COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 Drawing up Provisional Lists Of

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COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 Drawing up Provisional Lists Of 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 1 This document is meant purely as documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents " B COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 drawing up provisional lists of third country establishments from which the Member States authorize imports of milk and milk products for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance) (97/252/EC) (OJ L 101, 18.4.1997, p. 46) Amended by: Official Journal No page date "M1 Commission Decision 97/480/EC of 1 July 1997 L 207 1 1.8.1997 "M2 Commission Decision 97/598/EC of 25 July 1997 L 240 8 2.9.1997 "M3 Commission Decision 97/617/EC of 29 July 1997 L 250 15 13.9.1997 "M4 Commission Decision 97/666/EC of 17 September 1997 L 283 1 15.10.1997 "M5 Commission Decision 98/71/EC of 7 January 1998 L 11 39 17.1.1998 "M6 Commission Decision 98/87/EC of 15 January 1998 L 17 28 22.1.1998 "M7 Commission Decision 98/88/EC of 15 January 1998 L 17 31 22.1.1998 "M8 Commission Decision 98/89/EC of 16 January 1998 L 17 33 22.1.1998 "M9 Commission Decision 98/394/EC of 29 May 1998 L 176 28 20.6.1998 "M10 Commission Decision 1999/52/EC of 8 January 1999 L 17 51 22.1.1999 "M11 Commission Decision 2001/177/EC of 15 February 2001 L 68 1 9.3.2001 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 2 !B COMMISSION DECISION of 25 March 1997 drawing up provisional lists of third country establishments from which the Member States authorize imports of milk and milk products for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance) (97/252/EC) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Decision 95/408/EC of 22 June 1995 on the conditions for drawing up, for an interim period, provisional lists of third country establishments from which Member States are authorized to import certain products of animal origin, fishery products or live bivalve molluscs (1), as amended by Decision 97/34/EC (2), and in particular Article 2 (1) thereof, Whereas Commission Decision 95/340/EEC (3), as last amended by Decision 96/584/EC (4), draws up a list of third countries from which the Member States authorize imports of milk and milk products; Whereas the health and veterinary certification requirements for imports of milk and milk products from the countries appearing on that list have been laid down in Commission Decision 95/343/EEC (5), as last amended by Decision 97/115/EC (6); Whereas the Commission has received from certain third countries lists of establishments, with guarantees that they fully meet the appropriate Community health requirements and that should an establishment fail to do so its export activities to the European Community will be suspended; Whereas the Commission has been unable to ascertain in all the third countries concerned the compliance of their establishments with the Community requirements and the validity of the guarantees provided by the competent authorities; Whereas, to prevent the interruption of trade in milk and milk products from those countries, it is necessary to grant them a further period during which Member States will be able to continue to import milk and milk products from the establishments they have recognized; whereas, during that further period, the Commission will collect from the countries concerned the guarantees needed in order