditure on buildings and other gested reduction of registration fees improvements in (Mr. Nimmo), 266. of (Mr. Walker), 1467. Loans and subsidies to local bodies in Mount Morgan- (Mr. Nimmo), 235. Boys' Central State School, Improve­ Mackay Harbour- ments at (Mr. Daniel), 154. Cost of (Mr. Yeates), 740, 1133, 1716. Hospital, Receipts and expenditure, 1938-39 (Mr. Daniel), 154. Opening of, and sugar traffic (Mr. Nimmo), 1641. National Anthem, Conduct of police at public gatherings on playing of (Mr. McCracken and George, Messrs., Report Yeates), 668, 1612. on affairs B_risbane City Council (Mr. Nimmo), 18; (Mr. Russell)', 1253; Newstead House, Maintenance of (Mr. Cost of (Mr. Yeates), 1376. Russell), 1715. McDowell (Boilermaker), Position in Oxley Creek Bridge, Closing of (Mr. Railway Department on election as Nimmo), 669. Mayor 'Of Maryborough (Mr. Morris), Parkinson, Mr. C. E., visit to America (Mr. 798. Nimmo), 1174, 1223. McKeen family, Alleged destitution in Parliament House R-aid- (Mr. T. L. Williams), 1822; (Mr. Cost of prosecution (Mr. Walker), 1046. Morris), 1823; (Mr. Nimmo), 1823. Jury, Suggested questioning of (Mr. Main Roads-[See also ''Heavy Nimmo), 1641. Vehicles'']­ Patriotic Funds, Audit of (M:r. Yeates), Alleged bribery in connection with con­ 348. tracts (Mr. Macdonald), 833. Pharmaceutical Chemists' Apprentices, Brisbane-Toowoomba Road, Cost of (Mr. 1928-1939 (Mr. Russell), 1550. Nimmo), 741; (Mr. Yeates), 1641. Police- Cook Highway, Cost of (Mr. Yeates), National Anthem, Conduct at public 893. gatherings on playing of (Mr. Inland defence road, Proposed route of Yeates), 668, 1612. (Mr. Maher), 502, 602; (Mr. Walker), Reservists on special duty, Pay of (Mr. 1715. Morris), 349, 382. Receipts and expenditure (Mr. Maher), Suspension of (Mr. Morris), 266. 53. Policy speech (Premier's), Fulfilment of Depot, Number and Mareeba Railway promises in (Mr. Clayton), 266. condition of locomotives at (Mr. Yeates), 566. Potash, Supplies of (Mr. Nicklin), 443. Margarine- Premier- Control of manufacture of (Mr. T. L. Childhood Endowment, Alleged speech on Williams), 443. (Mr. Nimmo), 123; (Statements by Production in Queensland, 1938-39 (Mr. Premier), 155, 156. Walker), 93. Policy speech, Fulfilment of promises in (Mr. Clayton),, 266. Cup Race, Alleged unauthorised lottery on (Mr. Nimmo), 1319; (Mr. Visit to Sydney and Canberra, Mode of Yeates), 1612. travel (Mr. Yeates), 502. Methylated spirits, Price of (Mr. Power), Prerogative of mercy, Exercise of, (Mr. 1780. Gair), 1224. :Military service-[See "War"]. Primary products required for war (Mr. Eclwards), 267. l\Jilk for-­ Printer, Government, Vacancy in position C'hildren in Western Districts (Mr. of (Mr. Yeates), 1434. Clayton), 266; Mr. Yeates), 1780. Producer Gas, Suggested reduction of Needy school children (Mr. Clayton), registration fees on motor vehicles 266. using (.Mr. Walker), 1467. Ministers, Salaries and allowances of Hon. Public Debt-[S'ee also ''Loans'']­ J. Larcombe and Hon. D. A. Gledson, 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 893. American Loans, Amount outstanding and cost of service, 1938-39 (Mr. Moonah Creek-Dajarra railway, Proposed Walker), 669, 700; Increase in cost of extension (Mr. Yeates), 1253. service, 1939-40 (Mr. Walker), 798. Motherhood E•ndowment-[See ''Childhood Amount at 30 June, 1939 (Mr. Maher), ;Endowment'']. 320. Motor Vehicles Insurance, Premiums and Semi-governmental bodies, State guaran­ payments for 1936-37, 1937-38, and tees to (Mr. Maher), 320; (Mr. 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), 53. Walker), 920. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATiVE MlSEMBLY.

QlTESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Public Estate Improvement Branch, Work Railways-continued: at Wandoan (Mr. Slessar), 349. Wallangarra-Brisbane Mail Train, Late Public Works, Engagement of labour on running of (Mr. Yeates), 502, 566. (Mr. Yeates), 348. Women Employees, Number and Status Qualischefski Cattle Dip, Test of (Mr. of (Mr. Yeates), 1402, 1642. Maher), 123. R·ation Relief-[See "Unemployment"]. Queensland Co-operative Milling Associa­ tion, Report of Auditor-General's Red Cross Funds, Exemption from income Department on purchase of flour mills tax of donations to (M;r. Nimmo), 800. by (Mr. Healy), 566; _(Further report Redland Bay District, Revenue from tabled), 669. timber from (Mr. Muller), 987. Railways­ Reforestation, Expenditure on (Mr. Brisbane-Wallangarra mail train, Late Walker), 1045, 1075. running of (Mr. Yeates), 502, 566. Relief Work-[See "Unemployment'']. Commissioner's Annual Report, 1938-39, Revenue (State), 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), 92. Date of tabling (Mr. Yeates), 154, Rogers, Mr. W. L., Loan for cotton growing 1046. to (Mr. Nimmo), 952. Dajarra-Moonah Creek line, Proposed Roma Street New Railway Station and rail extension (Mr. Yeates), 1253. connection between North and South Diesel trains and steam locomotives, Brisbane (Mr. Yeates), 472. Number constructed, written off, and ordered, 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 502. Rural Development Bureau- Employees' earnings outside department Indebtedness and Government guarantees (Mr. Morris), 952. (Mr. Clayton), 920. Etheridge line, Cattle traffic on and Loan Raisings, 1939-40 (Mr. Clayton), suggested extension to Croydon (Mr. 122; (Mr. Walker), 1522. Walker), 1779. Schools (State)­ Finances, 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), 235. Mount Morgan Boys' Central, Improve· Gardner, Mr. (Guard), Chairman of ments at (Mr. Daniel), 154. Woothakata Shire Council (Mr. Tewantin, Cost of residence at (Mr. Morris), 798. Walker), 1467. General Manager, South-Western Divi­ vVynnum Electorate, Improvements in sion, Classification of position (Mr. (Mr. Dart), 1253. Duggan), 9. Semi-Governmental Bodies- Hooper, Mr. IV. A., Report on services Indebtedness of (Mr. Walke,r), 920. by (Mr. Yeates), 18, 1641. Loan raisings, 1939-40 (Mr. Clayton), King, Mr. V. C., Earnings outside ser­ 122; (Mr. Walker), 1522. vice (Mr. Morris), 920. Loans guaranteed by State (Mr. Maher), Locomotives- 320; (Mr. Walker), 920. Construction and delivery of (Mr. Yeates), 566. Loan-Subsidies (Mr. Brand), 52; (Mr. Nimmo), 235; (Mr. Moore), 1375. Mareeba Depot, number and condition of at (Mr. Yeates), 566. Sheep and wool experts, number in Depart­ Number constructed, written off, and ment of Agriculture and Stock (Mr. ordered, 1938-39 (Mr. Yeates), 502. Yeates), 1780. McDowell (Boile-rmaker), Position in Silos (Farm), Advances for (Mr. Edwards), department on election as Mayor of 381. Maryborough (Mr. Morris), 798. Solicitors and Barristers, Distribution of Moonah Creek-Dajarra- line, Proposed Government work amongst (Mr. extension (JI,fr. Yeates), 1253. Yeates), 1780. Non-paying lines, Report of Commis­ South Burnett Co-operative Dairy Associa­ sioner on (Mr. Yeates), 1642, 1716. tion, Election of Director of (Mr. Plunkett), 1375. Passes granted to retired employees (Mr. Yeates), 1289. Special Employment Works Fund, Source Roma Street Station (new), Estimated of (Mr. Walker), 668. cost of (Mr. Yeates), 472. Stanley River Dam, Expenditure in 1938-39 Sydney-Brisbane Mail Train, Late run­ on (Mr. Macdonald), 52. ning of (Mr. Yeates), 566. State Advances Corporation- Townsville Station, Cost of (Mr. Indebtedness and Government Guarantees Yeates), 1642, 1715. (Mr. Clayton), 920. Townsville Workshops, Cost of (Mr. J_,oan Raisings, 1939-40 (Mr. Clayton), Yeatqs), 1642, 1715. 122; (Mr. Walker), 1522. 10 INDEX TO SUB.fECTS-LEGISLATlVE ASSJ£l\1BLY.

QUESTIO~S-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: State Employees- Unemployment- Defence duties, Civil and Military pay Destitution of family of 10 children for (Mr. Nimmo), 442. (Mr. T. L. Williams), 1822. Government Printer, Vacancy in office of Family Income, Computation for ration (l\Ir. Yeates), 1434. relief (Mr. Nimmo), 267 . .Jaekson, Mr., E•arnings outside Forestry Insurance, Number of recipients (Mr. Service (Mr. Morris), 920. Daniel), 180. RailwRy Department Officers- Intermittent Relief Work- Earnings outside Department (Mr. Number of recipients, Metropolitan ::\fon·is), 798, 920, 952. area, 3.0 June, 1939 (Mr. Maher), Retired, Railway passes granted to 122. (::\Ir. Yeates), 1289. Whole State, 30 June, 1939 (Mr. \'!omen, Number and status of (Mr. Maher), 122. Yeates), 1403, 1642. Juvenile Employment Bureau, Number State Transport Commission-[See '' Trans­ registered and placed from 1 January port Commission' ']. to 30 June, 1939 (Mr. Dart), 122­ Statutes, Revised edition, Supply at Parlia­ [See also ''Youth Employment'']. ment House (Mr. Macdonald), 798. Public ·works, Engagement of labour on Stock Route Improvements, :i'Yfaintenance of (Mr. Yeates), 348. (Mr. Macdonald), 122. Ration Relief- Stock sal0.s, Lot-splitting at (.Mr. Mac­ Christmas Che.er, Distribution of (J\!Ir. donald), 153. Clayton), 1641. Story Bridge, Expected date of completion Family Income computations (Mr. and expenditure on (:i\Ir. Dart), 206. Nimmo), 267; effect on number of Sugar Industry- recipients (Mr. Daniel), 180. Mackay Harbour, Traffic at (Mr. Military service, Allowance to men and Nimmo), 1641. dependants (Dr. Watson Brown), Sales to Great Britain, Exchange on (Mr. 348. King), 1252. Recipients- Sydney-Brisbane mail train, Late running Number deprived of rations because of ( lHr. Yeates), 502, 566. of family income regulations (Mr. Taxation- Daniel), 180. Commission of Inquiry, Report of (Mr. Number refused on declining full­ Yeates), 1611. time jobs (:VIr. Daniel), 180. Receipts, 1938-39 (Mr. Maher), 92. Toowoomba District,, 30 June, 1930 (Mr. Yeates), 53. State Development Tax, Receipts and Expenditure, 1938-39 (l.Ir. liiaher), 123, Whole State, 1938-39 (::\fr. Ycates), 53; (Mr. Clayton), 153; 30 June, Tewantin Slate School, Cost of residence 1939 (l\fr. l\Iaher), 122; 8 July, at (:\Ir. Walker), 1467. 1939 (Mr. Macdonald), 123; 29 'l'imber~ August, 1939 (:VIr. Daniel), 180. Advisory Committee, salary, term of office, Registrations- and duties of Chairman (Mr. Yeates), June, 1938, and 1939 (Mr. Daniel), 318. 180. Log quotas (::V[r. Brand), 1403. 30 June, 1939 (Mr. :VIahcr), 122. Rcdland Bay District, Revenue from (Mr. August, 1939 (Mr. :Yiacdonald), 123. Muller), 987. Relief Fund- Too1voomba-Brisbane Road, Cost of (::Vfr. Nimmo), 741; (::VIr. Yeates), 1641. Balance, 31 December, 1939 (Mr. Walker), 18. Tomls>-illc Railway Station, Cost of (Mr. Yeatcs), 1642, 1115. Expenditure, Hl38-39 (Mr. ::V1ahcr), 123. TmvnsYille Railway \Vorkshop3, Cost of Tax Arre,ars (Mr...Walker), 319. (JUr. Yeates), 1642, 1715. Special E'lllployment '\VOTks :B'und, Source Trades Hall, Alleged sacrilr~_;ious poster on of (Mr. Walker), 663. (:\Ir. Yeah's), 154. Youth Employment Scheme, Common­ Transport Commission, State- wealth-State- Members, salaries, and term of office Fees paid or credited, 1938-39 (Mr. Walker, 798. (:\lr. Walker), 1~88. Report of Commissioner for Railways on Number traineel ancl placed in employ­ non-paying lines (:\fr. Ycates), 1642, ment (::VIr. Macdonalcl), 348. 1716. [See also ''Juvenile Employment Tubercular Cattle compulsorily slaughtered, Bureau"]. Compensation for (Mr. .Macdonald), Wallangarra-Brisbane Mail Train, Late 153. running of (Mr. Yeates), 502, 566. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 11 l.lUESTIONS-continued: Returns to Order, Delay in presentation 'iVandoan, Public Estate Improvement work (Mr. ,Maher), 1781. at (Mr. Slessar), 349. W<:~r, Primary Products required for (Mr. Sitting Days­ Edwards), 267. Friday, 741. Wh~at Industry­ Hours of sitting, 18; extension of, 669. kldit Inspector's Report on purchase of Precedence of Government business on flour mills by Queensland Co-operative Thursday, 669. }.filling Association (Mr. Healy), 566; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 18. (further report tabled), 669. Auditor-General's report on Wheat Smith, Hon. W. Forgan, Premier, Con­ Board's Accounts (Mr. Healy), 566. gTatulations on record term of Supply of sacks (Mr. Yeateis), 921. office, 94. Wool Industry- Sales to Great Britain, Exchange on (Mr. Solicitors 'and Barristers, Fees paid by King), 1252. Crown to­ Wool Advisory Commission, Report of :Order for return (motion-Mr. E-dwards), (M:t>. Yeates), 987; Opportunity for 20. discussion of (Mr. Yeates), 1133, 1611, R

SUPPLY­ SUPPLY-continued: Committee­ CONSIDERAT'ION OF ESTIMATES IN CaM­ Constitution of, 381. MITT'EE-continued: Estimates-in-Chief-continued,: Opening of, 620. Public Lands- CoNSIDERATION OF ESTIMATES IN COMMIT­ Chief !Office, 982, 987. TEE­ District Offices, 1025. Estimates-in-Chief- Forestry, 1025, J 046. Auditor-General, 866. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ Executive and Legislative­ age, 1069, 1174. Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the )i i~cellaneous, 1222. Governor, 630, 636, 671, 701, 742, Survey Office, 1069. 793. Public Works­ Executive Council, 833. Buildings, 1434. His Excellency the Governor (balance Chief Office, 1409. of vote), 833. Gas Acts, 1434. Legislative Assembly, 833. Services-Public Buildings, 1434. Labour and Industry- Railways- Chief OfficE', 867, 894. Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Commissioner of Prices, 953. way, 1397. Income (State Development) Tax Act General Establishment, 1315, 1320. of 1938, 911. N orthcrn Division (excluding Mackay Industrial Court, 953. Railway), 1400. Sub-Department of Labour, 953; Southern Division, 1376. (amendment to reduce vote by £1) (i:i\Ir. l\faher), 978. Votes passed under operations of Standing Order, No. 307, and Sessional Orders-­ Mines- Estirnatc:s-in-Chie f- Chief Offlce, l222J 128!). In Aid of Mining, 1313. Department of AgTiculture and Stock, 1490. Inspection of l\!Iachim.,ry, Scaffolding, and Weights and ::\Ieasures, 1315. Department of Health and Home Affairs, 1490. Mining Fields, 1313. Department of Justice, 1490. ''Queensland Government Mining J-ournal,'' 131'±. Department of Public InstTUction­ State Mining Operations, 1313. State Schools, 1490. Balance of Vote, 1490. Premier and C11ief S'ecretary­ Department of the Treasurer, 1490. Agent-Goneral for the State, 849. Loan Fund Account, 1490. Chief Office, 847. Trust and Spocial Funds, 1490. Co-ordinator-General of Public Works, 858. Supplementary Estimates, 1938-39­ Immigration, 859. Loan Fund, 1490. Miscellaneous Services, 864. Revenue, 1490. Museum, 860. Trust Funds, 1490. Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ Vote of CTcdit on Account, 1940-41, 1490. man, 860. Public Library, 860. RESOLUTIONS REPOR1'ED FR011 COMMITTEE­ Public Service Commissioner, 861. Adoption, 1490. Public Service Supqrannuation Reception, 1490. Board, 864. State Reporting Bureau, 864. Resolutions adol'ted under operations of Standing Order, No. 307, and Sessional State Stores Board, 864. Orders,. 1521. Public Instruction­ VoTE OF CREDIT ON AccoUKT, 1940-41 Chief Office, 1436. (£4,600,000) (message from Governor), Endowment, Fees, and Allowances 1434; (Committee of Supply), 1490. (Secondary Educ:1tion), 1482. Inspection, 1463. Vo•m oN AccouxT­ Queensland Agricultural High School (£7,300,000) (message from Governor), and College, 1479. 55; (Committee of Supply), 55. Queensland University, 1464, 1472. State Schools, 1482. Time Limit of Speeches- Training College, 1479. Members granted an extension of time­ Women's College, 1482. Mr. Smith, 30, 652. 1630. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSBMBLY. 13

'rolmie, Hon. James, Death of (motion of Voting, Compulsory Preferential, and condolence), 20; (reply to motion of UedistrHmtion of State Electorates condolence), 293. (motion-Mr. Maher), 410, 503, 603.

Walker, Mr. J. E., Death of (motion of TCIWnsville Electoral District­ condolence,), 1551. Death of Hon. M. P. Hynes, 4. Return of Mr. Georg"' Keyatta at by-election War with Germany- during recess, 4. Co-operat,ion of State with Commonwealth (Ministerial Statement), 267. Ministerial Statement (copies of telegrams Valedictory, 1878. tabled), 267. [See also ''Questions.''] Vote of Credit on Awount, 1940-41­ (£4,600,000) (message from Governor), Ways and ~feans- 1434; (Committee of Supply), 1490. Balance of Estimates, 1521. Constitution of Committee, 381. Opening of Committee, 1521. Vote on Account--­ Resolutions, Reception and adoption of, (£7,300,000) (message from Governor), 55; 1522. (Committee of Supply), 55. Vote on account (£7,300,000), 83; vote of credit on account, 1940-41 ( £4,600,000), 1522. Voting at By-Elections- Order for return (motion-Mr. Brand), 20. Wellintrton, lUr. W. J., Death of (motion Return tabled, 55. of condolence), 9. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL [See "Mullan, Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Honourable John."] N aminated on panel, 9. Takes chair as, 683. BEDFORD, Randolph, Esquire (War­ Electorate,s (State), Redistribution and rego)­ compulsory preferential voting, 609. Address in Reply, 177. Financial Statement, 756. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 188. BILL: Petroleum Acts Amendment (2°), 1788. S~UPPLY: Electorates (State), Redistribution and Consideration of Estimates in Com­ compulsory preferential Yoting, 615. mittee­ Personal explanation, 54. Estimates-in-Chief- Labour and Industry- SUPPLY: Chief Office, 897. Consideration of Estimates in Corn· Mines- mittee­ Chief Office, 1300. Estimates-iqkChief- Public Instruction­ Mines- Chief Office, 144 7. State Mining Operations, 1313. Public Lands­ Chief Office, 987. BRAND, William Alfred, Esquire (Isis)­ Irrigation, ~Water Supply, and [See also "Chairman of Committees, Sewerage, 1183. Temporary," and " Speaker, Deputy"]­ BRASSINGTON, Samuel John, Esquire Address in Reply, 241. (Fortitude Vailey)-[See also " Chairman of Committees, Tem· BILLS: porary," and " Speaker, Deputy"]­ Agricultural Requirements Control and Address in Reply, 32. Conservation (initiation in commit­ tee), 635. BILLS: Brisbane City Council Business and Brisbane City Council Business and Procedure (initiation in committee), Procedure (initiation in committee), 1758; (motion for dis,'ent from Chair· 1761; (point of order), 1763; (2°), man's ruling), 1749; (2°), 1833; 1830. (moves amendment), 1835. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency Income (State Development) Tax Act (initiation in committee), 1116. Amendment (initiation in committee), Income (State Development) Tax Act 224, 349, 370, 376; (2°)' 400. Amendme,nt (initiation in committee), Inspection of Machinery Acts and 330, 353. Another Act Amendment (2°), 1545. Medical (2°), 581. Margarine Acts Amendment (2°), 1676. Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (committee), 479. Medical (committee), 801, 806, 810, 811, 947. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Mines Regulation Acts Amendment Nominated on panel, 9. (committee), 475, 482. Takes chair as, 218, 361, 542, 729, 776, Peanut Industry Protection and Preser­ 906, 954, 1000, 1048, 1200, 1333, 1387, vation (2°), 1688. 1418, 1428, 1481. Pest Destroyers (initiation in com­ Electorates (State), Redistribution and mittee), 550. compulsory preferential voting, 424, 503. Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), Financial Statement, 659; (point of order), 922; ( 2o), 1082; (committee), 1224, 665. 1232, 1239, 1244, 1251. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 119, 438. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIV]'] ASSEMBLY. 15

BRASSINGTON, Samuel John, Esquire ­ BRUCE, Honourable Henry Adam (The continued: Tableland) [Secretary for Public Works and Secretary for Public SUPPLY: Instruction]­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Address in Reply, 132. mittee­ Estimates-in-Chief- BILLS: Labour and Industry­ Main Roads Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 1265, 1273; (2°), 1552, Sub-Department of Labour, 961, 967. 1561; (committee), 1564, 1565, 1568, Public Instruction­ 1570, 1573, 157 4, 1575. State Schools, 1489. Medical, 1577. Public Lands- SuPPLY: Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewerage, 1176. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Public Wo·rks- inittee­ Chief Office, 1412, 1427. Estimates-in-Chief- Railways- Public Instruction­ Southern Division, 1379. Chief Office, 1436, 1459. Inspection, 1463. Resolution, 1·eporteil from Co1J~mitt"e­ Qua€nsland Agricultural High School Executive and Legislative­ and College, 1479. Legislative Assembly, 1491. Quee,nsland University, 1464, 1473. Training College, 1479. BROWN, Charles Vietor Watson, Esquire, Public Warks­ lli.D. (Gregory)­ Buildings, 1434. Address in Reply, 127. Chief Office, 1409, 1422, 1430. BILLS: Gas Acts, 1434. Health Act Amendment (2°), 1859. Services, Public Buildings, 1434. Income (Stater Development) Tax Act Amendment (initiation in committee), BULCOCK, Honourable Frank William 303, 365; (moves amendment), 375, (Barcoo) [Secretary for Agriculture 380. and Stock]­ Medical (initiation in committee), 526; Address in Reply, 172. (committee), 802, 806, 813, 815, 822, 830, 930, 935, 938. BILLS: Petroleum Acts Amendment (initiation Agricultural Requirements Control and in committee), 1697; (2°), 1791. Conservation (2°), 1547. Death of- Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (initia­ tion in committee), 1274; (2°) 1578, Hyne,s, Hon. M. P., Pollock, Hon. G., 1 and Wellington, Mr. W. J. (motion 1604; (point of order), 1600; (com­ of condolence), 10. mittee), 1607, 1608, 1610. Fruit and Vegetables Acts Amendment SuPPLY: (initiation in committee), 1698; (2°), Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 1701. mittee­ Margarine Acts Amendment (initiation Estimates-in-Chief- in committee), 1404; (2°), 1666. Public Instruction- Peanut Industry Protection and Preserva­ Chief Office, 1443. tion (initiation in committee), 1467, (2°) 1679. Railways- 1 Pest Destroyers (initiation in commit­ Central Division and Mackay Rail­ tee), 542; ( 2 o), 597; (committee), way, 1399. 631. General Establishment, 1328. Primary Producers' 0Tganisation and Resolution reported from Committee­ Marketing Acts Amendment (initiation Public Instruction- in committee), 1286; (2°), 1654, 1663; State Schools, 1521. (committee), 1665. SuPPLY: BROWN, John Inne.s, Esquire (Logan)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Address in Reply, 124. mittee­ BILL: Estimates-in-Chi.ef- Brisbane City Counc.il Business and Public Instruction- Procedure (initiation in committee), Queensland Agricultural High 1765. School and College, 1480. Electorates (State), Redistribution and State Schools, 1482, 1486. compulsory preferential voting, 613. Women's College, 1482. 16 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IV~ ASl::lEMBLY.

