2 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Trump Makes America a Loser

emocrat Joe Biden is in present himself as the leader of white the cusp of victory. Official majority and create a fear psychosis announcement of the elec- among them. He went to the extent Dtion result may come later of saying that victory of Biden would as counting of votes takes days in the lead to the collapse of the country. He US. But maverick President Donald forgot that he is the President of the Trump ensured one thing: He made United States of America rather than America a loser in the eye of the world a section of the people. His speeches with his claim of victory and ludicrous were loaded with personal attacks allegations. Trump has always been on both Biden and Vice-Presiden- unpredictable. This time, he stooped to tial candidate Kamala Harris. He the level of absurdity. He did what no unleashed abuses against his oppo- leader in a democratic country would nents. He knew defeat was staring at do. He declared himself the winner him. His strategy of winning election while lakhs of ballots remained to be was not through democratic means. counted. He called for stopping the He thought of manipulating the counting without any rhyme or reason. results. But that has not worked. It is nothing but illegal to not count the The vociferous allegations and votes cast. counter allegations have once again Trump’s act of making a ‘victory brought out the drawbacks of Ameri- speech’ in the middle of counting of ca’s electoral system. The inordinate votes is a mockery of election in the delay in counting of votes is one of oldest democracy in the world. His alle- them. A faster voting and counting gation that victory is being stolen from mechanism will reduce the chances him is nothing but falsehood. His asser- of manipulation. Another weakness tion that he would knock the doors is the electoral college system which of Supreme Court to get the counting denies Presidency to the candidate for stopped goes to prove his desperation whom majority of Americans voted. to cling to power by any means. It is Democracy loses its meaning when pertinent to recall that during the elec- its soul – the electoral system – gets tioneering, even before a single vote weakened. The system gets further was cast, he had declared his inten- undermined when leaders like Trump tion of going to the apex court to stop unabashedly use strong arm tactics to Biden from becoming the President. achieve their outlandish ambitions. This betrayed his doubts over re-elec- Americans have acted with determi- tion. Moreover, his over-confidence of nation to throw out the self-seeking getting a favourable verdict from the leader lock, stock and barrel. apex court is based on a conservative As always, we would be happy to majority of Judges with three of them hear your reviews, comments, and being his own appointees. Luckily, suggestions. courts in some of the States, where Trump’s Campaign filed petitions, have Happy Reading! rejected the plea to stop counting. This election brought out many fault lines in America. The country Dr. Suresh Mathew may not have seen such a polarized campaigning in the last few decades. Editor Trump’s speeches were meant to > [email protected]

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 3 Member, Indian Newspaper Society (INS) contents Volume XXXII, Issue 46

11 Capital notes cover Health is story wealth 06 Dichotomy cover story of medical tourism 06 by Jaswant Kaur

President 21 Fundamentalism Trump Terror in the Name of God! Why do people commit murder in the name of God and Finally, religion? by Jacob Peenikaparambil

a footnoteby A.J. Philip

Editor: Indian Current Publications Although all efforts have been made Dr. Suresh Mathew 375 - A, Pocket - 2, to ensure the accuracy of the content, Editorial Board: Mayur Vihar Phase - I, neither the editor nor the publisher can John Dayal, AJ Philip, Marydasan John New – 110091 take responsibility for consequences Tel: 011-45873264, Mob: 7042562963 arising from errors or omissions in the Advisory Board: Email: [email protected], information provided. George Plathottam, Skylark George, PJ Joseph, T. Dominic, PA Joseph, CJ Baiju [email protected], [email protected] Reproduction in any manner without Design & Layout: Website: www.indiancurrents.org prior permission from the publisher is Foxview Media prohibited. All disputes to be settled in Circulation: DISCLAIMER Delhi Courts only. Ashish Victor The views expressed by the writers in this Magazine do not necessarily reflect This issue of Indian Currents contains Finance Manager: the views or policies of Indian Currents Jainamma 48 pages including cover. weekly or Editor.

4 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 14 Child Labour Child Mica Mines Dark secret behind beautiful Faces Power Quotes by ML Satyan It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. 18 by-election Harry S Truman mp by-polls Litmus test for When you have confidence, you by Manoj Varghese can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. 26 Religion Insulting God? Joe Namath No! God cannot be hurt by human invectives and insults There are amazingly wonderful by Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes people in all walks of life; some familiar to us and others not. Stretch yourself and really get to know 28 A Different Look people. People are in many ways Fundamentalism one of our greatest treasures. Religion of Rage Bryant H. McGill by Varghese Alengaden Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so 30 news much diversity among his people? anti-corruption officer in Tamil Desmond Tutu Nadu applies for voluntary retirement Discussion is an exchange of By F. M. Britto knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance. Robert Quillen 32 Economy economy amid Pandemic Global economic and political For every minute you remain angry, outlook during the COVID-19 you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. by Christal Ferrao Ralph Waldo Emerson

34 corruption Anybody can become angry - that Cycle of Corruption is easy, but to be angry with the right Can we put an end to it? person and to the right degree and by Aarti at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody’s power and 42 Bob’s Banter is not easy. Baby Trump Throws a Tantrum..! Aristotle By Robert Clements

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 5 cover story

President Trump Finally,

a fDuringootnote Trump’s Presidency, the US saw itself being laughed at and mocked at in world capitals for the lies that Trump kept uttering every time he opened his mouth

6 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 cover story

They were the founders of the mother who worked as a mission- US. Wherever they settled down, ary in . The columnist ended they set up a church, a school her column mentioning that the and a newspaper, not necessar- same evangelical voter voted this ily in the same order. Then came time for Joe Biden, not Trump. the gold-diggers like the settlers To me, what is most shock- in Malabar in northern Kerala, ing about the elections is that the by A.J. Philip as poignantly narrated by S.K. Americans have not repudiated Pottekkattu in his novel Vishakan- Trump and Trumpism at least in yaka (The Poisonous Virgin), the manner pre-poll surveys had had a little political discus- comparable in many ways to The indicated. I expected the voters to sion with Molly, a nurse in Grapes of Wrath by the Nobel-win- tell the President that they did not the US who knows the Bible ner John Steinbeck. want a racist and misogynist, who Ilike the lines on her palm. They set the moral compass. can’t even articulate a grammat- She is happy to be called a prayer Today’s evangelicals are like ically and idiomatically correct warrior. She often attends meet- Molly who are willing to support a sentence in English, to stay in the ings of Indian evangelical women person like Trump merely because White House even for a day. as a resource person. I asked they think he is a bulwark against Instead, we found Trump getting her somewhat bluntly how she the tides of time that will eventu- more support than he had during supported an uncouth fellow, who ally reduce the white in the Bible the 2016 elections from all sections openly says that he would have Belt and elsewhere to a numerical of people, including the Afri- dated his daughter, if she was not minority in another two decades can-Americans and women. True, his biological offspring. or so. As of now, about 70 per cent the increased support was not She was equally bold in telling of all the children in the US are sufficient to edge past Joe Biden, me that she would be voting for non-white. who received greater support even Trump, as he was not contesting A columnist in the New York in Republican strongholds like for the post of Pastor of a Pente- Times quoted an evangelical who Pennsylvania and Georgia. costal church but for the post was clear in his conscience when There is something fundamen- of President of the US. In other he voted for the first time. His tally flawed in the American think- words, she found him morally vote was for Jimmy Carter who ing that a person whose candida- corrupt to be a pastor but polit- represented the ideal Bible-thumb- ture for the Republican nominee in ically savvy to be the President ing candidate who proudly stood 2016 was considered a bit of a joke again. beside his wife and spoke about not only defeated Hillary Clinton, I know many Christians of the upbringing he had from his who got more popular votes than Indian origin in the US who were strong supporters of Trump, though they do not belong to the core group of Republicans who are white, evangelical and who believe that they represent the soul of America. In the 16th century when the Puritans from England went to the US and settled down in places like New York, Washington, Boston and Pennsylvania, they were not guided by the thought of making money and becoming rich. Rather, it was the yearning to praise the Almighty in the manner they wanted, not in the manner the Church of England wanted, that took them there.

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 7 cover story

Trump might not have done much for eight years that Barack Obama led the nation. What is forgotten Modi but he kept silent when Kashmir is that there are some America was split into Union Territories and watchers like Sashi Tharoor, MP, who feels that China has already Amnesty International was sent overtaken the US as the world’s packing. That was something he would largest economy. He even hints at the possibil- be eternally grateful to Trump ity that the IMF office would shift from Washington to Beijing as, under the IMF statute, its head- him, but even aspired to stay in Gates, who made America what it quarters can only be in the world’s the White House for another four is today. In contrast, Trump made largest economy. If that were to years. his money by setting up gambling happen, the dollar would lose its During Trump’s Presidency, centres and investing in real estate. preeminence to the Chinese Yuan. the US saw itself being laughed Today the industrialists I Of course, statistics will prove at and mocked at in world capi- mentioned are known better for the or disprove Tharoor’s theory but tals for the lies that Trump kept Foundations that they set up than the point is that the US economy uttering every time he opened his for anything else. Yes, a skyscraper might have performed better mouth. He did not have a good called Trump Towers is coming up under Trump but it was not word for anyone. He even hinted in Noida near Delhi as a symbol adequate enough to keep it as the at the possibility that the killing of of how crony capitalism thrives in world’s greatest power. Trump Osama bin Laden was just a show, the US, as in India. There are even presided over a divisive America, crafted by his predecessor, and claims that, but for Coronavirus, which could not capture the imag- the Saudi Royal could be hiding Trump would have easily won the ination of the people elsewhere in somewhere in the world. Trump elections. the world. is credited with business acumen. The working class is reportedly There was a time when the America had such great business- happy that during the last four whole world lapped up the US’ bid men as Henry Ford, Andrew Carn- years the US economy performed to send a man to the moon. When egie, John D. Rockefeller and Bill better than was the case during the Neil Armstrong landed on the

8 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 cover story lunar surface, the world saw it as the best way to use the mask is to favour for what Trump did for him mankind’s greatest achievement, throw it at a crowd of people? in Houston. not just America’s. Also, the world That is Trump’s level of leader- At the time of writing this knew that the Second World War ship. Even when the whole world column, with Biden getting the was coming to an end when the saw him losing to Biden in state necessary electoral votes to be Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour after state, he persisted with his sworn in President in January for nothing thereafter prevented lies that he had won. The fact is 2021, there is uncertainty as Trump the US from joining the war. that he was winning till the votes has been making wild claims that Of course, one does not forget began to be counted. Come to think are otherwise laughable. His only aberrations like the American of it, he was the one evangelicals hope is in the US Supreme Court. intervention in Vietnam. However, like Molly counted on. He is a Come to think of it, it was an for the world at large, America congenital lier. American President who defined remained the redeemer, who could It is now clear that it was on democracy as “by the people, for intervene with decisive power to Trump’s request that Prime Minis- the people and of the people”! tilt the balance in favour of world ter Narendra Modi organised a Trump, perhaps, counts on the peace and stability. Under Trump, mega show for the US President in fact that the judges nominated by it remained a state which has no his home state Gujarat. He might the Republicans are in majority ambitions other than keeping itself have thought a bit erroneously that than those nominated by the Demo- insular. such a gathering would help him crats. Alas, the judges, who are Crisis brings out the best or the garner the votes of Indian Amer- appointed for life, do not function worst in a leader. Nearly 2.4 lakh icans. Modi wanted to do him a on partisan lines. Americans were taken away by Coronavirus, pushing the US to the first slot as the worst performer. Nobody knows what point Trump Even when the whole world saw was making when he threw his Tump losing to Biden in state after mask at the Republican audience after alighting from Air Force One. state, Trump persisted with his lies Was he making a statement that that he had won