to be able to add them to the list in accordance with the procedure laid down in Decision 95/408/EC; Whereas on the expiry of that period third countries which have not transmitted their lists of establishments in accordance with the Community rules will no longer be permitted to export milk and milk products to the Community; Whereas Member States will be responsible therefore for satisfying themselves that the establishments from which they import milk and milk products meet requirements for production and placing on the market which are no less stringent than the Community requirements; Whereas provisional lists of establishments producing milk and milk products can thus be drawn up in respect of certain countries; Whereas the measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Veterinary Committee, (1) OJ No L 243, 11. 10. 1995, p. 17. (2) OJ No L 13, 16. 1. 1997, p. 33. (3) OJ No L 200, 24. 8. 1995, p. 38. (4) OJ No L 255, 9. 10. 1996, p. 20. (5) OJ No L 200, 24. 8. 1995, p. 52. (6) OJ No L 42, 13. 2. 1997, p. 16. 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 3 !B HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Article 1 1. The Member States shall authorize imports of milk and milk products from the "M1 third country 3 establishments listed in the Annex hereto. 2. "M1 Up to 1 January 1998 Member States may authorize imports of milk and milk-based products from establishments in third countries other than those listed in the Annex hereto. 3 3. Imports of milk and milk products shall remain subject to Community veterinary provisions adopted elsewhere. Article 2 This Decision shall apply with effect from 1 April 1997. Article 3 This Decision is addressed to the Member States. 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 4 !M11 ANEXO / BILAG / ANHANG / ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ / ANNEX / ANNEXE / ALLEGATO / BIJLAGE / ANEXO / LIITE / BILAGA LISTA DE LOS ESTABLECIMIENTOS / LISTE OVER VIRKSOMHEDER / VERZEICHNIS DER BETRIEBE / ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΝ / LIST OF ESTABLISHMENTS / LISTE DES ÉTABLISSEMENTS / ELENCO DEGLI STABILIMENTI / LIJST VAN BEDRIJVEN / LISTA DOS ESTABELECIMENTOS / LUETTELO LAITOKSISTA / FÖRTECKNING ÖVER ANLÄGGNINGAR Producto: leche y productos lácteos / Produkt: mælk og mejeriprodukter / Erzeugnis: Milch und Milcherzeug- nisse / Πρ ϊν: γλα και γαλακτ κ µικ πρ ϊντα / Product: milk and milk products / Produit: lait et produits laitiers / Prodotto: latte e prodotti lattiero-caseari / Product: melk en zuivelproducten / Produto: leite e produtos lácteos / Tuote: maito ja maitotuotteet / Varuslag: mjölk och mjölkprodukter 1 = Referencia nacional / National reference / Nationaler Code / Εθνικς αριθµς γκρισης / National reference / Référence nationale / Riferimento nazionale / Nationale code / Referência nacional / Kansallinen referenssi / Nationell referens 2 = Nombre / Navn / Name / νµα / Name / Nom / Nome / Naam / Nome / Nimi / Namn 3 = Ciudad / By / Stadt / Πλη / Town / Ville / Città / Stad / Cidade / Kaupunki / Stad 4 = Región / Region / Region / Περι / Region / Région / Regione / Regio / Região / Alue / Region 5 = Menciones especiales / Særlige bemærkninger / Besondere Bemerkungen / Ειδικ ς παρατηρσεις / Special remarks / Mentions spéciales / Note particolari / Bijzondere opmerkingen / Menções especiais / Erikoismainin- toja / Anmärkningar 6=* Países y establecimientos que cumplen todos los requisitos del apartado 1 del artículo 2 de la Decisión 95/408/CE del Consejo. * Lande og virksomheder, der