CHAIRMAN OF COJUMITTEES [O'Keefe, Chair- John, Esquire (Cairns)]-[See also Hon. members must address, 215, 352, " O'Keefe, J olm,"' and " Speaker, 370, 374, 772, 810, 994, 1012; and Deputy"]­ obey Chair, 371, 885, 965, 1116, 1130, Election of, 19; returns thanks for elec· 1311, 1437, 1744. tion, 55. Reflections on, disorderly, 883. Amendment-Hon. members who have ·not spoken to main question entitled to Conversations in loud tones disorderly, speak on both main question and 1753. amendment, 314, 321, 322. Denial of hon. membe.r must be ac0epted, Amendment not before Committee till it 329, 550, 707, 763, 877, 1036, 1474, has been moved and stated from chair, 1764, 1770, 1771, 1775. 978. Denial of hon. member must be accepte1d, BILLS: but the hon. member for Baroona Brisbane City Council Business and would be in order in quoting from a Procedure- newspaper showing that the hon. mem· Amendment (Mr. Rnssell) on initiatory ber for Wynnum had attended a motion not in order as it is not meeting,, 1770. relevant to question before, the Com· Financial Statement- mittee and would impose a charge Premier granted extension of time by on the Crown not covered by t:he Committee, 652. message from His Excellency the Governor, 1747, 1749. Tables taken as read, 620. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency- Interruptions, disorderly, 75, 371, 374, 697, Question for consideration by Com· 770, 885, 965, 1110, 1125, 1129, 1220, mittee is the desirableness of intro· 1369, 1371, 1737, 1769. ducing a Bill to. enable the Brisbane Irrelevancies-Speeches must be relevant to City Council to recast its budget question before the Committee, 213, for the present financial year, and 222, 301, 302, 303, 325, 341, 345, 358, the amendment (Mr. Ninuno) to 359, 360, 366, 377, 446, 447, 448, 481, initiatory motion proposing to dis· 550, 552, 700, 712,, 762, 763, 766, 767, solve the present Council is not 768, 810, 811, 829, 854, 859, 860, 874, relevant to the question and there· 879, 884, 898, 920, 945, 946, 963, 974, fore out of order, 1130; motion to diO'agree to Chairman's ruling can· 977, 979, 980, 981, 986, 1011, 1044, not be moved after question has 1115, 1116, 1125, 1173, 1194, 1219, been. put, 1130. 1220, 1221, 1222, 1235, 1241, 1264, Income (State Development) Tax Act 1339, 136~ 136~ 1371, 1381, 1382, Amendment- 1384, 1387, 1397, 1402, 1413, 1437, Hon. members who have not spoken 1477, 1752, 175~ 175~ 1759, 1760, to main question (initiatory motion 1764, 1850, 1852. in Committee) entitled to speak to Member ordered to resume seat, 366, 1399. main question and amendment, 314, Membms must be referred to by the names 321, 322. of their electOTates, and Ministers of The principles contained in the Bill the Crown by the office they hold, 712, were affirmed by the House on the 1768. second reading, and comment on the principle of imposing the tax is out Newspaper articles, Reading of- of order on the Committee stage, Date of paper in which article appeared 446. and signature, if any, attached to it Medical- must be quoted if article makes impu· Amendments (Dr. '\Vatson Brown and tations against a Minister or hon. Mr. Russell) on clause 33 not in member, 1360, 1361. order as they are subversive of the Quotations may be made to show that an main principle affirmed by the House hon. member hacl attended a meeting, on the second reading, 830, 831. although his denial must be accepted, Regulation of S'ugar Cane Prices Acts 1770. Amendment- Smoking within the Chamber not allowed, Amendment (:\Ir. Brand) on clause 2 1065. not in order, as it would destroY the Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 46, 161, principle affirmed on the second reading, 1226. 274, 416, 1149. Workers' Compensation Acts and another SUPPLY: Act Amendment- Advisability of having general discus· Amendments on clause 5 (Mr. Plun· sion on Yote for ''Chief Office;,'' 1312. kett.) and clause 7 (Mr. Russell) not in order, as they 1vould impose Executive and Legislative- a charge on the Crown not covered Brisbane City Council affairs cannot by the message from His Excellency be discussed on l"oto for ''Legisla· the Governor, 1874, 1877. tive Assembly,'' 842. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVE ASi::lEMBLY. 17

CHAIRMAN OF COIDIITTEES (O'Keefe, Unparliamentary language- John, Esquire)-co:-::ttinued: Expressions ruled out of order­ SuPPLY-continued: '' Bribery and corruption,'~ 325. Labour and Industry, Department of- ''Coward and cur,'' 1361. Administration of department includ­ "Degrading," 377. ing unemployment generally but not "Deliberate lie," 770, 1129. details of unemployment may be ''Faked,'' 329. discussed on vote for ''Chief Office,'' "Filthy accusation," 375. 885, 886, 895, 896, 899. ''Hypocrisy,'' 1474. Amendment not before Committee until ''If the Minister >Yas prepared to give it has been moved, and stated from us the true figures we. should have the Chair, 978. something to go on,'' 223. Income (State Development) Tax hav­ ''Independent parties and other rab­ ing bee;n approved by Parliament, bles,.'' 377. hon. members will not be in order ''Liar,'' 224, 789. in discussing the question whether ''Lie,'' 763. there was any necessity for it, but only in discussing how the revenue ''Low down,'' 909. should be expended, 918. ''Minister admitted he would appoint unqualified men," 4 78. Rural development may be discussed during consideration 'Of the Bill ''Misleading,'' 1752. alr0ady on the business-sheet and ''Never tells the truth,'' 1023. therefore is not in order on vote for ''lOur opponents stand for the short "Income (State Development) Tax paying of their employees,'' 975. Act,'' 920. ''Root in the behind, ' ' 1851. Premier and Chief Secretary's Depart­ ''Some of these funds have been ment­ manipulated unduly for the benefit Agent-General 's Report, Subjects of consolidated revenue,'' 231. therein may be dealt with on votes "Unemployed have' been robbed of for thC> proper dcpa;rtments, 855, £800,000,'' f83. 856, 858. '' Y on are letting the Opposition use Public Instruction, Departm9nt of- you,'' 375. '' Y on will not be able to say any­ Discussion of question whether public thing in Parliament soon,'' 883. servants should be permitted to take an active part in political matters outside working hours not in order CHAIRMAN OF COMMIT'l'EES, 'I'E1\f. on vote for ''Chief Office'' or PORARY [Brand, William Alfrev, "Queensland University," 1442, Esquire (Isis) ]-[See also "Speaker, 1477. Deputy"]­ Public La11ds, DeiiJartment of- N ominated on panel, 9. Matters involving legislation cannot 'rakes chair as, 683. be discnssed in Committee of Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 188. Supply, 991, 1005. Railways, Department of- Only matters concerning southern divi­ CHAIRlU'AN OF COMMITTEES, TEM· sion may be dealt with on vote for PORARY [Brassington, Samuel ''Southern Division''; if conditions John, Esquire (Fortitude Valley)]­ are uniform throughout the State, [See also "Speaker, Deputy"]­ the matter should have been debated Nominated on panel, 9. on ''Chief Office'' vote, i380, 1382, Chair must. be obeyed, 1429. 1383, ] 387. Irrelevancies-Speeches must be relevant to Wool Advisory Commission and other question before the Committee, 1049, matters of policy in connection with 1420, 1429. Department may not be discussed. Hon. members will be in order in Personalities not in order, 1057, 1429. discussing individual cases of tem­ Reflections on public servants not in order, porary employees who possess 1420. required qualifications of the Depart­ Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 119, 438. ment, but will not be in order in discussing employment of temporary Takes chair, 218, 361, 542, 729, 776, 906, employees generally, 1386, 1393. 954, 1000, 1048, 1200, 1333, 1387, 1418, 1428, 1481. Trust or Loan Funds may not be discuss8'd on Revenue Estimates, 1293, Unparliamentary language­ 129~ 1300, 1304, 130~ 131~ 1312, Expression ruled out of order­ 1313, 1413, 1437. '' The Government were dishonest,'' Tedious repetition not in order, 448. 1429. 18 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIV.l'J ASBEMBLY.

CHAIR~rAN OF COMiliiTTEES, TElU­ CLARK, James, EsqUJire (Fitzroy)­ PORARY [Dunstan, Thomas, Address in Reply, 187. Esquire (Gymp'ie) ]-[See also "Speaker, Deputy"]­ BILL: Nominated on panel, 9. Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (committee), 475. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 133. SUPPLY: SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Premier and Chief Secretary's Depart­ mittee­ ment- Estimates-in-Chief- A subject previously debated cannot be discussed again as a matter of Mines- administration of a department, 848. Chief Office, 1306. Takes chair, 333, 649, 755, 846, 1266, 1301. ''Queensland Governme.nt Mining Journal," 1314. Unparliamentary language- Expression ruled out of order­ CLAYTON, Ernest Henry Collet, E~quire ''Breach of trust,' ' 848. (Wide Bay)­ Address in Reply, 181. CHAIRMAN OF CO:ItiMITTEES, TE]}I. BILLS: PORARY [King, William Thomas, Esquire (Maree) ]-[See also Aboriginals Preservation and Protection " Speaker, Deputy"]­ (2°), 490. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment ( com­ Nominated on panel, 9. mittee), 1606. Amendments- Income (State Development) Tax Act Hon. members who have not spoken to Amendment (initiation in committee), main question entitled to speak to both 325. '111ain question and amendment (Income Main Roads Acts Amendment ( com­ (State Development) Tax Act Amend­ mittee), 1569. ment Bill), 313. Margari'ue Acts Amendment (2o), 1674. Minister must confine his remarks to the amendment but may reply to the Peanut Industry Protection and Preser­ arguments of the Opposition (Income vation (initiation in committee), 1467. (State Development) Tax Act Amend­ Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts ment Bill), 307, 311. Amendment (initiation in committae), Denial of hon. member must be accepted, 925; (2°), 1100. 666, 968. SUPPLY: Interruptions disorucrly, 868. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Irrelevancies-S'peeches must be rele,·ant to mittee­ question beforQ the Committee, 70, 71, Estimates-in-Chirf- 307, 312, 717, 1349, 1449. Public Lands­ Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 105, 511, 589, 1811. Chief Office, 1009. 1063. Takes chair, GS, 229, 305, 378, 455, 663, Forestry, 686, 714, 831, 863, 967, 1017, 1106, Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and 1185, 1280, 1315, 1348, 1448. Sewerage, 1199. Unparliamentary language­ Railways- Expressions ruled out of order­ General Establishment, 1340. '' Dishonest politically,'' 871. "Never tells the truth," 1023. COLLINS, Harold Henry, Esquire (Cook)­ Address in Reply, 48.

CHAIRThrAN OF CO)llHTTEES, TEJU. BILLS: POUARY [Nimmo, Thomas, Esquh·e Aboriginals Presenation and Protection (Oxley) ]-[See also "Spealier, (initiation in committee), 460. Deputy"]­ Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (2°), Nominated on panel, 9. 1594. Speakm, Deputy, Takes chair as, 160, 203. Income (State Development) Tax Act Amendment (initintion in committee), 332, 373; (2°), 428. CHIEF SECRETARY [See "Smith, Peanut Industrv Protection and Pr(lser­ Honourable William Forgan, LI,.D."J. vation (initiation in committ.e,e), 1471. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVB ASSEMBLY. 19

COLLINS, Harold Henry, Esfl.uire­ COPLEY, Patrick Kerry, Esquire continued : (Kurilpa)­ BILLs-continued: Financial Statement, 762.

Primary Producers' Organisation and SUPPLY: Marketing Acts Amendment (2°), 1657. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Amendment (2°), 1092. Estimates-in-Chief- Financial Statement, 671. Public Lands- Irrigation, Water Supply, and SUPPLY: Sewerage, 1200. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Estimates-in-Chief- DANIEL, David John .Marlais, Esquire (Keppe·l)- Labour and Industry­ Sub-Department of Labour, 966. BILLs: Income (State Development) Tax Act Mines- Amendment (initiation in committee.), Chief Office, 1302. 233, 317, 363, 374; (2°)' 436. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Medical (2°), 594. Agent-General for the State, 855. Electorates (State), Redistribution and Public Lands- compulsory preferential voting, 603. Chief Office, 992. Irrigation, 'VVater Supply, and Sewerage, 1177. DART, William Logan, Esquire (Wyn­ num)­ CONROY, Charles William, Esquire Address in Reply, 101. (~Iaranoa)- Address in Reply, 203. BILLS: Aboriginals Preservation and Protection COOPER, Honourable Frank Arthur (initiation in committee), 458. CBreme·r) [Treasurer]­ Agricultural Requirements Control and Address in Reply, 109. Conservation (initiation in committee), 635. BILLS: Brisbane City Council Business and Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 89. Procedure (initiation in committee), Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1612. 1752, 1760, 1767; (point of order), 1770, 1771; (2°), 1810; (amendment Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act - M1·. Brand), 1843; (committee), Amendment (initiation in committee), 1701; (2°), 1793, 1795; (committee), 1849. 1796. City of Brisbane Financial Emm·gency Income (State DeYelopment) Tax Act (initiation in committee), 1125; (2°), Amendment (initiation in committee) 1146; (committee), 1173. 346, 379; (point of order-M/ Criminal Code Amendment (2°), 1720. Maher), 313. Income (State Development) Tax Act Motor Vehieles Insurance Act Amend­ Amendment (initiation in committee), ment (initiation in committee), 1257, 228, 334, 355; (2°)' 398. 1261, 1264; (2°), 1714. Inspection of l\Iachinery Ac.ts and Navigation Acts Amendment (initiation Another Act Amendment. (2"), 1546. in committee), 12;54, 1256 · (2°) 1 1704 1710; (committee), 1711,'1712, 1713.' Mackay Scandinavian Luthe,ran Church Land Sale (initiation in committee), Newstead House Trust (initiation in eommittc,e), 1781, 1784; (2°), 1785. 542. Main Roads Acts Amendment (initiation VVorkers' Compensation Acts and Another in committee), 1270; (committee), Act Amendment (initiation in com­ 1569, 1572. mittee), 632; (2°), 1866 1871· (com­ mittee), 1874, 1876, 187'7. ' Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (com­ Chairman of Committees- mittee), 4 73. Appointment of ( cong>ratulations to Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amend­ Mr. 0 'Keefe), 56. ment (initiation in committee), 1261. Patriotic. Funds Administration Acts Electorates (State), R.edistribution and Amendment (initiation in committee), compulsory preferential voting, 607. 538. Financial Statement, 620. Electorates (State), Redistrilmtion and· SUPPLY: compulsory preferential voting, 511. Vote on Account (£7,300,000), 56, 59, 74. Financial Statement, 712. 20 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVB ASt:lEMBLY.

DART, William Logan, Esquire~contd.: DUGGAN, John Edmund, Esquire (Too­ SUPPLY; woomba)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Address in Reply, 96; (point of order), mittee­ 251. Est~mates-in-Chief- BILL: Labour and Industry- Income (State Development) Tax Act Chief Office, 905; (point of order), Amendment (initiation in committee), 909. 226, 327; (point of orde.-), 329; (2°), Sub-Department of Labour, 974. 406. Premier and Chief Secretary­ SUPPLY: Agent-General for the State, 858. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Public Instruction­ mittee­ State Schools, 1484. Estimates-in-Ch

...A..... ppropri

EDWARDS, James Braidwood, Esquire-­ FOLEY, Honourable Thomas Andrew (Nor­ continued: manby) [Secre,ta.ry for Mines]- BILLs-continued : Appointmcnt as Secre.tary for Labour and Main Roads Acts Amendment ( com­ IndustTy (Ministerial Statement), 7. mittee), 1567. Address in Reply, 41. Margarine Acts Amendment (2°), 1675. BILL: Me.dical (committee), 949. Income (State Development) Tax Act Mines Regulation Acts Amendment ( com­ Amendment (initiation irr committee), mittee), 480. 217, 305, 309, 314, 323, 335, 343, 360, Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amend­ 363, 366, 368, 376, 380; (motion for ment (initiation in committee), 1260. dissent from Temporary Chairman's Patriotic Funds Administration Acts ruling), 309; (2°), 382, 440; (point Amendment (initiation in committee), of order), 398; (committee), 447. 537. SUPPLY: Peanut Industry Protection and Preser­ Conside•ration of Estimates in Com­ vation (initiation in committee), 1469; (2°), 1682. mittee­ Estimates-in-Chief- Pest Destroyers (initiation in commit­ te,.), 553; (2°), 601. Labour and Industry- Financial Statement, 775; (point of order), Chief Office, 867, 869, 872, 890, 894, 677. 909; (point of order), 883. Commissioner of Prices, 953. SUPPLY: Income (State Development) Tax Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Act, 911, 916. mittee)­ Industrial Court, 953. Estimates-in-Chief- Sub-Departmenet of Labour, 953, Labour and Industry- 955, 971, 980. Chief Office, 902. Sub-Department of Labour, 977. GAIR, Vincent Clair, Esquire (South Bris­ Public Instruction- bane)­ Chief Office, 1441. Financial Statement, 689. Queensland University, 1476. Speaker, election of (nominates Mr. Han­ Public Lands­ son), 4. Chief Office, 1011. SUPPLY: Forestry, 1052. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Irrigation, Water Supply, and mittee­ Sewerage, 1202. Estimates-,in-Ohief- Raihvays- Labour and Industry- General Establishment, 1346. Chief Oft'icc, 907. Southern Division, 1389. Public Instruction­ Reso&ution 1·eporfed from Committee­ Queensland University, 1479. Public Instruction- Railways- Queensland Agricultural High School General Establishment, 1352; (point and College, 1516. of order), 1360. Vote on Account (£7,300,000), 76. Southern Division, 1392, 1396.

F ARRELL, David, Esquire (Marybor. GLEDSON, Honourable David Alexander ough)­ · (lpswicli) [Secretary for Mines]­ Address in Reply, 279. Appointment as Secretary for Mines BILLS: (Ministerial Statement), 7. Inspection of Machinery Acts and Address in Reply, 167. Another Act Amendment (2°), 1542. BILLS: Mines Regulation Acts Amendment Friendly Societies Acts Amendme.nt (initiation in committee), 213; ( com­ (initiation in committee), 1694. mittee), 480. Inspection of Machinery Acts Amend­ SUPPLY:· ment (initiation in committee), 951. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Inspection of Machinery Acts and mittee­ Another Act Amendment (initiation in Estimates-in-Chief- committee), 1376; (2°), 1540; (com­ mittee), 1546, 1547. Public Lands- Mines Regulation Acts Amendment Forestry, 1029. (initiation in committee), 206 · (2°), Irrigation, Water Supply, and 448, 450; (committee), 476: 482; Sewerage, 1195. (point of order), 478. 22 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ£ ASi:lEMBLY.