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 9 cover story

Educated Indians absorbed Brit- ish views of their “trans-Atlantic country cousins” as crude, brash and assertive. Today, more Indians travel to the US than to any other country and the US Embassy and its consulates see the longest queue of visa seekers in the country. Even when India had the best relations with the erstwhile Soviet Union, much to the detri- ment of the US, ordinary Indians preferred to go to the US for stud- They cannot be expected to tries had practically nothing to do ies, for treatment and for business. support a person who does not with each other. Oddly enough, the When Communist leader Pinarayi want the votes cast against him country from which the US gained Vijayan sneezes, it is to the US that to be counted. Trump is not Putin independence was the country to he goes for a medical check-up. and the US is not Russia. There is which India lost its independence. Similarly, when Union minister no way in which he can negate the As former Indian Ambassa- Ravi Shankar Prasad’s daughter verdict of the people. That raises dor to the US, K. Shankar Bajpai gets admission to an MBA course the question: How would the elec- writes, “India to Americans was in the US, he is so happy that he toral outcome impact India-US rela- mainly the India of Kipling, of tweets a picture of her sitting tions? There is a perception, right Gunga Din, and the jungle books, beside him on his single-seat sofa. or wrong, that a Republican in the the rope trick and bizarre religious Trump might not have done White House is better for India. practices — or, at the same time, of much for Modi but he kept silent Despite all the charms that mysticism and other worldliness when Kashmir was split into Union Modi and Co. reserved for Trump, practiced to the point of incompre- Territories and Amnesty Interna- he called India one of the dirti- hensibility”. It may appear curious tional was sent packing. That was est places in the world. He would that India established diplomatic something he would be eternally certainly have seen through the relations with the US even before grateful to Trump. There is no wall that Modi erected, almost it gained Independence in 1947. guarantee that Joe Biden, who is overnight, in Ahmedabad when he In fact, six years before Jawaha- more Presidential than the Pres- visited India. That did not prevent rlal Nehru made his Tryst With ident, would keep quiet, as when some Indians from performing puja Destiny speech, Sir Girija Shankar goons began attacking Muslims in for Trump’s success. Bajpai presented his letter of intro- Northeast Delhi even when Trump For good or bad, political lead- duction to President Franklin D. was on Indian soil. ers are elected by the people, Roosevelt as the first diplomatic Trump will soon be dismissed not delivered by Gods as when representative of India. as a spent force, even by the evan- Putrakameshti Yajna was held by The Agent General of India, as gelicals, not to speak of the rest of King Dasharatha and the people of Bajpai was designated, was listed the Republicans. When television Israel, who were fed up with judges, under the British Embassy. Almost channels stop telecasting him in asked God for a King to rule them. his first act was to sign on Janu- the middle of his speech because It is a truism that while America is ary 1, 1942, separately for India, the he is telling lies, how can they be the oldest democracy in the world, Declaration of the United Nations. expected to turn up when he speaks India is the largest. The latter has The same year Bajpai presented as just a former President? True, a more advanced and more sophis- his credentials to Roosevelt, the Donald Trump has found his place ticated system of election than the US hired the Cochin House in in American history as a footnote. US. What is not commonly under- , now Kerala House, to Nothing more nothing less. stood is that while America was set up the office of the Personal gaining its independence in the late Representative of the President, About the author 18th century, India was losing hers. America’s first diplomatic mission AJ Philip is a citizen journalist and social This meant that for the better part in India. At that time nobody in worker. He can be reached at: [email protected] of nearly 200 years, the two coun- India knew much about America.

10 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Capital Notes Health is wealth: Dichotomy of medical tourism Only the rich can afford better health services in India

by Jaswant Kaur

n the highly charged environ- ment in which the US elec- tions and the Bihar elections Ihave grabbed more attention than the increasing Covid-19 cases, an Oxfam report is worth ponder- ing over. Released a few weeks ago, it speaks about a unique index developed with parameters that are pertinent for a country’s growth. The oft-quoted Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is not the basis for this calculation. Rather, it is based India’s total government spending on on the budgetary allocation and health equated to four percent of the spending, policy measures and the implementation mechanism for overall government budget. Only half of three important aspects — health, India’s population have access to even education and social protection. What should shock the author- the most essential health services ities is that we spend as much money on health as Afghanistan does! Of course, not in terms of Now one can easily understand wishes were horses, even beggars real money but as a percentage of why India is about to cross the could ride them! the budgetary allocation. US in the number of Covid cases. At the same time, this is not Both India and Afghanistan Sooner than later, we will be at the something that India cannot spend 4 per cent of their budget first position. Out of the 158 coun- achieve. All it needs is the politi- on healthcare and share the same tries, the report has ranked India cal will. Medical tourism is a case position – 155th out of 158 coun- at the 155th position. in point. Over the last one decade, tries -- on the health spending We can only wish if the two India has become one of the index. This is just a quarter of rankings could be swapped with favourite destinations for medical what is recommended to be spent. each other; with India becoming tourism. And is one-third of what Burundi, the first country with best health A report released by the Feder- the second poorest country in the facilities and the fourth lowest in ation of Indian Chambers of world spends! terms of Covid cases. But, then, if Commerce (FICCI) in association

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 11 Capital Notes with Ernst & Young last year has period. In such a scenario, India ers, why not our fellow country- projected that India’s medical emerged as a hub for medical facil- men? Yes, the government views value travel (MVT) is expected to ities. On the flip side, the nurses it a good source of revenue. And touch US$ 9 billion in a year or and other paramedical staff are it brings international prestige as so. Covid-19 would have played a paid a pittance. This explains why well. spoilsport! Yet, the sector is bris- the cost of treatment is lesser than The government should not tling with promise. It will kick off in the West! forget that India is a signatory again after the pandemic. Now Recently, the government to the UN’s sustainable develop- what did help India in acquiring a waived off the restriction on medi- ment goals (SDGS) as well. In fact, major chunk of this business? cal visa, which was more expensive India’s progress on SDGs will be India has made a lot of invest- than tourist visa. In other words, a major contributor to achieving ment in acquiring the latest tech- the government is taking every these goals globally. Also, improve- nology and health infrastructure. step necessary for making this ment in Goal No. 3: “Good health Of course, private players played segment successful. Even the medi- and well-being” contributes to an a major role in this. Its unique cal fraternity does not have much increase in GDP as well. selling proposition (USP) has been restrictions while participating This can be understood with the affordability and accessibil- in medical tourism. In fact, FICCI the simple correlation that healthy ity of services compared to other in its report had suggested the citizens would be able to work countries. government to have a regulatory more, produce more resulting in The developed nations offer the framework for medical tourism. more revenue. In other words, same services at a much higher The pertinent question is, if we investing in health is good for the cost. Also, there is a long waiting can provide services to foreign- nation’s health as well. The Oxfam report says that only 55 per cent of Indian popu- lation have access to essential Currently, India has only 8.5 hospital health services. More than three- beds per 10,000 people. This fourth of the health expenditure is incurred by individuals from inadequacy was clearly visible during household budgets. This is one of the pandemic when even private the highest amongst other coun- tries. In other words, you can take hospitals had no beds for Covid patients care of your health if you have the means to do so. Only the rich can afford better health services. Those with lesser resources continue to remain marginalised. The report also suggests that most workers in India earn less than half of the minimum wages. Now this makes it even more difficult for daily wage workers/migrant labourers to avail of health services. It is this gap that needs to be bridged. All we need to do is to replicate this model of medical tourism for the general public. Now many would ask from where would the money come from? The Oxfam report has highlighted a major flaw in our taxation regime. India’s taxation regime may look progressive in the sense that the

12 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Capital Notes

having more revenue for social welfare schemes. This becomes more relevant now as another study suggests that 46 per cent of people in India borrowed money primarily to run their households during the pandemic. And majority of them took money from friends and rela- tives so that it can be returned with ease. The lower middle-in- come group has been affected severely due to job losses and salary cuts. If people are cash strapped to this extent, how can the government expect them to take care of their health expenses. Despite being one of the goals of the national health policy, universal health coverage remains a distant dream. This is very much visible in the Health Index tax rate is higher for those who health services in a good private released by Niti Ayog in June 2020. have higher income. hospital, while Mr. X may have The report shows how a large Despite the differential tax to visit a government facility number of primary health centres rates, those falling in the lower and wait in long queues. In the lack basic infrastructure and slab end up paying more taxes process, Mr. Y may lose his life staff as well. In fact, the number than those with higher income. as well. Also, the wealth tax that of vacancies for staff nurse was This is true in terms of purchas- used to be levied earlier has been more than 40 per cent in most of ing power. The highest tax rate abolished. Clearly, this adds to the the states. And so is the case with in the Indian taxation system is income disparity and makes basic medical officers. 30 per cent and the lowest is 5 per health services unaffordable to Currently, India has only 8.5 cent. the common man. hospital beds per 10,000 people. Effectively, Mr. X having an Effectively, the government This inadequacy was clearly visi- income of Rs 5 lakh will have to may have a large number of ble during the pandemic when pay Rs. 12,500 as tax. This has been taxpayers but the tax collection even private hospitals had no beds done assuming that the taxpayer may not be adequate to meet its for Covid patients. The govern- has no savings under section objectives. Also, wealth tax has ment should have seen an oppor- 80C of the Income Tax Act. Now been done away with. More than tunity during this pandemic. It this person already had limited the income, wealth is the dividing should have improved its health purchasing power. Taxes, even at factor. Abolition of wealth tax has infrastructure and services. In a lower rate of 5 per cent further also reduced the government’s fact, the PM-Cares Fund should reduced his purchasing power. revenue. have been effectively used to On the other hand, Mr. Y having In fact, Thomas Pikketty in bridge this gap on a war footing. an income of, say, Rs. 100 crore, his book “Capitalism in the 21st The Oxfam report should act as will end up paying Rs. 30 crore, Century” suggests levying a an eyeopener to the authorities. which hardly affects his purchas- progressive tax of 80 per cent on Otherwise, India’s story would no ing power. And this person also income beyond a threshold limit longer be exciting enough to gain has the means of saving taxes in and a 15 per cent on wealth for global attention. not only under section 80C but also equal distribution of wealth. Now About the author other sections like 80G, 80D etc. this may sound utopian but it is In case of medical emergency, one way of bridging the income Jaswant Kaur is a company secretary, can be reached at [email protected] Mr. Y can easily afford to avail of disparity and at the same time

