Configuring the Gateway for X-Cart 4


Before you continue be sure you have read, and you the license agreement included in this distribution. By installing this software you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. To install this software you will need access to your site through FTP, access to the X-Cart administration section (, and a professional text editor (UltraEdit, Dreamweaver, TextPad, PHPEdit, etc).

NOTE: Before you make any changes you should make a back-up copy of the files you are changing, and the X-Cart database. File Uploads

The first step to the installation process is to upload the files to your website through FTP.

All folders and files from the "files_to_upload" folder, located in the distribution, should be uploaded via FTP to the corresponding location of your "xcart_web_dir". SQL Changes

All SQL changes necessary for this gateway to work are located in the "paykings_sql." file in the distribution.

You can apply these changes by going into X-Cart Administration / Patch / Upgrade/ Apply SQL patch and then by selecting the patch you want to apply in the "Patch file" field.

If you have access to a "phpmyadmin" on your server, you can apply these changes by entering "phpmyadmin", selecting the database used by X-Cart, and then using the "Import" feature of phpmyadmin. Payment Gateway

Activate the payment method. Configure the payment method (enter your gateway username and password, select live or test mode)


Test Data Triggering Errors in Test Mode Transactions can be submitted using the following information: • To cause a declined message, pass an amount less than 1.00. Visa: 4111111111111111 • To trigger a fatal error message, pass an invalid MasterCard: 5431111111111111 card number. Discover: 6011601160116611 • To simulate an AVS match, pass 888 in the American Express: 341111111111111 address1 field, 77777 for zip. Credit Card Expiration: 10/25 • To simulate a CVV match, pass 999 in the cvv Account (ACH): 123123123 field. Routing (ACH): 123123123