GLEDSON, Honourable David Alexander­ SUPPLY: continued: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ BILLS-continued: mittee- Mining Acts Amendment (initiation in Estim.a.tes-in-Chief- committee), 216; (2°), 451. Resolution reported from Committee­ Petroleum Acts Amendment (initiation Public Instruction- in committee), 1694; (2°), 1785, 1791; State Schools, 1516. (committee), 1792. Queensland Law Society Acts Amernd­ War with Germany, Co-operation of ment (initiation in committee), 1650. State with Commonwealth, 269. SUPPLY: HANSON, Edward Joseph, Esquire Conside11ation of Estimates in Com­ (Buranda) [See also " Speaker"]­ mittee­ Estimates-in-Chief- HAYES, John Vincent, Esquire (Nundab)­ Mines- Chief Office, 1222, 1309. BILL: In Aid of Mining, 1313. Medical (2°), 592. Inspection of Machinery, Scaffold· SUPPLY: ing, and Weights and Measures, 1315. Consideration of Estin1ates in Com­ mittee­ Mining Fields, 1313. ''Queensland Government Mining Etimates-in-Chief- Journal," 1314. Public Instruction- State Mining Operations, 1313, 1314. Chief Office, 1456. Railways- HANLON, Honourable Edward Michael Southern Division, 1384. (Itllaca) [Secretary for Healtll and Home Affairs]­ HEALY, John Joseph O'Connor, Esquire Air-Raid Precautions taken by State (Warwick)-- Government, 269. AddTess in Reply, 258. BILLS: SUPPLY: Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Consideration of Estimates in Com­ (initiation in committee), 452, 462; (2°), 484; (committee), 517, 518, 519, mittee-­ 520, 52]. Esti11lates-in-Chief- Air Raid Wardens (initiation in commit­ Public Lands- toe), 1648; (2°), 1864. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ SeweTage, 1181. cedure (initiation in committee), 1734, 1760, 1774; (2°), 1796, 1844; (amend­ ment-:Yir. Brand), 1839; (commit­ HILTON, Paul Jerome Remigius, Esquire tee), 1850, 1852, 1854, 1856. (Carnarvon)­ 'Jity of Brisbane Financial Emerge;ncy Address in Reply, 245. (initiation in committee), llOG; (2°), ll34, lll39; (committee,), ll73. HISLOP, Roland William, Esquire (Sand· Dental Acts Amendment. (initiation in gate)- committee), 793; (2°), 1522, 1526; (committee), 1529, 1530, J 532, 1533. Addross in Reply, 144. Health Act Amendment (initiation in BILL: committee), 1643; (2°), 1856, 1860; N ewstead House TTust (initiation in (committee), 1862, 1863. committee), 1783. Medical (initiation in committee), 467, 528; (2°), 553, 595; (committee), 800, SUPPLY: 802, 807, 811, 812, 813, 815, 819, 821, Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 822, 824, 826, 829, 830, 831, 929, 932, mitteE)-­ 934, 936, 940, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950. Estimates-in-Chief- Opticians Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 794; (2°), 1533; (com­ Labom and Industry­ mittee), 1535, 1536, 1537. Sub-Department of Labour, 975. Pharmacy Acts Amendment (initiation Rail>>ays- in committee), 797; (2°), 1538; General Establishment, 1338. (committee), 1539, 1540. Resolution reported from Committee­ Torres Strait Islanders (initiation in committee), 463; (2°), 498; (com­ Public Lands- mittee), 522, 523. Chief Office, 1497. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ£ ASSEl\1BLY. 23

JESSON, Cecil GeQrge, Esquire (Ken­ KEYATTA, George, Esquire (Townsville)­ nedy)­ Address in Reply (seconds motion), 15. Address in Reply, 36. SUPPLY: BILLS: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Aboriginals Preservation and Protection mitte~ (initiation in committee), 458. Estimates-in-Chief- Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ cedure (2°), 1808. Public Lands- Income (State Development) Tax Act Irrigation, Water Supply, and Amendment (initiation in committee), Sewerage, 1197. 376, 378. Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amend­ ment (initiation in committee), 1263. KING, William Thomas, Esq_uire (Maree)­ Financial Statement, 707. [See also" Cliah·man of Committee·s, Personal explanation, 1319. Temporary," and " Speaker, Deputy"]­ SUPPLY: Address in Reply, 141; (point of order), Considemtion of Estimates in Com­ 148. mittee~ Estimates-in-Chief- BILL: Labour and Industry- Medical ( 2 o), 573. Chief Office, 885. Chairman of Co=ittees, Temporary­ Sub-Department of Labour, 977. Nominated on panel, 9. Mines- Takes chair, 68, 229, 305, 378, 455, Chief Office, 1289. 663, 686, 714, 831, 863, 967, 1017, 1106, Public Instruction- 1185, 1280, 1315, 1348, 1448. Chief Office, 1450. Financial Statement, 723. Queensland University, 1477. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 105, 511, Public Lands- 589, 1811. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewerage, 1186. SUPPLY: Railways- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ General Establishment, 1365. mitte~ Estimates-in-Chief- Resolution reported frmn Committee­ Public Instruction- Public Lands- Chief Office, 1500. State Schools, 1488.

JONES, Arthur, Esquire (Charters Towers)- LARCO.iUBE, Honourable James (Rock· AddreBs in R-eply (moves motion), 10. J1ampton) [Minister for Transport]­ Financial Statement, 782. Address in Reply, 236. Appointment as Minister for Transport SUPPLY: (l\Iinisterial Statement), 7. Considemtion of Estimates in Com­ mitte~ SUPPLY: Estimates-in-Chief- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee,-­ Labour and Industry- Chief Office, 901, 908. Estirnates-in-Ghief- Sub-Department of Labour, 959. Railways­ Mines- Cent,ral Division and Jl.fackay Rail­ Chief Office, 1298. way, 1397, 1400. Public Lands- General Establishment, 1315, 1320, Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and 1371. Sewerage, 1193. Northern Division (excluding M ackay Railway), 1400. KEOGH, James Patricck, Esquh·e (Mer­ Soutlli.)Tn Division, 1376, 1384, 1390, thyr)­ 1392, 1395. Address in Reply, 290. Resol·ution reported from Committee­ BILL: Railways-­ Mines Regulation Acts Amendment Northern Division (excluding Mackay (initiation in committee), 214. Railway), 1515. 24 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ£ AStlEMBLY. lUACDONALD, Duncan, Esquire (Stan· BILLS-continued: ley)­ Harbour Boards Acts and Another Act Address in Reply, 156. Amendment (initiation in committee), 1702; (2°), 1794; (committee), 1796. BILLS: Health Act Amendment (initiation in Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ committee), 1646; ( 2 °), 1857. cedme (committee), 1851. Income (State Development) Tax Act Dairy Produce, Acts Amendment (2°), Amendment (1nitiation in committ<¥J), 1598; (committee), 1607. 219, 303, 340, 367, 377; (point ·of Income (State Development) Tax Act order), 30~, 311, 312, 313; (motion for Amendment (initiation in committee), disse;nt from Temporary Chairman's 229, 324, 364; (moves amendment), ruling), 308, 314, 321; (2°), 390; 367. (committee), 445. J'.Targarine Acts Amendment (2°), 1673. Inspection of :Machinery Acts Amend­ Medical ( committeQ:), 822. ment (initiation in committee), 951. Inspect.ion of Machinery Acts and Pest Destroyers (initiation in commit­ Another Act Amendment (2°), 1541. tee), 552. Mackay Scandinavian Lutheran Church Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Land Sale (initiation in committee), Amendment (committee), 1231, 1239. 541; (2°) 1 573. Financial Statement, 742. Main R.oads Acts Amendment (initiation Personal explanation, 741. in committee), 1267; (2°), 1553; (committee), 1564, 1570, 1573. SUPPLY: Medical (initiation in committee), 524; Consideration of Estimates in Com­ (2°), 561; (committee), 805, 826, 831, mitteo--­ 927, 937, 948. Estimates-in-Chief- Mines Regulation Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 209; ( com­ Public Lands- mittee), 481. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Se,"·erage, 1218. Mining Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 217. Motor Vehicles Insurance Act Amend­ ll'IAHER, Ednmnd Bede, Esquire (West ment (initiation in committee),, 1258, 1262; (2°) 1715. lU(}reton) [Leader of tlw Opposi­ 1 tion]­ Officials in Parliament Act Amendment Address in Reply, 21; (point of order), (initiation in committee), 1652; (2°), 29, 31. 1731. Opticians Acts Amendment (initiation in BILLS: committee), 796; (2°), 1534. Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Patriotic Funds Administration Acts (initiation in committee), 457; (2°) Amendment (initiation in committee), 496; (committee), 517, 519, 520. ' 534, 539; (2°), 568; (committee), 573. Agricultural Requirements Control and Peanut Industry Protection and Preserva­ Conservation ( init.ia tion in committee), tion (2°), 1690. 634. Pest Destroyers (committee), 631. Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 83. Petroleum Acts Amendment (initiation Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1617. in committee), 1696; (2°), 1785; Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ (committee;), 1792. cedure (initiation in committee), 1763; Pharmacy Acts Amendment (2°), 1538. (motion for dissent from Chairman's ruling), 1747, 1748; (point of order), Primary Producers' !Organisation and 1770; (2°), 1825; (amendment-Mr. Marketing Acts Amendment (commit­ Brand), 1835; (committee), 1853. tee), 1665. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency Queensland Law Society Acts Amend­ (initiation in committee), 1130; (point ment (2°), 1865. of order), 1119. Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Criminal Code Amendment (initiation in Amendment (2°), 1088; ( committ€;8), committee), 1692; (2°), 1717; (com­ 1227, 1230, 1233, 1239, 1243, 1251, mittee!), 1725, 1727, 1729. 1252. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment ( com­ Torres Sh·ait Islanders (initiation in mittee), 1606. committee), 467; (2°), 501; (commit­ tee), 522. Dental Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 794; (2°), 1524; ( com­ Days of sitting- mittee), 1530, 1533. Hours of sitting, Extension of, 669. l''riendly Societies Acts Amendment Precedence of Government business on (initiation in committee), 1694. Thursday, 669. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVJ:

~IcLEAN, Bernard, Esquire-continued: Days of sitting­ BILLS-continued: Friday, 741 . Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Financial Statement, 677. Amendment (initiation in committee), SUPPLY: 924; (2°), 1085; (committee), 1233, 1239, 1241' 1252. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Financial Statement, 718. Estimates-in-Chief- SUPPLY: Premier and Chief Secl·etary­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ J\fiscellancons Services, 865. nlittee­ Museum, 860. Estimates-in-Chief- Public Senice Commissioner, 863. Labour and Industry- Public Instruction- Chin£ 'Office, 877. Queensland Agricultural High School Sub-Department of Labour, 961. and College, 1480. Mines- State Schools, 1482. Chief Office, 1295. Public Lands­ Public Lands­ ~'Ol·esh-y, 1046. ~'orestry, 1029. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Public Works­ Sewerage, 1188. Chief Office, 1414. Railways- Railways- General Establishment, 1325. General Establishment, 1368. Southern Division, 1387. Resolution reported from Committee­ Public Lands- MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT [See Forestry, 1507. "Larcombe, Honourable James "].

MOORE, Arthur Edward, Esquire MORRIS, George Alfred, Esquire (Kelvin (Aubigny)­ Groye)­ BrLI,s: Address in Reply, 147. Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ BILLS: cedure (initiation in committee), 1748; Brisbane City Council Business and Pro­ (2°), 1815. cedure (2°), 1829. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency (2°), 1163. City of Brisbane Financial Emergency (2°), 1144. Criminal Code Amendment (2°), 1720. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (2°), Income (State De>·elopmc.nt) Tax Act 15tl3; (committee), 1608. _'unemlment (initiation in committee), 303, 327. Health Act Amendment (committee), 1862. Medical (committee), 928, 934, 937. Income (State Development) Tax Act Workers' Comncnsation Acts and Amendment (initiation in committee), Another Act Amendment (2°), 1870. 233. Electomt0s (State), Redistribut-ion and Inspection of Machinery Acts and compulsory preferential voting, 423. Another Act Amendment (2°), 1543; (committee), 1546. Financial Statement, 764; (point of Main Roads Acts Amendment (2°), 1557; order), 762, 763. (committee), 1565, 1575. Speaker, Election of (congratulations to Medical ( 2°), 589; (committee), 804, Mr. Speaker), 6. 811, 824. SUPPLY: Motor Vehicl(>S Insurance Act Amend­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ ment (initiation in committee), 1259. mittee- Navigation Act.s Amendment. (initiation in committee), 1255; (committee), Estimates-in-Chief­ 1713. Labour and Industry­ NeT\stead House Trust (initiation in com­ Chief Office, 899. mittee), 1782; (committee), 1785. War with Germany, Co-operation of State Patriotic Funds Administration Acts with Commonwealth, 273. Amendment (2°), 570. Petroleum Acts Amendment (2°), 1789. Queensland Law Society Acts Amend­ lUULLAN, Honourable John (Carpentaria) ment (initiation in committee), 1651. [Attorney-General]­ Regulation of Suga:r Cane Prices Acts Electorates (State), Redistribution and Amendment (committee), 1237. compulsory preferential voting, 419. 27

?!IVLLEU, Adolf Gustav, Esquire (Fassi­ Bnr.s-conlinucil: fern)­ J>p~j Dnstroyers (iuitiation ;,, <'Oll111lit­ ..\drodu(·cr~' ()rga11isation ant1 Bu"L'I: .:\Iarkcting Acts Atuell(1mcnt ( 2°), 1662. Aboriginals 1're3ervation and Protcetion (2°), 491; (committee), 517, 521. .tliuancial Statt'Illcnt, 73-L Dairy Produce Acts Anwndment (initia­ SUPPLY: tion in committee), 1281; (2°), };)80; Consideration of :Estimates in Com­ (eommittce), J nos, 1Gll. mittee­ Income (!State Den'lopmcnt) Tax _\et Rslima/Ps-in-Oli irf-­ Amcn, fl::\5, 9-l:l, Ineome (State Development) Tax Ad 948. Amendment (initiation in committee), :\lines Hegulation Ads Ameu<1ment 206, 379; (moves amendment), 298; (initiation in committee), ~1'?; (emn­ (committee), 447. mittee), 477. ::\[ain Roads Acts Ame,nclmcnt (initiation Motor Vehiclm Insurance Art Ameml­ in committee), 1272; (committee), ment (initiation in committee), 1'?()1. 1574. 0 Xavigation Acts Amemlment (:: ), 1709; Margarine Acts Amendment (2°), 1675. (committee), J 7lil. :Medical (committee), 814, 937. Opticians Acts Amcnument (eommittee), Motor Vehicles Insurnnre Act Amenrl­ 1536. ment (initiation in committee), 1260. Patriotic Funds Administ.r~tion Acts Fatriotic Funds Atlministration Acts Amendment (initiation in eommittee), Amendment (committee), 573. i540. Peanut Industry Protection and Preserva· Pharmacy Acts Amendment (commit­ tion (2°), 1686. tee,), 1539. 28 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVE ASBEMBLY.

NUUIO, Thomas, Esquire-continued: O'KEEFE, John, Esquire (Cairns)-[See BILLS-continued: also " Chalrman nf Committees" and Regulation of Bugar Cane Prices Acts "SjJeaker, ])eputy "J- Amendment (committee), 1232. Addrc.. s in Reply, 199. Workers' Compensation Acts and Another (}hairHwn of Uonutrittce~J-·-­ Act Amendment. (2°), 1869; (commit­ Elect.ion o(, JD. tee), 1875, 1877. Retl:rns i h:mks for dection, .55. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Nominated on panel, 9. Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 46, 161, Childhood endowment, Alleged statement 274, 416, 1149. by Premier, 155. Days of sitting- PEASE, Honourable Percy (Herbert) Hours of sitting, Extension of, 671. [Secretary for Public La.nds]­ Precedence of Government business on Thursday, 671. BJLLE: E•lectorates (State), Redistribution and Inronw (State Development) Tax Act compulsory preferential voting, 618; An:cndment (point of order), 231. (point of order), 604. Rural DeYelopment (Water, Irrigation, Financial Statement, 768. and Wire Netting) (initiation in com· mit:.ee), 530. Personal Explanation, 155. Speaker- Days of ~itting-­ Deputy, Takes chair as, 160, 203. Friday, 7 41. Election of (congratulations to MT. Premier's term of office (congratulations Speaker), 6. to Hon. W. Forgan Smith), 94. SUPPLY: Standing Orders, Suspension of- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Passage of Bills through all stages in mittee­ one day, 1436. Estimates-in-Chief- SUPPLY: Auditor-General, 866. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Executive and Legislative­ mittee­ Legislative Assembly, 846. Estimates-in-Chief- Labour and Industry- Public Lands- Chief IOcffice, 867, 871; (point of Chief Office, 982, fHl5, 1014. order), 877. Income (State Development) Tax District Offices, 102G. Act, 918. Forestq, 1025, 1038, 1054, 1067; Sub-Department of Labour, 963, 968, (point of order), 1036. 979. Tnigation, Water Supply, and Mines- Sewerage, 1069, 1072, 1208, 1220. Chief Office, 1305. :\[iscellaneous, J222. Mining Fields, 1313. Survey Office, 1069. '' Quee,nsland Government Mining Resolution rcportc!l from Committee­ Journal,'' 1314. Public Lands- Premier and Chief Secretary­ Forestry, 1502; (point of order), Agent-General for the State, 853. lli10. Miscellaneous Serviceis, 866. Public Instruction­ Queensland University, 1472. PLUNKET'I', Thomas Flood, Esquire Public Lands- (Albert)­ Chief Office, 1003. Address in Reply, 186. Forestry, 1061, 1067. BILLS: Irrigation, vVater Supply, and Sewerage, 1184, 1219. Aboriginals PreserYation and Protection Public Works­ (committee), ;)20. Chief Office, 1428. Brisbane City Couuril Business and Pro­ Railways- cedure (2°-seeonds amendment), 1835. General Establishment, 1347. Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (initia· Southern DiYision, 1391, 1395. tion in committee), 1285. Resolution r<'ported from, Committee­ Medical (committe-e), 819. Public Lands- \Vorkers' Compensation Act.s and Forestry, 1510. Another Act Amendment (2°), 1871; Vote on Aceount (£7,300,000), 71. (committee), 1873. INDEX TO SPEECHEB-LEGISLATlV]'; ASi:Jl<;MBLY. 29

PLUNI{ET'i', Thomas :Flood, :E~

Consideration of E,tiuwtes in Com­ BILLS: mittee- Brisbane City Council Business and Esti mates-in-Chief- Procedure ( 2o), 1803. Premier nnd Chief Sccrctar;·-­ Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts "\_gcnt-General for the Stutc, ~30. Amendment (2°), 1102. Public Instrnction­ :Financial Statement, 7;:J0. Que<,nslaml Agricultmul High School SuPPLY: and College, J 481. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ l'ublie Lands- mittee­ Forestry, 1o±:J. Estimate~-in-Chicf- Railways- Labour and Imlustry­ General Establishment, 1335. Sub-Dcpartment of Labour, 963. :\lines- POWEU, William, Esquire (Baroona)­ Chief Office, 1308. },ddress in Heply, 103 (point of order), 149. Public Lands­ BILLS: Forestry, 1066. Brisbane City Couneil Business and Pro­ Irrigation, Water Supply, and coclm·e (initiation in committee), 1733, Sewerage, 120-L 1iG9; (committee), 1852. Railways- City of Brisbane 1-'inancial Emergency Northern Division ( exclucling ::\Iackay (initiation in committee), 1122; ( 2o), Railway), 1402. 1149. Resolution reported from Committcc­ IHcomo (State Develo1nnent) Tax Act Rail\,-ays- Amenclme11t ( iuitiation in connuittee), :3:22. N orthern DiYision (excluding Mackay Hailway), J5J:l. ::\Jain Roads Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 1270; (2°), 1557. UUSSELL, Hugll ~Iclliarmid, Esquire Medical ( 2°), 585; (committee), 928, (Hamilton)­ 944. Address in Reply, 113. :\lines Regulation Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 210; (com­ BJLLf': mittee), 474, 483. Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Ekdoratcs (State), Redistribution and (2°), ±95; (committee), 518. compulsory preferential voting, 51:5. Air Raid Wardens (initiation in com­ Financial Statement. G1l6; (point of mittee), 1649; (2°), 1865. order), 113, 728. · Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1G32. SvrPLY: Brisbane City Council Business and Procedure (initiation in committee), Consiclcration of Estimates in Com­ 1744, 1735; (motion for dissent from mittee­ Chairman's rnling), 1747; (2°), 1800; Estimates-in-Chief- (amendment-l\Ir. Brand), 1840; (com­ Laboux and I nclustry­ mittee), UH~, 18ii2, 1835. Chief Office, 880. City of Brisbane }'inancial Emergency (initiation in committee), 1113; (2°), Sub-l)epartment of Labour, 938, 970. 1 I :HI; (committee), 1172. Public Tnstrudion­ Dental Act.s Amendment (committee), Chief Office, 1±52. 15:32. Public vVorks­ J-'ruit aml Ycgetablcs Acts Amendment Chief Office, 1417. (initiation in committee), 1700. Hailways- Harbom Boanls Acts ancl Another Act Amenrs (iuitiation in 'l'lwmas .\_ndrew "]. c·ommittc,•), 1-66; (2°), i'iilO; (com­ mittee), 5'21. SE{'HI~'I'.UH' }'OR -:IH-:'fES [See" G!edson, \\-orkcrs' ComncnEation Ads and Uonourahle lhnid Alex:mdrr "]. Another Act c\mendmcnt (initiation in committee),. 631; (2"), i8G7; (com­ SEI'_l1I~'I'ARY I>'OR PUlll,JC LA:'IDS [See mittee), 1874-, 1FJ/ll, 1817. "Peasr, HonmH"ahle i'ercy "1. Elector;1tes (State), Hedistrilllltiou and ccnnpulsnry }ll'C'feru~ti;.\l \ oting SECJUO:'l'.\RY FOJl PFllJ,IC WORJ{S ( seconrls motion), ±Hi. AJ'.'D SECRE'l'~\RY FOR PUUUC l<'inancial Statement, 65-±. IlliS'rllUCTI0:'\1 [See "Bruce, Honourahie Henry Adam"]. Sc;PPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- SJHTH, Honourable Winiam }'organ, LL.n. C\Iackay) [Premier, Chief Secretary, Est imatcs-in-Chi•'f­ and Vice-President of the Executi-ve Labour and Industry­ Council]- Chiof Office, 882. Atlclress in Reply, :?G. Sub-Department of Lnbour, 9/8. BILLS: Premier and C"liief Sccrebry-­ Agricultural He), 1119; Ilesolntion I'IJ!Orlcd from Commitlcc­ ( ]'oint of order), 11 :10. Publie Lamls­ Criminal Cocle Amcmlmcnt (initiation in Ji'orcstry, L!11. committee), Hi~ll; (2°), 1716, 1/21; Valeclidory, 1880. (committee), 1726, 17'28. War with Germany, Co-operation of State Illl'ome (SL1tc Development) Tax Act with Connnomrcalth, 273. Amendnwnt (initiation in committee), ::'D:l. SLESSAR, Aubrey Robert, Esquire :\facl,av Reandinavinn Lutheran Church (Dnlby)­ Lan~l .Sale (initiat-ion in committee), G+l, ,)J2; ( 2 c), .)7:l. Ad!lrcss in Reply, 281. ::\fedical (eommiitec), o:n. BrLL: Offiriols in Parliament Act Amcnc1nwnt Motor Vchides I nsnranee Aet Ameml­ (initiation in committee), 1051, Hi53; ment (initiation in committee), 1'2GO. (2°), 1729, 1732. INDEX TO SPEEOHES-Ll