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 13 Child Labour

Child Mica Mines Dark secret behind beautiful Faces by ML Satyan A recent investigation by Thomson Reuters Foundation has revealed the appalling state of ome years ago, there was children working in the illegal mica mines of a mushroom growth of Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh “English Medium Schools” Sin every nook and corner of urban areas in India. In the similar manner, there has been a sudden increase in the number of “Beauty Parlours” in the urban as well as rural India. Among

14 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Child Labour the fashion conscious, mineral Death-trap makeup is all the rage these days. The abandoned mica mines start It uses natural minerals and is shimmering under the rising said to be a healthier for the skin sun in Koderma, Jharkhand, as a than ordinary products. But the group of sleepy children trudges process of extraction of these towards the Charki mine holding minerals, particularly mica, using their tools. Five-year-old Ajay Das child labour in India is now caus- hurriedly slips into a narrow hole ing serious concern. and starts his day. His tiny hands The Bachpan Bachao Andolan can barely balance the hammer, (BBA), an NGO working to elim- but he still hits the glistening wall inate child labour, has esti- accurately. Ajay works six days mated that over 5,000 children a week and after labouring for work in these illegal mines. This seven to eight hours each day in number has been confirmed by hazardous conditions, he manages Suresh Kumar Jain, owner of a to earn a paltry 20 rupees barely Koderma-based mica exporting enough to kill his hunger pangs. company. Children as young as five “The mines were closed two years of age are found working in decades ago. Since then, the hazardous conditions. These chil- poor people from neighbouring dren work for 5-6 days per week, areas have been involved in scrap 7-8 hours per day extracting mica mining. This leads to mishaps and get a meagre payment. They every now and then. At times, chil- operate sharp and heavy tools. dren working with their parents They are susceptible to inhaling often get trapped and die when the dust from stone-cutting and face roof or the mine wall collapses” Broken bones and the risk of getting injured from Ramlakhan Paswan, a school injuries are part falling stones. These children are teacher working near the Charki also made to carry more than 15 mines, told the media person. and parcel of mica kg of mica for several kilometres Miner Karu Das, 26, lost his wife miner's life to the intermediaries in towns. to an accident in Charki mine five Their homes are often several kilo- years ago. “She had come to collect metres away as these illegal mines mica scraps but got trapped in the are located in forest areas. mine,” Karu said. “By the time we dug her out she was dead.” But Karu continues to risk his own life and the lives of his children as they have no other source of income. “Legal or illegal, it guar- antees two square meals a day”, he said. Soaring demand A boom in mica – a key ingre- dient in products such as face- packs, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and nail polish – is being fuelled by soaring demand for natural cosmetics, as artificial makeup made of synthetic chemicals have been linked to illness, including cancer. According to the Indian Bureau of Mines, the country offi- cially produces about 15,000 tonnes

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 15 Child Labour

Child labour at mica mines in India produced by at least 12 multina- tional companies such as L’Oreal appears to be well known – even and Estee Lauder. “In our research though the government turns a blind we found illegal mica mining often involves child labour, which is eye to the problem a significant problem in India,” said Louise Voller of DanWatch to the media. He then added saying, of crude and scrap mica a year, an NGO that campaigns against “This report confirms that most but surprisingly, in the last few the exploitation of workers - most companies do not give the consum- years India exported more than of India’s exports of high-qual- ers a clear picture of their supply 150,000 tonnes – eight times more ity mica-flakes comes from illegal chain.” than the official figure. About half mines – and are produced by under- The report on the use of child of India’s export was destined for nourished children from pover- labour in the cosmetics industry China, from where it was then ty-stricken families. Jharkhand by DanWatch examined 16 compa- routed to several European and US lost more than 5 billion dollars nies behind 20 brands. Twelve cosmetic giants. to illegal mining in the recent cannot or will not disclose where past according to a recent federal they source the mica they use. Illegal government report. German company Merck, which It has been two decades since supplies mica to cosmetic brands most mica mines were closed on Survey around the world such as L’Oreal, environmental grounds, but the A report by DanWatch said: child admitted to sourcing the raw mate- closures prompted many people labour is being used in the east- rial from exporters in Jharkhand to resort to illegal mining, push- ern states of Jharkhand and Bihar and Bihar. However, the company ing children into this hazardous to extract mica which is used to said that the minerals were work. According to DanWatch - add glitter to natural cosmetics, extracted from legal mines. But

16 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Child Labour research carried out by DanWatch in Jharkhand. In terms of efforts villages” in Jharkhand where chil- suggests the contrary, pointing out to combat child labour in mines, dren do not work. Satyarthi said that it was impossible to differ- Lerch said the company has a that the innovative approach of entiate between mica extracted tracking system for the mica, and creating ‘Bal Mitra Grams’ (child- from legal and illegal mines. Local it constantly communicates with friendly villages) in Jharkhand exporters have maintained that the Jharkhand government. has proved that eradication of the number of legal mines has child labour was possible with the decreased drastically since 1990. Responses joint efforts. He further said, “I am The intermediaries, however, United Nations conventions make confident that the lustre of cosmet- will not name their foreign clients. it illegal for children under 14 ics, glitter of paints and insulation “We cannot reveal the name of our years- old to work in mining, which in electrical appliances will not clients. It is a business secret. All the International Labour Organ- be tainted with blood, sweat and I can tell you is that we process isation said is the worst form of toil of children in mica mining. the raw material and ship it to child exploitation. Yet the fact that The strong and serious statement our clients abroad,” said Mohan child labour is used to mine mica made by Satyarthi is: “The govern- Modi, an intermediary, who even in India appears to be well known ment does not want to stop illegal refused to disclose the name of – even though the government mining and cares little about the his company. Merck’s manager of turns a blind eye to the problem. welfare of the children.” media relations Gerhard Lerch, In a face-saving gesture, the phar- said: “The Merck Social Charter maceutical giant Merck opened Questions explicitly bans child labour. We schools in the villages to prevent The serious statement of Satyarthi demand that our suppliers act children from working. Bachpan paves way to other pertinent ques- accordingly, stipulating in our Bachao Andolan’s founder Kailash tions like: contracts with them that they Satyarthi has called Merck’s • Why does the government turn do not employ children. Merck efforts “window dressing”. He blind-eye to child labour? has implemented all necessary said, “They do not have a sustain- • Beti Bachhao-Beti Padhao is steps to ensure compliant-sourc- able programme. They started the the pet slogan of the present ing and to ensure that no chil- schools with much fanfare, but Prime Minister. Yet the National dren are involved in the process- we have observed that none of the Commission for Protection ing of the pigment.” Merck said schools and health centres are of Child Rights (NCPCR) has it has reduced dependence on functioning properly now.” decided to close all ‘child care Indian-sourced mica, but it will As a sustainable response, homes’ in six states (other states continue to receive it from mines BBA has created “child-friendly to follow). Is this not an irony? • If the child care homes are closed, these children will be out on the streets. Their vulnera- bility will increase manifold. Does the government expect the number of child trafficking, child sexual abuse and child labour to grow? • When will these children see the Achhe Din promised by Modi? A concerted effort of all NGOs, social/human rights activists and responsible citizens is needed to stop child labour in ‘our own local- ity’ and help the needy children lead a life of dignity.

About the author ML Satyan is an NGO Consultant and a freelance Journalist.

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 17 by-election MP by-polls Litmus test for Scindia People close to the erstwhile royal family underline that Harvard by Manoj and Stanford-educated Jyotiraditya is neither as accessible nor as Varghese modest as his father

Jyotiraditya at a low in his political career yotiraditya Scindia’s future politics and ’s chair are at Jstake in Assembly bye-elections. However, the polls are more of a prestige battle between Scindia, who left the Congress and is eyeing a Ministerial Berth at the Centre, and Kamalnath who is again vying to take over as the Congress (CM). Former CM Digvijay Singh is alleged to be the think tank behind Scin- dia’s exit from Congress, who had asked for a (RS) seat and the Pradesh Congress Committee President’s post. These two demands could have been easily accommodated to save the Congress Government in MP and The general public is seeing the 22 the by-polls averted. In fact, later MLAs as traitors who have pulled both Digvijay and Scindia have made it to the RS, although from down the Congress Government for different parties. their own vested interests and as a The 22 MLAs, who had left Congress along with Scindia are plot of horse trading in a fix contesting the polls this time on a BJP ticket, which they have been opposing tooth and nail vacuum has been created within ruling BJP to reach the major- during their life time. Simultane- the Congress party, at some places, ity mark in the House, while in ously, the BJP leaders and workers with the exit of these Congress , the polls will help are not comfortable with a new leaders, leaving the organizational gauge the mood of the voters entrant, most of them as minis- structure into shambles. ahead of the 2022 state elections at ters, being imposed upon them. Along with the Bihar assem- a time when the Yogi Adityanath The general public is seeing them bly elections, around 54 assembly government has faced widespread as traitors who have pulled down seats of 10 states went to polls on criticism on the issue of law and the Government for their own November 3. The by-polls to the order, and Gujarat will reflect on vested interests and as a plot of 28 Assembly constituencies in the popularity graph of Narendra horse trading. At the same time, a Madhya Pradesh is crucial for the Modi.

18 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 by-election

Jyotiraditya was only one such BJP General Secretary Kailash Number Game Congressman who could enter Vijayvargiya, Union Minister of In the 230-member Assembly, the into Rahul Gandhi’s room anytime State for Tourism Prahalad Patel BJP has 107 seats and the support without a prior appointment. He are eagerly waiting for an oppor- of four independents, two Bahu- was at par with Priyanka Gandhi, tunity to take over the realms in jan Samaj Party (BSP) lawmakers in-charge of UP Assembly polls their hand in MP. and one suspended Samajwadi and always had a prominent say in None of the National level Party MLA. The BJP aims to all the Congress committee deci- party leaders like Narendra Modi become independent of others to sions. In the recent BJP meetings, or Rahul Gandhi campaigned for form the government and for that chaired by the Prime Minster, their candidates this time in MP. it needs to win nine out of the 28 Jyotiraditya found a back seat Amid portraits of Prime Minister seats in order to cross the half- in the third row. There is an old Narendra Modi, BJP president JP way mark. Congress, meanwhile, phrase, “Old habits die hard” and Nadda and Chief Minister Shivraj has 87 MLAs (after one more left the Maharaja maintains even now Singh Chouhan on the hoardings recently), and it would need to win that royal ambience and culture. at the party’s Bhopal office, the all 28 seats to cross the halfway People close to the erstwhile royal absence of a popular face, whose mark which of course is a tough family underline that Harvard and 19 supporters are in the fray for task. But even if the Congress is Stanford-educated Jyotiraditya the 28 by-polls after pulling down able to win 20-21 seats, it could is neither as accessible nor as the Congress government in stage a comeback as it would over- modest as his father. March, has been debatable. take BJP’s tally and put pressure The national BJP leadership is not very keen to retain Shivraj Singh Chouhan as the CM, but for his individual popularity and the The national BJP leadership is not very majority of MLAs loyalty, he has been retained. Within the party, keen to retain Shivraj Singh Chouhan a new chunk of leaders includ- as the CM, but for his individual ing, Union Agriculture Minis- popularity and the majority of MLAs ter , State Home Minister Narotam Mishra, loyalty, he has been retained

on the independents, the BSP MLAs and the rebel SP MLA to switch sides. Out of the 28 seats going to polls, 25 fell vacant after Jyoti- raditya’s rebellion against the Congress and subsequent resig- nation of 22 MLAs, which led to the collapse of the Kamal- math government in March 2020. In July, three more Congress MLAs deserted the party to join the BJP. Of these, 16 are in the -Chambal region, where Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Jyotiraditya and Digvi- jaya Singh are fighting for their supremacy. This region has one of the highest intensity of caste atrocities and violence. This was also the epicentre of the Bharat

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 19 by-election

Bandh against the dilution of the SC and ST (Prevention of Atroc- ities) Act in 2018 and the attack on Dalit protesters by privileged castes. The violence had a direct bearing on the Assembly elec- tions later that year, with Dalits voting decisively against the BJP and privileged castes expressing their dissatisfaction with what they called was BJP’s attempt to appease Dalits. This region has an influence of BSP, which is contest- ing all the seats in the upcoming by-polls.