opfylder alle betingelserne i artikel 2, stk. 1, i Rådets beslutning 95/408/EF. * Länder und Betriebe, die alle Anforderungen des Artikels 2 Absatz 1 der Entscheidung 95/408/EG des Rates erfüllen. * ρες και εγκαταστσεις πυ πληρν τις πρϋπθ σεις τυ ρθρυ 2παργραφς 1 της απφασης 95/408/ΕΚ τυ Συµ+υλ,υ. * Countries and establishments complying with all requirements of Article 2 (1) of Council Decision 95/408/EC. * Pays et établissements remplissant l’ensemble des dispositions de l’article 2, paragraphe 1, de la décision 95/408/CE du Conseil. * Paesi e stabilimenti che ottemperano a tutte le disposizioni dell’articolo 2, paragrafo 1, della decisione 95/408/CE del Consiglio. * Landen en inrichtingen die voldoen aan al de voorwaarden van artikel 2, lid 1, van Beschikking 95/408/EG van de Raad. * Países e estabelecimentos que respeitam todas as exigências do n.o 1 do artigo 2.o da Decisão 95/408/CE do Conselho. * Neuvoston päätöksen 95/408/EY 2 artiklan 1 kohdan kaikki vaatimukset täyttävät maat ja laitokset. * Länder och anläggningar som uppfyller alla krav i artikel 2.1 i rådets beslut 95/408/EG. AR — País: ARGENTINA / Land: ARGENTINA / Land: ARGENTINIEN / ρα: ΑΡΓΕΝΤΙΝΗ / Country: ARGENTINA / Pays: ARGENTINE / Paese: ARGENTINA / Land: ARGENTINIË / País: ARGENTINA / Maa: ARGENTIINA / Land: ARGENTINA 12 3 456 B-I-00112 Parmalat Argentina SA CHASCOMÚS BUENOS AIRES B-I-00554 Lácteos Longchamps SA LONGCHAMPS BUENOS AIRES B-I-01692 Mastellone Hermanos SA GENERAL RODRÍGUEZ BUENOS AIRES B-I-05056 Andycon SCA EXALTACIÓN DE LA BUENOS AIRES CRUZ B-I-05184 Mastellone Hnos. SA TRENQUE LAUQUEN BUENOS AIRES 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 5 !M11 12 3 456 S-I-00009 Sancor CUL SUNCHALES SANTA FE S-I-04077 Establecimientos San Ignacio SA SAUCE VIEJO SANTA FE S-I-04866 Milkaut SA PROGRESO SANTA FE X-I-00181 Sancor CUL DEVOTO CÓRDOBA X-I-02196 Nestlé Argentina SA VILLA NUEVA CÓRDOBA (FÁBRICA VILLA NUEVA I) X-I-03826 Sancor CUL MORTEROS CÓRDOBA X-I-04816 Sancor CUL LA CARLOTA CÓRDOBA X-I-05028 Nestlé Argentina SA VILLA NUEVA CÓRDOBA (FÁBRICA VILLA NUEVA II) AU — País: AUSTRALIA / Land: AUSTRALIEN / Land: AUSTRALIEN / ρα: ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ / Country: AUSTRALIA / Pays: AUSTRALIE / Paese: AUSTRALIA / Land: AUSTRALIË / País: AUSTRÁLIA / Maa: AUSTRALIA / Land: AUSTRALIEN 12 3 456 1 Malanda Dairyfoods Ltd MALANDA QUEENSLAND 14 Queensco Unity Dairyfoods TOOWOOMBA QUEENSLAND Cooperative Association Ltd 36 Port Curtis Dairy Ltd MONTO QUEENSLAND 45 Corio Bay Freezers Pty Ltd NORTH GEELONG VICTORIA 47 Watson and Son Pty Ltd MORNINGSIDE QUEENSLAND 56 Bonlac Foods Ltd DARNUM VICTORIA 61 Butter Producers Cooperative HAMILTON QUEENSLAND Federation Ltd 66 H.J. Heinz Company Australia Ltd DANDENONG VICTORIA 71 Campbell’s Australasia Pty Ltd LEMNOS VICTORIA (Campbell’s Soups Australia) 72 Frosty Boy Pty Ltd SLACKS CREEK QUEENSLAND 100 Marathon Food Industries Pty Ltd KENSINGTON VICTORIA 103 Murray Goulburn Cooperative Co. ROCHESTER VICTORIA Ltd 109 Interport Cargo Services (Brisbane) HAMILTON QUEENSLAND Pty Ltd 113 Kenilworth Country Foods Pty Ltd KENILWORTH QUEENSLAND 116 Hans Continental Smallgoods Pty Ltd WEST GOSFORD NEW SOUTH WALES 117 TDG Logistics Ltd MORNINGSIDE QUEENSLAND 118 Davids Distribution Pty Ltd BLACKTOWN NEW SOUTH WALES 1997D0252 — EN — 09.03.2001 — 009.001 — 6 !M11 12 3 456 130 Astron (WA) Pty Ltd MAIDA VALE WESTERN AUSTRALIA 132 P and O Australia Ltd (P and O Cold HAMILTON QUEENSLAND Storage) 146 W.
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