SJHTH, Honourable William }'organ, LL.n. SCPPL\": -continued: Consideration of Eotimatcs in Com­ IliLLS-conlinurd: mittee- Patrioli(c :r~unds Administration Acts Fst; nwtcs-i,i-Cil icf- Amew1mcnt (initiation in committee), Auditor-Genera1, SllG. ;;:;3, 538; (2°), 367, ;)72; (committc~C), Exeeutive :JJl(1 Legislatil-e- 57il. IIis E•x(·cllcmy the GoYcrnor (bal­ Hcgulaiiou of Sugar C;me l'rices Acts ance of yote), S:l:l. Amendment ( initia1ion in committee), LcgislatiYc A"cmbly, 8ile). 021, 925; (2°), 107(); (eommittce), UJHl ( '!J 1~2G, J22H, 12:!0, J2ill, 1:2:l7, 1238, l'rcmicr ief Se(']'et.ary-­ 123D, 1240, 1:!41, J24:l, l2H .• 1247, ,\gent-Gencral for the State, 8;5G; 1251, 1252. (point of on1er), 854. Chief 'fficc (point of on1CT), SJ~. Chairman of Committees­ Co-onlinntor-C1encral of Public 1\l. Nominates Mr. O'Keefe, \Vorkc,, ~50. Childhood cndomncnt (persoual statcmc;lt), Jnuuigration, 8;J0. 155. ~fiRecllaneous Services, 80.5, SliG. Closure, :Vlovcs application of, () 19, ll:l:l. Public: Rervice Conllnissioller, 861, Ihys of sitting- fi(iil. Hours of sitting, Extensiou of. ()(iD, li70. Vole on Jccount (t7,:lUO,OUO), G-1, 78. Prc(•p(Jc•ucc of Gu1·crnment business on Y;dcdidory, J Si'S. Thursday, 6(iD, ()70. \Var 1vith Cl'rlllany-­ Death pf- Co-o['eration of the State \Yith the Com­ Dcmainc, .\lr. 1\'. !I. (mon•s motion of monwealth (mows motion), ~G7. ('OJH1olcnce!, !H. :\finist.crial Rtntemcnt (tables copies of Hyncs, Hon. :\I. 1'., Polloek, Hon. G., telegrams), 2fi7. nnd Wellington, l\lr. W. .J. (moves motion of coiH1olcn(·l'), D. SP:EAKER (Honourable Ethvanl Joseph Tolmic, Hon. .T., Bebbington, :\lr. \V., Hanson (Buramla)-1 See also" Ran­ and Bridges, Mr. T. (moves motion son, H onoural.Jle E!lward Joseph "]­ of eondolenec ), 20. Nomil1atec1, 4; (submits himself to. House), Walker, ::VIr. J. :E. (moves motion of 5; (returns thanks on elecbon), (); condolenee), 1551. (presentation to Governor), 6. Electorates (State), Rc(1istribution and AmlitoT-GcncTal 's Reports- Compulsory prcfprential voting, 504. Brishane City Council Accounts, 177H. Finamial Statement, 647, 785. Loans Sinking Pnnds, 410. Govemor 's Opening Speech (rcm1s at Public Accounts, 320, i34fl, 1075. request of His E•xcellency), 1. BILLS: Main Roads, Report of Commissioner on visit to Europe and North America BTisbane Citv Council Business and (tabled), 1822. ProcedUTC'___ The Premier am1 the SccJ:ctarv for ~Icm1Jer, Suspe.nsion of (l\lr. Y eates), moves motion, 11515. Health :md Home Affairs l;aving made certain statements during the :\Iinisterial Statements­ comse of their speeches, the Leader Changes in Ministry, I. of the Opposition and hon. member International situation, 12:3. fot· Hamilton \YCre allo\H'd to reply thereto, but other hon. members will Strike of ship's rrew at Mackay Har­ he confined to the amem1mcnt before bour, Anti-war propaganda, ](J-±2. the House, 184:3. Sugar, Sale of exportnble snrrilns t.o British Sugar Control Bonrd, 44;), !)21. t:Jpcond real1ing llebates, Limits of- \Var with Germany, 267; (tables copies lion. member may not say what ought. of telegrams), 267. to be in a Bill but mnst confine his remarks to the pTinciples contained Personal statement, 155, 1;)6, in it, 3D$l. Preminr, Term of officl', Co11gra! nlations, Principles only an, 1406, Rtrike of ship's et'C\Y nt ~laekny IIarlJonr, lGOO. Anti-war ]Jropaganila, 1G-1:!. netkctions 011 Chair diwrderly, ] ;,:;(l, Sugur, Sale of cxportable surplus to Briti~h Conllll issioner to :u1minister oath or aflinua­ Sugar Control Board, 443, H21. tion of allc~ianec, D. 32 INDJ

SP:LU{EU (Honourable E{lwarll .ToseiJh SPEj_Jnm, HEPUTY [Brassing'ton, Samuel Hanson) -continued: John, Esr1uire (:Foi'titude Valley, C'tm\'Crsations in loll(] tones disorde,rly, 5:14. Tem}Jorary Chairman of Commit. tees]­ Days of sitting- Hours of sitting, :r~xtension of-Premier •rakes clwir as, 119, 438. having repliec1, clebate is dosed, 671. Death of- SPEAKER, HEPUTY [Dunstan, Thoma~, Bebbington, l\fr. IV. (reply to motion Esquire (Gympie), Temporary Chair­ of condolence), 20:3. man of Committees]- Bri(lgcs, ::VIr. 'l'. (reply to motion of con­ Takcs chair as, 133. dolence), 532. Hynt>s, Hon. M. T. (reply to motion of condolence), 235. SPEAKER, DEPU'l'Y [King, 1Yilliam 'l'olmie, Hon. J. (reply to motion of con­ 'fhomas, Esquire (~Iaxee), Tem­ dolence), 203. porary Chairman of Committee.sJ­ Denial of hon. member must be accepted, Irrelevancies-Specches must be, relevant. to 23, 127, no, 251, 292. question before the House, 514, 1812, Grievances before Supply (statement by 1813, 1814, 1815. J\fr. SpeakN), 620. :\Iember ordered to resume seat (Mr. '' Hansarc1,'' Incorporation of tables not Yeate·s), 1 81:). reaa, 383. :\[ember, Suspension of (.:VIr. Ycates), 1815. Interruptions disonlerly, 1500, Hl7:3. •rakes chair as, 105, ;)11, :)8D, 1~1 1. Irrelevancies--.'3peeches must be relevant to question before the House, 38D, 390, SPEAKEU, UEPUTY [ Ximmo, Thomas, 394, 397, 398, 309, 400, 402, '104, 40~, Esquire (Oxley), 'l'emporary Chair­ '109, 51±, 39+, 1135, 1157, 1±95, 1787, man of Committees]­ 1808, 1829, 18il~, 1843, 1844. lUwca election petition, Report of Elections Takes ehair as, 160, 203. .Judge, G. Questions­ 'fREASUUEU [See "CootJer, Honourable Disallowed, 410. :Frank "\.rthur "]. Should not be directed to 1Ir. Speaker, 410. WALKER, Hauy :Frederick, Es({uire (Coo­ Sub judice. Hon. member not in order in roora)­ asking.question on matter, 410; or dis­ Address in Reply, 288. cussing it, 604. l1npnrliamentary language­ BILLS: E.xprcssions ruled out of order­ Dairy Produce Acts Amendment (init.ia­ tion in committee), 1278; (2°), 1602. '' Blackguard,'' 1153. ''Hon. momber for Cook defended the J\fargarinc Aets Amendment (initiation workers of his electorate against the in committee), 140G; (2°), 1G77. farmers,'' 408. ::\Ter1ical (committee), 820. ''Lie,'' 3(l9. l\Iines Regulation Acts Amendment ( 2°), ''::\Iisleading the House,'' 1510. 448; (committee), 413, 479. ''J\luckraking,'' 1510. ~lining Aets Amendment (2°), 451. ''Sharp pradice, '' 404. Pest Destroyers (initiation in commit­ Yalcrlidory, 11180. tee), 546; (2°), 598. Primary Producers' Organisation aml SPEAltER, nEPU'l'Y [O'Keefe, John, ::\Iarketing Acts Ame·ndment (initiation Es(JUire (Cairns), Chairman of Com­ in committee), 1288; ( 2 o), Hi 55. mittees]­ Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Chair- Amendment (2°), 1094. Hon. members must obey, 1152. J<'inancial Statement, 743.

Irrelcvancies-SpeE'ches must be relev:wt SUPPLY: to quescion before the House, 1149, 1151. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ 'fakes chair as, Jfi, lGl, 274, 416, 1H9. Estimatcs-in-Clrief­ il.[incs- SI>Ej.JUm, UEPU'l'Y [Brand, William Alfred, J<:sqnire (Isis), Temporary Chief Office, 1292. Chairman of Committees]­ Public Lands­ 'l'akes chair as, 188. Chief Office, 1019. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVJ'; ASSK.VlBLY. 33

1YALSH, .E(lward Joseph, Esquire SuPPLY-continued: (I\firani)- Consideration of Estimates in (;ouJ­ BrLLs: mittec-contimlcd: Tncome (State Development) 'I'ax Act Estimatcs-iu-Ch·i;'f-con linued: Amendment (2°), 434. ]'ublic ~Works- Petroleum Acts AnHmdment (2°), 1788. Chief Office, 1-12S. Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Acts Railways- Amendment ( 2°), 1095; (committee), 122>1, 1234, 1236, 1240, 12cHJ, General Establislmwnt, 1356. Financial Statement, 701. R, ~olution reporteel from Committee­ Speaker, Election of (secomls nominntion Executive mul Legislatiw­ of ilfr. Hnnson), 5. LegislatiYe Assembly, 14flG.

SuPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ YEATES, Herbert, Esquire (East Too­ woomba)­ Estimatcs-in-Chief- A cl dress in Reply, 4+; (point of onlcr), Labour and Industry­ 37, 14:'5. Sub-Department of Labour, !158. BILLS: Public Instruction­ Chief Office, 1445. Aboriginals Prcsermtion and Protection (2°) 4fl3. Public Lands­ 1 Agricultnral Renuirements Control and Chief Office, J 006. Conscn·ation (initiation in committee), Forestry, 102:5. 635. Railways- Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1637. General Dstnblishmcnt, 1:162. Brisbane City Council Business and Procedure (2°), 1813. City o£ Brisbane Piu:mcial Emergency WILLIAJIS, Thomas Lewis, Esquire (Port (:.1°), 11:31. Curtis)­ Tncome (State Development) 'J'ax Act Ar1dress in Reply, 191. Amendment (initiation in eommittcp), BILLS: :102, il2i5, 352; (2°), 403. Aboriginals P1·eserYation and Protection Medical (2°), 687; (committeP), RO·l, (initiation in committee), 4i5G; (2°), 805, 8l:l, b22, 824, 820, 8:30, 9:\G, 9H, 494. 950. Income (State Dc,·elolJment) Tax Act Cfficials in l'arlinment Act Ame":~n1ent Ame)ldment (2°), 432. (2°), 1F2. :Urtrgarinc Ads Amendment (2°), J671. Patriotic Fnnrls Administration Acts Anwnrlment (initiation in committee), :\lines Regulation Aets Amendment 5il7; (2°), 571. (committee), 480. Petroleum Acts Anwmlment (2°), 1789. P:1triotic Funds Aclministration Acts Amendment (2°), :i7l. Hegnlation of Sugar Cane Priees Acts Amendment ( eommittee), J 2:J;), I<'inancial Statement, 667. I~lcdorates (State), Redistribution am1 SGPPLY: compulsory preferential voting, 508. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Financial Statement, 69;), mittee­ Orrlerc>cl to discontinue speech, I:lOfl, 181G. Estimates-in-Chirf- PeTSonal explanation, J 78 I. Executive anrl Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 84il. SUPPLY: Labour and Indush·y- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Income (State Development) Tax Act, 915. Esti.mates-in-Clii<"f- Public Instruction­ Auditor-General, i\66. Chief Office, 1439. Executive nnc1 Legislative­ State Schools, 1483. Legislative Assembly, 842. Public Lands- Lnbour ancl Inrlustry- Chief Office, 1021. Chicf Office, 878, 900. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Rub-Department of LabOln, 955, Sewerage_, 1189. 962. 34 IKDJ,;X TO SPEEC!JES-LEGISLA'l'JV!•; i\R~Bl\iBLY.

YE.'t'l''i<:S, Herhert, Esrg;ire--continued: Sl:PPLY-continucrl: Nt'PPLY-cont ;;utcd: Consideration of Estimates m Colll­ mittec-coll t inuelishment, 133:3. '' Qucenslnnu Govcrnnwnt l\Iining N 01·thern Dh-ision (excluding :\faclmy J oumal,'' 1314. Raihvay), HOO. State .:\Iining Operations, 1Cll-1. S'outhcrn Division, 1.377. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Resolutions rezJOrtcil [tom Committee:­ Agent-General for the State, 8:3;), 8;58. Exeeuti' e :mil Lcgisln tin•­ Chief Office, 8+8. Legislative Assembly, 149-±. Co-orclinator-Genernl of Public ::\lines­ Works, 859. '' Queensland Government l\Iining Immigration, 860. ,Journal,'' 1512. l\fiscellancous Services, R6c). Pnhlic Lnnds­ Public Library, 8GO. Chief Office, 1?500. Public Inst,rnction­ Railways- Chief Office, J45:J-. Northern Division (excluding l\Iackay Public Lands­ Railway), 1513. Chief Office, 08+. SouthcT!l Division, 1512. Ji'orcstry, 10:17. Vote on Ar'cou!!t (£7,300,000), G9. Irrigation, \Vater Supply, and Re1Yerag0, 117 L Suspended from service of Honsc, 181 :),

By Authority: Tno:\TAS GTLBr~nT IIoi~E, Actin£) Gon!nunent Printer, Bri::.·lJ31H?. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Twenty-eighth Parliament – Third Session

Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.176, 1940

20 August 1940 – 13 November 1940

(Smith Government)



1-16 20 August 1940 579-618 9 October 1940

16-54 21 August 1940 619-676 10 October 1940

54-81 22 August 1940 676-698 11 October 1940

81-109 27 August 1940 698-749 15 October 1940

109-135 28 August 1940 749-778 16 October 1940

135-172 29 August 1940 778-801 17 October 1940

172-199 3 September 1940 801-829 18 October 1940

199-235 4 September 1940 829-884 22 October 1940

235-262 5 September 1940 884-917 23 October 1940

263-294 10 September 1940 917-966 24 October 1940

295-325 11 September 1940 966-995 25 October 1940

325-348 12 September 1940 995-1047 29 October 1940

349-350 24 September 1940 1047-1074 30 October 1940

350-382 25 September 1940 1074-1131 31 October 1940

383-415 26 September 1940 1131-1163 1 November 1940

416-454 1 October 1940 1163-1212 5 November 1940

454-486 2 October 1940 1212-1239 6 November 1940

487-518 3 October 1940 1239-1279 7 November 1940

518-579 8 October 1940 1279-1296 8 November 1940

1297-1326 12 November 1940 1326-1361 13 November 1940



Official Record of the Debates



Third Sess


Twenty-eighth Parliament.


Comprising the period from the twentieth day of August, to the thirteenth day of November, A.D. 1940.


BRISBANE: By Authority: A. H. Tucker, Government Printer, Brisbane. Third Session of the Twenty-eighth Parliament of Queensland.


The Governor. His Excellency Colonel The Right Honourable Sir LESLIE 0RME WILSON, G.C.S.L, U.C.M.G., G.C.T.K, D.S.O.

The lieutenant-Governor.

The Honomable Sir JA~ms IVILLIAM BLAIR, K.C.M.G.

The Ministry.

Premier and Chief Secrrtary-flonoma]Jle 1\'ILLIHI FoRGA::\ S~nTn, LL.D. Secretary for Public Lancls- IIcmonrablc l'EIWY l'EASE (gr~mtecl leaYe of absence from l~xceutivc ('ouneil 20 .May, 1940; died 17 September, 1940). Honourable EnY>ARD JosEPII IVALSII (appointrrl J\Iemlwr of J~xceutivc Council with authority to act as Secretary for Public Laud~ ~(I ::\lny, 1940; appointed Secretary fm Publir Lands 24 September, 1940). Trcasnrer-T-Ionourahle FnA:.:K Awrnun CooPER. Secretary for Health and Home Affairs-Honourable EDWARD Mrc!IAEr, HANLON. Secretary for Agriculture and Stock-Honourable FRANK \YILLIAM BFLCOCK. Ati orney-Ucmeml- Hononrablc Jonx :\IULLAN (granted lo:1ve of absenc-e from Executive Council 30 :0.Iay, 1940; rosigne l as Member of J~xecntiw Council ancl Attorney­ General 14 Nowmher, 1940). Honourable JOHN 0 'K:r:EFE (appointcil ::\Iemhor of J

The legislative Assembly. Speaker-Honouutble EDWARD JOSBPH IfANPOY (Burancla). Chairman of Committ<00s-WILLIA]\[ THOMAS KrYG, Esquire (]farce). Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BRAND, vVILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (lsL). BRARSTNGTON, SAMUEL JollY, Esquire (FoTtitucle Vallry). DuNS'rAN, THOMAS, Esquire (Gympie). J OXES, ARTHUR, Esquire (ChaTters To weTS). Xnr::~ro, Tno;~rAs, Bsquirc ( Oxlcy), IV.

The Legislative Assembly-continued.

BEDFORD, RANDOLPH, Esquire ( Warrego). BRAND, WILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Isis). BRASSINGTON, SAMUEL JOIIN, Esquire (FoTtitude Valley). BROWN, CHARLES YICTOR WATSON, Esquire, M.D. (Gregory). BROWN, JOIIN lNNES, Esquire (Logan). BRUCE, H01murable HENRY ADAM (The Tableland). BULCOCK, Honourable FRANK WILLL\i\I (Barcoo). CLARK, JAr.ms, Esquire (Fit:toy). CLAYTON, }~RNEST HENRY CoLLET, EsquiTe (Wide Bay). COLLINS, H \ROLD HEXRY, Esquire (Coo/;;). CONROY, CHARLES WILLIAM, Esquire (Maranoa). CooPER, Honourable £'RANK AR'rmm (BTerrwr). CoPLEY, PA'l'RICK KERRY, Esquire (K~trilpa). 1 DANIEL, DAVID JOHN MARLAIS, Esquire (Keppel). DART, WILLIAM LOGA='i, Esquire ( Wynmtm). 2 DAsH, JOIIN, Esquire (M1tnrlingburra). DEACON, WILLIAM ARTm:R, Esquire ( C1mningl1am). DUGGAN, JOIIN EDMUND, Esquire (To01C0011lba). DUNSTAN, THOMAS, Esquire (Gym pie). EDWARDS, JAMES DRAIDWOOD, Esquire (Xanango). FARRELL, DAVJD, Esquire CJfMyborough). POLEY, Honourable TIIOMAS AXDREW (Normanby). GAIR, VINCENT CLAIR, Esquire (So1tth Brisbane). GLEDSON, Honournble DAVID ALEXANDER (Ipswich). HANLON, Honourable EDWARD MicHAEL (Ithaca). HANSON, Honourable EDWARD JOSllPII (Buranrla). HAYES, JOIIN VINCENT, Esquire (Nundah). HEALY, JOHN JoSEPH O'CONNOR, Esquire (Warwick). HILTON, PAUL JEROME REMIGH:S, }Jsquire (Carnarvon). HISLOP, Roi,AND vVILLIAM, Esquire (Sandgatc) . •J ESSON, CECIL GEORGE, Esquire (Kennecly) . •TONES, ARTIH:R, Esquire ( Clwrlt ts T01cers). ·· KEOGH, ,JAMES P.\TRICK, Esquire (Mn·thyr). 4 KEYATTA, GEORGE, Esquire (Towns1:ille). KING, \VILLIAM THOMAS, EsquiTe (Maree). LARCOMBE, Honomable JAMES (Roclchampton). 1fACDONALD, DUNCAN, Esquire (StanZ,ey). MAHER, EDMUND BEDE, Esquire (West Moreton). MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquil'e (Brisbane). MARRIO~'T, GEORGE HENRY, Esquire (Bulvm•ba). J\I[ASSEY, HARRY, Esquire (Toowong). McLEAN, BERNARD, EsquiTe (Bnndaberg). MooRE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Esquire (Aubigny). 5 J\fOORE, vVILLIAM MATTHEW, Esquire (Merthyr). 6 MORRIS, GEORGE ALFRED, Esquire ( Kel~·in G1·ove). MuLLAN, Honourable JoHN (Carpentaria). 1 Leave of absence granted 21 August, 1940. 2 Leave of absence granted 8 October, 1940. "Died 31 August, 1940. 4 Lonve of nbsenee granted ~1 August, 1940. 'EleetPt1 0 Xowm])('r, 1!HO; R"·orn in 1~ December, 1040. "Leave of absence granted ~8 August, 1040, The Legislative Assembly-continttcd.

?vlt)LLER, ADOLF GUSTAV, Esquire (li'ass1:jcrn). ::fiUKLIN, GEORGE FR.\NC'IS REc'BEN, Esquire (Murntmba). Nnnro, THOMAs, Esquire (Oxlty). 0 'KEEFE, Honourable JOHN (CaiTns). 7 PEASE, Honourable PrmcY (Hcrbcrt). PLUNKET'l', 'rHOJ\IAS FLOOD, Esquire (Albert). POWER, WILLIAM, Esquire (Baroona). ltiOitDAN, ERNEST JOSEPH, Esquire (Bowcn). RusSELL, HLIGH ::\fcDrARMID, Esquire (Hanlilton). SLESSAR, AUBREY ROBERT, Esquire (Dalby). SMITH, Honourable Wn,uAM l<'ORGAN, LL.D. (Mackay). TAYLOR, GEORGE CU'l'HBER'l', Esquire (Enoggcm). 'THEODORE, STEPHEN, Esquire (IJerbert). WALKER, HARRY FREDERICK, Esquire (Cooroora). WALSH, Honourable EDWARD JosEPH (Mirani). WILLIAMS, llERBER'l', Esquire (Windsor). WILLIAMs, 'rHoMAS I~Ewrs, Esquire (Po1·t Curtis). YJ£ATES, HERBERT, Esquire (East Toowoomba).

Committees. LIBRARY.-Mr. Speaker, Hon. E. J. Walsh, Mr. Bedford, MT. Dunstan, Mr. Russell, :i\Ir. Clayton, anu Mr. ::\Iaher. PARLIAMENTARY BUILDINGS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Conroy, Mr. Deacon, :i\Ir. MiiJler, Mr. Nimmo, and Hon. W. Forgan Smith. PRINTING.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. King, Mr. Taylor, Mr. 'l'. L. Williams, Mr. Nicklin, Mr. Plunkett, and Mr. Walker. REFRESHMENT RooMs.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. King, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Power, Mr. Nicklin, l\Ir. Nimmo, and Mr. Edwards. S•r•ANDING OrtDERs.-Mr. Speaker, :1\Ir. King, Mr. Russell, Mr. Dunstan, Mr. Maher, Mr. Brand, and Hon. W. Forgan Smith.

Elections Tribunal. ELECTIONS JUDGE.-The HonouralJle Mr. ,Justice X. \V. MACROSSAN, S.P.J.

7 Died 17 September, 1940. "Elected 9 ::fovembcr, 19±0; 8wom in 1~ December, J9±0. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.176, 1940 20 August 1940 - 13 November 1940


Index to Subjects.