Royal and loyal Jivajirao Scindia was a patron of the Hindu Mahasabha in Gwal- ior. Vijayaraje and Jivajirao had five children. The eldest daugh- ter, Padmavati Raje, married Kirit Deb Burman of the Tripura and she took it as an insult and people close to the Palace provided royal family. The second daugh- left the Congress with 36 legisla- the gun. All the accused, includ- ter, Usha Raje, married Shamsher tors. And, the first non-Congress ing gun-seller Jagdish Goyal and Jang Bahadur Rana from the royal government in MP was formed the man who purchased it, Dr D S family of Nepal. with Govind Narayan Singh as the Purchure, were close to the royal and Yashodhara Raje are both BJP CM. family.’’ leaders, while Madhavrao was a The ’ proximity to the When Jyotiraditya got married, Congress leader. British had earned them many his grandmother was not even Jawaharlal Nehru, then the rewards. In the Imperial Durbar invited. The family bitterness prime minister, convinced Vijaya- in Delhi in 1877, Jayajirao Scin- later transformed into legal raje to join the party and contest dia, the maharaja of Gwalior from battles, which ran into crores of from Guna. She did and in the 1957 1843 to 1886, had received the rank rupees and continued even after elections, defeated the of a general and a 21-gun salute. the deaths of both Vijayaraje and Hindu Mahasabha candidate from In 2010, the BJP-ruled Gwalior . During the the constituency. In 1967, when municipal corporation wrote on last Assembly elections, Mahanar- she went to discuss elections and its official website that the Scin- yaman, son of Jyotiraditya lead ticket distribution, then CM DP dia family had conspired against the Congress Campaign in Guna, Mishra forced her to wait for 15-20 Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi and Gwalior and Shivpuri districts. minutes. This didn’t go down well provided her a weak horse to fight But, when Jyotiraditya parted with Britishers. ways with the Congress, he Communist Party of India tweeted: “I am proud of my father (Marxist) leader Badal Saroj, who for taking a stand for himself. It hails from Gwalior, says, “The takes courage to resign from a gun used in Gandhi’s assassina- legacy.” tion was brought from Gwalior. It Only time will reveal, how is shocking that how Nathuram comfortable Jyotiraditya is with Godse acquired the gun and where BJP, or vice versa! it came from was never thor- oughly investigated. Although no About the author direct link between Jivajirao and Manoj Varghese is a Media and Health Communication Expert. Godse was found, it is true that

20 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Fundamentalism

Terror in the

Name of God! by Jacob Why do people commit murder Peenikaparambil in the name of God and religion? “All must adopt a culture of dialogue as the path, mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; reciprocal understanding as the method and standard”

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 21 Fundamentalism

he man who killed three people in a Church in Nice, France on 29th Octo- Tber was shouting Allahu Akbar (God is great) while attack- ing people with a knife. Many terrorists while executing their plan of violence to take revenge shout the phrase, Allahu Akbar. Naturally peace loving people are compelled to ask the question how the religions, which are expected to make people spiritual, altru- istic and compassionate, become sources of hatred, revenge and violence? Why do people commit murder in the name of God and religion? Close on the heels of the brutal killings in France, a terrorist attack took place in Vienna on November 2, in which 4 persons were killed and several others were seriously injured. Accord- ing to the media reports, multiple “We accept all differences in a spirit of shootings took place indicating peace. We will never accept hate speech that more than one person was involved in the attack. and we defend reasonable debate. We The French people were will continue. We hold ourselves always shocked by the brutal killings by Islamic extremists twice in the on the side of human dignity and month of October. On October universal values” 16, a school teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded by a suspected Isla- - French President, Emmanuel Macron mist radical of Chechnya origin

and the second killing took place will continue. We hold ourselves on October 29. The reason for always on the side of human the killing of Samuel Paty was dignity and universal values.” the supposed offence to Muslim After the second murder also the religious sentiments because the French president reiterated his teacher had shown his students commitment to protect freedom. in the class the controversial “I consider it our duty to protect cartoons of the Prophet Moham- our freedoms and our rights”, he med earlier published by the satir- said in an interview with Qatar- ical magazine Charlie Hebdo. based TV channel Al-Jazeera. “I The French president Emma- can understand that people could nuel Macron condemned the be shocked by the caricatures but I murder and strongly defended free will never accept that violence can speech. He said, “We accept all be justified”, he added. differences in a spirit of peace. We Instead of condemning the will never accept hate speech and murder some leaders of Islamic we defend reasonable debate. We countries made disgusting state-

22 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Fundamentalism ments against France. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed claimed Muslims had “a right to be angry and kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past”. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdo- gan called for a boycott of French goods. This was echoed in the protests against France in several Muslim countries. In India also some misguided Muslim lead- ers led protest rallies against the French President at different places. It is heartening and encouraging to note that many Muslims intellec- tuals, writers and activists not only strongly condemned the murder but also criticized the Muslim lead- ers who justified the murder and protested against the stand of the French President. At a webinar By not taking action against the hate of the Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy, convenor Javed Anand mongers the government of India is said, “We are here to condemn in indirectly encouraging religion based unequivocal terms, no ifs and buts, not only the man responsible for extremism this barbaric act but all those who had any role in the instigation of the crime as also all those who seek ing solidarity with France the therefore, every form of violence to justify it.” He also demanded BJP government at the Centre must be condemned without hesi- “the abolishing of apostasy and should have reminded itself that it tation, because we gravely profane banishing of blasphemy anywhere often failed to take action on those God’s name when we use it to and everywhere across the world”. who indulged in religion infused justify hatred and violence against Activist Feroze Mithiborwala said, violence like lynching of inno- a brother or sister. No violence can “It’s high time religious people cent people by cow vigilantes and be justified in the name of reli- realised one basic truth: every reli- hate speech by its supporters. By gion,” Pope Francis said. gious text and tradition is offen- not taking action against the hate It is also observed that most sive, blasphemous and heretical mongers the government of India of the people who are involved in to the followers of other sects and is indirectly encouraging religion religious extremism are young religions.” based extremism. people. The one who beheaded The Indian government Increasing violence in the name Samuel Paty was only 18 years old. condemned not only the terror- of religion should compel the He was taking revenge against the ist attacks but also deplored the genuine religious leaders to search teacher for offending his God by personal attacks on the French for the reasons for using religion showing the controversial cartoon President. A statement of the and God for committing violence. on Prophet Mohammad. Accord- Foreign Ministry said, “the They should take a firm stand ing to Islamic law prevalent in personal attacks in unacceptable against any kind of religious some countries, the punishment language on President Emmanuel violence. Pope Francis during his for blasphemy is beheading. That Macron are in violation of the visit to UAE in 2019 condemned could be the reason for the young most basic standards of interna- violence in the name of religion. man beheading the teacher instead tional discourse.” While express- “In the name of God the Creator, of shooting him. Pope Francis in

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 23 Fundamentalism the encyclical, Fratelli Tutti states minorities is another expression of anyone makes a negative comment very boldly, “God, the almighty, has the same phenomenon. Many write on my religion I am offended and no need to be defended by anyone ups on the communal riots in East I will take revenge even by using and does not want his name to be Delhi have brought to light that violence and murder. The fourth used to terrorize people” the violence was triggered by the step is very dangerous. At this Dr. Ram Puniyani in his article hate speech delivered by the BJP stage ardent followers of a particu- titled “Charlie Hebdo Cartoons and leaders. lar religion come to the conclu- Blasphemy Laws in Contemporary Studies on religious fundamen- sion that all should accept their Times” states that blasphemy law talism indicate its gradual evolu- religion and violence is used for didn’t exist in Islam till two centu- tion. It starts with the premise “My this purpose. History is a witness ries after Prophet Mohammad. religion is the only true religion to the violence unleashed by the It came up during Abbasid rule, or the best religion”. The second followers of certain religions to in the beginning of 9th Century. step is the belief that everything in convert people of other faiths. It was to strengthen the ruling my religion is perfect and sacro- The politicians, especially dynasty’s hold on power. In recent sanct and nobody should question dictators and demagogues, make times, dictators like Zia UL Haq it. The third step is the conviction use of religious orthodoxy to of used it to legitimize that I am duty bound to protect it enhance their hold on the people. his regime under the garb of an from any dilution or ridiculing or They become promoters of reli- ‘Islamic state’. This was an attempt caricature either by the insiders gious fundamentalism by encour- by the military dictatorship to or outsiders even at the cost of my aging and abetting religious increase its hold over the society. death and the death of others. If extremists. Thus religious conservatism or fundamentalism was adopted by the dictators and political leaders to increase their hold on the people "In the name of God the Creator, by pandering to their religious therefore, every form of violence must sentiments. Religious fundamentalism is be condemned without hesitation, religion inspired political activ- because we gravely profane God's name ism and it is generally opposed to liberalism, pluralism and freedom. when we use it to justify hatred and This political activism often takes violence against a brother or sister. No the form of violence. Cow vigilan- tism in India is an example for the violence can be justified in the name of violent form of religious funda- religion" - Pope Francis mentalism. Hate speech against the

Growth of religious funda- mentalism is a reality and it has affected and infected almost all religions, including Christian- ity and it is being profusely used by many political leaders. It has become a great threat to peace and harmony in the society today. All people, especially the followers of Jesus who are called to be peace- makers, have a great responsibil- ity to root out religious fanaticism. The first step in eradicating reli- gious fundamentalism is to differ- entiate between the primary and secondary elements in religion and

