South Africa Showing the Way
The N. 16 N.E. – MARCH APRIL 2010 The bimonthlyC magazine of Africa - Caribbeanurier - Pacific & European Union cooperation and relations REPORT South Africa Showing the way DOSSIER Youth pushing development DISCOVERING EUROPE Austria - Surprising Tyrol The C urier Editorial Board Co-chairs Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Secretary General Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Stefano Manservisi, Director General of DG Development European Commission Core staff Editor-in-chief Hegel Goutier Journalists Marie-Martine Buckens (Deputy Editor-in-chief) Debra Percival Editorial Assistant Okechukwu Romano Umelo Production Assistant Telm Borràs Contributed in this issue Elisabetta Degli Esposti Merli, Sandra Federici, Catherine Haenlein, Francis Kokutse, Laufālēainā Lesā, Souleymane Maadou, Joshua Massarenti, Anne-Marie Mouradian, Andrea Marchesini Reggiani, Alfred Sayila, Francesca Theosmy, Charles Visser Project Manager Gerda Van Biervliet Artistic Coordination, Graphic Conception Gregorie Desmons Graphic Conception Loïc Gaume Distribution Viva Xpress Logistics - Photo Agency Reporters - Cover Play Soccer programme in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, South Africa. © Xavier Rouchaud Contact The Courier 45, Rue de Trèves 1040 Brussels Belgium (EU) Tel : +32 2 2345061 Fax : +32 2 2801406 Published every two months in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese For information on subscription, Go to our website or contact Visit our website! Publisher responsible Hegel Goutier You will find all articles in this edition, the latest ACP-EU Consortium Gopa-Cartermill - Grand Angle - Lai-momo news and details on our photo competition! The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the official view of the EC nor of the ACP countries.
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