Address in Reply­ BILLS-continued: Adoption, ,312. Cinematograph Films Hiring Agreement Answer of Governor, 350, (initiation), 1279; (initiation in com­

Debate on, 7, 55, 84, UZ, 296. mittee), 1308; (1°) 1 131,2'; (2°), 1350; Presentation to Governor, 350. (committee and 3o), 1352; (assent), 1361. Adjournment of House, Disallowance of City of Brisbane Acts Amendment (initia­ Proposed Formal Moti~n under tion), 620; (initiation in committee), Standing Order 137-Drought Relief 677; (1"), 680; (2°), 1271; (com­ Scheme (Mr. Maher), 885. mittee), 1276; (3°), 1277; (assent), 1361. Adjournment, Special, 16, 348, 518, 1359. Common Law Practice Act Amendment A.I.F. Troops, March past of (suspension (initiation), 136; (initiation in com­ of sitting), 778. mittee), 174; (1"), 175; (2°), 321; (committee), 431; (3°), 456; (assent), Air Disasters, Deaths in (motion of 801. condolence), 3.' Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment (initiation), 112; (initiation in com­ Auditor-General's Reports- mittee), 168; (P), 172; (2°), 312; Brisbane Clty Council Accounts, 1239. (committee), 444; (3°), 456; (assent), Loans Sinking Funds, 349. 80], Public Accounts, 829. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts Amendment (initiation), 112; (initia­ Barristers and Solicitors, Fe,es paid by tion in committee), 137; (1°), 153; Crown to~ (2°), 185; (committee), 685; (3°), 698; (assent), 1131. Order for Return (motion-Mr. Macdonald), 18. Drought Relief to Primary Producers Return tabled, 417; (rescission of order for (initiation), 886; (initiation in com­ printing return), 620. mittee), 886, 920; (1° and 2°), 923; (committee), 956; (3°), 966; (assent), BILLS- 966. Appropriation, No. 1 (suspension of Stand­ Elections Acts Amendment (initiation and ing Orders), 18; (1° and 2°), 47; initiation in committee), 804; ( 1"), (committee and 3°), 54; (assent), 172. 825; (2°), 973; (committee), 1263; (3°), 1267; (assent), 1361. Appropriation, No. 2 (P), 1212; (2°), 0 1217, 1240; (committee), 1252; (3, ), Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (initia­ 1284; (assent), 1326. tion), 677; (initiation ·in committee), Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts 966; (1"), 970; (2°), 1253; (com­ Amendment (initiation), 676; (initia­ mittee), 1312; ( 3 o), 1321 ; (assent), tion in committee), 825; (1 o), 827; 1361, (2°), 986; (committee), 1267; (3°), Fruit Marketing Organisation Acts Amend­ 1268; (assent), 1361. ment (initiation), 112; (initiation in Brands Acts Amendment (initiation), 112; committee), 159; (1"), 160; (2°), 197; (initiation in committee), 153; (1"), (committee), 698; (3°), 699; (assent), 159; (2°), 191; (committee), 685; 1131. (3°), 699; (assent), 1131, Hire-purchase Agreement Acts Amendment Buffalo Fly Control (initiation), 1.12; (initiation), 137; (initiation in com­ (initiation in committee), 160; (1"), mittee),176; (1°), 178; (2°),323,351; 168; (2°), 2U; (committee), 447; (3° (committee), 443; (3°), 456; (assent), -order for discharged), 504. 801. Burdekin River Trust (initiatic;n), 137; Income T'ax and Succession and Probate (initiation in committee-order dis· Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, a.nd Members charged from paper), 182; (initiation of the Air Force) Exemption (initia­ and initiation in committee), 201; tion, initiation in committee, and 1 o), (1"), 211; (2°), 250; (committee), 1215; (2°), 1279, 1284; (committee 417, 429; (3°), 488;, (assent), 801. and 3 a), 1286; (assent), 1361. 2 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASS.I!}MBLY.

BILLS--continued: Censure of Hon. Member for Oxle:y for Insurance Acts and Another Act Amend­ Abusing the Privileges of Parlia­ ment (initiation and initiation illi com­ ment (motion-Mr. Smith), 346. mittee), 121.6; (P), 1217; (2°), 1288; (committee and 3o), 1289; (assent), Chairman of Committees~ 1361. Election of, Mr. W. T. King, 17, Local Government Act Amendment (initia­ Resignation of Mr. J. 0 'Keefe, 2. tion), 918; (initiation in committee), 979; (P), 986; (2°), 1268; (com­ Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ mittee), 1289; (3°), 1296; (assent), Panel nominated by Mr. Speaker, 2. 1361. Medical Act Amendment (initiation), 620 ; Committees, Appointment of--" (initiation in committee), 681; (P), Library, Refreshment Rooms, Parliamen­ 684; (2°), 1278; (committee and 3°), tary Buildings, 17. 1279; (assent), 1361. Printing, 18. Mining Acts Amendment (initiation), 112; Standing Orders, 18. (initiation in committee), 183; (1o), 1.85; (2°), 382, 413; (3°), 417; Commonwealth Bank, Functions of (motion (assent), 801. -Mr. Bedford), 327, 384. iMining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts Amendment (initiation and initiation Days of Sitting­ in committee), 801; (P), 804; (2°), Friday, 456. 970; (committee), 972; (3°), 996; (assent), 1326. Hours of sitting, 19; (extension of), 519. Precedence of Government business on Nurses and Masseurs Registration Acts Thursdays, 456·. Amendment (initiation), 620; (initia­ tion in committee and 1°), 681; (2°) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 19. and committee), 1277; (3°), 1278; (assent), 1361. Deaths (Motions of Condolence)­ Public Safety (initiation), 1279; (initiation Air disasters, 3; (reply), 1074. in committee), 1297; (1o) 1308; (2°), Archer, Mr. E. W., 4; (reply), 1075. 1327; (committee), 1346;' ( 3 o), 1350 ; Carroll, Mr. R. J., 4; (reply), 1075. (assent), 1361. Donovan, Mr. T. J., 4. Second-hand Fruit Cases (initiation), 1327; Herbertson, Mr. R.; 4; (reply), 1075. (initiation in committee), ].352; (1o, Hunter, Hon. J. M., 4; (reply), 1075. 2°, committee, and 3°), 1353; (assent), 1361. Keogh, Mr. J. P., 173; (reply), 1075. Macrossan, Hon. H. D., 4; (reply), 1075. Stamp Acts Amendment (initiation and initiation in committee), 1215; (1°), Pease, Hon. P. (death announood), 349; 1216; (2°), 1286; (committee and 3°), (motion of condolence), 349; (reply), 1288; (assent), 1361. 1075; (seat declared vacant), 383. Rankin, Lieutenant-Colonel C. D. W., 1164. State Development and Public Works Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ R.yan, Mr. C. J., 4; (reply), 1075. tion), 201; (initiation in committee), Thompson, Mr. G. H., 4. 242; (P), 250; (2°), 265; (com­ Warren, M:r. R. J., 4; (reply), 1075. mittee), 352; (3°), 417; (assent), 801. DIVISIONS­ State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ tion), 519; (initiation in committee), BILLs- 684; (1°), 685; (2°), 988; (committBe Brands Acts Amendment­ and 3°), 1268; (assent), 1361. Clause 7, 698. Wages Attachment Act Amendment (initia­ Buffalo Fly Control­ tion), 677; (initiation in committee), (20), 235. 827; (P), 829; (2°) 987; (committee Clause 4 (amendment-Mr. Walker), and 3°), 1268; (assent), 1361. 453. Water Acts and Another Act Amendment Clause 11 (amendment-Mr. Deacon), (initiation), 1279; (initiation in com­ 454. mittee, 1280; (1°), 1283; (2°), 1321, 1353; (committee), 1356; (3°), 1359; Drought Relief to Primary Producers­ (assent), 1361. Clause 4 (amendment-Mr. Walker), 961. Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members of the Air Force) (initiation), 137; (initia­ Clause 6 (amendment-Mr. Mac­ tion in committBe), 178; (1o), 182; donald), 965. (2°), 377; (committee), 414; (3°), Elections Acts Amendment- 417; (assent), 801. Document ordered to be laid on table of House, 818. Brisbane City Council Accounts, Auditor­ Initiation in committee (amendment­ General's Report, 1239. Mr. Maher), 825. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATiVE ASSEMBLY.

DIVISIONS-continued: Fees Paid by Crown to Barristers and Solicitors- BILLS-continued: Order for Return (motion-Mr. Mae­ Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts donald), 18. Amendment- Return tabled, 417; (rescission of order for Clause 2 (amendment-Mr. Maher) printing return), 620. 973. State Development and Public Works Financial Statement (Committee of Organisation Act Amendment­ Supply), 402. Clause 3 (amendment-Mr. Moore), Debate, on, 456, 504, 522, 580. 357. Tables relating to, 402. Clause 7, 372. Censure of hon. member for Oxley for Government Employees, Number of­ abusing the Privileges of Parliament Order for Return (motion-1Mr. Nieklin), (motion-Mr. Smith), 348. 18. Commonwealth Bank, Functions of (motion Return tabled, 519. -Mr. Bedford), 400. Hospital Statistics-Order for Return Governor's Opening SpMch, 1, 7. (motion-Mr. Walker), 18. Hours of sitting, 21; (extension of), 521. "Grievances" Debate--[See "Standing Orders"] SUPPLY- Executive and Legislative- "Hansard," Circulation and Cost of, 349. Legislative Assembly­ Motion-'' That the Chairman's Herbert Electoral District- ruling be disagreed to" (Mr. Death of Honourable P. Pease announced, Maher), 633. 349. Railways, Department of- Seat declared vacant, 383. General Esta,blishment­ Date of by-election announced, 454. Amendment-" That vote be reduced Issue of writ reported, 749. by £1 " (Mr. Russell), 911. Hospital Statistics- Document Read by Hon. Member for Oxley Order for Return (motion-Mr. Walker), Ordere,d to be Laid on Table (motion 18. -Mr. Cooper), 818. Hours oi Sitting, 19; (extension of), 519. Drought Relief Scheme, Disallowance o:i' Proposed lliotion for Adjournment of Judges, Payments to- House to Discuss (Mr. Maher), 885. Order for Return (motion-Mr. Mac­ donald), 488. Elections Tribunal­ Judge for 1940, 2. Leave of Absence to Members­ Daniel, Mr. D. J. M., 21. Estimates-in-Chief, 1940-41­ Dash, Hon. J., 519. Tabled, 402. Keya,tta, Mr. G., 21. Morris, Mr. G. A., 112. Estimate's, Supplementary, 1939-40­ Mullan, Hon. J., 749. Ta:bled, U32. Library Committee­ Exp,lanatiilns, Personal­ Appointment, 17. Mr. Bedford, 1239. Mr. Lareombe, 1048. Members­ Mr. Maher, 82. Censure of- Mr. Nimmo, 264. Mr. Nimmo, 246. Mr. Smith, 83, 262, 264. Leave of absencer-­ Mr. Taylor, 327. Daniel, iMr. D. J. M., 21. Mr. Yeates, 801, 1297. Dash, Mr. John, 519. [See also ''S'tatements. ''] Keyatta, Mr. G., 21. Morris, Mr. G. A., 112. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Mullan, Hon. J., 749. Act, Operations under-Order for Return (motion-Mr. Wa'lker), 400, Named (Mr. Maher), 428. 490. Ordered to apologise­ Ministerial Statement (Mr. Smith), 416. Mr. Maher, 428. Return tabled, 918. Mr. Nimmo, 327, 1349. 4 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

.illembers-continued: QUESTIONS- Ordered to discontinue speech­ Aboriginals' Savings Bank Accounts, Mr. Maher, 368. Interest on, 1939-40 (Mr. Nimmo), 200. Mr. Nimmo, 630. Agricultural Farm Tenures, Particulars of Ordered to discontinue statement­ (Mr. Walker), 487. Mr. Nimmo, 264. American Loans- Balances outstanding at 1 July, 1939, and Merthyr Elect1mt1 District­ exchange (Mr. Moore), 326. Service costs, 1939-40 (Mr. re), 54. Death of Mr. J. P. Keogh, 173. Moo Seat declared vacant, 199. Artesian Water Supplies, Suggested inquiry into diminution (Mr. Yeates), 884. Date of by-election announced, 454. Australian Imperial Forces, Suggested tax Issue of writ reported, 749. concessiollls to tmembers of (Mr. Maher), 884. lfinisterial Expenses, 1939-4,o.-­ Bakers and Butchers, Convictions during Order for Return (motion-Mr. Yeates), 1939-40 (Mr. Yeates), 918. 677; (question), 1048. B18t Locomotives, Strengthening of line Return tabled, 1326. west of Charleville for (Mr. Yeates), 416. Ministerial Statements­ ''Bingo'' Permits, 1939-40 (Mr. Clayton), 16. Changes in Ministry, 2, 351. Boilers for Dairies, Inspection of (Mr. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Walker), 383. Act, Operations under, 416. Brisbane Central and Toowoomba Railway Story Bridge, Taxation on loans for, 262, Refreshment Rooms, Profit at 30 June, 264. 1940 (Mr. Yeates), 676. Opening ol Parliament, 1. Brisbane City Council- Administration of, Report of Government officers (Messrs. McCracken and Opening Speech of Governor, 1, 7. George) (Mr. Dart), 173. Borrowings approved by Loan Council Parliament- (Mr. Moore), 54. Opening of, 1. Bus services running on tram routes (Mr. Prorogation of, 1361. Russell), 579. Bureau of Rural Development, Advances to Parliamentary Bu:ildings Committee­ borrowers 1939-40, and estimated Appointment, 17. advances for 1940-41 (Mr. Moore), 885. Butchers and Bakers, Convictions duri.ng Pease, Hon. P., Death ol (death 1939-40 (Mr. Yeates), 918. announced), 349; (motion of COll­ Butter Factories, Suggested teaching of dolence), 349; (adjournment of House), female labour in (Mr. Macdonald), 55. 350. Cheques (Interstate), s·tamp Duty on (Mr. Yeates), 579. Personal Explanations­ Chinchilla-Miles Road, Proposed construc­ 'Mr. Bedford, 123!}. tion (Mr. Nimmo), 17. Mr. Larcombe, 1048. Christmas Cheer for destitute farmers (..M.r. Edwards), 995. Mr. Maher, 82. Colds and Influenza, Suggested action by Mr. Nimmo, 264. Health Department to combat (..M.r. Mr. Smith, 83, 262, 264. YeatBs), 111. Mr. Taylor, 327. Cost of Living Index and Ration Relief Mr. Yeates, 801, 1297. (Mr. Ninnno), 173. Cotton Industry- Printing Committee­ Bounties, Details of (Mr. Edwards), 325. Appointment, 18. Irrigation, Demonstration Areas, Finance for (Mr. Plunkett), 235. Printing, Rescission of Order for, 620. Production, Advances from Cotton Pro­ duction Relief Fund, number of employees and wages paid (Mr. T. L. Prorogation of Parliament, 1361. Williams), 326. Public Service. [See " State Employees."] Cream Routes and Zoning (Mr. Edwards), 17, 55, 295. Questions (Rnlings)­ Cundara Railway Loop Line and Improve­ ments (Mr. Yeates), 487. Disallowed, 966. Dairies, Inspection of boilers for sterilisa­ Insulting interjections to Minister's tion or cleansing purposes (Mr. answers not in order, 173. Walker), 383. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATlVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Dairymen's Organisation, Referendum on Female Labour in butter faetories, Sug­ (Mr. Edwards), 519. gested teaching of (Mr. Macdonald), Dalby Sanatorium, Inmates, staff, and 55. expenditure (Mr. Yeates), 111. Fish Supplies to Metropolitan Market, and imports, 1938-39 and 1939-40 (Mr. Defence- Dart), 1075. Kilkivan Shire, Road in (Mr. Clayton), Fodder for Starving Stock- 199. Motor vehicles, Free permits for ('Mr. Warks and Inland Strategical Road, Nicklin), 579; Reduction of licence Expenditure on (Mr. Maher), 676. fees (Mr. Hilton), 698. Development Tax (State)­ Railway enclosures, Opening for starving Dependants, Suggested concessional stoek (Mr. Brand), 1239. deductions for (Mr. Edwards), 519. Railway freight concessions (Mr. Brand), Rate, Suggested reduction of (Mr. 487; Proclamation of districts subject Walker), 135. to half rates (Mr. Plunkett), 1075; (Mr. Hilton), 1131. Wages paid in 1939-40 (Mr. Walker), 455. Sugar-eane, Railway freight on (Mr. Clayton), 885. Diphtheria, Suggested compulsory immuni­ Wheat, Sale of (Mr. Plunkett), 779. sation against (11r. Yeates), 829. Fodder-Relief S'cheme- Drought- Amount outstanding at 30 June, 1940 Christmas Cheer for destitute farmers (Mr. Maedonald), 135. (Mr. Edwards), 993. Suggested interest-free loans (Mr. Fodder Relief Scheme, Amount out­ Plunkett), 487. standing 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Mac­ Freight on Machinery, Sydney to Brisbane donald), 135; Suggested interest-free (Mr. Dart), 263. loans (Mr. Plunkett), 487. Golden Casket- Motor vehicles carrying fodder, Free permits for (Mr. Nicklin), .579; Reduc­ Agents and commission paid, 1939-40 tion of licence fees (:VIr. Hilton), 698. (Mr. Nimmo), 111; (Mr. Dart), 136. Funds, Disbursements of (Mr. Yeates), Railway enclosures, Opening to starving stock (Mr. Brand), 1239. 1213. Golden Investment Company, Commission Railway freight coneessions on fodder paid to (Mr. Dart), 136. and starving stock (Mr. Brand), 487; Proclamation of districts subjeet to 0Yertime­ half rates (Mr. Plunkett), 1075; (Mr. Golden Casket Office and Department Hilton), 1131. of Health and Home Affairs for Sugar-cane for starving stock, Railway 1939-40 (Mr. C1ayton), 1.047. freight on (Mr. Clayton), 885. Government Printing Office for 1939-40 (Mr. Clayton), 1047; Distribution of Wheat for starving stock, Sale of (Mr. amount (Mr. Clayton), 1213. Plunkett), 779. Grasses, Drought-resisting, from United Drought-resisting Grasses from United States of America (Mr. Maher), 455. States of America (Mr. Maher), 455. Hall, Mr., Advance for Mining Battery to "Emergency" Loan ·works, Details of (Mr. Maher), 579. (Mr. Moore), 455. Heavy Vehicles Road Fund. [See "State Executive Building, Posting of police at Transport Road Fund.''] (Mr. Yeates), 1213. Heifer C'reek Road, Cost of (Mr. Yeates), Expenses (Ministerial), Date of tabling of 676. Return (Mr. Yeates), 1048. Helidon Railway Refreshment Room, Profit Family Endowment, S'uggested introduc­ for five-year period ending 30 June, tion of (Mr. Yeates), 349. 1939, and for year ending 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Yeates), 1279. Family Income Regulations, Ration relief Herbert Eleetoral Distriet, Hotel trading (Mr. Nimmo), 172. hours in (Mr. Yeates), 1163. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Hodgson State School- Aets- Fence, Cost of (Mr. Yeates), 383, 487. Operations under (Mr. Walker), 263. Residenee, Cost of painting (Mr. Yeates), Proposed widening of (Mr. Walker), 917. 487. Farmers (destitute), Suggested Christmas Hotels- Cheer for (Mr. Edwards), 995. Labour League Club and eertain Hotels, Federal Election- Sale of liquor by (Mr. Yeates), 779. Parliament, Suggested adjournment of Trading Hours- (Mr. Maher), 82. Enforcement of (Mr. Yeates), 1048. Queensland CE?ntral Executive of the Estimated loss of revenue (IMr. Queensland Labour Party and the Yeates), 1048. Government (M'r. Nimmo), 327. Herbert Eleetorate (Mr. Yeates), 1163. 6 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATlVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Immunisation against Diphtheria, Sugges­ Loan Works, ''Emergency,'' Details of tion to make compulsory (Mr. Yeat6'S), (Mr. Moore), 455. 829. Local Authorities- Income (National), Produced in Queens­ Finances, Partkulars of (Mr. Nimmo), land (Mr. Maher), 619. 1297. Influenza and Colds, Suggested action by Loan, Raisings (Mr. Moore), 136. Health Department to combat (Mr. Loans Guaranteed by Government to Yeates), 111.. 1939-40 (Mr. Maher), 136. Inland Strategical Road and Defence Locomotives, number delivered to Railway Works, Expenditure on (Mr. Maher), Department, 1939-40 (Mr. Yeates), 676. 111. Inspectors (Stock), In country districts, Logan Bridge, Toll re~eipts and capital Number and salaries of (Mr. Yeates), cost, 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Muller), 136. 779. Machinery, Railway freight from Sydney Ipswich Railway Workshops, Manufacture to, Brisbane (Mr. Dart), 263. of shells at (Mr. Maher), 619. Main Roads­ Irrigation Demonstration Areas (Cotton), Chinchilla-Miles road, Proposed construc­ Finance for (Mr. Plunkett), 235. tion of (Mr. Nimmo), 17. Jubilee Sanatorium, Dalby, Inmates, staff, Defence road in Kilkivan shire (Mr. and expenditure (Mr. Yeates), 111. Clayton), 199. Kilkivan Shire, Defence Road in (Mr. Heifer Creek road, Cost of (Mr. Yeates), Clayton), 199. 676. Kirrama Range Road, Cost, length,~. and Inland strategical road and defence date of opening (Mr. Walker), 1ll13, works, Expenditure on (Mr. Maher), 676. Labour League Club, Sale of liquor in pro­ hibited hours (Mr. Yeates), 779. Kirrama Range road, Cost, length, and date of opening (Mr. Walker), 1213. Lantana Bug, Operations of (Mr. Clayton), Main Roads Fund, Receipts and expendi­ 199. ture during 1939-40 of (Mr. Walker), Legumes in Pasture Improvement (Mr. 82. Clayton), 325. State Transport Road Fund, Allocations Liquor Act- during 1939-40 (Mr. Nicklin), 109. Labour League 'Club and certain hotels, Margarine- Sale of liquor (Mr. Yeates), 779. Manufacture and sale of (Mr. Walker), Trading hours, Enforcement of (iM.r. 55. Yeates), 1048. Tonnage produced in 1939-40 (Mr. Estimated loss of revenue (Mr. Yeates), Walker), 109. 1048. McCracken and George, Messrs., Report on Herbert Electorate (Mr. Yeates), 1163. affairs of Brisbane City Council (Mr. Loans­ Dart), 173. American- Melbourne Cup­ Balances outstanding at 1 July, 1939, ''Charity sweep,'' Alleged conduct by and exchange (Mr. Moore), 326. Mr. Rankin (Mr. Yeates), 1075. Service Costs, 1939-40 (Mr. Moore), 54. Dalby Branch, A.L.P., Alleged conduct Borrowings approved by Loan Council of sweep by (Mr. Moore), 1212. (Mr. Moore), 54-. Members of Parliament, Suggested co­ Loan-S'ubsidy Scheme, Operations during aptation of services in war effort (Mr. 1939-40 (Mr. Nicklin), 81. Yea,tes), 263. Raisings (new), during 1939-40 (Mr. Miles-Chinchilla road, Proposed construc­ Maher), 172. tion of (Mr. Nimmo), 173, Semi-Governmental-~ Military Service, Effect on ration relief of Local Authority and other borrowings recipients and dependants (Mr. Clay­ (Mr. Moore), 136. ton), 295. S'tate's contingent liability at 30 Milk for needy school children, Intentions June, 1940 (Mr. Maher), 136. of Government (Mr. Nimmo), 173. Service Costs, Public debt, 1939-40 (Mr. Mining Battery, Advance to Mr. Hall for l'lfoore), 172. (Mr. Maher), 579. State Advances Corporation, Sources and Ministerial Expenses, Date of tabling of interest (Mr. Russell), 383. return of (Mr. Yeates), HJ48. Story Bridge, Amounts, terms, and con­ Motor Vehicles- ditions (Mr. Nimmo), 295. Free permits f~r vehicles carrying Tableland Tin Dredging Co. N.L., drought fodder (Mr. Nieklin), 579; Government guarantee (Mr. Muller), Suggested reduction of licence fees 81. (Mr. Hifton), 698. INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 7