24 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Fundamentalism

the same, there are many enno- bling aspects in all religions. There has to be a desire to learn about other faiths and this will liberate one from prejudices and enable him/her to appreciate aspects that can strengthen his/her own faith. Using passages from different reli- gious scriptures for meditation and prayer, celebrating festivals of different religions, exhibiting quotations from different scrip- tures in public institutions can be antidote to religious fanaticism. The fifth element could be a firm commitment to promote peace. According to European Community, Religious conservatism or the global military expenditure fundamentalism was adopted by stands around $ 1.7 Trillion annu- ally since 2009. The top five mili- the dictators and political leaders to tary spenders in 2018 were the USA, increase their hold on the people by China, Saudi Arabia, India and France which together account for pandering to their religious sentiments 60% of global military spending. A better peaceful climate among the nations can drastically reduce mili- stick to the primary elements. The and a person could be born as an tary expenditure and funds thus primary elements or the essentials animal or even an insect in the saved could be used for the develop- are the core values taught by the next birth, but this is unthinkable ment of their people. religions. The secondary elements for a Christian or Muslim or Jew. Taking inspiration from Pope include beliefs, symbols, rituals, Religious co-existence requires Francis let the Catholic Church laws, prayers etc. Even the scrip- tolerance to a great extent of the respond to religious fanaticism by tures are only means to convey so called offensive practices in the committing itself to peace build- the core values. There are many religions. This is part of respect ing through understanding and versions of the same scripture for other faiths. cooperation with other faiths. Let considered as valid by different The third requirement or facil- all the dioceses and the religious sects within the same religion. For itating element is sensitivity to congregations in India make peace example, there are more than 40 the practices and beliefs of people building as their topmost priority versions of the Bible in English belonging to other religions. For in all their apostolic activities. As a language alone. There has to example, I like eating beef and as a means for building fraternity Pope be flexibility with regard to the citizen of India I have the freedom Francis in the encyclical Fratelli secondary elements in one’s reli- to eat the kind of food I like. If I am Tutti appeals to the religious lead- gions. Obsession with the second- living among the Hindus or Jains ers “to adopt a culture of dialogue ary elements can make a person a for whom eating beef is something as the path, mutual cooperation religious bigot. abominable, I shall avoid eating as the code of conduct; reciprocal The rituals of one religion beef taking into account their understanding as the method and could be offensive to the followers sensibilities. This will definitely standard.” of other religions. For example, contribute to better understanding About the author animal sacrifice is a sacred rite in harmony among the followers of Jacob Peenikaparambil is a trainer Islam; but it is something abom- different faiths. and consultant to Non-Profit Organizations inable to the followers of Jain- The fourth facilitating element and presently a team member of Universal ism, Buddhism and many Hindus. is mutual appreciation. As the core Solidarity Movement (USM) Indore. He can be reached at: [email protected] Many Hindus believe in rebirth values of all faiths are more or less

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 25 Religion Insulting God? No! God cannot be hurt by human invectives and insults The pretext of religious sentiments being hurt by either party (the instigator and those who react) appears to be only an excuse to by Bishop Dominic provoke or indulge in acts of violence and cause harm to others Savio Fernandes

n the recent past, and currently in France, we have been seeing a lot of protests Iand anger exhibited by people, sometimes even backed by acts of violence and senseless killings, because their religious sentiments have been hurt. Why? Because someone or some people have said something against God or the religion that they follow. I am of the view that all religions and all persons have to be respected and treated with dignity. Those who disrespect other religions (the instigator), speak insulting words about God and indulge in vile acts – such as burning sacred books, destroying religious places of or an entire community responsi- parents, he gave them human life, worship, desecrating statues and ble for the act or actions of one or intelligence to think, capacity to icons considered sacred by people a few instigators? And by react- love and the freedom to choose. belonging to different religions, ing viciously to any instigator, do Besides this, God also gave them portray religious figures or gods not those who react and resort to eternal life (life in the Spirit). in satirical form (cartoon, cari- violence truly end up harming and However, in order to retain this catures, disrespectful advertise- doing damage to the very religion eternal life they had to be obedi- ments, etc.) – are precisely those that they claim to follow? Accord- ent to God. But we know that our who do not reflect God nor have ing to me, the actions of both, the first parents disobeyed God and the love of God in their hearts. instigator and those who react, end lost the gift of eternal life. Yet, the However, reacting with violence up hurting religious sentiments merciful and loving God came out to the deeds of such instigators, as neither of them reflect the God with a plan. God, who is incapable by burning or beheading their they worship or claim to worship. of suffering and death, decided to effigies, indulging in revenge kill- God is impassible. God is come into this world in his Second ings or attacking innocent people almighty and all-powerful and does Person, take on the human form of the nation or community that not need human defence or help. and save the whole of humanity the instigator belongs to, equally On the contrary, we human beings by winning back this eternal life does not reflect the God whom have come into existence because through total obedience to God the they worship and in whose image of God and without God we are Father’s will. and likeness they were created, nothing, absolutely nothing. St Paul tells us that Christ nor do they have the love of God Christian teaching tells us that Jesus, “though he was in the form in their hearts. How is a nation when God created our first human of God, did not count equality

26 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 Religion with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Phil 2:6-11) Jesus, true God and true man, exhorts his disciples to listen happens if we do not forgive those Rejoice and be glad, for your reward to him and to do what he tells who trespass against us by saying, is great in heaven.” (Mt 5:7, 11-12) them to do (cf. Mt 21ff): “Love one “So also my heavenly Father will Hence, the pretext of religious another as I have loved you” (Jn do to every one of you, if you do sentiments being hurt by either 15:12); “Judge not, and you will not not forgive your brother from your party (the instigator and those be judged; condemn not, and you heart” (cf. Mt 18:21ff). Jesus himself who react) appears to be only an will not be condemned; forgive, puts his teaching into practice excuse to provoke or indulge in and you will be forgiven” (Lk when, hanging on the cross, he acts of violence and cause harm to 6:37). Jesus revealed his divinity says, “Father, forgive them; for they others. A sentiment is a mental atti- when he forgave people their sins, know not what they do.” (Lk 23:34) tude, view or emotional thought. since only God can forgive sins. And on the Sermon on the Hence, religious sentiments ought And he urged his disciples too to Mount Jesus informs his disciples, to be hurt when our attitude is not forgive every time the offender “Blessed are the merciful, for they God-like and when we do not obey asked for forgiveness just as God shall receive mercy … Blessed are God’s command to love one another forgives us every time we sin you when others revile and perse- as he did by giving his life to save and ask for forgiveness. And he cute you and utter all kinds of evil humanity. explains through a parable what against you falsely on my account. The Bible tells us that God is Love (1 Jn 4:8) and that all of us are made in the image and likeness of God. Hence, when we, the followers of God, live in love, peace, charity and harmony, we reflect God, God’s sentiments, God’s attitude – like God, we should be life-giving and not life-taking. However, when we operate with insensitivity, insult, hatred, wrath, malice, killing, etc., we distort the very image of the God we claim to worship and end up hurting our own religious senti- ments not God’s for God is impas- sible.

About the author Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes is an Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 27 A Different Look Fundamentalism: Religion of Rage Hindu spirituality of Aham Brahmasmi teaches us to see and by Varghese honour God who is dwelling in the other irrespective of his/her Alengaden caste, creed, colour, status, sex and nationality

undamentalists who are The same group had defaced the number of lynching cases of inno- engaged in violence, hatred road signs in national capital cent Muslims? and murder are enemies of which were meant for expressing Do the Hindu Sena and other Freligion. Despite shouting honour to the historical Muslim militant Hindutva groups know slogans of their respective reli- personalities. By such destructive that the French people have not gions and gods they are causing acts they are defacing their own retaliated against the minor- much damage and disrespect both religion and gods. ity Muslim community despite to their religion and gods. What is the moral right of the repeated terrorists activi- A militant group, Hindu Sena Hindu Sena and other fringe ties of Islamic groups in their chief Vishnu Gupta had owned groups of Hindutva to protest land? Though the whole country responsibility for defacing the against the terrorist acts in condemns such terrorist acts, signage outside India Islamic France when they themselves people do not indulge in violence Cultural Centre (IICC) in New are engaged in terrorist style of against the Muslim community. Delhi to express anger against the attacks on minorities and dalits They are not led by religious fanat- terrorist act and murder in France. in India? Where do they hide the icism.

28 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 A Different Look

It is an undisputed fact that France is wedded with secularism which respects liberty of individ- uals and communities. For them secularism is as sacred as religion to Indians. The national herit- age of India is pluralism which is more than western understanding of secularism. It is based on the universal family spirit of Hindu- ism. Hindutva is distortion of Hinduism which is the very soul of India. Militant Hindutva forces neither understand nor accept the universal values of equal- ity, justice, freedom, fraternity and dignity of individual. The Hindu Sena Chief Vishnu Gupta noble Hindu spirituality of Aham Brahmasmi teaches us to see and the patronage of Christian kings fundamentalist Islamic groups in honour God who is dwelling in and emperors the over zealous France several Muslims organ- the other irrespective of his/her Christians committed violence on ized protest rallies in India against caste, creed, colour, status, sex and people of other faith and culture. French president Emmanuel nationality. Crusades and forceful conversions Macron. This kind of reactions Ignorance of the most essen- with the support of colonial rulers will only alienate Muslim commu- tial aspects of one’s own reli- were contrary to the way of Jesus nity further. By such acts they gion makes people fanatics and Christ. deface their religion and their indulge in hatred and violence Instead of condemning the God, allah. against others. In the past with terrorist acts and murder by the The fundamentalists of all reli- gions betray their founders and distort their teachings. Always the children and the youth are Ignorance of the most essential aspects vulnerable to their manipulation of one’s own religion makes people and brainwashing. They mislead the innocent youth to commit all fanatics and indulge in hatred and kinds of terrorist acts for their violence against others political agenda. It is high time for teachers and all peace loving persons to commit themselves to educate and liberate the youth from all kinds of manip- ulations and propaganda. This is an urgent mission to save human- ity and all the noble values like pluralism, universal solidarity, justice, equality and liberty. Youth and youth alone can save human- ity from violence, hatred and polarization.

About the author Varghese Alengaden is the Founder of Universal Solidarity Movement, Indore.

