PRESENT: Carole Short (Secretary); Louise Nicoll (Treasurer); HeatherAnne Low (Planning Rep); Lord Provost Ronnie Proctor; Councillors Julie Bell and Augus Macmillan Douglas; PC Scott Anderson; Scott Nicoll (Youth Member of the Community)

APOLOGIES: Anne Cant; Elisabeth Steuart Fothringham


The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated to all CC members prior to this meeting and were accepted as a correct record.

PC Scott Anderson gave a comprehensive Police Report highlighting the following issues: Recent crime issues – a rise in rural crime which involves theft from farm buildings in the and areas; a number of items have been stolen. Thieves are also targeting Ifor Williams trailers. He advised that police patrols have been increased especially on the night shift. On 19 July police arrested four males who were responsible for a series of rural crimes in the Angus area.  Targeting of speeding in the Kingsmuir area.  Rural Watch – rural alert system is to be introduced whereby crime alerts and information about the specific area in which you live can be sent either by email, telephone or text. For more information or registration contact www.ruralwatchscotland.co.uk Non emergency no: 101.

Heather Ann mentioned that the new average speed cameras which are currently on test on the A90 in certain places were hidden by trees. PC Scott advised that this would all be taken into consideration whilst they are on test.

PC Scott was thanked for his report and left the meeting as he was on duty.

2) MATTERS ARISING a) Joint Fund Raiser - Enquiries about a suitable venue are still ongoing. Secretary pointed out that she had seen a pop up shop, opposite the old post office in Forfar. Agreed to try to find out who owns the shop and ask if it will be available in November. b) Community Flyer/Leaflet – Louise advised that she had contacted a number of local businesses and they had advised that they would be willing to place advertisements in our leaflet. Agreed we speak to Tracey to discuss this further.

c) Wooden Benches outside Church/Community Hall – Louise still making enquiries with local suppliers. d) CPR Training in Conjunction with British Heart Foundation and Tayside Fire and Rescue. Secretarty advised that she had emailed Tayside Fire and Rescue with names of those who are interested in attending. e) Lack of Toilet Facilities at Forfar Loch - Ronnie Proctor advised that Councillor McLaren was actively involved in trying to provide these facilities.


Nothing to report


1. Police Report 2. Letter from AC regarding Rod McFarlane Award


Louise advised that the accounts had been audited and forwarded to Angus Council. Balance £4536.51


Louise mentioned the problems she is experiencing in respect of visitors finding her farm to take part in her “Farm Experiences” venture. The restrictions and costs imposed on special signage make it very hard. Ronnie Proctor advised he would look into this on her behalf.

7) A.O.C.B.

a) Faster Broadband (Problems in Rural Areas) – Louise informed the meeting that she had attended a Rural Parliament Meeting the previous week and the subject of Broadband had been the item on the agenda. Angus Council are at present researching the possibility of using a signal which could be beamed off Craigowl transmitter. No definite date as to when this will become available but Louise understood that schools and businesses will be targeted in the first instance.

Councillors Proctor and Macmillan Douglas advised that they had attended the Community Council meeting on 17 July. At this meeting, a presentation was given by David Short of Angus Wisp, whose company provides high speed wireless broadband in this area, supplying both businesses and private households. Both councillors said they were impressed by the information and service being offered. They did ask if he would be available to attend our meeting but unfortunately, due to previous commitments he was unable to attend at such short notice. However, David did say that should anyone be interested to please telephone 01307 820751 or email [email protected] when he would be willing to give information on all options for connectivity.


b) Ronnie Proctor advised that Meeting of Community Councils will probably be reintroduced by Angus Council. Probably only annually and will hopefully be held in late November.

There being no further business the meeting terminated at 8.40pm

Date of next meeting 20.9.17