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Motor Vehieles-continued: Railways-continued: Insuran~e premiums and payments in Freights-continued: 1.939-40 (Mr. Maedonald), B2. Gifts for patriotic purposes (M.r. Producer Gas, Suggested reduct\ion of Deaeon), 54. registration fees of vehieles using (Mr. Machinery, Sydney to Brisbane (M:r. Walker), 51B. Dart), 263. Muekadilla Bore Baths, Finaneial results Sugar-cane fodder for starving stock, for 1939-40 (Mr. Yeates), 995. Rate on (Mr. Clayton), BB5. lMuekadilla Railway Buildings, Size, cost Wool (Seoured), Surcharge on (Dr. of repairs, and painting, number of Watson Brown), 295. men employed (Mr. Yeates), 3B3, 4B7. Helidon Refreshment Room, Profits, 1934­ National Ineome ( Q~eensland), Partieulars 1939, and 1940 (Mr. Yeates), 1279. of (Mr. Maher), 619. Ipswieh Workshops, Manufacture of Nitrogen-Fixation Plant, Suggested estab­ shells at (Mr. Maher), 619. lishment of (iMr. T. L. Williams), 235. Locomotives- Pasture Improvement, Legumes in (Mr. BIB!, Strengthening of line west of Clayton), 325. Charleville for (Mr. Yeates), 416. Patriotic Funds- Number constructed during 1939·-40 Administration of (Mr. Deacon), 263. (Mr. Yeates), 11.1. Railway freight on gifts to (Mr. :Yiuckadilla buildings, Repairs and paint­ Deacon), 54. ing (Mr. Yeates), 3B3, 4B7. Petrol Rationing, Effect on State revenue Rail Motors- (Mr. Maher), 455. Engines constructed at Ipswich Work­ Poliee at Exeeutive Building, Posting of shops, Number and cost of (Mr. (Mr. Yeat<>s), 1213. Nimmo), 264. Produeer Gas, Suggested reduction of regis­ Number and repairs to (Mr. Dart), tration fees of vehieles using (Mr. 263. Walker), 51B. Refreshment Rooms- Public Debt-[See also "Loans"]- Brisbane Central, Profit at 30 June, Ameriean Loans, Balances outstanding at 1940 (Mr. Yeates), 676. 1 July, 1939, and exchange (Mr. Helidon, Profit for five-year periods Moore), 326; Service Costs, 1939-40 ended 30 June, 1939 and 1940 (Mr. (Mr. Moore), 54. Yeates), 1279. Semi-governmental bodies, State's eontin­ Toowoomba, Profit at 30 June, 1940 gent liability as at 30 June, 1940 (iMr. (Mr. Yeates), 676. Maher), 136. Toowoomba Refreshment Rooms, Profit Serviee Costs, 1939-40 (Mr. Moore), 172. at 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Yeates) 676. Public Safety Acts, Vietorian and Queens­ Tourist Bureau, Expenditure and staff land (Mr. Moore), 1326. (Mr. Yea.tes), 454. Queensland Dairymen's Organisation, Wallace, Guard, Acting Chairman of Referendum (Mr. Edwards), 519. Woothakata Shire Couneil (Mr. Yeates), 1047. Questions, Answers by Ministers to (Mr. !M:aher), B2. Wool (scoured), Freight surcharge on (Dr. Watson Brown), 295. Railways- R.ankin, Alleged conduct of unauthorised Brisbane Central Refreshment Rooms, sweep by (Mr. Yeates), 1075. Profit at 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Yeates), 676. Ration Relief. [See "Unemployment."] Charleville, Strengthening of line to Reforestation Expenditure, 1939-40 (Mr. carry BIB! locomotives (Mr. Yeates), Walker), 487; (Mr. Moore), 51.9. 41.6. Revenue (State), Effect of petrol rationing Commissioner's Annual Report, 1939-40, on (Mr. Maher), 455. Date of tabling (Mr. Yeates), 416. Rural R-ehabilitation Scheme- Cundara loop line and improvements Approvals and advances, 1939-40 (Mr. (Mr. Yeates), 4B7. Walker), 135. Enclosures, Suggested opening to starving stoek (Mr. Brand, 1239. Approvals on sheep properties, 1939-40 (Mr. Walker), 200. Financ1al results of operations of Department, 1939-40 (Mr. Brand), 199. Federal funds allotted to Queensland (Mr. T. L. Williams), 200. Freights~ St. Lucia Bridge, Estimated cost and Concessional rates on fodder and probable traffic (Mr. Nimmo), 69B. starving stock (Mr. Brand), 4B7; Proclamation of distriets subject to Sandgate Reclamation ~heme, Cost and half rates (Mr. Plunkett) 1075; sale of allotments (Mr. Macdonald), (Mr. Hilton), 1131. 295; (Mr. Walker), 1213. 8 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

QUESTIONS-continued: QUESTIONS-continued: Savings Bank Accounts (Aboriginals'), Tobacco Industry, Report of Tariff Board Interest on (Mr. Nimmo), 200. on (Mr. Collins), 200. School Children, Milk for (Mr. Nimnw), Toowoomba Railway Refreshment Rooms, 173. Profit at 30 June, 1940 (Mr. Yeates), Shells, Manufacture at Ipswich Railway 676. Workshops (Mr. Maher), 619. Tourist Bureau, Government, Expenditure Special Employment Works F'und-[See and staff (Mr. Yeates), 454. ''Unemployment'']. Transport Commission-[See "State Trans­ Stamp Duty on interstate cheques (Mr. port Commission' ']. Yeates), 579. Unemployment­ Stanley River Dam Expenditure, 1939-40 Ration Relief- (Mr. Macdonald), 17. Christmas Cheer for destitute farmers Starving Stock-[See ''Drought Relief'' (Mr. Edwards), 995. and "F'odder "]. F'amily Income Regulations, Effect of State A:dvances Corporation- (Mr. Nimmo), 1.72. Loans, Sources and interest (Mr. Military Service, Effect of (Mr. Russell), 383. Clayton), 295. Workers' Dwellings and Workers' Homes, Ra'te in Southern Division and Cost of Applications, July-August, 1939 and Living Index (Mr. Nimmo), In. 194,0 (Mr. Moore), 383; Advances, Recipients at 30 June, 1940 (Mr. 1939-40, and 1940-41 (Mr. Moore), 885. Maher), 17, no. Slate Transport Commission- Special Employment Works F'und, Brisbane City Council, Permission to run Expenditure from (Mr. Maher), 81. buses on tram routes (Mr. Russell), Registrations- 579. Males, at 30 June, 1940 (iM.r. Maher), Motor vehicles carrying drought fodder 17, 110. (Mr. Nicklin), 579. Special Employment Works F'und­ State Transport Road F'und Allocations, Bureau of Industry Expenditure, 1939­ 1939-40 (Mr. Nicklin), 109. 40 (Mr. Maher), 235. Htock Inspectors in country districts, Expenditure, 1939-40 (Mr. Maher), 81. Number and salaries (Mr. Yeates), Youth Employment F'und, Expenditure 779. andi Commonwealth contributions (Mr. Stock Permits, Issue on Saturday mornings Walker), 995. in country districts (Mr. Yeates), 779. University Building (New), Estimated Story Bridge- cost (Mr. Nimmo), 698. Cost and revenue (Mr. Nimmo), 17. Venereal Prophylactic Clinic, Brisbane (Dr. Loans for construction, Terms and con­ Watson Brown), 111. ditions (Mr. Nimmo), 295. Victorian Public S'afety Act (Mr. Moore), Sugar-cane fodder for starving stock, Rail­ 1326. way freight on (Mr. Clayton), 885. Wallace, Guard, Acting Chairman of Woo­ thakata Shire Council (Mr. Yeates), Sweeps on Melbourne Cup­ 1047. ''Charity Sweep,'' Action of Government War Effort, Suggested co-aptation of ser­ (Mr. Yeates), 1075. vices of Members of Parliament in Dalby Branch, A.L.P., Alleged conduct (II

Refreshment Rooms Committee­ SUPPLY-continued: Appointment, 17. CoNSIDERATION OF ESTIMATES IN COM· MITTEE--continued: Reply, Address in­ Adoption, 312. EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-continued: Answer of Governor, 350. Consolidated Revenue Fund-continued: Debate on, 7, 55,;, 84, 1.12, 296. Auditor-General, 660. Presentation to Governor, 350. Executive and Legislative­ Aide-de-Camp to His Excelleucy the Sitting Days­ Governor, 412, 456, 504, 522, 580, Friday, 456. 618. Hours of sitting, 19; extension of, 519. Executive Council, 621. Precedence of Government business on His Excellency 'the Governor (balance Thursday, 456. of vote), 620. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 19. Legislative Assembly, 621. Mines- Solicitors and Barristers, Fee,s Paid by Chief Office, 1164. Crown to~ Order for Return (motion-Mr. Mac­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ donald), 18. Agent-General for the State, 653. Return tabled, 417; Rescission of order for Chief Office, 640. printing return, 620. Co-ordinator-General of Public Works, 653. Special Adjournments, 16, 348, 518, 1359. Immigration, 653. Standing Orde,rs- Miscellaneous Services, 656. Committee, Appointment of, 18. Museum, 654. Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ Suspension of- man, 654. Appropriation Bill, No. 1, 18. Public Library of Queensland, 655. Passage of Bills through all stages in one Public Service Commissioner, 655. day, 918. Reception of Resolutions, 918. Public Service Superannuation Board, 656. Standing Order, New 139 (No debate on State Reporting Bureau, 656. going into Committee of Supply or S'tate Stores Board, 656. Ways and Means), tabled, 200; adop­ Public Instruction­ tion, 236; (assent), 350. Chief Office, 1031, 1049. Endowment, Fees, and Allowanoos State Employees, Number of- (Secondary Education), 1070. Order for Return (motion-Mr. Nicklin), 18. Inspection, 1068. Return tabled, 519. Miscellaneous Services, 1072. Queensland Agricultural High School Statements- and College, 1069. Queensland University, 1069. Mr. S'mith, 2, 83, 262, 264, 351. S'chool for the Blind and Deaf, 1071. [See also "Ministerial Statements," and ''Explanations, Personal.''] State Schools, 1071. Technical Education and Practical Instruction in Stat,e Schools, and SUPPLY­ Apprenticeship Committees, 1071. Committee­ Training College, 1069. Constitution of, 312. Women's College, 1070. Opening of, 402. Public Lands- CONSIDERATION OF ESTIMATES IN COM­ Chief Office, 1072, 1075. MITTEE­ District Offices, 1132. ESTIMATES-IN-CHI~ Forestry, 1133. Consolidated Revenue Fund- Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ Agriculture and Stock­ age, 1150. Chemical Laboratory, 750. Miscellaneous, 1163. Chief Office, 673, 699. Survey Office, 1150. Dairy Produce Act, 750. Public Works­ Dairy Research Laboratory, 764. Buildings, 858. !Miscellaneous Services, 769. Chief Office, 773, 779, 829. Slaughtering Act, 764. Services-Public Buildings, 858. State Farms and Gardens, 766. The Gas Acts, 1916 to 1933, 858. 10 INDEX TO SUBJECTS-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

SUPPLY-continued: SUPPLY-continued: CONSIDERATION OF ESTIMATES IN CO.M­ RESOLUTIONS REPORTED FROM Co.MMITTEIE­ .MITTEE-continued: Adoption, 11.84. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-continued: Reception, 1184. Consolidated Revenue Ftmd-continued: Resolutions adopted under operations of Railways- Standing Order, No. 307, aml S'essionai Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Orders, 1212. way, 1025. General Establishment, 858, 893, 996; VOTE OF CREDIT ON ACCOUNT, 1941-42 (amendment to reduce vote by £1) (£4,600,000) (Message from Governor), (Mr. Russell), 899. 1164; (Committee of Supply), 1184. Northern Division (excluding ), 1029. VoTE oN AccouNT­ Southern Division, 1021. (£7,300,000) (Message from Governor), Tru!St and Specia~ Funds­ 22; (Committee of Supply), 22. Premier and Chief Secretary- Public Service Superannuation Fund, 660. Time Limit of Speeches- State Electricity Commission, 660. Members granted an extension of time­ Publici Instruction- Mr. Bedford, 333. Army Training Fund, 1072. Mr. Smith, 65. Youth Employment Fund, 1072. Votes Passed under operations of Standing Valedictory, 1359. Order, No. 307, and Sessional Orders­ Estimates-in-Chief- Vote of Credit on Account, 1941-42­ Department of Health and Home (£4,600,000) (Message from Governor), Affairs, 1184. 1164; (Committee of Supply), 1184. Department of Justice, 1184. Department of Labour and Industry, 1184. Vote on Account--(£7,300,000) (Message Department of Mines­ from Governor), 22; (Committee of Chief Office, 1184. Supply), 22. Balance of Vote, ll84. Department of The Treasurer, 1184. Ways and Means- Balance, Trust and Special Funds, 1184. Balance of Estimates, 1212. Loan Fund Account, 1184. Constitution of Committee, 312. Supplementary Esti.mates, 1939-1940­ Opening of Committee, 1212. Consolidated Revenue, 1184. Resolutions, Reception and adoption of, Loan Fund, 1184. 1212. Trust Flmds, 1184. Vote on account (£7,300,000), 47; Vote (}f Vote of Credit on AclJO'UITI,t, 1941-1942, credit on account, 1941-42 (£4,600,000), 1184. 1212. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

Index to Speeches.

ATTORNEY-GENERAL [See "Mnllan, SUPPLY: Honourable John."] Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- ATTORNEY-GENERAL, ACTING [See "O'Keefe, Hunonrai:Jle John."] ESTIMATES-IN-Cil!EF- Executive and Legislative­ BEDFORD, Randolph, Esquire (War­ Legislative Assembly, 634. rego)­ :i\1ines­ Address in Reply, 89. Chief Office, 1172. BILL: Public Lands­ Chief Office, 1101. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1224. Public Works­ Common:'·ealth Bank, functions of (moves Chief Office, 848. motwn), 327, 396. Railways- Personal explanation, 1239. General Establishment. 1004. SUPPLY; Vote on Acoount (£7,300,000), 27. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- BRASSINGTON, Samuel John, Esquire ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- (:Fortitude Valley)-[See alsQ Mines- "Chairman of Committees, Tem· Chief Office, 1180. porary"]­ Public Instruction­ Address in Reply, 84. Chief Office, 1053. BILL: Public Lands- Elections Acts Amendment (2°), 977. Chief Office, 1087. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ BRAND, William Alfred, Esquire (Isis)­ Nominated on panel, 2. [See also "Chairman of Committees, Temporary," and " Speaker, Takes chair as, 159, 160, 444, 513, 602, Deputy"]­ 685, 721, 780, 847, 1.001, 1059, 1081, 1144. BILLS: Appropriation, No. 2 (2°) 1226. Financial Statement, 534. Brands Acts Amendment (committee), Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 129. 689. SuPPLY: Drought Relief to Primary Producers (2°), 942. Resolution reported from Committee­ Friendly Societies Acts Amendment Agriculture and Stock, 1195. (committee), 1316. Income Tax and Succession and Probate BROWN, Charles Victor Watson, Esquire, Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, and Members M.D. (Gregory)­ of the Air Force) Exemption Unitia­ tion in committee), 1215. Address in Reply, 89. Public Safety (initiation in committee) ~~ ' BILLS: Water Acts and Another Act Amend­ Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1231; (point ment (2°), 1322. of order), 1237. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Buffalo Fly Control (2°), 227. Nominated on panel, 2. Income Tax and Succession and Probate Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, and Members Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Acts, Operations under (seconds of the Air Force) Exemption (2°), motion), 494. 1285. Medical Act Amendment (initiation in Financial Statement, 594. committee), 683. Judges, Payments to (seconi1& motion), 488. Financial Statement, 570. 12 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

BROWN, Charles Victor Watson, Esqmre, BULCOCE, Honourable Frank William M.D.-continued: (Barcoo) [Secretary for Agriculture SUPPLY; and Stock]­ BILLS: Consideration of Estimates in Com· mittee- Brands Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 153; (2°), 191; (com­ EsTIMATES·IN-CmEF- mittee), 686, 693, 695, 697. Public Lands- Buffalo Fly Control (initiation in corn· Chief Office, 1105. mittee), 160; (2°), 211, 231; (corn· Railways- mittee), 449,452,454. Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Burdekin River Trust (initiation in cam· way, 1027. mittee), 201; (2°), 250; (point of order), 260. BROWN, John Innes, Esquire (Logan)­ Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 168; (2°), Address in Reply, 112. 312; (committee), 444, 445. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts BRUCE, Honourable Henry Adam (The Amendment (initiation in committee), Tableland) [Secretary for Public 137, 151; (2°) 1 185. Works and Secretary for Public Drought Relief to Primary Producers Instruction]­ (initiation in committee), 886; (2°), 923, 952; (committee), 956, 957, 960, Address in Reply, 130. 963; (point of order), 962, 965. BILLS; Fruit Marketing Organisation Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), Drought Relief to Primary Producers (2°)' 946. 159; (2°), 197. Second-hand Fruit Cases (initiation in State Development and Public W arks committee), 1352. Organisation Act Amendment (2°), 287. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) State E-ducation Acts Amendment Acts, operations under, 499. (initiation in committee), 684, 685; SUPPLY: (2°), 988, 994. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Financial Statement, 577. mittee- ESTIMATES·IN-CHIEF- SUPPLY; Agriculture and Stock- Consideration of Estimates in Com· mittee­ Chemical Laboratory, 750. EsTIMATES·IN-CHIEF- Chief Office, 705, 731. Dairy Produce Act, 755. Consolidated Revenue F'11fll,ffi.­ Miscellaneous Senices, 769, 771. Public Instruction- Slaughtering Act, 765. Chief Office, 1031, 1039, 1046, 1065. State Farms and Gardens, 766, 767. Endowment, Fees and Allowances (Secondary Education), 1070. CHAIRliiAN OF COMMITTEES [King, Inspection, 1068. William Thomas, Esquire (Maree) 1 Miscellaneous Services, 1072. -[See also "King, WiUia:m Queensland' Agricultural High School Thomas," and " Speaker, and College, 1069, 1070. Deputy"]­ Queensland University, 1069. Election of, 17; returns thanks for election, School for the Blind and Deaf, 1071.. 23. State Schools, 1071. BILLS: Technical Education and Practical City of Brisbane Acts Amendment- Instruction in State Schools, and Ran. member may not say what ought Aprenticeship Committees, 1071. to be in the Bill, but must confine his Training College, 1069. remarks to the principles contained Women's College, 1070. in it, 677. Public Works­ Drought Relief to Primary Producers- Buildings, 858. Amendment (IMr. Muller) on clause 5 Chief Office, 773, 836, 851, 857. not in order as it would impose a Services-Public Buildings, 858. charge on the Crown not covered by the message from His Excellency the 1'he Gas Acts, 1916 to 1933, 858. Governor, 962. Trust a~J.d Special Funds­ Amendment (Mr. Moore) on clause 14 Public Instruction- not in order as it might increase the liability of the Crown in a way not Army Training Fund, 1072. anticipated in the message from His Youth Enfployment Fund, 1072. Excellency the Governor, 966. INDEX TO SPEEGHES-LEGISLA'l'IVE ASSEMBLY. 13

CHAIRMAN OF COMIUITTEES (King, SuPPLY-continued: William Thomas, Esqu:ire)-contd.: Legislation and matters involving legis­ BILLS-continued: lation cannot be discussed in Committee Local Government Act Amendment- of Supply, 632, 636, 639, 663, 729, 866. Amendment in Committee, Hon. mem­ Trust and Special Funds or Loan Fund ber entitled to speak only to the Estimates may be discussed on vote for amendment until it is disposed of, ''Chief Office'' of all departments, but 1290. this rule of practice shall operate for Valuation generally may not be dis· the current session only, 780. cussed under Bill, but an hon. mem­ Departmental Estimates: ber may make passing reference to it, 984, 985. Agriculture and Stock­ Administration of department may Water Acts and Another Act Amend­ be discussed on vote for '' Chief ment- Office,'' 673. Hon. member may vote against clause, Dairy Cattle Improvement Act may but cannot move for its omission, 1357. be discussed under Trust and Special Funds, but not on Revenue Chair- Estimates, 699; Ran. members must address, 28, 907, Executive and Legislative- 1115; and obey Chair, 428, 441, 568, Arbitration may be discussed on vote 629, 630, 632, 715, 716, 909, 1349. for ''Department of Labour and Reflections on, disorderly, 630. Industry,'' but not on vote for Conversations in loud tones disorderly, 485, ''Legislative Assembly,'' 638. 669, 819, 1049. Matters previously dealt with by Denial of hon. member must be accepted, Parliament cannot be discussed on 633, 820, 824, 869, 879, 908. vote for ''Legislative Assembly,'' 638. Financial Statement- Matters relating to ''Legislative Tables taken as read, 402. Assembly'' cannot be diseussed Interruptions, disorderly, 36, 178, 371, 508, under ''His Excellency the 568, 588, 590, 635, 696, 742, 870, 872, Governor' ' or ''Executive Coun­ 881, 891, 893, 905, 908, 909, 910, 920, cil,'' 620, 621. 921, 922, 1049, 1096, 1318. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Irrelevancies-Speeches must bel relevant to Administration of department may question before the Committee, 32, 165, be discussed on vote for ''Chief 239, 248, 249, 356, 368, 369, 370, 375, Office,'' 641. 422, 429, 441, 44B, 464, 465, 486, 630, 633, 634, 638, 652, 683, 684, 685, 704, Only passing reference may be made 715, 731, .743, 744, 751, 755, 770, 804, to ' ' Hansard ' ' staff because some 808, 809, 834, 836, 844, 868, 869, 873, of the reporters are not covered by 874, 875, 908, 909, 921, 960, 964, 984, vote for ''State Reporting 985, 986, 1021, 1028, 1030, 1033, 1064, Bureau,'' 656. 1065, 1100, 1101, 1114, 1150, 11.51, Patriotic Funds but not permits for 1163, 1184, 1302, 1.303, 1348, 1349, ·chocolate wheels may be discussed 1357, 1359. on vote for ''Chief Office,'' 649. Member- Royal Commission on Public W arks only may be discussed on vote for Naming of (Mr. Maher), 428. ''Miscellaneous Services,'' because Ordered to resume seat, 368, 630. it is the only commission whose Previous debate of same session may not expenses are provided for in that be quoted, 704. vote, 658. Reflection on another hon. member in his Public Lands­ absence not in order, 808, 809. " Irrigation, Water Supply, and Reflections on Auditor-General not in order, Sewerage'' vote may not be used 911. to make a general attack upon the Government, 1151. Reflections on Chair not in order, 1349. Land Tax may not be discussed on Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 76, 125, vote for ''Chief Office,'' 1.073, 263, 289, 401. 1115. Speeches, Reading of, 483. Public Works-

SUPPLY: Debate on ''Chief Office'' vote will embrace the general ramifications Generally- of the department, and in addition Scope of debate on ''Chief Office the Loan and Trust and Special votes,'' 62'0, 780. Funds Estimates. This rule of Trust and Special Funds or Loan Fund practice to operate for this session Estimates may not be discussed on in respect of Chief Office vote (}f Revenue Estimates, 632, 673, 699. each succeeding department, 780. 14 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.

CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES (King, CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES, TEM. William Thomas, Esqwre)-contd.: PORARY [Dunstan, Thomas, Esquire. SUPPLY-continued: (Gympie) ]-[See also "Speaker, Deputy"]­ Departmental Estimates-continued: N ominated on panel, 2. Railways- Denial of hon. member must be accepted, Railway S'uperannuation Fund is 471. included in the Schedules and cannot be discussed on vote for Irrelevancies, Speeches must be relevant to ' ' General Establishment,' ' S7 4, question before the Committee, 10S9, S75, 1129. The transfer of. £250,000 from Loan S'peaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 276. Fund to Consolidated Revenue is Takes chair, 142, 1S4, 211, 363, 467, 572, a matter involving legislation and 642, 710, 761, S26, S27, SS2, 1022, 1055, cannot be referred to on vote for 1.08S, 1102, 112S, 1171. ''General Establishment,'' S66. U nparliamentary language­ Tedious repetition not in order, 441, 629, Expression ruled out of order­ 639, 669, 730. '' The hon. gentleman to-day is sur­ Unparliamentary language- rounding himself more and more with all the trappings of European dic­ Expressions ruled out of order­ tators," 367. " Buying votes," 29. ''Catch,'' 31. CHAIRMAN OF CO~IllllTTEES, TEM­ ''Confiscation,'' 663. PORARY [Jones, Arthur, Esquire ''Deceived the House,'' 434. (Charters Towers) ]-[See also "Speaker, Deputy"]­ ''Dictatorship running Queensland to-day,'' 42S. Nominated on panel, 2. "Dishonesty,'' 1073. Auditor-General, criticism not in order ''Fascist tactics,'' S19. except on substantive motion, 900. "Fifth column,'' 37. Irrelevancies, Speeches must be relevant to question before the Committee, 775, ''It was freely stated during the Gregory by-election that the hon. 843, 900. member for Brisbane, Mr. Mann, had Takes Chair, 530, 594, 674, 772, 796, S42, said there that the Government could S61, 897, 916, 1042, 1074j 1309. trace votes and any worker who U nparliamentary language- voted for Dr. Watson Brown would Expressions ruled out of order­ be found out,'' SOS, S15. " Deliberate lie," 901. ''Repudiation,'' 663. ''Improperly used,'' 900. ''Shady manner," S19. "Misappropriated,'' 898. ''The worst enemy of the farmers in the House,'' S93. CHAIRJ11AN OF COMMITTEES, TEM­ ''You evidently have a brief for the PORARY [Nimmo, Thomas, Esquire underwriters,'' 435. (Oxley) ]-[See a:lso "Speaker, Deputy"]­ CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES [O'Ke.efe, Nominated on panel, 2. John, Esquire (Cairns)]­ Resignation, 2. CHIEF SECRETARY [See "Smith, Honourable William Forgan, LL.D."]

CHAIRMAN OF COllfllllTTEES, TEM­ CLARK, James, Esquire (Fitzroy)­ PORARY [Brand, 1Villiam Alfred, Esquire (Isis) ]-[See also SuPPLY: "Speaker, J)eputy "]­ Consideration of Estimates in Corn­ Naminated on panel, 2. mittee- ESTI:M:ATES-IN-CHIEF- CHAIRlliAN OF COMMITTEES, TE:M­ Mines- PORARY [Brassington, Samuel John, Chief Office, 1179. Esquire (:Fortitude VaJJey) ]-[See also "Speaker, Deputy"]­ CLAYTON, Ernest Henry Collet, Esquire Nominated on panel, 2. (Wide Bay)­ Irrelevancies, Speeches must be relevant to Address in reply, 115; (point of order), 132. question before the Committee, 722, 726, BILLS: 7S6, 790, 795, S47. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other A.ets Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 129. Amendment (2°), 190. Takes chair, 159, 160, 444, 513, 602, 6S5, Drought Relief to Primary Producers 721, 7SO, S47, 1001, 1059, 10S1, 1144. (2°) 1 947. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVB ASi::lEMBLY. 15

CLAYTON, Ernest Henry Collet, Esquire­ CONROY, Charles William, Esquire continued: (Maranoa)­ BILLS-continued: SuPPLY: State Development and Public Works Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Organisation Act Amendment ( 2°), mittee- 282. EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF­ Financial Statement, 602. Public Lands­ Chief Office, 1104. SUPPLY: Railways- Consideration of' Estima,tes in Com­ General Establishment, 1008. mittee-­ ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- COOPER, Honourable Frank Arthur Agriculture and Stock- (Bremer) [Treasurer]­ Chief Office, 721. Address in Reply, U7; (point of order), Mines- 301. Chief Office, 1183. BILLS: Public Lands- Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 53. Chief Office, 1083, U23. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1217, 1246. Public Works­ Income Tax and Succession and Probate Chief Office, 791. Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, and Members Railways- of the Air Force) Exemption (initia­ tion in committee), 1215; (2°), 1279, General Establishment, 914. 1286. Resolution reported from Committee­ Insurance Acts and Another Act Amend­ Agriculture and 8tock, 1201. ment (initiation in committee), 1216; (2°), ],288, 1289. Stamp Acts Amendment (initiation in COLLINS, Harold Henry, Esquire (Cook)­ committee), 1215; (2°), 1286, 1287. Water Acts and Another Act Amendment Address in Reply (moves motion), 7. (initiation in committee), 1280; (2°), BILLS: 1321, 1355; (committee), 1357, 1358. Buffalo Fly Control (2°), 219. Chairman of Committees, Congratulations to Mr. W. T. King on appointment, 22. Drought Relief to Primary Producers (initiation in committee) (point of Document read by hon. member for Oxley order), 893; (2°), 936; (committee), ordered to be laid on table of House 959 ;; (point of order), 961. (moves motion), 818. Medical Act Amendment (initiation in Financial Statement, 402, 608. committee), 682. Standing Orders, Suspension of, 918, 919. Commonwealth Bank, functions of (seconds SUPPLY: motion), 336. Resolution reportedJ from Committee­ Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) ~o-riculture and Stock, 1206. Acts, Operations under, 504. Vote on Accmbnt (£7,300,000), 22, 37. Financial Statement, 467.

SUPPLY: COPLEY, Patr1ck Kerry, Esquire (Kurilpa)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- BILLS: ESTIMATES-IN-CI!IEF- Common Law Pra,ctice Act Amendment Agriculture and Stock- (committee), 440. Chief Office, 701. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in Dairy Produce Act, 751. committee), 824. Public Lands­ Wills (S'oldiers, Sailors, and Members of the Air Force) (initiation in com­ Chief Office, 1079. mittee), ],Sl., Forestl·y, 1133. SUPPLY: Irrigation, Water S'upply, and Sewer­ age, 1157. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Public Works­ Chief Office, 850. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Agriculture and Stock- Resolu,tion reported from Committee­ Chemical Laboratory, 750. Agriculture anit Stock, U86. Chief Office, 749. 16 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'lTV_l<; AS~EMBLY.

COPLEY, Patrick Kerry, Esquire-contd.: SUPPLY-continued: SUPPLY-continued: Consideration of Estimates in Committee -continued: Consideration of Estimates in Committee -continued: ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-contin~Led: ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-continued : Consolidated Revenue Fund-continued: Auditor"General, 660. Executive and Legislative­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ Legislative Assembly, 638; (point of order), 626. Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ man, 655. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Public Service Commissioner, 655. Chief Office, 650. State Reporting Bureau, 656. Public Instruction­ Chief Office, 1044. DANIEL, David John l\Iarlais, Esquire Public Lands- (Keppel)- ­ Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ Leave of absence granted by House, 21. age, 1163. Public W arks- DART, William Logan, Esquire (Wyn. Chief Office, 786, 844. num)­ Railways- Address in Reply, 97. General Establishment, 866. BILLS: Trust and Specia~ Funds­ Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1222. Premier and Chief S'ecretary- Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts State Electricity Commission, 668, Amendment (initiation in committee), 669. 827. Brands Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 159; (committee), 688. DASH, John, Esquire (Jlundingburra)­ Burdekin River T'rust (initiation, in corn· Leave of absence granted by House, 519. mittee), 208. City of Brisbane Acts Amendment (initia­ DEACON, William Arthur, Esquire (Cun­ tion in committee), 680; ( 2 o), 1275. ningham)­ Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 170. Address in Reply, 75. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts BILLS: Amendment (initiation in committee), Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 49. 145. Drought Relief to Primary Producers Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), (2°)' 950. 827. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 815; (point of order), 820. Brands Acts Amendment (initiation, in committee), 157; (2°), 193; (com­ Local Government Act Amendment (initia­ tion in committee), 984; (committee), mittee), 696. 1296. Buffalo Fly Control (2°), 224; (corn· Public Safety ( 2 o), 1342. mittee), 447, 453. State Development and Public Works Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ mittee), 209; (2°), 260. tion in committee), 248; (2°), 277; Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts (committee), 375. Amendment (2°), 190. State Education Acts Amendment (2°), Drought Relief to Primary Producers 991. (2°), 948; (committee), 960, 964. Water Acts and Another Act Amendment Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in (initiation in committee), 1282; (2°), committee), 819. 1354. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (com­ Wills (S'oldiers, Sailors, and Members of mittee), 1317. the Air Force) (initiation in corn· Public Safety (2°), 1341. mittee), 182. State Development and Public Works Financial Statement, 481. Organisation Act Amendment (2°), SUPPLY: 283; (committee), 359, 370, 375. State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ Consideration of Estimates in Corn· tion in committee), 685; (2°), 993. mittee- Water Acts and Another Act Amendment EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- (initiation in committee), 1283; (2°), Consolidated Revenue Fwnil­ 1353, 1356; (committee), 1356. Agriculture and ::)tack- Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Chief Office, 7 41. Acts, Operations under, 497. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIV.I!} AS~EMBLY. 17

DEACON, William Arthur, Esquire-con­ SUPPLY-continued: tinued: Consideration of Estimates in Committee Financial Statement, 540. -continued: Standing Order, No. 139, Amendment of EsTIMATEs-IN-CHIEF-continue'(/: (committee), 240. Trust and Spe1cial Funds-

SuPPLY: Premier and Chief Secretary­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ State Electricity Commission, 661. mittee- DUNSTAN, Thomas, Esquire (Gympie)­ ESTIMATES·IN-CHIEF-­ [See also "Chairman of Commit· Agriculture and Stock­ tees, 'femporary," and " Speakei·, Chief Office, 703, 730. Deputy"]­ Dairy Produce Act, 754. Address in Reply, 305. State Farms and Gardens, 768. Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Executive and Legislative­ Nominated on panel, 2. Legislative Assembly (motion for Takes chair, 142, 184, 211, 363, 467, 572, dissent from Chairman's ruling), 642, 710, 761, 826, 827, 882, 1022, 1055, 632. 1088, 1102, 1128, 1171. Public Instruction­ Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 276. Chief Office, 1032. SUPPLY: Public Lands­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Chief Office, 1072. mittee- Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ ESTIMATE!S-IN-CHIEF-­ age, 1154. Public Instruction- Public Works­ Chief Office, 1043. Chief Office, 842. Railways- EDWARDS, James Braidwood, Esquire General Establishment, 868, 907, 1008. (Nanango)- BILLs: Ee.sol!ution reported from Committee­ Drought Relief to Primary Producers Agriculture and Stock, 1193. (initiation in committee), 892; (point Vote on !Account (£7,300,000), 25. of order), 922; (2°), 945; (committee), 959. Elections Acts Amendment (committee), DUGGAN, John Edmund, Esquire (Too­ 1264. woomba)­ Public Safety (initiation in committee), Address in Reply (seconds motion), 11. 1305. Financial Statement, 606. BILLS: SuPPLY: Common Law Practice Act Amendment (initiation in committee), 175. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- State Development and Public Works Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ ESTIMATIDS-IN-CHIEF-­ tion in committee), 246 ; (committee) Agriculture and Stock­ 355. ' Chief Office, 719. Financial Statement, 550. Dairy Produce Act, 751. State Farms and Gardens, '766. SuPPLY: Public Instruction­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Chief Office, 10 51. mittee- Queensland Agricultural High School ESTIMATIDS-IN-CHIEF-­ and College, 1069. Consolidate'(] Eev'enue~ Fund-­ State S'chools, 1071. Agriculture and Stock- Public Lands­ Dairy Produce Act, 762. Chief Office, 1114. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Public Works­ Chief Office, 835. Chief Office, 641. Railways- Public Works-­ General Establishment, 1000. Chief Office, 788. Resolution reported from Committee­ Railways- Agriculture and Stock, 1204. General Establishment, 902, 911; (point of order), 908. Vote on Aocount (£7,300,000), 46. 18 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IV.I<} AS:SEMBLY.

FARRELL, David, Esquire (Marybor­ BILLS-continued: ough)- City of Brisbane Acts Amendment (2°), SuPPLY: 1271., 1276; (committee), 1277. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Local Government Act Amendment mittee- (initiation in committee), 979, 985; EsTIMATEtS-IN-CHIEF- (2°), 1268; (committee), 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1296. Mines- Medical Act Amendment ( 2°), 1278. Chief Office, 117 4. Nurses and Masseurs Registration Acts Public Lands­ Amendment (2°), 1277; (committee), Chief Office, 1117. 1278. Public Works­ Public Safety (initiation in committee), Chief Office, 831. 1297, 1306; (2°), 1327, 1343; (com­ Railways- mittee), 1347. General Establishment, 1003. HANSON, Edward Joseph, Esquire GAIR, Vincent Clair, Esquire (South (Buranda) [See "Speaker"]­ Brisbane)­ BILL: HAYES, Jolln Vincent, Esquire (Nundah)­ State Education Acts Amendment (2°), 992. SuPPLY: Financial Statement, 580. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ SUPPLY: EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Public Lands- Chief Office, 1130. EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Public Works­ Public Instruction- Chief Office, 846. Chief Office, 1049.

GLEDSON, Honourable David Alexander HEALY, John Joseph O'Connor, Esquire (Ipswich) [Secretary for Mines]­ (Warwick)­ BILLS: Financial Statement, 600. Common Law Practice Act Amendment SUPPLY: (committee-point of order), 434. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Mining Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 183; (2°), 382, 414. mittee­ Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Amendment (initiation in ·committee), Public Works- 801; (2°), 970; (committee), 972. Chief Office, 855. State Education Acts Amendment ( com­ RailwaYs- mittee), 1268. General Establishment, 1011. SUPPLY: Southern Division, 1025. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee- HILTON, Paul Jerome Remigius, Esquire EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF­ (Carnarvon)­ Mines- BILLS: Chief Office, 1164, 1177, 1184. Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ Public Works- mittee), 210. Chief Office, 782, 785, 794. State Development and Public Works Railways- Organisation Act Amendment (2°), General Establishment (point of 289. order), 900. SUPPLY: :HANLON, Honourable Edward Michael Consideration of Estimates in Com­ (Ithaca) [Secretary for Health and mittee­ Home Affairs]­ EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- A.I.F. Troops, March past of (suspension Agriculture and Stock- of sitting), 778. Chief Office, 729. BILLS: Public Lands- Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1234. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Cinematograph Films Hiring Agreement Sewerage, 1152, 1155. (initiation in committee), 1308, 1312; Railways- (2°)' 1350, 1351. General Establishment, 1001. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'riV~ ASSEMBLY. 19

JESSON, Cecil George, Esquire (Keu­ SuPPLY: uedy)­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Address in Reply, 105. mittee­ BILLS: ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF­ Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts Rooo"bution reporte1dJ from Committele­ Amendment (2°), 986. Department of Health and Home Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ Affairs, 1211. mittee), 205. Drought Relief to Primary Producers LARCOMBE, Honourable James (Rock· (committee), 964. hampton) [Minister :i'or Transport]­ State Development and Public Works Personal explanation, 1048. Organisation Act Amendment (2°), 286. SUPPLY: SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee-­ mittee- ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Railways- Agriculture and Stock- Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Chief Office, 724. way, 1.025, 1028. Public Instruction­ General Establishment, 858, 877, 893, 901, 1016; (point of order), 898. Chief Office, 1055. Northern Division (excluding Mackay Public Lands­ Railway), 1029, 1031. Chief Office, 1127. Southern Division, 1.021, 1024. Public Works- Resol~Ution reported from Comnnittee­ Chief Office, 798, 835. Department of Railways, 1210. Railways- General Establishment, 882. MACDONALD, Duncan, Esquire (Stan. ley)­ JONES, Arthur, Esquire (Charters Towers) -[See also " Chairman oi Commit­ Address in Reply (point of order), 298. tees, Temporary"]­ BILLS: Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ Brands Acts Almendment (committee), Nominated on panel, 2. 685, 695. Takes chair as, 530, 594, 674, 772, 796, Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts 842, 861, 897, 916, 1042, 1074, 1309. Amendment (initiation in committee), 144. Financial S'tatement, 604. Drought Relief to Primary Producers SUPPLY: (committee), 962. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Judges, Payments to (moves motion for mittee- return), 488, 490. ESTIMATES-IN-'CHIEF­ SUPPLY: Public Works­ Consideration of Estimates iu Com­ Ohief Office, 831. mittee-­ EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Resol~Ution rreported frorm Con~mittee­ Agriculture and Stock, 1198. Agriculture and Stock- Chief Office, 699. KEYATTA, George, Esquire (Townsville)­ Miscellaneous Services, 769. Public Lands­ Leave of absence grantedi by House, 21. Chief Office, 1081. Forestry, 1143. KING, William Thomas, Esquire (~faree)­ [See also " Chairman of Commit­ MAHER,. Edmund Bede, Esquire (West tees" and "Speaker, Deputy"]­ Moreton) [Leader of the Oppo·si­ BILLS: tion]­ Common Law Practice Act Amendment Address in Reply, 55. (2°)' 322. A.I.F. Troops, March past of (suspension Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (2°), of sitting), 778. 1257. BILLS: Chairman of Committees­ Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 47. Election of, 17. Auctioneers and Commission: Agents Acts Speaker, Deputy, Takes chair as, 76, 125, A'mendment (initiation in committee), 263, 289, 401. 826; (2°), 986. 20 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IV.l!] ASi::lEMBLY.

MAHER, Edmund Bede, Esquire-con­ Days of sitting­ tinued: Friday, 456. BILLs-continued: Hours of sitting, 19; Extension of, 520. Brands Acts Amendmen,t (initiation in Precedence of Government business on committee), 156; (2°), 195; (com­ Thursday, 456. mittee), 686, 694, 697. Deaths (seconds motions of condolence)­ Buffalo Fly Control (initiation in com­ Air Disasters, 3. mittee), 166; (2°), 228; (co=ittee), Hunter, Hon. J. M.; Macrossan, Hon. 447. H. D.; Ryan, Mr. C. J.; Archer, Mr. E. W.; Herbertson, Mr. R.; Warren, Mr. Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ R. J.; Donovan, Mr. T. J.; Carron, mittee), 203; (2°), 255; (committee), Mr. R. J.; Thompson, Mr. G. H., 5. 421, 425, 427. Keogh, Mr. J. P., 174. Cinematograph Films Hiring Agreement Pease, Hon. P., 350. (2°)' 1351. Financial Statement, 456; (point of order), Common Law Practice Act Amendment 472. (committee), 435. Judges, Payments to, 488. Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment Leave of absence to hon. members­ (initiation in committee), 171; (com­ Daniel, Mr. D. J. M;, 21 mittee), 445. Dash, Mr. J., 519. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts Keyatta, Mr. G., 21. Amendment (initiation in committee), 148; (2°), 189; (committee), 685. !Member, Naming of, 428. Drought Relief to Primary Producers Personal explanation, 82. (initiation in committee), 887; (2°), Standing Order, No. 139, Amendment of, 932; (point of order), 954; (com­ 237. mittee), 956, 959, 962, 963. SUPPLY: Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in Consideration of Estimates in Com­ committee), 808; (2°), 973. m~ttee-- Friendly Societies Acts Amendment EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- (initiation in committee), 969. Consolidated Revenue Funrlr- Fruit Marketing Organisation Acts Executive and Legislative-­ Amendment (initiation in committee), Executive Council, 621. 160. His Excellency the Governor (balance Hire-purchase Agreement Acts Amend­ of vote), 620. ment (initiation in commit.tee), 176; Legislative Assembly, 621; (motion (2°), 35]. for dissent from Chairman's Medical .Act Amendment (initiation in ruling), 630; (point of order), committee), 681. 633. Premier and Chief Secretary- Mining Acts Amendment (initiation in Chief Office, 650. committee), 184; (2°), 413. Miscellaneous Services, 656. Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts Parliamen~ary Counsel and Drafts­ Amendment (initiation in committee), man, 654. 803; (2°), 970; (committee), 972. Public Works- Public Safety (2°), 1334; (committee), Chief Office, 780, 832. 1348. Railways- Sta,te Development and Public Works General Establishment, 860; (amend­ Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ ment, Mr. Russell), 899. tion in committee), 244; (committee), Trust and Special Funds- 354, 359, 361, 365, 371, 372, 376; Premier and Chief Secretary­ (point of order), 368. State Electricity Commission, 660. State Education Acts Amendment (initia­ Vote on Account (£7,300,000), 22, 23. tion in committee), 684; (2°), 989. Valedictory, 1359. Wages Attachment Act Amendment (initiation in commit,tee), 826. Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members :MANN, John Henry, Esquire (Brisbane)­ of the Air Force) (2 o), 380. Address in Reply, 92. Chairman of Committees, Congratulations BILL: to Mr. W. T. King on appointment, 22. Elections Acts Amendment (initirution in Commonwealth Bank, Functions of, 384. committee-point of order), 809. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVE AStlE:MBLY. 21

:MARRIOTT, George Henry, Esqu.ire SUPPLY-continued: (Bulimba)­ Consideration of Estimates in Committee BILL: -continued: Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in ESTIMATES-IN -CHIEF-continued: committee), 822. Railways- SUPPLY; Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Consideration of Estimates in Com­ way, 1025. m1ttee­ General Establishment, 875; (point of order), 898. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Rersolution reported from Committee­ Railways- General Establishment, 1014. Railways, 1209.