The defaced board

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 29 news

Anti-corruption officer in Tamil Nadu applies for voluntary retirement By F. M. Britto

ment he may get fully involved in his NGO Makkal Pathai (People’s Path), to reform the society, where many Retd IAS officers are also members. Some say that he may train the IAS aspirants. Even some guess that since he has the back- ing of the common people, he may enter into politics, which is due in the state after a few months. But he had stoutly declined the 2016 appeal of the Hundreds of Ezhuchi Tamilagam youth to him to enter politics to cleanse the system. Sagayam credits his honesty to his housewife mother. He says

Christian IAS officer in Tamil Nadu, who has Sagayam has received applause for been admired for relent- strict action against law breakers, work- Alessly crusading against corruption, has applied for volun- ing against the granite mining lobby as tary retirement from government collector in Madurai, in spite of threats service (VRS), three years before reaching the retirement age. to his life, conducting fair polls as the News agencies say that it special election officer there and sealing may be because Ubagaram Pillai Sagayam had been demoted, due the Pepsi plant in Kancheepuram to his anti-corruption activities, to the insignificant post of the vice-chairman of the Science City and sealing the Pepsi plant in as a boy when he picked up the in Chennai, where the 57 years old Kancheepuram. fallen mangoes from their neigh- has been kept for the last six years. Whenever he joined a new bour’s mango trees, his mother The state government has not post, Sagayam first placed this would make him throw away the relieved Sagayam so far, though it sign on his office door: “Reject mangoes, saying that he should is said that he had applied it on Oct bribes. Hold your head high.” By enjoy only what is his. .2. But media started reporting it rejecting bribes and taking on He is the youngest of five sons only lately. the mafias, the IAS officer had of farmer Ubagaram Pillai of Sagayam has received applause collided with powerful politi- Perunchunai village, Pudukottai, for strict action against law break- cians and bureaucrats, facing 25 Tamil Nadu. After his primary ers, working against the gran- transfers in 30 years. “I know I sit education in the local Tamil ite mining lobby as collector in under a dangerous slogan. But I medium government school, Madurai, in spite of threats to have been the same Sagayam from Sagayam went to the Government his life, conducting fair polls as day one,” he said. News agencies Higher Seconadary School in the the special election officer there also speculate that post-retire- nearby Ellaippatti. He did his M.

30 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 news

A. in Social Work and in Law. the tarnished image of civil serv- de-promoting him as the manag- After qualifying in the Civil ants. He was the first IAS officer ing director of Co-optex handloom Services Exam, Sagayam joined in Tamil Nadu to do it. He also weavers’ cooperative in Chennai. the Central Secretariat Service sent his children to the govern- Because he protested the assault in 1989. After working in N. Delhi ment schools, instead of the elite of a superior, the state textiles for seven months, he voluntar- English medium convent schools. minister S. Gokula Indira trans- ily resigned it. Having passed When he leant that the Village ferred him to be the commissioner the Tamil Nadu Public Service Administrative Officers (VAO) of Indian Medicine and Homeop- Commission exams, he was were living in the cities, instead of athy in Sept 2014. And within 48 appointed in the Tamil Nadu staying in the villages, he began to hours again he was demoted as the State Civil Service. Then he was reform the system. But the exist- vice-chairman of Science City in promoted to the Indian Adminis- ing VAOs and the local politicians Chennai, in which trivial post he trative Service (IAS) of 2001 batch. attempted Sagayam’s transfer. But has been kept for the last six years. As the district revenue officer his transfer was protested by over There was public outcry since cum additional district magis- 5000 villagers and it was with- the government did not pursue trate in Kanchipuram, Sagayam drawn. the illegal granite-quarrying. The sealed the Pepsi bottling plant To fairly conduct the 2011 Madras High Court appointed and forbade its sale since dirt was Legislative Assembly election in Sagayam on Sept 11, 2014 as the Special Officer-cum-Legal Commis- sioner to investigate all mining “Sagayam is an iconic IAS cadre who operations in Tamil Nadu state and ordered the government to relieve takes pride in being honest. He is an him of his Science City post. enthusiastic officer in whatever he does” Since it involved many officials and politicians, they gave little - T. Udhayachandran, a fellow officer cooperation and goons were sent to attack him and his team. When the police slowed in exhuming found in several bottles. He also Madurai, the Election Commis- the alleged victims of the human took on the sand mafia for unau- sion posted him as the ex-officio sacrifice, allegedly performed by a thorized mining of sand from the District Election Officer. Earlier granite quarry operator, Sagayam Palar river bed, which created elections were allegedly purchased spent the night in the graveyard at erosion and flooding. He declined with money power by M. K. Mallampatti village to ensure that to rescind his order, though he was Alagiri, a union minster and a son no one tampered with the threatened of physical violence. of then DMK Chief Minister M. evidence. As the deputy commissioner Karunanidhi. Educating the voters Recognised as a friend of the of civil supplies in Chennai in to reject bribes, he confiscated poor, Sagayam started Uzhavan 2004, Sagayam discovered that Rs 20 lakh intended for distribu- Unavagam (farmers’ food court), restaurants were illegally using tion. Burning Sagayam’s effigy, where farmers could sell their the subsidized domestic use gas DMK loyalists twice filed cases, traditional dishes. He helped to cylinders, leading to the loss to the which were dismissed. The rival rehabilitate the three grandchil- exchequer. Within three days he AIADMK finally won the election. dren of the freedom fighter V.O. confiscated 5000 such cylinders. Then Chief Election Commis- Chidambaram, who were in abject When he was appointed the sioner S. Y. Quraishi awarded him poverty. District Collector of Namakkal an appreciation certificate for “Standing up against corruption in 2009, the 47 years old Sagayam conducting free and fair elections. is not for a season. Nor it is a fash- posted his personal assets in the As the district collector of ion. It is forever,” he had said. district website: a bank balance of Madurai, he investigated in May T. Udhayachandran, a fellow Rs 7,172 and a house worth of Rs 2012 illegal granite quarrying officer, appreciated him, “Sagayam 9 lakh in Madurai, jointly owned in collusion with several senior is an iconic IAS cadre who takes with his wife. As the district officials, costing more than Rs pride in being honest. He is an collector, he wanted to set an 16,000 crore losses to the state. enthusiastic officer in whatever he example of honesty and to repair This resulted in his 19th transfer, does.”

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 31 economy

Economy amid Pandemic Global economic and by Christal Ferrao political outlook during the COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is an eye-opener to world economies and politics that wanted to follow systems of restriction

ove for one’s country is one pride as a value system taught to was not enough to handle the of the many forms of love young children. As a post-colo- growing demands. Economies people learn as children. nial strategy, countries focused on opened to allow foreign direct LIt stems from the love for self-sufficiency in production and investment and opportunities for family and heritage. It gained distribution as external and trade employment to foreign nation- significant momentum when relations were seen as a threat to als. This contributed to sustain- some regions served as colonies to internal progress. ing economic progress. The world certain super power nations. Green revolution, industrial became a global village. Love for Love as an emotion served to revolution and technological revo- country changed to the need to encourage people to participate in lution were incorporated as meth- love every person irrespective of movements to work for an inde- ods for growth and development. his/her nationality. pendently governed nation. Such a However, countries later realized But this idea of a global econ- form of love is practiced with great that relying on internal resources omy that accepts everyone and

32 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 economy

rise in number of cases. But even as this is being done the political and economic responses have not changed. In fact, it seems to have become worse. Instead of helping one another collectively by iden- tifying strengths and weaknesses, countries have been convinced by the term of social distancing in the sociological sense by distanc- ing minorities and foreign nation- als with policies like jobs only for locals and economic independence and self-sufficiency. Countries want to move to their old habits of competition through restriction, rather than liberaliza- The COVID-19 pandemic is an eye- tion and cooperation. This kind of attitude will only increase the possi- opener to world economies and politics bilities of economies to contract that wanted to follow systems of rather than expand and grow. Restricted access can also be a restriction problem to natives of a country. It will discourage positive compe- tition and promote monopoly. gives them equal opportunities world is witnessing a pandemic Monopoly means that power is in to grow has been challenged in due to COVID-19, which has the hands of few individuals or the recent past. A shift in polit- caused things to take a turn for groups. This might do away with ical thought and preference is the worse. But COVID-19 has an local versus foreign goods, but the underlying factor. People are important life lesson for world will lead to a class struggle of big encouraged by politics of major- economies and politics. What is players versus small ones and the itarianism and cultural homoge- this lesson? bourgeoisie (business owners) and neity and want to restrict access COVID-19 began as an epidemic proletariats (working class) as seen of resources and opportunities to that infected people in certain in history. certain members. countries. Later it spread to every The COVID-19 pandemic is an Diversity is discouraged and continent except Antarctica and eye-opener to world economies seen in opposition to the idea was declared a pandemic by the and politics that wanted to follow of development. World leaders World Health Organization. It did systems of restriction. It is a call to want to exit from current collec- not restrict its share of suffering inform people that we are a global tive economic systems, implement to certain parts, but everyone had world and have to learn to work laws to ghettoize minorities and to collectively witness the scare together rather than resort to blam- construct structures and follow and problems that followed. This ing and comparisons if we have the same age old divide and rule seems to remind us that despite to grow as one home of humanity. policy. Unlike the previous attempt all our differences and need to Post-pandemic recovery can happen to liberalize means of production restrict access for our own people, only when it is done together to satisfy all, the current thought a virus has infected everyone in rather than separately in isolation, promises to make some happy at similar ways. because progress of one is progress the cost of dissatisfaction of the Every country has now been of none, but progress of everyone is other. relying on the World Health progress of the world. This restricted flow of income Organization and other medi- About the author and opportunity has also restricted cal research organizations to Christal Ferrao is a Freelance possibilities of development. And collectively find solutions and Journalist based in Goa amidst this struggle, this year the ways of precaution to prevent

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 33 corruption

Cycle of Corruption Can we put an end to it? Corruption in our country not only poses a grave danger to the concept of constitutional governance, it also threatens the very foundation of Indian democracy and the Rule of Law by Aarti

s there any solution to a and again the unlucky ones seem Lakhs of government and public complicated problem like to get caught red handed as it sector employees participate in the corruption? No easy answers. happened a few days back when Integrity Pledge taking ceremony I Well, it is a big menace the nation observed the birth to their commitment for highest which has to be eradicated. anniversary of Sardar Patel, more standards of honesty and integrity If an estimate made by Global popularly known as the Vigilance at all times and to support the fight Financial Integrity, is to be Awareness Week. against corruption. believed, as much as $1 trillion Every year, the Central Vigi- But what did a 59-year-old vanishes from the developing lance Commission (CVC), created Tehsildar in Kota, Rajasthan world’s economies every year. in 1964 to address governmental who was to retire in about two Yes, corruption obviously is corruption, observes the occa- months do. The State Anti-Corrup- the cause as there are black sheep sion during the week in which the tion Bureau (ACB) apprehended everywhere. birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai the corrupt official while he was Certainly you cannot cheat all Patel (October 31) falls urges the taking a bribe of Rs 25,000/- from a the people all the time and time citizens to shun corrupt practices. farmer. He had allegedly demanded

34 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 corruption

Rs 50,000/- as a bribe for measure- Of the total complaints, 22 were ministers and members of legis- ment of the farmer’s agricultural against Group A and B category lative assemblies and four against land. central government officials, 26 Union ministers. More recently, ACB sleuths against chairpersons, members In India there are adequate of Odisha Police arrested an and employees of different laws to tackle corruption. Even assistant executive engineer for boards/corporations/autonomous in private organisations an ethics possessing assets disproportionate bodies wholly or partially financed committee is to be in place in to the known sources of income. by the Centre and four were in order to ensure transparency. Let’s Valued at about Rs 6.53 crore, his other categories. Lok Pal closed briefly revisit some of the obser- properties included 48 one-bed- 28 complaints after preliminary vations made by the Supreme room flats, two double-storied examination and ordered prelim- Court while deciding corruption buildings, one single room house, inary inquiry into 13 complaints related cases. eight plots, two four wheelers, — 12 by the CVC and one by CBI. In Subramanian Swamy versus deposits in different banks, invest- Similarly during 2019-20, Lok Pal and another ment in insurance policies, gold/ received a total of 1,427 of which (2012), the Apex Court observed silver ornaments and cash. 613 were related to state govern- that “Today, corruption in our After Justice Pinaki Chan- ment officials and four against country not only poses a grave dra Ghose was appointed as the Union ministers and members of danger to the concept of constitu- chairperson of Lokpal, India’s Parliament. 245 complaints were tional governance, it also threat- apex body to inquire and inves- against central government offi- ens the very foundation of Indian tigate into allegations of corrup- cials, 200 against those in public democracy and the Rule of Law. tion against public functionaries, sector undertakings, statutory The magnitude of corruption a total of 55 complaints, includ- bodies, judicial institutions and in our public life is incompati- ing three against Members of autonomous bodies at central ble with the concept of a social- Parliament have been reportedly level and 135 were against private ist, secular democratic republic. received by it between April and persons and organisations. There It cannot be disputed that where September period of this fiscal. were six complaints against state corruption begins all rights end. Corruption devalues human rights, chokes development and undermines justice, liberty, equal- ity, fraternity which are the core Corruption has become deep rooted values in our preambular vision. and has spread like Cancer Therefore, the duty of the Court is that any anti-corruption law has to be interpreted and worked out in such a fashion as to strengthen the fight against corruption....” In K.C. Sareen versus C.B.I.(2001) it stated “Corruption by public servants has now reached a monstrous dimension in India. Its tentacles have started grap- pling even the institutions created for the protection of the repub- lic. Unless those tentacles are intercepted and impeded from gripping the normal and orderly functioning of the public offices, through strong legislative, exec- utive as well as judicial exercises the corrupt public servants could even paralyse the functioning of such institutions and thereby

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 35 corruption hinder the democratic polity....” In Manoj Narula versus Union of India (2014), the Court main- tained that “corruption erodes the fundamental tenets of the rule of law…. It can be stated without any fear of contradiction that corrup- tion is not to be judged by degree, for corruption mothers disorder, destroys societal will to progress, accelerates undeserved ambitions, kills the conscience, jettisons the glory of the institutions, paralyses the economic health of a coun- try, corrodes the sense of civility and mars the marrows of govern- ance.” What about petty corrup- tion? Although the judiciary has held that the punishment should always be proportionate to the “…People are compelled to accept focus is on transparency, openness, gravity of the misconduct, when corruption as normal one. Corrup- citizen participation, effective- it comes to deciding cases of tion has become deep rooted and ness, efficiency, accountability etc. corruption or misappropriation, has spread like Cancer. Every That electronic government initi- the strong message that has been day, it is reported in the media atives have reduced corruption sent is dismissal from service. The that many officials are caught worldwide is encouraging. From Supreme Court, while ordering red handed, while taking bribes. data analysed for about 187 coun- dismissal of an municipal corpo- Hence, the punishment needs to be tries over a period of six years ration employee who was involved enhanced. Therefore, this Court (2002-2005 and 2008). in petty corruption in Municipal is of the view that there should In India, several efforts have Committee, Bahadurgarh versus be a re-visit and the Act should be been attempted to eliminate Krishnan Bihari and others, held strengthened and stringent penal- corruption and many seem to be that, in a case of such nature - ties should be imposed to curb paying rich dividends. Notably, as indeed, in cases involving corrup- the menace of corruption. The a part of Digital India Initiative, tion - there cannot be any other Central Government may consider several technological interven- punishment than dismissal. Any imposing punishment, such as, tions like for instance “Govern- sympathy shown in such cases is “hanging” or “death penalty”, for ment e-Market place” (GEM) are totally uncalled for and opposed corrupt practices or for demand- intended to establish contactless, to public interest. The amount ing and accepting bribes, like in paperless, cashless system of misappropriated may be small or China, North Korea, Indonesia, public procurement by bringing large; it is the act of misappropria- Thailand and Morocco. transparency, fairness and compe- tion that is relevant.” Various studies have shown tition More recently, a Division Bench that the use of information Can we put an end to corrup- of the Madras High Court, while and communication technolo- tion? Certainly. It is an onerous hearing a case in which a peti- gies provides a new approach task, but the fight must go on. tioner who sought additional to create transparency and While anti-corruption facilities for the benefit of farmers promote anti-corruption, leading approaches which strengthen like adequate centres in govern- to improved transparency and democracy will certainly go a long ment to procure paddy directly accountability in the functioning way in exterminating corruption, from farmers also alleged that of public organisations. Further, it also merits consideration to take officials took a bribe of Rs 40 for most of the principles of good a leaf from New Zealand which a bag of paddy in procurement governance are expressed in the has succeeded in curbing corrup- centres. The Division Bench noted roles of e-government, where the tion through good governance.

36 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 news

Jesuit University in Meghalaya he Meghalaya cabinet on November 4 approved the St Xavier’s University Bill, TShillong 2020. The draft bill was brought by the education department and the same was approved by the cabinet. The bill was introduced in the autumn session of the State Assem- bly on November 5 and will be cleared in this session. Speaking to media persons, Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong said, “St Xavier’s universi- ties are the most successful univer- sities in the country. The Calcutta Jesuits have established St. Xavi- er’s University, Kolkata at New Town in Kolkata in 2017. It is run It is wonderful to hear the positive very successfully.” When asked about the concerns response from the Jesuits on the of allowing another private univer- proposal and idea of setting up a sity to enter state, especially when Meghalaya did not have a good university in Meghalaya experience with CMJ University - Conrad Sangma, The Chief Minister of Meghalaya and other private universities, Tynsong said the proposal to set up the St Xavier’s University in ration behind the venture. In one services, fee structure, and safe- the state had gone to the regula- of his letters, he wrote to Father guard the interest of the state. tory board under the Meghalaya Felix Raj, “It is wonderful to hear The board will ensure that the Private Universities (Regulation of the positive response from the student community gets quality Establishment and Maintenance of Jesuits on the proposal and idea of education and avoid commerciali- Standards) Act, 2012 and the board setting up a university in Megha- zation of higher education. has strongly recommended for the laya… It is great to know about Tynsong said the proposal to set University. Jesuit relation with my father. He up the St. Xavier’s university had The St. Xavier’s University had immense respect for the Jesu- gone to the regulatory board and Meghalaya will be run by the Jesu- its, and I share the same respect the board had granted its recom- its of Kohima Region working in and feeling which, he had. I am mendation. the North East. Before submitting sure this relation will continue…” With the setting up of the St the Letter of intent to the Govern- The Meghalaya government has Xavier’s University, Shillong is ment, a team of Jesuits visited set up a regulatory board under set to compete with Assam and other Jesuit universities in the the Meghalaya Private Universi- Nagaland that have the Assam country. This is the third Jesuit ties (Regulation of Establishment Don Bosco University and St. University in the country after XUB and Maintenance of Standards) Joseph’s University respectively. Orissa and SXUK West Bengal. Act, 2012. The North Eastern Hill Univer- The Chief Minister of Megha- The regulatory board will sity (NEHU) is the only central laya, Conrad Sangma, son of P. A. ensure that private universities university in Meghalaya that Sangma, former Speaker of the maintain the standards of infra- students look up to but no other Lok Sabha and Chief Minister of structure, teaching, research, private universities that have Meghalaya, has been a great inspi- examination and extension of mushroomed in the state.

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 37 news

Pope issues Motu proprio on the establishment of institutes of consecrated life

ope Francis, with an Vita Consecrata §12, which affirms mission” (Letter to Consecrated Apostolic Letter issued that the vitality of new institutes Persons, III, 5). motu proprio, and entitled and societies “must be judged by The amended canon 579 reads: PAuthenticum charismatis, the authority of the Church, which Episcopi dioecesani, in suo has modified Canon 579 of the has the responsibility of examin- quisque territorio, instituta vitae Code of Canon Law concerning ing them in order to discern the au- consecratae formali decreto valide the erection of institutes of conse- thenticity of the purpose for their erigere possunt, praevia licentia crated life. With this amendment, foundation and to prevent the pro- Sedis Apostolicae scripto data. new institutes of consecrated liferation of institutions similar to A rescript of the same law which life and societies of apostolic life one another, with the consequent was promulgated on 1 June 2016 must receive written approval by risk of a harmful fragmentation stipulated that prior consultation the Apostolic See, which alone into excessively small groups.” with the Holy See was to be under- has final judgment as regards “The act of canonical erection stood as necessary for the valid their erection. Previously the law by the Bishop transcends the erection of a diocesan institute stated that Diocesan Bishops could diocesan sphere alone and makes of consecrated life, on pain of establish new institutes with prior it relevant to the wider horizon of nullity of the decree of erection consultation with the Holy See. the universal Church,” the Apostol- of the institute itself. The new The Apostolic See has the ic Letter notes. Though established motu proprio makes explicit that responsibility to accompany the in the context of a particular Diocesan Bishops can only validly Pastors in the process of discern- Church, they serve as a gift to the erect institutes of consecrated life ment leading to the ecclesial recog- Church which “is not an isolated by a formal decree, and only when nition of a new institute or society or marginal reality, but deeply a written permission has been of diocesan right. This is in line part of her. It is at the heart of the given by the Apostolic See. with the Apostolic Exhortation Church, a decisive element of her (Courtesy: Vaticannews.com)