:MASSEY, Harry, Esquire (Toowong)­ IIHNISTER FOR TRANSPORT [See "Larcombe, Honourable James "]. BILLS: Cinema~ograph Films Hiring Agreement :MOORE, Artlmr Edward, Esquire (initiation in committee), 1311; (2°), (Aubigny)­ 1351. Drought Relief to Primary Producers BILLS: Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1240. (2°) 1 945. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in Brands Acts Amendment (committee), committee), 822. 691, 695. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment Buffalo Fly Control (2°), 215. (ini!tiation in committee), 969; (2°), Burdekin River Trust (committee), 418, 1262; (committee), 1316, 1320. 420, 422, 423, 424, 429. SUPPLY; Cinematograph Films Hiring Agreement (initiation in committee), 1309. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ m1ttee­ Common Law Practice Act Amendment (initiation in committee), 175; (2°), ESTIMATES·IN-CIDEF- 322. Public Works- Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment Chief Office, 785. (2°), 319. Diseases in Stock Ac;ts and Other Acts :McLEAN, Bernard, Esquire (Bundaberg)­ Amendment (initiation in committee), 143; (committee), 685. Address in Reply, 296. Drought Relief to Primary Producers BILLS: (2°), 951; (committee), 965. Friendly S'ocieties Acts Amendment Elections Acts Amendment ( comm1ttee), (2°), 1259. 1267. Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts Friendly Societies Acts Amendment 0 Amendment (2! ), 970. (initiation in committee), 968; (2°), State Development and Public Works 1255; (committee), 1312. Organisation Act Amendment (2°), Income Tax and Succe~sion and Probate 275. Duties (S'ailors, Soldiers, and Members of the Air Force) Exemption (2°), Commonwealth Bank, Functions of, 389. 1284. Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Local Government Act Amendment Acts, Operations under, 496. (initiation in committee), 981; (2°), Financial Statement, 510. 1269; (committee), 1289, 1291, 1294,

'SUPPLY: Medical Act Amendment (initiation in committee), 681. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ m1ttee­ Mining Acts Amendment (2°), 413. Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Amendment (2°), 971. Agriculture and Stock- Nurses and Masseurs Registration Acts Chief Office, 704. Amendment (committee), 1278. Executive and Legislative­ Public Safety (initiation in commi~ee), Legislative Assembly, 633. 1299; ( 2 o), 1330; (committee), 1346. Mines- State Development and Public Works Chief Office, 1170. Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ tion in commit.tee), 244; ( 2 o), 270; Public Instruction­ (committee), 352, 353, 358, 363, 364, Chief Office, 1.058. 376. Public Works­ State Education Acts Amendment (com­ Chief Office, 829. mittee), 1268. 22 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ:

ll'fOORE, Arthur Edward, Esquire-con­ Financial Statement, 473. tinued: BILLS-continued: SUPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Water Acts and Another Act Amend­ m1ttee-­ ment (initiation in committee), 1281; (2°), 1323. EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Commonwealth Bank, Functions of, 342. ConsolidJated Revenu,e Fund­ Death of- Agriculture and Stock- Rankin, Lieutenant-Colonel Colin Dunlop Chief Office, 744. Wilson (seconds motion of condolence), Premier and Chief Secretary­ 1164. Chief Office, 648, 649, 844. Financial Statement, 585. Public Instruction­ SUPPLY: Chief Office, 1062. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Public Lands­ m~ttee-­ Chief Office, 1092. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Forestry, 1142. Agriculture and Stock- Public Works­ Dairy Produce Act, 759. Chief Office, 855. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Trust and Special Funds­ Miscellaneous Services, 659. Premier and Chief Secretary- State Stores Board, 656. State Electricity Commission, 669. Public Instruction­ ResolA~tion replorted: from1 Corn;m~]t,~ele'-­ Chief Office, 1033. Department of Agriculture and Stock, Public Lands­ 1192. Chief Office, 1075. Vote on Account (£7,300,000), 43. Forestry, 1135. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewerage, 1158. NICKLIN, George Francis Reuben, Esquire Public Works­ (jUurrumba)­ Chief Office, 791. Address in R.eply, 308. Railways- BILLS: General Establishment, 863, 904. Burdekin River Trust (initiation inl com­ mittee), 206. MORRIS, George Alfred, Esquire (Kelvin Diseases in Poultry A'cts Amendment Grove)­ (2°), 317; (committee), 444, 445. Leave o:t' absence granted by House, 112. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (2°), 1258; (committoo), 1314, 1315, MULLAN, Honourable John (Carpentaria) 1317, 1320. [Attorney-GeneraJ]­ Fruit Marketing- Organisation Aets Leave of absence granted by House, 749. Amendment (2°), 198. Income T'ax and Succession and Probate li'IUJ,LER, Adoli' Gustav, Esquire (Fassi­ Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, and. Memb~rs fern)­ of the Air Force) ExemptiOn (2 ) , 1285. BILLS: Public Safety (initiation in committee), Brands Acts Amendment (committee), 1303. 688. Second-hand Fruit Cases (initiation in Buffalo Fly Conitrol (2°), 223; (com­ committee), 1352; (committee), 1353. mittee), 448, 451, 454. Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members of Burdekin River Trust (2°), 261; (com­ the Air Force) (initiation in com­ mittee), 418, 429. mittee), 180; (2°), 380. Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), Financial Statement, 558. 140. SUPPLY: Drought Relief ;to Primary Producers Consideration of Estimates in Com­ (initiation in committee), 920; (2°), miittee-­ 939; (committee), 961. Local Government Act Amendment ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- (committee), 1295. Agriculture and Stock- State Development and Public Works Chief Office, 726. Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ Public Instruction- tion in committee), 247; (2°), 291. Chief Office, 1037, 1062. INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLATIVE AS,SE:MBLY. 23

NICKLIN, George Francis Reuben, Esquire Death of- -continued: Keogh, Mr. J. P. (motion of condolence), SUPPLY-continued: 174. Consideration of Estimates in Corrnnittee Financial Statement, 545. -contin1wd: Personal strutement, 264. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-contin1ted: Standing Order, No. 139, Amendment of Public Lands­ (committee), 239, 241.

Forestry, 1146. SUPPLY; Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewerage, 1157. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ m1ttee---- Public Works­ Chief Office, 773. EsTIMATES-IN-CmEF- Railways- Consolidatrd Revenue Fund-­ General Establishment, 915. Agriculture and Stock- Resol!ution reporte•d from Committee­ Chief Office, 714. Agriculture and Stock, 1192. State Farms and Gardens, 768. Executive and Legislative­ Legislative Assembly, 628, 633, 640; NIIDIO, 'l'homas, Esquire (Oxley)-[See (motion for dissent from Chair­ also " Chairman or Committees, man's ruling), 632. Temporary"]­ Premier and ·Chief Secretary­ Address in Reply, 300. Chief Office, 653.

BILLS; Immigration, 653. Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 52. man, 654. Brands Acts Amendment (initiation in Public Instruction­ committee), 155; (2°), 194. Chief Office, 1042. Buffalo Fly Control (committee), 453. Public Lands- Burdekin River Trust (2°), 259; (com· Chief Office, 1089. mittee), 425. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Cinema.tograph Films Hiring Agreement Sewerage, 1150, 1155. (initiation in committee), 1310. Public Works- Common Law Practice Act Amendment Chief Office, 777, 780. (comm1ttee), 433, 441; (point of Railways- order), 435. General Establishment, 879, 908. Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment Trust and, Speci{],l Funds­ (committee), 445. Premier and Chief Secretary- Drought Relief to Primary Producers State Electricity Commission, 61, (committee), 958, 960, 965. 671. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation Vote on Ai!count (£7,300,000), 29. in commibtee), 818, 8],9; (2°) 1 976; (committee), 1264, 1266. Friendly S'ocieties Acts Amendment O'KEEFE, Honourable John (Cairns) [Acting Attorney-General]­ (2°) 1 1260, Local Government Act Amendment Attorney-General, Acting, appointment, 3. (committee), 1290, 1291, 1295. Barristers and solicitors, Fees paid by Public Safety (initiation in committee), Crown to ( recission of order for print­ 1301; (2°), 1339; (committee), 1349. ing return), 620. State Development and Public Works BILLS: Organisation Act Amendment (initia­ Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts tion in committee), 248; ( com­ Amendment (initiation in committee), mittee), 360, 369. 825; (2°), 986; (committee), 1268. Water Acts and Another Act Amend­ Common Law Practice Act Amendment meitt (2°), 1325; (committee), 1357; (initiation in ·committee), 174; (2°), 1358. 321; (committee), 436, 442; (point of Wages Attachment Act Amendment order), 441. (initiation in committee), 828. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members of committee), 804, 814, 823; (2°), 973, the Air Force) (2°), 381. 978; (committee), 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267. Censure for abusing the privileges of Parliament, 347. Friendly Societies Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 966; (2°) 1 Chairman of Committees, Temporary­ 1253, 1262; (committee), 131.3, 1315, Kominated on panel, 2. 1318, 1319, 1320. 24 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJ£ ASSEMBLY.

O'KEEFE, Honourable John-continued: BILLS-continued: BILLS-continued: Diseases in Poultry Acts Amendment Hire-purchase Agreement Acts Amend­ (2°)' 318. ment (initiation in committee), 176; Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in (2°), 323; (committee), 443. committee), 820, 824; (committee), Wages Attachment Act Amendment 1264. (initiation in committee), 827· (2°), Friendly Societies Acts Amendment 987. ' (2°), 1261; (committee), 1.317. Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members of State Development and Publie W(}rks the Air Force) (initiaMon in com­ Organisation Act Amendment (2°) 1 mittee), 178, 182; (2°), 377, 381; 290. (committee), 415. Financial S'tatement, 542. Chairman of Committees, Resignation as, 2. SUPPLY; S'UPPLY: Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Consideration of Estimates in C(}m· mittee­ mittee-­ EST'!MATES·IN-CmEF­ ESTIMATES-IN-CmEF- 11\Hnes- Premier and Chief Secretary­ Chief Office, 1176. Chief Office, 649. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Resolution reported from Committee­ Parliamentary Counsel and Drafts­ Agriculture and Stock, 1203. man, 655. Public Instruction­ PLUNKETT, Thomas Flood, Esquire Chief Office, 1060. (Albert)- Railways-­ BILLs: Central Division and Mackay Rail­ way, 1028. Brands Acts Amendment (2o), 195; (committee), 690, 692. General Establishment, 870; (point of order), 879. Buff:alo Fly Control ( 2 o), 218; (corn­ Imttee), 452. Burdekin River Trust (initiation in lUORDAN, Ernest Joseph, Esquire committee), 211. (Bowen)­ Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts Address in Reply, 100. Amendment (2°), 190. BILL: Drought Relief to Primary Producers Burdekin River Trust (committee), 422. (initiation in committee), 889. State Development and Public Works SUPPLY: Organisation Act Amendment (2°), Consideration of Estimates in Com­ 286; ( comm1ttee), 371, 372. mittee­ SUPPLY: ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Railways- mittee-­ General Establishment, 998. ESTIMATES-IN-CmEF- Agriculture and Stock- RUSSELL, Hugh McDiarmid, Esquire Chief Office, 716. (Hamilton)­ Public Instructi(}n­ Address in Reply, 76; (point of order), 93. Chief Office, 1061. BILLS: Queensland Agricultural High School and College, 1069. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1217; (point Public Works­ of order), 1248. Chief Office, 856. City of Brisbane Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 677; (2°), 1271 ; (committee), 1276. POWER, WiiUam, Esquire (Baroona)­ Common Law Practice Act Amendment Address in Reply, 121; (point of order), (committee), 431, 434, 439, 443. 97. Drought Relief to Primary Producers BILLS: (2°), 949. City of Brisbane Acts Amendment Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in (initiation in committee), 679; (2°)' committee), 811; (2°), 974; (com­ 1274. mittee), 1263, 1265. Common Law Practice Act Amendmen,t Insurance Acts and Another Act Amend­ (committee), 440; (point of order), ment (initiation in committee), 1216; 434. (2°), 1288; (committee), 1289. INDEX TO SPEECHE8-LEGISLA'l'IVE ASSEMBLY. 25

RUSSELL, Hugh McDiarmid, Esquire­ SECRETARY FOR HEALTH AND HOME continued: AFFAIRS [See" Hanlon, Honourable BILLS-continued: Edward Michael "]. Stamp Ads Amendment (initiation in committee, 1215; (2°), 1287. SECRETARY FOR MINES [See "Gledison, State Development and Publie Works Honourable David Alexander"]. Organisation Act Amendment (2°), 284; (eommittee), 357, 365. SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC LANDS [See Wages Attachment Aet Amendment "WALSH, Honourable Edwarj), (initiation in committee), 828; (2°), Joseph "']. 988. Wills (Soldiers, S'ailors, and Members SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS of the Air Force) (2°), 379; (eom­ AND SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC mittee), 414. INSTRUCTION [See "Bruce, Censure of hon. member for Oxley for Honourable Henry Adam "]. abusing privileges of Parliament, 346. Commonwealth Bank, Funetions of, 392. SLESSAR, Aubrey Robert, Esquire Deaths (motions of condolence)­ (Dalby)­ Air Disasters, 4. S'UPPLY: Hunter, Hon, J. M.; Maerossan, Hon. H. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ D.; Ryan, Mr. C. J.; Areher, Mr. E. mittee-­ W.; Herbertson, Mr. R.; Warren, Mr. R. J.; Donovan, Mr. T. J.; Carroll, Mr. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-­ R. J.; Thompson, Mr. G. H., 5. Publie Lands­ Pease, Hon. P., 350. Chief O:ffiee, 1129. Finaneial Statement, 527. Forestry, 1145. Public Works­ SUPPLY: Chief Office, 795. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Eesolu:tion reported from Committee­ mittee- Agriculture and Stock, 1199. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Consolidated Revenue Fund- Agriculture and Stock- SMITH, Honourable William Forgan, LL.D. (Mackay) [Premier, Chief Secretary, Dairy Produee Act, 762. and Vice-President of the Exe,cutive Miscellaneous Services, 769. Council]­ State Farms and Gardens, 767. Address in Reply, 61; (point of order), 98. Exeeutive and Legislative- Legislative Assembly, 636; (motion BILLS: for dissent from Chairman's Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 49. ruling), 631. Appropriation, No. 2 (2°), 1230. Mines- Buffalo Fly Control (2°-point of order), Chief Office, 1182. 221; Third reading-Order for dis­ Premier and Chief Secretary­ charge, 504. Chief Office, 644, 649. Burdekin River Trust (committee) , 41 7, Public Lands- 418, 420, 422, 423, 426; (point of Chief Office, 1084. order), 428. Forestry, 1.133, 1148. City of Brisbane Acts Amendment Publie Warks­ (initia:tion in committee), 677, 679. Chief Office, 776. Medical Act Amendment (initiation in Railways- eommittee), 681., 683. General Establishment, 896; (moves Nurses and Masseurs Registration Acts that vote be reduced by £1), 899; Amendment (initiation in committee), (point of order), 868, 901. 681. Trust and Special Funds­ Public Safety (2°), 1328. Premier and Chief Secretary- State Development and Public Works State Electricity Commission, 662, Organisation Act Amendment (initiation 667; (point of order), 672. in committee), 242, 249; ( 2 °), 265, 291; (point of order), 283; (committee), Vote on Account (£7,300,000), 34. 352 356, 358, 360, 361, 363, 367, 371, Valedictory, 1360. 372; 374, 375, 376; (point of order), 367. SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE AND Censure of hon. member for Oxley for STOCI{ [See "Bulcock, Honourable abusing privileges of Parliament Frank William "]. (moves motion), 346, 348. 26 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVB AS~EMBLY.

:SMITH, Honourable William Forgan, LL.D. SUPPLY-continued: -continued: Consideration of Estimates in Coiil'lllittee Chairman of Committees-Nomina.tes Mr. -cont,inued: W. T. King, 1.7; (congratulates him on ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-continued: appointment), 22. Resolution reported from Committee­ Day., of sitting­ Agriculture and Stock, 1189, Friday, 456. Hours of sitting, 19, 20; extension of, Trusf! and Special Fundis-­ 519, 521. Premier and Chief S'ecretary- Precedence of Government business on State Electricity Commission, 663, Thursday, 456. 66'7, 669, 672; (point of order), 663. Deaths (moves motions of condolence)­ Vote on

SPEAKER (Honourable Edward Joseph Personal S'tatement- Hansou)-continued: Hon. member having leave to make a personal statement may not use it to Member, Naming of (Mr. Maher) (ordered criticise the '' Hansard'' report of a to •apologise), 428. debate, 264. Merthyr Electoral District- Takes chair as, 76, 125, 263, 289, 401. Announces receipt of certificate of death of Mr. J. P. Keogh, 199. TREASURER [See "Coop.e:r, Honourable Announces date of by-election, 454. Frank Arthur "]. Reports issue of writ, 749. Questions­ TAYLOR, George Cuthbert, Esquire (Enog­ gera)­ Disallowed, 966. Insulting interjections by hon. members Address in Reply, 70. when questions are being answered by BILLS: Ministers no:t in order, 173. Appropriation, No. 1 (2°), 48. Reply by Minister closes debate, 919. State Development and Public Works Organisation Act Amendment (2°), Resolutions reported from Committee of Supply- 281; (point of order), 285. Alteration in sys:tem of numbering, 1184. Financial Statement, 565. Second Reading debates, limits of, 219. Personal explanation, 327. Tedious repetition not in order, 284. SUPPLY: Unparliamentary language- Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Expressions ruled out of order­ mittee- ''Fifth columnists have associated ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- themselves with the Labour party Public Instruction- and Communist party,'' 97. Chief Office, 1063. "Reil Hitler, A new dictator," 199. Public Works­ ''So that we have the pa.rty that is in Chief Office, 796. power, a par:ty that can so manipu­ Railways- late the boundaries that it is returned on a minority vote,'' 98. General Establishment, 1006. ''The Premier has definitely stated that this motion was brought forward WALKER, Harry Freder.fck, Esquire perhaps owing to influence. An (Cooroo:ra.)­ accusation of that nature is not Address in Reply, 126. worthy of the Premier,'' 490. BILLS: Valedictory, 1360. Brands Acts Amendment (initia;tion in committee), 158; (committee), 689. SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Brassington, Samuel Buffalo Fly Control (initiation in com­ John, Esquire (Fortitude Valley), mittee), 164; (2°), 221; (committee), Temporary Chairman of C'om· 447, 450. .mittees]­ Diseases in Stock Acts and Other Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), Takes chair as, 129. 146. Drought Relief to Primary Producers SPEAKER, DEPUTY [Dunstan, Thomas, (committee), 957. Esquire (Gympie), Tmn.pomry Chair­ Elections Acts Amendment (2°), 975. man of Committees]­ Farmers' Assistance (Debts Adjustment) Takes chair as, 276. Acts, Operations under (moves motion), 400, 490.

SPEAKER, DEPUTY [King, W.illiam SUPPLY: Thomas, Esquire (Ma:ree), Chairman Consideration of Estimates in Com­ of C'ommittees]­ mittee-­ Chair- ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Hon. members must address Chair, 78; Agriculture and Stock­ and obey Chair, 125. Chief Office, 673. Communistic literature, Hon. member must Dairy Produce Act, 750. not refer to, 78, 126. Miscella;neous Services, 769. Conversa;tions in loud tones disorderly, 2'69. Mines- Denial of hon. member must be accepted Chief Office, 11.68. 77. ' Public Lands­ Irreleva;ncies-Speeches must be relevant to Chief Office, 1120. question before the House, 290. Forestry, 1144. 28 INDEX TO SPEECHES-LEGISLA'l'IVJEMBLY.

WALSH, Honourable Edward Joseph YEATES, Herbert, Esquire (East Too­ (Mirani)-[Secretary for Public woomba)­ Lands]- Address in Reply, 67. Puhlic Lands- Acting Secretary for, Appointment, 3. BILLS: Secretary for, Appointment, 351. Auctioneers and Commission Agents Acts S'UPPLY: Amendment (committee), 1268. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ Brands Ac:ts Amendment (2°), 197; mittee­ (committee), 688. EsTIMATEs-IN-CmEF- Buffalo Fly Control (2°) 225; (com­ mittee), 449, 451, 453. ' Public Lands- Chief Office, 1072, 1095, 1107, 1124. Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ mittee), 209. District Offices, 1132, 1133. Forestry, 1133, 1139, 1147, 1149. Cinematograph Films Hiring Agreement Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ (initiation in committee), 1311. age, 1150, 1160. Common Law Practice Act Amendment Survey Office, 1150. (initiation in committee), 175. Hire-purchase Agreement Acts Amend­ WILLIAMS, Herbert, Esquire (Windsor)­ ment (initiation in committee), 177; Address in Reply, 79. (committee), 444. BILLS: Income Tax and Succession and Probate Duties (Sailors, Soldiers, and Members Common Law Practice Act Amendment of the Air Force) Exemption (2°), (2°) 323. 1 1.285. Elections Acts Amendment (initiation in committee), 817. Local Government Act Amendment (initiation in committee), 984, 986. S'UPPLY: Mining Acts Amendment (initiation in Consideration of Estimates in Com­ committee), 184. mittee- Mining for Coal and Mineral Oil Acts ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEE'-­ Amendment (initiation in committee), Public Lands- 804. Chief Office, 1116. Public Safety (2°), 1338. Railway&­ Stamp Acts Amendment (2°), 1287. General Establishment, 1010. Water Acts and Another Act Amendment WILLIAMS, Thomas Lewis, Esquire (Port (initiation in committee), 1282. Curtis)- Wills (Soldiers, Sailors, and Members of BrLLS: the Air Force) (initiation in com­ mittee), 181, 182. Burdekin River Trust (initiation in com­ mittee), 207. Days of sitting- Drought Relief to Primary Producers (2° Hours of sitting, Extension of, 521. -point of order), 943. Financial Statement, 504; (point of Financial Statement, 514. order), 531. S'UPPLY: Personal explanation, 801, 1297. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ mittee­ Ques:tion disallowed (Mr. Speaker's ruling), 966. ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF- Agriculture and Stock- S'UPPLY: Chief Office, 747. Consideration of Estimates in Com­ State Farms and Hardens, 767. mittee- Premier and Chief Secretary­ E ST~MATES-IN-CIUEE'-­ State Reporting Bureau, 656. Consolidated Revenue Fund­ Public Instruction- Agriculture and Stock­ Chief Office, 1035, 1058. Chief Office, 712, 725. Public Lands­ Distrie:t Offices, 11.32. Slaughtering Act, 765. Railways- Executive and Legislative­ Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Legislative Assembly, 634 (motion way, 1027. for dissent from Chairman's Southern Division, 1024. ruling), 632. Resolution. reported from Committee­ Mines- Agriculture and S'tock, 1196. Chief Office, 1183. INDEX TO SPEECHEB-LEGISLATIVE AS8E!MBLY. 29

YEATES, Herbert, Esquire-continued: SuPPLY-continued: SUPPLY-continued: Consideration of Estimates in Committee -continued: Consideration of Estimates in Committee -continued: ESTIMATES-IN-CHIEF--continued: EsTIMATES-IN-CHIEF-continued: Consolidated Revenue Fund-continued: Consolidated Revenue Fund-continued: Railways- Premier and Chief Secretary­ Central Division and Mackay Rail­ Chief Office, 640, 64,S, 653. way, 1026, 1.029. Miscellaneous Services, 660. General Establishment, 873. Public Library of Queensland, 655. Northern Division (excluding Mackay Railway), 1030, 1031. Public Instruction­ Southern Division, 1022. Chief Office, 1056. Public Lands­ Tru&; arnd Special FundJs- Chief Office, 1098. Premier and Chief Secretary­ Forestry, 1145. State Electricity Commission, 671. Irrigation, Water Supply, and Sewer­ Resolutio'fts reported from Coanmittee­ age, 1156. Public Warks­ A'gricu1ture and Stock, 1184. Buildings, 858. Railways, 1207. Chief Office, 775, 797. Vote on Aocount (£7,300,000), 32.

By Authority: A. H. TUCKEIR, Goverllilllent Printer, Brisbane.