38 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 news

John Dayal, Consulting Editor of Indian Currents, Appointed Special Invitee of theohn EditorsDayal, a veteran journal Guild- of India The Editors Guild was founded ist and leading human rights after eminent editors of 1970s real- activist, has been invited in ized that the lack of an organized Ja special way to the execu- forum of editors was a reason for tive committee of the Editors Guild the sustained suppression of press of India. The guild was created in freedom during the 21-month Emer- 1978 in the post-emergency period, gency the then Prime Minister to protect the freedom of the press imposed in 1975. and raise the standards of edito- The Editors Guild took up the rial leadership of newspapers and issues of abuse of press freedom magazines. with the Parliament and Exec- The first meeting of the commit- utive, and campaigned hard for tee was convened November 2, restoring the press freedom and where the members addressed other freedoms which had been various issues ranging from media former editor in chief Harish taken away by amendments to the freedom, ethics to protection of Khare. Constitution, executive orders journalists’ rights. Dayal is a veteran journalist and judicial pronouncements. The The guild’s president is The Citi- and human rights and Christian freedom to report of proceedings zen editor Seema Mustafa. political activist. He is a member of of Parliament (Feroze Gandhi Act) The new members of the guild’s the National Integration Council of which was taken away in 1976 was executive committee are Sakal India, secretary-general of the All restored. The Guild continued to Media Group consulting editor India Christian Council and a past take up the threats to press freedom (Delhi) Vijay Naik, Dainik Bhaskar president of the All India Catholic when the governments of Tamil group editor Prakash Dubey, NDTV Union. He is currently the spokes- Nadu and Bihar attempted to bring editorial director Sonia Singh, The person of the union. He has been draconian defamation laws. Simi- Quint editor-in-chief Raghav Bahl, outspoken in opposition to commu- larly, when the central government Scroll editor Naresh Fernandes, nal polarization, bigotry and the proposed an even harsher anti-defa- Malayala Manorama executive spread of hatred between religious mation act in 1986, the Guild led the editor Jayant Mammen Mathew, communities. nationwide protests which forced and India Today former managing Dayal was born in New Delhi to the executive to shun its plans. editor Dilip Mandal. Christian parents from southern In 2001 when the then govern- The committee also includes India. He studied Physics at Delhi’s ment brought the Prevention of Professor M D Nalapat; The Tele- prestigious St. Stephen’s College, Terrorism Ordinance, it had provi- graph national affairs editor before deciding to become a jour- sions like preventive detention on Sankarshan Thakur, Madras nalist. He served as war corre- basis of mere suspicion of jour- Courier editor-in-chief Shrenik spondent or foreign correspondent nalists. The guild protested and Rao, Nai Duniya chief editor in the Middle East, North Africa, ensured that when the ordinance Shahid Siddiqui, The Hindu (Delhi) South Asia and Europe. was converted into an act of parlia- resident editor Amit Baruah, He became editor and CEO of ment, these threats to press freedom Satyahindi.com founding editor the Delhi Mid Day, an afternoon were not there. Ashutosh, Hindustan Times’ newspaper, and treasurer of the The threats to media freedom Kumkum Chadha, Nai Duniya Editors’ Guild of India. Dayal has from non-governmental sources (Delhi) former resident editor headed the governing boards of have been resisted strongly by Suresh Bafna. several colleges of Delhi Univer- the Guild, especially in militancy Besides Dayal, Indian Currents sity, and has taught as a visiting affected regions of North, East and consulting editor, the list of special teacher at several universities in North Eastern regions. invitees includes north India. (Courtesy: Mattersindia)

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 39 news

‘Overreach, Paranoia’: Newspaper Editorials criticise BJP over its ‘Love Jihad’ moves Editorial Law of prejudice Uncivil proposal: On laws to curb A proposed law against ‘love jihad’ ‘lovejihad’

Chasing phantoms: Outlawing Special target: Interfaith marriage something that doesn’t exist Targeting a particular community and keeping would be a novelty since love daughters and sisters under control as though Court verdicts in unrelated cases they are the community’s property are two of shouldn’t be a ruse to curb personal the BJP’s favourite activities freedom to marry Laws against love jihad under A proposed law against ‘love jihad’ consideration by Uttar Pradesh and degrades women – and is Haryana betray an obsession with unconstitutional over-reach

Newspaper editorials have slammed four BJP-ruled states and have pointed out how the MHA itself told Lok Sabha that there was nothing defined as “love jihad” under current laws in the country

he announcement by four a particular community and to by Adityanath to announce a new BJP-ruled states about portray women as property, stating law, pointed out: “Funnily enough, the intent to bring in that these are two of the party’s in that case, a Muslim woman had Tlaws on ‘love jihad’ has “favourite activities”. converted to marry a Hindu man.” invited severe criticism. Editorials ‘Allahabad HC order in a case In 2014, the court had in a published by several mainstream involving Hindu man, Muslim different case stated that conver- English newspapers denounced woman was used as a trigger’ sion for the purpose of marriage the move as “dangerous overreach The sharp response from the alone was unacceptable. Before and a paranoia about inter-per- national media was triggered this, the National Commission sonal relations that has no place by a slew of announcements for Women chairperson Rekha in a democracy” and an attempt from BJP leaders in the states of Sharma had kicked up a storm in to “enshrine such toxic prejudice Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya mid-October by alleging that there in law”. Various national dailies, Pradesh and Rajasthan. was a “rise in love jihad cases”. in their editorials, also raised the The recent comments by the UP, Haryana, MP, Karnataka issue of the “love jihad bogey” BJP leaders came after the Alla- propose new laws being a negation of women’s habad high court judgement on Latching on to the noise around rights as it treats them as “gulli- October 30 in which it said that “love jihad”, around which the ble, defenceless participants in conversion just for the sake of party had centred its 2014 Lok relationships”. marriage is not valid. Incidentally, Sabha election campaign in Uttar The newspaper editorials have as one of the newspapers, while Pradesh, state chief minister also accused the BJP of indulging referring to the Allahabad high Adityanath declared on October in such announcements to target court case which was made a basis 31 that his government “will bring

40 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 news an effective law” to deal with issue consideration” display an “obses- Also, the newspaper editorial and promised that posters of those sion with excessive legislation” cautioned that the “law against found involved would be put up on but may have “no perceptible bene- what they call “love jihad” smacks all crossings. fits”. To the contrary, it added that of dangerous over-reach and a The following day, Haryana they may lead to “ample scope for paranoia about inter-personal rela- chief minister Manohar Lal Khat- harassment and rights violations.” tions that has no place in a democ- tar echoed the statement, saying The editorial wrote that “the racy.” his government was also contem- love jihad bogey is no less a nega- Stating that such a law does plating a law so that the “guilty” tion of women’s agency. It treats not have “any basis in the consti- would not escape. A day later, it women as gullible, defenceless tution”, it too reminded how “as was the turn of Madhya Pradesh participants in relationships”. recently as February, the Union CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan to say ‘Targeting a community, keep- home ministry told Parliament that his government too would ing women under control are BJP’s that there was nothing called “love be making legal arrangements to favourite activities’ jihad” under the existing laws in ensure that “there will no jihad in editorial too the country and that the Constitu- the name of love”. stated that while “the government tion gave everyone the freedom to Finally, on November 3, Karna- admitted last February that this practise and propagate any reli- taka tourism minister and BJP phenomenon does not exist,” this gion.” national general secretary C.T. has “not deterred the chief minis- As for the announcement by BJP Ravi said that the state would ter of Uttar Pradesh, Adityanath, leaders, the editorial said the issue “enact a law banning religious from announcing a law that will has been “used to delegitimise conversions for the sake of ban marriages pointing to love inter-faith love and unions, and pit marriage”. jihad, and threatening with death, Muslims and Hindus as others in The announcements by BJP indirectly, those men who alleg- a zero-sum game of demographic leaders, which several legal edly lure ‘daughters and sisters’ domination that has little corre- experts have termed “unconsti- into marriage by disguising their spondence with reality.” tutional” on the ground that they identities.” It termed targeting a It also charged that “by attempt- violate Articles 14 and 15 of the particular community and keep- ing to enshrine such toxic preju- constitution, which guarantee ing ‘daughters and sisters’ under dice in law, both Adityanath and equality and no discrimination control, two of BJP’s “favourite Manohar Lal Khattar do disservice on ground of caste, creed, colour, activities”. to their constitutional responsibil- and religion, have also come under The newspaper also pointed ities.” attack from leading newspapers. out that “the Special Marriage Act As for conversion, it said, “there Proposals display ‘obsession exists in case an interfaith couple are enough laws on the statute book with excessive legislation’ wants a civil marriage; if not, it is that are adequate to convict those An editorial in the Times of up to the couple if one wishes to accused of the crime or tackle coer- India raised questions around the convert to the other’s faith” and cive conversion”. very concept of “love jihad” in a that it was the duty of the State ‘There can be no legislation piece titled “Chasing phantoms: and the courts to protect the pair if based on an extra-legal concept’ Outlawing something that doesn’t they seek help”. The Hindu termed the proposal exist would be a novelty since love “But under the Narendra Modi- to enact laws a “vicious mix of jihad remains unproven”. led government, love jihad has patriarchy and communalism”. Its It recalled that “the Union become a way of persecuting such editorial, titled “Uncivil proposal: home ministry told Lok Sabha marriages — as though honour On laws to curb ‘love jihad’,”said earlier this year that no ‘love killings and khap panchayats were “the ostensible reason for bringing jihad’ cases were reported by not enough,” it charged. in such a law seems to be that the central agencies in Kerala, where ‘Love jihad’ smacks of danger- “honour” of Hindu women is under the pejorative phrase is believed ous over-reach, paranoia’ threat from zealous Muslim youth to have originated in 2009. This is too claimed seeking to win over girls from despite NIA probing two suspected that the “proposed law against other communities for religious cases.” ‘love jihad’ degrades women. It conversion in the name of love and The editorial also cautioned said it is “exceptionally bad news marriage.” that “laws against love jihad under for Indian women.” (Courtesy: The Wire)

Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020 41 Bob’s Banter >> By Robert Clements [email protected] Baby Trump Throws a Tantrum..!

nd as Trump, hees and “I told you, I don’t want to haws about letting go of leave this house Liberty, I want to Athe presidency, Liberty, stay here another four years and the statue calls out to him, “Baby maybe more if I can change the Donny, now give your toy white constitution!” house to Joe, you’ve had four full “Hey Trump Baby!” years of living there!” “Yeah?” “No, I won’t! See I’m younger “There are immigrants who than he is, and tougher. Look at are coming past me who have my broad shoulders and head full taken a ship or plane, left their of hair, I will fight him, and not lands ruled by tyrants and dic- allow him to come in!” tators, and reached this land of “But you have to Donny boy!” freedom!” “They told me I could stay for “So what?” eight years!” “They have come to learn the “I know but the landlord got fed meaning of liberty. I stand at the up after four!” entrance to America, and tell “Let me meet the landlord!” them, there is fairness and justice “You just did Donny, you just here, unlike lands they have run met your landlord at the polls! It’s away from and you like a baby the people of America, they’ve had fighting tooth and nail not to leave enough of you!” that house, even after the landlord “I’m not going!” has told you to vacate is sending And from the distance, many the wrong message to them!” hundreds of miles away, that “I’m not bothered!” cried grown terror in our own backyard separates Washington from New Trump, “I will fight with lawyers! do we? So baby, get in your car, not York city Liberty laughs, a laugh My favourite judge is now in the the presidential one, but one of that resonates in the house Baby Supreme Court and will support your fancy private ones with gold Trump doesn’t want to give up, me till I win!” plated handles, and say goodbye “Why are you laughing?” asks “You’re throwing a tantrum!” to the White House, before you Trump. “Who cares!” are branded the very thing you “Get your Limousine’s ready “Do you know what that is were elected last time to fight; a baby boy!” yells, the female voice called Donny? Do you know what terrorist..!” of the statue that had it’s origins a tantrum thrown by an adult is in France, “Get onto one of your called?” About the author fancy sedans and go back to one of “I am not...” Robert Clements is an author and your fancy towers, that bear your “It’s called terrorism! And we newspaper columnist name!” don’t want that kind of home-

42 Indian Currents | 9 - 15 November 2020

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